Methusalem Report 2011
Methusalem Report 2011
Methusalem Report 2011 University of Antwerp Centre of Excellence: Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute VAXINFECTIO Hasselt University Center for Statistics CenStat - Table of Contents - © VAXINFECTIO & CenStat, 2012 Author: Vanessa Vankerckhoven 2 - Methusalem Report 2011 - TableofContents 1 Methusalem Consortium ............................................................................................................................... 9 1.1 Composition of the Methusalem Consortium ....................................................................................... 9 1.2 Organisational structure of the Methusalem Consortium .................................................................. 11 1.3 Management structure of the Methusalem Consortium .................................................................... 14 1.4 The Methusalem Consortium within the University of Antwerp & Hasselt University ....................... 15 Vaxinfectio as formal Institute within the Faculty of Medicine (UA) .......................................................... 15 The Center for Statistics at the Faculty of Sciences (UHasselt) ................................................................... 15 2 Objectives of the Methusalem Consortium................................................................................................. 17 3 Research Activities 2011 .............................................................................................................................. 19 4 Dissemination and Communication Activities ............................................................................................. 23 5 6 7 8 4.1 Scientific papers in peer reviewed journals ......................................................................................... 23 4.2 Methusalem Research Days ................................................................................................................ 23 4.3 Scientific Chair in Evidence Based Vaccinology ................................................................................... 23 4.4 Website ................................................................................................................................................ 24 Valorisation .................................................................................................................................................. 27 5.1 Role of IOF Managers .......................................................................................................................... 27 5.2 Collaboration with industry ................................................................................................................. 27 5.3 Strategic National and International Collaborations with other research groups & academia .......... 27 5.4 Flanders Vaccine .................................................................................................................................. 28 External Research Funding .......................................................................................................................... 29 6.1 Overview of submitted projects 2011 ................................................................................................. 29 6.2 Overview of granted projects 2007‐2011 ............................................................................................ 35 6.3 Project proposals in the pipeline 2012 ................................................................................................ 36 6.4 Difficulties encountered with obtaining additional funding ................................................................ 43 Human Resources ........................................................................................................................................ 45 7.1 Overview of Methusalem Personnel ................................................................................................... 45 7.2 Opportunities for Postdoctoral Researchers ....................................................................................... 46 7.3 PhD students & PhDs obtained............................................................................................................ 46 Budget & Investments ................................................................................................................................. 49 3 - Table of Contents - 8.1 Overall budget 2008‐2014 ................................................................................................................... 49 8.2 Budget Vaxinfectio .............................................................................................................................. 49 Investments in expert personnel 2011 ........................................................................................................ 49 Investments in state‐of‐the‐art technologies, methodologies and equipment 2011 ................................. 49 Future Investments in state‐of‐the‐art technologies, methodologies and equipment ............................... 50 8.3 Budget CenStat .................................................................................................................................... 50 Investments in expert personnel 2008‐2011 ............................................................................................... 51 Future Investments ..................................................................................................................................... 51 9 Annexes ....................................................................................................................................................... 53 ANNEX I: Administrative Information ............................................................................................................... 55 ANNEX II: Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors .......................................................................... 57 ANNEX III: List of joint peer‐reviewed Papers 2011 ......................................................................................... 61 ANNEX IV: Programme of the Methusalem Research Day n°4 (2012) ............................................................. 63 ANNEX V: Extracts of the Flemish Government Directive ................................................................................ 65 ANNEX VI: Personnel list anno 2011 ................................................................................................................ 73 ANNEX VII: List of ongoing Projects 2011 ......................................................................................................... 77 4 - Methusalem Report 2011 - ExecutiveSummary The Methusalem Consortium is an interuniversity collaboration between the Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute (VAXINFECTIO) at the University of Antwerp and the Centre for Statistics (CenStat) at Hasselt University. The Methusalem report 2011 is composed of 9 chapters. The format has changed significantly compared to the previous years and is now entirely focused on the activities, resources and output of the Methusalem Consortium as such. Chapter 1 describes the Methusalem consortium at the University of Antwerp and Hasselt University with their leading researchers and post‐doctoral researchers. The composition of the Board of Directors, responsible for the scientific management of the Methusalem consortium, and the Board of Advisors is presented. Furthermore, Annex I provides administrative information on the main contact persons, whereas in Annex II the minutes of the annual Board of Directors meeting held in January 2012 are given. Finally, embedding of the Methusalem consortium at both universities in terms of visibility and use of facilities is discussed. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the objectives of the Methusalem consortium. The consortium basically aims to study microbiological, immunological, mathematical‐biological, statistical, economical, societal and epidemiological aspects of infectious diseases and vaccines. In Chapter 3, a large table (Table 3.1) summarizes the ongoing research activities for which collaboration between Vaxinfectio and CenStat has been established. In 2011, 16 basic research questions and sub‐questions were addressed and translated into clinical research and basic research. For a large number of these research topics manuscripts have been published, submitted or are in preparation. Chapter 4 offers an overview of the dissemination and communication activities in 2011. Compared to 2010 the number of joint publications almost doubled (from 12 in 2010 to 21 in 2011). A detailed overview of the joint publications is listed in Annex III. In 2011, a dedicated Methusalem website has been set‐up and can be accessed through‐censtat. Each year the consortium organizes the "Methusalem Research Day" during which ongoing collaborative research between Vaxinfectio and CenStat is presented in order to stimulate further intra‐ consortium collaboration. At the fourth edition Prof Kourilsky (Institut Pasteur, France) gave a key note on ‘Systems Immonology’. The programme of the fourth Methusalem Research Day can be found in Annex IV. Chapter 5 covers the valorisation of scientific work, which is an important aspect for the Methusalem Consortium. Two dedicated staff members, one at Vaxinfectio and one at CenStat, are reponsible for all activities related to technology transfer and intellectual property rights. Collaboration opportunities with academia and industry are discussed in this chapter. In summary, the Methusalem consortium collaborates with Flemish and Walloon universities, research institutes and industrial partners based in Flanders and Belgium. Secondly, the consortium has built a worldwide network of scientific and industrial partners in over 50 countries. Also activities initiated by "Flanders Vaccine", a platform that aims to bring together expertise from academia and industry in the field of vaccine related research, to identify hurdles in the vaccination sector and to stimulate networking, are presented. Chapter 6 clearly shows the impressive number of external funding applications at national, European and international level. Over 150 projects are ongoing in 2011. Figures 6.1‐6.2 give an overview of the granted projects for the period 2007‐2011 either summarizing the number of projects split by type of funding or summarizing the obtained budget split by type of funding. Both the number of granted projects as well as the obtained budget increased considerably compared to the previous years. A detailed overview of ongoing projects can be found in Annex VII. Chapter 8 addresses the human resources management pursued by the consortium. Currently, the Methusalem consortium groups 134 staff members of which the majority are PhD students (n=61). Importantly, over 80% of these are being paid by external funding. It is expected that 23 PhDs will be 5 - Executive Summary - finalised within the forthcoming 2 years. Interestingly, more than half (56%) of the staff members are women, which clearly indicates the efforts made by the consortium in terms of gender equality. Also, career opportunities and perspectives for young and more established researchers are considered very important and the management of the Methusalem consortium tries to offer as much career perspective as possible. However, without additional funding and career perspectives offered by the University management, sufficient long‐term perspectives for postdoctoral staff cannot be guaranteed. Annex VI lists the Methusalem staff members and their affiliation. Chapter 9 covers the Methusalem budget and investments. The Methusalem budget amounts to €5.179.619 for the period 2008‐2014 and is divided between the University of Antwerp (Vaxinfectio) and Hasselt University (CenStat; ratio 3:1). Both Vaxinfectio and CenStat mainly invest this budget in expert personnel, state of the art technologies, methodologies and equipment. In conclusion, the Methusalem consortium is a multdisciplinary consortium employing 134 staff members in 2011 of which 61 PhDs students. The consortium has published 21 joint Vaxinfectio‐ CenStat peer‐reviewed papers in 2011. The consortium organizes annual research days attracting a large number of scientists, also from outside the Methusalem consortium. An impressive number of externally funded projects were awarded in 2011. Over 150 project proposals are ongoing which generated more than €M30 of external funding. Nonetheless, the Methusalem consortium lacks mid‐ level postdoctoral researchers and (research) professorships leading to possible discontinuity of research and overstretching/overdemanding of existing staff. Future opportunities for the Methusalem Consortium comprise further expansion of the collaboration Vaxinfectio‐CenStat, set‐up of joint PhD theses, joint research projects and joint valorisation opportunities. Also, a further increase of the number of joint high‐level peer‐reviewed papers is envisioned by building on complementary expertises available within the Consortium. For more detailed information on Vaxinfectio and CenStat, we refer to the respective separate annual reports. 6 - Methusalem Report 2011 - MethusalemKeyFeatures(SWOTanalysis) Strengths Multidisciplinary Consortium covering Vaccines, Infectious Diseases and Biostatistics as well as expertise in health economics, stem cell research and primary, secondary and tertiary care The Methusalem Consortium employs 134 staff members of which 61 PhD students Increasing number of joint publications since 2008 (21 in 2011) Organisation of annual Methusalem Research Days Over 150 projects ongoing in 2011. More than €M30 of external funding obtained in 2011 Large number of EU‐funded projects Large number of industrial collaborations and industry‐funded projects Large number of national and international collaborations (over 50 countries) Weaknesses Too few joint research projects Too few joint valorisation efforts Opportunities Further expansion of the collaboration Vaxinfectio‐CenStat Set‐up of joint PhD theses Set‐up of joint research projects Increasing number of joint high‐level peer‐reviewed papers Joint valorisation opportunities Building on complementary expertises available within the Consortium Organisation of courses on biostatistics Organisation of networking events Threats Future of Methusalem Funding Too few permanent staff employed jeopardizing future FP7, DG Sanco and other EU grant applications Lack of mid‐level (permanent) postdoctoral researchers leading to discontinuity of research Lack of (research) professorships at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Antwerp Lack of opportunity to be assigned as core facilities by the University of Antwerp Incompatibility of Methusalem Funding with other BOF Funding at the University of Antwerp Lack of efficient business units for joint research and projects) at the University of Antwerp 7 - Methusalem Key Features - 8 - Methusalem Report 2011 - 1 MethusalemConsortium 1.1 CompositionoftheMethusalemConsortium The Methusalem Consortium is an interuniversity collaboration between: The Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute ‐ Vaxinfectio, University of Antwerp The Centre for Statistics ‐ CenStat, Hasselt University 9 - Methusalem Consortium - UNIVERSITY of ANTWERP Methusalem Team leader: Prof. Dr. Herman Goossens Research Unit: University of Antwerp, Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute: VAXINFECTIO Chair: Prof Dr. Pierre Van Damme Vice‐chairs: Prof. Dr. Herman Goossens & Prof. Dr. Zwi Berneman Research & Innovation Manager (IOF): Dr. Vanessa Vankerckhoven Administrative coordinator: Gino Verwimp Administrative staff: Emmy Engelen & Sophie Nys Participating Research Units in the Institute: 1) Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV), Faculty of Medicine. Head: Pierre Van Damme (100% ZAP) ‐ Koen Van Herck (10% ZAP) ‐ Heidi Theeten (100% postdoc BAP) – as from 1/6/2011 Collaborating unit: Research Unit Health Economics and Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases (CHERMID) Head: Philippe Beutels (100% ZAPBOF) ‐ Niel Hens (50% ZAP) ‐ Olivier Lejeune (100% postdoc BAP) ‐ end 28/2/2011 ‐ Mathieu Andraud (100% postdoc BAP) ‐ Joke Bilcke (100% postdoc BAP) – as from 1/12/2011 2) Laboratory of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine. Head: Herman Goossens (100% ZAP) ‐ Greet Ieven (10% ZAP) ‐ Surbhi Malhotra (100% ZAPBOF) ‐ Katherine Loens (80% postdoc BAP) ‐ Pieter Moons (100% postdoc BAP) – as from 1/9/2011 Collaborating unit: Research Unit Infectious Diseases (RUID) Head: Samuel Coenen (30% ZAP, 70% BAP Research Leader) ‐ Sibyl Anthierens (80% postdoc BAP) 3) Laboratory of Experimental Hematology (LEH), Faculty of Medicine. Head: Zwi Berneman (100% ZAP) ‐ Peter Ponsaerts (100% postdoc BAP) ‐ Wilfried Schroyens (10% ZAP) ‐ Nathalie Cools (100% postdoc BAP) ‐ Katrien Vermeulen (100% postdoc BAP) Collaborating unit: Centre for Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine (CCRM), University Hospital Antwerp (UZA) Head: Viggo Van Tendeloo (100% ZAPBOF) ‐ Evelien Smits (100% postdoc BAP) ‐ Eva Lion (100% postdoc BAP) 10 - Methusalem Report 2011 - HASSELT UNIVERSITY Methusalem Team leader: Prof. Dr. Geert Molenberghs Research Unit: Center for Statistics (CenStat), Faculty of Sciences. Head: Geert Molenberghs (100% ZAP) - Marc Aerts (100% ZAP) - Christel Faes (100% ZAP) - Niel Hens (50% ZAP) - Nele Goeyvaerts (100% postdoc BAP) 1.2 OrganisationalstructureoftheMethusalemConsortium Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination 11 - Methusalem Consortium - Laboratory of Medical Microbiology 12 - Methusalem Report 2011 - Laboratory of Experimental Hematology Censtat Permanent staff members at I‐Biostat. For more information about the PhD students and other faculty staff please consult the list of CenStat members (Annex VI). 13 - Methusalem Consortium - 1.3 ManagementstructureoftheMethusalemConsortium Director: Prof. Dr. Herman Goossens Board of Directors: Chair: H. Goossens, Vice‐chair: G. Molenberghs Composed of the heads of the 4 participating core research groups, the (part‐time) ZAP members (9), all postdocs (13), Research & Innovation Manager, administrative coordinator, one administrative officer Department of Research (ADOC) and the chairman of the Research Council. Total: 28 members. Meeting frequency: at least once per year Composition per (per 01/10/2011): Present number: 31 Goossens Herman, Chair and Head LMM (UA) Molenberghs Geert, Vice‐chair and Head CenStat (UH) Van Damme Pierre, Head CEV (UA) Berneman Zwi, Head LEH (UA) Vankerckhoven Vanessa, Research & Innovation Manager (IOF) – (UA) Verwimp Gino, Administrative coordinator (UA) Spruyt Eric , Head Department of Research, ADOC (UA) Peters Ann, Head Research Coordination (UH) Timmermans Jean‐Pierre, Chairman Research Council (UA) Janssen Paul, Chairman Research Council (UH) Aerts Marc (100% ZAP) (UH) Beutels Philippe (100% ZAPBOF) (UA) Faes Christel (100% ZAP) (UH) Hens Niel (100% ZAP) (UA/UH) Malhotra Surbhi (100% ZAPBOF) (UA) Van Tendeloo Viggo (100% ZAPBOF) (UA) Coenen Samuel (30% ZAP) (UA) Ieven Greet (10% ZAP) (UA) Ponsaerts Peter (10% ZAP) (UA) Schroyens Wilfried (10% ZAP) (UA) Van Herck Koen (10% ZAP) (UA) Andraud Mathieu (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Anthierens Sibyl (80% postdoc BAP) (UA) Bilcke Joke (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Cools Nathalie (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Goeyvaerts Nele (100% postdoc BAP) (UH) Lion Eva (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Loens Katherine (80% postdoc BAP) (UA) Moons Pieter (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Smits Evelien (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Theeten Heidi (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) 14 - Methusalem Report 2011 - Vermeulen Katrien (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Board of Advisors: Chair: H. Goossens Composed of one administrative member ADOC and researchers with international recognition in the research field: Haruo Sugiyama, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Functional Diagnostic Science Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine 1‐7, Yamada‐Oka, Suita City Osaka, Japan (confirmed); Ron Dagan, Professor of Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases, Ben Gurion University, and director of the pediatric infectious disease unit of Soroka University Medical Center and at Ben Gurion University, Beer‐Sheva, Israel (confirmed) Christopher C Butler, Professor and Head of Primary Care Medicine, Centre for Health Sciences Research, School of Medicine, Cardiff University (confirmed) Meeting frequency: at least once per year 1.4 The Methusalem Consortium within the University of Antwerp & HasseltUniversity VaxinfectioasformalInstitutewithintheFacultyofMedicine(UA) The Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute (VAXINFECTIO) was established as a formal Institute of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Antwerp in 2007 to promote the multidisciplinary research of vaccines and infectious diseases. Since January 2008 VAXINFECTIO is formally recognised as Centre of Excellence of the University of Antwerp with Methusalem funding and since September 2010 it is formally recognized as WHO Collaborating Centre for Vaccines and Infectious Diseases. As from October 2009, all staff members of the Institute belong to the Department Vaxinfectio within the Faculty of Medicine. Within this unit, sub‐units have been formed, based on the specific research units composing the department and their leading researchers: Vaxinfectio‐Laboratory of Medical Microbiology (lead by Prof. Dr. Herman Goossens) Vaxinfectio‐Center for Evaluation of Vaccination (lead by Prof. Dr. Pierre Van Damme) Vaxinfectio‐Laboratory of Experimental Hematology (lead by Prof. Dr. Zwi Berneman) VAXINFECTIO is aimed at integrated vaccine and microbiological research with a focus on increasing the understanding of the immune response in prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines (including tumour vaccines) and on the containment of antibiotic resistance. TheCenterforStatisticsattheFacultyofSciences(UHasselt) The Center for Statistics at Hasselt University (former Limburgs Universitair Centrum) was founded in May 1998 as a result of a growing applied statistics branch within the university. The scientific research conducted within the Center for Statistics (CenStat) is internationally renowned, both for its theoretical as well as for its applied component. Also the education and consultancy records are excellent. Over the years CenStat has collaborated with many (inter)national institutions within and outside UHasselt, of which a fruitful collaboration of more than a decade with CEV, UA and with the other Vaxinfectio groups has led to its participation in the Methusalem Consortium. The Methusalem funding enables joining the expertise of Vaxinfectio and CenStat on a long term basis with shared appointments, enabling the consortium to play a pivotal role internationally. An ideal setting of what could become a more structural collaboration such as given by the unification of CenStat, UHasselt and the Biostatistical Centre at the Catholic University of Leuven in the Interuniversity Institute of Biostatistics and statistical Bioinformatics (I‐Biostat), anno 2008, strengthening both centres’ expertise in biostatistics, epidemiology and public health methodology, mathematical statistics and bioinformatics. 