Maps - Southwick, MA
Maps - Southwick, MA
roo k Jac ks B 3-13 RESERVO 2-1 6-1 IR ROAD 19-16 Kell og Bro ok 20-3 7-19 24-1 24-2 23-15 19-17 AD IS R O AD RE VE L RI D b Sla D RY R 43-1 NE 44-1 44-2 TA N MEADOW LANE E AN IRY L 27-11 18-22 EST RO SAM W AD 18-22 48-5 HILLSIDE ROAD 69-9 50-2 WHALLEY WAY 66-3 RR ET AD 65-21 L RO AD OES HIL 68-54 73-83 37-5 LN RE N LA U Br oo k 61-3 NV 90-11 77-4 77-3 78-25 80-4 100-28 80-15 GB EE RO t ea Gr k oo Br AD 101-8 FRED JACKSON ROAD 103-18 ook on Br Johns 102-33 102-7 103-6 C RO AD 103-17 103-2 CU ASON 103-18.1 KLA N RO U N SA D ER 101-11 SO STR IA OA LR ER 98-82 OA D BABB ROAD 121-4 D OA SR DA VI 126-8 N AVE I RC I RE LE OV 120-15 KSH YC 117-20 North ond m Conga d n o P GR ond BER ROAD 126-2 135-47 UE 127-19 OLC FR E INT P Harts 124-11 ED H JE F D 117-19 134-10 R OMB 133-3 JERRED LN HAR O AD 133-12 VES T LN 129-7 HI LL R 133-19 OA D 139-4 139-3 Gr 131-5 ea tB 132-15 k roo 146-3 l Br oo k 142-20 142-17 OL P ea r O NR 141-8 AD 147-26 146-18 141-35 A TT G E 140-14 RO AD MOND O CO NG A 142-16 C C LIN e Middl ond m Conga Pond CRYSTAL DR JUDY LN 133-17 140-15 ST Forestry 61 OA 113-92 D AD 109-8 VI NI NG DR 124-26 109-1 128-20 GY AR 121-3 113-93 111-4 108-1 128-18 ON 117-23 89-31 AD 106-1 98-77 UT HL 117-16 114-175 101-14 U IND O NR PO 101-9 SHEEP PASTURE 107-3 E G HI AY HW AD 103-1 JOHN M ley Coo e Lak I RT O SR G LE L O SO 117-21 100-73 86-4 102-34 IR 96-5 99-50 DRIVE R E M M SU VEN UE LAKE A O N RTH 102-38 86-5 95-2 97-57 99-30 BU 86-8 86-1 117-5 92-76 116-1 81-14 82-1 C 95-1 SOUTH LONGYARD ROAD 100-26 81-20 E LL RIVE 88-1 RI DG 93-4 D LN 99-1 R MALLA T RI D 60-2 STREE O LIQU LN 61-9 90-14 90-23 DEPOT NT ER 91-13 90-17 78-12 80-10 80-9 80-8 91-12 90-16 NO AD HU 90-15 79-21 92-85 E LAN GE RO 61-2 61-5 80-11 NT AI UN EK IL LE 61-4 D OA 62-7 81-1 MO U LN AD RO GS ST IN HA ok Dickinson B ro RR 92-67 94-1 AD DEE 92-66 RO 92-37 PIN R GR A HUMMEL 56-7 M 92-31 75-1 93-1 D TRI PAR EET INE CL DO 92-45 91-27 75-3 TR 61-13 61-10 SO GTO 90-10 61-12 82-2 IN LEX R N CI TER FOS S MIS 62-6 75-2 LEGION ROAD O AD O LO 63-10 63-11 73-52 AY W 63-2 62-4 62-5 67-132 S OT 62-3 OOD R 61-21 56-8 65-4 71-5 I TR PA 63-6 FERNW 56-4 BIRCHWOOD ROAD 52-12 55-18 56-10 POWDER MILL ROAD 54-31 ok 73-47 66-10 53-1 Gr ea t 34-1 ll Br o 72-3 AD 74-5 66-5 34-4 Sti RO C 53-4 37-4 35-21 67-103 73-91 73-80 73-84 S EW 66-2 68-27 TH AT M DR 37-27 RO CE Still Water STE ON RR A ON TE GA RG 52-11 G D OA E FE 51-13 k roo f Brook NS B tle Tut f Shurtle 34-2 JO H DI N R LS HIL LIBERTY ook n Br 40-2 HUDSON DRIVE Mun LES 70-4 47-3 Slab Brook 40-11 CANAL ROAD GE 47-2 32-1 AR 46-1 70-5 40-6 34-3 CH 46-2 40-12 40-3 36-5 44-15.1 43-2 RO AD DA OA AD A LAUR r vio 31-5 44-16 D ONGYAR NORTH L RO 27-1 44-15 o ok Br 26-54 E 45-2 RD H LA N 44-13 23-2 LE M NC r ese 14-1 27-8 RA R lle nvi Gra 16-11 15-6 SA RE E D K 15-22 13-1 25-1 RO GABLEVIEW LANE ID GEO R YS OA OV E RL OO 23-1 24-5 26-61 D GE L OOM 20-17 RD OA NN RR 16-17 R ANCH C AD L UB RO SU ME k roo eB ak Dr 16-13 33-2 O RD 20-1 9-11 L PA 11-3 CO NC OR 10-9 k 20-2 19-4 LL WI Broo 4-4 10-8 10-7 HONEY POT ROAD White 45-1 20-6 LAR 4-1 R 