.Jj1-7/ tJ 7 - Grand Lodge of Maine
.Jj1-7/ tJ 7 - Grand Lodge of Maine
Initia ted Passed Raised .Jj1-7/ tJ 7 7( ~/o 7 Suopended} N P.O. D~prived } Affili ated N P.O. } S~spended Reinstated U.M.C. Expelled R estored Died Remarks I I I Nan1e Taylor , Neil Charles Lodge No. 10 Rising Virtue Jnitiat~ Dimiued l'assed Suslj.cnded } N . . D . ""-'g_lj_, L.f Deprived } N. 1'. D. Raised - 11 - 19 66 2- 25 - 1966 4 - 12- 19 66 Affiliat ed t~·'M~'~~ } Rein, tated ExpeUed Restored Died Born 7- 11 - 1941 Remarks Official Record l :J.- Na•e U-.e bitiated J v ~.,-:< & - lo Saopeaded N. P. o. DepriYe• ) 1, v1- -r -1? J Affiliated N.P.D. Saapeade• U.M.C. ! Reia~aty / Es~telle• Paoaed Ji "'}) -.p--<b- n J Q "ff- o - lo Kaioe. I -l_ 7 ~,j - Cf'fr r J Reotored Remarko ~-c. 2. '{ ) Name Lodge No. Taylor, Norman Even 205 _ _ 1 2 21 1 97 2 Initiated 3 - 8 - 19 7 3 4-26-1973 Passed Raised Affiliated Nollesemic Dimitted Suspended } N. P. D. Deprived N. P. D. Reinstated Suspended U . M . C. Expelled Res tored Died Born 4-13-191 5 Remarks ~~-/3-/'179 } } fJffij ;·r; 1• ;f Name Taylor, Norman Parker Lod~cNo. 55 Fraternal Passed :3-20-1946 4-17-1946 Raised 5-15-1946 Initiated Dlmltted Suspended} N . P. O . Deprived} N . P. D. Affiliated S u spended} Reins tated Espelled U.M.C. Restored I~ . Rema~'l-1'?-/ led Jl ~ ~~~~>::?a-. 1 JY Taylor, Norris B. Lo4&e No. laitiatecl Paooecl Raioecl / / 5 4 18 5 / 2 0/l 8 6/22/ l8 Alliliate4 Reiaiotatecl Reotorecl Remarlr.o Age 30 199-Binghe.rr. Vimitte cl Official Rfl aorcl Saueucled! N.P.D. Depri..ecl J r N.P.D. Suopeodeti U.M.G. Rxpell ..d ! Name Taylor, Olen C~ LodaeNo. ======~======1~9~0 Snringv ale lnitia!J:d !? - "~'7 -1 '7 '-{ '1 Passed q - / !' ...., &f '1 '1 Rnlse! J() -I d -/1 'I i Affiliated Dlmitted Suopended} N . P.D. Deprived} N . P. D. Reill8ta ted Suapended} U . M.C. E%pelled Restored Died I 6 -I L/-1 '1"/0 Remnr~/-/} . .- / ~ O J Offlctal Record Name Taylor Cliver P . Lodte No. 14- Solar. Dimitted Ofliciol Record ~~;.·;~eel }a- J-11 ~7 Deprind l I N. P.D. Suopeaded U.M.G. Reiaoloted R:o:pelled Reolored Died Rr;e 36 I Suspended } N. P.D. Deprived N . P.D. f Suspended } t U.M.C. Reins t a ted Expelled Res tored Died /o-n-11~~ N ame Initiated P assed R aised A ffiliated Reinsta ted Restored Remarks / ~7:14-~p ~oj;J 1--/~j/J Official Record Suspended} N.P.D. Deprived } N .P . D . Suspen ded} U.M.C. Expelled ~~ Taylor, Oscar Moores () LodQe No. 30 Blazin Dimitted Officio I Record Suspended~ N . P. D. I Deprived} N . P. D. Suspended} Reinstated RC8tored Rem~ U . M.C. Expelled Star Oscar M. Taylor RUMFOilD - Osca. M ·Sk•d" T3ylor. 83, d 1ed Tuesday. Ma r 26, at rhe Rumford Commuruty Hospi· 131 He had rcs1ded m Frye, and had lived in the area <111 h is life He wa.s born m llumford on Sept. 24. 1912 and was the son o f Frank and Crace fCrossJ Taylor. He was a graduate of S tephens H1gh School, Rumford with lhe class of 1931, and the Univers1ty of Mame at Orono, class of 1935. He served a s a Lieutenant m the t1.S . Navy during World Wa r IJ f1"om Dec. 15. 1942 to Jan. 16, 1946 and reured from tht U.S. Novel RtServe Feb. 1. 1954. For many years he had owned and operated the Taylor Buick·Pon· tiac: Garage in Rw:::ford until reUre- me nt in 1974 when he sold the business to Fruman Hayden He had serv!d on tht bo&rd of directon of the Maine 1\,u ional Bank in Rumford for many years and al1o served as Vice President for 10 of thoseyun. For many years he had bHn very active in the Ma.L"ae Division of Ll'w! American Cancer Society. He had been an active member of the Rum· ford Rotuy Club since 195 1 and set"''.·ed u their P resident in 1959· J960. He was a member of Bla.tinc S tar Lode• 30, AI' & AM. Kora T emple Shrine in lAwiSLon and a membn of the O.~:ford County Shrine Club. Ht had formerly served for many years on the Rum· ford Pubtie S.rvict Commission and also on the MuiC'O Waste Treat· ment Board. He was married in Salisbury. Mass.. on AuJUst 15, 1940 to the former G. June Freeman who survives off Frye) Rosbury; one da ughter. Mrs. David (Mory Elltn) Scrib· ner of So. Portl1nd: one erand· dauehter, Mrs Stephen (Lin) Sturtevant a nd one ereat·grand· daughter, Chelsea Sturuvant both ofF•ctoryville, Pa. Name Suspended Arflllated N.P.D. Deprived } N . P . D. Suspended U.M. C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Name Lodl[e No. Suspended} N . P . D. Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} Reinstated Res t o red Remark a U.M.C. Expelled o/ Official Record Suspended} N.P.D. Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Owen M. Taylor, 91, died Ocl 7, 2000. He was born in Rangeley and attended schools in Auburn, graduating from Edward Little High School in 1927. After high scboo1, Mr. Taylor began a lifelong career in the construction business with Amos D. Bridge and Sons of Hazanlsville, Conn., which later became Bridge Con· struction ol Augusta He began as a laborer, l1lOYed to timekeeper and be- came general superintendent In 1952 Mr. Taylor Conned his own construction company, Owen M. Taylor and Sons, and worked more than 50 )'e8l'S building bridges, highways, sewers and airports. He lived in Hallowell and W'mthrop before moving to Portland in 1972. Mr. Taylor was a 5&-year member or Kennebec Lodge or Masons, a 49-year member or the Order of Eastern Star of Hallowell, and a past grand patron of the Grand Chapter ol Maine, OES. He was a member of the Associated General Contractors of Maine, serving as president in 1970, and a member oltbeAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, the Woodfords Club, and W'lllowdale Golf Club. An outdoorsman, his pastimes included hunting, fishing and going to the Allagash region. . Swviving are a son, G. Donald of Belgrade; a daughter, Sheny Barker of Tampa, F1a.; five sisters, Arlene Johnson of Auburn, Phyllis Smith of Bethel, Doris Langelia and Helen Chicoine, both of Lewiston, and Joyce King of Prince Frederick, Mel; a brother, Edward of Greene; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. VISiting hours will be from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today at Jones, Rich and Hutchins Funeral Home, 199 Woodford St, Portland, where a funeral service will be held at 11 am. Wednesday. The Rev. Philip Shearman will officiate. I nitiated Official Record- /.;2-/_;j I f f Passed Suspended} Rais ed N . P.D. Deprived} Affiliated N . P.D. Suspended } Reins.t ated U.M.C. Expelled J - /Y - 11~1 Restored Remarks Died )'//1-/ ~ J 1 Inl~d Suspended} N. P. D. Deprived} N.P.D. Reinstated Suspended} U.M.C. Expelled Restored Died RemW , f -~-Jr/6~ &~ !~ /Y/ 7'£'-rro r J I :::N. ~ ::: w Initiated Dlmltted Passed Relnstated Suspended} N.P.D. Deprived } N.P. D. Suspended } U.M. C. EXJ>elled Restored Died Raised MflUuted / - /1 - 1'-- Rcmnr ks Offlclul Record 1-lr-tq / Name t Official Record af3/d & Passed ;/tJ/ ot 1/ Raised I '/6-jtJ~ J'f/3 5' D lfl'f Suspended} N.P.D. Deprived} Affiliated N.P.D. Suspended} Reinstated U . M.C. Expelled Rest ored Died Remarks .,T_l) 7-/ f-1 9 i f. .....-. ~ w. J11l' lnl:t~l7-lq rf p~ Dlml?i-b-/ ~ 'f 'f Suspended } ~ -1 - lC( vg ~~!ri~ } 1o ~ -ut Affiliated N, P . D. R einstated Suspended } U.M.C. E:rpeUed Restored Died J HI"frl}Rqeco-t4 <l -J nltlat OfflclafRecor ,~::J.IJ--1111 Reinstated Suspended } N. P.O. Deprived } N . P.D. Sus pended } U .M.C. Expelled Restored Died j - ~ /fJQUJ Raised I 3AffiUated -;w - 19C2-c J/-rY-/'1J 7 - ~/9';,-J- !U;, Taylcw- FUneral Wednesday services !or Capt. Prescott I IH.Funeral 'l'aylor, 68, retired master mariner and a resident of Falmouth a.lmo5t all his li!e, who died Monday morning in hi.!! home on the State Road, Fal· mouth Foreside. wil be held &t ,-2. p. m., Wednesday .J.a. the Foresidtl MethodUit Episcopal Church. O&ptain Taylor was born March 13. 1871, at Winchester, Ma5s., son of Mr. &nd Mrs. Alexis C. Taylor and ' ' came to Falmouth with his parents at the age of six years. As a boy he became a sailor on the Island steamers and afterwards became capta.ln of the ll~th steamer Allee, running between Portland and Prince's Point, Yarmout h. When the line was discontinued he was employed on the Boston and New York ste~mus running out of Portland and later by the Metropolitan Steamship .Comp"'lY. Duri'1.g th" war •. , had c-;mme.rd or t he ~teamship H·tron 8nd was in the se~bmarine zone for six rn Jn ths. Subsequentlv Captain Taylor was on the steamer Bylayl and In the coastwise trade. In 1921 he became raptaln of thE' City of Rockland of the Kennebec Navigation Compe.ny, running between Gardiner and Boston and before his retirement he was In the servtce of the American-West African LlnP. He waa a memb~r of Casco Lodge of Ma~on.~ nnd Winnec:ance Chapter, 0, E. s., at Yarmouth and Presumpscpt Lodge. I 0 . 