Winter 2012 - Stephen Center


Winter 2012 - Stephen Center
Our Mission
Stephen Center partners with the community,
families and individuals to overcome homelessness,
addiction and poverty.
More Than A Homeless Shelter
From Life on
the Streets…
Phone: 402.731.0238
Fax: 402.731.0838
Chief Executive Officer
Del Bomberger
Development Director
Cindy Oelke
Volunteer Coordinator
Holly Kaffenberger
Emergency Shelter Day Manager
Maggie Nocita
Emergency Shelter Operations
Christine Jaynes Contreras
HERO Program Director
Christine Salvatore
Thrift Store Manager
Lisa Erickson
Find us on FACEBOOK
On September
29, 2005 I came
to Nebraska from
Florida. I had lost my
job and had relatives
in Omaha so I came to stay
with them. I was here for about
six months and they threw me
out because of my drinking. I
eventually found myself homeless
on the streets. Off and on, for
the next four years I lived on
the streets drinking and getting
beaten up. I was sleeping in
cars, on porches and sometimes
in abandoned houses and
garages. I would go without food
sometimes for three or four days.
I was homeless during some of
the worst winters in Nebraska
history. I would warm myself up
in fast food restaurants. People
would give me blankets, gloves,
food or even cash.
I was walking down the street
and I fell one day. I woke up in
the hospital emergency room
and I had no idea how I got
there. When the hospital was
ready to discharge me, they told
me I had to go to a shelter. I was
familiar with the Stephen Center
because I had a friend who was
staying there. I had visited him
and brought him cigarettes. He
told me how happy he was to
be staying there. So I asked the
police to take me there.
Winter 2012
It was November of 2010 and I
was very thin, weak and could
hardly walk. I had severe
frostbite and had lost the feeling
in my feet and legs. One of the
reasons I wanted to go to the
Stephen Center was because
it is a dry shelter. I wanted to
quit drinking; it wasn’t easy for
me. All of the staff members
were very kind to me, especially
Maggie. I got all of the help I
needed – food, clothes and most
importantly, I got clean!
I have been clean and sober for
a year and a half now. I have
my own apartment and attend
classes at Community Alliance. I
have recently been approved for
disability. I am even a volunteer
for the Stephen Center now! I
help sort donations, answer the
front door, and clean the pantry.
Without the Stephen
Center I would not have
lived another year.
Without the Stephen Center I
would not have lived another
year. I’m thankful for all of the
good things that are happening
to me; and I’m especially
thankful for the Stephen Center.
CEO of Stephen Center
Sense and Sensibility
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
by any other name would smell as sweet.”
-Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)
Beware of what you wish for.
It is not difficult to imagine that a homeless person lying in bed at night, perhaps saying their nightly prayers or just
recounting the day, might wish that when they awoke the next day – they would no longer be “homeless”.
The governmental agency that is Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has recently made this dream come true
for some people, and they maybe didn’t even realize it right away. Through at least a couple of administrations, HUD
has set its sights on “ending homelessness” - apparently one way or the other.
HUD spends approximately two million dollars in the greater Omaha area each year. These funds are awarded via
the annual SuperNofa competition. Little to no funding is available to the local emergency shelters that have become
the poor stepchildren in this competition. The emphasis has turned to preventing homelessness at the expense of
those who already are.
When Transitional Living was seen as the “best practice” for ending homelessness, funding was focused on building
T/L units. Funding was provided to operate the programs, as well as the “supportive services” that were understood
to be necessary for the program’s success.
A few years ago, HUD stated that they had reassessed and since they were really a “housing” agency, funding of
supportive services was no longer their priority. This resulted in the defunding of about $700,000 in local services to
the homeless. Agencies that had been operating these formerly desirable programs were left to fend for themselves or
rely on local funding to continue these efforts. We have seen cutbacks from most of the programs that were providing
services to those in the shelter as a result.
In the march to “ending homelessness” it has been determined that the next “solution” to the challenge is Permanent
Supportive Housing. What were formerly called Emergency Shelter Grants are now renamed Emergency Solution
Grants. As you can see by this change, Emergency Shelter is downplayed in favor of “housing” which by definition
“shelter” is not-though those of us operating emergency shelters would “beg to differ”. Surprisingly “supportive
services” is again recognized as an important component of housing.
Let’s return to the fortunate individual or family who was homeless when they went to sleep last night, only to awaken
to the bright new day in which they are no longer “homeless”. What has changed for them? Are their troubles over?
No, actually they are less fortunate today than one might have thought. Now that they are not homeless they can’t
continue to access the medical services they qualified for because of their “homelessness” status and which they
clearly need.
So what has changed? Well HUD has ended homelessness with the stroke of a pen for many. When homeless people
are counted in our community and across the nation, there will be fewer of them. Progress can be declared, statistics
will look much better. Fewer people will be “homeless”.
The question remains, what of that man, woman or child who was homeless one day and not the next. Have their
issues, of poverty, addiction, joblessness, mental health, family, been resolved?
The Stephen Center mission has for several years recognized that we were founded not only in recognition of
a person’s housing status, but with a basic human desire to actually help our fellow men, women and children
overcome issues and barriers that are standing in the way of success.
Government agencies may change their focus, statisticians are free to work their “magic/voodoo”, but Stephen Center
will still be in South Omaha, caring for the poor, the addicted and those who need a roof over their head, regardless of
how they are categorized.
Ask the men, women and children who live in our emergency shelter if they feel homeless and you might get a more
accurate definition of homelessness, one that would take into account “community”. Stephen Center is home to those
who have no other. As always we will work with any agency, organization or individual to better the lives of those
we serve. We will build Permanent Supportive Housing just as we built Transitional Living units when they were
thought to be the answer — and they have been for some.
What we won’t do is to pretend that the homeless, addicted and poor are going to cease to exist because of any
definition or government program.
Most of those who support the mission of Stephen Center are well aware of scripture and the many references to
the poor within. One such reference is found in Mark. “You will always have the poor among you, and you can help
them whenever you want to. But you will not always have me.” Some actually take this to mean that since the poor
are a given – we should not assist them – clearly this is not the interpretation of Stephen Center staff, volunteers and
Ours is a big tent, we welcome the support of those of all faiths, those who are driven primarily by a sense of social
justice, and those who have “been there” and feel an obligation to “give back”. Our mutual sensibilities demand
Please view the 2011 statistics in this issue, despite all the efforts to prevent homelessness, we still had a mighty job to
do, and we did it well. Please note that we served more women and children than men-so much for stereotypes.