144-4 146-28 146-27 AD Historical RO B 144-11 152-33 W TER IN MORT V RIDGEVIE Park and Recreation ING RO Conservation Commission 157-17 159-23 157-1 Goose Pond 157-2 AD LL ROAD NICHOLSON HI 162-1 157-3 153-8 Private Open Space 157-7 161-7 Palm e 156-18 Rail Trail r Bro ok 156-10 rook 164-2 163-2 165-7 Water Commission 162-2 162-3 157-4 B Bradlwy State d Arnol Pond 152-1 Subdivision Open Space Selectmen South ond m Conga d n Po IN RD Agricultural Preservation Restriction School Board 149-4 RO Recreation 61B Conservation Commission and Park and Recreation T EE LER MIL Agriculture 61A Recreational and Protected Openspace Southwick, Massachusetts 165-1 168-1 Note: This map is based on the best available data. All information is subject to field verification. 168-6 0 May 24, 2012 0.5 1 2 Miles Southwick, Massachusetts ie ld e s tf Hill Jac ks River y g n i d c Win ervan s n o C Land Bro ok A WM our Seym ain t Moun Kell White og Bro ok Stony Hill in o u n ta M e k Dra Br s Farm r e k Sha ry Club t Coun k oo Sla k roo eB ak Dr nv Gra w ic k South Club try Coun b o Br o k ille d Roun Hill io r erv Res Slab Brook n Brook M un eB k roo Dickinson B roo South Hill Br oo k Woodland Southwick Elementary High School Gr ea t k Powder Mill School wick Granville Village School Sodo m ta i n Moun t ea r G on Bro Johns k oo r B North ond m Conga Pond Pond Harts ok ley Coo e Lak y o u n tr C d o wo Edge Club ville Gran ry te Ceme s Miller Hill e Middl ond m Conga Pond Legend Aquifer Protection Overlay District Flood Plain Overlay District WireLessOverlay2009 G r k ro o tB k Agriculture / Conservation Pea rl B r ea oo Southwick, Massachusetts Open Space Plan MUNICIPAL ZONING DISTRICTS Business South ond m Conga Pond Business Restricted d Arnol Pond Industrial Industrial Restricted Goose Pond Residential 20 Residential 20A ful Thank Farm & Bakery Palm er Br o Residential 20B B Bradlwy Residential 40 rook Southwick, Massachusetts 0 ok 0.5 1 Miles l Br oo k Still Water tl Tut ff Shurtle Brook e Gorg e l l i v Gran S t il ie ld e s tf Hill Jac ks River y g n i d c Win ervan s n o C Land Bro ok A WM our Seym ain t Moun Kell White og Bro ok Stony Hill in o u n ta M e k Dra Br s Farm r e k Sha ry Club t Coun k oo Sla k roo eB ak Dr nv Gra w ic k South Club try Coun b o Br o k ille d Roun Hill io r erv Res Slab Brook n Brook M un eB k roo l Br oo k Dickinson B roo South Hill Br oo k Woodland Southwick Elementary High School Gr ea t k Powder Mill School wick Granville Village School Sodo m ta i n Moun t ea r G on Bro Johns k oo r B North ond m Conga Pond Pond Harts ok ley Coo e Lak y o u n tr C d o wo Edge Club ville Gran ry te Ceme s Miller Hill e Middl ond m Conga Pond G r k ro o tB k Pea rl B r ea oo Southwick, Massachusetts Open Space Plan SOILS South ond m Conga Pond Legend d Arnol Pond Steep Soils Goose Pond ful Thank Farm & Bakery Farmland of Statewide Importance Palm er Br o ok B Bradlwy Poorly Drained Soils rook Southwick, Massachusetts 0 Prime Farmland Soils 0.5 1 Miles Still Water tl Tut ff Shurtle Brook e Gorg e l l i v Gran S t il ie ld e s tf Hill Jac ks River y g n i d c Win