Schedule - Baptist Communicators Association


Schedule - Baptist Communicators Association
Telling the Story
Telling the Story
2006 Baptist Communicators Association
Annual Workshop
& Wilmer C. Fields Awards Banquet
April 19-22 • International Learning Center • Rockville, Va.
Telling the Story
to the International Mission Board and
the Missionary Learning Center. Missionaries come here to learn, to
reflect, to build new relationships that will help them share Christ with
others around the world. We hope you, too, will find this a place where
you can learn new skills and return to the job refreshed, equipped and
with new friends who walk similar paths in ministry. Telling the Story
Baptist Communicators Association Workshop
April 19-22, 2006
Rockville, Va.
Wednesday, April 19
2:00-8:00 p.m. Workshop and lodging registration, Americas House foyer
5:30 p.m. Buses load in front of Global Center
6:00-9:00 p.m. Welcome dinner, Montpelier Center for Arts and Education
Opening and introductions: Joe Westbury, BCA president
Worship in song: Sara Beth Geoghegan (with Whit Stiles)
Sara Beth Geoghegan is a singer-songwriter and Whit Stiles is a musician. Both live
in Nashville, Tenn.
Greeting: Jerry Rankin, president, International Mission Board, Richmond, Va.
Address: Grant Lovejoy, Orality & Storying
Writing is the best way to communicate important information – or is it? Most people
in the world (including a surprising number of Americans) prefer to learn values,
cultural norms, even how-tos through stories, songs and other oral media.
Grant Lovejoy directs the IMB’s Orality Strategy department.
Thursday, April 20
Telling the Story
7:00-8:30 a.m. Breakfast, dining room
8:30-9:00 a.m. Daystart, Global Center auditorium
Devotional: David Garrison, regional leader, South Asia, International Mission Board
Worship: Sara Beth Geoghegan (with Whit Stiles)
9:00-9:30 a.m. Introductions and things you need to know
9:30-10:30 a.m. Break by affinity groups, Global Center foyer and side rooms.
Sponsored by LifeWay’s Corporate Communications Department.
Electronic Media
Graphic Arts
Public Relations/Marketing
10:30 a.m.-Noon Professional development sessions, Global Center side
Writing/editing: Creative Non-Fiction
David Adams-Smith, author of “Survivors: Children of Divorce” with his wife, Jeanie,
reveals how writing can move beyond simple reporting and information sharing to
storytelling that captures the heart of the reader.
David Adams-Smith is a freelance writer and retired news editor for the “Chicago
Tribune,” who lives in Bowling Green, Ky.
Management: A Worldview for Communicators
Learn the latest things God is doing across the globe in international missions.
David Garrison is regional leader, South Asia, International Mission Board, and author of “Church Planting Movements: How God is Redeeming a Lost World.”
Design: Elements of Effective Design
What are the elements that make for good design? How can they be incorporated to
enhance the story of your organization?
Dan Beatty is visual coordinator, “Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch.”
Video: Finding & Telling the Story
What makes a good story? How can you identify it, and what does it take to get it on
the small screen?
K. Brown is videographer, State Baptist Convention of North Carolina, Cary, N.C.
Telling the Story
Internet/interactive: Small Shop Solutions for Building an Effective Web
“Off the shelf” or “on the net” tools for providing content to your users and
making your life easier, including building photo galleries, using Blog tools for a
Content Management System and basic design and presentation.
Steven King is photo editor and multimedia journalist,
Newsweek Interactive, Arlington, Va.
General: Overseas Partnerships for Communicators
Come learn how to join a growing network of graphic designers, Web developers,
photographers, videographers and writers who are making a difference and
spreading the Gospel of Christ by partnering with missionaries overseas.
Don Martin is an overseas correspondent with the International Mission Board.
12:00-12:30 p.m. Free time
12:30-1:30 p.m. Lunch, dining room
Sponsored by the “Religious Herald” and “Biblical Recorder.”
1:30-3:00 p.m. Professional development sessions, Global Center side rooms
Writing/editing: Prewriting and Rewriting (Two-session conference)
Some of the hardest and most overlooked tasks in writing happen before characters
strike the page and after they are already there.
Celeste Pennington is a freelance writer and editor living in Atlanta, Ga.
Writing/editing: Creative Non-Fiction (repeat)
Management: The Client-Freelance Connection
How to make the most of the client-freelance relationship – whichever side of the
equation you are on.
Barbara Denman is director of communications, Florida Baptist Convention,
Jacksonville, Fla. Julie McGowan recently left freelancing to become associate
director of publishing, International Mission Board.
Management: New Technology Workshop
Gimmicks and gizmos to make your life easier and more interesting.
Bill Bangham is director of photography at the International Mission Board.
