2011 comprehensive catalog
2011 comprehensive catalog
2011 COMPREHENSIVE CATALOG IIncludes: l d Lock L k & Key, K Transponder T d Guide G id andd New N Product P d Information If i 2011 COMPREHENSIVE CATALOG Includes: Lock & Key, Transponder Guide and New Product Information Welcome to the new 2011 STRATTEC™ Comprehensive Catalog. We’re sure you’ll find this quick reference tool a handy source for servicing the new 2011 cars and trucks out on the road today. Ordering STRATTEC™ original automotive parts means you’ll receive the same quality parts designed and manufactured for the original vehicle. Just place your order with a local distributor in your area. Their names are listed on the back cover. And thanks for choosing STRATTEC™ as your original parts source. DISCOVERING THE PARTS YOU NEED WELCOME/CONTENTS To make it easier for you to locate parts you need, we’ve arranged the catalog alphabetically by manufacturer, vehicle division and nameplate. If you need to service a Dodge Caravan, for example, first look for Dodge. Then, locate Caravan. Here, you’ll find key blanks, caps and shutters, ignitions, doors, decks/tailgates/rear doors and glove boxes in one easy-to-locate chart. You’ll also find that most nameplate listings include manufacturers’ platform designations. For example, the platform designation for Ford Taurus is D258. We organized the illustrations by manufacturer, not by division or nameplate. We’ve also condensed the part number series for sequential tumblers. For example, you’ll see: Tumblers (#1 – #5) 322251 – 322255. CONTENTS MODEL/PARTS LISTING PAGES SECTION 1 - TRANSPONDER GUIDE 4&$5*0/-0$,,&: PART ILLUSTRATION PAGES 3-28 BUICK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52-58 CADILLAC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52-58 CHEVROLET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52-58 CHRYSLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44-46 DODGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44-46 FORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47-51 WATCH FOR HELPFUL SYMBOLS GMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52-58 When you see this symbol U you’ll know this is a new part or part number for 2010, not found in previous catalogs or price lists. JEEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44-46 DEFINING TERMINOLOGY LINCOLN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47-51 t "MBSN – A factory-installed anti-theft system t %VBM – Lock service package containing both black and chrome components t &MFDUSJD – Refers to an actuating switch on the back of the cylinder to perform an automatic power function, not to be confused with a power lock t 'MFFU – Single-key vehicles, all keyed alike t 1"44,FZ – Replaces VATS in GM terminology, refers to the key and pellet system introduced in 1986 t 1BTT-PDL – MRD – Separate GM security system from the Pass Key, relies on a magnetic rotating device contained in the cylinder housing, introduced in 1996 t 1"54 – Ford Passive Anti-Theft System, with a transponder in the key that operates with radio frequency, introduced in 1996 t 3'*% – Radio Frequency Identification utilizes Transponder Technology t 6(SPPWF – GM’s unrestricted groove refers to uncoded cylinders, lock service packages and lock assemblies, accepts all GM key sections A – K t 6OJWFSTBM – Part may vary from production model in color or material, but will fit and function properly, typically applies to nonhanded parts t *1"54 – Ford’s next generation Transponder Encrypted Technology, introduced in 2000 t 1&14 – Passive Entry Passive Start, GM’s Passive technology t 0#1 – On-Board Programming MERCURY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47-51 OTHER VEHICLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 SECTION 3 - NEW PRODUCTS 60-66 4&$5*0/1*//*/(,*54 4&$5*0/"$$&4403*&4 4&$5*0/.",&.0%&-*/%&9 ABBREVIATIONS: t(37(3007& t15-164)50-0$, t1#164)#6550/ t5(5"*-("5& t383&"%83*5& FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF APPLICATIONS, PLEASE VISIT )551"'5&3."3,&5453"55&$$0. ©2010 STRATTEC SECURITY CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Simple mechanical auto locks are rapidly losing ground to the next generation of lock technology — transponder keys. In this innovative system, an electronic chip (the transponder) imbedded in the key transmits and verifies a code with the car’s on-board computer systems, allowing the car to start. If someone attempts to start the vehicle without the correct programmed key the car will not start. HOW A TRANSPONDER KEY WORKS. AND WHY IT CAN WORK WONDERS FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Transponder technology represents a major advance in theft protection — and a profitable opportunity for you. Since its introduction in 1996, transponder key use has grown to over 100 million cars in North America today. And with replacement costs currently averaging $50 to $300 per key, your reward in servicing the technology will match the vehicle owner’s satisfaction of being protected by it. MODEL YEAR I.D. BY VIN Typical VIN* VIN Character 1 1 4 2 2 3 W 4 G 5 1 6 5 7 8 8 X 9 Y 5 0 6 9 7 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 MODEL YEAR Y = 2000 1 = 2001 2 = 2002 3 = 2003 4 = 2004 5 = 2005 6 = 2006 7 = 2007 8 = 2008 9 = 2009 A = 2010 B = 2011 The 10th character of the VIN identifies the model year. In the VIN listed above “Y” represents model year 2000. 3 TRANSPONDER GUIDE 2011 TRANSPONDER GUIDE TRANSPONDER GUIDE ON-BOARD PROGRAM 1 GENERAL MOTORS* PK3 & “CIRCLE-PLUS” ADD DUPLICATE KEY (Requires at least one working key): 1. Verify that the new key has “PK3” or “+” stamped on it. Impala), wait 10 minutes 45 seconds to make sure the key has been programmed). 2. Insert the original, already programmed key in the ignition and start the engine. If the engine will not start, see your dealer for service. 6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 if additional keys are to be programmed. * Canadian VIN vehicles excluded. On-board programming not available for these vehicles. In many cases a Tech II or dealer equivalent tool would need to be used. 3. After the engine has started, turn the key to off and remove the key. 4. Insert the key to be programmed and turn it to on within 10 seconds of removing the original key. 5. The security light will turn off once the key has been programmed. It may not be apparent that the security light went on due to how quickly the key is programmed. (If your vehicle does not have a security light (04-07 Grand Prix, Bonneville, ON-BOARD PROGRAM 2 1997 FORD, LINCOLN, MERCURY 1998 NAVIGATOR/EXPEDITION ORIGINATE NEW MASTER KEY: 1. Put the new key into the ignition. Turn it to the ON position. The dashboard security light will flash for 15 minutes. Once the dashboard security light stops flashing, you have five minutes to begin Step 2. ADD DUPLICATE KEY: 1. Put the current key into the ignition. 2. Turn the ignition ON and back to OFF. 2. Turn the ignition OFF and then back to the ON position. The dashboard security light will flash for 15 additional minutes. 3. Remove the current key and insert the new key, turning it ON. You MUST do this within 15 seconds. 4. The security light will switch on for two seconds, confirming that the key has been successfully programmed into the vehicle. 3. Repeat Step 2. 4. Once the dashboard security light has turned off for the third time, the key will be able to function in the car. It has been programmed into the car’s computer and has replaced ALL previous electronic key codes — the computer will not recognize any other key. 4 3 1998 + FORD, LINCOLN, MERCURY ADD KEY (requires two working keys): 1. Put a current key into the ignition. 4. Before ten seconds have elapsed, put a new key in and turn the ignition ON. After one second, turn the key back to the OFF position. 2. Turn the ignition to ON, then back to the OFF position. 3. Remove the key and insert a second key. Turn it ON and back to the OFF position. You MUST do this within five seconds. ON-BOARD PROGRAM 4 5. The dashboard security light will glow for three seconds. This confirms the programming of the new key has been successful. TRANSPONDER GUIDE ON-BOARD PROGRAM 1998 MAZDA 626 ORIGINATE NEW MASTER KEY or ADD KEY: 2. Turn the key to the ON position. The dashboard security light should flash. In the next 20 seconds, turn the key to LOCK. The key should rest in that position for five minutes. After this time has elapsed, the security light’s rate of flashing will be much slower. 7. Repeat Step 6 until all eight word code digits are entered. NOTE: Do not turn the vehicle on or off while the security light is on. 8. The password has been entered successfully when the dashboard security light remains on with no flashing. 3. Enter the 8 digit word code. The word code is unique to each Immobilizer Unit. 9. Start the vehicle. Within two seconds the security light should turn off. 4. You can obtain the word code by giving Mazda the vehicle’s Immobilizer Unit serial number or by using the Code-Seeker if you have the Mazda software. 10. Thirty seconds after the last key has been removed, the vehicle will return to normal operation, ending the programming mode. 5. Turn the ignition ON while watching the security light (the security light is not on at this time). When the security light begins to flash, count the number of flashes. When the number of flashes equals the first digit of the word code, turn the key back to the LOCK position. 5 OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING 6. Within 30 seconds, turn the key to ON and count the flashes. When the number of flashes matches the value of the second digit of the word code, turn the key back to the lock position. 1. Put new key into ignition and turn it ON. Turn back to the LOCK position. Repeat this five times rapidly — the lock cannot stay in any one position longer than one second during Step 1. TRANSPONDER GUIDE ON-BOARD PROGRAM 5 1998-2001 TOYOTA, LEXUS TO DELETE ALL BUT ONE KEY FROM THE UNIT: ADD KEY: 1. Depress and release brake and accelerator pedals once, doing both at the same time. 1. Press and release the brake and accelerator pedals once, doing both at the same time. 2. Put an existing master key into the ignition. Leave the key in the LOCK position; do not turn it. 2. Put the existing master key into the ignition. 3. Press and release the accelerator pedal five times within 15 seconds. 3. Press and release the accelerator pedal, six times, within 15 seconds of inserting the key. 4. Press and release the brake pedal six times within 20 seconds and remove key. 4. Within 20 seconds of Step 3, press and release the brake pedal seven times. 5. Insert new key into ignition within ten seconds. 5. The dashboard security light will flash. This confirms that all keys (except the one currently being used) have been deleted. 6. Press and release the accelerator pedal once within ten seconds. 7. The security light will turn off after 80 seconds. This indicates that the new key is now registered. OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING 6. Within ten seconds, remove the key from the ignition cylinder. This is now the only key still programmed to work. ON-BOARD PROGRAM 6 8. Remove new key. Press and release the brake pedal once. 1998 + CHRYSLER, DODGE 1999 + JEEP ADD KEY (Must have two working Sentry Keys): 1. Put one of the two current keys into the ignition and turn to the ON position. 5. Within 60 seconds, turn key OFF and remove the current key. 2. After the key has been in the ON position for at least three seconds — but no more than 15 seconds — turn the key back to the OFF position. 6. Put a new key into the ignition and turn to the ON position. 3. Take the key out and put in the second current key, turning it to the ON position, all within 15 seconds. The second key cannot be the same as the first key. 7. After ten seconds, a single chime will sound. The theft alarm light will turn off. Wait three seconds and turn key OFF. 8. Repeat these steps for additional keys. 4. After ten seconds, a theft alarm light will illuminate and a single chime will sound. This confirms entry into “Customer Programming Mode”. 6 7 2001 + FORD FOCUS, FORD ESCAPE 2001 + MAZDA TRIBUTE ONLY ORIGINATE NEW MASTER KEY: Two working keys are required to program additional keys with this on-board programming method. 4. Within ten seconds, put in the new key and turn it on. After one second, turn it OFF. ADD KEY (Requires two working keys): 5. The security light will glow for three seconds. This confirms the new key has been programmed successfully. 1. Put the existing key into the ignition. 2. Turn the ignition ON, then turn it OFF again. 3. Within five seconds, take out the existing key and put in a second key, turning it to ON and back OFF. ON-BOARD PROGRAM 8 TRANSPONDER GUIDE ON-BOARD PROGRAM 2002 + TOYOTA, LEXUS Keys can be programmed using the Code-Seeker on most 32 bit systems. The 2003 and 2004 Sequoia requires flashing. ADD DUPLICATE KEY: Requires one working Toyota/Lexus Master key. 1. Make sure all doors and windows are closed 1. Simultaneously depress and release brake and accelerator pedals 1 time. 2. Insert Master key into the ignition cylinder. 3. Cycle the ignition cylinder from ON to OFF five times. 2. Insert an existing master key into the ignition cylinder. Do not turn the key from the OFF (LOCK) position. 4. Open and close the driver side door six times. 3. Within fifteen seconds of inserting the key, depress and release the accelerator pedal six times. 5. Remove the Master key and insert the new duplicate key. 4. Within twenty seconds of completing the above step, depress and release the brake seven times. 7. The new key will be registered after 60 seconds. The THEFT light on the dashboard will go out, indicating that the programming has been completed. 6. TURN THE IGNITION CYLINDER ON. 5. The security light will flash, indicating all keys other than the one being used have been deleted. 6. Remove the key from the ignition cylinder within ten seconds. It will be the only key still programmed to work. 7 OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING TO DELETE ALL BUT ONE KEY FROM THE UNIT: TRANSPONDER GUIDE ON-BOARD PROGRAM 9 FORD/LINCOLN/MERCURY IKT ADD KEY (Must have two working original keys): 8. Turn the ignition from the 1 (LOCK) position to the 3 (RUN) position. Keep the ignition in the 3 (RUN) position for at least 6 seconds. 1. Insert the first previously programmed coded keys into the ignition. 2. Turn the ignition from the 1 (LOCK) position to the 3 (RUN) position. Keep the ignition in the 3 (RUN) position for at least 3 seconds, but no more than 10 seconds. 9. Remove the newly programmed coded key from the ignition. If the key has been successfully programmed, it will start the vehicle’s engine and will operate the remote entry system (if the new key is an Integrated Keyhead Transmitter). The theft indicator light will illuminate for 3 seconds and then go out to indicate successful programming. 3. Turn the ignition to the 1 (LOCK) position and remove the first coded key from the ignition. 4. Within 10 seconds of turning the ignition to the 1 (LOCK) position, insert the second previously coded key into the ignition. 5. Turn the ignition from the 1 (LOCK) position to the 3 (RUN) position. Keep the ignition in the 3 (RUN) position for at least 3 seconds, but no more than 10 seconds. If the key was not successfully programmed, it will not start your vehicle’s engine and/or will not operate the remote entry features. The theft indicator light may flash on and off. Wait 20 seconds and you may repeat Steps 1 through 8. If the failure repeats, bring your vehicle to your authorized dealer to have the new key(s) programmed. OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING 6. Turn the ignition to the 1 (LOCK) position and remove the second coded key from the ignition. 7. Within 20 seconds of turning the ignition to the 1 (LOCK) position and removing the previously programmed coded key, insert the new un-programmed key (new key/valet key) into the ignition. ON-BOARD PROGRAM 10 To program additional new un-programmed key(s), wait 20 seconds and then repeat this procedure from Step 1. CHRYSLER/DODGE/JEEP INTEGRATED KEY ADD KEY (Must have two working integrated keys): 3. Insert a blank integrated key into the ignition switch and turn the ignition switch to the ON position within 60 seconds. After 10 seconds, a single chime will sound and the Vehicle Security Alarm Indicator Light will stop flashing. Turn on again for 3 seconds and then turn off. 1. Insert first working integrated key into the ignition switch and turn the ignition switch to the ON position for at least 3 seconds, but no longer than 15 seconds. Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position and remove the first key. 2. Insert the second working integrated key and turn the ignition switch to the ON position within 15 seconds. After 10 seconds, a chime will sound and the Vehicle Security Alarm Indicator Light will begin to flash. Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position and remove the second key. The new integrated key is programmed. The Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter will also be programmed during this procedure. Repeat this procedure to program up to 8 keys. 8 11 GM HIGH SECURITY SIDE-MILL FLIP KEY ADDING KEYS (North America, except Canada): Note: s )FMORETHANONEVALETKEYISTOBELEARNED immediately precede each valet key with a learned master key. s 4OINITIATETHISPROCEDUREREQUIRESTHATALEARNED master key be available. s !TOTALOFKEYSMAYBEPROGRAMMEDTOASINGLE vehicle. 1. With a previously learned master key, turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. s 4HISPROCEDUREADDSKEYSONLY4HEPROCEDURE does not erase previously learned keys. 2. Turn OFF the ignition and remove the key. 3. Within 10 seconds of turning OFF the ignition, insert the key to be learned and turn ON the ignition. The vehicle has now learned the new key. s 4HEKEYSTOBELEARNEDMUSTDUPLICATETHE mechanical cut of the current key. ON-BOARD PROGRAM 12 TRANSPONDER GUIDE ON-BOARD PROGRAM GM HIGH SECURITY - PEPS s Only keyless access transmitters programmed to the vehicle will work. s If a transmitter is lost or stolen, a replacement can be purchased and programmed through your dealer/retailer. 