Ink Link 2012


Ink Link 2012
Ink Link
East Granby Middle School
East Granby, CT
Welcome! Since 2005, Ink Link Literary Magazine has showcased the
talented writers and artists of East Granby Middle School. This is the
eighth edition! Students from grades 6, 7, and 8 were invited to submit
any form of poetry to the literary magazine. Please enjoy the original
writing and photography by East Granby Middle School students.
Mrs. Stewart
Ink Link Photographers
Sami Hasenbalg
Poetry Café Night photos are courtesy of Ms. Rosenstein
Ink Link Editors
Sami Hasenbalg
Matt Borsari
Enjoy the literary magazine online at
IF I WERE IN CHARGE OF THE WORLD .................................................................................................................. 11
RYAN TROMBLY, GRADE 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 11
LOUD ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
JONATHAN WILSON, GRADE 6 ................................................................................................................................. 11
LOUD ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
RASHAD NASRUDEEN, GRADE 6 ............................................................................................................................... 12
THE ELEPHANT WITH NO NAME........................................................................................................................... 12
ZACH HALL, GRADE 6 ............................................................................................................................................ 12
BALLET................................................................................................................................................................. 12
MELANIE KELLOGG, GRADE 6 .................................................................................................................................. 12
THE FOREST ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
JORDIN COMSTOCK, GRADE 6.................................................................................................................................. 13
IF I WERE IN CHARGE OF THE WORLD .................................................................................................................. 13
JACOB READ, GRADE 6 .......................................................................................................................................... 13
I HAD MY HOMEWORK........................................................................................................................................ 14
KATARINA BADE, GRADE 6 ..................................................................................................................................... 14
FLOWER ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
CLAIRE NEWHALL, GRADE 6 .................................................................................................................................... 14
"I CAN’T WRITE A POEM” POEM .......................................................................................................................... 15
LUKE DENNO, GRADE 6 ......................................................................................................................................... 15
I AM..................................................................................................................................................................... 15
DYLAN SHELDON, GRADE 6..................................................................................................................................... 15
IF I WERE IN CHARGE OF THE WORLD .................................................................................................................. 16
VASCO LAMBERT, GRADE 6..................................................................................................................................... 16
FLOWER POEM .................................................................................................................................................... 16
ALLIE DAVIS, GRADE 6........................................................................................................................................... 16
I AM..................................................................................................................................................................... 17
WILLIAM HENDERSON, GRADE 6.............................................................................................................................. 17
I HATE HOMEWORK!! .......................................................................................................................................... 17
NOAH LEADBEATER, GRADE 6 ................................................................................................................................. 17
LOUD ................................................................................................................................................................... 17
JAKE OUELLETTE, GRADE 6 ..................................................................................................................................... 17
IF I WERE IN CHARGE OF THE WORLD .................................................................................................................. 18
CARRIE TUCZINSKI, GRADE 6 ................................................................................................................................... 18
ART POEM ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
KAYLA GIBBS, GRADE 6.......................................................................................................................................... 18
I’M DREADING MY HOMEWORK.......................................................................................................................... 19
ALEXANDER CANNON, GRADE 6............................................................................................................................... 19
I CAN’T WRITE A POEM........................................................................................................................................ 19
CONNER DIANGELO, GRADE 6................................................................................................................................. 19
THE MAN FOLLOWING ME................................................................................................................................... 20
KYLIE GEER, GRADE 6............................................................................................................................................ 20
LOUD ................................................................................................................................................................... 20
KYLE MCCORISON, GRADE 6................................................................................................................................... 20
THE VIRGIN FOREST ............................................................................................................................................. 21
ISABELLA ATTIANESE, GRADE 6 ................................................................................................................................ 21
ODE TO JELL-O ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
ETHAN PUHALA, GRADE 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 21
I CAN’T WRITE A POEM........................................................................................................................................ 22
JASON MARIN, GRADE 6 ........................................................................................................................................ 22
EXTRA CREDIT...................................................................................................................................................... 22
TATUM STRONG, GRADE 6 ..................................................................................................................................... 22
ANIMAL IN ME..................................................................................................................................................... 22
WILLIAM BUCKLAND, GRADE 6................................................................................................................................ 22
MY SHAPE POEM ................................................................................................................................................. 23
BY SOSIE FRENCH, GRADE 6 .................................................................................................................................... 23
LOUD ................................................................................................................................................................... 24
JAMIE DESKUS, GRADE 6........................................................................................................................................ 24
BOW .................................................................................................................................................................... 24
LEAH WIMPFHEIMER, GRADE 6 ............................................................................................................................... 24
CLUMSY ............................................................................................................................................................... 25
ABBY BOUWER, GRADE 6 ....................................................................................................................................... 25
MAX LANDOLINA, GRADE 6 .................................................................................................................................... 25
I CAN'T WRITE A POEM ........................................................................................................................................ 26
QUINN PATTERSON, GRADE 6 ................................................................................................................................. 26
IMAGINATION...................................................................................................................................................... 26
ELEANOR FERRY, GRADE 6...................................................................................................................................... 26
I AM..................................................................................................................................................................... 27
NATALIE AKSENOFF, GRADE 6 ................................................................................................................................. 27
QUIET POEM........................................................................................................................................................ 27
ALYSSA MIRIZZI, GRADE 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 27
REASONS I FORGOT MY HOMEWORK .................................................................................................................. 27
JACOB KITTREDGE, GRADE 6 ................................................................................................................................... 27
FAMILY MEMBER PORTRAIT ................................................................................................................................ 28
JAEQUAN GRANT, GRADE 6 .................................................................................................................................... 28
HAPPY POEM ....................................................................................................................................................... 28
FARRELL GOTHERS, GRADE 6................................................................................................................................... 28
I DIDN'T DO MY HOMEWORK .............................................................................................................................. 28
LAUREN HOUDE, GRADE 6...................................................................................................................................... 28
STAR .................................................................................................................................................................... 29
NORMAN COTTELEER, GRADE 6 ............................................................................................................................... 29
FRIENDSHIP ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
SETH CARLSON, GRADE 6 ....................................................................................................................................... 29
HOMEWORK........................................................................................................................................................ 30
MEGHAN HASENBALG, GRADE 6 .............................................................................................................................. 30
I CAN’T WRITE A POEM........................................................................................................................................ 30
GREG LINTNER, GRADE 6 ....................................................................................................................................... 30
ANIMAL IN ME..................................................................................................................................................... 31
MORGAN BRADLEY, GRADE 6.................................................................................................................................. 31
HOMEWORK, JUST SO BORING............................................................................................................................ 31
JACOB GAUDREAU, GRADE 6................................................................................................................................... 31
THE SKATEBOARD................................................................................................................................................ 31
RYAN GAFFNEY, GRADE 6....................................................................................................................................... 31
PERSONAL POEM................................................................................................................................................. 32
EVE MARIE WHITE, GRADE 6 .................................................................................................................................. 32
CAN’T WRITE A POEM.......................................................................................................................................... 32
ETHAN BARTLEY, GRADE 6...................................................................................................................................... 32
DANCE ................................................................................................................................................................. 33
JUSTIN LACHARITE, GRADE 6 ................................................................................................................................... 33
QUIET POEM........................................................................................................................................................ 33
LITA ROY, GRADE 6............................................................................................................................................... 33
IF I WERE IN CHARGE OF THE WORLD .................................................................................................................. 34
OLIVIA KOWAL, GRADE 6 ....................................................................................................................................... 34
I AM FIRE ............................................................................................................................................................. 34
JACK DUBE, GRADE 6 ............................................................................................................................................ 34
THE SOUND OF THE JUNGLE................................................................................................................................. 35
BRYANNA BERTERA, GRADE 6.................................................................................................................................. 35
THE FOX AND THE HAMSTER ............................................................................................................................... 35
JULIA VASSALLO, GRADE 6...................................................................................................................................... 35
FAMILY MEMBER PORTRAIT ................................................................................................................................ 36
IVANA PRATS, GRADE 6 ......................................................................................................................................... 36
SELF PORTRAIT..................................................................................................................................................... 36
ALI WILLIAMS, GRADE 6 ........................................................................................................................................ 36
THE BLUE SUN...................................................................................................................................................... 36
DESTINIE MEADE, GRADE 6 .................................................................................................................................... 36
MY DOG ATE MY HOMEWORK............................................................................................................................. 37
LILY MCCARTHY, GRADE 6 ..................................................................................................................................... 37
FAMILY MEMBER PORTRAIT ................................................................................................................................ 37
JILL LANDOLINA, GRADE 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 37
I CAN’T WRITE A POEM........................................................................................................................................ 37
OLIVIA BRODY, GRADE 6........................................................................................................................................ 37
MY HOMEWORK IS DUE TODAY!!!!...................................................................................................................... 38
MEGAN HACIA, GRADE 6 ....................................................................................................................................... 38
HOMEWORK........................................................................................................................................................ 38
KOHL RUSSELL, GRADE 6........................................................................................................................................ 38
KAT JACOBS, GRADE 6........................................................................................................................................... 39
JACK FITZGERALD, GRADE 6 .................................................................................................................................... 40
THE BEAR............................................................................................................................................................. 40
SIERRA BENWARE, GRADE 6.................................................................................................................................... 40
IF I WERE IN CHARGE OF THE WORLD .................................................................................................................. 41
MATTHEW PERRY, GRADE 6 ................................................................................................................................... 41
I CAN'T WRITE A POEM ........................................................................................................................................ 41
HALEY MORRIS, GRADE 6....................................................................................................................................... 41
BLUE ATMOSPHERE ............................................................................................................................................. 42
VIRGINIA GAUTIER, GRADE 6................................................................................................................................... 42
I CAN'T WRITE A POEM ........................................................................................................................................ 42
JAMIE CRANE, GRADE 6 ......................................................................................................................................... 42
HOW TO BE… ASHLEY BARRY............................................................................................................................... 43
ASHLEY BARRY, GRADE 7 ....................................................................................................................................... 43
AN ODE TO MY IPOD............................................................................................................................................ 43
NELSON FERGUSON, GRADE 7 ................................................................................................................................. 43
AN ODE TO MY SPAZTASTIC CAT.......................................................................................................................... 44
EMILY FARMER, GRADE 7 ....................................................................................................................................... 44
ODE TO EARTH..................................................................................................................................................... 44
GABY GONZALEZ, GRADE 7..................................................................................................................................... 44
AN ODE TO MY IPOD............................................................................................................................................ 45
NELSON FERGUSON, GRADE 7 ................................................................................................................................. 45