If you read or hear that homelessness is declining, pay close attention
to how the statistics are presented. Then think of the work we are
doing and the demand for services we are experiencing. Think of all
the food that goes out our front door from the free shelf, picked up
gratefully by those for whom times are getting tougher. Think about
those we turn away because we don’t have room, either in the shelter
or our treatment program.
2012 is going to be a momentous year at Stephen Center. Stay-tuned
for what Paul Harvey famously remarked to be “the rest of the story”.
Memorials & Honorariums
October 2011
December 2011
Harry Carbullido Sr.
Carmen Carbullido & Family
Earl Carlyle
John Krim
You can memorialize a loved
Louis Cavalieri Jr. & Sr.
one or pay tribute to someone
Rosemary Cavalieri
special in your life while
Ellen Gloria Cerra
helping those in need in our
Mary Beth & Phil Cerra
community. When you make
Joseph & Frances
a Memorial or Honor Gift,
Stephen Center will send an
Frank & Dorothy Mixan
acknowledgement card to
Carl & Julia Cheloha
the family or honoree. Gifts
Carl Cheloha
are also recognized in this
Kevin Cholik
newsletter. You may use the
Rob Haddock
enclosed envelope to send
Clara Cieslik
your gift.
John L. Cieslik
In Loving Memory of:
Thomas & Kathleen Wells
Corell Family
All Souls
Roscoe Corell
Thomas Mendicino Sr
Edward Coufal
George & Rose Allen
McNeil & Company Kevin & Ann Amick
Mr. & Mrs. F.W. Amick
Gary Crenklaw
Kevin & Ann Amick
Lee & Phyllis Fideline
Bob Andahl
Robert Curran Family
Pat & Mark Andahl
Frances & Timothy Curran
Virginia Arkfeld
John Dacey
John Arkfeld
Jerry & Sylvia Kaiman
Eldor Baden
Jean Dennis
Lynn & Nancy Meyer
Dorothy Rasgorshek
Joan Bader
Dostal Family
Beverly & David Lundberg
Ken & Leona Dostal
William & Rose Bagley
Fr. Ken Downing
John & Pat Mordeson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Bernard Barrett
L.E. & D.A. Barrett
Jack Duffy
Vidal & Edwarda
Joyce Duffy
Anne T. Dunlevy
Dolores & Abelardo Edward & Maureen Hernandez
Zigmas L. Benkis
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dutch
Helen Benkis
Joe & Judy Latoza
Lyla Bevins
Loretto Eberl
Pat Rezac
Phyllis E. Kemp
Henry Bezy
Bob & Mike Everett
Mary Bezy
Kathleen Everett
Louis L. Biga
Douglas Ficke
Patricia Biga
Patricia Ficke
Fred Bolte
Richard & Patricia Ficke
Joseph & Luetta Stuczynski
Rosalie E. Fleming
Jack & Sheila Brownrigg
Edward & Maureen Jan Brannen Michael
Dennis Buckley
Joe & Velma Fraas
Cathy Buckley
Sandy S. Harrison
Doris Lewis Burgess
Rose Freeman
Louis & Rose Clyde
Virginia Draus
Dale & Kathryn Munson
Donald M. Fucinaro
Mary Fucinaro
Waneita Grandgenett
Lynda & Rich Grandgenett
Lillian Grimm (Aunt Dids)
Hannah McNeil
Dr Jason Vogt
Jack Greene
Ellen Greene
Mary Louise Griswa
James & Laurie Griswa
Jean Haggerty
JoAnn Strong
Ruth Hammel
Don Hammel
Eloise Hanson
Hariet Johnson
Edward F. Harrington
Richard Harrington
Jim Heavey
Helen Thompson
Gene Helget
Margaret Helget
Robert D. Humlicek
Joseph & Patricia Gehringer
Bob Ingalls
M. Isabelle Ingalls
David Ivey
Karen & Chuck Stoner
Leslie Irvine
Elsie Irvine
Jess & Drew
Joe & Dorothy Cherek
Hariet Johnson
Theresa Meyers
Joseph Kessler
Rita Kessler
Jeff Kirkpatrick
James & Mary Kirkpatrick
Leona Klancky
Irvin Klancky
Ron Kohles
Phil & Carol Wegner
Joseph Kuhse
Louise Kuhse
Bernard Kusek
Mary C. Kusek
Larry Kusel
Richard & Norma Buschelman
Con Kwapnioski
Pauline Kwapnioski
Ed Laughlin
Patricia Laughlin
Joe Lorkovic
Margaret & James Jankovich
Lee Luedtke
Kathy Sibbernsen
Jay C. McAleer
Joan McAleer
Mariann Pape
Robert McAleer
Monica Clark
Kenneth McCabe
Dorothy McCabe
Peter C. McKenzie
Mary Beth & Phil Cerra
Dan McMahon
Raymond & Margaret McMahon
Evelyn Machacek
Ed Machacek
Joseph V. Manto
Irene Manto
Bessie Menousek
Dorothy Menousek
Arthur J. Menzies
Tim & Susan Hartigan
Lois I. Meyer
Lynn & Nancy Meyer
Rosalie Meyer
Kathryn Lawson
Beverly M. Miller
John & Marilyn Rogers
Dorothy Miller
Richard S. Atz
Phillip Minino
Sally Sapikoski
Edward Misiunas
Helen Benkis
Frances Mixan
Frank & Dorothy Mixan
Frank & Agnes Mixan
Frank & Dorothy Mixan
Bill Muff
Denise & Dick Meredith
Mary Muff
Berta & James Munagle
Stephanie Spelic
Dean Palzkill
Jerry Palzkill
Mother Teresa
E. John & Kathy Welbes
Colleen Neary
Margaret & James Jankovich
Bettie Neumayer
Phyllis Finn
Bev Neumayer
Phyllis Finn
Helen Nolan
Darlene Bart
Our Parents
Bob & Alvina O’Keefe
Dan Parr
Georgann Parr
Memorials & Honorariums
Leo Pfeifer
Marjorie Pfeifer
Robert Richter
John & Roberta Mullen
Joann Roenfeldt
Rev. B. Berger
Ed & Geneva Rohlfs
Judy & Omer Trout
Ed Rome
