Mise en page 1 - The Rhinoplasty Society
Mise en page 1 - The Rhinoplasty Society
UA L H NN 5T A OF THE ING MEET OPL AST Y E RHIN OF EUROP R ET Y SOCI EPTEMBE 7S 2016 www.IMRHIS2016.com CHaIRS: Wolfgang Gubisch, MD - Bahman Guyuron, MD ORGanIzInG COMMIttee: Olivier Gerbault, MD - Jeffrey Marcus, MD WELCOME MESSAGE WELCOME MESSAGE It is with great pleasure that we extend this invitation to you to join us for the 1st International Meeting of Rhinoplasty Societies. This meeting is the first ever-joint symposium hosted by The Rhinoplasty Society (US) and the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe and promises to be the most extraordinary cross-specialty rhinoplasty educational symposium that our field has witnessed. The two largest rhinoplasty organizations in the world are united for the first time and have assembled 50 of the most respected rhinoplasty surgeon-educators in plastic surgery and facial plastic surgery from all parts of the globe to deliver a spectacular program. Our organizing committee, representing the two societies, has extensive experience in designing curricula for rhinoplasty symposia worldwide. They are using this experience to design a comprehensive program with the goal in mind to showcase the very best educational material and perspectives of our diverse, faculty - from basic to highly advanced techniques and inclusive of ethnic variations. The advanced multi-media capabilities of this meeting will provide unparalleled exposure to rhinoplasty techniques through high–quality video and animation. The program will highlight differing opinions and practices, by design, and will encourage lively discussion among the faculty and attendees. The format of the congress is especially attractive and interactive, as it will be mainly based on video debates between 2 or 3 surgeons using different techniques to solve one aspect of primary or secondary rhinoplasty. Short presentations of maximum 5 minutes, exclusively or mainly video, will illustrate the technique that each of the speakers uses for each particular subject. A 10-minutes discussion by the faculty members will close each video debate. For those who are interested in rhinoplasty at any stage of their careers or experience, this event will be an opportunity not likely to be matched in years to come. Regardless of the location or venue, the pure educational value of the experience alone would make this event one not to miss. However, this far-reaching effort will take place in Versailles, France - a site with prestige perfectly matching that of the meeting’s content. We are encouraging attendees to make this trip a unique experience to be shared, and we have arranged a magnificent social program to help accomplish this. The attendees and faculty will enjoy events in the grand Palace of Versailles, excursions to the renowned museums of Paris, cooking and wine tasting courses in the heart of the culinary world, and shopping in the renowned boutiques of the fashion capital. The potential of this event has ignited enthusiasm among all of the faculty and planners. We are hopeful that you will share in our excitement, and that you will plan to join us for this memorable event. Mark your calendars: the grandest spectacle of rhinoplasty education will take place in Versailles, 8-10 September 2016 Wolfgang Gubisch Co-Chair The Rhinoplasty Society of Europe Bahman Guyuron Co-Chair The Rhinoplasty Society Olivier Gerbault Co-Organizer The Rhinoplasty Society of Europe & The Rhinoplasty Society Jeffrey Marcus Co-Organizer The Rhinoplasty Society UA L H NN 5T A OF THE ING MEET OPL AST Y E RHIN OF EUROP R ET Y SOCI EPTEMBE S 7 2016 rSE AnnuAL MEEtinG WEdnESdAy, SEptEMbEr 7th 08:50 OpeninG W. Gubisch, R. Daniel 09:00-10:30 What did i ChanGe in the laSt fiVe yearS (10 min lecture + 5 min discussion after each lecture) Wolfgang Gubisch, Bahman Guyuron, Hossam Foda, Rick Davis, Nazim Cerkes, Rod Rohrich bREAk 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 What did i ChanGe in the laSt fiVe yearS (10 min lecture + 5 min discussion after each lecture) Enrico Robotti, Ron Gruber, Charles East, Dean Toriumi, Olivier Gerbault, Rollin