(OSMTH) Annual Report 2011
(OSMTH) Annual Report 2011
OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani (OSMTH) Annual Report 2011 OSMTH is a United Na ons Non‐Governmental Organiza on (NGO) registered in Geneva, Switzerland. Swiss Federal Registry Number CH‐660.1972999‐4 OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Page 2 Table of Contents Royal Patron Message 3 Religious Protector Message 4 Grand Master Welcome 5 Grand Commander Welcome 6 Grand Priory Reports 7-21 Future Grand Priories 22 Our Vision OSMTH’s raison d’etre is expressed through the Brussels Declaration: “Aiding humanity on the pilgrimage through life.” Vision and Commitment Christian Ethos, Spirituality and Chivalric Values. Domestic Charity and International Humanitarian Aid Human Rights and the respect for Human Diversity Interfaith Dialogue and Bridge-Building OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Page 3 ROYAL PATRON 1996. Subsequently, she agreed to become the Royal Patron of the Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolimitani (OSMTH). Princess Elisabeth is the widow of His Serene Highness Prince Ferdinand Heinrich of Ysenburg and eldest daughter of Prince Friedrich Ferdinand of SchleswigHolstein-Sonderburg- Glücksburg. Her mother is Duchess Anastasia of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She is the great granddaughter of Grand Duchess Anastasia Mikhailovna of Russia, wife of Grand Duke Friedrich Franz III of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, and daughter of Grand Duke Michael of Russia, younger son of Tsar Nicholas I of Russia. H.R.H. Princess Elisabeth zu Ysenburg und Büdingen Her Highness Princess Elisabeth zu Ysenburg und Büdingen, Princess of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg- Glücksburg has been the Royal Patron of the Grand Priory of the USA since 1996. She was a guest at several SMOTJ events and, with the encouragement of BG Chev. Patrick Rea, was formally invested as a member of the Order in 1995 in the Priory of St. John the Baptist. She accepted the role of patron for the Grand Priory within a year and is the first royal personage to assume that position since the death of HRM King Peter II in 1970. She has honored the Grand Priory by attending, supporting and participating in a large number of the SMOTJ events since then. She was awarded the Grand Cordon of the GPUSA Order of Merit in Princess Elisabeth is descended twice from Empress Catherine II “the Great” of Russia. Also, she is a greatgreat-granddaughter of King Christian IX of Denmark and a great-great-great-great granddaughter of King George III of Great Britain, America’s last King. Princess Elisabeth of Ysenburg is a third cousin of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II of England. OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Metropolitan Theodosius has been the spiritual leader of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) from 1977 until 2002. He was born in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania to immigrant parents from Galicia in 1933, in what is today the southeastern corner of Poland. He was consecrated in 1967 to the episcopacy as Auxiliary to the Metropolitan and Bishop of Washington, D. C. and was administrator of the Diocese of Alaska in 1967. The Great Council of Bishops elected him diocesan Bishop of Sitka and Alaska in November and he was consecrated a bishop in 1968. Metropolitan Theodosius has played an active role in inter-Orthodox gatherings, consultations and bodies, including the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas [SCOBA], of which the OCA is a member. He continues to be a strong supporter of various inter-Orthodox ministries, including International Orthodox Christian Charities and the Orthodox Christian Missions Center. Metropolitan Theodosius was a frequent guest at the White House in Washington, D. C., having been called upon by Presidents George Walker Bush and Bill Clinton for advice on religious and political affairs in various parts of the world, especially after the fall of communism in the late 1980s and early 1990s. He boldly defended the Page 4 RELIGIOUS PROTECTOR His Beatitude, Metropolitan Theodosius [Lazor] became the religious patron of the Grand Priory USA in 2003 and in 2007 became the Religious Protector for OSMTH. His association with the Order predated that honor by a number of years. As a result of the efforts of Past Grand Prior BG Patrick Rea, the Templar assistance rendered to the Russian Orthodox Church and the warm endorsement of The Rt Rev Bishop Job, GMTJ, of the OCA Diocese of Chicago, he accepted the position of Religious Patron and shortly thereafter, was awarded membership in the Order of Merit with a rank of Grand Cordon. Since then he has given his support, advice and active