A study of regional temperature and thermohydrologic effects of an
A study of regional temperature and thermohydrologic effects of an
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 86, NO. B5, PAGES 3759-3770, MAY 10, 1981 A Studyof RegionalTemperatureand ThermohydrologicEffectsof an UndergroundRepositoryfor Nuclear Wastesin Hard Rock J. S. Y. WANG, C. F. TSANG, N. G. W. COOK, AND P. A. WITHERSPOON Earth Sciences Division,LawrenceBerkeleyLaboratory,Universityof California,Berkeley,California94720 Heat released by the radioactivedecayof nuclearwastesin an underground repositorycauses a longterm thermaldisturbancein the rock mass.The natureof this disturbancefor a planar repository3000 m in diameterat a depthof 500m belowsurfaceis investigated. Loadedinitiallywith a powerdensityof 10 W/m 2 of spentfuel assemblies 10yearsafterdischarge froma reactor,the maximumincrease in temperatureof therepository in graniteis about50øCandtheepicentralthermalgradientabout70øC?km.Differentwasteformsand periodsbeforeburial havesignificant effectson the thermaldisturbance. The effectsof temperature changeson the groundwater flow are evaluatedwith simplemodelsof a vertical fractureconnectedto a horizontalfracturein the rockmass.The buoyancygroundwaterflow throughthe vertical fracture is a function of both the vertical and the horizontal fracture transmissivities, as well as thechanges in densityandviscosity of groundwater causedby the temperature changes. Finite hydraulic rechargefrom the surrounding rock massaffectsthe thermohydrologic disturbance. INTRODUCTION Significantquantitiesof nuclearwastesexist already and continue to be produced[Departmentof Energy, 1978]. At present,mostof thesewastesare storedin near-surface facilities. Although every precautionis taken to protect man and the environment from the potential hazard posed by these wastes,near-surfacestorageis not regardedas a satisfactory long-termproposition.Disposalof the nuclearwastesby deep burial in suitablegeologicformationsis generallyfavored [Interagency ReviewGrouponNuclearWasteManagement,1978]. The principalattractionof disposalby deepburial is that it providesa high degreeof physicalisolationof the nuclear wastefrom the biosphere.The principalconcernof deep burial is that at no stageshouldtoxic componentsof thesewastes find their way back to the biosphereat levelswhich are not completelyharmless. A wealth of scientificknowledge and engineering experience existsconcerningthe excavationof undergroundopenings in a wide variety of geologicmedia. Unfortunately, no comparableexperienceexistsconcerningthe effectsof the generationof heat within suchopeningsor of the leakageof materialsfrom suchopeningsback to the biosphere. Salt formationshave generallybeenpreferredas candidates for deepgeologicaldisposalfor a numberof reasons[National Research Council, 1957]. The relatively high thermal conduction of salt facilitatesthe dissipationof heat releasedby the radioactivedecayof nuclearwastes.The viscousplasticity of salt,particularlyat elevatedtemperatures, assuresthat the excavationwithin which the wastesare disposedwill, in the long term, seal themselvesby deformationof the salt itself, and the presenceof the salt atteststo very slow dissolution and transportby movementof groundwater. However, other geologicalmedia may be equally or even better suited for constructionof deep underground repositoriesfor nuclear wastes,providedthat the openingsand accesswaysto the repositorycan be sealedadequately.The permeabilityof intact piecesof many crystallineand argillaceous rocks is at least as low as that of salt. However, the permeability of massesof suchrocksarisesmainly from the hyThis paper is not subjectto U.S. copyright.Publishedin 1981 by the American GeophysicalUnion. Paper number 80B1825. draulic conductivity of joints and fracturespervading them but may still be sufficientlysmall to retard the movement of groundwaterbetweenthe repositoryand the biosphereto an adequate degree. The purposeof this paper is to studythree important aspects concerningthe designand performanceof such underground repositoriesfor the disposalof nuclear wastesin hard rock. First, the heat releasedby the radioactivedecayof the nuclear wastescauseschangesin the spatial and temporal distributions of temperaturein the rock masswithin which the repository is located. These changesin temperatureproduce thermally induced componentsof compressivestressin the heated portions of this rock mass and tensile componentsof stress outside of this zone. These thermally induced changes in stressmay affect the performanceand designof a repository. The distributionof temperaturesaround a repositoryis necessary to evaluate the thermally induced changesin stress.However, the