Daniel LUnCH 12:30-13:30 bUSInESS MEETInG OF THE RHInOPLASTy SOCIETy OF EUROPE 13:30-15:30 WhiCh SeVere COMpliCatiOn did i haVe durinG the laSt fiVe yearS and hOW i ManaGed it Wolfgang Gubisch, Bahman Guyuron, Hossam Foda, Rick Davis, Nazim Cerkes, Rod Rohrich, Enrico Robotti, Ron Gruber, Charles East, Dean Toriumi, Olivier Gerbault, Rollin Daniel (One case per speaker: 5 min presentation + 5 min discussion) bREAk 15:30-16:00 16:00-18:00 My MOSt ChallenGinG CaSe durinG the laSt fiVe yearS Wolfgang Gubisch, Bahman Guyuron, Hossam Foda, Rick Davis, Nazim Cerkes, Rod Rohrich, Enrico Robotti, Ron Gruber, Charles East, Dean Toriumi, Olivier Gerbault, Rollin Daniel (One case per speaker: 5 min presentation + 5 min discussion) 19:30 WelCOMe reCeptiOn in the COnferenCe Center At-A-GLAnCE iMrhiS thurSdAy, SEpt. 8th fridAy, SEpt. 9th SAturdAy, SEpt. 10th tOpiCS VidEO SESSiOn 07:30 - 10:00 1. KEYNOTE LECTURES: . Primary rhinoplasty: lessons learnt from 30 years (Guyuron) . Secondary rhinoplasty: lessons learnt from 30 years (Gubisch) 1. PRIMARY FUNCTIONAL RHINOPLASTY 1. SECONDARY RHINOPLASTY: GENERALITIES AND TECHNIQUES 2. PRIMARY RHINOPLASTY: THE NASAL BASE 2. SECONDARY RHINOPLASTY: THE BONY VAULT 2. FUNDAMENTALS IN RHINOPLASTY: . preparing rhinoplasty . psychological issues COffEE brEAk 10:00 - 10:30 3. PRIMARY RHINOPLASTY: SELECTING THE APPROACH & CONCEPTS VidEO SESSiOn 10:30 - 13:00 4. PRIMARY RHINOPLASTY: THE BONY VAULT 3. POST-OP CARE IN PRIMARY RHINOPLASTY 4. SPECIAL ISSUES IN PRIMARY RHINOPLASTY: SKIN THICKNESS, AGEING 3. SECONDARY RHINOPLASTY: THE OSTEO CARTILAGINOUS JUNCTION AND THE MIDDLE VAULT 4. SECONDARY FUNCTIONAL RHINOPLASTY 5. PRIMARY RHINOPLASTY: THE ASYMMETRIC NOSE LunCh 13:00 - 14:00 VidEO SESSiOn 14:00 - 16:30 5. PRIMARY RHINOPLASTY: THE OSTEO-CARTILAGINOUS JUNCTION AND THE MIDDLE THIRD 6. THE CLEFT NOSE 5. SECONDARY RHINOPLASTY: THE TIP 7. PRIMARY RHINOPLASTY AROUND THE WORLD 6. PRIMARY RHINOPLASTY: THE TIP (PART 1) COffEE brEAk 16:30 - 17:00 VidEO SESSiOn 17:00 - 18:00 7. PRIMARY RHINOPLASTY: THE TIP (PART 2) 8. THE PRIMARY MEDICAL RHINOPLASTY 6. SECONDARY RHINOPLASTY: THE NASAL BASE 9. FILLERS AND TOXINS IN SECONDARY RHINOPLASTY 7. RHINOPLASTY: THE FUTURE brEAkOut SESSiOn 18:00 - 19:00 AL 5TH ANNU HE T F O G IN MEET AST Y RHINOPL ROPE OF EU SOCIET Y BER P E S 7 TEM 2016 indiViduAL rEGiStrAtiOn fOrM registration form to be sent with payment before august 31 2016 to: MCO Congrès, Villa Gaby 285 Corniche Kennedy – 13007 Marseille – france - phone +33 4 950 938 00 - fax : +33 4 950 938 01 - [email protected] partiCipant detailS Mr. / Ms. Family name: ...................................................................First name: ...................................................................... Phone: .............................................................................................Fax: .................................................................................. Cell Phone: ...................................................................................... Email (Compulsory, for confirmation):...................................................................................................................................... Address: .................................................................................................................................................................................... Zip Code/City: ..................................................................................Country:........................................................................... Congress registration: Please note that registration will be accepted until August 31st - 2016. After this date, registrations will only be possible online and onsite. The date of payment will determine the registration fee. Cancellation of Registration: Cancellations received by June 01, 2016 will incur an administrative fee of 50%. Cancellations received after June 02, 2016 are not refundable. Completion of this form implies authorization to Congress Organizer and MCO to use the personal data supplied for promotion and other purposes related to the Congress in accordance with French