participation in many Grand Priory and OSMTH events, including a Templar pilgrimage to the Holy Land. His Beatitude was elected Metropolitan of All America and Canada during the fifth All-American Council in Montreal, Quebec in 1977. He became the leader of one of the world’s fifteen, self-governing or autocephalous Orthodox churches as the Primate of the Orthodox Church in America. His Beatitude Metropolitan Theodosius rights of all peoples in the Kosovo region during its most recent crisis, while calling upon President Clinton to end the NATO air campaign. Metropolitan Theodosius maintains a residence near St Tikhon's Seminary in South Canaan, Pennsylvania. OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Page 5 GRAND MASTER Allow me, on behalf of Order Supremus Militaris Templi Hiersolymitani, to introduce you to our inaugural annual report where you will find an overview of who we are and what we do as Knights and Dames in the twenty-first century. Patrick E. Rea Brigadier General - US Army (Ret.) Our Order was founded on the principles first adopted by the original Templar Knights in France in the Year 1118 and carried out in those early days from their home in the Temple of Solomon in the Holy City of Jerusalem, provided for them by then King of Jerusalem Baldwin, the Second. In these modern times, OSMTH is international in nature with members from over 40 nations, ecumenical Christian in our religious beliefs welcoming Members of all Christian religions, and focused on matters of human rights, political and religious freedom, and humanitarian aid to the world's less fortunate. We are officially recognized by the United Nations in Special Consultative Status and furnish OSMTH Official Delegations to the United Nations in New York City, Vienna, and Geneva. Please take the time to look at the humanitarian projects in progress and supported by the member Grand Priories. We welcome your visit to the website and encourage you to explore membership in one of the Grand Priories. OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Page 6 GRAND COMMANDER On behalf of the more than 5,000 members worldwide of Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani (OSMTH) – the Knights Templar International – a modern day Christian chivalric Order, I welcome your visit to this website where you will find information about the many activities and projects of our member Grand Priories (National entities). Each Grand Priory strives to reach high levels of volunteerism for the greater good of mankind and thus increase the worth of the Order to those who are less fortunate than us. Through the Grand Priories each member is urged to become more involved in the humanitarian and charitable efforts of the Order as a whole. Like the Knights Templar of old, we operate as a modern-day worldwide network of educated professionals from such widely diverse backgrounds as senior government officials, members of the Diplomatic Corps, senior clergy, military officers, physicians and surgeons, engineers, historians, lawyers, humanitarian aid caregivers and representatives of many other vocations. OSMTH members include many of the most respected and credible senior officials in their home nations thus providing a highly respected body of expertise and an influential voice supporting the Order’s commitment to help the less fortunate of the world regardless of race, colour, creed or political persuasion. OSMTH members promote the time-tested chivalric ideals of honour, honesty, civility, tolerance, care for our fellow man and support of ecumenical Christian religious faith throughout their individual nations and throughout the world community. Please take the time to look at the humanitarian projects in progress and supported by the member Grand Priories. Major General (Ret) Robert C. G. Disney OSMTH Annual Report 2011 GRAND PRIORY OF AUSTRIA Page 7 OUR MEMBERSHIP 45 Future oblations of the Grand Priory is based on this TOTAL membership. OUR CHARITIES We have experienced a new awakening in 2012 now showing a total membership of 45 which includes a mentored unit in Georgia which is a sovereign state in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. Our main humanitarian charity effort is through contributions to Oikocredit (approximately 3.000 Euro to date). Other humanitarian charity effort is financial support to refugees (mothers with children from Bosnia and Kosovo); Tadzreli heritage sign project (Georgien); Kindertheater (Oesterreich). http://www.templerorden.at Grand Prior BG Ronald S. Mangum, GCTJ OSMTH Annual Report 2011 OUR MEMBERSHIP GRAND PRIORY OF BULGARIA 453 Future oblations of the Grand Priory is based on this TOTAL membership. OUR CHARITIES The Grand Priory’s main charity effort is continued humanitarian activities for the monastery – refuge for abused mothers with children in Novi Khan. Other charity efforts include donation of books and a water stone tap project with the municipality of Sofia in addition to a variety of Commandery projects. 