TCP 28(6) December 1995 Special Feature
TCP 28(6) December 1995 Special Feature
Edltor: Jean Ann Linney University of South Carolina 251 Gambrell Hall Columbia, SC 29208 [email protected] Associate Editor: Diana Seybolt University of South Carolina [email protected] The Community Psyckologist ACltlon, leal Association Contributing Editors BOOK REVIEWS: Leah Gensheimer, University of Missouri N. Andrew Peterson, University of Missouri In this Issue: COMPUTERS: William Hallman, Rutgers University EDUCATION Society News: CONNECTION: Maurice Elias. Rutgers UniversitY. Jim Dalton, Bloomsburg UniversIty CULTURAL AND RACIAL AFFAIRS: Yolanda Suarez, Loyola University HEALTH POLICY: Martin McCarthy, Jr., Northwestern Univ Sara Murphey, Edumedia, Inc. INTERNATIONAL ISSUES: Adrian Fisher, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia Brian Bishop, Curtin University, Perth, Australia 3 6 6 7 4 10 11 9 9 President's Column Committeeon Women Committeeon Racial and Cultural Affairs CommunityAction Call for Nominations:SCRA Fellows Call for Proposals: 1997 Biennial Conference New Publications Announcements Job Listings -. MEMBERSHIP ACTION: Rod Watts, DePaul University NATIONAL PREVENTION COALITION: Sandra McElhaney, National Mental Health Association PUBLIC POLICY: Brian Wilcox. University of Nebraska Andrea Solarz, Institute of Medicine STUDENT ISSUES: Stephanie H, Wilson, U. South Carolina Special Section: L. Sean Azelton, University of Illinois, Chicago TRAINING ISSUES: Catherine Stein, Bowling Green State Univ WOMEN'S ISSUES: Deborah Salem, Michi~an State University Karla Fisher, Duke University 1995 SenJ4 }Vlembership Directory Executive SCRA Committee Membership 1995-96 The Community Psychologist and the American Journal of Community Psychology are mailed 10 all APA President Irwin Sandler, Arizona State University Regional Coordinators Past President Roger Weissberg, University of Illinois. Chicago President-Elect Manuel Barrera, Arizona State University Treasurer William Davidson, Michigan State University Secretary Northeast Pat O'Connor, Sage Graduate Schoo1 Paul Speer, Rutgers University·Livingston Jan Gillespie, SUNY Brockport Southeast Fran Norris, Georgia State University Jim Cook, NC State University Terri Sterling, Center for Disease Control Sharlene Wolchik, Arizona State University Student Representatives L. Sean Azettan, University of Illinois, Chicago Stephanie Hoyt Wilson. University of South Carolina APA Council Representative Ed Seidman, New York University National Coordinator Carolyn Feis. US GAD, Washington,DC Members-at-Large Fabricio Balcazar. Institute for Study of Developmental Disabilities, Chicago Andrea Solarz. Institute of Medicine Rod Watts. DePaul University Standing Committee Chairs Southwest/Mountain Mark Roosa. Arizona State University KeIJy Naylor, Children's Hospital, Denver Charles Guamaccia, U of North Texas West Debra Srebnik, U of Washington Toshi Sasao, UCLA Michael Arthur, U of Washington Canada Richard Walsh Bowers, Wilfred Laurier U Dissertation A ward Krys Kaniasty, Indiana University of PA Latin America Luis Mendez Calderon, Gueynabo, Rico Liaison to Canadian Community Psychology Association Richard Walsh Bowers, University of Waterloo Membership William Davidson, Michigan State University Rod Watts, DePaul University South Pacific David Thomas, U of Waikato, New Zealand Arthur Veno, Monash University, Victoria, Australia Heather Gridley, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia Nominations & Elections Darlene DeFour, Hunter College APA Program Committee Fabricio Balcazar, Institute for Study of Developmental Disabilities, Chicago Publications Chris Keys, University of Illinois, Chicago Social Policy Karen Anderson, Washington, DC 2 Women Sage Graduate Puerto Europe Wolfgang Stark, Munich, Germany Jose Ornelas, Lisbon, Portugal International Fabricio Balcazar, Institute for Study of Developmental Disabilities, Chicago Marion Terenzio, Change of Address Send address changes to William Davidson, Department of Psychology, 129 Psychology Research Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1117. Members of AP A should also send changes to AP A Central Office, Data Processing Manager, for revision of APA mailing lists. Asia Richard Jenkins, Henry Jackson Foundation Middle East Gunduz Vassaf, Istanbul, Turkey Fellowship University of Illinois, Chicago Division 27 members. Students and affiliates may join SCRA and receive publications by sending $15.00 for students and $29.00 for affiliates and members to William S. Davidson, Department of Psychology, 129 Psychology Research Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1117. (Dues are ner calendar vear.) Midwest Leah Gensheimer, U of Missouri·Kansas City Joe Ferrari, DePaul University Fabricio Balcazar, U of Illinois· Chicago Cultural and Racial Affairs Yolanda Suarez, Loyola University Roger Weissberg, Information School The Community Psychologist, Volume 28-Special, December 1995 Submission Information Articles, Columns, Features, Letters to the Editor, and Announcements should be submitted typed double-spaced, accompanied by IBM or Mac double density computer disk. Send to: Jean Ann Linney, TCP Editor, 251 Gambrell Hall, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208 Submissions can be sent via Email to: linney@sc. edu. Submission deadlines are: January 1, March I, May IS, August I, and October I Opinions expressed in The Community Psychologist are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily renect official positions taken by the Society for Community Research and Action. The President's Column: Irwin Sandler Can SCRA Become a Multidisciplinary Society? This is an exciting time to be a Community Psychologist. Despite the conservative political tide in Washington, many of the values, interest and action agendas of community psychology are the focus of great interest, considerable action, and even some progress. It's really heartening to see how much SCRA members have to contribute to the issues of the day. By contribute I mean not simply jumping on the bandwagon of the latest issue, but indeed bringing something new and important to the discussion. Illustratively when APA asked us for out thoughts on the FDA regulations to reduce smoking in children, Tony Biglan and Lenny Jason were able to put together a position statement that was based on years of experience, good data and important well supported beliefs - which were in fact different than what was already on the table. We have an important role to play. I'd like to suggest a direction for the growth of our Society that I think is necessary for us to play our role even more effectively. We must become a more multidisciplinary society. Our name change from "Community Psychology" to the "Society for Community Research and Action" was in recognition that the issues that interest us most are best approached from the perspectives of multiple disciplines. The value of a multidisciplinary society is that it promotes exchanges, arguments, and actions that are informed by the perspectives, theories and methods from multiple disciplines. While each of the members of the Society have proficiency in their own disciplines, the community has a diversity of skills that expands its ability to conceptualize and take action on problems of interest. My informal talks with colleagues assure me that there is widespread agreement within SCRA about the value of a multidisciplinary society. At the same time there has been relatively little success in expanding disciplinary representation within SCRA. There are multiple barriers to us moving in this direction. Institutional pressures, traditions and reward structures have generally been constructed along disciplinary lines, particularly within the university. Our own traditions and heritage come out of a time and place in psychology and it is difficult to change a culture, even one as young as SCRA. Simple initiatives such as sending invitations for membership or the Biennial to mailing lists from other disciplines have been tried with little effect. Nevertheless, I'm convinced that the benefits are sufficiently exciting to urge us to grow in the direction of being a multidisciplinary Society. There's no magic bullet or single act that will in and of itself accomplish this goal. Moving in this direction requires multiple strategies, each pursued continuously and by a substantial portion of the membership over time. It all begins with conceptualizing SCRA as moving in the direction of being a multidisciplinary society and acting accordingly in each of the small and everyday things we do within the Society. As you put together that next symposium, discussion group, special issue, section of TCP, etc. include people who can make a contribution, but who ordinarily would not participate because they are not psychologists. Think about SCRA as a muUidisciplinary society, act according to that model and move us in that direction. In my winter mailing I've included a brief survey asking for concrete ideas to move SCRA into being a more multidisciplinary society. Please respond. I'll report back on the ideas I receive in later columns. Do you have the August 1994 issue of AJCP? Are you missing the August 1994 issue of AJCP? This was a special issue on "Empowering the Silent Ranks" edited by Irma Serrano-Garcia and Meg A. Bond. It has come to our attention that an unusually large number of people did not receive this issue. It is unclear what happened between the request for labels and the mailing. Nonetheless, we hope to rectify this situation. The ONLY way for the Executive Committee to know that you did not receive the issue is for you to tell us. If you have not received the August 1994 issue of AJCP, please contact: Bill Davidson, SCRA Treasurer Department of Psychology Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 488241117 Phone 517-454-5015; FAX 517-432-2476; Email: wsd%[email protected] Please call ASAP and Bill will ensure that you oet a copy. The Community Psychologist, Volume 28-Special, December 1995 3 SCRA FELLOWS: CALL FOR NOMINATIONS We are excited to publish for the first time, an SCRA Membership Directory. This is a membership feature that has been discussed by the Executive Committee for several years. Finally, the 1995 Membership Directory appears as a pull-out section in this issue. The Executive Committee is hopeful that members will find the directory useful. Future directories will be included in the December issue of TCP. This directory would not have happened without the tireless effort and perseverance of Andrea Solarz, who has spent many weekends this Fall working to merge our multiple data sets. The project required considerably more work than anticipated! We all owe our thanks to Andrea for her persistence and willingness to take on this task. This issue ends my first year as Editor. We have now consolidated all of our operations in South Carolina to save both time and money. Using electronic transmission of TCP submissions has greatly facilitated the publication process. In collaboration with Bill Davidson, we have worked to reduce errors in mailing. At least as far as TCP, It seems that the number of complaints has been reduced. Hopefully we can keep that up. For 1996, we have planned special features on: • Urban Issues • Self-Help/Mutual Support • Cultural Diversity/Race Relations. Best wishes to all for a Happy New Year. 4 What is an SCRA Fellow? - someone who provides evidence of "unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in community research and action." Fellows document: (a) sustained productivity in community research and action over a period of a minimum of five years; (b) distinctive contributions to knowledge and/or practice in community psychology that are recognized by others as excellent; and (c) impact beyond the immediate setting in which the Fellow works. The Society seeks to recognize a variety of exceptional contributions that significantly advance the field of community research and action including but not limited to theory development, research, evaluation, teaching, intervention, policy development and implementation, advocacy, consultation, program development, administration, and service. How does one become a SCRA Fellow? SCRA has a 6-member Committee on Fellows whose mission is to identity and recognize excellence in community research and action among Society Members. Applications for Initial Fellow status must include: (1) a completed 4-page Uniform Fellow Application; (2) 3 to 6 endorsement letters written by current Fellows, (3) supporting materials including a vita with publication marked "R" for refereed; (4) a nominee's self-statement setting forth his/her accomplishments which warrant nomination to Fellow Status. These materials are reviewed by the Fellows Committee for approval at the Society level. If an approved nominee is a member of APA, the Committee forwards the materials to SCRA's Executive Committee and APA's Membership Committee with a letter of support. If an approved nominee is not a member of APA, the Committee forwards materials with a letter of support only to the SCRA Executive Committee for final approval. What's the time line for the Fellow application process? To assure the fullest possible consideration, complete nominations should be submitted to Roger Weissberg (Chair, Fellows Committee) by January 15, 1996. Applications will be reviewed by the Fellows Committee between January 15 and February 10. Application packets, with letters of support from the SCRA Fellows Committee, are due at the APA Membership Department by February 15, 1996. Questions? Questions about the 1995-96 Fellowship nomination process or requests for materials should be directed to Roger Weissberg (Chair of the SCRA Fellows Committee). He can be contacted by mail (Department of Psychology (M/C 285), The University of Illinois at Chicago, 1007 West Harrison Street, Chicago, IL 60607-7137), fax (312-413-4122), phone (312413-1012), or Email: [email protected]. The Community Psycholo9ist, Volume 28-Special, December 1995 Join SCRA's Email Network: Receive updates on current events concerning SCRA and post messages to all SCRA members signed on the list. The list is a forum for discussions within the Society, and all members are encouraged to signon and participate. To become connected: 1) Send an Email message to: [email protected]. 2) In the body of the message, type: SUBSCRIBE SCRA-L followed by your first and last name with a single space between each word. For example, John Doe could join the list by typing: SUBSCRIBE SCRA-L JOHN DOE. Within 24-hours, you should get a message back from listserv stating that you have been added to the SCRA-L list. If there was any problem, it will instead inform you of the problem. An introduction to LISTSERV is available! Once logged on to the list, you can get an introduction to LlSTSERV documents with two steps: 1) Send an Email message to: [email protected]. EDU. 2) In the body of the message, type: GET LlSTSERV REFCARD. A file (LiSTSERV REFCARD) will be sent to you which gives a general introduction to LlSTSERV commands and their usage. Sending group messages to SCRA members on Email.To post messages to the list members: 1) Email your message TO: [email protected]. 2) Type and send your message in your normal manner. The message will be forwarded to all signed-on members! SCRA Dissertation Award: Call for Nominations The Society for Community Research and Action (Division 27 of the . American Psychological Association) announces an open competition for Its annual dissertation award. The purpose is to identify the best doctoral dissertation on a topic relevant to the field of community psychology completed between September 1,1993 and August 31, 1995 - - any dissertation completed within these dates may be submitted. The completion date for the dissertation refers to the date of acceptance of the dissertation by the granting university's designate officer (e.g., the . graduate officer), not the graduation date. Last year's contestants (excluding the winner) may resubmit dissertations If the dates are stili within the specified timeframe. The winner will receive a prize of $250 and membership in the Society. (In case of a tie the award money will be divided between the winners.) The award will be presented during the APA Convention in August, 1996. Criteria for the award include: relevance of the study to community psychology, with particular emphasis on important and emerging trends in the field; scholarly excellence; innovation and implications for theory, research and action; and methodological appropriateness. Materials required: You may nominate yourself or be nominated by a member of SCRA. The cover letter should include your name, graduate school affiliation and thesis advisor, your current address, phone number, and (if available) e-mail address and fax number. Identifying information should be omitted from the abstract. Your detailed abstract should present a statement of the problem, methods, findings, and conclusions. No abstract may exceed ten double-spaced pages, including tables and figures. Abstracts typically range from 4-8 pages. Evaluation process: The dissertation award committee will review all abstracts. Finalists will be chosen and asked to submit three copies of their entire dissertation. (We may ask finalists whose dissertations exceed 150 pages to send selected chapters.) The dissertations will be reviewed by the committee which will choose a winner. Deadline for submission: January 15, 1996 Submit your cover letter and three copies of the dissertation abstract to: Krys Kaniasty Department of Psychology Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana, PA 15705 e-mail: [email protected] Questions or problems? Send an Email message to Sean Azelton at L. Sean [email protected]. If you need to hear a human voice, call Roger Weissberg at (312) 4131012. Welcome on-line! The Community Psycholo9ist, Volume 28-Special. December 1995 5 SCRA Committee on Women Marion Terenzio, Past-Chair Marg Schneider, Chair he Committee on Women had two productive meetings during the Biennial Conference resulting in the development of a strategic plan. The overall goal of the Committee for the next two years is to disseminate knowledge and information concerning issues related to women. There was a strong feeling that feminist theory and feminist approaches to research and action have the potential to inform the practice of Community Psychology in significant ways. Consequently, the objectives identified were, 1) to explicate and interpret feminist theory, approaches, and applications as they apply to Community Psychology, and 2) to promote the incorporation of a feminist philosophy in the practice of Community Psychology. T These tasks were identified: 1. Edit and publish a special issue on feminist theory and methodology for AJCP. Marion T erenzio and Jean Hill have taken on this project which is in progress. 