HOW TO BE HANNA SHOOKUS ............................................................................................................................ 45
HANNA SHOOKUS, GRADE 7 ................................................................................................................................... 45
HOW TO BE... CHANEL HENDERSON .................................................................................................................... 46
CHANEL HENDERSON, GRADE 7 ............................................................................................................................... 46
MY JELLYBEAN ..................................................................................................................................................... 46
BRIANNA RAMOS, GRADE 7 .................................................................................................................................... 46
ODE TO LUNA TIC................................................................................................................................................. 47
GWYNNE HOOPER, GRADE 7................................................................................................................................... 47
AN ODE TO WINGS AND FLIGHT........................................................................................................................... 47
ALEXANDRIA GEER, GRADE 7 .................................................................................................................................. 47
MESSY.................................................................................................................................................................. 47
GAVIN MCCONNELL, GRADE 8 ................................................................................................................................ 47
I AM HERE............................................................................................................................................................ 48
JOHN KLEMONSKY, GRADE 8 ................................................................................................................................... 48
RAIN .................................................................................................................................................................... 48
CONNOR ROSENBERGER, GRADE 8 ........................................................................................................................... 48
OIL ELECTRICITY ................................................................................................................................................... 48
STEPHEN BAGLEY, GRADE 8 .................................................................................................................................... 48
LOVE POEM FROM DICTIONARY TO PENNY ......................................................................................................... 49
AARON TAUBER, GRADE 8...................................................................................................................................... 49
LOVE POEM BETWEEN A SCOOTER AND A REFRIGERATOR MAGNET ................................................................... 49
NICHOLAS FERSCH, GRADE 8................................................................................................................................... 49
LOVE LETTER FROM THE TENNIS RACKET TO THE FEATHER.................................................................................. 49
HANNAH DEFRANZO, GRADE 8................................................................................................................................ 49
LOVE LETTER FROM A PENCIL TO A SINK STRAINER ............................................................................................. 50
SARA CLARK, GRADE 8........................................................................................................................................... 50
A LOVE LETTER FROM A SPOON TO A TOOTHPICK ............................................................................................... 50
ETHAN NEWHALL, GRADE 8 .................................................................................................................................... 50
POEM INSPIRED BY “THE WRITER” ...................................................................................................................... 51
JASON BOURGAULT, GRADE 8 ................................................................................................................................. 51
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF .......................................................................................................................................... 51
GABRIELLA JONES, GRADE 8.................................................................................................................................... 51
PUSH.................................................................................................................................................................... 52
PAIGE DERLINGA, GRADE 8..................................................................................................................................... 52
GRANDPA, THE BEST............................................................................................................................................ 52
THOMAS LOSTOWSKI, GRADE 8 ............................................................................................................................... 52
STAIRS ................................................................................................................................................................. 53
HELENA BRODY, GRADE 8 ...................................................................................................................................... 53
STRUM................................................................................................................................................................. 53
RYAN GILL, GRADE 8............................................................................................................................................. 53
A DOG.................................................................................................................................................................. 54
ANDREW EASTMAN, GRADE 8 ................................................................................................................................. 54
PUSH ME TO THE LIMIT........................................................................................................................................ 54
WILL KELSEY, GRADE 8 .......................................................................................................................................... 54
AN ODE TO THE PS3............................................................................................................................................. 55
DYLAN TEIXEIRA, GRADE 8...................................................................................................................................... 55
FILLED WITH MEMORIES...................................................................................................................................... 55
VALERIE WINALSKI, GRADE 8 .................................................................................................................................. 55
MESSY DESK......................................................................................................................................................... 56
DENNIS CHENG, GRADE 8....................................................................................................................................... 56
LOVE POEM: REMOTE CONTROL TO DICTIONARY................................................................................................ 56
SARA OUELLETTE, GRADE 8 .................................................................................................................................... 56
BOTTLE CAP TO CARTON OF MILK........................................................................................................................ 57
MARCO LAURENO, GRADE 8 ................................................................................................................................... 57
MADISON ............................................................................................................................................................ 57
CASSIE WEIR, GRADE 8.......................................................................................................................................... 57
LOVE POEM ......................................................................................................................................................... 58
EMILY MARCEAU, GRADE 8 .................................................................................................................................... 58
LOVE LETTER FROM A JAR TO A KEY..................................................................................................................... 58
KYLE HARVEY, GRADE 8 ......................................................................................................................................... 58
THANK YOU MY TEACHER.................................................................................................................................... 58
AILING LI, GRADE 8 .............................................................................................................................................. 58
A LOVE LETTER FROM A SINK STRAINER TO AN ICE PACK..................................................................................... 59
OLIVIA MORRIS, GRADE 8 ...................................................................................................................................... 59
DON’T .................................................................................................................................................................. 60
ALEENA SIERRA, GRADE 8....................................................................................................................................... 60
PUSH.................................................................................................................................................................... 60
DANIEL COUCEIRO, GRADE 8................................................................................................................................... 60
TOO MUCH IS TOO LITTLE .................................................................................................................................... 60
ALEX NIGRO, GRADE 8 .......................................................................................................................................... 60
STRAW TO THE ATLAS.......................................................................................................................................... 61
EMILY GUILLERAULT, GRADE 8................................................................................................................................. 61
AN ODE TO MY MOTHER ..................................................................................................................................... 61
ALISHA KUMAR, GRADE 8....................................................................................................................................... 61
LOVE LETTER FROM THE CALCULATOR TO THE POWER CORD.............................................................................. 61
CHLOE WELLINS, GRADE 8...................................................................................................................................... 61
ENOUGH .............................................................................................................................................................. 62
ZOE ARNOLD, GRADE 8 ......................................................................................................................................... 62
LOVE LETTER FROM THE PING PONG BALL TO THE JAR ........................................................................................ 62
SAMANTHA HASENBALG, GRADE 8 ........................................................................................................................... 62
AS I GROW OLDER................................................................................................................................................ 63
DEVON IDE, GRADE 8 ............................................................................................................................................ 63
THE BOOK’S BLESSING ......................................................................................................................................... 64
MACKENZIE DENNO, GRADE 8................................................................................................................................. 64
MAY YOU LOVE?.................................................................................................................................................. 64
HOLLY CORCORAN, GRADE 8................................................................................................................................... 64
THE MOUNTAIN................................................................................................................................................... 65
KENNY CALLAHAN, GRADE 8 ................................................................................................................................... 65
MY MOTHER ........................................................................................................................................................ 66
KELSEY GIBBS, GRADE 8......................................................................................................................................... 66
BEAUTIFUL........................................................................................................................................................... 67
HALEY STRONG, GRADE 8....................................................................................................................................... 67
THE MOON .......................................................................................................................................................... 67
CAITLIN DALEB, GRADE 8 ....................................................................................................................................... 67
LIFE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 68
JUSTIN OFSURYK, GRADE 8 ..................................................................................................................................... 68
ALL THAT MATTERS…........................................................................................................................................... 69
TYLER MIKULA, GRADE 8 ....................................................................................................................................... 70
PAIN .................................................................................................................................................................... 71
TAYLOR LAVOIE, GRADE 8 ...................................................................................................................................... 71
LOVE LETTER BETWEEN A SHOVEL AND A SINK STRAINER ................................................................................... 71
MORGAN MATTIL, GRADE 8 ................................................................................................................................... 71
MY MOTHER, THE ONE AND ONLY....................................................................................................................... 72
LAUREN STOUT, GRADE 8....................................................................................................................................... 72
THE DREAMER ..................................................................................................................................................... 73
ANNIKA CARLSON, GRADE 8 ................................................................................................................................... 73
LOVE LETTER FROM A MITTEN TO A DICTIONARY................................................................................................ 74
ALEXIS GELINAS, GRADE 8 ...................................................................................................................................... 74
LOVE POEM FROM A SAFETY PIN TO THE FLOWER POT ....................................................................................... 75
JON BRENNER, GRADE 8 ........................................................................................................................................ 75
WHAT MAKES HER WHO SHE IS ........................................................................................................................... 76
JOSHUA DIAZ, GRADE 8 ......................................................................................................................................... 76
I WANT TO SAY .................................................................................................................................................... 76
SARAH ANN CALANO, GRADE 8 ............................................................................................................................... 76
LOVE LETTER FROM THE REFRIGERATOR MAGNET TO THE STRAW...................................................................... 77
SABRINA BARRY, GRADE 8...................................................................................................................................... 77
NOT A BARBIE WANNA BE ................................................................................................................................... 77
EMMA BEMAN, GRADE 8 ....................................................................................................................................... 77
LOVE LETTER FROM A PINWHEEL TO A SOCK....................................................................................................... 78
JOSIE GAUTIER, GRADE 8 ....................................................................................................................................... 78
THE FLIGHT .......................................................................................................................................................... 79
AMANDA SAMUEL, GRADE 8................................................................................................................................... 79
MY FINALE ........................................................................................................................................................... 80
MATT BORSARI, GRADE 8 ...................................................................................................................................... 80
If I Were in Charge of the World
If I were in charge of the world,
I’d cancel homework,
and chores.
If I were in charge of the world,
There’d be trains everywhere,
unlimited money,
and huge HO scale train layouts would be 10 dollars.
If I were in charge of the world,
You wouldn’t have yelling,
You wouldn’t have bullying,
You wouldn’t have people telling you what to do
Or alarm clocks.
If I were in charge of the world,
A Dairy Queen would exist on every street,
All steam locomotives would be useful,
And all people would have money,
And a person who plays with their friends,
Would still be allowed to be
In charge of the world.
Ryan Trombly, Grade 6
UCONN Huskies winning the Big East Tournament
Walk-off home run in the World Series
All the kids screaming on a roller coaster
A rock band singing at a concert
and me
experiencing it all
Jonathan Wilson, Grade 6
The screams in a haunted house
People shouting at a football stadium
Dogs barking at a cat
Men working in a construction site
And me
Avoiding them all.
Rashad Nasrudeen, Grade 6
The Elephant with No Name
Inspired by Yaksha Purnabhadra
There was an elephant with no name.
He rides a white stallion.
He wears an orange robe with jewelry.
On top of the saddle he stands nice and tall.
There was an elephant with no name.
He holds a sword, triton, and scepter.
He has eight arms.
Three hold a sager, snake, and scepter.
There was an elephant with no name.
He belongs in an exotic tribe.
He is the king of a group of wealth guardians.
He travels around and enjoys life.
Zach Hall, Grade 6
Be unique
All you have to do is
Lose yourself in the music
Let no one hold you back
Eloquent moves for a standing ovation
Think that no one is watching you
Melanie Kellogg, Grade 6
The Forest
Inspired by” The Virgin Forest” by Henri Rousseau
I am a boy in the forest
I run like a cheetah
I play under the hot red sun
I play in the flowers that are as big as me
I am a boy in the forest
It's an endless world of fun
The trees are like tall giants watching over me
The cacti are as prickly as needles
I am a boy in the forest
The forest is a place of fun
The forest is my home
For I am a boy of the forest
Jordin Comstock, Grade 6
If I Were In Charge Of The World
If I were in charge of the world
I’d cancel dancing with the stars
Getting sick
Homework and also Justin Bieber
If I were in charge of the world
You wouldn’t have commercial breaks
You wouldn’t have Handy Manny
You wouldn’t have any sisters
No more talk shows.
If I were in charge of the world
A carrot cake would be brushing your teeth
All foods that have sugar can’t make you heavy
And a person who forgets to turn off the tv
And also forgets about dinner
Would still be allowed to be
In charge of the World
Jacob Read, Grade 6
I Had My Homework
I had my homework in my hand
And I started biking down the street
Then I rolled onto uneven land
And that is where I lost it
My homework fell right off my bike
I stopped and stared not a pretty site
Just as I was about to pick it up
A little kid ripped it with his trike
Now I had no hope
So I brought it here to you
In this little bag
I seriously thought about having the flu
So for me being honest maybe you could let it go?
Katarina Bade, Grade 6
I am a flower
You know me for brightening up the spring
My mother is a seed
My father is the dirt
I was born in the grasses
I live outside in the ground
My best friend is the rain
Because she gives me the strength to grow
My enemy is the snow
Because it covers me up and I wither
I fear lawnmowers
Because they chop me in half
I love the outdoors
Because it is bright and beautiful
I dream for spring to last forever
Claire Newhall, Grade 6
"I Can’t Write a Poem” Poem
Forget it.