0 . F .. and Tolman Tribe of Red Men at Falmouth. Suni\'ing e.re his widow, Mrs. Edna B. Taylor; a daughter, Mrs. Edith M. Burke of Falmouth: a son. C. B:·enton Ta~·lor of tl~bon Falls: a j sister, Ml11s Marjorie M. Tas lor of Falmouth Forcsid~; and a grandson. John Valentlne Burke of the F'oreslde. . I I Name Taylor, Ralph .t:!:dward Afflllated Relnatated Reatorcd Born/ <I - Remark• H -I r .y Ralph E. Taylor WAYNE- Ralph E . Taylor, 64, died Oct. 2, 1990 at his residence following a Ion~ illness . . He was born m Lewiston Oct. 26,, 1925, the son of Rutherford B. and Mary (Mason) Taylor. A 1943 graduate of Winthrop High School, Mr. Taylor was a World War II Army veteran, a registered guide and a former game warden. He had .also been emp~oyed for many year~ by Bob Barrows Chevrolet, Winthrop. for the past few years I he owned ~nd operated R. V. Taylor and Son, a woods tool company. . Mr. Taylor was past president of the 30 Mile River Snowmobile Club and the AF&AM lodge of Wayne. He is survived by his wife, Barbara (Savage) Taylor of Wayne; one son, Robert ·Taylor of Wayne; three daughters; Susan Hylton· and Betsi Taylor, both of Augusta, and Patricia Hall of Wayne; one sister, Florentine Roberts of East Waterboro; and eight grandchildren. Services and burial, in the Flags-· ·taff Cemetery, Eustis, will be held at the convenience of the family. Memorial donations may be made to the Pine Tree Society for the Handicapped, 84 Front St., P.O. Box 518, Bath 04530. Arrangements are by Roberts Fun~ral Home, 26 Bowdoin St., . Winthr-9p. '---- Tnltlated Dimltted Paf!oo- tf -o & :;--r - o {, Suspended ~ N.P.D. f Rallied~ _ 0 Afrlllnted -O' Deprived ~ N. P. D. f Suspended U . M.C. Reinstated Restored Remar ks a 3AJ Lod~e No. F.Jrpelled Offlclafltecord l f Taylor , Raymond Harry Name LodgeNo. Initiated Dlmitted 9-7-1948 10-5-1948 Raised ll-16-194Q\. Passed Affllla ted Reinstated 180 Hiram ' ~· Suspended} N. P. D . Deprived} N . P.D. Suspended} U.M. C. Expelled 1.2 Offlclnl Re cord \ \.) J~ SOUTH PORTLAND • Raymond H. 'Pete' Taylor, a lifelong resident or South Portland, died Ncw. V on Prebfe Street. ~ ~ 2, 2003 at his home In the Betsy Ross House \J ~~lu!:~~~~;~a~~n~;e~~~~~ndTa~:~ .fa~nk died In the Flu Epidemic of 1918. He was a member or the South Portland Planning Board for several years dunng the development of the Maine Mall and treasurer or Engine and Ladder C0.#3 for 22 years. He has wrttten several articles and volumes on SOuth Portland History Including 'GrowlnQ Up tn Pleasantdale', 'Memories of an Okf Man' v~umes 1-8, 'The Tayk>rs of Maine' and several others. He and his sister, Allee were raised by their aunt 'Betty' on Taylor Lane (now Elizabeth Taylor Lane) at the corner of Broadway and Evans Street. He left high school in hts juntor years to go to worlt but he always regretted not getting his high school diploma. I n 1993, at the urvu-.g o f his daughter- In-law, Maureen Taylor, he took the GED test and was awarded his high school diploma as well as well as special recognltloo as the oldest recipient at the age of 83 by the Commissioner of Education of which he was very f)roud. He also was a graduate of the Wilton School of cake Decorati O!JIO Cl11cago In 1948. On June 27, 1936 he married Dorothea E. Brown. During World Warn he was In the US Coast Guard Reserve assigned to patroUing the docks on the Portland waterfront. Mr. Taylor retired from the Cushman Baking Company In 1969 where he was the head cake decorator for 32 years. For a hobby, he was an accomplished arilst and craftsman of mln&ature antique furnirure. He was a lifelong member of the Elm Street United Methodist Church and a 55 year member of the Masons, Hiram Lodge Number 180 AFa. AM In South Portland and a 3'2 degree To.y 1 or , Reg ina.1d J u.. .: .r:,!. ·e_n_e ' _________ 163- P1easo.nt Hiver . Lod•e No. Initiate d l'essed 4/28/19 4/30/19 Suspended } Reins tnt,d N. P. U. Deprived } N. P.D. Suspende d } U.M.C. Ksuelled Hes tor,.cJ Died R •ised 5/1~/19 Affiliated ICemnrks Age 21 Olli<~ia l Uimitted / -11 -/'f 'fl Ue cord Name Taylor, Richar d Ald en LodQeNo. 29 Tranquil Dlmitted Official Record Suspended} N.P. D. I Deprived} N. P.D. Reinstated Suspended} U.M. C. Expelled Restored Died \'( I~\ Rcm~Lj--/J-/ 9/ 7 I01 Name Ta.y1ct~ , LodaeNo. 