Lethbridge College Brand Standards Manual


Lethbridge College Brand Standards Manual
Lethbridge College
Brand Standards Manual
A Reference Guide
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds Contents
About the Lethbridge College Logo
III. Logos, Logo Usage and Visual Elements of the Brand
VI. Pre-Printed Stationery
VII. Premium Promotional Items
VIII. Signage
IX. The Marketing and Creative Services Team
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds President’s Message
As a member of the Lethbridge College family, you serve
as the underpinning for the excellence of the College
and the success of our students. You have a strong
understanding of our values and our beliefs – what
Lethbridge College is today and what it does best. Now it
is time to apply that understanding in a new dimension.
As we approached our re-branding many of you
participated in town hall meetings and focus groups and
I thank you for your valuable input in support of. The
results of our meetings with you, combined with additional
research conducted with current and prospective
students, the Lethbridge community and additional
stakeholder groups has contributed immeasurably to
helping us gain insight and deep understanding of who
we are and how we are perceived in the marketplace.
The College’s visual identity gives a new look and
feel for Lethbridge College; it helps provide a distinctive
presence for us in the global higher education landscape.
Our intention is for a strong, coherent and recognizable
look – a look and feel that helps us to engage with our
diverse audience. Our new image is a design which
honors where we’ve come from and will grow with us as
the College develops.
The identity embodies the vision and values of the
College. It is a visual statement of what we aspire to and
is based on twelve attributes.
· Excellence
· Affordable
· Community
· Environmental Science
· Teamwork
· Accountable
All of our materials should reflect the new identity and
the spirit it embodies.
This brand standards manual is your resource
for incorporating our brand message into all areas of
communication and interaction regarding Lethbridge
College. I encourage you to refer to the standards and
guidelines contained herein, which are complemented
and supported by direct help and assistance available
from our Marketing & Creative Services team. They are
your main point of contact for all branding and visual
identity queries.
I am confident that through our collective effort, focus
and diligence that we will make the branding effort at
Lethbridge College an unparalleled success.
Dr. Tracy Edwards
President and CEO
Lethbridge College
· Accessibility
· Relevant
· Nature
· Justice Studies
· Fun
· Diverse
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds I. Introduction
A brand is a promise, a big idea that speaks to the heart and mind of the prospective
buyer. It is that individual’s collective set of expectations about the experience they will have with Lethbridge College.
The collective image we present to the marketplace is vital to our future success.
A strong brand stands out in a crowded marketplace. Good brands build strong organizations. Ineffective brands
undermine our potential for success.
We’ve worked hard to design this manual to simplify the Lethbridge College brand, to provide you with a set of
standards to help you use the brand effectively – be it logos, colours, imagery, advertising and promotional materials,
web content or program-related documentation. The set of standards herein apply to any communication that represents
Lethbridge College, whether internal or external.
The brand identity standards have been developed by the Marketing and Creative Services Department in consultation
with higher education branding experts, Academica Group Inc. They have been approved by the President and the
College’s senior leadership team along with the Board of Governors in October 2007.
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds II. About the Lethbridge College Logo
The Lethbridge College logo reflects the school’s
environment, and surrounding landscape in colour, composition, mood and sense of
movement. The graphic shapes and movement indicate, and reflect the coulees, the wide
open horizon and ‘big sky’ sense of locale and landscape. The white spaces between the
land and sky emulate the school’s setting in an open surrounding. Literally, the shapes
represent the physical geography. The colours are fresh and modern, natural and energetic
and add vigor to the logo. The shapes themselves and their position indicate a rhythm of
the landscape and the student body.
Metaphorically, the shapes represent a progressive and growing atmosphere. Using the
physical environment as a design element indicates the school’s philosophy and politics
and desire to meld with the community. The student who ultimately chooses Lethbridge
College will be enfolded into the community and the environment and have access to
new horizons and space in which to learn.
The fonts are modern, yet solid. Lethbridge College is celebrating 50 years of
innovative education and has been a solid member of the community. The fonts indicate
a willingness to move forward, reflecting the needs and new views of its students, as well
as a loyalty to its existing foundations.
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds III. Logos, Logo Usage and Visual Elements of the Brand
Primary and Secondary Logos
The foundation of Lethbridge’s brand identity is our
institutional logo.
Lethbridge College Logo Reference Chart
Primary Logo
Secondary Logos – Schools
The logo has been subdivided into two specific
categories, the primary logo is the symbol or mark with
“Lethbridge College” logotype and the secondary logo is
the primary logo combined with an academic school or
department name.
The following sections of this document discuss logo
usage and application. These guidelines apply to both
the primary logo and all sub-brand logos.