3. Place the new transmitter into the transmitter pocket. The transmitter pocket is located inside the center console storage area under the cupholder. The cupholder will need to be pulled out to access the transmitter pocket. s The vehicle can be reprogrammed so that lost or stolen transmitters no longer work. s Any remaining transmitters will need to be reprogrammed. Each vehicle can have up to five transmitters matched to it. 4. Press the ignition. When the transmitter is learned, the DIC display will show that it is ready to program the next transmitter. PROGRAMMING WITH A RECOGNIZED TRANSMITTER: 5. Remove the transmitter from the transmitter pocket and press the unlock button. A new transmitter can be programmed to the vehicle when there is one recognized transmitter. To program, the vehicle must be off and all of the transmitters, both currently recognized and new, must be with you. To program additional transmitters, repeat Steps 3 through 5. When all additional transmitters are programmed, press and hold the ignition for 5 seconds to exit the programming mode. 1. Place the recognized transmitter(s) in the cupholder. 9 OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING 2. Insert the vehicle key of the new transmitter into the key lock cylinder located on the outside of the driver door and turn the key to the unlock position five times within ten seconds. The Driver Information Center (DIC) displays “Ready For Remote #2, 3, 4 or 5.” PROGRAMMING TRANSMITTERS TO THE VEHICLE: TRANSPONDER GUIDE ON-BOARD PROGRAM 12 GM HIGH SECURITY PEPS (continued) PROGRAMMING WITHOUT A RECOGNIZED TRANSMITTER: STARTING THE VEHICLE WITH A LOW TRANSMITTER BATTERY: If there are no currently recognized transmitters available, follow this procedure to program up to five transmitters. This procedure will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. The vehicle must be off and all of the transmitters you wish to program must be with you. If the transmitter battery is weak, the DIC may display “No Remote Detected” when you try to start the vehicle. The “Replace Battery” in Remote Key message may also be displayed at this time. TO START THE VEHICLE: 1. Insert the vehicle key of the new transmitter into the key lock cylinder located on the outside of the driver door and turn the key to the unlock position five times within ten seconds. The Driver Information Center (DIC) displays “Remote Learn Pending, Please Wait.” 1. Remove the cupholder from the center console storage area. 2. Place the transmitter in the transmitter pocket with the buttons facing up. 3. With the vehicle in “P” (Park) or “N” (Neutral), press the brake pedal and the ignition control. See “Starting the Engine”, for additional information about the vehicle’s keyless ignition with push start. OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING 2. Wait for ten minutes until the DIC displays “Press Engine Start Button To Learn” and then press the ignition. The DIC displays will again show “Remote Learn Pending, Please Wait.” Replace the transmitter battery as soon as possible. 3. Repeat Step 2 two additional times. After the third time all previously known transmitters will no longer work with the vehicle. Remaining transmitters can be relearned during the next steps. The DIC should now show “Ready For Remote #1.” BATTERY REPLACEMENT: Replace the battery if the “Replace Battery in Remote Key” message displays in the DIC. See “Replace Battery in Remote Key” under Key and Lock Messages. 4. Place the new transmitter into the transmitter pocket. The transmitter pocket is located inside the center console storage area under the cupholder. The cupholder will need to be pulled out to access the transmitter pocket. The battery is not rechargeable. See your dealer/ retailer to replace the battery. 5. Press the ignition. When the ignition is learned, the DIC display will show that it is ready to program the next transmitter. 6. Remove the transmitter from the transmitter pocket and press the unlock button. To program additional transmitters, repeat Steps 4 through 6. When all additional transmitters are programmed, press and hold the ignition for 5 seconds to exit the programming mode. 10 13 2010 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY (RKE) TRANSMITTER PROGRAMMING: NOTE: A maximum of 4 Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitters can be programmed to the vehicle. Programming must be done at the same time for all the RKE transmitters. KEY PROGRAMMING – PROGRAM A KEY USING TWO PROGRAMMED KEYS: NOTES: s 4HISPROCEDUREISONLYFORVEHICLESWITHOUT Intelligent Access (IA). For vehicles with IA, the keys can only be programmed using a scan tool. s 4HISPROCEDUREWORKSONLYIFORMOREPROGRAMMED keys are available. If 2 programmed keys are not available, refer to Key Programming Using Diagnostic Equipment in your owners manual. s 4HISPROCEDUREONLYPROGRAMSTHE0ASSIVE!NTI4HEFT System (PATS) portion of the key into the Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC). It does not program the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) Transmitter Identification Code (TIC) into the Body Control Module (BCM). 1. NOTE: Make sure the front doors are unlocked and closed, and the ignition is in the OFF position. Turn the ignition switch from the OFF to the RUN position 4 times in rapid succession (within 6 seconds), with the fourth turn ending in OFF. If the Generic Electronic Module (GEM) successfully enters program mode, the Instrument Cluster (IC) sounds a chime. 2. NOTE: If no action is taken within 10 seconds after a transmitter has been programmed, the programming sequence ends. Within 10 seconds, press any button on the RKE transmitter to be programmed. The IC chimes to confirm that each RKE transmitter is programmed. Repeat this step for each RKE transmitter. 3. NOTE: There are NO chimes or any other confirmation from the IC upon exiting programming mode. Exiting the programming mode is accomplished if one of the following occurs: s 4HEIGNITIONTRANSITIONSTOTHE25.POSITION s SECONDSHAVEPASSEDSINCEENTERING programming mode or since the last RKE transmitter was programmed. s 4HEMAXIMUMNUMBEROF2+%TRANSMITTERS have been programmed. 4. Check the operation of the transmitter. If the door locks do not respond for the programmed RKE transmitter(s), wait several seconds and press the button again. If the door locks still fail to respond, refer to the Handles, Locks, Latches and Entry Systems Section in the owners’ manual. (Make sure that no more than the maximum number of RKE transmitters are attempted to be programmed.) 11 OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING 1. Insert the first programmed PATS key into the ignition and turn the key from the OFF position to the RUN position (maintain the key in the RUN position for approximately 3 seconds). 2. Turn the first key to the OFF position and remove the key from the ignition. 3. Within 10 seconds of turning the key to the OFF position, insert a second programmed PATS key into the ignition and turn the key from the OFF position to the RUN position (maintain the key in the RUN position for approximately 3 seconds). 4. Turn the second key to the OFF position and remove the key from the ignition. 5. Within 10 seconds of turning the key to the OFF position, insert the new unprogrammed PATS key into the ignition and turn the key from the OFF position to the RUN position (maintain the key in the RUN position for approximately 3 seconds). 6. If it is desired to program additional key(s) (up to a total of 8 keys can be programmed), repeat steps 1 – 5 for each additional key. 7. Refer to RKE Transmitter Programming above to program the RKE portion of the key. TRANSPONDER GUIDE ON-BOARD PROGRAM TRANSPONDER GUIDE ON-BOARD PROGRAM 14 2011 FORD FIESTA REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY (RKE) TRANSMITTER PROGRAMMING transmitter(s), wait several seconds and press the button again. If the door locks still fail to respond, refer to Handles, Locks, Latches and Entry Systems in your owners manual. NOTES: s !MAXIMUMOF2EMOTE+EYLESS%NTRY2+% transmitters can be programmed to the vehicle. Programming must be done at the same time for all RKE transmitters. s 4HISPROCEDUREISFORPROGRAMMINGTHE2+% transmitter portion of the Integrated Keyhead Transmitter (IKT). The RKE transmitter for an Intelligent Access (IA) key is programmed automatically during the key programming. Refer to the key programming procedures under Anti-Theft – Passive Anti-Theft System (PATS) below. KEY PROGRAMMING – PROGRAM A KEY USING TWO PROGRAMMED KEYS NOTES: s 4HISPROCEDUREISONLYFORVEHICLESWITHOUT Intelligent Access (IA). For vehicles with IA, the keys can only be programmed using a scan tool. s 4HISPROCEDUREWORKSONLYIFORMOREPROGRAMMED keys are available. If 2 programmed keys are not available, refer to Key Programming Using Diagnostic Equipment in your owners manual. s 4HISPROCEDUREONLYPROGRAMSTHE0ASSIVE!NTI4HEFT System (PATS) portion of the key into the Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC). It does not program the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) Transmitter Identification Code (TIC) into the Body Control Module (BCM). 1. Use the door lock control switch to electronically unlock the door locks. NOTES: s 4HEREISNOAUDIBLEORVISUALINDICATIONTHAT programming mode has been entered. OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING 2. Turn the ignition from the OFF to RUN position 4 times in rapid succession (within 6 seconds), with the fourth turn ending in OFF. 1. Insert the first programmed PATS key into the ignition and turn the key from the OFF position to the RUN position (maintain the key in the RUN position for approximately 3 seconds). 2. Turn the first key to the OFF position and remove the key from the ignition. 3. Within 10 seconds of turning the key to the OFF position, insert a second programmed PATS key into the ignition and turn the key from the OFF position to the RUN position (maintain the key in the RUN position for approximately 3 seconds). 4. Turn the second key to the OFF position and remove the key from the ignition. 5. Within 10 seconds of turning the key to the OFF position, insert the new unprogrammed PATS key into the ignition and turn the key from the OFF position to the RUN position (maintain the key in the RUN position for approximately 3 seconds). 6. If it is desired to program additional key(s) (up to a total of 8 keys can be programmed), repeat steps 1 – 5 for each additional key. 7. Refer to RKE Transmitter Programming above to program the RKE portion of the key. NOTES: s )FNOACTIONISTAKENWITHINSECONDSAFTERA transmitter has been programmed, the programming sequence ends. 3. Within 10 seconds, press any button on the RKE transmitter to be programmed. After the first RKE transmitter is programmed, press a button on each subsequent transmitter to be programmed (each within 10 seconds of each other). 4. Exiting the programming mode is accomplished if one of the following occurs: s 4HEKEYTRANSITIONSTOTHE25.POSITION s SECONDSHAVEPASSEDSINCEENTERINGPROGRAMMING mode or since the last RKE transmitter was programmed. s 4HEMAXIMUMNUMBEROF2+%TRANSMITTERSHAVE been programmed. 5. Check the operation of the transmitter. If the door locks do not respond for the programmed RKE 12 MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N CL 1998-03 692246 CLONEABLE 692057 CSX (Canada) 2006 Dealer Key Integra 2000-01 692246 MDX 2007-08 5907553 MDX 2001-06 X 692057 X NSX 1997-05* TOOL X 692246 X 692246 EZ# HD106-PT Quick-Code HD106-PT5 Code-Seeker HD106-PT Quick-Code 692246 692057 OE # Code-Seeker Code-Seeker 692057 A C U R A PROGRAM # HD106-PT5 35118-SDA HO03-PT(V) Code-Seeker HD106-PT Quick-Code HD106-PT5 Code-Seeker HD106-PT Quick-Code HD106-PT5 Code-Seeker HD106-PT Quick-Code HD106-PT5 Code-Seeker HD106-PT RL 1996-04* RSX 2002-06 692246 TL 2007-08 5907553 Code-Seeker 35118-SDA HO03-PT(V) TL 2004-06 5907552 Code-Seeker 35113-SEC HO03-PT(V) TL 1999-03 692246 Code-Seeker HD106-PT Quick-Code HD106-PT5 692057 X 692057 X 692057 Quick-Code X HD106-PT5 TSX 2008-09 5907553 Code-Seeker 35118-SDA HO03-PT(V) TSX 2004-07 5907552 Code-Seeker 35113-SEC HO03-PT(V) TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE * NOTE: You must flash the immobilizer and then program the vehicle. A4/S4 2002-05 Dealer Key Code-Seeker HU66AT6 A6/S6/ALLROAD 2001-05 Dealer Key Code-Seeker HU66AT6 A8/S8 2003 Dealer Key Code-Seeker HU66AT6 TT Mid 2001-05 Dealer Key Code-Seeker HU66AT6 NOTE: The PIN numbers can be retrieved for some but not all AUDI’s with the Code-Seeker. Allure (Canada) Allure (Canada) B U I C K 2010-11 2005-08 5912558 OBP-13 13504203 5912559 OBP-13 13504202 5912555 13504205 13576144 5912556 13504204 13576143 691205 B107-PT 692138 Enclave LaCrosse LaCrosse 2007-11 2010-11 2005-09 X 2000-06 PT04-PT5 693126 OBP-1 12451816 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 12451816 B111-PT 5912558 OBP-12 13504203 5912559 OBP-12 13504202 5912555 OBP-11 13504205 13576144 5912556 OBP-11 13504204 13576143 691205 OBP-1 692138 LeSabre Quick-Code X 690898 OBP-1 692065 X 13 B107-PT Quick-Code PT04-PT5 Code-Seeker B99-PT Quick-Code B99-PT5 OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING A U D I TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N Lucerne 2006-11 693126 CLONEABLE OBP-1 5903089 OBP-1 Park Avenue 1997-05 690552 OBP-1 690556 OBP-1 692064 Rainier 2003-05 X 690898 B U I C K Rendezvous 2011 2005-06 X 2001-04 Terraza 2007 Terraza Late 2005-06 OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING CTS 2003-07 B99-PT Quick-Code B99-PT5 OBP-11 13504205 13576144 5912556 OBP-11 13504204 13576143 690552 OBP-1 690556 OBP-1 X 690898 OBP-1 X Code-Seeker 88891799 B97-PT 88951932 B103-PT Quick-Code B97-PT5 Code-Seeker B99-PT Quick-Code 692952 B99-PT5 15821269 X Quick-Code 690552 OBP-1 690556 OBP-1 Code-Seeker PT04-PT B99-PT5 88891799 B97-PT 88951932 B103-PT X Quick-Code B97-PT5 X Quick-Code PT04-PT5 691205 B107-PT 5904001 OBP-1 25847343 692933 OBP-1 25847343 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 25847343 B111-PT 5912114 19207416 692139 12450813 Catera 1997-01 Dealer Key* 2000-05 690898 2005-11 B97-PT5 Code-Seeker 5912555 DeVille DTS B103-PT 13504203 Code-Seeker OBP-1 692065 C A D I L L A C B97-PT 88951932 13504202 692138 2008-11 B111-PT 88891799 OBP-12 692064 CTS 12451816 OBP-12 692065 Mid Jan-Mar 05 EZ# B111-PT 5912558 692065 Terraza Code-Seeker OE # 12451816 5912559 692064 Rendezvous TOOL Quick-Code OBP-1 692065 Regal PROGRAM # X B111-PT 9120300 Code-Seeker B99-PT Quick-Code B99-PT5 5904001 OBP-1 25847343 692933 OBP-1 25847343 B111-PT B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 25847343 B111-PT B111-PT DTS 2009 5911715 Escalade/ESV/EXT 2007-11 5904001 OBP-1 25847343 692933 OBP-1 25847343 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 25847343 B111-PT OBP-1 Seville 1997-05 690898 SRX 2010-11 5912534t SRX 2004-09 692383 STS 2008-11 5904001 OBP-1 25847343 692933 OBP-1 25847343 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 25847343 B111-PT 692065 STS STS 2003-07 2000-01 X Code-Seeker B99-PT Quick-Code B99-PT5 5912114 19207416 692139 12450813 692065 X OBP-1 *NOTE: Aftermarket requires a PIN number. 