You must be kidding.
I’m way too drowsy.
I don’t know what’s going on.
I have nothing to write with.
Am I in the right class?
My arm keeps on twitching.
Somebody won’t stop nagging me.
I really have to use the bathroom.
Did you ask me something? I really don’t catch on.
Time’s up? Uh oh!
All I have is a dumb list of excuses.
You like it? Really? No kidding.
Thanks a lot. Would you like to see another one?
Luke Denno, Grade 6
I Am
I am Kurnug
You know me for flying around in nothingness
My Mother Is Darkness
My Father Is Feathered Clothing
I was born in Space
I live in cold nothingness
My Best Friend is Clay
Because it feeds everyone in Me
My Enemy is The Sun
Because it Provides light
I Fear Daytime
Because Its Not Dark
I love Dirt
Because it Provides water For Everyone in Me
I Dream of No Light Ever
Dylan Sheldon, Grade 6
If I Were In Charge of the World
If I was in charge of the world
I’d cancel school
If I were in charge of the world
There’d be free Minecraft accounts
more school vacations
cars that run on air
If I were in charge of the world
You wouldn’t have criminals
You wouldn’t have wars
You wouldn’t have arguments
Or nuclear war
If I were in charge of the world
A free meal every Tuesday at any restaurant
All Six Flags rides would be in my back yard
And a person that was bad
And had bad grades
Would still be allowed to be
in charge of the world
Vasco Lambert, Grade 6
Flower Poem
You inspire, listen, and comfort me.
You make me feel ok again.
You give off a scent, beauty, and light.
I don’t know how, but you glimmer at night.
You say hello.
You say goodbye.
But why, can I never say goodbye.
You are you, and that is ok.
Day, night.
Black, white.
Today, tomorrow.
I see your sorrow.
Allie Davis, Grade 6
I Am
I am a pencil.
You know me for writing and drawing.
My mother is lead.
My father is wood.
I was born in a factory.
I live in a pencil box.
My best friend is a pencil grip
Because it keeps me warm and comfortable.
My enemy is a pencil sharpener
Because it cuts me up.
I fear erasers
Because they erase my "art" doodles.
I love paper
Because I can draw and write.
I dream to be the sharpest pencil in the world.
William Henderson, Grade 6
I Hate Homework!!
Homework is hard
We need less of it
It should be done in school, not at home
My computer broke
My dog ate it
I was busy
Need to babysit Emma
I’m sick
I hate homework
Homework kills trees
Homework is my enemy
Maybe this is why I get F’s all the time......
Noah Leadbeater, Grade 6
A tree breaking in a storm
My sister yelling at me to get off the couch
My mom yelling at me to get up
A train speeding down the track
And me yelling at the TV playing XBox
Jake Ouellette, Grade 6
If I Were in Charge of the World
There’d be more animals
robots, trees
jetpacks that run on air
If I were in charge of the world
You wouldn't have to do chores.
You wouldn’t have overprotective parents.
You wouldn’t have to clean your room
or have to argue with your brother.
You wouldn't have a brother.
If I were in charge of the world
A plate of vegetables would be junk food
All parents obey their children
And a person who is silly
And very clumsy
Would still be allowed to be
In charge of the world.
Carrie Tuczinski, Grade 6
Art Poem
Inspired by “The Virgin Forest” Henri Rousseau
The colorful flowers growing all around
Red, pink, yellow, and green
The plants look as if they are swaying with a breeze
The trees, however, look very stiff almost like thick poles
The sun creating all life that the forest provides
As red as a tomato
Beating rays of light
Shining with all of its might
The cheetah’s shadow on a leaf
It isn’t a cheetah but a person
A person as if trying to teach a lesson
The lesson being animals are just like humans
Kayla Gibbs, Grade 6
I’m Dreading My Homework
I’m dreading my homework,
for you see, I have to get a paper signed,
A paper with a letter on it,
that I wished had not been designed.
I’m dreading my homework,
for you see,
I have to show it to my mom.
Yes, this paper is my worst enemy.
Oh, my life is over,
as you can plainly see,
I will be grounded for the rest of my life,
from point A, to point B.
What’s that?
It’s not so bad?
Really? It’s okay?
Gee, I’m glad I showed it to you, not Dad.
Alexander Cannon, Grade 6
I Can’t Write a Poem
Forget it.
You must be kidding.
I gave my brain to my brother for the day.
My stomach is in pain.
I need to see the nurse.
The paper is missing.
Man this is the worst.
I think I’ve gone blind.
Oh don’t worry; I’m going to be fine.
I don’t have a pencil it’s useless!
Time’s up? Uh oh!
All I have is a dumb list of excuses.
You like it? Really? No kidding.
Thanks a lot. Would you like to see another one?
Conner DiAngelo, Grade 6
The Man Following Me
Inspired by The Virgin Forest by Henri Rousseau
There is a man following me,
With a camouflage coat and stun gun,
He stays on my path while I try to flee,
I now hide behind a bush hoping I have won.
There is a man following me,
He is still on my path,
The anxiety inside me will not leave me be,
I yearn that I will not feel his wrath.
There is a man following me,
Does he want me in his zoo?
He shoots his gun, but I see,
And I luckily dodge that shot that at me, flew.
There is a man following me,
I make my paws fly through the grasses,
The sun is about to set over the sea,
I think my life before me flashes.
There was a man following me,
I look back,
Him I no longer see,
Instead his truck driving away with nothing in his sack.
I look to my paws,
My body,
No flaws,
I am a cheetah
I still am me,
Not a coat on somebody.
Kylie Geer, Grade 6
A tornado ripping through a field
A tree that’s been struck by lightning
Watching NASCAR race
Being right next to a highway
And me
Flying on a plane.
Kyle McCorison, Grade 6
The Virgin Forest
Inspired by Henri Rousseau
This forest is mystical and mysterious.
With trees blue,
the sun a blazing red,
and the flowers bright and beautiful.
The leaves hanging off the trees like, icicles in a cave.
The mixture of colors: red, pink, orange, and green.
Where animals shadows appear to be humans and,
blue trees and a red sun appear to be normal, this forest is unique.
The baby blue sky and the dark green plants,
The yellow flowers and the hidden animals.
The forest of no other, the forest of its own,
The place where it’s ok to be different , it’s ok to be yourself.
Sometimes bright, sometimes dark but it’s always there.
Hidden in the center of this big forest,
is a magical, joyful, and happy place,
Where the sun sets so wonderfully behind the colorful plants.
On the outside it’s a forest but, on the inside it’s a special place where
everyone can be different.
It doesn’t matter if your color is different, or your beliefs aren’t the same,
just be yourself and you’ll fit into this mystical forest of mine.
Isabella Attianese, Grade 6
Ode to Jell-o
How do you wiggle so much without breaking?
You make my stomach happy
I will never get sick of you
You’re the best
Ethan Puhala, Grade 6
I Can’t Write a Poem
Forget it
You must be kidding
My pencil broke
My paper ripped
I need to go to the bathroom
I don’t know what to write
I twisted my thumb
I dropped my pencil and is to lazy to pick it up
A tree fell on my house and I don’t know what to write about
I’m super bored
Time’s up? Uh oh!
You like it? Really? No kidding.
Thanks a lot. Would you like me to write another one?
Jason Marin, Grade 6
Extra Credit
Extra Credit is like
an extra bowl of ice-cream
It is always good
Whenever I think of it
I scream
Extra Credit looks like
a cute little dog
I always take it when I want it
like a big fat hog
Extra Credit feels like
a hot bowl of soup
It can help you but not hurt you
Like chickens in a coop.
Tatum Strong, Grade 6
Animal in Me
There is a penguin in me
With webbed feet like a duck and flippers on each side.
It has a funny croak like a giant sized frog.
It slides like a child on a slide.
It lives in my mind.
And makes me say so cute
It makes me feel like happiness has arisen from the dead.
William Buckland, Grade 6
My Shape Poem
e e
a a
head head head head head head head
e e
a a
y (EYE)
y (EYE) y
nose nose
whis no
no whis
whis se __ se whis
m m
h u
u h
D head
head D
by Sosie French, Grade 6
A chicken bawking
People at a concert
A bubble gum bubble popping
The screams of joy of no homework!
And me
Playing Legos
Jamie Deskus, Grade 6
hite red red re
re red red hite
ite white red red r
r red red white ite
e white white red red r
r red red white white e
hite white white ed red r
r red ed white white hite
white white white red red r
r red red white white white
e white white white red red r
r red red white white white e
te white white white red red r
r red red white white white te
hite white white white red red
red red white white white hite
white white white white red red re
re red red white white white white
bl white white white white red red r
r red red white white white white bl
blue white white white white red red
red red white white white white blue
e blue white white white white red red
red red white white white white blue e
blue blue white white white white red r white r red white white white white blue blue
blue blue white white white white re white re white white white white blue blue
blue blue white white white whi r white r whi white white white blue blue
d red r whit blue
blue whit r red d
red red white blue b
b blue white red red
red red re white blue bl
bl blue white re red red
red red red white blue blu
blu blue white red red red
red red r white w blue blue
red red red white whi blue blue
red red red white white blue blu
blue blue w white r red red
blue blue whi white red red red
blu blue white white red red
Leah Wimpfheimer, Grade 6
Tripping, Falling, Stumbling,
Toppling over too
Falling up the stairs
Forgot to tie my shoe
Falling down the stairs
Dropping all my books
Looking at the time
Thinking about my looks
Getting pushed in the hallway
Tripping on a heel
Doors are always in the way
Clumsy is how I now feel
Abby Bouwer, Grade 6
For the Animals Have Come Out
Inspired by “The Virgin Forest” by Henri Rousseau
How the sun ignites the forest with light
And when it goes down,
Something will give you a fright
For the animals have come out
A jaguar sees a boy
Playing near a plant
I hope the boy won’t become a chew-toy
For the animals have come out
There are webs stretching far
They look very scary
If I saw them, I’d go back in my car
For the animals have come out
The leaves are rustling to the breeze
But wait, is that another sound?
I just heard a sneeze!
For the animals have come out
Max Landolina, Grade 6
I Can't Write a Poem
Forget it.
You must be kidding.
I don't know what to say.
I'm half asleep. And I need food.
My cousin glued my fingers together.
I have a headache. I need the nurse.
I need to go to the bathroom.
I did not get any sleep last night.
My cat tore apart the poem I had.
I don't even have a pencil.
Time's up? Uh oh!
All I have is a dumb list of excuses.
You like it? Really? No Kidding.
Thanks a lot. Would you like to see another one?
Quinn Patterson, Grade 6
Inspired by "The Virgin Forest" by Henri Rousseau
A forest with a red sun
Different color flowers
Must be a place if imagination
That would be my place
A place called the Virgin Forest
Must be up for some adventure
A place where you get to see animals
Only in your dreams
Camping in the forest
Where you hear crickets
Sing their songs
On a full moon
I believe that is the best prize of all
Better than winning a $1,000.00
This is no place to hunt
Or have a party without your imagination
Eleanor Ferry, Grade 6
I Am
I am a lion, brave and powerful
You know me for prowling in the night.
My mother is a savanna, dried by the sun.
My father is a thunderstorm, booming over your head.
My sisters are the snakes hiding behind those bushes.
I was born in a dark lonesome cave.
I live in your dreams.
My best friend is that puma up there in that tree,
Because we make the world stare at us.
