HMADS 32nd Graduation Booklet/Program June 13, 2014
HMADS 32nd Graduation Booklet/Program June 13, 2014
32-rt <R}ANAVARDAGAN HANTES 32nd COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES SRPOX NAHADAGAX AMEN)RYA# WAR+ARAN HOLY MARTYRS ARMENIAN DAY SCHOOL Class of 2014 Photo by Zaven Studio 32-rt <R}ANAVARDAGAN HANTES 32nd COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Ovrpa;, 13 #ovnis 2014 Friday, June 13, 2014 at 8:30 p.m. Calovsdyan Srah • Kalustyan Hall 209-15 HORACE HARDING EXPRESSWAY • OAKLAND GARDENS, NEW YORK 11364 PHONE (718) 225-4826 • FAX (718) 225-4837 • [email protected] Gyankow Papaqovn 476amya3 Srpox Nahadagax Amen0rya3 War=aranu SNAW6i gr;agan 0jaqu /an0; e hama3nkis ir a,agyrdov;yan hanteb da/a/ paxa-ig hocadarov;yamp yv ha3gagan ov amyrigyan zovcahy- un;axo. gr;agan /racri ovsovxmamp1 Ha3 manovgnyrovn] ka3lyrow movdku a3s war=aranen nyrs gu badrasde zirynk par2raco3n gr;agan hasdadov;ivnnyrov me] badovapyr tirkyr sdan2nylov myr hama3nken nyrs1 Ho4s e or irynx me] gu syrmanovi cidov;yan hanteb seru7 inknajana[man yv paro3agan ar=ekny6 rov cidagxov;ivnn ov anonx ivraxovmu gu sgsi a3s cy.yxig mi]awa3ren nyrs or gu go[ovi SNAW1 A3sdy. e or a,agyrdnyru irynx ovsovxi[nyrovn hocadar hsgo.ov;yan dag glanova/ a,qadankow g\a-a]nortovin timacravylov abacan1 Ka-asovn y0;u darinyre i wyr syrovntnyr gu snanin azca3in par2r ar=eknyrov cidagxov;yamp yv hmdov;yamp1 Pazmazan 2y-nargnyrow5 tasarana3in yv ardatasarana3in a,qadanknyrow ivrakan[ivr a,agyrdin dysata,du g4untla3ni zanonk a-a]nortylov irynx yraznyrov iraganaxman1 #ydatar2 na3ova/kow yraqdacidov;yamp g\o.]ovnynk a3n polor havadavor paryranyru5 gama6 vor a,qado.nyru5 Hocapar2ov;yan5 Gr;agan #an2naqovmpi yv Parygamnyrov #an2naqovmpin antamnyru5 oronk 0rn i povn avi, ov 3o3s gu nyrargyn myzi1 Mia=amanag` myr yraqdacidov;ivnu gu ‘oqanxynk ha3 tbroxi havadaxo. ivrakan[ivr ha3 anhadin1 Wsdah ynk or amen #ovnisin ivrakan[ivr ,r]anavard qovmpin hyd5 aganadys ta-nalow tebi nor horizonnyr sava-nylov badrasd syrovntin ylo3;in5 anonk war2adrova/ gu zcan irynk zirynk1 G4agngalynk or anonk anba3man0ren bidi ta-nan wa.ovan a-a]nortnyru1 Arten isg sgsa/ yn /a-a3ylov myr hama3nki zanazan hasdadov;ivnnyren nyrs1 c 1967 & 2014 d 47 years ago on October 16, 1967, the Hye Bardez Committee appointed by the Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs visionary Parish Council with the staunch support of Pastor Rev. Fr. Vartan Megherian, opened the doors of the Hye-Bardez Nursery to eight pre-kindergarteners. The purpose of the school was to provide a high caliber education following the curriculum approved by the NYS Department of Elementary Education with an Armenian Studies Program; thus enhancing the knowledge and appreciation for the Armenian language and culture. HMADS embraces children during the crucial formative years 3 to 12 (pre-K to 6th grade), when the foundations for love of learning, good work habits, moral, ethical and spiritual values are developed. These attributes are so essential in the present world which is inundated with pitfalls and temptations. The long range plans for HMADS is to add at least grades 7 & 8 so that students can enjoy two more years in its warm and caring environment. A library, science and computer laboratories and larger administrative offices are on the school’s wish list. The success of this unique school can be attributed to the cooperative spirit, inspirational faith and oneness of purpose of energetic principals, caring teaching staff, dedicated School Board members, hardworking fund raising committees, generous benefactors, the efforts of countless volunteers, and most importantly devoted parents! Congratulations to the HMADS 47th Kindergarten and 32nd Elementary Sixth Grade graduating classes! May you continue to respect the value of education, honor your parents, and appreciate the indescribable effort that makes HMADS possible! HMADS Board of Directors 2013-2014 Arpi Candan ~ Co-Chairperson Edouard Garabedian ~ Co-Chairperson Berj Haroutunian, Vice Chairperson Rose Hartunian, Secretary Hovannes Malikyan, Treasurer Mina Hovsepian, Assistant Treasurer Zarminé Boghosian, Principal Alex Apelian, Member Arek Nisanyan, Member Nurhan Adarian, Advisor Bruce Ashbahian, Legal Advisor Lolita Babikian, Advisor Natalie Gabrelian, Alumni Advisor Michael Halajian, CPA Elizabeth Keusey, Advisor Lynn Jamie, Parish Council Liaison Liza Andreopoulos, PTO Co-chair & Meline Yaziciyan, PTO Co-chair Education Committee Zarminé Boghosian, Principal Elizabeth Keusey, Chairperson Edouard Garabedian Medical Staff on Call Seta Tavitian Janet Marcarian Prof. Charles Merguerian* Dr. Lynn Cetin Dr. Florence Khoriaty Dr. Louis Najarian * Denotes honorary members Faculty 2013- 2014 Principal ~ Mrs. Zarminé Boghosian Secretary ~ Mrs. Maro Jamgotchian Nursery Armenian ~ Mrs. Socy Nigdelian Grades K-2 Armenian ~ Mrs. Anie Manuelian Grades 3-6 Armenian ~ Mrs. Houri Ghougassian Nursery ~ Mrs. Ethel Congro Nursery ~ Mrs. Medeia Mark Kindergarten ~ Mrs. Diana T. Kojoian First Grade ~ Miss Hripsime Nakashian Second Grade ~ Mrs. Mayda Haroutunian Third Grade ~ Mrs. Stephanie Rallis Fourth Grade ~ Miss Kristen Reed Fifth Grade ~ Mrs. Mary DeRose-Vassalle Sixth Grade ~ Miss Christina Grigoratos Physical Education ~ Mr. Nareg Jamgotchian Music Instructor ~ Mrs. Anahid Boghossian Pianist ~ Mrs. Nevart Zeronian Hye Bardez ~ Mrs. Nayda Voskerijian Armenian Resource Teacher ~ Mrs. Nayiry Injoyan Kindergarten Assistant Teacher ~ Miss Talene Nigdelian Lunchroom Attendant ~ Mrs. Arpi Berberian Lunchroom Attendant ~ Mrs. Goar Rezai 209-15 HORACE HARDING