Telling the Story
Photography: Advanced Photography – Telling Stories with a Camera
Moving beyond the basics to produce photography that tells your story.
Dean Hoffmeyer is a photographer, “Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch.” He recently
spent time covering Virginia troops in Iraq.
Design: Infographics – A Visual Way of Delivering Your Message
How charts, graphs and visual representations can be used to tell your story.
Stephen Rountree is art director, “U.S. News & World Report,” Washington, D.C.
Design: Elements of Effective Design (repeat)
Internet/Interactive: Trends in Imaging & Presentation
Come see the future of on-line media.
Tom Kennedy is managing editor for multimedia,
Interactive, Arlington, Va.
3:00-3:30 p.m.Break, Global Center foyer
Sponsored by GuideStone Financial Resources.
3:30-5:00 p.m.Professional development sessions, Global Center side
Writing/editing: Prewriting and Rewriting (continued)
Management: The Client-Freelance Connection (repeat)
Management: New Technology Workshop (repeat)
Photography: Advanced Photography – Telling Stories with a Camera (repeat)
Design: Infographics – A Visual Way of Delivering Your Message (repeat)
Video: Finding & Telling the Story (Repeat)
Internet/Interactive: Enhance Your Web Site by Adding Multimedia
For small and large operations – learn practical ways to present video, flash photo
galleries and other media-rich assets on your site without breaking the bank – from
gathering the content to streaming it.
Steven King is photo editor and multimedia journalist,
Newsweek Interactive, Arlington, Va.
Telling the Story
General: Overseas Partnerships for Communicators (repeat)
5:00-6:00 p.m.Book signings, Global Center foyer
“Light: The Photojournalism of Don Rutledge” with Dan Beatty, designer, and Robert
O’Brien, author of the book.
“Survivors: Children of Divorce,” with David Adams-Smith, co-author of the book.
6:00 p.m. BBQ cookout, behind dining room (weather permitting)
Sponsored by “The Christian Index.”
7:15 p.m. Concert: Sara Beth Geoghegan (with Whit Stiles), Global Center
Movies and games, Global Center
Snacks, Global Center foyer
Sponsored by Baptist Press.
Friday, April 21
Field Day in Washington, D.C.
7:15 a.m. Pick up breakfast/coffee, Global Center foyer
Breakfast sponsored by “BaptistLIFE.”
Load buses, front of Global Center
7:30 a.m. Leave MLC – Breakfast on the bus
10:00 a.m. Arrive at the Washington Mall and divide into three groups
Heritage Group: Begins a self-guided tour of Washington, D.C. They have access
to all of Washington via public transportation. A self-guiding packet is provided. This
group has the option of rejoining everyone else either for dinner at 5:30 p.m. at Dupont
Circle, or at the bus on Dupont Circle at 8:00 p.m. for the return to Richmond.
News Hound & Spin Doctor groups: Lunch and free time on the mall until 1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. Load Bus 1 for National Geographic Society, 17th & M Streets, NW
Load Bus 2 for, 1515 North Courthouse Rd., Arlington, Va.
Telling the Story
1:30-3:30 p.m. News Hound Group:
Spin Doctor Group: National Geographic
Chose between two communications giants for an inside look at how they are
responding to today’s communications and public relations challenges while shaping
their futures. National Geographic is more print-oriented; is an
Internet venture.
3:30 p.m. Load both buses for George Washington University, 21st and H Streets,
4:00-5:00 p.m. Dialog at George Washington University with:
Joshua Trent, deputy associate director of presidential personnel for the White
House, and Erik Lokkesmoe, director of communications, National Endowment for
the Humanities; founder of Brewing Culture, a non-profit organization that creates,
commissions and celebrates transcendent art and media; columnist for; former cabinet-level speechwriter and Capitol Hill press secretary;
co-author of “The Revolutionary Communicator: Seven Principles Jesus Lived To
Impact, Connect and Lead.”
5:00 p.m. Load buses for Dupont Circle
5:30-8:00 p.m. Dinner on Dupont Circle (many ethnic restaurants)*
8:00 p.m. Load buses for return trip
10:30 p.m. Return to MLC
* Heritage Group rejoins Spin Doctors & News Hounds either for dinner or for departure.
Telling the Story
Saturday, April 22
7:30-8:30 a.m. Breakfast, dining room
9:00-9:30 a.m. Daystart, Global Center auditorium
Devotional: Erich Bridges, senior writer, International Mission Board
Worship: Sara Beth Geoghegan (with Whit Stiles)
9:30-10:25 a.m. Professional Development Sessions, Global Center side
Saturday morning sessions focus on industry trends, offer a look at the future of our
professions and how to deal with the change that we face.
Trends in Print Publications
Mindy Belz is editor, “World Magazine,” Asheville, N.C. David Adams-Smith is a freelance writer and retired news editor, “Chicago Tribune,” living in Bowling Green, Ky.