33 Watervil l e (nltlti -} 'f i 9 r v P~e~,-j 5" 1 1 S'V i -/' ' ~ / f S".J Ra Afflllated Ri ehard Drummond. Jc:h Orflclal Record Dlmltted Suspended} N. P. D. Deprived} N . P. D. Reinstated Suspended} U.M.C. .Espelled Restored Died I 0 - I - 19 I 0 NUme Loda-e No. 3 In itiated Dimitted P assed Suspended} Raised N . P .D. Deprived} Affiliated N.P.D. Suspended} o2 :li""-oJ/. Reins tated Rest ored Remark a U.M.C. Expelled Official Record Name Taylor , Robert All e n Lodge No. Initialed 2-18-1976 Passed4- 2 1 -197 6 101 Nezinscot Dimitled SusJ>eoded } N. P. D. Raised Deprived N. P. D. Affiliated Reinstated Suspended U. M. C. EspeUed Restored Died 6- 1 5-1976 Born 8-J0-1947 Remarks Ofticial Reeord P -b-l'/i-3 } } Initiated Pas~;;/ J,-.-f q~ R~c;/ ~ -1q ao .:3 - .2...C. - 1 ~.S D Affiliated Suspended} N. P . D . Deprived} N .P.D . Su11pended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled R estored Died R emarks ~3-d J~ -/7 - j 13 'f ~me Taylor, Robert tee Lodge No. Initia ted JJ- b- 19.50 '' - 27-19.50 Rataed 5- 18- 1950 Affiliated Pass~ Suspended} N.P.D. Deprived} N.P. D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reinst a t ed Expelled CANTON - Robert L. Taylor, 64, died early Friday morning In Canton. Bom In Hardwick, Vt. on June 6; 1916, he was the son of Harry W. and Florence Pearson Taylor. He was educated in Hardwick schools. He later married Eva York on July 7, 1935. He lived In Canton since 1930. He was a veteran of World War II, having served In the U.S. Marine Corps. He was later employed for more than 25 years at the former Oxford Paper Co. and worked In the finishing department until his retirement in 1972. Mr. Taylor was active in town affairs anti served as selettman for -i4 years. He was a member of tbe Whitney Lodge AF and AM of canton and 1be Oxford Paper Co. 25YearClub. He Is survived by his widow. Eva of Canton; two daughters, Mrs. Ernest <Roberta) Obion of Canton and Mrs. Donald (Jeannette > Bowie of Poland; a foster daughter, Marie Martin of Canton: two sons, Robert of Madison and S H C Harry of the U.S. Navy, stationed in Iceland; a sister, Mrs. Floyd <Madeline> Wheeler of Northfield, Vt. ; a brother, Raymond of East Montpelier, Vt. ; 12 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Name Initiated 3- Passel Ta;y:1or 2 R o b e r t Lodge No. 27 Adoniram Dimiued 9 - 1965 Sus'}.ended } N • • D. -1 3- 1 96$ N . P. D. Affiliated Sus'Mnded } Reinstated Expelled Remarks / !' Official Record u. . c. £4 -~ --199~ -~'dll 'P . /)2. Born 10-23-1939 z tJ Deprived } Raise!; - 11-19 65 Restored r..3 oP Lee I ;£_Q_~ IJCJ ~ //.j .<f)~ dt:_~::l..3-d,Vf. Robert L Taylor wrote master's ~esis on Umington history AUBURN - Robert L. Taylor, 56, died unexpectedly Tuesday at his home in Danville. He was born in Limington. son of Donald and Marion Mitchell Taylor, attended Limington schools and graduated from Gorham State Teachers College in 1962. He received a 'master's degree in education and published his thesis "A History of Limington, Maine" in 1975. On March 30, 1979, he manied Rosemary Davenport in Limington. Mr. Taylor taught sixth grade at Lou Baker School in Augusta, fifth grade at Central School in South Berwick, in Rockport, Mass., and Memorial School in New Gloucester. Mr. Taylor was an active member of the Maine Historical Society, executive director of the Androscoggin Historical Society and the Maine Genealogical Society, a member of the Odd Fellows and Adoniram Masonic Lodge, Limington. He was president of Ancient Landmarks Society of Parsonsfield. Mr. Taylor also enjoyed collecting postcards of historical significance and stamps. He compiled and published numerous genealogy books of families in Cornish. Sebago, Limerick and other towns and was currently writing the families of Raymond. He traveled extensively in the West, Southwest and Pacific Northwest, and did research on genealogy at Salt Lake City. Surviving, besides his wife, are a stepdaughter, Christine Goulding Manteghi of College Park, Pa; a stepson Walter Goulding Jr. of Mechanic Falls; a sister, June Langlois of Limington; a brother, Glenn of • Limerick; and two nephews, Christopher and David Langlois, both or Limington. A funeral will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at Plummer & Merrill Funeral Home, Auburn. Lodge lnltf.,n)ed/ r - -l i J i Passed _3- 'Y?-1~31 Raised 5'-1 1-j 9$ Affiliated 1 Reinstated ·Restored 1 Re73;uu <J- / / - Suspended} N. P. D. Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} U.M.C. Expelled Died /1/ 7 .i/-1- I f.S/ Name Taylor , Robe r t Marshal l Lodge No. Initia ted .5 -18- 196.5 l'asscd 9 -ll~ - 196.5 Raised 10 - 19 - 196.5 57 Kin Dimitted Suspended } N. 1'. D. Deprived N. P. D. Suspended U . M . C. Reinstated Expelled Born Remarks 6- 8- 1940 O!Jici~} Record ~/?7/ Affiliated Restored Hiram } 9J:- I 97;_, ~ 1973 } 0~770 InitiateS-/{, -r 1 tf o ~ Raised (p _r 0 -j'J L{ 0 Affiliated _ {p ~j ? <f () Passed Suspended} N.P.D. Deprived} N. P.D. Suspended} U . M . C. Reins tated Restored Expelled Died o-:??·1'17~/ 1~~ N ume rn!t! a te Passed o/9/t17 Rai sed A ed Official Record_ _ _ _ - ,_~7 o/;.J/CJ7 Suspended} N. P.D . Depriv ed} N.P. D. S uspe!'ded} Reins t a ted U.M. C. Expelled Restored Died Remarks J"-/ ( -j 93 8-N- 191, I ~ WINDHAM - Rolind Carl 'aylor, 82, of Maple st., Gor,ham, died Saturday 1n a local !nursing home followlnl ~ long . . illness. , Born April 25, 11'l9 at Copeland Plantation. be. wai t he aon of John ancl Sylvania Randall "l'aylor. Mr. Taylor came to Gorham ~rom Stratton. A retired woodcutter, he had resided in Gorham for the past 25 years. He was a member _of Mt. Bigelow Lodge, AP and AM. His wife the former Carrie Hall, died several years ago. Mr. Taylor is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Stella A. Bailey, Gorham ; I brother, Rufus Taylor, Wayne; three grandchildren; and several cousins. The funeral will be at 3 pm. tomorrow from a South Windham funeral chapel. Interment will be in Hillside Cemetery, Gorham. 1 ~ cl.i ....::: • &.~ c. .c - c-~ ~ ~c: :c~ aE!l: ~3 ~e . <~ e~s ~ .s~ .o ~ ... .,co "0 . . A ... M _x...:O -~ , .. =~ ~ ;;:- ,..u ., a=~j f, :il! IStJ I E;; . i: ~ P:,. o~~t:~~ ~0~ §~;; ~P:OI'.Qii; Name Lodge No. Taylor, ' Ronald Alfred lnhiated9 - 27 - 1966 I'asse\0 - 25- 1966 R"4_1 - 22-1966 Affiliated Reinstated Restored Born 11-23- 1932 Remar ks 18a Hiram Dimittcd Official Suspended } N. P. D. Deprived N. P. D. t~~~d~~ Expelled Died .3 · /f-/lffd } } Record N- Taylor, Ronald w. Lode<: No. 1/ 25 Temple Initiated Dimitted Ollicial J.econl -1 -·-- -----·- 221=..19.9..4 --- - Suo~nckd . Passed 4-4-. _ _ _ !~- ~- r !_!.W~l6~ Deprived N p D Raised t-s~~ncl~d 5Affi.?,.;;} 9 9 4 -- - ---- Reinstated Restored Bon~ 2-25-1963_ Remark• . - -- __________ l - -- _ u_ . _. ~ £spelled ·---- - - -- - - - - - - --- - ---1---- - --- -· -·---- ·- · Lo. Initiated .::>-- II - I <j I Passed 0 .})-_ ) <6 - J"f I ~ Raised 7 ~.._ ~ 1./ - J I 6 MfiUated Reinstated Restored Rema rks Official Record Suspended l N.P.D. ( Deprived } N. P. O. Suspended} U.M. C. Expelled ., Name Tay l or , Rue l Edwa r d Lodge No. 115 Buxton Official Record Initiated Dimitted Passed Suspended } N. P. D. Deprived Raised Affiliated N. P. D. 6 - 4 - 19 7 9 Reinstated Suspended U . M . C. } } Expelled Restored 8 -1 5-1 914 Remarks Ra i s e d 11 - 14 - 19 44 • Born Jr . WEST BUXTON- Ruei'E. Taylor, 74, e rwlliiif, ·1 mechanical •nl!neer, died IUdcluly Monday at~ Portland ~til. He wu bOrn iD Roxbu~t 11011 of Ruel E.llld Ne Sbew Taylor. He plldua~ea flom PennelliDititute GraY and WinthroP IDitltute, BoatoD. He JDOVed here ~an Windham. Before be bad Uved iD bam for 11 yean. Mr. Taylor wu a prolealklall meclwdcalMIIIDeeli lnd bad 1D oftlee Ia Oorbam. He was al80 e IOrmel llud of the procea enldDHrlllg ~e~earch department lJf tbe S.D. Warren CO., Weatbrook, llld lud altO rYOrked at Southworth Machine Co. ~ He was a member of the Tory Hill Consreptionll hureh. the Bu&toa MIIODI, the 0ES IDd tbe Kore filA: •from emple Shrine. Mr. Taylor wu 1110 1 member .ot tbe ~ I\AOCIItion of Eqlneerlancf tbe Oeoqie EJI&ID•~ $oeiety. . r Survlvlnl are hil wife, VlfiiDie ea.. ~ West Buxton; three IODI, Craig of Limerfck, Alan of Boston and Eric of Eve~. Colo.; three daqhten, \f'.emell Stricker of River Vale, N.J., RueUne Gei- Nome L odie No. Initiated j ").. -0-/9ilv Passed ,1 - fJ.. ] Raised J9o J Affilia~-JJ - J 9D I Suspended} N.P.D. Depriv ed } N .P.D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reins t ated Expelled Name Lod~ee N o. Initiah: D lmltted ~- J.f -J ro-6 - P as•ed Suspended} ~-- 6- .b-_ ~7- J'fo 6 JQo f ,f,- AffiliateJ N.P.D . Deprived } N .P. D. S uspended} Reinsta ted U . M. C . Expelled Res tored D ied R alsed /-/.7- /97{, Remark a :t1"?¥i3 ! I qI 1-- I 11/~ '7"'1'.. O'j. Name Tay lor , nusse l l E LodgeNo. Init~e~ _ 'f <j 11 Passef?