My enemy is the hyenas,
Because they can take anything of mine away
I fear no one
I love my freedom
Because I am wild
I wish to live forever
Natalie Aksenoff, Grade 6
Quiet Poem
The cool breeze running through the trees.
A snake smelling the air with its tongue.
The world sleeping in the dark night.
Children anxious to finish a test.
And me,
reading it all.
Alyssa Mirizzi, Grade 6
Reasons I Forgot My Homework
When I started my homework
My dog began to think
"I need something to eat"
My homework was gone in a blink
Lightning struck our house
My homework got wet
My dog is wearing a blouse
It blew away in the wind
Someone stole my homework
I was very scared
So I didn't study
That's why I wasn't prepared
Jacob Kittredge, Grade 6
Family Member Portrait
My brother is like the Devil, full of complete hatred.
His eyes are like a pool of blood red paint.
His fists are sledge hammers.
His leg is a tornado when running.
His heart holds nothing, but hatred.
That is black as a black hole.
He lives in a shredder.
And eats everything that comes his way.
Jaequan Grant, Grade 6
Happy Poem
Green like a flowery meadow.
Hot like my pool on a hot summer day.
Cold like ocean when you first get in.
Sounds like wave on the beach.
Tastes like ice cold lemonade.
Smells like lavender Fabreeze.
Looks like a softball being hit.
Feels like the wind blowing on my face.
Moves like a lion hunting for its prey.
Farrell Gothers, Grade 6
I Didn't Do My Homework
"I didn't do my homework"
I didn't feel like it!
My cat was clawing me.
I felt kind of sick.
My dog kept barking at the wall.
I had nothing to write at all.
I really want to go to the mall!
I can't reach the table- it's too tall
It's almost summer- so why bother!
Homework is such a bummer!
I don't understand this.
Why did she assign us homework at all.
Lauren Houde, Grade 6
Norman Cotteleer, Grade 6
Purple like a dragon, kind and friendly
Hot like lava, 1,000,000 degrees Celsius
Cold like a blizzard, with whipping winds
Sounds like jets during takeoff
Tastes like candy, sweet but sometimes sour
Smells like delightful brownies
Looks like The Empire State Building, tall and grand
Feels like a silk blanket, warm and soft
Moves like a train at high speed, zipping through the countryside
Seth Carlson, Grade 6
I cannot do my homework
I am way too tired
I cannot do my homework
I was busy setting up flyers
Let's just say my dog ate my homework
I am sure the teacher will buy it
She is very easy to trick
But what if she denies it?
Never mind that idea, I have a better one
I'll pretend I'm sick
I won't go to school
Oh Ya!! That's it!
Okay so my plan didn't work well
I told my mom I was too sick to go to school
She said "No," I have to get a 0
Ugh, I am such a fool!!!
Meghan Hasenbalg, Grade 6
I Can’t Write a Poem
Forget it
You must be kidding.
My dog ate my pencil.
I got on the wrong bus and don't know where I am.
I stayed up all night and watched The Walking Dead.
I forgot where my locker is.
I'm too hungry to eat.
It's too bright.
I don't have my brain right now
I was trapped in a Zombie Apocalypse
Time's up? uh Oh!
All I have is a list of dumb excuses
You like it? No kidding.
Thanks a lot. Would you like to see another one?
Greg Lintner, Grade 6
Animal in Me
There is an English Bulldog puppy in me
with fur like a fuzzy blanket
and eyes that are blue like the sky
It barks like a vicious guard dog
It walks like a famous person walks across the red carpet
It lives in my house
and makes me smile
It makes me feel like I'm a dog too.
Morgan Bradley, Grade 6
Homework, Just so Boring
Homework is just so boring,
No doubt about that,
What’s with all the numbers,
It makes me want to go to sleep.
Lets have something more exciting,
Or at least a prize for doing it,
And when I hand it in to you,
I get the evil eye.
When my mom looks at my homework,
She says it’s not all bad,
It’s what I used to do when I was a kid,
I said to her, did you go to a boring school?
Jacob Gaudreau, Grade 6
The Skateboard
The skateboard goes straight down the hill
Never stopping, with all its will
It probably will never stop
Unless it hits an out of placed rock
It could do tricks
And as my brother would say: “That would be totally sick!”
I don’t believe the bearings are fine
Or it might stop rolling in a matter of time
The skateboard finally stops
So I then get ready for an ollie and then I’ll pop
Ryan Gaffney, Grade 6
Personal Poem
Funny, Lovable, Caring
Sibling of
Adam White
Lover of
Animals, Horseback riding, Pizzas
Who feels
Love, Friendship, Happy
Who needs
Laughs, Friendship, Happiness
Who gives
Love, Friendship, Happiness
Who Fears
Ticks, Spiders, Fleas
Who would like to see
Secretariat run a race, wild mustangs, a horse jump a nine foot high jump
Eve Marie White, Grade 6
Can’t Write A Poem
Forget it.
You must be kidding.
I’ve suddenly broke every single bone in my body.
My computer exploded!
Everyone else is talking
A kid is making faces at me!
I feel like day dreaming...
I have to go to the bathroom.
My phone is ringing.
I’m SO hungry!
All I have is a list of excuses.
You like it? Really? No kidding.
Thanks a lot. Would you like to hear another?
Ethan Bartley, Grade 6
Dance is a creative way to express yourself.
No one should say they can't dance.
If you can walk, you can dance.
Whatever your gender is, you shouldn't be embarrassed
About dancing your hear out.
Dance is fun and can be a great stress reliever.
Sometimes I feel I use my brain a lot,
But in dance you don't have to.
Your feet do all the work.
They run free into creation of unique movements
Some dances include fast foot work
While others include slow, elegant movements
Another dance also involves dancing
With your whole body on the floor
Most people know this as break dancing.
Dancing is not for everyone though.
Some individuals like to express themselves
Through movement while others prefer not to.
Never give up
What you enjoy doing
Just to "fit in."
Be true to yourself and if you love to dance
….the dance…
Have fun and be yourself!!!
Justin Lacharite, Grade 6
Quiet Poem
Like balloons drifting in the wind
A baby sleeping in its crib.
Like a palm tree swaying in the wind.
Like a deer galloping in the woods.
And me
Reading in a library.
Lita Roy, Grade 6
If I Were in Charge of the World
If I were in charge of the world
I'd cancel school
Stormy day
Dentist appointments and Justin Bieber (ewwww)
If I were in charge of the world
There'd be fish that didn't die in 5 days
Softer softballs
And many more sunny days.
If I were in charge of the world
You wouldn't have chores
You wouldn't have bed times
You wouldn't have to watch Disney Junior on Saturday mornings.
Or little sisters blaming you for nothing.
If I were in charge of the world
A cookie would be considered healthy
All elephants would be loved and safe
And a person who doesn't take things seriously
And laughs about EVERYTHING imaginable
Would still be allowed to be
In charge of the world.
Olivia Kowal, Grade 6
I Am Fire
You know me for keeping you warm
My mother is flint
My father is the spark
I was born in a volcano
I live in lava
My best friend is coal
Because it keeps me burning
My enemy is water
Because it cools me down
I fear blizzards
Because it freezes me
I love summer
Because it makes me wild
I dream of endless summer
Jack Dube, Grade 6
The Sound of the Jungle
Inspired by “The Virgin Forest” by Henri Rousseau
The forest is as dark as night.
There are animals swinging left to right.
With a noise like horns pounding in my ears.
I swear, I swear, I’ll face my fears.
I walk into the jungle with the sight.
Of friendly faces shining through the light.
They seem to greet me pleasantly and nice.
Then a strong man offers me a bowl of rice.
Kindly I take it with all my might.
His clothes are wrinkled and kind of tight.
With eyes of wisdom,
A heart filled with warmth and delight.
I’m glad I made it, I faced my fears.
Now the jungle is music to my ears.
Bryanna Bertera, Grade 6
The Fox and the Hamster
Inspired by “Blue Atmosphere” by Helen Frankenthaler
As the sun is setting slowly
The foxes come out
Waiting in the dark until no one is about
Now the hunt will begin.
The prey is now in sight
A small orange hamster left outside
As a fox chases the small orange hamster
Thunder crackles and lightning lights up the purple sky.
Now the fox has only a little more to eat
When there is a bright flash of white light shining for the hamster
For when the light is gone
There is nothing but a fox under the dark blue midnight sky.
Julia Vassallo, Grade 6
Family Member Portrait
My mom is like the sun shining out on a stormy day.
Her eyes are like a war cup of hot chocolate.
Her Spanish words are the music of a piano.
Her hair is a short, dark brown piece of silk.
Her heart holds passion.
That is pink as a heart shaped valentine.
She lives in church
And eats the scripture of God.
Ivana Prats, Grade 6
Self Portrait
My hair is like a piece of silk drifting of my head
My teeth are like diamonds in a glass case
My eyes are stars shining in the sky
My face is bright as the sun
My heart holds love for cheering
That is red white and blue like the American flag
I live on a cheer mat
And eat all the bows
Ali Williams, Grade 6
The Blue Sun
Inspired by “Blue Atmosphere” painted by Helen Frankenthaler
There are splashes of paint here and there
There are splashes of paint everywhere
Splashes of paints to form a blue atmosphere
Splashes of blue, red, pink, and yellow everywhere
This painting has blue like the midnight sky
Pink like a bright bloomed rose
Purples like a bright tulip
All colors splattered here and there and everywhere
Makes me feel excited and cheerful
With all those different drippy paints
Makes me feel energetic all blobbed and splattered
All the feelings splattered here and there and everywhere
Destinie Meade, Grade 6
My Dog Ate My Homework
My dog ate my homework
It’s really, really true
My dog ate my homework
And now I’m telling you
I can’t believe this happened
What am I going to do
I can’t redo it now
Today it is due
I know you’ve heard this before
And I know it isn’t new
But, my dog ate my homework
And now it’s covered in goo
Lily McCarthy, Grade 6
Family Member Portrait
My cousin is like a warrior,
His eyes are like damp, shining stones behind his glasses.
His tattoos are his battle scars, reminding him of the past and the fragility of the future.
His hands are tool boxes, helping him do his job.
His heart holds courage,
That is red as a glowing ember.
He lives in his iPod, and eats songs.
Jill Landolina, Grade 6
I Can’t Write a Poem
Forget it.
You must be kidding.
My chair rocks!
I have no eraser!
My pencil tip broke!
I’m drawing blanks!
How do you write a poem again?
I have a bug bite!
I need some water!
Ow! Something hit my eye!
Time’s up? Uh oh!
All I have is a dumb list of excuses.
You like it? Really? No kidding.
Thanks a lot. Would you like to see another one?
Olivia Brody, Grade 6
My Homework is Due Today!!!!
My homework is due today!
I thought it was Saturday!
Maybe I can do it now,
I have to do it somehow.
What will the teacher say?
I guess I'll find out today.
I haven’t gotten a zero all year,
Now is the time to face my fear.
Oh no!! What if my mom finds out?
She’ll have a great big pout.
The bell! Oh no!
I’m trying to go slow.
“Good job” said my teacher
My poem had such good features
A poem was my homework!
Now I don’t feel like such a big dork.
Megan Hacia, Grade 6
Oh, I hate homework
It's always such a drag
Should I do it tonight?
Nah, I'll think of an excuse.
