Was Zorro Irish? Zorro is considered by many to be the greatest folk hero in Latin America. The dashing noble swordsman from Mexico was a champion of the down trodden natives who fought and stole from the cruel Spanish aristocracy, giving his booty to the poor. It was not only the riches of the colonial nobility that he robbed. For many of their young beautiful daughters, married and unmarried, lost their hearts to this Latino equivalent of Robin Hood. But amazingly, the exploits of this legendary Hispanic hero could well be based on the true story of William Lambert (aka Lampart or Lombardo) a seventeenth century soldier of fortune who hailed from County Wexford. William fled from Ireland to serve in an Irish regiment of the Spanish Army, received commendations for his bravery and eventually found himself posted to Mexico. However he eventually became disgusted with the harsh colonial regime and empathized with the oppressed peasants and the native Indians. Declared a traitor, he became a target of the feared Spanish Inquisition, the guardians of Spanish rule in 'New Spain'. Though captured he made a dramatic escape from prison and in true Hollywood style daubed the walls of Mexico City with autographed anti-Spanish graffiti! His adventures of daring and intrigue continued for many more years. Yet even William’s final arrest only further enhanced his romantic folk stature. For he was finally caught with the wife of the Spanish Viceroy of Mexico, the Marquis Lope Diez de Caderyta!! This time though there was no happy ending and the Inquisition had him burnt at the stake in the Zocalo the main square of Mexico City. They're Back!! “The Show time Girls” will be here for their 3rd Spectacular Presentation with singing and dancing March 3, 2011 at 10 am in the Dining Room. Special Events & Socials 3/2 Resident Council Meeting 3/ 4 Social Hour 3/10 Matinee 3/11Birthday Party Music with Lois Ann Gross 3/17 St. Patrick‘s Party 3/18 Social Hour 3/25 Special Music with Bill Cagley Please see board for Info and pictures! March Resident’s Birthdays Gail Palmer 3/10 Mary Halverson 3/23 Mirth Langer 3/26 Church Services Blessed Hope Baptist Service: Sunday of the Month Christ the King Church 2nd Tuesday of the Month New Brighton Christian Church: 3rd Sun. of the Month St. John the Baptist Catholic Church: 1st Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Tuesday 1st Bible Read Group every Wednesday PLEASE NOTE: If families have a minister who can come in to pray or visit with your loved one, please have him/her come in at any time. Thought for the Month Congratulations to our 2011 King & Queen Sweethearts! Thank you for voting for Lesley Falck & Glenda Bunning Find sunshine and a sense of having fun in living into your life! Look at pictures of a shore line and skyline to see the “Silver lining”. Let the sunrays dissolve your inner barriers to feeling fantastic and living the life you really want . NBCC FYI NEWS Beauty Shop Hours: Geriatric Massage Certified Geriatric Massage Practitioner by: Randy Lamb Randy has extensive training in M a s s a g e Te c h n i q u e s . R e s i d e n t s who are in need of his service, please contact Randy at 651- 628-0528 Mon. 8:30-5:00PM*Wed.1-5PM *Thurs.1-5PM Ladies Hair Cut-$14.00 Style(set only)$14.00 Rinse $10.00 *Color $34.00 Permanent only-$39.00 Permanent &Cut-$50.00 Men ’s Hai r C u t - $ 1 0 . 0 0 Families please set up an account in the Business office or obtain a gift Certificate for Beauty Shop services. To better serve you, please notify or call in advance when needing or requesting a special time. In-room materials are available: Books, Magazines, Newspaper, Magazines, Board Games, Word Find, Crossword Puzzles, Playing Cards, Ramsey County Library, Radios, CDs, Movies. Newspapers New Resident-Family members please call the Newspaper of your choice to order your newspaper. Inform the business office so we can ensure delivery to your family member. Just A Reminder! You can buy stamps, batteries in the business office. If you have an account with the business office, you can obtain money on the weekends at the south nurses station. If you would like stationary or greeting cards please see the Activity Department. Dear Family and Friends, New Brighton Care Center & Senior Suites Assisted Living offers E-Mail service via our website. The purpose of this service is to provide an easy and time saving way, for family and friends of residents at either of our care campus locations to send e-mail messages. Staying connected has never been easier. Please try it out and pass the information onto others! How it works •Visit our website: •On the lower right corner of the page there is a button for “Resident E-mail.” •Once you click that button it will take you to the Resident E-mail page. •Follow the directions on the page. You can now also send photos that will be attached to your message that is delivered to the resident. Directions on how to send photos will be available once you send a message. We have already had wonderful participation…Thanks a lot, Ryan Chies, Assistant Administrator. RESIDENT COUNCIL MEETING F E B R U A RY 2 , 2 0 1 1 TIME 2:15 PM Meeting called to order: Arline B. & Lee B. Attendance: Marlys P., Aletha B., Curtis G., Mary H., Ejvind H., Lois T. Dorothy D. Arline B. Norine T. Esther P. Staff Attended: Activity staff: Shelly/Maria/Diet: Lee L. Old Business: Read Minutes from January’s Resident Council Minutes. New Business: Read from Februarys' calendar of programs. Administration: No concerns. Business Office: No concerns. Nursing: Residents are encouraged to speak directly to the DON/ADON about any concerns or issues throughout the month. All other concerns at the meeting are directed to the DON. Dietary: Residents are encouraged to speak directly to the Dietary Manager about any concerns throughout the month or issues expressed at the meetings are delivered to Dietary Manager. Meal of the Month: