R. & M. No. 3 0 3 0 (15,491) A.R.C. TechnicalReport MINISTRY OF SUPPLY AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH C O U N C I L REPORTS A N D M E M O R A N D A 2 . - r L Some Actuator-Disc Theories for the Flow of Air Through an Axial Turbo-Machine j . H. HORLOCK, of the University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering © Crown Copyright i958 LONDON : HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE 1958 ELEVEN SHILLINGS NET Some Actuator-Disc Theories for the Flow of Air Through an Axial Turbo-Machine By J. H. HORr~OCK, of the University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering COMMUNICATED BY THE ]~)IR~CToR-GENERAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH MINISTRY OF (AIR), SUPPLY Reports anti Memoranda No. 3 o3 o December, 19 5 2 Summary.--Using actuator-disc theory, simplified methods are given for the solution of the direct problem of the incompressible flow of air through an axial-flow turbo-machine. Calculations based on these methods are compared with other approximate solutions to the flow through a model compressor stage. 1. Introduction.--Compressor and turbine design is usually based upon the assumption that radial equilibrium conditions exist behind rotor and stator rows and this approximate theory is fully given by Cohen and W h i t e ) Actuator-plane theory, in which a blade row is replaced by an infinitely thin disc which causes a sudden discontinuity in tangential velocity and vorticity has been developed by Merchant 2, Bragg and Hawthorne ~ and Marble. ~ Using one of Marble's results and expressing the radial velocity in the form Cr = ~ f / r ) exp (k~x) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) i~ 1 Hawthorne 5 and Railly6 have obtained expressions for the axial velocity at any point away from the disc. The effect of neighbouring blade rows is calculated (a) by superimposing sheets of tangential vorticity due to single isolated rows and subtracting the sum of all the vortex sheets extending from upstream to downstream infinity (Hawthorne); (b) by adding the radial velocity fields due to individual blade rows (Railly). Differences ill these two methods lie in the determination of a value of the attenuation constants k~ in equation (1). Hawthorne determines ki from a solution of the equations for an isolated disc, but Railly obtains mean values which are dependent upon the extent of mutual blade interference and are obtained by successive approximation. General methods for the solution of the direct problem of the incompressible flow of air through a turbo-machine of known blading are given in this paper" (a) for isolated actuator discs (i.e., for machines with blade spacings such that aerodynamic interference may be neglected) (b) for actuator discs closely spaced. The actuator discs may be placed in the plane of the trailing edges of the blades, or at the blade centres of pressure. To estimate the magnitude of the differences between t h e various theories the direct problem of a single compressor stage has been considered, the stage consisting of one rotor and one s t a t o r . The velocities at entry to the rotor and at exit from the stator are axial; the tangent of the outlet angle from the rotor varies linearly with radius and is equal to unity at the tip radius, i.e., tan/3 = r/rs = R. The hub-tip ratio is 0.4 and the ' aspect r a t i o s ' of the blades 1/b are chosen as (i) 2.1, and (ii) 4.2, assuming negligible axial clearances. When the actuator discs are placed at the centres of pressure of the blades it is assumed that the distance of the centre of pressure from the blade trailing edge is two-thirds of the blade width, i.e., (a/b = 2/3). Such a stage is similar to an axial-flow-compressor test stage installed in the Cambridge University Engineering Laboratories. The tip diameter of this compressor is 14 in. and the rig is designed for 6,000 r.p.m. If a mean axial velocity of 200 ft/sec is assumed, the flow parameter (U~/Cx~) = 1.83, where Us = blade-tip speed; Cx, = axial velocity at upstream infinity and is assumed constant. 2. Approximate Methods of Calculating the Flow through an Axial Turbo-Compressor M a c h i n e . The general methods developed using actuator-disc theory are used to calculate the flow through the model stage and are compared with Railly's theory, and with radial equilibrium solutions. The positions of the actuator planes are illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2 for each method. Method 1.--Radial Equilibrium Conditions at the Trailing Edges of the Blade Rows For this theory conditions at stations (02), (2e) and (2) become identical, as do stations 04],~ (4e) and (4). The radial equilibrium condition at the trailing edge of a rotor is then expressed b y : dC; - - dH2 1 (rC,,2) d ~ C., d r - dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . + r2= where C,,2 ---- U -- C.~2tan/32 and Ha ---- H1 + U(C,,2 For the particular example of the model stage, tan/~2 dH2 and dr - - ' C,,I). r/rs = = (2) R , d {U(U -- C~2 tan G)} -- dr Then equation (2) reduces to" dC.2 C.2 / 2R ] dR qI1 T R - b - 2UsR (1 + R~) ' which gives an exact solution" c,2 <-i = U, R= + c (1 + R 2) . . . . . . . . . . where P~ is a constant to be determined from the continuity conditions: C,2R dR = Rh C.,R dR Rh and is given thus" Us P 1 ~--- 2 2 2 ,~ (3) Similarly at the trailing edge of the following stator" dC~4 1 d dH4 C~ ~ - + ~(rC..) ~(rC..~) -- dr where . . . . . . . . . . (4) C,,~ = C~4 tan ~ . For the particular example, tan ~4 -----0, so £hat : Cx~ dC.~ dH~ dr -- dr d -- d;{U(U -- C.~ tan 3~)}, whence it may be shown" C~4 (s) Where Q1 is a constant and is determined by trial and error from the continuity relation. It iS 0f interest to note that if the outlet air angles /~ and ~ are assumed constant with iflcideiice, then the off-design conditions are easily obtained by using a different value of U,/C~I . Actuator-Disc General Theory. By using the result that the axial velocity at an actuator disc stationed at the plane x ---- 0 is approximately (C~1 + Cx~)/2, where Cxl and Cx~ are the axial velocities at upstream and downstream infinity (x = - - ~ , + ~) and also assuming that the radial velocity at any point (r, x) is given by" $=oo c~ = ~ {exp (k,.)}f;(r) . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) i=1 it may be shown that the axial velocity is given approximately by: Cx= C. - - (Cx,~-C.) e x p { - - ( k ~ / Z ) } 2 c~ = c~, + (cx~- 2 c,,) exp {(kx/l)} ~ > 0 x< 0 } , .. .. (6) where l is the blade height and k is determined uniquely by the hub-tip ratio of the actuator disc. This theory is developed in Ref. 5, and is given in Appendix I. Further, the effect of neighbouring blade rows is obtained by superimposing the vortex sheets due to each disc, and then subtracting the vortex sheets at infinity. (The analysis is based Upon the values of k obtained from the isolated actuator-disc theory and the justification for this approximation is investigated in the calculations for the model stage.) if the actuator discs are placed at the trailing edges of the blade rows the axial velocity at the p t h disc C~0p is then given by: C.op = Cx,+~+ C~, __ q=P-I~C ~, j . + , _ -- c ~ ) { e x p - ( k q ~ , & ) } 2 q-~=l \ 2 3 (71361) A2 where C,,p, C,,,,+1 are the axial velocities t h a t would exist at upstream and downstream infinity of the p t h row if that row were isolated, due to the discontinuities in tangential velocity and vorticity at that row. C,q, C,q+~are similarly defined and x,~ is the distance (always positive) between the p t h and qth rows. (Equation (7) is also obtained in Ref. 5 as in Appendix I.) If, however, the actuator discs are placed at the blade centres of pressure then the axial velocity at the p t h trailing edge C,,~ is given b y : Cxp~ = q=* ~ (C~q+~2- C,q) {exp q=I C,~,+I- + £ - -- (kqXp~q/lq)} --(kqx,,qllq) } • , . . . . . (8) q=p+l \ where Xp~qis the distance between the p t h trailing edge and the qth disc. Marble has given a solution of the inverse problem in which the distribution of tangential velocity is initially specified, but the direct problem (that of determining the flow conditions if the air angles are specified) results in a series of functional equations, since the change in whirl velocity at the p t h row is itself dependent npon C, 0p. Methods of successive approximation to solve this problem are given below in Methods 3 and 4. Method 2.--Isolated A ctuator Discs placed at the Trailing Edges of the Blades If the rows are sufficiently far apart the effects of blade interference m a y be neglected and the following analysis is developed. Bragg and Hawthorne 3 have given a general equation for the incompressible, axially symmetric flow on either side of an actuator disc: dH dr, l [o dO -- re ,Trl . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0) Across an actuator disc: Hoe = H o l + A W, . . . . . . . . . . (10) where A W is the work done on the fluid b y the moving blade row and is given b y : AW = C,,01) . O'(<,oe- . . . . . . . . . . . . (11) From equations (9), (10), (11): l~o~r + rC,,oe4 (rC,,oe)l = l ~o~r+ rC,,o~~d (rc"°~)l @re d{u(c"°e--C'~°l)}' which may be written : d (rC,,0e) = v0~ + (C,,o,- U ) ~d (rC,,0,) . . . . . . . . . (12) But Bragg and Hawthorne have shown that O , H are functions of ~, and for small streamline displacements, will be approximately constant at a given radius on either side of the disc. Further, Ruden's assumption (Appendix I) m a y be made, that the tangential vorticity is approximately a function of radius alone. Thus '101 - - / h = -- -- 1 T]02 -t,- "172 7---- 1 (ac4 4 dr ;c. . . . . . . . . (13) Further C,~ot -----C.m tail ~oi = C.~ tan ~ , and if the disc is placed at the trailing edge of the blades" ] [ (14) 9 l C,,o~ = U -- C.o~ tan/~o2 -----C.~2tan a2 ) Hence equation (12) becomes" dC~ d dr + C, o2tan/~o2 ~ { r ( U -- C,o~ tan/3oJ} - But - dC,~ dr + (U -- C,I tan ~) ~d {rC, t tan al} . C,o~ = C, o2 -- C,~ + C,~ (Ref. 8), and the further approximation is made t h a t : 2 rC, o~~-- d~ dr " d 1 dW d rC, o~dr' so that : dC.2 tan ~o2 d Ir l u _ (C,I + C,~) _ tiC,1 dr 2(U -- C,1 tan ~) d (rC.~ tan cq) r(C,~ + C~) dr (15) . . . . . . . This may be written as an equation of the form : C,~~ + A~(r)C,2 ~dC,~ 7 - + B~(r)C.2 -/ C~(r) dC,~ -)7- q- D2(r) = 0 . . . . . (lSa) A similar analysis for a disc representing a stator (AH = O) gives: dC~ dr @ tan ~o, d I (C~3 + C~,) 1 r dr r 2 tan ~o~ dC,3 2C,3 tan ~3 d = dr + (C.3 + C,~) r dT(rC*" tan ~) . . . . . . . . . (16) which reduces to a similar differential equation in C, ~: C,~ 2 + A~(r)C,~ dC.~ ~ - + B4(r)C.4+ C~(r)dC.4 - - 5 + D,(r) = 0 . . . . . (16a) Equations (15) and (16) are general for any actuator discs placed at the blade trailing edges and operating at planes sufficiently far from other discs that the effect of blade interference is negligible. Thus the velocity profiles through a turbo.machine may be obtained row by row by assuming the axial velocity upstream of a row is given by that at downstream infinity in the solution to the preceding disc, and the whirl velocity upstream is specified by the conditions immediately downstream of the preceding disc. Thus A(r), B(r), C(r) and D(r) are all known for the direct problem and equations similar to (15) and (16) may be found. These are usually non-linear differential equations but are easily solved graphically, by successive approximation and integration. It is of interest to note that equations (15) and (16) take into account a variation in inlet total head and axial velocity. For the model stage accepting a uniform upstream profile equation (15) reduces to: dR 1 -[- + C~2R = ( 2 U , - C~,)R, which gives an exact solution: {2Ut c. where 1) R 2 (9 + R2) P2 = 2('- , 3 (17) •. . . . . -- 2 2u, from the continuity relation. The equation for the following stator reduces to: dC~ a dC,3 2C~, d (RC,8 tan ~3) dR + C~3 + C,~ tan e~ ~ dR-- C.~ tan ~ = (U But (18) C~1+C~22tan /~02) where tan/302 = R and C~2 = C=~ is obtained from equation (17). The resulting equation is solved graphically. Method &--Isolated Actuator Discs placed at the Centres of Pressure of the Blades By equating dH/dw on each side of an actuator disc placed at the blade centres of pressure, equation (12) is obtained as before. However, the whirl velocity C,02 is no longer specified by the axial velocity at the disc, but by the conditions at the trailing edge. The whirl velocity is approximately constant downstream of the disc since 0 = rC, is constant along a streamline and radial displacements are small. Thus C,, o2 ---- C,, ~, ] J C,,2, = U -- C~2,tan P2, ' and ( 19) . . . . . . . . . . . . where C.~, is obtained from equation (6). C.2, • C., (c,~ C,1) 2 ' • • . o where a is the axial distance between the planes of the centre of pressure and the trailing edge, and K~ = {exp (-- karl)}. Thus dC,~ -t- C.~ tall /~2e~ d {r(V - - C.