1. We have published further 3 books, proceedings of which went for charity. One of the books was an exquisite edition of the Bible, published with the authorisation of the Bulgarian Patriarchy. 2. We continued editing our “Templar” magazine (4 issues per year). The edition is distributed besides to our members also to the various government and municipal authorities. 3. In November 2011, we created a Youth Templar Organisation. Part of the members (Knights and Postulants) received training at the Ministry of Education and are already working on small projects within the Programme “Youth in Action”, financed by EC. Under the mentorship of GP Bulgaria are Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia. Presently we have 18 Knights and Dames in the Preceptory “St. George” in Moscow. So far we have 10 Knights in the Ukraine with Preceptory in Kiev. We have 2 Knights in Belorussia. Due to the political situation, we are going very slowly and cautiously. For us a great event was the visit of our Grand Commander – HE Bob Disney, in Sofia. We succeeded to organise a busy programme for him meeting top level officials in Bulgaria (the Chairwoman of the National Assembly, the Mayor of Sofia, chiefs of the ruling political party, union leaders, military officials, etc.). We succeeded in bringing together more than 15 nations at our C&I in November and we are sincerely thankful to our Grand Commander for being able to attend. Very important was also the media coverage we organised for his visit. It is our firm belief that going public is very important for our Order. Page 8 Grand Prior MG Roumen Raltchev OSMTH Annual Report 2011 GRAND PRIORY OF CANADA Page 9 OUR MEMBERSHIP 175 Future oblations of the Grand Priory are based on this TOTAL membership including our three Priories and one Commandery as well as several members at large. OUR CHARITIES The Grand Priory of Canada strives to balance our charitable donations between international, national and local projects. The Grand Priory of Canada's main charity efforts include: Grand Prior Ron Matthewman International Canon Andrew White’s St. George’s Church Baghdad Preservation of ancient buildings in Jerusalem. The Jordan River development project. Protection of Christians at risk, support among the Chaldean people. Support and attendance at the United Nations conference for women and youth. World Relief Projects for famine and disaster relief, refugee camps, emergency relief, and disaster funds. The Oikocredit investment in marginal family projects in third world countries. National On Canadian soil we have a support programme for: Military families whose Military member is serving overseas Support of Canadian Military personnel, injured/ wounded in Afghanistan National Emergency Disaster Funds program for Indian Reservations in support of children sport and welfare projects Local Locally our support has gone to: Help to feed, clothe and house local people in need. Shoe and sock project for street people Hospital rehabilitation groups Medical projects for indigent people Salvation Army Projects Emergency programs for rehabilitation after fires and floods Woman's shelter for abused women These projects through the three priories of the Grand Priory of Canada, total an estimated $50.000 OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Page 10 GRAND PRIORY OF ENGLAND & WALES OUR MEMBERSHIP 92 Future oblations of the Grand Priory is based on this TOTAL membership. OUR CHARITIES The Grand Priory of England & Wales main humanitarian effort is financial support for: Foundation for Peace & Reconciliation in the Middle East HAITI appeal Famine in Africa 300 euro Orphanage in Mozambique project 180 euro Contributions have been given to: Templar Pilgrimage Trust Templar Heritage Trust Grand Priory of England & Wales held the Annual General Assembly at Rothley in April. The History & Heritage weekend was held at Lincoln in July where Grand Prior Godfrey was installed at Lincoln Cathedral. Grand Prior Chev. Godfrey Fowler Grand Priory members attended memorial service for Sir Roy Redgrave, Guards’ Chapel London in September (see below). A retreat and study weekend was held at Glastonbury in September and an Advent dinner was held in November at Canterbury. Rounding out our year were three Chapter meetings and various other Preceptory and House meetings. A new project commenced to revise the Constitution, rules and regulations of the Grand Priory of England and Wales. We are also defined roles and responsibilities of Grand Priory Officers. Grand Prior Emeritus Simon Lefevre visited the Australasian