Writer`s Test - Steve Harrison


Writer`s Test - Steve Harrison
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Freelance Copywriter
Contact Chris Morabito
[email protected]
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Dear Writer,
Thanks for responding to our help wanted ad for freelance copywriters for Radio -TV Interview Report
(RTIR) — the magazine radio and TV producers read to find guests.
Right now we are looking to hire copywriters who can work from home and make $18-$25 per hour interviewing authors and experts who advertise with us — both established authors such as Deepak Chopra and up-andcoming authors such as Peggy Knight, author of At Home With Johnny, June and Mother Maybelle.
Our copywriters must have strong phone interview skills, a knowledge of the news and pop culture topics as
well as the ability to write copy in a short amount of time. Experience in writing direct marketing copy is preferred, but not required and you must live in the Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Delaware area to be considered.
Interested? Enclosed, you will see what appears to be a 30 page application and test — but trust me, it is not as
daunting as it seems. The application itself is only 3-4 pages and shouldn’t take you more than an hour to complete. The rest of the “test” is comprised of sample ads and some information to help you get to know RadioTV Interview Report (RTIR) and what you would be doing for us.
Here’s all you need to do:
Complete pages 4-7 of the test.
Send pages 4-7 of the test, your sample RTIR ad (from page 7), resume, and writing samples to:
Bradley Communications/Attn: Chris Morabito
390 Reed Road
Broomall, PA 19008
email: [email protected]
The writing staff at RTIR tends to stick around quite a while, so if you are chosen to write for us it will hopefully be something that you enjoy for many years. In fact, I was just talking to one of our longest running
copywriters, Ginny Sheppard, and here’s what she had to say.
“I started writing for RTIR in 1997, and have really enjoyed my many assignments, the convenience of working
from home, the flexibility of arranging my own hours, working with thousands of fascinating clients, and letting
my creativity flow. It is an excellent company, with a top-notch team. I am honored to be part of it!”
Before completing the application, please make sure you meet all the requirements and if you have any questions, contact me at [email protected] or 1-484-477-4223 ext. 103.
Chris Morabito
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
What Is Radio-TV Interview Report? RTIR is a trade publication
for radio/TV producers which tells them about interesting people they
could interview, either in-studio or by telephone. It goes to over 4,000
producers, hosts and program directors at stations across the United
States and Canada. While most of our readers are radio producers we
also go to top national cable and TV programs such as Oprah, Today,
The View, Montel Williams, Larry King Live, etc. We publish two
issues each month and each profiles more than 100 authors/experts
who are available for interviews.
Why do producers read RTIR? Because they need interesting people
on their show to keep their audience tuned in and ratings high. They’ll
know that no matter what type of show they do, changes are they can
find some interesting guests in RTIR.
Where does RTIR’s revenue come from? We mail the magazine for
free to the radio/TV producers and almost all of our revenue comes from
the authors/experts we profile. In short, almost our entire publication is paid advertising though our format isn’t
the typical “ad” format. – our write-ups are done in an editorial style. (see sample pages).
Why do authors advertise in RTIR? Because they want to get publicity for their books. Radio shows will usually give out an author’s 800 number or web site address during their program so that interested listeners can buy
the guest’s book. A really big show like Oprah can sell 40,000 books in a single day and put a book on the bestseller list.
Who advertises in RTIR? Most of the major New York Publishing houses such as Simon & Schuster, St.
Martins’ Press, Doubleday; individual authors including the two who created the Chicken Soup for the Soul series
and anyone looking to promote themselves on radio and television.
Who’s the company behind RTIR? Our company is Bradley Communications Corp. We began in 1986 and are
owned by two brothers, Bill and Steve Harrison. There is no “mister” Bradley – they named the company after
Omar Bradley, the WWII general. We have 9 full time employees and 15 part-timers (including 10 writers). In
addition to RTIR, we conduct various marketing seminars, including a twice yearly “National Publicity Summit”
and publish a newsletter called Book Marketing Update.
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Feel free to use these forms for parts one and two but you may also make up your own forms in a microsoft or
text document. Please be sure your name, email and phone number are listed prominently. Send to:
Bradley Communications, Attn: Chris Morabito, 390 Reed Road, Broomall, PA 19008;
[email protected]
____________________ State _________ Zip ____________________________________
____________________ Email address _________________________________________
Part I of III
Please answer the questions on the enclosed sheet and send us a resume, writing samples and anything else
you’d like us to see.
1. List your work experience over the last five years (company, title, responsibilities, dates of employment). If
you have a current resume, feel free to skip this question and attach the resume instead.
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
2. Which of these jobs (if any) gave you experience you think will be useful in the freelance copywriter position
and why?
3. Do you reside in Pennsylvania, Delaware or New Jersey?
4. Are you available at least three days a week during both business and non-business hours?
5. Do you have a personal fax machine, immediate access to a phone and email account?
Part II of III
This part is designed to evaluate your ability to write compelling headlines. Read the body text of the enclosed
10 ads (pages 8 through 13) and write an attention-generating headline for each which would convince a
radio/TV producer to book the guest on their show. Be sure to study all the information we’ve provided about
how to write effective headlines (beginning on page 16). Each ad is numbered 1 through 10. Place your
answers on the corresponding list of the enclosed answer sheet (or number them yourself if you are going to
email us this test).
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________
(see ads page 8-13)
Part III of III
The final part of the test is to write a sample ad for RTIR that focuses on what guest Wendy Weir can talk about
and not on her book. Using the two sheets of material from the Important Book Company, (pages 14 and 15) write
a 250-270 word ad for Wendy. Feel free to look at other finished ads (beginning on page 27) to see how our format goes, but what we’re really looking for is clear, persuasive writing and strong news judgment. Please write
this on a separate piece of paper and send along with the rest of your application.
Here’s how you should go about writing the ad:
Refer to the Formulas for Quick Headlines (beginning on page 21) and write a short, attentiongetting headline for the show you are creating.
Next, write a strong first paragraph that will make the producer want to keep reading about Wendy
and, ultimately, to book her on a show.
Follow that with the phrase Wendy will reveal and then list four or five bullet points of compelling
things Wendy can discuss on a show. You can even make up a bullet point on what you can
logically assume Wendy could talk about based on who she is.
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
After the bullets add a CREDENTIALS paragraph that explains why Wendy is qualified to talk
about this topic. Don’t forget to mention the title of her book here.
Next, add an AVAILABILITY line, assuming Wendy is available nationwide by arrangement and
via telephone.
Finally, add a CONTACT line using Sue Publicist’s name and phone number.
That’s it!
Thank you for taking the time to look over and complete the Radio-TV Interview Report Copywriter Test!
Please send your completed test, a resume and writing samples to us at:
Bradley Communications
Attn: Chris Morabito
390 Reed Road
Broomall, PA 19008
You can also email your completed test to us at:
email: [email protected]
If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 484-477-4223 ext. 103 -- or via email at
[email protected].