2. Create a clearinghouse to assist and encourage committee members to publish their work. This may include keeping updated on special journal issues and providing mentorship for junior researchers and graduate students. 3. Utilize SCRA meetings at the national, regional, and local levels in an increasingly supportive and generative manner including development of innovative formats to promote discussion and networking. 4. Put greater emphasis on making contact with and informing graduate students about the work of the Women's Committee and the Division in general, in order to 6 develop long term linkages with academic departments. 5. Active involvement in providing material for the TCP Women's Issues Column. 6. Compile an updated directory of the Women's Committee membership. Pat O'Connor has undertaken this project. 7. Encourage more active participation of students by expanding the leadership of the Committee (presently with three co-chairs) to include two or three students to create an executive board or core leadership development committee. The present leadership of the Committee consists of Marg Schneider (chair), Marion Terenzio (past-chair) and Kelly Naylor (chair-elect). Jean Hill has stepped down as past-chair, but has agreed to be responsible for organizing the Committee's involvement for the next Biennial. The Committee has created a realistic agenda for the next two years. We hope that encouraging the membership to volunteer for tasks will not only insure their successful completion but will also foster the contacts, involvement, and networking which is 50 crucial to feminist social action. We look forward to an interesting year with many opportunities to work together. We invite anyone who would like more information, wants to volunteer for any of the above tasks, wants to give feedback or just wants to say "hello" contact: Marg Schneider Dept of Applied Psychology, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 252 Bloor St. W. Toronto, ON M5S 1V6 Canada (416) 923-6641 x2550 Email: [email protected] SCRA Committee on Racial and Cultural Affairs Column Editors Randy Potts and Yolanda Suarez s clearly demonstrated in the past few months in the US, "race matters" in the psychology of communities. Issues of race, ethnicity and culture are also very relevant in the theory and practice of community psychology. If your research, teaching, or practice focuses on issues of race and culture (e.g. racism, racial/ethnic identity, oppression, cultural competence in research, training & practice, women of color, rites of passage programs, mentoring students of color, etc.) we encourage you to send us your name and a description of your interests 50 that you may become a part of our Mentorship Network. This Network is composed of community psychology students and professionals addressing issues of race & culture. We presently have 36 members. A In this column we hope to present the work of members of our Committee and the Mentorship Network. In our next column we would like to present the work of some very new members of Division 27 -- applied anthropologists who creatively integrate culture into community research and action. Of particular interest (at least to me) is their "Teen Action Research" model, in which adolescents from communities of color determine the areas of research, and are significantly involved in the design, implementation, and dissemination of findings of community research. Let us hear from you. Randy Potts, University of Hartford, Clinical Psychology 200 Bloomfield Ave, West Hartford, CT 06117-1599 [email protected] The Community Psychologist, Volume 28-Special, December 1995 Community Action Column Editor: David Julian Community Psychology and the United Way Planning Process In most large cities, local United Ways raise funds to support community, human services programs. If current trends continue, local United Ways can expect to raise more than $3 billion, annually, over the next several years (American Association of Fund Raising Council, 1992); funding that provides a wide variety of human services programs including social development, child and adult day care, and substance abuse treatment and prevention. Fundraising, allocating funds to local service . providers and evaluating the impacts of commumt~ interventions present major challenges to local Umted Ways. The skills, values and orientation of community psychologists may be uniquely suited to provide valuable assistance to local United Way staff and volunteers. The community psychologists' skills in coalition building, research and development, innovation dissemination, program evaluation and program planning can be employed on behalf of the local United Way. I have utilized some of these skills while employed at the United Way of Columbus/ Franklin County, Ohio and have come to regard it as a unique setting in which to practice community psychology. I have been involved in an experimental evaluation of the United Way planning process, a survey of contributors' attitudes regarding contributor choice; an assessment of the sense of community and efficacy of participants in United Way planning activities, the evaluation of a series of neighborhood collaborations and the solicitation of community input regarding outcomes to guide United Way funding decisions. Example Project: Development of Outcomes to Guide United Way Funding. Research in Columbus/Franklin county suggested that some residents thought that United Way (UW) was irrelevant to their concerns and was not addressing the most pressing needs in the community. In a survey of approximately 200 community leaders, 47% of respondents indicated that UW should divert a iarger share of funds to the "community's most serious problems" (The Davon Group, 1992). was explicitly stated in document~tion ex~ressing ,~he local UW vision. The United Way Strategic VIsion stated that broad community representation and participation in UW activities functions to enrich the . analysis of community needs and problems and contributes to a better understanding of critical community issues (United Way of Franklin County, 1993). The "Strategic Vision" also challenged UW to demonstrate success by defining, achieving and measuring specific outcomes related to six critical . needs. The six critical need areas included education, employment, health, housing, race relations and safety. In order to effectively respond to the community's perception of critical needs, UW staff designed a planning process that Involved a diverse group of community representatives In UW fu~dlng decisions. Staff believed that the Implementation of this process would provide participants with greater influence over how UW funds were allocated and would result in allocation of funds to address outcomes related to critical community needs. The UW Planning Committee (the committee charged with generating UW outcomes) conven~d a community meeting to discuss local, human services priorities. A standing UW.committee! the Planning Committee consisted of representatives of local funding systems, UW Board members, government officials and other community leaders. The goal of the community meeting was to define a number of outcomes (defined as a change in a person,. institution, system or condition resulting from some Intervention) to guide UW funding decisions. UW staff beheved that an allocations system based on outcomes defined by members of the community would be responsive to community priorities. Seventy eight individuals attended the community meeting and others submitted input that was utilized to generate outcomes. To assure diverse representation, UW staff invited specific individuals to participate in the meeting. Attendees represented UW affiliated agencies, government, labor, academic institutions and grass roots community groups. It should be noted that invitations were extended to any UW afflhated agency representative who wished to participate. The. individuals who attended the commumty meeting were organized into separate groups corresponding to the six critical need areas previously identified. The six planning groups addressed three primary questions corresponding to the critical need area to which they were assigned: • What is the status of the community relative to This research and other experiences suggested to (health, housing, employment, safety, education or UW staff and volunteers that participation that allowed race relations)? citizens to directiy influence policy decisions might be • What should the community strive to achieve an important ingredient in successfully addressing. relative to (health, housing, employment, safety, community, human services issues. This perspective education or race reiations)? The Community Psycholo9ist, Volume 28-Special, December 1995 7 • What should UW do to promote community goals related to (health, housing, employment, safety, education or race relations)? The first of these questions was addressed in a general discussion of community conditions and needs. Participants were mailed brief status reports that included a definition, a summary of relevant needs data, and the current UW investment in programs related to the critical need area. The second and third questions were addressed utilizing the Nominal Group Technique. The process led to the development of 148 separate community outcomes and 125 outcomes that participants deemed appropriate for UW to address. In subsequent weeks, staff clustered these into 29 outcomes that appeared to capture the major themes expressed by participants in the community meeting. These outcomes were grouped according to the six critical need areas. The UW Planning Committee reviewed the 29 outcomes and generated a shorter list of what they considered to be the highest priority outcomes. Further deliberations resulted in the following 12 outcomes: Education: 1) Increase the number of children who enter first grade with age appropriate skills and complete their formal education through high school graduation or the equivalent. 2) Increase the ability of families to provide secure, healthy and supportive environments for their children. 3) Increase the basic functional skills of adults in the comunity. Employment: 4) Increase the number of unemployed people who get jobs and stay employed. Health: 5) Reduce the rate of the leading causes of death and disability in the community. 6) Reduce the incidence of substance abuse in the community. 7) Increase the ability of disabled people and the frail elderly to function independently in the community. Housing: 8) Increase home ownership and access to affordable, quality real housing. 9) Increase the number of people who would otherwise be at risk of becoming homeless who are able to maintain affordable, safe and sanitary housing. Race Relations: 10) Reduce interpersonal and institutional racism. Safety: 11) Reduce the level of violence that occurs in families and local neighborhoods. 12) Reduce the number of people who enter the criminal justice system. The format of these outcomes was based on "logic models" (Linney & Wanders man, 1991) which call for specification of community conditions that a program was designed to address; activities provided through a program; short or moderate term outcomes that might be expected as a result of the implementation of program activities; and long term impacts or outcomes that might be expected as a result of the achivement of shorter term outcomes. 8 The outcomes specified in this process were explicitly intended to represent long term impacts. These outcomes were viewed as the major community outcomes that volunteers felt the UW system should strive to achieve. Short term outcomes were seen as the responsibility of UW affiliated agencies or local collaborations while long term outcomes were viewed as the responsibility of the UW system and the community. Evaluation of the Planning Process UW staff structured this planning process to generate a set of community outcomes to guide UW funding decisions. It was important to UW staff and volunteers that the outcomes be reflective of opinion regarding the most critical needs in the community and that participation was meaningful in its own right. To guage success in meeting these goals, staff collected quantitative data from participatns regarding sense of community and empowerment, as well as assessments of the effectiveness of the process. Anecdotal evidence suggested that there were at least four major problems with the process. 1) Even though a diverse group of individuals participated, many suggested that representation was skewed in favor of human service professionals. 2) It appeared that outcomes reflected major community issues that could not be solved by UW alone. 3) Outcomes were stated in global terms, often not measureable. 4) Participants seemed to serve as consultants rather than true participants. Thus it was questionable whether participants' sense of community or perceived empowerment were enhanced (Julian, Reischl, Carrick, & Katrenich, 1993). Lessons learned from this planning process should provide opportunities to revise UW planning procedures to incorporate and refine mechanisms for coy involvement that permit true and empowered participation. Most United Ways in major urban areas are struggling with problems related to citizen participation, community empowerment and effective evaluation of United Way system impacts. The United Way system appears to be an area of practice that is largely untapped, but is well matched to the skills of community psychologists. American Association of Fund Raising Councils (1992). Giving USA. Available from AAFRC Trust for Philanthropy, NY, NY. The Davon Group (1992). Survey of key constituents. (10 Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43215). Julian, D., Reischl, T., Carrick, R., & Katrenich, (1993). Citizen participation: Lesson learned. United Way of Franklin County, Columbus, OH. United Way (1993). A common vision for uncommon problems. (360 S Third St. Columbus, OH 43215) Linney, JA & Wandersman, A. (1991). Prevention Plus III. (DHHS Pub No (ADM)91-1817, Washington) The Community Psycholo9ist, Volume 28-Special, December 1995 ] [ MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY SOCIETY FOR COMMUNITY RESEARCH AND ACTION Division 27 of the American Psychological Association December, 1995 p [ 11 Greetings On behalf of the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA) Executive Committee I'm delighted to present the first SCRA Membership Directory, which includes information on over 1675 SCRA members. We hope that you will find many uses for it, especially as a tool for expanding your networks with other members. The directory is based on data obtained from the American Psychological Association (APA) and SCRA membership databases. Key to Codes Students are designated by the symbol (S) after their name. Because student status was determined by the level of dues last paid to SCRA, there may be some individuals listed as students who have now graduated. Likewise, there may be some students who are not designated as such. The last names of APA members are shown in all capital letters. A Note About Email Addresses Email addresses were obtained from the APA database, the SCRA database, or from the SCRA listserv. The listserv was assumed to provide the most current information. Most email addresses listed in the directory are Internet addresses. Some, however, are BITNET addresses-these are the ones that don't end in something like "edu" or "org." Depending on your email system, you may need to handle these addresses a bit differently than Internet addresses (e.g., change "smith@univ" to something like "smith%[email protected]"). Further Caveats While every attempt was made to be as accurate as possible, it's inevitable that some errors remain in the directory. It's likely that some addresses are no longer up-to-date (particularly for students), and some data may have been entered incorrectly in the APA or SCRA databases (not to mention that putting the directory together provided a new opportunity to introduce errors). Occasionally, information about an individual differed across sources of information. In this case, a "best guess" was made. Because information on degree status (e.g, Ph.D. or M.A.) was inconsistent across databases, it is not included in the directory. Address listings are those provided to APA and SCRA for mailings. Thus, for some individuals work addresses are provided, and for others home addresses are provided. If your listing in the directory is incorrect, please send updated information by March 1, 1996 to: Andrea Solarz, 3329 S. Wakefield St., Arlington, VA 22206 (email: [email protected]). An errata sheet will be included in a later issue of The Community Psychologist to correct significant errors. My thanks to Vicki Alexander at the Michigan State University Department of Psychology for her helpfulness in providing me with information from the SCRA database. Sincerely, Andrea Solarz, Member-at-Large Editor, SCRA Membership Directory Aanavi. Michael (S) 2521 Ccntral Ave #106, Alameda CA 94501. ABOU-GHORRA, Ibrahim M. 5641 E Butler Ave, Fresno CA 93727-5444. Ph(w): 2091255-6603. Ph(h): 209/255-8724. Abraido-Lanza, Ana F. 133 New Hyde Park Rd., Garden City NY 11530. Victor (S) Via 42 US22 Villa Fontana, Carolina PR 00983. ACOSTA, Frank X. 2405 Paloma St, Pasadena CA 91104-4928. Ph(w): 213/226-5350. Acosta, Olga M. (S) 769 Richmnnd Ave., BulTalo NY 14222. Adams-Leavitt, Warren (S) 5814 Euclid Ave., Kansas City MO 64130. Ph(w): 816/444-5585. Ph(h): 816/531-0283. Adan, Angela 921 W. Van Buren, #230, Chicago IL 60607. Ph(w): 312/413-0293. FAX: 312/996-1404. Acevedo, ADELMAN, Howard S. 2721 Midvale Ave, Los Angeles CA 90064-4215. Ph(w): 310/825-1225. FAX: 3101206-5895. Ph(h): 310/474-3915. Email: [email protected] Adelman, Mara Dept of Communication, Broadway & Madison Seattle WA 98122. Ph(w): 206/296-5344. FAX: 206/296-5997. Email: [email protected] ADLER, Milton L. 1507 W University Ave, Champaign It 61821-3132. Ph(h): 217/356-9244. Adriance, Lisa (S) 2122 Santa Clara Ave #303, Alameda CA 94501. Ahlen-Widoe, Robert (S) 1114 Wilder Ave. #405, Hnnniulu HI 96822-2741. Alarcon, Magda (S) 11171 Muscat, EI Paso TX 79927. ALBEE, George W. 7157 Longboat Dr N. Longboat Key FL 34228-1047. Ph(w): 802/656-2670. FAX: 802/656-8783. Ph(b): 802/658-4582. ALBINO, Judith E. Univ of Colorado Campus Box 35, Boulder CO 80309-0035. Ph(w): 303/492-6201. FAX: 303/492-6772. Ph(h): 303/492-5696. Aldrich, Holly Cambridge Hospital, 1493 Cambridge St. Cambridge MA 02139. Ph(w): 617/498-1180. FAX: 617/492-8804. Ph(h): 617/492-0559. ALLEN, James R. Psychology Dept, University of South Dakota 414 East Clark, Vermillion SD 57069-2307. Ph(w): 605/677-5353. Email: [email protected] ALLEN, LaRue 27300 Franklin Rd # 304, Snuthfield MI 48034-2306. Ph(w): 313/577-0769. FAX: 313/577-8800. Email: LSLLRN@WAYNESTI ALLEN, M. Harriet 114 Clinton Rd, Brookline MA 02146-5813. Ph(w): 617/625-6600. Ph(h): 617/566-5790. Alley, Arnie (S) 425 Scotland St. Williamsburg VA 23185. ALTMAN, B. Eileen 2914 W Eastwood Ave, Chicago IL 60625-3722. Ph(w): 312/986-9200. FAX: 312/922-2277. Ph(h): 