Preceptory where one new knight was invested. We accepted the mentorship of Ireland. It would be pointless to pretend other than that Roy Redgrave could give a startling impression on first acquaintance. His relationship to the Redgrave acting family — Sir Michael was his father’s half-brother — might lead one to expect a certain theatrical air, but he was distinctly mannered in stance and speech, especially speech. Those who thought he might be joking discovered he spoke in no other way and there was more than a touch of steel about him. He was the first Commander of British Forces Hong Kong in recent times below the rank of lieutenantgeneral and not al- ready knighted. This called for some aplomb in a highly prosperous community very conscious of style and position. No one could say that Redgrave lacked self-confidence or a certain style. He may have been rather different from what Hong Kong had grown used to in its local general but his appointment as KBE on giving up the job was widely welcomed. In retirement he threw himself into a variety of work and travel. He was Grand Master of the Knights Templar for a time; he was chairman of the Hammersmith & Fulham Health Authority and the Charing Cross Hospital special trustees. He married Valerie, daughter of Major Arthur Wellesley, in 1953. She died last year. He is survived by two sons. Major-General Sir Roy Redgrave, KBE, MC, Commander British Forces Hong Kong 1978 -80, was born on September 16, 1925. He died on July 3, 2011, aged 85 OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Page 11 GRAND PRIORY OF FINLAND collection Visually impaired persons in North Eastern Finland HIGHLIGHTS OF THE GRAND PRIORY DURING 2011 We celebrated our 25th year as a Grand Priory in Turku in September 2011. We welcomed Grand Commander Robert Disney and Dame Sheila Disney to the celebration. Other Grand Priory activities to mention: Establishment of the Commandery of Estonia Annual Spring Convent with Investiture in the Commandery of Tampere Ideology and History Seminar in the town of Hämeenlinna Each of the eight Commanderies have organized their own meetings, excursions and other activities. Bausceannus, the GP Newsletter, two volumes published in 2011. Grand Prior Prof. Dr. Ilkka Välimäki OUR MEMBERSHIP 294 Future oblations of the Grand Priory is based on this TOTAL membership. OUR CHARITIES Financial support and visits to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land. We also support the schools run by the church. International Food aid project for the North Eastern Africa (via Lutheran Finn Church Aid) Domestic The Roman Catholic parish and parish church in Turku (in connection to the Grand Priory of Finland 25 years celebration in September 2011). Elderly persons’ home in the area of the town of Tampere. Food aid to families with small children via Salvations Army Christmas MENTORSHIP PROGRESS Convent and Investiture in Tallinn, Estonia, in March 2011; the Commandery of Estonia within GP Finland was established with 12 members and one postulant. By Resolution in the GMC Meeting of OSMTH in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, Estonia was approved as Commandery affiliated with OSMTH through the mentorship of GP Finland. OSMTH Annual Report 2011 OUR MEMBERSHIP Page 12 GRAND PRIORY OF FRANCE 146 Future oblations of the Grand Priory is based on this TOTAL membership. OUR CHARITIES Microcredit (Oikokredit), Bamenda clinic Cameroun Silent Knight, Donations to other NGOs or Organizations (Red Cross, Les Restos du Coeur) 33 187€ for the Grand Priory and its mentored units (Scotland, The Netherlands, Poland, Philippines, and Singapore). 4316 sweat equity hours. The Grand Priory held commandery meetings and grand council meetings. This reporting year, we identified and installed an Ordained Grand Chaplain. Since we are mentoring units in Scotland, The Netherlands, Poland and the Philippines, activities were held in many countries to foster growth in membership. Communication is important and one focus this year has been the maintenance of our Web site with up to date information concerning activities of the Order worldwide and at the UN. Many of our sweat equity activities were in support to Veterans and many Church service participations. We are a strong partner with CoNGO on the NGO Working Group on Human Rights Education and Learning at the UN in Geneva. The Vice Chair of the NGO Committee on the Environment (UN Geneva) is a member of the Grand Priory of France. We participate actively in the NGO committee on Human Rights and theNGO committee on Spiritual Values (UN Geneva). Our 2011 Grand Prior COL Dr Marcel de Picciotto authored in 2011 two statements at the United Nations. The first written statement “Managing Resources to give Peace and Humankind a Chance” was delivered at the 6th