Again, thank you for considering Bradley Communications. I hope to be working with you soon!
Chris Morabito
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Headline test ad 2
Counselor Says
Marrying for Love
a Big Mistake
Headline test ad 1
This Outspoken MD
Says Your Listeners
are Being Punked!
Michael Applebaum, M.D. will reveal how doctors, gurus
and the U.S. government set us up for failure in battling the
obesity epidemic they helped create.
They say that love is blind. It leaves people dizzy and disoriented, willing to
withhold judgment on flaws and characteristics that will damage a relationship
down the road. And love doesn’t pay the
bills — who wants to enter blindly into
a lifetime contract that could drain your
resources and break your heart? And if
you’re marrying for companionship, forget it: you’ll lose your identity and sense
of self. Dr. Mikel Brown, a licensed therapist and ordained
minister with 25 years experience counseling couples on
the brink, says choosing a mate is the most important decision a person can make — so why isn’t a test required for
tying the knot?
Passionate, well-informed and saying what no one else is
willing to say, Dr. Applebaum will grab and hold your listeners’ attention as he exposes their all-time biggest lies
about fitness and weight-loss.
He will explain why:
The government, doctors
and gurus are killing us
with their advice!
Exercise is the most
inefficient way to lose
You don’t have an ideal
weight so it’s crazy to try
to reach it!
There are no “healthy”
It’s stupid to take diet advice from overweight gurus
like Dr. Phil and Andrew Weil!
With humor and honesty, Dr. Brown will:
Known as the Fitness Doc, Dr. Mike proves how following
any popular diet guarantees you’ll stay fat and get fatter.
List the questions every
person needs to ask before
committing to a lifelong
Explain how to make a
marriage succeed despite
Answer listeners’ questions
about the state of their
relationships — and ways to
improve the communication.
Give advice on re-kindling
the home fires — and
keeping them burning!
Plus: Who Deserves a CACA?
CACA stands for the Confused and Confounded Award.
Ask him what individuals and companies have earned
CREDENTIALS: Dr. Mikel Brown is a licensed clinical
professional counselor and ordained minister with over
25 years of experience. He has helped people from rocky
marriages to rocketing careers. An accomplished motivational speaker, Dr. Brown’s acclaimed seminars include
“Just the 2 of Us Marriage Seminars.” Recently, Dr.
Brown has been called upon to conduct seminars on marriage and relationships for military personnel. HOW TO
is his second book. For more information on Dr. Brown’s
work, go to www.howtofixyourmarriage.com or
CREDENTIALS: Michael Applebaum, M.D., is the only
medical doctor to hold certification in six different fitness
specialties spanning youths through seniors. He created the
“Fit to Parent™” program and is author of WHY DIETS
FAIL: The Simple Mistake That Ruins Millions of Lives, BE
Check out his Web sites:
www.DrApplebaum.com and www.FitnessMed.com
AVAILABILITY: Chicago, IL, nationwide by
arrangement and via telephone
CONTACT: Michael Applebaum, M.D., (312) 337-6476;
[email protected]
AVAILABILITY: Texas for television interviews,
nationwide by phone.
CONTACT: Dr. Mikel Brown: (915) 595-1307;
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Perfect for Valentine's Day
ad 3
Attract the Woman Headline
of Your
7 Underground Dating Secrets that
Women Absolutely Can't Resist
Chet Rowland has taken what is probably one of the more
unique approaches to attracting women you're likely to hear this
Valentine's season. But don't argue with it — it works. Rowland
doesn't act like every other guy out there, fawning all over attractive women practically begging for a date. Instead, Rowland's
attraction techniques literally force women to want to contact
HIM, while he sits back and has his pick of which women he'll
take out. So, how does he do it?
Get ready for the perfect Valentine's show as Rowland teaches
the men in your audience how to make themselves more attractive to women than they've ever been in their lives. Far from the
typical advice most so-called dating "experts" will be revealing
this Valentine's Day, Rowland truly turns it up a notch as he
The secret e-mail weapon that puts average looking guys on
a level playing field with complete studs… and makes
looks, money and charisma basically meaningless.
Why 95% of men are wasting hundreds of dollars every
month by literally begging to be ignored on Internet dating
Secrets of attracting high-caliber women financially
successful men know — and how to duplicate this tactic
even if you don't have two nickels to rub together.
How to construct your online dating profile so women have
no choice but to check you out… and want to follow
through and contact you.
The one question you can ask that makes a woman reveal
not one, but THREE of her most far-out fantasies, helping
you bring her "naughty and adventurous" side out.
And tons more!
CREDENTIALS: Chet Rowland is a successful entrepreneur
and business owner who, like many men, used to have trouble
meeting women who could hold his interest. He took the same
marketing principles he used to build million-dollar companies
and applied them to the dating game. The result, Chet's Dating
System, is the most comprehensive dating-success kit for men
ever created.
AVAILABILITY: Tampa, FL; nationwide by arrangement and
via telephone
CONTACT: Chet Rowland, (813) 926-5477 (FL);
[email protected]; www.chetsdatingsystem.com
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
The Man
ad 4 Doesn’t
Want You to Interview
Former Gas Station
Owner Has Proof Oil
Companies are Out
to Rob Us Blind
It’s one of the only industries in the world that actually benefits when a natural disaster wipes out part of its infrastructure. It loves wars, especially in the Middle East.
Instability? Bring it on. Shortages? Love ‘em! For years,
big oil has controlled Americans’ lives and pocketbooks
like no other industry in the history of the country. And
Richard Clough says it has gone on long enough.
A former gas station owner, Clough will take your audience
on a guided tour through the hidden business practices of
oil companies as he exposes the lies we’re being fed everyday to justify today’s high fuel prices. The ultimate insider
and whistleblower, Clough will reveal:
Why the FTC and other
government agencies
charged with protecting the
American consumer turn a
blind eye to the blatantly
illegal practices of the
major oil companies.
Little-known ways oil
companies collude to fix
retail gas prices and drive
independent station owners
out of business...increasing
their profits even more!
What happened when
Clough took on big oil with
a lawsuit over their
business practices.
CREDENTIALS: Richard Clough is a former gas station
owner who learned the secret inner workings of the oil
industry first-hand, and party to litigation against a major
oil company. His book, THE TRUTH BEHIND HIGH
FUEL PRICES, documents Clough’s experiences in working with, and ultimately fighting against, oil companies.
