board ındustry - orta anadolu ihracatçı birlikleri genel sekreterliği
board ındustry - orta anadolu ihracatçı birlikleri genel sekreterliği
BOARD INDUSTRY INDUSTRY REPORT 2015 ORTA ANADOLU İHRACATÇI BİRLİKLERİ GENEL SEKRETERLİĞİ LEVHA SANAYİİ SEKTÖR RAPORU / 2015 1 SECRETARIAT GENERAL OF THE CENTRAL ANATOLIAN EXPORTERS UNION BOARD INDUSTRY INDUSTRY REPORT / 2015 Drafted by Sevil SAKARYA Öykü DOĞAN 2 INDEX INTRODUCTION 04 1. CLASSIFICATION OF THE BOARD SECTOR 06 2. BOARD INDUSTRY IN THE WORLD 09 2.1 World Board ProductIon 09 2.2 World Board Exports 12 2.3 World Board Imports 14 3. BOARD INDUSTRY IN TURKEY 16 3.1. Current SItuatIon and ProductIon of the Board Industry 16 3.2 Turkey’s Board Exports 18 3.3 Turkey’s Board Imports 21 4. PROBLEMS OF THE BOARD INDUSTRY 24 5. SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE BOARD INDUSTRY 28 6. CONCLUSION 30 7. LIST OF PLYWOOD MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS IN TURKEY 32 8. LIST OF PARTICLE BOARD MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS IN TURKEY 36 9. LIST OF STRAND BOARD MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS IN TURKEY 40 10. SOURCES 44 ORTA ANADOLU İHRACATÇI BİRLİKLERİ GENEL SEKRETERLİĞİ LEVHA SANAYİİ SEKTÖR RAPORU / 2015 3 INTRODUCTION Wooden material is employed today in very extensive and different fields as both massive and wood composites. Due to the anisotropic nature of massive wooden material and the fact that it is inadequate at places of use requiring a wide surface, also for economic reasons and against the danger of deforestation, chipboard, fibreboard, plywood and similar wooden boards are produced from wood raw material through techical methods. Industrial manufacturing of isotropic and homogenous chipboard, free from the natural defects of wood, started in the 1940s. In Turkey, chipboard and fibreboard industries were established in the 1950s. Particularly due to the need for large-sized material in the reconstruction of cities after the Second World War, chipboard and fibreboard industries rapidly developed. 4 Chipboard is defined as “boards obtained by gluing and spreading chips obtained from pieces of wood (chips, sawdust, wood shavings etc.) and/or other lignocellulosic materials (flax, hemp yarn, dewatered sugar cane pulp and other similar lignified plants), mixing them with hardening substances and substances that provide the hydrophobic character, and pressing them under heat and pressure”. In our country, chipboard manufacturing first started in 1951 in Istanbul. Fibreboard is defined as “boards created as a result of shaping vegetable fibres and bunches of fibre by making use of their natural sticking and matting characteristics and employing special adhesive substances”. The fibreboard industry was established in Turkey for the first time in 1985 in Ordu. The chipboard and fibreboard sector is included in Chapter “44”; Chipboard with the C. T. S. P. number “4410” and the description “CHIPBOARD and similar boards of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not agglomerated with resins or other organic binding substances”, and Fibreboard with the C. T. S. P. number “4411” and the description “FIBREBOARDS of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not agglomerated with resins or other organic substances”. The chipboard and fibreboard industries are intensively related with furniture, forest enterprises, glue and chemical production sectors, timber factories, carpenters, the paper sector, the construction sector (prefabricated housing production), decoration, wood merchants, sellers of petroleum products, the automotive sector, the energy sector, profile manufacturers, forestvillage cooperatives, the cement production sector, and the metal industry. It is known that in our country, the wooden board industry showed development in the planned period, that new facilities have been established, and that efforts have been made to bring technologies applied in the world into our country. However, it cannot be said that the sector in its present condition has acquired a highly competitive structure that operates with low costs and that manufactures high value-added products for places of end use and offers them in the domestic and foreign markets. Considering the important position the sector occupies in the economy, it is observed that it has not completed the necessary structural changes. Today, the board industry is faced with problems such as lack of coordination, raw material problems, insufficient capital accumulation, and labour. For the development of the ligneous board industry in our country, it is important to consider it within the overall industrialization policies. Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 5 1. CLASSIFICATION OF THE BOARD SECTOR The following table includes the detailed C. T. S. P. (Customs Tariff Statistical Position) numbers of the sector, which covers the products in the C. T. S. P. numbers “4410”, “4411” and “4412”. Chipboard, oriented strand board (OSB) and similar board (For 44.10 example, waferboard) of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not agglomerated (bonded) with resins or other organic binding substances: - Of wood : 4410.11 - - Chipboard 4410. - - - Unprocessed or only emeried but not further processed 4410. - - - Whose surface is coated with melamine-impregnated paper 4410. - - - Whose surface is coated with plastic decorative plates or sheets 4410. - - - Others 4410.12 - - Oriented strand board (OSB): 4410. - - - Unprocessed or only emeried but not further processed - - - Others 4410. - - - -Whose surface is coated with plastic decorative plates or sheets or melamine-impregnated paper 4410. - - - - Others 4410.19 - - Others 4410. 4410. - - - Waferboard whose surface is coated with plastic decorative plates or sheets or melamine-impregnated paper - - - Others 4410.90 - Others: 4410. - - Those obtained from flax remnants 4410. - - Others Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not 44.11 bonded with resins or other organic substances: - Medium density fibreboard: 6 4411.12 - - Of a thickness not exceeding 5 mm: 4411. - - - Not mechanically treated or surface coated 4411. - - - Others 4411.13 - - Of a thickness exceeding 5 mm but not exceeding 9 mm: 4411. - - - Not mechanically treated or surface coated - - - Others : 4411. - - - - Laminate parquet 4411. - - - - Others 4411.14 - - Of a thickness exceeding 9 mm: 4411. - - - Not mechanically treated or surface coated - - - Others: 4411. - - - - Laminate parquet 4411. - - - - Others - Others: 4411.92 - - Of a density exceeding 0.8 gr/cm3 4411. - - - Not mechanically treated or surface coated - - - Others: 4411. - - - - Laminate parquet 4411. - - - - Others 4411.93 - - Of a density exceeding 0.5 gr/cm3 but not exceeding 0.8 gr/cm3: 4411. - - - Not mechanically treated or surface coated - - - Others : 4411. - - - - Laminate parquet 4411. - - - - Others 4411.94 - - Of a density not exceeding 0.5 gr/cm3 4411. - - - Not mechanically treated or surface coated 4411. - - - Others 44.12 Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood: - Of bamboo 4412. - Other plywood, consisting solely of sheets of wood (other than bamboo), each ply not exceeding 6 mm thickness : Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 7 The following table includes the detailed C. T. S. P. (Customs Tariff Statistical Position) numbers of the sector, which covers the products in the C. T. S. P. numbers “4410”, “4411” and “4412”. 