~° tan ~,)} - - dC, dr l + (U -- C,, tan ~) ~d (rC~ tan ~1) The same approximation as before is now made for d/d~o at "the disc, i.e., d 2 d~ d r(C,~ + C~) dr' so that dC~ _ 2 IC,2 ( 1 K~)r(C,2-/+ Cxl I C (x~, )) dr _ _ _ dCx, dr tan $ , e-d ldr ( U r lC*=( 1 K ~ ) + 2(U -- C,~ tan ~,) d (rC, z tan ~1) r(C,l -4- Cx~) dr ' ". ~ K~ l tan/~"e)l . (21) . . . . . . . which may be solved for C,~ if the distribution of C,~, tan a,, tan g2~ with r are known. Similarly for a stator" dC.~ - 2C., tan ~3 d (rC.a tan ~a) dr + r(C,~ + Cx~) dr (22) . . . . . . . . . . . Once again a step-by-step solution from a known entry velocity profile is possible through a turbo-machine. Such equations have been solved for the model stage in which 1/b = 2- 1, 4.2 and a/b = 2/3. k (for r,/rt, =: 2'. 5) - 3.23 (from Jahnke and Emde~. Blade Interference.--For a turbo-machine of n blade rows, if blade interference is to be considered, the problem may be treated as one involving n unknowns. These unknowns are the n distributions of trailing vorticity/7 with radius that exist behind the n actuator discs replacing each blade row. These values of trailing vorticity are assumed constant with radius between the discs. It is, however, more convenient to consider these unknowns as Lhe n values of axial velocity t h a t would exist far downstream of each blade row, since a knowledge of the tangential vorticity after the p t h row dC~p/dr enables C,p to be determined from continuity. It is assumed that the velocity distribution far upstream of the first row of blades is known. The method of solution of this problem first involves guessing the 'downstream infinity' distributions of axial velocity and it is suggested that the values obtained from radial equilibrium theory (Ref. 1) (calculated from the known variations of outlet air angle with radius), form a suitable starting point. From the values of hub-tip ratio the values of hi, k, . . . kp, kq . . . k,, for each actuator disc are established. Method 4.--Actuator Discs placed at the Trailing Edges of the Bla&s--Blade-Interference Theory The simplest approximation consists of supposing that the actuator discs are placed at tile trailing edges of the blades. Then the axial velocity at the p t h disc (C,0~) is calculated using equation (8) and the guessed values for the ' downstream infinity ' axial velocities. For each blade row it is now possible to obtain a differential equation similar to equations (15) and (16) for the isolated discs, but the whirl velocities at the trailing edges of the p t h disc will now be specified by (U -- Cx0ptan/~0p) for a rotor, or by Cxoptan ~0p for a stator. The flow through each blade row is ill fact treated as an inverse problem, i.e., an actuator disc across which there is a specified change in whirl velocity. It should be noted that the same 7 approximation as before is used for d~p -- r{(C~**~ + C~,)/2} dr, although Cxo~ is not now equal to the arithmetic mean of C,p and C,p+ ~. Thus the equation for a rotor, say the p t h row, similar to equation (15) is: 2C~o~tan 13op d {r(U -- C~o, tan GJ} (C~p+l + C~p)r dr dC~,.~ dr - - 2(U -- C~o(p_~)tan ~olp-~)) d r(Cxp,~ + Cxp) dr (rC~ol~_~) tan ~o~p-~)) dC~p dr . . . . . . (23) where C~op, C~o/p-~l are given from equation (8) and the guessed values of C~2, C~, . . . C~,~. Or for a stator: dC~p+~ d~ 2C~o~t a n ~op d + (C;7~+; T = ~ ?; (~<o, tan ~o,) dC~, 2(U -- C~o(,_~)tan G(p-~I) d {r(U dr + r(C~p+~+ C~p) dr - - Cxo(p_l) t a n G:p-~)} . . . . . (24) The n differential equations thus formed are integrated graphically to give n new values of C~2,...Cxp, C~e . . . C~,+~, which m a y be used to repeat the procedure for a second approximation. For the example of the model stage there are two unknowns, the axial velocities Cx2 and C,~ t h a t would exist far downstream of rotor and stator. There is in this case no need to perform the successive approximation suggested above for the general case, since the two differentia) equations m a y be combined to give a more direct solution. From equation (7)" C.o~ = C.o2 -- C~ + C ~ + K~(C. - c . ) ~ 2 2 Cxl) I Kb(Cx2C~o~ = C~o~ -- C~2 + C.~ 2 2 . . . . . . . . . . (25) where Kv = exp (-- kb/l), in which b is the axial distance between the blades and l is the blade length. F r o m equations (23) and (24)" dC~ 2Cxo2tan 13o2 d {r(U -- C~o2 tan 13o2)} r dr -- ( 0 ~ 2 + C ~ ) dr ". . . . . " and dC,4 dC.2 2(U -- C~o2 tan t3o2) d {r(U -- C~o2 tan 13o2)} r dr -- r ~ - + (C~2 + C~4) d-) Combining equations (26) and (27)" r dr -- r - - d r -[- Substituting for C~o2 f r o m 1 (C~2 + C~a) C~o2tan 13o2 equation (25) • (u - Go2tan &2)(G2 + G~)t (C~2 -4- C~) Cxo2 tan 13o~ < <j + I,- t dr This differential equation m a y be integrated graphically to give a relation b e t w e e n (Cxd/Cxl) and (C,~/C,~), which together with equations (25) and (26) enables (C~2/C~1) to be calculated. W i t h (C,,/C,I) and (C~/C,~) known, (C~o,/C~) and (C~o~/C,I) are directly obtained from equation (25). This has been done for two examples ill which 1/b = 2-1 and 4.2. Method 5.--A ctuator Discs placed at the Centres of Pressures of the Blades--Blade-Interference Theory If the actuator discs are placed at t h e centres of pressure of the blades as Marble suggests, t h e n the whirl velocities are defined not by the axial velocities at t h e discs themselves b u t b y t h e axial velocities at the trailing-edge positions (C~1,, C~2~ . . . C ~ , C,~ . . . C .... ) d o w n s t r e a m of the discs. These whirl velocities are: for the p t h row, if a rotor C,~p, ---- U -- C,p, tan $p~ 1 , for the p t h row, if a stator C,,:o~ ---- C~p~t a n ~p~ .. .. .. .. (29) J where tips, ab~ are the rotor and stator exit air angles at the trailing edges, measured relative to t h e blade rows. Since the value of O ---- rC,~is constant along a streamline b e t w e e n the discs, for small streamline displacements the whirl velocity C,, is constant. Thus the whirl velocity Cu just d o w n s t r e a m of an actuator disc is defined b y the axial velocity at t h e following trailing edge. The m e t h o d of solution of the problem is similar to t h a t of Method 4. The ' d o w n s t r e a m i n f i n i t y ' values of axial velocity are guessed and the velocities at the trailing-edge stations are calculated using the principle of superimposing the individual trailing vortex sheets due to each blade row, and subtracting those extending from u p s t r e a m to d o w n s t r e a m infinity. For the trailing edge d o w n s t r e a m of the p t h row the axial velocity C~p~ at t h a t station is given by: q=' (C~+I = C~,,){ e x p + (- q=l