15 - Methusalem Consortium - 16 - Methusalem Report 2011 - 2 ObjectivesoftheMethusalemConsortium The main basic research aim of the Consortium is to study microbiological, immunological, mathematical‐biological, statistical, economical, societal and epidemiological aspects of infectious diseases and vaccines. The constituting research teams of the Consortium will use the Methusalem funding to create a science platform with an aim (1) To structure and consolidate the existing pool of knowledge and expertise in their respective disciplines with targeted investments in qualified personnel, state‐of‐the‐art equipment and sufficient operational resources, and (2) To advance knowledge and expertise in the listed scientific fields with focus on multidisciplinarity and based on the highest quality standards, with a view to attract additional resources and to increase its scientific output. 17 - Objectives of the Methusalem Consortium - 18 - Methusalem Report 2011 - 3 ResearchActivities2011 Figure 3.1: dynamics of the research within the Methusalem Consortium Table 3.1 Overview of ongoing joint research activities BASIC QUESTION CLINICAL RESEARCH BASIC RESEARCH A 1. Correlation of humoral and cellular response in vaccinees? Correlation with protection? 1. Vaccine studies CEV 2. Duration of cell‐ mediated immunological (CMI) responses? 3. Immune tolerance mechanisms in infectious agents and tumours? 2. Long‐term follow‐up studies CEV 3. Phase I therapeutic DC vaccines in tumour, HIV and CMV patients 1. Analyzing vaccine‐ induced T cell responses by multi‐parametric flow cytometry and in vitro restimulation cytokine assays 2. Modelling vaccine‐ induced cellular responses as a function of time PARTNERS INVOLVED CEV, LEH, CenStat STATUS LMM, LEH, CenStat Ongoing Ongoing 3. in vitro studies of dendritic cells and their interation on suppressor T‐ cells B C 4. Mechanisms in non‐ 4. Vaccine trials CEV response to vaccination (hepatitis B, influenza) 5. Immunoscence 5. Low influenza vaccine response in elderly 1. Role of TLR 1. Therapeutic DC stimulation in innate vaccine trials and adaptive immunity to microbes and tumours? 2. Role of TLR signalling and the immune modulatory effects of probiotic lactobacilli 1. Impact of 1. oropharyngeal vaccination on carriage in (family pneumococcal contacts of) infants carriage? during first year of life 4. Analyzing genetic factors in non‐responders 5. Analysis of the impact of CMV infection on the immune system of elderly 1. Effect of in vitro TLR3 signalling on the induction of antiviral and anti‐ tumoural T cell responses. 2. Measuring TLR signalling and effect of probiotics on signalling, on transfected cell lines and by ELISA. 1. & 2. Quantification of pneumococcal carriage, serotyping by Quellung reaction, strain typing by Manuscript in preparation CEV, LMM, CenStat Ongoing 19 - Research Activities 2011 - BASIC QUESTION CLINICAL RESEARCH BASIC RESEARCH 2. Impact of vaccination programmes on epidemiology of Hib, rotavirus, pertussis and meningococcus Effect of using new injection devices, adapted administration route and/or new adjuvant formula on vaccine efficacy? 1. Local immune response in vaccinees? 2. HPV identification in urine 2. (molecular) epidemiology in (family contacts of) infants during first year of life multilocus sequence typing, and antibiotic resistance profiling by disk diffusion, PCR and sequencing. Phase I trials using new injection devices, new administration routes or new adjuvants with existing vaccines 1. Phase I HPV trial D E F G H 20 1. Neonatal/infant immunity? Impact of maternal antibodies? 2. Use of urine for HPV screening as diagnostic or for public health purposes 1. Longitudinal studies in pregnant women and their infants 2. Changes in the intestinal microbiotome of infants with asthma and effect of prebiotics on the development of asthma? 2. Double blind placebo controlled intervention study on 200 neonates 3. Differences in the microbiotome of infants with obesity vs non‐obesity 3. Pilot study in 60 infants 4. Physical activity in obese and non‐obese children Kinetics of cellular‐ mediated immunity to varicella zoster virus after contact with a primary case? Changes in the intestinal microbiotome of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and effect of probiotics on IBS? 4. Study in 200 children Longitudinal study in contact persons of children with primary varicella infection Clinical trial administering probiotics to IBS patients and healthy volunteers PARTNERS INVOLVED STATUS CMI analysis on vaccinees Dendritic cells as nature’s adjuvant TLR ligands as adjuvants LEH, CEV, CenStat, Artesis Ongoing 1. Analyzing CMI responses in cervical secretions 2. Development of a urine test based on HPV DNA CEV, LEH, LMM Initialized 1. Analysing humoral and cellular immunity and statistical modelling CEV, LMM, LEH, CenStat Ongoing 2. Quantitative analysis of faecal samples by phenotypic methods and population fingerprinting to elucidate/type bacterial species by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. 3. Quantitative analysis of faecal samples by phenotypic methods and real‐time PCR to detect differences in bacterial genera and species. 4. Questionnaires on physical activity Analyzing vaccine‐induced T cell responses by multi‐ parametric flow cytometry and in vitro restimulation cytokine assays Quantitative analysis of faecal samples by phenotypic methods and real‐time PCR to detect differences in bacterial genera and species. Leuridan et al. (BMJ, 2010, Vaccine, 2011,PIDJ 2011) Ongoing Manuscript in preparation Ongoing CEV, LEH, CenStat LMM, Censtat Ogunjimi et al. (Viral Immunology 2011) Ongoing Manuscript in preparation - Methusalem Report 2011 - BASIC QUESTION CLINICAL RESEARCH BASIC RESEARCH I 1. Mechanisms of resistance and phenotypic tolerance selected by amoxicillin therapy? 1. A randomized placebo‐controlled prospective study in patients with community‐acquired lower respiratory tract infections conducted as part of the ongoing FP6 project GRACE and the ongoing FP7 project TheraEdge Manuscript in preparation 2. Mechanisms of resistance and selection dynamics of fluoroquinolones (FQs), ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin exposure on the human oropharyngeal and gastrointestinal flora? 2. A randomized placebo‐controlled trial in healthy volunteers Carriage and transmission dynamics of (resistant) bacteria? Mechanism of innate immunity in the central nervous system? Data from clinical trials in section I 1. Quantitative analysis by phenotypic methods of changes in the oral streptococcal flora and genotypic methods to study resistance mechanisms pre and post‐amoxicillin therapy. Analysing phenotypic tolerance by spectrometric quantification of elaborated β‐lactamases and visualising biofilm formation by FISH analysis. 2. Quantitation of FQ‐ resistant Escherichia coli and streptococci in faecal and throat samples pre and post‐therapy. Analysis of FQ‐resistant mechanisms and genetic relatedness of isolates by PCR/sequencing, SDS‐PAGE, growth inhibition assays, and pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis. Deterministic dynamic CEV, transmission models LMM,CenStat LEH, CenStat Manuscript in preparation 1. Best strategy to diagnose M. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae LRTIs? 1. A prospective study in patients with community‐acquired lower respiratory tract infections LMM, CenStat Ongoing 2. Development of an evidence‐based intervention package for a more targeted antibiotic policy in lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) in primary care in Europe, and to assess effectiveness of the implementation of this 2. Prospective case‐ control study in adults presenting with LRTI at their GP Development of multimodal imaging strategies to monitor inflammation and cellular implants/vaccines in the central nervous system. 1. Evaluation of different tests for the detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae in patients with lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) 2. Development diagnostic models to differentiate between 1) viral and bacterial infections and 2) CAP and other, construct a simple algorithm that can be applied in daily practice and will enable the GP to discern patients at risk for complications from patients with self‐limiting J K L PARTNERS INVOLVED LMM, CEV, CenStat STATUS Ongoing Ongoing 21 - Research Activities 2011 - BASIC QUESTION CLINICAL RESEARCH model disease with low risk for poor outcome Assess the quality of Time series and antimicrobial compositional analysis of consumption in longitudinal antimicrobial ambulatory care, consumption data, and hospital care and identification of nursing homes, explain appropriate outcome variation, and measure measures effect of interventions Prospective study in Differences healthy brain mice and intoxicated groups M Antmicrobial consumption and resistance patterns in Europe N Cell migration O Dendritic cells in Multiple Sclerosis 1. Predictiveness of social contacts for disease transmission P 2. Mechanisms for parvovirus B19 transmission 3. Alternative routes to estimate MMR vaccination coverage 4. Correlation between indirect costs and disease diagnosis 5. sero‐epidemiology of vaccine‐preventable infections A prospective study in MS patients 1. population survey through contact booklets registries and sero‐surveys 2. serological and immunological analysis in mother‐ infant pairs 3. immunization coverage survey analysis 4. use of available costing information in health ensurance databases 5. use of sero‐survey data BASIC RESEARCH Evaluation of DCs and Treg in MS 1. Using serological data and social contact data to estimate infectious disease parameters 2. Estimating basic immunological processes and maternal risk for parvovirus B19 3. Estimating trivalent vaccination coverage from trivariate current status data: application for measles, mumps and rubella 4. Estimating indirect costs related to pneumococcal infections 5. Seroepidemiology of vaccine‐preventable infections. Estimating the reproduction number from final size data PARTNERS INVOLVED STATUS LMM, CenStat JAC‐series (9 published papers) LEH, CenStat Manuscript in preparation. Ongoing LEH, CenStat CEV/CHERMID, Goeyvaerts CenStat et al. (JRSS‐C 2010) Goeyvaerts et al. (Biostatistics, 2011) Goeyvaerts et al. (Statistics in Medicine, In Press) Creemers et al. (Journal of Applied Statistics, 2011)/In progress Technical report Please note that Table 3.1 gives an overview of the joint research activities, for a detailled overview of research projects; please consult Annex VII. 22 - Methusalem Report 2011 - 4 DisseminationandCommunicationActivities 4.1 Scientificpapersinpeerreviewedjournals Figure 4.1: Number of joint peer‐reviewed articles published from 2008 to 2011 Importantly, the Methusalem funding made an improved scientific collaboration with the University of Hasselt possible, which is clearly indicated by the increase in the number of joint publications, ie 4 in 2008, which increased to 21 in 2011. An overview of published peer‐reviewed papers and papers in press is given in Annex III. For an overview of all Vaxinfectio and CenStat papers, we refer to the respective annual reports and the websites ( and 4.2 MethusalemResearchDays On March 7, 2012, the fourth joint scientific meeting of the Methusalem Consortium was held at the premises of the University of Antwerp. Two activities were organized: a workshop on linear mixed models in the early afternoon and late afternokn‐evening, a series of presentations on ongoing and future joint research collaborations within the Methusalem consortium Vaxinfectio‐CenStat, with an overview by the heads of each collaborating unit (LMM, CEV, LEH and CenStat). This fourth Research Day attracted a total of 39 participants. Within the framework of the collaboration of the University of Antwerp with France ( a key note guest speaker, Prof Dr Ph. Kourilsky (Professeur au Collège de France, Membre de l’académie de Sciences) was invited to give a highly appreciated lecture entitled ‘The onset of systems immunology‘. For the programme of the Methusalem Research Day see Annex IVI. 4.3 ScientificChairinEvidenceBasedVaccinology The need was felt among the researchers of both Vaxinfectio and CenStat to set up a more comprehensive research and education plan of action in the field of evidence based vaccinology, as part of the overall research plan of the Methusalem consortium. It was opted to establish a scientific chair, in order to make it possible to attract funding from various sources, including from private sector. The promotor of the Chair is Prof. Dr. Philippe Beutels, head of the Centre for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases (CHERMID); Prof. Dr. Pierre Van Damme, head of the Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV) and chairman of Vaxinfectio, acts as co‐ 23 - Dissemination and Communication Activities - promotor of the Chair. The Scientific Chair in Evidence Based Vaccinology (EBV) was officially established by decision of the UA Board of Directors (Bestuurscollege) on December 9, 2008. Funding for the EBV Chair has meanwhile been secured from Pfizer for four years (60.000 EUR annually). As of 1st February 2009, Prof. Dr. Niel Hens has been selected as holder of the Chair. He has been appointed as 50% Guest Professor, and combines this assignment with a position as lecturer/assistant professor at the University of Hasselt. He holds a PhD in science (mathematics) and an MSc in biostatistics and he has an excellent track record in terms of research and education. His doctoral research has been on the crossroads between the disciplines of medicine, mathematics and statistics. The EBV Chair will support research into improved estimation methods to establish the effectiveness and cost‐effectiveness of vaccination programmes, including pneumococcal conjugate vaccine programmes, as well as medical education in evidence based vaccinology. The scientific aim of this Chair is to raise the level of scientific research in the area of evidence based vaccinology, in order to match the growing scientific interests from academics and industry, and in order to achieve a high level of independent research in this area. Whereas the EBV‐Chair is not sponsored by Methusalem funding, it is the catalyst for the Methusalem collaboration between VAXINFECTIO and Censtat. 4.4 Website To enhance the visibility and to improve dissemination activities within the Consortium, a website was recently created. The website is hosted by the University of Antwerp and can be accessed through:‐censtat It is available in English and contains the following parts: Methusalem Consortium o Board of Directors o Board of Advisors Research Objectives Events o Annual Joint Research Days Dissemination o Joint papers Contact Jobs Also links to the Vaxinfectio website ( and the CenStat website ( are made available. 24 - Methusalem Report 2011 - Figure 4.2: Screenshot homepage Methusalem website 25 - Dissemination and Communication Activities - 26 - Methusalem Report 2011 - 5 Valorisation 5.1 RoleofIOFManagers As from Nov 1, 2009, Dr. Vanessa Vankerckhoven started as research and innovation manager (funded by the Industrial Research Fund) at Vaxinfectio. With regard to technology transfer and intellectual property rights (IPR) efforts are made by the research and innovation manager to raise awareness among the researchers of the Consortium concerning the valorisation of research results and the possibilities concerning commercial exploitation thereof. She closely collaborates with the staff of the Interface Department on valorisation of results, licensing deals, spin‐offs possibilities and other technology transfer opportunities. She is responsible for setting‐up and maintaining collaborations with industry and attracting EU and IWT funding. She also attends courses on technology transfer organized by international organisations, such as ASTP (Assocation of Technology Transfer Professionals). Moreover, active networking during international conferences and at partnering events is important to increase visibility of the Methusalem consortium and to set‐up collaborations with academia and industry. Within Censtat, valorisation has a slightly different format given that pattents are not really applicable with respect to statistical methodology. On the other hand collaboration with industrial partners and external organizations (including several levels of Belgian/Flemisch government) has been very important for the strong growth in capacity Censtat has gone through in the last decade. For this reason Prof. Dr. Herbert Thijs received an IOF grant from Hasselt University in 2008 and therefore is responsible for the coordination of the scientific collaboration within Censtat and furthermore also within I‐Biostat. Methusalem has become one of the more important consortia within the domain of Public Health and Epidemiology for CenStat. From 2011 onwards Dr. Vanessa Vankerckhoven (IOF Vaxinfectio) and Dr. Herbert Thijs (IOF Censtat) will collaborate on a stronger and more regular basis in order to increase valorisation opportunities within Methusalem. 5.2 Collaborationwithindustry Collaborating with industry has many advantages for the Consortium, such as clinical trial contract research, grants for research and access to specialised services. In the present research environment, collaboration with industry is unavoidable, and in some cases also a must, although we do bear in mind that this collaboration should not jeopardize the academic value and perception of the scientific work performed by the researchers. The long experience of the research groups with contracts and sponsoring from industry has led to the development of a policy to safeguard scientific independence with carefully negotiated contracts and with an emphasis on unrestricted grants and disclosure of conflicts of interest, if required. Also future collaborations will have to be clearly structured, with the required guarantees for independent scientific work. The IOF managers will closely collaborate with the Interface Services at UA and UH to ensure contracts that safeguard the scientific work and provide sufficient remuneration. Also, possibilities in terms of technology transfer will be closely monitored. 5.3 Strategic National and International Collaborations with other researchgroups&academia At the start of the Methusalem funding relationships with a number of other research groups in and outside the University had already been established. Since 2007, the Consortium has fostered these 27 - Valorisation - existing relationships, but has also developed new relationships with new groups. The Methusalem Consortium has built‐up an international network and currently collaborates with over 200 scientific and industrial partners worldwide (over 50 countries). These strategic collaborations ensure access to other equipment and scientific resources not readily available at the Consortium. In addition, they create possibilities for the mobility of researchers. Both IOF managers from VAXINFECTIO and CenStat play an important role not only in fostering existing collaborating, but also in setting‐up new ones. In case new collaborations are set‐up, the IOF managers will closely collaborate with the Interface Services at UA and UH to ensure contracts that safeguard the scientific work and provide sufficient remuneration. Also, possibilities in terms of technology transfer will be closely monitored. A detailed overview of projects is available in Annex VII. 5.4 FlandersVaccine Beginning of 2010 the set‐up of the ‘Flemish Vaccinatie Platform’, now renamed to ‘Flanders Vaccine’, was initiated by Vaxinfectio (Pierre Van Damme and Vanessa Vankerckhoven). The platform aims to bring to together expertise in the field of vaccine related research, to identify hurdles in the vaccination sector and to stimulate networking. Anno 2011, the steering committee consists of Vaxinfectio (Pierre Van Damme and Vanessa Vankerckhoven), Biomaric (Hugo Van Heuverswyn), Provaxs (Sven Arnouts) and Flandersbio (Ann Van Gysel). Relevant industrial and academic partners, including CenStat members and other Vaxinfectio scientists (LEH) are part of the platform. An inventory of available expertise in vaccine related research and device development in Flanders has been made and will allow setting‐up a database. In 2011, two large meetings were held (February and October) with an impressive participation rate from industry as well as academia active in this field. A new large meeting is planned autumn 2012. 28 - Methusalem Report 2011 - 6 ExternalResearchFunding 6.1 Overviewofsubmittedprojects2011 Over 40 new project proposals were submitted by the Consortium in 2011. FUNDING SOURCE PROMOTOR VAXINFECTIO PROMOTOR CENSTAT PROMOTOR OTHER FELLOW ACRONYM TITEL STATUS FWO INBEV BAILLET LATOUR FWO ASPIRANT Van Damme Pierre Siegrist Claire‐Anne not granted Beutels Philippe Hens Niel Ogunjimi Benson granted FWO ASPIRANT Van Tendeloo Viggo Willemen Yannick RHAMM as an attractive immunotherapeutic target antigen for dendritic cell‐based induction of T cell immunity to leukemia and myeloma: groundwork for the development and optimization of a clinical grade multi‐ antigenic therapeutic vaccine granted FWO ASPIRANT Berneman Zwi, Ponsaerts Peter Hoornaert Cloé In vivo identification and validation of immune‐suppressive signalling proteins and/or receptors involved in glioblastoma‐ mediated suppression of microglia FWO Goossens Herman, Onderzoeksprojecten Ieven Greet, Coenen Samuel, Loens Katherine Incidence, microbial aetiology, diagnosis and not granted prognosis of lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) in nursing home (NH) residents and association between antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic consumption FWO Van Damme Pierre, Onderzoeksprojecten Van Tendeloo Viggo, Theeten Heidi The role of CMV‐infection in age‐related hypo‐responsiveness to influenza vaccination - External Research Funding - FUNDING SOURCE PROMOTOR VAXINFECTIO PROMOTOR CENSTAT PROMOTOR OTHER FELLOW ACRONYM TITEL STATUS FWO Beutels Philippe, Onderzoeksprojecten Hens Niel, Smits Evelien, Van Damme Pierre FWO Goossens Herman, Onderzoeksprojecten Malhotra Surbhi Quantification of varicella‐zoster virus boosting mechanisms with their public health implications for vaccination Samir Kumar‐ Singh FWO Cools Nathalie Onderzoeksprojecten Lambert Julien, Bervoets An Characterizing host‐pathogen interactions granted and biofilm formation in patients developing pneumonia on assisted ventilation Role of dendritic cells in the development and treatment of alopecia areata: interaction with Toll‐like receptors FWO Cools Nathalie Onderzoeksprojecten Conraads Viviane, Van Craenenbroeck Emeline The extent of bone marrow dysfunction and the potential to reverse underlying mechanisms in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy FWO Berneman Zwi Onderzoeksprojecten Verfaillie Catherine (KULeuven, Coordinator), Delforge Michel (KULeuven) MSC/MAPC‐based modulation of immune/inflammatory mechanisms underlying hypoplastic MDS FWO Krediet aan navorsers Cools Nathalie Immunomodulatory effects of pregnancy‐ related serum factors on autoimmune reactions in multiple sclerosis FWO Krediet aan navorsers FWO Krediet aan navorsers Smits Evelien Malhotra Surbhi In vivo non invasive imaging of immunotherapy for acute myeloid in mice Methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus: granted Exploring the 'biofilmome' for markers of infection FWO POSTDOC Berneman Zwi, Ponsaerts Peter Tambuyzer Bart Control of glioblastoma by modulation of innate immune responses in the central nervous system not granted - Methusalem Report 2011 - FUNDING SOURCE PROMOTOR VAXINFECTIO PROMOTOR CENSTAT PROMOTOR OTHER FELLOW ACRONYM TITEL STATUS FWO POSTDOC Berneman Zwi, Ponsaerts Peter Bergwerf Irene Characterization of innate immune responses in the central nervous system: modulation towards immunological acceptance of allogeneic cellular grafts not granted BOF LP Cools Nathalie, Van Tendeloo Viggo BOF ID Beutels Philippe Hens Niel, Broeckhove Jan granted IOF POC Van Damme Pierre, Vankerkhoven Vanessa Verwulgen Stijn VAX‐ID Developing and optimizing stochastic individual‐based infectious disease simulation models by parallel multicore computing techniques Bouwen van