4412.31 - - With at least one outer ply of tropical wood specified in Subheading note 2 to this Chapter:: - - - Of dark red Meranti, light red Meranti, white lauan, sipo, limba, 4412. obeche, okoumé, African mahogany, sapelli, virola, mahogany (Swietenia spp), Rio balsa, Para balsa and Rose balsa 4412. - - - Others - Others (With at least one outer ply of broad leaf wood) 4412. walnut, hornbeam, horse chestnut, maple, oak, plane, poplar, acacia, - - - Alder, ash, beech, birch, cherry, chestnut, elm, North America walnut or yellow poplar 4412. - - - Others 4412. - - Others - Others: 4412.94 - - Blockboard and similar laminated wood products: 4412. - - - With at least one outer ply of broad leaf wood 4412. - - - Others 4412.99 - - Others: 4412. - - - With at least one ply of chipboard - - Others: - - - - With at least one outer ply of broad leaf wood: 4412. walnut, hornbeam, horse chestnut, linden, maple, oak, plane, poplar, - - - - - Alder, ash, beech, birch, cherry, chestnut, elm, North America acacia, walnut or yellow poplar 8 4412. - - - - - Others 4412. - - - - Others 2. BOARD INDUSTRY IN THE WORLD 2.1 World Board ProductIon World board production showed a continuously growing trend between 2009 and 2013. The quantity of production rose from 77.9m3 in 2009 to 112.8 million m3 in 2013. Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 9 World Board Production Million m3 Source: FAOSTAT Database, 2011 The largest board producer in the world is China, which carries out 55% of world board production. China, which produced 62.5 million m3 of board in 2013, is followed by the USA, Germany, Brazil, and Turkey, in this order. Turkey, which ranked 4th in 2009, dropped to the 5th rank in 2013. Despite such drop, Turkey as the 5th largest board producer in the world has shown that it is an important country for the sector. 10 World Board ProductIon (m3) COUNTRIES 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2012-2013 Change (%) China 34.341.000 42.499.000 49.762.000 56.936.000 62.570.000 9,9 55,4 8.919.400 8.195.350 7.584.750 8.131.000 8.197.000 0,8 7,3 4.259.480 4.575.040 4.747.530 5.062.870 5.070.810 0,2 4,5 United States of America Germany % Share Brazil 2.794.540 3.416.410 3.402.000 4.043.000 4.365.000 8,0 3,9 Turkey 2.950.000 3.300.000 3.585.000 3.915.000 4.300.000 9,8 3,8 Poland 2.714.090 2.977.070 3.018.130 3.171.420 3.738.460 17,9 3,3 Thailand 1.944.900 2.494.900 2.494.900 2.494.900 2.494.900 0,0 2,2 1.626.000 1.710.000 1.900.000 2.291.000 2.300.000 0,4 2,0 1.661.000 1.836.000 1.812.000 1.712.000 1.678.000 -2,0 1,5 1.696.000 1.708.000 1.697.000 1.678.000 1.657.000 -1,3 1,5 Russian Federation Republic of Korea Malaysia Canada 1.361.000 1.314.000 1.277.000 1.290.000 1.320.000 2,3 1,2 Spain 1.024.600 1.027.810 999.468 984.387 1.228.730 24,8 1,1 Oceania 1.326.000 1.256.000 1.269.000 1.183.000 1.162.770 -1,7 1,0 1.326.000 1.256.000 1.269.000 1.183.000 1.162.770 -1,7 1,0 960.000 1.054.200 1.070.610 1.070.610 1.070.610 0,0 0,9 Australia & New Zealand France Chile 831.690 955.970 1.003.000 1.006.000 998.000 -0,8 0,9 Japan 682.000 771.000 834.000 824.000 851.000 3,3 0,8 660.000 776.000 759.000 788.000 756.000 -4,1 0,7 Austria 855.225 855.225 860.825 750.000 750.000 0,0 0,7 Italy 800.000 800.000 760.000 730.000 708.000 -3,0 0,6 Others 5.123.375 5.377.625 5.784.787 6.605.813 6.462.950 -2,2 5,7 TOTAL 77.856.300 88.155.600 95.890.000 105.850.000 112.842.000 6,6 100,0 United Kingdom Source: FAOSTAT Database, 2013 Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 11 2.2 World Board Exports World board exports, which were $ 22.8 billion in 2009, rose to $ 32.8 billion in 2013. World Board Exports Billion $ Source: Trademap, 2013 43.8% of world board exports are carried out by China with $ 6.6 billion. China, the largest board exporter in the world, is followed by Germany with $ 2.9 billion (19.7%), Indonesia with $ 2.2 billion (14.7%), and Malaysia with $ 2.1 billion (14 %), in this order. Turkey has taken its place in the world board market as the 21st largest board exporter among 139 exporters. 12 World Board Exports (Thousand $) COUNTRIES 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2010-2009 Change (%) % Share China 3.439.620 4.557.823 5.831.710 6.477.871 6.652.236 2,69 43,80 Germany 2.885.019 2.981.604 3.134.120 2.824.418 2.996.085 6,08 19,73 Indonesia 1.237.725 1.685.256 1.998.166 2.067.765 2.236.583 8,16 14,73 Malaysia 1.781.653 2.063.978 2.147.273 2.148.679 2.134.079 -0,68 14,05 Canada 1.105.938 1.293.650 1.209.637 1.491.104 1.932.266 29,59 12,72 Austria 1.308.777 1.337.098 1.524.140 1.403.824 1.458.204 3,87 9,60 Russian Fed. 711.448 810.377 1.041.279 1.234.277 1.353.816 9,68 8,91 Belgium 1.167.401 1.196.851 1.326.667 1.167.136 1.250.819 7,17 8,24 France 825.194 877.283 1.035.251 956.008 958.740 0,29 6,31 Poland 629.219 728.408 834.518 807.280 909.247 12,63 5,99 USA 604.121 814.505 825.500 885.905 898.041 1,37 5,91 Romania 287.173 394.996 479.556 595.699 781.717 31,23 5,15 Thailand 494.775 646.646 722.767 690.287 725.843 5 5 Chile 548.680 633.936 753.015 634.897 676.892 6,61 4,46 Spain 586.674 603.348 714.809 636.319 671.167 5,48 4,42 Finland 504.074 580.467 672.010 607.192 668.976 10,18 4,41 Brazil 429.076 499.844 464.940 524.746 576.227 9,81 3,79 Italy 396.682 499.761 543.620 537.767 522.343 -2,87 3,44 Czech Republic 319.601 372.008 467.222 418.719 440.437 5,19 2,90 Latvia 229.182 308.386 375.447 369.445 406.207 9,95 2,67 Turkey 293.675 331.594 377.453 382.831 376.614 -1,62 2,48 TOTAL 16.139.847 18.182.506 17.530.217 13.666.534 15.186.387 11,1 100,0 Source: Trademap, 2013 Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 13 2.3 World Board Imports World board imports, which remained constant in 2011-2012, rose from $ 20.5 billion in 2009 to $ 31.3 billion in 2013. World Board Imports Billion $ Source: Trademap, 2013 According to the Trademap data for 2013, 30.65% of world board imports are carried out by the USA with $ 4.4 billion. It is followed by Japan (18.39%), Germany (14.21%), Britain (8.87%), and France (7.59%), in this order. Turkey has taken its place as the 12th largest board importer among 225 board importers. 14 World Board Imports (Thousand $) COUNTRIES 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2010-2009 Change (%) USA 2.820.859 3.309.130 3.140.020 3.792.261 4.466.536 17,78 % Share 30,65 Japan 1.711.815 2.093.244 2.883.795 2.679.572 2.679.321 -0,01 18,39 Germany 1.462.796 1.772.297 2.271.970 2.037.534 2.070.464 1,62 14,21 Britain 66.471 1.378.011 1.394.316 1.145.696 1.291.849 12,76 8,87 France 996.781 1.078.828 1.187.451 1.105.028 1.106.354 0,12 7,59 Canada 666.237 822.822 803.943 897.761 888.111 -1,07 6,10 631.927 684.705 736.627 781.877 859.204 9,89 5,90 Russian Fed. 324.862 460.921 611.627 746.324 842.549 12,89 5,78 Netherlands 725.305 731.233 950.066 569.681 832.046 46,05 5,71 Italy 602.366 786.159 780.662 723.959 798.622 10,31 5,48 Republic of Korea Belgium 599.688 647.847 748.029 676.657 738.745 9,18 5,07 Turkey 279.072 505.442 651.906 733.953 738.031 0,56 5,07 Saudi Arabia 90.984 463.459 541.225 680.900 621.847 -8,67 4,27 Mexico 418.577 490.143 504.553 547.628 586.452 7,09 4,02 Poland 460.784 549.636 589.973 471.248 536.507 13,85 3,68 Sweden 349.447 439.354 534.100 466.959 466.755 -0,04 3,20 UAE 347.102 392.460 424.895 471.701 464.794 -1,46 3,19 Taiwan 261.822 399.277 414.481 410.529 426.328 3,85 2,93 Austria 313.919 346.253 409.404 393.241 366.926 -6,69 2,52 China 297.375 355.003 349.120 330.172 331.552 0,42 2,28 Others 1.953.707 -855.255 -3.744.203 -6.913.532 -6.542.324 -5,37 -44,90 TOTAL 15.381.896 16.850.969 16.183.960 12.749.149 14.570.669 14,3 100,0 Source: Trademap, 2013 Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 15 3. BOARD INDUSTRY IN TURKEY 3.1. Current SItuatIon and ProductIon of the Board Industry: Current Situation and Production of the Board Industry: The sector has a total of 40 facilities