session of the advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council, Geneva. The second oral statement was on the empowerment of women and gender equality, delivered during the 55th Committee on the Status of Women , New York, March 5, 2011. NEWS FROM MENTORED UNITS THE NETHERLANDS This commandery organised the FALL 2011 GMC meeting in NOORDWICK. This has been a time consuming effort. Membership continues to grow at a steady pace Grand Prior Chvse. Dr. Iole de Angelis ensuring that quality is maintained. The aim here is to establish a priory in the Netherlands in the short term – 2013. PHILIPPINES Emphasis has been put to the membership for their registration as a Non For Profit Organisation in the Philippines. At present the Preceptory is having a slow turn out of recruitment: the total numberare Seven (7). SCOTLAND Membership of this commandery continues to grow at a slow but steady pace ensuring that quality, not quantity is preferred. A number of good and interested postulants will be nurtured and invested in April 2012. This new influx pushes the Commandery towards Priory status and the next batch of postulants should see the Commandery formally petitioning for Priory status either in late 2012 or early 2013. OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Page 13 GRAND PRIORY OF GERMANY In 2011 German Knights and Dames worked about 13450 honorary hours for pastoral care and social projects. For example: Relief missions to countries in Eastern Europe Relief mission to Afghanistan Geriatric care centres Hospice supporting starving people Supporting German Red Cross and Malteser Children’s home Kindergarden Nursing home Grand Prior Chvse. Elke Bruns OUR MEMBERSHIP 97 Future oblations of the Grand Priory is based on this TOTAL membership. OUR CHARITIES Beside the local projects of the commanderies there are three main projects supported by all members of the GP Germany: “St. Louis Clinic” Bamenda, Cammeroon (Chev. Dr. Nick Ngwanyam. MD) “Anbu Illam” – an orphanage for deaf and dumb children in India Medical equipment for hospitals in Ghana. “Banja Luka” International School – Bishop Dr. Franjo Komarica. OSMTH Annual Report 2011 OUR MEMBERSHIP Page 14 GRAND PRIORY OF GREECE 197 Future oblations of the Grand Priory is based on this TOTAL membership. OUR CHARITIES Ηοspital “Pedon” of North Athens “Ark of the World” Institution for Orphan Kids Participation in the daily mess of the Archdiocese of Athens of the Church of Greece, where 10.000 poor persons are fed every day Grand Prior Chev. Paul Tsolakian OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Page 15 GRAND PRIORY OF ITALY Institutes for elderly and houses family) and families in difficulty, for the following communities: Aosta Florence Frosinone Livorno Rome Tanzania: Interventions for the Maghabe Secondary School of Mbeya Grand Prior Prof. Stelio Venceslai OUR MEMBERSHIP 492 Future oblations of the Grand Priory is based on this TOTAL membership. OUR CHARITIES Albania: sanitary mission for interventions of urgency in the dental sector, with an ambulance and specialized doctors, that have effected around 350 interventions in the period August - September 2011. Cambodia: Rain Water Harvesting System Projet in Bak Pnomh School, in collaboration with the Village and Development (V&D) Ong / Apsara Onlus (Siena -. Italy). Italy: Many interventions have been effected supporting some associations (Catholic and Waldensian churches, OSMTH Annual Report 2011 OUR MEMBERSHIP Page 16 GRAND PRIORY OF MEXICO 133 Future oblations of the Grand Priory is based on this TOTAL membership. OUR CHARITIES MEXICO: Provide physical and monetary assistance to Church Diabetic Group. ARGENTINA: Provide pro-bona Medical attention to indigenous people in outlying distant areas. BRAZIL: We are providing monetary support to the Red Cross and Diabetic causes. We provide monetary support for the Oikocredit Foundation. We refurbish used computers and provide finished product to low income area schools to support their education programs and to the Alcoholics Anonymous System in Central Mexico to know where the recipients of aid reside. We provide visits to Zoos and Museums for several Orphanages to give the children an outlook into History and to have an enjoyable break in their life in Mexico and Argentina. The Grand Priory of Mexico provided financial support to various charity projects that include: Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land, Red Cloud Indian School, and Orbitz Sight Flight. Our most demanding activity this year is to prepare both Argentina and Brazil to become full fledged members of our community. We have strived to change or bring into conformity all the issues that were not in acceptable order. This required some changes at the higher level of responsibility, while