please click here. - Villa del Palmar Cancun Members
please click here. - Villa del Palmar Cancun Members
Club Caribe Board of Directors • Robert Kistner, President • Fernando Gonzalez, Jr., Vice President • Dennis Morrissey, Treasurer/Secretary • Carlos Aquino, Director, VP Hospitality, TAFER • Ward Anderson, Member Director • Don Horton, Member Director • Ron Van Denakker, Member Director Tafer resorts • Fernando Gonzalez, Chairman of the Board/Developer • Fernando Azcona, Gen. Dir. Vacation Owner Division • Bobby Kistner, Assistant Project Director • Gonzalo Bernal, Regional Marketing Director • Norma Acevedo, Dir. Member Services • Mark Nelson, Legal Counsel Villa del Palmar Cancun Onsite management • Germain Gallardo, General Manager VDP Cancun • Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Resort Manager • Carlos Aguirre, Controller • Karina Pena, Groups & Weddings • Marifer Bautista, Head VLO Club Representatives • Rhonda Mayer, UVCI Club Services Director • Cynthia Lasher, UVCI Client Services Manager • Norma Rivera, UVCI Operations Coordinator • Brittany Blanscet, UVCI Social Media Specialist Servicing Representatives • Odilia Guiant, ResortCom VP Client Experience • Courtney Franklin, Call Center Director • Nicholas Calixto, ResortCom Member Services • Patrick Stewart, VP ResortCom Marketing • Kraig Hill, Dir. Marketing, ResortCom Marketing • Chelsea Ward, ResortCom Marketing Villa del Palmar Cancun Member Advisory Committee (MAC) • • • • • • • Roland Ashman Christy Henley - present Michael Criscione Lucille Baldwin - present Elaine DeFelice Delong Steven Tebow - present Ted Sheyda Eagle’s Wings Foundation • Robert Kistner, EWF Board Member • Sara de Cardona, EWF Board Member • Martha Azcona, EWF Board Member • Julieta Reynoso, EWF Regional Representative • Cynthia Lasher, Board Secretary III. Proof of Notice/ Certification of Quorum IV. Board Candidate Nominees Carlos Aquino Don Horton Ron Van Denakker Robert Kistner V. Collection of Ballots VI. Approval of 2015 Minutes VII. President’s Message Robert Kistner Club Caribe President Inventory Management • Our Priority – highest level management of inventory • Dedicated to maximizing inventory usage – members who use their time are happy members! • Weekly inventory analysis meetings with all key departments. Goal – to Identify high-demand times/units, improve customer satisfaction. • Have added more of specific unit types to inventory allotments – very successful strategy in improving member satisfaction Club Caribe - Increase in Membership YEAR MEMBER COUNT As of March 01, 2015 5636 As of March 01, 2016 7552 34% increase in 12 months club caribe Member Usage Rooms Nights Occupied 2014 vs. 2015 YEAR TOTAL ROOM NIGHTS USED 2014 12,401 2015 14,080 14% increase Club Caribe Members – using sister properties Total Room Nights Garza Villa del Villa Blanca Arco del Mar VDP Flamingos VDP Vallarta VDP Cabo VDP Loreto Totals 2013 256 443 7 588 343 566 239 2442 2014 887 620 32 939 553 1115 238 4384 2015 912 1392 45 1571 1037 1540 439 6936 Interval international EXCHANGE • Improving service – Interval International has now implemented a dedicated phone line specifically for our members to help reduce hold times. • Special training and refinement of procedures at both II and Resort Com Call Centers is being done to assure the highest level of service to members. VDP CANCUN –Exchange Outbounds (Club Caribe members –other resorts visited) 2014 - Total weeks deposited for exchange = 464 2015 - Total weeks deposited for exchange = 588 Percentage increase – 27% Points redemption program Now greater flexibility! Each year you can use as many points as desired from your annual point allocation and your vacation banked points towards the pre-purchase of products and services at the resorts. Only requirement - 50% of payment in cash is required for all