with 24 of them producing chipboard and 16 of them fibreboard. The sector has a total production capacity of 9 million m3 and a current production figure of 5.5 million m3. The great part of the 16 factories in the fibreboard sector carries out production by the dry method. Those which operate by the wet method produce hard fibreboard while those which operate by the dry method produce both hard (HDF) and medium-hard fibreboard (MDF). Wood and pieces of wood, and sawdust are used as raw material, and synthetic binding substances are used as binding agent except in cemented chipboard production. In the chipboard sector, 3-ply board production is carried out in single or multiple-layer presses continuously and with interruption. In the fibreboard sector, too, board production is carried out by the continuous and interrupted system. In the fibreboard sector, production is carried out by the wet method and by the dry method, and those which operate by the wet method produce hard fibreboard while those which operate by the dry method produce both hard (HDF) and medium-hard fibreboard (MDF). All the facilities in the chipboard and fibreboard sectors have melamine coating lines and market a large part of their products after coating them. In the sector, the main inputs are wood and glue, the others being additives, fuel, and energy. Most of the establishments operating in the sector have obtained TSE quality certificates and TSE conformity certificates and comply with standards in their production. In addition, some of them hold ISO 9001, ISO 9002, ISO 14000, OHSAS 18001 and SA 8000 certificates. 16 The capacity use rates in the sector are 80% for chipboard and 97% for fibreboard. Most of the establishments have obtained TSE quality and TSE conformity certificates, and some of them ISO 9001, ISO 9002, ISO 14000, OHSAS 18001 and SA 8000 standard certificates. Accordingly, it may be said that the sector carries out quality production and maintains its competitive power. Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 17 3.2 Turkey’s Board Exports: Our total board exports on a value basis displayed a continuous growth between 2005 and 2014, except for 2009 (a 7% drop compared with 2008). The sector’s exports, which increased by about 85% over the ten years in question, reached $ 572 million in 2014. Development of our Board Exports over the Years Million $ Source : Data of the Ministry of Economy 18 TURKEY’S BOARD EXPORTS IN 2005-2014 (Thousand $) CHIPBOARD, OSB AND OTHER SIMILAR BOARDS MDF AND FIBREBOARDS PLYWOOD TOTAL 627.180 63.272.162 20.238.787 84.138.129 2006 545.388 118.447.381 20.778.841 139.771.610 2007 79.778.670 203.091.933 22.298.460 305.169.063 2008 93.833.272 232.154.050 22.471.236 348.458.558 2009 63.925.858 237.615.659 14.917.214 316.458.731 2010 65.434.172 283.127.072 12.907.185 361.468.429 2011 76.206.898 331.999.989 14.401.302 422.608.189 2012 73.666.502 341.219.560 14.051.216 428.937.278 2013 78.588.869 340.555.879 16.581.595 435.726.343 2014 106.762.237 384.062.544 18.020.475 508.845.256 2005 Source : Data of the Ministry of Economy Our exports to Iran were around $ 154.1 million in 2010 and fell to $ 101 million in 2013, and showed an increase in 2014 to $ 121.1 million, placing this country at the 1st rank. Exports to Egypt, Russia, Romania, Greece, Britain, and Lebanon displayed a continuous growth from 2010 to 2014. Exports to Russia, which ranks 7th, were $ 8.8 million in 2010 and rose to $ 14.5 million in 2014. Exports to Egypt were $ 838 thousand in 2010 and rose by 74% to $ 8.2 million in 2014. In the period of 2010 to 2014, our exports to Romania grew in value by 31%, to Greece by 44%, to Britain by 37%, and to Lebanon by 36%. Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 19 MAIN COUNTRIES IN TURKEY’S BOARD EXPORTS 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 EXPORTS EXPORTS EXPORTS EXPORTS EXPORTS Country Name Value Value Value Value Value IRAN 154.122.768 146.378.388 131.484.542 101.849.806 121.152.415 IRAQ 35.322.480 53.141.504 64.619.890 66.886.798 45.784.130 GEORGIA 30.623.209 37.717.331 44.094.196 41.969.766 43.082.269 TURKMENISTAN 13.244.499 18.837.716 26.298.369 30.237.751 35.772.904 AZERBAIJAN 19.611.796 33.427.676 30.578.112 39.720.739 35.192.318 ALBANIA 7.076.895 8.424.953 7.904.712 10.506.757 17.282.009 8.814.116 14.132.975 14.382.767 18.199.951 14.502.502 RUSSIAN FEDERATION BULGARIA 8.509.721 8.325.862 7.724.234 9.138.876 11.710.129 T. R. N. C. 9.279.824 8.937.853 8.839.034 9.188.796 9.099.566 EGYPT 838.382 2.235.171 3.486.360 3.174.509 8.256.447 ALGERIA 2.649.482 4.396.105 5.609.989 5.745.633 7.274.781 LIBYA 5.355.471 843.262 4.638.314 7.037.598 6.847.213 ROMANIA 3.194.577 3.618.940 5.007.965 5.654.418 6.336.111 GREECE 1.472.675 2.537.114 1.622.208 2.030.683 5.943.314 BRITAIN 1.177.433 2.388.350 3.123.322 4.332.055 4.945.496 LEBANON 1.330.936 1.305.883 2.657.947 3.937.431 4.843.051 MACEDONIA 5.903.059 7.715.683 7.716.510 5.080.384 4.716.701 ITALY 2.556.537 4.393.446 4.116.461 3.778.663 4.439.030 ISRAEL 351.690 1.232.696 444.153 1.135.943 4.139.202 UKRAINE 5.536.764 4.808.821 3.691.506 7.165.572 3.990.291 Source : Ministry of Economy 20 3.3 Turkey’s Board Imports Our country’s total board imports, which displayed a fluctuating trend between 2005 and 2014, were $ 334 million in 2005 and nearly doubled to reach $ 654 million in 2014. Although there was a drop after 2008 from $ 549 million to $ 364 million, our imports kept rising from 2009 until January to November 2014. Due in particular to the fall in our chipboard, MDF and fibreboard imports, there was a fall in our total board imports in 2014. Development of our Board Imports over the Years Million $ Source : Ministry of Economy Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 21 TURKEY’S BOARD IMPORTS IN 2005-2014 (Thousand $) 2005 CHIPBOARD, OSB AND OTHER SIMILAR BOARDS MDF AND FIBREBOARDS PLYWOOD TOTAL 825.365 267.378.439 65.267.980 333.471.784 2006 88.506 264.037.880 90.672.351 354.798.737 2007 52.779.226 366.927.736 110.367.461 530.074.423 2008 59.570.490 304.340.246 126.214.383 490.125.119 2009 59.272.143 176.275.888 69.863.166 305.411.197 2010 86.776.028 266.505.334 179.878.180 533.159.542 2011 89.715.390 315.187.671 272.389.165 677.292.226 2012 111.755.773 345.176.795 298.860.972 755.793.540 2013 110.404.804 325.679.359 325.749.539 761.833.702 2014 78.540.645 223.355.771 335.484.084 637.380.500 Source : Ministry of Economy Our imports from Australia displayed a growth of 206% between 2010 and 2014, in which year they rose to $ 24 million. Our imports from Brazil and Byelorussia declined between 2010 and 2014. Our imports from Brazil fell from $ 15.6 million in 2010 to $ 6.3 million in 2014. Our imports from Byelorussia fell from $ 16.5 million in 2010 to $ 9.5 million in 2014. 