Pensions In Practice
Pensions In Practice
Issue: 7 Date: October 2015 Pensions In Practice (PIPS) “Your monthly review of NHS Pensions from Fairway Training” In 1965 the Righteous Brothers, in arguably their biggest hit single, famously sang the line “Time goes by so slowly and time can do so much”. Well, in the fast moving and fast paced world of GP Practices, NHS payroll and NHS Pensions, that line is completely untrue! It is more like time goes by so quickly and time can do so much! So an apology from Fairway Training because we have not been as ‘on the ball’ as we should have been. As a Fairway Training client the review of the NHS Pension Employer newsletters through our newsletter PIPs should have been a bit more prompt. So belatedly this edition of PIPs concentrates on the April to October 2015 Newsletters. 2015 Scheme April saw the launch of the long talked about 2015 Scheme - it is finally here! NHS Pensions have been working hard at ensuring information is available and it’s worth noting that there are a number of videos that have been produced by NHS Pensions which contain very basic but helpful information. They are: Video 2: Features and benefits of the 2015 Pension Scheme Video 3: People with benefits in both the 1995/2008 Scheme and the 2015 Scheme Video 4: Members of the 1995 Section of the 1995/2008 NHS Pension Scheme Video 5: Members of the 2008 Section of the 1995/2008 NHS Pension Scheme Please click on the links above to view. We also covered this topic in some depth in our March 2015 edition of PIPS which can also be downloaded here. Fairway Training Ltd Specialists in NHS Pensions & Payroll Administration and Training Newsletters in summary - April - May - June - July - August - September - October Fairway News Fairway Training Courses Issue: 7 April Newsletter Date: October 2015 Life Time Allowance Membership in the 2015 Scheme The following is a direct extract from the newsletter: Employees who automatically moved to the 2015 Scheme on 1st April, because they had no protection either in the 1995 or 2008 Sections , will now have a new employment ID showing a start date of 1st April 2015. The membership record up to 31st March was ‘closed down’ with a new exit code of 15. This is to show the employment is continuing but under new NHS Pension Scheme regulations and officially this is known as ‘linked employments’. The Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered his final Budget of this Parliament on 18 March 2015. In it he confirmed the reduction of the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) from £1.25 million to £1 million with effect from 6 April 2016. From 2018, the LTA will be increased annually in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). We are assuming the same will apply to those employees with tapered protection when they eventually move across to the 2015 Scheme. You can check the status of your employees’ protection arrangements on Pensions Online under notifications and protected eligibility notifications. As this means that more NHS Pension Scheme members will be affected in the future, the Chancellor announced that an additional transitional protection for pension rights already over £1 million will be introduced alongside this reduction. We will update employers further once details about the new HMRC protection have been confirmed. Jargon Buster An updated version (V4) of the Jargon Buster has now been published on the home page of the NHS Pensions website (under 'Quicklinks for Members') and now includes new terms such as ERRBO. Don’t forget that this is a living document so if you have any suggestions for content you would like to see included please email [email protected] Calculating whole time equivalent pay for part time Officers. The March 2015 newsletter contained a controversial change to the method used for calculating notional whole time pay for part time staff. Along with other NHS organisations we raised an objection to this as there had been no change to the regulations. NHS Pensions confirmed that they were reviewing the guidance issued and employers should continue with the current method. To date no further information has appeared on this topic! Final Pay Controls NHS Pensions confirmed that they had received (unsurprisingly) a number of queries regarding this subject. For a full explanation of how Final Pay Control works, please download our December2014 edition of PIPs or the Final Pay Control Fact Sheet. Fairway Training Ltd Specialists in NHS Pensions & Payroll Administration and Training Issue: 7 Date: October 2015 May Newsletter Giving up Protection 2 x the revalued pensionable earnings for the Scheme year, up to 10 years earlier, with the highest revalued pensionable earnings. Before the introduction of the 2015 Scheme it was recognised that some 2008 members may prefer not to be protected against moving to the 2015 Scheme due to the way benefits are accrued e.g. higher accrual rates in the 2015 Scheme (this topic was covered in the March 2015 Edition of PIPs). Members of the 2008 section with full