EXPRESSWAY • OAKLAND GARDENS, NEW YORK 11364 • PHONE (718) 225-4826 • FAX (718) 225-4837 A Message from the School Board June 13, 2014 Dear HMADS Class of 2014, It is with great joy and pride that we salute each member of the 2014 graduating class of Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School! As you reach the culmination of your elementary school education today, we celebrate with you. We recognize your current outstanding achievements and eagerly anticipate your future successes. Each of you exemplifies the fulfillment of the core mission of HMADS to provide an exceptional academic foundation for your ongoing studies, accompanied by a deep appreciation for your Armenian heritage, language and culture. It is this dual background which enables you to move forward with confidence. It provides you with both the skills and the understanding necessary for your continued progress, both as exceptional individuals and as members of a vibrant and valued Armenian-American community. The development of your potential has been assured by the many essential members of our school community. The dedicated administration, talented faculty, and giving volunteers have merited the trust placed in them by your devoted parents as they have worked together to foster your growth. They, along with the many loyal supporters and benefactors of HMADS, have a deep faith in each of you. We thank them all for their commitment as they rejoice with us on this memorable occasion. Our warmest congratulations to each 2014 graduate of HMADS! Our belief in you is strong. Go forth with courage to pursue your dreams! Sincerely, Arpi Candan Co-Chairperson, HMADS Board Edouard Garabedian Co-Chairperson, HMADS Board 209-15 HORACE HARDING EXPRESSWAY • OAKLAND GARDENS, NEW YORK 11364 • PHONE (718) 225-4826 • FAX (718) 225-4837 June 13, 2014 Յունիս 13, 2014 Dear HMADS Class of 2014, Սիրելի ՍՆԱՎ-ի 2014-ի շրջանաւարտներ, Dear Peter, Aren, Nicole, Alicia and Margaret, It is said that there is a good reason they call these ceremonies “commencement exercises.” Yes, Graduation is not the end; it’s just the beginning of a new road that each one of you is ready to take. The day has arrived to officially consider you as the HMADS 32nd Graduating Class of 2014! From this day and on you are ready to join the prestigious HMADS ALUMNI. We remember the day when you walked in as a toddler with a separation anxiety from your parents. At this moment it’s our turn to feel the same as we set you free. However, we are confident that you are empowered with enough knowledge- as well as social skills- for a smooth transition into a new environment. My hope is that you cherish every moment that you had here and continue to hold onto the bond that blossomed within the walls of this school. Also as we bid farewell, please have a promise deep in your heart, that in the future, as successful mature men and women, you will never forget your alma mater. HMADS will be waiting for you to come back with new hopes, dreams, open pockets and full of new ideas. You will be missed and never forgotten! Love always, Zarminé Boghosian, An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. Benjamin Franklin Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. Albert Einstein Ձեր ուսուցիչներուն եւ ծնողներուն հետ հաւաքուած ենք նախակրթարանի ձեր վկայականը յանձնելու: Գրեթէ բոլորդ ալ ութը տարի այս վարժարանէն ներս վայելեցիք գուրգուրանքն ու սէրը ձեր ուսուցիչներուն: Գրել կարդալ սորվելու կողքին շահեցաք բարեկամութիւնները ձեր դասընկերներուն: Հայեցի դաստիարակութեան կողքին փայլուն կերպով ամբողջացուցիք նահանգային վարժարաններէն ներս դասաւանդուած ծրագիրը: Եղաք լաւ ընկերներ իրարու: Կը մաղթենք որ գուրգուրաք եւ մանաւանդ՝ պահպանէք այն ինչ որ ստացաք այս յարկէն ներս: ՍՆԱՎ-ի մեծ ընտանիքին յոյսերն ու երազները արդարացնող այս վարժարանին սաներն էք: Իսկ այս գիշերուընէ ետք պիտի միանաք մեր միւս բոլոր շրջանաւարտներուն, որոնք տարուէ տարի ՍՆԱՎ-ին պատիւ ու պարծանք կը բերեն: Կը յուսանք որ ձեր ձիրքերուն համապատասխան յաջողութիւններուն ընթացքին ձեր սրտին մօտ կը պահէք այս դպրոցը, եւ միշտ կապի մէջ կը մնաք ձեր երկրորդ տունը նկատուող ՍՆԱՎ-ին հետ: Սիրելի Փիթըր, Արէն, Նիգոլ, Ալիսիա, եւ Մարգարիտ, Այս աւարտական հանդէսը միմիայն սկիզբ մըն է ձեր գալիք ուսման տարիներուն եւ կեանքի ուղիին համար: Կը մաղթեմ որ, ուր որ ալ երթաք Հայ լեզուն, Պատմութիւնն ու Մշակոյթը ձեր սրտին մօտ պահէք: Կը սպասենք ձեր լաւ լուրերուն, նոր գաղափարներուն եւ գործնական օգնութիւններուն: Միշտ Սիրով՝ Զարմինէ Պօղոսեան Անգործ ուղեղ մը՝ սատանային Արհեստանոցն է: Յ. Թ. Հինդլեան 2014 - HMADS 32ND GRADUATION GUEST SPEAKER SERDA URGANCIYAN ~ HMADS Class of 1984 New York State registered architect Serda Urganciyan received a Bachelor in Architecture from the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) in Old Westbury, and later went on to receive a Master of Business Administration from NYIT in New York. She is currently pursuing Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) accreditation to expand her expertise within the construction and design industry. With nearly 20 years of experience in large scale construction projects and a wide range of clientele, Serda practices architecture only for a small private client base with high-end residential projects. She began her career in 1995 as an assistant project manager at Kreisler Borg Florman General Construction, renovating over $150M of low income New York City Housing Authority projects. Success with such a demanding client led her to build the first out of the ground fire house in Staten Island for the FDNY post the 9/11 tragedy. Soon after, she had the unique opportunity to work with notable architects like