Rita Rome
James & Theresa Rubeck
John & Theresa Bellus
William Sauser
Ruth G. Sauser
Robert Schamp
Virginia Schamp
Don Schimenti
Mina Schimenti
Charles Schneider
Cynthia Schneider
Bill & Martha Schroeder
Bill, Denny, Cody & Blake Schroeder
Tommy Scott
LaJoy Popejoy
Charles Shimerdla
Linda Schriner
Charles & Agnes Shimerdla
M/M & Chuck Shimerdla
Nancy Sketch
Bill & Bunnie Kizer
Robert Scott Smith
Lawrence & Patricia Beardsley
Marlys Speckmann
Joan McAleer
Ken Starks
Marleen & Timothy Evans
Stec Family
Sister Rose Stec
Helen Steenson
Gerald Steenson
Zdenka Svoboda
Dorothy Menousek
Bill & Mary Thies
Howard & Shirley Gillespie
Ben Szymczak
Judy Faust
Baby Taylor
Henry & Cecilia Elker
Robert N. Thurmond
Mary Jo Thurmond
John Toohey
Mary Chemelewski
Edward Torczon
Marie Torczon
Jack & Julie Trummer
Michael Trummer
Villannera Family
Mary Shriver
Cathy Visocky
Stephen Center Guild Board
Josephine Wachtler
Ernest Wachtler
Alex & Helen Waitkus
Dorothy Badura
Tom Walsh
Tom & Barbara Burke
Al Weaver
Joanne Weaver
John & Ann Wisnieski
Helen Wisnieski
Delvina Zuerlein
Don & Sybil Beller
Arlene Wessel
Charles J. Zyla
Walter & Beverly Zyla
In Honor of:
William & Linda Allen for
William & Susan Smith
Mary Christe Wilson
Ann & Ruth - Our
Dale & Kathryn Munson
Frank & Eleanore Barrett
Steve & Cindy Barrett
Dick Bell
Florence Bell
Harold & Geraldine Dibelka
Jim Bothmer
Sue Chamberlin
Tom Burton
William J. & Susan Parr
Cena Family
Sister Rose Stec
Fr. Jack Cuddigan for
Marilyn Kouma
Mary Ann Steinauer
Deacons at St. Gerald’s
Doug & Carol Marsh
Joe Dibelka
Ray Dibelka
Tom Dibelka
Harold & Geraldine Dibelka
Collin & Sharon D’Silva
Amy Parks
Cyndi Ferro
LaJoy Popejoy
Fran’s Kitchen
Richard Held
Fr. Tom Furlong for
Duette Gothard
Marilyn Kouma
Mary Ann Steinauer
Mary Jane Watterson
Larry Gendler
Dorothy Spizman
Jean Habek
Rossi Clothiers, Ltd.
Vicky Hagen for Christmas
Larry & Joyce Mruz
Christine Hilbert
John Hilbert
Harold & Geraldine Dibelka
Sister Mary Frances
Harold & Geraldine Dibelka
Homeless Children
Char Kutz
Mike & Beth Jareske
Ann & Levi Bauer
Bill & Bunnie Kizer for
Bill & Kathy Kizer
Ed & Susie Kizer
Janet P. LaHood for
Jim LaHood Construction, Inc.
Mike Larkin
Richard S. Atz
Ann Longo’s Birthday
Amy Longo
Loyal Customers of
Graduation Supplies, Inc
Graduation Supplies, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Bill Luce
Catherine Hurt
Fr. Pat McCaslin for
Marianne Hayduk
Marilyn Kouma
Mary Ann Steinauer
Pat & Sharon McNeil for
Debra Zandt
Sharon C. McNeil
Hannah McNeil
Dr. Jason Vogt
Sharon & Dick McNeil
Patricia & Donald Kemp
Fr. Dennis McNeilly for
Mary Ann Steinauer
David Melliger for
Vickie Wrobleski
Jeff Miller
Jack & Garnet Miller
Roberta Mullen 75th
Sharon C. McNeil
Bob & Sue Mullin
Mark & Linda Daly
Cindy Oelke’s Birthday
Nicole Turgeon
Our Tenants, Vendors,
Staff & Business Associates
Marathon Management Inc.
Paula Redinger for
Bill Redinger
Al & B.J. Royal
M. Cacioppo Trust
William & Sue Smith
Mary Christe Wilson
Fr. Jim Sullivan for
Marilyn Kouma
Mary Ann Steinauer
Susan Swartz 10th
Jeanie & Edward Wintroub
The Homeless
Richard & Mary Annin
The Positives in Life
Associated Engineering
Laura Thornton
Mary Thornton
Mary Anne & Paul
John & Susan Pereira
Jeff Vance
Margaret Schlueter
Villannera Family
Mary Shriver
Craig W. Walker for
Vickie Wrobleski
Mary Jane Watterson
Rev. Thomas Furlong
Mary Christe Wilson for
William & Susan Smith
Sean & Karen Wingert
Scotti Thralls
The Holiday Season
I think I say this every year, but the Holidays are always a busy time at the Stephen Center. The
holiday season really started with a flurry of turkeys arriving at the door the
week before Thanksgiving. We appreciate all those turkeys and please know
that our clients and guests will eat well for the rest of the year.
Clients in all of our programs were served a Thanksgiving Eve feast
at Bellevue Christian Church. On Thanksgiving Day, Ric and his staff
and volunteers served up a meal fit for a king or queen in the HERO
Program and across the alley at the shelter, Fran Held and her team
made a very special meal for all the shelter guests. Archbishop
George Lucas came to the shelter to help serve on Thanksgiving Day.
That was just
the beginning of
the whirlwind of the holidays.
From there we had Christmas parties, skating parties, and Olley
the Trolley took our guests to the Durham Museum to see the
Christmas tree display. Even the Grinch stopped by to visit the
Stephen Center guests. I think his heart grew three sizes that day!
Christmas weekend was filled with gifts,
holiday gatherings and a very full shelter.