een prototype device voor de toediening van vaccins via de intradermale route IWT VIS Van Damme Pierre, Vankerckhoven Vanessa Van Gysel Ann, Sven Arnouts, Hugo Van Heuverswyn IMVIZ Immunologie, vaccinologie en infectieziekten in Vlaanderen not granted HERCULES Berneman Zwi, Ponsaerts Peter TRACER Transgenic Reporter Animal Collection for Experimental Research pending HERCULES Goossens Herman, Malhotra Surbhi Geert Mortier Next Generation Sequencing technology opening new frontiers in biological and medical research granted BiRD Pierre Van Damme, Vankerckhoven Vanessa Stijn Verwulgen, Monique Elseviers, Annouk Lievens VAX‐ID Development of a prototype device to administer vaccines by the intradermal route granted FWO NAFOSTED Van Damme Pierre, Leuridan Elke Kris Huyghe (WIV), Dang Duc Anh (Vietnam) Reducing the burden of Pertussis disease in very young infants in different epidemiological settings through pertussis vaccination in pregnancy. granted not granted - External Research Funding - FUNDING SOURCE PROMOTOR VAXINFECTIO PROMOTOR CENSTAT PROMOTOR OTHER FELLOW ACRONYM TITEL STATUS VLIR‐ZUID Van Damme Pierre, Leuridan Elke Dang Duc Anh (Vietnam) Reducing the burden of Pertussis disease in very young infants in different epidemiological settings by augmenting maternal antibody concentrations during pregnancy granted VLIR‐ZUID Goossens Herman, Malhotra Surbhi not granted EU FP7 Goossens Herman, Malhotra Surbhi Van den Wijngaart Wouter (Sweden, Coordinator) ROUTINE ROutine diagnostic tool for Urinary Tract INfections caused by Esbl and carbapenamase producing bacteria granted EU FP7 Goossens Herman, Malhotra Surbhi RGNOSIS Resistance of Gram‐Negative Organisms: Studying Intervention Strategies granted FWO coördinatieproject iTRACE granted TRACE granted IEF (Marie Curie) Goossens Herman, Greet Ieven, Katherine Loens, Samuel Coenen Goossens Herman, Greet Ieven, Katherine Loens, Samuel Coenen Beutels Philippe Bonten Marc (The Netherlands, Coordinator) Edmunds John (UK) Bilcke Joke ROTA‐DYNAMO Improving health economics of vaccines: not granted transmission‐dynamic modelling and full uncertainty analysis of rotavirus disease and vaccination ESPID‐ Training course award Van Damme Pierre‐ Leuridan Elke Summer school on vaccinology for students granted WHO‐ Training course support Van Damme Pierre‐ Leuridan Elke Summer school on vaccinology for students granted ESF - Methusalem Report 2011 - FUNDING SOURCE PROMOTOR VAXINFECTIO PROMOTOR CENSTAT PROMOTOR OTHER FELLOW ACRONYM TITEL STATUS E‐RARE Berneman Zwi GOA LOI Berneman zwi Rosenecker Joseph (Germany, Coordinator), Lutz Jean‐ Francois (France), Zegarra‐Moran Olga (Italy), Rudolph Carsten (Germany) Kumar‐Singh Samir (promotor‐ spokesperson), Giugliano Michele, Dedeurwaerdere Stafanie, Cras Patrick Evaluation of transcript replacement therapy using mRNA constructs for Cystic Fibrosis not granted Cellular and molecular characterization of central nervous system immune responses in neurodegenerative diseases and in neurostimulatory therapeutic intervention not granted Centres of Research Excellence (CRE) Scheme, National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia Beutels Philippe Professor Raina Peter MacIntyre Immunisation in under studied and special risk populations: closing the gap in knowledge through a multidisciplinary approach granted Linkage project, Australian Research Council Beutels Philippe James Wood, Tony Newall, Peter McIntyre, Robert Menzies Post‐implementation economic evaluation of childhood vaccination program second round, awaiting final decision KP BOF Pieter Moons Development of an in vitro catheter biofilm model system to evaluate the role of hospital administered fluids in facilitating initial bacterial attachment and subsequent biofilm formation. not granted - External Research Funding - FUNDING SOURCE PROMOTOR VAXINFECTIO PROMOTOR CENSTAT PROMOTOR OTHER FELLOW ACRONYM TITEL STATUS IUAP phase VII Berneman Zwi, Van Tendeloo Viggo HIV‐STOP IWT SB specialisatiebeurs Berneman Zwi, Cools Nathalie Wai Ping Lee Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)‐1 not granted infection: research towards a functional cure Tolerogenic dendritic cells: preclinical granted development of a “negative” cellular vaccine for the treatment of autoimmunity IWT SB specialisatiebeurs Berneman Zwi Pierre Van Damme Bert Op't Eijnde (Uhasselt) Nathalie Deckx Effect of patient‐related factors on cellular mediators in multiple sclerosis not granted Johnson & Johnson Pharma Nathalie Cools Paul Cos (LMPH), Louis Maes (LMPH) Development of a fast off‐line method for the detection of microorganisms in rinsing water by means of flow cytometry granted - Methusalem Report 2011 - 6.2 Overviewofgrantedprojects2007‐2011 Figure 6.1 Number of projects Methusalem 2007‐2011 split by type of funding Figure 6.2 Obtained budget (M€) Methusalem 2007‐2011 split by type of funding For an overview of all projects and budget obtained by Vaxinfectio and CenStat respectively, we refer to the individual annual reports. Please note that the information presented for Vaxinfectio in Figures 6.1 and 6.2 was provided by ADOC (Dept of Research at UA), Vaxinfectio cannot be held responsible for possible errors. 35 - External Research Funding - 6.3 Projectproposalsinthepipeline2012 FUNDING SOURCE PROMOTOR VAXINFECTIO PROMOTOR CENSTAT PROMOTOR ‐OTHER FELLOW ACRONYM TITEL DEADLINE SUBMISSION / STATUS Preklinische ontwikkeling van een geoptimaliseerd dendritische cel‐gebaseerd vaccin tegen acute myeloïde leukemie. granted Accurri Research Grant Cools Nathalie, Smits Evelien not granted BiRD Verwulgen Stijn, Bea Cantillon, Monique Elseviers Charcot Van Damme Pierre, Vorsters Alex, Vankerckhoven Vanessa Surbhi Malhotra, Herman Goossens, Julia Sabirova Smits Evelien, Ogunjimi Benson Nathalie Cools Development of a flow cytometric bead‐based assay for the detection of tumor antigen in the urine of cancer patients Urineselfsampling test Endeavour Research Fellowship Anguille Sébastien ESPID‐ Training course award Aanmoedigingsbeurs Anguille voor jonge vorsers 2011 Sébastien ‐ legaat Rosa Blanckaert BOF Doctoraatsproject BOF Klein Project 2Π 31/05/2012 Mechanistic insights on colistin resistance in granted pathogenic Escherichia coli and Klebsiella species Bert Op't Eijnde (Uhasselt) Loading human blood dendritic cells (DCs) with tumor antigen‐encoding RNA: towards the development of a more effective DC vaccine against cancer. granted Van Damme Pierre‐Leuridan Elke Summer school on vaccinology for students granted Evaluating the effect of sampling site and granted cryopreservation on blood cell counts for various subpopulations The impact of physical training on not granted cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength and the immunological status of patients with multiple sclerosis: dendritic cells as key modulators - Methusalem Report 2011 - FUNDING SOURCE PROMOTOR VAXINFECTIO PROMOTOR CENSTAT PROMOTOR ‐OTHER FELLOW ACRONYM TITEL DEADLINE SUBMISSION / STATUS European Commission Liason Office to Kosovo Herman Goossens Capacity building to implement state of the art surveillance systems for antibiotic consumption and resistance in Kosovo 3rd round pending FWO Krediet aan Navorsers Lion Eva pending FWO Krediet aan Navorsers Smits Evelien Enhancing tumor cell susceptibility towards natural killer cell and dendritic cell‐mediated activity. In vivo non invasive imaging of immunotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia in mice FWO onderzoeksproject Van Tendeloo Viggo, Smits Evelien FWO onderzoeksproject Van Tendeloo Viggo The added value of natural killer cells in dendritic pending cell‐based immunotherapy of cancer An Bervoets Van Ranst Marc, Keyaerts Els Role of dendritic cells in the development and pending treatment of alopecia areata: interaction with Toll‐like receptors Longitudinal quantification of viral load and pending correlates of immunity for varicella‐zoster virus and herpes simplex virus 1 in healthy individuals and patients T cell immunogenicity of RHAMM and BMI‐1: granted towards a multi‐antigen dendritic cell vaccine for hematological malignancies FWO onderzoeksproject Beutels Philippe, Van Damme Pierre, Smits Evelien Niel Hens Quantification of varicella‐zoster virus boosting granted mechanisms with their public health implications for vaccination FWO onderzoeksproject Berneman Zwi, Nathalie Cools Patrick Cras, Niels Hellings (Uhasselt), Piet Stinissen (Uhasselt), Annemie Schuerwegh (LUMC, Nederland) Innate cellular networks in multiple sclerosis pending (MS): focus on dendritic cells and on the crosstalk with mast cells FWO onderzoeksproject Beutels Philippe, Van Damme Pierre, Smits Evelien FWO onderzoeksproject Berneman Zwi, Smits Evelien, Van Tendeloo Viggo granted - External Research Funding - FUNDING SOURCE PROMOTOR VAXINFECTIO FWO onderzoeksproject Nathalie Cools FWO Onderzoeksproject Herman Goossens, Surbhi Malhotra FWO Onderzoeksproject Beutels Philippe PROMOTOR CENSTAT PROMOTOR ‐OTHER FELLOW ACRONYM TITEL DEADLINE SUBMISSION / STATUS Luc De Clerck, Didier Ebo, Annemie Schuerwegh Identification of cellular biomarkers to predict therapy response in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients receiving biologicals pending The genetic basis of mechanisms of colistin resistance in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella species pending Timothy Walsh (Cardiff University) Niel Hens FWO postdoctoraal navorser Beutels Philippe Bilcke Joke FWO postdoctoraal navorser Berneman Zwi, Van Tendeloo Viggo Berneman Zwi Lion Eva Nathalie Cools FWO postdoctoraal navorser Van Damme Pierre Theeten Heidi CMV FWO project Ponsaerts Peter De Vleesschouwer Steven (KULeuven) FWO project Ponsaerts Peter, Berneman Zwi Adriaensen Dirk FWO postdoctoraal navorser Integration and representation of uncertainty in pending health economic evaluation based on dynamic transmission models: development of framework and application to influenza vaccination Improving (cost‐) effectiveness analyses of rotavirus vaccination programmes: combining dynamic modelling with in‐depth uncertainty analysis. Enhancing tumor cell susceptibility towards natural killer cell and dendritic cell‐mediated activity. The effect of cellular mediators on the modulation of innate pathogenic responses in multiple sclerosis (MS) Granted the role CMV infection in immunosenescence processes and the impact on influenza vaccine response Combined situmation of innate and adoptive immunity for eradication of central nervous system cancer neural stem cells pending Modulation of the fractalkine/CX3CR1 signalling axis in multiple sclerosis via targeted delivery of the F1 CX3CR1 antagonist. 1/04/2012 pending Granted 1/04/2012 - Methusalem Report 2011 - FUNDING SOURCE PROMOTOR VAXINFECTIO PROMOTOR CENSTAT PROMOTOR ‐OTHER FELLOW ACRONYM TITEL DEADLINE SUBMISSION / STATUS GOA Berneman Zwi Chris Vrints, Benedicte De Winter, Dorien Schrijvers, Didier Ebo Role of dendritic cells in Th1/Th17‐mediated immune diseases pending Hoge Gezondheidsraad Heidi Theeten assessment of vaccination programs granted IMI Herman Goossens Combatting antimicrobial resistance ‐ NewDrugs4BadBugs ‐ Topic 1A ‐ Combatting antimicrobial resistance 9/07/2012 IMI Herman Goossens NDBB Combatting antimicrobial resistance ‐ NewDrugs4BadBugs ‐ Topic 1B ‐ Conduct of clinical trial supporting the development of GSK 1322322 9/07/2012 Summer school on vaccinology for students granted Preclinical development of a leukemic stem cell‐ specific dendritic cell vaccine targeting BMI1 not granted Van Damme Pierre‐Leuridan Elke ISEH Eugene Goldwasser Fellowship Berneman Zwi Anguille Sébastien IWT‐SBO Berneman Zwi, Ponsaerts Peter Interuniversitaire samenwerking in het kader van de subsidie omkadering jonge onderzoekers NDBB Verfaillie Catherine (KULeuven, Coordinator) Van der Linden Annemie (EGAMI), Veerle Baekeland (KULeuven), Adrian Liston (VIB), Uwe Himmelreich (KULeuven), Alberto Pascual (Spain) INTERBRAIN Interaction‐Transcriptome‐Based Identification of not granted Small Molecules/Proteins That Affect Endogenous Neural Stem Cells, Angiogenesis And Immunomodulation In Diseased Brain - External Research Funding - FUNDING SOURCE PROMOTOR VAXINFECTIO PROMOTOR CENSTAT IWT‐TBM Berneman Zwi, Van Tendeloo Viggo, Smits Evelien, Vermeulen Katrien Les amis des instituts pasteur a Bruxelles Theeten Heidi MRC South Africa Herman Goossens National Cancer Plan initiative 29 PROMOTOR ‐OTHER FELLOW ACRONYM TITEL DEADLINE SUBMISSION / STATUS WT1 mRNA‐electroporated autologous dendritic cell vaccination in patients with acute myeloid leukemia at risk of relapse not granted Assessment of vaccination programs not granted Berneman Zwi, Smits Evelien, Van de Velde Ann, Anguille Sébastien NHLS Research Trust Herman Goossens Antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria present granted in the environment and human commensal flora: is there a link with disease? Onderzoeksmandaat Fac. GGW Berneman Zwi, Pierre Van Damme Pierre Van Damme Bert Op't Eijnde (Uhasselt) Nathalie Deckx Effect of patient‐related factors on cellular mediators in multiple sclerosis not granted Tessa Braekman Neonatal rotavirus Immunization and impact of rotavirus vaccination programmes in Belgium granted Assessment of vaccination programs not granted Vaccinatiegraad risicogroepen ad hoc project not granted Onderzoeksmandaat Fac GGW Prijs Broeckaert Depreeuw Theeten Heidi Steunpunt Welzijn Theeten Heidi Karel Hoppenbrouwers (KuLeuven) Antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria present pending in the environment and human commensal flora: is there a link with disease? Wilms' tumor (WT1) antigen‐targeted dendritic granted cell vaccination to prevent relapse in patients older than 65 years with acute myeloid leukemia: a multicenter randomized phase II trial (KPC_29_017) - Methusalem Report 2011 - FUNDING SOURCE PROMOTOR VAXINFECTIO PROMOTOR ‐OTHER FELLOW ACRONYM TITEL DEADLINE SUBMISSION / STATUS Stichting tegen Kanker ‐ Berneman Zwi, asbestos clinical grants Smits Evelien, 2012 Anguille Sébastien Germonpré Paul First‐line chemoimmunotherapy using Wilms’ tumor protein 1 (WT1)‐targeted dendritic cell vaccinations for resectable malignant pleural mesothelioma pending Stichting tegen Kanker ‐ Berneman Zwi, Clinical Cancer Research Smits Evelien Stichting tegen Kanker ‐ Berneman Zwi Clinical Cancer Research Peeters Marc, Van Laethem Jean‐Luc, Hendlisz Alain Stichting tegen Kanker‐ Fundamental Cancer Research Van Tendeloo Viggo, Smits Evelien Wilms’ tumor (WT1) antigen‐targeted dendritic pending cell vaccination to prevent relapse in patients older than 65 years with acute myeloid leukemia: a multicenter randomized phase II trial. Adjuvant autologous WT1 mRNA‐loaded pending dendritic cell vaccination in combination with gemcitabine versus gemcitabine only after macroscopic complete resection of pancreatic cancer Reciprocal cross‐talk between human natural pending killer cells and interleukin‐15‐cultured dendritic cells for improved anti‐leukemic cytotoxic activity Stichting VOCATIO Berneman Zwi De ontwikkeling van een vaccin tegen leukemie granted UA Ponsaerts Peter Anguille Sébastien TRACER Transgenic Animal Collection for Experimental Research granted Bosmans Johan, De Graeve Diana Van Gestel Raf Disentangling contributing factors for Efficient Not granted Health Production: A multilevel approach applied to cardiovascular disease interventions and hip protheses. Summer school on vaccinology for students granted UA onderzoeksmandaat Beutels Philippe PROMOTOR CENSTAT UA reisbeurs gastdocent Van Damme Pierre‐Leuridan Elke gast professor: Bonanni Paolo UA: Onderzoeksverblijf buitenland (subsidie jonge onderzoekers) Leuridan Elke Vlaams Agentschap Zorg Theeten Heidi en Gezondheid Karel Hoppenbrouwers (KuLeuven) Maternal Immunization: Challenges and Opportunities: 24‐26 septmber 2012 granted vaccinatiegraadstudie Vlaanderen 2012 granted - External Research Funding - FUNDING SOURCE PROMOTOR VAXINFECTIO Vlir‐UOS PROMOTOR ‐OTHER FELLOW ACRONYM Van Damme Pierre‐Leuridan Elke VLK Emmanuel Van der Schueren Berneman Zwi Anguille Sébastien KOI (Korte Summer school on vaccinology for students 7/05/2012 Opleidings Initiatieven) 2013 Ontwikkeling van innovatieve methoden ter pending verhoging van de immuunstimulerende werking van dendritische celtherapie voor acute myeloïde leukemie. VLK Research Project Berneman Zwi, Van Tendeloo Viggo, Smits Evelien, Vermeulen Katrien Quantification of Wilms tumor gene (WT1) granted transcripts and immune activation to monitor the therapeutic efficacy of dendritic cell vaccination in acute myeloid leukemia WHO‐ Training course support Van Damme Pierre‐Leuridan Elke Summer school on vaccinology for students PROMOTOR CENSTAT TITEL DEADLINE SUBMISSION / STATUS granted - Methusalem Report 2011 - 6.4 Difficultiesencounteredwithobtainingadditionalfunding The leading researchers of the Consortium at UA have encountered problems with applying for internal BOF funding, including GOA, NOI, and BOF kleine projecten, as these projects, according to internal UA regulation, do not allow submission by a promotor who already has been granted Methusalem Funding or is promotor of a Center of Excellence. This policy is however only pursued by the University of Antwerp, whereas this is not the case for other universities, including the partner University within this Methusalem Consortium, Hasselt University. This UA policy contradicts Article 14 undies of the Flemish Government Directive, which states that ‘Methusalem Funding does not exclude researchers from applying for additional funding, in particular funding from sources mentioned under Article 1bis’. It should be noted that Article 1bis refers to BOF resources (see Annex IV). Next to BOF funding, the Consortium forsees problems with future FP7, DG Sanco and other EU grant applications. Too few permanent staff is currently employed within the consortium thereby jeopardizing future grant applications for FP7, which require an input of permanent staff next to staff employed by the project. The University of Antwerp decided to limit the percentages of permanent staff to be employed for FP7 projects to 20% for ZAP (in case of coordination otherwise 10%), 5% for AAP and ATP. Next to FP7, DG Sanco and other EU grants require the input of co‐funding of 10% up to 60% which is to be financed through the input of once again permanent staff. The University decided to limit the percentages of permanent staff to be employed for these projects to 20% for ZAP (in case of coordination otherwise 10%), and to merely 5% for AAP and ATP. These rules combined with the shortage of permanent employed within the consortium makes future applications virtually impossible based on the current track record of EU projects submitted or in the pipeline as well as ongoing (see 7.1 and 7.2). 43 - External Research Funding - 44 - Methusalem Report 2011 - 7 HumanResources 7.1 OverviewofMethusalemPersonnel The scientific expertise and excellence of the Consortium, grouping more than 140 staff members, is entrenched in four core research units (Laboratory of Medical Microbiology, Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination, Laboratory of Experimental Hematology, Center for Statistics) and their leading researchers, Prof. Dr. Herman Goossens, Prof. Dr. Surbhi Malhotra (Laboratory of Medical Microbiology, LMM), Prof Dr. Pierre Van Damme (Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination, CEV), Prof. Dr. Philippe Beutels (Centre for health economics and Modelling & Infectious Disease Modelling), Prof. Dr. Zwi Berneman and Prof. Dr. Peter Ponsaerts (Laboratory of Experimental Hematology, LEH), Prof. Dr. Viggo Van Tendeloo (Centre for Cell Therapy en Regenerative Medicine, CCRM), Prof. Dr. Geert Molenberghs, Prof. Dr. Marc Aerts and Prof. Dr. Niel Hens (Center for Statistics, CenStat). Currently, 134 staff members are employed within the Methusalem Consortium of which 85 at UA and 50 at UH (Niel Hens has a double affiliation). The distribution by personnel category from 2007‐ 2010 of the Methusalem Consortium is presented in Figure 7.1. Figure 7.1 Personnel by category 2007 (n=90) – 2011 (n=134) Annex VI provides a list of staff members currently employed within the Methusalem Consortium. The Consortium applies, to the maximum extent possible, the university’s policy for equal opportunities; hence gender equality principles are being applied in the personnel policy of the Consortium. In 2007, almost 60% (53 out of 90) of the staff was female of which almost 75% (39 out of 53) belonged to the academic personnel (1 ZAP, 5 postdocs and 33 predocs). The number of women employed within the Consortium slightly decreased in 2009 to 55% (67 out of 121) of which 67% (45 out of 67) belonged to the academic personnel, but there were more women in higher positions (2 ZAP, 11 postdocs and 32 predocs). In 2010, the number slightly increased again to 57% 45 - Human Resources - (80 out of 141) of which 71% belonged to the academic personnel (57 out of 80). Again, more women were noted in higher positions (2 ZAP, 14 postdocs, 36 predoc and 5 scientific personnel). In 2011, the number of women employed stayed quite stabile at 56% (75 out of 134) of which 73% (55 out of 75) belonged to the academic personnel. Also, women were noted in higher positions (3 ZAP, 15 postdocs and 33 predocs). 7.2 OpportunitiesforPostdoctoralResearchers Due to its relative size, the Consortium tries to offer career opportunities and perspectives for young researchers, as well as a career perspective to more established researchers. From 2007 to now, four postdocs were promoted to ZAP(BOF) of which three in 2011 and several PhD students were offered a postdoc position. The Methusalem Consortium was also in, terms of gender equality, able to offer career perspectives for women. From 2007 to now, two postdocs were promoted to ZAP(BOF) and 9 PhD students were offered a postdoc position. Also, since 2009 Vaxinfectio has a young female postdoc appointed as IOF (Industrial Research Fund) manager (now called research & innovation manager) for Vaxinfectio. This position is being paid by the Industrial Research Fund (IOF) of the University of Antwerp. The Consortium is investing in proper and suitable training and guidance for their young predoctoral researchers under the spupervision of its postdoctoral researchers. Also, the Methusalem Consortium has adopted the policy that specific training and education needs will be identified and incorporated as much as possible for each individual staff member. Nevertheless, additional funding and career perspectives are needed to enable sufficient long‐term perspectives for postdoctoral staff. 