Secondary logos can be developed for use on
promotional material. Please contact the Graphic Design
and Brand Coordinator if you require a secondary logo.
Anniversary Logo
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds Correct Uses of Lethbridge College Logos
Protected Space and Text Alignment
There is a specific area around the logo that must be kept clear/blank. This acts as
an invisible barrier that is designed for the purpose of ensuring that our logo remains
prominent and uncluttered.
Calculating the space around the logo
To ensure our signature stands out clearly, it must always be framed with an area of
unobstructed space. For print application this space must be at least X height of the name
in the signature, shown in the diagram (right) as x. For electronic application this space
must be at least half the x height of the name in the signature, shown in the diagram as x.
Print applications
Electronic applications
Logo placement
The Lethbridge College logo should ideally be placed on the left side of your documents.
For example, top-left placement for all Stationery and forms and bottom-right placement
for ads.
Where possible, align text or image with the logotype “Lethbridge College” This rule is
more applicable to text documents on letterhead Stationery.
Occasionally the design layout of an ad will not permit the standard guide of aligning text
to the primary logo (to the “L” in the word “Lethbridge”).
Preferred Size
In letter-size text documents, the logo is imported at full-page width. The preferred size for
logo-to-letter size paper is approximately 2” wide x 1.375 high”
Minimum Size
To preserve the clarity and legibility of all Lethbridge College logos, they must never be
reproduced smaller than the minimum sizes specified here. In each case, the minimum
size is determined by measuring the width of the symbol.
Top left
Bottom right
Minimum Sizes:
Print applications
40 pixels
Web Page Design
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds Improper Uses of the Lethbridge College Logo
The following images are examples of the most common errors to be avoided when using any of the Lethbridge College logos. Do not do any of the following:
Reproduce the logo in
PMS 377 alone
Reproduce the logo in
PMS 284 alone
Reproduce the logo in
Use the wordmark alone
Stretch the logo disproportionately
Use the symbol alone
Interpret the symbol
in greyscale values
Use incorrect colours
A Very Special Event!
Use the logo over a
background pattern
Add other design elements
to the logo
Use the logo over a
busy background
Add a tagline
Change the relationship
between the symbol and the
Use the logo as a wallpaper
Use a poor quality version of
the logo
Add a drop shadow
or any other graphic
effect to the logo
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds Accessing Lethbridge College Logos
Location of Logo Files
Lethbridge College logos are available on the Lethbridge
College portal.
The logos are in EPS format and JPEG format. The EPS format
is the standard graphic file format used for design work and
will produce optimum print results. The JPEG is the most user
friendly format when working with Microsoft products.
Importing your Logo to MS Word/PowerPoint to
1. Open the document where the logo is to be inserted
(i.e., MS Word or PowerPoint).
2. S
elect the pull-down menu Insert. Select the Picture
option. Select “From File.”
3. An Insert Picture dialog box opens up.
2. Log into the portal
4. L
ocate and select the logo file you want by clicking
on the down-arrow located to the right of the “Look
In” box. (Note: look for the location that you saved
the file to)
3. Click on the campus info tab
5. Select Insert.
Finding Your Logo
1. Go to lethbridgecollege.ca
4. Click on Brand Standards
Click on the logo file you wish to download
Saving your Logo to your Computer
1. Click on the file you wish to download.
2. Click file - Save As.
3. Change the location of the saved file, by clicking on the
down-arrow located to the right of the Save-In field at
the top of the dialog box and choosing the location of
your choice.
Resizing the Logo in Your Document
The logo sitting in your Microsoft Word or PowerPoint
document is probably too large for your purposes. To
properly re-size the logo to a smaller square without
distorting the image, follow these steps:
1. C
lick once on the logo so the small black square
markers outlining the image appear.
2. Hold down the <SHIFT> key and (click and hold)
any one of the corner markers with your mouse and
move your mouse towards the centre of the image to
4. Optional: change the file name in the File Name field.
5. Select Save.
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds Lethbridge College Corporate and Secondary Colours
Pantone 284
CMYK: 55/19/0/0
RGB: 108/173/223
Pantone 377
CMYK: 45/0/100/24
RGB: 120/162/47
The logo should appear with all three colours whenever possible. When only two colours are
availble, use the greyscale version. Greyscale is preferred to black.
There are situations when a greyscale is not applicable. The black logo will often be the best choice
on promotional items. Please contact the Graphic Design & Brand Coordinator if you have any
Primary Logo Colours
The primary logo should be used with all three corporate colours whenever possible.
When only two colours are available, reproduce the signature in greyscale.