22 MAIN COUNTRIES IN TURKEY’S BOARD IMPORTS (Thousand $) Country Name 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 IMPORTS IMPORTS IMPORTS IMPORTS IMPORTS Value Value Value Value Value AFGHANISTAN 88.943.061 109.841.495 140.369.173 150.088.771 116.799.506 GERMANY 87.295.638 106.930.014 147.292.180 156.145.106 116.772.401 USA 112.995.673 140.941.853 145.519.961 153.317.634 68.207.036 59.616.659 62.170.831 64.817.518 60.231.334 47.072.653 11.172.482 15.853.622 24.258.302 35.153.291 29.259.541 25.635.406 45.661.795 30.965.757 27.014.425 29.232.502 3.296.822 2.617.624 5.624.863 11.346.285 23.976.250 ANTALYA FREE ZONE ALBANIA EUROPEAN FREE ZONE AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA 12.886.122 22.301.755 17.967.847 12.139.479 21.771.659 AZERBAIJAN 12.693.656 26.102.979 29.415.728 34.334.454 17.337.452 U. A. E 6.982.393 9.380.658 15.342.998 19.278.685 16.014.338 BAHRAIN 4.680.577 8.284.175 9.974.175 12.184.466 11.377.741 BELGIUM 2.125.251 8.426.614 6.461.530 4.152.854 9.616.745 BYELORUSSIA 16.586.586 17.949.041 11.872.932 12.466.432 9.506.170 6.181.747 7.981.222 9.031.775 8.175.862 8.266.144 BRAZIL 15.677.638 14.372.993 14.886.726 12.302.462 6.314.434 BULGARIA 4.779.867 4.958.272 5.439.019 7.555.031 6.244.366 2.191.620 3.252.798 15.692.526 5.191.843 5.340.741 BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA BURMA (MYANMAR) Source : Ministry of Economy Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 23 4. PROBLEMS OF THE BOARD INDUSTRY PROBLEMS OF THE BOARD INDUSTRY • The sector has a shortage of raw material and certain difficulties in the procurement of local raw material. Proposed Solution: There are difficulties in the procurement of raw material. However, the main problem is the high price of raw material. In recent periods, no factory has been forced to stop production due to lack of raw material (wood) but some factories have stopped production due to market conditions. The sector meets 30% of its need for raw material through imports and the remaining 70% from the domestic market. In line with ongoing new investments, the Forest Directorate-General should increase the quantity of wood it produces for this sector. • In Turkey, the prices of wood as raw material are about twice the world prices. The high prices of wood raise costs and make competition difficult. The reason that the wood produced by the Forest Directorate-General in Turkey has a high price is the fact that the taxes and funds on the price are high. Germany and France impose tax on wood raw material at source in the range of 5 to 7%. The wood price is 30 Euro/m3 in Europe while the cost of the same wood to the factory is 65 to 70 Euro/m3 in Turkey. The VAT rate is 18% in Turkey. The total rate of tax comes to 27% when considering additional taxes (Afforestation Fund-Ministry FundBrokerage and decision stamp) totalling about 9%. Proposed Solution: The Association of Chipboard Industrialists and other non-governmental organizations of the sector should conduct activities for a reduction in the rate of VAT on the wood price. For wood prices to be reduced, the prices of allocation should be brought down by restructuring the distribution of the actual expenses in production (48%) and the passing of the joint expenses to the selling price of wood. In periods when wood prices rise too much in auctions, imports increase and the consumption of raw material in the domestic market decreases. 24 • There is confusion in the standards of wood product groups sold by the Forest DirectorateGeneral. This leads to problems with Forest Enterprises in the procurement of wood and in relation to the standard of wood. Proposed Solution: Work should be done with the Forest Directorate-General to determine the standards of class, diameter, and si”ze for wood. • It is necessary to eliminate the shortcomings in respect of planted sales. • The lack of price competition in forest enterprises adversely affects the sector and wood production. As a result of the participation of non-industrialist persons in wood sale auctions, prices increase. Proposed Solution: The FDG should pay attention to the issue of participation in auctions and require an industrialist certificate. • Although the capacity use rate is high in the sector, the organizations in the sector are not able to carry out production at full capacity. Proposed Solution: Production lines are stopped from time to time as a result of intense competition and market conditions in the domestic market. This rate can only be raised by reducing the costs of production. • Most firms in the sector have renewed themselves with new investments and use the latest technology. However, those firms which have not been able to renew themselves find it hard to compete with large firms and technology in terms of the costs of production. Proposed Solution: Factories that carry out production with old technology should renew their technology. Technological renewal should be completed in the framework of national Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 25 requirements and EU requirements, the import dependence should be ended, and the export orientation should be accelerated. In addition, the development and production of technology products should be undertaken in the sector. • • • • • • • The sector suffers from a lack of financing. Energy costs are a problem for the sector. High prices of glue are among the problems that affect the board industry. Financial problems and labour/staff problems create difficulties in the development of the board sector. Proposed Solution: The laws concerning incentives and occupational health and safety should be revised. Production at class E1 should be promoted. In addition, the standards relating to boards should be addressed together with the standards of the other sectors that use products of the sector and should be arranged so as to meet the requirements. Production in conformity with standards should be targeted, including in this context the directing of production so that the emissions of formic acid and formaldehyde will be at the maximum acceptable levels. • Delays in production at the related sectors are a problem affecting the board industry. Proposed Solution: It would be useful for furniture makers and board producers to communicate 26 information between them and to work on errors of use and on common standards. • Concerning the sector’s imports of raw material, the Agricultural Quarantine Regulation has been prepared in the direction contemplated by the sector as a result of long efforts and is now in force. The new changes considered to be made should be prepared in a way that would not create difficulties in practice. Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 27 5. SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE BOARD INDUSTRY Strengths 1. Enterprises closely follow modern technology. 2. They make efforts to raise the standards of production and quality, and new integrated facilities provide product diversity. 3. Due to geographical position, the need of the surrounding countries to import forest products increases the awareness and desire to direct our country’s capacity to exports. 4. A competitive advantage is created by the fact that the labour costs are lower in comparison with those in EU countries. 5. In the chipboard industry, the factories are established usually at locations near the market and the forest resources. 6. Most facilities are established at suitable locations with respect to sea transport and port use. 7. The sector has an association, through which it can communicate all its problems to the relevant institutions. 8. The sector is open to the world, and producer firms participate in many fairs across the world and have the latest knowledge concerning new products and markets. Weaknesses 1. In production • • • • • 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 28 The sector is dependent on imports of raw material at the rate of 30-35%; The price of local raw material is higher than the world average price; Costs of stock increase due to difficulties in the procurement of raw material in periods when winter conditions become heavy; There are shortcomings related to laws and regulations on account of the taxes and funds on the price of wood; and There is a shortage of trained and skilled personnel and trained technical and intermediate staff across the country. Financial problems exist such as insufficient capital, difficulties in obtaining credit etc. There are problems of transport encountered while shipping products. Enterprises have a lack of publicity in the international markets. The level of university-industry cooperation is insufficient Input costs are high. OpportunItIes 1. Process of accession to the European Union 2. The costs of labour are high in member countries of the European Union. 