AVAILABILITY: Fort Worth, TX; nationwide by
arrangement and via telephone
CONTACT: Richard Clough, (817) 528-0826 (TX);
[email protected]
by Lightning,
test ad 5
Frozen in a Blizzard,
Run Over by a Tractor
Interview the
Luckiest Man Alive
If it’s true a cat has nine lives, Stephen Redding could
boast of living more lives than your average feline. From
the age of four, when he was crushed by a tractor, until the
second time he was struck by lightning, on through to the
time he was attacked by a swarm of yellow jackets,
Stephen’s had his share of wild, weird and otherworldly
experiences. Through it all, he’s formed an optimistic and
unique regard for this world and the others he has visited.
Stephen believes he was brought back to life after so
many death-defying experiences for a reason — and his
refreshing outlook will not only have your listeners
cheering, but leave them breathless and inspired.
Stephen Redding will discuss:
The time he emerged
unharmed after being
crushed by a tractor.
Survival tactics he used
to withstand the distress of
separating from this world
and the shock of returning
to it.
The visitations he’s
received from
otherworldly beings.
The reason he believes he
was brought back to life
after so many death-defying
And, how the message of his book, Something More,
can give timely value to your life and a world in
CREDENTIALS: Stephen Redding, an arborist from
rural Pennsylvania, garnered much publicity in the 1980s
for a hunger strike he conducted on behalf of an ancient
tree in Pennsylvania. He lives on a tree farm with his wife
and four children.
AVAILABILITY: Nationwide via telephone.
CONTACT: Bob Poole, (215) 258-3405;
[email protected]
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
How Spying
on Your
Headline test ad 6
Spouse Can Improve
Your Marriage
While Politicians Sort Things Out:
Headline test ad 7
Mom Shares
20 Practical Ways to
REALLY Support the
Troops in Iraq
When we think of things that might strengthen a marriage,
suspicion is usually not on the list. But John Lucich will
tell your audience that a little spying on your spouse can
indeed rejuvenate your relationship, possibly saving it in
the process.
Supporting the troops is about more than waving a flag or
tying a yellow ribbon to a tree. What can we do to ensure
the comfort and well-being of those who are giving their
all to fight for our freedom?
Invite him on-air to explain the thinking behind this
counterintuitive idea and to open your audience’s eyes to
the various ways people are using technology to both
cheat on their spouses and uncover that cheating.
Ask Sandy Doell. When her son was deployed to Iraq, it
took six months of research for her to learn the ins and
outs of the military bureaucracy, and how best to ensure
his comfort and safety.
A recent guest on Playboy Radio who
generates lots of call-ins!
Sandy will discuss:
A popular talk show guest and
internationally recognized
cyber forensic expert, John
can explain:
How to help supply essentials we
take for granted that soldiers
need in the desert, such as visine,
saline nasal spray, throat
lozenges, unscented baby wipes,
and moleskins.
Ways to help even when you
don’t know anyone in Iraq:
donating frequent flier miles,
adopting a soldier, and contacting
the chaplain of an infantry
How to support military families
and friends.
How cyberspace has made
cheating easier than ever.
Why more people cheating
on their spouses, and they
are doing it with an
increasing number of
Cheating portals designed
to hook people up with
married or single people
willing to have sex like
Ways you can use your spouse’s cell phone and laptop
to inexpensively prove that he or she is having an
affair without the need to hire a private investigator.
Get the latest news from the front — and figure out
whether it affects you — even before the American
media report it.
Help a soldier pay bills and fulfill other obligations
when so far away from home.
And for families with relatives
in Iraq she can share how to:
CREDENTIALS: John Lucich is the author of CYBER
LIES: When Finding the Truth Matters and a computer
forensic expert in private practice. He spent 17 years in
law enforcement, the last eight with the New Jersey
Attorney General’s Office. There he analyzed computers
in investigations of organized crime and racketeering that
involved narcotics, homicide, prostitution and corruption.
He has been in the private sector for 10 years analyzing
computers in divorce cases.
CREDENTIALS: Sandy Doell has been a writer and editor
for 15 years. MOM’S FIELD GUIDE: What You Need to
Know to Make It Through Your Loved One’s Military
Deployment is her first book. Go to
www.momsfieldguide.com for more information.
AVAILABILITY: Indiana, nationwide via telephone
CONTACT: Marian Hartsough, (707) 451-1500 (IN);
[email protected]
AVAILABILITY: New Jersey, nationwide by arrangement
and via telephone
CONTACT: John Lucich, (888) 674-4872 (NJ);
[email protected]
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Contributor toHeadline
MTV, VH1,test
ad NBC
8 & ABC
Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n Roll?
Music Exec Reveals What Really
Goes on Backstage
When it comes to music, Eugene Foley has pretty much
seen it all — singers so whacked out on booze (and who
knows what else) that they literally forgot which band
they were in; fist fights breaking out in recording studios;
bands so beloved by strippers that certain VIPs could
expect a nice private show after the main act. If you think
you know even a small fraction of what life is really like
in the music industry, think again.
Foley, who has helped a number of artists win
GRAMMY® Awards, takes your listeners inside a world
that nearly everyone follows but almost no one truly
understands. With a passionate dedication to helping
develop and guide tomorrow’s big-name stars, Foley will
deliver a fun and informative show as he discusses topics
such as:
How songs really make it on the radio (the process is
not as simple as you think).
The inside scoop on how music execs market pop
stars to the world — and why so much of today’s
music sounds maddeningly similar.
The New Season of American Idol Starts
in January and Your Audience
Will be Talking About the Music Biz!
The real impact products like the iPod, and services
like iTunes and satellite radio, are having on our
music choices.
CREDENTIALS: Veteran radio and TV guest Eugene
Foley, J.D., Ph.D., is the founder and president of Foley
Entertainment, Inc., a music industry consulting firm and
entertainment agency representing artists, labels,
managers, executives, producers and others. His clients
have earned nearly 40 Gold and Platinum Records and
three GRAMMY® Awards. Foley is also the author of
two highly acclaimed books about the music industry, the
latest of which is ARTIST DEVELOPMENT: A Distinctive
Guide to the Music Industry’s Lost Art.
AVAILABILITY: New Jersey, New York, nationwide
by arrangement and via telephone (available as a lastminute guest)
CONTACT: Eugene Foley, (908) 684-9400 (NJ);
[email protected];
Is there a future Idol in your audience? Call now
to find out how your listeners can submit samples
of their music to Foley for a free evaluation!
Which of the Idol contestants truly has what it
takes to make it big? Foley gives you the scoop.
What will this season’s Idol have to look forward
to as they launch their career?
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
test ad is
9 Back
with 2 New Films!
Ask This
test ad 10
Why You May be
More Susceptible
to the Flu
Than You Think
Do a Show on the Untold
Story of this Famous Director
With two major films coming out shortly, including an
expose on American health care, director Michael Moore
will soon be back in the headlines. Roger Rapoport,
author of the biography CITIZEN MOORE, has interviewed
200 people central to the story of struggles and failures that
led to Moore’s “overnight” success. Agents, managers,
bosses, employees, producers, directors, actors, friends and
nuns all spilled the beans to help Rapoport tell the often
hilarious backstage story of the filmmaker.