The logo may also be reversed from a solid background colour. The preferred background is one of the three corporate colours or one of the secondary colours.
The signature should not be reversed out of a non-uniform or photographic background.
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds 10
Lethbridge College has two official fonts:
Tahoma and Arial.
These fonts can be used individually or in
combination in both your printed and electronic
materials, documents and templates.
Additional fonts are available for use by the Marketing
& Creative Services team for use on your promotional
12345678990 $%&(.,;:#!?)
12345678990 $%&(.,;:#!?)
L e t h b r i d g e C olle g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds 11
Photography is also an integral part of the Lethbridge College brand identity.
The Marketing & Creative Services team maintains a collection of high-quality,
professional images for use on your promotional materials. These images fall
into three broad categories:
People: These include images of students, faculty, staff, recent graduates and
alumni, both individually and in groups. Wherever possible images should use
real people who are identified by name and other relevant information. The
credibility of real people - rather than posed models - is an important aspect of
the Lethbridge College Brand.
Facilities: Excellent, modern facilities are an important part of the Lethbridge
College brand promise. Facilities should always be photographed with people
in them and convey a feeling of action/activity.
Scenics: The distinctive landscape of the Lethbridge area is an important
aspect of the College brand and can be used liberally as a decorative element
in all communications.
If you know of an upcoming photo opportunity in your area, please contact
the Marketing & Creative Services team, early so they can try to arrange a
photo shoot.
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds 12
IV. Co-branding
What is co-branding?
Co-branding describes a situation in which the Lethbridge College brand is being
represented with the brand of another organization(s). Situations that involve co-branding
Example of horizontal placement
• Joint marketing of Lethbridge College and another organization
• Sponsorship of an event
• Sanctioned partnership situation (e.g. Lethbridge College and University of Lethbridge)
• Industry relationships
• Joint awards
Example of vertical placement
Align other logos with the “L” in the Lethbridge College logo
For these situations/scenarios, there are some basic guidelines to follow in order to
maintain the integrity of the Lethbridge College brand. Please contact the Marketing &
Creative Services Manager for assistance with co-branding initiatives.
Co-branding Design Principles – Logo Usage
Best Practices
• A new logo should not be created using any part of the Lethbridge College logo
• P
rotected space and minimum size of the Lethbridge College logo must be maintained
(see Correct Use of Lethbridge College Logos).
Steps to follow when providing the Lethbridge College logo to your partner:
• Determine what type of files are required.
• C
ontact the Graphic Design & Brand Coordinator who will forward the appropriate file
to your partner, ensure the logos standards are met and also request a proof.
• C
olour of the logo used will be determined by background colour (see Lethbridge
College Corporate and Secondary Colours).
• Ideally, a horizontal placement is best for two or more logos
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds 13
V. Applications
Website Guidelines
The Lethbridge College website is a major communications tool to promote and
inform the public about Lethbridge College programs, services, people and events.
The Marketing and Creative Services Department is here to assist the Schools and
departments in all marketing communications related web matters.
Together with New Media, we can develop or redevelop your web page or Microsite to
ensure consistency in language, design, navigation and to utilize best web practices.
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds 14
I really enjoy the instructors and the
atmosphere at the College. The quality of
education I’m receiving is unbelievable.
Tyler Aiken,
General Studies student
Prairie Baseball Academy Athlete
Lethbridge College
Lethbridge College vs.
Mount Royal College
Friday, Nov. 30
Well, we’re Speechless
Proudly supporting our
student athletes.
You tidy up the place, throw a little party for the neighbourhood and someone wants to give
you an award.
Chamber of Commerce’s Spirit of Lethbridge Award. In fact, it’s one we’ll hang a little higher
new attitude.
new goals and our
See you at the Lethbridge
College Val Matteotti
Kodiaks Leave an impression.
Just kidding; we’re thrilled to have our community achievements recognized with the
than the other honours that come our way because it speaks to our
Women @ 6:30 p.m.
Men @ 8:30 p.m.
We’re Lethbridge’s college – says so right in our name – and we want to be a
major player in the successes of the community.
That’s why we entertain families in Henderson Lake Park on Canada Day. It’s our reason
for opening our campus grounds to everyone in August during our Concert at the College.
It’s the purpose for opening our science centre in the newly renovated Cousins Building
to an interested public. And it’s our motivation for celebrating and profiling our partners,
employees and alumni in our Wider Horizons magazine, many of whom live in Lethbridge.
Yes, we’re Lethbridge’s college. We’re here, we’re
proud of our community and we’re not
Print Ad – Sample Layouts
afraid to tell the world who and where we are.
Sample layouts are presented above and provide a good example of the use of high-quality images,
effective use of white space and an appropriate amount of text.