q=p+l where x~q is t h e distance (always positive) between the qth row and the p t h trailing edge a n d the flow is incompressible. For. each disc a differential equation is obtained similar to equations (15) or (16) b u t the whirl velocities just d o w n s t r e a m of the disc are the same ,as those calculated for the trailing edge: for t h e p t h row a rotor C 0p ---- C,,p~ ---- U -- C,p~ t a n ~p~ for the p t h row a stator C,~op = C~p~ = C,p, t a n %~. Thus for the p t h row if a rotor : dC~p+l 2C~p~t a n Sp~ d {r(U -- C~petan/~p~)) dr r(C,p+l + C~p) dr dC~p 2(U C,(p_l)~ t a n ~p_~)0) d -- dr r(C~p+~ + C~p) dr (rC~tp_l)~tan ~(p_~)~) , - - .. (30) .. (31) or for a stator : dC~p+~ 2C~p~t a n %° d dr + r(C~,+~ + C,,) -dr{r(C,*~ t a n dC.p -27+ %e)} 2(U -- C,(p_~)~ t a n fl(p_~)~)d (r(U -- C~(p_~)~tail fl(p_~),)}... r(C~+l + C~p) dr 9 The n equations for the n blade rows are then simply solved b y graphical integration and the resulting values of ' d o w n s t r e a m i n f i n i t y ' axial velocities m a y be used in a second approximation. For the model stage" c . ~ = c.~ + K~_~(C~, -- C . ) _ K~(C~ -- C . ) ~ 2 2 and • . c~,~ = c~o - Ko+~(C. -- C~) _ Ko(C~ -- 2 where K~_~ = exp [{-- k(b -- a)}/l], C.) . . . . . . (32) " 2 K~ = exp (--hall), K~+b = exp [{-- k(a + b)}/1], in which b is the axial distance between the discs (i.e., the blade-row centres of pressure), and a is the axial distance between the actuator-disc stations and the trailing edges of the blades. Then as in Method 4" dC,, dC,~ I (U -- C,~ t a n / ~ ) ( C , , + C~)I dr -- ~ 1+ (C,~ + C~)(C,~ . t a n / ~ ) " But C~2~ = C,~ (1 ~_ K~C~I K~-~-~Kb-~)+ ~_~C,~ +_ff ~ ~+(1-K~-~)c.~ (33) whence the m e t h o d of solution is the same as before. Ultimate Steady Flow.--Stages deeply e m b e d d e d in an axial-flow turbo-machine m a y be considered as identical pairs of actuator discs and the distribution of t h e tangential vorticity ~ is the same after each rotor row. C, R is defined as t h a t axial velocity t h a t would exist far downstream of the rotor and is related to ~R by ~R = -- (riCeR/dr). Similarly the distribution of tangential vorticity ~s = -- (dC, s/dr) is the same after each identical stator. If the rotor, say t h e kth row is considered t h e n along a streamline" H,o = H,o_I + A W,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . where (34) H~0_I is t h e stagnation ellthalpy after the (k -- 1)th disc HT0 is the stagnation e n t h a l p y after the kth disc A W~ is the work done on the fluid b y the kth row. . For the (k + 1)th row, a stator row: A W~+~ = 0 , H~ = H~+~ . . . . . . . . Then from equations (34) and (35), along a given streamline Differentiating with respect to ~0, (dH~+q (dH~_4 d (~w~), d~ ]=~ d~ ] + ~ 10 . . H1,+1 . . . . . = H~_I + A W~. (35) but using equation (9) for the (k -- 1)th row, a stator" (d.~_~ 1( ~04 ~d.~+~ d~ ] = r~ ~sr + Os d~o! = \ for small streamline displacements. d (~W~) d~ d~o ] Hence d(AWk)/dr = 0. 0, . . . . . . Or approximately" . . . (36) . result originally given by A. R. Howell 7 and used by Railly 6. Method 6.--Actuator Discs placed at the Trailing Edges of the Blades--Ultimate Steady Flow If the actuator discs are placed at the trailing edges of the blades then" d dr [U{(U -- C~oRtan $oR) -- C~os tan ~os}] = 0 . . . . . . . . . (36a) Then if all infinite number of identical rows is considered, using equation (12) the axial velocity at any rotor disc C~oR is given by" %- I 2/kb) + (exp l(ex - 4kb , )1 -)I + (C'R 2 ;'s) I (exp -- - - C~R+ C,s -)I 2 CxOS " . . . . . . * " (37) Thus equation (36a) becomes" d [U{U -- C~oR(tan/~oR + tan ~os)}] = 0 dr ' the result derived by Railly b y superimposition of radial velocity fields. Thus for the model stage in ultimate steady flow" d (AWk)= d {U(U--C~oRR)}=O, dr whence C,0R = f2 + (Constant/R2) . From the continuity relation the constant is determined and for the particular example (U,/C~ = 1.83)" C~oR C~1 - - C.os_ 1-83 C.1 0.381 R~ , . . . . . . . ° • . . . . (3s) Method 7.--Actuator Discs placed at the Centres of Pressure of the Blades--Ultimate Steady Flow If the actuator discs are placed at the centres of pressure of the blades then the equation (37) remains unchanged and C~oR -- C~os, although in general the values of C~R and C~s will be different from those used in Method 6. 11 However, the axial velocity at the trailing edge of any rotor is not the same as that at the 'trailing edge of a stator. For if the blade spacing is b, and the distance between the plane of the centre of pressure and the trailing edge is a, then for identical blade rows" Cx Re (C's -- CxR) Iexp k -[ (b + a ) l + e x p l - - ; Cx R (C~R -- Cys) Iexp k + k(3b + a)l + ~- .. "1 ~I + exp!- fk(2b + ~)1 +" 1 ( b - - a ) l + exp l-- 7k(3b -- ~)I+ .. .] ( 2 b - a) l + exp l-- Fk (4b -- a) l + . . . l , (c~R- c,~) c,~ = c~ 2 (C,s [exp k(3b+~)t +... ] k (b-t-a) I + exp l-- 7 -2 c,~) k[exp + (Cx~-2 C~s) [exp L + l- + °/1 Cx Re 1 -7, (C,s--2 C_.R) [exp l - - / k - ( 2 b - - a ) } + e x p l - - 7 , k (4b -- + (39) a)l + " , "l (40) =/=C,~se . The criterion d(A Wl,)ldr = 0 is still valid but the work done across a disc is defined by the whirl velocities at the trailing edge positions, i.e., ; [U{(U -- C:~R,tan/~R~) -- C~s~ tan ~s~}] = 0 . . . . . . . . . (36b) This equation is not sufficient to determine the flow as in Method 6 since C,R~ ~ C,s,, and a method of successive approximation must be used. C,R and C.~s may be guessed and two differential equations are integrated graphically. Thus for a rotor: dC, R 2C, R~tan /3R,d d r -- r(C,R + C,s) {r(g -- C,R~ tan /3R,)} __ dC, s dr - - C,s. t a n ~s.) d r(C~R + C~s) ~ (rC~se tan ~s~) . . . . . . . . . 2(U (41) And for any stator: dC, s 2C~s~tan ~se d (rC, s~ tall ~s~) :-d7 + r(C~R + C~s) dr dC~R 2(U -- CxR~tan ~R~) d {r(U -- C, tan/~R~)} dr + r(CxR + C,s) dr R. . . . . 12 (42) These two equations together with the values of C,R~, C,s~ obtained from equations (39) and (40) and the guessed values of C,R, C,s enable a solution to be obtained, or alternatively either equation (41) or equation (42) m a y be used together with (36b). It is of interest to note that for the model stage the criterion d ( A W J d r ) = 0 gives the distribution of C~R~ with radius immediately since tan ~s~ = 0, and this gives C, Re as identical to C, oR = C, os calcalated in Method 6. Then referring to equation (41) : dC, R dC~s dr -- d r ' d tan ~s, ---- 0 a n d ~d since Hence C, tan = 0 C,R = C~s + constant. The continuity relation requires t h a t this constant should be zero so that C,R = C,s = C, oR = C, os = C,R~ ---- C,s~, i.e., there are no discontinuities in tangential vorticity across the discs. Method 8.