~j /- /1 i Cj' Rats' - f'"Y -'/ 'f l f Affiliated Reinstated 113 Me s salon skee Dlmltted Official Record Sus pended1 N . P. D. , Deprived} N . P.D. Suspended} U. M.C. Expelled I I I Lod&"e No. Inniated Passed sfs/o 1 J/;(} fo rJ Raised Affiliated 0f Reinstated. Restored Remark& '/ ' ~~ I/ ).. ,_ {) l/- ""Dfmitted Official Record Suspended} N.P.D. Deprived } N.P.D. Suspendec.l} U.M.C. Expelled Died 1 -d.o-;q!SZf rA-O~~~~ ~ . Lodae No. =r.ittlalcd RaJ-It - {4) __1-..:l...f - J.A Affilia ted Sus pended N . P . D. D e prived } N . P . O. Sus pended U.M. C . Reinsta te d F.:xpellcd R estored Di ed Remarks JI:.J f~ :;i~ <tl~R~ec ~o!!:.r=:.d~""-"'--.._"""'EBBB""--;===-----;;;: imltted Cl - 3 - l f Passi -J/j O.JAJ ~ l f/ y -] .--; l f 7s Name Lod!leNo. Initiated Dlmltted Passed Su•pended N . 1-'. D . Affiliated Deprived l N.P.D. 5 Suspended Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Rnlsed U.M.C. Remarks • TriTtlate P assed Raised Affiliated Name Lodge No. 7rvrAOfficial Record ?' ~j~ YYJ' o tf ?I;a/ r ) '-f .;r:g 1'/IO Suopended} N.P. D . ')' Deprived } N .P.D. Suspended} Rei nstated U . M .C. Expelled Restored Died R emarks ..-f>'-f<f'-1( s.s )111 Passed Suspended } N . P.D. Deprived } N . P . O. Sus pended} Raised Afftuated U . M . C. Reinstated f.tr ') ;r . . , Restored Remarks /1'71 ExpeUed Died f'j. 0 j:U.. '/~~ 'fl f"' Name LodaeNo. Initiated Dl.mltted Passed Suspended N. P .O. Deprived t N.P.D. l Suspended U . M . C. ?-R -IR 5'(, 5 -tf -!J>~C:, :r.j,-lfJ1 ;> Relnstutcd ~xpclled Restored Died Remarks Official Record t l t f ~ 14;</ 1,/"t; 'j I Nam e JJ ~;; rU -Itn InltintcJ } -- // R~c~~ -/frl Suspended } N P . D. D~prlved } N P.D. Afflllntcd S~spended } R e ins t ated U.M.C. &spelled Restored Died R emarks Name 0:~~ .__--..~;:._Lod_~_eNo. 7~ ~==~-=------Initiated Dlmltted Passed Reinstated S uspended N. P.D. Deprived } N. P.D. Suspended U.M.C. Exp elled Restored Died Rolsed Affllloted 7 Remarks /I J. ~ Official Record N ume L od~~:e Thitl a t ed P aued R aised No. !J( I / / 8'" 1 g-/.).....!,7trl 9/r-;g; ':fo~~ Dimitted Suspen d ed} N. P . D. D eprived } A ffilia ted N. P.D. Suspended} R e ins t at ed U. M. C. E xpelled Rutored J ~~c;b7fiJ"-r IIi -1-1-f . ~ . Died ~~~ r,_., I~~ ~ Ju~~ _I 1... Remark a ~ ~- t.] ...;-/f it Nnn1e Lod~e Relnatated Restored No. Name Offlcini Record Reinstated Suspended } N. P.O. Deprived } N. P . O. Suspended } U.M.C. Ezpelled Restored Died Remarks Nom e . Officia l R ecord Suspended} N . P.D. Deprived } N. P.D. R ein stated Suspended U.M.C. Expelled R est ored Died l f Re m arl<s Born in Starks, Me., 10-4-178 Resided in Hal l owell 1819 to 1826, Belrast & Augusta 182? to 1834. Was the son of John & A ah Gott Taylor Mar rieq Hulda Shaw 12-1-1814. War of 1812 Initiated Passed 1'-'17/ ,J /3t/11 Raised t;1-f/7f llimiued Suf'ilUmded N. P. 0. Jlf'ori•ed N. P. J) . Aflila te d Suspended Bein1dated Expelled IIMtore d J)ied IJ. M. C. R emarks Onioi11l Renord l Initiated 3-J..-;}__ -11'f Passed _ tL -J - / q 4tf 4-7 1 J .. Offic-Ial Record Suspended} N.P.D. l!t-:r.'fd'? 19 </- 'N Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} Reinstated E:rpelled Restored ~7 //;> -/?96"" R;iled /} / .-- U.M.C. IR/"[);uu /( - /0 - J I Y7J.e_ . }0 I , ~&f-Dimitted Suspended N . 1'. 1), Official ll•cord r-• -;oal -. )..2 /0 DeDrived } N . P. 0. Suspended } Rf*linsht.ted U. M.C. Expoll•d llestored Died Remarks I Tn!tiateo IN/1'0 Passed h / ;, j Rais ed ReinstT~ ~I Remarks / 0 y~o ~ Affiliated R est ored .Vimitted Official Record .$ 1 9 Lf f Suspended} N.P.D. Deprived } ")'/ / /-/ ?3 ? N . P.D. Suspe nded } U.M. C. E xpelled Died cl:-)/_ \._ //-//-/9'7;;?. ... ~ //l.e.. _, Name Ta y lor , Stan l ey R~ LodaeNo. 130 Tr i nity I n l ti""" r --l f -t9 'i Pasa'd Suspended} N.P. D . RA/o- ~' 3 --11 'I Afflllated Deprived} N.P. D . Suspended} Reinstated Expelled Restored Died t 0 - r -11i U.M. C . ~ ..ki . ! -& -I Rem~~ '7.- "/" '1 -1 9 0 t"c. 'I Taylor , Stanwood Brown Name Lod!le No. lniti~cd , ~ ~ v - r.J ""I -, s o Passed /0-J.S-If.Sf Raised I 1- I 9-/ 9·.c:-9 Affiliated -/ 48 Lafayette Dimltted Suspended} /~- 1-/?'lq IJ.-3-/tf?/ N.P. D. Deprived} N.P.D. S uspended} U.M.C. Reins ta toyi ..:._, L Expelled Y -.:?1 -lr?rr :::011 I Died "!~ ~ --1 ~ ---1 rY 7 ~aylor , Name 215 Orchard 1LJ ~ OCD.Q n LodaeNo. Dlmltted Initiated Puae5"-/1 -1 9S / ..~ -/ I .,; ~ S I Rala~ rS -; 9S I Affiliated 3 ·\ 1· s~JIS N l..