312/539-5918. ALTMAN, David Gary Dept of Public Hlth Scis, Bowman Gray Sch of Med Medical Center Blvd, Winston-Salem NC 27157. Ph(w): 910/716-9556. Ph(h): 910/218-0882. Email: [email protected] ALTMAN, Irwin 2827 Commonwealth Ave, Salt Lake City UT 84109-1417. Ph(w): 801/581-7109. FAX: 801/581-5841. Ph(h): 801/467-9334. Email: [email protected] AL TROCCHI, John Dept of Psychiat & Beh Sci. Manville Med Sci Bldg Univ of Nevada-Renn, Reno NV 89557. Ph(w): 702/784-4917. Ph(h): 916/583-2830. AMBUEL, Bruce 17570 St James Rd, Brookfield WI 53045-2053. Ph(w): 414/548-6925. FAX: 414/548-3820. Ph(h): 414/783-4691. Email: [email protected] Anastos-Stewart, Lisa 26 Hampshire Dr., Derry NH 03038. ANDERSON, Deborah Jean 2005 Upton Ave S, Minneapolis MN 55405-2214. Ph(w): 507/646-3353. FAX: 612/624-9344. Ph(h): 612/374-5929. Emaii: [email protected] ANDERSON, Jeffrey Michael Kaset InCl, 8875 Hidden River Pkwy, Tampa FL 33637-1017. Ph(w): 813/977-8875. FAX: 813/97t-3511. Ph(h): 813/968-8844. ANDERSON, Norman Arlene Bowers 3921 Verner Dr, Columbia Duke Univ SC 29204-4120. Ph(w): 803/777-5291. Ph(h): 803/787-9749. [email protected] Angelini, Patricia Email: 2920 N. 24th Ave., #26, Phoenix AZ 85016. Ph(w): 602/258-5777. FAX: 602/252-3708. Ph(h): 602/279-2298. Angelique. Holly (S) 1442-K Spartan Village, East Lansing MI 48823. Angueira, APONTE, Katherine 510 Cesar Gonzalez St., Hato Rey PR 00918. Joseph F. Dept of Psychol, Univ of Louisville, Louisville KY 40292. Ph(w): 502/852-6782. Ph(h): 502/897-5697. Applebaum, Gail T. 4760 S. Sepulveda 90230. Student ~ (S) APA Member = Last name in all capitals Nicholas P. 51 Upper Montclair Plz, Montclair NJ 07043-1340. Ph(w): 201/744-5353. FAX: 908/459-4714. ARMSTRONG, Hubert E. 1938 E Blaine, Seattle WA 98112-2917. Ph(w): 206/223-3401. Ph(h): 206/329-0815. Armstrong, (S) 1617 E. 50th PI.,Apt \D, Chicago IL 60615. ARNHOFF, Franklyn N. 8400 Lee Jackson Cir, Spotsylvania V A 22553-9426. Pb(h): 804/293-4203. Arredondo, Elva (S) 1201 Anacortes Ave NE, Apt C-204 Renton WA 98059-4443. Email: [email protected] Arroyn, Ana (S) 2460 Stone Rd., Ann Arhor MI 48105. ARTHUR, Micbael W. 146 N Canal St, Ste 211, Soc Dev Res Grp, Seattle WA 98103-8652. Ph(w): 206/685-3858. FAX: 206/543-4507. Pb(b): 206/776-5403. Email: [email protected] Assard, Christine F. 5 Sixth Ave., Waterford CT 06385. Atkins, Jacqueline (S) 3913 Overbrook Dr., #H, Columbia SC 29205. Ph(h): 803/787-6341. Atkins, Marc VIC, Inst for Juvenile Res., 907 S. Wolcott Ave. Chicago IL 60612-7347. Attar, Beth K. (S) 4611 Davis St, Atp 2A Sknkie IL 60657. ATTKISSON, C. ClilTord Child Svcs Res Grp, UCSF 44 Montgomery St Ste 1450, San Francisco CA 94104-4602. Ph(w): 415/476-9716. Ph(h): 415/381-0242. Email: SAA o/[email protected] A TINEA VE, Carolyn 98119-3015. AUBRY, Lewis 1811 3rd Ave W, Seattle W A Ph(h): 206/524-5694. Tim D. School of Psychol, Vanier Han 520 Univ of Ottawa, Ottawa KIN 6N5 Canada. Ph(w): 613/564-9467. FAX: 613/564-7407. Ph(h): 613/834-4356. Email: [email protected] Avant, Ray 1987 Scenic Hwy SW, Suite 201 Snellville GA 30278. Ph(w): 770/972-6305 or 972-5914. FAX: 770/972-0324. Email: [email protected] Avery, Eden (S) 224 Superior Ave, Decatur GA 30030. Ph(h): 404·370-0142. Email: [email protected] A YERS, Tim S. Prgm for Preven Res, Arizona State Univ Comun Svc Ctr Box 871108, Tempe AZ 85287-1108. Ph(w): 602/965-7420. FAX: 602/965-5430. Ph(h): 203/498-0333. [email protected] AZAR, Sandra Theresa 10 Willard Ave, Worcester Email: MA 01602·1727. Ph(w): 6171793-7738. Ph(h): 617/757-9486. Email: SAZAR@CLARKU Azelton, L. Sean (S) Dept. Psych., M/C 285, 1007 W. Hamson St. Chicago IL 60607-7137. Email: [email protected] Azrin, Susan (S) 8715 First Ave. #91O-D, Silver Spring MD 20910. BABARIK, Paul 1390 Pine Ave W, Apt 2A, Montreal H3G 1A8 Canada. Ph(h): 514/282-6627. BABB, Herbert E. PO Box 1074, Lebannn VA 24266-1074. Ph(h): 703/889-5552. BACHRACH, Arthur J. PO Box 3600, Taos NM 87571-3600. Ph(w): 505/758-3050. FAX: 505/758-8990. Ph(h): 505/758-1512. Bacbtel, Elizabeth (S) 83 Adamsville Rd., Westport MA 02790. Baghy, Margaret 13234 S. Riverdale Ave., Chicagn IL 60627. Ph(w): 312/468-5792. BAHNSON, Claus B. Roonstr 3, Kiel 24105 Gennany. Baker, Charlene (S) Department of Psychology, Michigan State University East Lansing MI 48824-1117. Ph(w): 517/355-6656. FAX: 517/432-2476. Ph(h): 517/333-1484. BAKER, Frank Dir of Behavioral Research, American Cancer Society 1599 Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta GA 30329-4251. Ph(w): 410/955-4074. FAX: 410/955-1811. Ph(b): 410/889-7088. BALCAZAR, Fabricio Idhd (M/C 626), 1640 W Roosevelt Rd Univ of 111Chicago, Chicagn IL 60608-6900. Ph(w): 312/413-1646. FAX: 312/413-1326. Ph(h): 708/673-3132. Email: [email protected] Bruce Box 3830 Dept of Psychiat, Med Ctr, Durham NC 27702-3830. Ph(w): 919/660-7553. FAX: 919/684-8569. Ph(h): 919/490-1225. ANDREWS, ARMENTI, Blvd., Culver City CA BALLARD, James Moses Box 43, Arnold MD 21012-0043. Ph(w): 202/543-8105. FAX: 410/647-7931. Ph(h): 3011261-1190. Banik, Donald (S) 8058 S. Trny, Chicago IL 60652. Bannister, Brad (S) 713 Leigh St., Brighton MI 48116. Banyard, Victoria L. 90 River St. #D22, Newmarket NH 03857. BARBARIN, Oscar A. 1943 Ivywood Dr, Ann Arbor MI 48103-4527. Ph(w): 313/763-4261. FAX: 313/747-1051. Ph(h): 315/995-1500. Email: [email protected] BARD, Morton 1387 Sheridan Walk NE, Atlanta GA 30324-3258. Ph(h): 404/634-9094. BARGER, Benjamin 3029 NW 2nd Ave, Gainesville FL 32607-2505. Ph(h): 904/372-3806. BARKER, Chris 22 Oakford Rd, Lnndon NW5 IAH England UK. Email: [email protected] BERNSTEIN, Andrew D. 106 Valley St, Ste 206, South Orange NJ 07079-2812. Ph(w): 201/378-8035. Ph(h): 201/763-6180. Berry, Carolyn LaRabida-Woodlawn Soc Ser, 950 E 61st St-Woodlawn Soc Ser Chicago IL 60637. Bhana, Arvin (S) Psy.Dept, U of Durhan-Westville, P.Bag X54001 Durban (4000) SO AFRICA. Email: [email protected] Biglan, Anthony Oregon Research Inst., 1715 Franklin Blvd Eugene OR 97403-1983. Email: [email protected] Birch, Lesley (S) 13 Meager St., Deer Park VICTORIA 3023 AUSTRALIA. BIRKEL, Richard C. 122 Farmington Rd W, Accokeek MD 20607-9749. Ph(w): 202/328-5700. Ph(h): 301/292-8007. Birman, Dina 18732 Tanterra Way, Brookeville MD 20833. Bishop, Brian John (S)chof Psychology, CURTIN Univ, PO Box Ul987 Perth AUSTRALIA. Email: [email protected] Black, Anne (S) 17 Highlawn Rd., Brattleboro VT 05301. Blackmore, Jorge (S) Prevention Research, 850 W. Jackson Blvd Suite 400 Chicago IL 60607. Ph(w): 312/996-0466. FAX: 312/413-9835. Ph(h): 708/788-1566. Email: [email protected] BLAIR, Rima N. Cosi/CUNY WiIlowhrook, 2800 Victory Blvd, Staten Island NY 10314-6635. Ph(w): 718/982-3774. FAX: 718/982-3794. Ph(h): 212/243-5483. BLANTON, Judith S. 800 S Figueroa, Ste 1120, Los Angeles CA 90017-2542. Ph(w): 213/627-5145. FAX: 213/667-6630. Ph(h): 213/746-8048. BLASE, Karen A. 4 Lake Rosen PI SE, Calgary T2J 3M2 Canada. Ph(w): 403/236-5550. FAX: 403/279-9695. Ph(h): 403/278-5531. Blitz, Caryn (S) 263 Farmington Ave., Farmington CT 06030-1410. Ph(w): 203/679-4353. FAX: 203/679-1296. Ph(h): 203/789-8884. Email: [email protected] BLOCH, Ellin L. CSPP-Los Angeles, 1000 S Fremont Ave, Alhambra CA 91803-4737. Ph(w): 513/731-7432. FAX: 513/321-8405. Ph(h): 513/321-4667. BLOOM, Bernard L. Psychol Dept Box 345, Univ of Colorado, Boulder CO 80309-0345. Ph(w): 303/492-6900. BLOOM, Linda Spilkewitz Capital Square Assocs, 660 W Washington Ave, Madison WI 53703-4703. Ph(w): 608/256-5176. FAX: 608/256-0349. Ph(h): 608/257-5967. Blum, Lisa (S) PO Box 263, South Bound Brook NJ 08880-0263. Bogat, G. Anne Department of Psychology, Michigan State University East Lansing M1 48824-1117. Bolduc, Danielle Arizona State University, Box 871108 Tempe AZ 85287-1108. Bolger, Kerry (S) Family Life Dev Ctr/Cornell Univ, G-20 MVR Hall Ithaca NY 14853. Ph(w): 804/982-4835. FAX: 804/982-4766. Ph(h): 804/979-1707. Email: [email protected] Boltz, Sheila 8024 Ruxton Ct., Sacramento CA 95828. BOND, Lynne A. Dept of Psychol, John Dewey Hall Univ of Vt, Burlington VT 05405. Ph(w): 802/656-1341. Ph(h): 802/425-2876. Email: [email protected] BOND, Meg A. Dept of Psychol, Univ of Mass Lowell, Lowell MA 01854. Ph(w): 508/934-3971. FAX: 617/497-6850. Ph(h): 617/661-3713. Email: [email protected] Bondy, Renee (S) 1753 Winchester, Lincoln Park M1 48146. Ph(w): 313/386-8551. BootsMiIler, Bonnie J. (S) 10874 Hamburg Rd., Hamburg MI 48139. Borges, Carla O. Rosa (S) 62 Campus Club Dr., Guilderland NY 12084. Borkman, Thomasina 3121-7 University Blvd. West, Kensington MD 20895. BOUHOUTSOS, Jacqueline C. 1525 San Vicente Blvd, Santa Monica CA 90402-2205. Ph(w): 213/394-4546. Ph(h): 213/395-4471. BOULWARE, Donald W. 1607 Sparks, Wichita Falls TX 76302-2816. Ph(w): 817/692-1220. Ph(h): 817/322-9101. Bowden, Blake Sperry Department of Psychology, 2219 N. Kenmore #420 Chicago IL 60614. BOWMAN, Paul H. 3718 W 79th Ter, Prairie Village KS 66208-5125. Ph(h): 913/262-5037. BOXLEY, Russell Leslie 1518 Cheviodale Dr, Pasedena CA 91105-2116. Phew): 213/724-3388. FAX: 213/258-1192. Ph(h): 213/258-1192. BRACCO, Howard F. 404 Turnstile Trace, Louisville KY 40223-3428. Ph(w): 502/589-8600. Ph(h): 502/244-1202. Bradbury, Donna (S) 2 Wilton Ct., Clifton Park NY 12065. BRAND, Stephen Cprd-Igpa, Univ of Illinois, 1002 W Nevada, Urbana IL 61801-3813. Ph(w): 217/333-3231. FAX: 217/244-5876. Ph(h): 217/367-1740. Email: BRAND@UIUCVMD Barnes. Holly E. (S) 3748 N Paulina, Chicagn IL 60613. Emaii: [email protected] BARNES, Keith Edward 1054 Westside Rd, Kelowna VI Y 8B2 Canada. Pb(h): 604/769-5247. BARNES, Robert A. 298 Cherry St, West Newton MA 02165-1605. Ph(w): 508/872-4813. Ph(h): 617/332-1012. Barone, Charles 3003 Van Ness St NW, #W1l29 Washington DC 20008. Email: [email protected] Barosi, Steve (S) 10 Village Gm Apt H, Budd Lake NJ 07828. BARRELL, Robert P. 8443 Abbey Rd, Richmond VA 23235-2505. Ph(w): 804/272-1555. Ph(h): 804/323-1054. BARRERA, Manuel Psychol Dept, Ariz State Univ, Tempe AZ 85287. Ph(w): 602/965-3826. FAX: 602/965-8544. Email: [email protected] BARRETT, David M. 18920 Soundview Place, Edmonds WA 98020-2359. Ph(w): 206/248-8238. FAX: 206/248-8232. Ph(h): 206/771-6060. BARRON, Nancy M. 2601 SW Troy, Portland OR 97219-2550. Ph(w): 503/241-3665. Ph(h): 503/452-2542. BARRY, John R. Psychol Dept, Univ of Georgia, Athens GA 30609. Ph(w): 404/542-2174. Ph(h): 404/543-8432. BARTLETT, Donald Paul 279 Getzville Rd, Snyder NY 14226-3541. Ph(w): 716/833-6084. Ph(h): 716/839-5702. Barton, Heather A. (S) 2244 N. Halstead #3F, Chicago 1L 60614-3652. Emaii: [email protected] BASSIN, Alexander 2312 Domingo Dr, Tallahassee FL 32304-1366. Ph(w): 904/644-7379. Pb(h): 904/575-6272. BAT -CHA VA, Yael Psychol Dept, NYU, 6 Washington PI 2nd FI, New York NY 10003-6634. Ph(w): 2121998-7826. Emaii: BATCHA [email protected] Beatty, Bonnell Susan (S) 2A Rhobella Dr, Poughkeepsie NY 12603. BEAVER, William T. 2802 N Alvemon Way Ste 300, Ste 120, Tucson AZ 85712-1502. Ph(w): 602/795-2396. Ph(h): 602/544-7851. Becker, Gerry (S) 2871 Alandale Cir, Naperville IL 60564-8917. BECKER-LAUSEN, Evie L. 91 Bibeault Street, Putnam CT 06260-1141. Ph(w): 203/486-2510. Ph(h): 203/963-0171. Emaii: [email protected] BECKER, Mark Ronald 338 Margarita Ave, San Luis Obispo CA 93401-6919. Ph(w): 805/461-2000. Ph(h): 805/545-9438. BEHAR, Lenore B. Div of MH, Alb Bldg, 325 N Salisbury St, Raleigh NC 27603-1388. Ph(w): 919/733-0598. FAX: 919/733-8259. Ph(h): 919/489-1888. Belanott, Lila T. 21 Indian Hill Rd., Mt. Kisco NY 10549. Belcher, Lisa (S) Dept of Psych-Georgia St Univ, University Plaza Atlanta GA 30303. BELEW, Barbara Lynne Die of Psych Svc 102 Med Ctr, Hazard KY 41701. Ph(w): 606/439-1331. FAX: 606/436-6690. Ph(h): 606/439-0955. Bell, Beverley P.O. Box 26887, Richmond VA 23261. Ph(w): 804/780-4841. FAX: 804/643-6902. Ph(h): 804/643-5534. Bell, Rae Jean (S) 3034-D Clairmont Rd., Atlanta GA 30329. Emaii: [email protected] BELL, Richard Q. Dept of Psychol, Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville VA 22901. Ph(w): 804/924-0665. Ph(h): 804/971-4850. BEMAK, Frederic Paul 3024 N Calvert Si. D-6, Baltimore MD 21218-3955. Ph(w): 410/516-8273. FAX: 410/516-8424. Ph(h): 410/235-5537. Benard, Bonnie 1969 Diamond Blvd., Concord CA 94520·5771. Bender, Joan T. (S) PO Box 372, Central Bridge NY 12035-0372. Bennet~ Kelly (S) Department of Psychology, Michigan State University East Lansing M1 48824-1117. Ph(w): 517/355-6656. FAX: 517/432-2476. Ph(h): 517/332-2536. Bennett, Lauren E. (S) 825 New Hampshire Ave., NW, #201 Washington DC 20037. Benoit, Beth 21 Barton Hill Dr., Chelmsford MA 01824. Berger, Stephen Box 633, Wilton NH 03086. Berkley, Carla H. (S) 319 East 24th St., Apt. 14F, New York NY 10010. Email: [email protected] Berkley, Jannette (S) U,orKS, 4086 Dole Bldg, Lawrence KS 66045. Ph(w): 913/864-0533. FAX: 913/864-5281. Ph(h): 816/361-8529. BERKOWITZ, Bernard 26 W 9th St, New York NY 10011-8971. Ph(w): 212/982-5484. FAX: 212/737-1727. BERKOWITZ, William Rohby 12 Pelham Ter, Arlington MA 02174-6403. FAX: 617/641-4070. Ph(h): 617/646-6319. Berkshire, Elizabeth (S) 237 E. 46th St., I-E Kansas City MO 64112. BERNAL, Guillermo Calle Dos E-l, Urb Montebello Park, Trujillo Alto PR 00976. Ph(w): 809/763-3965. FAX: 809/758-4213. Ph(h): 809/760-1047. Email: [email protected] 2 Bush, Kevin (S) Community Services Center, Tempe AZ 85287·1108. Ph(w): 602/965-7420. Ph(h): 6021921-7306. Butler, Jayne (S) 3590 Belvedere Cres., Mississaug Ontario L5L 3B4 CANADA. Ph(w): 905/820-1580. FAX: 9051820-1580. Ph(h): 905/820·1580. Email: [email protected] BUTLER, Rohert T. 7066 Stillwater Rd N, Oakdale MN 55128-3937. Ph(w): 612/777-5222. Ph(h): 612/228-1671. Butler, Susan (S) Institute for Juvenile Research, 907 S. Wolcott Ave. Chicagn II. 60612. Ph(w): 312/413-1743. FAX: 312/413-1036. Ph(h): 312/478-6965. Email: [email protected] Butterworth, lain (S) 585 Chemin Du Chateau, St. Jeannet, 06640 FRANCE. Ph(w): 93 086 897. Ph(h): same. Butz, Cathy (S) 931 W. Cornelia, Chicago IL 60657. Ph(w): 312/665-2774. Ph(h): 312/665-2774. Email: u31509.uicum Buur, Henrietta (S) 713 Leigh St., Brighton MI48116. Email: [email protected] BYBEE, Deborah I. 4150 N Williamston Rd, Williamston MI 48895-9604. Ph(w): 517/655-2241. Ph(h): 517/655-2241. Email: [email protected] Cafasso, Lynda (S) Damen Hall, 6525 N. Sheridan Chicago IL 60626. Ph(w): 312/338-7983. FAX: 3121508-8713. Ph(h): 312/338-7983. Caglio,trn, Dina (S) 239 Greene St, Rm. 400 New York NY 10003. Ph(w): 212/998-5571. FAX: 212/995-4358. Cairo, Leopoldina (S) 419 E. 64th, #3G, New York NY 10021. Email: [email protected] Caldwell, Robert A. Department of Psychology, Michigan State University East Lansing MI 48824-1117. Call, Laurie 111Prevention Res Ctr, 2800 Montvale Dr. Springfield IL 62704-4261. Ph(w): 217/525-3456x127. FAX: 2171789-4388. Ph(h): 217/522-3689. CALLAGHAN, Eugene E. 1965 N Olden Ave Ext, Trenton NJ 08618-2106. Ph(h): 6091530-1323. Calvert, Chen a Capryce (S) 533 Woodstone Rd., Lithonia GA 30058. CAMBARERI, John D. 567 Weaver Ave, Boise ID 83704-9257. Ph(h): 208/343-3342. CAMERON, Linda Susan 100 Northfie1d Ave, West Orange NJ 07052-4702. Ph(w): 201/325-2006. FAX: 2011761-5796. Ph(h): 2011761-5796. Cameron, Rebecca (S) Psychology Dept., Kent St. Univ., 118 Kent Hall Kent OH 44242-0001. Email: [email protected] CAMPANELLI, Peter C. 6 Amalie Crt, Manalapan NJ 07726-1859. Ph(w): 718/234-0073. Ph(h): 908/446-5307. Campbell, Jennifer DuPage Prevention Partnership, 421 N County Farm Rd Wheatnn IL 60187. Ph(w): 708/682-6895. FAX: 708/682-7070. Ph(h): 708/510-1626. Campbell, Martha R. (S) 1010 Broadway St, Homewnod AL 35209. Ph(w): 2051945-0669. Campbell, Rebecea M. (S) 328 Clifford, Lansing MI 48912. Email: [email protected] Canales-Portalatin, David (S) Dept of CriminologylU of In, Sycamore Hall 302 Bloomington IN 47401. Canning, Sally Schwer Psych DeptlWheaton Col1ege, 501 College Ave. Wheaton IL 60187-5593. Ph(w): 7081752-7045. Emaii: [email protected] CAPPONE, Margaret K. 2100 Hemmeter, Saginaw MI 48603-3944. Ph(w): 5171799-2100. Cargo, Margaret (S) U of BC, 6248 Biological Sci Rd, Hut B-3 Vancouver BC V6T IZ4 CANADA. Ph(w): 604/822-5812. FAX: 604/822-9588. Ph(h): 6041731-9906. Email: [email protected] CARLSON, Helena M. Dept of Psychol, Lewis & Clark Col, Portland OR 97219. Ph(w): 5031768-7650. FAX: 5031768-7379. Ph(h): 5031774-2513. Email: [email protected] Carpenter, Snsan L. (S) 405 W Hill St, Apt 2 Champaign IL 61820. CASELLA, Carmine F. 139 Russell St, Brooklyn NY 11222-4211. Castanon, Cruz C. (S) 14322 Miranda St., Van Nuys CA 91401-4230. CASTRO, Felipe Gonzalez Hispanic Research Ctr, Mc 2702, Ariz State Univ, Tempe AZ 85287. Ph(w): 602/965-3990. FAX: 602/965-0315. Ph(h): 6021759-0413. CAUCE, Ana Mari Dept nf Psychol, NI-25, PO #351525 Univ of Wash, Seattle WA 98195-0005. Ph(w): 2061543-7438. Ph(h): 206/368-7909. Caya, Miehelle L. (S) 500 Colonial Dr #304, Ipswich MA 01938. Chamberland, Claire Social Work, PO Box 6128, Succulrsale downtown Montreal, Que H3C 317 CANADA. Ph(w): 514/343-7735. FAX: 514/343-2493. Ph(h): 514/345-8938. Branden-Muller. Leslie (S) 1652 Edward Dr., Laramie WY 82070. Email: [email protected] Broer, M. Lynn (S) 3021 Beau Jardin #305, Lansing MI 48910. Brennan, Margaret 854 Barton Place, Schenectady NY 12309. BRENNER, Berthold 2330 Glenmout Cir, Apt T-11, Wheaton MD 20902-1332. Ph(w): 3011933-3634. Ph(h): 301/933-3634. BRESLOW, Aliee Philp 702 Hilldale Ave, Berkeley CA 94708-1316. Ph(w): 510/524-3323. Ph(h): 415/524-3323. BREWER, Joseph E. 2531 N Roosevelt, Wichita KS 67220. Ph(h): 316/686-8575. BRIGANTE, Thomas R. 481 University Cir, Claremont CA 91711-4251. Ph(w): 909/621-4518. Ph(h): 909/621-4518. Briggs, Ernestine (S) U of IL·Urbana, Psych, 603 E. Daniel St. Champaign IL 61820. Email: [email protected] Britner IV, Preston A. (S) Psych. Dept., Gilmer Hall, Univ. of Virginia Charlottesville VA 22903. Broder, Hillary 110 Bergen St, NJDS-D803 Newark NJ 07103-2406. Brodsky, Anne (S) 3926 Madison St., Hyattsville MD 20781. BRODSKY, Marvin Jerome The Marvin Brodsky Inst, 2·430 River Ave, Winnipeg R3L OC3 Canada. Ph(w): 204/474-9626. Ph(h): 204/452-5717. Bronner, Theresa M. 38 Lockrow Ave., Albany NY 12205. BROOKINGS, Jeffrey B. Psychol Dept, Wittenberg Univ, Box 720, Springfield OH 45501-0720. Ph(w): 513/327-7485. FAX: 513/327-6340. Ph(h): 513/399-6499. Email: [email protected] Brookins, Craig C. Dept. of Psych., Box 7801, North Carolina State Univ. Raleigh NC 27695-7801. Email: [email protected] Brooks, Lynda (S) 70 Prospect Street, Chula Vista CA 91911. Ph(w): 619/420/0910. Email: [email protected] Brooks, Margaret (S) The Better Homes Fund, 181 Wells Ave. Newton MA 02159. BROWN, Barbara B. Fcs Dept, 228 Aeb, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City UT 84112. Ph(w): 80]/581-7111. FAX: 801/581-5156. Ph(h): 8011581-9785. Email: [email protected] Brown, Beverly A. (S) 18 Saint Felix St., Brooklyn NY 11217. Brown, Carol M. (S) 112 E. Cedar St., Fleetwood PA 19522-1809. BROWN, Daniel L. 43 Pawtucket Row, Orchard Park NY 14127-3968. Ph(w): 716/885-2261. Ph(h): 716/662-5843. BROWN, Edward Oakley 9018 W Shorewood Dr #384, Mercer Island WA 98040-3252. Ph(w): 2061236-1414. Ph(h): 206/232-9113. Brown, Florence (S) Faculty of Education, Southbrae Dr. Glasgow GI31PP SCOTLAND. Ph(w): 44/41-950-3622. Ph(h): 44/41.950-3622. Emaii: [email protected] Brown, Seth (S) Dept. of Psy. W. Virginia U., Box 6040 Morgantown WV 26506. Brown, Steve (S) 334 Crowells Rd. #4, Highland Park NJ 08904. BROWN, Vivian Barnett 822 6th St, Manhattan Beach CA 90266-5858. Ph(w): 310/641-7795. BROWN-CHEATHAM, Miehaelanthooy 1250-B Cleveland Ave, #224, San Diego CA 92103-7300. Ph(w): 6191594-5037. Bruce, Carlyle 804 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta GA 30307. Ph(w): 404/681-9759. FAX: 404/681-1067. Ph(h): 404/299-9373. Brunk, Tammie (S) #2-9 Amos Ave., Waterloo Ontario N2L 2W6 CANADA. Brunn, Patricia C. (S) 190 Mountain Rd., Norfolk CT 06058. Brunson, Liesette (S) 603 1/2 West Union, Champaign IL 61820. Email: [email protected] Bruss, Carrie (S) 26-28 Simon PI. #2C-7, W. Haven CT 06516. BRY, Brenna Hafer GSAPP, Rutgers Univ, Box 819, Piscataway NJ 08855-0819. Ph(w): 908/445-2189. FAX: 908/445-4888. Ph(h): 908/842-5418. Emaii: [email protected] BUCHANAN, Elena S. 17 Shale Hill Rd, Branchburg NJ 08876-3509. Ph(w): 201/932-8093. Ph(h): 2011725-0986. Buchanan, Rebecca (S) 9039 Sligo Crk Pkwy, #1103, Silver Spring MD 20901. Emaii: [email protected] Buck, Catherine Inst. for Social Research, Room 2254 Ann Arbor MI 48106-6412. Ph(w): 313/936-0444. FAX: 313/936-0548. Ph(h): 313/665-6412. Email: [email protected] BUCKNER, John C. 63 Walnut Rd, Weston MA 02193-1029. Ph(w): 617/964-3834. FAX: 617/244-1758. Buettner, Lisa (S) Montcalm Co CMH, (,II N State St. Stanton Ml 48888. Burgoyne, Nancy Groelzer 694 Green Bay Rd., Winnetka IL 60093. Burke, Susan (S) 6 Maria Ct, Rexford NY 12148. Email: [email protected] BURSTEIN, Bonnie 19735 Horseshoe Dr, Topanga CA 90290-3237. Ph(h): 310/455-3558. Student = (S) APA Member = Last name in all capitals 3 Chambers. Tracee Ann (S) 10397 S. lake Blvd, \ Panna OH 44130. Ph(w): 216/885-7381. Chambliss, Julie W. (S) 613 Home Ave. SE, Atlaota GA 30312-3724. CHAN, Adrian 5ch of Educ, Dept of Edue Psychol Univ of Wisconsin. Milwaukee WI 53211. Ph(w): 414/229-4896. FAX: 414/229-4553. Ph(h): 414/962-2271. Email: [email protected] Chan, Cecilia Dept. of SocWk, V of Hong Kng Pohfulan Rd. HONG KONG. Chandler, Samantha (S) 10489 SE 230d Ave #GG, Milwaukie OR 97222-7563. CHAPMAN, Nancy J. Portland State Univ, Dept of Urban Studies & Plao, Portlaod OR 97207. Ph(w): 503/725-5174. FAX: 503/725-5199. Ph(h): 503/234-0162. Email: [email protected] Charvat, Jeffrey (S) 210 Brush Creek Blvd. Apt. 4E, Kansas City MO 64112. Chase-Lansdale, P. Lindsay Harris Graduate School, 1155 E 60th 5t. Chicago 1L 60637. Ph(w): 312/702-9083. FAX: 312/702-0926. Email: [email protected] Chataway, Cynthia Dept of PsychNork Univ, North York BC M3J IP3 CANADA. CHATLOS, William R. 2910 Blue Robin Ct, Herndon VA 22071-1825. Ph(w): 202/512-7607. Ph(h): 703/391-2565. Email: VSQ@NIHCU Chavis, David M. Dept of Social Work-Rutgers, 536 George S1. New Brunswick NJ 08855. Chavous, Tabbye (S) 1904 Jefferson Park Ave., #5, Charlottesville VA 22903. Ph(w): 804/977-4553. Email: [email protected] Cheatham, Ceola 5044 S. Drexel Blvd., #2B, Chicago IL 60615. Ph(w): 3121753-7200. Ph(h): 312/268-2405. Chen, Cheng-Chee (0) II, lung-ming St., Tanshui Taipei 251 TAIWAN,ROC. Email: [email protected] Chen, Shu-Pi 845 S. Damen Ave., Chicago IL 60612. Ph(w): 312/996-7973. FAX: 312/996-7725. Ph(h): 312/733-1591. CHENG, Sheungtak Dept of Applied Soc Studies, City Poly tech 83 Tat Chee Ave, Kowloon Hong Kong. Email: SSME1T [email protected] Cheng, Ynn-Ju (S) 239 Greene St, Rm. 400 New York NY 10003. Ph(w): 212/998-5571. FAX: 2121995-4358. CHERNISS, Cary 119 Highland Ave, Higbland Park NJ 08904-3620. Ph(w): 908/445-2187. FAX: 908/445-4888. Email: [email protected] Cbesney, Barbara 2801 Bancroft, Toledo OH 43606. Ph(w): 4191537-4075. FAX: 4191537-8406. Ph(h): 313/665-5079. Email: [email protected] CHIAPPA, Francis W. 2997 Hampshire, Cleveland Hgts OH 44118-1645. Ph(w): 216/845-9011. Ph(h): 216/321-1670. Chibnall, Susan (S) Department of Psychology, Michigan State Uoiversity East Lansiog MI 48824-1117. Ph(w): 517/355-7440. FAX: 517/432-2476. Ph(h): 517/394·0750. Chinman, Matthew (S) 47 Avon St., N~w Haven CT 06511. Email: [email protected];JU CHINSKY, Jack M. Univ Conn, Psychol Dept-U-20, 406 Babbidge Rd, Storrs CT 06269. Ph(w): 203/486-2057. FAX: 203/486-2760. Ph(h): 203/644-8587. CHISHOLM, Jnne F. 792 Columbus Ave #16C, New York NY 10025-5126. Ph(w): 212/873-3034. Choe, Jean (S) DePaul Univ-Dept of Psych, 2219 N Kenmore Ave Chicago 1L 60614. Chou, Yah-Jong Dept. of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University Ming-Hsiung. Chai-Yi TAIWAN. Email: [email protected] CHRISTENFELD, Roger Michael 103 S Hamilton St, Poughkeepsie NY 12601-4414. Ph(w): 914/452-8000. Ph(h): 914/454-1491. CHRISTOFF, Karen Ann Dept of Psychol, Univ of Miss, University MS 38677. Ph(w): 6011232-7385. FAX: 6011232-5398. Ph(h): 6011236-2399. Email: [email protected] Chnn, Chi-Ab (S) 3143 Glendon Ave., Los Angeles CA 90034. Chun, Maria Bow Jun (S) 98-457 Kaonohi St. # 2, Aiea HI 9670 I. CLARFIELD, Steven Paul Colts Town Plz, Hwy 34 South, Colts Neck NJ 07722. Ph(w): 2011462-7977. CLARK, Jame. Edward 506 Lake St, Kenai AK 99611-6937. Ph(w): 907/283-7501. FAX: 907/376-1626. Ph(h): 907/776-5245. Clarke, Angela Teresa (S) 200 Westminster Dr, Apt 120-1 Chapel Hill SC 27514. Ph(w): 919/969-7016. Claudio, Roberto (S) 2139 N. Riverside Blvd., Wichita KS 67203. Ph(w): 316/263-8540. Ph(h): 316/263-8540. Clauson, Jennifer (S) 420 W. Melrose #212, Chicago IL 60657. Ph(w): 312/664-4321. FAX: 312/664-4324. Ph(h): 312/244-2047. CLA Y, Margaret L. PO Box 251, Hillmao MI 49746-0251. Ph(w): 5171742-4262. Ph(h): 517/742-4262. Clement, Pauline (S) 19 Byron St., Noonee Ponds Melbourne 3023 AUSTRALIA. Clements, Peggy (S) New York Univ-Dept of Psych, 6 Washington PI New York NY 10003. Email: [email protected] Clifton, A. Kay Behavioral Sci/, College of Mount St. Joseph 5701 Delhi, Cincinnati OH 45233. Ph(w): 513/244/4939. FAX: 513/244/4222. Ph(h): 513/244/2795. Cloninger, Lea 7078 N. Wolcott Ave., Chicago IL 60626-2329. Clouzet, Robert (S) 550 Maplewood Ct. E-69, Berrien Springs MI 49103-1387. Coatsworth, Doug 1425 NW 10th Ave., Ste. 309, Center for Family Studies Maimi FL 33136. Ph(w): AZ St. Coeco, Karen M. (S) 400 Ivy Ridge Rd., Apt. 22 Syracuse NY 13210. Coggins, Copper M. 20 Battery Park, Suite 205, Asheville NC 28805. Cohen, Deborab (S) 7955 Yancey Dr., Falls Church VA 22042. COHEN, Evan H. 1041 Belmont Rd, Aon Arbor M1 48104-2817. Ph(w): 313/482-1200. FAX: 313/482-5212. Ph(h): 313/677-3365. COHEN, Lawrence H. Psychol Dept, Univ of Delaware, Newark DE 19716. Ph(w): 302/831-8724. Ph(h): 3021454-7464. COHEN, Louis D. Univ of Florida, 1250 NW 61st Terr, Gainesville FL 32605-4117. Ph(h): 904/331-8181. Cohen, Lynne (S) 17 Bohemia Place, Noranda Perth 6062 AUSTRALIA. Ph(w): 9/276-3376. FAX: 9/276-2279. Emaii: [email protected] COHEN, Richard Joseph 901 Latimer St, Philadelphia PA 19107-5711. Ph(w): 2151985-2501. FAX: 2151985-2550. Ph(h): 215/627-4115. Cohen, Robert 14305 Spring Gate Court, Midlothian VA 23112. COlE, John D. Psychol Dept, Duke Univ, Durham NC 27706. Ph(w): 919/660-5742. Ph(h): 919/489-6166. COINER, Maryrose Carew 14 Vernon St, Ste 206, Framingham MA 01701-4783. Ph(w): 617/485-7693. Ph(h): 617/485-7732. Cole, Kristin 622 W. I 13th St., New York NY 10025. Ph(w): 212/854-8933. FAX: 212/854-1570. Ph(h): 212/663-4365. Email: 76325,[email protected] Coleman, Christy 10920 Wilshire Blvd., #1103 Los Angeles CA 90024. Ph(w): 310/794-8162. FAX: 310/794-8297. Ph(h): 310/305-7329. Email: [email protected] Coleman, Stacy (S) 161 Franklin Comer Rd, Apt F-12 Lawrenceville NJ 08648. Ph(w): 609/219-1972. Email: [email protected] Colgate, Jeanne M. (S) 24 Braid Hills Drive, Winfield KS 67156. Collins, Joanna 4450 Lakeshore Rd, Manister MI 49660. Ph(w): 616/723-1650. FAX: 616/723-1650. Ph(h): 616/723-4844. Colman, Robert W. Rm. W-157, Penn. State, Harrisburg Middletown PA 17057. Email: RWC@PSUVM COMPAS, Bruce Edward Dept of Psychol, Univ of Vennont, Burlington VT 05405. Ph(w): 802/656-3459. FAX: 8021656-8783. Ph(h): 802/865-9360. Email: [email protected] COMPTON, John M. Neuro Psychol Svc, Hawaii State Hosp 45-710 Keaahala Rd, Kaneohe HI 96744-3528. COMTOIS, Katherine Anne Harborview Outpatient Psych, 326 Ninth Ave Za-31, Seattle WA 98104-2420. Ph(w): 206/223-5746. Email: [email protected] CONES, James H. 827 Levering Ave #201, Los Angeles CA 90024-2762. Ph(w): 714/856-6457. Ph(h): 310/208-4123. Connell, Christian (S) 131 S. Pickens St. Apt 4, Columbia SC 29205. Ph(w): 803/777-4731. Ph(h): 803/254-0215. Email: [email protected] CONNERS, J. Edward 16 Country Way RFD, Needham MA 02192-1414. Ph(w): 617/232-5929. Ph(h): 617/444-0727. Consiglio, Donald (S) 9 Mountain View Terr, Apt #7 Latham NY 12110. Contos, Natalie (S) 17138 lohn St., N. Fremantle Perth 6159 AUSTRALIA. Ph(w): 09/351-3039. FAX: 09/351-2464. Ph(h): 09/336-1480. Email: [email protected] Contreras, Josefina Dept of Psychology, Kent State University Kent OH 44242-000 I. CONYNE. Robert K. 4022 Clifton Ridge, Cincinnati OH 45220-1144. Ph(w): 513/556-3344. Ph(h): 513/861-5220. COOK, James Richard Psychol Dept, Univ of Carolina, Charlotte NC 28223. Ph(w): 704/547-4758. FAX: 704/547-3096. Ph(h): 704/568-8720. Email: [email protected] COOK, Rudolph E. PO Box 2249, Santa Clara CA 95055-2249. Ph(w): 408/995-3215. Ph(h): 408/241-5758. 4 Cook. Sarah (S) Psych, Gilmer Hall, Rm. 102, University of Virginia Charlottesville VA 22903. Email: [email protected] Cook, Tara Lane (S) 3910 Old Denton Rd, Apt 616 Carrollton TX 75067. Cooksey, Judith 1737 W. Polk St. Suite 206, Chicago II. 60607. Ph(w): 312/996-1047. FAX: 312/996-2486. Ph(h): 708/869-6124. COOPER, Matthew N. 4749 Alvin SI, Houston TX 77033·381 I. Ph(w): 713/529-3145. Ph(h): 713/734-6274. COOPER, Saul 1050 Wall St, Ann Arbor MI 48105-1974. Ph(h): 313/761-3216. COOPER, Shawn 369 Cole Ave, Providence R! 02906-4853. Ph(w): 401/331-9507. Copper, Elizabeth Aban Aya Youth Project, 850 W. Jackson, #400 Chicago II. 60607. Ph(w): 312/996-3368. FAX: 312/996-2703. Ph(h): 312/942-9198. Corhett, Chanda (S) 1928 Penfield St., Philadelphia PA 19138. Ph(w): 215/204-3506. FAX: 215/204-7300. Ph(h): 215/927-8207. Corhett, Christopher 11 Debbie Ct., Albany NY 12205. COROTIO, Loren V. 1056 Vassar Dr, Napa CA 94558-4137. Ph(w): 707/253-5591. FAX: 707/226-3460. Ph(h): 707/224-5969. Cotte, Pierre-Marie 493 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal QueH3A IB6 CANADA. Phew): 514/288-1261. FAX: 514/844-2696. Ph(h): 514/629-5554. Cowal, J. Kirsten (S) 17 Chittenden Ave.,#2B, New York NY 10033. Email: [email protected] COWEN, Emory L. Dept of Psychol, Univ of Rochester, Rochester NY 14627. Ph(w): 716/273-5968. FAX: 716/262-6350. Coyle, Sandra (S) 14861 Caveb Dr., Fort Myers FL 33908. Ph(w): 813/454-7793. FAX: 813/454-7813. COYLE, F. A. 2929 Little John Rd, Rembert Springs, Millington TN 38053·7413. Ph(w): 901/725-7453. Ph(h): 901/872-3660. Craft, Seott (S) Psychology Dept., Bowling Green OH 43403. Phew): 419/372-2301. FAX: 419/372-6013. Ph(h): 419/353-4607. Email: [email protected] Craig, Lisa A. (S) 15 Rowley Rd, Topsfield MA 01983. Phew): 508/887-3505. Cramp, Sonja (S) 2940 S. Richmond Ct., Wichita KS 67217. Ph(w): 316/943-5127. Ph(h): 316/943-5127. CRANDALL, Evan S. 4166 5th Ave S, Great Falls MT 59405-3724. Ph(h): 406/452-7814. Creighton, Chrissann (S) 2647 F Barracks Rd., Charlottsville VA 22903. CRESSWELL, Deborah L. 333 Bellino Dr, Pacific Palisad CA 90272-3104. Phew): 213/476-1949. Ph(h): 213/459-3850. Crisa, Richard (S) 2503 W. 190th St., Redondo Beach CA 90278. CRONAN-HILLIX, Terry Ann Psychol Dept, San Diego State Univ, San Diego CA 92182-0001. Ph(h): 619/460·1853. Email: [email protected] Crosby, Catherine Hamilton College, 198 College Hill Road Clinton NY 13323. CRUM, Joseph E. PO Box 14056, St Petersburg FL 33733-4056. Ph(w): 813/892-4380. FAX: 813/892·8637. Crusto, Cindy (S) 1800 Long Creek Rd., 8-N, Columbia SC 29210. Phew): 803/777-5835. FAX: 803/777-9558. Ph(h): 803/450-4970. Email: hssclasscrustoc Cruz, Sonia G. (S) 323 Brush Creek Bhd. Apt. 605, Kansas City MO 64112. Email: [email protected] Culhane, Dennis P. 3600 Market Street, Room 716 Philadelphia PA 19104-2648. Cullen, Particia M. Chesterfield Mental Hlth Ctr, PO Box 92 Chesterfield VA 23832. Curry, Debra 2B Sylvan Trail, Ballston Lake NY 12019-9006. Curthoys, Allan 107 Spring Ave. West, Rensselaer NY 12144. CURTIS, Michael Joseph Univ of South Florida, FAO 100U - Rm 2764202 East Fowler Ave, Tampa FL 33620-9951. Ph(w): 813/974-6354. FAX: 813/974-5814. Curtis, Stacy (S) 2621 Tammany Ave, Lansing MI 48910-3753. Cutler, Janine Marvin Brodsky Inst.. #2-430 River Ave - Winnipeg Manitoba R3L OC3 CANADA. D'ANGELO, Rita Y. Scarborough Manor, Box 307, Scarborough NY 10510·0807. Ph(w): 212/795·6860. D'AUGELLI, Anthony Raymond S-108 Henderson, Penn SU, University Park PA 16802. Ph(w): 814/863-0241. FAX: 814/863-7963. Ph(h): 814/355-9010. Email: [email protected] D'Rozario, Pam A Clovelly Crescent, Lynwood WA 6147 AUSTRALIA. Phew): 09-451-5751. FAX: 619-351-2464. Ph(h): 09-451-5751. Dabrowski, Renee (S) 564-D Goldsboro Rd NE, Atlanta GA 30307. Student = (S) APA Member = Last name in all capitals DALTON, James Heath Dept of Psychol, Bloomsburg Univ, Bloomsburg PA 17815. Phew): 717/389-4475. Ph(h): 717/784-7035. Email: [email protected] Daniels, Jill (S) 791 I·D Knollwood Rd., Towson MD 21286. Ph(w): 410/455-2567. Ph(h): 410/296-7739. Email: JW [email protected] DANISH, Steven J. Dept of Psycho1, Box 2018 Virginia Commonwealth Univ, Richmond VA 23216. Ph(w): 804/828-4384. FAX: 804/828-0239. Ph(h): 804/323-3939. Email: [email protected] Dauphinot, Lorie (S) 8833 Arbor Crest Ct., Fort Worth TX 76179-2907. DAVES, Walter F. Dept of Psychol, Georgia State Univ, Atlanta GA 30303. Phew): 404/651-2289. FAX: 404/651-1391. Ph(h): 404/373-1748. Email: PSWFD@GSUVMI DAVIDSON, Larry 120 Ardmore St, Hamden CT 06517-1301. Phew): 203/789-7418. FAX: 203/789-7349. Ph(h): 203/288-0740. DAVIDSON, William S. Psychol Dept 135 Snyder Hall, Mich SU, East Lansing M! 48824. Ph(w): 517/353-5015. FAX: 517/432-2476. Ph(h): 517/339-1609. Email: [email protected] Davino, Katrina (S) 1601 Longcreek Dr. #2704, Columbia SC 29210. Davis, Anita A. (S) U of IL-Psych Dept, 603 E. Daniel Champaign IL 61820. DAVIS, Charles Edward 912 Linden Ave, Oak Park II. 60302-1349. Phew): 708/431-2245. Ph(h): 708/383-0198. DAVIS, Keith E. Dept of Psychol, Univ of South Carolina, Columbia SC 29208. Ph(w): 803/777-7161. Ph(h): 803/771-7254. Email: [email protected] Davis, Steven M. (S) 856 W. Nelson St., Apt. #1001 Chicago IL 60657-5152. Email: [email protected] Davis, Trina (S) 1604 W. Berteau, Apt. 3F, Chicago II. 60613. Email: [email protected] DE PIANO, Linda C. 3920 NW 73rd Ave, Coral Springs FL 33065-2140. Ph(w): 407/844-9741. Ph(h): 305/755-1636. DeAnda, MariaElana (S) 4828 S. Heather Dr., Tempe AZ 85282. Phew): 602/273-7363. Ph(h): 602/491-6443. DeAngelis, Tori 750 1st St. NE, Rm 61 I 1 Washington DC 20002. Phew): 202/336-6099. FAX: 202/336-6103. Ph(h): 202/328-6023. DEFOUR, Darlene C. Dept of Psychol, Hunter Col 695 Park Ave, New York NY 10021-5024. Phew): 212/772-5679. FAX: 212/772-5620. Ph(h): 212/926-2150. Dehnel, Russell 11940 Reese Rd., Lakeside CA 92040. DeLuse, Stephanie (S) 2211 S. Granada Dr. A, Tempe AZ 85282. Ph(w): 602/967-8523. Email: [email protected] DEMOS, George D. 16641 Edgewater Lane, Huntington Bch CA 92649-3002. Ph(w): 213/498-6001. FAX: 310/494-8125. Ph(h): 714/846-1572. Desouza, Eros Psychology Dept. (4620), Illinois State University Normal II. 61790. DEUTSCH, Martin 15 Skylark Ln, Weston CT 06883-1920. Phew): 212/998-5379. FAX: 212/996-4358. Ph(h): 203/226-0284. Dibiacomo, Susan Dunkle (S) 221 E. Orange St., Apt. 5, Lancaster PA 17602. Dickerson, Anna 27 E. 70 St., Chicago IL 60637-4503. Ph(w): 708/338-7402. Ph(h): 312/783-8532. Diebold, Charles T. (S) 13310 Donnelly, Grandview MO 64030. Dienes, Bruce (S) 714 W. Green St., Urbana IL 61801~3947. DIESENHAUS, Herman Isadore 2230 Joumet Dr, Dunn Loring VA 22027-1164. Phew): 301/443-8923. Ph(h): 703/204-1817. DINGES, Norman Gerald IserlUaa, 3211 Providence Dr, Anchorage AK 99508-4614. Ph(w): 907/474-6132. FAX: 907/786-7739. Ph(h): 907/272-6684. DINGMAN, Paul R. 40IO-E Carlisle Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 87107. Ph(w): 505/888-0375. Ph(h): 505/438-3848. DiVita, Lill C. (S) 1215 W. Washington St., Champaign II. 61821. Dobkowski, David (S) 3207 Lone Pine Rd., Rotterdam NY 12303-4729. DOCKETT, Kathleen H. 4224 Blagden Ave NW, Washington DC 20011-4246. Phew): 202/274-5705. Ph(h): 202/723-0503. Email: kdockeu%[email protected] DOHERTY, George William 209 Grand Ave, Ste 402, Laramie WY 82070. Ph(w): 307/742-8756. Ph(h): 307/742-8756. DOIIRENWEND, Bruce P. 1056 Fifth Ave, New York NY 10028-0112. Phew): 212/795-0211. FAX: 212/795-5886. Ph(h): 2 I 2/722-2590. DOKECKI. Paul R. Dept of Psychol, Box 6 Peabody Col Vanderbilt Univ, Nashville TN 37202-0006. Phew): 615/322-8418. Ph(h): 615/356-3928. Email: [email protected]!LT.EDU 5 EL-SA YED, Abdelhalim M. Dept of Psychol, Fac of Arts, Univ of Cairo, Cairo Egypt. Eleott, Ross E. (S) 40 Whitbeck Drive, Scotia NY 12302-5125. ELIAS, Maurice Jesse Dept of Psychol, Livingston Col Rutgers Univ, New Brunswick NJ 08903. Ph(w): 908/932-2444. FAX: 908/932-0036. Email: [email protected] Elliott, Gordon Mount Senairo College, 1500 College Ave. W. Ladysmith WI 54848. ELSON, Steven E. 4925 Cecilville Ave, La Crescenta CA 91214-2931. Ph(w): 805/445-7801. Ph(h): 818/957-2484. EMSHOFF, James Gordon Psychol Dept, Georgia SU, Atlanta GA 30303. Ph(w): 404/651-2029. Ph(h): 404/681-9759. Enchautegui-de Jesus, Noemi (S) 200 Clinton St., Apt 2A, Brooklyn NY 11201-5622. Email: [email protected] EPSTEIN, Jeff A. 18 Mayflower Rd, Vernon Hills IL 60061-1816. Ph(w): 708/250-3840. Ph(h): 708/362-4276. Erickson, Stephen (S) 804 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta GA 30307. Ph(w): 404/681-9759. FAX: 404/681-1067. Ph(h): 404/458-3414. Erne.t, Carnita (S) P.O.Box 81695, Fairbanks AK 99708-1695. ESTRINE, Steven A. 310 Lexington Ave #15F, New York NY 10016-3173. Ph(w): 212/633-4377. FAX: 212/627-7021. Ph(h): 212/206-6955. Ethier, Margaret M. 12 Lamplighter Lane, Saratoga Springs NY 12866. Fagen, Doug (S) Psych Dept, Meliora Hall, V of Rochester Rochester NY 14627-0266. FAGOT, Beverly I. Dept of Psycho I, Univ of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403. Ph(w): 503/485-2711. FAX: 503/485-7087. Ph(h): 503/345-0021. Eroail: [email protected] FARBER, Stephanie Solomon Hosp of St Raphael, 1294 Chapel St, New Haven CT 06511-4515. Ph(w): 203/784-8700. Ph(h): 203/481-8983. FARBEROW, Norman L. 1068 Casiano Rd, Los Angeles CA 90049-1610. Ph(w): 310/476-9204. FARLEY, Frank 213 Ritter, Temple Univ, Philadelphia PA 19122. Ph(w): 215/204-6024. FAX: 215/204-5622. FAUBERT, 34759 38 Rue Lafleur, St Sauveur JOR IRO Canada. Ph(w): 514/432-9753. FAX: 514/432-9869. Ph(h): 514/227-5693. Fawcett, Steve WGHPCD, 4086 Dole Bldg, U of KS Lawrence KS 66045. Email: [email protected] Feinman, Joanna (S) 322 Richmond Ave., S. Orange