3. The Forest Directorate-General and private sector organizations are engaged in work concerning industrial plantations. 4. Our country has a geographical position close to the Middle East, the Turkic Republics, and the countries of North Africa, and a large number of fairs are organized with increasing numbers of visitors. Threats 1. Economic uncertainties 2. Lower demand for sector products due to the shift of consumer investment spending towards housing in connection with the fall in interest rates 3. Establishment of new facilities despite the current problems, and their carrying out production in the same area 4. The possibility of having environmental and health problems in the process of alignment with the EU 5. The possibility of wood prices further rising as incentives are provided for energy production from biomass under the Renewable Energy Law. Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 29 6. CONCLUSION With new investments undertaken, commissioned, and under way in recent periods, Turkey will come to the position of number one board producer in Europe. Today, it already has the lead together with Germany in fibreboard production. Unfortunately, our country’s board exports remain low. To increase this quantity, measures are needed such as finding new markets, improving the possibilities of transport, and decreasing the costs of production. The development of our sector is very important for our country. The value added that is obtained from this product is very high. It is of concern to a large community including forest workers and forest villagers who work in the procurement of raw material, the workers, transporters, and truck drivers who work in the transportation of the product to the factory, the worker who works in the factory, and the marketing staff. It should be regarded as a leading sector for the development, operation, and profitable management of our forests and in terms of what they provide to the forest villager. Standards are fully complied with in chipboard and fibreboard production. From time to time, production is also carried out at characteristics demanded by the market as a requirement of market conditions. The low-density product named eco-board which emerged in the course of time has been periodically manufactured. In Turkey, the board sector is dependent on the State in terms of raw material. The sector buys 65-70% of its need from the Forest Directorate-General by means of allocation and auction. The remaining 30-35% is imported. When wood prices in our country increase as required by market conditions, producers give weight to imported wood but, on the other hand, when the freight costs of imported product inputs rise, they turn towards the domestic market. Due to possible future shortages of raw material, it may be proposed that consideration should be given to production technologies with alternative raw materials. For this purpose: • • • • • 30 Types of board could be produced using the technique of mixing fibrous material with binding substances such as plaster; The characteristics of cemented chipboard and its areas of use could be better promoted and its production increased; The possibility of using tea factory wastes in the chipboard industry should be investigated and incentives provided for such use; Pumice stone could be used in chipboard production; Wastes of thinning and care cutting that are left in the forest due to the problem of • • • • transportation but are suitable for chipboard production could be transported to factories after they are chipped with in-forest chipping machines; Weight could be given to fast-growing tree species; Obsolescent technologies in factories could be renewed in due time to support production. Pooling or sprinkling systems could be proposed for wood raw material in facilities that require long-term storage; Information meetings could be held between producers and users to find out and eliminate the causes of mistakes and to achieve a common standard in production; and Producers could be directed towards agricultural forestry activities to raise the raw material needed by their sector. To be able to meet the needs of development and fulfil the objectives that are sought to be achieved, holding discussions among chipboard and fibreboard producers, consumer representatives, and state officials in the determination of principles, policies, and strategies, and making joint decisions would be useful for the applicability, adequacy, and acceptability of the decisions made. In conclusion, to be able to improve the current situation of the sector and solve its problems with the related sectors in a healthy and permanent way, it is obvious that it would be useful to examine the problems, make joint decisions, and generate solutions with firm managers, board industrialist associations, consumers, and state officials. Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 31 7. LIST OF PLYWOOD MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS IN TURKEY İHRACATÇI FİRMA ADRES STARWOOD ORMAN ORGANIZE SAN. ÜRÜNL.SAN.A.Ş BÖL.2.CAD. SINERJI INS.MIM. MUS.TAAHH.SAN. VE TIC.A.S. SEZER AHŞAP ÇELİK KAPI VE GIDA MADDELERİ SAN. TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. İLÇE İL TELEFON İNEGÖL BURSA (224) 2943200 KADIKÖY İSTANBUL 02164454315 MELİKGAZİ KAYSERI (352) 3221242 SARIÇAM ADANA (322) 3944340 ZEYTİNBURNU İSTANBUL 02126645783 GEBZE KOCAELI (262) 7515066 ÇANKAYA ANKARA (312) 4413141 BEŞİKTAŞ İSTANBUL 02123853250 ATAŞEHİR İSTANBUL (216) 4551524 ALTINDAĞ ANKARA (312) 3518360 KADIKÖY İSTANBUL (216) 4450753 ALTINDAĞ ANKARA (312) 3515595 FAKS EPOSTA (224) starwood@starwood. 2943245 WEB DR.ALI NIHAT TARLAN CAD. BALKAN SOK.NO:2 KAT:1 02164454319 sinerjiinsaat@super- www.sinerjiinsaat. BOSTANCI ORGANİZE SANAYİ BÖLGESİ 24.CAD sezarahsap@hotmail. com NO:68 HACI SABANCI GİZİR AHŞAP İNŞ. ORGANİZE SAN.BÖL. TUR.SAN.TİC. A.Ş. OSB ÇANAKKALE (322) 3943798 [email protected] CAD.NO:17 SARIÇAM ALKAR INS.ITH.IHR. VE TIC.LTD. STI. GÜNEŞLİ MAH. MAHMUTBEY CAD 13, 02126799760 [email protected] (262) naciye.yilmaz@doka. 7515005 com SOKAK NO 60 GÜZELLER ORG. DOKA KALIP ISKELE SAN. BÖLG. INÖNÜ SAN.VE TIC. A.Ş MH. NURSULTAN NAZARBAYEV NO:19 VOLGA DIŞ TİC. VE DANIŞMANLIK A.Ş. ETSUN ENTEGRE TAR.ÜR.SAN. VE TİC.A.Ş. REFIK BELENDIR SOK.NO:110/1-2 AYRANCI (312) 4425746 [email protected] HARMAN CAD.ALI KAYA SOK.POLAT PLAZA B BLOK NO:4 02122788050 [email protected] (216) fturkay@erginsaat. 4551526 (312) fkmobilyatasarim@ 3518360 (216) info@ilkconstruction. www.ilkconstruction. 4450791 com com (312) robant@superonline. 3517308 com KAT:14 LEVENT EREGE İNŞAAT ATATÜRK MAH. TAAHHÜT SAN. VE SEDEF CAD. ATA 2/2 TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. KAT:12 DAİRE:108 FK MOBİLYA TASARIM DEKORA- EREĞLİ CAD. SYON İNŞAAT SAN. NO:49/9 SİTELER TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. ILK INŞAAT TAAHHÜT SAN VE TIC. A. Ş. INÖNÜ CD. SÜMER SK. ZITAŞ BLOK C1 BLOK D:13 KAT:5 KOZYATAĞI ROBANT PLASTİK MOB.İNŞ.GIDA VE ÇAMLITEPE TAŞ.HİZ.İÇ DIŞ TİC. CD.NO:135 SİTELER LTD.ŞTİ. 32 İHRACATÇI FİRMA ADRES AYDINLI HAZIR ESKİ LONDRA GİYİM SAN.VE TİC ASFALTI NO:92/1F A.Ş MİMARSİNAN İLÇE İL TELEFON 1 FAKS EPOSTA WEB BÜYÜKÇEKMECE İSTANBUL 02128634680 02128634685 [email protected] KEPEZ ANTALYA (242) 2213292 [email protected] BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 4853035 NİLÜFER BURSA (224) 2495554 TUZLA İSTANBUL (216) 4945342 MERKEZ IĞDIR (476) 2272826 KADIKÖY İSTANBUL (216) 4185631 ŞİŞLİ İSTANBUL (212) 2493737 UZUNPINAR KERESTE BOYA AKDENİZ SAN. SİT. SANAYİ VE TİCARET 5023 SOK. NO:58 (242) 2213293 LTD.