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds 15
Lethbridge College Electronic Document Templates
Electronic Stationery Templates
To download an electronic template for:
Advancement Office
ph. 403.320.3200 • Fax. 403.317.3500
3000 College Drive South • Lethbridge, AB T1k 1L6
• Stationery
• fax forms
• Power Point slides
Log in to the portal, select the campus information tab and click on Brand Standards.
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds 16
VI. Pre-Printed Stationery
How to Order Stationery
Stationery is available through Inplex. The following items are available in packs of 500 or by
the individual sheet or envelope:
• Generic Letterhead with three colour logo
• #10 Standard envelopes with black logo and return address (with or without window)
• 9” x 12” envelopes with black logo and return address
• 5 3/4” x 9 1/2” envelopes with black logo and return address
Steven Dyck
Executive Director, Advancement
ph. 403.320.3386 • fax. 403.317.3500
[email protected]
• Thank you cards with three colour logo - packaged in 10’s with blank envelopes
• Name tent cards with three colour logo - packaged in 25’s
• Name tag labels - individual sheets - eight labels per sheet
Customized departmental stationery or anything not listed can be special ordered through
Inplex. Please consult with Inplex staff regarding turnaround times.
Thank You
How to Order Business Cards
All Lethbridge College business card orders can be placed directly with Inplex.
The card and Stationery ordering system depends on current demand, and as a result the
turnaround time for individual orders may vary.
• Use a current business card and mark all applicable changes on the card
• Complete a printer requisition form.
• Attach the sample card and drop off at Inplex.
• You will be contacted by Inplex staff when a proof copy is ready.
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds 1 7
VII. Premium Promotional Items
You may find you have occasion to use promotional items like those pictured on this page as
giveaways and gifts. The logo must be used correctly on these items so that Lethbridge College
core values, attributes and qualities are reflected on all materials.
Best Practices
Logo Size and Spacing
• In all cases, the logo size must be in proportion to the intended item for branding
• Lethbridge College logos must never be distorted or altered in any way
• Protected space must be maintained around the Lethbridge College logo
(see Correct Use of Lethbridge College Logos).
• Minimum size of the Lethbridge College logo must be maintained (see Correct Use
of Lethbridge College Logos).
Background Colours
When using the Lethbridge College logo and official or secondary colours, only an exact match
is acceptable. If an exact colour reproduction is not possible on promotional items, please refer
to page 10 of this document to guide your decision. This document provides a colour chart
outlining examples of logo and background colour variations that will help you in picking your
promotional items.
Dealing with Vendors
• Contact the Marketing and Creative Services Team for information on suppliers that are
already working within our logo use guidelines.
• Once you have determined the promotional item you wish to order, the Graphic Design
& Brand Coordinator will approve your colour selection, send a logo to the vendor in the
requested format and be involved in the proofing process to ensure the vendor is able to
meet the brand standards.
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds 18
VIII. Signage
Educate yourself.
Explore your options.
Expand your Network.
Lethbridge College Brand Standards and logo usage
should apply to all corporate signage. Signage can be
divided into two categories.
Please contact Physical Facilities for assistance for the
following signange:
• Wall mount
• Facilities Signage
• Truck/car decals
• External Signage
Lethbridge College
Career Conference & Open House
November 20 (5 – 8 p.m.) and
November 21 (10 a.m. – 3 p.m.)
Meet the new Lethbridge College and unleash your career potential at one of
Western Canada’s largest career conferences.
• Faculty, students and alumni from more than 50 Lethbridge College programs will answer your
questions and introduce you to industry employers.
• More than 130 employers will be recruiting our current students and alumni.
• Career information sessions will be available with industry leaders.
•Thefirst100 people who apply to a College program at this event will have their $55
application fee waived.
College programs.
• Admission is free and everyone is welcome
Your future begins here.
Physical Facilities will work with the Marketing & Creative
Services Team to ensure the Brand Standards are met.
Please contact the Marketing & Creative Services Team for
the following signange:
• Posters
• Displays
• Backdrops
320.3287 • 1.800.572.0103 ext. 3287
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds 19
IX. The Marketing and Creative Services Team
Steven Dyck
Executive Director of Advancement
Carmen Toth
Manager of Marketing & Creative Services 320.3329
[email protected]
Michelle Stegen
Marketing Coordinator 320.3489
[email protected]
Jaylene Ulmer
Graphic Design and Brand Coordinator 320.3374
[email protected]
Visit the Brand Standards section in the Lethbridge College portal to access
this document and available downloads.
L e t h b r i d g e C oll e g e Br a n d S ta n da r ds 20