NJ 07079. FEIS, Carolyn L. Pemd Rm 4083, US Gen Acctg Ofc, 441 G 5t NW, Washington DC 20548-0001. Ph(w): 2021512-3864. FAX: 202/512-2622. Email: [email protected] FELNER, Robert D. Ctr for Res & Dev, Univ of 111,Igpa 1002 W Nevada, Urbana IL 61801-3813. Ph(w): 217/333-6699. FAX: 217/244-0214. Ph(h): 217/359-5767. Email: FELNERlEVMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU Fendrich, Michael Inst for Juvenile Res (M/C 747), 907 S Wolcott Ave Chicago IL 60612. Email: U54783@UICVM FERRARI, Joseph Richard Dept of Psy, Depaul Vniv 2219 N Kenmore Ave, Chicago IL 60614-3504. Ph(w): 315/655-9446. Ph(h): 3 I 5/735-4633. FERTMAN, Carl I. Univ of Pittsburgh, 5D21 Forbes Quad, Pittshurgh PA 15260. Ph(w): 412/648-7196. FAX: 412/648-5292. Ph(h): 412/247-5291. Fields, Laurie (S) Vniv. of S. Carolina, Psychology Dept. Columbia SC 29208. FIELDS, Rona M. 222 E Del Ray Ave, Alexandria VA 22301-1326. Ph(w): 703/683-3531. FAX: 703/683-0958. FINE, Harold J. 1711 Harris Rd, Laverock PA 19038-7208. Ph(w): 215/233-0637. Ph(h): 215/233-0639. Fingers, Earnest (S) 300 E. Main St., #119, Lansing MI 48933. Ph(w): 517/353-5210. Ph(h): 517/484-1525. Email: [email protected] FINKEL, Norman J. Dept of Psycho!, Georgetown Univ, Washington DC 20057. Ph(w): 202/687-3639. FAX: 202/687-6050. Ph(h): 703/534-6960. Firlan, Mindy (S) Suite 27 Kellogg Center, East Lansing MI 48824-1022. Ph(w): 517/353-6617. FAX: 517/432-2022. FISCH, Ralph Irving 8603 S Redstone St, Highlands Ranch CO 80126-2534. Ph(w): 303/753-0828. Ph(h): 303/791-2777. Fisher, Adrian Dept of Psy, Victoria Vniv, Box 14428 MMC Melhoume, Vie 03000 AUSTRALIA. Email: [email protected] FISHER, Edwin B. Ctr for Hlth Beh Res, 4444 Forest Park Ave, 8t Lnuis MO 63108-2212. Ph(w): 314/286-1901. FAX: 314/286-1919. Ph(h): 314/727-1940. Email: [email protected] FISHMAN, Daniel B. 30 50 Adelaide Ave 7F, Highland Park NJ 08904-1608. Ph(w): 908/445-2000. FAX: 908/445-4888. Ph(h): 908/249-2258. DOOLEY. C. David 5461 Sierra Verde. Irvine CA 92715-3842. Ph(w): 714/824-5293. FAX: 714/824-2056. DORR, Darwin A. 717 N Sandpiper, Wichita KS 67230-7012. Ph(w): 316/689-3317. Ph(h): 316/733-8650. DORSETT, Herman Willington 11111 SW 171 Terrace, Miami FL 33157-4016. Douglin, Margaret (S) 1800 Bloor St., West, Toronto Ontario M6P 3K5 CANADA. DOWELL, David Allen Calif State Univ, 1250 Bellflower, Long Beach CA 90840-0006. Ph(w): 310/985-5381. DOWRICK, Peter Winton Childrens Seashore House, 3405 Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia PA 19104-4302. Ph(w): 215/895-3256. FAX: 215/895-3605. DOZIER, Mary Dept of PsychoI, Univ of Delaware, Newark DE 19716. Ph(w): 302/831-2286. Ph(h): 302/368-4426. Drake, M. Gordon 202 Northridge Rd., Circleville OH 43113. DRAKE, Patricia E. 431 Agate Way. Redding CA 96003-3491. Ph(w): 916/225-5200. Ph(h): 916/243-3801. Drake, Tammie (S) 8715 S. County Rd., 525 E. Mooresville IN 46158. Ph(w): 317/831-4039. Ph(h): 317/831-4039. Email: [email protected] Dresser, Jack 66 Club Road, #370, Eugene OR 97401. Driscoll, Bridget E. (S) 11620 Warner Ave., Apt. #622 Fountain Valley CA 92708-2528. Dryfoos, Joy 20 Circle Dr., Hastings on Hudson NY 10706. DUBOIS, David L. Psych Dept, 210 McA1ester Hall, Univ of Mo-Columhia, Columbia MO 6521 I. Ph(w): 314/882-0426. FAX: 314/882-7710. Ph(h): 314/446-2015. Email: PSYDA [email protected] DUBOW, Eric F. Dept of Psychol, Bowling Green State Univ, Bowling Green OH 43403. Ph(w): 419/372-2301. Ph(h): 419/872-0322. Email: [email protected] Dnckett, Paul Dept of Psych., Stirling FK9 4LA SCOTLAND. Ph(w): 01786-466839. FAX: 01786-467641. Ph(h): 01786-833992. Email: [email protected] Duffy, Karen Dept. of Psychology, SUNY at Geneseo Geneseo NY 14454. DUFORT, Francine Ecole De Psychologie, Universite Laval Cite Universitaire, Ste-Foy GlK 7P4 Canada. Ph(w): 418/646-2712. FAX: 418/656-3646. Ph(h): 418/848-5533. Dumka, Larry Prevention Research-Arizona St, Box 871108 Tempe AZ 85287-1108. DuMont, Kimberly (S) 67 Chestnut Hill PI., Glen Ridge NJ 07028. DUNCAN, David Frank Ctr for Alcohol & Addiction, Brown Vniv, PO Box G, Providence RI 02912-9107. Ph(w): 401/863-2959. FAX: 401/273-4502. Ph(h): 401/273-4502. Dunham, Katy (S) Psych. Dept, U of Windsor, Windsor ONT N9B 3P4 CANADA. DUNN, Dorothy P. 5956 Sherry Ln Ste 540, Dallas TX 75225-8016. Ph(w): 214/369-7442. Ph(h): 214/369-7442. Dunn, Elizabeth 5 Lakeview PI Ext, Middlefield CT 06455. Dunne, John Woodlands Centre Renmore, Ga1way IRELAND. Ph(w): 353/91-755241. FAX: 353/91-752362. Ph(h): 353/91-584262. DUNST, Carl Joseph 1586 Arndt Rd, Pittsburgh PA 15237-1413. Ph(w): 412/359-1600. FAX: 412/359-1601. Ph(h): 412/366-3161. DURLAK, Joseph A. Dept of Psychol, Loyola Univ 6525 N Sheridan Rd, Chicago IL 60626-5311. Ph(w): 312/508-2969. Duvall, Noelle (S) 44-46 Prospect Ave, Apt B6 Hartford CT 06106. DWYER, Frances Markey 241 Maplewood Av, Syracuse NY 13205-3113. Ph(w): 315/492-0460. Ph(h): 315/469-3453. DYE, Nancy E. 3390 McMillan Ct, Arcata CA 95521-8363. Ph(w): 707/826-3755. FAX: 707/826-4993. Ph(h): 707/826-1166. Eaton, Prescott 1640 Habersham Gate Dr., Cumming GA 30131-8046. Email: [email protected] Ehy, Kimherly K. (S) 3721 Nashville Ave., New Orleans LA 70125. ECHTERLING, Lenni. G. 437 E Wolfe St, Harrisonburg VA 22801-5936. Ph(w): 703/568-6522. Ph(h): 703/433-8593. Email: FAC_LECHTERL@JMUVAXI EDGERTON, J. Wilbert 1203 Cypress Rd, Chapel Hill NC 27514-2902. Ph(h): 919/942-5957. EDINBERG, Mark A. 145 Marne Ave, Fairfield CT 06432-1752. Ph(w): 203/255-0600. FAX: 203/335-5497. Ph(h): 203/335-5497. Edward., Arlene (S) 2784 Dodson Dr., East Point GA 30344. Ph(w): 404/880-6237. Ph(h): 404/349-9540. Edward., Judi (S) 2208 Bromfield Circle, Wichita KS 67226. Ph(w): 316/685-0287. EHRMAN, Donald 780 Welch Rd Suite 207, Palo Alto CA 94304-1518. Ph(w): 415/325-5044. EISDORFER, Carl Dept of Psychiat, D-28, PO Box 016960, Miami FL 33101-6960. Ph(w): 305/548-4782. FAX: 305/548-4414. Ph(h): 305/864-8801. 6 Fulton, Bradley (S) 200 Cedar Ridge Ln., #104, Richton Park IL 60471. Ph(w): 708/503-4189. Ph(h): 708/503-4189. FUNK, John E. PO Box 82, Orangeburg NY 10962-0082. Ph(w): 914/359-1000. Ph(h): 914/634-7725. Fyson, Stephen 34 Webb St., East Gosford, 2250 N.S.W. AUSTRALIA. Gager, Peter (S) 81 Alexander St., Princeton NJ 08540. Gagliardi, Amy D. (S) 589 East St., Middletown CT 06457. Gaines, Michelle (S) 28798 Oregon Rd, Apt 2 Penysburg OH 43402. GALANO, Joseph Dept of Psychol, Col of William & Mary, Williamsburg VA 23187. Ph(w): 804/221-3878. FAX: 804/221-3896. Ph(h): 804/229-4862. Email: [email protected] GALLESSICH, June Marie 417 Honeycomb Ridge, Austin TX 78746-5324. Ph(w): 512/479-8644. Ph(h): 512/327-6663. Ganie, Laila Private Bag X17, Bellville Cape Town SO AFRICA. Ph(w): 011-27·21-959-2260. FAX: 011-27-21-959-2647. Ph(h): 011-27-21-434-5990. Email: [email protected] GANTZ, June R. 2385 Golf Brook Dr, West Palm Beach FL 33414-7067. Ph(w): 914/939-4420. Ph(h): 407/790-4297. GARCIA-GONZALEZ, Jose A. Apartado Postal 47018, Caracas 1041-A Venezuela. Ph(w): 2121305-3638. Ph(h): 2121989-7513. GARDNER, LaMaurice H. 19420 Parkside, Detrnit MI 48221-1834. Ph(w): 3\3/552-0360. Ph(h): 313/368-5292. Gardner, Sarah (S) 26 Elliott St., Haverhill MA 01830. Garland, Ann Child & Family Res. Grp., 3020 Chi1dren's Way (MC5033) San Diego CA 92123. GARNETS, Linda Doris 3599 Ocean View Ave, Los Angeles CA 90066-1909. Ph(w): 310/450-1188. FAX: 310/399-0363. Garrad, Wendy (S) 154 Fulton Road N.E., Kingston GA 30145-1803. Ph(h): 404/232-0935. Gartner, Audrey (S) 25 W. 43rd St., Room 620 New York NY 10036. Ph(w): 212/642-2929. FAX: 212/642-1956. Ph(h): 212/689-3365. Email: [email protected] Gassaway, Jeanette M. (S) Department of Psycho1ogy, Michigan State University East Lansing MI 48824-1117. GA TZ, Margaret J. Psychol Dept, SGM520, USC, Los Angeles CA 90089. Ph(w): 2\3/740-2212. FAX: 2\3/746-5994. Email: [email protected] GELLER, E. Scott Dept of Psychol, Derring Hall, VPI & SU, Blacksburg VA 24061. Ph(w): 703/961-6223. Ph(h): 703/544-7487. GENERO, Nancy Psycho Dept, Wellesley Col, Wellesley MA 02181-8203. Ph(w): 617/283-3004. FAX: 617/283·3730. Ph(h): 617/431-2679. Email: [email protected] GENSHEIMER, Leah K. Dept of Psychol, Univ of Mo-Kansas City 5319 Holmes, Kansas City MO 64110-2437. Ph(w): 816/235-1065. Ph(h): 816/333-3496. Email: [email protected] Genthner, Jennifer (S) USC, Dept of Psych, Columbia SC 29208. Ph(w): 803/777-4864. Ph(h): 803/790-6096. Email: [email protected] Gentzler, Rie Penn State U. at Harrisburg, 777 W. Harrisburg Pike Middletwon PA 17057. Genz, Julie (S) 1014 NE 64th St., Vancouver WA 98665-0211. Email: [email protected] GERDES, John L. Beh Med 13-35, Geisinger Med Ctr, Danville PA 17822. Ph(w): 7171271-6516. Ph(h): 717/524-7066. GESTEN, Ellis L. 3653 Elk Grove Ct, Land O'lakes FL 34639-4656. Ph(w): 8\3/974-0390. Ph(h): 8\3/996-3460. Gibb, Katie 20 Downing Circle, Downingtown PA 19335. GIBBS, Jewelle Taylor Sch of Soc Welfare, 120 Haviland Hall Univ of Calif, Berkeley CA 94720-7401. Ph(w): 415/642-4341. Ph(h): 415/857-9095. Gibson, Cheryl (S) 3641 North Walnut St., Kansas City MO 64116-2704. GIDDAN, Norman S. Zupnick & Assocs, 7261 W Central Ave, Toledo OH 43617-1100. Ph(w): 419/843-2300. Ph(h): 419/535·3121. GILLESPIE, Janet F. 52 Canton St, Rochester NY 14606-1948. Ph(w): 716/395-2433. FAX: 716/395-2299. Ph(h): 7161254·7412. Gillock, Karen Lee (S) 107 S. Harvey, #2N Oak Park IL 3121996-059760302. Ph(w): 708/383-0041. Email: U54729@uicvm Giloth, Barbara (S) 1727 W. Chase, Chicago IL 60626. Ph(w): 312/743-8206. FAX: 312/262-0986. Ph(h): 312/262-0639. Email: [email protected] Ginger, Penny 50 IN. 9th St., Room 239 Richmond VA 23219. GINSBERG, Mark Richard 7325 Baltimore Ave, Takoma Park MD 20912-4137. Ph(w): 410/955-1220. FAX: 410/955-4623. Ph(h): 301/587-4055. Fitzgerald. Judy One Copenhill, 453 Freedom Pkwy Atlanta GA 30307. Ph(w): 404/420-5165. FAX: 404/420-5158. Ph(h): 404/814-9428. Fitzsimmonds, June M. (S) 22 Willow Cres, Bell Park VICTORIA 3215 AUSTRALIA. FIXSEN, Dean Lee 4 Lake Rosen PI SE, Calgary T21 3M2 Canada. Ph(w): 403/251-8000. FAX: 403/279-9695. Ph(h): 403/278-5531. Flanders, Cathy C. (S) 12703 Bermuda Ln., Bowie MD 20715. Flay, Brian Prevention Res Cntr, 850 W. Jackson Chicago IL 60607. Ph(w): 312/996-2806. FAX: 312/996-2703. Ph(h): 312/880-0092. Email: [email protected] FLEMING, George R. 3011 W Grand Blvd Ste 559, Detroit MI 48202-3012. Ph(w): 313/567-2234. Florin, Paul Department of Psychology, Univ of Rhode Island Kingston RI 02881. Email: [email protected] FLOYD, James A. 23 Quarry St, Princeton NI 08542-3144. Ph(w): 609/924-2225. Ph(h): 609/924-6772. FLOYD, William S. PO Box 445, Wilberforce OH 45384-0445. Ph(w): 513/376-6467. Ph(h): 513/263-9658. Folman, Rosalind (S) 315 Koch Ave., Ann Arbor MI 48103. Email: [email protected] FONDACARO, Mark U of NE, Ctr Child, Faro, & Law, 121 S 13th, Ste 302 Lincoln NE 68588-0227. Ph(w): 402/472-3479. FAX: 402/472-8412. Email: [email protected] Ford, Zyphia Cntr for Res on Women & Gender, 1640 W. Roosevelt Rd., M/C 980 Chicago IL 60608. Ph(w): 312/413-7721. FAX: 312/413-7423. Ph(h): 312/784-0693. Email: [email protected] Forrest, Joan Faculty of Education, Southbrae Dr. Glasgow G131PP SCOTLAND. Ph(w): 44/41·950-3622. Ph(h): 44/41-950-3622. Email: [email protected] Fortunato, Christine 28 Fainnont St., Wethersfield CT 06109. Foster, Allison M. (S) 103 Gadsden St, Columbia SC 29201. Foster-Fishman, Pennie Department of Psychology, Michigan State University East Lansing MI 48824-1117. Email: [email protected] FOWLER, Raymond D. Exec VP & CEO, Amer Psychol Assn 750 First St NE, Washington DC 20002-4241. Ph(w): 202/336-6080. FAX: 202/336-6069. Ph(h): 202/244·8337. Email: [email protected] Fox, Dennis Legal Studies Program, Springfield IL 62794. Ph(w): 217/786-7279. FAX: 217/786-6535. Ph(h): 2171793-0215. Email: [email protected] FOXMAN, Joel 3720 Via Cardelina, Palos Vrds Est CA 90274-1181. Ph(w): 310/377-6911. FRANCE, Olin Kenneth Psychol Dept, Shippensburg Univ, Shippensburg PA 17257. Ph(w): 717/532-1108. Francisco, Vincent (S) 4001 Dole Ctr., Human Dev., University of Kansas Lawrence KS 66045. Ernai1: [email protected] Franco, Felipe A. (S) 322 Fourth St, Apt 1, Jersey City NI 07302. Francoer, Lisa A. (S) P,O. Box 85075, Fairbanks AK 99708. FRANK, Susan J. Dept of Psychol, Mich State Univ, East Lansing MI 48824. Ph(w): 517/355·1832. FAX: 517/336-2476. Ph(h): 517/349-5437. FRANKS, Cyril Maurice 315 Prospect Ave, Princeton NJ 08540-5330. Ph(w): 908/281-1565. FAX: 908/874-3386. Ph(h): 609/924-2931. Freeberg, Andrew L. (S) 203 Liberty St Apt A, B.)wling Green OH 43402. FREEMAN, Albert Vincent Freeman Inst, 1204 Chickory Ln, Los Angeles CA 90049-1403. Ph(w): 310/472-2942. Ph(h): 310/472-2942. Freeman, Riza (S) 149 S. Hayworth, #1, Los Angeles CA 90048. Ph(w): 312/244-2155. Ph(h): 312/244-2155. Friedman, Ruth (S) 200 E Southern Ave, Apt 256 Tempe AZ 85282-5163. FRIMAN, Patrick C. Youthcare, Boys Town NE 68010. Ph(w): 402/498-3353. FAX: 402/498-1125. Ph(h): 402/697-1487. Email: FROMM, David M. 415 Seven Ponds Towd Rd, Water Mill NY 11976-2322. Ph(w): 212/807-0008. Ph(h): 212/533-6224. Frumkin, Lara A. (S) 113-1 N Rock Glen Rd, Baltimore MD 21229. Ph(w): 410/644-8755. Email: [email protected] FUEHRER, Ann Elizabeth Oept of Psychol, Miami Univ, Oxford OH 45056. Ph(w): 5\3/529-6827. Ph(h): 5\3/756-1963. Fuentes, Karina (S) #208·844 Allegheny Dr., Winnipeg Manitoba R3T 4X2 CANADA. Fuligni, PhD, Andrew J. 3 Washington Sq. Vlg., Apt. #13K New York NY 10012-1807. Fullerton. Sally 2990 W. 18th PI., Eugene OR 97403. Student ~ (S) APA Member = Last name in all capitals 7 GIORDANO. Francesea Educ Psychol, Couns & Spec Ed, Nthn III Univ, De Kalb IL 60115. GIULIANO, Phillip F. 59 Francis St, East Haven CT 06512-2809. Ph(w): 203/481-4431. Ph(h): 203/469-2156. GIVENTER, Edwin B. 1250 Post Rd, Scarsdale NY 10583-2153. Ph(w): 718/951-5208. Ph(h): 914/472-4035. GLANZER, P. David Eastern Mennonite Col, Harrisonburg VA 22801. Ph(w): 703/432-4244. FAX: 703/432-4444. Gleghorn, Alfred L. (S) 3830 Swenson St, Apt 211 Las Vegas NV 89119-7419. GLENWICK, David S. Psychol Dept, Fordham Univ, Bronx NY 10458. Ph(w): 718/817-3782. Ph(h): 2121779-2647. GLIDEWELL, John C. Peabody Box 512, Vanderbilt Univ, Nashville TN 37202-0512. Ph(w): 615/322-8141. FAX: 615/343-9494. Ph(h): 615/292-6153. GOCKEL, Barbara M. 5268 Lowery Downs, Virginia Beach VA 23464-5649. Ph(w): 804/925-2484. GODIN, Steven W. Hlth Dept, E Stroudsburg Univ, E Stroudsburg PA 18301. Ph(w): 717/424-3562. FAX: 717/424-3848. GOETHALS, George W. Wm James I-lall, Harvard Univ, Cambridge MA 02138. Ph(w): 617/495-3839. Gold, Jennifer (S) 3610 N Greenview Ave #2, Chicago IL 60613-3608. Ph(w): 815/740-2442. FAX: 815/740-6172. GOLDEN, William P. 5082 Poola St, Honolulu HI 96821-1559. Ph(w): 808/956-8000. Ph(h): 808/373-9410. Goldklang, MA, Dorothy S. 8109 Paisley PI., Potomac MD 20854. GOLDMAN, Ruth K. 13 Channing Way, Sausalito CA 94965. Ph(w): 415/338-2167. FAX: 415/331-7350. Ph(h): 415/331-5045. Goldstein, Ellen 74 New Montgomery, Suite 600 San Francisco CA 94105. Ph(w): 415/597-9396. FAX: 415/597-9213. Emaii: ellen [email protected] GOLDSTEIN, Marc B. Dept of Psychol, Cent Conn SU 1615 Stanley St, New Britain CT 06053-2439. Ph(w): 203/832-3112. Ph(h): 203/233-7348. Email: [email protected] GOLDSTON, Stephen E. 3200 N Lake Shore Dr Ste 1604, Chicago IL 60657-3902. Ph(w): 3121929-6546. FAX: 312/929-6546. Ph(h): 312/929-6546. Email: [email protected] GOLLNISCH, Gernot Res Inst on Addictions, 1021 Main St, Buffalo NY 14203-1016. Ph(w): 716/887-2554. FAX: 716/887-2252. Ph(h): 716/873-1849. Email: [email protected] Golz, Judy 738 Bonnie Brae, River Forext IL 60305. Gomez, Sofia (S) Institute on Disability & Human Dev., 1640 W. Roosevelt Rd., #443 Chicago IL 60608. Ph(w): 312/286-7518. FAX: 312/413-1326. Ph(h): 312/286-7518. Gone, Joseph P. (S) 505 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign IL 61820. Gonzales, Nancy (S) ASU - Dept of Psych, Box 871104 Tempe AZ 85287-1104. Good, Trudy (S) 103 N. Coler Ave., #IN, Urbana IL 61801. GOODMAN, Carolyn D, 161 West 86th St, New York NY 10024-3411. Ph(w): 212/362-7265. FAX: 212/362-7175. Ph(h): 212/362-7265. GOODMAN, Gerald M. 21500 Colina Dr, Topanga CA 90290-3515. Ph(w): 213/825-1799. FAX: 310/455-1444. Goodman, Lisa 4517 Butterworth Pl., NW, Washington DC 20016-4455. GOODMAN, Sherryl H. Dept Psychol, Emory Univ, Atlanta GA 30322. Ph(w): 404/727-4134. FAX: 404/727-0372. Ph(h): 404/876-4441. Email: [email protected] Goodman, Wylie (S) 1347 N Dean St., Chicago IL 60622. Ph(-): 314/882-0770. Ph(h): 314/443-7078. Emaii: [email protected] Goplerud, Eric (S)AMHSA, rM 12-c-05, 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville MD 20857. Gordon, Elaine (S) 83 Carlyle Green, Staten Island NY 10312. Gordon, Rachel A. (S) 4375 Rock Cove. Dr., Hoffman Estates IL 60195. Email: [email protected] Gorman-Smith, Deborah Inst. for Juvenile Research, 907 S. Wolcott, M/C747 Chicago IL 60612. Ph(w): 3121413-1888. FAX: 312/413-1036. Ph(h): 708/848-6265. Email: [email protected] GOTTLIEB, Benjamin Hannan Dept of Psychol, Univ of Guelph, Guelph NIG 2W5 Canada. Ph(w): 5191824-4120. FAX: 519/837-8629. Ph(h): 519/837-1278. Email: [email protected] GOZA, Barbara Kay 1676 Benedict Ave, Claremont CA 917I1-2903. Ph(w): 909/869-3892. Ph(h): 909/624-2987. GRADY, Katherine 389 Whitney Ave, New Haven CT 06511-2301. Ph(w): 203/789-7645. FAX: 203/562-6355. Ph(h): 203/288-0025. GRAF, Michael George c/o Mihv, POBox 43678, Nairobi Kenya. Grant, Teresa E. (S) 904 W Clark, Urbana IL 61801. Grant, Terri R. Annie E. Casey Fdn., 701 St. Paul St. Baltimore MD 21202. Graumlith, Sally Prevention Res Cntr, 850 W. Jackson Chicago IL 60607. Ph(w): 312/996-3339. FAX: 312/996-2703. Ph(h): 312/327-5059. Graves, Barbara (S) 3206 Hemphill Park, Austin TX 78705-2310. Gray-Murray, JoAnn 7636 Stickney Ave., Wauwatosa WI 53213. Ph(w): 414/344-8919. FAX: 414/344-8993. Ph(h): 4141771-0124. Green, Lawrence W. Inst Hlth Prom ResIU of BC, 2206 E Mall, 3rd FI Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3 CANADA. GREENBERG, Mark T, Fast Track U of Washington, 146 N Canal St Ste III, Seattle WA 98103. Ph(w): 206/543-4339. FAX: 206/685-3944. Ph(h): 206/783-5992. Email: [email protected] GREENFIELD, Thomas K. 6053 Oceao View Dr, Oakland CA 94618-1844. Ph(w): 510/642-5208. FAX: 510/642-7175. Ph(h): 510/658-3361. Gridley, Heather (S) Victoria Univ-Dept of Psych, Box 14428 MMC Melbourne 03000 AUSTRALIA. Emaii: [email protected] GRIER, Leslie K. 4276 Alpenhom Dr, #2C, Comstock Park MI 49321-9190. Griffin, Laura (S) 6 Montagu St. Apt. D, Charleston SC 29401. GRIFFIN, Patricia A. Forensic Ofc of MH, Dept Mhmrsas, Richmond VA 23214. Ph(w): 804/786-4837. FAX: 804/371·0091. Ph(h): 804/233-5331. Griffiths, Diane (S) 469 Shawmut Ave, Apt 9, Boston MA 02118-3842. Griffiths, Susan (S) School of Psych, GPO Box U 1987 Perth, WA 6001 AUSTRALIA. Ph(w): 09/351/3840. FAX: 09/351/2464. Ph(h): 09/332/1169. GRILL, Dennis Joseph 15225 Pebble Falls, San Antonio TX 78232-4129. Ph(w): 210/916-7195. FAX: 210/916-7605. Ph(h): 210/491-0389. GROB, Samuel 368 School St, Belmont MA 02178-3849. Ph(w): 617/489-0801. Ph(h): 617/489-0801. Grober, Jackie (S) 259 E. Erie, 2nd Floor, Chicago IL 60611. Ph(w): 3121908-8638. FAX: 3121908-7960. Ph(h): 708/869-7569. Groppenbacher, Nancy 2425 S. Kachina Cr., Tempe AZ 85282. GROSS, Cecily F. 17741 Lull St, Reseda CA 91335-2235. Ph(w): 818/344-1140. GROSS, Seymour Z. 1941 Drew Ave So, Minneapolis MN 55416·3617. Ph(w): 612/348-4625. FAX: 612/348-4773. Ph(h): 612/926-5961. GROSSMAN, Saul A. 33 Splitrock Rd, Norwalk CT 06854-4713. Ph(w): 203/853-1538. GRUBER, Enid L. 1077 Steams Dr, Los Angeles CA 90035-2638. Ph(w): 213/939-0109. Guarnaeda, Charles A. 3212 Old Orchard Lane, Denton TX 76203-3587. GUAY, Jerome E. Bu De Fonnation Comun Guay Inc, 1365 Despins, Quebec GIS 414 Canada. Ph(w): 418/656-5915. Ph(h): 418/688-8277. GUERNEY, Bernard 442 Park Ln, State College PA 16803-1441. Ph(w): 814/865-1751. FAX: 814/863-7449. Ph(h): 814/238-5446. GUERNEY, Louise F. 442 Park Ln, State College PA 16803-1441. Phew): 814/865-1447. Ph(h): 814/238-4046. Gullota, Thomas P. Child & Family Agency, 255 Hempstead St. New London CT 06320. Gunnoe, Marjorie 4301 Connecticut Ave. NW, #100 Washington DC 20008. Ph(w): 202/362-5580. FAX: 202/362-5533. Ph(h): 301/816-8934. Emaii: [email protected] Gustafsnn, Seott (S) Rt. 5, Box 25C, Oxford MS 38655. Gustin, Jillian (S) 1440 W. Addison St. Apt. 2, Chicago 1L 60613. Email: UI6407@UICVM Gwadz, Mary A. (S) 43 Embury Ave., Apt. #2 Ocean Grove NJ 07756-1361. HALDEMAN, Charles F. 606 N Ade St, Kentland IN 47951-1024. Ph(w): 815/432-5241. FAX: 815/432-4537. Ph(h): 219/474-6567. Hall, Jennifer (S) RR 2 Box III, Lexington IL 61753. HALL, Gordon C. Nagayama Dept of Psychol, Kent State Univ, Kent OH 44242. Ph(w): 216/672-2253. FAX: 216/672-3786. Emaii: [email protected] Hallman, William K. Department of Human Ecology, Cook College, P.O. Box 231 New Brunswick NI 08903-0231. Emaii: [email protected] Hamernik, Heidi (S) 41 South Blvd., #2E, Oak Park IL 60302. Ph(w): 312/942-6656. FAX: 312/733-0263. Ph(h): 708/848-3082. Email: Hamilton, Carolynn (S) PO Box 5716, Salem OR 97304. Hampton, Karen S. (S) 502 Deer Lick Pl., Paducah KY 42001. HANDAL, Paul J. St Louis Univ, 221 N Grand Blvd, St Louis MO 63103-2006. Ph(w): 314/658-2277. Ph(h): 314/994-7407. 