--Actuator-Disc T h e o r y ~ A d d i t i o n of Radial Fields (Railly) Calculations for the model stage receiving a uniform upstream profile alone using the theory of addition of radial velocity fields have been made for comparison .with Methods 2, 4 and 6 (1/b = 2.1, 4.2). Values of K~ calculated from Railly's analysis are: 1 (a) ~ = - 2 . 1 K~1---- 0"191 K~ ---- 0.192 cf. K b = 0 . 2 1 4 from the isolated-disc theory (b) l ~=4.2 Kb1=0"436 Kb2=0"446 cf. 0.462. The addition of radial velocity fields gives the same result as Methods 6 and 7, for the model stage in ultimate steady flow. Methods 6 and 8 would give identical results for any given distribution of outlet air angles, /~R and as, in ultimate steady flow, but Method 7 in general gives different values for C,R,, C,s~. Off-design Performance. The exact solutions for Methods 1 and 2 have been used to compute the axial velocity at exit from the model stage rotor for U~/C,I = 3 . 0 assuming that the outlet angles ~, remain unaltered. 3. Discussion of Calculations.---The calculation of axial velocity at rotor and stator trailing edges for the eight methods used are shown in Figs. 4 to 18. The flow parameter UtICa1 has been chosen as 1-83, and for the methods involving the estimation of blade interference values of lib = 2.1, 4.2 and a/b = 2/3 have been used. In general the radial equilibrium solution (Method 1) has been used as a reference velocity. In the discussion the effects of blade interference, positive interference from another disc is defined as that causing tile axial velocity at the station considered to become more distorted from the value Cx/C,I ~ 1.0. Negative interference implies t h a t an external blade row is inducing a return to the undisturbed upstream velocity distribution. Thus it will be apparent that for the model stage the effect oi the stator upon the rotor is a positive interference effect, but negative interference is induced at the stator disc by the rotor. 13 Figs. 4 to 6 compare the radial equilibrium approximation (Method 1) with a calculation for isolated actuator discs at the blade trailing edges (Method 2). There is a considerable difference in the computed axial velocities at the rotor trailing edges and at the stator-blade root. Figs. 7 to 9 show the results obtained if the actuator disc is placed at the centre of pressure of the blade (Method 3). For the low aspect ratio blade (l/b = 2.1 a/b = 2/3), Fig. 7 shows this calculation to be near the radial equilibrium solution but the ratio l/b = 4.2 gives all axial velocity C,~ little different from Method 2. Figs. 8 and 9 suggest only small differences between the calculations for the stator. The calculations for l/b = 2.1 are almost identical with those for lib ---- 4.2 and are not plotted. Comparisons between Methods 4 and 8 and for blade interference have been made and excellent agreement is obtained. This is illustrated in Fig. 10. The rotor trailing-edge velocity is identical for l/b = 2.1, and the differences for l/b = 4.2 are small. Similar calculations for Cxo~/C,~ and C~4/C~ give close agreement, and the determination of the attenuation constant k~ shows b u t small differences (see above). The general effects of blade interference are therefore shown using the methods employing the concept of constancy of trailing vorticity (Hawthorne. Ref. 5. Appendix B). Fig. 11 illustrates the small positive interference effect of the stator upon the rotor for 1/b = 2.1 and a larger induced distortion from C~/C,~ = 1 for lib = 4.2. Method 4, in which the discs are placed at the trailing edge, is employed. Negative interference is shown b y this method in Fig. 12, but Fig. 13 again suggests that the calculation of C,~ varies little with the method chosen. Figs. 14 to 16 illustrate Method 5, using blade-interference theory with the discs placed at the blade centres of pressure. For the axial velocity at the rotor trailing edge, the separate effects of (i) placing the disc at the trailing edge (Fig. 7) and (if) positive interference from the stator (Fig. 11) are combined (Fig. 14) and the result is little different from the radial equilibrium result. The calculations for 1/b = 2- 1 are not shown, as these are almost identical with the Method 1 results. However, i f the radial equilibrium calculation is fortuitously accurate for the rotor because of positive interference, negative interference at the stator trailing edge illustrates wide differences between Methods 1 and 5. The axial velocity for the model stage in ultimate steady flow (C,0~ --Cx0s = C~R -~ C~s) is shown in Fig. 17, and suggests a reversal of flow at the root. Once again the comparison is made with the radial equilibrium solutions for the single stage. Although the differences between the various theories will be greater because of the low hub-tip ratio chosen, the flow parameter U~/Cxl is small judged b y modern compressor practice, and this small value tends to minimize these differences. This is illustrated in Fig. 18, which compares Methods 1 and 2 for the rotor, at U~/C,I = 1.83 and 3.0. The results of these calculations are summarized in Table I which shows the difference in axial velocity from root to tip, as calculated b y various methods for positions 02, 04 and 4. If Method 5 is considered to be that giving the most accurate calculations, then it is seen from the table that while other methods m a y give agreement at one trailing-edge position, the results for the other trailing edge are not accurate. 14 TABLE 1 Differences in Cx root to tip (C~ o~)~i~ Method - (C~o~)roo, (Cx 04)tip -- (C:~ o4)root; (C~4)tip- (C,4)root C ~ ~_ . 1. Radial equilibrium 0"47 1"05 1 "05 2. Widely spaced discs at blade trailing edges 0-27 0"80 1"07 . Widely spaced discs at blade centres of pressure 1-01 O"97 . 5. 6, 7. Discs at trailing edges. Interference theory (Hawthorne) 0.40( Discs at centres of pressure. Interference theory (Hawthorne) Ultimate steady flow .. I 2.0 I 0"66 1" 04 0"75 1 "09 0"63 0"82 0"82 0"93 2.0 I 4. Conclusions.