July - Bonneville Austin Healey Club


July - Bonneville Austin Healey Club
Monthly Newsletter of the Bonneville Austin-Healey Club
July, 2014
Vol. 31 No. 7
As you are reading
this remember that
there is only a
month left till the
Classic Sports Car Show. Where will you be when we
hold the biggest event of the year? I’m hoping that
the reply is: “Helping to make the show a success.”
We still have a few time slots open for Street Duty,
Registration Table, and ballot counting. Even if you
are not showing your Healey, how about still
attending the show and giving a hand?
The Bonneville Club made a really good showing at
the British Field Day. I had met Roy Jespersen at a
BFD several years ago, but this year not only was
Roy there, but so was his beautiful BJ8.
Another point of business that we need to address
is the annual holiday party. We are still looking for
someone to take the reins and set something up.
The window decals are now available. They are a
static cling decal of the club logo. You put them on
the inside of your windshield, or wherever you want
them. I have been passing them out whenever I see
a club member. For the members who are unable to
attend the meetings or events we will be sending
them out with the renewal notice in November. If
you want an extra decal they are $2.00 each.
See you at the meeting on July 8th and at the Classic
Sports Car Show on July 26th. In the meantime,
Happy Healeying,
Roy and his Healey
arrived at British Field
Day, my Sprite
sputtered to a stop and
wouldn’t restart. I
opened the hood and
gas was draining out of the bottom of the air filter
on the Weber side-draft carb. My first reaction was
“Oh S**t” but then I thought if I had to have car
problems, I couldn’t be in a better place than a
British-only car show with all of the technical
expertise of their owners. With very limited
knowledge of Weber carbs, I felt some kind hearted
expert would give me a hand. If not, I also have
Triple A.
Vice President: Ernie Reno: 801-969-2521
5711 So.4270 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84118
Treasurer/Secretary: Sandy Maxwell: 801-943-4803
1752 Paulista Way, Sandy, UT 84093
[email protected]
Luckily for me, Ron Jensen happened by. As you
know, Ron makes a living working on vintage cars
and was familiar with the Weber 40 DCOE. Ron
disassembled the carb and looked for dirt and other
mechanical culprits. He removed the float and the
needle in short time and reassembled the carb. “Try
to start it”, he said. The car started on the first
crank and ran great.
The day was looking up but the acid-test would be if
it would start again after sitting in the sun all day
and after clean-up of the show. I tried it at noon
and it started again. After the show, Dave Maxwell
and his grandson stayed to help clean-up and to
follow me home. I made it home with no problems
but I’m sure it might have been different if Dave
wasn’t kind enough to watch out for me.
I’ve been thinking how great it is to belong to a club
with members that have technical expertise that
they are willing to share without hesitation and are
friends that help you out without being asked. It
was a good day on many levels. Thanks to Ron and
Dave and all the others who offered help and
support. I’m glad to be a member of the Bonneville
Austin Healey Club.
President: Dave Maxwell: 801-943-4803
1752 E Paulista Way, Sandy, UT.84093
[email protected]
Membership: Jim Thornton: 801-485-9404
3503 Millcreek Cir. SLC, UT 84106
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor/Historian: Craig Mossberg:
2026 Brady Creek Dr. Sandy, UT 84093
[email protected]
Webmaster: Jon Hanson: 801-583-7512
1375 Roxbury Rd. S.L.C., UT 84108
[email protected]
AHCA Delegate: Dave Maxwell: 801-943-4803
July 8: General Meeting-Joe Morley’s.
July 19: Tech session (TBA).
July 26: Classic Car Show, Park City. Get your entries
in now.
Aug. 12- General Meeting- Joe Morley’s.
Aug. 23: Healey Days/BBQ hosted by Bob and Carol
September 9: General Meeting-Joe Morley’s.
September 13: World Challenge/NASCAR races at
Miller Motorsports Park. C. Mossberg to see if
discount tickets are available.
If you haven’t done so, get your entry submitted as
soon as possible. The show is on Main Street in Park
City from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on July 26th. The
show is for pre 1990 sports cars and judging will be
done for a number of classes. Your car doesn’t have
to be a concours vehicle to join the fun. The entry
fee is $15.00. Since BAHC is the sole sponsor of this
show, we need volunteers for several assignments.
Remember that this is a “Shine and Show” event
that should be a lot of fun. This show is for all
sports cars so if you have a friend or neighbor that
might be interested in participating, let them know
about the event. For questions or to volunteer to
help, contact Dave or Sandy Maxwell at 801-9434803. An Entry Form is available in this newsletter.
June 10th Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM. Dave
Maxwell conducting. The meeting was held at Joe
Members in attendance: Joe Morley, Don Hughes, Allen
Brown, Dil Strasser, Dave & Sandy Maxwell, Jon Hanson,
Ernie Reno, Bob Riemenschneider.
Membership: Currently there are 48. Jim Thornton was
out of town with his work. The web site membership list
has been updated.
Treasurer’s Report: The checking account balance is
adequate for club’s needs.
Newsletter Editor: Craig Mossberg was out of town, he
would appreciate articles sent to his e-mail address.