Most people think they know how to protect
themselves during flu season. Unfortunately, some of
the things people do to ward off the flu actually
make them more susceptible to it.
No one knows this better than Brendanne Phillips.
Phillips is a flu researcher and cancer survivor who
applies what she learned about beating cancer to
beating the flu. Phillips’ most important discovery is
that the flu bug is not necessarily what makes you
sick. What really puts you in the high risk category
for catching the flu is the internal state of your body
A harsh critic of the current administration, Moore’s controversial films and public appearances make him the most
loved and hated muckraker of our time. Author Rapoport
will delight Moore’s fans and enemies with fascinating
insider accounts from this book that is making news on stations across the country.
Rapoport will reveal startling
facts about how Moore ...
You’ll be shocked when Phillips reveals:
Began shooting his first
movie with George Bush’s
first cousin as lead
That people who exercise
regularly are actually more at
risk of catching the flu than
some couch potatoes.
Interviewed GM’s “elusive”
CEO twice and left all the
footage on the Roger and
Me cutting room floor.
Carbohydrates, sugar, and even
artificial sweeteners make your
body home sweet home to the
flu bug.
Made an estimated $30
million for Disney on an
incendiary film that the
company refused to
Root canals and wisdom teeth extractions, even
old ones, increase your chances of getting the flu.
Pregnant women are one of the flu’s favorite
Walked away from a primetime
NBC audience of 9 million.
Fell in love with Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Don’t miss this chance to learn
what you and your family can do
to stay healthy this flu season.
ATTENTION PRODUCERS: Rapoport has seen
portions of Moore’s new health care film Sicko and will
preview it for your audience.
CREDENTIALS: Brendanne Phillips, who ran an
organic buying group for ten years, is an expert on
home remedies and alternative medicines. Her book
FLU is due out this month.
CREDENTIALS: Roger Rapoport is a journalist and
author who has published stories in the Wall Street
Journal, Los Angeles Times, and Harper’s. He has
written and co-edited 17 books.
AVAILABILITY: Florida and nationwide via phone
CONTACT: Brendanne Phillips, (321) 268-2402
(FL); [email protected]
AVAILABILITY: Michigan; and nationwide by
arrangement and via telephone
CONTACT: Roger Rapoport, (510) 595-0595;
[email protected]
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Important Book Company News
Contact: Sue Publicist
(609) 555-1212
Conversations with the Spirit of Jerry Garcia
By Wendy Weir
The death of lead guitarist Jerry Garcia on August 9, 1995 marked the end of touring for one of this
century’s cultural spectaculars, the Grateful Dead. Millions of devoted fans who spent their lives following the
Dead had lost their beloved friend. But Wendy Weir, sister of rhythm guitarist Bob Weir, shows us that the spirit of Jerry Garcia is alive and well in IN THE SPIRIT: Conversations with the Spirit of Jerry Garcia.
Wendy Weir had privileged access to the Grateful Dead but lived a life independent of their traveling
circus. Describing herself a “good girl,” Wendy had nonetheless formed a spiritual bond with the band’s members that would grow stronger throughout the years. On hearing of Jerry’s death, Bob called Wendy and asked
her to check in on Jerry to see how he was doing. Bob and Wendy have shared an amazingly strong telepathic
bond throughout their lies and Wendy has always had psychic abilities. In a fiercely concentrated state of mediation, Wendy was able to heighten her personal vibrations to the astral plane where Jerry’s spirit was residing.
Wendy tried to communicate with Jerry but he slowly mumbled “I can’t … talk … to … you.” Jerry’s spirit
was too happy to be free from the physical pain he had experienced on Earth. Wendy then focused her energy
on contacting Jerry’s oversoul, an advanced spiritual being that resides on a higher plane in a state of wisdom,
love and truth. Jerry’s oversoul responded immediately, thus initiating three years of conversations with the
spirit of Jerry Garcia.
Wendy’s conversations with Jerry are truly amazing. He conveys deep spiritual messages about good
and evil, death, nature, joy and adventure. He urges the remaining members of the band to continue without
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
him and sees their greatest and most important work as still lying ahead of them.
He explains why he stayed on Earth so long, even though he was in physical pain; his intention to use
Wendy as an example for others to learn from; and how, in his death, he has in fact become “the grateful dead.”
IN THE SPIRIT: Conversations with the Spirit of Jerry Garcia also gives beautifully inspiring advice on
how to live life. Jerry describes it as a game – we create everything in our lives and should live each moment in
the present. We have come to Earth for adventure, and we must embrace and explore each day that life offers
us. Jerry’s spirit also explains that death should be a time for celebration and rejoicing; the spirit is simply
leaving the physical body behind and moving on to a new plane. Although Jerry’s physical body is no longer
here, he is with is as a guide in spirit.
Illustrations by Wendy Weir and Robert Hunter, a close friend of Jerry’s, accompany each chapter to
create a mood for the conversations with Jerry’s spirit.
IN THE SPIRIT: Conversations with the Spirit of Jerry Garcia captures not only the wisdom of Jerry
Garcia, but also the playful, irreverent, conversational tone that his fans will immediately respond to. Wendy
Weir relays his message in a straightforward and easy manner, allaying the doubts of those who may be skeptical of the reality of her experiences while at the same time reassuring those most eager to believe in the
continued vitality of Jerry Garcia and our ability to communicate with the spiritual world.
About the author: Wendy Weir was fourteen years old when she first heard her brother’s plan to play in
the rock and roll band that would become the Grateful Dead. Her own life took her into careers in finance and
environmental education. She has co-authored two children’s’ books, Baru Bay: Australia and Panther Dream:
A Story of the African Rainforest, with Bob Weir.
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Objective: To write effective headlines which meet the standards on the attached sheet.
Steps of writing a typical ad for us:
1. You’ll receive and envelope from us containing a copy of the client’s book and any
background materials provided.
2. Skim the material until you have a fairly good understanding of what the guest
could talk about.
3. Determine what talk show(s) could be done around guest.
Simply ask yourself: Other than merely talking about their book, product or service, what
might this spokesperson be able to DO on the air that would benefit listeners?
For example, he or she might be able to:
• reveal the most common ways auto mechanics rip them off?
• quiz listeners re baseball trivia?
• play sound clips from famous movies and give anecdotes?
(See pages 25 for ads that have examples of what a guest might be able to do on the air for an
audience.) At this point, don't worry too much about whether or not the guest would be willing
to go along with your idea.
Answering the question above is crucial. Unless the talk show producers clearly understand
what this person will do for them and their audience on the air, they will NOT call him or her.
4. Now that you have determined what the guest can say or do on the air, write two or more headlines
which tell producers what that show is. The reason you should write more than one is so you have
some alternates in case the Chief Copywriter or client does not like the first one you suggest. The best
way to write a headline is often simply to write a trailer for the show you created or use one of the
more than 27 headline formulas found on the attached pages.