Points Redemption Purchases. Points redemption program The Points Redemption Program allows members the flexibility to use their points in ways other than just for rooms inventory at the resorts. Points can Book Rooms Points can Pay for Meal Plans Points redemption Points redemption Points = Ahhh at the Spa Points redemption Points are Flowers, Groceries or other Amenities delivered right to your room! We are proud to Introduce Your new sister properties • Garza Blanca Riviera Maya • Garza Blanca Cabo San Lucas Garza Blanca Riviera Maya Garza Blanca Riviera Maya Garza Blanca Riviera Maya Garza Blanca Riviera Maya Garza Blanca Riviera Maya LOBBY Garza Blanca Riviera Maya LOBBY Garza Blanca Riviera Maya LOBBY Garza Blanca Riviera Maya UNIDAD TIPO 2R Garza Blanca Riviera Maya UNIDAD TIPO 2R Garza Blanca Riviera Maya UNIDAD TIPO 2R Garza Blanca Riviera Maya UNIDAD TIPO 2R Garza Blanca Riviera Maya UNIDAD TIPO 2R Garza Blanca Riviera Maya UNIDAD TIPO 2R Garza Blanca Riviera Maya Garza Blanca Los Cabos Garza Blanca Los Cabos Garza Blanca Los Cabos Garza Blanca Los Cabos Garza Blanca Los Cabos LOBBY Garza Blanca Los Cabos LOBBY Garza Blanca Los Cabos LOBBY Garza Blanca Los Cabos RESTAURANTE BOCADOS Garza Blanca Los Cabos RESTAURANTE BLANCA BLUE Garza Blanca Los Cabos RESTAURANTE BLANCA BLUE Garza Blanca Los Cabos LOUNGE BAR Garza Blanca Los Cabos LOUNGE BAR Garza Blanca Los Cabos UNIDAD TIPO 2R Garza Blanca Los Cabos UNIDAD TIPO 2R Garza Blanca Los Cabos UNIDAD TIPO 2R Garza Blanca Los Cabos UNIDAD TIPO 2R Garza Blanca Los Cabos UNIDAD TIPO 2R Garza Blanca Los Cabos UNIDAD TIPO 2R Garza Blanca Los Cabos VIII. Club Director Report Rhonda Mayer Club Director OUR GOAL • To Increase member engagement → leads to increased member usage → leads to increased member satisfaction Enhancements –activation program • We want to create a feeling of excitement from the very beginning, so we have shifted from focus on information to focus on member motivation and engagement • Team Members use a New Activation Script • New Member packet has been retitled “Vacation Guide” using interactive software to flip pages of Guide Activation Program “BEFORE” “AFTER” Call Calibration– • We hold weekly meetings to review sample calls in depth and critique the agents’ responses. • We identify areas that need to be clarified, improved or made consistent. Engagement - Website “Members” Drop down: Benefits & Programs, Reservations, Maintenance Fees, Club Info, Annual Meeting, Rental Program , Social Responsibility Engagement - Website “Resort” Drop down: Amenities, Villa Suites, Restaurants, Spa, Activities - On and Off Property Engagement Newsletters – monthly format; archived and searchable by category or word Engagement Eblasts – our primary source of communication We have developed a new reporting format to more accurately gauge the effectiveness of our e-blast marketing campaigns. Over time this will provide a trend analysis to identify more clearly the types of promotions or offers that elicit higher response rates. ResortCom International Services Member Center • Loans, Maintenance Fees, Reservations, Exchanges • Pre-purchase of Meal Plans, Airport Transfers, Amenities • Points Redemption • Hours of Operations EXTENDED! • New Hours: 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM PST (M-F) – Weekend Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM ResortCom Focus 2016: • Phone System Upgrades and New Features: • Live Chat • Virtual Hold “Lets us call you back while hold your place in line” • Self Servicing Options • Website • Automated Phone Responses • CRM (Contact Relationship Management) - system that manages electronic forms of communications. IX. Financial Update Dennis Morrissey Club Caribe Treasurer Financial Report Total Revenues – Inclusive of Reserves Total Expenses 3/31/16 (Interim Results) $ 1,206,146 $ 1,100,425 Operating Income before Reserves $105,721 Reserve Fund contribution YTD 2016 Total Net Income $105,721 $0 Club Caribe is currently on track to meet the goals in the 2016 Budget. 