Robert A.M. Stern, who was the designer of the new residence tower for the Brooklyn Law School in downtown Brooklyn. With ten years of experience, Serda started a new job in 2004 at Bovis Lend Lease, where she oversaw the comprehensive renovation and restoration of the new telecommunication facilities at New York City Hall, working directly for the Honorable Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Having the Mayor of NYC as a client didn’t afford her the luxury of saying “no” to many requests; this led to her involvement with other Mayoral special projects, such as the NYC Wedding Chapel and the landmarked 1 Center Street restoration. In 2008, Serda had the honor of being selected as Procurement Manager for the National September Eleven Museum and Memorial project. Her job became a labor of love and determination to instill a program to implement the vision of the rebuilding of the former WTC site. In 2010, she was invited by the Mayor’s office to participate in the reading of the names of the deceased during the 9/11 commemorative ceremony. Class of 1984 A corporate member of the Professional Women in Construction and member of the American Institute of Architects, Serda currently works for Turner Construction and is involved with their flagship project for New York University’s Langone Medical Center. As project engineer, Serda oversees the entire exterior program for their $700M Kimmel Pavilion building, while also working with the hospital in addressing residual issues and concerns incurred by Super Storm Sandy. Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity. Aristotle «Ի՞նչ է պատմութիւնը. ետիդ նայիլ՝ առջեւդ տեսնել»: Յակոբ Պարոնեան YEAR OF GRADUATION GUEST SPEAKERS NUMBER OF GRADS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 10th 1990-1991 11th 1991-1992 12th 13th 1992-1993 1993-1994 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 25th 2006-2007 26th 2007-2008 27th 2008-2009 28th 2009-2010 29th 30th 31st 32nd 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Rev. Fr. Carnig Hallajian, Pastor, Armenian Church Of The Holy Martyrs Rev. Fr. Michael Buttero, Pastor, Armenian Church Of The Holy Martyrs Nubar Kupelian, Director of the Diocesan Armenian Department Dr. Pergrouhi Svajian, Educational Psychologist and Primary Mentor of HMADS Sara Dadourian, Principal of HMADS Sylva Der Stepanian, Director, ALLARC Hon. Gregory Peterson, Supervisor of the Town of Hempstead Mr. Ara Kalayjian, Editor of the Armenian Mirror Spectator His Eminence Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church Dr. Dennis Papazian, Professor of History and Director of the Armenia Research Center of the University of Michigan Dr. Vartan Abdo, Associate Professor of Mathematics at Seton Hall University and Union College and Director of the Armenian Radio Hour in New Jersey Roy Kelegian, HMADS Board Chairman Rev Fr. Karekin Kasparian, Pastor of St. James Armenian Church of Westchester Mr. Edmond Azadian, Author Prof. Hratch Zadoian, Assistant Provost of Queens College Dr. Charles Merguerian, Professor, Hofstra University, Geology Deptartment Mr. Irwin Wayne Uran, Benefactor V. Rev. Fr. Haigazoun Melkonian, Pastor, Armenian Church f The Holy Martyrs Dr. Carolann Najarian, Author of “A Call from Home” Prof. Apraham Terian, Academic Dean of St. Nersess Hon. Gregory Peterson Mr. George Kassis, ACEF Executive Director No Graduating Class Garo Armen, Ph.D., Founder of COAF V. Rev. Fr. Vahan Hovhanessian, Ph.D., Pastor Alumni Speaker – Seta Tavitian-Megerian, ‘89 Mr. Peter M. Kougasian, Esq. Alumni Speaker – Hovig John Megerian, ‘93 Mr. Krikor Pidedjian, Musicologist Alumni Speaker – Shant Babikian, ‘96 Dr. Mary A. Papazian, President of the Southern Connecticut State University Alumni Speaker – Nyieri Nazarian, ‘89 Ms. Adrienne Alexanian- Recipient of 2010 Ellis Island Medal of Honor Alumni Speaker – Nazareth Markarian, Esq., ‘96 Alumni Speaker – Alex Apelian, ‘89 Alumni Speaker – Hooshere Bezdikian Kaligian, ‘87 Alumni Speaker – Kristen Kelekian Heckman, ‘93 Alumni Speaker – Serda Urganciyan, ‘84 10 16 11 4 8 10 12 8 4 8 3 10 10 12 10 6 9 6 8 8 7 5 7 10 9 6 10 6 4 5 7 5 EDUCATING THE NEXT GENERATION HMADS Board & Administration are pleased to announce the following donations for the Scholarship Fund. It is with gratitude we acknowledge our generous benefactors and their families. UPDATED MAY 2014 HONORING HAIK NAHABED ~ $100,000 & UP HONORING MESROB MASHDOTS ~ $50,000 -$99.999 HONORING MOVSES KHORENATSI ~ $25,000-$49,999 Harold & Virginia Hekimian Scholarship Fund- Starting Year 2012 HONORING ST. VARTAN MAMIGONIAN ~ $10,000-$24,999 Michael & Elizabeth Khodabashian Scholarship Fund – Starting Year 2012 HONORING GOMIDAS VARTABED ~ $5,000-$9,999 AGBU Scholarship Fund – Annual Contribution Nazar & Artemis Nazarian - Starting Year 2014 Antranig Bobelian & Marie Mouradian Scholarship Fund – Starting Year 2013 Grace Kechian Scholarship Fund – Starting Year 2013 Noubar & Ann Mahdessian Scholarship Fund – Starting Year 2012 Nurayir Zakarian Scholraship Fund – Starting Year 2009 HONORING KHRIMIAN HAYRIG ~ $2,500-$4,999 Constantinople Armenian Relief Society - CARS Ashkhen Tcholakian Scholarship Fund – Sarting Year 2013 Arsalus Sona Apikoglu Scholarship Fund – Starting Year 2013 Kricor & Janet Marcarian Scholarship Fund – Starting Year 2011 HONORING ZORAVAR ANTRANIG ~ $1,000-$2,499 Zevart Dermanjian Scholarship Fund- Starting Year 2013 Dikran & Anjele Cherchian Scholarship Fund – Starting Year 2013 Yervant Aydinian Scholarship Fund- Starting Year 2013 Robert Aghazadian Scholarship Fund- Starting Year -2013 Cornelius