Rosecrans Report - Special MoH Edition


Rosecrans Report - Special MoH Edition
Newsletter of General W. S. Rosecrans Camp No. 2, SUVCW and
Auxiliary No. 2, ASUVCW – Los Angeles, California
Rosecrans Report
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War celebrating 129 years
Volume 2010, No. 3 – May 2010
Medal of Honor Recipient Benjamin Franklin
Youngs Receives Military Funeral Honors
Benjamin Franklin Youngs
A Biographical Sketch
By Tricia Bures
By Thomas Chumley
“What’s on the calendar for May 15?” A
quick check of the Blackberry says it’s the
only open Saturday until sometime in late
November or so. “We’re scheduled to paint
the house, wash the car and have everyone
listed in my cell phone over for dinner –
why?” “I just got an e-mail from Tad.”
Which in our house is spouse-speak for
something is going onto said calendar.
An archivist might describe the
life of a man using a series of dates with
brief historical notations. However this
would not do justice to Benjamin
Franklin Youngs. A 19 year old man
who was native to the small town of
Embro in the Provence of Ontario,
Canada. He was one of about 50,000
Canadians to fight for the Union. He
came south to Detroit Michigan, where
he enlisted in the 1st Michigan
Sharpshooters. He saw much service
and was wounded at least twice,
receiving meritorious promotion to
Corporal. In action at Petersberg,
Virginia, on June 17, 1864 he captured
the flag of the veteran North Carolina
35th Infantry Regiment (C.S.A.), for
which he was immediately promoted to
Sergeant and nominated for the Medal
of Honor. His award was approved on
Continued on Page 5
That e-mail on April 8 was from Debbie
Peeveyhouse, Director of the CA Medal of
Honor Project, asking for the assistance of the
Sons with a ceremony to honor Sgt. Benjamin
Franklin Youngs. He had never received his
military honors, and that was going to be
rectified May 15, Armed Forces Day.
Scheduled to attend would be members of his
extended family from Canada, the British
Isles and various parts of the U.S. Debbie was
asking for the assistance of the Sons of
Camp #2 and their Sisters in the Auxiliary to
“make it memorable for his family”. After a
Sgt. Benjamin Youngs
Continued on Page 4
The Uniformed Sons (above) and the Ladies of the Auxillary (below).
General W. S. Rosecrans Camp No.
2 and Auxiliary No. 2, Los Angeles,
Department of California and
Pacific. The Camp re-organized in
1999 and the Auxiliary in 2008,
meets bi-monthly in odd numbered
months at Bob Hope Patriotic Hall
and other places in the greater Los
Angeles area.
Newsletter of Camp No. 2 and
Auxiliary No. 2 is published bimonthly in even numbered months.
2010 Camp Officers
The California National Honor Guard
Camp Commander....Loran Bures
Sr. Vice Comdr..........Brent Hood
Jr. Vice Comdr........Lowell Harris
Sec./Treasurer.............Phil Caines
Camp Council…….......Jay Wood
Robert Albert
Robert Reid
Chaplin…..…...Rev. Gary Dickey
Guard…...............…Lee T. Bures
Graves Reg……....Tom Chumley
Robert Albert
Sam Dolan
CW Memorials …..... Nick Smith
GAR Hwy……......Tom Chumley
Eagle Scout ......…... Loran Bures
Signals Officer…......Loran Bures
2010 Auxiliary Officers
Co. G, 5th California Infantry, Sons of the Union Reserve
Three volley musket salute.
Tricia Bures and Melanie
President………...Melinie Caines
Vice President….…..Susan Sweet
Secretary………...…Tricia Bures
Treasurer…………...Tricia Bures
Patriotic Instr……Joann Knowles
Chaplin…………......Susan Sweet
Trustees…...............Sherry Lopez
Melisa Benedict
Patrice Demory
Press Corr...……...…Tricia Bures
Counselor…….…..…Phil Caines
For Newsletter copy or comments,
submit to the Editors Brother Brent
Hood at [email protected] or
Sister Tricia Bures at
[email protected]
Rachelle Campbell, Auxillary Department President, lays the
SUVCW wreath.
A Personal Account Continued from Page 1
lengthy phone conversation, a few more details were
known, and the work to “make it memorable” began.
There was a flurry of e-mails and phone calls as
Loran began contacting the surrounding Camps.
Messages were also sent out to the Sisters of the
various Allied Orders, inviting them to join in the
effort to recognize one of America’s real Heroes.
Participation in ceremonies conducted at cemeteries
is something that is very familiar to all of the Sons
and Sisters. But ceremonies recognizing the
recipient of the Medal of Honor are rare, and it is a
very special privilege to be asked to assist in one of
those. The Bures calendar was not the only one that
was rearranged. Brothers and Sisters began
responding, from both ends of the state. It’s
gratifying to put out a call and have positive
response, but the response to this call was “above
and beyond”, even for the Sons and Sisters.
Loran Bures, Camp 2 Commander
Brother Jerry Sayre took charge of assembling
Brothers in the SVR for a musket detail. Brother
Phil Caines provided flags that were placed on all
of the Veteran’s graves at the cemetery, prior to the
ceremony. Sister Melinie Caines made the wreath
that would be presented by the Auxiliary’s
Department President, Sister Rachelle Campbell.
Brother Loran Bures served as the key contact
between the Project Director and all of the various
Brothers and Sisters, fielding questions and giving
The day of the ceremony was clear and bright, and
the turnout was gratifying. The Brothers and Sisters
did make the event a most memorable one, not only
for the family of Sgt. Youngs, but for all of the
dignitaries that were there and for each other.