law for data protection (law n°78-17 from 06 January 1978, law n° 2004-801 from 6 August 2004) by registering to attend the RHInOPLASTy WORLd MEETInG 2016 meeting, you grant permission to the Organizers to take and use your photo in public relations and promotional pieces, written publications, videos and on the society’s website for an indefinite period of time. If you would like to have your photo removed from the congress website, you may contact the society’s office at any time. Rate in EURO (EUR) VAT Included (Until May 15th 2016) early Bird fee (From May 16th 2016) late & Onsite fee reGiStratiOnS feeS _ 5th annual MeetinG Of the rhinOplaSty SOCiety Of eurOpe – SepteMBer 7th 2016 Rhinoplasty Society of Europe Member* non Member Sofcep Member Resident / Fellows / basic Scientists** EUR 200 EUR 300 EUR 270 EUR 130 EUR 250 EUR 350 EUR 315 EUR 130 Rhinoplasty Society and Rhinoplasty Society of Europe Member* non Member Sofcep Member Resident / Fellows / basic Scientists** EUR 800 EUR 950 EUR 855 EUR 500 EUR 1 000 EUR 1 150 EUR 1035 EUR 50 reGiStratiOnS feeS _ iMrhiS 2016 MeetinG – SepteMBer 8th – 10th 2016 Do not forget to fill in the back page. AL 5TH ANNU HE OF T MEETING ST Y A RHINOPL ROPE EU F O Y T SOCIE BER 7 SEPTEM 2016 indiViduAL rEGiStrAtiOn fOrM reGiStratiOnS feeS _ 5th annual MeetinG Of the rhinOplaSty SOCiety Of eurOpe +iMrhiS 2016 MeetinG Rhinoplasty Society and Rhinoplasty Society of Europe Member* non Member Sofcep Member Resident / Fellows / basic Scientists** OffiCial COnGreSS eVeninG SepteMBer 9th EUR 900 EUR 1 050 EUR 945 EUR 550 EUR 200 EUR 1 100 EUR 1 250 EUR 1125 EUR 550 EUR 200 * Membership status will be verified, be aware if your membership is not updated the “non Member” fee will be applied. ** Upon presentation of a letter signed by his/her Hospital / Clinic Supervisor or his/her University/Laboratory, stating his/her status. the registration fee includes: Admission to all scientific sessions / Admission to the workshops organised by the industry / Congress materials (congress bag, final programme, name badge) / Coffee breaks / Welcome Reception / Exhibition Opening aMOunt tO CharGe: .................................................................................................................................................. payMent (should be made in EURO, payable to MCO Congrès) By Bank Check, in EURO, in the order of MCO Congrès By Bank transfer (a copy of the wire transfer is mandatory to confirm the registration). MCO Congrès bank details: bank CHAIX MLLE PREFECTURE- bank code : 10178 - branch code: 00026 - Account n°: 00262320000 - key n°: 69 - SWIFT / bIC: CCbPFRPPCHX - IbAn: FR76 1017 8000 2600 2623 2000 069 By Credit card : Visa Mastercard American Express Card n°: ...........................................................................Security Code:................................................................................ Expiration date:...............................................................Cardholder’s name: ...................................................................... I authorise MCO Congrès, Official Congress Organiser, to charge the amount to my credit card. date & Signature: COnGrESS dAtE & VEnuE DATE: SEPTEMBER 8-10 – 2016 VENUE: 10 RUE DE LA CHANCELLERIE 78000 VERSAILLES fACuLty peter adaMSOn ron GruBer Kamran aS'Sadi Wolfgang GuBiSCh fazil apaydin Baris CaKir Jay CalVert nuri CeliK nazim CerKeS Mark COnStantian andreas daChO rollin daniel rick daViS Sam MOSt Joe GrySKieWiCZ peter palhaZi Bahman GuyurOn Joao pradO netO Marcos harel enrico rOBOtti fabio inGallina Julian rOWe-JOneS yong Ju JanG ali SaJJadian Sebastian haaCK Werner heppt luiz Carlos iShida Geoffrey KeyeS Jose roberto pariSi JuradO emmanuel raCy rod rOhriCh yves SaBan Gaith ShuBailat Charles eaSt eugene Kern hossam fOda ismail Kuran Geoffrey tOBiaS George MarCellS tony WOlfe Onur erOl Olivier GerBault ashkan GhaVaMi abdulkadir GÖKSel Milos KOVaCeViC alan landeCKer Jeffrey MarCuS Jonathan SyKeS abel Jan taSMan dean tOriuMi GeneRal ORGanIzatIOn: MCO Congrès : Information, Registration: anne-laure leroyer : [email protected] Industry: Siham Guandourro: [email protected]