BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES BEGINNING SPANISH INTERMEDIATE SPANISH CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS MEDICAL SERIES 1 (BILLING & CODING AND MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY) MEDICAL SERIES 2 (CPT CODING AND ICD-CM CODING) MICROSOFT - OFFICE XP SUITE INTRODUCTION and ADVANCED WINDOWS XP BASIC and ADVANCED ACCESS BASIC, INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED OFFICE TRILOGY 2007 BASIC (WORD, POWERPOINT,EXCEL) OFFICE TRILOGY 2007 INTERMEDIATE OFFICE TRILOGY 2007 ADVANCED “T HE P ROVEN F ORCE B EHIND W ORKFORCE T RAINING ” 5300 Maryland Way, Suite 103, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615-376-5401 • 615-376-5432 (fax) • BEG B E G IINNIN N N I N G SPA S PAN I S SH H ((VVIISSTA TA VVEERRSI S IOONN)) O VERVIEW Beginning Spanish is the first part of a two-part series designed to develop participants’ ability to use and understand Spanish in practical, everyday contexts. The program also assists building of cultural knowledge and competency. In Beginning Spanish, participants acquire the necessary components to practice and process the Spanish language. O BJECTIVES After completing the Beginning Spanish course, participants will be able to do the following in Spanish: • Greet and say good-bye to other people • Ask and tell when an event takes place • Describe people and things • Ask for information • Talk about your job • Discuss professional plans F ORMAT Beginning Spanish is the first part of a two-part series. The course is 48 hours in length and is typically delivered in four hour sessions. Each session is conducted in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. S PECIAL F EATURES • Interactive course delivery • Extensive practice and feedback throughout each module • Culture incorporated throughout each lesson B ENEFITS • Participants gain experience in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. • Participants achieve foundational concepts necessary to understand the Spanish language. BSP-S “T “THE HE PPROVEN ROVEN F FORCE ORCE B EHIND W ORKFORCE ORKFORCE TTRAINING RAINING” ” 5300 5300 Maryland Way, Way, Suite Suite 103, 103, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615-376-5401 • 615-376-5432 (fax) (fax) •• PA N INSIHS H ( V I(SVTA VE RVSI OS N )I O N ) IINT N T ERMEDI E R M E D ATE I A T ES S PA I S TA ER O VERVIEW Intermediate Spanish is the second part of a two-part series designed to develop participants’ ability to use and understand Spanish in practical, everyday contexts. The program continues to build the participants’ cultural knowledge and competency. In the “Intermediate Spanish” course, participants acquire the necessary components to practice and process the Spanish language. “Beginning Spanish” is a prerequisite for this course. O B J ECTIVES After completing the Intermediate Spanish course, participants will be able to do the following in Spanish: • Talk about your job, family, and friends • Make comparisons • Make affirmative and negative statements • Give instructions • React to present actions and events • Describe present and past experiences F ORMAT Intermediate Spanish is the second part of a two-part series. The course is 48 hours in length and is typically delivered in four hour sessions. Each session is conducted in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. S PECIA L F EATURES • Interactive course delivery • Extensive practice and feedback throughout each module • Culture incorporated throughout each lesson B ENEFITS • Participants gain experience in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. • Participants achieve foundational concepts necessary to understand the Spanish language. ISP-S “T “THE HE PPROVEN ROVEN F FORCE ORCE B BEHIND EHIND W WORKFORCE ORKFORCE TTRAINING RAINING” ” 5300 5300 Maryland Maryland Way, Way, Suite Suite 103, 103, Brentwood, Brentwood, TN TN 37027 37027 •• 615-376-5401 615-376-5401 •• 615-376-5432 615-376-5432 (fax) (fax) •• CALL CENTER GE EM CALL C ENTER M MA AN NA AG ME EN NT T OVERVIEW Call Center Management gives participants an overview of inbound call centers, managerial roles, and technologies that affect call centers. The course also covers how to establish a call center, identify the call center managers' typical responsibilities, and determine the necessary technologies needed to best serve the company's customers. OBJECTIVES After completing the course, participants will be able to: • Identify the functions of a call center and determine the process for setting up a center • Communicate effectively with employees and executives • Evaluate employee performance • Identify methods for monitoring employees • Train employees • Identify customer expectations • Set and achieve service levels • Identify the information that executives need FORMAT Call Center Management is a 15-hour course, offered in multiple sessions based on the needs of the customer. The course is