My heart is coming out of me
Class is starting now
I didn't do my homework
And I have no excuse
Thinking up an excuse is hard
A robber took it, it was run over
But in the heat of the moment I choked
And spit out "My dog ate it"
Kohl Russell, Grade 6
Inspired by “Blue Atmosphere” by Helen Frankenthaler
Today is calm
This will do
I’ll add a little color
A splat of blue
Now my heart is rising
Out of control
But now I’ve found myself
In the depression hole.
I tried climbing out
Of those splatters of paint
but they kept pushing me down
like a pile of weights.
Today is a new day
Spring is now here
I’ll add a touch of pink
for my favorite animal-deer.
Now I’ve had a marriage
My life is full of delight
I’ll add a drop of purple
For the kids sleeping at night.
Now I’ve gotten older
My feelings all tattered
My arms are growing weaker
My brain is now scattered
Now I’m at my grave
My life is now white
I will wish you one more thing
A very good night.
Kat Jacobs, Grade 6
Flash of Colors
Inspired by “Blue Atmosphere” by Helen Frankenthaler
Boom, Pow! There I was
Seeing things that have never been seen
Hearing things that have never been heard
I thought I was dying, so I started crying
The Flash of Colors has gotten to me
There wasn’t a light, there wasn’t a dark
There wasn’t a loud, and there wasn’t a soft
It was the perfect place, but yet so unreal
The Flash of Colors has gotten to me.
It was as beautiful as the sunset
And as scary as the Underworld
Nobody was there to help me
The Flash of Colors is a sickly disease.
But now I’ve come to love it so
The perfect escape when there's nowhere to go
Now life seems so bright
Thank you Flash of Colors for helping me.
Jack Fitzgerald, Grade 6
The Bear
Inspired by “Blue Atmosphere” by Helen Frankenthaler
The bear sits quietly in a slump
On its back there is a large blue bump
Eating berries one by one
I don’t know think he will ever be done
He sits on the white floor of the cave
To be alone he must be brave
Waiting for winter to end
Spring is coming around the bend
Bear can’t wait to come out
He can smell things with his snout
The birds, the flowers, and the bees
Oh boy, bear can’t wait to scratch on some trees
Sierra Benware, Grade 6
If I Were In Charge of the World
If I were in charge of the world
I’d cancel weekdays,
The orthodontist,
And any and all punishments.
If I were in charge of the world
There’d be funnel cakes,
And my brother who might actually listen to me.
If I were in charge of the world
You wouldn’t have school
You wouldn’t have books
You wouldn’t have siblings
Or a parent that says “No.”
If I were in charge of the world
A Twinkie would be a vegetable
All siblings would be gone
And a person who was a little clumsy
And forgot to clean their room
Would still be allowed to be
In charge of the world.
Matthew Perry, Grade 6
I Can't Write a Poem
Forget it, you must be kidding
It's too loud.
I broke all my fingers.
I'm out of lead.
I ripped my paper.
My neighbor keeps poking me.
My bangs are falling in my eyes.
I feel dizzy
There's a beeping noise in my head.
Time's up? Uh oh!
All I have is a dumb list of excuses.
You like it?
Really? No Kidding?
Thanks a lot. Would you like to see another one?
Haley Morris, Grade 6
Blue Atmosphere
Inspired by "Blue Atmosphere" by Helen Frankenthaler
To me, splotches of paints
Blue as a jazz singer, red as a rose
Pink like a kitten's nose
Purple like the summer sunset
Atmosphere? How? It doesn't look like atmosphere!
Far away in a day dream. Space. The Milky Way
It could be a sunset. Or a 3 year-old's painting.
Splattered and smeared by a blind artist.
Makes me feel calm and relaxed.
Being taken down by a river.
Looking up at the sky during the sunset
Blue Atmosphere. What are you?
Virginia Gautier, Grade 6
I Can't Write a Poem
Forget it.
You must be kidding.
I have writer's block.
My mind is as blank as this page will be.
My pencil is out of lead.
I've got better things to do.
My sister is distracting me.
My hand hurts too much to write.
I feel sick.
I have a paper cut.
Time's up? Uh oh!
All I have is a dumb list of excuses.
You like it? Really? No kidding?
Thank a lot. Would you like to see another
Jamie Crane, Grade 6
How to Be… Ashley Barry
Fall in love with my pink "Glenda" dress
Sink my fingers into a plate of green, slimy Jello
and get caught with the green on my face
Stretch as I wake up to lightning storm and find Sabrina in my parents' bed
Whip around in ice-skating to the sound of a crash
to find my sister Jessica do a face plant into the snow
Transfer to East Granby on my fourth birthday and the day of a blizzard
Faint three times in first grade, once in third grade, and once in fifth
Have my appendix ripped out at just eight years old
Race onto a cruise ship thinking this will be great,
then realizing so did the people on the Titanic
Read all three Hunger Games books and LOVE them
Cream all the other softball teams and become the undefeated champions
Creep around town looking at all the trees, leaves and branches
scattered from the storm in October
Scream when the Giants won the Superbowl against the Patriots
just like in 2007
Become enlightened on how there will be a Hunger Games movie,
and watch the trailer and music video everyday
Fight with my sister about how she wears my clothes and jewelry
Ride my bike up the court to find all my neighbors having fun
Have fun with my best friend Genna Hartman doing softball,
talking about Hunger Games and being blonde together
Become glued to the TV watching Survivor every Wednesday night
Dance with Sabrina and Jessica listening to Taylor Swift, Rhianna, and Adele
Ashley Barry, Grade 7
An Ode to My iPod
Sleeps when it gets charged
Tells me when I have a low battery
Feels lonely when it's all alone
Shiny when it comes in the mail
Plays music on its own
Happy when it's fully charged at night
Gets some rest at night so it can be ready tomorrow
Knowing what your passcode is when you log in
Downloads music at the iTunes store
Gives you technology
When you need it badly or when the power's out
Nelson Ferguson, Grade 7
An Ode to My Spaztastic Cat
Chases her tail wildly in the bathtub, fill it with fur
Shreds up our shower curtain with ease
Gnaws on my fingers like a baby
Invades and destroys all of her feather toys
By plucking out the feathers and then biting them into pieces
Play fights with my dad but would never put a claw on me
Gobbles up every last morsel of food
And cries like there's no tomorrow for more
Dashes up and down the hallways crashing into everything in her path, including people
She is a talker with a meow that can be heard
from .01 miles away (also known as upstairs)
Walks on my face in the morning like she couldn't care less
As fluffy as a fresh, fuzzy pillow
Screams, yells and begs for her daily fish flavored vitamin
Although she's crazy and a brat we still love her, she's our cat
Emily Farmer, Grade 7
Ode to Earth
Its name originates from the Middle English word erthe.
Big, round and pleading for peace in all humanity.
Seven continents are laid out over the Earth
Like pieces of a puzzle on a children’s table.
Blue waves roaring in the middle of seas
And green landmasses glowing with beauty.
Recycling, going eco-friendly
And not littering help the environment stay green and healthy.
Never give up on Earth because we can all make
A huge impact on how to make it better and safer.
War, deforestation, factories, and pollution
Are monstrous things that affect everyone globally.
Full of many natural beauties that many people enjoy beholding.
The Dead Sea, The Grand Canyon, and The Great Barrier Reef
Are all landmarks that show the attractiveness of this Earth.
“Go green, get lucky.”
Gaby Gonzalez, Grade 7
An Ode to My iPod
Sleeps when it gets charged
Tells me when I have a low battery
Feels lonely when it's all alone
Shiny when it comes in the mail
Plays music on its own
Happy when it's fully charged at night
Gets some rest at night so it can be ready tomorrow
Knowing what your passcode is when you log in
Downloads music at the iTunes store
Gives you technology
when you need it badly or when the power's out
Nelson Ferguson, Grade 7
How to be Hanna Shookus
Destroys rapidly rabid zombies in Call of Duty 3
Skateboard clumsily down the steep street, bloody and bruised
Blares Lil Wayne and Eminem continuously making mom mad as a maniac
Draws henna patterns and hearts with Sharpies of beautiful vibrant colors
Chews gum around town constantly
Eats prime rib juicy and succulent, like a raccoon mauling the garbage
Makes people laugh endlessly, even the stubborn ones
Dresses like a tomboy gangster
Loves narwhals like a pig loves its slop
Likes to wear chokers like Brad Pitt likes his mirrors
Rolls down hills faster than a bullet train
Rides my dirt bike so fast that my competitors literally eat my dust
Likes primping with makeup like Lady Gaga likes her wigs
Wears jewelry always like a biker and his boots
Annoys my brother like homework annoys me on the weekend
Watches and love Elmo as much as a five year old
Love the book The Little Train that Could (spoiler alert), he did it
Enjoy dyeing my water and food green for St. Patrick's Day
Creates my own stunts and tricks on my skateboard
Climbs the highest trees in the woods and parks
Enjoys fun with all of my friends, both demented and normal
Hanna Shookus, Grade 7
How To be... Chanel Henderson
Come from two large families
Travel to cool places and live there too
Enjoy being an “Army Brat”
Move every two years, leaving old ones and making new ones
Participate in basketball games, but more in cheer stunts
Yell when Clare and Eli breakup on Degrassi
Scream when people interrupt me while
I’m listening to Fall Out Boy, Foster the People, and Panic! At The
Love Fridays because they are Degrassi Day!
Scarf down food such as Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream and fresh
Fear that one day, I will get anything lower than an A on a vocabulary test
Wonder if you will ever have patience for little kids in order to teach them
Freeze when you are put on the spot in class
Perform well for 1st clarinet and end up getting the part
Admit to having a low self esteem but willing to work on it
Act dramatically when I get an A on a test and when I see Eli Goldsworthy on Degrassi
Constantly crave gum at every moment of the day
Chanel Henderson, Grade 7
My Jellybean
Blue like gentle ocean waves blowing in the breeze.
Soft and smooth like a kind breeze blowing in a quiet meadow.
Splotched with tiny spots as if dyed with black ink.
My jellybean tastes like a blue raspberry that dissolves in the midst of your very eyes.
It sounds like a hard rock smacking against another.
As chewy as a laffy taffy already dissolving in your mouth
like my skateboard doing one kick flip.
Tasting already eaten but a little but better.
Enjoying the vibrant color, juicy taste,
and the tiny pieces that crunch in my mouth.
Brianna Ramos, Grade 7
Ode to Luna Tic
Named after the moon for her sleek, night-black coat
Made fun of for her compressed snout and bulging eyes
Gifted the last name of "Tic" for her excited, maniacal playfulness
Strangely inclined to sit atop everyone's head
Demanding and bossy when it comes to friendly attention
White fur runs down her neck like milk dribbling from a baby's chin
Silver flames of fur also tickle at her minuscule paws
Her pitifully small body is nothing compared to her dominance
of the dogs in the Hooper residence
Her swirly tail perfectly matches her insanity and wildness
Despite her hideousness, she is beloved and annoying in my heart
Gwynne Hooper, Grade 7
An Ode to Wings and Flight
It all started with a wing that could slice through the air
Sprouting from the dinosaur maybe even a pterodactyl
Made of skin all leathery but soon to evolve into the Mona Lisa of nature
Now seen clear with lines of black like the bars of a jail cell or patterned
Pigmented with purpose or feathered softly
The Wright brothers made flight possible for people with metal casted wings
Now these metal mammoths can soar through the sky with the gift of flight
Even in a steel cage, humans rejoice the privilege of this gift
From the smallest to the largest plane wings are still the key
To freedom and safety wings are the key and the symbol
For some of the purist of all the land air and water creatures is the angel
What better way to show high status then to be shown as a trait of what is believed to be
one of the most divine beings
Alexandria Geer, Grade 7
My room is a jungle of colored attire
Many people are stunned but do inquire
“Why is your room such an incredible mess?”
