2-March and April - Temple Beth Shmuel


2-March and April - Temple Beth Shmuel
T B S N e ws
Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation Newsletter
Edition: II
Year 2011 - 50th Anniversary
In This Edition:
P. 3
P. 4
P. 5
P. 6
50th Ann.
P. 9
Social Events
P. 10
Sección en
Card & Yarzeit
P. 26
Birthdays &
P. 27
"Loving kindness
is greater than
laws; and the
charities of life
are more than all
The Talmud
On March 3, 2011, the State of
Israel Bonds hosted their
annual Cuban Hebre w
Dinner, “Mojitos Madness and
Sugarcane Dreams”, at
the Eden Roc Hotel on
Miami Beach. It was a
beautiful evening as the
Cuban Hebrew Congregation
was well represented by its
members who came to honor
one of their own, our
President Becky KobrowskiCohen. Sergio Grobler, a great
supporter of the Israel Bonds, presented the King David Award to her with her
children by her side. The award is given in honor of “extraordinary vision and
leadership that has helped to build the Israel of the future while strengthening
the heart of the Jewish people”.
Continues on page 8
It’s hard to believe that we just had our
6th Annual Purim Carnival already.
What a success it was!!!! Not only was it
a day full of sunshine, rides, games,
music, great food, family, and friends,
but we raised a substantial amount of
money as well.
Our TBS Purim Carnival is the school’s
largest fundraiser of the year and this
year the PTA has chosen to use the
funds from this great event to replace our playground with a new and
improved one.
We would like to thank all of our dedicated parents, teachers and sponsors for
making this all possible!!!!!
Photos on page 7
Page 2
Negroni’s Trio
Saturday , April 9th, 2011 at 8:00 p.m.
Place: Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami
1701 Lenox Ave. Miami Beach
Donations: $36.00 Per Person
Reservations: 305 - 534 - 7213
Nomar Negroni: drummer * Jose Negroni: pianist, composer
Hailing from Puerto Rico, accomplished pianist and composer Jose Negroni has garnered
recognition in the world of Jazz. A disciple of the legendary multi-instrumentalist
multi-instrumentalist salsa and Latin Jazz great, Papo Lucca, Negroni’s career spans over
16 years as a teacher in his island’s Music Conservatory. His talent has taken him throughout
the States where he has worked as Director for Sony Music Publishing. Negroni’s Trio
electrifies audiences with the energy that is transmitted during their live performances with
blissful sensations reeling in listeners in the pursuit of an ideal and ultimate euphoria.
Temple Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc.
OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Sunday thru Friday 7:30 a.m. at Small Chapel
Saturday 9:15 a.m. at Main Sanctuary
Sunday 9:15 a.m. at Temple Emanu-El
1700 Michigan Avenue. Miami Beach, FL 33139 .Phone: (305) 534-7213 / Fax: (305) 534-5143
e-mails: [email protected] / [email protected]
Printed at the Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc. c All rights reserved
TBS - News
Avi Ashkenazi
Tere Ben-Hain
Ofelia Ruder
Graphics and design:
Avi Ashkenazi
Page 3
Dear Members,
We are off to an amazing start
this year with a variety of
activities, community projects
and a revitalization of our
congregation membership and
Shabbat services. Temple Beth
Shmuel has invited women to
participate in its Shabbat services by honoring
them with an Aliyot. There is excitement in the
air as we move forward in all our preparations for
the 50th Jubilee Anniversary. This will truly be an
exciting and memorable year for all of us.
We have been committed to serve our
congregants and community by making
Temple Beth Shmuel a place where everyone
can pray, gather, learn and grow together. Join
us as we celebrate and pray on March 19th in the
Purim Celebration. The theme this year will be
Mardi Gras. Let’s see if we know who you are.
Remember to bring your masks and receive your
Mardi Gras beads.
I am delighted to say as the Temple continues to
grow, so does our Montessori School.
This year, we will begin the new expansion of the
Montessori School. With this new expansion, we
will be able to welcome 40 new families to our
Congregation. We have the energy of a warm
and spiritual congregation that connects us to
one another and centuries of Jewish traditions.
As a Jewish community, we must continue to
My own journey at Temple Beth Shmuel has
taken me from a Hebrew school student, Young
Leadership, Temple Volunteer, Montessori
School Parent, Committee Chair of Events,
Board of Directors, School Board Committee,
Executive Board and to have the honor of being
President today. There is so much the
Temple has to offer and so much the Temple
needs. I am asking you to get involved, there are
committees, programs and many other important
roles. Make the most of your talents, have a
significant role in the growth and continuation of
Temple Beth Shmuel. Guided by your own
needs, passion and interest, your journey at
Temple Beth Shmuel will be uniquely your own.
We look forward to sharing that journey with you!
Share Shabbat with your Temple family. Bring a
friend to Shabbat the first Saturday of every
month and Temple Beth Shmuel will warmly
welcome you and your friend to a joyful and
special service led by our Rabbi Chizever.
I look forward to seeing everyone throughout the
year enjoying our events and participating in our
Always remember your Temple is here for you.
Becky Kobrowski-Cohen
50th Anniversary Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs
Becky Kobrowski-Cohen – Rachel Dubelman ……………………….. Journal
Ida Kabak – Polita Chyzyk …………... Honoring the Women in TBS History
Nancy Brook ……………………………………………………….. Debutants
Sergio Grobler – Mario Chyzyk…………… Honoring the Men in TBS History
Mauricio Zelic ………………………………………………..….Entertainment
Raul Gorfinkel – Fabio Nick ……………………………………Special Events
Marcos Kerbel…………………………………………Community Ambassador
Tere Ben-Hain……………………………………………………………Finance
Oscar Sklar………………………………...……………………Public Relations
Monica Don …………………………………………………………Coordinator
NOVEMBER 12th, 2011
Page 4
And you shall count from the
next day after the sabbath, from
the day that you brought the
sheaf of the wave offering; seven
sabbaths shall be complete; To
the next day after the seventh
sabbath shall you count fifty
days; and you shall offer a new
meal offering to the Lord. (Leviticus 23:15-16)
The 49-day period between Pesach and
Shavuot is known as the “Counting of the
Omer.” The bringing of the Omer was the first
harvesting of the new crop. This harvesting
continued throughout the 49-day Omer Period
and was brought to a climax on Shavuout with
the offering of the two loaves of bread in the
Temple of Jerusalem.