delivered in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. SPECIAL FEATURES • Interactive course delivery • Hands on • Practice and feedback B ENEFITS • Participants gain in-depth knowledge of call center management. • Participants achieve skills and knowledge that will enable them to establish and effectively operate a call center. CCM-S FORCE BEHIND WORKFORCE TRAINING ” “THE “T HE P PROVEN ROVEN F ORCE B EHIND W ORKFORCE T RAINING ” 5300 Maryland Way,103, SuiteBrentwood, 103, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615-376-5401 • 615-376-5432 (fax) • 5300 Maryland Way, Suite TN 37027 • 615-376-5401 • 615-376-5432 (fax) • C R I T I C A L THINK T H I N KIIN NG G SSKKIILLLLSS CRITICAL O VERVIEW Critical Thinking Skills is designed as a preparation course for individuals in the telecommunications industry who wish to improve their test taking skills. The course is structured to focus on four key areas that are essential in any job. These key areas are: • Written Communication Skills • Logical Reasoning • Quantitative Problem Solving • Finding and Using Information O B J ECTIVES The four key areas of focus structure the course objectives. At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to: • Demonstrate ability to find and interpret data contained in reports, spreadsheets, charts, graphs, and tables • Define logical reasoning and demonstrate its application • Demonstrate the ability to solve mathematical problems • Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in writing F ORMAT Critical Thinking Skills is a 39-hour program, offered in multiple sessions based on the needs of the client. The course content is presented in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. Participants are actively engaged in application exercises throughout the 39 hours. Ample time is allotted for content assimilation, feedback, and skill practice. S PECIA L F EATURES • Interactive course delivery • Text workbooks for in and out of classroom study • Extensive practice and feedback throughout each module B ENEFITS • Participants gain writing efficiency that leads to increased productivity and costeffective business communications. • Participants learn the critical thinking skills necessary for taking advancement exams in the Telecommunications industry. • Participants achieve confidence in their logical reasoning and problem-solving skills. CTS-S “T WORKFORCE ORKFORCE TTRAINING RAINING” ” “THE HE PPROVEN ROVEN F FORCE ORCE B BEHIND EHIND W 5300 615-376-5401 •• 615-376-5432 615-376-5432 (fax) (fax) •• 5300 Maryland Maryland Way, Way, Suite Suite 103, 103, Brentwood, Brentwood, TN TN 37027 37027 •• 615-376-5401 I N T R O D U C T I O N TO M E D I C A L B I L L I N G A N D C O D I N G O VERVIEW This introductory level course is designed for participants who want to gain skills related to the medical billing and coding profession. Topics covered in the course include positions in this field, insurance plans, health care forms, coding, charge and payment processes. O BJECTIVES After completing the course, participants will be able to: • Discuss U.S. health insurance history and terminology • Describe Medicaid and the Medicare-Medicaid relationship • Explain the applications of Workers Compensation for medical billers • Complete basic claim forms and describe the differences in claim types • Discuss the varuiys types of health insurance • Discuss the CPT and ICD-9-CM coding • Follow the medical claims steps from predetermination to the end of a claim’s life • Apply different types of patient statements and follow the steps in the management of the billing process • Identify the administrative tasks for the medical billing cycle F ORMAT Introduction to Medical Billing and Coding is a 40-hour course, offered in multiple sessions based upon the needs of the customer. The course is delivered in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. S PECIAL F EATURES • Experiential coverage of health care forms and insurance claims • Hands-on practice with Case Studies B ENEFITS • Participants gain real world practice with sample case studies. • Participants acquire skills and knowledge that help equip them for roles in medical billing and coding. “T HE P ROVEN F ORCE B EHIND W ORKFORCE T RAINING ” MBC-S 5300 Maryland Way, Suite 103, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615-376-5401 • 615-376-5432 (fax) • I N T R O D U C T I O N TO M E D I C A L TERMINOLOGY O VERVIEW This introductory level course is designed for participants who want to gain skills related to the medical billing and coding profession. Topics covered in the course provide clear understanding of the relationship between medical terminology and medical coding. This course is a companion course to Introduction to Medical Billing & Coding. O BJECTIVES After completing the course, participants will be able to: • Define roots, prefixes, suffixes, combining forms, and combining words • Define medical terms by