7.3 PhDstudents&PhDsobtained In 2007, a total of 43 PhD students were employed within the Consortium. This number further increased to 61 in 2011. Figure 8.2 gives an overview of the PhD students in 2007 to 2011. Figure 8.3 clearly shows that the vast majority of all newly recruited PhD students are being paid through external funding. Moreover, more than 80% of the PhD students are being paid by external funded projects (national and international funding). The percentage of PhD students funded by UA/UH decreased in 2011. Figure 7.2 PhD Students 2007‐2011 46 - Methusalem Report 2011 - Figure 7.3 External vs UA/UH funding of PhD students To date, 36 PhDs have been succesfully obtained within the Consortium (since 2007): Date defense Name First Name PromotorA PromotorB CopromotorA CopromotorB BERGWERF Irene Berneman Ponsaerts 2010 BEUNCKENS Caroline Molenberghs 2007 BILCKE Joke Beutels Van Damme Aerts M 2011 BOLLAERST Kaat Aerts 2009 COOLS Nathalie Berneman 2007 CREEMERS An Aerts Hens 2011 DE VOS Beatrice Van Damme Van Ranst M 2011 GADDAH Auguste Braekers 2010 GOEYVAERTS Nele Hens Aerts Beutels 2011 HALDERMANS Philippe Shkedy 2010 JACOBS Tom Molenberghs 2009 KADANKOVA Tetyana Veraverbeke 2009 KASIM Adetayo Shkedy 2010 LAENEN Annouschka Molenberghs 2008 LIN DAN Shkedy 2008 LITIERE Saskia Molenberghs 2007 LOENS Katherine Goossens Ieven 2007 MARINGWA John Geys/Faes 2008 MASSONET Goele Janssen 2008 MEBIS Jeroen Berneman Goossens 2010 NAMATA Harriet Aerts 2008 NKOUIBERT Pryseley Assam 2009 PRAMANA Setia Shkedy Lin 2011 REEKMANS Kristien Berneman Ponsaerts 2011 SERROYEN Jan 2007 SMITS Evelien Berneman Van Tendeloo Ponsaerts 2008 SOTTO Cristina Molenberghs 2009 THEETEN Heidi Van Damme Beutels Hoppenbrouwers 2011 TILAHUN Abel Molenberghs 2009 47 - Human Resources - VAEL Karel Goossens 2011 VALKENBORG Dirk Burzykowski 2008 VAN DRIESSCHE Ann Berneman Van Tendeloo 2011 VAN SANDEN Suzy Burzykowski 2008 VANKERCKHOVEN Vanessa Goossens Wiertz Huys 2009 WOUTERS Kristien Molenberghs 2008 ZHU Qi (Aileen) Burzykowski 2010 The Methusalem Consortium will persue the policy to obtain a double diploma for PhDs in which a substantial collaboration with CenStat led to the work described in the PhD thesis. We expect that 23 PhDs will be obtained during the next 2 years (2012‐2013): Name 48 Foreseen defense date ADRIAENSSENS Niels 2012 DEL FAVA Emanuele 2012 LEURIDAN Elke 2012 MICHIELS Barbara 2012 MINALU AYELE Girma 2012 PRAET Jelle 2012 SABBE Martine 2012 TESHOME AYELE Birhanu 2012 VAN HEIRSTRAETEN Liesbet 2012 ZAKARIA Nadia 2012 ANGUILLE Sebastien 2013 CASTRO SANCHEZ Amapro (Yovanna) 2013 CLAESEN Jürgen 2013 DE VOCHT Nathalie 2013 GROUWELS Yves 2013 HABTEAB GHEBRETINSAE Aklilu 2013 HUTSE Veronik 2013 KHAMIAKOVA Tatsiana 2013 MILANZI Elasma 2013 NJERU NJAGI Edmund 2013 NUYTS Amber 2013 VERSPORTEN Ann 2013 VORSTERS Alex 2013 ZARB Peter 2013 - Methusalem Report 2011 - 8 Budget&Investments 8.1 Overallbudget2008‐2014 3.453.079 EUR (incl.10% overhead) for the University of Antwerp part, and 1.726.540 EUR (incl. 10% overhead) for the Hasselt University part. Thus, for the period 2008‐2014, the total Methusalem budget amounts to 5.179.619 EUR. 8.2 BudgetVaxinfectio The resources of the Methusalem programme are considered as a continuous basic investment fund in support of ongoing and future research. Next to Methusalem Funding, the Consortium has also applied for additional external and internal funding (see heading 5: External Research Funding) and will continue to apply for resources in terms of projects and scholarships from traditional research funding agencies such as BOF, FWO, IWT, EU and others, to complement or increase the Methusalem funding. A central operational budget has been set aside to strengthen the collaboration among the participating research teams, and to develop new common collaborations with other teams in and outside the consortium and the 2 universities. The remaining budget at UA has been divided equally among the three leading research groups, as to provide them with a minimum of means to implement their research activities. Investmentsinexpertpersonnel2011 CEV has continued the funding of expert personnel for vaccine study coordination and improvement of internal quality of vaccine studies (e.g. drafting SOPs) as well as for translational research in collaboration with the industry. This investment has led to a diversification of the number of companies that have initiated vaccine trials at the clinical trials centre. Meanwhile, the investment in this expert personnel has led to an increased capacity for research project and protocol development. LMM has recruited one post‐doc researcher to work on the newly granted RAPP‐ID project (EU‐IMI) as a project manager as well as on the ongoing biofilm projects. All PhD students are working on a PhD thesis of which the topics are in line with the newly granted EU and non‐EU projects. Moreover, several new EU‐funded and non‐EU funded projects have started or will start as from 2012 for which additional personnel (PhD students as well as postdoc researchers) will be recruited. One post‐doc researcher has been paid from the Methusalem budget in 2011. She obtained a ZAPBOF position in October 2011. LEH continues the funding of expert personnel for the analysis of cellular immunity in longitudinal vaccine trials performed by CEV as well as for fundamental and translational immunology research related to cancer, autoimmune diseases and neurotraumas. In October 2011, LEH has recruited 1 additional lab technician involved in the preparation of therapeutic DC vaccines to treat cancer patients. Also in October, two new PhD students started in order to investigate immune‐modulatory effects of patient‐related factors as well as new treatment modalities in multiple sclerosis. Additionally, two new PhD‐students started in 2012 on the topics of microglial cell behaviour and modulation in multiple sclerosis and glioblastoma. In collaboration with CEV, a lab technician was recently (January 2012) recruited within the framework of the IOF project to investigate correlates of cellular immunity following prophylactic HPV vaccination. Investmentsinstate‐of‐the‐arttechnologies,methodologiesandequipment2011 It is obvious that an investment in the latest available technologies and equipment is a must, if the 49 - Budget & Investments - Consortium wishes to remain in the forefront of academic research. The investments in specific equipment have been determined by the ongoing and future research topics. The Methusalem funding made investment in specific equipment possible: EQUIPMENT at LEH 1. Microscopy facility Part of Methusalem funding was used to co‐finance the establishment and maintenance of an internal microscopy facility. The current set‐up includes: (i) a new Olympus BX51 fluorescence microscope (+ Z‐axis controller) equipped with an Olympus DP71 digital camera, and (ii) a refurbished Leica inverted fluorescence microscope with an Olympus UC30 digital camera. Additionally, Olympus deconvolution and Tissuequest fluorescence analysis software is available for respectively image enhancement and quantitative data analysis (i.e. digital image conversion to FACS‐like images for co‐ localisation studies). LEH has expanded the facilities for molecular biology with a CFX96 real time PCR system. 2. Transgenic mouse collection Part of Methusalem funding was used to co‐finance the establishment and housing of an internal transgenic mouse collection for in vivo cell transplantation and immunogenicity research. This collection includes the following transgenic mice: FVB‐Luc, FVB‐eGFP/Luc, albino C57BL/6, C57BL/6‐ eGFP and C57BL6‐CX3CR1/eGFP. All equipment is available for use by all members of the Consortium. EQUIPMENT at LMM Due to the shift of the Laboratory of Medical Microbiology to the renovated 6th floor of Building S at the University of Antwerp, Campus Drie Eiken, investments were done in new equipment for the lab, including a biosafety cabinet, an analytical balance, an ice machine and an industrial washing machine. Future Investments in state‐of‐the‐art technologies, methodologies and equipment The consortium will continu to invest in state‐of‐the‐art technologies, methodologies and equipment to remain in the forefront of academic research. As it is planned now by the UA infrastructure department, the move of the CEV clinical trial team to the second floor of Building S will take place in 2013. From experience with previous moves, CEV plans to make some financial provisions for extra costs that will not be covered by the central infrastructure budget. CCRG is gearing up to obtain a manufacturing authorization (MA) of investigational medicinal products (IMP’s) from the Belgian authorities (FOD‐Public Health) and will likely undergo an early‐ phase GMP inspection in 2011. Eventually, this will allow the production of IMP for multicenter clinical trials between different EU member states in the field of cancer vaccination. 8.3 BudgetCenStat CenStat considers the Methusalem funding a continuous reseach fund. The CenStat budget is used to fund predoctoral positions focusing on statistical methodology within the collaboration with all research partners at UA. In addition, a part time postdoctoral position, overseeing the collaboration between CenStat and Vaxinfectio is funded. Next to the Methusalem funding, CenStat continuously applies for additional external and internal funding and will continue to apply for resources in terms of projects and scholarships from traditional research funding agencies such as BOF, FWO, IWT, EU, and others, to complement or increase the Methusalem funding. Furthermore, Methusalem funding 50 - Methusalem Report 2011 - has been used to buy laptops and powerful desktops as well as to fund participation at scientific conferences of its Methusalem‐funded researchers. Investmentsinexpertpersonnel2008‐2011 During the period 2008‐2012 two predoctoral researchers completed their PhD while working on the Methusalem grant. During 2008‐2009, Niel Hens worked as a postdoctoral researcher on the Methusalem grant. In 2010, CenStat attracted a third predoctoral researcher focusing on modelling epidemic data in collaboration with the research partners at UA. In 2011, a new postdoctoral fellow was partly funded by the Methusalem project. FutureInvestments In 2012 two new PhD students and one postdoctoral fellow will be hired to work on the Methusalem grant. Prof. Dr. Niel Hens who holds a shared UHasselt‐UA appointment will continue to supervise the collaboration between CenStat and Vaxinfectio. CenStat will continuously recruit new pre‐ and postdoctoral researchers to maximize the implementation of the Methusalem research plan. It will also activate participation at international conferences by presentations and short courses presenting up‐to‐date statistical methodology as used in the research activities of the consortium. 51 - Budget & Investments - 52 - Methusalem Report 2011 - 9 Annexes Annex I: Administrative information Annex II: Minutes of the Board of Directors Annex III: List of joint peer‐reviewed papers Annex IV: Programme of the Methusalem Research Day Annex V: Extract from the Flemish Government Directive Annex VI: Personnel list Annex VII: List of ongoing projects 53 - Annex I - 54 - Methusalem Report 2011 - ANNEXI:AdministrativeInformation Team leader at the University of Antwerp: Prof. Dr. Herman Goossens Responsibile for the scientific and technical coordination of the project at the University of Antwerp. Address: Medical Microbiology, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, BE 2610 Antwerpen Telephone: +32‐3‐821.37.87 Fax number: +32‐3‐825.42.81 Email: [email protected] Leading researchers: They are leading the core and collaborating research units, which constitute the Centre of Excellence, Vaxinfectio. 1. Prof. Dr. Pierre Van Damme Address: CEV, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, BE 2610 Antwerpen Telephone: +32‐3‐265.25.38 Fax number: +32‐3‐265.26.40 Email: [email protected] 2. Prof. Dr. Zwi Berneman Address: Hematology, UZA, Wilrijkstraat 10, BE 2650 Edegem Telephone: +32‐3‐821.37.80 Fax number: +32‐3‐821.42.86 Email: [email protected] 3. Prof. Dr. Samuel Coenen Address: Centre for General Practice, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, BE 2610 Antwerpen Telephone: +32‐3‐265.25.25 Fax number: +32‐3‐265.25.26 Email: [email protected] 3. Prof. Dr. Philippe Beutels Address: CHERMID, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, BE 2610 Antwerpen Telephone: +32‐3‐265.25.38 Fax number: +32‐3‐265.27.52 Email: [email protected] 4. Prof. Dr. Viggo Van Tendeloo Address: CCRG, UZA, Wilrijkstraat 10, BE 2650 Edegem Telephone: +32 3 821 36 61 Fax number: +32 3 821 44 56 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Team leader at Hasselt University: Prof. Dr. Geert Molenberghs Responsibile for the scientific and technical coordination of the project at Hasselt University. Address: Center for Statistics, Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan 1, BE 3590, Diepenbeek. Telephone: +32‐11‐26.82.38 or +32‐11‐26.82.02 Fax number: +32‐11‐26.82.99 Email: [email protected] Leading researchers: 1. Prof. Dr. Marc Aerts 55 - Annex I - Address: Center for Statistics, Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan 1, BE 3590, Diepenbeek. Telephone: +32‐11‐26.82.47 or +32‐11‐26.82.02 Fax number: +32‐11‐26.82.99 Email: [email protected] 2. Prof. Dr. Niel Hens Address: Center for Statistics, Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan 1, BE 3590, Diepenbeek. Telephone: +32‐11‐26.82.32 or +32‐11‐26.82.02 Faxumber: +32‐11‐26.82.99 Email: [email protected] Research and Innovation Manager (IOF): Responsible for overall management and technology transfer of the Vaxinfectio & Methusalem consortium. Dr. Vanessa Vankerckhoven Address: Medical Microbiology, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, BE 2610 Antwerpen Telephone: +32‐3‐265.21.57 Fax number: +32‐3‐265.27.52 E‐mail: [email protected] Administrative coordinator: Responsibile for the administrative and financial coordination of the Vaxinfectio & Methusalem consortium. Gino Verwimp Address: Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, BE 2610 Antwerpen Telephone: +32‐3‐265.25.21 Fax number: +32‐3‐265.26.40 Email: [email protected] Recipient institution 1: University of Antwerp Legal address: Contact address: Stadscampus Campus Drie Eiken Prinsstraat 13 Universiteitsplein 1 BE 2000 Antwerpen BE 2610 Antwerpen Recipient institution 2: Hasselt University Legal and contact address: Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan 1 BE 3590 Diepenbeek Participating institution: Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen (UZA) Legal and contact address: Wilrijkstraat 10 2650 Edegem 56 - Methusalem Report 2011 - ANNEXII:MinutesofthemeetingoftheBoardofDirectors UA‐UH METHUSALEM CONSORTIUM VAXINFECTIO‐CENSTAT Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting Date: Thursday 12 January 2012, 10:30 till 13:00 hrs Venue: University of Antwerp, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Antwerp Building S, Room 138 Chair: Prof. Herman Goossens Vice‐Chair: Prof. Geert Molenberghs Participants The Board of Directors of the UA‐UH Methusalem Consortium Vaxinfectio‐CenStat is composed of the heads of the 4 participating core research groups, the (part‐time) ZAP members (9), all postdoctoral researchers (14), the Vaxinfectio Research & Innovation ('IOF') Manager, the designated administrative coordinator, the administrative officers of the Department of Research of UA and UH, and the respective chairmen of the Research Councils UA and UH: Composition per (per 01/10/2011): Present number: 32 Goossens Herman, Chair and Head LMM (UA) Molenberghs Geert, Vice‐chair and Head CenStat (UH) Van Damme Pierre, Head CEV (UA) Berneman Zwi, Head LEH (UA) Vankerckhoven Vanessa, Research & Innovation Manager (IOF) – (UA) Verwimp Gino, Administrative coordinator (UA) Spruyt Eric , Head Department of Research, ADOC (UA) Peters Ann, Head Research Coordination (UH) Timmermans Jean‐Pierre, Chairman Research Council (UA) Janssen Paul, Chairman Research Council (UH) Aerts Marc (100% ZAP) (UH) Beutels Philippe (100% ZAPBOF) (UA) Faes Christel (100% ZAP) (UH) Hens Niel (100% ZAP) (UA/UH) Malhotra Surbhi (100% ZAPBOF) (UA) Shkedy Ziv (100% ZAP) (UH) Van Tendeloo Viggo (100% ZAPBOF) (UA) Coenen Samuel (30% ZAP) (UA) Ieven Greet (10% ZAP) (UA) Ponsaerts Peter (10% ZAP) (UA) Schroyens Wilfried (10% ZAP) (UA) Van Herck Koen (10% ZAP) (UA) Andraud Mathieu (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Anthierens Sibyl (80% postdoc BAP) (UA) 57 - Annex II - Cools Nathalie (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Goeyvaerts Nele (100% postdoc BAP) (UH) Lion Eva (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Loens Katherine (80% postdoc BAP) (UA) Moons Pieter (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Smits Evelien (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Theeten Heidi (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Vermeulen Katrien (100% postdoc BAP) (UA) Present at the meeting (17): Herman Goossens Heidi Theeten Gino Verwimp Geert Molenberghs Koen Van Herck Pierre Van Damme Vanessa Vankerckhoven Peter Ponsaerts Paul Janssen (Research Office UHasselt) Pieter Moons Zwi Berneman Niel Hens Samuel Coenen Nathalie Cools Eva Lion Evelien Smits Kristien Reekmans Agenda Welcoming (Geert Molenberghs en Herman Goossens) and short introduction of participants Overview of the activities of the Methusalem annual report (Herman Goossens) Feed‐back on evaluation of Methusalem report and activities (ADOC UA; Research Office UHasselt) Strategic research plan (Geert Molenberghs, Zwi Berneman, Herman Goossens, Pierre Van Damme) Organisation Methusalem day 4: brainstorming General discussion Lunch Meeting report Welcoming (Geert Molenberghs en Herman Goossens) and short introduction of participants Prof. Goossens, chair of the meeting, and Prof. Molenberghs, vice‐chair, welcome the members present at the meeting. As introduction, the members are requested to briefly present their background and present activities. He further explains that the Board of Directors is responsible for the management of the consortium, and more specifically for setting the guidelines of the scientific strategy to be developed. Overview of the activities of the Methusalem annual report (Herman Goossens) Prof. Goossens presents an overview of the track record of the consortium, referring specifically to (1) the increasing number of joint publications (28 reported), way above the output of the other UA‐UH consortia, (2) the growing number of staff of the research group (29 ATP, 65 PhD), and (3) the success ratio in attracting external funding (80% of the PhD researchers are funded with external resources). As such, the consortium has proven that it provides added value for the Methusalem budget invested in its activities. Issues that remain and that are considered as threats to further growth are (1) the incompatibilities that have been imposed in terms of access to other funding opportunities from the Special Research Fund, (2) finding sufficient co‐funding (in terms of permanent staff) for EU projects, (3) limited opportunities for young postdoctoral researchers to continue their careers, (4) and the fact that 1 IOF manager is insufficient to explore all possible opportunities for valorisation of research results, given the size of the overall consortium. 58 - Methusalem Report 2011 - His conclusion is that we have consolidated in a pleasant cooperation, with an added value in terms of funding, also from industry, in terms of research opportunities and in terms of scientific output. Feed‐back on evaluation of Methusalem report and activities (ADOC UA; Research Office UHasselt) Prof Paul Janssen explains the background of the cooperation UA‐UH in 4 Methusalem network projects, being VAXINFECTIO‐CenStat, ECO, NANO and NEURO. This was an initiative of the former vice‐rector Dirk Van Dyck, to support 'top' research between the two institutions and to create economies of scale with the limited resources of the UH. A collaboration agreement was concluded between UH and UA on the Methusalem funding. According to the terms of this collaboration agreement, there should be an initiative for a joint evaluation at the end of the 4th year. This evaluation was held on 10/10/2011 in Hasselt, as a 'teasing' exercise to boost the plans for joint scientific output, and without any formal repercussions. Special attention was given to the concrete collaboration, the joint project proposals, joint output and valorisation initiatives (IOF). Prof Janssen lists the following conclusions for the VAXINFECTIO ‐CenStat consortium: The number of joint publications (12) was considered as relatively low, given the overall output and the relative size of the consortium; the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses is at the level of VAXINFECTIO, not at the level of the consortium; the way the information is presented in the annual report (specifically the graphs and listings) makes it impossible to see which results are specifically attributable to the Methusalem funding. The actual use of the Methusalem funding is also not clear. It is advised to more clearly specify for which investments in equipment, operational costs or personnel costs the Methusalem funding has been used. Cooperation in terms of PhD development is not clearly reported. The role of the IOF manager is not clearly expressed in the reporting. At UH, there is also an IOF manager, Herbert Thijs. It is advised that both managers should cooperate more closely as to boost the possible IOF related output (incl. IPR) within the consortium. The evaluation report will be made available shortly. Prof. Goossens and Prof. Hens formulate the following remarks in reply: The Methusalem funding has been considered as a 'lever' to attract other additional funding. In terms of EU co‐funding, there is no more room because of limited permanent staff and restrictive accounting rules. Thus there is need for clearer constructions. The 'teasing' has been understood: the VAXINFECTIO ‐CenStat consortium acts as an example for the other consortia, especially in terms of joint publications, organisation of research days, and of joint project proposals. It is a fact that Methusalem (co‐)promotors have restricted access to other BOF funding at UA. This is not the case at UH, where there is even a structural funding for the successful research institutes. The issue of strengthening the IOF collaboration within the Methusalem consortium is appreciated. It is explained that the IOF consortium at UA has been initiated at the same time and parallel to the Methusalem consortium. As both have a different overall objective (fundamental/basic research compared to applied/industrial research), the reporting cycle has been differentiated. It is agreed that the listed shortcomings in the annual reports will be corrected in the next issue. In the overall conclusion, the colleagues of UH and UA expressed that they are very satisfied with the collaborative attitude on both sides, and are looking forward to continue the Methusalem cooperation even beyond the first cycle of 7 years. Strategic research plans The research activities and research opportunities are presented by resp. Geert Molenberghs for CenStat, Zwi Berneman for LEH, Herman Goossens for LMM, and Pierre Van Damme for CEV/CHERMID. The respective presentations are available from the presenters at explicit request. The added value of the VAXINFECTIO ‐CenStat Methusalem consortium can be seen in the following elements that are referred to during these presentations: ‐ direct access to a wide range of disciplines in the biomedical and statistical‐mathematical field; 59 - Annex II - ‐ more output in the respective research areas of the research groups involved; ‐ more focus on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in all research groups; ‐ high quality output in fundamental research; ‐ more efficient and effective use of data; ‐ focus on wider collaborative projects. The meeting provided again an opportunity to find linkages between the different research topics and research projects, ongoing as well as planned, between the various research units within the consortium. Organisation Methusalem day 4: brainstorming The date of the Methusalem Research day has been set on 7 March, as to coincide with a presentation on molecular immunology by Prof Philippe Kourilsky, College de France, French Academy of Sciences. He has been invited by the Vice‐rector Johan Meeusen in the framework of this year's focus on the 'France Year'. In addition, he will give a second presentation on "Altruism" on 8 March. The presentation of Kourilsky will be used as a keynote lecture, and is scheduled at the end of the programme. Various ideas are put forward how to fill in the rest of the programme for the research day: Last year's initiative to organise a specific statistical training workshop was considered as very useful, thus it is proposed to organise a new session. A consultation will be made as to check which topics will be preferred. It is important to facilitate the contacts between predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers; therefore interactive poster sessions could be a useful instrument. Another proposal is to organise a "meet the expert" session. It is important that the target audience for the specific training and information activities is clearly defined: predoc? postdoc? Biomedical? Wider scientific population? The number of topics should be kept to a minimum (max. 3) These ideas will be taken into consideration by the Board of Directors when developing the final programme of the Research Day. The research day was organised as follows: The meeting is scheduled to start at 14h00 with a workshop on 'Generalized Linear Models and Extensions in R' particularly focused but not restricted to PhD‐students, followed by the meeting of the Methusalem Consortium at 17h00, including a keynote lecture by Philippe Kourilsky (Institut Pasteur, France) on Immunology. General discussion In the general discussion, the role of Prof Niel Hens as a focal point in the VAXINFECTIO‐CenStat interactions is discussed. He is providing support to an increasing number of master students, predocs and postdocs, and it is important that he can continue this in a sustainable way. Other joint funding opportunities are briefly discussed: 'Steunpunt Welzijn', IMI, VLIR IUS with country strategies in 5 countries (Uganda, Tanzania, Cuba, Ecuador, Vietnam), VLIR VLADOC. Finally, the meeting discusses the administrative and financial management constraints associated with a multitude of funding sources, with each their own specific needs and requirements. There is clearly a need to allocate additional administrative support to research groups to allow them to cope with the additional administrative burden. The meeting is closed at 13.00hrs. with a walking lunch. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ GV, 2/2012 60 - Methusalem Report 2011 - ANNEXIII:Listofjointpeer‐reviewedPapers2011 Adriaenssens N., Coenen S., Versporten A., Muller A., Minalu G., Faes C., Vankerckhoven V., Aerts M., Hens N., Molenberghs G and Goossens H. on behalf of the ESAC Project Group.European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): outpatient antibiotic use in Europe (1997–2009). In: J Antimicrob Chemother 2011; 66 Suppl 6: vi3–vi12 Adriaenssens N., Coenen S., Versporten A.,Muller A., Minalu G.,Faes C., Vankerckhoven V.,Aerts M., Hens N., Molenberghs G. and Goossens H on behalf of the ESAC Project Group. European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): outpatient quinolone use in Europe (1997–2009). In: J Antimicrob Chemother 2011; 66 Suppl 6: vi47–vi56 Adriaenssens N., Coenen S., Versporten A., Muller A., Minalu G., Faes C.,Vankerckhoven V., Aerts M., Hens N., Molenberghs G. and Goossens H. on behalf of the ESAC Project Group. European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): outpatient macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin (MLS) use in Europe (1997–2009). In: J Antimicrob Chemother 2011; 66 Suppl 6: vi37–vi45. Bilcke J, Ogunjimi B, Hulstaert F, Van Damme P, Hens N & Beutels P (2011) Estimating the age‐specific duration of herpes zoster vaccine protection: a matter of model choice? IN: Vaccine, DOI: Coenen S., Adriaenssens N., Versporten A.,Muller A., Minalu G., Faes C., Vankerckhoven V., Aerts M., Hens N., Molenberghs G.and Goossens H. on behalf of the ESAC Project Group. European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): outpatient use of tetracyclines, sulphonamides and trimethoprim, and other antibacterials in Europe (1997–2009). In: J Antimicrob Chemother 2011; 66 Suppl 6: vi57–vi70. Creemers, A., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Shkedy, Z., Desmet, F. and Beutels, P. Revealing agespecic past and future unrelated costs of pneumococcal infections by exible generalized estimation equations. In: Journal of Applied Statistics. Volume 38 Issue 8, 1533. Faes C., Molenberghs G., Hens N., Muller A.,Goossens H. and Coenen S. Analysing the composition of outpatient antibiotic use: a tutorial on compositional data analysis. In: J Antimicrob Chemother 2011; 66 Suppl 6: vi89–vi94. Goeyvaerts, N., Hens, N., Aerts, M. and Beutels, P. Model structure analysis to estimate basic immunological processes and maternal risk for parvovirus B19. In: Biostatistics, 12, 283‐302. Goeyvaerts, N., Hens, N., Theeten, H., Aerts, M., Van Damme, P. and Beutels, P. Estimating vaccination coverage for the trivalent measles‐mumps‐rubella vaccine from trivariate serological data. In: Statistics in Medicine, In press. Hens N., Van Ranst M., Aertsa M., Robesynd E,Van Damme P., Beutels P. Estimating the effective reproduction number for pandemic influenza from notification data made publicly available in real time: A multi‐countryanalysis for influenza A/H1N1v 2009. In: Vaccine 29 (2011) 896–904. Lefevere E., Hens N., Theeten H., Van den Bosch K., Beutels P., De Smet F.,Van Dammed P. Like mother, like daughter? Mother’s history of cervical cancer screening and daughter’s Human Papillomavirus vaccineuptake in Flanders (Belgium). In: Vaccine 29 (2011) 8390– 8396. Lefevere E., Hens N. De Smet F., Van Damme P. Dynamics of HPV vaccination initiation in Flanders (Belgium) 2007‐2009: a Cox regression model. In: BMC Public Health 11, 4700 (2011) Leuridan E, Hens N, Hutse V, Aerts M, Van Damme P. (2011) Kinetics of maternal antibodies against rubella and varicella in infants. Vaccine Mar 3;29(11):2222‐6. Leuridan E., Hens N., Peeters N., de Witte L., Van der Meeren O., Van Damme P Effect of a Prepregnancy Pertussis Booster Dose on Maternal Antibody Titers in Young Infants In: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Volume 30, Number 7, July 2011 Leuridan E., Hens N., Peeters N., De Witte L., Van Damme P. Effect of an Adult Pertussis Booster Dose on Maternal Antibody Titers in Young Infants. In: PIDJ. In Press. Luyten, J., Marais C., Hens, N., De Schrijver, K. and Beutels, P. Imputing QALYs from single time point health state descriptions on the EQ‐5D and the SF‐6D: a comparison of methods for hepatitis A patients. In: Value in Health. In Press. Minalu G., Aerts M., Coenen S., Versporten A., Muller A.,Adriaenssens N., Beutels P., Molenberghs G., Goossens H.and Hens N. Application of mixed‐effects models to study the country‐specific outpatient antibiotic use in Europe: a tutorial on longitudinal data analysis. In: J Antimicrob Chemother 2011; 66 Suppl 6: vi79–vi87 61 - Annex III - 62 Ogunjimi, B., Smits, E., Hens, N., Hens, A., Lenders, K., Ieven, M., Van Tendeloo, V., Van Damme, P., Beutels, P. Exploring the impact of exposure to primary varicella in children on varicella‐zoster virus immunity ofparents. In: Viral Immunol. 2011 Apr;24(2):151‐7. Versporten A.,Coenen S., Adriaenssens N.,Muller A., Minalu G., Faes C.,Vankerckhoven V., Aerts M., Hens N.,Molenberghs G. and Goossens H. on behalf of the ESAC Project Group. European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): outpatient cephalosporin use in Europe (1997–2009). In: J Antimicrob Chemother 2011; 66 Suppl 6: vi25–vi35 Versporten A., Coenen S., Adriaenssens N.,Muller A.,Minalu G.,Faes C, Vankerckhoven V., Aerts M., Hens N.,Molenberghs G. and Goossens H. on behalf of the ESAC Project Group. European SurveillanceofAntimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): outpatient penicillin use in Europe (1997–2009). In: J Antimicrob Chemother 2011; 66 Suppl 6: vi13–vi23 - Methusalem Report 2011 - 63 - Annex IV - 19.55 – 20.00 Concluding remarks Herman Goossens, UA 20.00 Reception @ De Foyer 64 - Methusalem Report 2011 - ANNEXV:ExtractsoftheFlemishGovernmentDirective HOOFDSTUK [Ibis.] - Financieringsbeginselen B.Vl.R. 24-1-2003 Artikel [1bis.] § 1 Elk van de universiteiten, bedoeld in artikel 3 van het decreet van 12 juni 1991 betreffende de universiteiten in de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, brengt de financiële middelen die door de Vlaamse Gemeenschap overeenkomstig artikel 168 van het decreet worden bijgedragen voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek, onder in een intern bestemmingsfonds, genoemd "Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds". § 2 Onder de term "de middelen van het Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds" wordt in dit Besluit verstaan : de overheidsbijdragen bedoeld in artikel 2 van dit besluit, aangevuld met de eigen bijdrage, bedoeld in § 1 van artikel 6 van dit besluit. § 3 Ieder jaar voor 1 oktober deelt de Vlaamse regering aan elke universiteit het bedrag mede van de overheidsbijdragen die zij krachtens artikel 2 van dit besluit kunnen verwachten. De raming van de inkomsten en de uitgaven van het Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds maakt integraal deel uit van de begroting van de universiteit onder de afdeling IV. § 4 De overheidsbijdragen aan het Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds worden door de Vlaamse Regering definitief vastgesteld van zodra de algemene uitgavenbegroting van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap voor het desbetreffende begrotingsjaar is vastgelegd. [Hoofdstuk IVbis. - De Methusalem-financiering voor internationaal toonaangevende onderzoekers Afdeling 1. - Algemeen Art. 14bis. Voor het toekennen van langetermijnprogramma-financiering aan een beperkt aantal uitmuntende ZAP-leden, verbonden aan universiteiten in de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, wordt per universiteit een overheidsbijdrage, verder de Methusalem-financiering genoemd, toegekend. De Methusalem-financiering wordt toegekend en aangewend overeenkomstig de voorwaarden gesteld in dit hoofdstuk. Afdeling 2. - Kenmerken van de financiering Art. 14ter. § 1. Voor het begrotingsjaar 2006 wordt de Methusalem-financiering vastgesteld op 3.000.000 euro. Dit bedrag geldt als referentiebedrag. Binnen de perken van de 65 - Annex V - begrotingskredieten wordt de subsidie geleidelijk verhoogd in de periode 2007-2010 om in 2010 haar hoogtepunt te bereiken. § 2. De Methusalem-financiering wordt jaarlijks geïndexeerd, conform artikel 2, § 2. § 3. De verdeling van de Methusalem-financiering over de Vlaamse universiteiten gebeurt overeenkomstig de in artikel 3 bedoelde verdeelsleutel. § 4. De Methusalem-financiering wordt met behoud van bestemming toegevoegd aan het Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds. De aan het Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds toekomende middelen die na afloop van het betrokken kalenderjaar niet zijn toegewezen, kunnen met behoud van bestemming worden overgedragen naar de begroting van de universiteit. § 5. Het staat de universiteiten vrij het beschikbare bedrag voor de Methusalem-financiering te verhogen : 1° uit eigen middelen en/of 2° uit het onbestemde deel van het Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds. De in het eerste lid, 2°, bedoelde inbreng is vanaf 2010 beperkt tot maximaal 5% van het onbestemde deel van het Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds. Artikel 6, § 1, en artikel 8, 7° zijn niet van toepassing op de Methusalem-financiering. § 6. Voor de uitvoering van de Methusalem-financiering kunnen de universiteiten overheadkosten aanrekenen tot een maximum van 10 %. [[De overheadkosten kunnen worden besteed aan de vergoeding van kosten (werkingskosten en loonkosten) die rechtstreeks verbonden zijn aan het beheer van de ten laste van de Methusalemmiddelen bekostigde onderzoeksprojecten, of aan de vergoeding van centrale beheerskosten en algemene exploitatiekosten van de universiteit.]] Afdeling 3. - Voorwaarden voor de financiering Art. 14quater. § 1. De Vlaamse universiteiten zijn belast met het operationeel en financieel beheer van de Methusalem-financiering. § 2. Elke universiteit legt de voorwaarden van de Methusalem-financiering in een reglement vast. Dit reglement werkt de nadere regelen uit met betrekking tot : 1° de organisatie van de oproep, als bedoeld in artikel 14quinquies ; 2° de eisen waaraan kandidaten moeten voldoen, als bedoeld in artikel 14sexies ; 3° de selectieprocedure, als bedoeld in artikel 14septies ; 66 - Methusalem Report 2011 - 4° de evaluatie, als bedoeld in artikel 14octies ; 5° de procedure voor beëindiging, als bedoeld in artikel 14novies. Art. 14quinquies. § 1. De universiteit die de procedure start voor de toekenning van Methusalem-financiering door middel van het lanceren van een oproep, deelt dit aan de andere Vlaamse universiteiten mee in het kader van een mogelijk overleg inzake samenwerking tussen onderzoekers uit verschillende instellingen. § 2. Kandidaten-onderzoekers dienen hun aanvraag voor het bekomen van Methusalemfinanciering in bij hun universiteitsbestuur. In de aanvraag verklaren zij uitdrukkelijk in te stemmen met een eventuele bekendmaking conform artikel 14ter decies, § 2. Art. 14sexies. Kandidaten voor de Methusalem-financiering moeten : 1° aan de criteria van excellentie voldoen waaruit blijkt dat ze substantieel bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van hun vakgebied en hiervoor internationale erkenning genieten; 2° bewijzen dat zij meer dan andere onderzoekers bestaande financieringskanalen, zoals GOA-, IUAP-, EU-, FWO- en IWT-financiering, hebben weten te benutten; 3° over een onderzoeksgroep beschikken met een voldoende kritische massa, zoals ondermeer kan blijken uit het aantal postdoctorale onderzoekers dat hiervan over een langere periode deel uitmaakt; 4° een onderzoeksplan bij de betreffende universiteit(en) indienen, dat een begroting bevat met een indicatieve verdeling van de geplande uitgaven over een periode van zeven jaar. Art. 14septies. § 1. Voor de beoordeling van de kandidaten stelt elke universiteit internationale panels samen. De leden van deze panels zijn niet in België werkzaam en genieten een internationale erkenning. Bij de samenstelling van de panels wordt rekening gehouden met de discipline of, in geval van interdisciplinair onderzoek, met de disciplines waarin de kandidaten actief zijn. In een panel dient de universiteit er naar te streven dat ten hoogsten 2/3den van het totaal aantal leden behoren tot hetzelfde geslacht. In het geval van een samenwerkingsverband tussen twee of meer universiteiten, zoals bedoeld in § 7, stellen de betrokken universiteiten één enkel panel samen. § 2. Gemiddeld over alle panels, die een universiteit instelt, vanaf de inwerkingtreding van deze bepaling tot eind 2009, kan ten hoogste 2/3den van het totaal aantal leden tot hetzelfde geslacht behoren. Panels die door twee of meer universiteiten samen worden ingesteld, worden bij deze berekening aan elk van deze universiteiten toegewezen. 67 - Annex V - Indien een universiteit niet voldoet aan de in het eerste lid bedoelde regel, wordt voor het eerst vanaf 2011 de overheidsbijdrage aan het BOF verminderd met 0,25 % en dit tot het jaar t waarbij in het jaar (t-2) de instelling aan deze voorwaarde voldoet. § 3. De universiteit legt de samenstelling van de panels voor voorafgaand advies voor aan het FWO. Het FWO voert een meta-beoordeling van de internationale wetenschappelijke erkenning van de panelleden door en formuleert op grond daarvan een gemotiveerd advies. Indien het advies afwijzend is, geeft het FWO aan op welke wijze de vastgestelde gebreken geremedieerd kunnen worden. Slechts na positief advies van het FWO kan het panel worden ingesteld. § 4. Bij de beoordeling van een aanvraag past het panel de in artikel 14quater, § 2, 2°, bedoelde eisen toe, rekening houdend met de specificiteit van het betrokken vakgebied en onderzoeksdomein. Het panel maakt de wijze van toetsing inzichtelijk. Het panel gaat tevens na of met het aangevraagde bedrag van de Methusalem-financiering de onderzoeksgroep verder uitgebouwd kan worden tot een internationale referentiepositie. Het panel kan in dit verband bijsturingen voorstellen. § 5. Het panel legt zijn bevindingen neer in een omstandig geargumenteerd advies. § 6. Op advies van de onderzoeksraad en eventueel andere door het universiteitsbestuur aangeduide instanties beslist het universiteitsbestuur rekening houdend met het globale onderzoeksbeleid van de universiteit welke kandidaten die door een panel positief werden beoordeeld, financiering zullen ontvangen. Indien het aangevraagde bedrag aan financiering wordt aangepast dient het instellingsbestuur rekening te houden met het advies van het panel ter zake en zijn beslissing om hier eventueel van af te wijken te onderbouwen. § 7. Als twee of meer universiteiten beslissen samen financiering toe te kennen, sluiten ze een overeenkomst af, waarin het volgende bepaald wordt : 1° de getroffen regeling voor het functioneren van het geheel; 2° het aandeel van elke instelling in de financiering; 3° de modaliteiten inzake beëindiging van de financiering overeenkomstig artikel 14octies. Afdeling 4. - Evaluatie Art. 14octies. § 1. De onderzoeker die financiering ontvangt, wordt om de zeven jaar door een panel, dat aan de in artikel 14septies bedoelde voorwaarden voldoet, geëvalueerd. Dit panel beoordeelt : 1° of het verrichte werk internationaal toonaangevend is en aan de verwachtingen voldoet; 68 - Methusalem Report 2011 - 2° het human resources beleid en in het bijzonder de mate waarin post-doctorale onderzoekers die werken in onderzoeksgroepen van ZAP-leden die Methusalem-financiering ontvangen, worden gestimuleerd ervaring op te doen met het opzetten van zelfstandig onderzoek; 3° of het onderzoeksplan voor de volgende zeven jaar en de aangevraagde financiering adequaat zijn. Het panel kan suggesties voor de ontwikkeling van het onderzoek doen. In het geval van een samenwerkingverband tussen twee of meer universiteiten, zoals bedoeld in artikel 14septies, § 7, wordt door de betrokken universiteiten één enkel evaluatiepanel samengesteld. § 2. Op basis van de in § 1 beschreven tussentijdse evaluatie beslist het universiteitsbestuur over de voortzetting van de financiering. Afdeling 5. - Beëindiging van de financiering Art. 14novies. § 1. Als de financiering wordt beëindigd op grond van een negatieve tussentijdse evaluatie, worden de toegekende middelen vanaf het jaar dat de beslissing is genomen, jaarlijks verminderd met 25 %. Als de financiering wordt beëindigd omdat het ZAP-lid het emeritaat bereikt, worden de toegekende middelen [[vanaf het derde jaar]] voor de beëindiging jaarlijks verminderd met 25 %. Indien een onderzoeker, die financiering ontvangt, om andere redenen dan het emeritaat de universiteit verlaat, duidt het instellingsbestuur een gewoon hoogleraar aan om tijdelijk als wetenschappelijk directeur op te treden en wordt de regeling betreffende de afbouw van de financiering, vermeld in het tweede lid, van toepassing. § 2. Als gevolg van de toepassing van de in § 1 beschreven geleidelijke beëindiging, wordt een nieuwe financiering stapsgewijs opgebouwd. Met de vrijgekomen middelen kan vervolgens een nieuwe kandidaat voor de Methusalem-financiering geselecteerd worden. § 3. Het bereiken van het emeritaat houdt niet in dat de betrokken universiteit de financiering niet aan een andere onderzoeker kan toekennen, op voorwaarde dat conform artikel 14septies blijkt dat deze aan de in artikel 14sexies vermelde criteria voldoet. Afdeling 6. - Organisatorische elementen Art. 14decies. § 1. Het ZAP-lid ontvangt, behoudens in het geval van artikel 14novies, § 1, financiering tot aan het emeritaat. Het ZAP-lid treedt op als wetenschappelijk directeur en draagt de eindverantwoordelijkheid voor de besteding van de onderzoeksmiddelen, het onderzoeksbeleid en het dagelijks bestuur van de onderzoeksgroep. 69 - Annex V - Bij een samenwerkingsverband tussen twee of meer universiteiten fungeert het ene ZAP-lid als directeur en de andere(n) als codirecteur(s). § 2. De omvang van de middelen is afhankelijk van de discipline en bedraagt over de periode van zeven jaar jaarlijks gemiddeld minstens viermaal het bedrag als bedoeld in artikel 8, eerste lid, 2, en maximaal 2.000.000 euro per jaar. In het geval van een samenwerkingsverband tussen twee of meer universiteiten, zoals bedoeld in artikel 14septies, § 7, gelden bovenstaande minimum- en maximumbedragen voor de financiering die de universiteiten samen toekennen. § 3. Het ZAP-lid kan de middelen besteden aan werking, personeel, uitgezonderd de salariskosten bedoeld in § 5, en uitrusting. § 4. De universiteit stelt aan het ZAP-lid en zijn/haar onderzoeksgroep de nodige lokalen en basisvoorzieningen ter beschikking. § 5. De universiteit betaalt de salariskosten van het ZAP-lid en eventuele andere aan de onderzoeksgroep verbonden ZAP-leden. Art. 14undecies. Het toekennen van een Methusalem-financiering aan ZAP-leden sluit niet uit dat onderzoekers die verbonden zijn aan de onderzoeksgroep van betrokken ZAP-leden middelen verwerven van andere financieringsbronnen, in het bijzonder de middelen vermeld in artikel 1bis. Art. 14duodecies. § 1. In de schoot van de onderzoeksgroep van het ZAP-lid waaraan een Methusalemfinanciering wordt toegekend, wordt een beheerscomité ingesteld. Hierin zetelen minstens de ZAP-leden die verbonden zijn aan de onderzoeksgroep. Het ZAP-lid waaraan de financiering wordt toegekend, fungeert als voorzitter. In het geval van een samenwerkingsverband tussen twee of meer universiteiten, zoals bedoeld in artikel 14septies, § 7, wordt één enkel beheerscomité ingesteld. Eén van de ZAP-leden waaraan financiering wordt toegekend, fungeert als voorzitter en de/het andere ZAP-lid/leden waaraan financiering wordt toegekend als co-voorzitter. § 2. Het beheerscomité staat in voor het bestuur van de onderzoeksgroep(en), inzonderheid voor het uitstippelen van het wetenschappelijk beleid van de onderzoeksgroep(en). § 3. De onderzoeksgroep of, in geval van een samenwerkingsverband, de onderzoeksgroepen, stelt/stellen eveneens een adviesraad in, waarin onderzoekers die in het betrokken vakgebied internationale erkenning genieten zetelen. Deze adviesraad geeft onder meer ondersteuning bij het uitstippelen van het langetermijnonderzoeksbeleid en het vaststellen van prioriteiten in de onderzoeksagenda. Afdeling 7. - Rapportering Art. 14ter decies. 