14 Quick-Code B111-PT B99-PT5 MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N OE # EZ# Avalanche 2007-11 692931 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5912554 96585564 5912543 OBP-11 13504200 13576139 5912545 OBP-11 13504199 13576138 692931 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5912543 OBP-11 13504200 13576139 5912545 OBP-11 13504199 13576138 5912543 OBP-11 13504200 13576139 5912545 OBP-11 13504199 13576138 5913598t OBP-11 20873621 20934736 692931 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 692931 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT Aveo Camaro Cobalt Cruze Equinox 2010-11 2006-10 2011 2010-11 Equinox 2007-09 Express 2009-11 HHR 2006-11 Impala 2006-11 Malibu 2008-11 Malibu Maxx 2004-07 Monte Carlo 2006-07 Silverado/HD 2007-11 Suburban 2007-11 Tahoe Traverse Uplander 2007-11 2009-11 2007-09 Late 2005-06 692931 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 692931 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 692931 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 692931 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 692931 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 692931 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 692931 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 692931 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 692931 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 89024363 B111-PT 15821273 PT04-PT 692955 X Mid Jan-Mar 05 Venture Van 1999-05 Volt 2011 Quick-Code 690898 OBP-1 Code-Seeker 690552 OBP-1 Code-Seeker 690556 Uplander TOOL 5903089 692065 Uplander PROGRAM # OBP-1 B99-PT5 B99-PT 88891799 88951932 B97-PT B103-PT 692064 X Quick-Code B97-PT5 692138 X Quick-Code PT04-PT5 690552 OBP-1 690556 OBP-1 5920157 5920158 For Export Only 15 Code-Seeker 88891799 B97-PT 88951932 B103-PT OBP-11 20951857 OBP-11 20951691 OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING C H E V R O L E T 2008-09 CLONEABLE TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE TRANSPONDER GUIDE OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING MAKE C H R Y S L E R D O D G E MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N 300C 2008-11 5909874 CLONEABLE PROGRAM # TOOL OBP-10 Code-Seeker OE # EZ# Y170-PT 300C 2005-07 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT Aspen 2007-09 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT Cirrus Sedan 1999-00 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Concorde 1998-04 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Pacifica 2004-08 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT PT Cruiser 2006-11 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Code-Seeker 05086276AA PT Cruiser 2001-05 692325 Sebring Coupe 2002-08 692353 Sebring Coupe 2001 692354 Code-Seeker 05086272AA Y162-PT Sebring Sedan 2007-11 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT Sebring Sedan 1999-06 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Sebring Convertible 2007-11 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT Sebring Convertible 1998-06 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Town & Country Van 2008-11 5909874 OBP-10 Code-Seeker Y170-PT Town & Country Van 2004-07 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT Town & Country Van 2001-03 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Avenger 2007-11 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT Caliber 2006-11 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT Caravan LE, SE, Grand 2008-11 5909874 OBP-10 Code-Seeker Caravan LE, SE, Grand 2004-07 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT Caravan LE, SE, Grand 2001-03 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Challenger 2009-11 5909874 OBP-10 Code-Seeker Charger 2008-11 5909874 OBP-10 Code-Seeker Charger 2006-07 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker Dakota 2005-11 Y170-PT Y170-PT 05134937AA Y164-PT Y164-PT 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA 692960 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Dakota 2001-04 692325 Y160-PT 692958 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Durango 2005-09 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT 692960 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Durango 2004 Dealer Key OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05135670AA 05179513AA Durango 2001-03 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT 692958 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT 05010366AA Intrepid 1998-04 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker Journey 2009-11 5909874 OBP-10 Code-Seeker Y170-PT Y160-PT Magnum 2008-09 5909874 OBP-10 Code-Seeker Y170-PT Magnum 2005-07 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT Neon 2000-06 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT 05134937AA Y164-PT Nitro 2007-11 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker Ram 2009 - 11 5909874 OBP-10 Code-Seeker Ram 2006-08 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA 692960 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA 16 Y170-PT Y164-PT MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N PROGRAM # TOOL OE # EZ# Ram 2002-05 692325 CLONEABLE OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT 692958 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT D O D G E Sprinter Van 2004-06 Dealer Key Stratus 4 Door 1999-06 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Stratus Coupe 2001-06 692353 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05086276AA Voyager Van 2004-05 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT Voyager Van 2001-03 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT E A G L E Vision 1998 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Contour, All 1999-00 692055 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 011-R0225 H73-PT Contour, All 1997-98 692055 OBP-2 Code-Seeker 011-R0225 H73-PT Contour V6 1997-00 692055 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 011-R0225 H73-PT Crown Victoria 2003-11 5913441t OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R8040 5918997t OBP-3 Code-Seeker Crown Victoria Crown Victoria 2003-10 1998-02 X Quick-Code 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 597602 598333 692574 2009-11 Econoline 2009-10 Escape X H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK OBP-3 Code-Seeker 5918997t OBP-3 Code-Seeker 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 2007-11 5912512t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8073 Escape 2007-10 692395 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7013 Escape 2005-07 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 164-R8040 Escape 2001-04 691643 OBP-7 Code-Seeker 011-R0250 Hybrid Escape 2005-06 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5912512t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8073 2007-11 H72-PT Code-Seeker 5913441t Edge w/ power lift gate Y160-PT H74/H86-PT 5912895t Edge w/ power lift gate 2007-10 Edge w/o power lift gate 2007-11 692395 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7013 5912560t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8070 Edge w/o power lift gate 2007-10 Excursion 2000-05 597602 692813 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7016 Code-Seeker 598333 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 692574 X Quick-Code H72-EK Expedition 2009-11 5912512t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8073 Expedition 2009-10 692810 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8013 Expedition 2003-08 Expedition 1999-02 H72-PT H72-PT 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 597602 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 OBP-3 Code-Seeker H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK 598333 692574 X 17 H72-PT OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING F O R D Econoline BYS15TK1 TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N PROGRAM # TOOL OE # EZ# Expedition 1997-98 597602 CLONEABLE OBP-2 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 H72-PT 598333 OBP-2 Code-Seeker H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK 692574 Explorer Explorer Explorer Mid 2001-11 Mid 2001-10 1998-Mid 01 X 5912560t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8070 5912512t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8073 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 597602 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 598333 Code-Seeker H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK 692574 Explorer Sport Trac Explorer Sport Trac Mid 2001-11 1998-01 X 5913441t OBP-3 Code-Seeker 5918997t OBP-3 Code-Seeker 597602 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 598333 OBP-3 Code-Seeker H72-PT OBP-3 Quick-Code H72-EK 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 692574 Fairlane OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING F O R D 2008 H72-PT X 164-R8040 011-R0221 H72-PT Five Hundred 2011 5912560t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8070 Five Hundred 2007 692395 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7013 Five Hundred 2005-06 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5912560t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8070 5912561t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8067 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 597602 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 598333 Code-Seeker H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK F-Series Truck F-Series Truck F-Series Truck 2011 2004-10 1999-03 692574 F-Series Super Duty F-Series Super Duty 2011 2008-10 X 5912560t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8070 5912561t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8067 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 693224 Fiesta 2011 164-R0479 5913139t OBP-14 164-R8042 5915237t OBP-14 164-R8060 5919918t OBP-14 164-R8048 Flex w/ power liftate 2009-11 5912512t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8073 Flex w/ power liftate 2009-10 692395 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7013 Flex w/o power lift gate 2009-11 692813 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7016 Focus 2008-11 5912560t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8070 Focus 2008-10 692395 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7013 Focus 2006-08 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 18 H72-PT MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N PROGRAM # TOOL OE # EZ# Focus 2000-05 691643 CLONEABLE OBP-3 Code-Seeker 011-R0250 H74/H86-PT Freestar 2004-07 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 Freestyle 2007 692813 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7016 Freestyle 2005-06 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 Fusion 2006-11 5912560t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8070 Fusion 2006-10 692395 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7013 Mustang (8 cut) 2011 5912512t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8073 Mustang (8 cut) 2010 692810 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8013 Mustang (8 cut) 2005-09 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 597602 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 598333 OBP-3 Code-Seeker H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK Mustang (8 cut) 1998-06 692574 Mustang (8 cut) 1996-97 X 597602 Code-Seeker 598333 OBP-2 692574 F O R D X 011-R0221 H72-PT H72-PT Code-Seeker H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK Mustang (10 cut) 1996 692055 OBP-2 Code-Seeker 011-R0225 Ranger 2011 5912560t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8070 Ranger 2001-04,06-08 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 597602 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 598333 Code-Seeker H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK Ranger V6 1999-00 Taurus 2010-11 X 5912512t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8073 H73-PT H72-PT 5914119t 5914118t 5911175 Taurus 2008-09 692810 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8013 Taurus 2000-07 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 Taurus 1996-99 597602 598333 OBP-3 692574 X Code-Seeker H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK Taurus X w/ power lift gate 2008-09 692810 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8013 Taurus X w/o power lift gate 2008-09 692814 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8016 Thunderbird 2003-06 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 Code-Seeker 011-R0250 Thunderbird 2002 691643 OBP-3 Transit Connect 2010-11 5913139t OBP-13 164-R8042 5920217t OBP-13 164-R8051 19 H72-PT H74/H86-PT OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING 692574 TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE F O R D G M C MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N PROGRAM # TOOL OE # Windstar 1999-03 599114 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 5904287 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0475 597602 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 598333 Code-Seeker H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK Windstar 1998-00 CLONEABLE 692574 Acadia 2007-11 Savana 2008-11 Sierra/HD 2007-11 Terrain Yukon/XL 2010-11 2007-11 Accord 2003-09 Accord 1998-02 X OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING 2006-08 Civic 2002-05 OBP-1 15824470 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 15824470 B111-PT 692932 OBP-1 15824470 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 15824470 B111-PT 692932 OBP-1 15824470 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 15824470 B111-PT 5912547t OBP-11 13504258 13576176 5912548t OBP-11 13504259 13576177 5913596t OBP-11 20873623 20934738 692932 OBP-1 15824470 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 15824470 B111-PT 35118-SDA HO03-PT(V) 5907553 Code-Seeker 692246 X 5907553 2001-02 692247 X 692246 692057 H O N D A Code-Seeker HD106-PT Quick-Code HD106-PT5 Code-Seeker 692082 Civic X HO01T5 HO01-PT Code-Seeker HD106-PT Quick-Code HD106-PT5 2006-08 5907553 Code-Seeker 2002-05 692247 Code-Seeker Element 2006-08 5907553 Code-Seeker Element 2003-05 692247 Code-Seeker Insight 2000-06 692246 Odyssey 2005-08 5907553 Odyssey 2003-04 X 692082 X 692057 X 692247 Odyssey 1998-02 692246 Pilot 2006-08 5907553 Pilot 2003-05 X 692057 X 692247 1997-02* X 692246 692057 X 20 HO03-PT(V) HO01T5 HO01-PT 35118-SDA HO03-PT(V) HO01T5 Quick-Code HO01-PT Code-Seeker HD106-PT Quick-Code HD106-PT5 35118-SDA HO03-PT(V) Code-Seeker HO01T5 Quick-Code HO01-PT Code-Seeker HD106-PT Quick-Code Code-Seeker 692082 35118-SDA Quick-Code Code-Seeker 692082 HO03-PT(V) Quick-Code CR-V 692082 35118-SDA Code-Seeker CR-V Prelude H72-PT 692932 692057 Civic EZ# HD106-PT5 35118-SDA HO03-PT(V) Code-Seeker HO01T5 Quick-Code HO01-PT Code-Seeker HD106-PT Quick-Code HD106-PT5 H O N D A H U M M E R J A G U A R J E E P YEAR(S) SSC P/N 2005-08 5907553 S2000 2006-08 S2000 2004-05 CLONEABLE TOOL OE # EZ# Code-Seeker 35118-SDA HO03-PT(V) Dealer Key Code-Seeker 35118SDA01 HD113-PT 692247 Code-Seeker HO01T5 Quick-Code HO01-PT 692082 S2000 2000-03 PROGRAM # X 692246 692057 X Code-Seeker HD106-PT Quick-Code HD106-PT5 *NOTE: You must flash the immobilizer box. H2 2007-09 693254 OBP-1 15898567 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 15898567 B111-PT FX35/45 2003-07 7003526 Code-Seeker NI104T G20 2000-02 692060 Code-Seeker NI01T 692061 Code-Seeker NI02T G35 2003-07 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T I30 2000-04 I30 1999 I35 2002-04 692060 Code-Seeker NI01T 692061 Code-Seeker NI02T Dealer Key Code-Seeker 692060 Code-Seeker NI01T 692061 Code-Seeker NI02T Q45 1997-01 Dealer Key Code-Seeker QX4 Mid 1999-04 692060 Code-Seeker NI01T 692061 Code-Seeker NI02T 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T Quick-Code TBE1T5 QX56 2004-07 XJ & XK Series 1998-99 S-Types 2000-02 Dealer Key Cherokee 1998-01 692325 692958 Commander 2008-09 5909874 Commander 2005-07 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA 692960 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Compass 2007-11 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA 692960 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA X Code-Seeker XR8-1611 Code-Seeker 05010366AA OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA OBP-10 Code-Seeker OBP-6 21 Y160-PT Y160-PT Y170-PT Y164-PT Y164-PT OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING I N I F I N I T I MODEL Ridgeline TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE TRANSPONDER GUIDE OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING MAKE MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N PROGRAM # TOOL Grand Cherokee 2008-11 5909874 OBP-10 Code-Seeker Grand Cherokee 2005-07 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 692960 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Grand Cherokee 1999-04 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT 692958 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Y164-PT Liberty J E E P Liberty Patriot Wrangler Wrangler L E X U S L I N C O L N 2005-11 2002-04 2007-11 2006-11 1998-05 CLONEABLE OE # EZ# Y170-PT 05134937AA Y164-PT 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA 692960 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT 692958 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Y164-PT 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA 692960 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA 692352 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA 692960 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT 692958 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Code-Seeker 89070-53530 TOY48BT4 ES300 2002-03 Dealer Key ES300 1998-01 Dealer Key OBP-6 GS300/400/430 2002-05 Dealer Key OBP-5 TOY40BT4 Code-Seeker 89070-50170 TOY48BT4 Code-Seeker 89070-53350 TOY48BT4 GS300/400/430 1998-01 Dealer Key OBP-8 IS300 2002-05 Dealer Key OBP-5 TOY48BT4 IS300 2001 Dealer Key OBP-8 LS400 1998-00 Dealer Key OBP-5 TOY48BT4 LS400 1997 Dealer Key OBP-8 TOY40BT4 LX450 1998 Dealer Key LX470 2001-06 Dealer Key TOY48BT4 TOY40BT4 OBP-5 Code-Seeker RX330 2004-06 Dealer Key SC300/400/430 2002-06 Dealer Key OBP-5 Code-Seeker Aviator 2003-06 691259 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0463 Blackwood 2002-03 597602 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 598333 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 692574 X H72-PT H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK Continental 2002-04 691259 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0463 Continental 1998-02 597602 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 OBP-3 Code-Seeker H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK 598333 692574 X LS 2003-06 691259 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0463 LS 2000-02 691643 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 011-R0250 Mark LT 2011 5915217t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8076 5915218t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8064 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0463 Code-Seeker 164-R0467 Mark LT 2006-08 691259 Mark VIII 1997-98 691641* 22 H72-PT H74/H86-PT MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N MKS 2010-11 7012479 CLONEABLE PROGRAM # TOOL 5912477 OE # EZ# 164-R7028 5911175 L I N C O L N MKS 2010 5914459t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7042 MKS 2008-09 693356 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7015 MKT 2011 5914459t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7042 MKX w/power lift gate 2007-11 5912496t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8056 MKX w/power lift gate 2007-10 693356 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7015 MKX w/o power lift gate 2007-11 5915217t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8076 MKX w/o power lift gate 2007-10 5904306 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7017 5914459t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7042 MKZ 2007-11 5914459t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7042 MKZ 2007-10 693356 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7015 Navigator 2009-11 5914459t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7042 Navigator 2009-10 5904186 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8017 Navigator 2003-08 691259 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0463 Navigator 1998-02 597602 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 598333 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 597602 OBP-2 Code-Seeker 598333 OBP-2 Code-Seeker