recalling the meaning of roots prefixes, and suffixes • Discuss ICD-9 and HPT • Explain Current Procedural Terminology Coding • Discuss the integumentary system and related terminology • Discuss and label the basic structures of the cardiovascular system • Spell and define medical terminology related to blood and lymph • Discuss the respiratory system using accurate terminology • Discuss assignment of medical codes to digestive system diagnoses and procedures F ORMAT Introduction to Medical Billing and Coding is a 45-hour course, offered in multiple sessions based upon the needs of the customer. The course is delivered in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. S PECIAL F EATURES • Experiential coverage of the language of the health care industry • Hands-on practice B ENEFITS • Participants gain real world practice of medical term usage within the context of medical coding. • Participants acquire skills and knowledge that help equip them for roles in medical billing and coding. “T HE P ROVEN F ORCE B EHIND W ORKFORCE T RAINING ” MTM-S 5300 Maryland Way, Suite 103, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 800-689-7477 •615-376-5432 (fax) • CURRENT PROCEDURAL TERMINOLOGY (CPT) CODING O VERVIEW The “CPT Coding” course is the third course in the Medical Billing and Coding Series. This course is designed to equip participants with skills and knowledge essential for all health care coding systems. Topics covered in the course include the CPT manual, indepth explanation of the section in the code set, and how to code each service. O BJECTIVES After completing the course, participants will be able to: • Discuss the purpose and use of the CPT manual • Explain the format of each section of the CPT manual • Demonstrate ability to code medical services • Assign CPT modifiers F ORMAT Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Coding is a 39-hour course, offered in multiple sessions based upon the needs of the customer. The course is delivered in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. S PECIAL F EATURES • Utilization of leading textbook for medical coding education • Provision of supporting cd for after class practice B ENEFITS • Participants gain experience through application of real world medical coding scenarios. • Participants acquire skills and knowledge that help prepare them for roles in medical billing and coding. “T HE P ROVEN F ORCE B EHIND W ORKFORCE T RAINING ” CPT-S 5300 Maryland Way, Suite 103, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615-376-5401 • 615-376-5432 (fax) • I N T E R N AT I O N A L C L A S S I F I C AT I O N O F D I S E A S E S , 9 T H R E V I S I O N , C L I N I C A L M O D I F I C AT I O N ( I C D - 9 - C M ) C O D I N G O VERVIEW The “ICD-9-CM Coding” course is the fourth course in the Medical Billing and Coding Series. This course is designed to provide an overview of the ICD-9-CM codes and their use in medical coding. Topics covered in the course include ICD-9-CM Format and Conventions, official guidelines for Coding and Reporting, and steps to diagnosis coding. O BJECTIVES After completing the course, participants will be able to: • Discuss the purpose and use of the ICD-9-CM manual • Explain the uses of coding conventions when assigning codes • Identify characteristics of each volume of the ICD-9-CM manual • Demonstrate ability to use the ICD-9-CM manual F ORMAT ICD-9-CM Coding is a 39-hour course, offered in multiple sessions based upon the needs of the customer. The course is delivered in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. S PECIAL F EATURES • Utilization of leading textbook for medical coding education • Provision of supporting cd for after class practice B ENEFITS • Participants gain experience through application of real world medical coding scenarios. • Participants acquire skills and knowledge that help prepare them for roles in medical billing and coding. “T HE P ROVEN F ORCE B EHIND W ORKFORCE T RAINING ” ICD-S 5300 Maryland Way, Suite 103, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615-376-5401 • 615-376-5432 (fax) • MS - IN RO DU M S OFFICE O F F I C EXP X PS U S IT U IET E - TI N TR OC DTUI O CN TION O VERVIEW The Introduction to Microsoft Office XP Suite provides an overview of microcomputer applications including a brief introduction to computer concepts, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Word 2003, Microsoft Excel 2003, Microsoft Access 2003, Microsoft PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Outlook 2003, OLE, creating web pages, and integration of the applications. O B J ECTIVES After successfully completing this course, the participant will be able to: • Demonstrate understanding of computer and operating systems • Create, edit, and manipulate documents in Word 2003 • Generate worksheets, charts, formulas, and functions in Excel 2003 • Design, query, maintain, and publish databases in Access 2003 • Craft presentations in PowerPoint 