Speedi-WIN Online Install Instructions


Speedi-WIN Online Install Instructions
Speedi WIN Online
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Speedi-WIN Online Install Instructions
Table of Contents
Logging on to Speedi-WIN Online ............................................................................................................... 3
Installing Citrix Receiver............................................................................................................................... 7
Launching Speedi-WIN Online .................................................................................................................. 11
Existing Speedi-WIN Users .................................................................................................................... 11
First time Speedi-WIN Users .................................................................................................................. 16
General Usage ............................................................................................................................................ 29
Installing Speedi-WIN Online on a 2nd PC ................................................................................................. 38
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Verify you meet the following system requirements:
Operating System
Hard Disk Space
Internet Browser
Adobe Reader
Windows XP Professional SP3 or higher,
Windows Vista Business SP1 or higher 32
bit, Windows 7 Professional 32 bit or 64
2 GB
1 GB available disk space
Internet Explorer 8.0 with SP2 or higher
Adobe Reader 4.0 or higher
Windows XP Professional SP3 or higher,
Windows Vista Business SP1 or higher 32
bit, Windows 7 Professional 32 bit or 64 bit
1 GB
500 MB available disk space
Internet Explorer 6.0 with SP2 or higher
Adobe Reader 4.0 or higher
Connection Speed
Broadband or DSL connection with at
least 5 Mbps download & upload speed
Broadband or DSL connection with at
least .5 Mbps download & upload speed
 If you plan to use Speedi-WIN on multiple PC’s (i.e. your office PC and your home PC), please
install first on the PC that has Speedi offline installed on (most likely your office PC). SpeediWIN Online will sync your existing user data (contact information, customer information,
user-entered catalog numbers, pricing data, etc.) from the PC you install Speedi-WIN Online
on first.
Estimated Installation Time: 15-30 minutes.
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Logging on to Speedi-WIN Online
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1. Launch Internet Explorer.
 Click on the desktop shortcut
 OR go to Start -> Programs -> Internet Explorer
2. Enter the web address https://speediv.gespeedi.com in the browser.
3. Hit Enter or click on the green arrow.
Note: If you have Internet Explorer 10, you will need to click on the Compatibility View icon.
4. You should see the below screen.
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5. Go to Tools (at top of IE page) and click Internet Options.
6. Click on the “Security” tab, select “Trusted sites” and click on the “Sites” button.
7. Below dialog box should open. Click on the Add button and then the Close button.
8. Click on the OK button on the Internet Options dialog box.
9. Now close and then open Internet Explorer again. Type in: https://speediv.gespeedi.com.
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10. Enter your User name and Password provided to you in the Congrats email.
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If you want your user name to be remembered at next login, then select the “Remember my
User name” option.
11. Click on
12. You will be prompted to provide a new password. Please create a password that is at least
eight characters long. Note: If your EliteNet password is at least eight characters long, it
should be valid for Speedi as well.
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13. Confirm your new password.
Note: If your password does not have at least 8 characters, you will be sent back to the Log On page
where you will need to login again with “Pa55word”.
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Installing Citrix Receiver
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14. You should see the below screen.
Note: If you do not see this INSTALL dialog box, but instead you see the screen on step 23 on
page 10, it means you already have Citrix installed, so skip to step 24 on page 10.
15. Check the check box beside I Agree with the Citrix license agreement. If this checkbox is not
displayed, you will need to manually install the Citrix Receiver. (See page 32)
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16. If prompted for add-on permission, right click on the yellow block & select Run Add On option.
17. Then Click on green INSTALL button and you should see the below dialog box.
From: vdixddct1.corporate.ge.com
18. Click
19. Once the below dialog box appears, click
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20. Below screen will open. Click Install.
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21. Below progress will be displayed.
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22. If you see below screen, click Finish.
23. Once the installation is complete, you should see the below screen. (If you don’t or if you
were forced to restart your PC, please go to https://speediv.gespeedi.com and log in).
24. Existing Speedi-WIN Users, go to Step 26 on Page 11.
25. First time Speedi-WIN Users, go to Step 1 on Page 16.
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Launching Speedi-WIN Online
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Note: This is a one-time process per Username and Password.
Existing Speedi-WIN Users
26. Click on the Speedi-WIN Online icon
27. You may see the below screens during the process of launching.
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28. Do Not Check the Read files only. Do check the “Do not ask me again for this site”. Click
Note: Windows 7 users, the following dialog box may be hidden/behind one of your other
open programs. Please minimize any open files/programs or look at taskbar at the
bottom of your desktop to locate this dialog box.
Check the “Do not ask me again for this site” and Click on the “Permit all access”.
29. Finding local drives on which Speedi is installed will continue. Below message box will be
displayed during this period.
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30. Software License Agreement dialog box will open.