or tapered protection can opt to forgo their protection. Individual members would have received letters to their home address if they had this option. No 1995 members were affected by this. In addition NHS Pensions also confirmed that ‘The lump sum must be claimed and paid within two years of the member’s death being notified to the Scheme Administrator. After two years the lump sum will become an unauthorised payment which is not a permitted payment under the 2015 Scheme. N.B The formal exercise ended on 30th September 2015. Payment of Pension Contributions It is apparent that some GP Practices (approximately 1500) do not use Pensions Online to submit details of their monthly pension contributions which then triggers a Direct Debit payment. We strongly recommend that this method of payment is utilised as late payment fines can be and are being issued. It is a statutory requirement that employers must pay contributions by the 19th of the following month in which contributions are deducted. As it can take time for payments to be processed Fairway recommends making payments via Pensions Online no later than the 14th of the month. Should you need any help or assistance in setting this up please contact the Fairway Training helpline if you are a support client or your usual Fairway contact if you subscribe to our pension administration service. For payroll clients this is dealt with automatically as part of the payroll service. Death Benefits Confirmation was received that if an active 2015 Scheme member dies in service, the 2015 rules for ‘death in service’ apply irrespective of the fact that the member may have 1995 or 2008 membership. The calculation is based on the higher of either: 2 x the relevant earnings in the last 12 months of pensionable service (this could be extended after the date of death if there is entitlement to untaken annual leave); or Disclosure of pension information by electronic copy NHS Pensions have confirmed that under the Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes regulations 2013 that: ‘Information may be given by an electronic communication where the trustees or managers of the Scheme are satisfied that the electronic communications have been designed so that the member will be able to: get access to, and store or print the information, and take into account the requirements of disabled persons. This means that you do not have to issue hard copies of guides/booklets in all instances. However, it is not sufficient to simply provide a link to the NHS Pensions website. Where you are certain the member is able to store and/or print the guide/booklet then you can email the information to the member ensuring you provide an attachment of the full document. Employers should be aware that, where an individual requests, in writing, that such information should not be provided electronically, a hard copy should be provided.’ Further information can be found at: Joining the Scheme: Leaving early: Fairway Training Ltd Specialists in NHS Pensions & Payroll Administration and Training Issue: 7 June Newsletter Date: October 2015 July Newsletter Pensions Online update Requests for Estimates When the revised version of Pensions Online was ‘switched on’ in April 2015 it was not possible to access membership history records for 2015 members. This has now been rectified. NHS Pensions confirmed that estimates of pension benefits were taking longer than normal due to ‘unprecedented’ increases in workload. In addition as part of the Additional Pension review, the new updated Additional Pension (AP) calculator is now available for purchases in the 1995/2008 Scheme and 2015 Scheme. Additional Benefit Contracts and the 2015 Scheme After receiving a number of enquiries, NHS Pensions have confirmed that members who are paying for either Added Years, Additional Pension or a bigger survivor pension, contributions should continue as normal until the end of the contract. The only time it would not continue is if there was a break of 12 months or more in pensionable employment. As a reminder, 1995 section members can claim their Added Years or Additional Pension benefits at the contract end date whilst continuing as an active member of the 2015 Scheme. As a reminder Pensions Online (POL) can produce estimates for both 1995 and 2008 members with full protection. By full protection we mean that they will not be transferred to the 2015 Scheme at any point. If a member has been or will be transferred to the 2015 Scheme, POL is currently unable to provide an estimate of benefits at retirement age. However, members can ‘self-service’ a benefit statement using the Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) facility. This will of course only produce a statement of benefits earned up to 31st March 2015. ABS is a component of Total Reward Statements (TRS). The full TRS function is only available to Trusts, CCGs etc. Early Retirement Reduction Buy Out (ERRBO) There has been a bit of confusion about the new ERRBO facility so NHS Pensions sought to clarify some issues. Estimates for Ill Health