ŞTİ. BENGİ DIŞ TİC. İNŞAAT A.Ş İOSB MUTFAKÇILAR SAN.SİT.14.C 6.BLOK NO:9 (212) 4853035 [email protected] DENİKA AMBALAJ ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ İHSANİYE MAH. LOJİSTİK İNŞAAT İZMİRYOLU CAD. GIDA TEKSTİL ATALAY 7 SİTESİ A SANAYİ TİCARET BLOK NO.112/A/8 (224) 2423231 [email protected] LTD.ŞTİ. AES YAT İNŞAAT SAHİL YOLU TURİZM SAN. TİC. BULVARI NO:118/3 LTD. ŞTİ. İÇMELER SEFACAN ULUSLAR- SÖĞÜTLÜ MAH. ARASI NAKLİYAT ŞAMİL CAD. KÜLTÜR İNŞAAT GIDA SARAYI KARŞISI TURİZM LTD.ŞTİ. IĞDIR. SARP INŞAAT FAHRETTİN KERİM MOBILYA SAN. VE TI GÖKAY CAD. C. A.Ş. NO:30/2 SUADİYE POLİMEKS İNŞAAT ELMADAĞ ASKER TAAHHÜT VE SAN OCAĞI CD.SÜZER TİC.A.Ş PLAZA NO:15 MAKBAŞ MÜCAHİTLER MAH.9 ALÜMİNYUM PROFİL NOLU CAD. GÜNEŞ İNŞAAT SAN.VE TİC. İŞ MRK.KAT:3 LTD.ŞTİ. NO:13-14-15 ALAZ MOBILYA DEKORASYON VE KAPLAMA SAN.VE TIC.LTD.STI. BEYAZTAŞ YAPI MARKET ORM.ÜRN. MOB.İNŞ.SAN.TİC. LTD.ŞTİ. INTER ORMAN ÜR.VE INŞ.SAN.TIC. LTD.ŞTI. ŞEHİTKAMİL GAZIANTEP (342) 3231713 (216) hsancak@aesyacht. 4933110 com (476) 2272826 (216) 3467790 [email protected] (212) info@polimeksinsaat. 2493737 com (342) 3231716 [email protected] FERHATPAŞA MAH FERHAT PAŞA CAD KARTAL İSTANBUL 02162164718 KEPEZ ANTALYA (242) 3450193 KÜÇÜKÇEKMECE İSTANBUL (212) 6705355 02164718129 [email protected] (212) info@interorman. www.interorman. 6705360 .NO:5 SAMANDIRA SANAYİ SİTESİ AHŞAP İŞL.BÖLÜMÜ 702 SOK NO:314 (242) 3455337 KERESTECILER SITESI 19. BLOK 18.SK. NO:18-20 IKITELLI Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 33 7. LIST OF PLYWOOD MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS IN TURKEY İHRACATÇI FİRMA ADRES BAHAR ORMAN ORG. DERI SAN. ÜRÜNLERİ SAN. VE BÖLG. H 16/A PAR- TİC.A.Ş SEL 3.YOL TUZLA AHŞAP ÜRÜN SAN.A.Ş. İLÇE İL TELEFON 1 TUZLA İSTANBUL (216) 3948400 SANCAKTEPE İSTANBUL (216) 4664343 NİLÜFER BURSA (224) 4110036 KÜÇÜKÇEKMECE İSTANBUL (212) 4730104 ÜMRANİYE İSTANBUL (216) 4203939 ÜMRANİYE İSTANBUL (216) 3130856 TORBALI İZMIR (232) 8641778 KEPEZ ANTALYA (242) 3450193 ÇANKAYA ANKARA (312) 4474963 ALTINDAĞ ANKARA (312) 3491511 ŞİŞLİ İSTANBUL (212) 2270509 İSTANBUL (212) 6172041 SIVAT YOLU NO: 7 (38 PARSEL) SARIGAZİ FAKS EPOSTA (216) bahar@bahartimber. 3948402 com (216) 4664334 WEB [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ELEMEĞI INŞAAT IÇ MIMARLIK MOB NOSAB 114.SOK. HALI VE EV TEKS. NO:3/B (224) 4112066 SAN. VE TİC.A.Ş. PLAN-ART DEKORASYON SAN.VE TİC .A.Ş. MERKEZ MAH.FATİH CAD.DEREBOYU SOKAK NO:12 (212) 4730155 HALKALI YUKARI DUDULLU ARIN ORMAN MH. SEMT NECİP ÜRÜNLERİ SAN. FAZIL BULVARI TİC.A.Ş. NO:44 1/54 İÇ (216) 3130968 KAPI:1 ARIN ORMAN ÜR.SAN.VE TIC.LTD. ŞTI. Y.DUDULLU NATO YOLU CAD NO.186 (216) 3130968 [email protected] NE-CE DEKOR AHŞAP ÜRÜNLERİ BEKİR SAYDAM CAD. SANAYİ VE TİCARET NO:21 PANCAR (232) 8641615 [email protected] LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ BEYAZTAŞ YAPI MARKET ORM.ÜRN. MOB.İNŞ.SAN.TİC. LTD.ŞTİ. İNTERWOOD ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ İNŞ. İTH.İHR.SAN.TİC. LTD.ŞTİ. SANAYİ SİTESİ AHŞAP İŞL.BÖLÜMÜ 702 SOK NO:314 KOZA SK.NO:142/13 GAZİOSMANPAŞA (GOP) TOKUR AĞAÇ SAN. DEMİRHENDEK CAD. VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. NO:19 SİTELER (242) 3455337 (312) emrehikmet@inter- 4474962 (312) tokuragac@hotmail. 3494851 com (212) zedahsap@mynet. 2270527 com (212) haluk@guneyorman. www.guneyorman. 5941223 com com HÜSREVGEREDE ZED AHŞAP LTD.ŞTI. CAD.FIRIN SOK. KISMET APT.NO.4/2 D.1 TEŞVIKIYE 50.YIL MAH. ESKI GÜNEY ORMAN EDIRNE ASFALT I ÜRÜNLERI SAN. VE NO:526 SULTAN- TIC. AŞ. ÇIFLIGI SULTANÇIFTL34350 34 İHRACATÇI FİRMA ADRES İLÇE İL TELEFON 1 MERKEZ ERZURUM (442) 2135944 KÜÇÜKÇEKMECE İSTANBUL (212) 4853808 MELİKGAZİ KAYSERI (352) 3213801 MALTEPE İSTANBUL (216) 4995123 FAKS EPOSTA (442) onderdengizek@ 2135944 (212) ozlem@almeka. 4853809 WEB ER DENGİZEKLER ORM.ÜR.MOB.GI.T GÜLAHMET CAD. UR.TEK.TİC.SAN. NO:9/11 VEPAZ.LTD.ŞTİ. İKİTELLİ ORG.SAN. ALMEKA AHŞAP BÖL. MARMARA SAN. VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ SAN.S.İT B BLOK NO:3 YONPAŞ ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. GÜMÜŞLER MOBİLYA SAN.VE TİC.A.Ş ORG.SAN.BÖLG.9.CD. NO:24 BAGDAT CAD. KULELİ KÖŞK SOK LARARASI NAK.İNŞ. İŞ MERKEZİ KAT:3 İTH.İHR.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. NO:17 GIDA SAN.VE TIC. LTD ŞTI. MARMARA MÜH. İNŞ.MADENCİLİK GIDA EĞT.VE YAY. SAN.VE TİC.A.Ş YAKUTSAN GİDA TEK.PET.ÜR.NAK. INŞ.MOB.LTD.ŞTI." ALİ BİROL ILIKKAN BEŞLER ORM.ÜRÜN. MOB.MAL. VE NAKL. SAN. TIC.LTD.ŞTI [email protected] (216) gumuslermobilya@ 4995127 NO:6/12 İSTASYON CAD.FUAR ÜRÜNLERI INŞ. 3214080 ALTAYÇEŞME MAH. ALTUNSOY ULUS- TOPALOĞLU ORMAN (352) GAZIANTEP (342) 2311720 (342) 2301376 [email protected] ADEMYAVUZ MAH. ALEMDAĞ CAD. İSTANBUL (216) 4990753 BEYLİKDÜZÜ İSTANBUL (212) 8728484 MERKEZ IĞDIR (476) 2270703 ÇORLU TEKIRDAĞ (282) 6526519 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6700038 KADIKÖY İSTANBUL (216) 3846951 SULTANBEYLİ İSTANBUL (216) 3981053 NO:437 ÜMRANIYE KAVAKLI KÖYÜ YAMAN İŞHANI KAT:1 KAVAKLI RİZA YALÇİN CAD. NO:70 İSTASYON CAD. NO.4 (212) muratmmmurat@ 8723433 (282) furomahsap@ www.furomahsap. 6549653 (212) info@beslerorman. 6700669 (216) derya.yaman@ 3846989 (216) ozyasar@sinerjigida. 3982367 com ORGANIZE SAN BÖL.KERESTECILER SIT 12.SOK.NO:14 K.ÇEKMECE FAHRETTİN KERİM MOBKA MOBİLYA GÖKAY CAD.YAMAÇ SAN.VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ APT. NO:154/33 GÖZTEPE SİNERJİ GIDA KİMYA TEKSTİL SAN. VE TİC. AŞ. FATIH MH.INCI CD.NO.75/B Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 35 8. LIST OF PARTICLE BOARD MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS IN TURKEY İHRACATÇI FİRMA ADRES AGT DIŞ TİCARET ORGANIZE SAN.BÖL. A.Ş. AKDENIZ BULV. 5158 YILDIZ ENTEGRE AĞAÇ SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. KASTAMONU ENTEGRE AĞAÇ SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. OSKAR ORMAN ÜRN. PETR.TEKS.GIDA DAY. TÜK.MAL.SAN.DIŞ TIC.LTD.ŞT ASLANBEY ORG.SAN BÖL. NO:5 MAHIR IZ C. NO:23 ALTUNIZADE IŞ MERKEZI KAT:2 TELEFON 1 FAKS EPOSTA MERKEZ ANTALYA (242) 2491717 (242) 2491727 [email protected] KARTEPE KOCAELI (262) 3166100 (262) 3166196 ÜSKÜDAR İSTANBUL (216) 5543000 (216) 4740064 KÜÇÜKÇEKMECE İSTANBUL (212) 5410023 (212) 5402676 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6705050 (212) 6705000 MELİKGAZİ KAYSERI (352) 3212610 (352) 3212611 GEBZE KOCAELI 02623711471 02623714688 MERKEZ ORDU (452) 2255300 (452) 2339574 [email protected] KÜÇÜKÇEKMECE İSTANBUL (212) 6700529 (212) 6704500 [email protected] KADIKÖY İSTANBUL (216) 3452826 (216) 3388778 MELİKGAZİ KAYSERI (352) 3222500 (352) 3222506 [email protected] ÇANKAYA ANKARA 03122662400 03122666800 [email protected] KADIKÖY İSTANBUL (216) 3452826 (216) 3388778 İNEGÖL BURSA (224) 2943200 (224) 2943245 NO:14 SEFAKÖY KERESTECİLER SAN. LERI IÇ VE DIŞ TIC. SIT. 5.BL. NO:26 LTD. ŞTI. İKİTELLİ PANEL SAN.A.Ş İL HALKALI CAD. TEZ SER ORMAN ÜRÜN- ARKOPA AHŞAP İLÇE ORGANİZE SANAYİ BÖLGESİ 17.CAD NO:2/C WEB yildiz@yildizentegre. www.yildizentegre. com com [email protected] vahap@oskarorman. com [email protected] tarikhamurcu@arkopa. YILDIZ SUNTA MDF ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ TESİSLERİ İTHALAT İHRACAT BEŞEVLER SAN.BÖLG. NO:35 VE TİC.A.Ş. ÇAMSAN POYRAZ AĞAÇ ÜRÜNLERİ TURİZM İNŞAAT TARIM ENERJİ SAN. UZUNİSA KÖKENLİ KÖYÜ VE TİC.A.Ş. FILIZ ORMAN ÜRÜN- KERESTECİLER SİTESİ LERI DAĞ.PAZ. SAN. 22.SOKAK NO:25 VE TIC. LTD. ŞTI. İKİTELLİ TEVER DIŞ TIC.VE PAZ.A.Ş SUNPA ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ PAZARLAMA SAN.VE TİC. LTD.ŞTİ ÇAMSAN AĞAÇ SAN. VE TİC.A.