Examples of Trailer Which Would Make Good Headlines
o "How Congress Really Spends Your Tax Dollars tonight at 11!"
o "How To Tell If Your Kid’s Using Drugs -- on the Next Oprah!"
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Two Standards for the Talk Shows You Create
Ask yourself if the description of the talk show you have in mind meets the following criteria:
1. This show is relevant to most people.
2. Most people would describe the show using at least ONE of the following adjectives:
o Fascinating, Funny, Frightening, Arousing Curiosity,
o Informative, Entertaining, Fun, Interesting, Surprising
o Helpful, Shocking, Controversial, Emotional,
o Newsworthy, Hilarious,
Three Standards for the Headlines You Create
1. The headline must meet either a, b, or c.
a) It would easily serve as a suitable trailer to let listeners/viewers know what will be discussed:
EXAMPLE: What Your Insurance Agent Doesn't Want You to Know tomorrow on
Good Morning America.
b) It states what you want the /host to do and gives some indication of the topic to be discussed:
EXAMPLE: Give Your Audience A Football Trivia Quiz
It states what the guest will say, do, answer, address or solve on the air:
EXAMPLE: The Truth About Public Schools!
Are Private Schools Better than Public Schools?
Private Schools Are a Waste of Money!
2. The mood of the headline does not differ from the mood of the show. (In other words, you
haven't written a serious and somber headline for a show which when done will be quite funny.)
3. The headline is clear and could not easily be misinterpreted
Then call the Chief Copywriter to get him or her to approve your concept.
Example of How to Go Through the Process of Writing an Effective Headline
1. Suppose you open the envelope you've been sent and find two things: a book titled
NUTRITIONAL FACTS AND FALLACIES by Joe Edwards, and a photocopy of the author's photo.
2. In skimming through the book you notice that the author spends a great deal of time
exploding various nutritional myths.
3. You ask yourself the following question: Other than merely talking about his book, what
might this spokesperson be able to DO on the air that would benefit listeners?
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
The following ideas come to mind:
a) Perhaps he could quiz listeners on different nutritional facts and fallacies, and perhaps he would be
willing to give away his book to anyone who answered a certain number of questions correctly.
b) Perhaps callers could ask him questions about nutrition and he could answer them.
c) Perhaps he could identify scams and popular weight-loss methods that don't work.
d) If he is going to be advertising in the Dec. 1 issue, perhaps he could talk about the worst foods to eat
during the holidays.
e) Perhaps the host and callers could tell him what they ate for dinner last night, and he could analyze
how healthy or unhealthy that meal was.
4. Let's say that you decided to go with (d) and have him talk about the worst foods to eat
during the holidays. You realize that you'll have to clear this concept with him, but you think it's the
best. You may have to ask him for a few specific examples of holiday foods (i.e. pumpkin pie,
cranberry sauce) which are not healthy. You write the headlines:
o The Ten Worst Foods to Eat During the Holidays!
o Ten Holiday Foods You Should Never Eat!
5. You ask yourself whether or not your concept meets the "2 Standards for Talk Shows" and
“3 Standards for Headlines” mentioned previously.
The show is relevant to most people (Talk Show Standard #1) because everyone eats something or
other during the holidays. You also believe most people would consider this show "informative"
(Talk Show Standard #2).
As far as the headlines are concerned, they would serve as a suitable teaser for a talk show (Headline
standard 1a), the mood is consistent (Headline standard 2) and they could not easily be misinterpreted
(Headline standard 3.) Thus, either one would be acceptable as headlines.
Examples of What a Guest Can Do For Rather Than Talk About Their Book or Product
Comment on a timely event or season. Anytime you can make a guest address something that is timely (i.e.
Holiday Shopping, Valentine's Day Romance Tips etc.) you should do so.
o Make listeners laugh
o Anger listeners
o Scare listeners
o Shock listeners
o Make listeners cry
o Quiz listeners and give away prizes (i.e. copy of book)
o Answer callers questions
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
o Give callers personal advice
o Expose scams
o Do impressions of famous people
o Reveal helpful/important information listeners haven't heard before
o Tell amusing stories/anecdotes
o Play music
o Bring on one or two other guests as part of a panel
o Play pre-recorded music, sound effects, or sound bytes
o Give a psychic reading to each caller
o Tell callers what their old heirlooms are worth
o Put callers/listeners to a test
o Matchmaking
o Report from a specific location!
o Comment on problems/trends in their local area
o Help listeners solve a problem
o Teach listeners how to do something
o Do any of the above with the host!
Common Mistakes Copywriters Make When Writing Headlines
1. Being too creative/clever.
Suppose an author by the name of Vincent Ford decided to advertise in RTIR. Vincent is a private
investigator who specializes in white collar crime -- a guy who spends his time nailing people for
things like embezzlement and tax evasion. The copywriter's proposed headline is:
o Well Dressed Criminals Are Being Taken to the Cleaners!
Explanation: With this poor headline, the ad is likely to receive no interviews at all. In an effort to be
creative, this copywriter has written a headline that is unclear. What is the talk show? What is going to
be discussed?
2. Writing a headline that is not relevant to most people.
Explanation: Unless a producer thinks a show will be of interest to the majority of his listeners, he will
not want to do the show.
Two examples of headlines with limited appeal:
o Great Exercises for Men over 40!
o How Men Can Get in Shape Fast!
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Two examples of headlines with wider appeal:
o Sit-ups, Knee Bends and Other Exercises Which Are Hazardous to Your Health!
o Why Men Get Out of Shape Faster Than Women!
3. Writing a headline that reflects what the author's book is about rather than what he/she
could talk about on a talk show.
o New Book Shows How to Lose Weight By Eating Candy!
4. Restricting yourself too much to the material you have.
Explanation: Just because the material you've been sent is all about "How to Play Winning Golf"
doesn't necessarily mean that is the only possible talk show in which the author could be a suitable
guest. For example, it's quite likely you could create a show about "golf addiction" -- even if you didn't
have any information on that topic. After having the Chief Copywriter approve your concept, call the
author. Explain what you're trying to do and ask him if he could give you some reasons why he thinks
so many people are addicted to golf.
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
The purpose of these formulas is to help you generate good headlines quickly. Try to use them whenever possible. Just make sure that the formula you choose is the one you feel would work best.
1. Simply reveal what the guest will do on the air.
o This Man Reveals the Truth Behind the JFK Myth
o This Guest Cures Phobias Live on the Air
o This Woman Opposes School Prayer at Graduation Ceremonies!
o This Lady Reveals How to Lose Weight By Eating More!
2. Tie in with a timely event.
o Save Hundreds of Dollars On Your Holiday Shopping!
o Will You Be Lonely on Valentine's Day?
o Celebrate National Procrastination Week!