8 HANDLON. Joseph H. 3739 Foothill Rd, Santa Barbara CA 93105-1957. Ph(h): 805/682-4010. HANDY, Walter S. 6507 Teakwood Court, Cincinnati au 45224-2111. Ph(w): 513/357-7271. Ph(h): 513/681-5829. Hanrahan, William (S) 2046 B Palelo Ave, Honolulu HI 96816. Ph(w): 808/737-2027. Email: [email protected] Harding, Kathryn A. (S) 6043 N. Kenmore Ave. #2, Chicago IL 60660-2956. Email: [email protected] HARGROVE, David Scott Univ of Miss, Psychol Dept, University MS 38677. Ph(w): 601/232-7383. Pb(b): 601/236-2911. Email: [email protected] Harmon, C. Michael PO Box 1054, Tolono IL 61880. Harper, Gary W. UCSF-CAPS, 74 New Montgomery, Ste 500 San Francisco CA 94105. HARPER, Robert Allan 4903 Potomac Ave, NW, Washington DC 20007-1541. Pb(h): 202/337-7929. HARRELL, Shelly P. CSPP-La, 1000 S Fremont Ave, Alhambra CA 91803-4737. Ph(w): 818/284-2777. FAX: 818/284-0550. Harris, Robert 205 Ralston Rd., Richmond VA 23229. Harrison, Janet S. (S) 125 Ridge Point Close, Roswell GA 30076. Email: [email protected] HARSHBARGER, D. Dwight 4 Madigan Ln, Harvard MA 01451-1305. Ph(w): 508/263-2920. FAX: 508/263-1011. Ph(b): 508/456-3698. Hart, Kenneth 27 Forest St., Providence R1 02906. Hartling, Linda M. (8) 5 Hillside Ave., Clinton MA 01510-1325. Harvey, Elizabeth F. 144 Wayland Ave., Providence RI 02906. HARVEY, Mary R. Cambridge Assocs in Psychother, & Mediation 334 Broadway, Ste #2, Cambridge MA 02139-1842. Ph(w): 617/492-3539. FAX: 617/491-8151. Ph(h): 617/738-0108. HASSETT, Carol Alice 105 Franklin Ave, Malverne NY 11565-1926. Ph(w): 516/485-0054. Ph(h): 516/887-7473. HASTINGS, Kathleen C. 54 Madisonville Rd, Basking Ridge NJ 07920-1629. Ph(w): 201/766-6651. Ph(h): 201/766-3542. HASTINGS, Margaret M. 366 Sterling, Kenilworth 1L 60043-1048. Ph(w): 708/256-4844. Ph(h): 708/256-4804. HATCHER, Joseph W. Nisonger Ctr, Ohio State Univ 1581 Dodd Dr, Columbus OH 43210-1296. Ph(w): 614/292-9780. FAX: 614/292-3727. Email: [email protected] Hatfield, Kathy (8) 50 Huntwood Dr, Clifton Park NY 12065. Haugaard, Jeff Van Rensselear Hall, HDFS Ithaca NY 14853. Phew): 607/255-2533. FAX: 607/255-9856. Email: [email protected] Haugh, James A. (8) 3628 Morganford #2, St Lnuis MO 63116. Hayes, Snsan A. 32 First St. #5, Troy NY 12180. Hazel, Kelly L. Dept. of Psychology, Vniv. of Alaska Fairbanks AK 99775-6480. Email: [email protected] HEAL, Laird W. 3202 Lakeshore Dr, Champaign IL 61821-5208. Ph(w): 217/333-0260. FAX: 217/244-0851. Ph(h): 217/352-5604. EmaiI: [email protected] HEALEY, Kathryn N. 524 Rutgers Ave, Swarthmore PA 19081-2418. Ph(w): 215/247-7070. HECKART, Ken 2 Warren Dr, Marlboro NJ 07746-2010. Ph(w): 718/232-1215. FAX: 718/236-8456. Ph(b): 201/545-1678. HECKEL, Robert V. Psychol Dept, Univ of South Carolina, Columbia SC 29208. Ph(w): 803/777-2558. Ph(h): 803/254-2630. Hegarty, David (8) 267 Bayview Ave, Amityville NY 11701. Ph(w): 516/691-5100. FAX: 516/691-5104. Ph(h): 516/598-5205. Heinstein, Michael T. (S) 821 W. Waveland #35, Chicago IL 60613. H,isler, Amy (S) Erskine College, CPO 2102 Due West SC 29639. Ph(w): 803/379-3916. HELLER, Kenneth Oept of Psychol, Indiana Univ, Bloomington IN 47405. Ph(w): 812/855-0343. FAX: 812/855-4691. Ph(h): 812/336-3198. Email: [email protected] Hellmer, Tricia L. (S) 7547 State Line, Kansas City MO 64114. Helm, Susana (S) Dept of Psych, GarHey Hall, Univ of Hawaii~Manoa Honolulu HI 96822. Email: [email protected] Helmus, Todd (S) 2713 Tyler Ave, Berkley MI48072-3831. Ph(w): 313/972-1806. FAX: 313/874-7155. Ph(h): 810/649-4328. Henderson, Rita 701 North 25th Street, Richmond VA 23225. Ph(w): 804/780-4567. Ph(h): 804/780-4584. HENDERSON, Thomas L. RR # II Box 93, Forest Manor, Brazil IN 47834-9117. Ph(w): 812/446-2449. Ph(h): 812/448-1151. HENKEN, Bernard S. 118 Waverly Ave, Melrose MA 02176~4217. Ph(w): 617/396-1288. Ph(h): 617/665-0408. HENRY, David B. 2136 W Warner, Chicago IL 60618-3032. Ph(w): 312/996-2605. FAX: 312/996-4122. Ph(h): 312/472-8665. Email: [email protected] Henry, Lisa M. (S) 5215 Fiore Terrace, #A~409 San Diego CA 92122-5645. Student ~ (8) APA Member = Last name in all capitals Herman~Stahl, Mindy 943 E. Hennosa Dr., Tempe AZ 85282. EmaiI: [email protected] HERNANDEZ, Carrol A. 4573 Beckonridge Loop, Lacey WA 98513-2218. Ph(w): 206/753-4420. HERNANDEZ, Maria Guadalupe 2454 Cameron Dr, Union City CA 94587-1839. Ph(h): 510/487-2776. Email: [email protected] Herwig, Sunny D. (S) 129 Spring Rd., Dillsburg PA 17019. HETHERINGTON, Eileen Mavis Gilmer Hall, Psychol Dept, Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville VA 22903. Ph(w): 804/924-0644. Ph(h): 804/293-4303. HETRICK, Suzanne H. 538 Green Meadow Drive, Tallmadge OH 44278-2450. Ph(w): 216/673-1756. FAX: 216/673-1330. Ph(h): 216/633-1969. Hettleman, Daniel (S) Univ. of Denver, Frontier Hall, 2155 S. Race St. Denver CO 80208. Email: [email protected] HIGGINBOTHAM, H. Nick 21 Ocean St, Redhead 2290 Australia. Email: [email protected] Higgins, Jill (8) 6 Grasmere Ct., Wantirna VICTORIA 3152 AUSTRALIA. HIGHTOWER, Alan Dirk 575 Mt Hope Ave, Rochester NY 14620-2223. Ph(w): 716/273-5957. FAX: 716/232-6350. Ph(h): 716/533-1985. HILKEVITCH, Rhea R. II II Ontario St Apt 814, Oak Park IL 60302-1983. Ph(h): 312/266-9356. Hill, Jean Dept of Behavioral Sci, Las Vegas NM 87701. Phew): 505/454-3562. Ph(h): 505/425-2062. Email: [email protected] Hill, Natreece (8) I W Spyglass Ct, Madison WI 53717. Ph(w): 517/353-6617. FAX: 517/432-2022. Hill, Robert J. (8) 2455 Brookwood St., Harrisburg PA ]7104-2112. HilIix, AI Psych Dept., San Diegn CA 92182-4611. Ph(w): 619/594-5793. FAX: 619/594'-1332. Ph(h): 6]9/460-1853. Email: [email protected] HILTON, Irma M. 870 United Nations Plaza, 9E, New York NY 10017-1807. Ph(w): 212/430-4201. Ph(h): 212/759-3289. HINES, Paulette ¥. 2 Woodgate Dr, Monmouth Jct NJ 08852~3129. Ph(w): 908/235-4136. FAX: 908/235-5090. Ph(h): 908/297-5493. HINRICHSEN, Gregory Allen Res Dept, Hillside Hosp 75-59 263rd St, Glen Oaks NY 11004-1150. Ph(w): 718/470-8184. FAX: 718/343-1659. Ph(h): 212/989-7239. HIRSCH, Barton J. Sch of Educ, Northwestern Univ, Evanston IL 60208. Ph(w): 708/491-4418. FAX: 708/491-8999. HIRSCHMAN, Richard D. Dept of Psychol, Kent State Univ, Kent OH 44242. Ph(w): 216/672-3783. FAX: 216/672-3786. Ph(h): 216/678-6919. Email: [email protected] HIITELMAN, Eugene Lee NYU Col of Dentistry, 345 E 24th St, New York NY 10010-4020. Ph(w): 212/998-9770. FAX: 212/998-9761. Ph(h): 718/548-0928. Email: [email protected] HOBFOLL, Stevan E Psychol Oept, Kent State Univ, Kent OH44242. Ph(w): 216/672-2137. FAX: 216/672-3786. Ph(h): 216/650-6403. Hodne, Carol J. (S) Dept. of Psych., Univ. of Iowa Iowa City IA 52242. Email: [email protected] HOFFNUNG, Robert J. 101 Harrison St, New Haven CT 06515-1724. Ph(w): 203/777-0244. Ph(h): 203/387-7153. Hogan Bruen, Kathy (S) 2112 N. Seminary Ave., #19. Chicago IL 60614. Ph(w): 3121348-0308. Ph(h): same. Email: [email protected] HOLAHAN, Charles J. Dept of Psychol, Univ of Texas. Austin TX 78712. Ph(w): 512/471-3320. Holland, Cheryl Cole (8) 9311 Long Branch Pkwy, Silver Spring MD 20901. Hollander, Sharon 2111 82nd St., 3rd floor Brooklyn NY 11214. HOLLIDAY, Bertha Garrett Ofc of Ethnic Minority Afr, APA 750 First S, NE, Washington DC 20002-4241. Ph(w): 202/336-6029. FAX: 202/336-6040. Ph(h): 202/265-8308. Email: [email protected] Hollnagel, Jordis (S) Bomaische Str. 15, Leipzig 4277 GERMANY. Holloway, Bruce E. (S) 5319 Holmes St, Kansas City MO 64110-2437. HOLZMAN, Lois II. 225 Varick S, Frnt 2, New Ynrk NY 10014-4304. Horner, Adelia (S) 600 S Dearborn St, #1108 Chicago IL 60605. Ph(w): 312/913-0551. FAX: 312/413-4122. Email: [email protected] HORWITZ, Michael Bennett 3536 Bee Caves Rd #100, Austin TX 78746·5474. Ph(w): 512/327-5040. Ph(h): 512/327-5479. 9 1 Hough. Michael Faculty of Education, Southbrae Dr. Glasgow Gl3lPP SCOTLAND. Ph(w): 44/41-950-3622. Ph(h): 44/41-950-3622. Email: [email protected] Housberg, Lydia (S) PO Box 24617, Phoenix AZ 85074-4617. Howard, Colanda (S) 8665-D Old Towne Dr., St. Louis MO 63132. Ph(w): 314/569-3505. Ph(h): 314/865-3333 x7747. HOWARD~PITNEY, Beth A. Ctr for Res in Disease Preven, Stanford Univ Sch of Med 1000 Welch Rd, Palo Alto CA 94304-1811. Ph(w): 415/723-1000. Huang, Tzer- Tang (S) Peita Rd. 268, Hsin-Chu Taiwan ROC. Huber-Yoder, Melissa S. (S) 4904 Belle Chase #302, Lansing M1 48910. Email: [email protected] HUDLEY-PAUL, Cynthia A. Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, Grad Sch of Educ, Santa Barbara CA 93106. Ph(w): 805/893-8324. FAX: 805/893-7264. Ph(h): 805/648-1086. Email: [email protected] Hughes, Diane 6 Washington PI., #280, New York NY 10003. Ph(w): 212/998-7906. FAX: 212/995-4018. Ph(h): 201/378-8053. Email: [email protected] Hughey, Joseph Dept of Psych, U of MO, 5301 Holmes Kansas City MO 64110. HUMPHREYS, Keith N. Ctr for Hlth Care Eval, VAMC (152-Mpd) 795 Willow Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025-2539. Ph(w): 415/493-5000. FAX: 415/617-2736. Ph(h): 408/866-6783. Email: [email protected] HUMPHRIES, Joan R. 1311 Alhambra Circle, Coral Gables FL 33134-3521. Ph(w): 305/237-1164. Ph(h): 305/443-8433. HUNTER, William Frank 3090 N Lexington Ave, #B9, Roseville MN 55113-1920. Ph(w): 612/633-6658. Ph(h): 612/633-6658. Huntington, Lee P.O. Box 1797, Richmond VA 23225. Ph(w): 804/371-7428. FAX: 804/986-9248. Ph(h): 804/232-4266. Email: [email protected] HURLEY, Daniel J. 2100 Broad SI, Cranston RI 02905-3342. Ph(w): 401/461-8256. Ph(h): 401/423-2049. Huygens, Ingrid Nelson Polytechnic, 84 Tipahi St Nelson NEW ZEALAND. Hyde, Mary Morris (S) 5124 Black Rock Rd, Hampstead MD 21074-3008. Imm, Pamela (S) 2220 SW 34th SI, Apt 219 Gainesville FL 32608. INCLAN, Jaime E. 85 5th Ave # 900, New York NY 10003-3019. Ph(w): 212/228-4101. Ph(h): 212/924-7621. IRELAND, John F. 600 N Weinbach, Ste 610, Evansville IN 47711-5976. Phew): 812/479-3841. IRWIN, Thomas C. 602 Tradewind Cir, Newport News VA 23602-6324. Ph(h): 804/874-0329. Isazu-Rivera, Victoria (S) 1640 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago IL 60608. Ph(w): 312/413-7788. FAX: 312/413-1326. ISCOE, Ira Dept of Psychol, Mezes Hall 413 Univ of Texas, Austin TX 78712. Ph(w): 512/471-1017. Ph(h): 512/472-3605. Isenberg, Daryl 434 Barberry Rd., Highland Park IL 60035. ISHIY AMA, Toaru 7703 Howard SI, Parma OH 44134-6843. Ph(w): 216/294-3400. Ph(h): 216/842-2068. Izzo, Charles (S) 1657 W. Addison St. #2, Chicago IL 60613-3634. Email: U28957@UlCVM JA, Davis Ying Calif Sch of Prof Psych. 1005 Atlantic Ave. Alameda CA 94501-1148. Ph(w): 415/523-2300. FAX: 415/239-4511. Ph(h): 415/585-2770. Jackson, April (S) Cntr for Res on Adolescent Drug Abuse. Weiss Hall, 3rd FI. Philadelphia PA 19122. Ph(w): 215/204-3506. FAX: 215/204-7300. Ph(h): 302/764-5949. Jaekson, Daniel F. (S) 627 W. Oakdale #3, Chicago IL 60657. Jaeobs, Cynthia (S) 8 Porter Rd, Chelmsford MA 01824. Email: [email protected] Jage •• , Robert 4075A 1007 W. Harrison, Chicago IL 60608. Ph(w): 312/996-2962. JAMESON, Leslie B. 74 Random Fanns Cir, Chappaqua NY 10514-1000. Ph(w): 212/632-4518. Ph(h): 914/241-6381. JASON, Leonard A. Psychol Dept, 2219 N Kenmore Ave, Chicago 1L 60614-3504. Ph(w): 312/362-8277. FAX: 312/362-8279. Email: [email protected] Jayaraj, Anita (S) 1033 W. Loyola Ave., #805, Chicago IL 60626. Phew): 312/508-3037. Ph(h): 312/743-5330. JED, Joy« 544 8th St, Brooklyn NY 11215-4201. Ph(w): 718/667-2793. Ph(h): 718/499-0411. Jenkins, Robin (S) 2338 Co1gate Dr., Fayetteville NC 28304. JENKINS, Richard A. Usamc-Afrims, APO AP 96546-5000. Ph(w): 301/294-1880. FAX: 301/294-1896. Ph(h): 202/265-1393. Email: [email protected] JENS, Kathryn S. 8000 E Prentice Ave, Ste B-12. Englewood CO 80111-2744. Phew): 303/773-8991. Ph(h): 303/770-5368. JERRELL, Jeanette M. 401 Shallow Brook Dr, Columbia SC 29223-8115. Phew): 408/299-5935. Jewell, Thomas (S) 450 S. Grove St., Bowling Green OH 43402. Jha, Aruna (S) 907 S. Wolcott, Chicago 1L 60612. Phew): 312/413-1720. Ph(h): 708/325-7250. Jiang, Jun-hong (S) Lane 431 No. 10, 2F, Song-Jian Road Taipei TAIWAN. Email: [email protected] Jimenez, David Perez (S) SanJose, Calle Almaden 327 San Juan PR 00923. JOHNSON, Christine 3104 Hillside Dr, Burlingame CA 94010-5912. Ph(w): 415/347-9676. JOHNSON, Dale L. PO Box 1687, Taos NM 87571-1687. Phew): 713/743-8621. FAX: 713/743-8633. Ph(h): 505/758-7962. JOHNSON, Paula B. 1000 S Fremont Ave, Alhambra CA 91803-4737. Ph(w): 818/284-2777. Johnson. Randy (S) 1380 Northview Ave.,NE, Atlanta GA 30306. JOHNSTON, Terry A. 1746 E Hamilton, San lose CA 95125-5424. Phew): 408/294-6866. Ph(h): 408/292-4503. Johnson, Tiffany 2650 S. California, Rm 2A 78 Chicago IL 60608. Ph(w): 312/890-6930. FAX: 312/890-6272. JOLLEY, Aubrey H. 1606 Donna St, Copperas Cove TX 76522-4121. Phew): 817/542-3363. Ph(h): 817/547-4635. JONES, Ferdinand 30 Langham Rd, Providence RI 02906-3548. Ph(w): 401/863-2727. Ph(h): 401/331-1039. Jones, Hildegarde H. (S) P.O.Box 1821, Sandwich MA 02563. Jopp, David Alden (S) 435 W. Surf Apt. IB, Chicago IL 60657. Email: [email protected] JOSEPH, Joanne M. RDI Foote Rd, Box #39, Clinton NY 13323-9801. Phew): 315/797-5657. Ph(h): 315/853-2319. Julian, David 2312 Green Island Dr., Columbus OH 43228. Email: [email protected] Julian, Paula (S) UMKC Psychology Department, 5319 Holmes St. Kansas City MO 64112. Julian, Teresa 2312 Green Island Dr., Columbus OH 43228. Phew): 614/293-4930. Ph(h): 614/279-7021. Juras, Jennifer (S) 1155 E. Saginaw, East Lansing MI 48823. Jurkowski, Elaine (S) 2121 W. Taylor St, M/C 922/Sch Pub Hlth Chicago 1L 60612. Phew): 312/996-3658. FAX: 312/996-1374. Ph(h): 312/733-7214. Kartarian, Shakeh Office of Sci Analysis, 5600 Fisher Ln./Rockwall II, #630 Rockville MD 20857. Phew): 301/443-9136. FAX: 301/443-8532. Ph(h): 301/983-9152. Email: [email protected] KAHN, Marvin William 5031 N Stone House PI, Tucson AZ 85750. Phew): 602/621-7458. Ph(h): 602/749-0410. KALA FAT, John D. Psychol Dept, Spalding Univ, 851 South 4th Ave, Louisville KY 40203-2115. Ph(w): 502/585-9911. Ph(h): 502/899-8811. KAMEOKA, Velma Asayo Sch of Social Work, Univ of Hawaii 2500 Campus Rd, Honolulu HI 96822-2217. Ph(w): 808/956-6244. FAX: 808/956-5964. Kaminska, Sandy 1100 N. Dearborn, #1804, Chicago IL 60610. Ph(w): 815/740-2442. FAX: 815/740-6172. Ph(h): 312/787-1000 x 1804. KANE, Andrew W. 2815 N Summit Ave, Milwaukee WI 53211-3439. Ph(w): 414/964,6449. FAX: 414/964-9814. Ph(h): 414/964-8312. Kang, Susan S. (S) 51 Rolens Dr A7, Kingston RI 02881. Ph(w): 401/789-9387. FAX: 401/863-3510. Ph(h): 401/274-4276. Email: [email protected] KANIASTY, Krzysztof (Krys) Dept of Psychol, Indiana Univ of PA, Indiana PA 15705. Phew): 412/357-5559. Ph(h): 412/349-3646. Email: [email protected] KANTROWITZ, Ricki Ellen 41 Warburton Way, Northampton MA 01060-1658. Phew): 413/572-5378. Ph(h): 413/586-3970. Kaplan, Daniel L. (S) 3918 N Janssen #2, Chicago IL 60613. Email: U53639@UlCVM KAPLAN, Norman 300 Hampton St, #10, Savannah GA 31405-5962. Ph(w): 912/354-4953. Ph(h): 912/352-8041. KAPLAN, Oscar J. 5409 Hewlett Dr, San Diego CA 92115-1132. Ph(w): 619/582-0080. Karvonen, MeagaD (S) 7124-E Village Green Dr., Charlotte NC 28215. Email: [email protected] Kasprow. Wesley J. 7 Debby Dr., Groton CT 06340. KATZ, Elias 2839 Ashby Ave, Berkeley CA 94705-2305. Ph(w): 415/620-0290. FAX: 510/620-0326. Ph(h): 415/841-5739. KATZ, George G. 17337 Tramonto Dr, Pacific Palisad CA 90272-3121. Phew): 213/824-3174. Kaufman, Joy S. Yale Univ Sch of Medicine. 389 Whitney Ave New Haven CT 06511. KAUFMAN, Judith Fairleigh Dickinson Univ, 1000 River Rd, Teaneck NJ 07666-1914. Ph(w): 201/692-2815. Ph(h): 212/662-9340. 