Deadlines, Ticket and Contact Information


Deadlines, Ticket and Contact Information
Happening All Weekend
Ben Wofford Books, Wofford’s Bookstore, is located with frontage on North Church Street and parking beside the
Papadopoulos Building. It will be open Homecoming weekend at the following times: Friday: 9 – 6 ; Saturday:
10 – 6; and Sunday: 12 noon – 3. They will also have a rarity of souvenirs available for purchase at the Friday
Night Street Party in Morgan Square.
Homecoming Discount Program Offers in Spartanburg
New for 2010. Many local vendors in the Downtown and Eastside of Spartanburg have
offered a discount program to alums returning for Homecoming. All you have to do to
take advantage of these great offers is to order your tickets. With your tickets, you will
receive a Wofford band to wear all weekend. When shopping or enjoying your time
in Spartanburg, just show this band and receive your discount. Look for the Discount
Program Offers sign around town! A full listing of discounts will be included in your ticket
packet and is listed on the web. Below is a list of participants:
2 Morrows Bakery, Deli
and Catering
Bangkok Thai Cuisine
Berbank & Company
Bob’s Minute Car Wash
Chances Boutique
Cornbread to Caviar
Converse Deli
Delaney’s Irish Pub
Dixie Tire
Groucho’s Deli
Hair It Is
Ike’s Korner Grill
Lemon Peel
Lime Leaf
Main Street Pub
Mellow Mushroom
Rita’s Resturanté & Bar
Monsoon Noodle House
Mr. Gatti’s
Nu Way Restaurant and Lounge
The Oops Company!
Petit Armoire
Pink on Main
Price’s Store for Men
Sake Grill
Sub Station II
Taco Dog
The Runway
Two Doors Down
Uncle Poon’s
Wild Wing Café
8:30 am – Noon – Ticket Pick-up – Tickets not previously mailed may be picked up
from the Alumni Office, Papadopoulos Building. Tickets can also be picked up at the
first event you attend.
8:30 am – 5 pm – Ticket Purchases – Additional weekend tickets may be purchased
in the Alumni Office.
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm - Classes Without Quizzes: Wofford’s Mini Alumni College. This is the seventh year for
this exciting option at Homecoming. Some of Wofford’s talented faculty, staff, and alumni will again offer the
opportunity to explore a variety of topics. This is your chance to go back into the classroom without quizzes
or tuition fees! Complete the registration form in the back using the corresponding letters or visit our website.
Choose your top three classes in order of preference. Make sure we have your e-mail. Participants will be
notified of class assignments and locations prior to Homecoming weekend. Classes are free. For more
information, contact the faculty / staff member teaching the class (through the website), or contact Debbi
Thompson in the Wofford Alumni Office at 864-597-4208 or
[email protected].
Classes Without Quizzess Schedule
A. The Guitar in Poetry: Carl Sandburg’s
Wish (Jhon Akers)
This is a new program that features guitar
writings from all over the world—something
that Carl Sandburg made an appeal for in
the 1950s. The program will combine solo
guitar with poetry.
B. Christianity in Contemporary
China (A. K. Anderson)
This class will present an
overview of the complex
situation of both Protestants
and Catholics in China today.
As background information,
a brief overview of the
religious policy of the Chinese
government from 1949 (the
beginning of Mao’s reign) to
the present will be provided
as well.
C. Pirates of the Atlantic
(Ken Banks)
This session will focus on a
comparative study of pirates
during the Golden Age of
piracy, and their portrayal in
literature and film.
D. The Rise of China
(John Farrenkopf)
The rise of China to the status
of being a great power is one
of the major developments
in recent world politics. What
makes China today a great
power and what are China’s
strengths, its weaknesses,
and the potential obstacles
it must successfully deal with
in order for it to further its rise
to the level of a superpower?
If it transforms itself into a
superpower someday, is it likely
to behave in a cooperative
and responsible fashion in
world politics?