H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK 692574 Navigator 1997-98 X 692574 H72-PT H72-PT Quick-Code X H72-EK 011-R0221 H72-PT 2003-11 5913437t OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R8080 Town Car 2003-10 691259 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0463 Town Car 1998-02 597602 Code-Seeker 011-R0221 598333 Code-Seeker H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK Zephyr 2006 X OBP-9 5914459t Code-Seeker H72-PT 164-R7042 *NOTE: Two keys are required. M A Z D A 6 2003-08 Dealer Key 3 2004-06 Dealer Key 626ES/LX-V6-4cyl 1998-99 692080 626ES/LX-V6 2000-02 Dealer Key Miata 2001-03 Dealer Key MPV Van 2000-03 Dealer Key Pickups 3000/4000 2001-04,06-10 690212 Pickups 3000/4000 1999-00 598333 Pickup (option) 2006 690212 RX8 2004-05 Dealer Key Tribute 2005-10 690212 Tribute 2001-05 691643 OBP-3 Code-Seeker Code-Seeker X 692574 OBP-4 Quick-Code OBP-3 Code-Seeker X OBP-3 MAZ24RT5 Code-Seeker H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK Code-Seeker Code-Seeker OBP-3 Code-Seeker Code-Seeker 23 011-R0250 H74/H86-PT OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING Town Car 692574 TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N Cougar 1999-02 692055 CLONEABLE EZ# H73-PT 2003-11 5913439t OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R8079 2003-10 599179 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0455 Grand Marquis 1998-02 597603 Code-Seeker 011-R0222 692574 Marauder 2003-05 599179 X OBP-3 H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK Code-Seeker 164-R0455 Mariner 2007-11 5914460t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7041 2007-10 692811 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7041 Mariner 2005-07 599179 Code-Seeker 164-R0455 Milan 2006-11 5914460t OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7041 Milan 2006-10 692811 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7041 Code-Seeker 164-R0455 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R7041 Code-Seeker 164-R0455 Monterey 2004-07 599179 Montego 2007-08 5914460t Montego 2005-06 599179 Mountaineer Mid 2001-11 5913439t OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R8079 Mountaineer 1998-Mid 01 597603 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 011-R0222 598333 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 692574 X H72-PT Code-Seeker Mariner H72-PT H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK Mystique V6 LS 1997-Mid 98 692055 OBP-2 Code-Seeker 011-R0225 H73-PT Mystique V6 LS Mid 1998-02 692055 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 011-R0225 H73-PT Sable LS, SE, SHO 1996-99 597603 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 011-R0222 H72-PT 598333 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 597603 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 598333 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 692574 1998-06 X 692574 Sable GS 1996-97 H72-PT Quick-Code X H72-EK 011-R0222 Code-Seeker 598333 Code-Seeker X H72-PT H72-PT Quick-Code 597603 692574 Sable GS & LS M I T S U B I S H I OE # 011-R0225 Grand Marquis 598333 M E R C U R Y TOOL Code-Seeker Grand Marquis Sable GS OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING PROGRAM # H72-EK 011-R0222 H72-PT H72-PT Quick-Code H72-EK 2000-05 599179 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0455 Sable Wagon 2000-03 599179 OBP-3 Code-Seeker 164-R0455 Sable 2008-09 692812 OBP-9 Code-Seeker 164-R8014 Diamante Mid 01-2006 5907793 Code-Seeker MR587315 MIT12-PT Diamante 2000-Mid 01 692058 Code-Seeker MR587315 MIT8-PT Eclipse 2006 692562 Code-Seeker MN141060 Eclipse 2001-05 692564 Code-Seeker MR482512 Eclipse 2000 692058 Code-Seeker MR587315 Endeavor 2006 692562 Code-Seeker MN141060 Endeavor 2004-05 692564 Code-Seeker MR482512 Galant 2004-06 692562 Code-Seeker MN141060 Galant 2001-03 629564 Code-Seeker MR482512 Galant 2000-01 692565 Code-Seeker MR482513V Lancer Evo 2003-06 Dealer Key Code-Seeker MR587430 24 MIT8-PT M I T S U B I S H I YEAR(S) SSC P/N Montero Mid 2001-06 Montero Sport TOOL OE # EZ# 5907793 Code-Seeker MR587315 MIT12-PT Mid 2001-04 5907793 Code-Seeker MR587315 MIT12-PT Montero & Montero Sport 2000-Mid 01 692058 Code-Seeker MR587315 MIT8-PT Outlander 2004-06 Dealer Key Code-Seeker MN141307 Raider 2006-09 692352 Code-Seeker 05134937AA 692960 Code-Seeker 05134937AA 2000-01 692565 Code-Seeker MR482513V 2002-05 692564 Code-Seeker MR482512 2006-07 692562 Code-Seeker MN141060 350Z 2005-08 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T Altima 2005-06 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T Altima 2000-04 692060 Code-Seeker NI01T 692061 Code-Seeker NI02T Spyder CLONEABLE PROGRAM # Y164-PT Armada 2004-09 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T Frontier P/Up 2006-08 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T Frontier P/Up 2002-04 692060 Code-Seeker NI01T 692061 Code-Seeker NI02T Maxima 2004-06 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T Maxima 2000-03 692060 Code-Seeker NI01T 692061 Code-Seeker NI02T Maxima 1999 Dealer Key Code-Seeker NSN11T2 Murano 2003-08 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T Pathfinder 2005-09 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T Pathfinder Mid 1999-04 692060 Code-Seeker NI01T 692061 Code-Seeker NI02T Quest 2004-08 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T Rogue 2008-09 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T Sentra/Stanza 2007-08 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T Sentra/Stanza 2000-06 692060 Code-Seeker NI01T 692061 Code-Seeker NI02T Titan 2004-09 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T Versa 2007-09 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T X-Terra 2005-09 7003526 Code-Seeker NI04T X-Terra 2002-04 692060 Code-Seeker NI01T 692061 Code-Seeker NI02T 25 OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING N I S S A N MODEL TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N O L D S M O B I L E Aurora 2001-03 690898 P L Y M O U T H CLONEABLE 692065 Silhouette 1999-04 OE # EZ# OBP-1 Code-Seeker B99-PT Quick-Code B99-PT5 690552 OBP-1 Code-Seeker 88891799 B97-PT 690556 OBP-1 Code-Seeker 88951932 B103-PT 692064 X Quick-Code B97-PT5 Breeze 2000 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Voyager, Grand Voyager 2001 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05010366AA Y160-PT Neon 2000 692325 OBP-6 Code-Seeker 05134937AA Y164-PT Aztek 2001-05 690898 OBP-1 Code-Seeker B99-PT X OBP-1 Quick-Code B99-PT5 OBP-1 Code-Seeker B99-PT X OBP-1 Quick-Code B99-PT5 Bonneville 2000-05 690898 692065 OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING TOOL X 692065 G5 P O N T I A C PROGRAM # 2007-10 693121 OBP-1 15282677 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 15282677 B111-PT 693121 OBP-1 15282677 B111-PT B111-PT G6 2005-10 5903089 OBP-1 15282677 Grand Prix 2004-08 5902386 OBP-1 88956263 OBP-1 Quick-Code Grand Prix 2000-03 690552 OBP-1 Code-Seeker 88891799 B97-PT 690556 OBP-1 Code-Seeker 88951932 B103-PT OBP-1 Quick-Code 15821271 PT04-PT 692138 X 692064 X Montana/SV6 2007-09 692954 OBP-1 OBP-1 Quick-Code Montana Late 2005-06 690552 OBP-1 Code-Seeker 690556 OBP-1 692065 Montana Mid Jan-Mar 05 Pursuit 2006-10 Solstice 2006-08 Torrent 2006-08 X PT04-PT5 B97-PT5 B99-PT5 88891799 B97-PT 88951932 B103-PT 692064 X OBP-1 Quick-Code B97-PT5 692138 X OBP-1 Quick-Code PT04-PT5 693121 OBP-1 15282677 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 15282677 B111-PT 693121 OBP-1 15282677 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 15282677 B111-PT 693121 OBP-1 15282677 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 15282677 B111-PT 26 P O R S C H E S A A B S A T U R N MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N CLONEABLE 911 1998 Dealer Key X Quick-Code HU66T5 Boxster 1997-98 Dealer Key X Quick-Code HU66T5 9.3, 9.5 1999-01 Dealer Key X Quick-Code YM30T5 Aura 2007-10 Outlook 2007-10 Relay 2007 Relay 2005-06 OBP-1 15296738 B111-PT 15296738 B111-PT 693127 OBP-1 15296738 B111-PT 5903089 OBP-1 15296738 B111-PT 15821267 PT04-PT 692953 690552 Code-Seeker OBP-1 X 15296738 B111-PT 15296738 B111-PT 5910834 4-Runner 1999-02 692062 96464220 Code-Seeker OBP-5 Avalon 2005-08 5910834 Avalon XL / XLS 1998-01 692062 X X 692062 OBP-5 X 692062 OBP-5 692911 X 692062 OBP-5 692911 X TOY43EK 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT Code-Seeker TOY43AT4 Quick-Code TOY43EK Code-Seeker TOY43AT4 Quick-Code TOY43EK Code-Seeker TOY43AT4 Quick-Code TOY43EK Code-Seeker TOY43AT4 Quick-Code Camry 2003-09 5910834 Code-Seeker Celica 2005 Dealer Key Code-Seeker Corolla 2005-09 5910834 Code-Seeker 27 TOY44D-PT TOY43AT4 Quick-Code OBP-5 692911 1998-03 Code-Seeker Code-Seeker 692911 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY43EK 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING 2003-08 Camry XLE B97-PT5 OBP-1 4-Runner 1998-05 Quick-Code OBP-1 7011685 Camry LE B97-PT B103-PT 693127 2008-10 2002-05 88891799 88951932 5903089 VUE Camry CE EZ# OBP-1 692911 T O Y O T A OE # 693127 692064 2007-10 TOOL 5903089 690556 Sky PROGRAM # TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE TRANSPONDER GUIDE MAKE MODEL YEAR(S) SSC P/N Echo 2003-05 Dealer Key CLONEABLE Code-Seeker FJ Cruiser 2006-08 5910834 Highlander 2004-08 5910834 Highlander 2001-03 692062 OBP-5 692911 Landcrusier 2003-07 5910834 Landcrusier 1998-02 692062 X 2005-09 OBP-5 X 5910834 OBP: ONBOARD PROGRAMMING EZ# Code-Seeker 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT Code-Seeker 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT Code-Seeker TOY43AT4 Quick-Code TOY43EK TOY43AT4 TOY43EK 2001-05 Dealer Key Code-Seeker 2004-06 Dealer Key Code-Seeker Prius 2001-03 692062 X TOY44D-PT Quick-Code Prius OBP-5 89785-08020 89785-60160 Code-Seeker MR2 Spider 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT TOY57PT Code-Seeker TOY43AT4 Quick-Code TOY43EK RAV-4 2004-08 5910834 Code-Seeker 89785-08020 89785-60160 Scion tC 2005-08 5910834 Code-Seeker 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT Sequoia 2003-08 5910834 Code-Seeker 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT Sequoia 2001-02 692062 OBP-5 692911 Sienna 2004-08 5910834 Sienna 1998-03 692062 X OBP-5 Solara 2004-08 5910834 Solara 1999-03 692062 X TOY43AT4 Quick-Code TOY43EK Code-Seeker Code-Seeker 692911 X 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT TOY43AT4 Quick-Code OBP-5 TOY44D-PT Code-Seeker Code-Seeker 692911 V W OE # Code-Seeker 692911 T O Y O T A TOOL Code-Seeker 692911 Matrix PROGRAM # TOY43EK 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT Code-Seeker TOY43AT4 Quick-Code TOY43EK Tacoma 2005-08 5910834 Code-Seeker 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT Tundra 2007-08 5910834 Code-Seeker 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT Venza 2009 5910834 Code-Seeker 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT Yaris 2007-08 5910834 Code-Seeker 89785-08020 89785-60160 TOY44D-PT Beetle 2000-08 Dealer Key Code-Seeker Cabrio 2000-03 Dealer Key Code-Seeker Cabriolet 2000-04 Dealer Key Code-Seeker EuroVan 2000-04 Dealer Key Code-Seeker Golf 2002-06 Dealer Key Code-Seeker HU66T6 HU66T6 GTI 2000-06 Dealer Key Code-Seeker HU66T6 Jetta 2002-08 Dealer Key Code-Seeker HU66T6 Passat 2002-05 Dealer Key Code-Seeker HU66T6 28 MODEL DESCRIPTION CATEGORY PART NUMBER KEY CODES MODEL BUICK ENCLAVE Key Blank (GMT967) Caps And Shutters Ignition Door Glovebox Pinning Kit LACROSSE/ Key Blank ALLURE (GMX353) Buick Logo 93 GRV RFID 693126 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Shutter spring 46912 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Lock service package 709430 Actuator 313187 Retainer cylinder 313325 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324541324545 Spring retainer 46934 Tumbler spring 46994 Lock service package 709431 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Tumbler spring 46890 Pawl 692889 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 7006412 Buick Logo 4 Button Flip 5912555 Z0001-Z6000 Buick Logo 5 Button Flip 5912556 Z0001-Z6000 PEPS FOB Buick Logo 4 Button PEPS 5912558 Buick Logo 5 Button PEPS 5912559 Ignition Lock repair kit 7012918 Door Lock repair kit (Free wheeling) 7012919 CADILLAC SRX Key Blank (GMT166) Caps And Shutters Emergency Key 5912534 Z0001-Z6000 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Shutter spring 46912 Unit shutter - Chrome Door t Lock Repair Kit (Free Wheeling) 599382 7016321 Pawl 692889 46650 Pawl retainer 94978 Lock repair kit 7012921 Tumbler spring Pinning kit 7006412 Buick Logo 4 Button Flip 5912555 Z0001-Z6000 5912559 Ignition Lock repair kit Door Glovebox CTS Key Blank (GMX322) t EZ Key 5908114 G0001-G3631 PEPS FOB DEALER ONLY Caps and Shutters Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 4207164 7012918 Case cap - Chrome FW Door Lock repair kit (Free-Wheeling) 7012919 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Buick Logo 93 GRV RFID 693126 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome 324056 Shutter spring Unit shutter - Chrome Shutter spring 7004912 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323461323465 46826 Tumbler spring 56028 599382 Tumbler spring retainer 323528 Lock service package 709271 324121324125 Tumbler spring 56445 Lock service package 708593 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Tumbler spring 46890 Lever assembly 691990 Pawl retainer 94978 29 Ignition 46912 Lock service package Tumblers (#1 - #5) KEY CODES Pinning kit 46890 Buick Logo 5 Button PEPS Door Tumblers (#1 - #5) Tumbler spring 5912556 Z0001-Z6000 Ignition 709275 323861323865 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 5912558 Caps And Shutters Pinning Kit REGAL Key Blank (GMX350) Lock assembly uncoded 323711323715 94978 709275 Buick Logo 5 Button Flip LUCERNE Key Blank (GMX222) LUCERNE Glovebox (GMX222) (Cont.) PART NUMBER Tumblers (#1 - #5) Pawl retainer Lock assembly uncoded Buick Logo 4 Button PEPS PEPS FOB DESCRIPTION CATEGORY LOCK & KEY CATALOG 2011 LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL DESCRIPTION CATEGORY CTS Door (GMX322) (Cont.) Glovebox Lock Repair Kit 7008836 Lock Repair Kit (Free Wheeling - LH) 7008837 Lock Repair Kit (Free Wheeling - RH) 7008840 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Tumbler spring 46890 Pawl - retainer 94978 Lever assembly 692889 DTS Key Blank (GMX272) Caps And Shutters Ignition Door Glovebox DESCRIPTION CATEGORY ESCALADE Caps And Shutters (GMT926) (Cont.) Ignition Door PART NUMBER Case cap - Chrome Spare Tire 322770 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Shutter spring 46912 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Lock service package 709271 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 Tumbler spring 56445 Lock service package 709273 5911279 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 42122414212245 323711323715 Tumbler spring 46890 Tumbler spring 46994 Spring - Detent ball 56303 Security Plate 4207212 Pawl - LH 693090 Rod clip - Red - LH 4807166 Detent ball 83379 Rod clip - Green - RH 381050 Pawl retainer 94978 Lock Repair Kit 7008834 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 42122514212255 Glovebox 46650 Lock assembly uncoded 709275 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 Lock service package 709277 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 5903089 G0001-G3631 Seal 381361 5911715 G0001-G3631 Spring-Bolt 46775 Pinning kit 7011954 Cadillac Logo 93 GRV RFID 5904001 G0001-G3631 Cadillac Logo 93 GRV RFID 692933 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID Valet Key Spare Tire Case cap - Chrome - Door 4207715 Shutter 4207716 Pinning Kit Shutter Flap 4207717 Shutter spring 4607854 ESCALADE ESV Key Blank (GMT936) Lock service package 708592 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121 324125 Tumbler spring Caps And Shutters 46890 7006412 Cadillac Logo 93 GRV RFID 5904001 G0001-G3631 Cadillac Logo 93 GRV RFID 692933 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome Spare Tire 322770 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Tumbler spring 56445 7011534 Shutter spring 46912 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 42116814211684 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Lock service package 709271 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 Tumbler spring 56445 Tumbler spring 46994 Pawl - retainer 4307873 Lever - assembly 5912015 Bolt 4309553 Spring 4607852 Ignition Door Lock service package 709273 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 46890 Rod clip - Orange 4807125 Lock repair kit 7008834 Tumbler spring 42122514212255 Spring - Detent ball 56303 Pawl - LH 693090 Detent ball 83379 46650 Pinning kit 7011954 Cadillac Logo 93 GRV RFID 5904001 G0001-G3631 Cadillac Logo 93 GRV RFID 692933 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 30 Glovebox KEY CODES Pinning Kit Lock repair kit Tumbler spring Pinning Kit MODEL Tumblers (#1 - #5) Tumblers (#1 - #5) ESCALADE Key Blank (GMT926) KEY CODES Lever assembly - LH Tumbler spring Pinning Kit PART NUMBER Pawl retainer 94978 Lock assembly uncoded 709275 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 DESCRIPTION CATEGORY ESCALADE ESV Toolbox (GMT936) (Cont.) Spare Tire Pinning Kit ESCALADE EXT Key Blank (GMT946) Caps And Shutters Ignition Door Glovebox Toolbox Spare Tire Pinning Kit STS Key Blank (GMX295) PEPS FOB Caps and Shutters PART NUMBER Spring Compression 56274 E-Ring Retainer 95258 KEY CODES MODEL DESCRIPTION CATEGORY STS Door (GMX295) (Cont.) PART NUMBER Lock repair kit 7008836 7008837 Lock service package 709277 Lock Repair Kit (Free Wheeling - LH) Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Lock Repair Kit (Free Wheeling - RH) 7008840 Seal 381361 Tumblers (#1 - #5) Tumbler spring 46890 323711323715 Tumbler spring 46890 Pawl - retainer 94978 Pinning Kit 7006412 Cadillac Logo 93 GRV RFID 5904001 G0001-G3631 Cadillac Logo 93 GRV RFID 692933 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome Spare Tire 322770 Case Cap-Chrome-Toolbox 323638 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Shutter