evaluationof the stresschangesis not part of this paper. Second, the magnitude and temporal changes of the temperaturesin the rock masswithin which the repositoryis located are affectedby the kind of waste and the time after removal from the reactor at which it is buried. The character- isticsof different wasteson the temporal changesin temperature are examined. Finally, changesin the temperatureof the groundwaterin the rock masscontainingthe repositoryaffect both the densityand viscosityof the water significantly.These changesin densityand viscositymay resultin perturbationsof the original hydrologicflow, which could affect the performance of the repositoryin isolating toxic componentsof the wastesfrom the biosphere.A model of buoyancygroundwater flow through a simple fracture systemis used to assessthe magnitude of this phenomenon. THERMAL DISTURBANCE RepositoryModel To study the long-term regionalchangesin temperaturein the rock mass,the repositoryis idealized to be a flat circular disk loaded uniformly with nuclear waste at time t -- 0. The repositoryis assumedto be a depthD of 500 m below surface in granite and to have a radius R of 1500 m. The principal mode of heat transfer from the nuclear waste to the rock mass is assumedto be by heat conduction.This has been proved to 3759 3760 WANG ET AL..' REPOSITORY TEMPERATURE AND BUOYANCY FRACTURE FLOW TABLE 1. Thermal Propertiesof Rocks Rock K, PR, CR, W/m/øC kg/m3 J/kg/øC Granite* 2.5 2600 Stripagranite'• Basalt:• Shale{] 3.2 1.62 0.90 2600 2865 2300 • 10-6 m2/s 836 1.15 837.36 1164 1000 1.47 0.486 0.391 * Kappelmeyerand Haenel [1974]. '•Pratt et al. [1977]. •Martinez-BaezandAmick [1978]. õFairchildet al. [ 1976]. be a good assumptionbased on recent Stripa data analysis [Hood, 1979]. The temperature field T(r, z, t) resulting from heat conductionin the rock massis given by a solutionto the diffusion equation: 10I OT} 02T lOT r Orr-•r + Oz 2-gr Ot gr--K/pRCn(1) t gr K pn Cn ß 4(,rgr3t3) '/2 exp- 4grt Io r'dr' (3) where Io is the zeroth-order modified Bessel function of the first kind. For the purposesof this paper, (2) and (3) have beensolved numericallyfor a number of expressions qfft').Temperatures on the z axis for simple functionsof qfft'), such as constant power, exponentialdecayof power, and a decreasein power inverselyas the squareroot of time can be expressed in terms of tabulated functions.These are given in Table 2 and can be usedto checkthe accuracyof the numericalsolutionsto (2) and (3). In this paper,numericalresultsreproducetheseanalytical solutionsto within 0.01øC. where r z Y,•>(r, z, t) = radial coordinate; vertical coordinate; time after loading; thermal diffusivity; thermal conductivity; density of the rock; specificheat of the rock. Values for the thermal properties of granite and other hard rocks are given in Table 1. When heat is releasedfrom the nuclearwasteat an average rate qfft')by the disklike repositoryfrom time t' -- 0 to time t' -- t, the temperaturechangeat any point (r, z) is DifferentFormsof Waste At present,considerationis being given to the disposalof two principalformsof nuclearwastegenerallyknownashighlevel waste.They are spentfuel, as dischargedfrom a reactor, and the productsfrom reprocessing spentfuel to recoverthe uranium and plutonium. Figure I illustratesthe power densitiesof the two principalwasteforms from a pressurizedwapnCRck(t') V_•>(r, z,t- t')dt' ter reactor[Kisneret al., 1978].Either form of high-levelwaste is assumedto be buried 10 yearsafter dischargefrom the reacpnCnck(t') V+•,(r, z,t- t')dt' (2) tor at an initialloadingdensityof 10W/m 2in theplaneof the repository.The curvesin Figure I give, numerically,the valThe first term in this equationrepresents the changein tem- uesof rk(t')which are usedin (3) to calculatethe changesin perature from the disklike sourcein the infinite medium and temperaturefield. The regionalcontoursof thesechangesin the secondterm from an image sourceis a correctionfor the temperature 100 yearsand 1000years after burial are as illuspresenceof a boundaryat constanttemperatureat the ground trated in Figures 2 and 3. It is important to note how much surface,z -- 0. The functionsV,•, in (2) are the instantaneous greater are the magnitudesof these changesfor spent fuel unit-strengthdisk sourcesat t' of radiusR in the planesz than for reprocessed waste,especiallyafter 1000yearsof burial. -T-D[Carslawand Jaeger, 1959]' AT(r, z,t)- 1 TABLE 2. Analytic Solutionsof TemperatureRise on the z Axis of Disk Source PowerForm PowerDensity•t) SolutionFormf(x, t)* Constant •(0) •b(O)Ocrt) •/2ierfc (x) K Exponentialdecay •0) exp (-ht) •J(0) (KT/•x)l/2 Im[•l(•kt) 1/2 4'ix] K Inversesquare root 2ToK/(•r•zt) •/e Toerfc(x) *AT(O,z, t) -• f {[(z+ D)e/4tcrt] l/e,t} - f {[(Re + (z + D)2)/4grt] 1/2,t} - f {[(z- D)2/4•crt] '/2,t} + f {[(Re+ (z - D)2)/4•rt]1/2,t}' ierfc,firstintegral ofcomplementary errorfunction; erfc,complementary errorfunction;Im W, imag;'xary part of the errorfunctionof complexargument. WANG ET AL.: REPOSITORY TEMPERATURE FRACTURE FLOW 3761 Near-SurfaceCoolingPeriods _ _: AND BUOYANCY '--..., • -'_ The power output of all nuclearwastesdecaysvery rapidly immediately after discharge from the reactor. Accordingly, the effectsof a period of near-surfacecoolingof thesewastes before burial in a repository may be expectedto be significant. Table 4 and Figure 7 illustrate the effectson the maximum repositorytemperaturesand epicentral thermal gradients with short periods of near-surfacecooling. From these data, it is concludedthat the period for which the wastesare coolednear surfacebefore burial is a very important factor in determining the effect of a repositoryon the temperature of surroundingrock mass. RepositoryDepthand Radius The effects of different repository depths and radii have been analyzedfor situationswhere the ratio of depth to radius is lessthan 1. The maximum temperatureis not significantly 10 10 • 10 • 10 • 10 • Timeofterdischorge tw (years) AT:5øC •,_5øC Fig. 1. Areal power densityof heat generatedby the storednuclear -500 wastes. E -IOOO N The maximum averagetemperaturein a repositoryoccurs at its centerand is plotted as a functionof time after burial in Figure 4. For both spentfuel and reprocessed wastethis temperaturereachesa maximumafter a period of lessthan 100 yearsand thereafterdecaysvery slowlyovera periodof many thousandsof years.The maximum temperatureand all other temperaturesare of courseproportionalto the powerdensity with which the repositoryis loaded. To studythe far-field effectsand, in particular,thoseat the surface,the maximum ground surfacetemperaturegradient at the epicenterabove the repositoryhas been calculatedfor both forms of wasteand is illustratedin Figure 5. This gradient and the corresponding heat flux throughthe surfacereach maximum valuesat about 2400 yearsafter burial for the spent fuel and 1300yearsafter burial for the reprocessed waste.The maximum value of the temperature gradient for the spent fuel, 70øC/km, is about 3 timesgreaterthan that of the reprocessedwaste,22øC/km. The total thermal gradientis the sum of the original geothermal gradient, typically of 30øC/kin, and the thermal gradient induced by the repository. The decay in power output of nuclear wasteswith time is determinedby their compositionand age.Different fuel cycles yield wasteswith differentcompositions. To evaluatesomeof theseeffects,it is assumedthat the repositoryis loaded with 0.01 MTHM/m 2 (MTHM = metric ton of uranium fuel chargedto the reactors).The maximumtemperaturesand epicentral thermal gradientsfor differentwastesfrom a pressurized water reactor(PWR) and a boiling water reactor(BWR) are givenin Table 3. The samedata are illustratedin Figure 6 Spent fuel -IO0-year storage -1500 -20000 20 40 coo AT (øC) 0' I 500 I I000 1500 2000 r(m) 5oc% AT:5øC -500 • E -I000 N _ ReprocessedHLW IO0-year storage -1500 zo _20000,.. •.,.',, AT (øC) •4o as a function of time. In Table 3, data are also given for a re- positoryloadedat an initial powerdensityof 10 W/m 2 for , , I , , I , , comparison.It can be seenthat the differencesin temperature 500 ooo 5oo$oo for the differentfuel cyclesarisemainly from variationsof inir(m) tial power loading density. However, significantdifferences still exist for the resultsof constantpower loading density of Fig. 2. Isothermsand profilesof temperaturerisearoundrepository 10 W/m 2. after 100 yearsof wastestorage. 3762 WANG ET AL.: REPOSITORY TEMPERATURE -iooo -15oo r- Spentfuel [ IOO0-year storage ' .... ' .... ' .... "' &T (øC) AND BUOYANCY FRACTURE FLOW this rock mass. Increasing the groundwater temperature results in decreaseddensity and viscosityof the water. In this sectionthe changesin buoyancygroundwaterflow inducedby these temperature changesare evaluated. Two typesof model geometryare assumed.The first model comprisesa simple horizontal fracture at the depth of the repositoryconnectinga rechargezone to a dischargezone and intersectinga vertical fracture containing the axis of the repositoryas illustratedin Figure 10a.Flow from the repository to the surfaceoccursthrough the vertical fracture. The effective hydraulic apertureof the horizontal fractureis bx, and its permeabilitykx -- bx2/12[Lamb, 1932;Snow,1965;Iwai, 1977; Witherspoonet al., 1980]. The aperture and permeability of the verticalfractureare bzand kz -- b•2/12,respectively. The vertical fracture is of distanceL,c from the rechargezone and of distanceLdcfrom the dischargezone. For the caseswith the 0' I 500 I 10• 15• 2000 o -500 -1000 -1500 -20000 20 4O 60 AT (øC) f 500 I000 W of the fractures much less than the diameter of the repository,the flows are assumedto be unidirectionalalong the fractures.The geometryas illustratedin Figure 10awill be referred to as the linear flow model. Before the repositoryis loaded and the rock mass subjectedto changesin temperature, it is assumedthat the original groundwaterflow is horizontal from rechargezone to dischargezone. As the rock mass heats up, so will the groundwaterin the vertical fracture containingthe centerof the repository.This will perturbthe original flow pattern. The secondtype of geometrystudiedis that of a radial flow model as illustrated in Figure 10b. This correspondsto the first model with the shapeof the horizontal fracture changed to be that of a circulardisk of radiusL. The apertureand permeabilityof the radial horizontalfractureare b, and k, = b,•/ 12, respectively.For both models,the flow of groundwateris assumedto be confinedwithin the fractures.In practice,the flow of groundwaterthrough most hard rock, which generally has a very low intrinsic permeability [Brace et al., 1968], is largely through fractures,so that the modelsapproximatethe mechanicsof groundwater flow through hard rock masses, differing only in their simplicity. r(m) oo. , width 1500 2000 r(m) Fig. 3. Isothermsand profilesof temperaturerise around repository after 1000 yearsof wastestorage. 8O 6O affectedby this range of depths and radii, but changesin farfield, long-term temperaturemust be expected.Figure 8 illustratesthe dependenceof the epicentralthermal gradientwith depth and radius. • I-- Rock Properties The maximum repositorytemperatureand epicentral thermal gradient have been calculated for a repository located within different hard rocks,usingthe valuesof thermal propertiesgiven in Table 1. From the resultsillustratedin Figure 9 it can be seenthat significantchangesin temperaturefield result from different rock properties. THERMOHYDROLOGIC Fracture DISTURBANCE Flow Models Changesin the temperature of the rock masscontaininga repositorywill changethe temperatureof the groundwaterin ' - Average temperature rise at repository center 500m deep in granite _ IOw/m2 at loading 40 - _ 2O I I01 102 I03 104 105 Storage time t (year) Fig. 4. Temperaturerise at the centerof a disk-shapedrepositoryin granitestoreduniformly with nuclearwastes. WANG ET AL.: REPOSITORY TEMPERATURE AND BUOYANCY FRACTURE FLOW IO0 6 8O 5 3763 nesqapproximation[Wooding,1957;Combarnous and Bories, 1975]that variationsin the densityof water with time can be neglected except for the effects on the buoyancy of the groundwater.As a resultof this, (4) reducesto V. q = 0 (5) For low velocities, inertial forces are much less than viscous b 60 forces,so that by means of Darcy's law the equation of toomentum can be written • 40 as: p VP+ kq- pg= 0 • (6) 2• where 2O I P 0 kinematic viscosityof water; permeability; g gravitationalacceleration. pressure; p k 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 I0000 Equations (5) and (6) describethe incompressibleflow of groundwater. Storogetime t (yeor) Fig. 5. Ground surfaceepicentralthermal gradient rise above a disk-shapednuclear waste repositorywith radius of 1500 m and 500 m deep in granite. The first case consideredis the linear flow model with zero original groundwater flow and with the repository located midway between the rechargeand dischargezones,Lrc = Lac = L. The flow is symmetricaboutx -- 0 with boundaryconditions Flow Equations P(t)--O For any temperaturefield the flow of the groundwatermust satisfythe equationsof conservationof massand momentum. The equation for the conservationof massis Ot+ V. q--0 (4) whereq is the massflux that is the productof the densityand velocityof the water in the fracture,p is densityof water, and t is time. at x=0 z--0 bxqx(t)+«b•qfft)=O at x--0 (7) z---a (8) P(t)--Po-/_•po(z)gdz atx=Lz=-D(9) The water table is assumed to be at the surface z --- 0 with zero hydraulic pressurein (7). Equation(8) describes Kirchoff's law for thejunctionbetweenverticaland horizontalfractures. Poin (9) is the hydrostaticpressureimposedat the inlet of the In most studies of thermal convection, because of the small horizontal fracture. In accordance with (5), the unidirectional flowsare inde- compressibilityof water, it is usualto make useof the Boussi- TABLE 3. Effectsof Fuel Cycles PowerDensityat Loading (AT).... t Fuel Cycle* (A(VT)z)max,t øC Nuclear Spentfuel HLW + PuO2:U recycle HLW: U + Pu recycle HLW: U recycle HLW: no recycle 60 (50) 65 (52) 90 (40) 43 (42) 43 (41) Spentfuel HLW + PuO2:U recycle HLW: U + Pu recycle HLW: U recycle HLW: no recycle 50 (51) 57 (54) 71 (40) 35 (42) 35 (42) Nuclear øC/km W/m 2 kW/Canister Reactor P WR 