It always feels like “home” at the Stephen
Center and as always we wanted to make
sure everyone was welcome and had a
warm place to stay. On New Year’s Day the
guests had a wonderful brunch
and looked forward to a new year
with hope.
We want to thank everyone who did so much for the Stephen
Center over the holidays and throughout the year whether
you volunteered, did a drive, brought gifts and food or
hosted an event. You are definitely appreciated.
Thank You to All our Volunteers
I am writing this article as I prepare for a meeting with the overnight
volunteers. As I plan the agenda and prepare for a review of our
procedures I am once again reminded how much volunteers give
to the Stephen Center. These volunteers in particular arrive at 10
p.m., secure the building and take care of our clients until 5 a.m. the
following morning. That’s time away from their family and a good
night’s rest! Some do it weekly and others a few times a month. It is
a significant responsibility and I’m so grateful for their dedication.
I am appreciative of all of our volunteers who keep the shelter running on a daily basis
– quite literally 24/7. In order for us to be wise stewards of the dollars we need to
operate, volunteers are essential. Statistics on the website “Volunteering In America”
show that Nebraskans volunteer at a higher rate that other states in the U.S. In fact
Nebraska is ranked in the top 5 states for volunteer service by its citizens.
April 15-21 marks National Volunteer Week and gives us the opportunity to celebrate
our volunteers.
As I reflect on the tremendous generosity of the Stephen Center volunteers I am overwhelmed.
In 2011 volunteers donated 38,190 hours of service to the homeless. Thank you! We couldn’t do it without you!
- Holly Kaffenberger, Volunteer Coordinator
“Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish
caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.”
- Erma Bombeck
2011 Statistical Highlights
Total Nights of Lodging............................... 55,072
Total Meals.................................................... 146,086
Emergency Shelter
Transitional Living
Total Nights of Lodging............................................. 6,466
HERO Program
Total Nights of Lodging..................................... 30,586
Men’s Nights....................................................... 15,941
Men served.............................................................. 542
Women’s Nights................................................... 8,139
Women served........................................................ 327
Children’s Nights................................................. 6,506
Children served....................................................... 231 Total Nights of Lodging........................................... 18,020
Number of men served.................................................. 101
Number of women served.............................................. 87
Volunteer Hours................................................ 38,190*
Over 18 full-time employees
*Not including Stephen Center Guild Volunteer Hours
With Gratitude to Our Generous Donors
Donors October 1, 2011
through December 31, 2011
We are extremely grateful to
our generous donors...from
the brand new to those who’ve
been dedicated to the Stephen
Center mission for many
years. We appreciate every
contribution and thank you for
your generosity. We apologize
for any errors or omissions.
Please let us know.
Theodore F. & Claire Hubbard Family Foundation
AIM Institute
AOI Corporation
Michelle & Edward Abboud
Adah and Leon Millard Foundation
Joanne Ahlers
Becky Aksamit
Leslie Allbery
Adam Allen
Mel Allen
Larry & Constance Almgren
James & Lynda Alvarez
James & Callista Ambrose
Kevin & Ann Amick
Patricia & Mark Andahl
Niles & Vickie Andersen
Scott & Eileen Andersen
Lee & Ruth Anderson
Mary Anderson
Steve Anderson
Mary Ann & Richard Annin
John Arkfeld
Elizabeth Armani
Associated Engineering, Inc.
Richard & Charlene Atz
Frank & Helen Ayers
Nagi & Jennifer Oliveto Ayoub
Dorothy Badura
Mary Baines
John Baker
James & Ardyth Baratta
Dean Bard
Eric & Belinda Barntsen
Steven & Cynthia Barrett
Frank & Eleanor Barrett
L.E. and D.A. Barrett
Darlene Bart
Frank & Jean Bataillon
Mike & Alicia Battershell
Ann & Levi Bauer
Leland & Marilyn Bauer
Jamie & Jeff Bausback
Tim & Barb Baxter
Richard & Daryl Bayer
William & Linda Bayer
Lawrence & Patricia Beardsley
Henry Becerra
Stella Becker
Don & Sybil Beller
Bellevue Auxiliary #3912 Fraternal Order of Eagles
Bellino Fireworks, Inc.
Vince Bellino
John & Theresa Bellus
Bemis Company
David & Maria Benavente Sr.
Michael & Susan Benes
Gerald & Patricia Beninato
Helen Benkis
Glen & Debbie Bennett
Leon & Reba Benschoter
Bill R. & Sandra J Benson
Bernard Berger
John & Lorraine Bergeron
Angela Bergman
Kathleen & Marks Bermel
Beta Acccounting Services LLC
Mary Bezy
Duane Bier
Patricia Biga
Joyce & Lester Bilharz
Joan Bloom, II
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska
John & Alice Boeckman
Mark Boeder
Joanne M. Bohlken
Shown Boldan
Del & Linda Bomberger
Marianne Bonnemier
Edward Borowiak
Lisa White Bost
Lauri & Kevin Bousema
Glenda Boyd
John & Dorothy Brady
Pauline Brager
Tom & Cindy Brazeal
Joan & Michael Brenneman
Richard Britten
Cathy Buckley
Linda Buckley
Eddith Buis
Donald & Carolyn Bukowski
Sheila Burke
Tom & Barbara Burke
Kurt & Kim Burkhalter
Frank & Jeanne Burns
Richard & Norma Buschelman
Lee Butkiewicz
Thomas & Marilyn Byers
Cecil & Loree Bykerk
Karen Callaghan
Joseph & Katherine Campagna
Gary & Maureen Campin
Harold & Jeanette Capps
Carmen Carbullido
Cardinal Health Medical & Health Physics
Michael & Susan Carlson
Greg & Sarah Carlson
Ruth Anne Carnaby
Michael & Mary Jean Carr
Mary H. Carroll
Shannon & Anne Case
Kevin & Patricia Casey
Robert & Carla Casper
Rosemary Cavalieri
Central States Health and Life
Central States Indemnity Co. of Omaha
Ray & Elaine Cernik
Mary Beth Cerra
Theresa Cervantes
Richard & Susan Chamberlin
Carl Cheloha
Mary Chemelewski
Dorothy & Joseph Cherek
Charles & Beth Chevalier
Chip Thompson Design & Marketing, Inc.