continuing our established medical aid projects. Final applications for Grand Priory Level are being completed for Argentina and Brazil. Our Templar Units are trying to open meaningful dialog between the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican and Lutheran Churches in our area. Our Area is heavy Roman Catholic, but we find that in some cities the Anglican Church is more cooperative. This is slow moving work, but working together can make good changes. We have been fortunate in recruiting well received Clergy in all three of our Major Countries. It is very possible to have an interfaith meeting with all of them in the very near future. We will continue to support the education programs Grand Prior Alfred Michaud for Arab Children in the Holy Land. We will continue to support programs assisting needy, bright youngsters in our needy areas. We are endeavouring to find Templars who can and will attend our UN NGO programs in our Areaof Operations. We will grow our area by a good 15% in 2012. OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Page 17 GRAND PRIORY OF NATO Membership in the NATO Grand Priory is composed of military officers and defense officials of NATO member countries and partner states, who are recommended, and who are awarded, the NATO Grand Priory Military Cross of Merit. Award of the Cross of Merit is in recognition of significant contributions to the NATO community and to the Grand Priory’s humanitarian goals. Grand Prior LTC William B. Sellen The purposes of the NATO Grand Priory include furthering the concepts of Christian chivalry of the original Knights Templar Order, and pursuing humanitarian objectives in the modern world. The NATO Grand Priory supports communications and networking among NATO and NATO partnership militaries and defense establishments, support of NATO peace and peacekeeping initiatives, development of interoperability of NATO and NATO partner forces, and support of veterans and veteran or- OSMTH Annual Report 2011 OUR MEMBERSHIP Page 18 GRAND PRIORY OF NORWAY 140 Future oblations of the Grand Priory is based on this TOTAL membership. The main project for GP Norway after July 22, 2011 has been to try to reengage the members. We have not succeeded in that. Since the terrorist attack, the Grand Priory has tried to gather the members to begin a rebuilding process. Concentrating on the positive success of a mentored unit in Denmark will be the focus of the remainder of this report for GP Norway. OUR CHARITIES The Priory of Denmark relaunched the 2010 conceptualized Song-book (90 pages) for Christmas (2010) This book was produced in adequate numbers to be sold again in 2011. The book contains 26 psalms from the psalm book of the Church of Denmark. The Psalms were sung by two of the members of the Order, and all psalms are introduced by leading priests and bishops. These books were sold in the months before Christmas and the profit goes to Jerusalem. Support to the Jerusalem Office: It has been decided to donate funds to the Jerusalem Office, when Denmark has reached Grand Priory status, where we want to mark this by such. House for Veterans in Denmark. Our Priory has been supporting the three special Veteran-houses in Denmark. Members of the Order were supporting their national webpage setup – as well as establishing procedures for using the veteran houses – and also establishing an education for the helpers. Christmas baskets - Help to the lesser fortunate. Within one Commandery, local stores and shops were asked to contribute with groceries, gifts, and food. The Commandery spent a lot of time collecting the items as well as coordinating the distribution together with the local Church community. This project also led to cooperation with the local Lions Club. The Danish United Nations Association: A member of the Priory of the Kingdom of Denmark represents the order in the NGO – sitting on the national board aiding humanitarian projects. Another member of the order has been working in the group of Human Rights. Grand Chaplain and Bishop Younan visit to Denmark. The benefits of this visit cannot be changed to value. Meeting with four Bishops of Denmark, Meeting Grand Prior Rev. Stein Tennebø with Interchurch, Churcaid, Chairman of the Danish Parliament – and of course leading together with Grand Prior of Norway our Convent and Investiture. The aftermath on this event on opening doors for our Order in Denmark in houses of politics, humanitarian aid organisations, diplomacy and the Churches can not be counted – it is massive and very positive. As a result of these efforts, the Grand Priory of the Kingdom of Denmark will be formally recognized in 2012. OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Page 19 GRAND PRIORY OF PORTUGAL Donations to “Society of Portuguese Language”, “Association