83 (70) 86 (69) 68 (30) 22 (22) 22 (22) Reactor 11.9 12.5 22.7 10.2 10.3 (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) 0.548 2.61 4.75 2.14 2.16 9.96 (10) 10.5 (10) 17.5 (10) 8.30 (10) 8.35 (10) 0.182 2.20 3.65 1.74 1.75 B WR 73 (74) 77 (73) 59 (34) 19 (23) 19 (23) Valueswithoutparentheses correspond to 0.01-MTHM/m: wastecapacity.Valueswith parentheses correspond to 10-W/m: powerdensity. *Spentfuel--fuel assemblydischargedirectlyfrom the reactor.HLW + PuO2:U recycle•reprocessed wastewith U and Pu removedfrom the dischargefuel, U recycledin the reactor,and Pu storedtogether with the water. HLW: U + Pu recycle--reprocessedwaste with U and Pu removed from the discharge fuel and recycledin the mixed oxide reactor.HLW: U recycle---reprocessed wastewith U and Pu removedfrom the dischargefuel and U recycledin the reactor.HLW: no recycle--reprocessed wastewith U and Pu removedfrom the dischargefuel. t(AT)max:maximum value of the averagetemperaturerise at the centerof repository.(A(•T)z)max: maximum value of the groundsurfacethermal gradientrise at the epicenterabovethe repository. 3764 WANG ET AL.: REPOSITORY TEMPERATURE AND BUOYANCY FRACTURE FLOW pendentof the spatialcoordinates alongthe fractures.With 100 /'""x / 8O '\\ / / t ,., / 60 to the boundaries: 0.01MTHM/m 2 capacity ß x\•,.HLW: U+Purecycle / •HLW +PuOa: U-recycle i (D constant flow,(6)canbeintegrated fromtherepository center PWR nuclear waste storag ,,' '•-. q,(t) 0- P(O,-D, t)= -• v(0, z, t) dz - (0, z, t) g dz (10) Spentfuel Po - P(O, -D,t)---qx(t) k, Lv(x,-D,t)dx (11) 4O Equations(8), (10), (11) can be solvedfor the unknownsq:(t), qx(t),and P(0, -.D, t). The resultfor q,(t) is k•pog 2O • ß eL(t) = Vo 1+Fb•kffb•k • (1•) _ where _ I I01 102 I0• 104 k•pog/Vo hydraulicconductivityof the verticalfracturewith constantdensity and viscosityat surfacetemper- 05 Storagetime t (year) ature; is buoyancyhydraulic gradient; F recharge retardation parame. ter; I00f '''I'''I'''Ii''I'' PWR nuclear waste storage bzk: verticaltransmissivity(aperture-permeability prod- 0.01MTHM/m 2 capacity Uctof verticalfracture); b•k• liorizontal transmissivity(aperture-permeability 8O productof horizontalfracture). The buoyancyhydraulic gradient is dependsonly on the vertical variationsof densityand viscosity: • 40 HLW': U+Pu recycle--'•'"'--.... .... (ApgD) pogD Vo (13) wheretYzis the averagedviscosityover the flow path alongthe vertical fracture from z = -D to z -- 0 and (ApgD) is the buoyancy-drivingpressure 20 1I,$t'%'' .•.•.....-HLW :no-recycle O0 is(t) .... ., (a•gD) = Do(Z)- p(O,z, t)]g dz /_o (14) D ,,,,, 2000 4000 60'00 8000 I0000 Storoge •imet(yeor) The densityp(O,z, 0 in (14) is calculatedat temperatureTo(z) + AT(O, z, t), and po(Z)at To(z). The ambient temperature Witha surface temFig.6. Effects of ciifferent PWRfuelcycles fromthe same maybegivenby To(z)= (20- 0.03z)øC ß amount of fuel on the repository temperatureand ground surface thermal gradient. perature of 20øC and an original geothermal gradient of 30øC/km. TABLE 4. Effectsof SurfaceCooling PowerDensityat Loading Surface Cooling Period,years (AT).... * øC (A(VT)z).... *øC/kIEl W/m2 kW/Canister SpentFuel of P WR 93 (9) 1 98 (9) 104. (10) 4.81 2 5 76,(14) 67 (33) 90 (16) 86 (43) 56.4(10) 20.1(10) 2.6,0 0.927 10 60(50) 83(70) 11.9(•0) 0.548 1 2 5 10 ,: Reprocessed HLW.' No Recycleof PWR 95 (9) 35 (3) 103. (10) 21.5 62 (11) 50 (27) 43 (41) 11.5 3.9 2.16 31 (6) 26 (14) 22 (22) 55.0(10) 1,8.7(10) 10.3.(10) Valueswithoutparentheses correspond to 0.01-MTHM/m2 wastecapacity. Valueswith parentheses correspond to 10-W/m2 Powerdensity. *(AT)m•x: maximum valueoftheaverage temperature riseat thecenter ofrepository. (A(VTL)I•: maximum value ofthegrodnd surface thermal gradient riseattheepicenter above therCJ?ository. •-Values without parentheses correspond to0.01-MTHM/m 2waste'c•apacity. Values wi• parentheses correspond to 10-W/m2 powerdensity. WANG ET AL.: REPOSITORY TEMPERATURE AND BUOYANCY FRACTURE FLOW I00 , [[[ ! /'•"'x [['[ , i[[ Equation(12) for qz(t),can be generalizedto the caseswith [,,[ i [ ,,]t[[ , , [[,[]][ , [ nonzero originalgroundswater flowandwithnonequal dis- \ [ x 8O Spent fuel - k / tances from the repositoryto the rechargeand discharge zones,L,½• Ld½.By golvingthe whole flow systemwith the vertical and both horizontalflow pathsin Figure 10a and with 0.01MTH M/m2copac•ty x•l /-• 6O 3765 Yearsurfacecooling thewatertableheadequalto h,½at therecharge zoneand .."'.. x•2 Year equalto hd½ at the dischargezone,the expression for q,(t) is ,' / <• 40 •?•o Year qz(t) --- ,' ß k,pog 4 -I-4Vo(F.c-' - Fs½-')[(L.½F.