Ş. NÜZHET EFENDI SOK NO:40/3 TEVER IŞH. KADIKÖY teverpan@teverpan. com ORGANİZE SANAYİ BÖLGESİ 30.CAD NO:24/B BILKENT PLAZA A3 BLOK B GIRISI K:3 N:26 BILKENT OSMANAĞA TEVERPAN DIŞ TİC. MAH. SEMT VE PAZ.A.Ş NÜSHETEFENDİ SOK. ahuatar@teverpan. com NO:24/2 STARWOOD ORMAN ORGANIZE SAN. ÜRÜNL.SAN.A.Ş BÖL.2.CAD. 36 starwood@starwood. İHRACATÇI FİRMA ALKAR INS.ITH.IHR. VE TIC.LTD. STI. ADRES MAHMUTBEY CAD 13, MAN ÜRÜNLERI VE K ADLIYE SARAYI AĞIT SAN .A.Ş KARŞISI NO:8 LTD.ŞTI TELEFON 1 FAKS EPOSTA ZEYTİNBURNU İSTANBUL 02126645783 02126799760 [email protected] VEZİRKÖPRÜ SAMSUN (362) 6471740 (362)6471578 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6700252 (212)6700253 NUSAYBİN MARDIN (482) 4157919 (482)4154215 KARABAĞLAR İZMIR (232) 2542226 (232)2548581 MELİKGAZİ KAYSERI (352) 3213200 (352)3213201 [email protected] BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6701074 (212)6701076 [email protected] MERKEZ BURSA (224) 7234420 (442)3272285 MELİKGAZİ KAYSERI (352) 3213801 (352)3214080 [email protected] ÇİLİMLİ DÜZCE (380) 6817444 (380)6817448 info@dorukagac. www.dorukagac. TUZLA İSTANBUL (216) 3153566 (216)3153566 info@kurisentegre. www.kurisentegre. com com ÜSKÜDAR İSTANBUL (216) 5214170 (216)5214168 [email protected] import@turanlar- www.turanlargoup. com [email protected] ORG. SAN. BÖLG. KERESTECILER SAN. SIT. 17.SK. NO:2-4 IKITELLI KIŞLA MH. HU- SAİT YAVUZ WEB SOKAK NO 60 ESENTEPE MAH. ÜRÜNL.SAN.VE TIC. İL GÜNEŞLİ MAH. VEZIRKÖPRÜ OR- GENYA ORMAN İLÇE ZUR SK. NO:12 NUSAYBİN yavuzdograma@ BAKIŞ PVC VE YAPI ELEMANLARI MOBİLYA İNŞAAT YEŞİLLİK CAD. NAKLİYAT SANAYİ NO:506 www.bakismobilya. com VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ LALE ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LTD. ŞTİ. ORGANİZE SANAYİ BÖLGESİ 7.CAD. NO:7 IKITELLI ZIYA GÖKALP MAH. NASER ALIM KERESTECILER SIT. 14. BLOK 22-24 İKİTELLİ KAHVECİ ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ PET. TURZM.SAN VE TIC LTD ŞTİ YONPAŞ ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. ANKARA KARAYOLU 10.KM SİNANBEY MAH.AHMET AKYOLLU CD:NO:32 İNEGÖL ORG.SAN.BÖLG.9.CD. NO:24 DORUK AĞAÇ KONURALP CAD. ÜRÜNLERI IML. INŞ. SÖĞÜTLÜ MEVKII SAN.VE TIC.A.Ş. ÇILIMLI KURIŞ ENTEGRE AĞAÇ SAN. VE TIC A.Ş. İSTANBUL DERİ ORGANİZE SANAYİ 7. YOL 5. PARSEL ORHANLI KISIKLI ALEMDAĞ SFC ENTEGRE OR- CAD.NO:46 ADIM MAN ÜR.SAN A.Ş. PLAZA D BLOK K.1 B.ÇAMLICA Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 37 8. LIST OF PARTICLE BOARD MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS IN TURKEY İHRACATÇI FİRMA ADRES ANT AHŞAP ORMAN KERESTECİLER ÜRÜNLERİ SAN VE SANAYİ SİTESİ 2. TİC LTD ŞTİ SOK. NO:30-32 İZMİR YILDIZ ORM. ÜRN.İNŞ.TAAH. MAKİNA SAN.VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. KUZEY AĞAÇ VE ORMAN ÜRÜNL. SAN. TİC.LTD.ŞTİ ALİM ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ İTH.İHR. SAN.VE TİC.A.Ş SBS ORMAN ÜRÜN. VE YAPI MALZ.İMAL. SAN. VE TİC.A.Ş SAN. BÖL. 18. SO- FAKS BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6703237 (212)6703031 KEMALPAŞA İZMIR (232) 4862906 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (532) 3612233 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6702645 NİLÜFER BURSA (224) 4410556 İNEGÖL BURSA (224) 7110006 YÜREĞİR ADANA (322) 3467186 YAKUTİYE ERZURUM (442) 2135519 MERKEZ ERZURUM (442) 2135944 MERKEZ DÜZCE (380) 5262802 ANKARA 312-2310389 İSTANBUL (282) 7461250 EPOSTA WEB mustafaaraci@ (232) ozcan80@hotmail. 4862905 com İKİTELLİ ORG.SAN. BÖL.KERESTECİLER SİT. 11 B BLOK K:2 (212) 6704195 [email protected] İKİTELLİ İKİTELLİ OSB MAH.SEMT KERESTECİLER 14 (212) 6701076 BLOK SK 22 ALAADDİN BEY MAH.636.SOK. SARP PLAZA NO:3 (224) baris.sezer@sbsor- 4415558 (224) yaprakparke@ 7155815 (322) import@yildirim- www.yildirim- 3460475 (442) ozyapar@ozyapar. 2135520 (442) onderdengizek@ 2135944 (380) divapan@divapan. 5262803 312-2291471 [email protected] ERTUĞRUL OSMANİYE MAH. ŞEBBOY CADDESİ DEKORASYON NO.26 YILDIRIM CEYHAN KARDEŞLER OR- YOLU ÜZERİ MAN ÜRÜN. TİC. MOBİLYACILAR SAN.VE PAZ.LTD. SİTESİ 68.BLOK ŞTİ. NO:32 TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. TELEFON 1 KAK NO:3 ÇAMDİBİ YAPRAK PARKE VE ÜRÜNLERİ SAN. VE İL KEMALPAŞA ORG. MEHMET YAPRAK - ÖZYAPAR ORMAN İLÇE TAHTACILAR CAD. NO:8 ER DENGİZEKLER ORM.ÜR.MOB.GI.T GÜLAHMET CAD. UR.TEK.TİC.SAN. NO:9/11 VEPAZ.LTD.ŞTİ. DIVAPAN ENTEGRE AĞAÇ PANEL SAN TIC.A.Ş. YIĞILCA YOLU TOKUŞLAR KÖYÜ GÜRBAĞ İNŞ.MÜH. FEVZİÇAKMAK 1.SK. SAN.VE TİC.A.Ş. NO:6/13 KIZILAY TEM OTOYOLU GLOSPAN AHŞAP ATIŞALANI MEVKİİ SAN. TİC. AŞ KOZA PLAZA İŞ MRK B BLOK NO:105 38 ESENLER (282) 7461253 [email protected] htt://www.gurbag. com İHRACATÇI FİRMA ADRES İLÇE İL TELEFON 1 ANTAKYA HATAY (326) 2217363 ÜMRANİYE İSTANBUL (216) 3133899 KARATAY KONYA (332) 3450530 BALIKESİR BALIKESIR (266) 2811150 ÜMRANİYE İSTANBUL (216) 4153326 KARABAĞLAR İZMIR (232) 2378880 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6700038 ODUNPAZARI ESKIŞEHIR (222) 2361166 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6700061 MERKEZ ELAZIĞ (424) 2551554 FAKS EPOSTA (326) neccarltd@hotmail. 2218835 com WEB NECCAR MOBİLYA VE ORMAN YENİ SANAYİ SİTESİ ÜRÜNLERİ MAKİNA 11. CAD. 25/B BLOK GIDA İNŞ.NAK.İTH. NO:18 İHR.LTD.ŞTİ. MODEKS MOB.SAN. BOSTANCI YOLU VE TIC.LTD.ŞTI. HATTAT SK.NO.58 (216) [email protected] (332) info@dempaslam. www.dempaslam. 3450532 com com [email protected] 3133893 DEMPAŞ HIRDAVAT KUYUMCULUK FEVZİÇAKMAK MAH. ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ 10665 SOK. NO:3 GIDA İNŞAAT SAN. ŞEMS VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. AKÇALAR ORMAN ORG. SAN. BÖLGESI ÜR.INŞ.MALZ.TIC. 185 ADA 4-5 PAR- SAN.A.Ş. SEL (266) 2811159 KAZIM KARABEKİR SEREN AHŞAP MOB MAH.ADEM YAVUZ IML DEKOR SAN VE CAD. LEYLAKLI SOK TIC LTD ŞTI NO:2 GİRİŞ KAT (216) 6959993 [email protected] KAZIMKARABEKİR YA SİN ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ İNŞAAT AYDIN MAH.YEŞİLLİK İTHALAT İHRACAT CAD.NO:461/1 NAKLİYE KİRALAMA KAT:3 D:308 TURİZM SANAYİ VE KARABAĞLAR (232) info@yasinormanu- www.yasinormanu- 2379991 (212) info@beslerorman. 6700669 TİCARET A.Ş. BEŞLER ORM.ÜRÜN. MOB.MAL. VE NAKL. SAN. TIC.LTD.ŞTI ORGANIZE SAN BÖL.KERESTECILER SIT 12.SOK.NO:14 K.ÇEKMECE HAKAN MOBİLYA 75.YIL MAH. ORG. İMALAT VE SAN. SAN. BÖL. 9. CAD. TİC. A. Ş. NO:29 SULTANDERE ÖZGÜR ORM. ÜR.SAN.VE TIC. LTD.ŞT KERESTECİLER SİT. 22.YOL NO: 9/11 AKYILDIZ ORMAN ORGANİZE SANAYİ ÜRÜN.İNŞ.VE PAZ BÖLGESİ 2.KISIM TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. 3.YOL (222) 2362490 (212) santral@ozgurorman. 6703216 com (424) zaferakyildiz83@ www.akyildizorman. 2551563 com Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 39 9. LIST OF STRAND BOARD MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS IN TURKEY İHRACATÇI FİRMA KASTAMONU ENTEGRE AĞAÇ SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. ADRES MAHIR IZ C. NO:23 ALTUNIZADE STARWOOD ORMAN ORGANIZE SAN. ÜRÜNL.SAN.A.Ş BÖL.2.CAD. ORMA ORMAN MAHSÜLLERİ İNTEGRE SAN VE TİC.A.Ş SUNPA ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ PAZARLAMA SAN.VE TİC. LTD.ŞTİ İLÇE İL TELEFON 1 ÜSKÜDAR İSTANBUL (216) 5543000 İNEGÖL BURSA (224) 2943200 ISPARTA ISPARTA (246) 2322001 MELİKGAZİ KAYSERI (352) 3222500 GEBZE KOCAELI 02623711471 FOÇA İZMIR (232) 8235006 MELİKGAZİ KAYSERI (352) 3213801 BOLU (374) 2439492 374_2438165 ŞİŞLİ İSTANBUL 02123209476 KARTEPE KOCAELI (262) 3166100 ZEYTİNBURNU İSTANBUL 02126645783 KADIKÖY İSTANBUL (216) 3464710 ATATÜRK BULVARI ÜZERI ISTIKLAL MAH. ORGANİZE SANAYİ BÖLGESİ 30.CAD NO:24/B FAKS (216) 4740064 EPOSTA [email protected] WEB (224) starwood@starwood. www.starwood. 2943245 (246) fatma.savlu@orma. 2241019 (352) [email protected] (232) info@dengizekler- www.dengizekler- 8234867 [email protected] 02123209477 [email protected] (262) yildiz@yildizentegre. www.yildizentegre. 