--The comparisons of the actuator-disc theories suggest that the choice of the position of the plane of the actuator disc is important, and that methods in which the discs are placed at the trailing edge of the blades may not be as accurate as the original radial equilibrium theory. For large aspect ratios (lib > 3) the trailing-edge-disc methods may be more satisfactory, but then the effects of blade interference are considerable unless the axial clearances are large compared with the blade width, a configuration not encountered in modern turbo-machines. For low aspect ratios (lib < 3) blade interference effects become less important, but the placing of the disc at the trailing edge becomes a larger approximation. The excellent agreement between the theories for blade interference suggest that the use of the attenuation constants k~, as determined from isolated-disc theory, is justified in a theory taking into account blade interference. It is therefore suggested t h a t Method 5 is of practical use for axial-flow compressor and turbine designers. The disc is placed at the centre of pressure of the blades, but the possibly considerable effects of blade interference are not neglected. The values of k~ are determined directly from the hub-tip ratio. In turbo-machine design, Method 5 would be used for the first few stages, after which the flow would be expected to approximate to the ultimate steady flow condition soluble by Method 7. Equation (8) may be readily adapted to give the axial velocities at the blade leading edges for determination of the incidences. A further modification of these methods for the off-design condition may be to allow for variation in outlet air angle and blade losses in the equating of dH/d~ across the disc, using cascade resulfs and the incidences obtained from the first approximation to obtain values of these two new variables. It is important to note that Methods 5 and 7, while taking into account any non-uniformity in:entry axial velocity profile give no estimation of the growth of the boundary layer through a compressor. 15 NOTATION Referring to Figs. 1, 2 and 3, the following notation is used" Co-ordinates" r, O, x . C, Radial velocity Tangential velocity C, Axial velocity 0 ---- rC,, Tangential momentum = (aC,/ax) -- (aC,/ar) Tangential vorticity ~0 Streamline function defined b y : C,, = H r, r~, R = X2 U = fi l b a rCx = - Stagnation e n t h a l p y . Tip radius Root radius r/rt Non-dimensional radius ratio Rotor angular velocity ~ r Blade speed Absolute air angles Exit rotor air angle measured relative to the moving blade Blade length in radial direction Blade width in axial direction Axial distance between planes of blade trailing edge and centre of pressure Subscripts" 1 2 3 4 01 02 03 06 2e 4e R S OR 0S Re Se t h Conditions far upstream of a rotor Conditions far downstream of a rotor Conditions far upstream of a stator Conditions far downstream of a stator Conditions immediately upstream of a rotating actuator disc Conditions immediately downstream of a rotating actuator disc Conditions immediately upstream of a stationary actuator disc Conditions immediately downstream of a stationary actuator disc Conditions at the trailing edge of a rotor-blade row Conditions at tile trailing edge of a stator-blade row Conditions far downstream of a rotating actuator disc in ultimate Conditions far downstream of a stationary actuator disc in ultimate Conditions at a rotating actuator disc in ultimate steady flow Conditions at a stationary actuator disc in ultimate steady flow Conditions at the trailing edge of a rotating blade row in ultimate Conditions at the trailing edge of a stationary blade row in ultimate Relating to blade tip Relating to blade root steady flow steady flow steady flow steady flow Superscripts" t Denotes perturbation to the axial velocities at infinity (upstream or downstream) in the neighbourhood of an actuator disc, e.g., c ~ ,t C ~2t • 16 REFERENCES No. Title, etc. Author 1 H. Cohen and E. M. White The theoretical determination of the three-dimensionM flow in an axial compressor with special reference to constant reaction blading. A.R.C. 6842. July, 1943. The flow of an ideal fluid in an annulus. (Unpublished.) March, 1946. .. 2 W. Merchant, J. T. Hansford and P. M. Harrison. 3 S. L. Bragg and W. R. Hawthorne. Some exact solutions of the flow through annular cascade actuator discs. J. Ae. Sci. Vol. 17. No. 4. April, 1950. 4 F . E . Marble The flow of a perfect fluid through an axial-flow turbo-machine with predescribed blade loading. J. Ae. Sci. Vol. 15. No. 8. August, 1948. . . . . . . 5 W.R. Hawthorne (Unpublished.) .... 1949. 6 J.W. Railly . . . . . . The flow of an incompressible fluid through an axial turbo-machine with any number of rows. Aero. Quart. Vol. III. September, 1951. 7 A.R. Howell . . . . . . (Unpublished.) 8 F. Ruden . . . . . . Investigation of single-stage axial-flow fans. 9 Jahnke and Emde 1942. Tables of Functions. Dover Publications. .... APPENDIX N.A.C.A.T.M. 1062. 1945. I Three-Dimemional Flow in an Axial Turbo-Machine 1. The Apibroximate Solution for Flow through a~¢ Actuator D i s c . - - A n a p p r o x i m a t e s o l u t i o n of t h e a c t u a t o r - d i s c p r o b l e m m a y b e o b t a i n e d b y a s s u m i n g t h a t t h e t r a i l i n g v o r t e x lines lie o n c y l i n d r i c a l s u r f a c e s c o n c e n t r i c w i t h t h e axis of t h e a n n u l u s . T h e r a d i a l velocities a r e n o t , h o w e v e r , n e g l e c t e d , so t h a t t h e c o n d i t i o n for s t r e a m s u r f a c e s a n d v o r t e x - l i n e s u r f a c e s to b e t h e s a m e is n o l o n g e r satisfied. rt Cx I Cx i + Cx t. Cx 2 + Cx 2 + oo Cx 2 rh ~=--+X Cr 2 Cr I FIG. A.1. W i t h this a s s u m p t i o n it m a y b e s h o w n (Ref. 8) t h a t t h e axial v e l o c i t y a t t h e a c t u a t o r disc is (C~1 + C~2)/2 w h e r e C~1 a n d C ~ are t h e axial velocities a t i n f i n i t y u p s t r e a m a n d d o w n s t r e a m r e s p e c t i v e l y . W i t h t h e n o t a t i o n of t h e figure C~I' a n d C~( are t h e p e r t u r b a t i o n s to t h e axial velocities in t h e regions x-----0 to x ~ - - o o a n d x - - - - 0 to x--~ + o o r e s p e c t i v e l y . A t x - - - - 0 1' = -- 1) 12 and 2' = -- 2)/2. Since it is a s s u m e d t h a t t h e r i n g v o r t i c e s pass d o w n s t r e a m a l o n g c y l i n d r i c a l surfaces t h e v a l u e of t h e t a n g e n t i a l v o r t i c i t y , v, a t a n y r a d i u s will b e c o n s t a n t a n d is e q u a l t o its v a l u e at infinity. 17 (71361) 13 Vorticity components in a flow with velocities C . C,. C. and co-ordinates r, 0, x, are $, ~, ¢, where for axially symmetric flow: ~x (!) a (rC,,) '~ = ~C~ aC. a-7- a-7 -- rar For incompressible, axially symmetric, flow the continuity equation is ax Hence (rC) + a ~; (rc,,)= ~- o . ~cr~ ~x . . . . . . . . . . ~ (c.