E. Climate Change: A Business
Catastrophe or a Business
Revolution? (Andrew Green)
Climate change due to global
warming is not only a serious
environmental issue, but also is
becoming a major business and
market issue. As in any transition
of markets, certain businesses
will be “winners” and others
will be “losers.” We will discuss
what environmental strategies
companies are pursuing to
reduce risk as well as create
new business opportunities.
F. Churchill and the Jews
(Rob Jeffrey)
Winston Churchill was the
greatest non-Jewish Zionist
of the 20th century (and he
himself said so!) He played
the largest role of any other
world statesman in the reestablishment of Israel. Indeed,
it was one of the few great
overriding and consistent goals
of his long career. In this short
course we will discuss what that
role was and why. What did
Churchill do and why did he
do it? How was it that the new
Israel came to be? What did
he think of its prospects in 1947,
and what would he think of the
prospects for its
preservation today?
G. Chinese is FUN
(Li Qing Kinnison)
This is an introduction class
to the Chinese language,
especially the writing system.
Some basic Chinese greetings
will be taught at the beginning.
Then we’ll look at the evolution
of the Chinese writing system
with some analysis of interesting
Chinese characters.
H. Unstoppable Nature, Not
Human Activity, is the Primary
Cause of Earth Warming
(Frank Machovec)
Professor Machovec, who
served as a meteorologist
before becoming an
economist, will present
evidence that challenges the
politically-popular claim that
man’s industrial activities are
largely responsible for earth
warming. The class will consist
of a presentation for laymen
supported by 30 color slides,
followed by a Q and A session.
I. The Norse Discovery of
America (Elisa Pollack)
500 years before Columbus,
Norsemen arrived on America’s
eastern shores. Find out what
has been said about where
they landed and why, and
catch a glimpse of how the
Norse recorded their own story
in the Old Norse language.
J. Conflict Resolution: Tried
and True Ways to Find Equitable
Outcomes! (Linda Powers)
This session will review a number
of possible ways to resolve
conflicts—important ones and
not so important ones. We’ll
describe them and try them!
Finding resolutions that meet all
parties’ needs will be our goal.
K. Use and Maintenance of the
Wofford College Greenhouse
(Doug Rayner)
This class will describe (1)
the use of the greenhouse
for education, research, and
outreach, and (2) greenhouse
maintenance, especially the
use of biological control agents
to manage greenhouse pests
such as fungus, gnats, aphids,
spider mites, and scales,
both hard and soft. Alumni
comments, questions, and
advice will be an integral part
of the class. The greenhouse
is developing large collections
of carnivorous plants, orchids,
and “unusual” plants (maximum
enrollment of 12).
L. “Too Small for a Republic, Too
Large for an Insane Asylum” —
A Brief Look at South Carolina
(Phillip Stone)
Though uttered in 1860, James
L. Petigru’s oft-quoted remark
about the Palmetto State still
has some relevance today.
What themes and issues have
been common across South
Carolina’s 340-year history as a
colony and state? Join us for
a few stories and conversation
as we explore what has made
South Carolina’s history and
culture unique.
M. Investment Strategies for
your Portfolio
(Philip Swicegood)
This class will be a discussion
led jointly by Finance faculty
and several of the student
portfolio managers of the
Wofford student-managed
investment fund (The James
Fund). We will share some of
our best investment ideas to
participants to consider for their
own portfolios.
N. From Sparta to Spartanburg:
A Story of Greeks in Upstate
South Carolina (Deno Trakas)
In 1895 Nicholas Trakas left
his village in southern Greece
and made his way to another
southern village, Spartanburg,
where he became the city’s
first Greek resident. A century
later, Prof. Deno Trakas has
written “Because Memory
Isn’t Eternal”, a memoir of his
family’s Southern version of
the Greek-American story. In
this course, Prof. Trakas will talk
about stories from this new
book. Participants will receive
a complimentary copy of
“Because Memory Isn’t Eternal”
during the class.