Trends in Confluence/Convergence/Synergy: The Future of Journalism
Jeanie Adams-Smith is assistant professor of journalism, Western Kentucky
University, Bowling Green, Ky.
The Future of SBC Communications
Will Hall is vice president for news services, Executive Committee, Southern Baptist
Convention, Nashville, Tenn.
10:35-11:30 a.m. Professional Development Sessions (repeated)
11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Wilmer C. Fields Awards Competition Luncheon,
Global Center auditorium
Sponsored by Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Awards presentations: Ty Wood, BCA awards chairman
Guest MC: Van Payne, Media Group leader, International Mission Board
Annual BCA meeting and election of officers: Joe Westbury
2:30-3:30 p.m. Pulling It All Together
A panel discussion with Mindy Belz, David Adams-Smith, Jeanie Adams-Smith,
Celeste Pennington and Will Hall.
3:30-5:00 p.m. Free-time: Opportunity to speak with award winners/affinity
Telling the Story
5:00 p.m. Load buses for Awards Dinner and tour of Monument Avenue,
front of Global Center
6:00-8:00 p.m. Wilmer C. Fields Awards Competition Grand Prize Dinner
Music: Sara Beth Geoghegan (with Whit Stiles)
Presentation of BCA’s top awards: Ty Wood
Keynote speaker: Jeanie Adams-Smith, Beyond Technology: Making a Difference
Jeanie Adams-Smith, assistant professor in the photojournalism department at
Western Kentucky University, is part of an award-winning program that places
students at newspapers and magazines all over the country and internationally. While
she was photo editor for the “Chicago Tribune,” a project she edited on child murders
in Chicago landed her and the reporting team a Robert F. Kennedy award for
excellence in journalism. She has also won numerous other journalism awards.
Closing remarks: Norman Jameson
Sunday, April 23
7:00-8:30 a.m. Breakfast, dining room
Telling the Story
Presenters & Personalities
David Adams-Smith, freelance writer and retired news editor, “Chicago Tribune,”
Bowling Green, Ky.
Jeanie Adams-Smith, assistant professor of journalism, Western Kentucky University,
Bowling Green, Ky.
Bill Bangham, director of photography, International Mission Board, Richmond, Va.
Dan Beatty, visual coordinator, Richmond “Times-Dispatch,” Richmond, Va.
Mindy Belz, editor, “World Magazine,” Asheville, N.C.
Erich Bridges, senior writer, International Mission Board, Richmond, Va.
K. Brown, videographer, State Baptist Convention of North Carolina, Cary, N.C.
Barbara Denman, director of communications, Florida Baptist Convention,
Jacksonville, Fla.
David Garrison, regional leader, South Asia, International Mission Board, Richmond, Va.
Sara Beth Geoghegan, singer-songwriter, Nashville, Tenn.
Will Hall, vice president for news services, Executive Committee, Southern Baptist
Convention, Nashville, Tenn.
Dean Hoffmeyer, photographer, Richmond “Times-Dispatch,” Richmond, Va.
Norman Jameson, public relations director, Baptist State Convention of North Carolina,
and BCA president-elect, Cary, N.C.
Tom Kennedy, managing editor for multimedia, Interactive, Arlington, Va.
Steven King, photo editor and multimedia journalist,
Interactive, Arlington, Va.
Grant Lovejoy, director, Orality Strategy, International Mission Board, Richmond, Va.
Erik Lokkesmoe, director of communications, National Endowment for the Humanities,
Washington, D.C.
Don Martin, overseas correspondent, International Mission Board.
Julie McGowan, associate director of publishing, International Mission Board,
Richmond, Va.
Van Payne, Media Group leader, Office of Mobilization, International Mission Board,
Richmond, Va.
Celeste Pennington, freelance writer and editor, Atlanta, Ga.
Jerry Rankin, president, International Mission Board, Richmond, Va.
Stephen Rountree, art director, “U.S. News & World Report,” Washington, D.C.
Joshua Trent, deputy associate director of presidential personnel for the White House,
Washington, D.C.
Whit Stiles, musician, Nashville, Tenn.
Joe Westbury, managing editor, “The Christian Index,” and BCA president, Atlanta, Ga.
Telling the Story
Telling the Story
Emergency numbers for MLC:
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (804) 749-3030
5 p.m. to 8 a.m. (804) 337-8808
Cell phones:
Bill Bangham (804) 519-4288
Anita Bowden (804) 339-3061
Mary Jane Welch (804) 366-9755
Program booklet, name tags and signage were designed and printed,
compliments of the International Mission Board.
ission Board
P.O. Box 6767 • Richmond, VA 23230 • • (804) 219-1000