~ + ~c~') ~r . . . ac~ Or . . (2) . . . . . . . (3) ~ C . ~ _ OC.( or ~x ~r A similar equation applies upstream of the actuator disc. incompressible flow m a y be written" aC / 1 ~ ax + r ~ ; The equation of continuity (2) for (re,,)= O. . . . . . . . . (4) Differentiating equation (4) partially with respect to r and substituting from equation (3)" a=C, 1 aC~ ar 2 q r ar C~ a2C~ r= + Ox 2 - - 0 . . . . . . . ~oo A standard procedure for solving this equation is to write Cr = ~ {exp . . (s) (k~x)}f~(r),where i=I k~ with i = I, 2, 3, etc., are a number of constants whose values depend on the boundary conditions. Then : {exp (k~x)}f~ "(r)+ r l ~ { e x p ( k ~ x ) } f ~ ' ( r ) + ~ ( --~l){exp(k~x)}f~(r)=O... (6i Hence for all values of i since this equation must be satisfied at all r and x > 0 or x < 0, The general solution of this Bessel's differential equation is" f,(r) = A & ( < , ) + B~Vl(<r) . . . . . . . . . . . (8) C~ = Z {exp (k~x)} {AJ,(k~r) + B~Y,(k~r)} . . . . . . . (9) Hence the radial velocity is given b y : i Since at the boundaries of the annulus r = r~ and r = r,, C, = 0. A~J,(k~r,) + B~Y,(k,rt) = 0 and or AJ~(k~rh) + B,Y~(k,r~) = 0 J~(k,r~,) Y~(k~r,) -- J~(k,r,) Y~(k,r~) = 0 . . . . . . . . . (10) This equation gives an infinite number of values of k~, the first six of which are tabulated for various values of (r,/rh) b y Janke and Erode (p. 205). 18 Since the values of ki only d e p e n d on the values of rt and rh, t h e solutions for C, 1 and C~ 2 are s y m m e t r i c a l about the actuator disc. Substituting for C~ in equation (4) and integrating to obtain C,' between the limits x = 0 a n d x = -¢- oo[{exp (kix)}/ki] [fi'(r) + 1rf~( r )] = C~' . . . . . . . . . (11) Now since Cr and C,' = 0 at x = ± oo, ki is negative for x > 0 and positive for x < 0. Inserting the values for Cx' at x = 0" 1 r (12) If only the first root of equation (11) is taken, then" C~l' : (exp kx) (C~ - C~I) X2 ,_- - { o x p (13a) 2 (13b) " Hence if l is the blade length" <:: The value of 3.16 is correct for from 1.2 to 2 . 5 respectively. / - te:,:p rt/rt, = 3"16x~(C~--C~) 2 (14) . . . . . . . 1.5 and varies between 3-146 and 3-23 as r,/rl, varies 2. Blade-Interference Theory.--Between each blade row in t h e compressor, sheets of tangential smoke-ring vortices exist which are identified b y the value of C~ at d o w n s t r e a m infinity. These are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 2. FIG. A.2. Diagrammatic representation of sheets of tangential vorticity between blade rows. If tile p t h row of blades shown in Fig. A.3 is considered and all the vortex sheets of neighbouring blades are superimposed: ~ I_____ _ p+l .o_oooooooooooooo~P2 p+2 FIG. A.3. 19 (71361) B2 The sum of all these vortex sheets is pictured below where the compressor has n stages: p-2 p-! P p+ I 2Cxp + Cxp+ I + • Cx n + Cxp _ I 2 Cxp+l + Cxp +2 + C~p + Cx 2 p+2 . . . . . . . . . + Cx 2 Cx n " FIG. A.4. Hence between the (p -- 1)th and the p t h rows the vortex sheets obtained b y superposition are : q=2 Downstream of the p t h row and ahead of the (p + 1)th the vortex sheets sum to" q=2 Hence the vorticity pattern m a y be obtained by summing the vorticities of all rows taken separately and subtracting the sum of all the vortex sheets due to each blade stretching from upstream to downstream infinity. This procedure is shown diagrammatically in Fig. A.5 for a single stage : FIG. A.Sa. Actual vorticity. A FIG. A.Sb. ,vVVVvvvvvv FIG. A.Sc. Each row taken separately. vvvvVvVvvV#v~ vVVvVvvvvVVV~ ~vvvVvvvvVvVVVVV Sum of vortices due to each row taken separately. 20 FIG. A.5d. Vortexsheets extending to infinity which require to be subtracted from (c) to give (a). The induced axial velocity at the p t h row due to the qth row when the vortices of all rows are taken separately is from equation (14), When q < p" lex ( _--(C~,q+~2+ C~,q)+ (C~q+I2--C'~q)( 1 - - I exP (--kqlq x~q) }) -- C~q ..... (15) When q > p" = C~q+ {exp( ---/q = 2 - - (16) k~ x,~)1 ) -c~,~ where Xpqis the magnitude (always positive) of the axial distance between p t h and qth rows and C, le is the average axial velocity at the qth row: c.,, = W p.,=(r = _ rZ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (17) . From the sum of the above induced velocities must be subtracted the effect of all the infinitely long vortices due to each blade row as shown in Fig. A.5. This latter effect is: (c.- <,,) . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18) . . (19) g=2 Hence, tile total induced velocity is" -- 2 (C•q- C,,q), . . . . . . . . q=2 noting that the -¢- sign is taken when q < p and the -- sign when q > p. may also be written : p+l ~ " 21 The induced velocity (20) Hence the axial velocity at the/sth row is : q=I 7q q-q2~2l(C';q+~2C,q)lexp( _ ~xpq) I . . . . . . . . (21) or for incompressible flow: q=p+l 2 lq . . . . . . . . . Similarly. it may be shown that the axial velocity at a point Xpe between the/5th and (15 + 1)th rows is given by: C:;pe: Cxp+l--'2~=i(Cxq+l; C~;q)lexp (-- ~qX,peq)l where x m is the distance (always positive)between the plane x ----xp~ and the qth disc. 22 I 2 4 Mekhod °:7 I. ' MeLhod 5. Blad~ in~.erPerenc¢. Discs a~. cenLrea o£" p r e s s u r e oP blades. z _ 2.1,4.2 e. = 2 -~~ 7 Radial equiHbrium ab krailing edges oP blades. 2 , 4¢ Ol 02 23 Mekhod I' R 2¢ OR 05 O5 04 2. Mlekhod g. UlLimab¢ sb~acl9 ~'low. Discs ag ~pa;l~n9 edges o~' blad¢~. (_~= 2.l,4-2 ) R $ R 5R S R 5 I?5- W[d¢]~j ojpaced ackuakor d,scs ab bra;l[ng edges oF blades. R~ 5 ¢ 4-¢ OR 09 b3 c~ M eLhod 3. _~.o = R 9 Rs Wt'd¢ly spaced acLuakor all'sos aL ccnkr~s oP pr¢55ur~ o# blad~¢. 2¢ I 02104 / 4 ~-- r 4¢ Ol R 5 R 5 R5 I Re 5¢ ot p2 04. = 2"1, 4 . 2 M ¢ k_had e. RaHIu'~ .me/r.hod. ID~Scs ab Lra]hng edges o f blades, 2, 2e 4¢ FIGs. 1 and 2. _~ = 4. Mekhod 4. Blade inberPer'¢nc¢ d;~cs ab LrarJ]n9 ~dg¢.~ o P blad¢~ 2q 4¢ Mekhod 7. Ultimate skeadLj Plow. Discs a t cen~r¢¢ oP pressure oP bladzs. Methods used in calculation of flow through model stage. OI 03 2,.?, 02 Ac~ua&or D;sc 04 Acbuabor Disc FIo. 3. Model-stage velocity triangles. c ~20 I I I I 1.6~ I 3O0 I-5 290 l-4 2 GO I-3 24-0 i.:~ 2 ZO ~00 • I'0 Cm02 0-9 0-B L o ~-14-0 0-7 120 0-G -~ I00 0.5 h lq',a.d;~.l ec~u~l[bP'[urm t.heor-~ a.W[dely elo,~ced discs ~./:. bJ~d e. ~ r-o.