Chocolate Peacock Boutique
Clare Cholet
Mari Alice Christensen
Hanna Christenson
Jon & Patricia Christopherson
Lawrence & Mary Church
Carol Cieslik
John Cieslik
Jean Cimpl Knox
Kevin & Jennifer Clark
Moncia Clark
Virginia Clayton
Louis & Rose Clyde
Rhonda Coale
Paul & Kim Coleman
Richard & Marguerite Conn
Dennis & Paula Connor
E.A. & Joy Conoan
Mary Ann Conway
Warren Cooke
Roscoe Corell
Corner Stone Church
Barbara & Bernard Costello
Joel & Elaine Cotton
Jim & Dawn Coury
Mike & Kathy Crawford
Richard & Kathryn Croker
David Cronin
William & Annamae Cunningham
Frances & Timothy Curran
Louis & Kathleen D’Ercole
Michael & Mary Jo Dahir
Mark & Linda Daly
William & Mary Dankert
Karl & Mary Dankof
Dano Danoff
Kevin & Eileen Darby
Hal & Mary Daub
Rosie Dauner
David L. Scott Fund
Lou & Jane DeLuca
Abe Delgado
Bill & Deb Dendinger
Bret Dennis
Daniel & Jo Lee Derner
Harold & Geraldine Dibelka
David Dickbernd
Peter & Marilyn Digilio
Daniel & Mary Dineen
William Dittrick
Mike & Sue Dobel
John & Christine Dockery
Pat & Donald Dolezal
James & Marilyn Donnelly
Barbara Donovan
Tom & Jacquelene Donovan
Gene & Carolyn Dorn
Margaret M. Dossett
Kenneth & Leona Dostal
Robert Dostal
Sally & John Douglas
Larry Doyle
M. Dozelencic
Virginia Draus
Daniel & Denise Drvol
Deborah Dudzinski
Joyce Duffy
Edward & Dorothy Dulik
Mike & Virginia Dulik
Lorene Dulkoski
Donald & Marilyn Dupley
Donald & Esther Dworak
Thomas & Charlene Dworak
Elizabeth Dyer
Bernard & Betty Earl
Rex Earl
Jim Ecker
Betty Eckley
Jody Edwards
Susanna Eggertsen Papio Baskets & Gifts LLC
Rita Eldrige
Cecilia & Henry Elker
Teresa Elliott
Empty Tomb Ministries, Inc.
Donald & Adelaide Erftmier
Dan Erker
Robert & Joan Ertz
Paul & Bernadette Esposito
Timothy & Marleen Evans
Kathleen Everett
Brittany & Andrew Fahrenkrog
Jane Fahrer
Idamae Fake
John & Lynne Farr
Judy Faust
Michael & Janet Faust
Pam Feldma
Ronald & Pamela Feldman
Richard Felt
Joe & Louise Ferrante
Dan & Michele Ferris
James & Lorene Fiala
Richard & Patricia Ficke
Lee & Phyllis Fideline
Gary & Barbara Fiedler
Burton & Anita Finch
Phyllis Finn
First Christian Church
First Data Foundation
First Lutheran Church
Lowell & Carol Fischer
Mike & Ann Fischer
Cindy & Mike Fitzpatrick
China Flanigan-Blake
Tom & Beverly Fleckten
Edward & Maureen Fleming
Tom & Tamara Fonfara
Mary Foral
Fort Crook Financial Company
Richard & Carolyn Franek
Thomas & Karen Freis
Kurtis & Rita Frickel
Audrey Fried
Ronald & Wanda Frykberg
Ronald & Mary Fucinaro
Msgr Thomas Furlong
David & Laurie Galley
Kandi & Michael Gallup
Scott & Pam Gass
Marlene Gatz
Edward & Patricia Gehringer
Joseph & Patricia Gehringer
Helen Geisler
Kerri George
Michael & Nancy Getty
Michael Gibilisco
Howard & Shirley Gillespie
Timothy & Mary Gilligan
William & Judith Gist
Carol Fender Givans
Stephanie Glass
Mildred Glyn
Thomas Glynn
Jerald & Elizabeth Golmanavich
Eugene Goltl
Ed & Dana Gonzales
Lt. Col. Stanford R. & Linda Gooch
Katherine Goodro
John & Margaret Gordon
Steve & Suzette Gosch
Duette Gothard
David & Linda Gouger
Grace United Methodist Women
Graduation Supplies Inc
Craig & Lori Graeve
Wayne & Louise Graham
Rich & Lynda Grandgenett
Joan Gratz
Ellen Greene
JJ and NL Griffin
Marion & June Griffith
Wayne & Robin Griffith
James & Laurie Griswa
James Gross Rev. Trust
Mike & Kathy Gross
Shelly & Gary Grote
Mary Gruttemeyer
Luvern & Joyce Gubbels
Lois Gutchewsky
David & Joan Haberman
Robert & Sheila Haddock
Duane & Joan Haith
A. Lee & Alice Hall
Joseph & Cynthia Hall
Marc & Alana Hallaert
Lee Hamann
Don Hammel
With Gratitude to Our Generous Donors
Pete & Cindy Hanley
James & Marilyn Hannam
Grace Hansen
Herbert Hansen
William Hansen
Catherine Hanson
David & Jeanette Harbert
Henrietta Hardy
Charles & Martha Harmon
Roger & Jackie Harned
Mary Harper
Richard Harrington
Chester & Joann Harris
Les Harris
Marge Harris
Francis & Gina Harrison
Sandy & Dan Harrison
Timothy & Susan Hartigan
William Harvey
Mary Hauschild
Howard & Rhonda Hawks
Marianne Hayduk
Linda Head, M.D.