10 Kletter, Jacqueline A. (S) 150 Brighton 15th St., Brooklyn NY 11235. KLINE, Marsha L. The Consultation Ctr, 389 Whitney Ave, New Haven CT 06511-2301. Phew): 203/789-7645. FAX: 203/562-6355. Ph(h): 203/458-6968. Kling, Kathleen Counseling & Psych. Services, Lucina Hall Muncie IN 47306. Ph(w): 317/285-1736. FAX: 317/285-2081. Ph(h): 317/289-3614. Email: [email protected] KLINGBERG, Haddon E. 2001 Shennan Ave. #401, Evanston IL 60201-3264. Phew): 312/244-5727. Ph(h): 708/328-9593. Kloos, Bret R. (S) 603 E Daniel St, Dept of Psychology, Univ of IL Champaign IL 61820. KLOPNER, Michele A. Cuvilly 633 N Armistead St, Alexandria VA 22312-2926. Phew): 210/723-2256. FAX: 210/723-2256. Ph(h): 210/723-2256. Knowlton, Amy (S) 624 N. Broadway, 7th Floor Baltimore MD 21205. Phew): 410-955-3972. KNOX, Michael D. Dept of Comun MH, MHC7-2I3, Univ of S Fla, Fla MH Inst 13301 N 30th S~ Tampa FI. 33612-3807. Phew): 813/974-4632. FAX: 813/974-4406. Ph(h): 813/985-8119. Kobayashi, Juichi (S) National Institute of Political Science, 6, Sanhan-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102 JAPAN. Kohayashi, Robynn (S) 2436 N Talman, Chicago II. 60657. Kohus, Kimberly (S) 1014 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park IL 60304. Emaii: [email protected] Kochanoff, Anita (S) 6918 W 87th Ave, Crown Point IN 60614. Kociubinski, Kristine L. (S) 524 Rumple Lane, Addison IL 60101. Kohn, M.A., Laura P. (S) Univ of California, SF, Dept of Psychiatry 401 Parnassus Ave CPT, San Francisco CA 94143-0984. Phew): 415/476-7573. Email: [email protected] Kohn, Steven J. (S) 102 Morris Drive, Apt. 103 Laurel MD 20707-4519. Komro, Kelli 19020 Barrington Dr, Eden Prairie MN 55346-1015. Email: [email protected] KOPPLIN, David A. 8261 Shadow Wood Dr, Waco TX 76712-2416. Ph(w): 817/755-2961. Ph(h): 817/776-3737. KORR, Wynne Sandra Sch of Soc Work, Univ of Pittsburgh 2117 Cathedral of Leaming, Pittshurgh PA 15260-6399. Ph(w): 412/624-6300. FAX: 412/624-6323. Ph(h): 312/561-6242. KOSCHEI, Erika C. 13-33 138th St, College Point NY 11356-2049. Ph(w): 914/963-5650. Ph(h): 718/767-1557. KRAMER, Judith Ann 29 Hwy 34, Colts Neck NJ 07722. Phew): 2011780-7773. Ph(h): 201/409-1418. KRAMER, Kathryn Psychol Res Div, Sch Soc Work, 309 Battle Hall Univ of N Carolina, CB #3560, Chapel Hill NC 27514-3805. Phew): 919/966-5932. FAX: 919/962-3384. Ph(h): 919/929-4980. Email: UNCKDK@YMI KRANZ, Peter L. Couns Ctr, Tenn Tech Univ, PO Box 5094, Cookeville TN 38505. Phew): 813/864-8477. Ph(h): 813/821-2694. KRASNER, Leonard Lab for Study of Behav Med, Dept of Psychiat Stanford Sch of Med, Stanford CA 94305. Phew): 415/725-5598. Ph(h): 415/494-3693. KRAUSS, Herbert Harris 6 Downing Ct, Irvington NY 10533-2330. Phew): 212/772-5550. KREMSDORF, Ross Bryan 3311 Piute Hill Rd, Lake Isahella CA 93240-9538. Phew): 805/327-4411. Ph(h): 619/379-8065. Kress, Jeffery (S) Psych. Dept; Rutgers, Livingston New Brunswick N1 08903. Email: [email protected] KREUL, Randolph W. 781 Martin Ave, Fond Du Lac WI 54935-6263. Phew): 414/929-3571. KRIMM, Edward A. 9t8 Rohert Dr, Godfrey IL 62035-2523. Ph(h): 618/466-1582. Kroeker, Caroline Eval Dept·Worid Vision Intnl, 121 E. Huntington Dr. Monrovia CA 91016-3400. KROLL, Jill Corrine 1949 Dean Ave, Holt MI 48842-1513. Phew): 517/355-6744. Ph(h): 517/694-0983. Email: [email protected] Kronabel, Benno (S) Dept. of Psychology, University of Hawaii Honolulu HI 96822. KRUECKEBERG, Suzanne M. 1136 Pleasant St, Oak Park IL 60302-3043. Ph(w): 312/996-7546. Ph(h): 708/848-5414. KRUGER, D. Bruce 5450 Bee Cave Rd, Ste 5B, Austin TX 78746-5251. Ph(w): 512/327-4827. Ph(h): 512/892-6209. Krulee, Gilbert K. 2733 Colfax St., Evanston IL 60201. KUEHNEL, Timothy G. 637 Valley Vista Dr, Camarillo CA 93010-1639. Phew): 805/484-5607. Ph(h): 805/482-1656. Kuklinski, Margaret IS) 15600 NE 8th St. #BI-517 Bellevue WA 94708. Kulesa, Patrick (S) Engelhart Hall #108-1, 1915 Maple Ave Evanston IL 60201. KAUFMAN. Max C. 360 First Ave, 3D, New York NY 10010-4918. Ph(h): 212/260-3691. Kean, Jackie DePaul Center, 333 S. State 51. 2nd FI. Chicago IL 60604. Phew): 312/747-9882. FAX: 312/747-9739. KEARNEY, Helen Revenda 3142 Colchester Brook Ln, Fairfax VA 22031-2610. Ph(h): 703/280-1367. Kearse, Wendy (S) 376 Westwood Place #5, Austell GA 30001. Phew): 404/651-2283. FAX: 404/523-5116. Ph(h): 404/948-6739. Email: PSYWRK@GSU KEATING, Barry J. 107 Somerset Ave, Garden City NY 11530-1232. Ph(w): 516/746-6263. Ph(h): 516/746-6263. Keck, Lorraine P.O. Box 3667, Champaign IL 61826. Phew): 217/352-6989. FAX: 217/352-8530. Ph(h): 217/352-6989. KEENAN, Louise 10 Sheraton Park, Arlington MA 02174-8220. Ph(h): 617/648-1464. KEIFFER, Miriam G. PO Box 1140, Granite Falls WA 98252-1140. Phew): 206/339-8396. FAX: 206/259-2701. Ph(h): 360/691-6296. Email: [email protected] Keith, Joanne 203 Human Ecology, Michigan State University East Laosing MI 48824. KELLER, Peter Alan RD2, Box 157K, Millerton PA 16936-9533. Ph(w): 717/662-4772. FAX: 717/662-4112. Ph(h): 717/549-6491. Email: [email protected] KELLY, James G. 1915 N Halsted, Chicago IL 60614-5008. Phew): 312/413-2643. FAX: 312/413-4122. Ph(h): 312/642-4706. Email: [email protected] Kemp. Jr., Leroy (S) 6 Washington PI., #287, New York NY 10003. Ph(w): 212/998-7630. FAX: 212/995-4018. Ph(h): 212/795-7472. Email: leroy@xp KENKEL, Mary Beth Calif Sch of Prof Psychol, 1350 M St, Fresno CA 93721-1808. Ph(w): 209/486-8420. FAX: 209/486-0734. Ph(h): 209/431-9695. Email: [email protected] KENNEDY, May Grabbe 1272 Amanda Cif, Decatur GA 30033-1902. Ph(w): 404/639-8287. Ph(h): 404/325-5734. Kennedy, Mellen 412 NE 41st St, Kansas City MO 61820. Kennington, Patricia A. D. 111 Back Shell Rd., Savannah GA 31404-1401. KENYON, G. M. 1372 Old Topanga Canyon Rd, Topanga CA 90290-3919. Phew): 213/742-7551. FAX: 310/455-1767. Ph(h): 310/455-1767. Keren, Yael (S) Dept of Psychology, Univ of Mass-Lowell Lowell MA 01854. Email: [email protected] Kerman, Ben (S) 206 Church St, Guilford CT 06437-2439. KERR, Douglas MacNaughton 19 Monte Vista Avenue, Larkspur CA 94939-2120. Ph(w): 415/927-3166. Ph(h): 415/924-9438. KEYS, Christopher B. 533 N Cuyler Ave, Oak Park IL 60302-2306. Ph(w): 312/413-2640. FAX: 312/413-4122. Ph(h): 708/524-1293. Email: [email protected] Kian, Elan a (S) Dept. of Psychology, 603 E. Daniel St. Champaign IL 61820. Ph(w): 217/333-3137. FAX: 217/244-5876. Ph(h): 217/398-4285. Email: [email protected] KIELY, Margaret C. Dept of Psycho I, Univ Montreal, CP 6128 Succursale Centre Viti, Montreal H3C 317 Canada. Ph(w): 514/343-6498. FAX: 514/343-2285. Ph(h): 514/739-4257. KIESLER, Charles A. Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 105 Jesse Hall, Columhia MO 65211. Ph(w): 314/882-3387. FAX: 314/882-9907. KILBURG, Richard R. 5 Barrow Ct. Towson MD 21204-1806. Phew): 410/516-4570. FAX: 410/516-7242. Ph(h): 410/321-0386. Kilgore, Kimberly M. (S) 1845 N.Fairmount#34, Wichita KS 67260-0034. Kilmer, Karlene (S) Department of Psychology, Univ of South Carolina Columhia SC 29208. Phew): 803/254-6312. Ph(h): 803/798-7089. Email: [email protected] Kilmer, Ryan P. (S) Dept. of Psych. Meliora Hall, U of Rochester Rochester NY 14627. Kim, Lauren (S) 1901 E. Apache Blvd. #218, Tempe AZ 85281. Email: [email protected] Kingston, Sharon (S) 151 Ocean Rd., Apt. 14, Narragensette RI 02882. KIRESUK, Thomas J. 2605 Valleyview Rd, Burnsville MN 55306-5230. Phew): 612/337-7377. FAX: 612/337-7189. Ph(h): 612/898-1214. KIRKHART, Karen Eileen 205 Shervlood Dr, Syracuse NY 13214-1508. Ph(w): 315/443-5574. FAX: 315/443-5576. Ph(h): 315/445-0250. Email: [email protected] KLEIN, Donald C. 4730 Sheppard Ln, Ellicott City MD 21042-1441. Ph(w): 301/596-9210. Ph(h): 410/531-2913. KLEIN, Katherine J. Dept of Psychol, Univ of Maryland, College Park MD 20742. Ph(w): 301/405-5929. FAX: 301/314-9566. Ph(h): 202/363-9730. Email: [email protected] Student = (S) APA Member = Last name in all capitals II Kuperminc. Gabriel P. Dept of Psych-Yale Univ, PO Box 208205 New Haven CT 06520. Email: [email protected] KUPERSMIDT, Janis B. Dept of Psychot, CB #3270, Davie Hall UNC, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill NC 27599. Ph(w): 919/962-5034. FAX: 919/962-2537. Ph(h): 919/962-3988. Kurasaki, Karen S. (S) Dept. of Psych.-UCLA. 405 HiIgard Ave Los Angeles CA 90024-1563. KYRIAZIS, C. W. 8610 Grubb Rd, Chevy Chase MD 20815-3828. LaFleur, Diane (S) 495 Theberge, Terrebonne Quebec J6W 2R3 CANADA. Lajeunesse, Susan 37 Brookline Dr., Clifton Park NY 12065. Lamhert, Sharon (S) 603 E. Daniel St, Champaign IL 61820. Email: [email protected] LAMP, Robert E. Psychol Dept, Sthn III Univ, Edwardsville IL 62025. Ph(w): 618/692-3542. Ph(h): 314/388-1609. Land, Dehorah (S) Psych Dept/I02 Gilmer Hall, U of Virginia Charlottesville VA 22903. Ph(w): 804/982-5052. FAX: 804/982-4766. Ph(h): 804/296-0877. Email: [email protected] Landry, Lyne S. (S) 69 Acorn Hill Road, Woodbridge CT 06525. Landry, Suzanne Ecole De Psycgologie. Ste Foy Que GIK 7P4 CANADA. Ph(w): 418/656-3083. FAX: 418/656-3646. Ph(h): 418/658-6646. Email: [email protected] LANTAY, George Charles #2-B Rear Bldg, 28 Greenwich Ave, New York NY 10011-8346. Ph(w): 212/969-0275. Ph(h): 212/366-1319. Lardon, Cecile (S) U ofIL-Psychology (M/C 285), 1007 W. Harrison Chicago 1L 60607-7137. Email: [email protected] Larson, Susan H. 109 Dogwood Lane, Mystic CT 06355-1040. LARSSON, Eric V. Rem Consulting & Svcs 1nc, 3101 W 69th St, Ste 121, Edina MN 55435-2531. Ph(w): 612/860-5760. FAX: 6121926-4002. Ph(h): 612/474-2287. Lassiter, Margaret (S) 200 Broad St.. Scotia NY 12302. LA TIMER, Charles Laurens 100 Yorkshire Dr, Greenville SC 29615-1129. Ph(w): 803/244-6109. Ph(h): 803/244-6109. Latkin, Carl Dept of MH,SPH, Johns Hopkins Univ., 624 N.Broadway Baltimore MD 21205. Laurendeau, Marie Claire 4835 Aven. Christophe-Colomb, Montreal Quebec H2J 3G8 CANADA. Ph(w): 514/528-2423. FAX: 514/528-2426. Ph(h): 514/274-4704. Lavinghouse, Rene' Gyger (S) 115 Station Pkwy, Roswell GA 30075-3010. LAVOIE, Francine A. Ecole De Psychol, Univ Laval, Quebec GIK 7P4 Canada. Ph(w): 418/656-7496. FAX: 418/656-3646. Lawrenz, Cathy E. (S) PO Box 7053, Kansas City MO 64113. Email: [email protected] Le Bosse, Yann D. (S) 7488 Du Colibri, Charny Quebec G6X 3K9 CANADA. Lee, Rebecca (S) 102 S. Durham St.. Baltimore MD 21231. Email: [email protected] Leeds, Jeremy New York University, 239 Greene St, Rm. 400, New York NY 10003. Ph(w): 212/998-5571. FAX: 212/995-4358. Legler, Ray (S) 2900 Northwind Dr., #228 East Lansing M1 48823. LEIBMAN, O. Bernard 444 Community Dr. Manhasset NY 11030-3820. Ph(w): 516/627-8750. Ph(h): 516/482-5193. LELIEUVRE, Robert Bryson Golden Triangle CMHC, PO Box 1658, Havre MT 59501-1658. Ph(w): 406/265-9639. Ph(h): 406/265-1026. Lemke, Amy (S) Dept of OB/GYN, 5841 S. Maryland Ave MC2050 Chicago IL 60637. Ph(w): 312/702-6621. FAX: 312/702-5159. Ph(h): 708/328-8509. Email: [email protected] Lengua, Liliana (S) 2268 14th Ave. W. #203, Seattle WA 98119. Email: [email protected] LENROW, Peter B. 1572 Mass Ave #3, Cambridge MA 02138-2911. Ph(w): 617/492-8079. LERNER, Arthur 520 S Burnside II C, Los Angeles CA 90036-3955. Ph(h): 213/936-4992. Lerner, Jackie Suite 27 Kellogg Center. East Lansing MI 48824-1022. Ph(w): 517/353-8807. FAX: 517/4:2-2476. Lerner, Richard Suite 27 Kellogg Center, East Lansing MI 48824-1022. Ph(w): 517/353-6617. FAX: 517/432-2022. Email: [email protected] Leslie, Gloria 3110 Clifton Rd, Decatur GA 30034. Ph(w): 404/242-2222. Lesondak, Linda M. (S) 124 Elizabeth St NE FI 2, Atlanta GA 30306. Lester, Lydia V. (S) PO Box 24617, Phoenix AZ 85074-4617. LETENDRE, Dana 404 E 33rd. Joplin MO 64804-3909. Ph(w): 316/235-4501. FAX: 417/782-9425. Ph(h): 417/782-6268. LEVANT, Ronald F. 316 School SI, Belmbnt MA 02178-3519. Ph(w): 617/566-4479. FAX: 617/484-1902. Ph(h): 617/484-6644. LEVENTHAL, Gerald S. Qa & Prgm Eval, UMDNJ-CMHC 215 S Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103-2700. Ph(w): 201/982-4869. FAX: 201/982-6594. Ph(h): 201/378-9897. Levesque,Director, AIS Louise Fdn Prevention Du Suicide, 86. l3e Avenue Nord Sherbrooke (Qc) JlE 2X7 CANADA. LEVIN, Barry L. 1249 Camelot Ct, Palm Harbor FL 34684-2455. Ph(h): 813/787-3895. LEVIN, Gloria B. 7327 University Ave, Glen Echo MD 20812-1014. Ph(w): 301/443-1367. FAX: 301/594-0702. Ph(h): 301/320-5068. Email: [email protected] LEVIN, Hannah A. 88 Claremont Ave, Maplewood NJ 07040-2024. Ph(w): 908/647-0800. Ph(h): 201/762-2376. Email: AVANTI11@,AOL.COM LEVIN, Richard H. Box 117, Sugar Grove NC 28679-0117. Ph(w): 704/262-2713. Ph(h): 704/297-7788. Levine, Deborah (S) 108 Fuller St., Brookline MA 02146. Levine, Eliot (S) 7013 Fordham Court #2, College Park MD 20740. Email: [email protected] LEVINE, Murray 74 Colonial Cir, Buffalo NY 14213-1467. Ph(w): 716/645-3650. FAX: 716/645-3801. Ph(h): 716/883-0194. Email: [email protected] LEVINSON, Ronald N. 370 Camino Pablo, Orinda CA 94563-1602. Ph(w): 510/254-0110. Ph(h): 510/228-2528. LEVY, Leon H. Dept of Psychol, Univ Maryland Baltimore Cnty 5401 Wilkins Ave, Baltimore MD 21228-5329. Ph(w): 410/455-2415. Ph(h): 410/992-4993. Email: [email protected] Levy, Shelly (S) 321 Flatbush Ave. #8, Brooklyn NY 11217. LEWIS, Barbara O. Strategic Edge, 2062 Union St, Ste #300, San Francisco CA 94t23-4103. Ph(w): 415/563-3755. Ph(h): 415/567-2310. Lewis, John (S) 3703 Tollgate Terr., Falls Church VA 22041. LEWIS, Judith A. 3440 Lake Shore Dr, #18-A, Chicago IL 60657-2873. Ph(w): 708/534-4915. Ph(h): 708/472-3359. Lewis, Rhonda (S) 4001 Dole Ctr., Univ. of Kansas Lawrence KS 66045. Lewis, Susan (S) 930 Travelers Ct.. Nashville TN 37220. Lewis, Zannette (S) 389 Whitney Ave .• New Haven CT 06511. Ph(w): 203/789-7645. FAX: 203/562-6355. Ph(h): 203/281-5860. Li, Susan A. (S) Dept. of Psychology,Box 871104, Arizona State University Tempe AZ 85287-1104. LICHTENSTEIN, Edward Oregon Res Inst, 1715 Franklin Blvd, Eugene OR 97403-1983. Ph(w): 503/484-2123. FAX: 503/484-11 08. Ph(h): 503/683-0688. Lieher, Eli (S) 6558 Lasaine Ave., Vao Nuys CA 91406. LIEM, G. Ramsay 81 Greenough St, Brookline MA 02146-6152. Ph(w): 617/552-4108. Ph(h): 617/277-3378. Liew, Jeffrey C. IS) 2431 Ellsworth St, #301 Berkeley CA 94704. Email: [email protected] Limber, Susan P. Inst for Families in Society, USC-Carolina Plaza Columbia SC 29208. Lindemann, Bonnie Coli Bus, St. Ambrose Univ., 518 W. Locust Davenport IA 52803. Lindsay, Larry P.O. Box 1797, Richmond VA 23214. Ph(w): 804/371-2177. FAX: 804/371-0091. Linfield, Kenneth J. (S) 603 E. Daniel St., Champaign IL 61820. LINNEY, Jean Ann 555 Brookshire Dr, Columbia SC 29210-4207. Ph(w): 803/777-7161. FAX: 803/777-4532. Ph(h): 803/798-1712. Email: [email protected] LINNICK, Ida 385 Grand St, L 1106, New York NY 10002-3930. Ph(h): 212/475-7875. LIPSITT, Lewis P. Dept of Psychol, Box 1853, Brown Univ 89 Waterman St, Providence RI 02912-9079. Ph(w): 401/863-2332. FAX: 401/863-1300. Ph(h): 401/272-0828. Email: LLIPSITT@BROWNVM LISKE, Ralph E. 1195 Fairchild Ave, Kent OH 44240-1811. Ph(w): 216/673-5336, Ph(h): 216/673-5336. LITWACK, Lawrence 30 Lewis Rd, Belmont MA 02178-3424. Ph(w): 613/373-2470. Ph(h): 617/489-3238. LIZZADRO, Terese K. 6423 N 52nd PI. Paradise Valley AZ 85253-4158. Lobnig, Mag. Hubert F. 1070 Wien, Seidengasse 14/6 AUSTRIA. LOCH MAN, John E. 4106 Kildrummy Crt, Durham NC 27705-6316. Ph(w): 919/684-8732. FAX: 919/286-6069. Ph(h): 919/489-2484. Lolik, Mary I 18 Snakehill Rd., Scotia NY 12302. London, Lorna (S) Inst for Juvenile Research, 907 S. Wolcott, M/C747 Chicago IL 60612. Ph(w): 3121413-0990. FAX: 312/413-1036. Ph(h): 312/949-1942. Email: [email protected] Long, Beverly 1036 Somerset Drive N.W .• Atlanta GA 30327. Long, Holly Sterling (S) 22 Blue Cliff Terrace. Apt 193 New Haven CT 06513-4719. 12 Mardling, Anna PMB II, Halls Creek WA 6770 AUSTRALIA. Ph(w): 091-686-005. FAX: 091-686-023. Email: [email protected] MARIN, Gerardo ]24 Professional Center Pkwy. San Rafael CA 94903-2747. Ph(w): 4151666-2416. FAX: 415/479-8204. Ph(h): 415/479-2621. EmaiI: [email protected] Markel-Fox, Suzanne Univ. PA, Ctr.MH Pol & Svcs. Res, 3600 Market St. Room 721 Philadelphia PA 19104-2648. MARKS, John Brady 0668 SW Palating Hill Rd, Portland OR 97219-7831. Ph(h): 503/636-5752. Marr, Daniel S.M. (S) 50 Emerson St., New Haven CT 06515. Marsh, Patriea (S) 2552 W. Coyle Ave., Chicago 1L 60645. Ph(h): 312/338-9138. Marsters, Mary E. The Rensselaerville Institute, Pond Hill Rd. Rensselaerville NY ]2]47. Martin, Alison J. (S) 209 Brush Creek Blvd, Apt 307 Kansas City MO 64112. Ph(w): 816/235-1059. Ph(h): 8161531-4089. Martin, Andre (S) 726 Durant St., Lansing MI 48915. Ph(w): 517/484-5828. Martin, David U of T Pub Hlth, P.O. Box 20186 Houston TX 77225. MARTIN, Elmore A. 2906 Duncan St, Columbia SC 29205-2545. FAX: 717/545-4479. Ph(h): 717/652-7069. MARTINEZ, Alejandro M. Stanford Univ, Cowell Student Hlth Ctr, Stanford CA 94305. Ph(w): 415/725-4120. Ph(h): 415/494-3433. EmaiI: [email protected] Martinez, Lori (S) 907 S. Wolcott Ave., M/C 747, Chicago IL 60607. Ph(w): 312/413-1984. FAX: 312/413-1036. Ph(h): 312/604-5017. MASTERPASQUA, Frank lost for Grad Clin Psychol, Widener Univ, Chester PA 19013. Ph(w): 215/499-1208. Mather, Donna (S) P.O. Box 432, Nenana AK 99760. Mathes, Stephen K. (S) 26 Heritage Pkwy, Scotia NY 12302-2628. Mathews, Mark 4001 Dole, HDFL, University of Kansas Laurence KS 66045. Email: [email protected] MATON, Kenneth I Dept of Psychol, Univ of Md Baltimore Cnty, Catonsville MD 21228. Ph(w): 410/455-2567. FAX: 4101455-1055. Ph(h): 3011589-2959. Matroni, Karen E. (S) 5904-2B Winamac Lake Dr., Mishawaka IN 46545. Mattaini, Mark A. Columbia Univ/Sch of Soc Work. 622 W 1 13th St New York NY 10025. MATTHEW, Ronald L. RR1, Box 159C, Sullivan IL 61951-9706. Ph(w): 217/728-4358. FAX: 217/728-2270. Ph(h): 217/665-3473. MaUhews, B. Alexandra (S) 252 Kings Row, Marietta GA 30067-4104. Matusen, Darren E. (S) 65 Park Drive, Apt #23 Boston MA 02215. Mauretto, Jennifer A. (S) 14 TraiIridge, Glen Carbon IL 62034. MAUSNER, Howard 345 So Forest. Denver CO 80222-8107. Ph(w): 303/744-0025. Ph(h): 303/355-9679. Mayer, JelTrey P. (S)ch Pub Hlth, St. Louis Vniv, 3663 Lindell Blvd St. Louis MO 63108. McArthur, Kerry (S) CCRA-New York Univ. 6 Washington PI, 2nd FI New York NY 10003-6634. MeAuslan, Pam (S) 71 West Warren, Detroit MI 48201. MCCAMMON, Susan Lynn Dept of Psychol. East Carolina Univ, Greenville NC 27858. Ph(w): 919/328-6800. FAX: 919/328-6283. Ph(h): 919/758-3827. McCarthy, Jr., Martin 680 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago IL 60611. Ph(w): 708/475-1988. FAX: 312/908-8588. Email: [email protected] MCCOLSKEY, Ann Shedden 344 Office Plaza Dr, Tallahassee FL 32301-2730. Ph(w): 904/877-6000. McCoy, Jon E. (S) Psychology-V of 1L at V-C, 603 E. Daniel Champaign IL 61820. EmaiI: [email protected] McCray, Jennifer 125 S. Wacker, 14th FI Chicago 1L 60605. Ph(w): 312/424-6829. FAX: 312/424-6800. Ph(h): 312/508-9616. McCrohan, Nancy (S) 1028 Parker, Lansing M1 48912. MCCULLOUGH, MiIton W. 2075 Riverhill Rd, Columbus OH 43221-1235. Ph(h): 614/451-5500. MCDONALD, Marvin John Dept of Psychol, Augustana Univ Col, Camrose T4V 2R3 Canada. Ph(w): 403/679-1533. FAX: 403/679-1129. Ph(h): 403/679-2212. Email: [email protected] McElhaney, Sandra 102] Prince St., Alexandria VA 22314. Ph(w): 703/838-7506. FAX: 703/684-5968. Ph(h): 703/491-7256. Email: [email protected] McGrath, William (S) PO Box 750406, Fairbanks AK 99775-0406. Email: [email protected] MCKELVIE, William H. 10 Owens Crt, Rockville MD 20850-2125. Phew): 301/340-8240. FAX: 301/340-8240. Ph(h): 3011340-7397. EmaiI: [email protected] McLaughlin, Mary (S) 7457 Coach light Ln .• Liverpool NY 13088. LONG. Nicholas K. 2409 Humboldt Ave S. Minneapolis MN 55405-2540. Ph(w): 612/348-8123. FAX: 612/374-1846. Ph(h): 612/374-1876. Loomis, D.M. Colleen (S) UMBC-Dept of Psychology, 5401 Wilkens Ave Baltimore MD 21228. Lopez, Christine (S) 4001 Dole Bldg., Dept of Human Dev/U of Kansas Lawrence KS 66045. Ph(w): 913/864-0533. Ph(h): 816/363-2933. LoPresti, Ann B. (S) CS Box 1025, College of William & Mary Williamsburg VA 23186. Ph(w): 804/221-7944. Email: [email protected] Lorimer, Kathy 1929 W. Schiller, Chicago IL 60622. LORlON, Raymond P. Dept of Psychol, Psychol-Zool Bldg Univ of Maryland, College Park MD 20742. Ph(w): 301/405-5891. FAX: 301/314-9566. Ph(h): 301/776-8218. Email: [email protected] Lounsbury, David W. (S) 215 Custer Ave .