spring 46912 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Unit Shutter- Chrome 692888 Lock service package 709271 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 Glovebox Lever assembly 692889 Lever assembly - LH 5911279 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 42122414212245 Tumbler spring 46994 Security plate 4207212 Rod clip - Red - LH 4807166 Rod clip - Green - RH 381050 Spring 4607352 Seal - Natural 4807178 Seal - Black 4807177 Lock repair kit 7008841 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 42122514212255 Tumbler spring 56445 Lock service package 709273 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Pinning Kit Tumbler spring 46890 CHEVROLET Spring - Detent ball 56303 Pawl - LH 693090 Detent ball 83379 Tumbler spring AVALANCHE Key Blank (GMT941) Caps And Shutters Pinning kit 46650 7011954 Chevy Bowtie Logo 93 GRV RFID 692931 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome Spare Tire 322770 Case Cap-Chrome-Toolbox 323638 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Pawl retainer 94978 Lock assembly uncoded 709275 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 Shutter spring 46912 Lock service package 709279 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Unit Shutter- Chrome 692888 Tumbler spring 46890 Seal, Rear 48098 Lock service package 709277 Spring-Bolt 46775 Pinning Kit 7006412 t EZ Key Ignition Door Lock service package 709271 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 Tumbler spring 56445 Lock service package 709273 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 5908114 G0001-G3631 DEALER ONLY Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Case cap - Chrome FW Door 4207164 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Glovebox 31 KEY CODES Tumbler spring 46890 Pawl - LH 693090 Pawl retainer 94978 Lock assembly uncoded 709275 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL DESCRIPTION CATEGORY AVALANCHE Toolbox (GMT941) (Cont.) Under Seat Lock service package 709279 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Pinning Kit KEY CODES MODEL EXPRESS Door (GMT610) (Cont.) 7001072 Pawl retainer 322601 323759 48098 Pawl - LH 323765 Spring compression 56274 Pawl - RH 323766 E-Ring Retainer 95258 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324541324545 Rod clip - Universal 381050 Lock service package 709478 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring Pinning Kit Lock service package 709277 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 HHR TALL Key Blank WAGON (GMT001) Seal 381361 Spring-Bolt 46775 Shutter spring 46912 Tumbler spring 46890 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Lock service package 7004912 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323461323465 Tumbler spring retainer 323528 Caps And Shutters Chevrolet Logo 5 Button Flip 5912545 Z0001-Z6000 Ignition Lock repair kit 7012918 Door Lock repair kit (Free-Wheeling) 7012919 Lock repair kit 7012921 t EZ Key Ignition Door Pinning Kit 7006412 Chevy Bowtie Logo 93 GRV RFID 692931 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Tumbler spring 56028 Lock service package 709431 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 5908114 G0001-G3631 PEPS FOB DEALER ONLY Glovebox Lock assembly uncoded 708642 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46890 Pawl 692889 Pawl retainer Pinning Kit Tumbler spring 46650 Console Lock service package 708643 Pinning Kit Pinning Kit 7006412 Chevrolet Logo 4 Button Flip 5912543 Z0001-Z6000 Chevrolet Logo 5 Button Flip IMPALA Key Blank (GMX211) Caps And Shutters 94978 Pinning Kit 7006412 Chevy Bowtie Logo 93 GRV RFID 692931 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome 324056 5912545 Z0001-Z6000 Case Cap-Chrome-Deck 4202711 Ignition Lock repair kit 7012918 Shutter spring 46826 Door Lock repair kit (Free-Wheeling) 7012919 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Chevrolet Logo 4 Button Flip 5912543 Z0001-Z6000 EQUINOX Key Blank (GMT172) Ignition Lock service package 709271 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 Chevrolet Logo 5 Button Flip 5912545 Z0001-Z6000 Ignition Lock repair kit 7012918 Door Lock repair kit (Free-Wheeling) 7012919 Chevy Bowtie Logo 93 GRV RFID 692931 S0004-S711K GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 S0004-S711K Spring - Detent ball 56303 Case cap - Chrome 322340 Lever assembly 691990 Shutter spring 46912 Detent ball 83379 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Pawl retainer 94978 Lock service package 709271 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 Tumbler spring 56445 EXPRESS Key Blank (GMT610) Caps And Shutters Ignition Door Pinning Kit 32 KEY CODES 46994 46650 5912543 Z0001-Z6000 CRUZE Key Blank (D1SC) 7001071 Lock service package Seal, Rear 7006412 Glovebox Lock service package Pawl - Side Chevrolet Logo 4 Button Flip CORVETTE Key Blank (GMX245) PART NUMBER 46890 Pinning Kit CAMARO Key Blank (GMX521) DESCRIPTION CATEGORY Tumbler spring Tumbler spring Spare Tire PART NUMBER Tumbler spring 56445 Lock service package 708593 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Tumbler spring 46890 Pinning Kit 7006412 DESCRIPTION CATEGORY MALIBU Key Blank (GMX386) Caps And Shutters Ignition GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Door Tailgate Glovebox 709277 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 381361 Seal 46912 Spring-Bolt 46775 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Tumbler spring 46890 Lock Repair Kit 7007812 Pinning Kit Tumblers (#1 - #5) 42122414212245 SILVERADO HD Key Blank (GMT911) 46994 Caps And Shutters 7006412 Chevy Bowtie Logo 93 GRV RFID 692931 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 4307872 4607853 Case cap - Chrome Spare Tire 322770 Detent spring Bezel 4807007 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Lock repair kit 7008836 Shutter spring 46912 323711 323715 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Ignition 46890 Lock service package 709271 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 94978 5911279 Door Tumbler spring 56445 Lock service package 709273 Pinning Kit 7011954 Chevy Bowtie Logo 93 GRV RFID 692931 G0001-G3631 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Tumbler spring 46890 Case cap - Chrome Spare Tire 322770 Spring - Detent ball 56303 Pawl - RH 692923 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Pawl - LH 693090 Shutter spring 46912 Detent ball 83379 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Pawl retainer 94978 Lock service package 709271 Tailgate Lock service package 709231 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 Glovebox Lock assembly uncoded 709275 Tumblers (#1 - #5) Tumbler spring 56445 323861323865 Lock service package 709273 Tumbler spring 46650 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Under Seat Lock service package 709478 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46890 Pawl - RH 692923 Pawl - LH 693090 Pawl retainer 94978 Seal 381361 Lock service package 709231 Tumbler spring 46650 709275 Tumbler spring 46890 Lock service package 709277 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Lock assembly uncoded Spare Tire 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 Lock service package 709478 Seal 381361 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Spring-Bolt 46775 Tumbler spring 46650 Tumbler spring Pinning Kit 33 KEY CODES Pinning Kit Detent ball Tumblers (#1 - #5) Under Seat Lock service package 324597 Lever assembly - LH Ignition SILVERADO Spare Tire (GMT901) (Cont.) PART NUMBER Case cap - Chrome - Door Pawl - retainer Caps And Shutters DESCRIPTION CATEGORY Shutter spring Tumbler spring SILVERADO Key Blank (GMT901) MODEL 692931 G0001-G3631 Tumblers (#1 - #5) Pinning Kit KEY CODES Chevy Bowtie Logo 93 GRV RFID Tumbler spring Door PART NUMBER Pinning Kit 46890 7006412 LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL DESCRIPTION CATEGORY SUBURBAN Key Blank (GMT931) Caps And Shutters Ignition Door Glovebox Under Seat Spare Tire Pinning Kit TAHOE Key Blank (GMT921) Caps And Shutters Ignition Door PART NUMBER KEY CODES MODEL Chevy Bowtie Logo 93 GRV RFID 692931 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome Spare Tire 322770 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Shutter spring 46912 DESCRIPTION CATEGORY TAHOE Glovebox (GMT921) (Cont.) Under Seat PART NUMBER Lock assembly uncoded 709275 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 Lock service package 709478 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 Lock service package 709277 324121324125 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Lock service package 709271 Tumblers (#1 - #5) Spare Tire Tumbler spring 56445 Seal 381361 Lock service package 709273 Spring-Bolt 46775 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Tumbler spring 46890 Pawl - LH 693090 Pawl retainer 94978 Lock assembly uncoded 709275 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 Lock service package Tumblers (#1 - #5) Tumbler spring Pinning Kit TRAVERSE Key Blank (GMT561) Caps And Shutters 46890 Pinning Kit 7006412 Chevy Bowtie Logo 93 GRV RFID 692931 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Shutter spring 46912 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Lock service package 709430 709478 Actuator 313187 323861323865 Retainer Cylinder 313325 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324541324545 Ignition Tumbler spring 46650 Lock service package 709277 Spring retainer 46934 Seal 381361 Tumbler spring 46994 Spring-Bolt 46775 Tumblers (#1 - #5) Tumbler spring 46890 323711323715 Door Pinning Kit 7006412 Tumbler spring 46890 Chevy Bowtie Logo 93 GRV RFID 692931 G0001-G3631 Pawl 692889 Pawl retainer 94978 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome Spare Tire 322770 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Shutter spring 46912 Pinning Kit Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Lock service package 709271 VOLT PEPS FOB (D1JC1) Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 FOR EXPORT ONLY Door Tumbler spring 56445 Lock service package 709273 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Tumbler spring 46890 Pawl - LH 693090 Pawl retainer 94978 X Discontinued when out - Parts listed for application only. May be available at your local distributor. Glovebox KEY CODES Lock assembly uncoded 709275 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring Pinning Kit 46650 7006412 t Chevrolet Logo PEPS Fob (315 MHZ) 5 Button 5920157 t Chevrolet Logo PEPS Fob (433 MHZ) 5 Button 5920158 Lock repair kit (Free-Wheeling) 7012919 CHRYSLER 300C Key Blank (LX48C/LX) Caps And Shutters 34 FOBIK Hybrid RFID X Case cap - Chrome 5909874 M0001-2618 323826 Shutter spring 46992 Unit shutter - Black 599465 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 DESCRIPTION CATEGORY 300C Door (LX48C/LX) (Cont.) PART NUMBER X Lock service package 708165 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 X Pawl - Universal Deck 381091 Tumbler spring 46994 Pawl retainer 95034 321848 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Glovebox PT CRUISER Key Blank (PT44) SEBRING Key Blank CONVERTIBLE Caps And Shutters (JS27) Ignition Door Door M0001-2618 Shutter spring 46992 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 Lock service package 708742 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring 46994 X Lock service package 708165 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 X Lever 324256 692352 323826 324599 46994 Return spring 56168 Pawl retainer 95034 X Lock service package 596754 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 321761321764 46724 Tumbler spring 46890 Pinning kit 703927 Strattec Logo 84 GRV RFID 692352 Strattec Logo 84 GRV RFID Pinning Kit TOWN AND Key Blank COUNTRY VAN Caps And Shutters (RT) 322793 Retainer tumbler spring 692352 X Case cap - Chrome 323826 Shutter spring 46992 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 Door Pinning kit 703927 FOBIK Hybrid RFID 5909874 M0001-2618 X Case cap - Chrome 323826 Shutter spring 46992 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 X Lever M0001-2618 M0001-2618 Liftgate 46994 Pawl retainer 95034 Lock service package 709336 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 46994 708742 Tumbler spring Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Pawl retainer Tumbler spring 46994 X Lock service package 708165 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Glovebox Tumbler spring 46994 Pinning Kit Pawl retainer 95034 DODGE X Lock service package Locking Liftgate 709337 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Caps And Shutters 324675 Ignition 95299 X Lock service package 596754 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 321761321764 X Retainer tumbler AVENGER Key Blank (JS41D) Door 322793 Retainer tumbler spring 46724 Tumbler spring 46890 Pinning kit 703927 596754 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 321761321764 46724 Tumbler spring 46890 Pinning kit 703927 Strattec Logo 84 GRV RFID 692352 X Case cap - Chrome 35 323826 Shutter spring 46992 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 Lock service package 708742 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring 46994 X Lock service package 708165 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring X Discontinued when out - Parts listed for application only. May be available at your local distributor. 322793 Retainer tumbler spring X Lever Pinning Kit 95034 X Lock service package X Retainer tumbler 324599 324599 Tumbler spring Lock service package Retainer Pinning Kit Ignition Strattec Logo 84 GRV RFID X Case cap - Chrome Tumbler spring X Lever Glovebox Caps And Shutters KEY CODES 46994 X Lever Deck SEBRING SEDAN Key Blank (JS41C) PART NUMBER Tumbler spring X Retainer tumbler Pinning Kit DESCRIPTION CATEGORY 706183 Case cap - Black - Door X Lever MODEL 322468 Rod clip X Lock service package KEY CODES 324599 46994 Pawl retainer 95034 Pinning kit 703927 M0001-2618 LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL DESCRIPTION CATEGORY CALIBER Key Blank (PM49) Caps And Shutters Ignition Strattec Logo 84 GRV RFID X Case cap - Chrome CARAVAN Key Blank (RT) Caps And Shutters Door 46992 Lock service package Glovebox CHALLENGER Key Blank (LC22) Caps And Shutters Door CHALLENGER Glovebox (LC22) (Cont.) PART NUMBER Lock service package 596754 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 321761321764 X Retainer Tumbler 322793 46724 322361322364 Tumbler spring 46890 Pinning kit 703927 FOBIK Hybrid RFID 5909874 M0001-2618 46994 322361322364 Pinning Kit CHARGER Key Blank (LX48D) Caps And Shutters 324599 Tumbler spring 46994 Pawl retainer 95034 X Lock service package 709307 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 X Lever 324664 X Rod clip 382365 Door X Case cap - Chrome 46992 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 X Pawl - Universal Tumbler spring Pawl retainer Deck 323826 Shutter spring 322468 46994 95034 X Lock service package 706183 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 46994 X Lever 324256 Pawl retainer 93981 Pinning kit 703927 Tumbler spring 46994 FOBIK Hybrid RFID 56168 5909874 M0001-2618 Return spring X Case cap - Chrome 323826 Pawl retainer 95034 Shutter spring 46992 Case cap - Chrome 321847 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Glovebox X Lock service package 596754 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 321761321764 X Retainer tumbler 324599 322793 Tumbler spring 46994 Retainer tumbler spring 46724 Pawl retainer 95034 Tumbler spring 46890 Lock service package 709336 Pinning Kit Pinning kit 703927 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 DAKOTA Key Blank (ND) Caps And Shutters Strattec Logo 84 GRV RFID 692352 Case cap - Chrome 322374 Tumbler spring 46994 Shutter spring 46992 Pawl retainer 95034 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 X Lock service package 596754 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 321761321764 Ignition 322793 Retainer tumbler spring 46724 Tumbler spring 46890 Pinning kit 703927 Door Lock service package 704650 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring 56115 X Lock service package 708553 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 FOBIK Hybrid RFID 5909874 X Pawl - Universal 322912 Case cap - Chrome 323826 X Pawl retainer 323412 Shutter spring 46992 X Rod clip - RH 381772 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 Rod clip - LH 381773 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring 46994 Pinning kit 703927 X Pawl - Universal Pinning Kit 322468 Tumbler spring 46994 Pawl retainer 95034 X Discontinued when out - Parts listed for application only. May be available at your local distributor. KEY CODES 708742 Tumbler spring X Retainer tumbler Pinning Kit DESCRIPTION CATEGORY Retainer tumbler spring Tumblers (#1 - #4) X Lever Liftgate M0001-2618 599466 Tumbler spring Pinning Kit 692352 MODEL 323826 Unit shutter - Chrome X Lever Liftgate KEY CODES Shutter spring Tumblers (#1 - #4) Door PART NUMBER 36 M0001-2618 DESCRIPTION CATEGORY JOURNEY Key Blank (JC49) Caps And Shutters Door Liftgate PART NUMBER FOBIK Hybrid RFID NITRO Key Blank (KK) Caps And Shutters Ignition Door Pinning Kit RAM PICKUP Key Blank (DS) Caps And Shutters Door Bed Extender Pinning Kit MODEL CATEGORY DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER KEY CODES FORD 5909874 M0001-2618 X Case cap - Chrome 323826 Shutter spring 46992 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Door X Lever 324599 Deck X Rod clip - LH 382489 Rod clip - RH 382490 Tumbler spring 46994 Pawl retainer 95034 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring Pinning Kit KEY CODES CROWN VICTORIA Key Blank (EN53-114) POLICE VEHICLE ONLY Ignition EDGE Key Blank (U387) PEPS FOB Ignition 46994 t Ford Oval Logo 82 GRV IPATS RFID 5913341 0001X-1706X t Lock repair kit 5916208 t Lock repair kit 5916205 t Lock repair kit 5916206 t Lock repair kit 5916200 t Ford Logo IKT 3 Button 5912560 0001X-1706X t Ford Logo IKT 4 Button 5912512 0001X-1706X t Ford Logo 