Asadourian Scholarship Fund - Starting Year 2013 Elmon Andonian- Scholarship Fund - Starting Year 2013 Lucine Der Vartanian - Scholarship Fund - Starting Year 2012 Paris Torossian- Scholarship Fund - Starting Year 2012 Vartanush Azarian - Scholarship Fund - Starting Year 2012 Hripsime Desteoglu- Scholarship Fund - Starting Year 2011 HONORING KRIKOR ZOHRAB ~ $500-$999 Negdar Ghazarian – Scholarship Fund – Starting Year 2013 Dr. & Mrs. Garen Boghosian - Starting Year 2013 Nadia Bogosyan- Scholarship Fund - Starting Year 2013 Barkev Injoyan- Scholarship Fund - Starting Year 2013 Vartan Varolian - Scholarship Fund - Starting Year 2012 Garabed Ugurlian-Scholarship Fund - Starting Year 2012 HONORING TANIEL VAROUJAN ~ $250-$499 Ms. Caroline Hekimian Madison - Starting Year 2014 Shake Turabian Scholarship Fund – Starting Year 2013 HONORING ROUPEN SEVAG ~ $100-$249 Yervant & Maro Jamgotchian Khoren & Flora Meikhanedjian HMADS Graduates with Benefactor Virginia Hekimian 2013-2014 Teachers and Students Parents of the 2014 Graduating Class 1st Day of School 2013-14 –Color Guards Issagholian’s St. Vartan St. Vartanantz Day Celebration Armenian Independence Day “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” Ralph Waldo Emerson HMADS Winners of Hamazkayin History Contest Class of 2014 with photographer Mr. Robert Karapetian n gopia Aren A Peter Arake lian 5th Grade B e s t 4th Grade F r i e n d s 3rd Grade 1st Grade T h r u 2nd Grade T h e K Hamayzkayin Competition Y e a r s Nicole Issagholian N Alicia Mordjikian Margaret Sakar #A#DACIR Y7 Garc Tr0,agagirnyrov Movdk Movdk` Ovsovx[agan Gazmin SNAW6i Ka3lyrcow 20146 i Avardagan Garc Movdk <r]anavardnyrov Ka3lyrcnyr Amyriga3i yv Azca3in Ar=7 D7 Apraham Malqasyan Paxman A.0;k Dig7 Zarmine B0.osyan5Dn0renovhi Pari Calovsdi Q0sk Avardagan Tasaranu gu Nyrga3axne` Anclyren yv Ha3yren Pa=in Kris;ina Grigora;os5 Z7Garci Ovsovx[ovhi Hovri >ovgasyan Ha37 Lyzovi Ovsovx[ovhi Y;e _7 Ki’ling :arcm7 Mov,y. I,qan Anclyren Yrcyr Fram e Dis;uns5 Yov Re3z Mi A’ Asdova/ )rhne Amyriga3i Miaxyal Nahancnyru Y7 yv Avardagan Garcyr Y7yv Avardagan Garcyr Ha3yren Yrcyr Mysrob Ma,doxin Q0sk` Qa[ig Ta,dynxi 6 Yra=,d7 Zaryh Ybs7 Aznavovryani Giligia Q0sk` Nahabyd _ovsinyani 6 Yra=,d7` C7 Yranyani Yrtovovm ym Kyz5 Im Yrgir Q0sk` yv Yra=,d7` _ober; Amirqanyani Anahid B0.osyan5 Qmpawar Novart ?7Dadovryan5Ta,nagaharovhi <r]anavardi q0sk` Ov..ova/ Avardagan Tasaranin Syrda Ovrganjyan 1984 6i <r]anavard Wga3agannyrov Pa,qovm “agman A.0;k 8Hyros ta-nalov hamar pavarar e yryk robe5 Bargy,d mart ullalov hamar anhra=y,d e ampo.] gyank mu91 PROGRAM Fifth Grade Color Guard HMADS Faculty Procession Ode to HMADS Welcome Class of 2014 National Anthems Star Spangled Banner Mer Hayrenik Rev. Fr. Abraham Malkhasyan, Pastor Invocation Mrs. Zarminé Boghosian, Principal Greetings Presentation by the Class of 2014 Miss Christina Grigoratos, 6th Grade Teacher Potpourri of Armenian & English Recitations & Songs Mrs. Houri Ghougassian, Armenian Teacher If Rudyard Kipling Arm. Translation: Mooshegh Ishkhan Songs You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban From A Distance - Bette Midler God Bless the U.S.A. - Lee Greenwood 5th & 6th Grade Students 5th & 6th Grade Students Potpourri of Armenian Songs Mesrob Mashdots Cilicia I Pledge to My Country Anahid Boghossian, Choirmaster Nevart Dadourian, Pianist Address to the Graduates from HMADS Alumna Ms. Serda Urganciyan HMADS- Class of ‘84 Class of 2014 Receiving Diplomas Benediction “The people who influence you are people who believe in you.” Henry Drummond HMADS 32ND GRADUATING CLASS OF 2014 SNAW6i 2014-i <R}ANAVARDNYR Agopyan “i;ur ~ Agopian, Peter A-akylyan Aren ~ Arakelian, Aren Isa.0lyan Nicol ~ Issagholian, Nicole Morjigyan Alisia ~ Mordjikian, Alicia Sakar Marcarid ~ Sakar, Margaret SPECIAL AWARDS PRESIDENT’S EDUCATION ~ GOLD AWARD In Recognition of Outstanding Academic Excellence Margaret Sakar * Nicole Issagholian PRESIDENT’S EDUCATION ~ SILVER AWARD In recognition of Outstanding Academic Achievement Aren Arakelian * Alicia Mordjikian NEW YORK STATE COMPTROLLER AWARD PRESENTED BY STATE COMPTROLLER THOMAS P. DINAPOLI For Outstanding Leadership * Aren Arakelian STATE OF NEW YORK- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC T. SCHNEIDERMAN TRIPLE “C” Award For outstanding Commitment, Character, Courage Alicia Mordjikian * Nicole Issagholian THE CITY OF NEW YORK ACHIEVEMENT AWARD PRESENTED BY COMPTROLLER SCOTT M.STRINGER Commitment to Public Service * Peter Agopian Leadership Among Peers * Margaret Sakar PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF QUEENS * Hon. Melinda Katz Educational Incentive Award * Best Efforts: Alicia Mordjikian SARAH DADOURIAN CITIZENSHIP AWARD Service to HMADS and Church * Aren Arakelian SETRAG BAGHDOYAN AWARD For Excellence in Armenian Studies * Margaret Sakar DR. STEPHEN SVAJIAN AWARD For Excellence in Armenian History * Margaret Sakar MISSAK VAYEJIAN AWARD For Armenian Spelling Bee * Nicole Issagholian SANDRA MISKJIAN SCHOLARSHIP AWARD For Academics & Citizenship * Alicia Mordjikian ONNIK BABIKIAN AWARD For Excellence in Armenian Conversation * Margaret Sakar, Class of 2014 Emma Galstian, Fifth Grade * Maria Papazian, Fourth Grade TEKEYAN CULTURAL ASSOCIATION – NY-NJ VAHAN TEKEYAN ARMENIAN ESSAY AWARD Margaret Sakar ARS EASTERN USA ESSAY CONTEST Nicole Issagholian, Class of 2014 ALICE JAMGOTHCHIAN ARMENIAN RECITATION AWARD Nicole Issagholian, Class of 2014 * Haig Piramzadian, Fourth Grade KNIGHTS OF VARTAN ETCHMIADZIN LODGE AWARD For Outstanding Armenian Scholar * Nicole Issagholian EDWARD PETERS RECOGNITION