Other Business: Decals of the club logo were handed out
to all members in attendance. If you want an extra decal
the cost will be $2.00.
Please send your registrations for the Classic Car Show in
Park City to Dave & Sandy Maxwell, 1752 Paulista Way
Sandy, UT 84093. Please READ information on our web
site and in the June Banter. The Club needs MEMBER to
VOLUNTEER to help at both top and bottom of Main
Street and at the registration desk. (1 hour) Every
registered car will receive an Ultimate Quik Wax from
MEGUIAR’S. (All cars must be25 years and older)
REGISTER EARLY! 60 car maximum.
We discussed the Rat Fink Reunion in Manti on the 7th of
June. Big Daddy Ed Roth was a true artist, the museum
was interesting. There were many 50’s cars, Rat Rods, &
Hot Rods.
New Business:
Jon Hanson talked about a B-25 Bomber that will be at
the Heber Valley Airport on June 13-15, Jon is interested
in attending, call Jon if you are interested.
The July 8th club meeting will be at Joe Morley’s.
We need volunteers to help plan the Christmas Party!
Updated Activities for 2014
June 15-20, Conclave: The Homestead in Virginia.
June 21: British Field Day at Liberty Park,
June 23-27 Rendezvous: Bend, Oregon.
July: 8th General Meeting at Joe Morley’s.
July 19th Tech Session (TBA)
July 26th Classic Car Show, Park City, Utah. See
information in July Bonneville Banter & on our Web site.
REGISTER EARLY! Please VOLUNTEER to help at the
registration desk & street monitor (1 hour)
August: August 12th General Meeting at Joe Morley’s.
August 23th Bob & Carol Young will host a Barbecue at
their cabin. The club decided that Healey Days will also
be celebrated at the August 23th Barbecue. Events will
begin at Sam’s Club parking lot, 6525 South State Street
Murray, for a Shine & Show Car Show 11:00-2:00. The
Club will furnish steaks & chicken. In our August meeting
we will discuss food items that members will bring to the
September: 9th: General Meeting at Joe Morley’s.
September 13th: Miller Motorsports Park pending. Craig
Mossberg is looking into discount tickets. It looks like a
fun event.
October: No events scheduled, Have any ideas?
November: Nominations for 2015 officers.
December: Holiday Party: we need volunteers to plan
this event.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 PM.
Submitted by Sandy Maxwell
Well, the Maxwells and the Thorntons had a fun
drive to Manti on June 6th to see the Ed Roth Rat
Fink Reunion. Who is Ed Roth? Are you old enough
to remember calling everyone a “Rat Fink”? Ed Roth
was the Rat Fink creator. His creations live on in the
museum and memorabilia store his wife maintains
in Manti. You should stop in on your next time
heading south.
Even Dave Maxwell appears a little perplexed by the
Nash Rambler on display.
Submitted by Jim Thornton
There was a large variety of vehicles on display.
Admittedly, I am not a fan of “Rat Rods” but I can
appreciate the imagination and work that goes into
putting these junk yard resurrections back on the
British Field Day
The Bonneville Austin Healey Club was well
represented at the 23rd Annual British Field Day held
Saturday, June 21st at Liberty Park in Salt Lake City.
As usual, we laid claim to the northeast entrance to
the show and valiantly tried to defend our space
from non-Healey interlopers by proudly displaying
our club banner in the trees behind our space.
Each year, the show seems to grow in the number
of cars and bikes displayed and the number of
spectators. The cars ranged from brand new Aston
Martins to a 1948 Triumph 2000 and covered just
about every marque and model British car in
between. We even had a 1960’s vintage British
Army Daimler scout car that seemed to make the
event more secure. British bikes were displayed by
the Utah British Bike Club and the newly formed,
Utah Riders Association of Triumph.
As usual, there was an autocross course for those
willing to test their driving skill and their car’s
endurance. The course was set up to give the
maximum advantage to a MG TC/TD. The fastest
time of the day, however, was set by a Bugeye
Sprite and shared by a Triumph Daytona 675
British Field Day seems to grow in terms of cars and
spectators each year. For those that could not
attend, you missed a fun time.
July 26, 2014 10:00A.M. to 2:00 P.M
Sponsored by Bonneville Austin Healey Club
The Details:
Sports cars must be at least 25 years old. (1989 or older).
Entrants will judge cars by means of ballots. 2 ballots per entry. Each entry will receive 2 raffle
Classes by car manufacture, Number of class trophies will be determined by number of
entrants with a particular marque. The show area has room for 60 cars. Class Awards will be
determined by entries received before June 16, 2014.
There will be a people’s choice determined by ballots from spectators, and a best of show
determined by entrants.
Show field will open at 8:00 A. M. Cars must be removed or parked in the metered zone at
2:30 P.M.
Entry Fee $15.00
For more information contact: Dave or Sandy Maxwell: 801-943-4803
Fill out the entry form and mail along with the entry fee to:
Bonneville Austin Healey Club
1752 E Paulista Way
Sandy, UT 84093
Make and Model______________________________________
Year____________ Club affiliation________________________
Craig Mossberg, Editor
Bonneville Banter
2026 Brady Creek Drive
Sandy, Utah 84093