World Ceramic Tiles Forum – National Context Ukraine Ceramic tiles 2012* (3 months) Tiles import structure Gres, grazed Clay, grazed Gres, ungrazed Clay, ungrazed Decor Other 64% 18% 2008 2012* (3 months) 58% 50% 26% 40% 2009 2010 32% 39% 59% 53% 2011 2012 Ceramic tiles import structure by countries Countries-suppliers, %, mln 2010 Country 2011 Share Country 2012 (3 months) Share Country Share Poland 23.6% China 24.9% China 29.4% Spain 17.4% Poland 21.9% Poland 24.0% Russia 15.3% Spain 18.0% Spain 14.6% China 11.8% Russia 10.7% Russia 7.5% Belarus 10.9% Belarus 6.5% Belarus 6.6% Italy 7.5% Italy 6.4% Turkey 6.6% New Zealand 3.8% Turkey 4.3% Italy 4.6% Turkey 2.5% Germany 1.6% Czech Republic 1.6% Czech Republic 1.7% Czech Republic 1.3% Germany 1.1% Germany 1.2% New Zealand 1.0% Estonia 0.8% Ceramic tiles import structure by countries in 2011 Gres, grazed 4% Clay, grazed Gres, ungrazed 7% 29% 13% Clay, ungrazed 23% 91% 4% 48% 36% 54% Decor 58% 70% 36% 48% 47% 19% China Poland Spain Russia Belarus Italy Ceramic tiles export, dynamics +90% 157 +81% 83 7 5 22 2005 2006 2007 2012* (3 months) 51 46 2008 2009 35 2010 2011 2012* Tiles export structure Clay, grazed Gres, ungrazed Clay, ungrazed Other 17% 26% 56% 2008 2012* (3 months) Gres, grazed 5% 7% 12% 10% 30% 29% 23% 21% 61% 63% 68% 2010 2011 2012* 62% 2009 Tiles export structure by countries Countries – recipients, %, mln $ 2010 Country 2011 Share Country 2012 (3 months) Share Country Share Russia 59% Russia 69% Russia 75% Moldova 11% Moldova 10% Kazakhstan 8% Belarus 8% Kazakhstan 8% Moldova 7% Kazakhstan 7% Belarus 5% Belarus 3% Italy 2% Azerbaijan 2% Canada 2% Azerbaijan 2% Canada 1% Azerbaijan 1% Ceramic tiles, production dynamics +16% +17% +14% +46% 39 20 21 27 2005 2006 2007 2012* (3 months) 44 52 60 20 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012* Major tiles manufacturers in Ukraine Major tiles manufacturers, 20010-2012 Share in total volume (m2) Name City/Region 2010 2011 2012 (3 months) Output volume growths ATEM, Ltd. Kiev 27% 28% 29% +21% Kharkiv Tile Plant, CJSC Kharkov 24% 23% 23% +10% Cersanit Invest, Ltd. Zhitomir region 20% 19% 20% +11% Interkerama, CJSC Dnepropetrovsk region 9% 13% 13% +56% Zeus Keramika, CJSC Donetsk region 8% 7% 7% +3% Piastrella, CJSC Kiev 3% 3% 3% +14% Karpats'kaja keramika, Ltd. Ivano-Frankovsk region 3% 3% 4% +12% Investment projects of Ukraine Investment projects to establish new factories on production ceramic tiles at functioning quarries of clay, kaolin, feld spar. Andrushivka district, Zhytomyr region Total area – 1,5 ha Offers for area usage – industrial manufacture Ownership pattern - state Possible pattern of area transfer – lease Distance to the connection source : -water (20 m) -sewerage (15 m) -electricity (150 m) -gas (medium pressure 30 m) Railway junction - sta. Brivky (15 km) Highway – solid covering Lysenko St., Andrushivka, Zhytomyr reg. Ukraine Andrushivka District State Administration Chairman assistant – Horkun A.M. Tel. (04136) 2-16-39 (04136) 2-10-48 Berdychiv district, Zhytomyr region Name of the enterprise - Executive Committee of Berdychiv City Council Essential elements of the enterprise - the project initiator 13300, Zhytomyr region., Berdychiv, 1 Zhovtneva Square, phone: (04143) 2-22-55, fax 2-70-79, E-mail: [email protected] Name of the investment project Construction of the enterprise for the production of ceramic tiles Type of the project - building Form of the investment attraction external investments Project readiness stage - project proposal Source of project – availability of the land plot (2.6 hectares, 8 Vatutina str.), energy supply, water supply and sewerage, communications, transport connection Berdychiv district, Zhytomyr region Name of the enterprise - Executive Committee of Berdychiv City Council Essential elements of the enterprise - the project initiator 13300, Zhytomyr region., Berdychiv, 1 Zhovtneva Square, phone: (04143) 2-22-55, fax 2-70-79, E-mail: [email protected] Name of the investment project Construction of the enterprise for the production of ceramic tiles Type of the project - building Form of the investment attraction external investments Project