“I don't know,” I laughingly confess
“Some people aren't neat,” I guess
But still to some degree
People cannot see the large burden of this quest
Gavin McConnell, Grade 8
I am Here
I’m here to be not the person I came to be but the person I found myself to be
The person I like to be and want myself to be
For my friends, family, and my society
to inspire all that may meet me and to stand up and lead a nation with pride
and bravery
Not a nation with borders, but a nation as a hole, to make a world without crime
but the crime of love, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness
when I do this you will be able to tell
because the difference between you and me will be like
a rocket ship and a fire cracker
the rocket soars to new heights and brings pride to all
and a firecracker blows up in your face!
John Klemonsky, Grade 8
Sun, you always have been number one
All these times I’ve been pushed aside as old, bad rain
Now you are the one going away
I am taking over
No more rain, rain go away
You’ve always took the credit for beautiful flowers
Without me, those flowers would be killed by you
Without me, the world would be dry
Without me, you are evil
Step aside sun
This is my time to shine
Connor Rosenberger, Grade 8
Oil Electricity
I like to live my life exciting
I will be the death defying electricity
While others are oil and gas I will be me
New improved better than them
I will live my life while they go through
The same everyday will last forever with no opinion
Stephen Bagley, Grade 8
Love Poem from Dictionary to Penny
They say you're worth nothing
They say you're one sided
But I have seen your other side and necessity
You're in my heart
Though hard your warm
I feel you rolling around in my old covers.
You were born in Washington me in a home
When I see you my eyes tingle
Not even I have the words to describe you
Aaron Tauber, Grade 8
Love Poem Between a Scooter and a Refrigerator Magnet
It may look like I could go anywhere
But what’s the point when I don’t have you
I may be bumpy at time or you would get tired out,
But I assure you if you stuck to me I’d brighten your world
They say you’re not the fastest
But time is all we need to grow in love
They say you’re not the smoothest
But I’m sure I could soften up your rough edges
I don’t care how long I will be sitting still,
But my wheels will not turn once until I have you
Nicholas Fersch, Grade 8
Love Letter from the Tennis Racket to the Feather
I’m always hitting on you.
I love listening to your fluttery laugh,
And when you tickle me.
They said you’d use me in your games.
That you’d clip my wings and make me unable to fly.
But really, you’re the one that sweeps me off my feet,
Away from my palace, and brings me to new courts.
You say I can handle the situation, but still,
I know that, sometimes, I miss you.
At least I know you’ll be there to cushion my fall.
Hannah DeFranzo, Grade 8
Love Letter from a Pencil to a Sink Strainer
They say you make people’s lives easier,
While I break and have to be sharpened.
You get the easy life, just sit there and catch things people don’t like.
I have to work hard every second or I will get tossed away.
You inspire me by your helpfulness and braveness to what comes at you.
I know I will never be caught by you,
But someday I will figure out how to get to you.
When I get to you,
I might not be perfectly sharpened,
But I will still get to you.
So please don’t meet anyone else that comes slipping your way,
Just wait for me.
And I won’t leave everyday like all the others,
I’ll get stuck in your tiny holes and stay forever.
Sara Clark, Grade 8
A Love Letter from a Spoon to a Toothpick
Our love is based on our differences.
One’s weakness is the other’s strength.
I am like a cupped hand holding life itself,
While you point your finger towards safety
I am shiny as metal
And you are as dull as wood
I am used to feed your mouth
While you are used to clean it
By the end of the day, I am in the dishwasher
And you, you are in the trashcan. Ha ha!
Without these differences,
Our lives together would be boring.
Ethan Newhall, Grade 8
Poem Inspired By “The Writer”
I’m walking through the woods
I encounter fallen trees in my path
Every tree is another opportunity to jump
All of the jumping may tire me, but in the course of my journey, it only benefits me
When it grows dark I feel I must run
I run and run until I eventually break into a sprint
But then I realize what I was running from was no longer chasing me
It never chased me
I then realize that it is not dark, the moonlight is lighting my path
While I was running I failed to notice how beautiful the stream is in the moonlight
I then follow it
Continue to follow it until I notice that the gleam is now orange
It is morning
I then also realized that wherever I go
Whenever I go there
No matter how dark it is, There is always a light source near
Jason Bourgault, Grade 8
Believe in Yourself
Believing is like seeing one of our four senses you need it
To be strong like an old oak is what
I strive to be and you should also
Doubters are what push me
Have faith like a mustard seed and fly
Gracefully spread wings like eagles and leave impact
The world is big but you can become equal
Your talents are meant to shine
Then shall your faith grow
Everybody has a talent
The difference is from the people
That do let their light shine and
Others who don't
So I plead
Don’t hold back the attribute that makes
You shine like the sun in the
Beautiful sky.
Gabriella Jones, Grade 8
This is for the people who gave up
For the doubtful
For the unconvinced
You had an idea, a purpose, a goal
But you were told you couldn’t do it
You faced difficulty, a barrier in the path
So you gave up
You just gave up on yourself
You stopped pursuing your goal
All because of one challenge
One challenge that you were supposed to conquer
To push through, and make it through
You were supposed to break down the barrier
And strive for excellence
Even if all you can do is try
That’s more that you would be doing if you had just given up
To give up is to stop, with no effort at all, and say you’re done
But you need to keep going
For all the people who have given up
Or couldn’t push on
You need to prove them wrong
And pursue your goal
Paige Derlinga, Grade 8
Grandpa, the Best
For the one I’m named after
Who was in the navy long enough for a pension
Smart enough to beat Watson the computer
Who always watches Jeopardy
He always plays pinball on his own machine
With a record of 986000 or more
This is who my grandpa
His name is Thomas.
Thomas Lostowski, Grade 8
We use them,
everyday; stairs.
We want them and
need them, but most importantly,
you are like a pair of stairs.
You get stepped on
all the time,
but you won’t stand up.
He keeps climbing higher,
but you’re still at the
Why you do this,
I don’t know.
But you should know this,
no matter what anyone does,
You will always be a pair
of stairs.
It’s time you stood up for yourself,
not letting everyone take advantage of you.
You are an amazing set of stairs,
but you would be better if you lived your life the way YOU want!
So stand up,
dust off your butt,
and keep moving forward.
Helena Brody, Grade 8
It brings joy to my ears
When I hear music really clear
The one tiny strum
That harmonizes with my hum
Comes straight from the heart
Like you’re being hit by a dart
So listen carefully
Whoever you are
As I strum the strings
On my acoustic guitar
Ryan Gill, Grade 8
A Dog
I’d rather be a dog that no one likes, that gets to explore,
never be on a chain, and be free
than a house dog that gets special food and special treatment
that never leaves it’s owners sight.
I’d rather be a dog that has to take the shock from an electric fence
just so it can be free,
Than be the dog that doesn’t need a dog fence
because it doesn’t ever go outside.
I’d rather be the dog that has take endure hundreds of volts of electricity
just even a tiny growl out of its mouth
than be a dog who is trained by the best trainers to not bark
in trade for a snack.
I’d rather be the dog that isn’t claimed by an owner,
that gets to experience everything in life
than be a dog that gets warm baths and special cleanings
but never seeing what else is out there.
Andrew Eastman, Grade 8
Push Me to the Limit
I am always
Into doing things
Whether I want to…
Or not
I wish for more
And acknowledgement
I am a person
A human
I will always be
That’s what got me to where I am now
And all I ask is
Don’t stop
Will Kelsey, Grade 8
An Ode to the ps3
Oh PlayStation 3, thy games so grand and fun.
You make me want to sit on my couch, and stay up nights til one.
Thou beautiful, shiny black exterior.
Shrouds your true beauty that hides inside.
With a 3.2 gigahertz processor, and a 120 gig hard drive.
I always feel an emptiness, whenever I am away.
Because I know that at my home, you are always there to play.
I remember when you broke last year, why did you have to go?
It hurt to know that I wouldn’t see you, for 2-3 weeks or so.
Dylan Teixeira, Grade 8
Filled with Memories
Everyone watches as the yachts go by
All the paddle boats are jealous of the luxury
How big they are, how many people are on them, and how loved they are
But I’d rather be a paddle boat
A small paddle boat
Someone’s first boat ride
Filled with memories of families’ old vacations on the lake
Maybe small, but full of memories
All the yachts
Loved for their size
Loved for their luxury
But not the small, boring paddle boat
They’re loved for their memories
I’d rather be a small, boring, and ugly paddle boat,
Full of old memories
Than be a big, luxurious yacht
Loved for its size
Valerie Winalski, Grade 8
Messy Desk
I walk in class I sit down my seat
After I sat down I notice it is a rather hot seat
I try to make my desk neat
But the mess was too hard to beat
Now I smell the scent of feet
Inside there were many things I found
I found three staplers, with marshmallow ends
I also found two markers were the colors seems to blend
The staples were mangled
I even found hair strands already tangled
There was wrappers filled with broken nuts
I found a bunch of melted chocolate that look like a village full of huts
This class wasn't going well I can feel it in my gut
To brighten my day Jack slips me something to eat
But sadly I am already tasting my defeat
I’m happy say the class is over
Dennis Cheng, Grade 8
Love Poem: Remote Control to Dictionary
They told me you would use me,
Then tuck me away in my hidden home,
But they’re wrong.
I know you will give this relationship a new meaning.
Let me tell you something—
If there was a definition for two people that love each other,
That would be us.
Even though you turn me off,
Ignore me completely,
I will automatically turn around just to see you!
So if you get sick of your boring home,
You can come back to me.
I will always be here.
Sara Ouellette, Grade 8
Bottle Cap to Carton of Milk
They said I could never pop out in the crowd
Until I saw your pale skin
You were always spoiled around the cameras
People saw you and used you every day
When you saw my rough and sharp feelings, you walked over to me.
Once you saw that I was a gentle soul, you poured out your feeling to me like a waterfall,
Flowing all the time.
I tell you not to cry over spilled milk.
I comfort you and see that we are for each other
Even though I’m usually thrown away, you’re the one to keep me.
Marco Laureno, Grade 8
She is fearless like a soaring eagle.
Yet when she falls once in awhile, she cries a river.
But she never gives up.
She is as loud as a jet flying over your head when you are trying to get some sleep.
And always seems to screech like a monkey during a movie.
Yet you can’t help but laugh at times.
When you tell her to do something and she looks at you like a new puppy who doesn't know any
tricks, Well you got to wonder what do I do know.
When she is coloring out of the lines and you tell her to try to stay in them, and she shoots you a
look that an artist would give you when they’re insulted.
Just remember she is only fore and it is her picture so you better back off.
When she gives you the puppy dog eyes and asks for a cookie before dinner,
just think if you don't say no she will hate you for about five minutes until she wants you to play.
If you say yes my aunt just might come down and yell at you.
She gets annoying at times like when my alarm clock went off at 4am for no reason and wouldn't
turn off.
The only problem is that she isn’t plugged into the wall.
But at the end of the day I love her.
no matter how annoying she may get.