O. Law and Economics: What
Can They Learn from Each
Other? (Richard Wallace and
John Fort)
In this class Profs. Wallace
and Fort will lead a discussion
on how their collaboration
over more than a decade
has enriched both of their
understandings of the social
process of law. Prof. Fort is
a practicing attorney and
Federal Bankruptcy Trustee who
teaches “Business Law” and
“Due Process.” Prof. Wallace
is an economist who teaches
“Law and Economics” and
“Water: Law, Economics, and
Policy in the US.”
P. “Say What?”: Change in the
English Language (John Ware)
R U curious about English?
We’ll talk about current sources
and forms of change: for
instance, contact with Spanish
speakers, slang, and practices
like texting. We’ll also discuss
perceptions regarding change,
such as progress or decay.
Participants are encouraged to
come with anecdotal evidence
of change and their own sense
of what constitutes
legitimate English.
Q. IQ do You?
(Diane Noe Chandler ’85)
So, you think you know how to
shop? What would you do with
all of your extra money if you
could cut your grocery bill
in half?
You probably buy clothes
at the end of the season, or
wait until the end of the car
year to trade cars, so why
are you paying top dollar for
items that you consume every
day? Come find out how to:
gather and organize coupons,
find deals on the internet,
effectively use coupons, and
more. This is NOT what your
Mama did!
R. “Technology for Busy People:
DYI Workshop” David M.
One of the most exciting
technology advances in
the past few years has been
the rise of video for ordinary
people. This has been due to
three parallel developments :
• The Flip camcorder, which has
made shooting digital video
• iMovie and Moviemaker,
cost-free software that has
made it easy to edit digital
• YouTube and DVD-making
software, which facilitate
distribution of your video
This session will focus on all
three of these opportunities. We
will have flip camcorders at the
workshop for participants to use
and both iMovie and Windows
Live Moviemaker available for
editing and DVD production.
6:00 – 9:00 pm – 50 Year Club Reception and
Dinner for Classes of 1960 and earlier with Dr. and
Mrs. Dunlap – Spartanburg Marriott Downtown –
$25 per person. The Class of 1960 will receive their
50-year pins. Contact Smith Patterson,
864-597-4196 or [email protected] for
more information.
Class of ‘95 – 15th Class Reunion
Lime Leaf (101 East Main Street)
$30 per person
6:30 - 8:30 pm – Reunions will be held in various
locations in the downtown Spartanburg Area.
Class of ’05 – 5th Class Reunion
Miyako’s (116 Magnolia Street)
$25 per person
Class of ‘85 – 25th Class Reunion
Carriage House Wines (196 W. Main Street)
$30 per person
Pi Kappa Phi’s – 1971-1979
Sonny’s Brickoven Pizza (203 W. Saint John St.)
$20 per person
Class of ‘90 – 20th Class Reunion
Delightful Bitefuls (148 W. Main Street)
$30 per person
Delta Sigs
Cribb’s Kitchen (121 N. Spring Street)
$30 per person
Class of ‘00 – 10th Class Reunion
Delaney’s (117 West Main Street)
$25 per person
Other Class and Affinity Group Reunions will be held Saturday prior to the football game. See next
page for more information. If you are not in one of these classes or groups but would like to attend
a particular reunion, just let us know by calling 864-597-4208.
Downtown Street Party
8:30 – 11:30 pm – Downtown Street Party – WOFFORD’S LARGEST PARTY KEEPS GETTING
BETTER! All Wofford alumni and friends are invited to attend the exciting, eighth annual
event in downtown Spartanburg. The party is located in Morgan Square!! Join the
cheerleaders, President Dunlap, and others at the 9:30 pm Pep Rally. The popular
BLUE DOGS, a blue grass flavored, southern acoustic rock band will perform. Drinks
and snacks will be available. Wofford merchandise will also be available for purchase.
This is the place to see all your Wofford friends (look for your decade signs). Over
3,500 attended in 2009 and we’re expecting more this year! Plenty of parking will be
available within walking distance. Tickets are $10 per person; bring your ID.
10:30 a.m. – Noon – “State of the College: Address and
Alumni Service Awards Presentation – Leonard Auditorium,
Main Building. Sponsored by the Alumni Executive Council,
President Dunlap will address Wofford Today! The Address
will be followed by the Wofford College National Alumni
Association’s annual presentation of their alumni
service awards.