retirement A new version of form AW295 is available on the NHS Pensions website for 2015 Scheme members only. 1995 and 2008 Scheme members should use the current form. The Estimates page can be found at: Employer’s Charter Confirmation that a new charter is now available and we covered this extensively in our last edition of PIPS. Expressions of Interest (EOI) received from today’s date and until 31st March 2016 will be for contracts starting in the new financial year, in other words no new contracts can be set up before 1st April 2016. However, the whole process is under review. The full ERRBO factsheet can be downloaded here if you are unsure what an ERRBO contract is! Please be aware that the GP1 on POL has now been amended to include an ERRBO contributions box. Please ensure pension contributions are allocated to the correct boxes. Fairway Training Ltd Specialists in NHS Pensions & Payroll Administration and Training Issue: 7 AW8 forms Date: October 2015 August Newsletter If a member is retiring and they have membership in more than one Scheme, i.e. they have membership in any combination of the 1995, 2008 or 2015 Schemes, the AW8 cannot be submitted via POL and the paper copy must be sent to NHS Pensions. It is very important that it is clearly marked to indicate which Scheme benefits are being claimed from. Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) Confirmation that the Annual Benefits Statement would be available after 31st August and 30th October depending on which part of the country you were in. By the time you are reading this both dates will have passed. Choice 2 ‘sweep up’ exercise Payment of NHS Pension Contributions There was a further reminder about timely payment of contributions (see May newsletter summary). This is clearly an issue and Practices are reminded not to leave payment of contributions until it’s too late. The absolute deadline for completing your GP1 via POL is at least two working days before the due date (the 19th of the month) and not later than 3pm. Of course if the 19th falls at a weekend, the deadline date will be the 17th. N.B See Fairway’s recommendation on page 3 above. There is a final exercise in this respect which will end on 1st December 2015. This only affects members of the 1995 section, some of whom are being given the option to move to the 2008 section. Apparently there were about 13,000 employees who had not been identified as being eligible in the original exercise. If you receive any questions about this please direct your employee to the Choice 2 webpage. Pension Finance web page Additional Pension A new web page is being launched specifically dedicated to all aspects of payments etc. The Pensions Finance page has information regarding the article above and also historic contribution rates etc. Feedback and comments are being sought and you can do this by emailing [email protected] The re-costing exercise has taken place as part of the review process. This has resulted in amended values for employees with Additional Pension (AP) contracts. NHS Pensions have confirmed the following: Newsletter for members Members can now sign up for a newsletter dedicated to current employees and employees with preserved benefits. This can be done by visiting the members newsletter page. Retirement booklet Version 19 of the Retirement booklet is now available. As a reminder this should be given to all staff who apply for Scheme benefits. If there has been an increase to the cost of an AP contract this will not be backdated to 1 April 2015 but the new monthly figure should be collected from the member from the September 2015 pay run onwards. Increases will be capped at a maximum of 5% for this year with any remaining increases commencing from 1 April 2016. If there has been a decrease to the cost of an AP contract, this will be backdated to 1 April 2015, so you will need to make arrangements to return contributions to the member to recover the overpayments (you will receive a letter from NHS Pensions instructing you to do so). If you haven’t already done so you should make the changes in your next payroll process. Fairway Training Ltd Specialists in NHS Pensions & Payroll Administration and Training Issue: 7 September Newsletter 2014/2015 Certificate of Pensionable Income Although this does not directly affect your members, it is very important that your GPs, Salaried GPs, single handers and shareholders complete this certificate and submit it to the relevant Employing Authority by 29th February 2016. All the relevant information can be accessed here. Unfortunately this is not something that Fairway Training can offer any assistance with. Date: October 2015 SHA2 certificates. This needs to be actioned by 1st December 2015. The suggestion from NHS Pensions is that you won’t be able to access their website or Pensions Online if you are not compliant. Retention of records NHS Pensions have clarified that under Regulation 18 of the Registered Pension Schemes (provision of Information) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/567/) that amongst other