Cassie Weir, Grade 8
Love Poem
I was the one
Being dropped to the ground after a hard day of work
The one hung over the fire that added colors onto me
And you’d be the one that watched me
But times have past and I’ve lost my pair
The sun is shining with a new scent of air
You fall to the ground as he runs through the rain
1st base, 2nd base , 3rd he’s home!
And I’m the one watching you
What? It seems you’ve lost your pair too?
Well that means we’re both single
And I love you
Emily Marceau, Grade 8
Love letter from a Jar to a Key
I can hold your whole set
In me crystal clear home
I will not move when you go to work each day
I know you can take me with you, I am too fragile
You can see right through me, but I need you to tell me your story
There is only so much to know about me, but you have an adventure every day
You may only be a copy, but you are the perfect match for me
Kyle Harvey, Grade 8
Thank You My Teacher
Dear Mrs. Hubert
Thank you for always being near me
You are like a strong building that would never fall
When I was upset
You are like a shining star that lights up my heart
When I was lost
You are like a compass that leads me out
When I was hungry
You are like the Godmother that saves my life
I would always remember you
With grateful heart
Ailing Li, Grade 8
A Love Letter from a Sink Strainer to an Ice Pack
We my love,
We are just perfect for each other
People say you have a cold approach to life
But, that doesn’t matter to me
I love you
I know how it feels to be not appreciated after a hard day a work
We are never thanked for the work we do
Work constantly piles on top of me like papers on the president’s desk
And although I’m a slow worker
I get all my work done each evening
You relieve that pain of others
Yet, you are forgotten,
Left alone in the shadows of the superior
I wish for you to come and visit me
For I am always in the same spot
You, you get to experience the world with your boss
Experiencing all the adventures of the real world
Me, my boss leaves me in the same workplace each day
He only needs me about once an evening
And when he’s done with me, I am left alone once again
When you go missing and no one notices
I wish for you to come and visit me
I’ll always be in the same spot
Waiting for you, my love
Olivia Morris, Grade 8
Don't change who you were born to be for anyone
Only you can chose the path you take for your future life
Never follow what other people act like or look like just to fit in with the crowd
If you were born to be a brother a sister a daughter a son
be just that don't try to hide it
you were born to be an individual
and you have your own identity
DON'T be scared to stand out and show your true colors
Say this is me this is who I really am
Be you it's not that hard
Aleena Sierra, Grade 8
I hate when you step on my roses and take control.
You take my possessions and you
throw them on the ground.
You grab me by the shirt and pin me
to the wall.
You take my dreams and you crush them.
You take my goals and you crush them.
You take my efforts and you crush them.
You take my hopes and you crush them.
And now…now you took away something more than that…what I care about most…
…the other piece of my heart.
Daniel Couceiro, Grade 8
Too Much is Too Little
To have an A+
You must spend hours of your life on a single project.
You must stay on the guidelines,
Even if they don’t make sense.
Yet, with a blank piece of paper,
You can do almost anything.
From drawing to whatever,
Whatever you can think of.
And the best part is, it doesn’t have to be perfect
Alex Nigro, Grade 8
Straw to the Atlas
They told me you would lead me down all the wrong paths,
that you would lose me in all your pages.
They said that your perfect 12 font words would slip right through my rounded edges.
But I know better than that!!!
I want you to be my partner in crime conquering the world one sip at a time,
opening your solid hard cover to me.
I want your maps to guide my vivid colors through your endless facts.
You fill me with facts I didn't even know existed.
You and I come from two different worlds, but we connect as if you are the belt to my buckle.
And maybe one day... just one day... I'll become the center of your world!!!
Emily Guillerault, Grade 8
An Ode to My Mother
Loving my mother from the start
Enjoying the moment when she smiles
My taste buds laugh while eating my mother’s favorite food
Listening quietly when she scolds me
By doing the job right the next time
Proving being worthy of forgiveness
Having tears in my eyes when my mother cries
Waiting anxiously for her arrival from work
Promising to love her all I can
Wanting never to have her go apart
Alisha Kumar, Grade 8
Love Letter from the Calculator to the Power Cord
My face never shows everything
But I try to solve all your problems
They say I don’t need you
That you’re the same all over
I see your frayed edges through
Me, I have my limits
But you seem to reach the places I can’t
When you’re around me you push all my buttons
Yet, I still want you there
I know you’re near because I feel your sparks
And even though I don’t need you
Maybe one day you’ll help light and power my world.
Chloe Wellins, Grade 8
There will always be people better than you out there.
No matter how hard you try,
They will always be there.
But in no way does this mean that you can't try.
If you love something,
Whether it be a sport or a hobby,
It doesn't matter what other people think.
Whatever that something is that you love,
You love it and this should be enough.
This doesn't mean, though, that you will win every trophy,
tournament, game, or medal.
What you do win is happiness and fun,
And if you are lucky, maybe a memory or two to tell your
children's children.
So, you may never be Michael Phelps,
But you will always be you and this… this is enough.
Zoe Arnold, Grade 8
Love Letter from the Ping Pong Ball to the Jar
My relationships were not always the best matches
They felt like games to me
I was always bouncing over obstacles just because they were there.
I was always served to someone else after a while.
Then I met you.
With your perfect personality that won me over.
You have preserved my feelings
and made me feel fresh as the day I first saw you.
Glistening like a crystal in the sun.
My love for you is worthy of gold.
Before I met you I was cold and hollow inside,
but now I am filled with warmth and comfort.
If you were to shatter I would be there to pick up the pieces
and put you back together.
I know you are fragile but know I can help keep you safe
and guide you so we don’t fall off the edge.
Samantha Hasenbalg, Grade 8
As I Grow Older
We are all scared of something
What I am scared of and most people might agree is the unknown—
We walk the same road with different destinations
Some might leave the pack
Others might get left behind
And some will race up ahead where no one else will go—
But no one knows what’s awaiting them
They don’t know what’s in store
And that scares them
All my life it’s been the same people, same drama, same conversations
I just want to switch it up, change scenery
An opportunity presented itself, so I took it
And when I learned what my destiny was, I accepted
As I told people I got mixed reactions- excitement, anger, sadness, encouragement
With those mixed feelings I began to question my decision
Do I really want to leave everything I love?
Risk everything I have for something that might not be worth it?
But then I think, yes, yes I do
Because you can’t always play it safe and you definitely change
what you want to please the people around you
but still I am scared—
because I don’t know what lies ahead and I don’t want to lose touch of what
I’m leaving behind
And now I’m walking this road, leaving the pack, journeying into the unknown
And I’m scared.
Devon Ide, Grade 8
The Book’s Blessing
May my ink swirl through the air
luring you to my secrets.
May the mystery of my words,
linger in your mind.
May my extensive amount of characters,
leave you wishing for more.
May my lives,
lead you through yours.
Let my chapters
take you away from the world,
If only for a minute.
let me bring you where the wild things are,
When you life is insipid.
let my binding grow old,
from generations of explorers.
May I extend your vocabulary,
so you can conveniently construe characters.
Let me carry you so far,
that I lead you to slumber.
and until we meet again,
let my covers hold you in the creases of their pages.
Mackenzie Denno, Grade 8
May You Love?
Life may push you in ways
That you may not like.
You may cry out or get angry but
Life carries on.
Two powerful words that people should fill
Their ice cold hearts with!
That girl you just called a whole lot of words
Tries hard to fit in
Or that boy you just made fun of for crying
Just lost his dad in the army…
Before your actions take the best of you
Stop to think
I am… I am a better person
I am an athlete
I am a person of value
Life carries on and so do you!
Holly Corcoran, Grade 8
The Mountain
As I watched him,
He dashed like a marathon runner,
up the slippery slope of the Great Mountain.
I stared in awe,
For the reason for this mad dash,
Was for the girl he loves.
The jagged edges,
Almost throwing him down,
Were a nuisance, it took him many years.
He scaled it,
And fell down the other side,
Bumping down and down, until he lay at her feet.
She was dumbfounded,
By how much hell he went through for her,
and why he hadn't given up.
Although there was a mountain between them,
She fell in love with him,
And he, long before, with her.
He hugged her,
And stood there,
for what seemed like eternity.
He asked her to come with him,
Adventure and live,
And she agreed.
Back over the mountain they went,
But now his struggles were also hers,
And they never gave up.
It took them many years,
Passing the mountain, bonding them ever closer,
And the mountain was less than an obstacle for them,
and they would endure much more.
Kenny Callahan, Grade 8
My Mother
She wakes up in the morning as bright as the sun,
Smiling as big as the atmosphere.
She always says we are her flowers,
And that she is our rain.
She nurtures us and helps us,
Always putting herself last.
Even though she won’t admit it,
We need her.
Even though we won’t admit it
We want her.
She is the candle shining in the darkness,
She is the sunshine breaking through the gray,
She is the only flower reaching the sky,
She is the lighthouse lighting up the bay.
She makes all the newspapers colorful,
And all of the birds sing loud,
She allows all of the flowers to bloom in winter,
And the storm to leave one white cloud.
Her eyes are my guardian angels,
Always keeping an eye on me when needed,
Her words are my wisdom,
Always teaching me right from wrong,
And her actions are my knowledge,
Never doing anything bad.
She is the tissue I need when I cry,
She is the joke when I need to laugh,
And she is my amazing mother,
That I will always love, no matter what.
Kelsey Gibbs, Grade 8
The painter picks up his paint brush,
And glares at it.
Perfectly aligned bristles, not stained by hours of dreaming.
A body as smooth as silk,
Not a splinter in sight.
But… he puts it down.
He walks over to his other paint brush.
The one with the special box for safe keeping.
The paintbrush that has been used to create masterpiece
After masterpiece.
The one with the frayed bristles that have begun to fall out.
It has been stained with endless amounts of paint… and visions.
The body has begun to chip and splinter.
But it doesn’t matter.
That paintbrush is perfect in the artist’s eyes.
Sure, other people would walk right over to the perfect paintbrush,
The one that’s never been used y the painter.
That’s not who I want to be. I want to be the ugly paintbrush.
It may not be perfect to everybody,
But it’s perfect to somebody.
Just like me.
Haley Strong, Grade 8
The Moon
You have been there for me
We are closer than the stars to the sky
You are the moon to everyone’s night sky
Because without you,
Everything would be wrong
Nothing would ever work out
And my life would be empty
I am a star in a huge sky
There are many other stars who need you
I am one of those stars
But I try to shine bright
Among all the other stars
And I try to be my best to make you proud
I hope I am shining bright enough
I try to shine my hardest on my own
But overall without the moon
The stars have no meaning
Caitlin Daleb, Grade 8
All the people in the world,
They all have dreams.
Dreams of flying,
And dreams of painting the Mona Lisa.
Well, here is some help,
A hit harder than any bully can punch,
It’s called reality.
Some people think this is harsh,
But better now than never.
Parents, tell your kid he’s not Superman,
For it may just save his life.
There are no dragons or unicorns,
So, if you wanna hear, listen up.
This is for the best,
All movies have an ending,
Nothing is forever.
People act as they may,
But every action has a consequence.
Tell your kids the truth.
No more jokes.
If things are not okay,
Tell them that.
It is for the best,
And will help in the long run.
Be in the middle,
Try your best,
Reach for the sky,
Even if nothing is reaching back.
Remember that he, she, they, we, and you,
Tell the truth and no candy coating.
Justin Ofsuryk, Grade 8
All That Matters…
My son told me that he wants to write a story
A story of his life
I chuckle to myself thinking that he is but ten
I tell him that not enough has happened in his life so that can’t even happen
He says, “I make it up as I go along.”