These 49 days were also integral to the survival
of the farmer. These days were filled with worry
and anticipation as to whether or not the harvest
was going to end in success or failure. Today, it
is safe to say that most of us do not make our
livelihood from agriculture. So, then, how do
we, as modern-day Jews living in urban Miami,
relate to this very scary and unpredictable Omer
One way to find meaning in regards to this
ancient custom is to transport our mindset back
to the days in which our agricultural ancestors
lived, thus, transforming these 49 days into days
filled with anxiety and concern; to create an
awareness that something bigger than us exists
in the universe. But this is no easy task. To
quote Abraham Joshua Heschel:
The awareness of grandeur and the sublime is all
but gone from the modern mind…we teach the
children how to measure, how to weigh. We fail
to teach them how to revere, how to sense
wonder and awe. (Between God and Man)
To combat the unfortunate demise of our “sense
of awe,” what Heschel calls “radical amazement,”
we must undertake the responsibility of making
these 49 days count, by occupying our time with
inner reflection and contemplation. We should
remember that compared to the Divine, the value
that He places on our “worldly concerns” is more
infinitesimal than a mere spec of dust. God does
not care about what car we drive, the size of our
house, our yearly income, how many goals or
hits our children/grandchildren make on Shabbat,
or any of the other material gains we, humans,
might accrue during our lifetime. What is of
substance and concern to God and in fact,
should give us “ultimate meaning” is our relationship to the world around us, how we treat our
fellow man, and how we worship and respect
God – yirat haShem.
Make the Omer Period count for you! Every
night, take a couple of moments out of your
hectic lifestyle and think about what you can do
to deepen your understanding of why you have
been put here on this earth; how you are going to
fulfill your Divine mission; and how you are going
to stand up and be counted.
Chag kasher v’sama’ach! Have a Kosher and
Happy Passover!
Rabbi Richard S. Chizever
[email protected]
We are fortunate to offer a daily minyan, where people can start their day in a warm, friendly place.
People from the Cuban Hebrew Congregation, Temple Emanu-El and the local community, as well
as visitors from out of town, get together at Temple Beth Shmuel (Sundays at Temple Emanu-El) to
begin their day with prayer and fellowship. Yet, there are many days when we fall short of the 10
people necessary to read the Torah, chant certain prayers, and most importantly, recite the mourner’s
kaddish. At the time of Yahrzeit, people come to shul to say the memorial prayer and to remember
their loved one. How sad it is then, when a mourner joins us and we are unable to give him/her the
opportunity to perform the mitzvah of kaddish.
This is where you come in. Be part of the minyan. Join us once a week or once a month but, most
importantly, join us.
Page 5
Message from the Women’s League
by Tere Ben-Hain
Women’s League is actively working on their annual events, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Special
Shabbat Services to be held on Saturday, May 7th and June 18th, respectively. We are looking forward
to a great program and big turnout of attendees. We will be publishing our annual booklets listing
honors and memorials for our mothers and fathers. Please fill out the forms that have been sent out in
the mail with your information and include your checks when you return them to the office.
Also, we are planning our Annual Luncheon during the month of June
where the ladies in our congregation and community get together and
have a great time. Our annual raffle will be held as usual during our
luncheon. Please mail back your raffle tickets together with your
check, if you have not already done so.
We will also participate with the different committees for the
celebration of our 50th Anniversary Celebration to make this year a
most memorable and successful one for our Temple Beth ShmuelCuban Hebrew Congregation, better known as “El Circulo”.
Yoga Class
We need all of you to participate and attend our events, both physically and monetarily, to achieve all
our goals for our future.
We would like also to thank Tete Wenguer, Julia Miller and Dora Epelbaum
for their kiddush preparation every week.
Bimah Flowers enhance our Shabbat experience. Sponsoring
the bimah flowers is a meaningful way to remember or honor a
loved one.
As a sponsor of the bimah flowers, your name will appear on
the Shabbat News and in the bulletin.
Congregants who wish to sponsor may do so with a donation
of $75 to the Women's League. Please contact Ofelia at the
office: 305-534-7213.
Thank you to all who have sponsored in the past and are
planning to do so in the future.
Celebrating an anniversary, birthday or other simcha and need a gift?
Why not sponsor an Oneg Shabbat or a Shabbat Kiddush to
commemorate the occasion?
Women's League arranges for food and beverages; no special
arrangements need to be made by the donor. Your dedication will be
listed in the Shabbat News for the Sabbath that you have selected.
Please contact Ofelia at the office: 305-534-7213.
We also invite you to consider the Kiddush Fund when honoring or
remembering friends and family. Your contributions help us
underwrite a Kiddush when there is no designated sponsor.
Page 6
Meet the Children in Ms. Lila, Ms. Rosy, Ms. Huilen and Ms. Suzy’s class
Jake Berra, Drea Buckman,
Angelika Callegher, Dana Chopp,
Delialah Cohen, Kai Duwin,
Orly Ferrandis, Ella Filler,
Olivia Geller, Lily Goldin,
Sam Greenwald, Max Grunwald,
Adam Jacobson, Jaden Kaye,
Guiliana Mizraji, Colton Mopsick,
Kira Nichtowitz, Noah Orlowsky,
Simon Paley, Jacob Rubinstein,
Sydney Schimmel, Adelaide Schoeni,
Elan Shaked, Emily Wrubel
Ima Shabbat
Aba Shabbat
Ms. Lila & Ms. Rosy
Ice Cream
Happy Feet
Potty Train
Tu B’shvat with Morah Devora
Music Class with Mr. Danny
Page 7
6th Annual Purim Carnival
We would like to thank the following sponsors of the 6th Annual TBS Purim Carnival
The Akin Family, The Berras Family , Boris Klopukh–Urology, CMG Capital, Becky Cohen,
The Cohen Family, Dylan Glinsky, Michael Glinsky & CO., CPA, PA, The Grunwald Family,
The Henry Family, The Jacobson Family, John Portraits, Melissa Lazurus MD,PA Dermatology,
Levy, Filler, Rodriguez, Kelso & Magilligan, LLP, Loubess Foundation, Miami Beach Music Together,
Mindful Organics, Nail Republic, Ocean Five Hotel, The Orlowsky Family, The Poses Families,
Rothman & Tobin, The Ruben Family, Adam J. Rubinstein MD,PA, Plastic Surgeon,
Sean Donaldson Hair, Dr. Netta Shaked,PA, Shepard Board Foundation, Sonn and Erez, PLC,
The Spektor Family, Spris Restaurant, Sunny Leigh, Amy & Jack Tobin, The Zomada Family,
Swimmer Properties Inc.
Our camp is a place where your children can grow and develop socially, physically and
educationally. Our teachers are highly qualified and chosen with great care. We provide a warm and
safe environment for your child and, of course, lots of FUN, FUN, FUN!!!