AWARD For Science Invention Center * Margaret Sakar EDWARD PETERS RECOGNITION AWARD For Excellence in Science * Margaret Sakar NIVER ADARIAN MATHEMATICS AWARD For Excellence in Mathematics * Margaret Sakar, Class of 2014 Michelle Ashbahian, Fifth Grade * Olivia Nercessian, Fourth Grade CELIA HANDIGIAN ENGLISH AWARD For excellence in Creative Writing * Aren Arakelian GARO AND GABRIEL HAROUTUNIAN AWARD For Excellence in Social Studies * Margaret Sakar, Nicole Issagholian MARY SELVINAZIAN SHNORHALI AWARD For Love of Music, Service and Personal Commitment to The Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs * Margaret Sakar BEST ATHLETE AWARD For Achieving Physical Excellence and a High Level of Sportsmanship * Alicia Mordjikian PERFECT ATTENDANCE Alicia Mordjikian & Margaret Sakar June 13, 2014 Dear Mrs. Boghosian, Thank you for all you have done for us in the last eight years. You helped us to become who we are today. You taught us to become caring and respectful students. You taught us the importance of community service when we visited the Armenian Old Age Home. We sang traditional Armenian songs for our elders and this brought smiles to their faces. By challenging us with trivia questions every Wednesday you made us aware of issues and events in the United States, Armenia, and around the world. By encouraging us to remember our holidays, ancestors, and traditions we have become better Armenian-Americans. Time is something you always made for us. You wanted to know about our outside lives. Whether you were visiting us in our classroom or the lunchroom, you always took the time to speak with us and to find out what was going on in our lives. You taught us how to show respect when we had guest speakers by standing up while answering their questions. We appreciate the lessons you taught us, the concern you had for us and all the love you have given us. Love always, The Graduating Class of 2014 Reflections from Class of 2014 <r]anavardi Q0sk Agopyan “i;ur ~ Agopian, Peter Inspiration A3s dari5 ys bidi avardym Srpox Nahadagax Amen0rya3 War=aranu1 A3n darinyru or 3ajaqa/ ym a3s tbroxu ,ad garyvor y.a/ yn in/i hamar1 Yrp tbrox g\yr;am5 ovraq ym7 yrp tasyrs g\unym5 ovraq ym1 Ys bidi [mo-nam a3n =amanagnyru5 or anxovxa/ ym a3s tbroxin me]1 In my life, many people have inspired me. However, one person stands out above the rest. That person is my loving father, Berdj. He is the most hard-working person I have ever seen. He works 2 jobs. It used to be 3 but he gave that one to my mom. My Dad also supports his nation. Starting last year, my dad participates to the annual 9/11 tour. He rides to every location that the terrorists bombed or attempted to bomb in 2011. Two locations are: the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon. My dad also supports his religion and culture. He cannot read and write Armenian, but he serves on the altar every Sunday. He is a sub deacon and I stand beside him as an acolyte. My Father is very special to me. He taught me that no matter what the challenges are in life you never give up. I love him with all my heart. He is an inspiration to me and others. Reflections from Class of 2014 <r]anavardi Q0sk Aren A-akylyan ~ Aren Arakelian To the Faculty and Staff of HMADS A3n polor darinyru or anxovxa/ ym Srpox Nahadagax Amen0rya3 War=aranen nyrs5 yrpyk [ym mda/a/5 or gar 0r mu yrp bidi hy-ana3i a3s siryli war=aranen1 A3s0r5 gu 3i,ym mangabardezi 0ryrs1 <ad ungyrnyr ovnei a-a]in darinyrovn yv ,ad ovraq eink1 Gu 3i,ym Digin Sarcisyanu5 orovn hyd sorwa/ ym ha3yren da-yru 8maka6 ron9nyr ,arylow7 gu 3i,ym )riort Dimaglio3in can2yrov dov’u5 orme g\undreink nover mu 0rovan wyr]u5 y;e qyl0k ulla3ink1 <ad sira/ ym ovsovx[ovhinyrs5 yrpyk bidi [mo-nam zirynk1 Wsdah ym or nor tbroxs bidi sirym5 pa3x hon ha3yren tasyr bidi [ovnynam5 o[ al no3n ungyrnyrs1 Yrpyk bidi [mo-nam a3s skan[yli tbroxu5 ovr anxovxa/ ym im ovraq mangov;ivns1 I would like to thank - on behalf of the graduating class of 2014- the staff and faculty of Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School HMADS. You have all been there for us throughout the years. All of you have helped us to become who we are today. Your lessons have taught us to stand independently on our own two feet. All of you have opened up our imaginations and motivated us to be ambitious, hardworking students. We loved learning math, social studies, science, music and Armenian. We learned that math will help us with calculations in our daily lives. Social Studies taught us about our history, so that we may teach it to others. Science taught us about the wonders of God’s work. Music brought out our emotions and feelings. Armenian describes who we are. We learn the language and history, so that we may pass it on to our children. We will miss the faculty and staff of this institution because of the special bonds we have made. You are very special to us. From our perspective, you are family. That is the reason why moving on maybe somewhat difficult for us all. We will cherish all the great memories we have made with our amazing teachers throughout the years. When we leave this school, we will remember all of you and keep you in our hearts forever. Reflections from Class of 2014 <r]anavardi Q0sk Isa.0lyan Nicol ~ Issagholian, Nicole Srpox Nahadagax Amen0rya3 War=aranu in/i hamar my/ imasd ovni1 Imasd ovni5 orowhydyv $ daryganes i wyr 3ajaqa/ ym a3s tbroxu hajo3kow1 Ys gu zcam5 or SNAW6u im yrgrort dovns e1 Amen ovsovx[ovhinyrovs yv myr dn0renovhiin hyd ,ad lav gabyr ovnyxa/ ym darinyrov un;axkin1 A3s tbroxu ,ad gu sirym7 badja-nyren megn a3n e5 or ha3gagan