Valentine’s meal of the Month: spaghetti & Meatballs. A surprise desert and Chicken nuggets for dinner. Social Service: No Concerns. Housekeeping/Laundry: No concerns. Maintenance: No concerns. Therapy: No concerns. Beauty Shop: No concerns. Activity Dept. The activity staff went over the Februarys' special events and programs. Resident of the Month: See Board for info and photos. Residents Rights: Read # 1-5 Meeting Closed by: Arline B. and Glenda Bunning. Ombudsman: Sally Schoephoerster # 651-431-2554. Family Council Please let the Social Worker or the Activity Dept. know if you are interested in having a Family Council Meeting. We appreciate all the support you give us throughout the year. If you have any concerns or ideas please feel free to give us a call at anytime. If you wish to meet with your loved ones for a special event, please keep in mind space is limited and time factor may hinder availability. Also, if you would like to find out about activities or special events coming up. Please contact Maria by email at:([email protected])or call me at 651-4035259. Check us out on the web, go to March 2011 From the Desk of the Administrator - Michael R. Chies As a licensed Nursing Home Administrator since 1976, I have been responsible for the residents we provide services for. Our mission has never changed, we provide high quality services for the residents we care for. Each person is a unique individual and we ought to do the very best we can. The types of residents have changed since I first started as an Administrator at the age of 21. In 1976, the average age was about 71. We would admit and discharge maybe 20 people in a year. Seniors didn’t have many options back then and Nursing Homes admitted anyone that needed our services. How things have changed since 1976. Today, many of our admissions come directly from the hospital needing Short Term Services with the plan to discharge as soon as they recover. The average age is about 90 and we admit and discharge over 120 people in a year. The majority of those short term admissions get well and go back home. We also provide long term care as residents sometimes simply cannot return home. We do make a difference in peoples lives and we care about what we do. We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year and we don’t get snow days off. I question just how much others in our society care about what we do, especially some of the people elected to our State Office. Why? Just prior to the State Elections we were concerned about WHICH candidate understood the financial distress this profession is under. Mark Dayton was the ONLY candidate that made public statements that he understood the importance of what we do and the financial distress this profession is under. This was very important to this profession since we already have been trying to live with a FOUR YEAR RATE FREEZE!!! It was our hope that the new Governor would stick up for the need to provide adequate reimbursement via the Medicaid Rates, (which ALSO control our Private Pay Rates). As a result, we supported Mark Dayton. This should NOT be a Democrat or Republican issue, this is a society issue about the needs of our seniors.. We are totally disappointed that the Governor has proposed to further BUTCHER our reimbursement rates with a proposed REDUCTION of 8%!!! The FACTS are clear, Minnesota is UNDER-FUNDING our costs to the tune of OVER $23.00 per Medicaid/Private day. With OVER 70% of our residents care being paid for by Medicaid and another 20% paying privately, those days equal an amount of OVER $370,000.00 for this facility alone. After FOUR YEARS of a continued Medicaid/Private Pay RATE FREEZE, Minnesota’s Skilled Nursing Homes, like the New Brighton Care Center are running out of money and options. What is it going to take to recognize and pay for the services that are expected. Since our rates have been FROZEN for the last four years, our employees HAVE NOT had a wage increase for 4 years and all other costs have continued to increase. Have YOU paid YOUR heating and electrical bill lately? Or food and other necessities? Are those costs less than four years ago? I would BET not. It is the same for us, BUT I am taking care of Frail seniors and at this point, not many options. What can you do? Write, email, or call the Governors Office AND your legislators. Don’t know what to say? Keep it simple, Minnesota’s nursing homes need a break and cannot afford any types of cuts. After four years of a rate freeze, we are bleeding to death. Any CUTS will simply force many nursing homes to “CLOSE THE DOORS”. We will post information to help you on our website. Please help us convince those in powers we can’t take any more cuts. Thank you for your support. NEW BRIGHTON CARE CENTER & SENIOR SUITES ASSISTED LIVING In House Ancillary Services: Podiatry, Hearing & Eye Care, Dental Intensive Rehabilitative Services: Physical and Occupational Therapy, Speech/Language Pathology Therapeutic Recreation, Progressive Long & Short Term/Assisted Living Suites /Hospice Care 651) - 633 -7200 Website: NBCC Staff email: [email protected] Michael Chies Administrator Leona Lemm Ph# 651- 403-5241 Ph#651-403-5244 Ph# 651-403-5261 Ph# 651-403-5267 Kirsten Erkkila Social Service Director ___ Ph# 651-403-5245 Resident Accounts ___ Ph# 651-403-5242 Janell Canchola Robin Martinek Asst. Director of Nursing Medical Records Darlene Dupre Jean Kittelson Director of Nursing Ph# 651-403-5257 Lisa Hoag Ryan Chies Assistant Administrator Nutritional Services Dir. ___ Housekeeping/Laundry ___Ph# 651-403-5252 Jeremy Etter Ph# 651-403-5255 Maintenance ____Ph # 651-403-5248 Maria de. Lopez Therapeutic Recreation Director/ Volunteer Coordinator NEW BRIGHTON CARE CENTER & SENIOR SUITES ASSISTED LIVING 805 6TH AVE NW NEW BRIGHTON, MN 55112 We offer New Brighton families an opportunity to stay in the community. Providing Long & Short Term Care Since 1964 __________________ Ph # 651-403-5259