Some of our exciting activities will include: water play, arts & crafts, movement dance, yoga, karate,
kidokinetics and lots of special outside entertainment!!!!
Registration Begins March 25, 2011
Cost: Full Day 6 weeks for $1,600.00 ($300.00 per week. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
Half Day 6 weeks for $1,400.00 ($275.00 per week. 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)
Page 8
Continued from page 1
As she accepted her award, she thanked all those who attended and recognized them as “the pillars
of strength of our Congregation, for which she has admired them throughout the years”.
The Cuban Hebrew Congregation, since its founding, has always believed in a strong State of Israel and
has always supported the purchase of State of Israel Bonds.
This year, State of Israel Bonds is celebrating its 60th Anniversary. It is important that the Jewish
people throughout the world, spiritually and financially, support our brothers and sisters in Israel,
especially through investing in Israel’s future. Please let us all act now and purchase State of Israel
Bonds. By purchasing these bonds, you are assisting in the infrastructure and economic independence
of the State of Israel. We are asking you to renew your commitment to Israel through the State of Israel
Bonds. Remember, “It’s not just a bond, it’s a bond with Israel!”.
For more information, please contact:
Evie Aness, a registered representative (305) 595-4700 or (800) 704-2663
or via email at [email protected] or www.israelbonds.com.
Page 9
Temple Beth Shmuel is proud to host a spectacular event Operatic Cantorial Concert to
be held Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Join us as the Metropolitan Opera
Soprano Elizabeth Caballero and world renowned Cantor Stephen Texon delight us with their vibrant
voices as they serenade us. Bring your family and friends and experience this once in a lifetime
remarkable performance.
Soprano Elizabeth Caballero
Cantor Stephen Texon
Acclaimed as “a powerful diva in the making”,
the Cuban - American born Soprano,
Elizabeth Caballero is widely recognized for her
fearless portrayals of the lyric soprano repertoire.
She has been praised by the New York Times,
The Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer,
San Antonio Express, South Florida Classical
Review as a show stopping performer with the
sheer beauty of her sound to be beguiling. She
currently studies with Manny Perez.
One of the most popular and acclaimed
Cantors in America, Stephen Texon has thrilled
and inspired the most prestigious congregations
across the country in prayers and in concerts.
Miss Caballero made her Metropolitan Opera
debut in 2006 and has recently returned in 2010
in the opera Carmen. She has performed in the
New York City Opera, Florentine Opera,
San Antonio Opera, Florida Grand Opera,
New Jersey Opera and the Seattle Opera.
Cantor Texon is a protégé of the legendary
Sholom Secuda. He has performed in concert
with nearly every leading Cantor in the United
States from New York to Los Angeles with great
In addition to being a National Grand Finalist in
the Metropolitan Opera National Council
Auditions, she has won numerous awards,
including the Richard Gold Debut Artist
Award, the New York City Gerda Lissner
Foundation Award and the recipient of the
coverted annual Diva Award from the New York
City Opera.
Equally at home in Opera, Cantor Texon trained
at the Metropolitan with Kurt Adler and Hebert
Graf. Texon went on to sing in full productions
with the New Jersey State Opera with
Richard Tucker, Robert Merrill, Placido Domingo,
Titto Gobbi and many other stars. He has also
performed with the New York City Opera
education department as Tonio in Pagliacci.
Tenor Jose Carreras & Elizabeth Caballero
Born in Manhattan, NYC, he is a graduate of the
Ramaz Yeshiva in NYC, New York University
and the International Opera Center in Geneva,
Switzerland. He has also performed at the
famous summer opera festivals in Switzerland
and France.
Cantor Stephen Texon & Baritone Robert Merrill
Tickets will go on sale April 1, 2011. You may purchase your tickets through our Temple Office. Contact
Ofelia at (305) 534-7213. Limited seating. Purchase your tickets early as it is sure to be a sold-out event.
Ticket Price $100.00 / $50.00 / $30.00 / Student Price $18.00
Page 10
Spanish Brass Concert
Our sixth concert on January 22nd was a pleasant
surprise to most of the audience who had never before
experienced a concert with only brass instruments,
including a French Horn, two Trumpets, a Trombone and
a Tuba. Only when these instruments are played by First
Prize Winners of the worldwide Narbonne
Competition in France, the most prestigious event of its
kind in the world, can they deliver such a brilliant
performance and SPANISH BRASS certainly did just
The program started with Classical pieces by Handel, Bach, Ewald, and then they surprised us with four
Yiddish Freilach compositions from “The Art of Calmer” and finished the first part of the concert with
“Danzon” by Paquito D’Rivera.
Following the intermission, they got the audience jumping with Spanish tunes like “Seguidillas” (La
Verbena de la Paloma), “Andaluza”(Danza Espanola #5), “La Boda de Luis Alonso” and “ De Cai”.
In between humorous anecdotes and jokes that brought in plenty of laughs, they played Jobim’s “Chega
de Sausade”, “The Side Winder” by Lee Morgan and “Handful of Keys” by Fats Waller, to conclude a
program of great variety. After a standing ovation, they performed some encore short pieces to the
delight of a very appreciative audience.
A lively reception followed with refreshments, kosher pastelitos and pastries, during which, autographed
CDs by the artists were available for purchase.
It was an enjoyable evening of music for which we can thank again our continuing major sponsors,
Rosita and Oscar Boruchin, as well as all our other sponsors, advertisers and volunteers. We also need
to thank our office staff for their tremendous help.
Oscar Sklar
Concert Series Chair
TBS 2011 Israeli Film Festival
We would like to thank the following sponsors and supporters
of the TBS 2011 Israeli Film Festival
Avi Ashkenazi
Mark Baranik
Books & Books - Lincoln Road
Manuel & Sofia Garmizo
Salomon & Cila Gold
Rabbi Aaron Katz
Jose & Elisa Raij
Ofelia Ruder
Jaime & Sara Shapiro
Noel & Elisa Shapiro
Temple Emanu-El
Temple Beth Sholom
Please join us as Temple Beth Shmuel will begin its Sunday afternoon Matinee Movie Club.
Our first movie will begin April 17, 2011. Details will follow.