3. Raise a question to be discussed/answered by the expert.
o Did Oswald Really Kill JFK?
o Can Computer Technology Help You Quit Smoking?
o Why Can't Americans Afford to Buy a House?
o Why Can't Congress Get the Budget Under Control?
o Why Doesn't Dieting Ever Work?
o How Do Men Cheat on Their Wives?
4. How to:
o How to Love A Job You Hate
o How to Be A Better Parent
o How to Win the Lottery
o How to Get A Divorce Without Hiring A Lawyer
o How to Get a Better Job Than You Deserve
5. Give the topic in one or two words in capital letters. Then write a question or statement which
further defines what the talk show will be about.
o DRUNK DRIVERS: Why Jail is Not the Answer
o PEOPLE PLEASERS: Why They're Unable to Please Themselves
o CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS: Do They Teach or Preach?
o BASEBALL: What Makes It America's Favorite Sport?
6. Run a strong opinionated statement that reflects the speakers viewpoint:
o Most Women Can't Cook!
o George Bush Is A Joke
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
7. Games and Trivia Quizzes
o Give Your Audience A Film History Trivia Quiz!
o How Well Do Your Listeners Know Their Geography? Put Them to the Test!
8. What ___________ Doesn't Want You to Know!
o What the IRS Doesn't Want You to Know!
o What Your Congressman Doesn't Want You to Know!
o What Car Salesmen Never Tell You
9. Numerical Headlines:
o 127 Things That Are Wrong With America
o 22 Ways Romantic Ways to Propose
10. List some specifics followed by a short phrase or question:
o LIARS! CHEATERS! FRAUDS! Interview the Private Eye Who Nails Them All!
o FREE SPEECH, ABORTION, SCHOOL PRAYER, How Will The Supreme Court Rule?
11. The Real Reason...
o The Real Reason Brad Divorced Jen
o The Real Reason Men Don't Communicate
12. Dramatic or Controversial Exclamations:
o Spanking Is Child Abuse!
o Women Would Be Happier If They Weren't Married!
_____________ and other ways and lots of other....
o Separate Bathrooms and Other Ways To Save Your Marriage
o A Glass of Milk, (and lots of other health hazards)
14. A statement of interest beginning with the word "why."
o Why Many Great Athletes Never Make it to the Pros!
o Why Eating Before You Go to Sleep Is Bad For You
15. Comparative headlines.
o Train Your Dog to Behave Better Than Your Kids!
o Is Busch Gardens Really Better than Great Adventure?
o Is Allen Iverson the Best to Ever Play the Game?
16. Repetition of same word
o Why Has the Royal Wedding Become a Royal Nightmare?
o Why Abused Children Often Become Abusive Adults!
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
17. Interview the......
o Interview the Man Who Breaks Unions
o Interview the Fred Astaire of Break Dancing
o Interview Bill Cosby
o Interview America's #1 Divorce Attorney
o Interview the Best Calculus Teacher in America
18. Do a show...
o Do a Show on Marital Rape!
o Do a Show on Congressional Blackmail!
19. An either or choice
o Were the Founding Fathers Patriots or Criminals?
20. Capitalize on listener's fear of loss by discussing mistakes people often make.
o The Biggest Mistakes People Make When Hiring A Contractor
o Psychologist Reveals What Parents Do Wrong!
o 8 out of 10 People Pay More Than They Should When Buying A Car!
21. What's Life Like As A....
o What's Life Like As a Stunt Man?
o What's Life Like As A Benchwarmer?
22. Confessions of a __________
o Confessions of a Real Life Private Eye
23. Test Your Audience on Football Trivia
o Give Your Audience This Test!
24. Use the word "unknown." The show will reveal that which is unknown.
o Unknown Tax Deductions That Are Perfectly Legal!
25. Sometimes it's useful to use alliteration or rhyme as long as it doesn't seem contrived or cutesy.
o Private Schools Do They Teach or Preach?
o Are You Murdering the Mother Tongue?
26. Use a Specific Instance Which Reflects a Larger Issue
o Should You Let Your Husband Read Playboy?
o Should You Pay Your Child For Getting Good Grades?
27. What You Should Never....
o What You Should Never Eat at a Backyard Barbecue
o 10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Children
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
The following pages show examples of ads that “worked in RTIR” and some RTIR covers
Radio-TV Interview Report
The Magazine to Read for Guests & Show Ideas
Just Shoot Me, Veronica Mars
Interview Actor
Enrico Colantoni
Early-December 2005
143 Guests
Available for Phone
Do a fun show on the
ultimate sports-lover’s
road trip
— Page 6
Rogue sportswriter dishes
the dirt on what top sports
stars really think
— Page 10
Interview the executive
producer of the Batman
— Page 16
This expert says
alcoholism and addiction
ARE curable
— Page 21
Gosh! It’s a Pop
Culture Phenomenon
Do a show on
Rudolf the Red Nosed
Reindeer and other
Rankin/Bass Productions
— Page 76
Do a Show on
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Radio-TV Interview Report
The Magazine to Read for Guests & Show Ideas
Interview Figure Skating
Legend Katarina Witt
Mid-October 2005
117 Guests
Available for Phone
Interview one of
America’s first female
combat pilots
— Page 6
A travelers guide to
America’s best haunts
— Page 7
Do a hilarious show on
becoming a superhero
— Page 33
Master contractor reveals
how to rebuild the Gulf
States after Katrina
— Page 35
Butch Patrick Who
Played ‘Eddie’ on
Before Leno
and Letterman: How
Steve Allen Pioneered
Late Night TV
— Page 22
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Mid-February 2006
108 Guests
Available for Phone
Radio-TV Interview Report
The Magazine to Read for Guests & Show Ideas
How Title IX
is Killing Men’s Sports
Why do Hollywood
celebrities self-destruct?
— Page 5
How civilians are carrying
bombs for the military
— Page 8
How fantasy sports is
creating a nation of
gambling addicts
— Page 31
Expert explains why we
should stop giving foreign
countries a free ride
— Page 49
How to Score
$500 in Free Food,
Rooms and Shows
in Las Vegas
— Page 7
Expert Reveals
How to Solve
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Perfect Monday Morning Show
What Were They Thinking?
Interview the Happiest
Man in America!
The Stories Behind
the World’s Greatest
Tolly Burkan is so happy he is downright infectious and
God knows we all could use an injection of good feelings
right about now. A perfect guest for Monday mornings or
any day and time, Burkan will explain the secrets he
discovered that have made him a happy man for 30 years
despite once being hell-bent on suicide.
“Among his many talents, Tolly absolutely
makes the world a better place.”
— Regis Philbin
The author of LET IT BE EASY: Simple Actions to Create
an Extraordinary Life, Burkan will reveal:
Why many parents teach
their kids to be unhappy
without realizing it.