31. Click Yes to proceed.
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32. Once you accept the License Agreement, system will wait for you to initiate the backup
process of your local data.
33. The following shortcut will be on your desktop now. Double-click on the desktop shortcut.
You will see the below screen.
34. Once the backup process is successful, the Next button will become enabled. Click on the
Next button.
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35. System will continue setting up your machine.
36. Once set-up is complete, Speedi-WIN login screen will open. Click OK.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed and logged into Speedi-WIN Online!
37. Go to Tools  DTO Maintenance  Download DTO Data. Remember to login to DTO with
your EliteNet username/password, which may be different than your Speedi
See page 29 for final instructions.
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First time Speedi-WIN Users
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Note: This is a one-time process per Username and Password.
1. Click on the Speedi-WIN Online icon
2. You may see the below screens during the process of launching.
Do Not Check the Read files only. Do check the “Do not ask me again for this site”. Click
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Note: Windows 7 users, the following dialog box may be hidden/behind one of your other
open programs. Please minimize any open files/programs or look at taskbar at the
bottom of your desktop to locate this dialog box.
Click on the “Permit all access” and check the “Do not ask me again for this site”.
4. Finding local drives on which Speedi is installed will continue. Below message box will be
displayed during this period.
5. You will then see the dialog box below.
6. Click Yes
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7. Software License Agreement dialog box will open.
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8. Click Yes to proceed.
9. You will be prompted to create a Speedi Login (screenshot on next page). Please complete
the required fields.
a. User MailID: leave as is.
b. User Name: Input your First Name followed by your Last Name.
c. User Type: Distributor
d. NEMA Trade: Contact your local GE salesperson for this – it is based on your zip code.
Based on your NEMA Trade input, Speedi will automatically populate your NEMA
Trade Group and Region Code.
e. Phone #/Fax #/Email: Input your phone #/Fax #/Email address.
f. Dial Comm: Leave blank.
g. Job Path: Leave as default unless you want your jobs to be saved to a different
h. BOM Path/Drawings Path: Leave as default unless you want your BOM’s and
Drawings saved to a different path/file.
i. GE Sales Email/GE Ops Email: Contact your local GE salesperson for these.
j. Address: Input your company name on the first line. Then, fill in the rest of your
company address.
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10. Once you provide all the required details click on the Save icon
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11. The following dialog box will open to save the UserID as default of SPEEDI. Click OK.
12. Then Click on Users and click Exit.
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13. You should see the following backup process begin.
14. Now just click on the Speedi-WIN Online icon
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15. Below Speedi login screen will be displayed where you will need to enter the UserID (i.e.
SPEEDI) created at step 11 on page 20.
16. Once you type in SPEEDI, OK button will become enabled. Click OK.
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17. Speedi will open.
You can now proceed with Running Communication Setup.
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Running Communication Setup
18. Go to Tools Menu
19. Click on Communication Setup
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20. Click on Next to Install Communication Setup.
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21. You will be prompted to create your Mailbox Id. All three fields are required.
a. NEMA Trade Group: Input your 4-character NEMA Trade Group code (get from your
local GE salesperson)
b. GE Index #: Input your 7 character Customer Index # (get from your local GE
c. Mailbox Id: Enter any 4 character code (Can contain 0-9, A-Z)
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22. Click Next.
23. Copy down the Mailbox ID from this screen which you will need to input into the User
Maintenance screen shortly. Click Finish to finish the Communication Setup assuming
24. Click Finish.
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25. Now Go to the Tools Menu and select User Maintenance.
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26. User Maintenance screen will launch with User MailID = NO MAILID
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27. Update User MailID with the Mailbox ID that you copied down from Step 23 (on page 26)
during Communication Setup.
28. Click on the Save icon. You will get the below screen.
29. Click OK and close the User Maintenance screen.
30. Exit Speedi-WIN.
31. Log back in and go to Tools  DTO Maintenance  Download DTO Data. Remember to login
to DTO with your EliteNet username/password, which may be different than your Speedi
Congratulations! You have successfully installed and logged into Speedi-WIN Online!
See page 29 for final instructions.
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General Usage
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1. To logoff, go to File  Exit Speedi-WIN or click on X in upper right-hand corner. Note: After 4
hours of inactivity, Speedi will automatically close. Please save any open job file before
stepping away from Speedi for a long period of time.
You will see the User Data Backup process complete.
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2. To open Speedi again, just click on the Speedi-WIN Online icon. Otherwise, click on the Log
Off icon and close the internet browser.
3. To open Speedi again at a later time, double-click on the Speedi-WIN icon on your desktop or
go to https://speediv.gespeedi.com.
Note: If you do not have the Speedi-WIN Online icon on your desktop, simply bookmark the
Speedi-Win Log On page (https://speediv.gespeedi.com) and then drag and drop this URL from
your list of Favorites to your desktop.