things pension documents must be preserved for the tax year to which they relate and for a period of 6 years following that year. However Fairway Training recommend that records are kept as long as possible as we are aware of a number of queries going back longer than the legal requirements. Entering key data into Pensions Online (POL) NHS Pensions have emphasized how important it is to take care when entering key data via POL such as bank details. Typically these are entered when completing forms AW8 and RF12. A few instances have occurred of incorrect payments being made and payments to members subsequently being delayed. Auto Enrolment for small and micro NHS Employers October Newsletter Connecting to NHS Pensions’ website and online tools NHS Pensions have announced that the way you connect securely to websites is changing. This is part of a global change whereby software providers such as Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla etc. will no longer accept SHA1 protocol website certificates. NHS Pensions are therefore changing all of its website certificates to use “the proven SHA2 standard” and this will be implemented in early December. There is a reminder about the requirements of auto enrolment for GP Practices. Fairway Training has produced a number of guides for our clients. If you are a payroll or pension administration client you will have automatically received a guide or will in due course receive one if your staging date is not imminent. If you are a support member you can request a guide by contacting the Fairway Training helpline. This will give you full details of how auto enrolment works and example letters that can be adapted to your specific requirements. We are not intending to sound like we actually understand this as essentially it is an IT issue! However, it is vital that you check with your IT department (if you have one!) to ensure that your systems meet the requirements for accepting the Fairway Training Ltd Specialists in NHS Pensions & Payroll Administration and Training Issue: 7 Date: October 2015 Updated Documents There are a few revised forms and booklets available which can be downloaded by clicking on the link below or requesting hard copies via the stationery store (0300 123 1002). After many years of using our current and very much outdated database and website we are pleased to announce that a brand new website has been commissioned. We have listened to feedback we have received and we will try to make your browsing experience more enjoyable! We will be vastly improving the ‘member area’ of the website to ensure that you have all the information available to assist you in your administration of the NHS Pension Scheme. The aim is to make this area a ‘one stop shop’ for all your booklets, forms and factsheets. AW8 (V20) PD2 (V13) The website will have a fresh, modern and user friendly look about it and will incorporate the latest technology. We are pleased to be working with a local design company who we have worked with previously and are excited about this project. Watch this space! 2016 Course dates announced (see last page) Who Should Attend? 1995/2008 Scheme Guide (V15) Retirement Booklet (V20) This is a full one day course aimed at those staff within an organisation who are responsible for the NHS Pension Scheme administration (either new to the post or in need of a refresher course), thus making Practice Managers and/or Administrators aware of procedures & requirements in the day to day running of the Scheme (Please note as per the NHS Employer’s Charter ‘outsourcing does not remove an organisations accountability under the scheme regulations’). Delegates will receive comprehensive training ensuring they have the knowledge to tackle the complexities of NHS Pension Scheme administration with more confidence and have an awareness of their responsibilities (covered within the NHS Pension Scheme Employer’s Charter). Transfer in Guide (V14) Fairway Training Ltd Specialists in NHS Pensions & Payroll Administration and Training Issue: 7 Date: October 2015 Booking To book a place on the course please download a booking form by clicking here. When completed please send to [email protected] NHS Pensions – The Essentials About the Course Topics Covered Employer responsibilities under ‘The NHS Pension Scheme Employer’s Charter’ An overview of Scheme documentation Scheme Joiners and Leavers – Disclosure of Information Day to Day Administration Issues The Impact of Auto-Enrolment on NHS employers The New 2015 Scheme – Arrangements beyond April 2015 Understanding the essentials of Pensions Online Coffee and registration from 9:00am with a start at 9:30am. Lunch will be provided, plus morning and afternoon refreshments. The seminar will conclude no later than 4:30pm. Delegates will receive full documentation. We welcome your feedback and you can review us at: Cost Members: £150.00 + VAT / Non Members: £175.00 + VAT. Editorial Team: Andrew Shirley Daniel Bott Stephen Blake Fairway Training Ltd Specialists in NHS Pensions & Payroll Administration and Training