e7 a3s war=aranen nyrs e5 or my/ hajo3kow sorwa/ ym ha3yren lyzovn5 ha3ox badmov;ivnu yv kyraganov;ivnu7 ,ad hajyli e ha3yren sorwil yv q0sil ha3yren1 Yrp a3s tbroxu avardym5 mi,d bidi 3i,ym5 or ys ha3 ym1 A3s tbroxu my/ imasd ovni in/i hamar nayv5 orowhydyv hos e or ovnyxa3 m0dig ungyrnyr7 anonk azniv5 0cno. ov anmo-anali ungyr6ungyrovhinyr yn1 Yrp avardym5 cidym or amen 0r zirynk bidi [dysnym5 pa3x ty- gab bidi ba6 hynk yv 3arapyrink irarov hyd1 Polor srdow5 3a]o.ov;ivn gu ma.;ym ungyrnyrovs irynx tasyrovn me] yv ovsovx[ovhinyrovs` irynx a,qadankin me]1 Cidym5 or a3s tbroxen bidi hy-anam ha3 yv yr]anig1 Loyalty Loyalty represents faith and being true It is very important! You have no clue Everyone should have it, as do my friends, This quality to all, I recommend. To show loyalty, Is truly a sign of royalty! It keeps friends together, Hopefully forever! This quality is amazing, we all know, Loyalty represents faith and to be true, That sums up what was out there for us In our school and our homes, Mom’s dedication, dad’s hard work, Teachers’ inspiration to the heart, It’s all reflected through our generation With a true spirit of clear reflection, All was planted year after year in us! Reflections from Class of 2014 <r]anavardi Q0sk Morjigyan Alisia ~ Mordjikian, Alicia Inspiration Ys a3s tbroxu ,ad sira/ ym yv an y.a/ e im yrgrort dovns1 A3n ov;u darinyru or ys anxovxa/ ym hos5 mi,d y.a/ ynk tasarana3in bzdig qovmpyrow1 Orkan tivrin y.a/ e sorwil nor panyr5 orowhydyv myr ovsovxi[nyru m0den hydyva/ yn myr a,qadanknyrovn1 A3s tbroxen nyrs mi,d y.a/ ynk ovraq7 ungyrnyrs y.a/ yn zovar; yv ovsovxi[nyrs` hampyradar1 <norhagalov;ivn ungyrnyrovs5 ovsovxi[nyrovs ov SNAW6i dn0renovhiin5 oronk in/i dovin ov;u ovraq darinyr1 A family is a group of people who love and care for you. They make you smile when you are sad. A family always wants what is best for you. My true inspiration is my family. My family inspires me to do well in school and study hard. They do this so I may have a successful future. My family also inspires me to be the way I am today. I always try to help my friends when they need it. I am also very nice to people. I love my family very much. My life would not be complete without them. I try my best to be as supportive to them as they are to me. I hope that one day I will be someone’s inspiration too! Reflections from Class of 2014 <r]anavardi Q0sk Sakar Marcarid ~ Sakar, Margaret My Inspiration Ys yrpyk [ei badgyraxner5 or a3s tbroxu bidi avardym yv ungyrnyres bidi hy-anam1 A3s tbroxu 3ajaqa/ ym *6( sarinyr yv ungyrnyres ,ad 3i,adagnyr baha/ ym1 Dqovr ym5 or ungyrnyres bidi hy-anam5 pa3x nayv ovraq ym5 or bidi yr;am nor tbrox5 ovnynam nor ovsovxi[nyr5 nor ungyrnyr yv amen in[ bidi ulla3 nor gyanki bes1 Bedk e ullank hamar2ag yv tovrs cank myr po3nyren1 A3t 0ru ,ovdow bidi ca31 Ovsovxi[nyrs my/ aztyxov;ivn ovnyxa/ yn wras1 Myr ovsovxi[nyru myz mi,d badrasda/ yn 3a]ort darovan hamar1 A3s tbroxen nyrs mynk nayv sorwa/ ynk ha3 m,ago3;in masin5 sorwa/ ynk myr lyzovn yv myr bad6 mov;ivnu1 Mynk mi,d y.a/ ynk bzdig tbrox5 pa3x mi,d al y.a/ ynk my/ undaniki bes1 Asonk yn clqa6 vor badja-nyru5 oronk gu tar2nyn myr tbroxu ,ad darpyr ovri, tbroxnyre1 <ad ,norhagal ym /no.kes irynx oro,ovmin hamar5 zis .rgylov ganovq darikes a3s ha3gagan war=aranu5 or tar2av im yrgrort dovns1 Inspirtation is when someone or something motivates you to achieve a goal. People and dreams can inspire. When I think of inspiration I think of HMADS! Specifically, I think of my great inspiration, my Armenian teacher Mrs. Houri. During my four years with Mrs. Houri I have been encouraged to work hard and build up my confidence. At first, I was shy. I never raised my hand because I was scared of getting the answer wrong. Mrs. Houri has helped me to build up my confidence. My confidence has also improved my grades, which I am proud of. When I grow up, I plan on becoming successful and helping the school in any way I can. As of right now, all I can do is work on my grades, participate in the community and not forget my Armenian language and heritage. I hope I can teach other young Armenians how to read and write in Armenian. Everything I know I want to pass down onto the new generation of Armenian Americans. I will never forget my teachers and my school! Science Fair Trivia- Green & Purple Team HMADS Annual Hokehankisd & Fellowship Remembering HMADS Supporters & Loved Ones Recitation Contest Partcipants with Jurors HMADS sings “Ode to Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs “ HMADS Class of ’14 & Alumni with Principal Class of ’14 with Dr. Mary Grigoratos Faculty Appreciation Lunch – Hosted by PTO Celebrating School Choice Day Easter Egg Contest Winners Visiting Fort Totten –Historical Museum Armenian Christmas Eve- Reading Holy Scriptures Class of ’14 with Author Lucine Kasbarian Class of 2014 with Ted Guekjian, RpH ALUMNI CLASS of 1982 Arakelyan, Carolyn Aroutian, Armen Balian, Hagop Barikian, Gerard Gergerian, Nayiri Givelekian, Lucy Kadian, John Mangoian, Janine Papelian, Talar Zerdelian, Aram CLASS of 1983 Ajamian, Dena Marie Assadourian, Robert Baklajian, Jacqueline Boyaciyan, Arno Demirdjian, Edmond Kelegian, Daniel Kesenci, Simon Lampert, Howard Magardichian, Daisy Manuelian, Raffi Nercessian, Marie Louise Nishanian, Silva Ohanessian, Stephen Princian, Diana Tchatrdjian, Lilia Toma, Gilda CLASS of 1984 Bezdikian, Veh-Harach Gergerian, Taleen Istepanyan, Nadine Kalustian, Michael Kapikian, Alisa Karakas, Aylin Nersessian, Lucy Ozkahvegi, Ani Papouban, Larissa Simitian, Vahe Urgancioglu, Serda CLASS of 1985 Baghoomian, Raffi