readiness stage - project proposal Source of project – availability of the land plot (10 hectares, Industrializatsiyi str.), energy supply, water supply and sewerage, communications, transport connection Berdychiv district, Zhytomyr region Name of the enterprise - Executive Committee of Berdychiv City Council Essential elements of the enterprise - the project initiator 13300, Zhytomyr region., Berdychiv, 1 Zhovtneva Square, phone: (04143) 2-22-55, fax 2-70-79, E-mail: [email protected] Name of the investment project Construction of the enterprise for the production of ceramic tiles Type of the project - building Form of the investment attraction external investments Project readiness stage - project proposal Source of project – availability of the land plot (15.1 hectares), energy supply, water supply and sewerage, communications, transport connection Berdychiv district, Zhytomyr region Essential elements of the enterprise – the project initiator 13301, Berdychiv, Soborna str, 23, tel. (04143) 4-26-02, 2-23-33 The assistant to the head of Berdychiv district state administration - Klymchuk Mykola Petrovych Name of the enterprise - Berdychiv district state administration Form of ownership - state Main activities - ceramic brick Numbers of created workplaces - 100 Name of the investment project Factory building on manufacture of a ceramic brick (13,5 million pieces a year) in Terechove. The project cost – 18 mln. USD Project readiness stage – project proposal Payback period – 5 years Source of project – clay deposit of total area 50 ha. Profitability - 30% Chervonoarmiysk district, Zhitomir region Initiator - District Council, State Administration Company details - 12001, Chervonoarmiyskyi district town. Chervonoarmiysk, Str. Lenin, 123 Initiator - Lypko Anatoliy, Karpinskiy Stanislav, tel. (04131) 32260, 31447 Name of proposal- Building of enterprise on making ceramic materials Form of investment resources - foreign investment Source of - the total area of land - 3.3 hectares (area Chervonoarmiysk meat osteal flour factory, which ceased its production activity in 1998) in the presence of all communication. The site is located 1 km from Chervonoarmiysk Distance to the highway Kyiv-Chop highway 6 km. There is industrial stock of loam. Narodychi district, Zhitomir region Essential elements of the enterprise – the project initiator Narodychi district state administration of Zhitomir region uv. Narodychi, 15 1ho Travnya str., 11400 phone: 04140 21031, Fax: 04140 21558 , e-mail: [email protected] Name of the investment project - Construction of a factory for the production of ceramic tiles Type of the project – construction The project cost – 24 million UAH (3.0 million USD) Own funds – 24 million UAH (3.0 million USD) Project readiness stage – project proposal Payback period – 3 years Source of project – 2-storey premises, bath, boiler room, dining room, workshop, clay deposit (500 m) Distance to motorway 0.5 km. To South Western Railway (Malyn) 32 km. To the highway of international significance "Kyiv-Chop" 26 km, the regional national road 0.8 km. To the city Zhitomir 124 km. to Kyiv 124 km. Chernyakhiv District, Zhitomir region The deposit of clay is located on the territory of Zorokiv Village Rada. Geological reconnaissanct is conducted on the territory of 5 ha. The resource of supply of the deposit allows to cover 100% expenses to the construction of the brickwork. Ratified supplies from the results of geological reconnaissanct are: clays – 792 ths m 3; sand – 220 ths m 3; vskrysha – 0,5 m; black clay – 1- 9 m; pied clay – 10 m and deeper. In the distance from the deposit: -100 m – high-voltage line of electricity transmissions, plumbing, pond; -700 m – gas tube. Chernyakhiv District, Zhitomir region Approximate cost of project – 3 000 0000 $ Acquisition of technique and equipment 2 300 000 $ Mining out the deposits 0, 200 000 $ Plant construction 0, 500 000 $ Address: Zhytomyr Region, Chernyakhiv District, Vyshpil Village 12335 Contact person: Lysyuk G.M., the Head of Village Rada Telephone: (04134) 9-44-42 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!
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