4-Button (80 Bit) PEPS 5912895 0001X-1706X Lock service package 707592 Tumbler spring 46969 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Pawl retainer 95034 Pinning kit 703927 Door t Lock repair kit 7012354 Strattec Logo 84 GRV RFID 692352 M0001-2618 Deck t Lock repair kit 5916197 ROCK Logo 84 GRV RFID 692960 M0001-2618 Service Tool Service tool 381944 Pinning kit (Ignition only) 703373 t Ford Logo IKT 4 Button 5912512 0001X-1706X t Ford Logo IKT 3 Button 5912560 0001X-1706X 323647 Pinning Kit Shutter spring 46992 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 FLEX Key Blank (D471) Case cap - Chrome Lock service package Ignition 708742 Lock service package 707592 Tumbler spring 46969 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 t Lock repair kit - LH 5916204 t Lock repair kit - RH 5916207 t Lock repair kit 5916197 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring 46994 X Lock service package 703327 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Deck Tumbler spring 46994 Service Tool Service tool 381944 Pawl retainer 95034 Pinning Kit Pinning kit (Ignition only) 703373 Pinning kit 703927 ECONOLINE Key Blank (VN127) Door Strattec Logo 84 GRV RFID 692352 FOBIK Hybrid RFID 5909874 M0001-2618 X Case cap - Chrome 323826 Shutter spring 46992 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 Lock service package 708553 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring 46994 Pawl retainer 323412 Pawl Universal 322912 Rod Clip - LH 381773 Rod clip - RH 381772 Lock Repair Kit 7011557 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring 46890 Pinning kit 703927 X Discontinued when out - Parts listed for application only. May be available at your local distributor. M0001-2618 5913341 0001X-1706X Ignition Lock service package 707624 Pinning Kit Pinning kit (Ignition only) 703373 ESCAPE Key Blank (U204/U377) t Ford Logo IKT 4 Button 5912512 0001X-1706X EXPEDITION Key Blank (U354) Caps And Shutters t Ford Logo IKT 4 Button 5912512 0001X-1706X Ignition Door Pinning Kit 37 t Ford Oval Logo 82 GRV IPATS RFID Case cap - Chrome 322257 Unit shutter - Chrome 596656 Lock service package 708616 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Tumbler spring 46969 Lock service package 7006454 Pawl - LH 598119 Pawl retainer 94978 Tumbler spring 46969 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Pinning kit 703373 LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL DESCRIPTION CATEGORY EXPLORER Key Blank (U251) Caps And Shutters Ignition Door Pinning Kit EXPLORER Key Blank (U502) PEPS FOB Ignition Door Pinning Kit EXPLORER Key Blank SPORT TRAC (P251) Caps And Shutters Ignition t Ford Logo IKT 4 Button Tailgate Tonneau Cover Pinning Kit KEY CODES MODEL 5912512 0001X-1706X DESCRIPTION CATEGORY FIESTA Key Blank (B299) PART NUMBER 5913139 596656 t Side-Milled Lollipop 5912976 Lock service package 708556 t Static (80 Bit) Side-Milled 5915237 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 PEPS FOB t Ford Logo 4-Button (80 Bit) PEPS 5919918 Ignition t Lock Repair Kit 7020058 Door t Lock Repair Kit 7020057 322839 Unit shutter - Chrome Tumbler spring 46969 Lock service package 706231 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 F-SERIES PICKUP Key Blank (P415) t Ford Logo IKT 3 Button 5912560 0001X-1706X t Ford Logo IKT 4 Button w/Remote Start 5912561 0001X-1706X Tumbler spring 46969 Pawl - LH 597875 Pawl retainer 94978 Tumbler spring 46969 Pinning kit 703373 Unit shutter - Chrome 596656 Caps And Shutters t Ford Logo IKT 3 Button 5912560 0001X-1706X t Ford Logo IKT 4 Button 5912512 0001X-1706X t Ford Logo 4-Button (80 Bit) PEPS 5912895 0001X-1706X Door Lock service package 708556 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Tumbler spring 46969 t Lock service package 7012354 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Tumbler spring 46969 Pawl - LH 597875 Pawl retainer 94978 Pinning kit 703373 t Ford Oval Logo 82 GRV IPATS RFID Ignition Case cap - Chrome 5913441 0001X-1706X Spare Tire 322535 Lock service package 708616 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Lock service package 7006454 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Tumbler spring 46969 Pawl 597624 Pawl 597625 Pawl retainer Tailgate 94978 Lock service package 7006454 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Lever 323954 Tumbler spring 46969 Pawl retainer 94978 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 323970 Case cap - Chrome 322839 Unit shutter - Chrome 596656 Lock service package 708616 Lever Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Tumbler spring 46890 Gasket 48291 46969 Cover 691753 Lock repair kit 7008552 322261322265 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322581322585 Tumbler spring 46969 Spring 56044 Pawl - LH 597875 Retainer tumbler 32280 Pawl retainer 94978 Lock service package 707953 t Lock service package 706231 Tumblers (#1 - #5) Console Lock service package 703362 Pinning Kit Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Lever 322347 F-SERIES Key Blank SUPER DUTY (P473) Tumbler spring 46969 Lock service package 706398 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Tumbler spring 46969 Cover 690185 Pinning kit 703373 Ignition 38 KEY CODES t Ford Logo Side-Milled KV-Key 4212475 t Ford Logo RKE (80 Bit) Case cap - Chrome Tumbler spring Door PART NUMBER Pinning kit 703373 t Ford Logo IKT 3 Button 5912560 0001X-1706X t Ford Logo IKT 4 Button w/Remote Start 5912561 0001X-1706X Lock repair kit 708616 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Tumbler spring 46969 DESCRIPTION CATEGORY F-SERIES Door SUPER DUTY (P473) (Cont.) Tailgate PART NUMBER Lock repair kit 703362 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 KEY CODES MODEL CATEGORY RANGER Key Blank (PN105-150) Caps And Shutters 707624 56223 Pawl retainer 94978 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Codeable lockset 7012571 Lock repair kit 7006454 Lock service package 7006453 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Pawl - LH 591682 Pawl - RH 597683 Tumbler spring 46969 Pawl retainer 94978 Lever 323954 Tumbler spring 46969 Pawl retainer 94978 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Door 7010621 Pinning Kit 703373 TAURUS Key Blank (D258) PEPS FOB t Ford Logo IKT 4 Button 5912560 0001X-1706X Pinning kit t Ford Logo IKT 4 Button 703373 5912512 0001X-1706X Lock service package 707592 Ford Logo PEPS FOB & Emergency Key Tumbler spring 46969 Ford Logo PEPS FOB 5914118 322261322265 OPTIONAL 5911175 0001X-1706X Tumblers (#1 - #5) t Lock repair kit 5916204 t Lock repair kit 5916207 t Lock repair kit 5916197 Service Tool Service tool 381944 Pinning Kit Pinning kit (Ignition only) 703373 FUSION Key Blank (CD338) t Ford Logo IKT 4 Button t Lock repair kit 707592 Door t Lock repair kit 5916204 Deck t Lock repair kit 5916197 Pinning Kit Pinning kit (Ignition only) MUSTANG Key Blank (S197) t Ford Logo IKT 4 Button Caps And Shutters Ignition Door 5912560 0001X-1706X Ignition 703373 Glovebox 5912512 0001X-1706X Caps And Shutters Case cap - Chrome Unit shutter - Chrome 596656 Ignition Lock service package 708556 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Pinning Kit Lock service package Tumbler spring Codeable lockset Deck 596656 598119 Pinning kit Door Unit shutter - Chrome Pawl - LH Console Deck 322535 46969 Pinning Kit Door 322534 Case cap - Chrome 597683 Ignition KEY CODES 5912560 0001X-1706X Case cap - Black Pawl - RH 7013812 Ignition t Ford Logo IKT 3 Button PART NUMBER Tumbler spring Codeable lockset FOCUS Key Blank (C170) DESCRIPTION 324031 Tumbler spring 46969 Lock service package 708282 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Tumbler spring 46969 Pawl - RH 597683 Pawl retainer 94978 Lock service package - Elec 706882 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Tumbler spring 46969 Pinning kit 703373 5914119 Case cap - Chrome 322839 Unit shutter - Chrome 596656 Lock service package 708556 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Tumbler spring 46969 t Lock service package 7012354 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Tumbler spring 46969 Pawl retainer 94978 Lock service package 381231 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322581322585 Retainer tumbler 322586 Tumbler spring 56044 Pinning Kit Pinning kit 703373 TRANSIT Key Blank CONNECT (V363) t Tibbe key 5914577 t Tibbe fork 5914117 t Ford Logo 80 Bit FOB 5913139 t Ford Logo 80 Tibbe (Plain) 5920217 GMC ACADIA Key Blank (GMT968) Caps And Shutters 39 GMC Logo 93 GRV RFID 692932 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Shutter spring 46912 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL DESCRIPTION CATEGORY ACADIA Ignition (GMT968) (Cont.) Door Glovebox Pinning Kit SAVANA Key Blank (GMT610) Caps And Shutters Ignition Door Lock service package 709430 Actuator 313187 Caps And Shutters Ignition MODEL DESCRIPTION CATEGORY SIERRA Door (GMT902) (Cont.) PART NUMBER Lock service package 709273 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 313325 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324541324545 Tumbler spring 46890 Pawl - RH 692923 Spring Retainer 46934 Pawl - LH 693090 Tumbler spring 46994 Pawl retainer 94978 Lock service package 709431 Tailgate Lock service package 709231 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Glovebox Lock assembly uncoded 709275 Tumblers (#1 - #5) Tumbler spring 46890 323861323865 Pawl 692889 Pawl retainer 94978 Lock assembly uncoded 709275 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 Under Seat Spare Tire Tumbler spring 46650 Lock service package 709478 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 Lock service package 709277 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 381361 Pinning Kit 7006412 GMC Logo 93 GRV RFID 692932 S0004-S711K GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 S0004-S711K Seal Case cap - Chrome 322340 Spring-Bolt 46775 Shutter spring 46912 Tumbler spring 46890 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Pinning Kit Lock service package 709271 SIERRA HD Key Blank (GMT912) Pinning Kit KEY CODES 7006412 GMC Logo 93 GRV RFID 692932 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome Spare Tire 322770 7001071 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 7001072 Shutter spring 46912 Pawl retainer 322601 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Pawl - Side 323759 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 Tumbler spring 56445 Lock service package Pawl - LH 323765 Pawl - RH 323766 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324541324545 Rod clip - Universal 381050 Tumbler spring SIERRA Key Blank (GMT902) KEY CODES Retainer cylinder Lock service package - Side Pinning Kit PART NUMBER Pinning Kit Caps And Shutters Ignition Door 46994 7006412 GMC Logo 93 GRV RFID 692932 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome Spare Tire 322770 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Shutter spring 46912 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Lock service package 709271 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 Tumbler spring 56445 709271 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 Tumbler spring 56445 Lock service package 709273 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Tumbler spring 46890 Pawl - RH 692923 Pawl - LH 693090 Pawl retainer 94978 Tailgate Lock service package 709231 Glovebox Lock assembly uncoded 709275 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Under Seat 40 Lock service package Tumbler spring 46650 Lock service package 709478 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 DESCRIPTION CATEGORY SIERRA HD Spare Tire (GMT912) (Cont.) PART NUMBER Lock service package 709277 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Seal 381361 Spring-Bolt 46775 Tumbler spring Pinning Kit TERRAIN Key Blank (GMT177) KEY CODES MODEL DESCRIPTION CATEGORY YUKON XL Ignition (GMT932) (Cont.) Door 46890 Lock service package 709271 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 Tumbler spring 56445 Lock service package 709273 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Pinning Kit 7006412 GMC Logo 4 Button Flip 5912547 Z0001-Z6000 Tumbler spring 46890 693090 94978 GMC Logo 5 Button Flip 5912548 Z0001-Z6000 Pawl - LH Ignition Lock repair kit 7012918 Pawl retainer Door Lock repair kit (Free-Wheeling) 7012919 YUKON Key Blank (GMT922) Caps And Shutters Ignition Door Glovebox Under Seat Spare Tire Pinning Kit YUKON XL Key Blank (GMT932) Caps And Shutters PART NUMBER Glovebox GMC Logo 93 GRV RFID 692932 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome Spare Tire 322770 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Shutter spring 46912 Under Seat Spare Tire Lock assembly uncoded 709275 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 Lock service package 709478 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 Lock service package 709277 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 Lock service package 709271 Tumblers (#1 - #5) Tumblers (#1 - #5) 324121324125 323711323715 Seal 381361 Tumbler spring 56445 Spring-Bolt 46775 Lock service package 709273 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Tumbler spring 46890 Pawl - LH 693090 Pawl retainer 94978 Lock assembly uncoded 709275 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 Lock service package 709478 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323861323865 Tumbler spring 46650 Lock service package 709277 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 323711323715 Seal 381361 Spring-Bolt 46775 Tumbler spring 46890 Pinning Kit Tumbler spring Pinning Kit 46890 7006412 JEEP COMPASS Key Blank (M49) Caps And Shutters Ignition Door Strattec Logo 84 GRV RFID 692352 M0001-2618 ROCK Logo 84 GRV RFID 692960 M0001-2618 X Case cap - Chrome 322824 X Case cap- Chrome 324721 Shutter spring 46992 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 Lock service package 708742 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring 46994 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 X Lever Tumbler spring Pawl retainer Rear Door 7006412 GMC Logo 93 GRV RFID 692932 G0001-G3631 GM Logo 93 GRV RFID 5903089 G0001-G3631 Case cap - Chrome Spare Tire 322770 Case cap - Chrome - Door 324597 Shutter spring 46912 Unit shutter - Chrome 599382 X Discontinued when out - Parts listed for application only. May be available at your local distributor. Pinning Kit KEY CODES 41 46994 95034 X Lock service package 709313 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 X Rod clip Pinning Kit 324599 382365 Tumbler spring 46994 Pinning kit 703927 LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL DESCRIPTION CATEGORY GRAND Key Blank CHEROKEE Caps And Shutters (WK) Door FOBIK Hybrid RFID X Case cap - Chrome 46992 599466 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 323412 Rod clip - LH 381773 Rod clip - RH 381772 Tumbler spring 46994 X Lock service package 596754 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 321761321764 Pinning Kit LIBERTY Key Blank (KK) Caps And Shutters Pinning kit Ignition Door Pinning Kit PATRIOT Key Blank (MK74) Caps And Shutters Ignition Door 709313 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 WRANGLER/ Key Blank WRANGLER UNLIMITED (JK) Caps And Shutters Ignition Door 322793 382365 46994 Pinning kit 703927 Strattec Logo 84 GRV RFID 692352 M0001-2618 ROCK Logo 84 GRV RFID 692960 M0001-2618 Shutter spring 46992 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 Lock service package 708742 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring 46994 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring 46994 X Lever assembly - Door 46890 X Lever assembly - Door 693114 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Rear Door 703927 692352 M0001-2618 ROCK Logo 84 GRV RFID 692960 M0001-2618 Case cap - Chrome 323647 Shutter spring 46992 Lock service package 708742 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring 46994 Glovebox 322502 Rod clip 381091 Tumbler spring 46994 95034 X Lock service package 596754 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 321761321764 X Retainer tumbler Retainer tumbler spring X Lock service package 703327 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Pinning Kit Tumbler spring 46994 LINCOLN Pawl retainer 95034 Pinning kit 703927 Strattec Logo 84 GRV RFID 692352 M0001-2618 Ignition ROCK Logo 84 GRV RFID 692960 M0001-2618 Door MKX Key Blank (U388) 693113 Pawl - Universal Pawl retainer 599466 322793 46724 Tumbler spring 46890 Pinning kit 703927 t Lincoln Logo IKT 3 Button 5915217 0001X-1706X t Lincoln Logo IKT 5 Button 5912496 0001X-1706X Lock Repair Kit 707592 t Lock Repair Kit 7012354 t Lincoln Logo IKT 4 Button 5915218 0001X-1706X X Case cap - Chrome 322824 X Case cap - Chrome 324721 Shutter spring 46992 Tumbler spring 46969 Unit shutter - Chrome 599466 Unit shutter - Chrome 596656 Lock service package 708616 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Lock service package 708742 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 Tumbler spring 46994 Tumblers (#1 - #4) 322361322364 X Lever Caps And Shutters Ignition 324599 Tumbler spring 46994 Pawl retainer 95034 t Rod clip - RH 4809034 t Rod clip - LH 4809035 X Discontinued when out - Parts listed for application only. May be available at your local distributor. MARK LT Key Blank (P415) 42 KEY CODES Tumbler spring 46724 Strattec Logo 84 GRV RFID Unit shutter - Chrome PART NUMBER X Lock service package Pinning Kit 322361322364 X Pawl retainer Tumbler spring PATRIOT Rear Door (MK74) (Cont.) X Rod clip 7010333 322912 Retainer tumbler spring DESCRIPTION CATEGORY 7010334 X Pawl - Universal X Retainer tumbler MODEL 323826 Unit shutter - Chrome t Lock service package - LH KEY CODES 5909874 M0001-2618 Shutter spring t Lock service package - RH Glovebox PART NUMBER Case cap - Chrome 322535 DESCRIPTION CATEGORY MARK LT Door (P415) (Cont.) Tailgate Spare Tire Console Lock service package 7006454 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Tumbler spring 46969 Pawl 597624 Pawl 597625 Pawl