Award winners are:
Distinguished Service Award
Albert “Al” Walls Gray, Sr. ‘71 &
Douglas “Doug” Lee Jones,
Sr. ‘69
Distinguished Citizen Award
Dr. Kirk Neely
Young Alumnus of the Year
Craig H. Parks ‘97
11:00 am - 1:00 pm – 1970 Football Team Reunion –
Brittain Family Plaza, Joe E. Taylor Center. To Register or for
more information, contact Lenny Mathis at 864-597-4110 or
[email protected].
11:30 am – 1:00 pm – Reunions on the Mall of Main
Building – Come see your classmates and fraternity
brothers. Order a Lunch on the Lawn ticket and enjoy your
lunch during the reunion, or drop in and have a Bloody
Mary or Screwdriver! Look for your group’s tent! $5/person.
Reunions will be held for the following groups:
- Class of 1965
- Class of 1970
- Class of 1975
- Class of 1980
- Kappa Sigs (Classes 1955 –
11:30 am - 1 pm - Reunion of Religion 340 Students,
Spouses & Friends. Find your tent on the Mall of Main.
Hosted by Mrs. Larry McGehee.
11:30 am – 1:00 pm – Lunch on the Lawn of Main – bring
your children, family, and friends and enjoy a variety of
lunch selections! Play on the moon bounce and inflatable
slide, and have fun with face painting and more for the kids.
Music will be provided by Bushy Valley Boys. Tents, tables,
and chairs will be available. Adult - $15/person and Child $8/person (ages 3-12).
Noon – 1:30 pm – Success Initiative Drop In, SI Center –
SI Alums are invited to drop in the tent located outside the
SI Center for refreshments. This will also be the last time to
see the SI Center before it will be relocated to Phase V in
September. For information contact Marianna Taylor at
1:30 pm – KICK-OFF – Wofford vs. The Citadel. Halftime
will include the crowning of the Homecoming Queen and a
special recognition of the 1970 Football Team. For questions,
contact Lenny Mathis at [email protected] or 864-5974110. General Admission tickets are $20 per adult and $10
per child (ages 3 – 12). For reserved seats, please contact
Shelby Taylor in the Athletic Ticket Office at 864-597-4090.
6 pm - Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity – The 15th annual
reunion dinner for the Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity will again
be held at Renato’s Italian Restaurant (221 East Kennedy
Street). Advance registration and payment required. For
more information, contact Chuck Morgan at 727-723-0630.
Terrier Masquerade Ball — after the game until midnight — Benjamin Johnson Arena —
Homecoming’s grand finale. Wofford Athletics and the Terrier Club Board of Directors cordially invite
you to reserve your mask for the 11th Annual Terrier Ball. Drop in after the game and begin bidding
on silent auction items. Buffet tables open at 6:30 pm with the live auction taking center stage at
8:30 pm. After the auction, enjoy music and dancing with Southern Crescent. Wear a costume or
come after the game dressed as Wofford’s #1 fan. Whatever the attire, you’ll be impressed with the
getaways, sports memorabilia, Wofford merchandise, jewelry and home and garden gifts available
at Wofford’s most mysterious Terrier Ball yet. If you’re the parent of a Wofford senior, look for an
exclusive opportunity to bid on reserved seats during Wofford’s graduation and a luncheon for
family after the event. To preview the items for sale, visit All proceeds from
the Terrier Ball provide scholarship assistance for Wofford student-athletes through the Terrier Club.
Tickets are $60/person. For more information, contact the Terrier Club office at 864-597-4090.
11:00 am – Homecoming Worship Service led by College Chaplain Ron Robinson ’78 –
Leonard Auditorium. Chaplain Robinson ’78 directs a comprehensive campus ministry
that offers pastoral care, explores vocation and work from a theological perspective, and
engages students in spiritual formation and service. Dr. Robinson’s homecoming sermon
will be “A View From The Trees.”