2003 • Build scheduling and contact management skills in Outlook 2003 F ORMAT Introduction to Microsoft Office XP Suite is a 60-hour program. The course is typically offered in 4-hour sessions that meet twice a week. S PECIA L F EATURES • Interactive course delivery • Hands-on application for skill building • Text workbook for in and out of classroom study B ENEFITS • Participants gain comprehensive experience by working on projects that utilize various applications. • Participants gain skills that enhance computer skills. OX1-S “THE HE PPROVEN ROVEN F FORCE ORCE B BEHIND EHIND W “T WORKFORCE ORKFORCE TTRAINING RAINING” ” 5300 Maryland Maryland Way, Way, Suite Suite 103, 103, Brentwood, Brentwood, TN TN 37027 37027 •• 615-376-5401 5300 615-376-5401 •• 615-376-5432 615-376-5432 (fax) (fax) •• M S OFFICE O F F I C EXP X PS U S IT U IET E DN VA ND CED MS - A-DAVA CE O VERVIEW The Advanced Microsoft Office XP Suite provides an advanced view of microcomputer applications including Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Word 2003, Microsoft Excel 2003, Microsoft Access 2003, Microsoft PowerPoint 2003, and integration of the applications. O B J ECTIVES After successfully completing this course, the participant will be able to: • Demonstrate proficiency in advanced applications of Word 2003 • Perform advanced functions in Excel 2003 • Design, query, maintain, and perform other advanced functions in Access 2003 • Create and modify presentations in PowerPoint 2003 • Perform advanced functions in Outlook 2003 F ORMAT Introduction to Advanced Microsoft Office XP Suite is a 60-hour program. The course is offered in multiple sessions based on the needs of the customer. The course is delivered in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. S PECIA L F EATURES • Interactive course delivery • Hands-on application for skill building • Text workbook for in and out of classroom study B ENEFITS • Participants gain comprehensive experience by working on projects that utilize various applications. • Participants gain skills that enhance computer skills. OX2-S “T “THE HE PPROVEN ROVEN F FORCE ORCE B BEHIND EHIND W WORKFORCE ORKFORCE TTRAINING RAINING” ” 5300 5300 Maryland Maryland Way, Way, Suite Suite 103, 103, Brentwood, Brentwood, TN TN 37027 37027 •• 615-376-5401 615-376-5401 •• 615-376-5432 615-376-5432 (fax) (fax) •• MICROSOFT WINDOWS XP BASIC O VERVIEW This course is designed to introduce participants to the basics of Windows XP. Topics covered include navigating within the Windows XP environment and details on utilizing tools and applications. O BJECTIVES After completing this course, participants will be able to: • Identify and open objects on the Windows desktop • Use Windows XP Help and Support Center • Navigate the folder hierarchy and search for files using My Computer and Windows Explorer • Manage files and folders and work with the Recycle Bin • Create simple word processing documents and drawings by using the WordPad and Paint accessories • Customize the desktop by creating desktop shortcuts and using the Control Panel • Browse the Internet by using Internet Explorer • Successfully turn off Windows XP F ORMAT This 12-hour course is delivered in a variety of formats depending upon the needs of the client. The course is delivered in an interactive style of facilitation. S PECIAL F EATURES • Hands-on lab activities • Interactive course delivery B ENEFITS • Participants gain basic knowledge and skills for working with Microsoft Windows XP. • Participants obtain skills that enhance working with Windows applications. XPB - S “T HE P ROVEN F ORCE B EHIND W ORKFORCE T RAINING ” 5300 Maryland Way, Suite 103, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615-376-5401 • 615-376-5432 (fax) • M I C R O S O F T W I N D O W S X P A D VA N C E D O VERVIEW This course builds upon the Windows XP skills covered in the “Windows XP Basic” program. Topics covered in the course include customizing the desktop, advanced file management, working with network resources, and working with printers. “Windows XP Basic” is a prerequisite. O BJECTIVES After completing this course, participants will be able to: • Customize the Start menu, taskbar and folder views • View and change file attributes and file associations, and use advanced folder options • Add a printer and manage print jobs with the print queue • Manage user accounts, use fast user switching, and employ basic user-level security • Use System Restore, Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, Backup, and the Security Center • Share folders and printer on a LAN and use shared resources F ORMAT This 12-hour course is delivered in a variety of formats depending upon the needs of the client. The course is delivered in an interactive style of facilitation. S PECIAL F EATURES • Hands-on lab activities • Interactive course delivery B ENEFITS • Participants gain advanced knowledge and advanced skills for working with Microsoft