The real reason our world
is getting ruder.
How he managed to turn his
life around after attempting
suicide twice in his twenties.
How to spend more time dancing,
running through the forest, hugging
your child, enjoying hobbies, sports
and pastimes.
How to set your life up so you never
lose... and much, much more.
CREDENTIALS: Tolly Burkan regularly appears on
nationwide television and has been featured in more than
30 books, hundreds of magazines and newspapers, and on
the front page of the Wall Street Journal. His methods are
used by celebrities as well as American Express, Microsoft
and other big companies. He is the author of six books.
Burkan gives away copies of his latest book to high school
guidance counselors to help combat teenage suicide.
AVAILABILITY: California, nationwide by arrangement
and via telephone; available last minute
CONTACT: Tolly Burkan, (209) 928-1100 (CA);
[email protected]
Tolly's media kit posted at
People laughed at Thomas Edison when he tried to sell the
idea of the light bulb. People scoffed at Alexander Graham
Bell’s notion of speaking over a wire. More experienced
engineers could have invented the razor blade but traveling
salesman King Camp Gillette had the creative imagination
to visualize a piece of metal as thin as paper but strong
enough to slice through tough whiskers.
What do these men and other successful people have in common? Author John Paul
Carinci spent four years researching the
habits and thought processes of highly successful people — past and present. What he
had in common: positive self-suggestion and
positive visualization.
When asked about his formula for success by Success
Magazine in 1888, Edison answered “The ability to apply
your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary.”
From modern-day inventors to successful athletes and businessmen, Carinci reveals the mindset of
the highly successful when he discusses:
How to turn burnout into a
burning desire.
Why very few people are leaders.
How to turn any failed project
around in just 20 days.
Why truly successful people think
differently than the rest of us.
Carnegie, Edison, Bell
The Secret to Success Behind
America’s Greatest Thinkers
CREDENTIALS: John Paul Carinci is the president of his
own insurance company and has been a successful businessman for over 30 years. His will to succeed as a writer
has resulted in five novels and two screenplays. He is the
CEO of a movie production company and the author of the
AVAILABILITY: New York, nationwide by arrangement
CONTACT: John Paul Carinci, (718) 966-8988 (NY);
email: [email protected]
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
5 Friends
Everybody Needs
Do You Have a “Support System”
that Isn’t Afraid to Tell You that You
Have Spinach in Your Teeth?
Where would you be without the brutally honest friend who tells you
straight up it’s time to invest in some
anti-wrinkle cream? Or the friend
who reassures you that the red
splotches caused by the new cream
don’t make you look that bad?
Invite Karen Simmons, CEO of the
worldwide, leading organization
Autism Today™ and author of
Saved One Woman’s Life in 57 Days, to reveal the five
friends everybody needs — and how their differences can
help you meet any challenge.
Why Smart People
Blow-off New Year’s
Resolutions (and Make
The One Decision Instead)
Research shows that the average
New Year’s resolution fails within
three weeks. Yes, this means you’ll
gain that weight back
chicken out and not ask for that
continue smoking
But don’t despair — you can make lasting changes in your
life by making one powerful decision — the One Decision.
In fact, you can have a life with more of everything you
ever dreamed of.
Let listeners call in and say “thanks” to their
top five friends
Lifestyle expert and bestselling author Judith Wright has
helped thousands just like you with her books, trainings,
and even on national media including Today and Good
Morning America, the San Francisco Chronicle, Self,
Shape, and Fitness magazines, and on over 300 radio programs. Your listeners will be amazed and inspired at the
power of this program on the One Decision that will help
them succeed in all areas of life.
Five F-Words To get your priorities in order
She’ll reveal:
Top 10 Things You Can Do to HELP A FAMILY
How a single, powerful
decision can help you make
more money, lose weight and
keep it off, and have all the
satisfaction you’ve ever wanted.
How to make faster and better
big and little decisions in 2006.
Why your One Decision will be
different than anybody else’s
and how it will set you up for a
lifetime of adventure.
CREDENTIALS: Karen Simmons is
the CEO of Autism Today™, a leading organization that is one of the
world’s leading resources for special
needs. A successful businesswoman,
mother of six and speaker, Karen is
the author of four books and the coauthor of the upcoming “Chicken
Soup for the Special Needs Soul”
along with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor
Hansen and Heather MacNamara.
Based in Alberta, Canada, Karen is a
dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada, which gives her and
her organization a uniquely expansive network with the
worldwide special needs community.
CREDENTIALS: Judith Wright’s new book THE ONE
DECISION (Tarcher-Penguin 2006) is endorsed by
Stephen Covey, Tom Peters, Ken Blanchard, Les Brown
and many others. She is cofounder of the Wright Institute,
an organization providing training for personal,
professional, and spiritual growth. Check out her Web site
at www.judithwright.com.
AVAILABILITY: Alberta, Canada, nationwide in Canada
and the U.S. by arrangement, and via telephone, globally.
CONTACT: Karen Simmons, (877) 482-1555,
[email protected]; www.AGreatRadioGuest.com
AVAILABILITY: Chicago, nationwide by arrangement
and via telephone
CONTACT: Liz Mansfield, (312) 645-8300;
[email protected]
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Will You Lose
Your Job This Year
Due to Your Boss’s
It’s a fact of working life that you can perform your job
perfectly and, through no fault of your own, lose your
livelihood overnight because of the mismanagement,
incompetence and greediness of higher ups. For proof,
just ask the latest people laid off at General Motors or the
Tribune Co.
Carol Frank can shed light on this increasingly common
problem that most people never even see coming. Frank,
who has founded and run four multimillion-dollar
businesses, can talk about:
How to spot early signs
of dysfunction in your
Miscalculations, missteps
and mistakes CEOS and
business owners make.
How someone like Michael
Brown can have the chutzpah
to go from failed FEMA CEO
to business consultant.
How the mistakes men
make differ from those
that women make.
Her own story of wondering
every day for three solid years
if she might become homeless
and bankrupt — all because of
greed and corruption.
‘I Watched a Drunk
Driver Kill My Father…
And Go Free for Nearly
Three Years!’
Do a Show on the Death of
Victims’ Rights in America
Three years ago, Kirk
Simoneau held his dying father
in his arms, a victim of a drunk
driver that nearly killed him as
well. But that was just the
beginning. Simoneau then had
to endure the pain of watching
his father’s killer remain free for
nearly three years thanks to a
court system that seems to care
little, if anything, for victims of violent crime.
Get ready for a show that will at once enrage and inspire
your audience as Simoneau details his long fight
to restore victims’ rights in America — and overcome
tremendous obstacles most of us can’t even imagine.
He’ll discuss:
The dismal state of victims’ rights
in America — and why innocent
people are often afforded fewer
rights than criminals.