Caprielian, Armen Hagopian, Shant Zerdelian, Vartouhi CLASS of 1986 Barza, Lydia Kevorkian, Sylvie Kuzukoglu, Arno Menzildjian, Alex Mirek, Arda Ohannessian, Ohanes Panossian, Diane Tutuyan, Raffi Varvarian, Juliet CLASS of 1987 Balian, Siran Bezdikian, Hooshere Hampar, Lena Kalaydjian, Diana Karanfiloglu, Lerna Minassian, Arlene Nevruzian, Nishan Saryan, Sarmen Saryan, Cecile Zerdelian, Taline CLASS of 1988 Atamian, Arbi Alpian, Aris Baghoomian, Ani Gabrelian, Natalie Hovhannesian, Anna Istepanyan, Ararat Izmirliyan, Arden Kehyaian, Kristin Nazarian, Garo Nishanian, Aida Ogullukian, Tanya Terjanian, Migir Varjabedian, Lori CLASS of 1989 Arakelian, Brenda Atagoksen, Leda Garabedian, Talin Esaian, Tiffany Nazarian, Nyieri Safajoo, Natasha Tavitian, Seta Kalaptchian, Elvis Tutuyan, Armen Yildiz, Ara CLASS of 1990 Balian, Nellie Ipekjian, Arthur Marcarian, Anne Sekdorian, Linda CLASS of 1991 Avakian, Hagop Boyadjian, Nyree Esaian, Kimberly Kehyaian, Michelle Mangoian, Christine Nakashian, Tommy Nevruzian, Anais Varjabedian, Saro CLASS of 1992 Arukian, Arpi Garabedian, Christine Manzoukas, Nicole CLASS of 1993 Arakelyan, Sarkis Barikian, Aram Hovhannessian, Anoush Kelekian, Kristen Megerian, John Nakashian, Aleene Tavitian, Shant Tcholakian, Tina Varjabedian, Arev Wartanian, Shant CLASS of 1994 Alpian, Masis Arukian, Talin Baghdassarian, Talin Bostanci, Karin Cherkezian, Michelle Gebian, Lara Kalaptchian, Jacqueline Knadjian, Vahe Tanal, Lara Zohrabian, Vahe CLASS of 1995 Babikian, Aram Bekian, Adam Dinelaris, Stephen Chitchian, Liana Givelekian, Paul Koparanian, Christine Manuelian, Daniela Minassian, Ari Piramzadian, Arin Saroyan, Elizabeth Sharoyan, Adrian Shishmanian, Vahram CLASS of 1996 Asadourian, Toros Babikian, Shant Bakalian, Armen Froundjian, Anoush Gulagaci, Alex Markarian, Nazareth Salcioglu, Greg Tcholakian, Diana Yagliyan, Michael Zohrabian, Ani CLASS of 1997 Diktas, Sesil Minassian, Haig Nisanyan, Allen Shakarian, Katrina Yildiz, Lara Zahirsky, Peter CLASS of 1998 Baydar, Valerie Fesdjian, Denise Garabedian, Hrant Kircikoglu, Alex Najjarian, Talar Nakashian, Tanya Sadyan, Roupen Sarkissian, Sarkis Zohrabian, Ida CLASS of 1999 Baboumian, Shaunté Bakalian, Sevag Koparanian, Eddie Nisanyan, Lori Petrossian, Robert Takvorian, Valentin CLASS of 2000 Baydar, Alexander Khirimian, Lori Kowsh, Alexandra Nakashian, Alex Parsihoglu, Gregory Reed, Kristen Yaziciyan, Daniela Zohrabian, Vatche CLASS of 2001 Anasa, Michelle Atamian, Sarine Bailey, George Najjarian, Lena Sharoyan, Victoria Shishmanian, Malvina Tchorbajian, Stephan Voskerijian, Shont CLASS of 2002 Babikian, Armineh Barikian, Gabrielle Garabedian, Olivia Najjarian, Garo Nigdelian, Talene Oltaci, Kelly Salcioglu, Alex CLASS of 2003 Jamgotchian, Nareg Megerian, Naomi Ovanosian, Shunt Rezai, Ali Sookhu, Karah CLASS of 2006 Bailey, Shannon Biramian, Aaron Djirdjirian, Ani Haroutunian, Christina Martirosyan, Vahan Megerian, Jessica Nigdelian, Tanya Reed, Andrew Sarkisyan, Teresa Yegnukyan, Elmone CLASS of 2007 Atakhanian, Vahe Bezjian, Hagop Canals, Priscilla-Caroline El-Zokm, Nicole Kircikoglu, Gregory Marino, Gia Pogosyan, Movses Tashchian, Deanna Voskerijian, Aleene CLASS of 2008 Gomez Shnorhokian, Amanda Ishanyan, Christine Minassian, Lucik Tashchian, Alexandra Vakilian, Hamaspur Yegnukyan, Hripsime CLASS of 2009 El Zokm, Brian Gazal, Andrew Gazal, Carolina Gazal, Daniela Ipek, Arthur H. Khajekian, Yelena Megerian, Daniel Melikian, Arin Papaioannou, Noyemie Terzian, Beata CLASS of 2010 Agopian, Deborah Der-Artinian, André Gomez Shnorhokian, Kristina Haroutunian, Diana Minassian, Anoush Vandian, Natalie CLASS of 2013 Andreopoulos, Melanie Ashbahian, Danielle Bezjian, Anoush Khrimian, Alin Khrimian, Nicole Nemtzian, Edward Rakoubian, Ani CLASS of 2014 Agopian, Peter Arakelian, Aren Issagholian, Nicole Mordjikian, Alicia Sakar, Margaret CLASS of 2011 Aghavian, Zovinar Andreopoulos, Gregory Arakelian, Nicolas Hovsepian, Talar HONORARY ALUMNI Atamian, Elisa- 2007 Markarian, Arousiag- 2007 Vandian, Christina- 2010 CLASS of 2012 Aghavian, Shushan Arakelian, Vartkes Ashbahian, Melissa Galstian, Sarkis Mark, Nicole CLASS of 2004 No Graduating Class CLASS of 2005 Armaganian, Nadine Djirdjirian, Nairee Ghazarian, Krikor Jamgotchian, Gayane Papaioannou, Doty Vakilian, Talin Voskerijian, Isabelle Historian Artur Martirosyan with HMADS Students. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR GRADUATION 2014 Avardagan tasarani a,agyrdnyrovn anovnow myr ,norhagalov;ivnn ov yraqdacidov;ivnu gu 3a3dnynk war=aranis paryrarnyrovn5 gamavornyrovn yv /no.nyrovn darinyrov un;axkin irynx xovxapyra/ siro3n5 niv;agan yv paro3agan a]agxov;yan hamar1 On behalf of the class of 2014 HMADS takes this opportunity to thank all the ACEF Donors, Benefactors, Volunteers and Parents for their love and support throughout the years. This graduation booklet is sponsored by our dedicated supporters for the nd 32 HMADS Commencement Exercises Mr. & Mrs. Nazar Nazarian $5,000.00 Mr. & Mrs. Kricor Marcarian $2,500.00 Dr. & Mrs. Garen Boghosian $500.00 Ms. Caroline Hekimian Madison $250.00 Mr. & Mrs. Khoren Meikhanedjian $200.00 Mr. & Mrs. Yervant Jamgotchian $100.00 Mr. & Mrs Jacques S. Hagopian, $100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Nubar Kupelian $50.00 Mrs. Mayda Haroutunian in honor of Mrs. Sylva Terzibashian $30.00 Graduation Cake Donated by Taline Deukmedjian Special Thanks to The Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs Sponsors and Benefactors of the Graduation Awards Prof. Vartan Abdo - Radio Hour of New Jersey - 89.5 FM Apexx Omni-Graphics – Mr. Larry Peters