Windows XP. • Participants obtain skills to manage Windows XP in an advanced environment including Local Area Network (LAN) specifications and security settings. XPA - S “T HE P ROVEN F ORCE B EHIND W ORKFORCE T RAINING ” 5300 Maryland Way, Suite 103, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615-376-5401 • 615-376-5432 (fax) • MICROSOFT ACCESS 2003 BASIC OVERVIEW Microsoft Access 2003 Basic is a database software program used to manage data that can be organized into lists of related information. This course consists of five units covering creating and using tables, queries, forms, and reports. Access 2003 Basic is an introductory level course that helps develop skills in Microsoft Office. OBJECTIVES After completing the course, participants will be able to: • Describe the databases and database management systems • Create a database • Query databases • Publish databases • Print the contents of a table • Create a custom report • Use Microsoft Access help FORMAT Microsoft Access 2003 Basic is a 24-hour course, offered in multiple sessions based on the needs of the customer. The course is delivered in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. SPECIAL FEATURES • Project based • Hands on • Practice and feedback BENEFITS • Participants gain comprehensive experience by working on projects that utilize practical applications. • Participants acquire marketable skills through the use of Microsoft approved texts and supporting materials. M3-A1-S “THE PROVEN FORCE BEHIND WORKFORCE TRAINING” 5300 Maryland Way, Suite 103, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615-376-5401 • 615-376-5432 (fax) • MICROS AT M I C R O OFT S O FACCE T A CSCSE2S0 0S3 2I NT 0 0E3RME I N DI TE REM E D I A T E OVERVIEW Microsoft Access 2003 Intermediate is a database software program used to manage data that can be organized into lists of related information such as customers, products, and vendors. This course consists of six units covering modifying a database structure, creating multiple table and other advanced queries, sharing information with other programs, and creating data access pages. Access 2003 Intermediate is geared towards individuals who have completed Microsoft Access 2003 Basic. OBJECTIVES After completing the course, participants will be able to: • Create select queries in Query Design View • Create subforms • Use the Database Wizard • Compact and repair a database • Import XML text files and export data to XML • Create and add hyperlink fields to interact with an Access database FORMAT Microsoft Access 2003 Intermediate is a 27-hour course, offered in multiple sessions based on the needs of the customer. The course is delivered in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. SPECIAL FEATURES • Project based • Hands on • Practice and feedback B ENEFITS • Participants gain comprehensive experience by working on projects that utilize practical applications. • Participants acquire marketable skills through the use of Microsoft approved texts and supporting materials. M3-A2-S ROVEN F FORCE EHIND WORKFORCE TRAINING ” “T“T HEHEPP ROVEN ORCEBB EHIND W ORKFORCE T RAINING ” Maryland Brentwood, 37027 • 615-376-5401• 615-376-5432 • 615-376-5432(fax) (fax) •• 5300 5300 Maryland Way,Way, SuiteSuite 103,103, Brentwood, TNTN 37027 • 615-376-5401 MICROS 0 0S3 ADVANCE M I C R O OFT S O FACCE T A CSCS E2S 2 0 0 3 A DDV A N C E D OVERVIEW Microsoft Access 2003 Advanced is a database software program that is used to manage data that can be organized into lists of related information. The course consists of five units covering creating advanced forms and reports, managing database objects, creating modules and macros, and maintaining a database. This course is geared towards individuals who have completed Microsoft Access 2003 Basic and Microsoft Access 2003 Intermediate. OBJECTIVES After completing the course, participants will be able to: • Add check boxes and toggle buttons controls to improve forms and reports • Work with objects • Create, edit, troubleshoot, and run macros • Compare macros and modules • Convert databases to another version of Access FORMAT Microsoft Access 2003 Advanced is a 27-hour course, offered in multiple sessions based on the needs of the customer. The course is delivered in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. SPECIAL FEATURES • Project based • Hands on • Practice and feedback B ENEFITS • Participants gain comprehensive experience by working on projects that utilize practical applications. • Participants acquire marketable skills through the use of Microsoft approved texts and supporting materials. M3-A3-S ROVEN F FORCE EHIND WORKFORCE TRAINING ” “T“T HEHEPP ROVEN ORCEBB EHIND W ORKFORCE T RAINING ” Maryland Brentwood, 37027 • 615-376-5401• 615-376-5432 • 615-376-5432(fax) (fax) •• 5300 5300 Maryland Way,Way, SuiteSuite 103,103, Brentwood, TNTN 37027 • 615-376-5401 MICROSOFT OFFICE TRILOGY MICROSOFT OFFICE 2007 BASIC: WORD, EXCEL & POWERPOINT O VERVIEW This program offers introductory level skills in Microsoft Office 2007 Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Topics covered include creating, editing, and saving documents. The course also covers skills related to worksheets, slide shows, and charts. O BJECTIVES At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to: • Create and save new documents in Word • Format documents in Word • Create worksheets in Excel • Add charts and calculate formulas in Excel • Create slide shows in PowerPoint • Present overhead presentations in PowerPoint F ORMAT Microsoft Office Trilogy - Basic is a 40-hour program, offered in multiple sessions based on the needs of the customer. The workshop is delivered in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. Ample time is allotted for content assimilation, feedback, and skill practice. S PECIAL F EATURES • Interactive course delivery • Extensive hands-on application • Real world application of skills B ENEFITS • Participants gain skills that are applicable in today’s workplace. • Participants gain Skill Codes that enhance their marketability. MOT-1 S “T HE P ROVEN F ORCE B EHIND W ORKFORCE T RAINING ” 5300 Maryland Way, Suite 103, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615-376-5401 • 615-376-5432 (fax) • MICROSOFT OFFICE TRILOGY M I C R O S O F T O F F I C E 2 0 0 7 I N T E R M E D I AT E : W O R D , E X C E L and P O W E R P O I N T O VERVIEW This course is the second program in the Microsoft Office Trilogy Series and offers intermediate level skills in Microsoft Office 2007 Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Topics in the program include word processing, spreadsheets, and slide show presentations. Recommended prerequisite course is “Microsoft Office Trilogy Basic”. O BJECTIVES At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to: • Create and format sections of text • Merge and split table cells • Change text orientation and resize rows • Modify, override, and export styles • Format document outlines • Manage templates • Consolidate data from different worksheets • Create automatic subtotals to summarize data in a worksheet • Manage large spreadsheets and workbooks • Apply built-in and custom number formats • Create custom slide show presentations • Apply themes, graphics, and movies to slide shows • Create custom photo albums F ORMAT Microsoft Office Trilogy 2007 Intermediate is a 40-hour program, offered in multiple sessions based on the needs of the customer. The workshop is delivered in an interactive, learner-centered style of facilitation. Ample time is allotted for content assimilation, feedback, and skill practice. S PECIAL F EATURES • Interactive course delivery • Extensive hands-on application • Real world application of skills B ENEFITS • Participants gain skills that are applicable in today’s workplace. • Participants gain Skill Codes that enhance their marketability. “T HE P ROVEN F ORCE B EHIND W ORKFORCE T RAINING ” MOT-2 S 5300 Maryland Way, Suite 103, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615-376-5401 • 615-376-5432 (fax) • MICROSOFT OFFICE TRILOGY M I C R O S O F T O F F I C E 2 0 0 7 A D VA N C E D : W O R D , E X C E L A N D POWERPOINT O VERVIEW This course is the third and final program in the Microsoft Office Trilogy Series. It is designed for participants who want to advance their skills in Microsoft Office 2007 Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to the advanced level. Topics covered in the program include merging fields, creating and running macros, and linking content between Office documents. Recommended prerequisite courses are “Microsoft Office Trilogy Basic” and “Microsoft Office Trilogy Intermediate”. O BJECTIVES At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to: • Merge fields to create form letters • Sort and filter records • Create and run macros to automate tasks • Customize keyboard shortcuts • Insert subdocuments • Use function keys to evaluate spreadsheet data • Validate data in worksheet cells • Import and Export data from Excel to a text file • Crop ad recolor clip art objects • Convert text to graphics • Create and edit custom slideshows • Link content between Office documents F ORMAT Microsoft Office Trilogy 2007 Advanced is a 40-hour program, offered in multiple sessions based on the needs of the customer. The workshop is delivered in an interactive, learnercentered style of facilitation. Ample time is allotted for content assimilation, feedback, and skill practice. S PECIAL F EATURES • Interactive course delivery • Extensive hands-on application • Real world application of skills B ENEFITS • Participants gain skills that are applicable in today’s workplace. • Participants gain Skill Codes that enhance their marketability. “T HE P ROVEN F ORCE B EHIND W ORKFORCE T RAINING ” MOT-3 S 5300 Maryland Way, Suite 103, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615-376-5401 • 615-376-5432 (fax) •