Campus Alcohol Policy:
Wofford College upholds federal and State of South Carolina laws and local ordinances.
Persons who are 21 years of age or older may possess and consume alcoholic beverages
in fraternity houses, residence hall rooms and apartments occupied by students who are at
least 21 years of age. Alcoholic beverages may be consumed in designated areas such as
the Village Green during special events and the Ben Johnson Arena during the Terrier Ball.
Please remember:
• Greene and Marsh Halls are alcohol-free buildings.
• Walking across the campus with open containers is not permitted.
• Kegs and other common containers are not permitted.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping the Wofford Campus healthy and safe.
Questions about Wofford College policy can be addressed to Mr. Randy Hall, Director of
Campus Safety at [email protected].
Staying the
Courtyard Marriott
864-585-2400 | Off Bus. I-85;
Exit 4 heading North or 4B heading South
Spartanburg Marriott
800-228-9290 | Downtown Spartanburg | $139
Two night mini.
Limited rooms available.
Fairfield Inn
864-542-0333 | At Hearon Circle, Off Bus. I-85;
Exit 4 heading North or 4B heading South.
Friday night reunions and Street Party (Downtown Spartanburg) – parking
will be available in the two parking garages downtown (on Dunbar Street and
Church Street), which are within walking distance to all reunions and the Street
Party, as well as any of the surrounding parking lots in the downtown area.
On Campus: Parking will be available on Evins Street and Memorial Drive—
watch for signage. Parking will not be available on the main drive of campus.
Handicapped parking will be available.
Near Gibbs Stadium: Lots near the Stadium are Reserved Priority Parking for current
Terrier Club members ($250 and above). General parking is also available at the
lower end of Cummings Street and off of Twitty Street (from Pine Street).
Deadlines, Ticket and Contact Information:
No tickets will be mailed after Friday, October 22. Tickets purchased after the
deadline may be picked up in the Alumni Office in the Papadopoulos Building on
Friday, October 29th from 8:30 am – 12:00 noon, or they will be held for you at the first
event you will attend. On Saturday, October 30th, tickets may be picked up under
the tent in front of Main. Additional tickets may also be purchased at that time.
Contact Debbi Thompson, director of alumni and parents programs, at 864-597-4208
or [email protected] with questions about Homecoming. Information is
updated on the website at
Dress for the Weekend:
Business casual is appropriate for all events during the weekend.
No refunds.
Name (Class Year): __________________________________________________________
Guest’s Name: _ _____________________________________________________________
Please Mail Tickets prior to October 22nd to: Address, City, State, Zip
_ ____________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone:____________________
E-mail _____________________________
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:_________________(From other side)
Paying By Check: ____________________________________________________________
Paying By Credit Card: Visa ___________
AmEx __________
Card Number:_ _________________________________ Expiration Date:______________
Billing Address: _______________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________
Join us for the
Fill out the form and mail it to us or you can also register by visiting:
Billing Phone Number______________________________ Security Code:____________
Signature:_________________________________________ Date:_ ____________________
Return by mail to:
Homecoming 2010, Wofford College, 429 N. Church
Street, Spartanburg, SC 29303
My Class Year Is: _______________________
50 Year Club
Classes of ‘85, ’90, ‘95
Classes of ‘00, ’05
Classes of ‘65. ’70, ‘75, ’80
Kappa Sigs (’55 - ‘62)
Delta Sigs
Phi Kappa Phi’s (’71 - ‘79)
Child (ages 3-12)
Adult (general admission)
Child (ages 3-12)
Classes Without Quizzes (see pages 1 - 3 to select the top three choices for you
and your guest)
Alumnus Name:
Guest’s Name:
Tickets must be presented at all events. Tickets ordered after Otober 22nd will
be available for pick up at the first event you attend. NO REFUNDS. Tickets are
available by calling 864.597.4208 or by logging on to Wofford’s homecoming
website at
Wofford College
Alumni Office
429 North Church Street
Spartanburg, SC 29303
U.S. Postage
Spartanburg, SC 29304
Permit No. 43