Class of 2014 decals Mr. & Mrs. Misak Terjanian - Class of 2014 Pins Mr. & Mrs. Ghevont & Lydia Baghdassarian, Arcotype Graphics, Inc. Mrs. Karine Kocharyan, VOA TV Mr. Zenop Pomakian, ZENPROIMAGE Photography Mr. John Demirdjian, JD VIDEOS 2014-i <r]anavardagan Hantesi Yrcyr Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School 32nd Graduation Songs ØØØØØ Ma.;ank De\r Tovn bahe mi,d ansasan5 Tivxaznagan Ma3r Ha3asdan5 Gyank ov aryv5 qa.a.ov;ivn5 Ha3 tr0,ow myr bydagan5 :o. mi4,d abri azcn Ha3gagan1 ØØØØØ SNAW6i Ka3lyrcu Q0sk` Zarmine B0.osyani Yra=,d7` Maes;r0 Qoren Me3qanejyani Ow Ha3 tbrox lo3si dajar Niv Yorkyan nor 3o3si gaja-5 Ana-ig pyrt` ha3 gr;ov;yan5 M,ago3;in myr srpazan1 Yge4k5 ygek5ban/axnynk` Hn[yxnynk yrc5 /a’5/n/.a3 Anmar ]ahow 3avyr=axnynk5 Darytar2t Ka-asnamya31 A3povpynt atamantya31 Yge4k5 yrcynk5miapyran5 Gyxxe45 gyxxe45 myr war=aran5 Ha3 manovgin dovnn ha3gagan Nahadagaxn Amen0ryan1 ØØØØØ Mysrob Ma,doxin Q0sk` Qa[ig Ta,dynx Yra=,d7` Zaryh Ybs7 Aznavovryan O~w my/acor/ Mysrob <a.dox Myr a-a]in paxova/ tbrox Myr a-a[in lyzovi dajar Lovsaba3/a- Ha3ox Hanjar1 <r;ovnknyrow myr mangagan Kyz hazar ‘a-k 3avyr=agan1 Amen cirt an2e; jrac5 Myz ha3 baho. anmar grag1 Tovn myr my/ bab` Haxig civ.en5 M,o3 Ta,di ka.xrig ho.en1 <r;ovnknyrow myr mangagan Kyz hazar ‘a-k 3avyr=agan1 ØØØØØ Giligia Q0sk` Nahabyd _ovsinyan Yra=,d7` C7 Yranyan Yrpor paxovin t-nyrn 3ovso3 Yv myr yrgren ‘aq da3 2my-5 {kna. yrgir myr Armynio3 Yrp ‘a3le ivr ka.xrig 0ryr5 Yrp or /i/a-n ivr po3n ta-na35 Yrpor /a-yrn hacnin dyryv` Xangam dysnyl zim Giligia5 A,qarh` or in2 ydovr aryv1 Hasag mu ga3 myr gynax me] Ovr amyna3n i.2 g4avardi7 Hasag mu` ovr hocin ir dyn[` #i,adagax ivr gar0di5 #or=am knarn im xrdana35 Siro3n dalow wyr]in paryv` Yr;am nn]yl im Giligia5 A,qarh` or in2 ydovr aryv1 ØØØØØ Yrtovovm Ym Kyz5 Im Yrgir Q0sk` yv Yra=,d7` _ober; Amirqanyani Srpalo3s myr ha3rynik5 Ma3ragan[ danik5 Do4vn myr ha3ryri Mynk po.po]n ynk ko /a.govn ho.i1 Carovnnyrt my4r lo3sow yn wararovn5 Yr]anig ynk` or abrovm ynk ha3ryni ho.i wra3 Ov ;e ko ,ymin nor mi ‘or2ov;ivn i]ni Mynk badrasd ynk ba,dbanyl kyz Covrcovryl anhovn sirow5 Yrtovovm ynk kyz5 i4m yrgir Myr anov,5 myr anbard Ha3rynik1 Srpazan myr Ha3asdan6 #avyr=i jamport5 do4vn o.] ha3ov;yan Tov gancovn ys ko ortox aryamp5 Sovrp anovnt myr srdovm a.0;k tar2a/5 Mynk ka3lovm ynk ka]yrit hyd5 Carovnnyr paxo. Jampow Ov ty- kyz bidi nor 3a.;i yrcyr 20nynk5 Mynk anbard ynk ha3rynik myr Havada4 ko zavagin Yrtovovm ynk kyz5 I4m yrgir5 Myr anov,5 Myr anbard Ha3rynik1 2014-i <r]anavardagan Hantesi Yrcyr Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School 32nd Graduation Songs ØØØØØ IF Rudyard Kipling, 1865 - 1936 If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or, being hated, don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise; If you can dream—and not make dreams your master; If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim; If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings—nor lose the common touch; If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run— Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And—which is more— You’ll be a Man, my son! ØØØØØ to flight. From a distance, there is harmony, and it echoes through the land. It’s the voice of hope; it’s the voice of peace, it’s the voice of every man. From a distance there is harmony, and it echoes through the land. And it’s the hope of hopes, it’s the love of loves, it’s the heart of every man. It’s the hope of hopes; it’s the love of loves. This is the song of every man. And God is watching us, God is watching us, God is watching us from a distance. Oh, God is watching us, God is watching. God is watching us from a distance. ØØØØØ Introduction - Recitation: While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free, Let us all be grateful for a land so fair, As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer. ØØØØØ God Bless the U.S.A. Lee Greenwood You Raise Me Up By Josh Groban I am down and, oh my soul, so weary When troubles come and my heart burdened be Then I am still and wait here in the silence Until you come and sit awhile with me You raise me up so I can stand on mountains You raise me up to walk on stormy seas I am strong when I am on your shoulders You raise me up to more than I can be You raise me up so I can stand on mountains You raise me up to walk on stormy seas I am strong when I am on your shoulders You raise me up to more than I can be ØØØØØ From A Distance by Bette Midler If tomorrow all the things were gone I’d worked for all my life, And I had to start again With just my children and my wife, I’d thank my lucky stars To be living here today, ‘Cause the flag still stand for freedom And they can’t take that away. I’m proud to be an American Where at least I know I’m free, And I won’t forget the men who died Who gave that right to me, And gladly stand up next to you And defend her still today, ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land GOD BLESS THE U.S.A. From a distance the world looks blue and green, and the snowcapped mountains white. From a distance the ocean meets the stream, and the eagle takes Errata This booklet was prepared with the highest attention to accuracy and detail. We could not possibly claim that it is free of errors. We earnestly apologize for any unintentional omission or accidental misprint. Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School 209-15 Horace Harding Expressway • Oakland Gardens, New York 11364 Tel: 718.225.4826 • Fax: 718.225.4837 • Email: [email protected]
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