retainer 94978 NAVIGATOR Key Blank (U228) Caps And Shutters Ignition Pinning Kit TOWN CAR Key Blank (FN145) MKS PEPS FOB (D385) MKT PEPS FOB (D472) MKZ Key Blank (D328) Ignition Door Lever 323954 Tumbler spring 46969 Pawl retainer 94978 322261322265 Lever 323970 Tumbler spring 46890 Gasket 48291 Cover 691753 Lock repair kit 7008552 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322581322585 32280 Lock service package 707953 Pinning kit 703373 t Lincoln Logo IKT 4 Button 322257 Unit shutter - Chrome 596656 Lock service package 708616 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Lincoln Logo PEPS FOB 5912477 5911175 0001X-1706X t Lock repair kit 5916204 t Lincoln Logo IKT 3 Button 5915217 0001X-1706X t Lincoln Logo IKT 4 Button 5914459 0001X-1706X Lock repair kit 707592 t Lock repair kit 5916204 t Mercury Logo 82 GRV IPATS RFID 5913439 0001X-1706X Ignition t Lock repair kit 5916208 Door t Lock repair kit 5916205 t Lock repair kit 5916206 t Lock repair kit 5916200 MARINER Key Blank (U364/U377) t Mercury Logo IKT 4 Button 5914460 0001X-1706X MILAN Key Blank (D334) GRAND MARQUIS Key Blank (EN53-114) Deck t Mercury Logo IKT 4 Button 5914460 0001X-1706X Ignition t Lock repair kit 7010982 Door t Lock repair kit 5916204 Deck t Lock repair kit 5916197 t Mercury Logo 82 GRV IPATS RFID 5913439 0001X-1706X MOUNTAINEER Key Blank (U251) Caps And Shutters 5914459 0001X-1706X Case cap - Chrome 7012479 Ignition Door Case cap - Chrome 322839 Unit shutter - Chrome 596656 Lock service package 708556 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Tumbler spring 46969 Lock service package 706231 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 46969 Lock service package 7006454 Tumbler spring 46969 Tumblers (#1 - #5) 322261322265 Pawl - LH 597875 Tumbler spring 46969 Pawl - LH 598119 Pawl retainer 94978 Pinning kit 703373 t Lincoln Logo 82 GRV IPATS RFID 5913437 0001X-1706X Valet Logo 83 GRV IPATS RFID 691255 0001X-1706X Lincoln Logo PEPS FOB & Emergency Key 7012479 Lincoln Logo PEPS FOB 5912477 t Lock repair kit KEY CODES MERCURY 56044 Retainer tumbler PART NUMBER Lincoln Logo PEPS FOB & Emergency Key PEPS emergency key Door 322261322265 Tumblers (#1 - #5) DESCRIPTION CATEGORY 7006454 PEPS Emergency Key Door MODEL Lock service package Tumbler spring Door KEY CODES Tumblers (#1 - #5) Spring Pinning Kit PART NUMBER Pinning Kit 5911175 0001X-1706X 5916204 43 Pawl retainer 94978 Pinning kit 703373 LOCK & KEY CATALOG MODEL CHRYSLER KEY BLANKS (Letter indicates marking on blade) 84 GRV 84 GRV 84 GRV 84 GRV S 692325 692346 692352 84 GRV 84 GRV 5909874 90 GRV 90 GRV N 692958 (GREY) 692960 (TAN) 709850 R 692353 692354 TUMBLERS/SPRINGS DOORS, DECKS Wide-Body #1 #2 #3 #4 Spring GLOVE, STOWAGE 322361 322362 322363 322364 46994 Snap-in 321761 321762 321763 321764 Spring 46890 Retainer tumbler 322793 Retainer tumbler spring 46724 IGNITIONS 704650 708742 44 #1 #2 #3 #4 322374 322824 - Euro Cap 323647 46992 323826 - Lanced 324721 - Lanced 599466 599465 - Black DOORS 708170 703327 - Euro 708553 708165 DOOR PARTS 322468 322502 381091 - Purple 324599 323412 56168 - Red 93981 94978 - Bowed 95034 - Bowed 322912 381773 - Pink LH 382490 - RH 693113 - LH 382489 - LH 693114 - RH 45 CHRYSLER CAPS & SHUTTERS CHRYSLER DECKS/TAILGATES/REAR DOORS 709307 706183 709313 DECKS/TAILGATES/REAR PARTS 324664 93981 95034 - BOWED 324256 382365 56168 - Red GLOVE BOX/STOWAGE 596754 46 FORD KEY BLANKS (Letter indicates marking on blade) 82 GRV 82 GRV 82 GRV 82 GRV 82 GRV SF1 598333 597602 691643 597638 5911175 82 GRV 82 GRV 82 GRV 5912496 5914119 691641 693224 7012479 82 GRV 82 GRV 597603 691259 599114 82 GRV 5904287 5914460 5914459 82 GRV 5912477 692055 82 GRV 82 GRV 82 GRV 82 GRV M8 82 GRV 5913441 47 691255 599179 82 GRV 5918897 5912512 FORD KEY BLANKS (Letter indicates marking on blade) 82 GRV 82 GRV 82 GRV 82 GRV 82 GRV 5915218 5912976 5914577 5912561 5912560 5914117 5915217 82 GRV 5913437 5919918 5913439 5913139 5915237 5920217 Blue Cap 48 4212475 IGNITIONS, DOORS, DECKS FORD TUMBLERS/SPRINGS DOOR PARTS GLOVE, MISC. Tumbler #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 322261 322262 322263 322264 322265 Tumbler #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Spring - Door & Deck Ignition 46969 56223 Retainer tumbler Spring 322581 322582 322583 322584 322585 322586 56044 597624 597625 597683 598119 597875 94978 CAPS & SHUTTERS 322257 596656 324031 DOORS 703362 708282 706231 5916204 49 322839 FORD DOORS 5916205 5916206 7012354 5916207 7020057 IGNITIONS 708616 - 708556 (No Clip) 707592 707624 5916208 7020058 50 FORD DECKS/TAILGATES/REAR DOORS 703362 5916197 DECKS/TAILGATES/REAR DOORS TONNEAU COVER 5916200 706398 SPARE TIRE 691753 707953 DECKS/TAILGATES/REAR DOOR/SPARE TIRE PARTS 322347 94978 323954 DECKS/TAILGATES/REAR DOOR/SPARE TIRE PARTS 690185 51 323970 48291 GENERAL MOTORS KEY BLANKS (Letter indicates marking on blade) 93 GRV 93 GRV 75 GRV PK3 93 GRV 93 GRV PK3 691205 75 GRV 693126 93 GRV 692952 93 GRV 5904001 692933 93 GRV 93 GRV PK3+ PK3 692955 692383 692931 692932 5903089 75 GRV 88 GRV 75 GRV 75 GRV 88 GRV PK3 RW RW PK3 PK3 690552 692064 692065 93 GRV 93 GRV 75 GRV RW PK3 PK3 692138 5902386 93 GRV 692954 52 690556 690898 93 GRV 693121 693127 75 GRV 93 GRV 75 GRV PK3+ PK3 692953 692366 5912554 7011685 692365 5912555 5912545 5912556 5912559 PEPS 53 693254 5912558 PEPS 5912547 5912114 5912543 5912548 GENERAL MOTORS KEY BLANKS (Letter indicates marking on blade) GENERAL MOTORS KEY BLANKS (Letter indicates marking on blade) 5913596 5908114 5913598 5920157 5920158 5912534 54 5913396 5913397 324597 322340 - Lanced 324056 - Lanced 599466 599465 - Black 322770 46912 46826 46994 4202711 599382 4207164 4207715 4207716 4207717 4607854 TUMBLERS/SPRINGS DOORS, GLOVE, MISC. Snap-in #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Spring 324541 324542 324543 324544 324545 46994 IGNITIONS IGNITIONS Snap-in #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Spring Tumbler 323461 323462 323463 323464 323465 56028 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Spring 324121 324122 324123 324124 324125 56445 IGNITIONS Tumbler #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 4212241 4212242 4212243 4212244 4212245 Tumbler spring retainer 323528 GLOVE Tumbler Spring #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 323861 323862 323863 323864 323865 46650 DOORS, DECKS, TAILGATES, REAR DOORS GLOVE Tumbler #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Snap-in 4212251 4212252 4212253 4212254 4212255 Spring 55 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 323711 323712 323713 323714 323715 46890 DOOR Tumbler #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 4212241 4212242 4212243 4212244 4212245 GENERAL MOTORS CAPS & SHUTTERS GENERAL MOTORS IGNITIONS 709430 709271 7004912 7012918 DOORS 7001071 7001072 (Side Door) 709431 709273 708593 7012919 7008836 7008837 7008840 56 GENERAL MOTORS DOORS - CONTINUED 7016321 7011534 DOOR PARTS 691990 692889 693090 692923 323765 323766 322601 94978 83379 381050 323759 56303 5911279 4207212 4807166 4309553 4607852 4807125 4607352 4807178 4807177 46994 57 GENERAL MOTORS TAILGATES/REAR DOORS TAILGATES/REAR PARTS 381050 709231 GLOVEBOX/CONSOLE/STOWAGE 709275 708642 709478 7012921 SPARE TIRE/HOIST 709277 381361 - REAR 58 OTHER VEHICLES MITSUBISHI - KEY BLANKS (Letter indicates marking on blade) 90 GRV 90 GRV 90 GRV A N 5907793 692562 692564 692058 R 692565 ACURA/HONDA - KEY BLANKS (Letter indicates marking on blade) V RW 692246 5907552 RW 692057 INFINITI/NISSAN - KEY BLANKS (Letter indicates marking on blade) 692082 V 692247 TOYOTA (Letter indicates marking on blade) s N4 692060 692061 692062 7003526 MAZDA - KEY BLANKS 82 GRV 82 GRV 599104 82 GRV RV 690212 5907553 692080 599045 59 5910834 NEW PRODUCTS FOR 2010/2011 KEY BLANKS (Letter indicates marking on blade) 5914117 5913441 5914577 5913439 5914459 5918897 5914215 5915237 5914460 5912512 5915217 5913139 60 5912496 5914119 5912560 5912561 5915218 5913437 5919918 5920157 5920158 5918114 5913596 5913598 5912534 61 5913396 5913397 NEW PRODUCTS FOR 2010/2011 KEY BLANKS (Letter indicates marking on blade) NEW PRODUCTS FOR 2010/2011 CODED LOCKS/SETS (GENERAL MOTORS) 707758C 707835C 706592C 703518C 7012943 Includes: 703602 (1) 706592 (2) 7012945 Includes: 707835 (1)) 706592 (2) 2) 7012944 Includes: 703602 (1) 706592 (2) CODED LOCK/SETS (FORD) 703362C 703162C 62 7012801 Includes: 703162 (2) 707642 (1) 7012802 Includes: 703362 (2) 707624 (1) CODED LOCK/SETS (CHRYSLER) 7012941 Includes: 704275 (2) 703719 (1) 7012942 Includes: 704275 (2) 703719 (1) CODED IGNITION (CHRYSLER) 701757 702007 63 NEW PRODUCTS FOR 2010/2011 CODED LOCK/SETS (FORD) NEW PRODUCTS FOR 2010/2011 CODED DOOR LOCK (CHRYSLER) 7036911 IGNITION REPAIR KIT (FORD) 5916208 7020058 LIFTGATE REPAIR KITS (FORD) 5916203 64 NEW PRODUCTS FOR 2010/2011 DOOR REPAIR KITS (FORD) 5916204 5916205 5916206 5916207 65 NEW PRODUCTS FOR 2010/2011 DOOR REPAIR KITS (FORD) 7020057 DECK REPAIR KITS (FORD) 5916200 5916198 5916199 5916202 5916197 5916201 66 7011954 BOX 1 STRATTEC PART #7011954 *APPLICATIONS: BOX 1 OF 2 2008 - CURRENT: Cadillac CTS, DTS, STS, SRX 2008 - CURRENT: Chevy Malibu 2005 - 2008: Chevy Cobalt 2008 - CURRENT: Pontiac G6 2004 - 2008: Pontiac Grand Prix 2008 - CURRENT: Saturn Aura GM 93 GROOVE KIT - Phase 2 10 - CUT PINNING KIT *KIT IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH STRATTEC PRODUCED LOCKSETS. 3333 West Good Hope Road Milwaukee, WI 53209 414.247.3333 http://aftermarket.strattec.com ©2009 STRATTEC Security Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4712907 - 07/09 IGNITION, FREE WHEELING DOOR 5 4 4212241 TBLR (100) 4212242 TBLR (100) 4212243 TBLR (100) 4212244 TBLR (100) 4212245 56445 TBLR (100) 324121 TBLR (100) 324122 TBLR (100) 324123 TBLR (100) 324124 TBLR (100) 323461 TBLR (100) 323462 TBLR (100) 323463 TBLR (100) 323464 TBLR (100) 323465 SPRING (100) SPRING (100) TBLR (100) 3 2 1 TBLR (100) SPRING (100) 46994 324125 56028 STANDARD DOOR, DECK TBLR (100) TBLR (100) 323712 TBLR (100) 4211684 46994 SPRING (100) 323713 5 323711 4211683 4 SPRING (100) 4 TBLR (100) TBLR (100) 3 46890 4211682 2 TBLR (100) 1 4211681 3 2 1 TBLR (100) TBLR (100) 323714 TBLR (100) 4212255 TBLR (100) 323715 I/P GLOVE COMPARTMENT TBLR (100) 4212253 TBLR (100) 67 4212254 5 4212252 4 TBLR (100) 3 4212251 2 1 TBLR (100) SPRING (100) 46650 PINNING KITS PINNING KIT PINNING KITS PINNING KIT 7011954 BOX 2 STRATTEC PART #7011954 *APPLICATIONS: BOX 2 OF 2 2008 - CURRENT: Cadillac CTS, DTS, STS, SRX 2008 - CURRENT: Chevy Malibu 2008 - CURRENT: Pontiac G6 2008 - CURRENT: Saturn Aura GM 93 GROOVE KIT - Phase 2 10 - CUT PINNING KIT *KIT IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH STRATTEC PRODUCED LOCKSETS. 3333 West Good Hope Road Milwaukee, WI 53209 414.247.3333 http://aftermarket.strattec.com ©2008 STRATTEC Security Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4712908 - 11/08 MISCELLANEOUS CAP (5) SHUTTER (10) RTNR (10) 324597 4207716 323528 CAP (5) 4202711 CAP (5) 4207715 CAP (5) 4207164 FLAP (10) 4207717 SPRING (10) 4607854 SHUTTER (10) 5907172 PLATE (10) 4207212 BOLT (10) 4309553 E-CLIP (10) DETENT (10) 4307872 SPRING (100) 4607852 SPRING (100) 4802713 SEAL (5) NAT 4807178 599382 SPRING (100) 46912 94978 E-CLIP (10) 4307873 E-CLIP (10) 95299 4607853 SPRING (5) 4607352 SPRING (5) 4602782 RETAINERS SEALS SEAL (5) SHUTTER (10) SEAL (5) BLK 4807177 RTNR (10) RED 68 4807166 RTNR (10) ORANGE 4807125 RTNR (10) GREEN 381050 7012939 STRATTEC PART #7012939 *APPLICATIONS: BOX 1 OF 1 2008 - CURRENT: Cadillac CTS, DTS, STS, SRX 2008 - CURRENT: Chevy Malibu 2008 - CURRENT: Pontiac G6 2008 - CURRENT: Saturn Aura GM 93 GROOVE KIT SUPPLEMENT USE WITH PINNING KIT 7006412 *KIT IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH STRATTEC PRODUCED LOCKSETS. 3333 West Good Hope Road Milwaukee, WI 53209 414.247.3333 http://aftermarket.strattec.com ©2008 STRATTEC Security Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4713062 - 11/08 IGNITION, FREE WHEELING DOOR 4212243 TBLR (100) TBLR (100) 5 4212242 TBLR (100) 4 4212241 3 2 1 TBLR (100) 4212244 TBLR (100) 4212245 TBLR (100) 4212254 46994 SPRING (100) I/P GLOVE COMPARTMENT 4212252 TBLR (100) 4212253 STANDARD DOOR, DECK TBLR (100) 4211682 TBLR (100) 4211683 TBLR (100) 4211684 PLATE (10) 4207716 FLAP (10) 4207717 SPRING (10) 4607854 SHUTTER (10) 5907172 SEALS SEAL (5) 4802713 SEAL (5) NAT 4807178 SEAL (5) BLK 4807166 RTNR (10) ORANGE E-CLIP (10) 95299 CAP (5) 4207164 E-CLIP (10) 4307873 4207715 SPRING (5) 4602782 4607853 SPRING (5) 4607352 MISCELLANEOUS 4807177 SPRING (100) 4607852 CAP (5) MISCELLANEOUS RETAINERS RTNR (10) RED 4207212 MISCELLANEOUS SHUTTER SHUTTER (10) 4212255 4 4211681 TBLR (100) MISCELLANEOUS 3 2 1 TBLR (100) 5 TBLR (100) 4 4212251 TBLR (100) 3 2 1 46650 SPRING (100) 4807125 BOLT (10) 4309553 DETENT (10) 69 4307872 SPRING (100) PINNING KITS PINNING KIT PINNING KITS PINNING KIT 703927 STRATTEC PART #703927 CHRYSLER FOR 1998 MODELS AND BEYOND 3333 West Good Hope Road Milwaukee, WI 53209 414.247.3333 http: //aftermarket.strattec.com ©2006 STRATTEC Security Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 70 7006412 BOX 1 STRATTEC PART #7006412 *APPLICATIONS: BOX 1 OF 2 2008+: Buick LaCrosse, Lucerne, Enclave 2008+: Cadillac DTS, SRX 2007-CURRENT: Cadillac Escalade, Escalade ESV, Escalade EXT 2007-CURRENT: Chevy Avalanche 2005-CURRENT: Chevy Cobalt 2008+: Chevy Express 2005-2008: Chevy Corvette 2007-CURRENT: Chevy Equinox 2006-CURRENT: Chevy HHR Tall Wagon, Chevy Impala, Monte Carlo 2007-CURRENT: Chevy Silverado, Silverado HD,Suburban, Tahoe 2007-CURRENT: GMC Acadia 2008+: GMC Savana 2007-CURRENT: GMC Sierra, Sierra HD, Yukon, Yukon XL 2005-CURRENT: Pontiac Pursuit, Solstice, Torrent 2007-CURRENT: Saturn Sky, Outlook 2005-2007: Saturn Ion 2008+: Suzuki XL-7 2008+: HUMMER H2 GM 93 GROOVE KIT 10 - CUT PINNING KIT *KIT IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH STRATTEC PRODUCED LOCKSETS. 3333 West Good Hope Road Milwaukee, WI 53209 877.251.8798 http://aftermarket.strattec.com ©2009 STRATTEC Security Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4707393 - 07/09 IGNITION 5 4 3 2 324121 324122 324123 324124 324125 56445 56028 323461 323462 323463 323464 323465 46970 323528 313325 313187 46934 46994 324541 324543 324544 324545 323715 46890 324542 DOOR, SPARE TIRE, TOOL BOX 323713 5 323712 4 3 2 1 323711 323714 I/P GLOVE COMPARTMENT 323863 71 323864 5 323862 4 3 323861 2 1 46650 323865 PINNING KITS PINNING KIT PINNING KITS PINNING KIT 7006412 BOX 2 STRATTEC PART #7006412 *APPLICATIONS: BOX 2 OF 2 2008+: Buick LaCrosse, Lucerne, Enclave 2008+: Cadillac DTS, SRX 2007-CURRENT: Cadillac Escalade, Escalade ESV, Escalade EXT 2007-CURRENT: Chevy Avalanche 2005-CURRENT: Chevy Cobalt 2008+: Chevy Express 2005-2008: Chevy Corvette 2007-CURRENT: Chevy Equinox 2006-CURRENT: Chevy HHR Tall Wagon 2008+: Chevy Impala 2007-CURRENT: Chevy Silverado, Silverado HD, Suburban, Tahoe 2007-CURRENT: GMC Acadia 2008+: GMC Savana 2007-CURRENT: GMC Sierra, Sierra HD, Yukon, Yukon XL 2005-CURRENT: Pontiac Pursuit, Solstice, Torrent 2007-CURRENT: Saturn Sky, Outlook 2005-2007: Saturn Ion 2008+: Suzuki XL-7 2008+: HUMMER H2 GM 93 GROOVE KIT 10 - CUT PINNING KIT *KIT IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH STRATTEC PRODUCED LOCKSETS. 3333 West Good Hope Road Milwaukee, WI 53209 877.251.8798 http://aftermarket.strattec.com ©2007 STRATTEC Security Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4707394 - 08/07 CAPS 322770 324597 324056 322340 323905 320318 322144 MISCELLANEOUS 83379 56303 46775 56274 323638 322667 SHUTTERS 56175 599382 693252 311896 599465 46912 322601 692888 46826 RETAINERS E-CLIPS 94978 4202711 95258 321459 381898 381050 48141 381739 381378 381379 SEALS 48098 381361 72 703373 STRATTEC PART #703373 FORD 8 - CUT PINNING KIT 3333 West Good Hope Road Milwaukee, WI 53209 414.247.3333 http: //aftermarket.strattec.com ©2006 STRATTEC Security Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 47836AD1 - 11/06 322534 322535 56031 94746 311589 56093 322257 322257 94968 56042 596656 381591 56044 322672 56033 94813 46982 46972 322585 322586 322264 322265 322255 46970 GLOVE BOX TUMBLERS 322581 322582 322583 322584 DOOR TUMBLERS 46969 322261 322262 322263 IGNITION TUMBLERS 322251 322252 322253 322254 73 PINNING KITS PINNING KIT ACCESSORIES LOKSHOT 692781 PINNING MAT 702167 74 ACCESSORIES 7017698 7017699 5915037 75 BOLT PRODUCTS PADLOCK 5/8” RECEIVER LOCK 5/8" RECEIVER LOCK PADLOCK PACKAGING POLYBAG 7017417 7017418 7017419 7017420 CLAMSHELL 7018517 7018518 7018519 7018520 PACKAGING POLYBAG 7018437 7018438 7018439 7018440 DESCRIPTION GM A GM B FORD CHRYSLER 1/2” RECEIVER CLAMSHELL 7018445 7018446 7018447 7018448 DESCRIPTION GM A GM B FORD CHRYSLER 6’ CABLE 6' CABLE LOCK 1/2" RECEIVER LOCK PACKAGING POLYBAG 7018457 7018458 7018459 7018460 CLAMSHELL 7019341 7019342 7019343 7019344 PACKAGING POLYBAG 7018441 7018442 7018443 7018444 DESCRIPTION GM A GM B FORD CHRYSLER SPARE TIRE LOCK CLAMSHELL 7018449 7018450 7018451 7018452 DESCRIPTION GM A GM B FORD CHRYSLER MOTORCYCLE LOCK MOTORCYCLE LOCK SPARE TIRE LOCK PACKAGING POLYBAG 7018461 7018462 7018463 7018464 CLAMSHELL N/A N/A N/A N/A PACKAGING POLYBAG 7018465 7018466 7018467 7018468 DESCRIPTION GM A GM B FORD CHRYSLER 76 CLAMSHELL N/A N/A N/A N/A DESCRIPTION GM A GM B FORD CHRYSLER PAGE NUMBER PART NUMBER PAGE NUMBER PART NUMBER PAGE NUMBER 32280 38, 43 322374 36, 45 324122 55 46650 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 55 322468 35, 36, 45 324123 55 46724 35, 36, 42, 44 322502 42, 45 324124 55 46775 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41 322534 39 324125 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 55 46826 29, 32, 55 322535 38, 39, 42 324256 35, 36, 46 46890 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 55 322581 38, 39, 43, 49 324541 29, 32, 34, 40, 55 322581-322585 38, 39, 43 324541-324545 29, 32, 34, 40 322582 49 324542 55 322583 49 324543 55 322584 49 324544 55 322585 38, 39, 43, 49 324545 29, 32, 34, 40, 55 46912 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41, 55 46934 29, 34, 40 46969 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 