ervan s n o C Land Bro ok A WM our Seym ain t Moun Kell White GP WELL 4 (04G) 1325000-04G og Bro ok Stony Hill in o u n ta M e k Dra Br GP WELL 2 (02G) 1325000-02G s Farm r e k Sha ry Club t Coun GP WELL 1 (01G) 1325000-01G k oo GP WELL 3 (03G) 1325000-03G THE RANCH GOLF CLUB 1279003-02G nv Gra k roo eB ak Dr Sla THE RANCH GOLF CLUB 1279003-01G w ic k South Club try Coun b o Br o k ille d Roun Hill io r erv Res Slab Brook n Brook M un eB k roo South Hill Dickinson B roo SODOM MT. CAMPGROUND 1279002-01G Br oo k WELL 1 127900001G Woodland Southwick Elementary High School SODOM MT. CAMPGROUND 1279002-02G k Gr ea t k Powder Mill School l Br oo Still Water tl Tut ff Shurtle Brook Gran o rg e ville G S t il GREAT BROOK WELL 2 1279000-02G wick Granville Village School Sodo m ta i n Moun t ea r G on Bro Johns k oo r B North ond m Conga Pond Pond Harts ok ley Coo e Lak y o u n tr C d o wo Edge Club ville Gran ry te Ceme s Miller Hill e Middl ond m Conga Pond G r k ro o tB k Pea rl B r ea oo Legend South ond m Conga Pond Public Water Supply Well d Arnol Pond Non-Transient Non-Community Water Supply Public Surface Water Supply Goose Pond Transient Non-Community Water Supply Massachusetts DEP Zone 2 ful Thank Farm & Bakery Palm er Br o ok Steep Slope 15% or greater B Bradlwy FIRM 100 Year Flood rook Southwick, Massachusetts 0 0.5 1 Miles Southwick, Massachusetts Open Space Plan TOPOLOGY, FLOOD AND WATER SUPPLY CAPS Index of Ecological Integrity (IEI) Town of SOUTHWICK, MA 0 0.5 1 2 Updated November 2011 Miles IEI, Index of Ecological Integrity Top 50% of the Landscape Forests Shrublands Coastal Upland Freshwater Wetland & Aquatic Coastal Wetland & Aquatic 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100% IEI The IEI, or Index of Ecological Integrity, delineates the relative wildlife habitat and biodiversity value of any point on the landscape based on landscape ecology principles and expert opinion. The IEI is calculated by the Conservation Assessment and Prioritization System (CAPS) computer program developed at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Depicted on this map are those areas representing 50% of the landscape with the highest IEI values; the darker the color the higher the integrity value. For more information see: Coastal beaches and rocky intertidal shores are included as Coastal Wetland and Aquatic. These maps were funded by grants from The Nature Conservancy and the Federal Highway Administration via a grant administered by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under section 104 (b) (3) of the U.S. Clean Water Act. Data sources include the Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS). Prepared in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Office of Transportation Planning, and the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. The contents of this report reflect the views of the author(s), who is (are) responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official view or policies of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.
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