Page 11
Purim Celebration
On March 19th , Temple Beth Shmuel , Montessori
and Temple Emanuel joined together to celebrate
Purim. Rabbi Chizever and Rabbi Malka delighted 150
participants as they listen to the Megelliah reading, the
sounds of the graggers could be heard all the way to
Shushan, the capital of Persia. This year the children’s
parade was bigger than ever. Lead by the music
teacher, Danny Barski the children sang many Purim
songs. We would like to thank the Women’s League
and the Chyzyk family for the beautiful and colorful
Temple Beth Shmuel
and the Montessori School
50th Anniversary Family Picnic
will take place
Sunday, May 15th, 2011 at 11:00 a.m.
at the Michael-Ann Russell
Jewish Community Center,
18900 NE 25th Street,
North Miami Beach
Thanks to
Manuel & Sofia Garmizo
for their donation
to our Synagogue
in honor of
their great-grandson
Shia Landen Silverman
Join us for a day of fun
Organized Activities
and Sports
for all ages
May you always share
happiness and good health
throughout the wonderful
years ahead
MONDAY THRU FRIDAY: 7:30 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. PH: (305) 534-7213 EXT. 105
TBS News reserves the right to choose all materials for publication and distribution.
Page 12
Salomon Klein Scholarship Fund
Staying in Touch with Jeremy Ruder
My trip has been a lot of fun. I have been to Ireland, Scotland, England,
Holland, Germany, Belgium, France, Morocco, Spain, and Italy. During
my travels, I have also been sure to seek out historic Jewish places
along the way. In London, I went to see the Jewish Museum that was
near the Camden Market area. In Holland, I visited Anne Frank's house.
In Morocco, I saw several Jewish cemeteries. In Toledo, Spain, I visited
the Synagogue of El Transito, a 12th century temple in the Jewish
Quarter. In Barcelona, I visited one of the oldest synagogue in Europe,
and also learned about the atrocities committed against the Jews in the
1400s. My next stop is Israel, where I look forward to being immersed in
the Jewish Culture. Afterwards, I plan on visiting Eastern Europe and
some Holocaust sites, and learning more of the horrific incidents
against out people.
Jeremy and monkey in
Marrakech, Morocco
New Recipient
Salomon Klein Scholarship Fund was awarded to Ariela Froimzon (daughter
of JoAnn and Jimmy and granddaughter of Berta Edery) a graduate of Dr.
Michael M Krop Sr. High School. Ariela will be attending Young Israel Judea’s
Year Course program in Israel. Besides studying in Israel, Ariela plans to
volunteer at hospitals and elementary schools where she would be teaching
English to less fortunate children. She will also participate in the Tzahal Army
Training Program where she will experience the military as a typical 18 - year
old Israeli would.
Endowment Fund - the purpose of this fund would be to provide Temple Beth Shmuel with a steady
stream of income to subsidize its operations in future years. It is the opportunity for each donor to assure
the continued financial stability and security of our beloved Temple.
General Fund - all undesignated donations are used to meet the everyday needs of the Temple.
Outdoor Beautification Fund - used to upgrade the grounds beyond regular maintenance.
Torah Repair Fund - provides money to buy new Torahs, repair Torahs or to acquire ornaments and
vestments for the Torah.
Rabbi’s Fund - for the discretionary use of the Rabbi.
Prayer Book Fund - used to acquire books as needed.
School Fund - to purchase materials encompassing both secular and Judaic curriculum which focuses
on learning through discovery.
Library Fund - used to purchase Judaic and historical books.
Yarhzeit Donations - to honor the memory of a loved one.
Card Donations - to express sympathy, congratulations, to honor and get well wishes.
Page 13
With great pride, we announce
the arrival of our granddaughter and niece
TÄxåt Uxà{ Yx|Çáàx|Ç
Born January 28, 2011
All our love to
Lisa, Robert and Jax
May her life be always filled
with laughter and joy
and we should celebrate
many simchas together
in happiness and good health.
With love,
Abuela Olga & Tia Debbie Winikor
Page 14
Announcing the arrival
Of our New Grandchildren
Morgan Gabriela
Hudson Parker
Ronnie, Brad and Sabrina Bentoff
Mei, Stuart and Aidan Don
Grandchildren open our eyes
To see the beauty in our world
And understand more fully
All the love we have to give.
Wishing you all lots of happiness always,
Lydia and Carlos Don
He’s a little bit of sunshine, He’s a smile to light your days.
He will steal your hearts and keep it with his charming little ways.
He’s your precious baby boy.
He’s a gift from up above who will fill your years with laughter
and your lives with lots of love.
Congratulations to my grandchildren,
Mei and Stuart
on the New Addition to our Family
Hudson Parker Don
Lots of Love and Happiness
Today and Always
Bobe Fañe
Page 15
We are happy to announce
the birth of our granddaughter
TÄxåt Uxà{ Yx|Çáàx|Ç
Born January 28, 2011
Congratulations to the loving parents
Lisa & Robert
and brother Jax
Mazal Tov!
We love you,
Leon & Sylvia Winikor
Hilda Winikor
Page 16
Mazal Tov to our dear grandson,
Xà{tÇ ]tvÉu
on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah
We wish him that from this day on
he always be true to his faith and tradition
and a joy to his family.
With love,
your grandparents
Bernardo & Anita Perelmuter
We thank
David & Megan Don
for their donation to our Synagogue
in honor of their son
Jacob Ethan
May he make of each day a new beginning
where hand in hand, with love,
he walks through a life of happiness
Page 17
In loving memory of
Moises Spil z”l
A caring and devoted husband, father,
grandfather and brother,
who gave his love,
wisdom and good sense of humor
to all who knew him.
We wish to express
our sincere thanks
to all the special people
for their donations and moral support
at our time of sorrow.
Raquel Spil
Henry & Jenise Spil
Helen & isaac Karpel
Freddie Sultan
Dr. Samuel Spil
Page 18
We extend our sincere thanks to our family and friends
for their support and donations honoring
the memory of our dear
Mark Cannon z”l
Abraham & Sima Baikovitz
Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain
Samuel & Martha Borsky
Abraham & Elisa Cano
Sarita Chiz
Abraham Feldfeber
Manuel & Sofia Garmizo
Raul & Rosita Gorfinkel
Marcos A. & Fanny Kerbel
Becky Kobrowski Cohen
Moises & Lola Order
Sara Plutt
Joseph & Aida Roisman
Ofelia Ruder
Julio & Rela Schniadoski
Larry & Teny Sharoff
Sarita Silverstein
Alex Tachmes
Gisela Vainstein
Mauricio & Rosita Zipper
We will always cherish the sweet memories we shared with him.
Isaac & Dora Epelbaum and family
On the passing of our dear uncle,
Isaac Gartenbaum z”l
We express our deepest gratitude to all those
who attended his funeral and sent donations.