Gil & Nina Head
Robert & Willow Head
John Heenan
Heider Foundation
Richard Held
Margaret Helget
William & Mary Kay Helget
Gail & Sally Hennings
Gene & Jean Herbek
Genevieve Herfindahl
Dolores & Abelardo Hernandez
Frederick Hess & Andrea Gansen
Pam Hession
Michael & Pink Hetherington
L. Thomas & Barbara Heywood MD.
Joan Hill
Frank & Carol Hilt
Margaret & Tom Hoarty
Victor & Kathleen Hoelting
Roger & Linda Hoffman
John Hogan
John Hoich
Mary Anne & Richard Holm
Harold & Mary Holoun
Irvin Holst
Elizabeth & Donald Holstein
Don & Pat Holt
Holy Name Humble Jumble Store
Donald & Rita Honz
Howard Hoody
Sandra & Barry Hoover
Kimberly Hord
Ronald & Ramona Horner
Melvin Horton Jr
Bev & Don Hoschar
Carol Houchin
Margaret Houlihan
Mark & Lisa Houlton
Ruth Howell
Grant & Sharon Hrabovsky
William & Linda Hughes
Rhonda Hulne
Mary & Gary Hunt
Catherine Hurt
John Kaiser & Felicia Hutnick
Richard & Janet Hyde
John & Catherine Hynes
Patrick Ickes
Timothy & Diane Ihry
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Isabelle Ingalls
R.L. Ingram
Iowa Western Community College
Elsie Irvine
Vicki Iwai
J Development Company
Verna Jackley
John & Gretchen Jackson
Roxanne Jackson
Todd & Mamie Jackson
Kenny & Carol Jacobsen
Ed & Linda Janeczko Jr.
Margaret & James Jankovich
Robert & Rose Janousek
Dave & Mary Jellen
Monica & Rick Jensen
Jim LaHood Construction, Inc.
Patricia & Randall Johnson
Chris Johnson
George & Margaret Johnson
Laureen Johnson
Matt & Donna Johnson
Noah Johnson
Madeline Jones
Dean Jungers
Holly Kaffenberger
Jerome & Sylvia Kaiman
Philip & Ann Kaldahl
Jacquelyn Kallman
Paul & Shirley Kanka
Betty Ann & William Karolski
Galin Karpisek & Joyce Fledderman
Larry & Shari Kawa
Jo Ann Kayton
Duane J. Gross & Mary Kearney
Charles & Annabelle Keene
Roger & Debra Keith
Rob & Maura Kellar
Alfred Kelley
Michael R. Kelley
John James Kelly
Timothy & Elisabeth Kelly
Robert & Phyllis Kemp
Don & Pat Kemp
Barbara Kenney
N. Patrick & Helen Kenney
Rita Kessler
LaVonne & Ed Keuter
Paul & Rose Marie Kielian
P J Kieny
Pam & Ken Kilzer
Amanda King
Mary & James Kirkpatrick
Bill & Bunnie Kizer, Sr.
Edward & Susan Kizer
John & Renee Kizer
Bill and Kathy Kizer, Jr.
Irvin Klanecky
Gary & Karen Klein
Elizabeth & Robert Knapp
Knights of Columbus St. Leo The Great Council 10965
Robert & Maria Knowles
Robert Komasinski
Ramon & Lucille Koubek
Marilyn Kouma
Stephen Kovar
Courtney Koziol
Raymond & Francine Krause
Mike & Susan Krause
John Krim
Mrs. Liouse Kuhse
John & Deborah Kukula
Mary Kusek
Lester & Delores Kush
Steven & Anne Kutilek
Charlene Kutz
Pauline Kwapnioski
Sharon L’etoile
Patricia Ladenburger
David & Mary Alice Laferla
Lammers Financial Advisors, Inc
Ralph Lammers
Melanie Landry
Karen & Terry Langan
John & Lisa Langemeier
Jane & Alan Langpaul
Eugene & Carol Lanning
Lucille Larson
Joseph & Judy Latoza
J.M. Lauer
Patricia Laughlin
Arthur Laursen
Patrick Lavelle
Michael & Sharon Lawler
Kathryn Lawson
Kathryn K Lefebvre
Vince Leisey
Edward Lenz
Judith Lessmann
Randal & Dawna Lewis
Lorie & Donald Lewis
Randy & Barb Lewis
Phil & Sheryl Lieber
Eugene Lilla
Judd & Anne Lindley
Terence Linstrom
Kay & Kent Lions
Terry & Cheryl Loeffler
Richard & Mary Lomax
Amy Longo
Linda Lorenz-Hunt
Peter & Sharon Loth
John & Marjorie Loughran
Loveland Grasspad
Tom Lowndes
Larry & Kim Lubeck
George Lucas
Nancy & Thomas Lund
David & Beverly Lundberg
Lutheran Church of The Master
Robert Mac
Walter & Josephine Macaitis
J.A. & Ida Macchietto
Ed Machacek
Bill & Jodie Mackintosh
Kevin Maher
Marvin & Kathleen Maher
Jeffrey & Mary Ann Maier
John Maliszewski
Sean & Christine Malloy
Irene Manto
Marathon Management, Inc.
Gerald & Judith Marburg
Tom Markel
Doug & Carol Marsh
R. Mack & Arlene Martin
Carmen Massara
John & Anna Marie Mastrianni
Thomas Mayhan
Jim Mays
Gary & Denise Mazour
Joan McAleer
Gertrude McAndrew
William & Mary McAndrews
Alice McArdle
Dorothy McCabe
Patrick & Karen McCaslin
Reverend John McCaslin
Sean & Michelle McCool
Shirley McCord
Kevin & Denise McCoy
Thomas McDermott
Gordon & Sharon McDonald
LaVonne McDowall
James McDowell
Harry McFadden
James & Patsy McGonigal
Patricia McGovern
Maureen McGrath
Millie McKee
Raymond & Margaret McMahon
Cynthia Anne McMillan
McNeil Builders
Sharon C. McNeil
Laura McQueen
John McVay
Peter & Carol Mcleay
Kenneth & Judy Meis
Brandon & Carolyn Melton
Thomas R. Mendicino, Sr.
Dorothy Menousek
Richard & Denise Meredith
Stephen Merrill
J.H. Meschede Jr.
Gerald & Sally Messbarger
Ronald & Yvonne Methot
F.C. & D.L. Meyer
Lynn & Nancy Meyer
Theresa Meyers
John and Ann Louise Micek
Joseph & Suzanne Micek
Jan Brannen Michael
Robert Michelic
Midwest Design Imports, Inc.