3166196 com com 02126799760 [email protected] 3222506 YILDIZ SUNTA MDF ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ TESİSLERİ İTHALAT İHRACAT BEŞEVLER SAN. BÖLG.NO:35 02623714688 VE TİC.A.Ş. DENGİZEKLER ENTEGRE AĞAÇ SANAYİ ENERJİ TİCARET ANONİM ILIPINAR KÖYÜ KÜMEEVLER NO:381 ŞİRKETİ YONPAŞ ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. ORG.SAN.BÖLG.9.CD. NO:24 BALORMAN ORMAN ORGANİZE SANAYİ ÜRÜNLERİ SAN. BÖLGESİ 3.CAD. TİC.A.Ş. NO:17 (352) 3214080 HALIL RIFATPASA ODEKA DIS TIC. LTD.STI. MH.PERPA TIC. MERK.A.BL.K.12 NO.1843 OKMEYDANI YILDIZ ENTEGRE AĞAÇ SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. ALKAR INS.ITH.IHR. VE TIC.LTD. STI. ASLANBEY ORG.SAN BÖL. NO:5 GÜNEŞLİ MAH. MAHMUTBEY CAD 13, SOKAK NO 60 WEST LINE OR- OSMANAĞA MAH. MAN ÜRÜNLERİ REŞİTEFENDİ SOK. ULUSLARARASI SADIKOĞLU İŞ PAZ. SAN. VE TİC. MERKEZİ NO.29 LTD. ŞTİ. D.16 40 (216) 3458272 İHRACATÇI FİRMA ADRES VEZIRKÖPRÜ OR- ESENTEPE MAH. MAN ÜRÜNLERI VE ADLIYE SARAYI K AĞIT SAN .A.Ş KARŞISI NO:8 GEMİ KAYA İNŞ. Y.DUDULLU MAH. TAAH.VE DIŞ TİC. TÜRKER CAD. GEMİ LTD.STİ. KAYA İŞM. NO:31 FILIZ ORMAN ÜRÜNLERI DAĞ. PAZ. SAN.VE TIC. LTD. ŞTI. SİTESİ 22.SOKAK ORGANIZE SANAYI BÖLG. SANAYI LATMA İNŞAAT BULVARI NO.34 MOB.MAL. VE NAKL. SAN. TIC.LTD.ŞTI BÖL.KERESTECILER SIT 12.SOK.NO:14 (362) 6471740 ÜMRANİYE İSTANBUL (216) 4661610 KÜÇÜKÇEKMECE İSTANBUL (212) 6700529 TEKKEKÖY SAMSUN 03622665925 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6700038 ŞİŞLİ İSTANBUL (212) 2248788 DÖŞEMEALTI ANTALYA (242) 2580150 ARNAVUTKÖY İSTANBUL (212) 6821207 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6703237 ÜSKÜDAR İSTANBUL (216) 5214170 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6700909 KÜÇÜKÇEKMECE İSTANBUL (212) 6700116 WEB (362) import@turanlar- www.turanlargoup. 6471578 com [email protected] (216) 4661601 (212) 6704500 03622666194 esragun@borsan. (212) info@beslerorman. 6700669 (212) bsdis@superonline. 2245220 com K.ÇEKMECE SAN.TIC.LTD. ŞTI. NO:191 HARBİYE AHK INŞAAT TURZ. ORGANIZE SAN. DEKOR.SAN.TIC. BÖL.2.KISIM 24.CA VE PAZ. LTD. ŞTI. SAMSUN EPOSTA KUTLUKENT CUMHURIYET CAD. BONUS MOB. ÜRET. VEZİRKÖPRÜ FAKS ORGANIZE SAN BS ITH.IHR.VE PAZ. LTD.ŞTI. TELEFON 1 NO:25 İKİTELLİ ELEKTRİK AYDIN- BEŞLER ORM.ÜRÜN. İL KERESTECİLER BORSAN KABLO SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. İLÇE D.NO:18 FATIH MAH. YAHYA KEMAL CAD. NO:29 TAŞOLUK ANT AHŞAP ORMAN KERESTECİLER ÜRÜNLERİ SAN VE SANAYİ SİTESİ 2. TİC LTD ŞTİ SOK. NO:30-32 (242) [email protected] (212) info@bonusmobilya. www.bonusmobilya. 6821217 (212) mustafaaraci@ 6703031 2580154 KISIKLI ALEMDAĞ SFC ENTEGRE OR- CAD.NO:46 ADIM MAN ÜR.SAN A.Ş. PLAZA D BLOK K.1 (216) 5214168 [email protected] B.ÇAMLICA INDALOĞLU ORMAN ÜRÜN. SAN VE TİC. NaN LTD.ŞTİ GFA MOBİLYA AKSESUARLARI SAN. VE DIŞ TİC. LTD.ŞTİ. BISCI MOBILYA AKSESUARLARI VE KOMPONENTLERI DIŞ TIC.LTD.ŞTI. İKİTELLİ ORG. SAN. BÖL. HESKOP SAN. SİT. M-6 BLOK tolgamertler@ NO:100 KERESTECILER SITESI BLOK 8 NO.2 IKITELLI (212) osman.ugur@bisci. 6700409 Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 41 9. LIST OF STRAND BOARD MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS IN TURKEY İHRACATÇI FİRMA KUZEY AĞAÇ VE ORMAN ÜRÜNL. SAN. TİC.LTD.ŞTİ ADRES İLÇE İL TELEFON 1 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (532) 3612233 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6701074 MERKEZ ELAZIĞ (424) 2551554 MERKEZ IĞDIR (476) 2101268 BEYOĞLU İSTANBUL (212) 2507647 FAKS EPOSTA WEB İKİTELLİ ORG.SAN. BÖL.KERESTECİLER SİT. 11 B BLOK K:2 (212) 6704195 [email protected] İKİTELLİ IKITELLI ZIYA GÖKALP MAH. NASER ALIM KERESTECILER SIT. 14. BLOK 22-24 (212) [email protected] (424) zaferakyildiz83@ www.akyildizorman. 2551563 com 6701076 İKİTELLİ AKYILDIZ ORMAN ORGANİZE SANAYİ ÜRÜN.İNŞ.VE PAZ BÖLGESİ 2.KISIM TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. 3.YOL TAHİR ARAS - ARAS SANAYİ SİTESİ ORMAN ÜRÜN. 3.BLOK NO:7 (476) 2101268 FETİHTEPE MAH. FATİH UYGUN DEREİÇİ SOK. fuygnfb@hotmail. com NO:218/A SEGER ORMAN CUMHURİYET MAH. ÜRÜNLERİ VE İNŞ. MURAT SOK.NO:12 SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ K:5 D:11 KAHVECİ ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ PET. TURZM.SAN VE TIC LTD ŞTİ FUGA ÇELİK VE AHŞAP YAPI SİS. SAN. TİC.LTD.ŞTİ BALIKÇIOĞLU ORMAN ÜRÜNL. TIC. VE SAN. LTD. ŞTI. KARTAL İSTANBUL (216) 6711600 (216) 6711605 mehmetcokguler@ eksiogluorman. www.segerorman. ANKARA KARAYOLU 10.KM SİNANBEY MAH.AHMET MERKEZ BURSA (224) 7234420 YENİMAHALLE ANKARA (312) 3944807 ERENLER SAKARYA (264) 2750330 SAKARYA (264) 2914578 İZMIR (232) 2655656 AKYOLLU CD:NO:32 (442) 3272285 İNEGÖL İVEDİK OSB SOĞUTMACILAR S.S. 656.SOK. NO.23 (312) bunyamin@evhane. 3944827 (264) balikciogluorman@ 2758612 (264) bilgi@okuyanticaret. www.okuyanticaret. 2750434 [email protected] ÇANKAYA SAKARYA CAD. 250. SK. NO:14 GÜNEY ORMA ORMAN ÜR.SAN.VE TİC. LTD.Ş MOBİLYACILAR SİTESİ 278. SK.GÜNEY SAN. KOOP.BİNASI ERENLER PROCUT ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ SAN.VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. 42 29 EKİM MH. 9231 SOK. NO:5 YAZIBAŞI TORBALI (232) 2653031 İHRACATÇI FİRMA ALİM ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ İTH.İHR. SAN.VE TİC.A.Ş GENYA ORMAN ÜRÜNL.SAN.VE TIC. LTD.ŞTI ADRES İLÇE İL TELEFON 1 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6702645 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6700252 MAH.SEMT KERESTECİLER 14 ADAPAZARI SAKARYA (264) 2910465 BAYRAMPAŞA İSTANBUL (212) 5319412 MELİKGAZİ KAYSERI (352) 3213878 BAŞAKŞEHİR İSTANBUL (212) 6703053 MELİKGAZİ KAYSERI (352) 3213200 ÇİLİMLİ DÜZCE (380) 6817444 ODUNPAZARI ESKIŞEHIR (222) 2361166 SİLİVRİ İSTANBUL 02125468892 KÜÇÜKÇEKMECE İSTANBUL (212) 6700360 ANTAKYA HATAY (326) 2216983 EPOSTA WEB [email protected] (264) alesta@alestamobi- www.alestamobilya. 2910865 com (212) 6701076 BLOK SK 22 ORG. SAN. BÖLG. KERESTECILER SAN. SIT. 17.SK. NO:2-4 (212) 6700253 IKITELLI ALESTA ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ MOB. FAKS İKİTELLİ OSB ??? SAN.VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. AKUA İNŞAAT GIDA ORTA MAH. TEKS.SAN.VE DIŞ NUMUNEBAĞI CAD. TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. NO:42 KAT:1 D:1 (212) 5212073 FIRINCI ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ İNŞ. ORGANİZE SAN. TEKS.TURZ.TİC.VE BÖL.16.CAD.NO:26 (352) omer@firinciorman. 3213882 (212) info@eurosuggest. www.eurosuggest. 6703054 com com [email protected] (380) info@dorukagac. www.dorukagac. 6817448 SAN..LTD.ŞTİ. BF ORMAN İOSB KERESTECİLER ÜRÜNLERİ SAN.TİC. SİTESİ 11/B BLOK LTD.ŞTİ KAT:4 İKİTELLİ LALE ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LTD. ŞTİ. ORGANİZE SANAYİ BÖLGESİ 7.CAD. NO:7 DORUK AĞAÇ KONURALP CAD. ÜRÜNLERI IML. INŞ. SÖĞÜTLÜ MEVKII SAN.VE TIC.A.Ş. ÇILIMLI HAKAN MOBİLYA 75.YIL MAH. ORG. İMALAT VE SAN. SAN. BÖL. 9. CAD. TİC. A. Ş. NO:29 SULTANDERE STANDART IZOLASYON VE YAPI MA T.SAN.TIC.A.S. E-5 KARAYOLU UZERI ASD ORMAN ÜRÜN- KERESTECILER LERI PAZ.SAN.VE SITESI 3.ADA 2.SK TIC.A.Ş NO:15/17 IKITELLI TEKSÖZ ORMAN YENİ SANAYİ GİRİŞİ ÜRÜ.MOB.İNŞ.GİDA KARAYOLLARI MAD.HAY.OTO.MAK. BİTİŞİĞİ TEKSÖZ SAN.VE TIC.LTD ORM.CAD.NO:4 (352) 3213201 (222) 2362490 02127353594 (212) 6700368 [email protected] (326) teksozorman@ 2210652 Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters of Central Anatolia 43 SOURCES Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Müsteşarlığı/9.Kalkınma Planı-Ağaç Ürünleri ve Mobilya Özel İhtisas Raporu Ekonomi Bakanlığı ( FAO/ FAO Corporate Document Repository- Plywood Forecasts and Analysis FAOSTAT Database ( Trademap ( Orman Genel Müdürlüğü ( TÜİK verileri Yonga Levha Sanayicileri Derneği Ceyhun Atuf Kansu Cad. No: 120 Balgat / Çankaya ANKARA +90 (312) 447 27 40 / +90 (533) 039 95 96 [email protected] • 44