49 46992 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 45 46994 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44, 55, 57 322586 39, 49 324597 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41, 55 48098 31, 32 322601 32, 40, 57 324599 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 45 48291 38, 43, 51 322770 30, 31, 33, 34, 40, 41, 55 324664 36, 46 29, 32, 55 322793 35, 36, 42, 44 324675 35 38, 39, 43, 49 322824 41, 42, 45 324721 41, 42, 45 36 322839 38, 39, 43, 49 381050 30, 31, 32, 40, 57, 58 56168 35, 36, 45, 46 322912 36, 37, 42, 45 381091 35, 42, 45 56223 39, 49 323412 36, 37, 42, 45 381231 39 31, 32 323461 29, 32, 55 381361 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 58 323461-323465 29, 32 381772 36, 37, 42 323462 55 381773 36, 37, 42, 45 323463 55 381944 37, 39 323464 55 382365 36, 41, 42, 46 323465 29, 32, 55 382489 37, 45 323528 29, 32, 55 382490 37, 45 56028 56044 56115 56274 56303 56445 30, 31, 32, 33, 57 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 55 83379 30, 31, 32, 33, 57 93981 36, 45, 46 94978 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 49, 51, 57 95034 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 45, 46 323638 31 591682 39 95258 31, 32 323647 37, 42, 45 596656 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 49 95299 35 323711 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 55, 77 596754 35, 36, 42, 46 313187 29, 34, 40 323711 - 323715 33 597602 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 47 313325 29, 34, 40 323711-323715 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41 597603 24, 47 321761 35, 36, 42, 44 323712 55 597624 38, 43, 49 321761-321764 35, 36, 42 323713 55 597625 38, 43, 49 321762 44 323714 55 597638 47 321763 44 323715 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 55, 77 597683 39, 49 321764 35, 36, 42, 44 323759 32, 40, 57 597875 38, 43, 49 321847 36 323765 32, 40, 57 598119 37, 39, 43, 49 321848 35 323766 32, 40, 57 598333 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 47 322257 37, 43, 49 323826 34, 35, 36, 37, 42, 45 599045 59 322261 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 49 323861 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 55 599104 59 322261-322265 37, 38, 39, 42, 43 323861-323865 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41 599114 17, 18, 19, 20, 47 322262 49 323862 55 599179 24, 47 322263 49 323863 55 599382 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41, 55 322264 49 323864 55 599465 34, 45, 55 322265 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 49 323865 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 55 599466 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 45, 55 322340 32, 40, 55 323954 38, 39, 43, 51 629564 24 322347 38, 51 323970 38, 43, 51 690185 38, 51 322361 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 44 324031 39, 49 690212 23, 59 322361-322364 35, 36, 37, 41, 42 324056 29, 32, 55 690552 14, 15, 26, 27, 52 322362 44 324121 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 55 690556 14, 15, 26, 27, 52 322363 44 324121 - 324125 30 690898 13, 14, 15, 26, 52 322364 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 44 324121-324125 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41 691205 13, 14, 52 77 MAKE & MODEL INDEX PART NUMBER MAKE & MODEL INDEX PART NUMBER PAGE NUMBER PART NUMBER PAGE NUMBER PART NUMBER PAGE NUMBER 691255 43, 47 691259 22, 23, 47 693090 30, 31, 33, 34, 40, 41, 57 709275 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 40, 41, 58 693113 42, 45 709277 691641 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 58 22, 47 693114 42, 45 709279 31, 32 691643 17, 19, 22, 23, 47 693121 26, 52 709307 36, 46 691753 38, 43, 51 693126 13, 14, 29, 52 709313 41, 42, 46 691990 29, 32, 57 693127 27, 52 709336 35, 36 692055 17, 19, 24, 47 693224 18, 47 709337 35 692057 13, 20, 21, 59 693254 21, 53 709430 29, 34, 40, 56 692058 24, 25, 59 693356 23 709431 29, 32, 40, 56 692060 21, 25, 59 701757 63 709478 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 58 692061 21, 25, 59 702007 63 709850 44 692062 27, 28, 59 702167 74 4202711 32, 55 692064 14, 15, 26, 27, 52 703162 63 4207164 29, 31, 55 692065 13, 14, 15, 26, 52 703162C 62 4207212 30, 31, 57 692080 23, 59 703327 37, 42, 45 4207715 30, 55 692082 20, 21, 59 703362 38, 39, 49, 51, 63 4207716 30, 55 692138 13, 14, 15, 26, 52 703362C 62 4207717 30, 55 692139 14 703373 37, 38, 39, 43, 73 4211681-4211684 30 692246 13, 20, 21, 59 703518C 62 4211684 30 692247 20, 21, 59 703602 62 4212241 30, 31, 33, 55 692325 16, 17, 21, 22, 26, 44 703691 64 4212241-4212245 30, 31, 33 692346 44 703719 63 4212242 55 692352 16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 44 703927 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 70 4212243 55 692353 16, 17, 44 704275 63 4212244 55 692354 16, 44 704650 36, 44 4212245 30, 31, 33, 55 692365 53 706183 35, 36, 46 4212251 30, 31, 55 692366 53 706231 38, 43, 49 4212251-4212255 30, 31 692383 14, 52 706398 38, 51 4212252 55 692395 17, 18, 19 706592 62 4212253 55 692562 24, 25, 59 706592C 62 4212254 55 692564 24, 25, 59 706882 39 4212255 30, 31, 55 692565 24, 25, 59 707592 37, 39, 42, 43, 50 4212475 38, 48 692574 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24 707624 37, 39, 50, 63 4307872 33 692781 74 707642 63 4307873 30 692810 17, 19 707758C 62 4309553 30, 57 692811 24 707835 62 4607352 31, 57 692812 24 707835C 62 4607852 30, 57 692813 17, 18, 19 707953 38, 43, 51 4607853 33 692814 19 708165 35, 45 4607854 30, 55 692888 31 708170 45 4807007 33 692889 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 40, 57 708282 39, 49 4807125 30, 57 692911 27, 28 708553 36, 37, 45 4807166 30, 31, 57 692923 33, 40, 57 708556 38, 39, 43, 50 4807177 31, 57 692931 15, 31, 32, 33, 34, 52 708592 30 4807178 31, 57 692932 20, 39, 40, 41, 52 708593 29, 32, 56 4809034 42 692933 14, 30, 31, 52 708616 37, 38, 42, 43, 50 4809035 42 692952 14, 52 708642 32, 58 5902386 26, 52 692953 27, 53 708643 32 5903089 692954 26, 52 708742 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 44 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41, 52 692955 15, 52 709231 33, 40, 58 5904001 14, 30, 31, 52 692958 16, 17, 21, 22, 44 709271 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 56 5904186 23 692960 16, 21, 22, 25, 37, 41, 42, 44 709273 30, 31, 33, 34, 40, 41, 56 5904287 17, 18, 19, 20, 47 78 PAGE NUMBER PART NUMBER PAGE NUMBER PART NUMBER PAGE NUMBER 5904306 23 5916200 37, 43, 51, 66 7016321 29, 57 5907552 13, 59 5916201 66 7017417 76 5907553 13, 20, 21, 59 5916202 66 7017418 76 5907793 24, 25, 59 5916203 64 7017419 76 5908114 29, 31, 32, 54 5916204 37, 39, 43, 49, 65 7017420 76 5909874 16, 21, 22, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42, 44 5916205 37, 43, 50, 65 7017698 75 5910834 27, 28, 59 5916206 37, 43, 50, 65 7017699 75 5911175 19, 23, 39, 43, 47 5916207 37, 39, 50, 65 7018437 76 5911279 30, 31, 33, 57 5916208 37, 43, 50, 64 7018438 76 5911715 14, 30 5918897 47, 60 7018439 76 5912015 30 5918997 17, 18 7018440 76 5912114 14, 53 5919918 18, 38, 48, 60 7018441 76 5912477 23, 43, 47 5920157 15, 34, 54, 61 7018442 76 5912496 23, 42, 47, 60 5920158 15, 34, 54, 61 7018443 76 5912512 17, 18, 19, 37, 38, 39, 47, 60 5920217 19, 39, 48 7018444 76 5912534 14, 29, 54, 61 7001071 32, 40, 56 7018445 76 5912543 15, 32, 53 7001072 32, 40, 56 7018446 76 5912545 15, 32, 53 7003526 21, 25, 59 7018447 76 5912547 20, 41, 53 7004912 29, 32, 56 7018448 76 5912548 20, 41, 53 7006412 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 71, 72 7018449 76 5912554 15, 53 7006453 39 7018450 76 5912555 13, 14, 29, 53 7006454 37, 38, 39, 43 7018451 76 5912556 13, 14, 29, 53 7007812 33 7018452 76 5912558 13, 14, 29, 53 7008552 38, 43 7018457 76 5912559 13, 14, 29, 53 7008834 30 7018458 76 5912560 17, 18, 19, 37, 38, 39, 48, 60 7008836 30, 31, 33, 56 7018459 76 5912561 18, 38, 48, 60 7008837 30, 31, 56 7018460 76 5912895 17, 37, 38 7008840 30, 31, 56 7018461 76 5912976 38, 48 7008841 31 7018462 76 5913139 18, 19, 38, 39, 48, 60 7010333 42 7018463 76 5913341 37 7010334 42 7018464 76 5913396 54, 61 7010621 39 7018465 76 5913397 54, 61 7010982 43 7018466 76 5913437 23, 43, 48, 60 7011534 30, 57 7018467 76 5913439 24, 43, 48, 60 7011557 37 7018468 76 5913441 17, 18, 38, 47, 60 7011685 27, 53 7018517 76 5913596 20, 54, 61 7011954 30, 31, 33, 67, 68 7018518 76 5913598 15, 54, 61 7012354 37, 38, 39, 42, 50 7018519 76 5914117 39, 48, 60 7012479 23, 43, 47 7018520 76 5914118 19, 39 7012571 39 7019341 76 5914119 19, 39, 47, 60 7012801 63 7019342 76 5914215 60 7012802 63 7019343 76 5914459 23, 43, 47, 60 7012918 29, 32, 41, 56 7019344 76 5914460 24, 43, 47, 60 7012919 29, 32, 34, 41, 56 7020057 38, 50, 66 5914577 39, 48, 60 7012921 29, 32, 58 7020058 38, 50, 64 5915037 75 7012939 69 5915217 22, 23, 42, 43, 48, 60 7012941 63 5915218 22, 42, 48, 60 7012942 63 5915237 18, 38, 48, 60 7012943 62 5916197 37, 39, 43, 51, 66 7012944 62 5916198 66 7012945 62 5916199 66 7013812 39 79 MAKE & MODEL INDEX PART NUMBER TRUST OUR NETWORK OF AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS, SPECIALISTS IN STRATTEC PARTS, TO SUPPLY QUALITY ORIGINAL PARTS THAT MEET ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE LOCK NEEDS. CALL YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR TODAY. ARIZONA Clark Security Products Phoenix 602-275-4431 800-775-5625 Fax: 800-593-5625 Wilco Supply Co. Oakland 510-652-8522 800-745-5450 Fax: 800-876-5397 IDN-West, Inc. Tucson 520-322-5625 Fax: 520-795-5625 Intermountain Lock and Supply Los Angeles 818-751-9999 800-729-5444 Fax: 818-781-8171 IDN-West, Inc. Phoenix 602-272-5300 800-525-3131 Fax: 602-272-5777 Security Plus, Inc. Phoenix 602-234-3883 800-426-0200 Fax: 602-234-3882 CALIFORNIA Clark Security Products Anaheim 714-238-9000 800-889-5625 Fax: 714-238-9088 Clark Security Products Sacramento 916-372-6630 800-245-3003 Fax: 916-372-7221 Clark Security Products San Diego 858-571-6571 800-542-5625 Fax: 858-571-6281 IDN-West, Inc. Los Angeles 562-463-4870 800-203-1577 Fax: 562-463-5570 COLORADO Clark Security Products Denver 303-288-9200 800-282-5625 Fax: 800-699-3329 IDN-Acme, Inc. Denver 303-922-3041 800-445-4008 Fax: 303-922-7493 Intermountain Lock and Supply Denver 303-698-1898 800-323-8046 Fax: 303-698-2094 CONNECTICUT IDN-Hardware Sales, Inc. Hartford 860-296-7886 877-477-5625 Fax: 860-296-9201 FLORIDA Clark Security Products Orlando 407-226-6770 800-669-5625 Fax: 407-226-6568 IDN-West, Inc. Riverside 951-788-8300 800-203-1577 Fax: 951-788-8355 IDN-Armstrong’s, Inc. Jacksonville 904-387-0063 800-341-7857 Fax: 904-387-4568 LV Sales, Inc. Los Angeles 323-661-4746 800-894-5397 Fax: 800-976-8044 IDN-Armstrong’s, Inc. Miami 305-651-1598 800-827-3332 Fax: 305-652-1709 MB Key Los Angeles 562-699-0060 Fax: 562-699-6445 IDN-Armstrong’s, Inc. Orlando 407-297-7722 800-775-1220 Fax: 407-297-9522 National Auto Lock Service S. San Francisco 650-875-0125 Fax: 650-875-0123 R&H Wholesale Corp. San Francisco 415-970-5000 800-367-5625 Fax: 415-641-0455 Robert Skeels & Co. Carson 310-639-7240 800-734-4539 Fax: 310-639-7569 U.S. Lock Corp. Ontario 909-673-0563 800-321-6905 Fax: 800-750-3119 IDN-Armstrong’s, Inc. Tampa 813-886-8007 800-272-5184 Fax: 813-886-5696 Lockey Distributors Miami 305-593-5300 Fax: 305-593-5305 Locks Co. Miami 305-949-0700 800-288-0801 Fax: 305-949-3619 Mister Key Corporation Miami 305-324-7753 Fax: 305-324-7732 Southern Lock & Supply Company Largo 727-541-5536 800-237-2875 Fax: 800-447-2299 KENTUCKY Clark Security Products Lexington 859-425-7876 800-659-5625 Fax: 859-425-7872 MISSOURI IDN-H. Hoffman Co. St. Louis 314-692-8391 800-392-1303 Fax: 314-692-8395 Southern Lock & Supply Company Pompano Beach 954-943-1177 888-780-6071 Fax: 954-943-4211 Lockmasters, Inc. Nicholasville 859-885-6041 800-654-0637 Fax: 859-885-7093 NEBRASKA IDN-H. Hoffman Co. Omaha 402-592-1652 800-824-0684 Fax: 402-592-9604 U.S. Lock Corp. Jacksonville 904-783-3232 Fax: 904-783-3523 GEORGIA IDN-Armstrong’s, Inc. Atlanta 404-875-0136 800-726-3332 Fax: 404-888-0834 Locks Company Safe Depot Atlanta 678-337-0010 877-723-3001 Fax: 678-337-0014 Southern Lock & Supply Company Atlanta 770-455-9233 877-217-9396 Fax: 770-455-3969 HAWAII Aloha Key Honolulu 808-593-9114 800-319-9116 Fax: 808-591-2829 ILLINOIS Clark Security Products Chicago 630-350-8500 800-755-5625 Fax: 630-350-8535 IDN-H. Hoffman Co. Chicago 708-456-9600 800-433-6608 Fax: 708-456-0878 The Locksmith Store, Inc. Chicago 847-364-5111 Fax: 847-364-5125 Wacker Hardware Co. Chicago 312-733-6070 800-956-3343 Fax: 312-733-7001 INDIANA IDN-H. Hoffman Co. Indianapolis 317-635-8100 800-428-9313 Fax: 317-637-2358 IOWA IDN-H. Hoffman Co. Quad Cities 319-391-8366 800-391-4633 Fax: 319-391-7949 KANSAS IDN-H. Hoffman Co. Kansas City 913-599-4111 800-526-5897 Fax: 913-599-4160 U.S. Lock Corp. Louisville 502-493-0212 Fax: 502-493-9130 LOUISIANA IDN-Acme, Inc. New Orleans 504-837-7315 800-788-2263 Fax: 504-837-7321 MARYLAND Clark Security Products Washington DC 301-572-1901 800-578-5625 Fax: 301-572-0736 MASSACHUSETTS Clark Security Products Shrewsbury 508-845-5625 800-746-5625 Fax: 800-596-5625 Stone & Berg Wholesale Locksmith Supply Worcester 508-753-3551 800-225-7405 Fax: 800-535-5625 MICHIGAN IDN-H. Hoffman Co. Grand Rapids 616-534-1067 800-244-0777 Fax: 616-534-1904 IDN-Hardware Sales, Inc. Livonia 734-591-1150 800-521-0955 Fax: 800-272-4409 IDN-Hardware Sales, Inc. Warren 586-755-3658 800-468-7490 Fax: 586-755-5145 Key Sales And Supply Co. Inc. Detroit 313-931-7720 800-445-5397 Fax: 313-931-7758 MINNESOTA Doyle Security Products Minneapolis 612-521-6226 800-333-6953 Fax: 612-521-0166 E. L. Reinhardt Co. Inc. Vadnais Heights 651-481-0566 800-328-1311 Fax: 651-481-0166 IDN-H. Hoffman Co. Minneapolis 953-886-3840 Fax: 953-886-3841 NEVADA IDN-West, Inc. Las Vegas 702-736-4553 800-546-7439 Fax: 702-736-4579 Intermountain Lock and Supply Las Vegas 702-939-5625 866-809-5625 Fax: 702-939-5626 NEW JERSEY Accredited Lock Supply Co. Secaucus 201-865-5015 800-652-2835 Fax: 201-865-5031 Bell’s Security Sales, Inc. Bloomfield 973-743-3709 800-772-2266 Fax: 973-743-6357 NEW MEXICO IDN-Acme, Inc. Albuquerque 505-816-0100 800-291-1222 Fax: 505-816-0111 NEW YORK Fradon Lock Company, Inc. Syracuse 315-472-6988 800-447-0591 Fax: 315-472-0958 IDN-Hardware Sales, Inc. Cheektowaga 716-626-1208 888-588-5768 Fax: 716-626-1310 IDN-Hardware Sales, Inc. Syracuse 315-455-9305 800-805-0408 Fax: 315-455-9313 Mayflower Sales Co., Inc. Brooklyn 718-622-8785 800-221-2052 Fax: 718-789-8346 Maziuk Wholesale Distributors Buffalo 716-684-9133 888-777-6981 Fax: 716-684-5192 Maziuk Wholesale Distributors Syracuse 315-474-3959 800-777-5945 Fax: 315-472-3111 U.S. Lock Corp. Brentwood 631-243-3000 800-925-5000 Fax: 800-338-5625 IDN-Hardware Sales, Inc. Harrisburg 717-909-9740 800-436-1499 Fax: 717-909-9743 NORTH CAROLINA IDN-Armstrong’s Inc Raleigh 919-277-0007 800-673-3330 Fax: 919-277-0014 Intermountain Lock and Supply Salt Lake City 801-486-0079 800-453-5386 Fax: 801-485-7205 IDN-Hardware Sales, Inc. Pittsburgh 412-771-6122 800-837-5625 Fax: 412-771-6350 VIRGINIA IDN-Armstrong’s, Inc. Lock and Supply Norfolk 757-853-0611 800-753-3334 Fax: 757-853-1832 Southern Lock & Supply Company Charlotte 704-527-6777 888-571-9145 Fax: 704-527-0058 IDN-Hardware Sales, Inc. Philadelphia 215-698-8155 800-233-3355 Fax: 215-698-8159 U.S. Lock Corp. Charlotte 704-597-4344 Fax: 704-597-2988 TENNESSEE IDN-Acme, Inc. Memphis 901-795-2250 800-687-1263 Fax: 901-795-2265 OHIO Allied Locksmith Supply Youngstown 330-726-0866 800-544-2102 Fax: 330-726-0865 McDonald Dash Locksmith Supply, Inc. Memphis 901-797-8000 800-238-7541 Fax: 901-366-0005 IDN-H. Hoffman Co. Cincinnati 513-271-8530 800-457-3963 Fax: 513-271-8567 TEXAS Clark Security Products Houston 713-699-1122 800-483-5625 Fax: 713-692-9988 Tweeds Security Hardware Wholesalers Portsmouth 757-399-2180 800-544-4482 Fax: 757-399-1636 WASHINGTON Clark Security Products Seattle 253-437-0220 800-942-5275 Fax: 800-546-5625 KDL Hardware Supply Inc. Seattle 206-682-7383 800-926-7716 Fax: 206-624-9305 Hans Johnsen Company Dallas 214-879-1500 888-879-1500 Fax: 214-879-1530 WISCONSIN IDN-H. Hoffman Co. Milwaukee 262-790-9750 800-882-9899 Fax: 262-790-9754 Herbert L. Flake Co. Houston 713-926-3200 800-231-4105 Fax: 713-926-3399 CANADA A-Line Distributors Edmonton, AB 780-451-6545 888-451-6545 Fax: 780-452-7551 IDN-Acme, Inc. Bellaire 713-668-0022 800-359-2263 Fax: 713-668-8050 A-Line Distributors Calgary, AB 403-301-4802 866-601-4802 Fax: 403-301-4858 IDN-Acme, Inc. Fort Worth 817-284-5696 800-859-2263 Fax: 817-284-3501 D.G. MacLachlan Ltd. Burnaby, BC 604-294-6000 800-665-0535 Fax: 604-294-3333 OREGON H.E. Mitchell Co. Portland 503-236-9444 800-626-5625 Fax: 503-238-5715 IDN-Acme, Inc. Dallas 972-664-1240 800-372-2263 Fax: 972-664-1252 Hardware Agencies Toronto, ON 416-462-1919 800-268-6741 Fax: 416-462-1922 Wholesale 4, Inc. Portland 503-238-8605 800-547-0921 Fax: 503-813-9290 IDN-Acme, Inc. San Antonio 210-545-3396 800-431-2263 Fax: 210-545-2198 Jo-Van Distributors Scarborough, ON 416-752-7210 888-752-7210 Fax: 416-752-3845 PENNSYLVANIA Andrews Wholesale Lock Lebanon 717-274-8733 800-544-0519 Fax: 717-274-8659 U.S. Lock Corp. Dallas 972-660-8405 Fax: 972-660-8409 Serrubec Montreal, PQ 514-631-6791 800-361-0234 Fax: 514-631-0494 UTAH Clark Security Products Salt Lake City 801-487-3227 800-453-6430 Fax: 801-487-3254 Shield Supply & Service Winnipeg, MB 204-774-1921 888-301-1921 Fax: 204-774-5627 IDN-Hardware Sales, Inc. Cleveland 216-335-9740 800-247-8217 Fax: 216-335-9745 IDN-H. Hoffman Co. Columbus 614-436-6619 800-774-3255 Fax: 614-436-6697 Key Products Columbus 614-876-7704 800-457-1019 Fax: 614-876-1437 OKLAHOMA IDN-Acme, Inc. Oklahoma City 405-942-8750 800-664-2263 Fax: 405-942-0523 Fried Brothers, Inc. Philadelphia 215-627-3205 800-523-2924 Fax: 800-541-3489 STRATTEC SECURITY CORPORATION | 3333 WEST GOOD HOPE ROAD | MILWAUKEE, WI 53209 | 877.251.8798 ©2010 STRATTEC SECURITY CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AS6926 - 08/10
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