70 - Methusalem Report 2011 - § 1. Artikel 12, § 1, § 2 en § 3 is van toepassing op de Methusalem-financiering. Het jaarverslag bevat voor wat betreft de Methusalem-financiering minstens : 1° een overzicht van de gefinancierde initiatieven; 2° een toetsing van de stand van uitvoering van de gefinancierde initiatieven; 3° de eventuele bijsturing van de gefinancierde initiatieven. § 2. Het universiteitsbestuur publiceert op haar website de gemotiveerde beslissing van het universiteitsbestuur, bedoeld in artikel 14septies, § 7, ten aanzien van de geselecteerde kandidaat. Tevens worden de beslissingen over de voortzetting van de financiering, bedoeld in artikel 14octies, § 2, gepubliceerd op de website van de universiteit. In geval van een samenwerkingsovereenkomst wordt deze eveneens op de website van de betrokken universiteiten gepubliceerd. Ter zake kunnen de universiteiten beslissen om een gemeenschappelijke website te gebruiken. Art. 14quater decies. Om het verloop van de Methusalem-financiering systematisch te volgen, zullen de universiteiten jaarlijks aan de Minister, bevoegd voor het wetenschappelijk onderzoek en het technologisch innovatiebeleid, rapporteren over de volgende set van statistische parameters : 1° de verhouding tussen het aantal ingediende en gehonoreerde aanvragen (in aantal en in budget, wetenschapsgebied, nationaliteit (Belgisch, EU, niet-EU) en geslacht; 2° de verhouding tussen de aangevraagde en de toegekende kredieten bij geselecteerde voorstellen.] B.Vl.R. 8-12-2006; [[ ]] B.Vl.R. 12-12-2008 71 - Annex V - 72 - Methusalem Report 2011 - ANNEXVI:Personnellistanno2011 Naam Afdeling FTE Graad 1 Abainenamar, Doreen Censtat 1.00 BAP 2 Abrams, Steven Censtat 1.00 BAP Medische microbiologie Censtat Vaccinologie Hematologie Huisartsgeneeskunde Censtat Hematologie Vaccinologie 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 BAP ZAP BAP BAP BAP BAP ZAP ZAPBOF 11 Bielen,Kenny Medische microbiologie 1.00 BAP 12 Bilcke,Joke Vaccinologie 0.90 BAP 13 Blommaert,Adriaan Vaccinologie 1.00 BAP 14 Bontenakel,Aline Vaccinologie 1.00 ATP 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Vaccinologie Censtat Vaccinologie Censtat Vaccinologie Medische microbiologie Censtat Censtat Censtat Medische microbiologie Censtat 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80 1.00 0.70 0.70 1.00 0.50 1.00 BAP ZAP ATP BAP ATP ATP ZAP ATP BAP ATP BAP 26 Claesen, Jurgen Censtat 1.00 BAP 27 Clement, Lieven Censtat 0.15 BAP 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Huisartsgeneeskunde Hematologie Censtat Hematologie Vaccinologie Hematologie Vaccinologie Hematologie Censtat Vaccinologie Vaccinologie Censtat VAXINFECTIO Censtat Censtat Hematologie Censtat Medische microbiologie Censtat Vaccinologie/Censtat 0.10 1.00 1.00 0.80 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ZAP BAP BAP ATP BAP BAP BAP BAP BAP ATP ATP BAP ATP BAP ZAP BAP BAP BAP AAP BAP 48 Goossens,Herman Medische microbiologie 1.00 ZAP 49 Grouwels, Yves Censtat 1.00 BAP 50 Habteab Ghebretinsae, Aklilu Censtat 1.00 BAP 51 Haldermans, Philippe Censtat 0.70 BAP 52 Hanquet,Germaine Vaccinologie 1.00 BAP 53 Hendrickx,Greet Vaccinologie 1.00 ATP 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Adriaenssens,Niels Aerts, Marc Andraud,Mathieu Anguille,Sébastien Anthierens Sibyl Azmon, Amin Berneman,Zwi Beutels,Philippe Braeckman,Tessa Braekers, Roel Broodhaers,Serge Bruckers, Liesbeth Bruynseels,An Bryssinck,Liesbeth Burzykowski, Tomasz Callaert, Kris Castro Sanchez, Amparo Chapelle,Sabine Chebon, Sammy Coenen,Samuel Cools,Nathalie Creemers, An Daans,Jasmijn De Coster,Ilse De Knop,Kathleen De Vos,Beatrice Deckx,Nathalie Del Fava, Emanuele Desloovere,Hilde Dighou,Naïma Ejigu, Bedilu Engelen,Emmy Ensoy, Chellafe Faes, Christel Gadisseur,Alain Garcia Barrado, Leandro Gazin,Muriel Geerdens, Candida Goeyvaerts,Nele 73 - Annex VI - Naam 54 Hens,Niel 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 74 Hoornaert,Chloé Hutse,Veronik Ieven,Margareta Janssen, Paul Jaspers, Stijn Khamiakova, Tatsiana Lammens,Christine Lee,Wai Ping Lenders,Kevin Leten,Gert Leuridan,Elke Lion,Eva Lin, Dan Loens,Katherine Luyten,Jeroen Malhotra,Surbhi Meng, Fei Milanzi, Elasma Minalu Ayele, Girma Molenberghs, Geert Moons,Pieter Mutambanengwe, Chenjerai Muylle,Ludo M M A Mzolo, Thembile Neels,Pieter Neyens, Thomas Nijs,Griet Njagi, Edmund Nuyts,Amber Nys,Sophie Nysen, Ruth Ogunjimi,Benson Otava, Martin Paasch,Fabienne Perualila Nolen, Joy Pirard, Hilde Ponsaerts,Peter Prenen, Leen Quisquater,Charlotte Reekmans,Kristien Sabbe,Martine Schroyens,Wilfried Shkedy, Ziv Smits,Evelien Sotto, Cristina Stein,Barbara Struyven,Anne Suykens,Leen Teshome Ayele, Birhanu Theeten,Heidi Thijs, Herbert Thilakarathne, Pushpike Van Damme,Pierre Van de Velde,Ann Van Den Eynde,Sandy Van Der Planken,Marc Van Heirstraeten,Liesbet Afdeling FTE Graad Vaccinologie/Censtat 1.00 ZAP Hematologie Vaccinologie Medische microbiologie Censtat Censtat Censtat Medische microbiologie Hematologie Hematologie Medische microbiologie Vaccinologie Hematologie Censtat Medische microbiologie Vaccinologie Medische microbiologie Censtat Censtat Censtat Censtat Medische microbiologie Censtat Hematologie Censtat Vaccinologie Censtat Hematologie Censtat Hematologie VAXINFECTIO Censtat Vaccinologie Censtat Medische microbiologie Censtat Censtat Hematologie Censtat Hematologie Hematologie Vaccinologie Hematologie Censtat Hematologie Censtat Vaccinologie Medische microbiologie Vaccinologie Censtat Vaccinologie Censtat Censtat Vaccinologie Hematologie Hematologie Hematologie Medische microbiologie 1.00 1.00 0.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.70 1.00 1.00 0.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 BAP BAP ZAP ZAP AAP BAP ATP BAP ATP ATP AAP BAP BAP BAP BAP ZAPBOF BAP BAP BAP ZAP BAP BAP BAP BAP BAP AAP BAP BAP BAP ATP AAP BAP BAP BAP BAP ATP BAP AAP BAP BAP BAP ZAP ZAP BAP BAP BAP ATP BAP BAP AAP BAP BAP ZAP BAP BAP BAP BAP - Methusalem Report 2011 - 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 Naam Afdeling FTE Graad Van Herck,Koen Van Kerckhove,Kim Van kerckhoven,Margaretha Van Tendeloo,Vigor F I Van Winckel,Anna Vandendijck, Yannick Vanderstraeten,Anouk Vankerckhoven,Vanessa Vercauteren,Greetje Verheyen,Els Vermeulen,Katrien Versporten,Ann Vervoort,Jascha Verwimp,Gino Vorsters,Alex Vrelust,Inge Wami, Welcome Wijdooghe,Monique Willem,Lander Willemen,Yannick Yildirim,Perihan Zamanzad Ghavidel, Fatemeh Vaccinologie Censtat Medische microbiologie Hematologie Vaccinologie Censtat Medische microbiologie VAXINFECTIO Medische microbiologie Vaccinologie Hematologie Medische microbiologie Medische microbiologie ESOC Vaccinologie VAXINFECTIO Censtat Medische microbiologie Vaccinologie Hematologie VAXINFECTIO Censtat 0.10 1.00 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.53 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ZAP AAP ATP ZAPBOF ATP BAP ATP BAP ATP ATP BAP BAP BAP ATP ATP BAP BAP ATP BAP BAP BAP BAP Medische microbiologie 1.00 BAP 134 Zarb, Peter 75 - Annex VI - 76 - Methusalem Report 2011 - ANNEXVII:ListofongoingProjects2011 77 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 1 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Ondersteuning van de activiteiten van de Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board (VHPB). Looptijd : van 01/01/2000 tot 31/12/2012 Type Project : van van van Van Damme Pierre Meheus Andre Van Damme Pierre Promotor : Promotor : Co-promotor : Id : 3205 Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2004 01/01/2000 01/01/2000 tot tot tot 31/12/2012 30/09/2004 30/09/2004 Fin.programma : 302100006 302100006 302100006 302100025 302100025 302100025 302100025 302100025 302100054 302100054 302100054 302100054 302100054 302100054 302100054 302100079 302100079 800100024 800100024 800100024 800100024 800100024 800100024 800100024 800100024 800100024 800100053 800100053 Aventis Aventis Aventis Merck Merck Merck Merck Merck Sanofi Pasteur MSD Sanofi Pasteur MSD Sanofi Pasteur MSD Sanofi Pasteur MSD Sanofi Pasteur MSD Sanofi Pasteur MSD Sanofi Pasteur MSD Sanofi Pasteur SA Sanofi Pasteur SA GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline SmithKline Beecham SmithKline Beecham 01/01/2005 01/01/2004 01/01/2003 01/01/2008 01/01/2011 01/01/2010 01/01/2003 01/01/2012 01/01/2006 01/01/2008 01/01/2011 01/01/2007 01/01/2009 01/09/2006 01/01/2010 09/03/2010 01/02/2011 01/01/2003 01/01/2009 01/01/2004 01/01/2006 01/01/2007 01/01/2011 01/01/2010 01/01/2002 01/01/2005 01/01/2000 01/01/2001 Budget : € Titel project : Gentherapie : van gentransfer tot klinische toepassingen. Looptijd : van Promotor : 01/01/2002 tot 31/12/2011 Berneman Zwi 31/12/2005 31/12/2004 31/12/2003 31/12/2008 31/12/2011 31/12/2010 31/12/2003 31/12/2012 31/12/2006 31/12/2009 31/12/2011 31/12/2007 31/12/2009 31/12/2009 31/12/2010 31/12/2010 31/12/2011 31/12/2003 31/12/2009 31/12/2004 31/12/2006 31/12/2007 31/12/2012 31/12/2010 31/12/2002 31/12/2005 31/12/2000 31/12/2001 4.524.546,08 Id : Type Project : van 3868 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2002 tot 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 7005 7005 FWO wetenschappelijke onderzoeksgemeenschappen FWO wetenschappelijke onderzoeksgemeenschappen 01/01/2002 31/12/2006 01/01/2007 31/12/2011 Budget : € 23.042,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 2 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Genetica als hulpmiddel in de strijd tegen antibiotica resistentie bij lage luchtweg infecties in Europa. (GRACE) Looptijd : van 01/03/2006 tot 31/08/2011 Type Project : van van Goossens Herman Coenen Samuel Promotor : Co-promotor : Id : 20774 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/03/2006 01/03/2006 tot tot 31/08/2011 31/08/2011 Fin.programma : EU KP6: LIFE (Biowetenschappen, genomica en biotechnologie voor de gezondheid) 3601 01/03/2006 Budget : € Titel project : Inhibitie van HIV-replicatie. Looptijd : van 01/01/2007 tot 1.581.451,00 Id : 31/12/2011 Type Project : van van van Berneman Zwi Vanham Guido Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : 31/08/2011 21357 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 tot tot tot 31/12/2011 31/12/2011 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 4106 4106 4106 4106 4106 IUAP-VI (1/1/2007-31/12/2011) IUAP-VI (1/1/2007-31/12/2011) IUAP-VI (1/1/2007-31/12/2011) IUAP-VI (1/1/2007-31/12/2011) IUAP-VI (1/1/2007-31/12/2011) 01/01/2007 01/01/2010 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2011 31/12/2007 31/12/2010 31/12/2008 31/12/2009 31/12/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Beheer van antimicrobiële resistentie in het ziekenhuis en de verspreiding in de gemeenschap. (MOSAR) Looptijd : van 01/02/2007 tot 31/01/2012 Type Project : van Goossens Herman Promotor : 800.000,00 Id : 22204 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/02/2007 tot 31/01/2012 Fin.programma : EU KP6: LIFE (Biowetenschappen, genomica en biotechnologie voor de gezondheid) 3601 01/02/2007 Budget : € Titel project : Simulatiemodellen van transmissie van besmettelijke ziekten en controle processen (SIMID). Looptijd : van Promotor : 01/03/2007 tot 28/02/2011 Beutels Philippe Type Project : van 31/01/2012 542.962,00 Id : 21539 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/03/2007 tot 28/02/2011 Fin.programma : 5020 SBO (Strategisch Basisonderzoek) 01/03/2007 Budget : € 28/02/2011 1.035.000,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 3 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Gedragsverandering van zorgverleners en publiek naar een meer voorzichtig gebruik van anti-microbiële agentia (CHAMP). Looptijd : van 01/04/2007 tot 31/03/2011 Type Project : van van Goossens Herman Coenen Samuel Promotor : Co-promotor : Id : 21868 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/04/2007 01/04/2007 tot tot 31/03/2011 31/03/2011 Fin.programma : EU KP6: Beleidsondersteunend onderzoek en NEST 3608 01/04/2007 31/03/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Wetenschappelijke evaluatie van de consumptie van antibiotica voor menselijk gebruik (ESAC-3). Looptijd : van 03/09/2007 tot 01/07/2011 Type Project : van Goossens Herman Promotor : 94.392,00 Id : 21911 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 03/09/2007 tot 01/07/2011 Fin.programma : 389900003 389900003 389900003 389900003 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) 03/09/2008 02/09/2009 02/09/2010 01/07/2011 03/09/2007 02/09/2008 03/09/2009 02/09/2010 Budget : € Titel project : Cellulaire immunologie in kanker en AIDS, en multidisciplinair celtherapie-onderzoek en klinische studies. Looptijd : van 01/10/2007 tot 30/09/2012 Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Promotor : Mandaathouder : Type Project : van van 2.199.319,00 Id : 22897 Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2007 01/10/2007 tot tot 30/09/2012 30/09/2012 Fin.programma : 5413 ZAP BOF-mandaten 01/10/2007 Budget : € Titel project : Oprichting van een translationeel platform voor geïntegreerd vaccinonderzoek. Looptijd : van Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : 01/12/2007 tot 26/11/2012 Van Damme Pierre Berneman Zwi Goossens Herman Type Project : van van van 30/09/2012 400.000,00 Id : 21972 Onderzoeksproject 01/12/2007 01/12/2007 01/12/2007 tot tot tot 26/11/2012 26/11/2012 26/11/2012 Fin.programma : 5431 800100024 IOF - Industrieel Onderzoeksfonds GlaxoSmithKline 01/12/2007 27/11/2008 Budget : € 30/11/2011 26/11/2012 660.000,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 4 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Effect van innate immuunsignalen op leukemische cellen voor de stimulatie van natural killercellen en T helper 1-polariserende dendritische cellen. Looptijd : van 01/01/2008 tot 31/12/2011 Berneman Zwi Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van Id : 21884 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 tot tot 31/12/2011 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2010 01/01/2009 01/01/2008 01/01/2011 Budget : € 120.000,00 Titel project : Het beleid van lage luchtweginfecties in de huisartsenpraktijk optimaliseren op basis van etiologisch, diagnostisch, prognostisch en interventie-onderzoek. Looptijd : van 01/01/2008 tot 31/12/2011 Goossens Herman Coenen Samuel Van Royen Paul Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van van 31/12/2010 31/12/2009 31/12/2008 31/12/2011 Id : 21931 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 tot tot tot 31/12/2011 31/12/2011 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2010 01/01/2009 01/01/2008 01/01/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Mechanismen van protectieve immuniteit bij HIV-1 geïnfecteerde personen na een periode van antiretrovirale therapie. Looptijd : van 01/01/2008 tot 31/12/2011 van Berneman Zwi Promotor : Type Project : 31/12/2010 31/12/2009 31/12/2008 31/12/2011 349.561,00 Id : 21947 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2008 tot 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2010 01/01/2009 01/01/2008 01/01/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Niet-invasieve beeldvorming van migratie en overleving van stamcellen in de hersenen (BRAINSTIM). Looptijd : van Promotor : 01/01/2008 tot 31/12/2011 Berneman Zwi Type Project : van 31/12/2010 31/12/2009 31/12/2008 31/12/2011 40.000,00 Id : 22338 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2008 tot 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 5020 SBO (Strategisch Basisonderzoek) 01/01/2008 Budget : € 31/12/2011 381.187,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 5 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Geïntegreerd onderzoek naar vaccins en infectieziekten. Looptijd : van 01/01/2008 tot 31/12/2014 Type Project : van van van Goossens Herman Van Damme Pierre Berneman Zwi Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Id : 22858 Onderzoeksproject tot tot tot 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 Fin.programma : 541200024 541200024 5416 5416 BOF: Onderzoeksexcellentiecentra BOF: Onderzoeksexcellentiecentra Methusalem Methusalem 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 01/01/2008 Budget : € Titel project : Een geïntegreerd platform dat theranostische toepassingen mogelijk maakt in de eerstelijn gezondheiszorg. (TheraEdge) Looptijd : van 01/03/2008 tot 29/02/2012 Type Project : van Goossens Herman Promotor : 31/12/2008 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2008 2.990.000,00 Id : 22760 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/03/2008 tot 29/02/2012 Fin.programma : EU KP7: Informatie- & Communicatietechnologieën 3703 01/03/2008 Budget : € 491.202,25 Titel project : Een sterk geïntegreerde optische sensor voor point of care identificatie van bacteriën die sepsis veroorzaken en bepaling van het antibiotica resistentieprofiel. ( InTopSens) Looptijd : van 01/09/2008 tot 31/08/2011 Type Project : van van Goossens Herman Malhotra Surbhi Promotor : Co-promotor : 29/02/2012 Id : 23028 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/09/2008 01/09/2008 tot tot 31/08/2011 31/08/2011 Fin.programma : EU KP7: Informatie- & Communicatietechnologieën 3703 01/09/2008 Budget : € Titel project : Druggebruik onder vrouwelijke sekswerkers in België (DRUSEB). Looptijd : van Promotor : 01/10/2008 tot 31/12/2011 Type Project : Van Damme Pierre van 31/08/2011 195.410,00 Id : 23450 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2008 tot 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 4243 Onderzoeksprogramma ter ondersteuning van de federale beleidsnota Drugs (DR) 01/10/2008 Budget : € 31/12/2011 5.028,68 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 6 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Dubbelblind, gerandomiseerd onderzoek naar de immunogeniciteit en de reactogeniciteit van het geïnactiveerde vaccin tegen hepatitis A - dat 1440 El.U antigen bevat per ml, en dat wordt geïnjecteerd volgens een 0-12 maanden vaccinatieschema. Looptijd : van 28/10/2008 tot 31/01/2013 Type Project : van van Van Damme Pierre Van Herck Koen Promotor : Co-promotor : Id : 23165 Onderzoeksproject tot tot 28/10/2008 28/10/2008 31/01/2013 31/01/2013 Fin.programma : 800100024 GlaxoSmithKline 28/10/2008 Budget : € 179.900,08 Titel project : Dubbelblind, gerandomiseerd onderzoek naar de immunogeniciteit en de reactogeniciteit van het geïnactiveerde vaccin tegen hepatitis A - dat 1440 El.U antigen bevat per ml, en dat wordt geïnjecteerd volgens een 0-6 maanden vaccinatieschema. Looptijd : van 28/10/2008 tot 31/01/2013 Type Project : van van Van Damme Pierre Van Herck Koen Promotor : Co-promotor : 31/01/2013 Id : 23166 Onderzoeksproject tot tot 28/10/2008 28/10/2008 31/01/2013 31/01/2013 Fin.programma : 800100024 GlaxoSmithKline 28/10/2008 Budget : € 108.513,41 Titel project : Highspeed, fixed alignment benchtop cell sorter platform. (Becton Dickinson FACSAria II) Looptijd : van 19/12/2008 tot 18/12/2013 Type Project : van van van van Berneman Zwi Ebo Didier Stevens Willem Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : 31/01/2013 Id : 23709 Onderzoeksproject tot tot tot tot 19/12/2008 19/12/2008 19/12/2008 19/12/2008 18/12/2013 18/12/2013 18/12/2013 18/12/2013 Fin.programma : Eigen Middelen zoals patrimonium, inschrijvingsgelden, giften, .... Hercules: Kleine en Middelzware apparatuur 1000 7710 19/12/2008 18/12/2013 19/12/2008 18/12/2013 Budget : € Titel project : Klinisch en preklinisch onderzoek naar het effect van cellulaire mediatoren op het bijsturen van pathogene responsen in multiple sclerose. Looptijd : van Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : 01/01/2009 tot 31/12/2012 Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Ysebaert Dirk Ponsaerts Peter Cras Patrick Berneman Zwi Cools Nathalie Type Project : van van van van van van 434.966,00 Id : 22727 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 tot tot tot tot tot tot 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2010 01/01/2009 01/01/2012 01/01/2011 Budget : € 31/12/2010 31/12/2009 31/12/2012 31/12/2011 347.200,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 7 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Onderzoek naar Antibiotica Resistentie Mechanismen die een Ketoliden en Fluoroquinolonen resistentie van hoog niveau mediëren in Streptococcus pyogenes. Looptijd : van 01/01/2009 tot 31/12/2011 Malhotra Surbhi Promotor : Type Project : van Id : 22840 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2009 tot 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 7020 FWO-kredieten aan navorser 01/01/2009 Budget : € Titel project : Karakterisering van immuunresponsen gericht tegen allogene stamcelimplantaten in het centraal zenuwstelsel. Looptijd : van 01/01/2009 tot 31/12/2011 Ponsaerts Peter Promotor : Type Project : van 31/12/2011 20.000,00 Id : 22846 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2009 tot 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 7020 FWO-kredieten aan navorser 01/01/2009 Budget : € Titel project : Belgisch multidisciplinair HIV onderzoek. Looptijd : van 01/01/2009 tot 31/12/2013 10.000,00 Id : Type Project : van Berneman Zwi Promotor : 31/12/2011 23360 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2009 tot 31/12/2013 Fin.programma : FWO wetenschappelijke onderzoeksgemeenschappen 7005 01/01/2009 Budget : € Titel project : Leerstoel "Evidence Based Vaccinology". Looptijd : van 01/01/2009 tot 31/12/2011 Beutels Philippe Van Damme Pierre Promotor : Co-promotor : 31/12/2013 8.929,00 Id : Type Project : van van 23750 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 tot tot 31/12/2011 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 800000050 Handgiften 01/01/2009 Budget : € Titel project : Gezondheidseconomie. Looptijd : van Promotor : Mandaathouder : 01/01/2009 31/12/2011 180.000,00 Id : tot 31/12/2013 Beutels Philippe Beutels Philippe Type Project : van van 23897 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 tot tot 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 Fin.programma : 5413 ZAP BOF-mandaten 01/01/2009 Budget : € 31/12/2013 425.000,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 8 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : A Rising Single Dose, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo- Controlled Study to Evaluate Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of SCH 900795 in Healthy Adults P05653-01. Looptijd : van 01/02/2009 tot 31/01/2011 Van Damme Pierre Promotor : Type Project : van Id : 23509 Onderzoeksproject 01/02/2009 tot 31/01/2011 Fin.programma : 302100034 Schering 01/02/2009 31/01/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Inductie van multiple sclerose (ms)-specifieke immuuntolerantie gebruikmakende van tolerogene dendritische cellen en regulerende t-cellen. Looptijd : van 01/02/2009 tot 31/07/2013 Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Cools Nathalie Promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van 0,00 Id : 23564 Onderzoeksproject 01/02/2009 01/02/2009 tot tot 31/07/2013 31/07/2013 Fin.programma : 800000028 Legaten 01/02/2009 Budget : € Titel project : VZV vaccination in children and adults aged over 50 years: health technology assessment. Looptijd : van 01/06/2009 tot 15/12/2011 Beutels Philippe Promotor : Type Project : van 31/07/2013 127.750,00 Id : 24104 Onderzoeksproject 01/06/2009 tot 15/12/2011 Fin.programma : 459900003 459900003 Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE) Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE) 31/05/2010 15/12/2011 01/06/2009 31/05/2010 Budget : € 179.645,71 Titel project : A randomized, single-blind, dose-ranging...of adjuvanted and non adjuvanted egg-derived inactivated novel swine rigin A/H1N1 monovalent subunit influenza virus vaccine in healthy subjects 18 or more years of age. Looptijd : van 05/08/2009 tot 31/08/2011 Van Damme Pierre Promotor : Type Project : van Id : 24164 Onderzoeksproject 05/08/2009 tot 31/08/2011 Fin.programma : 302100065 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation 05/08/2009 Budget : € Titel project : A randomized, single-blind, dose-ranging, ... of adjuvanted and non adjuvanted cell-derived inactivated novel swine rigin A/H1N1 monovalent subunit influenza virus vaccine in healthy subjects 18 or more years of age. Looptijd : van Promotor : 05/08/2009 tot 31/08/2011 Van Damme Pierre Type Project : van 31/08/2011 98.280,00 Id : 24165 Onderzoeksproject 05/08/2009 tot 31/08/2011 Fin.programma : 302100065 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation 05/08/2009 Budget : € 31/08/2011 49.140,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 9 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Rol v/h Wilms tumor gen (WT1) als biomarker voor het voorspellen van leukemie recidief en voor de beoordeling van de werkzaamheid van DC vaccinatie met behulp van WT1 mRNA-transfected autologe dendritische cellen van patiënten met acute myeloid leukemie. Looptijd : van 01/09/2009 tot 31/08/2012 Berneman Zwi Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van Id : 24163 Onderzoeksproject 01/09/2009 01/09/2009 tot tot 31/08/2012 31/08/2012 Fin.programma : 800300042 Vlaamse Liga tegen Kanker 01/09/2009 Budget : € 70.000,00 Titel project : Het effect van cellulaire mediatoren op het bijsturen van pathogene responsen in multiple sclerose (MS) patiënten. Looptijd : van 01/10/2009 tot 30/09/2012 van van Berneman Zwi Cools Nathalie Promotor : Mandaathouder : Type Project : 31/08/2012 Id : 23681 Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2009 01/10/2009 tot tot 30/09/2012 30/09/2012 Fin.programma : 700300003 FWO tijdelijke mandaten: postdoct. 01/10/2009 Budget : € Titel project : Neurale stamcellen: moleculaire en fysiologische controle van in vivo differentiatie , migratie en immunogeniciteit. Looptijd : van 01/10/2009 tot 30/09/2012 Berneman Zwi Ponsaerts Peter Promotor : Mandaathouder : Type Project : van van 30/09/2012 226.026,00 Id : 23718 Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2009 01/10/2009 tot tot 30/09/2012 30/09/2012 Fin.programma : 700300004 FWO tijdelijke mandaten: postdoct. 