2016 BUDGET OVERVIEW Total Revenues - Inclusive of Reserves $ 5,055,393 Total Expenses Operating Income before Reserves $ 4,610,774 $ 444,619 Reserve Fund Contribution & Capital Expenditures Expenses $ 444,619 Net Operating Surplus/Deficit $0 Financial Report – Maintenance Fees The Club is proud to announce that the membership dues remained the same for 2016. Historically, increases are driven by economic impact related to inflation in Mexico, employee wages, utilities and taxes or the benefit or impact of currency devaluation between Mexican peso and United States dollar. This impact in 2015 was minimal, so we were able to maintain resort operating costs nearly in line with the prior year. Currently, the Club is meeting expectations, effectively controlling expenses and collecting membership dues. In Fiscal Year 2016 – The Club assessed NO increase to the Maintenance Fees . Capital Reserves The Capital Reserve portion of the Membership Dues will be set at 10% of the Maintenance Fees for our VPA Members in accordance with the Reserve Capital Expenditure Plan. Club Caribe continues to maintain and properly fund the necessary amounts to operate the Resort to the highest level of service. In addition, the Club will again set aside the necessary funds for the Capital Expenditures, which you will see in future years through improvements at the Resort. X. Villa Group/ Tafer Resorts Destinations Update Carlos Aquino Vice President Hospitality Tafer Group · CLUB CARIBE· · 2016 · · Clarabridge Member Feedback · · BENCHMARKING · Clarabridge Benchmarking Owners Division Average: 89.1 Clarabridge Benchmarking Garza Blanca Average: 92.3 Clarabridge Benchmarking Hotel Mousai Average: 93.1 OUR PURPOSE • To create extraordinary vacation experiences and hotels that accompany our guests for a lifetime. OUR PASSION POINTS· OUR PASSION POINTS OUR PASSION POINTS THEMED EVENTS AND WEEKS JUNE WELLNESS GARZA BLANCA/MOUSAI WELLNESS VILLA DEL PALMAR CANCUN OCTOBER 2016 CUISINE OF THE SUN AT VILLA DEL PALMAR FLAMINGOS APRIL 2016 A star-studded event, curated by Food Network Celebrity Chefs and USFOODS Culinary Specialist Penny Davidi, feature dinners, cooking classes, wine tasting and the finest dining experiences for all particitans. CUISINE OF THE SUN AT VILLA DEL PALMAR FLAMINGOS APRIL 2016 • Opening Night with Top Food Network Chefs • Our Members enjoying our charismatic Celebrity MC:Mr. Dennis Haysbert · O U R S I G N AT U R E O P E R AT I N G PROGRAMS · L I V I N G O U R S E R V I C E S TA N D A R D S · Play VIDEO PERFECT ROOM PROGRAM Villa del Palmar Cancun PERFECT ROOM PROGRAM Villa del Palmar Cancun Perfect Plate Top Chef Patron at all our Restaurants Chef Alfredo Bazán Chef Zamá - Chef Álvaro Cortéz BocaDos STK Chef Carlos Leyva Hiroshi Chef Diego Stefan Davino Chef Saju Samuel Caprichos Chef Mario Castro Blanca Blue Top Chef Patron at all our Restaurants Chef Stuart Roger Neptune Seafood, VDA Chef Emanuele Olivero Bella California Chef Jorge Salas El Patrón Chef Candelario León La Casona Chef Table’s Experience in our Signature restaurants… indulge • • • • Davino’s Hiroshi Danzante Loreto TheMarket Loreto • • Blanca Blue Other Themed Restaurants Villa Group MEXICAN AVANT GARDE CUISINE NEW CONCEPT AT BLANCA BLUE By CHEF MARIO CASTRO MEXICAN AVANT GARDE CUISINE CHEF MARIO CASTRO SIGNATURE DISHES DAVINO’s ITALIAN CHIC By Chef Diego Stefan By Chef Saju Samuel NEPTUNE SEAFOOD At Villa del Arco Cabo by Chef Stuart Roger HAVANA LOUNGE At Villa del Arco Cabo RESTAURANT SURVEY TABLET SAVOIRE FEST 1st Mexican Cuisine Contest Villa Group employees from all departments compete for the Grand Prize by preparing their own homemade specialties. LOS