Diane & Michael Millea
Gail & Michael Miller
Jack & Garnet Miller
Michael & Joan Miller
George & Diane Mills
Anthony Milone
Milton and Miriam Waldbaum Family Foundation
Kellie & Scott Mingus
Mark & Sandi Mireles
Frank & Penny Mitchell
Mark & Joan Mitchell
Dorothy & Frank Mixan
Robert & Mary Pat Mockler
Betty Mokay
Elizabeth Molloy
Robert & Margaret Monaco
William & Betty Monahan
Charles & Kathleen Monico
Tom Moore
Terry Moore
Michael & Mandy Moran
John & Patricia Mordeson
Mosher Pilgrim Presbyterian Church
Steve Mossman
John & Pam Moylan
Kathy & Lou Mrla
Larry Mruz
R.L. Mueller
Mary Muff
Vernon & Christine Muhlbauer
John & Roberta Mullen
Robert & Sue Mullin, Jr.
Dave & Shilee Mullin
Robert & Mary Mumm
Dale & Kathryn Munson
Larry & Lisa Murray
Lawrence Murray
Mutual of Omaha Foundation
Daniel & Rosemarie Myers
M. Cacioppo Trust
N.W. Douglas-Sarpy Chapter of Thrivent Financial
Albert & Reidun Nabity
Michael Nash
John Naughton
Ron & Amy Nebbia
Craig & Brenda Nelson
George & Kathy Nelson
Joseph & Patricia Neuberger
Billy & Jenny Nguyen
Janice Niemann
Brian & Jaime Nogg
Walter Noordam
Ronald & Louann Nordell
William & Jean O’Connor
Mary Kay O’Connor
Terry O’Donnell
Mr. Francis Ocken
Cindy Oelke
Hector & Toni Ogaz
Robert & Alvina Okeefe
With Gratitude to Our Generous Donors
Beverly Olson
Omaha Community Foundation
Omaha Council Bluffs Roofing Contractors Assoc.
Omaha Division Insurance Agency
Omaha Sheetmetal Works, Inc
Omaha Sports Club
Richard & Leona Onken
Pedro & Ila Ontiveros
Delbert & Jean Ostergaard
Gary Ostrander
Our Lady of Lourdes School
PSI Group, Inc.
Dennis & Mary Ann Palma
Palmer Family Foundation
Gerald & Mary Palzkill
Mariann Pape
Bart & Amy Parks
William Parr, DDS
Georgann Parr
William & Pamela Paschang
John & Joyce Passarelli
Paul Stuke & Associates Inc.
PayPal Community Events
Tim & Heather Paymal
Dwaine & Cathy Peetz
Mary Joellen Pence
Wayne & Sarita Penka
Susan Pereira
Lynne Perez
Joseph & Susan Perina
Eva Peroutka
Julie & Jeffrey Petersen
Kathy & John Peterson
Robert & Jean Pfeffer
Marjorie Pfeifer
M. Michelle Phillips
Lee & Vera Pietramale
James F. Pietro, D.D.S.,PC
Gary & Deborah Pink
Helen Pluhacek
Charles & Danna Plummer
Lawrence Poell
Karen Pollak
LaJoy & John Popejoy
Jon & Sharron Potadle
David & Lynne Potter
Robert Preisinger
Presbyterian Church of the Master
Barbara Preston
Patrick & Clare Prince
Alphonse & Roberta Prososki
Theresa Ptacek
Eugene & June Puterbaugh
Barbara Quandahl
Myrtle Quinn
Ralston Senior Center
Ralston United Church of Christ
Dorothy Rasgorshek
Dorothy Ebel & Gerald Rathouz
Robert & Linda Rausch
Robert & Beverly Rawley
Shirley Rayer
Steve & Anne Raynor
William Redinger
Jeff Reeh
Jim & Mary Regan
Kevin & Lori Reilly
Matt Reiser
Gerald & Virgina Relford
Pat Rezac
Thomas & Helena Rezac
Eugene & Kristine Rhodman
Nash Richards
Carmen Richardson
Mick & Cathy Richter
Pete Ricketts & Susanne Shore
Larry & Florence Ridder
Gerald & Mary Ries
Linda & Thomas Riffner
Margaret Rihanek
Randall & Annette Riley
Steve Rodgers
Alois & Ann Roehr
Marilyn & John Rogers
Richard & Ann Rollins
Roman Catholic Sacramentals Foundation, Inc
Rita Rome
Romeo’s Inc.
Carole J. Rose
Dana Rosenberg & Becky Forth
Rossi Clothiers, Ltd.
Rotary Club Of Omaha Northwest
Kathryn Russell
Claire & Gerald Ryan
Margaret Ryan
Rita Ryan
Robert Rynders
S & M Import Auto
Patricia Sacco
Saint Catherine’s Alumna Assoc.
Mary & Herbert Sampson
Sally & Kevin Sapikoski
Ruth Sauser
Daniel Schaecher
Melissa Schaefer
Virginia Schamp
Mina Schimenti
Jennifer & Kevin Schliesman
Kenneth & Mary Schliesman
William Schlott
David & Katharine Schlotzhauer
Margaret Schlueter
Lucille & Roger Schmeits
Dottie Schmid
Anneliese Schmidt
Cynthia Schneider
Michael & Laurie Schneider
Philip & Jeanne Schreier
Stephen Schreiner
Linda Schriner
Bill Schroeder
Elizabeth Schultz
Joe & Marlene Schuster
Hugh F Schwartz
Susan Schwartz
Jerome Scott Jr.
Deborah L. Scott
John & Dianne Scott
Elaine Sedlacek
Thomas & Beverly Sedlacek
Pamela S. Sellenrick
Margaret Semin
Delbert & Vicki Sempek
Edwin & Marie Shaffer
Sue & Tom Sheeren
Christopher & Kimberly Shehan
Donald & Bonnie Shennum
Frances Shepherd
Michael & Patricia Sherman
Charles & Mary Shimerdla
David & Patricia Shinbara
Richard & Lucille Shirley
Ruth Shook
Mary Shriver
Regina Shumaker
Terry & Kathy Sibbernsen
Jim & Barb Sichmeller
Jean Sima
Linda Simodynes
James & Kathryn Simpson
Suzanne Singer
Davis Singles
Danny Sisley
Sister Rose Stec
Michael & Nancy Sketch
Rachel Skradski LLC
Joe & Julie Skradski
John & Karla Skradski
Edward & Cheryl Slavik
William & Susan Smith
Eugene & Sally Smith
Everett & Joann Smith
Kirby & Julie Smith
Lawrence & Julie Smith
M. Jane Smith
Mike & Lucy Smith
Marjorie Sneed
Vera Snide
David & Leigh Snow
W.E. and Betty Snowdon
Cari Sommer
Kelly & Gregory Sosso
William & Dorothy Soukup
South O Melting Pot
Stephen & Stephanie Spelic
Gene & Marilyn Spence
Spin Linen Management
Dorothy Spizman
Springlake Neighborhood Assoc.