1ste hernieuwing 01/10/2009 Budget : € 243.429,00 Titel project : De geschiktheid van het voorschrijven van antibiotica in de eerstelijns gezondheidszorg in Europa met betrekking tot resistentie tegen antibiotica (APRES). Looptijd : van Promotor : Co-promotor : 01/10/2009 tot 30/09/2013 Goossens Herman Coenen Samuel Type Project : van van 30/09/2012 Id : 24233 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2009 01/10/2009 tot tot 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 Fin.programma : 3701 EU KP7: Gezondheid 01/10/2009 Budget : € 30/09/2013 204.019,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 10 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : An open, single centre study to evaluate the long-term antibody persistence and immune memory between 16 and 20 years after the primary study HAB-028 (208127/021) in which healthy adults were vaccinated with Twinrix Adult following a three -dose schedule. Looptijd : van 01/10/2009 tot 31/10/2015 Van Damme Pierre Van Herck Koen Promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van Id : 24277 Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2009 01/10/2009 tot tot 31/10/2015 31/10/2015 Fin.programma : 800100024 GlaxoSmithKline 01/10/2009 31/10/2015 Budget : € Titel project : Multidisciplinair onderzoek van vaccinatie en infectieziekten. Looptijd : van 01/11/2009 tot 31/10/2011 Van Damme Pierre Berneman Zwi Goossens Herman Vankerckhoven Vanessa Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Mandaathouder : Type Project : van van van van 0,00 Id : 24341 Onderzoeksproject 01/11/2009 01/11/2009 01/11/2009 01/11/2009 tot tot tot tot 31/10/2011 31/10/2011 31/10/2011 31/10/2011 Fin.programma : 543100001 IOF: Mandaten 01/11/2009 Budget : € Titel project : Cost-effectiveness of 7, 10 and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines 2009-52_HTA. Looptijd : van 10/12/2009 tot 15/04/2011 Beutels Philippe Van Damme Pierre Promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van 31/10/2011 170.000,00 Id : 24542 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 10/12/2009 10/12/2009 tot tot 15/04/2011 15/04/2011 Fin.programma : 459900003 Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE) 10/12/2009 Budget : € 133.705,00 Titel project : Een fase III klinisch onderzoek naar de studie van de immunogeniciteit, verdraagbaarheid en fabricage consistentie van de V503 in preadolescenten en adolescenten met een vergelijking met jonge vrouwen. Looptijd : van Promotor : 11/12/2009 tot 30/04/2013 Van Damme Pierre Type Project : van 15/04/2011 Id : 24544 Onderzoeksproject 11/12/2009 tot 30/04/2013 Fin.programma : 302100025 302100025 302100025 Merck Merck Merck 11/12/2010 11/12/2009 01/02/2011 Budget : € 30/04/2013 10/12/2010 30/04/2013 218.484,48 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 11 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Identificatie van nieuwe aan het celoppervlak uitgedrukte factoren betrokken bij virulentie en biofilmvervorming van methicilline-resistente Staphylococcus aureus. Looptijd : van 01/01/2010 tot 31/12/2012 Type Project : van van Goossens Herman Malhotra Surbhi Promotor : Co-promotor : Id : 23949 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2010 01/01/2010 tot tot 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2010 01/01/2012 01/01/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Karakterisering van circulerende dendritische cellen (DC) in multiple sclerose (MS): bepaling van subtypes en functionaliteit. Looptijd : van 01/01/2010 tot 31/12/2011 Type Project : van Cools Nathalie Promotor : 31/12/2010 31/12/2012 31/12/2011 60.000,00 Id : 24275 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2010 tot 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 541200005 BOF: Kleine projecten onderzoeksraad 01/01/2010 Budget : € 7.500,00 Titel project : In vivo niet-invasieve beeldvorming van acute myeloide leukemie (AML) immunotherapie bij muizen. Looptijd : van 01/01/2010 tot 31/12/2011 Type Project : van Smits Evelien Promotor : 31/12/2011 Id : 24343 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2010 tot 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 541200005 BOF: Kleine projecten onderzoeksraad 01/01/2010 Budget : € Titel project : Maternele immuniteit in het puerperium Looptijd : van 01/01/2010 tot 31/12/2011 7.500,00 Id : Type Project : van Loens Katherine Promotor : 31/12/2011 24378 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2010 tot 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 541200005 BOF: Kleine projecten onderzoeksraad 01/01/2010 Budget : € Titel project : Multiple Sclerose, een multidisciplinaire benadering. Looptijd : van Promotor : 01/01/2010 tot 31/12/2014 Berneman Zwi 31/12/2011 7.500,00 Id : Type Project : van 24405 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2010 tot 31/12/2014 Fin.programma : 7005 FWO wetenschappelijke onderzoeksgemeenschappen 01/01/2010 Budget : € 31/12/2014 5.682,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 12 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Impact van specifieke antibiotische therapie op de prevalentie van resistente bacteriën van een menselijke gastheer (SATURN). Looptijd : van 01/01/2010 tot 31/12/2014 Type Project : van van van Goossens Herman Coenen Samuel Malhotra Surbhi Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Id : 24575 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2010 01/01/2010 01/01/2010 tot tot tot 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 Fin.programma : 3701 EU KP7: Gezondheid 01/01/2010 Budget : € 1.019.930,00 Titel project : A Phase III Open-Label Clinical Trial to Study the Immunogenicity and Tolerability of V 503, a Multivalent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) L1 Virus-Like Particle (VLP) Vaccine, Given Concomitantly With REPEVAX in Preadolescents and Adolescents. Looptijd : van 22/01/2010 tot 21/01/2011 Type Project : van Van Damme Pierre Promotor : 31/12/2014 Id : 25172 Onderzoeksproject 22/01/2010 tot 21/01/2011 Fin.programma : 302100025 Merck 22/01/2010 Budget : € 91.381,21 Titel project : In vivo niet-vasieve beeldvorming van acute myeloide leukemie (AML) immunotherapie bij muizen. Looptijd : van 01/02/2010 tot 31/12/2012 Type Project : van Smits Evelien Promotor : 21/01/2011 Id : 24948 Onderzoeksproject 01/02/2010 tot 31/12/2012 Fin.programma : 800400018 Stichting Rosa Blanckaert - Aanmoedigingsbeurs jonge vorsers 01/02/2010 Budget : € 2.500,00 Titel project : A Phase I, Randomized, Single-blind, Controlled, Single Center Study to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of the NVGH Glycoconjugate Vaccine against S . Typhi in Adult Subjects 18 to 40 Years of Age. Looptijd : van 02/03/2010 tot 01/03/2011 Van Damme Pierre Promotor : Type Project : van 31/12/2012 Id : 24961 Onderzoeksproject 02/03/2010 tot 01/03/2011 Fin.programma : 302100065 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation 02/03/2010 Budget : € Titel project : A phase IV, open, non-randomized, multicentre study to assess the reactogenicity and immunogenicity of a booster dose of GSK ... in study 263855/029 (dTpa-029). Looptijd : van Promotor : 01/05/2010 tot 31/03/2012 Van Damme Pierre Type Project : van 01/03/2011 64.017,38 Id : 25298 Onderzoeksproject 01/05/2010 tot 31/03/2012 Fin.programma : 800100024 GlaxoSmithKline 01/05/2010 Budget : € 31/03/2012 22.550,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 13 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Tolerance and Immunogenicity of ProCervix, an adjuvanted therapeutic vaccine composed of 2 recombinant adenylate cyclases, in HPV 16 and/or 18 infected women with normal cytology. Looptijd : van 01/06/2010 tot 31/03/2011 Type Project : van Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Promotor : Id : 25324 Dienstverleningsproject Onderzoeksproject tot 01/06/2010 31/03/2011 Fin.programma : 302100080 Genticel 01/06/2010 Budget : € Titel project : Ondersteuning van de puntprevalentiestudie van gezondheidszorg-geassocieerde infecties en antimicrobieel gebruik in Europese ziekenhuizen. Looptijd : van 01/06/2010 tot 31/03/2011 Type Project : van Goossens Herman Promotor : 31/03/2011 67.525,38 Id : 25335 Onderzoeksproject 01/06/2010 tot 31/03/2011 Fin.programma : 389900003 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) 01/06/2010 Budget : € Titel project : Tolerance and immunogenicity of ProCervix, an adjuvanted therapeutic vaccine composed of 2 recombinant adenylate cyclases, in HPV 16 and/or 18 infected women with normal cytology. Looptijd : van 26/07/2010 tot 25/07/2011 Type Project : van van Van Damme Pierre Hens Annick Promotor : Co-promotor : 31/03/2011 130.000,00 Id : 25408 Onderzoeksproject 26/07/2010 26/07/2010 tot tot 25/07/2011 25/07/2011 Fin.programma : 302100080 Genticel 26/07/2010 Budget : € Titel project : Antibiotic resistance and prescribing in European Children (ARPEC). Looptijd : van 01/09/2010 tot 31/08/2013 Type Project : van Goossens Herman Promotor : 25/07/2011 3.000,00 Id : 25413 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/09/2010 tot 31/08/2013 Fin.programma : 3899 EU: Andere Eu-initiatieven buiten kader 01/09/2010 Budget : € 101.569,13 Titel project : A Phase 2, Randomized, observer-blind, Controlled, Single Center Study to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of three formulations of the NVGH Glycoconjugate Vaccine against S. Typhi in Adult Subjects 18 to 40 Years of Age. Looptijd : van Promotor : 01/09/2010 tot 28/02/2011 Type Project : Van Damme Pierre van 31/08/2013 Id : 25434 Onderzoeksproject 01/09/2010 tot 28/02/2011 Fin.programma : 302100083 Novartis Vaccines Institute for Global Health 01/09/2010 Budget : € 28/02/2011 76.336,40 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 14 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : RHAMM als een aantrekkelijk immunotherapeutisch doelwitantigen voor dendritische cel-geïnduceerde T-cel immuniteit gericht tegen leukemie en myeloom. Looptijd : van 01/10/2010 tot 30/12/2011 Berneman Zwi Willemen Yannick Promotor : Mandaathouder : Type Project : van van Id : 24697 Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2010 01/10/2010 tot tot 30/12/2011 30/12/2011 Fin.programma : 541200003 541200004 BOF: Opvangmandaten FWO BOF: Opvangmandaten IWT 01/10/2010 01/10/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Verbetering van de immuuntherapeutische capaciteit van humane dendritische cellen m.b.v. innate immuunsignalen. Looptijd : van 01/10/2010 tot 30/09/2013 van van Berneman Zwi Smits Evelien Promotor : Mandaathouder : Type Project : 30/09/2011 30/12/2011 49.475,00 Id : 24808 Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2010 01/10/2010 tot tot 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 Fin.programma : 700300003 FWO tijdelijke mandaten: postdoct. 01/10/2010 Budget : € Titel project : Ontwikkeling van innovatieve methoden ter verhoging van de immuunstimulerende werking van dendritische celtherapie voor acute myeloïde leukemie. Looptijd : van 01/10/2010 tot 30/09/2012 Berneman Zwi Anguille Sébastien Promotor : Mandaathouder : Type Project : van van 30/09/2013 224.262,00 Id : 24875 Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2010 01/10/2010 tot tot 30/09/2012 30/09/2012 Fin.programma : 700300002 FWO tijdelijke mandaten: aspirant 1ste hernieuwing 01/10/2010 Budget : € Titel project : Aanwezigheid van antibiotica-resistente pathogene bacteriën in de omgeving en de humane comensale flora: is er een verband met ziekte? Looptijd : van 01/10/2010 tot 30/09/2012 Goossens Herman Colebunders Robert Malhotra Surbhi Paasch Fabienne Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Mandaathouder : Type Project : van van van van 30/09/2012 81.176,00 Id : 25423 Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2010 01/10/2010 01/10/2010 01/10/2010 tot tot tot tot 30/09/2012 30/09/2012 30/09/2012 30/09/2012 Fin.programma : 440200001 VLIR 01/10/2010 Budget : € Titel project : CSL Behring Leerstoel: ziekte von Willebrand. Looptijd : van Promotor : 01/10/2010 tot Berneman Zwi 30/09/2013 30/09/2012 70.950,00 Id : Type Project : van 25496 Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2010 tot 30/09/2013 Fin.programma : 800100114 CSL Behring 01/10/2010 Budget : € 30/09/2013 180.000,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 15 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Analyses ter ondersteuning van de validatie van de geschatte duur van de bescherming geboden door Havrix. Looptijd : van 01/12/2010 tot 31/10/2011 Van Herck Koen Van Damme Pierre Hens Niel Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van van Id : 25686 Onderzoeksproject tot tot tot 01/12/2010 01/12/2010 01/12/2010 31/10/2011 31/10/2011 31/10/2011 Fin.programma : 800100024 GlaxoSmithKline 01/12/2010 Budget : € Titel project : Neurale Stamcellen: moleculaire en fysiologische controle van in vivo migratie en differentiatie. Looptijd : van 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2014 Berneman Zwi Jorens Philippe Van Der Linden Anne Marie Ysebaert Dirk Ponsaerts Peter Giugliano Michele Pauwels Patrick Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van van van van van van 31/10/2011 61.834,50 Id : 25012 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 tot tot tot tot tot tot tot 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2012 01/01/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Controle van glioblastoma door modulatie van innate immuunresponsen in de hersenen. Looptijd : van Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2014 Berneman Zwi Ysebaert Dirk Ponsaerts Peter Pauwels Patrick Type Project : van van van van 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2012 31/12/2011 91.056,00 Id : 25013 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 tot tot tot tot 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2012 01/01/2011 Budget : € 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2012 31/12/2011 100.000,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 16 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Karakterisering van innate immuunresponsen in het centraal zenuwstelsel: modulatie tot immunologische acceptatie van allogene celimplantaten. Looptijd : van 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2014 Berneman Zwi Van Der Linden Anne Marie Ysebaert Dirk Ponsaerts Peter Pauwels Patrick Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van van van van Id : 25014 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 tot tot tot tot tot 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2012 01/01/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Efficiëntie, billijkheid en autonomie: de ethiek van een vaccinatiebeleid. Looptijd : van 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2014 Beutels Philippe Van Damme Pierre Promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2012 31/12/2011 140.000,00 Id : 25106 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 tot tot 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2012 01/01/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Karakterisatie van het naso-oro-pharyngeale microbioom en resistoom in de Europese populatie. Looptijd : van 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2013 Goossens Herman Malhotra Surbhi Promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2012 31/12/2011 240.000,00 Id : 25156 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 tot tot 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2013 01/01/2012 01/01/2011 Budget : € 200.000,00 Titel project : Immuunmodulerende therapie voor ruggenmergletsels gebruikmakende van IL-4 en IL-13 producerende celtransplanten. Looptijd : van Promotor : 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2014 Ponsaerts Peter Type Project : van 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 31/12/2011 Id : 25176 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2014 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2012 01/01/2011 Budget : € 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2012 31/12/2011 45.528,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 17 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Boosting the cross-talk between human dendritic cells and natural killer cells by Toll -like receptor-ligand-loaded leukemia cells for optimal anti- leukemia T cell responses. Looptijd : van 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2011 Type Project : van Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Promotor : Id : 25411 Onderzoeksproject tot 01/01/2011 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 800300042 Vlaamse Liga tegen Kanker 01/01/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Inductie van multiple sclerose (MS)-specifieke immuuntolerantie gebruikmakende van tolerogene dendritische cellen en regulerende T -cellen. Preklinische evaluatie van het therapeutisch potentieel van cellulaire immuuntherapie bij MS. Looptijd : van 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2012 Type Project : van van Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Nuyts Amber Promotor : Mandaathouder : 31/12/2011 60.000,00 Id : 25730 Onderzoeksproject tot tot 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 Fin.programma : 550400002 IWT strategische onderzoeksbeurs - tweede termijn 01/01/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Boosting the cross-talk between human dentritic cells and natural killer cells by Toll -like receptor ligand-loaded leukemia cells for optimal anti- leukemia T cell responses. Looptijd : van 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2012 Type Project : van Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Promotor : 31/12/2012 82.775,00 Id : 25828 Onderzoeksproject tot 01/01/2011 31/12/2012 Fin.programma : 800400004 Stichting tegen Kanker (voorheen Belg. Fed. tegen Kanker) 01/01/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Feasibility and safety of a WT1-targeted cancer vaccine in patients with malignant mesothelioma and locally advanced breast cancer: an open label phase I trial. Looptijd : van Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2013 Type Project : Berneman Zwi Germonpre Paul Van Schil Paul Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Van de Velde Ann Peeters Marc Huizing Manon van van van van van van van 31/12/2012 125.000,00 Id : 25866 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 tot tot tot tot tot tot tot 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 Fin.programma : 800400004 Stichting tegen Kanker (voorheen Belg. Fed. tegen Kanker) 01/01/2011 Budget : € 31/12/2013 241.000,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 18 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : The immune-modulating role of vitamin D3-treated dendritric cells in multiple sclerosis. Looptijd : van 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2013 Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Cools Nathalie Promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van Id : 26444 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 tot tot 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 Fin.programma : 800400026 Charcot Stichting 01/01/2011 31/12/2013 Budget : € Titel project : Development of Rapid Point-of-Care test Platforms for Infectious Diseases (RAPP-ID). Looptijd : van 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2015 Goossens Herman Promotor : Type Project : van 39.000,00 Id : 26553 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2011 tot 31/12/2015 Fin.programma : 3701 EU KP7: Gezondheid 01/01/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Prioritisering van de doelgroepen met betrekking tot de vaccinatie voor seizoensgriep deel 2. Looptijd : van 15/01/2011 tot 30/01/2012 Beutels Philippe Promotor : Type Project : van 31/12/2015 1.390.684,70 Id : 25890 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 15/01/2011 tot 30/01/2012 Fin.programma : 459900003 Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE) 15/01/2011 Budget : € 204.490,00 Titel project : Development of Module for the Immunological Basis for Immunization Series on Hepatitis B. Looptijd : van 31/01/2011 tot 04/02/2011 Van Damme Pierre Promotor : Type Project : van 30/01/2012 Id : 26176 Dienstverleningsproject Onderzoeksproject 31/01/2011 tot 04/02/2011 Fin.programma : 3952 WGO (Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie) 31/01/2011 Budget : € 2.384,20 Titel project : A randomized, double-blinded, controlled with Gardasil® (Human Papillomavirus Vaccine) Phase III clinical trial to study the immunogenicity and tolerability of V503 in preadolescent and adolescent girls. Looptijd : van Promotor : 01/03/2011 tot 30/04/2012 Van Damme Pierre Type Project : van 04/02/2011 Id : 26185 Onderzoeksproject 01/03/2011 tot 30/04/2012 Fin.programma : 302100054 Sanofi Pasteur MSD 01/03/2011 Budget : € 30/04/2012 114.554,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 19 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : A randomized, double-blinded, controlled with Gardasil, Phase III clinical trial to study the immunogenicity and tolerability of V503 in preadolescent and adolescent girls (9 to 15-years-olds). Looptijd : van 01/03/2011 tot 28/02/2012 Van Damme Pierre Promotor : Type Project : van Id : 26186 Onderzoeksproject 01/03/2011 tot 28/02/2012 Fin.programma : 302100054 Sanofi Pasteur MSD 01/03/2011 Budget : € 4.000,00 Titel project : A phase 1/2, randomized, open-label, study to assesss the immunogenicity and safety of a vaccine enhancement patch (vep) when administered with two doses of intramuscular inactivated influenza h5n1 vaccine in healthy adults. Looptijd : van 16/03/2011 tot 31/12/2012 Van Damme Pierre Promotor : Type Project : van 28/02/2012 Id : 26336 Onderzoeksproject 16/03/2011 tot 31/12/2012 Fin.programma : 302100088 Intercell 16/03/2011 31/12/2012 Budget : € 0,00 Titel project : Long-term follow up study of a GSK Biologicals' recombinant CMV gB sub-unit vaccine in SMV-seronegative healthy male adults vaccinated in the Phase 1, study CMV-001 and having participated in the follow-up study. Looptijd : van 01/05/2011 tot 30/09/2012 Van Damme Pierre Promotor : Type Project : van Id : 26488 Onderzoeksproject 01/05/2011 tot 30/09/2012 Fin.programma : 800100024 GlaxoSmithKline 01/05/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Development and implementation of a curriculum for an interactive training course on vaccinology. Looptijd : van 27/05/2011 tot 15/08/2011 Van Damme Pierre Promotor : Type Project : van 30/09/2012 5.040,00 Id : 26504 Dienstverleningsproject Onderzoeksproject 27/05/2011 tot 15/08/2011 Fin.programma : 3952 WGO (Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie) 27/05/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Translational research on antimicrobial resistance and community -acquired infections in Europe (TRACE). Looptijd : van 16/06/2011 tot 15/06/2016 Goossens Herman Coenen Samuel Promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van 15/08/2011 34.712,99 Id : 26771 Onderzoeksproject 16/06/2011 16/06/2011 tot tot 15/06/2016 15/06/2016 Fin.programma : 3914 ESF 16/06/2011 Budget : € 15/06/2016 12.500,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 20 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Ontwikkelen en optimaliseren van stochastische individu-gebaseerde simulatiemodellen door middel van parallelle multicore rekentechnieken. Looptijd : van 01/07/2011 tot 30/06/2013 Beutels Philippe Broeckhove Jan Hens Niel Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van van Id : 25759 Onderzoeksproject 01/07/2011 01/07/2011 01/07/2011 tot tot tot 30/06/2013 30/06/2013 30/06/2013 Fin.programma : 541200021 BOF: Interdisciplinaire doctoraatsbeurzen 01/07/2011 Budget : € 90.000,00 Titel project : An exploration of the moral relevance of medical effectiveness and intangible costs for the societal valuation of QALY-Gains. Looptijd : van 15/07/2011 tot 14/07/2012 Beutels Philippe Promotor : Type Project : van 30/06/2013 Id : 26555 Onderzoeksproject 15/07/2011 tot 14/07/2012 Fin.programma : 800100045 Pfizer 15/07/2011 Budget : € 40.000,00 Titel project : ABC-RBOD A Retrospective Study to Assess the Clinical Burden of