½)-' + (L,•½F,•c)-']-'(D6)-' (16) 2o I + [(L,½•,½)-' + i i i i iiii i i i i iiii i0• i i i iiiii 102 i i i iiiii i03 I I Equation (16)iss'•nilar to(12)withminor modification inthe driving gradien• byti•eoriginal hydraulic gradient io-- (h,chd½)/(L,• + L,t½). T•e denominator of (16)isofthesame form IIII i05 104 Storage time t (year) of (12), but the slightdifferencebetweenthe averagesof viscosityoverthe rechargeand dischargeflow paths,•,½and •ac, •' '",.. 80 Reprocessed HLW f• \.,,, 0.01MTH M/m 2capacity "'".,¾......I Year surface cooling I00' - '\ ,, • f .---. •'5Year ..' ..' ,,v• ,,V\ .' ,' •o - ,,\\ 60 _ ,,\'\ - • oi io• io2 io3 io4 <1 io5 40 S,oro,e,,me,,,or, I:/ 2O lOOt ' ' ' i , ,, i , ,, i, , , i, ,' • • x,eo.ur,oe oo,,n /}•__• •'•,•2Year • •/'//• -••.• :•' 5Year I0 Y or 2000 4000 , 6000 8000 ' - ....... -- Storage time t(year) ' • ..-.............. ,....... O0 000 .000 000 000 • • 40 ' 0 - 8o 10000 N Storoge time t(year) • 40 pcd0ds of •astcswith dc•sit• of Fi•. ?. Effectsof suffa• •oli• 0.01MTEM/m• o• tbc•cpositoff tcmpc•atu• c a•d S•0u•d s•ffa• 2 ß hc •cc•a•sc •cta•datioa pa•amct½•• (12) is L • 15 r(t)••.• () The geometdc factor • Fisthe ra[i9 L/2D; .•isihe average o 20Od4000 $toro•e •ime ofviscosity overtheflowpathalong th•h%•ontal fractureFig.8. Effects ofdifferent depths andradiiofr•posito• onthe from x • 0 to x • L. '• groundsurfacethermalgradient. 3766 WANG ET AL.: REPOSITORY TEMPERATURE AND BUOYANCY FRACTURE FLOW / / i 60 .• g 40[-/I/ • ".• i 'x Spentfuel sumed that the horizontal 'x i I model is the same as that in the linear flow model with upward flow from the repositoryto the surface.However,it is as- \. . / "'.-,•Shole x '\,• /,,- "-.. 'N,. Basalt \ '-...-•..,/ L / /..' gra "ite"•",•xx, <:i . !/ /"' Stripa ,. \ 20/,/""/ Grante "-•',\'\•' t 4 /." ',.\ - "/" x \ J ", 0 i01 102 i05 104 105 ..... ,,,,,• ........ • ........ • ........ • symmetry,the product•'qriS constantin accordance with (5). The Darcy equation(6) can be integratedfrom r -- R to r = L to obtain the pressuredifferencebetweenthe repositoryand the outer boundary.Within the repositorythe pressuredrop from the rim of the repositoryto the inlet of the vertical fracture is neglected.This assumptionis justified if the permeabilityof the back-filledmaterialfor the repositoryis much higher than the permeability of the surroundingfracture. In the linear flow model, the flow path from x -- 0 to x = R is treated as part of the horizontal fracture.This portion of the flow path can be neglectedif the sameassumptionabout the permeability in the repositoryis made. With the modificationsto radial geometry,Kirchoff's law for the connection between the vertical fracture and the radial Storage time t (year) 80 fracture ........ is 2•rRb/lr(R,t) + Wb,q,(t)--- 0 Reprocessed HLW ß 60 / / / . ,/ lar to those in the linear flow model. The result for the vertical \•,,,Shole - \ ! buoyancyflow qfft) is nearly identicalwith (12) of the linear flow model: , k,pog •<:l40/! ....• \• I- (17) Other boundaryconditionsand solutionproceduresare simi\ / flow is radial for r _> R. With radial / ia q,(t) ----Vo 1+Fb,kffb•kr (18) ,' with radial transimissivity replacing the linear horizontal transmissivity.The rechargeretardation parameteris differ- ß Stnpa _ _ ,,,,•, 'x.•Basalt oiI ........ , ........ , ........ , I0• 102 103 104 105 Storage time t (year) 100 ' ' • ' ' •'' / •' 4ø•i/ /•' Str'pa gran'te---• ............. :...... ' ..---................... o 4000 WIn(L/R) 1• r 6 BuoyancyFlow N 2000 F(t)= The main differencebetween (19) of the radial flow model and (15) of the linear flow model is the geometricratio factor; •r in (19) is the averageof viscosity,weightedby r-z, over the radial flow region from r = R to r = L. b.-•' .......... 80 Spent fuel //'•'-Shale 0 ent: 6000 8000 I0000 Storage time t (year) Fig. 9. Effectsof rockformationson the repositorytemperatureand ground surfacethermal gradient. The verticalbuoyancyflow qfft) in (12), (16), or (18) dependson the buoyancyhydraulic gradient,the vertical hydraulicconductivity,the rechargeretardationparameter,and ratio of the vertical and horizontal hydraulic transmissivities. Considerfirst the caseof a linear flow model with equal aperturesfor the vertical and horizontal fractures,b, = bx -- 1 •m, and with equal distancesto the rechargeand discharge zones,Lrcm Lac= 5000 m. The vertical buoyancyflow can be evaluatedby numericalintegrationof the buoyancydriving pressurealong the vertical flow path and the averagesof viscosityalongthe vertical and horizontalflow paths.To calculate the displacement of waterin the verticalfracture,qfft) can be integratedover time. The groundwaterinitially at the depth of the repositorywill move upward in the vertical fracture as a function of time after burial of the wastes. The re- sultsof onerepositoryat depthof 500 m are illustratedin Figure 11. For comparison,the resultsof anotherrepositoryat has been taken into accountin the rechargeretardation parameter. depth 1000 m are also included. The verticalflow in the caseof spentfuel is substantially greaterthan that of reprocessed waste.The buoyancymovebeyond the repositoryto surroundingrechargezone as illus- ment of groundwateris proportionalto the changein tempertrated in Figure 10b, the rechargeto buoyancyflow comes ature of the rock mass,and the temperaturedisturbanceinfrom all directions. The vertical fracture in the radial flow ducedby a spentfuel repositoryis significantlyhigher than For the radial flow model with horizontal fracture extended WANG ET AL.: REPOSITORY TEMPERATURE AND BUOYANCY FRACTURE FLOW 3767 A •/w b LDC ed flow .