And the first page begins
It’s been four years since that day
He still spends most of his time on that book
Well, it’s better than that feather collection that he had earlier
I can’t help but wonder if this is really healthy
One day, I take a look at it while he’s out with his friends
It was written in complete gibberish
He told me when confronted about it,
“You’ll read it when you’re ready to read it.”
And on that confusing note, he goes upstairs
And thus, the page turns
I stand at the window for what seems like an eternity
As he drives away,
I know that this was inevitable but I still couldn’t believe that he was gone
And the last thing he heard before he left was a bunch of obscenities
From me about some little thing
It’s a car horn that turns me away
It looks like old Mr. Patterson has driven through the fence again
And thus, the page turns
If there is an award for the world’s worst dad, I might get it now
You would think (and would have every right to do so) that any dad would make it to his own
son’s wedding
I thought about calling him, but that would be just pouring salt on an open wound
I didn’t sleep that night
And thus, the page turns
My grandson was born on May 19th, 2016, more specifically, at 12:05pm.
I was asleep at the time.
It is ironic considering that almost every event that happened in my life
I slept through
And thus, the page turns
All That Matters… (continued)
The accident happened last week
I was driving home when some idiot in a red Ferrari was veering down the highway going 95
barreled towards me
I tried to veer out of the way but my old hunk of junk was way too slow to evade it
One morning, when I was asleep, my son came and dropped the book by my bedside
For some reason, I don’t know how or why, I could read it now.
It was all about me
Oh sure it talked about events in this life but he always related it back to me.
And then I saw it
This book was his substitute for a father
I never really was there for him in the end
I didn’t encourage his book. I never spent time with him. I wasn’t there for his wedding and
now here I lay in this bed and he comes all this way when I never did for him
I read that entire book that day
And thus, the last page is reached
My father didn’t wake up on time this morning
In fact, he didn’t wake up at all anymore
Docs said he died in his sleep
He didn’t suffer at all
I remember when I was a little boy
I thought he was the biggest, strongest man in the world
But then, he moved out and faded away, and I couldn’t see him anymore
Not sure if I’m going to finish the book, it doesn’t really seem right, y’know?
This morning, Walter Greer, my dad, passed away like a feather in the wind
Billy Greer
And thus, the book closes
Tyler Mikula, Grade 8
I feel the pain that she feels
Every step of the way.
After every new diagnosis
Comes a lifetime of worry.
For every day she’s in pain,
She gives the most hope she can muster.
The misty water washes over,
The confused hands of hope stricken guidance.
There’s much to learn in this profound world,
But this lesson I’m not interested in learning.
For every cloud that passes by,
For every new bird in the sky,
For the waterfall no one found,
Or for the eyes on the face always looking down.
There’s a new cloud to take its place,
A mother bird following its way,
He water keeps on flowing,
The eyes on the face that keeps on going.
There will always be a happy face to replace her pain.
There will always be her wonder following my way.
There will always be hope behind her eyes.
There will always be happiness inside of her heart.
Taylor Lavoie, Grade 8
Love Letter Between a Shovel and a Sink Strainer
They say that I would be too hard to handle
That there would be more than just me
But I know you’re better than that
My rough edges are hard to get around
And I may be hard to shove sometimes
But hopefully one day you’ll be the one to catch me
Morgan Mattil, Grade 8
My Mother, the One and Only
You’ve loved me ever since the day I was born
You were the one who taught me how to walk
You were the one who taught me how to talk
You were the one who taught me how to ride a bike
You were the one who taught me how to read
You were the one who taught me how to write my upper and lower case letters
You were the one who taught me table manners
You were the one who taught me right from wrong
You were the shoulder that I cried on when I was feeling blue
And all the while you were the one guiding me through life
You are the one who I’ve always looked up to
You are the one who dedicated your life to me
You are the one who I sing in the car to who knows where
You are the one who takes care of me
You are the one keeping a roof over my head
You are the one who I kiss good night
You will be the one sitting next to me in the car
Holding on for dear life as I learn how to drive
You will be the loudest one clapping at my wedding
You will be the grandmother to love my future children
You are my mother
The one and only
Who has cared for me ever since the day I could remember
You and I, you see, have a very special bond only bonded together by our love for each
The only way I know how to thank you is
To love you to infinity and forever
Lauren Stout, Grade 8
The Dreamer
I am the Denied…
Broken Hearted…
I was holding… and cherishing my loved ones until they were ripped away.
Then living desperate state,
Running madly around in circles, howling,
Waiting for anyone to return…
Then falling into a stardust chamber, with glimmering stars,
only deeper into the Earth…
Then the rapid breathing,
Increasing heartbeats, and
Hitting a rock wall.
Giving up, and falling to the ground, whimpering.
Then my bright, colorful, and playful eyes
Dark, and soulless
With blood-stained fur
But then another bright figure whipping me, moving me forward
My whimper becoming a beautiful, soundless howl.
My life becomes better, and my family there, in the distance,
My paws racing toward them, and my heart beginning to heal…
My life's a mess…
I know too much about pain, and suffering…
But to everyone I'm the perfect friend,
But to me I'm only a Dreamer
Dreaming of good things only to, hopefully, comes.
Annika Carlson, Grade 8
Love Letter from a Mitten to a Dictionary
Every time I see you
I jumble on my words
And I’m in need of
Your help
You’re full of wisdom
For which you are
Everything I need
You need me
Because I can warm you up
On cold,
And gloomy days
The way I warm you
Is like the sun
Beating down
On pale, unharmed skin
The way you flip
Is as peaceful
As a clear nighttime sky
With the sound of crickets
And the flutter of fireflies
I would lie on your back
If only it wasn’t so hard
If only your back
Was as soft as a baby’s blanket
As I get old
My thick and beautiful hair
Will fade and be as thin as thread
And your white skin
Will turn a pale yellow
And your heart could be torn
But it will
Leave only
A few words to say
I love you
Alexis Gelinas, Grade 8
Love Poem from a Safety Pin to the Flower Pot
You’re so beautiful
No matter what
With your style and your petals of hair
To me you’re everything
And I am nothing
I truly can’t compare
You’re nice and smooth
You do not move
And you look good on the lawn
I always watch you
No matter what from dusk until dawn
You don’t have a clue
How much I love you
Maybe because you don’t notice
But it’s okay because I really focus
On you anyways
After every day
I wait to see you
And I hate the day
They take out the glue
The worst day is when I see that you’re gone
I am so depressed
I write my own song
Then comes a new one
Her life has just begun
It’s still not the same
With my heart still in pain
Over the years
They all start to go
From in the summer
To in the snow
I thought she was the one
So nice and pretty
But I guess she didn’t like me
So happy and clingy
I think I am done dating these pots
Hey, look, a rock
I might have a shot
Jon Brenner, Grade 8
What Makes Her Who She Is
When she walks in my HEART STOPS
She warms me
Like a grill with coal
She puts a spark even in my dad’s eyes
She walks in with a sweet talk
That makes me even weak
But after a while it makes me stronger
Her voice saying goodnight
Her voice saying good morning
Her voice saying have a good day
Her voice saying stay out of trouble
Make her who she is
My mom
Joshua Diaz, Grade 8
I Want to Say
All I want to say is,
Thank you
Thank you for being nice
For being loving
For letting me
Be all I can be
Even through thick
And thin
Even through the
Biggest fights
Through the smallest
Though I've been rude
And Inconsiderate
You have loved me
No matter what
And that's why I want
To say…
Thank You
Sarah Ann Calano, Grade 8
Love Letter from the Refrigerator Magnet to the Straw
Every day I see you
You're surrounded by ones just like you
But whenever I look your way,
All I see is you.
You're not special, not curly like some others, you're straight actually
But I know all your curves
I'm admired for about three days, then forgotten about, unnoticed beyond the rest
But you,
You will eventually get picked
And when you are on your journey, I will miss you dearly
And you will always be the one who gives me that magnetic pull
Sabrina Barry, Grade 8
Not a Barbie Wanna Be
Let them be as Barbies,
Always popular, beautiful, looked up to by the weak
but weighed down by the need to stay on top
I'd rather be the nerdy girl alone in the corner with her nose in a book,
Lost in a different world created by literature,
The feel of the words shifting under my invisible wings
To have as many friends as I want in my books
and to know each one of them by heart,
to memorize everyone of my favorite lines,
to have those large, descriptive, beautiful words open me up and let me blossom
I'd rather be looked down on and happy,
Than to be a Barbie,
Craved by everyone, where rumors are spread fruitfully and you're wanted,
Not because of what's good in your heart, but what's beautiful on the outside
I'd rather be a friendless loser,
Than have fake friends stabling me in the back
If I could stand-alone among the rest, have a strong will and spirit,
Then I could be anything I want to be.
Emma Beman, Grade 8
Love Letter from a Pinwheel to a Sock
I remember when I first laid my eyes on you
On that breezy, bright day
When my feet were planted in the dirt
And you were bound to strings
As I twirled in admiration
For your beautiful knit
I showed my true colors to you
Because I wanted to gaze at your smile
But one night, they stole you from me
And I was forced to stare at an empty line
And once they’d finish washing you out with their cruel words
While you were drenched in your own tears
They hung you up once more and bound you
And once we saw each other
You were able to dry your eyes in the wind
Josie Gautier, Grade 8
The Flight
Sitting inside the fuselage,
Just when the sun reaches its fingers above the horizon,
She looks ahead to the coming fight
Her windshield is cracked, even in her youthful state
The luggage bears down on her and burdens her so,
The fractures in her canopy bear malice to her eyes
I encourage her and hope for a good flight
Unable to control the yoke, and,
To change the irrational velocity and its chaos
She steps back and ponders her trajectory
I reminisce how far down the caterpillar
Was, it started when the rain began
It curled into a ball and sunk into
The ground for feet traipse all over
And just when it thought its life was over,
It became a butterfly and fly, fly it did
It flew to new heights, soaring above
What a caterpillar could only imagine
And as it beat its wings it remembered
The failed attempts at flight when
It first transformed and when it saw
Where it was now and that really could
Make it to the sun
She found her confidence and
Continued on with the knowledge that
She was stronger than she thought
Amanda Samuel, Grade 8
My Finale
As the final game of the final soccer season ended,
I knew that the games were not the only things to stop.
Our team ran across the field one last time,
And instead of their faces looking as eighth graders,
I saw them as they looked in that first season.
They were young, and innocent.
We were a scrappy team from a small town,
Being led by a group of parents.
Over the course of three years,
We became the champions of our league.
We won first place for two straight seasons.
But, more than that,
We became friends,
And we even became closer,
We became a family.
Every game we played, we supported one another.
We had each others’ backs,
And played as a single unit,
Like a well trained machine.
And looking at their faces as we ran our final lap,
I couldn’t help but be reminded of the series finale of a TV show
As you watch a show over the course of its seasons,
You can begin to feel a connection,
To the characters,
The friendships,
The struggles,
And even the setting.
When the final episode comes,
You don’t want it to be over,
And you want it to last forever.
But the realization comes,
That all things must end.
A realization, that once discovered, can be very sad.
Once overcoming these feelings, you begin to appreciate things,
Like how the characters developed, and the road that took them,
To where they are now.
My last soccer game was like this showing the end,
But made me remember all of the good times I have had playing with the team.
Because of this, that practice was actually, My Finale,
Only this time, the characters were real,
And I again, knew that I had to cherish those memories as well.
Matt Borsari, Grade 8