Hospitalized Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in Adults in Belgium volgens het Specific Statistical Analysis Plan (S - SAP) van 23 februari 2010 (uitvoering CARENET-database). Looptijd : van 15/07/2011 tot 01/12/2011 van Hens Niel Promotor : Type Project : 14/07/2012 Id : 26600 Dienstverleningsproject Onderzoeksproject 15/07/2011 tot 01/12/2011 Fin.programma : 800100045 Pfizer 15/07/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Tolerance and Immunogenicity of ProCervix, an adjuvanted therapeutic vaccine composed of 2 recombinant adenylate cyclases, in HPV 16 and/or 18 infected women with normal cytology. Looptijd : van Promotor : 21/07/2011 tot 24/05/2012 Van Damme Pierre Type Project : van 01/12/2011 1.449,00 Id : 25291 Onderzoeksproject 21/07/2011 tot 24/05/2012 Fin.programma : 302100080 Genticel 21/07/2011 Budget : € 24/05/2012 181.611,57 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 21 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : In vivo identificatie en validatie van immuun-onderdrukkende signaaltransductie proteïnen en/of receptoren betrokken in glioblastoma-geïnduceerde inhibitie van microglia. Looptijd : van 01/10/2011 tot 30/09/2015 Type Project : van van van Berneman Zwi Ponsaerts Peter Hoornaert Chloé Promotor : Co-promotor : Mandaathouder : Id : 25839 Onderzoeksproject tot tot tot 01/10/2011 01/10/2011 01/10/2011 30/09/2015 30/09/2015 30/09/2013 Fin.programma : 800000028 Legaten 01/10/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Een kwantitatieve analyse van varicella-zoster virus infectie: van immunologie tot epidemiologie. Looptijd : van 01/10/2011 tot 30/09/2013 Type Project : van van van van Beutels Philippe Van Damme Pierre Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Ogunjimi Benson Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Mandaathouder : 30/09/2013 160.000,00 Id : 25992 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2011 01/10/2011 01/10/2011 01/10/2011 tot tot tot tot 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 30/09/2013 Fin.programma : 700300001 FWO tijdelijke mandaten: aspirant 01/10/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Onderzoek in het domein van de medische microbiologie. Looptijd : van 01/10/2011 tot 30/09/2014 Malhotra Surbhi Malhotra Surbhi Promotor : Mandaathouder : 30/09/2013 80.644,00 Id : Type Project : van van 26657 Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2011 01/10/2011 tot tot 30/09/2014 30/09/2014 Fin.programma : 5413 ZAP BOF-mandaten 01/10/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Resistance in gram-negative organisms: studying intervention strategies (R-GNOSIS). Looptijd : van Promotor : Co-promotor : 01/10/2011 tot 30/09/2016 Goossens Herman Malhotra Surbhi Type Project : van van 30/09/2014 255.000,00 Id : 26776 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/10/2011 01/10/2011 tot tot 30/09/2016 30/09/2016 Fin.programma : 3701 EU KP7: Gezondheid 01/10/2011 Budget : € 30/09/2016 847.490,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 22 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Preklinische ontwikkeling van een geoptimaliseerd dendritische cel-gebaseerd vaccin tegen acute myeloïde leukemie. Looptijd : van 15/11/2011 tot 31/12/2012 Type Project : van Anguille Sébastien Promotor : Id : 26649 Onderzoeksproject 15/11/2011 tot 31/12/2012 Fin.programma : 800400018 Stichting Rosa Blanckaert - Aanmoedigingsbeurs jonge vorsers 15/11/2011 Budget : € Titel project : De kwantitatieve analyse van de varicella-zoster-virus infectie: van epidemiologie tot immunologie. Looptijd : van 15/11/2011 tot 31/12/2012 Type Project : van Ogunjimi Benson Promotor : 31/12/2012 2.500,00 Id : 26652 Onderzoeksproject 15/11/2011 tot 31/12/2012 Fin.programma : 800400018 Stichting Rosa Blanckaert - Aanmoedigingsbeurs jonge vorsers 15/11/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Onderzoek naar vaccinatietoestand bij darminvaginatie voorkomend tijdens het eerste levensjaar. Looptijd : van 15/11/2011 tot 31/12/2011 Type Project : van van Beutels Philippe Hens Niel Promotor : Co-promotor : 31/12/2012 2.500,00 Id : 26899 Onderzoeksproject 15/11/2011 15/11/2011 tot tot 31/12/2011 31/12/2011 Fin.programma : 459900008 Federaal Agentschap voor Geneesmiddelen en Gezondheidsproducten (FAGG) 15/11/2011 Budget : € Titel project : Onderzoek naar de mogelijke associatie tussen toediening van het Pandemrix vaccin en Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Looptijd : van Promotor : Co-promotor : 15/12/2011 tot 14/12/2012 Type Project : Beutels Philippe Hens Niel van van 31/12/2011 10.000,00 Id : 26900 Onderzoeksproject 15/12/2011 15/12/2011 tot tot 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Fin.programma : 459900008 Federaal Agentschap voor Geneesmiddelen en Gezondheidsproducten (FAGG) 15/12/2011 Budget : € 14/12/2012 25.000,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 23 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Kwantificering van varicella-zoster virus boosting mechanismes met hun volksgezondheidsimplicaties voor vaccinatie. Looptijd : van 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2014 Beutels Philippe Van Damme Pierre Smits Evelien Hens Niel Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van van van Id : 26227 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 tot tot tot tot 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2012 Budget : € Titel project : MSC/MAPC-gebaseerde modulatie van immuun/inflammatorische mechanismen bij beenmergfalen in MDS. Looptijd : van 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2013 van Berneman Zwi Promotor : Type Project : 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2012 143.000,00 Id : 26242 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2013 Fin.programma : 7403 7403 FWO Kom op tegen Kanker FWO Kom op tegen Kanker 01/01/2013 01/01/2012 Budget : € Titel project : T cel immunogeniciteit van RHAMM en BMI-1: ontwikkeling van een multi-antigenisch dendritisch celvaccin voor hematologische maligniteiten. Looptijd : van 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2015 Berneman Zwi Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Smits Evelien Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : Type Project : van van van 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 180.000,00 Id : 26312 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 tot tot tot 31/12/2015 31/12/2015 31/12/2015 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 01/01/2012 Budget : € Titel project : Karakteriseren van gastheer-pathogeen interacties en biofilmvorming bij patiënten met ventilator-geassocieerde pneumonie. Looptijd : van Promotor : Co-promotor : Co-promotor : 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2015 Goossens Herman Kumar-Singh Samir Malhotra Surbhi Type Project : van van van 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2015 31/12/2012 200.000,00 Id : 26349 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 tot tot tot 31/12/2015 31/12/2015 31/12/2015 Fin.programma : 7010 7010 7010 7010 FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten FWO Groepsprojecten 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 01/01/2012 Budget : € 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2015 31/12/2012 200.000,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 24 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : Methicilline-resistente Staphylococcus aureus: Verkenning van de 'biofilmome' voor markers van infectie. Looptijd : van 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2014 Malhotra Surbhi Promotor : Type Project : van Id : 26436 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2014 Fin.programma : 7020 FWO-kredieten aan navorser 01/01/2012 Budget : € 25.000,00 Titel project : In vivo niet-invasieve beeldvorming van immunotherapie voor acute myeloide leukemie in een muismodel. Looptijd : van 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2014 van Smits Evelien Promotor : Type Project : 31/12/2014 Id : 26437 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2014 Fin.programma : 7020 FWO-kredieten aan navorser 01/01/2012 Budget : € Titel project : Reducing the burden of Pertussis disease in very young infants in different epidemiological settings through pertussis vaccination in pregnancy. Looptijd : van 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2013 Van Damme Pierre Promotor : Type Project : van 31/12/2014 20.000,00 Id : 26800 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2013 Fin.programma : 7499 7499 Andere middelen beheerd door het FWO Andere middelen beheerd door het FWO 01/01/2013 01/01/2012 Budget : € Titel project : iTRACE. Looptijd : van 128.817,00 Id : 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2014 Goossens Herman Promotor : 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 Type Project : van 26828 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2014 Fin.programma : 749900002 749900002 749900002 FWO-Internationale Coördinatieactie FWO-Internationale Coördinatieactie FWO-Internationale Coördinatieactie 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 Budget : € Titel project : BOF/IWT-opvangmandaat. Looptijd : van Promotor : Mandaathouder : 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2012 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 225.000,00 Id : 31/12/2012 Van Tendeloo Vigor F I Deckx Nathalie Type Project : van van 26908 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 tot tot 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 Fin.programma : 541200004 BOF: Opvangmandaten IWT 01/01/2012 Budget : € 31/12/2012 36.500,00 23/01/2012 Faculteit : 25 Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen Departement : Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut Team : VAXINFECTIO Titel project : RHAMM and BMI1 as attractive immunotherapeutic target antigens for the development and optimization of a clinical grade multi-antigenic dendritic cell vaccine against leukemia and myeloma. Looptijd : van 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2013 Type Project : van van Berneman Zwi Willemen Yannick Promotor : Mandaathouder : Id : 26964 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 tot tot 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 Fin.programma : 550400001 IWT strategische onderzoeksbeurs - eerste termijn 01/01/2012 31/12/2013 Budget : € Titel project : Tolerogene dendritische cellen: ontwikkeling van een "negatief" cellulair vaccin voor de behandeling van auto-immuniteit. Looptijd : van 01/01/2012 tot 31/12/2013 Type Project : van van Berneman Zwi Lee Wai Ping Promotor : Mandaathouder : 83.085,00 Id : 26973 Onderzoeksproject 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 tot tot 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 Fin.programma : 550400001 IWT strategische onderzoeksbeurs - eerste termijn 01/01/2012 31/12/2013 Budget : € Titel project : Studie naar de vaccinatiegraad in Vlaanderen in 2012. Looptijd : van Promotor : 04/01/2012 tot 31/12/2012 Id : Type Project : Van Damme Pierre 83.085,00 van 26966 Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoeksproject 04/01/2012 tot 31/12/2012 Fin.programma : 5104 Departement Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur 04/01/2012 Budget : € VAXINFECTIO Vaccin & infectieziekten instituut aantal projecten : Totaal budget : € Totaal budget : € 31/12/2012 274.787,28 105 28.630.971,43 28.630.971,43 Lopende Projecten Censtat 2011 met Eng. titel G2 PROJ_NR PROJ_BEGINDAT PROJ_EINDDAT CONTRACTSOORT BENAMING R‐1248 R‐1327 R‐1330 R‐1343 R‐1432 R‐1494 R‐1504 R‐1617 R‐1617 R‐1829 R‐2085 R‐2088 R‐2897 R‐2964 R‐3159 R‐3160 R‐3778 IUAP ‐ STADEC BOF ‐ doctoraatsbursaal : Yovanna Castro Sanchez Amparro BOF 08 ‐ Methusalem‐project : Vaxinfectio ‐ Molenberghs IOF‐mandaat oproep 2008 : Herbert Thijs FWO onderzoeksproject ‐ Molenberghs BOF09‐Groot project BOF09: nieuw initiatief IUAP ‐ Phase VI:European Partnership Contract onder R‐1248 IUAP ‐ Phase VI:European Partnership Contract onder R‐1248 BOF2009: doctoraatsbeurs Yves Grouwels FWO‐onderzoeksovereenkomst Aerts Marc FWO‐onderzoeksproject Christel Faes BOF nieuw initiatief BOF11 ‐ NI 31 BOF Kort verblijf dr. James Wood BOF Doctoraat Vandendijck Yannick BOF Doctoraat Martin Otava WOG Geert Molenberghs 01.01.2007 01.10.2008 01.01.2008 01.01.2009 01.01.2009 01.01.2009 01.01.2009 01.01.2007 01.01.2007 01.10.2009 01.01.2010 01.01.2010 01.01.2011 11.04.2011 01.10.2011 01.10.2011 01.01.2011 31.03.2012 30.09.2011 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2012 31.12.2012 31.12.2011 31.12.2011 30.09.2011 31.12.2013 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 11.06.2011 30.09.2015 30.09.2015 31.12.2015 Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek G3 PROJ_NR PROJ_BEGINDAT PROJ_EINDDAT CONTRACTSOORT BENAMING R‐1175 R‐1272 R‐1942 01.03.2007 01.01.2007 01.04.2009 31.12.2011 31.12.2011 31.03.2011 Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek IWT ‐ SBO ‐ SIMID Steunpunt Milieu en Gezondheid VLIR‐UOS agreement R‐2121 16.12.2009 15.03.2011 Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Europees Project EFSA ‐ Zoonoses 4 R‐2345 R‐2373 01.07.2009 01.09.2009 30.06.2011 31.08.2011 Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek ECDC‐project grant 2009/002 Subaward agreement WFUHS R‐2679 15.05.2010 31.10.2011 Stand wet. dienstverlening Dienstverleningsovereenkomst CENSTAT ‐ University of Marburg R‐2722 R‐2910 R‐2917 R‐3080 R‐3122 R‐3157 01.10.2011 01.01.2011 15.01.2011 01.10.2010 16.05.2011 01.04.2011 30.09.2015 31.12.2011 31.01.2012 31.12.2011 15.06.2011 31.03.2013 Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Stand wet. dienstverlening Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Stand wet. dienstverlening Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Samenwerking Censtat‐VITO doctoraat Burzykowski Personeelsdatabank 2011 KCE‐studie : Censtat en UA VLIR‐UOS: Biostatistiek Dienstverleningsovereenkomst WET_O_179664‐BRUL VLIR‐project Ziv Shkedy Oost‐ en Zuidelijk Afrika R‐3279 R‐3321 R‐3325 19.07.2011 22.09.2011 01.04.2011 18.07.2012 21.10.2011 30.09.2011 Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening EFSA call BIOMI/02 Dienstverleningsovereenkomst WET_O_182106‐MOLG Consultancy Agreement SERVIER G4 PROJ_NR PROJ_BEGINDAT PROJ_EINDDAT CONTRACTSOORT BENAMING R‐1066 R‐1186 R‐1360 R‐1398 R‐1949 R‐2584 R‐2850 R‐2946 R‐3016 R‐3017 01.01.2005 01.01.2007 01.07.2008 01.07.2008 01.05.2009 07.07.2010 01.01.2011 08.02.2011 21.03.2011 21.03.2011 31.12.2011 31.12.2011 31.12.2011 31.07.2011 31.12.2011 06.07.2011 31.12.2013 07.03.2011 20.04.2011 20.04.2011 Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Biostatistische consulting Wetenschappelijke dienstverlening ‐ SPIL Commitee member agreement Dienstverlening Wetenschappelijke Dienstverlening Verlenging Consultancy Master Agreement R‐1352/R‐1911 Dienstenovereenkomst met GSK Biologicals Werkstaat onder V‐778 / dienstverleningsovereenkomst WET‐176273 Dienstverleningsovereenkomst WET_O_178390_MOLG Dienstverleningsovereenkomst WET_O_178392_MOLG R‐3038 R‐3040 R‐3069 R‐3126 R‐3129 R‐3134 R‐3137 01.01.2011 23.02.2011 01.10.2010 01.06.2011 01.01.2011 09.05.2011 19.05.2011 31.12.2011 30.06.2011 30.09.2011 31.05.2013 30.03.2012 08.05.2014 18.06.2011 Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Stand wet. dienstverlening Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Onderaanneming Jessa Ziekenhuis 2011 Work Order onder V‐789 Francqui leerstoel prof. Davison Framework Agreement Censtat ‐ Mars Work order onder duurovereenkomst met Sanofi‐Aventis Consultancy agreement met Metronic Dienstverleningsovereenkomst WET_O_179808‐THIH R‐3154 R‐3199 01.02.2011 27.06.2011 31.07.2012 26.07.2011 Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening IWT KMO‐innovatieproject Censtat ‐ Thalento dienstverlening onder duurovereenkomst V‐655 R‐3219 R‐3270 R‐3271 R‐3272 R‐3275 R‐3281 R‐3283 R‐3286 01.07.2011 02.08.2011 27.06.2011 14.07.2011 01.09.2011 11.08.2011 01.04.2011 04.03.2011 30.06.2015 01.09.2011 26.07.2011 31.10.2011 31.08.2013 10.09.2011 30.06.2011 30.03.2012 Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening samenwerkingsovereenkomst Janssen Pharmaceutica Doreen Abaine Dienstverleningsovereenkomst WET_O_181155‐BRUL Dienstverleningsovereenkomst WET_O_180526‐THIH Work Assignment onder V‐789 AXA Postdoc Nele Goeyvaerts Dienstverleningsovereenkomst WET_O_181328‐BRUL Work order onder consultancy agr. met Shire‐Movetis Work order 2 onder duurovereenkomst met Sanofi‐Aventis R‐3332 R‐3355 15.09.2011 01.06.2011 14.09.2015 31.12.2011 Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Stand wet. dienstverlening Doctoraat Leandro Garcia Barrado met IDDI Work order 2 onder consultancy agr. met Shire‐Movetis R‐3390 R‐3392 R‐3468 R‐3662 R‐3664 01.10.2011 04.10.2011 04.10.2011 29.11.2011 19.12.2011 30.09.2015 03.11.2011 03.11.2011 28.12.2011 18.01.2012 Vernieuwend Contractonderzoek Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Stand wet. dienstverlening Doctoraat Sammy Chebon Dienstverleningsovereenkomst WET_O_182362‐BRUL Dienstverleningsovereenkomst WET_O_182360‐THIH Dienstverleningsovereenkomst WET_O_183597‐BRUL Dienstverleningsovereenkomst WET_O_183989‐THIH PROJ_TOTBEDRAG ICO_PROMOTOR 400,000.00 146,000.00 980,000.00 194,678.00 138,800.00 494,700.00 174,900.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 162,500.00 100,000.00 272,000.00 180,000.00 4,660.00 162,500.00 162,500.00 4,460.00 VERAVERBEKE Noel AERTS Marc MOLENBERGHS Geert AERTS Marc MOLENBERGHS Geert MOLENBERGHS Geert BURZYKOWSKI Tomasz AERTS Marc VERAVERBEKE Noel BRAEKERS Roel AERTS Marc FAES Christel HENS Niel HENS Niel FAES Christel SHKEDY Ziv MOLENBERGHS Geert PROJ_TOTBEDRAG ICO_PROMOTOR 615,000.00 AERTS Marc 79,700.00 MOLENBERGHS Geert 58,443.00 SHKEDY Ziv 86,400.00 AERTS Marc 16,200.00 SHKEDY Ziv 36,800.00 MOLENBERGHS Geert 20,000.00 AERTS Marc TITEL Statistical analysis of association and dependence in complex data Mathematical and Statistical Models for HIV and Co‐Infections VAXINFECTIO to suppress and prevent zymotic diseases Coordination of scientific services and contract research. A flexible method for modelling non‐normal hierarchical data structures A Powerful Modeling Framework for Efficient Design and Analysis of Life Sciences Studies Statistical analysis of isotope‐labeled MALDI‐TOF mass spectra Statistical analysis of association and dependence in complex data Statistical analysis of association and dependence in complex data Zero‐inflated semi‐parametric Cox┌s regression models for le ‐censored mul variate survival data. Data‐driven modelling of the impact of early, wide‐scale HIV treatment on HIV incidence in Southern Africa Spatio‐temporal modeling of infectious diseases Modelling epidemics using new statistical methodology based on network data and incomplete data methodology. Estimating vaccination coverage from trivariate serological data and incidence data. Statistical methods for the analysis of surveys with an informative spatio‐temporal sampling design. Modeling Dose‐Response Microarray Data Using Bayesian Variable Selection (BVS) Methods historical demography TITEL Simulation models of infectious disease transmission and control processes (SIMID), with applications to five major health policy issues in Flanders Environment and health / Request for assistance in development of statistical analyses of methods for evaluation of data on antimicrobial resistance in zoonotic agent isolates from animals and food. Consortium Agreement concerning the EDCD‐prject: "VACCINE PREVENTABLE DISEASES MODELLING IN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND EEA/EFTA COUNTRIES: FORECASTING TNHE EFFECT OF INTRODUCING A NEW VACCINE IN A NATIONAL/REGIONAL PROGRAM" Longitudinal methods for complex interactions in elderly populations. Coronary heart disease in primary care: the accuracy of the history and physical findings. A systematic review with individual patient data. 183,169.85 7,450.00 33,800.00 259,418.00 9,000.00 122,821.00 BURZYKOWSKI Tomasz AERTS Marc HENS Niel JANSSEN Paul BRUCKERS Liesbeth SHKEDY Ziv 17,900.00 AERTS Marc 413.22 MOLENBERGHS Geert 7,800.00 MOLENBERGHS Geert PROJ_TOTBEDRAG ICO_PROMOTOR 41,430.00 40,000.00 11,157.02 11,875.00 52,742.62 10,000.00 113,256.00 1,050.00 450.00 545.00 MOLENBERGHS Geert MOLENBERGHS Geert MOLENBERGHS Geert THIJS Herbert MOLENBERGHS Geert AERTS Marc SHKEDY Ziv HENS Niel MOLENBERGHS Geert MOLENBERGHS Geert 26,860.00 5,400.00 6,000.00 200,000.00 28,750.00 14,850.00 600.00 AERTS Marc MOLENBERGHS Geert JANSSEN Paul THIJS Herbert MOLENBERGHS Geert THIJS Herbert THIJS Herbert 26,000.00 THIJS Herbert 190.00 MOLENBERGHS Geert Coorporation agreement within the framework of the PhD: "Novel informatics algorithms for the analysis of post‐translational modifications in mass spectrometry data" Personal Database Determination of target groups that should receive priority for seasonal influenza vaccination International course "Master of Science in Biostatistics" Environmental Health Survey of South Limburg Capacity construction Statistics, with pilot region Eastern and Southern Africa Analysing and reporting data on multi‐resistance in antimicrobial resistance isolate based data collected from volunteer Member States for the year 2010. Evaluation epidemiological study of possible health effects of living near nuclear site in Belgium Consultancy Agreement TITEL Biostatistical consulting Creation MPG‐ unity files Committee member agreement DATASAFETY MONITORING BOARD Consulting Agreement Continuation of Consultancy services under the terms of our agreement Dated 7the July, 2008. Agreement for R&D Services Statistical services for September, October and November 2010 In house consulting January 2011 In house consulting December 2010 Subcontracting Contract: Policy Information on psychiatric services and settings: continuous recording of clinical and social variables / Agreement on the support of registration: 'Minimum Psychiatric Data' 2011 " Work assignment for consultancy services Francqui Chair prof. Christopher Davison Framework agreement : statistical advisory core and statistical consultancy services Work order no 1 , under the master consultancy agreement V‐793 Consulting agreement between the University of Hasselt and Metronic International Cox models vs Poisson regression Matching people and organization: statistical modeling and psychometric research for the identification and objectification of the professional environment as part of the selection, development and management of an employee In house consulting March 2011 149,381.01 BURZYKOWSKI Tomasz 7,200.00 MOLENBERGHS Geert Cooperation between CenStat and Janssen Pharmaceutica in connection with the doctorate from Doreen Abainenamar. Checking the accuracy of the data from the files of students count on May 13, 2011 EAZY registry ‐ Statistical advice concerning sample size calculations Overall statistical activities as specified in the Consultancy Agreement V‐789 Post‐doctoral sponsorship agreement Welfare Research Beerse Statement of work 1 Work order 2 under the framework agreement V‐793 Collaboration agreement with IDDI concerning the doctoral of Leandro Garcia Barrado with titel "Bayesian statistics and Bioinformatics for Biomarker validation using Biobanks in Alzheimer's Disease (B4AD)" Statement of work 2 under the consultancy agreement with Shire‐Movetis (V‐798) 199,174.68 6,587.50 6,750.00 1,150.00 6,930.00 Collaboration agreement between Censtat en Janssen Pharmaceutica concerning the doctoral of Sammy Chebon with titel " Increasing the efficiency of future toxicology studies through the development of innovative statistical approaches" TURP study ‐ data analysis Switch Study Statistical processing visionary study Interpret Study 199,174.68 1,818.20 800.00 6,480.00 120,000.00 3,200.00 3,000.00 39,980.00 MOLENBERGHS Geert BRUCKERS Liesbeth THIJS Herbert MOLENBERGHS Geert HENS Niel BRUCKERS Liesbeth MOLENBERGHS Geert THIJS Herbert FAES Christel BRUCKERS Liesbeth THIJS Herbert BRUCKERS Liesbeth THIJS Herbert