Sandra K Squires
St. Bernadette Church
St. Columbkille Ancient Order of Hibernians
St. Columbkille Church
St. Frances Cabrini Sodality
St. James United Methodist Women
St. Leo Church
St. Robert Bellarmine
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
David & Marjean Stamm
Helen & Leslie Stanley
Agnes & Darrell Stark
Peggy Staup
Gerald Steenson
Lester V. Steffen
Marie Stehno
Mary Ann Steinauer
Richard Stodola
Karen & Charles Stoner
Edward & Jennifer Storm
Loretto Storm
Paul & Robin Stoupa
Ronald & Sharon Strawn
JoAnn Strong
Joseph Stuczynski
Clifford & Hildegard Stults
Style, Inc
John and Mary Sullivan, Jr.
Melanie & Thomas Sutko
James & Alyce Svajgl
John & Ruth Szarad
John & Judy Szaro
Sue & Edward Szawicki
Frank Szurpicki
WJ Talmon
Gwen Teeple
Therese Terchuren
Terence Thacker
Brenda Tharp
Janet Thayer
The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc
Maurice & Teresa Thiele
Douglas & Margaret Thomas
Helen Thompson
Kennard & Collene Thompson
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Mary Jo & Robert Thurmond
James Timmerman
Susan Toelle
Marie Torczon
Robert & Cathy Townsend
Darlene & Tom Trawicki
Trinity Lutheran Church
Charles & Rosalia Triplett
Judy & Omer Trout
Michael Trummer
Nichole Turgeon
Ricardo & Ramona Turner
Marion & Hazel Tylski
Frank and Mary Udron
Monica Umhoefer
RIchard Upah
Mary Ellen & George Uphoff
Bernard & Carol Urkoski
Don & Mary Pat Vacek
Jane Vandeventer
Lorraine Vashon
Deborah & James Vihstadt
Kathleen & Ernest Vincentini
Linda Vogler Severin
Johannah McNeil Vogt
Ron & Rosie Volkmer
Rich & Linda Vonderlage
Anne Vondollen McAlister
Bruce & Susan Vosburg
Deb & Scott Vosika
Karina & Mark Voutas
Ernest Wachtler
Margaret Wagner
Stephen & Loretta Wallace
James Waszgis
Mary Jane Watterson
Robert & Louise Way
E. L. & Jeanne Weaver
Jeffrey & Leticia Wees
Rose Wegman
James & Margaret Wegner
Phil & Carol Wegner
Steve & Terri Wegner
E. John & Kathy Welbes
Thomas & Kathleen Wells
Gerard & Marcella Wemhoff
Norbert Wenzl
Arlene Wessel
Kenneth & Carol Wessling
David & Sharon Whitney
Dale & Theresa Widhalm
Stanley & Barbara Widman
Jack & Jean Wiechmann
Stephen & Donna Wilhelm
Troy & Theresa Wilhelm
William and Ruth Scott Family Foundation
Gary & Cheryl Willis
Ashley Willson
Mary Christe Wilson
Peter Wilson
Terry & Susan Wilwerding
Pamela Wintroub
Rose Wise
Helen Wisnieski
Daryl & Patricia Wittstruck
Julius & Adeline Woita
Betty Wonderly
Christi & Gary Wood
Larry & Beth Wooster
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Wrich
Vickie Wrobleski
Jean Wulf
Charlie & Lynn Wurtz
Debra Zandt
James Zielinski
Walter & Beverly Zyla
Stephen Center Thrift
You can drop off your donations at
5128 S 24th Street during business
hours or call us at 402-614-1017 to
schedule a pick up.
We Will Accept:
• Clean clothing (men, women, children and infant)
• Shoes/Boots(in pairs)
• Jewelry
• Garden tools, hand tools
• Bedding,linens
• Housewares, dishes, pots/pans
• Small appliances (toasters, lamps, clocks, etc.)
• Clean furniture
• Portable stereos and TVs
• Stuffed animals
Give us what you would give your friend!
We are Unable to Accept:
• Console TVs
• Hazardous waste/chemical lubricants
• Plumbing fixtures/scrap building materials
• Large appliances (refrigerators, dryers, etc.)
• Used tires, paint, oil
• Waterbeds
• Furniture in need of repair
• Pianos/organs
• Encyclopedias
• Children’s toys & Bicycles
• Collapsible cribs
Special Thanks
A big shout out to the employees of Fat Brain Toys
for spending their Thanksgiving Day sprucing up the
family room on the third floor. The families staying
at Stephen Center loved their new digs.
Thanks to Bag ‘N Save and Smart Chicken for the
donation of chicken.
“Real joy comes not from ease or riches or from praise of men, but from doing something worthwhile.”
- Sir Wilfred Grennfell, Missionary
Stephen Center NEWS
Winter 2012
Published four times annually
by Stephen Center
Stephen Center
Editor: Cindy Oelke
[email protected]
2723 Q Street
Chief Executive Officer: Del Bomberger, Jr., MNM Omaha, NE 68107
[email protected]
Non Profit
US Postage
Permit No. 776
Omaha, NE
2723 Q Street
Omaha, NE 68107
Please visit our website to keep up with all the latest news & needs of the Stephen Center Family
Cruise Away to the Orient
March 10th, 2012
Champion’s Run Country Club
Contact Dana Gonzales at
[email protected] for more
information or to make reservations.
In this Edition...
Front:From Life on the Streets...
From the Desk of Del Bomberger
Memorials and Honorariums
The Holiday Season
Thank You to All our Volunteers
2011 Statistical Highlights
Our Generous Donors
Stephen Center Thrift
Special Thanks