Maximize your performance
To maximize the speed of your program, we recommend that you enable the GE Server Save option.
Instead of saving your jobs to your local PC, you will save your jobs to the GE server. Please review
the Initial Setup guide (see link below) which includes the instructions to enable this feature.
Best Practice Recommendation
Open Internet Explorer. Go to Tools  Internet Options. From the General tab, click the Delete
button. From the Delete Browsing History section, select all the boxes except “Passwords”, then click
the Delete button. Check the “Delete browsing history on exit” box, then click Apply. See screenshot
on next page.
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From the Content tab, click the “Clear SSL state” button (see screenshot below). Click OK to close
Internet Options window.
You will be required to download DTO every 60 days in order to access pricing. Remember to
login to DTO with your EliteNet username/password, which may be different than your Speedi
You will always be running the most current version of Speedi-WIN. No need to run upgrades
or patches. They will automatically be applied.
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Steps to manually install Citrix Receiver
1. Go to
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2. Right click blocked download and click on download file.
3. Click Run.
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4. You will see the below screen. Click Install.
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5. Below progress bar will be displayed.
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6. If you see below screen, click on Finish button.
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7. Once complete, close the current page shown below via File  Exit or via the X in the upper
right corner.
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Log into Speedi-WIN Online as you normally would.
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9. If you see the following window and the Citrix Receiver is blocked, right click on the block and
select Run Add On option. Then, close this window.
10. Open Internet Explorer and type in: https://speediv.gespeedi.com.
11. Existing Speedi-WIN Users, go to Step 26 on Page 11.
12. First time Speedi-WIN Users, go to Step 1 on Page 16.
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Installing Speedi-WIN Online on a 2nd PC
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Whether you are installing Speedi-WIN Online on a 2nd PC or a replacement PC, please follow the
steps below.
Before you begin the install on the 2nd PC, we recommend that you copy your existing Speedi job files
from PC 1onto a memory stick so that you can move them to PC 2. Create a new folder (i.e.
C:\SPDWIN\JOB) on PC 2 and paste your existing jobs here.
Note: if you want to access your Speedi job files on multiple PC’s, you will need to enable the GE Server
Save option on your 1st PC so that your jobs will be saved to the GE Server versus to your local PC and
then you will be able to access all your jobs from all your PC’s. Please review the Initial Setup guide
(see link below) which includes the instructions to enable the GE Server Save feature.
1. Launch the Internet Explorer.
 Click on the desktop shortcut
 OR go to Start -> Programs -> Internet Explorer
Enter the web address https://speediv.gespeedi.com in the browser.
3. Hit Enter or click on the green arrow.
Note: If you have Internet Explorer 10, you will need to click on the Compatibility View icon.
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4. You should see the below screen.
5. Go to Tools (at top of IE page) and click Internet Options.
6. Click on the “Security” tab and select “Trusted sites” and click on the “Sites” button.
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7. Below dialog box should open. Click on the Add button and then the Close button.
8. Click the OK button on the Internet Options dialog box.
9. Now close and then open Internet Explorer again. Enter in: https://speediv.gespeedi.com.
10. Enter your User name and Password and click Log On.
If you want your user name to be remembered at next login, then select the “Remember my
User name” option.
11. Check the check box beside I Agree with the Citrix license agreement. If this checkbox is not
displayed, you will need to manually install the Citrix Online Plugin. (Go to page 32)
Note: If you do not see this dialog box, but instead you see the screen on step 19 on page 40, it
means you already have Citrix installed this PC so you can skip to step 20 on page 42.
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12. If prompted for add-on permission, right click on the block & select Run Add On option.
13. Then Click on the green INSTALL button and you should see the below dialog box.
From: vdixddct1.corporate.ge.com
14. Click
and you should see the below dialog box.
15. Once the below dialog box appears, click
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16. Below screen will be displayed. Click on the Install button.
17. Below progress will be displayed.
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18. If you see below screen, click on the Finish button.
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19. You should see the below screen. (If you don’t or if you were forced to restart your PC, please
go to https://speediv.gespeedi.com and log in).
20. Click on the Speedi-WIN Online icon to begin using Speedi on your 2nd PC.
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21. You may see the below screen during the process of launching.
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22. Do Not Check the Read files only. Do check the “Do not ask me again for this site”. Click Yes.
Note: Windows 7 users, the following dialog box may be hidden/behind one of your other open
programs. Please minimize any open files/programs or look at taskbar at the bottom of your
desktop to locate this dialog box.
Check the “Do not ask me again for this site” and click on the “Permit all access”.
Note: To add the Speedi-WIN Online icon to your desktop,
simply bookmark the Speedi-Win login page (https://speediv.gespeedi.com) and then drag
and drop this URL from your list of Favorites to your desktop.
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