•--•---"• • x,,,e--Regiono I flow bx B Dr Fig. 10. Two-fracture models for simulating buoyancy groundwater movement through a repository: (a) linearflow model and (b) radial flow model. that by a reprocessed wasterepository(seeFigure 3). On the connections and conditions. The horizontal fracture repre- other hand, there is little differencefor the caseswith different sentsthe rechargeflow path. The shorterthe distanceL from repositoryto rechargezone,the lessthe rechargeresistance, and the greaterthe flow of water in the verticalfracturefor a givenbuoyancy. As examples, the velocityvt(0 = qt(0/Pofor depths.Thusit appearsthat the flow of waterin the vertical fracture dependsupon the integral of the buoyancyforce throughoutthe lengthof the verticalfracture,whichis a function mainly of the total heat releasedfrom the repository. L -- 0, 2000, 5000, and 10,000m is plotted in Figure 13. The The main driving forcefor the buoyancyflow is due to the buoyancyflowisproportionalto an effectiveverticalgradient: contrastin densitybetweenthe heatedwater near the repository with temperatureTo+ AT and the ambientwaterin the ½"bxkx (20) it(t)= 1+ Fbtkt/ rechargeand dischargezoneswith temperatureTo.Figure 12 illustratesthe weak dependenceof buoyancyflow on the natural geothermalgradient.The slightdifferences for different wherethe rechargeretardationfactorF -• 0.5 L/D for the lingeothermal gradientsresultmainlyfrom the temperature de- ear flowmodel(see(15)). The resultsof vt andit for the linear inFigure 13illustrate thesensitive dependence 'of pendence of viscosity. The generalformulae[Meyeret al., flowmodel 1967]of densityandviscosity of waterasnonlinearfunctions buoyancyflow on the magnitudeof F. From the figureit is apparentthat the curvesfor a 500-mand a 1000-m-deep reof temperature andpressure areusedin our calculations. positoryhaveapproximately thesamemaximumvaluesof the RechargeResistance buoyancyvelocitywhenthey havethe sameLID ratio or F In additionto the buoyancyof the heatedwater in the vertical fracture,the flow of this water ig affectedby the hydrologic value. Althoughthe casewith L -- 0, or equivalentlyF-- 0, has a 3768 WANG ET AL.: REPOSITORY TEMPERATURE AND BUOYANCY FRACTURE FLOW o bx:bz: !,um A - LRC: LDC: L • - R=15OOm -200 / D= 500m ! _ Curves / (•) L:O / - (•) L:2000m:4D / (•) L:5OOOm: IOD / E•-400 • • --10-• \ _- \ \ \ - _ ½- -8oo ._,,, --6 E .-• -o -4 -2 ' - 101 -1000 I E -8 'O - - (•)L:IOOOOm:2OD/ \ ' Spent fuel / \ -----Reprocessed / \ •-600 _ - 10• 10 • 10 • 10 • 10 s 102 0 105 10 4 10 5 IO4 IO5 Storoge time t (yeors) $foroge lime f (yeors) 10, Fig. 11. Water movementalongverticalfracturefrom the repository (linear flow model). ' bz: bx: I/xm LRC :LDc:L R:15OOm D=lOOOm large buoyancyflow, it is an unrealisticrepresentationof the hydrologicconditionof a repository.The geometryof L -- 0 in the linear flow model representsa situation where instant Curves (•) L:O (•) L:2OOOm :2D recharge is available to the vertical fracture flow at its inlet (•) L=5000m=5D end nearthe centerof the repository.For a low-permeability formationsuitablefor a repository,the rechargezonesshould be somedistanceaway from the repository. In general,F • 0, and the effectiveverticalgradienti• in (20) dependson the ratio of the vertical and horizontal fracture transmissivities. The buoyancyflow is no longersimply proportionalto the verticalpermeabilityk• or bfi. Exceptfor (•)L:,0000m: Spenfuel ----- Reprocessed o -.•. •' 2 0 I 0 I 101 IOz 10 3 Storoge time t (yeors) .