Highlights included the Army Honor Guard, who
never were given the command to “Post Colors”,
and so held them at attention for the entire hour+
ceremony; “Oh, Canada!” being sung by the
Canadian members of the family; the resident crows
taking great exception to the three rounds of musket
volleys and tears by family members, Brothers and
Sisters at the laying of the four wreaths. It was one
of the most memorable ceremonies that the Brothers
and Sisters have been a part of, a privilege to
everyone involved.
Debbie Peevyhouse (California Medal of
Honor Project) and Bart Armstrong,
Consul Carl Harthill from the
Consulate General of Canada
Mayor Margaret Lupton
Township of Zorro, Ontario,
Brigadier General Scott W. Johnson
Commander, 40th Infantry Division
California Army National Guard
Biographical Sketch Continued from Page 1
December 1, 1864, however in the interim he was again
wounded and became a prisoner of war around September
30 of that year. He was later paroled and returned to
Canada, where he lived in or near West Zorra Township
(now Zorra), Ontario Provence. His medal was
apparently mailed to him thereafter. Unfortunately the
War Department managed to misspell his name on both
the original citation and on the medal. This was corrected
with the issuance of a new medal about 1913.
The historic record, and reports from decedents
and Canadian officials enrich our understanding of him
and fill out our knowledge of his life after the Civil War.
In 1866 he married Margaret Reid and began a family
which grew to five sons and a daughter.* By trade he
was a carpenter and in faith he was a Wesleyan
Methodist. While living in California he returned to
Zorra where he built a California style home for his
brother. The house still stands and is considered an
unusual architectural style there. Benjamin Franklin
Youngs appears in the census rolls of both the United
States and Canada. Traveling frequently to the United
States especially in Michigan and Wisconsin, Sergeant
Youngs settled in Los Angeles late in life. In the 1920s
he applied for residence at the Old Soldier’s Home, in
Los Angeles however his application was denied as he
was listed as “missing in action, presumed deserter”, in
War Department records. In 1925 an act of Congress
affirmed his honorable status as a veteran and restored
his rank. Thereupon he was admitted to the Old Soldier’s
Home, where he died on January 14, 1927. Margaret,
his widow, applied for a pension but also died later that
same year.
The Youngs Family
Sergeant Benjamin Youngs:
volunteer, Medal of Honor recipient, wounded hero,
twice promoted for valor, prisoner of war. A father,
husband, tradesman and member of the Grand Army of
the Republic and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
rests in the Los Angeles Odd Fellows Cemetery in Los
Angeles; his wife at his side.
* Edward Albert, John Lant, Everett George, Violet
Sophia, Ebenezer Arthur and Charles Theodore.
Stephen Youngs, Descendent of Benjamin Youngs
Gen. W.S. Rosecrans Camp No. 2
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Upcoming Events
Memorial Day Ceremony
Mountain View Cemetery
2400 North Fair Oaks, Altadena, CA
Monday, May 31, 2010
Ceremony at 2 PM
Flower and Flag Placement at 12 PM
Union and Confederate legacy groups will be there, as there are soldiers from
both sides buried at the cemetery. There are at least 600 Union veterans
buried at Mountain View cemetery.The ceremony will be held near the
cemetery's center, where the GAR bought two large plots. We have reenactors coming, including one descended from one of the Confederates
buried there, and there will be a walking tour and short talks on 19th century
mourning and on Thaddeus Lowe.
Gen. W.S. Rosecrans Camp No. 2
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Division No. 7
30 May 2010 - Memorial Day
31 May 2010 - Memorial Day
Service - Mountain View
Special day to fly Old Glory. U.S. Flag
Memorial Day Ceremony
Evergreen Memorial Historic Cemetery
4414 14th Street, Riverside, CA. 92501
Sunday, May 30th, 2010 at 12:00 noon.
Open invitation to all. Bring your own water and folding chairs, just in case.
Wreath Presented by Camp 2 Auxiliary and Presentation by Auxiliary President
Melinie Caines.
Remembering our Union Civil War Veterans
And Veterans of All Other Wars
And the often over looked role of the
U.S. Marine in the Civil War.
Planned Program
Scottish Bagpipes
Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance……………....................................…Br. Michael Hicks
Introduction for Division No.7….....................................…Div. Vice Cmdr. Richard Burns
Gen. Logan’s General Order No. 11……....................................……..….Br. Rudy Velasco
Remembering our Veterans and Remembering the role of the U.S. Marine in the Civil
War………....................................................................Div. Vice Cmdr. Richard Burns
“Amazing Grace” & “Two Songs for Decoration Day”……..….…….Br. Rudy Velasco IV
Wreath Presentation….….....................................Camp 2 Aux. Pres. Sister Melinie Caines
Musket Salute……………………..….……...................................…….SVR Honor Guard
Benediction……….................................………………………………..Br. Richard Raver
Scottish Bagpipes Music & Dispersal of flowers to Veterans Graves.
Thank you to the contributors for
this special edition - Thomas
Chumley, Tricia Bures, Nick Smith
and Rudy Velasco. A special thanks
to the camp’s new photographer,
Shane Benedict, for taking the
numerous excellent pictures used in
this edition.
The Medal of Honor Ceremony
included members of the Youngs
family, California State Honor
Guard, Col. Don Forden, Brigadier
General Scott W. Johnson, Consul
Carl Hartill, Mayor Margaret
Lupton, Bart Armstrong, Loran
Bures, members of the Sons of the
Union Reserve, Deebie Peevyhouse
and master of ceremonies, Paul
The ceremony was attended by
members of four different SUVCW
camps and two Auxillaries as well
as one Daughters of the Union
Veterans of the Civil War 1861-1865