CABOS · VILLA PALMAR FLAMINGOS · VILLA LA ESTANCIA BATTLE OF THE CHEFS Members become the judges at Villa Group’s own version of an Iron Chef Competition! Two chefs battle it out in Neptune’s Show Kitchen with the dream of winning the Quarterly Championship. BREAD MAKING CONTEST Villa del Palmar Vallarta, Villa del Palmar Flamingos and Garza Blanca took part in a bread making contest on October 1st this year. KIDS CLUB CANCÚN & ACTIVITIES PROGRAM Kid’s Club Villa del Palmar Cancun KIDS’ CLUB DAYCARE & ACTIVITIES PROGRAM Villa del Palmar Cabo BEACH ROCKING CHAIRS & SEATS Islands of Loreto For our members’ pleasure, the carpentry department has done a great job with creating different handcrafted furniture made for relaxation and comfort. DANZANTE GOLF COURSE Islands of Loreto · LAUNCH OF NEW WESTJET FLIGHT · LAUNCH OF NEW WESTJET FLIGHT Islands of Loreto With the launch of a new WestJet flight, a whole new window of opportunities arises for Loreto, an official Pueblo Mágico since 2012 and one of the region’s destinations with the most potential. · A S S O C I AT E A N D S E RV I C E · ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMS CERTIFIED NANNIES & BABYSITTERS Villa del Palmar and Villa del Arco Every year Villa Group takes responsibility for making sure its nannies and babysitters are trained to keep our members’ children safe, providing first aid training certified by the American Red Cross and led by DC. Mauricio Obaldia. We want our members to know they are leaving their children in good hands when they choose this service. THE ART OF DOING BUSINESS Villa del Palmar Cancun NEW TRANSPORTATION BUSES FOR OUR ASSOCIATES. Villa del Palmar Cancun BACKPACK PRESENTATION Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta The long-awaited “My Backpack 2015” program took place to recognize the efforts and dedication of our great young talent with a backpack equipped with school supplies for the new school year, 2015 – 2016 · COMMUNITY OUTREACH · AND ECO CONSCIENCE ENGLISH LESSONS Islands of Loreto As part of our social responsibility program, we are continuing with English lessons for children in the communities of Ensenada Blanca and Ligui. Each Saturday, the hotel welcomes the local children to share moments of great learning as well as pleasure as they learn English. COMMUNITY OUTREACH Villa del Palmar y Villa del Arco On Firemen’s Day, August 22, Villa Group assisted in outfitting each of Cabo San Lucas’ Fireman and Firewoman with a brand new pair of specialty boots. DEVASTATING FIRE IN COMUNDU Islands of Loreto The neighboring community of Conmondu suffered a devastating fire last May in which a total of 45 homes were completely consumed by fire. In response to the tragedy, and with the support and commitment of our employees, we began a campaign to collect food, clothing and household items amongst others to support the community. VILLA GROUP HELPING THE COMMUNITY Villa del Palmar and Villa del Arco Continuing with Villa Group’s starter home project and marking the conclusion of the first phase, 35 homes were officially handed over to Villa del Palmar and Villa del Arco employees who had been affected by the loss of their homes during Hurricane Odile last September. VILLA GROUP HELPING THE COMMUNITY Villa del Palmar Loreto BEFORE AFTER GOING GREEN Villa del Palmar Loreto GO Green!! OUR DEFINING GESTURE We touch our heart with our hand to remind US we are honored to serve you. We touch our heart with our hand to remind YOU we are honored to serve you, · THANK YOU FOR YOUR MEMBERSHIP · XI. Pre-Arrival and Referral Program Update Patrick Stewart Vice President ResortCom Marketing Prearrival Concierge • 5 Star Service Prior to Arrival • Vacation Assistance • Post Vacation Survey and Feedback Welcome Letter Pre-Arrival Reminders and Specials Referral Program How do I refer someone? –Call