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Bunting 4-8 13.17 P00523 (PLAYAWAY ®) Scream Of The Haunted 37.99 Mask. Stine 8-11 816972 Shivery Shades Of Halloween. Siddals 16.81 2-5 769344 Sleepy Hollow Sleepover. Roy 6-10 12.72 625164 Sweetest Witch Around. McGhee 4-8 18.91 566077 Tacky And The Haunted Igloo. Lester 4-8 19.61 773098 Tales From A Not-So-Popular Party Girl. 17.51 Russell 9-13 959931 Teeny Tiny Halloween. Wohl 3-7 18.89 779891 Ten Orange Pumpkins. Savage 3-5 19.61 956414 There’s A Zombie In My Bathtub. Winkler 12.42 7-9 906343 13 Nights Of Halloween. Vasilovich 4-8 19.61 518300 Trick Arrr Treat. Kimmelman 4-7 19.61 854977 Trick Or Trap. Stine 8-12 13.62 564782 Trick-Or-Treat: A Happy Haunter’s 19.61 Halloween. Lepannen 5-8 268750 Trick Or Treat, Smell My Feet. De Groat 13.52 5-8 162384 Vampire Boy’s Good Night. Brown 3-7 19.61 854974 Weirdo Halloween. Stine 8-12 13.86 916914 Wicked Cruel. Wallace 10-14 19.61 773780 Yo Ho Ho, Halloween! Ryan 5-8 12.61 397452 Zeke Meeks vs The Horrendous 18.49 Halloween. Green 6-9 _____ Set S35384 of 110 books @ $2156.86 (Includes Playaways®) (Prices subject to change) Bound to Stay Bound Books 1880 West Morton Ave. Jacksonville, IL 62650-2619 P: 800-637-6586 F: 800-747-2872 www.btsb.com [email protected] Fall 2016
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