• Fig. 13. Effectsof rechargedistancesL on the flow velocitiesand hydraulic gradientsalong the vertical fracture from (a) 500-m-deep and (b) 1000-m-deeprepository(linear flow model). -200 © -400 the conditionthat the resistancefactor Fb,k,/bxkx<< 1, q,(t) doesnot increaseas b, increases.On the contrary,the buoyancyflow q,(t) approacheszero as b, increases to infinity. The b,3 dependancein the resistancefactorovercomes the b,2 dependencein the permeability.With a limited recharge(bx, k• constant),the buoyancygradient cannot effectivelydrive the o u -600 (D large amount of water in a large vertical fracture. It can be shown that at a given time, q,(t) is maximum with b, - 9> -8oo (2/F)•/2b• and -1000 ......... I 10 • 102 10 a 104 10 • Storagetime t (years) Fig. 12. Effectsof differentoriginal geothermalgradientson the water movementalongthe verticalfracturefrom the repository(linear flow model). q•(t) < 3 Vo i• (21) Thus buoyancy groundwater flow in the vertical fracture is limited by the permeability of the horizontal fracture rather than the permeabilityof the verticalfracture.In Figure 14, re- suitswith a constantapertureb• -- 1/tm and with a rangeof WANG ET AL..'REPOSITORY TEMPERATURE AND BUOYANCYFRACTUREFLOW 0 .' bx: !/zm LRC =LDC: 5000m bx:bz IFm . R: 1500m .-. -200 3769 // :rn Spent /;•i••// R=1500 fuel/, .-. -200 hx: 0.001 m/m it!/ v .- /bz • -4oo : ;t E•-400 o D: 500m ..._•.'•" . .... _ ß • l,- i LRC=2500m LDC: 7500m ///Rep, r,oc,e, sse• • -600 .... __LRc=7500 mLDC=2500 m ;)! •,w .,,• - --LRc:LDc: 5000m •/ -600 ._ -800 I D:lOOOm I0• I0• I0• /// /// ,';:2" . ,'// .///" . -I000 ...... • ....... • I ,'// -8oo. . -IOOO I04 I0• IO s Fig. 14. Effectsof differentverticalfractureapertureson the water movementalongthe verticalfracturefrom the repository(linear flow model). I0• I0• 10 4 IO s Storoge time t (yeors) Storogetime t (yeors) Fig. 15. Effectsof differentrechargedistanceLrc and discharge distanceLac on the water movementalong the verticalfracture from the repository(linear flow model). DISCUSSION aperturesbz -- 10, 1, and 0.1 pm are illustrated. The movement of the groundwaterin the vertical fracture is signifiAlthough the thermohydrologoic model usedfor the analycantly slowerboth for the case of bz -- 10bxand bz -- 0. lb,, sispresentedin this paper is very simple,it shouldpossess the than with bz -- bx. samephysicalbehavioras that of the more complexsystems All the precedingresultshave beencalculatedfor the sym- of fractureswhich accountfor the permeabilityof massesof metricrepositorylocation.In Figure 15 the effectsof the posi- hard rock. Accordingly,it shouldprovide a good insightinto tion of the repositorybetween the rechargeand discharge the dynamicsof thermally-inducedgroundwaterflow, and ilzonesare illustrated.The original hydraulicgradientio is as- lustrate the sensitivity of this flow to various parameters. sumedto be 0.001m/m in the calculationof qz(t)in (16). The However, the actual numerical results should be considered as resultsindicatethat the couplingbetweenthe buoyancyflow no more than order of magnitude estimates. It must be and the original groundwater flow is small in this model. It pointedout alsothat the transportof nuclidesfrom the reposishouldbe noted that (16) reducesto (12) for Zrc -- La½even when io• 0. In otherwords,for the symmetriccase,the buoy- ancyflowinthevertical fracture isindependent oftheoriginal groundwaterflow in the horizontal direction. Considernext the radial flow modelwhich representsa dif- br :lp.M L: 5000M W: 2000 M ferentrecharge geometry.The rechargeretardationfactorin (19)isF = WIn (L/R)/2rrD. In comparison withthelinear Spent fuel case,the radial model with rechargefrom all directionsis less , sensitive to the distance L from the repository to the outer boundary.The hydrologicparametersof rechargedistanceL -- 5000 m,vertical fracture widthW= 2000 m,andrepository radius R -- 1500 m are used in the calculations, and the results areshown in Figures 16and17.Thebuoyancy flowisfasterin theradialmodelthanthecorresponding result ofL -- 5000m bz: Ip.M o=I000M _ bz: IOp-M /• - D:,5 - -- _ in the linear modelin Figures13 and 14. However,the qualitative dependences of buoyancyflow on the transmissivity ratio and on the depth of the repository are the same for both models. Under the condition that the buoyancy flow is limited by the recharge,either becauseof long recharge distancesor small horizontal-verticaltransmissivityratio, the resistance factorFb,kz/b•k• orFbzkz/brkr willbemuchgreater than1.In D=IOOOM •-.-.• _ - ..... /...._-;..--- ß , .......I ,, I0• I0] I0• I0• I0• thiscase,qz(t)is proportionalto F-' or to the depthD for both Storoge time t (yeor) models(see(15) and (19)). Hence the time requiredfor the water movementfrom depthto the surface,which is roughly Fig. 16. Flow velocitiesalongverticalfracturewith differentvertical proportionalto D/q•, is insensitiveto the changein depth. fractureaperturesand depthsfor L -- 5000 m (radial flow model). 3770 WANG ET AL.' REPOSITORY TEMPERATURE br :lp.M L: -200 - FRACTURE FLOW fractures,the maximum flow being determinedby the transmissivityof the horizontal fracture. • ii1]j i _ AND BUOYANCY 5000M Acknowledgment. This work is supportedby the U.S. Department of Energy under contract W-7405-ENG-48. 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