Nathan & Josefa Abusiewiez
Sam Amster
Raul & Rosita Gorfinkel
Angel & Josefina Kerbel
Marcos A. & Fanny Kerbel
Harold & Sara Milkes
Szymon Paklak
Mary Pysani
Leon Werjolevsky
Mauricio & Rosita Zipper
A Yahrzeit plate will be placed in our chapel honoring his memory.
He was very special to all of us, a very caring human
being who loved his family and friends.
He will be greatly missed.
Berta Bernstein
Miriam & Albert Hattem
Anita Gartenbaum
Merryl & Norman Goldstein
Page 19
Congratulations to:
Carlos & Lydia Don, Faña Treibich and family on the birth of their grandson and great-grandson,
Hudson Parker.
Yacob & Frances Lubin and family, Amalia Lubin & Luisa Waksman on the birth of their
grandson and great-grandson, David Assulin.
Michael and Rebecca Glinsky and family on the birth of their grandson, Blake Jagger.
Karen & Stanley and Rebeca & Bernardo Saruski on the Bar Mitzvah of their son and grandson,
Elliott Brandon.
Stephanie and Michael, Rosita and Samuel Gilfarb on the Bar Mitzvah of their son and grandson,
David Louis.
Isaac & Dora Epelbaum and family on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter,
Hailey Michelle Cannon.
Oscar & Anita Sklar, Jodi & Ari Sklar and family on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter and
daughter, Farrah.
Selma Roth & family on the Bat Mitzvah of her granddaughter, Erika Jade Frankel.
Helen Sobie, Jimmy & Rebeca Sobie and Noel & Elsa Shapiro and family on the engagement of
their son and grandson, Justin to Lauren Adler.
Fabio & Male Nick and family on the upcoming marriage of their son Jason to Kimberly Laffer.
Mina Novick and family on the marriage of her granddaughter, Michelle Jacobson to
Charles Odom.
Luisa Waksman & family on the marriage of her granddaughter, Melissa to Shawn Levine.
Thanks for your donations:
Bernardo & Anita Perelmuter and family on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Ethan Jacob.
Mario & Polita Chyzyk in honor of Polita’s birthday.
Leon & Clara Srebrenik in honor of his recovery.
Frida Sapoznik in honor of daughter Marcia, Fred & Ben Zackheim birthdays.
Condolences to the families of:
Harold Abrams z”l
Esther Bigio z”l
Mark Cannon z”l
Isaac Gartenbaum z”l
Dr. Laurence Levin z”l
Frida Ligator z”l
Alberto Maya z”l
Get Well:
Samuel Chilerowicz
Debbie Friedman
Guillermo Glatzer
Sarita Plutt
Masza Rok
Julia Choeff
Elsa Silberberg
Leon Srebrenik
Sidur Hadash:
Julio & Rela Schniadoski
in memory of
Moises Spil z”l
Cemetery Burial Plots for Sale
Temple Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc. has obtained 60 gravesites in the new
"Genesis" section at Lakeside Memorial Park. These sites are in an exclusive section created for Temple Beth
Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami members and their families. Each grave costs $2,500-$3,000,
payable to Temple Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation.
It is wise to do planning and purchase long before the gravesites will be needed. It relieves the family of a
difficult decision if death comes unexpectedly. If you were to purchase similar gravesites at a time of need,
the price would be approximately $5,000.
The graves are located in a brand new section, beautifully landscaped, and can be marked with either a
monument or a memorial plaque. Making a pre-need investment of this sort is a wise decision for you and
your extended family.
Contact Ofelia Ruder at the temple office 305-534-7213, who can arrange your purchase or answer any
questions you may have.
Lakeside Memorial Park is located at 10301 NW 25th Street, Miami, Florida 33172
Page 20
Mudar de tiranos para continuar las tiranías
Las masas de la plaza Al-Tahrir, de Alejandría o
Suez que demandaron libertad y democracia no
son lo mismo que el resto de los países árabes,
cada pueblo y cada sociedad, así como cada
gobierno tiene diferentes proyectos, perspectivas
y necesidades. Las movilizaciones no tienen ni
las mismas causas ni los mismos objetivos,
aunque es cierto que el escenario esta abierto.
No obstante la transición egipcia como la
tunecina necesitara demostrar inequívocamente
su voluntad y determinación en la senda correcta
hacia lo que se pregona como un devenir
democrático y positivo.
De momento, mas allá de todo el empuje que se
prende publicitar en función de intereses que no
son los de los 82 millones de egipcios ni de la
totalidad de la población de Túnez, me inclino
por analizar con realismo los hechos. No me
seduce la idea, ni me apura la tentación de
colocarles nombre a las manifestaciones que
aun no han dado la talla de verdaderas
revoluciones. En todo caso, finalizadas las
protestas y derrocados los dictadores, es ahora
cuando debería comenzar la verdadera
revolución y los cambios. Pero cuidado, en
Egipto todo huele más a golpe de estado que a
la caída de una dictadura. ¿Quién tiene el poder
ahora? ¿El pueblo? No; es el Consejo de las
Fuerzas Armadas quien dirige el país. ¿Y quien
conduce ese consejo? El señor Mohammad
Tantawi, un general de 63 años, un conservador
de línea dura, el mismo que hasta los tumultos
fue ministro de defensa de Hosni Mubarak.
Tantawi no es ningún revolucionario, por el
contrario, es un militar retirado que como coronel
combatió al mando de sus tropas en estrecha
alianza con los EE.UU. contra el ejercito de
Saddam Hussein durante la primera guerra del
Golfo, y en el presente, es buen gerente de las
empresas donde las Fuerzas Armadas egipcias
poseen grandes paquetes accionarios en
campos tan variados como la industria turística,
gasolineras, panificadoras, fábricas de
electrodomésticos, cementeras, financieras y
hasta bancos. No cabe duda que Mohammad
Tantawi se convertirá en un administrador de los
privilegios que el y sus camaradas de armas
gozan. La realidad indica que el país de los
faraones hoy es gobernado de facto por una
junta militar designada por Mubarak antes de
renunciar. Por tanto, aquellos que esperan
concesiones y cambios de cara a elecciones
libres deberían (de minima), aguardar el curso de
los acontecimientos de los próximos meses, para
no sentirse defraudados o frustrados.
por George Chaya
George Chaya (Líbano 1959) es
periodista, docente y analista político
especializado en Oriente Medio,
particularmente en lo concerniente a
conflictos étnicos y religiosos y
contraterrorismo. Es Consejero
Académico en varias ONGs en temas vinculados con
derechos humanos, minorías y derechos del niño y la
mujer en los países árabes. Es Miembro Consultivo
de SOLIDE (Organización de Soporte a Libaneses
Detenidos y Exiliados). Es analista en Terrorismo
Internacional para la Fundación Safe Democracy
de Madrid. Es asesor de varios gobiernos
latinoamericanos sobre cuestiones relacionadas a
Oriente Medio.