-Relnatated (p - Stephen MarshQ11 ~ - \ D - \q c; sus pended} N.P. D. Deprived} N . P.D. Suspended} U . M.C. Ezpelled 1 Official Record •;~- Name Taylor , Stewart ~ l enwo od Lodl!,e No. Initiated 2 - 27- 1940 l'nssed 3-lr -!1iD ltalsed r -I 0 -1 Cf If 0 AffUfated I Dlmltted Suspen ded} N.P.D. Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Restored Remarks Expelled Died l-17-lf".?5./ Born 11- 4 - 1918 Official Record Nume Lod~te Initiated Passed Raised No. 7/tfj;.;- 3/'fjtJ3/i-Jjt.J- D imitted Suspended} N .P.D. Deprived} Affilia ted N.P. D. Su spended } R einst a ted Expelled Restored Died Remarks U.M.C. r::3-!l-19c;,o Official Record Name T>~~ LOR, STUARID CHARLES, SR. Loclp No. 40 Lyaonia hutiated Passed Dimitted : ~-~ ~-~-~::§ -~~~~~d·l·y.;J::~£r}): -·--· --- Ra~d- "i-2 3 -1 - -- - -- . ···-- --- --- ···-· .. nn e: . ~p:rt-r ------1---·--------r--- - · _ ..:::z..;:u) ~~-- ----- _ ~~~~de~ Reinstated Oflicial Record Ezpelled l --- --- - - .____________ _ -- -------- Died- -- - - - ----- - - -- - ---Restored ---- ·- -- - - - - - ---- - -----Bona 12-29-193 - - -------- - - - - - ------ - - -------· - - --ReDW"Iu -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - --·- Name Taylor, Stuart H Lodae No. ===--3_5~ Bethlehem lnitlr:d "'I - r"'i ' I Passed -r-1'7 - !1 "/' R ai:1-'Y? -f 'f '-/ ~ Affiliated Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} U.M.C. Expelled R einstated Restored Remar.J./.? Dlmltted Suspended} N.P.D. Died . ; / -( /f?$", T..h-nJJ'-J -1? 1 y ~~ -)'.AL.., # Name Taylor, Sumner A1rred, Jr. Lodge No. 1 (8 Ancient Brothers lnitiate11-14-1966 Dimitted 11-28-1996 Rai•cd 12-12-1966 ~~·~~n~~d } Deprived } N. P. D . Affiliated Suspe nded l"~assed Reinstated U. M . C. 'Ex(>ellcd } Sumner A. " Som1y" Taylor Jr., 62, a well-known area Chevrolet automobile salesman of Lewiston, died suddenly Friday June 16, at Central Maine Medical Center after a long illness. Born in Lewiston September 22, 1937, the son of Sumner A. Sr. and Margeret (Gibson) Taylor, he was educated in Lewiston schools and became aU. S. Marine from 1956 Wllil 1962. He married the former Marlene Yates on Jtme 24, 1961. He was employed for both Marcotte Chevrolet Dealership and Louis Chevrolet for over 32 years. He enjoyed his family and time at home especially with his dog Buffy. He was an avid auto enthusiast and award- winning Legion of Leaders Chevrolet Recipients. He was a member of the V.F.W . Frank W. Hulett Post of Auburn, the Ancient Brothers #178, Royal Arch Masons and The Kora Temple of Lewiston. He is survived by his wife of Lewiston; two daughters Mrs. Timothy (Pamela) Coombs of Scarborough and Carole Taylor of Old Orchard; one sister Mrs.Daniel (Betty) Melvin of Lewiston; four grandchildren Mikaela, Caitlin, Timotlly and Allison Coombs. Remarks I .... Lodge No. initiated Passed Raised Affiliated /Yt-17-l h-jt.rj?.,c 101/7'{ J>imitted Suspended 1 N.P.O. I Depri• ed } N. P.D. J Suapended U. &1. G. Reiniatated ll:xpelled Restored Died Remarks Official Record l "J/1.)I j t') I Name . Lodte No. (njfialed I Paued :;::-Wd!:u c.. #7-VL Oimilled Official Record Su s ponded } N.P. D. D ..prind 1 J Affiliated Restored ··~ctff N. P. D. Suspended ll. M.G. H&peUed Died a -1 ! Ralaed Affiliated Deprived} fl 1 Rclnst'nt<../;;2SJ Restored R emarks 1'f N. P.D. Ji'}sp~ded "'lf.iM. c. l I Expelled Died J-/Cj- {)-0 Restored Remarks Died Name Lod~re Passed Raised No. Dimitted Y/ .rj;'-1 3/.J!rc.+.3/ .fJ!tf- Suspended } N . P. D . D eprived } N P. D. S~spen ded } Affiliated U . M . C. Reinstated Expelled R~stored Died 0 Remarks -~-1'1 7 7, lnJtlated DlmJtted ~~-JZ!l - IJ~~1/- /d- Jt:l:l. lr Raised I J/- ~if-1j~6- Afflllated Suspended N. P. D. Deprived l N.P.D. J/-1'1 -!1 'I v Restored Reeif'Jt l L !/'- '{- / ~ 3 f Suspended} U.M.C. ·R einstated Official Record ExpeUed f Numc Lod$1eNo. Initiated Dlmitted 6/6/23 ~~;.e~~ed 6 / 22; 23 Afflllated w. ;preble 143 s/23; 23 Passed Raised Taylor, Vernon Official Record }..2-j-/q ~ Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended U.M.C. Reinstated 7-5- IY73 Restored Rcmurk ~:o~ Expelled Died /-.:? 3 -1'135'I Age 21 J ~- # Name ------~T~a~y~1~o~r~1 -JV~jwc~t~ o~r~H~ym~~a~n~----~LSJ-L/.~~~0=--~~---- 7 _ ~~~ ======~2~1~8~,~B~r~o~ th~ er~h ~o~o~d================~/~~ Initiat e.