What he had to say to his father’s
killer at her recent sentencing (it’s
not at all what you’d think).
How, despite being raped as an
adolescent, witnessing his father’s
murder, and being raised by two deaf parents, he has
been able to maintain a positive mental attitude that
helped him build a million-dollar business.
CREDENTIALS: Carol Frank has an MBA from
Southern Methodist University and was a CPA with Ernst
and Young before founding her first company at 28. She
has guested on a number of radio and TV programs
including Oprah and NBC News, and has been featured in
the Wall Street Journal, Business Week and the New York
Times. Her new book is DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DID:
Gaining Wisdom in Business Through the Mistakes of
Highly Successful People.
CREDENTIALS: A strong and active advocate for victims’ rights, Kirk Simoneau comes from a long line of
American success stories — including an immigrant grandfather who launched a successful business during the Great
Depression, and a father who, despite being deaf, founded
and grew a million-dollar company. He is also the author of
PEPERE SAYS: Anyone Can! Success Doesn’t Care if
You’re Deaf, Dumb or Blind. It Cares What You Do.
AVAILABILITY: Dallas, nationwide by arrangement and
via telephone
CONTACT: Carol Frank, (214) 893-8661 (TX);
[email protected]
AVAILABILITY: Nationwide by arrangement
and via telephone
CONTACT: Kirk Simoneau, (603) 930-5365 (NH);
[email protected]
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
The No-Willpower Way
to Give-up Unhealthy,
Fattening, High-Sugar Foods
Imagine what it would be like if you
stopped craving foods that are bad for
you and found yourself naturally turning to healthier foods? Rena
Greenberg can teach anyone how to do
this without feeling the slightest bit of
deprivation. It’s a total attitude change
about food and part of Rena’s 40-day
total mind and body approach to a
healthier diet.
New York Times Best-Selling Author Reveals
The Secret Organized
Religion Has Been Keeping
for Hundreds of Years
For thousands of years, people of all faiths
have relied on prayer. But which faith has
the direct line to the power of the universe?
Gregg Braden, the most powerful prayer
isn’t in a book, nor mandated by any modern
religion. The most powerful prayer is encoded within us all —and Braden reveals the
way to tap into that power and fulfill prayer’s
promise of true peace and tranquility.
CREDENTIALS: Rena Greenberg is a
certified practitioner of neurolinguistic programming, is a
member of Association for Applied Psychophysiology and
Biofeedback and The National Guild of Hypnotists. She is
the founder and CEO of Wellness Seminars, Inc. The
Wellness Seminars are offered in hospitals and major corporations. THE RIGHT WEIGH is her first book.
CREDENTIALS: Gregg Braden is author of The God Code
and The Isaiah Effect. He has been a featured guest at international conferences and media specials, exploring the role of
spirituality in technology. His latest book is SECRETS OF
AVAILABILITY: Nationwide by arrangement
and via telephone
CONTACT: Carina Sammartino, Hay House, Inc.
1-800-654-5126, ext.133
AVAILABILITY: Nationwide by arrangement
and via telephone
CONTACT: Stacy Vasil, Hay House, Inc.
1-800-654-5126, ext. 107
How to Survive Death,
Divorce, Layoffs and Worse!
Ask This Leading Researcher
Can Science Prove
Life After Death?
Unhappiness is not a matter of bad
luck, it is the inability to accept and
adapt to whatever life brings. Whether
it’s illness, bankruptcy, or bad weather, learning to cope with the “bad
stuff” comes from within. Joan
Borysenko and Gordon Dveirin
bring their vast store of knowledge of
the mind/body connection to offer
real solutions to life’s greatest challenge: change.
People who have been revived after
death often tell of out-of-body experiences, a white light, a sense of wellbeing. Sam Parnia, M.D.,has witnessed
and researched hundreds of these neardeath experiences, actually recording
brain activity in clinically dead patients.
He shares his own, scientifically-based
conclusions, answering questions about
one of life’s greatest mysteries.
CREDENTIALS: Sam Parnia, MD, is a leading expert on
near-death experiences. He is a fellow in pulmonary and
critical-care medicine at Cornell University, the founder of
the Consciousness Research Group and chairman of the
Horizon Research Foundation. Dr. Parnia’s research was
recently featured in a BBC 2 and Discovery documentary.
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE is his first book.
CREDENTIALS: Joan Z. Borysenko, Ph.D., is a respected scientist and gifted therapist. Trained at Harvard Medical
School, she is currently president of Mind/Body Health
Sciences, Inc, an internationally-known speaker, and has
authored nine books, including New York Times bestsellers.
Gordon Dveirin, Ed.D., is president of Dveirin &
Associates, a consulting firm in organizational and human
AVAILABILITY: Nationwide by arrangement
and via telephone
CONTACT: Richelle Zizian, Hay House, Inc.
1-800-654-5126, extension 119.
AVAILABILITY: Nationwide by arrangement
and via telephone
CONTACT: Richelle Zizian, Hay House, Inc.
1-800-654-5126, ext. 119
RADIO-TV INTERVIEW REPORT Freelance Copywriter Application (Dec. ‘07)
Sean Hannity... Rush Limbaugh... Al Franken...
Do Talk Radio Hosts Have too
Much Political Power?
Could a national talk radio host bring down the U.S.
government? Does any major broadcaster wield that much
influence today? Could it happen?
It does in the pages of Gary Grossman's timely new
political thriller Executive Treason.
Talk to Grossman about:
How radio hosts affect
the national debate.
Which side is winning.
How terrorists' views
actually get airtime
on talk radio.
What happened to the
Fairness Doctrine and
what's fair game.
How this almost happened in the 1930s.
Cold War sleeper spies that remain in America.
Al-Qaeda sleeper cells operating today.
The reality of Executive Treason's Elliott Strong.
Are there Elliott Strong's on the airwaves today?
Grossman, an Emmy-award winning television
producer, former radio announcer, and print journalist
"shows how the media itself can become a weapon of
mass destruction. You'll never listen to talk radio
again without a shiver going down your spine."
— Gary Goldman, executive producer, Minority
Report and screenwriter, Navy SEALs and Total
For an online preview of talk show host
Elliott Strong, log on to: www.elliottstrong.com
CREDENTIALS: Gary Grossman has produced for NBC
News, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox, PBS and more than
two dozen cable networks. Author of two novels
EXECUTIVE TREASON, and Executive Actions, he also
authored two television histories, Superman: Serial to
Cereal and Saturday Morning TV. Grossman served as a
media critic and columnist for The Boston Herald
"Executive Treason is intricate, taut, and completely
mesmerizing." — Dale Brown, bestselling author of
Act of War.
AVAILABILITY: Nationwide by arrangement and via
telephone; www.executive treason.com
CONTACT: Sandra Goldfarb, (781) 631-1730 (MA);
[email protected]