Se debe entender que en el mundo árabeislámico hay ideologías en pugna que emergen
según el escenario y las facilidades de las que
puedan servirse en determinado momento
político, es tiempo de enterarse que existe una
guerra de las ideas en curso cuyo epicentro se
produce como se observa hoy día en aquella
región del planeta, de ahí que las cosas no han
estado bien allí por los últimos 30 años, pero no
hay que ignorar que siempre pueden estar peor.
No alcanza con movilizar masas con reclamos
genuinos, pero sin liderazgo ni ideas. Para
hablar de democracia verdadera se necesitara
de una revolución determinante, me refiero a
“una revolución cultural en el mundo árabe
islámico que separe a la mezquita del estado”. Y
estamos muy lejos de que ello suceda en este
Al final del camino, todo lo que usted estará
observando serán dictaduras, no importa
que ellas sean autocracias o teocracias,
serán dictaduras al fin. En nada cambia
que se sojuzgue a un pueblo con ideas
nacionalistas-arabistas como las de Mubarak,
Gaddafi, Ben Ali y Assad, o se lo haga a través
de estructuras e ideas teocraticas como las de
Ahmadinejad, Al Qaeda o los Talibán, todo lo
que usted ve es gatopardismo puro, es cambiar
todo para que nada cambie. Mientras tanto, los
derechos de las personas continúan
conculcados, sus bienes destruidos y sus
libertades aniquiladas.
Si Occidente interpreta este momento del mundo
árabe-islámico desde el simplismo de causas
revolucionarias incurrirá en error, y lo mismo
para aquellos que saludan la llegada de un clima
de transición tanto en Túnez como Egipto e
imaginan que ello dará lugar a una democracia
Page 21
respetuosa de las instituciones republicanas. En
el mundo árabe es primordial reconocer el
conjunto de actores políticos regionales y los
intereses de cada uno de esos jugadores, pues
el peligro que significan los fundamentalistas
radicalizados en la idea del yihad global va de la
mano con el que encarnan aquellos nacionalistas
a ultranzas; ambos grupos no dudaran en
fagocitar a esa juventud idealista como la que
inicio las manifestaciones haciendo uso de la
tecnología a través de las redes sociales como
Twitter o Facebook.
Occidente se ha replegado por demasiado
tiempo en aquella región del mundo, no ha
querido o no ha podido entender los parámetros
culturales ni idiosincrásicos de los pueblos
árabes y ha pagado altos costos por ello, y nadie
puede asegurar que no pagara un precio mayor
aun. Lo que esta por verse es hasta donde el
mundo libre este dispuesto a permitir el caos que
estos jugadores del mundo árabe-islámico
pueden causar dentro de sus sociedades. Los
resultados de los acercamientos al estilo de las
alianzas de civilizaciones han sido nulos e
ineficaces. Las civilizaciones no se alían, en todo
caso se respetan y es allí donde radico el error
de concepción primario pues hay una sola
civilización “y ella es la humana”. Esto es lo que
no ha comprendido la Unión Europea ni
Washington y los acontecimientos en curso no le
ofrecerán mayor margen de error.
Adults and students that are interested in community service opportunities with
Temple Beth Shmuel, please contact Becky (305) 534-7213.
There are several opportunities such as; tutoring for children, ushers for cultural events,
community outreach, seniors program, religious programs, business management and much
We invite you to submit articles
for our next issue of TBS-News.
Please send the material before May 15th.
OUR ADDRESS IS: [email protected]
OR VISIT OUR WEB PAGE: http://www.cubanhebrew.com
On behalf of the Board of Directors of Temple Beth Shmuel, we thank
atà{tÇ Tuâá|xã|xé
for calling our members to remind them of the dates of their loved ones’ Yahrzeits.
His tireless dedication to our Temple is greatly appreciated.
Page 22
of Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc.
Temple Beth Shmuel
1700 Michigan Avenue. Miami Beach. FL 33139
Ph: (305) 534-7213 / e-mail: [email protected]
Honor them, by joining us
for Shabbat Services at our Temple
Main Sanctuary
1701 Lenox Avenue, Miami Beach
Saturday, May 7th, 2011 at 9:15 a.m.
Kiddush luncheon following services
Deadline for Honor Program - April 28th, 2011
Please send back your form filled out.
If you would like to honor your loved ones
with their names in the program,
please contact:
Tere Ben-Hain: (305) 238-1588
Tete Wenguer: (305) 868-9341
Julia Miller: (305) 864-4193
Office: (305) 534-7213
Page 23
of Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc.
Temple Beth Shmuel
1700 Michigan Avenue. Miami Beach. FL 33139
Ph: (305) 534-7213 / e-mail: [email protected]
Main Sanctuary
Saturday, June 18th, 2011 at 9:15 AM
Honor Fathers by joining us
for Shabbat Services at our Temple
Special Kiddush will be served
Deadline for Honor Programs - June 10th, 2011.
Please send back your forms filled out.
If you would like to honor your loved ones
with their names in the program,
please contact:
Julia Miller: (305) 864-4193
Tete Wenguer: (305) 868-9341
Office: (305) 534-7213
Page 24
By contributing to the MA-OT CHITTEN FUND, you will share in the Mitzvah of giving poor Jewish
families a Seder dinner with food and wine. Your donation will go to feed poor and hungry Jewish
families in our area and in Israel through the community kitchens and food banks. Send your tax
deductible contribution to: Temple Beth Shmuel – MA-OT CHITTIN FUND.
Daisy Adouth
Ethel Amster
Oscar Baisman
Naum Berman
Julia & Jaime Borenstein
Sandra & Jack Budyszewick
Polita Y Mario Chyzyk
Becky Cohen
David Don
Eva Don
Jenny & Jaime Edelstein
Miriam & Samuel Garmizo
Berta & Saul Ginsburg
Matilde & Jaime Givner
Emilita & Marcos Grabb
Julia & Alex Greber
Sara Goser
Monica & Joel Hoppenstein
Lily & Samuel Jurkevich
Fanny & Marcos A. Kerbel
Josephina & Angel Kerbel
Esther Klepach
Sofia Kress
“Kol Yisrael Arebim Ze La'ze”
“All Israel are responsible
for one another”
Lidia & Moises Kriger
Luba Krivoshey
Goldie & Isak Kubiliun
Luisa Lerman
Angela & Salomon Meles
Sara & Harold Milkes
Bertha & David Miller
Flora Osin
Anita & Bernardo Perelmuter
Esther Rosenthal
Ana & Leizer Sapoznik
Frida Sapoznik
Zoila Satanosky
Anne Schless
Lon & Rosita Schwartz
Sarita & Jaime Shapiro
Mary & Salomon Terner
Fane Treibich
Celia Tuchman
Alma Weintraub
Tete Wenguer
Alfredo Zacroisky
Rosa & Sergio Zelcer
Creating a will or trust is one of the most important steps in planning for your future, and we
would like to encourage you to consider including Temple Beth Shmuel in your estate plan at
a level that is appropriate for you and your family. Your estate plan can provide a tax benefit
to you and to your heirs and it will provide a meaningful benefit to our community.