• Passed Raised Official Record Dlmltted 2- 24- 19 3 - 10- 195 4- l~ -l 9 5 Affiliated Reinstated Suspended} N .P. D. Deprived} N.P.D. Suepended} U.M_C. Expelled /d, - lt.f -1 19S Name Initiated Suspended t N.P.D. f Deprived l N.P.D. I Suspended } Reinstated Restored U.M. C. Expelled OEER ISLE - Waldo Pressey Taylor, '87,.. died Feb. 27, 1986, at o Deer Isle nursing home. He was born in Hodgdon·, Oct. 9, 1898, the son of C. Edgar and Charlotte Taylor. He was o graduate of Deer Isle High School. Prior to his retirement, he was a yachtsman, being a steward by trade. He also hod been a cook at the Moine Maritime Academy, Castine. He was o member of the First Congregational Church of Deer Isle, having served as a deacon for many years. He was post master of Deer Isle Grange. post master of Morine Blue lodge No. 122, former high priest in Pine Tree Chapter, a post patron and life member of Horborview Chapter; No. 136, OES. and a former member of the senior citi- zens groups in Deer Isle and lflls.,orth. Surviving besides his wife of 59 years, Sadie (Stinson) Toylor of Deer Isle, ore a son, Gilbert C. Taylor of Putney, Vt.; o daughter, Mrs. Roymond (Lurline) Webb of Prospect; si x grondchildren , three great-grandchildren, several nephews. Funeral services will be held I p.m. Sunday at the First . Congregational Church, Deer Isle, with the Rev . F. Owen Speaker officiating. Interment will be in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle. There will be no visiting hours . In lieu of flowers, friends who wish may make memorial donalions to the Island Nursing Home, Deer Isle. or the First Congregational Church , Deer Isle. Ar rongements by the Healey Funeral Home, Blue Hil l. Name Taylor , Wallace Lodge No. 1 1 6 Leban on Tnltiated Dlmitted 4 - 14- 1939 Passed Suspen ded} 5 --5 - 1939 Raised 6 --2 -1939 Deprived } Mflliated N.P. D. CJ!!r~cfn! pccord 0;/!PVI 9 '11- /; ,; b () »vu N.P.D. Reinstated Suspended} U.M. C. Expelled Restored Died Remarks 1 !._ #/ ~ tJ/)., ?--y~- 1 r.r~r~ 1 ~ Born 6 - 27-1888 N ame L od!le No. Jni tiate /0- 13- JCio.jPasacd / '1- ..3 - J Oo ¢lia iaed I 1- .!>-_ I /Q o .oA m tiated J:>imltt e d Suspended} N .P.D . Depriv ed } N .P.D . S uspe n ded } R einst ated U . M. C. Exp elle d Rest ored D ied Rem arks I 'Y - ').- 'i -/ '7 ~ j Officia l R ec ord Nume ~~ !nitrated D !mitted Passed Suspended} Raised N.P.D. Deprived} Affiliated N.P.D. Suspended } Reinstated U.M.C. Expelled Restored Remarks Official Record ::J'.S, If I ' ~11 1( Name Lodg;e No. Jnffiat ed Pasaed Raised ' 1/Jj, ?, ,_/ 7/ ,'f .Jf-0¥- Dlmltted Suspended} N . P . D. Deprived} Affilia ted N . P . D. Suspended} Reinst a t ed U.M. C. Expelled Restored Died Remark a Official Rec:ord D imitt ed Suspended} N.P.D. D eprived } N .P . D . S uspended} R e i nst o ted R est ored Rema rk I U .M. C . Expelled O ffici a l Rc eord ] : ; .. lnitinted Passed Raised Affilia ted ICeinstated Restored ~~<9/?J J-jI £f/ ?J 6~ / 17J llimitted Offi~ial :.L~ Su• peuded } N. P. II. J).,prived } N. P.D. Sus pended } u. :&1. c. Rxpelled Reoord Name Lodge No. Taylor, Wayne Allen )/ 110 Monmouth Initialed 8- ~-19_§_3 Dimiued - Suspended } Passed 10-10-1923 Deprived Reimtated Ezpelled Restored Died 9-9-1954 Remarks /,f}, - / J - I'f'fJ N. P.D. Raised _ll -~_4-1983 Affiliated Born Official Record N. P. D. Suspended U. M. C. } } ----- Name Taylor , Wayne F[ud.son Lod!le No. 205 Nollesemic lnltlat'f2-10-195J Dlntltted Passed 1-tVi' · 1 9~""'f Raised') . ~l ..:rll -llf.o7 Sus pended} N . P. D. '411-/'ltf' Deprived} N.P.D. Affiliated Reinstated Suspended} U . M.C. Expelled Restored Died Remarka Born 4-23-1926 Official Record LodtleNo. 2%.. ~ In I dated Olmltted Paaaed Suspended} N.P.O. Deprived} N.P.O. Suspended} U.M.C. Expelled Official Record Name Taylor, t res 1 ey (lrdway LodaeNo. )/ 1 41 Augusta ln l jt7/ _ /" ..;/ Pa7ed 0- 1_ / Raised / Relnatated 'f Dlmltted 5 O 'f, Jt' &f 'i ~ l:l - / 1 I y - -1 Affiliated Cj ,. \JI v Suspended} N. P. D. D eprived} N.P. D . Suspended} U . M.C. Expelled Official Record oma ecor 9 }..Af _'hi-:; ~ ~ ~ /'f"J.-.3 -")-2--,;(_ f-~ Suspended} N.P.D. Deprived } N.P.D. Suspended} Reinstated Restored Remarks U.M.C. Expelled 1111- Name lnitiat ea Dimitted ~~- /.1- J90 ~ P assed /- 1- !Cfo r. Raised <36 6-:. ;qoq Affiliated Reinstated Restored Remarks j Suspended} N . P.D. Deprived } N.P. D . Suspended} U.M. C. Expelled O fficial Record Official Record Suspended} N.P.D. eprlved} N.P.D. Suspended} U.M. C. Rclnslnlcd Expelled Restored Died Remarks },.1 , ~ -;2, 'J-/<fg~ f )AU1/o/ -1 S" - J 'j l b d
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