~.;Ir~n9 e c]c3es, ~o -0-4. -o-3 × < 40- -0.2 ~0- -o.I 0 0-4 I O" 5 I 0 .G I 0 "7 R~-dius R = ~ r'ad~u~ I O' 9 I 0"~ o I-o [FIG. 4. Model stage--Axial velocity at rotor trailing edge. 24 I 320 t 280 I "4 280~- 240 1'2 240 200 I'0 - I '1 r6 I 1"4 • I'2 mi I'O C~O. 4 8 --c-~ 7 0.8 $60 b~ C~ -g Ir~ -- k C:~! 120 I-- 2 / I / / ~,/ N O~ 80 / / I/ t Radial Equilibrium q'heo'm 9 -- 0'6 ~. Widely spacod o,gcs ~ 6lade Trailing Edges -& < -- 0"4 80 0.l 40 4oI 0"4 ~12Q I I f I t O'G 0-6 Oq 0'8 0-9 I'0 L Radial Equilibrium Theoey 2. WidelM $p&ced Disc6 ab Bla~:~ Tra41tn9 Edles. ~4 f I 0.6 f -- 0"6 -- 0'4 -- O.& i o.7 .Radius R = Rad[qs Tip Radius FIG. 5. Model stage--Axial velocity at stator trailing edge. FIG. 6. Model s t a g e I A x i a l velocity far downstream of stator. . o . , 200 I I i I 1"4 I 2~01 I I t I t i 1"4 I a40 1"2 - aoo ~ 1 . 0 1.0 1.2 I'0 "O2O¢ o~ C~4e Co L 160 -- ~| CaC 0"8 o_ xI 120 _ > eO I. Radial 3. Widelg 6lade _ equillbr;um Lh¢ory. spaced acEu~lor d[scs ccnEr~s oR pressure. b b (ii) _z .- 4-a b < ~ - - 0.4- 2 0.2_ I I 0' 5 0-~ P= FIG. 7, I I 0 "T Rad;us ~ p rac~;u~ 0-8 I, Ra~cli~l e%uifibr-lum F-heory d i s c s ~E ~..Wlcle1~j s p ~ c e d ~o O0 ~ = ~.z bl~de .~ = x b 40 0-4 m120 ~a ..90 > " = 0.6 ~ 0.9 Model stage----&xial velocity at trailing edge. o t.o 40 ~'2 I 0"4 I 0'6 I O'G R = rotor FIG. 8. I 0"7 R~dlu s Tip r~ciius l O" ~ I 0.~ I0 1,0 Model stage--Axial velocity at stator trailing edge. I I I "°l .~4C / L g _o 160 bO o ~ 120 > ,~ SO , 2SO I-2 24.0 _ [.0 200 : 0"8 c-,3cl 0-G i J ~ ,,v ]p4, I . ,-- 1,2 " ~ ,,~ ~%~{c~-~ 1 . 0 .. 1¢0 Ln i)_ ~Lzo 4 "~j// /I s. wia%l~ y~n~ ,~/ sp~.¢ea a~cs " o~ p ~ q ~ . 0o-~: ~'~ '~ ~.~. Bl&de inl:.er"~er-ence (,~-ddJ:.fon 04" vor-k..e× .she..e~.s) S Bl~.de. in~,er4:~renc.e.. O~sc~ ~b ~r~ilin~3 edge.s. (Addieion ef r-~d[~i veloc~eLj ~:;eld ~,) bl~.de D'4 -~ of- ):.2 I 0'4- 0'5 I I 0"~ 0"7 I 0'~ Io 0"9 I'0 0,4- ~0 > 3,2 40 0'4 0"5 9. Model stage--Axial velocity far downstream of stator. I 0.7 I 0.8 I 0"9 I,O I~d;uB ~ad;u FIG. I 0-~, FIG. 10. Model stage--Axial velocity at rotor trailing edges. 2~0 I . j I I . . 2~0 i I.,~. I . _ I I I I I 1 " 4 24-C I°-Z z¢o - ~.z 20C 1.0 i~O0 f,O 0-B Lo I~0 -- O'g CaT.~ o .~ 160 L oJ [',,D GO C:coz C~ 10 'o t~ 120 I. Ra.dla.I .'~ .> o_ bla-d e ~c~uillbrlum ~r~il/ng ~heor'B, l, Rmd~&l 4. 86xd¢ Discs ,_ g%ufllbr-kam P.heor~, inkerFer'ence, ~.L b l ~ d s kr'~.ih% 9 c d g e s . edge. o. --0,4 ~0 -- '¢ 40 0"4 I 0"5 I o-g I o,7 I o.s t o.s 0"~ 0 1.0 11. model stage--Axial velocity at rotor t r a i l i n g edge. 2 - 0"4 ~40 0,2 J 0'4 I 0.5 I O.G I 0.7 I 0.~ I o.e , 0 vo ~ =Radius ~ ~aol;tas R = Tip r~.diua FIG. -- 0'6, FIG. 12. Model stage--Axial velocities at stator trailing edge. 280 L i I I I 400~- 1"4 1"4 It 24q 1"2 I'O 200 240 ~ I'O -0200 C~c4 J o,e el_ L ~160 -- 0'6 - 0-6 - Q'4 -- 0.'~ I / / / t,O ¢43 6. 5 ~ e r e n c e DIsGs m J2o "5 J9 I. Rad{al Equ;librTum "Theory. 5. 8lade In~,erf'erenca. Discs a~ Blade Gentres oF Pr~55ur'~. 0'6 3 ~ 8o ~' . °I 0'4 80 0'2 I 0"4 - 0.5 1 I I I C~6 0.'7 0'8 0,9 o I'O 0'4 I 0'5 Radius FIG. 13. model stage---Axial velocities far downstream of stator. I I o.~ o.~ 0 I o-s o.s ~o Ft~ - Re.dtu5 "~p R~Lchus FIG. 14. Model stage--Axial velocity at rotor trailing edge. ~0 1.4 I I I ~4C 200 1,0 ~ 160 0.8 o C× 4 ¢ g 280j l i I. 5. ~12o Rmdlal ¢Cluilibr~um L h : o r g . Blad: "~nh:rPcr¢n¢¢. Ibises at blachz c ~ n h r ~ oP pressure, o. 2 6o 7, ~ = 2. ~ (1) m -6 = 0.6 2 I 1"4 1.2 oc 20Q o I'0 (3160 ab Bl~de cenLree of 8o g'2 40 = 4.a -6- C:~4 Cx- ] pressure. "~12C 0.4 0"8 I. Radial Equilibrium Th~or~J. ~. Blade }nLer+'erence. Discs (il) "-; I 240 Cy, I L I -- 0-6 -- 0"4 -- 0"2 -3- u 2 3 4O I 0"4 0.5 I I I I 0-5 0"7 0"8 0"9 R" FIG. 15. 0 ~'0 I 0'4 f I I I I 0'5 0'6 0"7 0'8 O-S R = Pad;u~ T(p r'adiue. Model stage--Axial velocity at stator trailing edges. FIG. 16. O i'O Radius - Tip Radius Model stage--Axial velocities far downstream of stator. ,.+ I .ol I I l I 1.4 ~40 3ZO ~o0 I-0 I I I i I°G I 1 1"4 250 ~_.~R=C~:o_.~s acI C~ °O160 0.8 I-2 24-0 L o o_ 0-G ~J I~0 co ~ 1"O ~00 I R - L Radi&l e%ullibrtum ~heo~ 9. I S_J" For" ~;ncjle ~ L ~ g e . ~0 U6F 0"4 C~o 2 Ca=# "o c o o I60 g Sbe.c~e i n ul~..ima.ke.- ~gea-d 9 "Flow. r-esull~ f r o n n meLHocJ~ 5, G lder~LiceLI 0"2 0,6 la0 I. Racli6cl e%uilibr~urn I;heor~J o > 90 I 2. |sola,~ed d i * c ~ b b l a . d e (i)~' = I . $ 3 (ii) u~ = 3-0 I c~ t I I I / - 0.4 0-2 40 ~om l cdqe. < -I ! L~ihh~ c= I 0.5 0 posiLion. I 0'7 O.G R Fic. 17. = I i 0"B 0"9 I'O Ol 0-6 I 0"7 I 0.6 I 0.9 Tip n~dius FIG. 18. 0 I.O R~ct~ue Tip r ~ d l u ~ Model stage--Axial velocities in ultimate steady flow. I O,G Model s t a g e ~ x i a l velocity at rotor trailing edge. R.&M. No. 3 Publications of the Aeronautical Research Council A N N U A L T E C H N I C A L REPORTS OF THE A E R O N A U T I C A L RESEARCH COUNCIL (BOUND VOLUMES) 1939 Vol. I. Aerodynamics General, Performance, Airscrews, Engines. 5os. (52s.). Vol. II. Stability and Control, Flutter and Vibration, Instruments, Structures, Seaplanes, etc. 63s. (65s.) 1940 Aero and Hydrodynamics, Aerofoils, Airscrews, Engines, Flutter, Icing, Stability and Control, Structures, and a miscellaneous section. 5os. (52s.) 1941 Aero and Hydrodynamics, Aerofoils, Airscrews, Engines, Flutter, Stability and Control, Structures. 63 s. I65s.) I94z Vol. I. Aero and Hydrodynamics, Aerofoils, Airscrews, Engines. 75s. (77s.) , Vol. II. Noise, Parachutes, Stability and Control, Structures, Vibration, Wind Tunnels. 47s. 6d. (49 s. 6d.) I943 Vol. I. Aerodynamics, Aerofoils, Airscrews. 8os. (82S.) Vol. IL Engines, Flutter, Materials, Parachutes, Performance, Stability and Control, Structures. 9os. (92s. 9d.) I944 Vol. I. Aero and Hydrodynamics, Aerofoils, Aircraft, Airscrews, Controls. 84s. (86s. 6d.) Vol. II. Hutter and Vibration, Materials, Miscellaneous, Navigation, Parachutes, Performance, Plates and Panels, Stability, Structures, Test Equipment, Wind Tunnels. 84s. (86s. 6d.) 1945 Vol. I. Aero and Hydrodynamics, Aerofoils. i3os. (i32s. 9d.) Vol. II. Aircraft, Airscrews, Controls. I3OS. (i32s. 9d.) Vol. III. Flutter and Vibration, Instruments, Miscellaneous, Parachutes, Plates and Panels, Propulsion. 13os. (132s. 6d.) Vol. IV. Stability, Structures, Wind Tunnels, Wind Tunnel Technique. 13 os. (I 32s. 6d.) Annual Reports of the Aeronautical Research Council-1937 2s. (2s. 2d.) I938 IS. 6d. (!s. 8d.) 1939-48 3s. (3s. 5d.) Index to all Reports and Memoranda published in the Annual Technical Reports, and separately-April, 195o R. & M. 26oo us. 6d. (2s. Iod.) Author Index to all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Council-R. &M. 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