Activities throughout the year
April 9 - Tapas, Wine and Latin Jazz – Negroni’s Trio
May 7 - Mother’s Day Shabbat Services
May 15 - Family Picnic – North Miami J.C.C.
May 22 - Operatic Cantorial with Soprano Elizabeth Caballero and
Cantor Stephen Texon
June 18 - Father’s Day Shabbat Services
June 23 - Women’s League Luncheon
Aug 13 - Women’s Shabbat Day – Honoring Women Presidents, Queens Esther and
Page 25
Mitzvah Project - Carmel Renewal from Black to Green
We would like to thank the following people for participating in our Mitzvah Project in which
Temple Beth Shmuel and the Montessori School raised $ 2,275.00 and planted 200 trees in honor,
in memory, and as a gift to our loved ones and the State of Israel.
Vivian Adelsohn
Hinda & David Adler
Caroline Backhausen
Marta Batres
Berta Bernstein
Zilia & Mijel Brazlovsky
Jack Budyzewick
Pola & Mario Chyzyk
Becky Kobrowski-Cohen
Becky & Jack Delaster
Eva Don
Jenny & Jaime Edelstein
Michele & Jeff Erez
Cathrine & David Filler
Irwin Gartenbaum
Rosita & Isy Gilfarb
Bertha & Saul Ginzburg
Rosita & Raul Gorfinkel
Emilita & Marcos Grabb
Sofia & Sergio Grobler
Ana Grosfeld
Julia Hannan
Lily & Sam Jurkevich
Ida & Elias Kabak
Marcia & Daniel Kokiel
Rebeca Krys
Luba Krivoshey
Golde & Isak Kubiliun
Male & Fabio Nick
Mary & John Niven
Michelle & Doug Paley
Mr. & Mrs. Perelmuter
Brooke & Chad Perlyn
Rachael & Eric Poses
Robin & Ken Rubens
Frida Sapoznik
Janet Schiff
Lina & Tony Schehtman
Paulina & Kenny Schoeni
Lisa & Andy Simon
Loretta & Jose Susi
Esther Teiteilbaum
Leslie & Michael Tobin
Faña Treibich
Elena & David Weck
Alfredo Zacroisky
donated in honor of Jacob Ethan Don
donated in honor of Hinda Adler, Samson Adler and David Adler
donated as a gift to Viktoria and Ange
donated as a gift to the State of Israellika
donated in memory of Anita Weinrib
donated as a gift to the State of Israel
donated in honor of Maya Emily Zernitsky
donated as a gift to Marc & Sabrina Zaslov, Steven & Sharon Chyzyk,
Zachery A. Zaslov and Cole Desselle
donated in honor of Ellie Rose Cohen and Bernie Jacob Cohen
donated in memory of Simon Luis Cohen
donated in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Dascal
donated in honor of Alex Nae and Jacob Don
donated in honor of Max, Jack, Louis and Lucie Edelstein
donated in honor of Julian, Lila Erez
donated in memory of Efren Rodriquez and Stuart Filler
donated in honor of Ella Filler
donated as a gift to the State of Israel
donated as a gift to Stephanie & Michael Gilfarb, Deborah & Daniel Moser,
Rachel & David Gilfarb, Jackson, Aiden and Cassandra Moser
donated in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Dascal
donated in honor of Sarah and Justin Gorfinkel
donated in honor of Dina Klaiman, Gloria Maya and Johnny Schwartzbaum
donated as a gift to the State of Israel
donated in honor of Jaime Grosfeld and Mario Grosfeld
donated in honor of Dorathy Shapiro and Josephine Wallack
donated in honor of Jared Lee Margulies and Paige Elizabeth Jurkevich
donated in honor of Spencer Kabak, Jared and Lindsey Weingard
donated in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Dascal
donated in honor of the Krys Family and the Hunt Family
donated in honor Avi & Vivian Tuchman, Isaac & Gina Tuchman, Ron & Diany Klein
donated as a gift to the State of Israel
donated in honor of Becky Cohen, in memory of Simon Cohen and
donated as a gift to the State of Israel
donated in memory of Herz Mandel, Rebeca Mandel and Elizer Lezo Papo
donated in honor of the Paley Family
donated as a gift to the State of Israel
donated in honor of the Perlyn Family
donated as a gift to the State of Israel
donated in honor of Ofelia Ruder and Rebeca Krys
donated in honor of Marcia Sapoznik, Ben and Fred Zackheim
donated in memory of Sanford Levine, Simon Schiff, Reba and Louis Levine
donated in honor of Mateo Schehtman
donated in honor of Adelaida Schoeni
donated in honor of Ella Rebecca and Ethan Hersz Simon
donated in memory of Salomon Garazi
donated in memory of Wolf Teitelbaum and Michael Aneckstein
donated in honor of Josh, Drew and Eli Tobin
donated in honor of Aidan Don and Hudson P. Don
donated in honor of Sabrina Bentoff and Morgan G. Bentoff
donated in honor of Tyler A. Colby and Olivia Colby
donated in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Dascal
donated in memory of Eva Mazlish
Page 26
Abraham & Sima Baikovitz
Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain
Nancy Brook
Sarita Chiz
Mario & Polita Chyzyk
Manny & Annette Cuba
Berta Edery
Graham & Elyse Everett
Abraham Feldbeber
Manuel & Sofia Garmizo
Lucy Gol
Raul & Rosita Gorfinkel
Alex & Julia Greber
Leo & Martha Jarecki
Marcos A. & Fanny Kerbel
Becky Kobrowski-Coen
Luisa Lerman
Rosita Lipsman
Julia Nemeroff
Moises & Lola Older