S.O.S. Friendly Voice” and “Food Bank”, as well as 1397 hours of voluntary work in “Gil Foundation”, “S.O.S. Friendly Voice”, “Portugues Institute of Oncology”, “Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa”, “Karingana Wa Karingana” by the Lisboa Commandery. Grand Prior Col. Dr. Antonio Andrade OUR MEMBERSHIP 140 Future oblations of the Grand Priory is based on this TOTAL membership. OUR CHARITIES Cooperation protocol with Doctor´s of the World, which allows the members of the Grand Priory of Portugal in the Health Department to participate in volunteer deeds. Support and maintenance of a School in Mozambique, by the Mafra Commandery. “City Hall of Palmela” protocol for social support, by the Setubal Commandery. Support to 40 families in need of food and groceries, by the Braga Commandery. OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Page 20 GRAND PRIORY OF SERBIA OUR MEMBERSHIP 69 Future oblations of the Grand Priory is based on this TOTAL membership. OUR CHARITIES 1. Abandon children and children without parents. 2. Children with special needs and for Roma children Grand Prior Chev. Dragutin Zagorac OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Page 21 GRAND PRIORY OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Land (Roman Catholic) (Fr. Pizzaballa-Custos) Franciscan Family Center in Bethlehem (Sister Maria) The Orthodox School for Girls in Bethany (Russian Orthodox - Sister Martha) The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul Children’s Home in Jerusalem Holy Family Children’s Home of Bethlehem (The Crèche) The Foundation for Relief & Reconciliation in the Middle East (FRRME) The Jerusalem Patriarchs Armenian Patriarch (His Eminence Archbishop Shirvanian) Greek Patriarch (HB THEOPHILOS III/Arab Orthodox Invalids Home) Latin Patriarch (HB Fouad Twal) Grand Prior CAPT Keith H. Larson OUR MEMBERSHIP 1909 Future oblations of the Grand Priory is based on this TOTAL membership. OUR CHARITIES The main charitable and humanitarian effort of the Autonomous Grand Priory of the United States of American is to aid Christians at Risk in the Holy Land. This is accomplished in a variety of ways which include establishing scholarships for education and access to medical care, as well as financial donations for general response to the needs of these Christians. This support follows closely on previous years’ efforts to publicize the dire situation for Christians in the Holy Land. The film production, “Christians at Risk” by Priory member, Robert Marcarelli, further exhibits the Grand Priory’s continued focus. The following churches, organizations, and endeavors received donations from the Grand Priory of the United States in 2011: Anglican Church of Jerusalem & Jordon (Bishop Dawani) The Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of Jerusalem and Jordan (Bishop Younan) The Franciscan Foundation in the Holy Student Scholarships Anglican High School (Hotel School) in Ramallah (4 students) Lutheran High School in greater Jerusalem (2 students) Franciscan High School in Ramleh (6 students) $ 7,800 Orthodox School for Girls in Bethany (Russian Orthodox-Sister Martha) Nurse Scholarships Bethlehem University (1 student) Arab American University in Jenin (1 student) Zefat Gov. Hospital School of Nursing) The individual priories within the United States have a tendency to concentrate their charitable donations on worthy organizations within their local communities. This year the list contains 155 separate charities. GPUSA has nine members of the Order who are very active participants in the United Nations in NYC and Geneva. They receive no travel assistance; they pay all transportation costs, ground, air, etc., as well as their lodging and living expenses. In some cases the contingent that travels to NYC are occasionally housed in the homes of other Templars which results in a gift in-kind to both the Order and to the United Nations. Likewise, of special note this past year, were the presentation and participation of five Grand Priory members at the 55th Session of the UN Conference on the Status of Women. Two especially important activities at CSW 55 were the “Parallel Event” and “Oral Presentation” by GPUSA. The “Parallel Event”, produced by GPUSA member, Chev. Robert Marcarelli was a film presentation on the hideous issue of female slavery around the world. The Oral Presentation was made by Diana O’Brian (Piscitelli). OSMTH Annual Report 2011 Page 22 We Are Expanding GRAND PRIORY OF ARGENTINA Grand Prior Chev. Capt Maximiliano Schlez, GCTJ GRAND PRIORY OF BELGIUM Grand Prior Chev. Leo Thys GRAND PRIORY OF DENMARK Grand Prior Chev. Lars Karstensen GRAND PRIORY OF ROMANIA Grand Prior Chev. Ovidiu Panea GRAND PRIORY OF CROATIA New Grand Priories to be Formally Admitted in 2012 Grand Prior Dr. Djuro Crnjak