our Referral Department 1-800-676-9394 –Every Resort Concierge –Pre-Arrival FaceBook App Facebook Post Referral Program • How do you receive your Palmares? – All referred guests are entered into our Referral Software Program for tracking and accounting – A monthly report is generated with Qualified Palmares payouts and the Palmares are then mailed out to the members registered address • What can be purchased with the Palmares? – Annual maintenance fees – Resort services including the Spa, Meal plans, Day care etc. – Additional nights – Room upgrades 2014 Dream Vacation Winners Rob and Betsy Berger – Alaska Cruise 2015 Dream Vacation Winner Wilda Pentola VII. Eagle’s Wings Foundation Update Sara de Cardona EWF Board Member EWF President • Eva Contreras de G Eagle’s Wings Foundation EWF’s mission- to provide financial assistance to charitable groups in the neighboring areas of Villa Group Resorts to "give back" to the communities that have provided wonderful memories in our "Homes Away From Home.” • Since its inception, EWF has granted more than $3,000,000. Who do we help? • • • • • • • DIF—Government sponsored assistance Medical and Dental Clinics and Facilities School Bus Maintenance Day Care for Underprivileged Children Training for Autistic Children Humane Society Homeless Shelters • • • • • • • • Orphanages Mentally and Physically Challenged Rehabilitation Centers Special Education Programs Programs for the Elderly Food Banks and Food Services Public Library Educational Facilities and Scholarships EWF Cancun Team Cancun Grant Program 2015 Cancun identified the first 5 programs that received grants last year: • Fundacion Ciudad de la Alegria, A.C. –operates 12 homes for the homeless, needy pregnant women, the elderly and at risk youth. $7,500 • Association of Parents with Mentally Disabled Children of Benito Juarez, AC - serves those with Down syndrome and other disabilities, supporting youths from age 14 who have had to leave government sponsored school by offering occupational educational and other assistance. $7,500 • DIF – Isla Mujeres – programs for families and impoverished children. $15,000 • DIF – Isla Mujeres – programs for families and impoverished children. Eagl’es Wings helped remodel kitchen facilities in a home for the Elderly APAFHDEM – An association of parents providing educational support for kids with Downs Syndrome and other disabilities – who would otherwise have to stop school Thank you Letters – disabled children from Apafhdem I thank you for giving me the opportunity of having your support to start this school year, I am very happy because I met my new teachers and I have all my school supplies to be able to learn a lot. I know they will teach me with a lot of affection. When I grow up I would like support others, just like you are helping me now. Thank you for making me part of your life. Oscar Ricardo Carbajal, 5th Grade Thank you for your support to start this school year with a lot of hope and beautiful things that will make me a better person in the future. The education that I receive today will be the greatest opportunity to succeed. I would like to send you a hug to thank you for your generosity and unconditional support. Only people who have God in their hearts can help the way you do. Alfonso Martinez, 5th Grade Cancun Grant Program 2016 Cancun will grant the following 5 organizations for 2016 - $20,000: • 1.- "Con tu Ayuda si cambias una Vida" AC $2,000 usd (Escuelita de Sonia) • 2.- "Vida y Familia de Quintana Roo" AC $2,500 usd (VIFAC) • 3.- "Asociacion de Padres de Familia con Hijos Deficientes Mentales de Benito Juarez" AC $2,500 usd (APAFHDEM) • 4.- "Fundacion Ciudad de la Alegria" AC $2,500 usd (Mano Amiga) • 5.- DIF Isla Mujeres $7,000 usd • 6.- Cruz Roja Isla Mujeres $3,500 VIII. Announcement of Election Results XIV. Adjournment XV. Questions & Answers