Bernardo & Anita Perelmuter
Sara Plutt
Jaime & Judith Pozo
Jose & Elisa Raij
Sarita Resnick
Jimmy & Lidia Resnick
Joseph & Aida Roisman
Ofelia Ruder
Larry & Teny Sharoff
Julio & Rela Shniadoski
Gerty Sobie
Helen Sobie
Felix Soloni
Alex Tachmes
Tete Wenguer
Mauricio & Rosita Zipper
Chaia Abusiewiez
Eva Amster
Ana Anders
Ramon & Meche Bakalchuk
Berta Bernstein
Rebeca Borenstein
Luba Borenstein
Oscar & Rosita Boruchin
Mijel & Silvia Brazlavsky
Lily Brodey
Nancy Brook
Samuel Chilerowicz
Dr. Jaime & Jenny Edelstein
Berta Edery
Pola Faigenblat
Dalia Fenster
Samuel & Rosita Gilfarb
Saul & Bertha Ginzburg
Matilde Glasman
Lucy Gol
Emanuel Goldberg
Rebeca Goldrich
Esther Gorfinkel
Felicia Gorodetzky
Alex & Julia Greber
Robert & Judith Herman
Malka G. Horwitz
Esther Kalman
Myra T.Kaplan
Natan Kaufman
Angel & Josefina Kerbel
Esther E. Klepach
Jaime & Sarita Lehman
Mary Levis
Celia Locke
Aron & Peggy Mandel
Salomon & Evita Maya
Bertha Niven
Dr. John & Mary Niven
Rebeca Perellis
Isidoro Ptachewich
Bertha Rabinovich
Sally Rabinovich
Jose & Elisa Raij
Jose & Haya Reiser
Boris & Jenne Rosen
Mario & Selma Rosenfeld
Mary Rosenstein
Frank & Mimi Rudman
Raquel Sandler
Samy & Gladys Sapayo
Frida Sapoznik
Lazaro & Anita Sapoznik
Janet L. Schiff
Fanny Seinuk
Jaime & Sarita Shapiro
Sara Silverstein
Helen Sobie
Jules & Joan Somerstein
Juana Somerstein
Saul & Rita Srebnick
David & Frida Szlapak
Esther Teitelbaum
Celia Tuchman
Luisa Waksman
Salomon & Ana Zelonker
We honor the memory of
our dear
Mark Cannon z”l
Who was very special
to all of us
a great human being,
who loved his family and friends.
Julia & Nahum Miller
Eric Miller & children
Brad Ben-Hain
Elias R. Ben-Hain
Diana Ben-Arie
Charles Benson
Jakob Bimblich
Jacobo Blacher
Chelsea Brandon
Erica Liza Buckland
Sandra Cosicher
Sofia Diatlo
Eva B. Don
Naomi Eisenstad
Shoshana Eisenstad
David Neal Gambach
Edward Garazi
Max Garazi
Jerry Gavcovich
David Louis Gilfarb
Rosita Gilfarb
Julia Gold
Maria Gorfinkel
Roger Gorfinkel
Alex Greber
Janice Greenspan
Max Gutman
Enrique Hochman
Lawrence Kalusin
Lucy Kalusin
Leon Kopel
Lidia Kriger
Eric Kuper
Namy Lusky
Bettina Meles
Andrew J. Miller
Marcos Morjain
Mary Niven
Phillip Perelmuter
Annette Posner
Sarita Reed
Rosita Rok
Isaac Rosenbaum
Raquel Sandler
Janet L. Schiff
Jordan M. Shapiro
Larry Sharoff
Ari L. Sklar
Isaac Sklar
Mark Sklar
Max B. Sklar
Howard M. Srebnick
Alberto Tacher
Dr. Leonard Tachmes
Eugenia Tachmes
Page 27
Abraham Topp
George Volpe
Esther Waserstein
David Weck
Morris Wenguer
Carlos Werbin
Eva Yelin
Alicia Zaidspiner
Rosalyn Zilbert
Isaac & Frida Ben-Hain
Isaac & Clarita Eli
Samuel & Rosita Gilfarb
Joey & Anita Givner
Nestor & Maria Gorfinkel
Enrique & Rosita Hochman
Jack & Diana Kuper
Dr. Salomon & Angela Meles
Pablo & Bettina Meles
Bernardo & Bela Olczyk
Alberto & Ofelia Tacher
Edward & Yvette Tobin
David & Elena Weck
Isaac & Loly Zelcer
Salomon & Anita Zelonker
Casandra Bailey
Ruben Baran
Alan Benes
Frida Ben-Hain
Michael Ben-Hain
Michael Benson
Cindy Berenthal
Jaime Borenstein
Stephanie Bottferd
Geraldine Brafman
Liz Dascal
Lydia Don
Ronnie Don
Isaac Epelbaum
Raquel Esquenazi
Eva Friedman
Sabeto Garazi
Noemi Garzon
Michael Gilfarb
Joey Givner
David Gold
Bernard Goldberg
Emanuel Goldberg
Julia Goldberg
Shayna Goldberg
Diane Gorfinkel
Isaac Gorfinkel
Sara Goser
Estela Grobler
Jorge Gutman
Shane Gutman
Claudia Herman
Paula Herman
Brenda Klepach
Mary Klocman
Jose Konski
Fortuna Kopel
Israel Kopel
Marcia Kopel
Randee Kuper
Deborah London
Amalia Lubin
Dr. John Niven
Bernardo Olczyk
Isaac Olemberg
Bernardo Perelmuter
Sarita Rabinovich
Margarita Robin
Elias Rosenblatt
Leslie Rosenfeld
Lisa G. Rosenstein
Amanda J. Rozencwaig
Bernie Ruder
Elyssa Sandbrand
Ana Sapoznik
Frida Sapoznik
Simon Segal
Elsa Shapiro
Joel Sklar
Oscar Sklar
Rebeca Sklar
Heniek Sosinski
Esther Teitelbaum
Ketty Tuchman
Jeanette Waserstein
Jason White
Arleen Winer
Reinaldo B. Winer
Heather Zaits
Robert & Marion Brandon
Manuel & Sofia Garmizo
Salomon & Mary Terner
Providing disaster relief in Japan through the Red Cross
The Central Plains Chapter of the American Red Cross is
providing relief to those affected by the earthquake in Japan
and Tsunamis throughout the Pacific. The Japanese Red
Cross is amazing in its ability to respond and be prepared. They have remained cool,
calm and collected and are making logical decisions, which is hard to do when there is
such a large loss of life.
Donors can designate donations directly to:
The American Red Cross in Miami (305)644-1200
335 SW 27th Avenue, Miami, Florida
or to Temple Beth Shmuel (305) 534-7213
Donations in the amount of $10.00 can be made by texting “REDCROSS” to 90999.
Temple Beth Shmuel
Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc.
1700 Michigan Avenue. Miami Beach. FL 33139