• Lansing MI 48912. Email: [email protected] LOUNSBURY, John William 5455 Lance Dr, Knoxville TN 37909-1818. Ph(w): 6151974-3423. FAX: 6151584-4252. Ph(h): 6151588-8252. Loveland, David (S) 345 E. Edgewood Blvd, Apt 6 Lansing MI 48911. Lowe, Cassandra 212 E. 95 St., Chicago IL 60619-7294. Ph(w): 312/928-2500. FAX: 312/928-2513. Ph(h): 312/373-9340. LOWE, Raymond N. Dept of Educ, Univ of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403. Ph(w): 503/686-5501. Ph(h): 503/342-8522. LOWENTHAL, Alan S. 2809 East 1st St, Long Beach CA 90803-2518. Ph(w): 310/985-5230. Ph(h): 310/439-7909. LUBIN, Bernard 5305 Holmes St, Kansas City MO 64110-2437. Ph(w): 816/235-1072. Ph(h): 816/221-0047. Lucksted, Alicia (S) P.O. Box 210, University of Maryland College Park MD 20742-3999. Luke, Douglas (S)t. Louis University, 3663 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis MO 63108. Lustig, Julie (S) 24 Indian Ln.#IW, Baltimore MD 21210-2136. LYKES, M. Brinton Boston Col Sch of Educ, Campion 201A, Chestnut Hill MA 02167. Ph(w): 617/552-0670. FAX: 617/552-0812. Ph(h): 617/566-3257. Email: [email protected] MacEochaidh, Gearoid (S) Glenfame Co. Leitrim Republic of IRELAND. Mackin, Juliette (S) Michigan State University, Dept. of Psychology. 129 Psychology Research BuUding East Lansing MI 48824. Email: [email protected] MacLean, Bryan (S) #1 Denver Pl., Hamilton NEW ZEALAND. Macolini, Ruthann M. (S) Rape/Spouse Abuse Crisis Ctr., 2545 N St. Lincoln NE 68510. Email: [email protected] Madara, Edward J. (S)elf Help Clrghse, St Clares-Riverside Med Ctr Denville NJ 07834. Madison, Sybil (S) 515 Fannview Rd., University Park IL 60466-3305. Magana, Belizario (S) Colorado College, Dept of Psych., 14 E Cache La Poudre Colorado Springs CO 80903. MAGINN, Vincent John 100 Europa Dr, #341, Chapel Hill NC 27514-2310. Ph(w): 919/489-6673. Ph(h): 919/929-6841. MAGOON, Thomas Mayo Couns Ctr, Univ of Maryland, College Park MD 20742. Ph(w): 3011314-7659. Ph(h): 3011384-8680. Mahan, Beverly B. (S) 416 Stable Dr., Franklin TN 37064. MAHER, Charle. A. 11 Louis Dr, Budd Lake NJ 07828-1434. Ph(w): 908/445-2170. FAX: 201/691-3436. Ph(h): 201/691-2924. MAHLER, ClilTord R. 15 Danebrock Dr, Amherst NY 14226-3430. Ph(w): 716/834-9200. Ph(h): 716/837-8793. Makarewicz, Paul 1844 N Burling St., Chicago IL 606]4. Email: [email protected] Mancuso, Laura (S) 2881 Spring Ridge Cir., Lithonia GA 30058. MANDELL, Wallace Dept of MHyg, Johns Hopkins Univ 624 N Broadway, Baltimore MD 21205-1901. Ph(w): 301/955-3889. Ph(h): 3011243-2329. Mankowski, Eric (S) Univ of IL, Dept of Psychology, 603 E Daniel St. Champaign 1L 61820. MANN, Philip Alan Dept of Psychol, Univ of Iowa, Iowa City IA 52242. Ph(w): 319/335-2468. Ph(h): 319/338-0265. Email: [email protected] MANNINO, Fortune Vincent 2136 Edgewater Pkwy, Silver Spring MD 20903-1242. Ph(w): 301/649-3:534. Ph(h): 301/434-4172. MANTELL, Michael Robert Ste 300, 2615 Camino Del Rio S, San Diego CA 92108-3713. Ph(w): 619/291-1500. FAX: 619/291-3040. MAR, Norman J. 8141 6th Ave SW, Seattle WA 98106-2152. Ph(w): 206/684-8775. Ph(h): 206/762-6541. Student = (S) APA Member = Last name in all capitals 13 Montgomery, Susanne School of Medicine, 1540 A1cazar St., #21OH Los Angeles CA 90033. Ph(w): 213/342·2691. FAX: 213/342-2601. Ph(h): 818/791-4556. Montoya, Oswaldo (S) 344 Cambridge St #2, Allston MA 02134-1725. Ph(w): 617/782-3178. FAX: 617/552-8828. Ph(h): 617/782-3 I 78. Email: [email protected] Moody, Robert P. (S)iskiyou Co. MH, Al & Dr Abuse, 804 So. Main St. Yreka CA 96097. Moore, Cyntbia (S) 700 Warren Rd. 20-3E, Ithaca NY 14850. MOORE, Thorn L. 1111 Mayfair Rd, Champaigo IL 61821-4432. Ph(w): 217/333-0041. Email: [email protected] MOOS, Rudolf H. 3801 Miranda Ave, Ctr for Hlth Eva! (152), Palo Alto CA 94304-1207. Ph(w): 415/858-3996. FAX: 415/852-3420. Moragne Kayser, Lisa (S) 1146 W. Ohio, #1, Chicago IL 60622. Ph(w): 312/421-2867. Moran, Linda Lee (S) 101 W. 12th St. • 5D, New York NY 10011. Email: [email protected] Morell, Jonathan Industrial Tech. Inst., PO Box 1485 Ann Arbor MI 48106. MOREY, Theodore M. Dept of Psychol, SUNY Col, Oswego NY 13126. Ph(w): 315/341-4013. Ph(h): 315/342-1974. MORGAN, John R. Chesterfield MH-MR Dept, PO Box 92, Chesterfield VA 23832-0092. Ph(w): 804/768-7201. FAX: 804/768-9205. Ph(h): 804/739-4259. MORITSUGU, Jobn N. 5232 Erskine SW, Seattle WA 98136-1140. Ph(w): 206/535-7650. Ph(h): 206/937-1874. Morris, Anne (S) U of C-Brkeley, Sch Pub Hlth, 140 Warren Hall #7360 Berkeley CA 94720-7360. MORRIS, Michael Adrian Dept of Psychol, Univ of New Haven, West Haven CT 06516. Ph(w): 203/932-7289. Ph(h): 203/624-8013. Morrissey, Erin (S) 2325 Blossom St., Columbia SC 29205-2324. Morrow, Ros (S) 16 Callaghan Way, Noranda Perth WA6062 AUSTRALIA. MORTON, Jerome Holdren 7308 Bonnie Kate Drive, Knoxville TN 37920. Ph(w): 615/986-5632. FAX: 615/988-8626. Ph(h): 615/577-4027. Mossman, Real M. Psych Dept, Montana St Univ, 1500 N 30th Billings MT 5910 I. MOWBRAY, Carol T. Sch of SOCWork, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI 48109. Ph(w): 313/763-6578. FAX: 313/936-1961. Email: [email protected] MULDOON, John F. 4542 N Hermitage St, Chicago IL 60640-5304. Ph(h): 312/271-0517. Mulhern, Moira A. 1436 W. 51st, Kansas City MO 64112. Mulkeen, Patricia Penn State Univ., 323 Agricultural Adm. Bldg. University Park PA 16802. MULVEY, Anne 41 Prospect St, Newburyport MA 01950-2824. Ph(w): 508/934-3965. FAX: 508/465-6889. Ph(h): 508/465-6889. Email: [email protected] MULVEY. Edward Patrick Wstn Psychiat Inst & Clin, Univ of Pittsburgh 3811 O'Hara St, Pittsburgh PA 15213-2593. Ph(w): 412/681·1102. Ph(h): 412/661-9919. Email: [email protected] MUNGER, Richard Leh. 1481 Center Street Ext Apt 302, Mount Pleasant SC 29464-4650. Ph(h): 803/884-2273. MUNOZ, Ricardo F. Dept of Psychiat, Univ of Calif San Francisco Gen Hosp Ste #7M, San Francisco CA 94110. Ph(w): 415/206-5214. FAX: 415/206-8942. Email: [email protected] Murray, Virgil (S) 804 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta GA 30307. Ph(w): 404/681-9759. FAX: 404/681-1067. Ph(h): 404/752-6663. MURRAY, J. Dennis Psychol Dept, Mansfield Univ, Mansfield PA 16933. Ph(w): 717/662·4775. FAX: 717/662-4112. Ph(h): 717/662-2908. MURRA Y NETTLES, Saundra R. Dept of Human Dev, Col of Educ, Benjamin Bldg Univ of Md, College Park MD 20742-1131. Ph(w): 301/405-2802. Ph(h): 301/596-0885. MURRELL, Stanley A. Dept of Psychol, Univ of Louisville, Louisville KY 40292. Ph(w): 502/588-6782. Ph(h): 5021637-4000. Mussey, Carol P.O. Box 3667, Champaign IL 61826. Ph(w): 217/352-6989. FAX: 217/352-8530. Ph(h): 217/352-6989. Mustered, Laura (S) 2451 Nugget Loop, Fairbanks AK 99709. Mutb, Barbara (S) 6601 Broadway, #208, Riverdale NY 10471. Phew): 212/639·3195. FAX: 212/639-3040. Ph(h): 718/601-1915. Email: [email protected] MUZEKARI, Louis Harry 130 North Hospital Dr, West Columbia SC 29169-4802. Phew): 803/739-8609. Myers, Ernest R. 5315 Colorado Ave. NW. Washington DC 20011. MYERS, Hector F. Dept of Psychol, 405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles CA 90024-1301. Ph(w): 310/825-1813. Ph(h): 213/204·1644. McLeod. Phoebe A. (S) 2716 Forest Drive, Columbia SC 29204. MeMabon, Susan D. (S) 219 Buckiogham Dr., Bartlett IL 60103. MeMillan, Bradley (S) 98 Williston Way, Pawtucket RI 02861. MCNEILL, Malvina Rosat 1435 Cresline Dr, Santa Barbara CA 93105-4608. Ph(w): 805/569-2518. Ph(h): 805/569-2518. McNiel, Cynthia G. (S) 230 W. 97th St., Kansas City MO 64114. McPherson, John I. (S) 45 Woods Rd" Van Yean Victoria 03755 AUSTRALIA. Meatchem, Muhammad Ali (S) 1672 Seymour Ave. #34, Cincinnati OH 45237. Medellin, Paul (8) Pacific Inst for Community Org, 7300 81. Charles New Orleans LA 70118. Ph(w): 504/861-2228. FAX: 504/861-8718. Ph(h): 504/821-7379. Medina, Sherry (S) 1433 Todd PI. Ct., Wichita KS 67207. Ph(w): 915/853-3072. Ph(h): 915/853-3072. MEDVENE, Louis J. Psychol Dept, Rm 437, 1845 Fainnount Sci Bldg Wichita U, PO Box 34, Wichita KS 67201-0034. Ph(w): 316/689-3822. Ph(h): 316/684-8361. Email: [email protected] MEISSEN, Gregory J. Dept of Psychol, Wichita State Univ, Wichita KS 67260. Ph(w): 316/689-3039. FAX: 316/689-3086. Ph(h): 316/634-6937. Email: MEISSEN@TWSUVM MELTON, Gary B. Inst for Fam Soc, Univ of S.C. Carolina Plz 1220, Columbia SC 29208. Ph(w): 803/777-9124. FAX: 803/777-1120. Ph(h): 803/699-8791. Email: [email protected] Mendoza, Susan Marcus Dept. Human Relations, University of Oklahoma Norman OK 73019. Meritt, Dana 21 Sutton Park Rd., Poughkeepsie NY 12603-5635. MERMELSTEIN, Robin J. Preven Res Ctr, 850 W Jackson, Ste 400, Chicago IL 60607-3025. Ph(w): 312/996-7222. FAX: 312/996-2703. Ph(h): 708/820-1681. Meyer, Harriet 188 W. Randolph Suite 2200, Chicago IL 60601. Ph(w): 312/853-6080. FAX: 312/853-3337. Ph(h): 312/493-2828. Email: [email protected] Meyers, Adena B. (S) Dept of Psych., U of Ill., 603 E. Daniel St. Champaign IL 61820. MEYERS, Joel 77 Marsdale St, Albany NY 12208-1640. MEYERS, Juditb Cravets 690 S Main St, Geneva NY 14456-3109. Ph(w): 315/781-3930. FAX: 315/781-3448. Ph(h): 315/781-3770. Email: [email protected] Micbaels, Marcia (S) 165-B Pamela Dr, Athens GA 30605. Michaels, Mark 324 Wisconsin Ave., Long Beach CA 90814. MIDDLETON, Morris Hitt 1203 Wildturkey Ct, Little Rock AR 72211-2451. Ph(w): 5011371-9058. FAX: 5011371-9082. Ph(h): 501/327-8272. MILBURN, Norweeta G. 28 Beechwod Rd, Hartsdale NY 10530·1620. Ph(w): 516/463·5295. Ph(h): 914/997-0771. Miller, Alison (S) 4137 N. Greenview #3N, Chicago IL 60613. Email: UI6407@UICVM Miller, Claudine (S) Project USE, 651)5 Alvarado Rd., #110 San Diego CA 92120-5011. Ph(w): 61./594-6915. Ph(h): 619/260-0260. MILLER, Howard G. 3411 Noel Ct, Raleigh NC 27607-3346. Ph(h): 919/787-6039. MILLER, Jerry M. 1113 Lutz, Ann Arbor MI 48103-4704. Ph(w): 313/761-5347. Ph(h): 313/663-6217. Miller, Kenneth E. (S) Department of Psychology, Arizona State University Tempe AZ 85287-1108. Email: [email protected] MILLER, Robin Lin 129-4 S Highland Ave #C-I, Ossining NY 10562. Ph(w): 2121337-3540. FAX: 2121337-1220. Ph(h): 914/762-1505. Mills, Joanne (S) 152 W. Valley Rd., Comer Brook Newfoundland A2H 2X5 CANADA. MITCHELL, Christina M. 10264 W Arkansas Dr, Lakewood CO 80232-5006. Ph(w): 303/372-3240. Ph(h): 303/988-3183. Email: [email protected] MITCHELL, Roger Emmit Ctr for Alcohol & Add Studies, Brown Univ, Box G-Bh, Providence RI 02912. Ph(w): 4011863-7792. Ph(h): 4011861-9193. Email: [email protected] Mitnick, Leonard 5600 Fisher Lane, Rockville MD 20857. Ph(w): 3011443-6100. Ph(h): 301/654-5405. Email: Mittelmark, Maurice B. PHS, Bowmen Gray Med Sch Winston Salem NC 27012-9155. Mock, Lynne Owens (S) UIC - Dept of Psych M/C 285, 1007 W. Harrison st. 1009 BSB Chicago IL 60607-7137. Monforton, Michelle (S) 476 Westheights Dr., Kitchener Ontario N2N IM5 CANADA. Monnier, Jeannine (S) 763 S. Lincoln St., Kent OH 44240. Monteiro, Maria Pia Herois Do Ultramar, 2-20Esq6 2670 Loures PORTUGAL. 14 I ! j O'CONNELL, Agnes N. 50 Inglewood Lane, Matawan NJ 07747-1713. Ph(w): 2011655·7639. Ph(h): 908/566-8069. O'CONNOR, Patricia Ann Sage Grad Sch, The Sage Coils, Troy NY 12180. Phew): 518/270-2221. Ph(h): 518/274-2005. O'Donnell, Clifford R. Dept. of Psych, U. of Hawaii, 2430 Campus Rd. Honolulu HI 96822. Email: [email protected] O'Gorman, Robert Inst. Pastroal Studies, 1525 N. Sheridan Rd Chicago IL 60626. Ph(w): 312/508-2319. FAX: 312/508-2319. Ph(h): 615/297·9022. Email: [email protected] O'Hearn, Tndd C. (S) 2265 S. Beverly Glen #204, Los Angeles CA 90064. Email: [email protected] O'NEILL, Patrick Psychol Dept, Acadia Univ, Woltville BOP IXO Canada. Ph(w): 902/542-2201. FAX: 902/542-3323. Ph(h): 902/542-7533. Email: [email protected] O'SULLIVAN, Michael Joseph Dept of Psychol, Loyola Marymount Univ Loyola Blvd at W 80th St, Los Angeles CA 90045-0041. Ph(w): 310/338-3015. FAX: 310/338-2704. Ph(h): 310/338-7445. OCKENE, Judith Keller Dept of Med, 55 Lake Ave N, Univ of Mass Med Sch, Worcester MA 01609. Ph(w): 508/856·2316. FAX: 508/856-3840. Ph(h): 508/456-8887. Old know, Mark Z. (S) 1503 112 W. Alameda St., Santa Fe NM 87501. Email: [email protected] OLEKSIW, Catherine A. 87 Haynes Rd, West Hartford CT 06117-2614. Ph(w): 203/566-3824. OLIN, Tom Davis 449 W Orange Grove Ave, Sierra Madre CA 91024-2429. Ph(h): 818/355-9303. Oman, Diane Johnson Hwy 100 W, Box 395 Decaturville TN 38329. ONAGA-FERGUS, Esther 2658 Roseland Ave, East Lansing MI 48823-3871. Ph(w): 517/355-0166. Ph(h): 517/351-3304. Orellana, Lucia (S) 1040 W. Granville Apt 102S, Chicago IL 60660. Ph(w): 312/465-2370. FAX: 312/508-3610. Email: [email protected] Ortiz, George (S) 1640 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago IL 60608. Ph(w): 312/413-7788. OSBORNE, Gerald E. 3726 Tumberry Cir, Houston TX 77025-1802. Ph(w): 713/743-5433. FAX: 713/743-5446. Ph(h): 713/664-5295. OSSORIO, Ahel Garcia 3401 S 255th St, Kent WA 98032·9747. Ph(w): 213/603-3953. Ph(h): 206/946-0303. Oswald, William T. 315 Laxson Ave., Manchester NH 03103. OXLEY, Diana Ctf for Res in Human Dev & Ed. 9th Fir, Ritter Hall Annex Temple U. 13th & C B Moore Ave. Philadelphia PA 19122. Ph(w): 215/787-5709. Ozer, Emily (S) Psych Dept-UC.Berkeley, 3410 Tolman Hall Berkeley CA 94720. Email: [email protected] PACHT, Asher R. 2727 Marshall Court, Madison WI 53705-2255. Ph(w): 608/238-9354. FAX: 608/238-4361. Ph(h): 608/271-4132. PADILLA, Amado M. 830 Tolman, Stanford CA 94305-1026. Ph(w): 415/723-9132. FAX: 415/723-9132. Email: KP [email protected]. Page. Richard L. Univ of GeorgialC&HDS, 402 Aderhold Athens GA 30602. Email: [email protected] Paikoff, Roberta 907 S. Wolcott Ave., M/C 747 Chicago IL 60612. Ph(w): 312/413-1754. FAX: 312/413-1036. Ph(h): 708/475-6374. Paine-Andrews, Adrienne Dept of Human Dev .• 4086 Dole Center, U of KS Lawrence KS 66045. Papadakos, Athena (S) 404 8th Ave., Apt. 1D Brooklyn NY 11215-3541. Papineau, Danielle (S) 2409 Collingwood St., Vancouver B.C. V6R 3L3 CANADA. PARGAMENT, Kenneth I. Dept of Psycho I, Bowling Green State Univ, Bowling Green OH 43403. Ph(w): 419/372-2301. Ph(h): 4191841-3996. PARISIAN, Julia A. 3939 Bogey Ct, Longmont CO 80503-8303. Ph(w): 303/447-8357. Ph(h): 510/526-1400. Email: [email protected] PARK, Paul D. 8535 Casa Del Lago- 37A, Boca Raton FL 33433-2184. Ph(h): 407/487-0980. PARKER, Kenneth Paul PO Box 18956, Philadelphia PA 19119-0956. Ph(w): 215/204-5931. FAX: 215/204-7300. Ph(h): 215/242-6261. PARKER, Kenneth A. 4710 Hermano Dr, Tanana CA 91356-4516. Ph(w): 310/542-4825. FAX: 310/542-4552. Parks, Michaela (S) 3236 N. Clifton, IF, Chicago IL 60657. Email: [email protected] Parra, Michelle 10920 Wilshire Blvd., #1103 Los Angeles CA 90024. Ph(w): 310/794·8296. FAX: 310/794-8297. Ph(h): 213/655-8661. Parrish, Lynn (S) 2219 N. Kenmore, Psych Depl. Chicago IL 60614. Ph(w): 312/325-7000(x2055). Email: [email protected] NAFFZIGER, Nancy K. 43 Pawtucket Row, Orchard Park NY 14127-3968. Ph(w): 716/885·2261. Ph(h): 716/662-5843. Nansel, Tonja R. (S) 2513 Halstead, Wichita KS 67204. Natinn, Maury (S) P.O. Box 681, Columbia SC 29202. Email: [email protected] NAVRAN, Leslie 43027 Corte Fresca, Temecula CA 92592-3069. Ph(h): 619/340-9773. NAYLOR, Kelly E. The Childrens Hospital, B516, 1056 E. 19th Ave. Denver CO 80218. Ph(w): 303/764-8402. FAX: 303/837-2962. Ph(h): 303/670-8182. NECHIN, Herhert 4 Sinclair PI, Hartsdale NY 10530-2913. Ph(h): 914/693-5105. NEFF, Franklin W. 12646 Glenwood St, Overland Park KS 66209-2577. Ph(h): 913/888·7099. NEFF, Walter S. 269-32L Grand Central Pky, Floral Park NY 11005. Ph(w): 718/631-1950. Ph(h): 516/324-3206. NEIGHER, Susan Strassberg 31 Mile Dr, Chester NJ 07930-2805. Ph(w): 2011895·4422. Ph(h): 908/879-4870. NEIGHER, William David 31 Mile Dr, Chester NJ 07930-2805. Ph(w): 2011625-7087. Ph(h): 908/879-4870. NELSON, Geoffrey Byron Dept of Psychol, Sir Wilfred Laurier Univ, Waterloo N2L 3C5 Canada. Ph(w): 519/884-1970. Email: [email protected] Nelson, Karen A. (S) 4203 Lloyd Ave SE, Iowa City IA 52240-9390. NEMOTO, Touru 1955 Leavenworth St, #14, San Francisco CA 94133-2580. Ph(w): 415/476-5935. FAX: 415/476-0705. Ph(h): 415/346-1794. NEWBROUGH, John Robert Box 512, Peabody Col of Vanderbilt Univ, Nashville TN 37202·0512. Ph(w): 615/322-8141. Ph(h): 615/269-6489. Email: [email protected] NEWMAN, Frederick L. Hlth Svcs Admin, Fla Inti D, N Miami Campus, North Miami FL 33181. Ph(w): 305/940-5895. FAX: 305/940-5980. Ph(h): 305/949-1668. Email: [email protected] NEWMAN, Joseph 552 N Neville St, Apt 63, Pittsburgh PA 15213·2828. Ph(h): 412/681-6599. NEWMAN, Philip R. 1969 Chatfield Rd, Columbus OH 43221-3703. Ph(w): 614/488-5415. FAX: 614/488-8958. Nguyen, HOR Xuan (S) 1642 G SparteD ViUage, East Lansing MI 48823. Nguyen, Tina (S) 2219 N. Kenmore Ave., Chicago IL 60614-3504. Ph(w): 3I2I325-7000x2046. FAX: 3121325-7888. Ph(h): 312/472-2791. Email: [email protected] Nicholas, James (S) 3709 N. Hoyne, Chicago IL 60618. NICHOLS, Rohert S. 7124 Roslyn Ave, Mill Creek Towne, Rockville MD 20855-1234. FAX: 301/926-2952. Ph(h): 301/926-2952. Nicholson, Melha (S) 408 Ginger Bend Dr, Apt 304 Champaign IL 61821. Ph(w): 217/244-0908. Email: [email protected] Nickerson, Kim Dept of Mental Hygiene, 624 N. Broadway Baltimore MD 21205. Ph(w): 410/955-0602. FAX: 410/955-9088. Ph(h): 3011490-1732. Email: [email protected] Nieto, Martin (S) Dept of PsychlUniv of IL, DC, 603 E. Daniel 51. Champaign IL 61820. NIETZEL, Michael T. Dept of Psychol, Univ of Kentucky, Lexington KY 40506. Ph(w): 606/257-4728. Ph(h): 606/223-4976. Email: [email protected] NIKELLY, Arthur G. 1109 S Lincoln Ave, Urbana IL 61801-4703. Ph(w): 217/333-2711. Ph(h): 217/344-1950. Nikitopoulos, Charles 4 Florence Rd., Lowell MA 01851. NISSELSON, Janet Barnert 17163 Courbet St, Granada Hills CA 91344-1114. Ph(w): 818/363-6016. NISSIM-SABAT, Denis Dept of Psycho I, Mary Washington Col, Fredericksburg VA 22401. Ph(w): 703/899-4117. Ph(h): 703/786-8191. Email: [email protected] Noke, Jennifer (S) VAMC (152MPD), 795 Willow Rd Menlo Park CA 94025. Ph(w): 415/493/5000 X7132. FAX: 415/617/2736. Ph(h): 415-323/2161. Email: [email protected] NOLL, Gary A. 28 WI' 1 Elm Dr, West Chicago IL 60185-2555. Ph(w): 708/682-7400. Ph(h): 708/231-7877. NORRIS, Fran H. 212 Derrydown Way. Decatur GA 30030-3814. NOTTINGHAM, Jack A. Rosalynn Carter Inst, Georgia Swstn Col, Americus GA 31709. Ph!w): 912/928-1234. Ph(h): 912/924-0241. NOVACEK, Jill Tulsa Instit of Bel. Sci, 1620 East 12th St, Tulsa OK 74120-5407. Ph(w): 918/586-4220. FAX: 918/586-4241. NOV ACO, Raymond W. Dept of Psychol & Soe Beh, 5ch of Soc Ecol Univ of Calif, Irvine CA 92717. Ph(w): 714/824-7206. FAX: 714/824-2056. Student = (S) APA Member = Last name in all capitals 15 Parrot. Cynthia 2650 S. California, Rm 2A78 Chicago II. 60608. Phew): 312/890-6930. FAX: 3121890-6272. PARRY, Charles D, Urbanisation & Hlth(Mrc), PO Box 19070, Tygerberg 7505 South Afiica. Email: [email protected] PARSONS, Tom 2091 Black Fox Dr NE, Atlanta GA 30345-4122. Phew): 404/634-5012. PARVIN, RuthAnn A Place to Talk, 2925 SE Taylor, Portland OR 97214-4032. Phew): 503/234-5687. Parvus, Sheila (S) 455 W. Caracas Ave., Hershey PA 17033-1618. PASAMANICK, Benjamin 12 N Ferry St, Schenectady NY 12305-1609. Ph(h): 518/377-3919. PATTERSON, Joseph Russell HC2 Bux 4225, Benson AZ 85602. Phew): 602/743-9552. Pauline, Rosemary 8316 Tobin Road Unit #12, Annandale VA 22003. PAXTON, Anne L. 4797 Bristol Cir, Williamsburg VA 23185-2477. Ph(h): 804/229-9506. PEARSON, Richard E, 308 S Manlius S~ Fayetteville NY 13066-2041. Phew): 315/423-2266. Ph(h): 315/637-9644. Email: REPEARSO@SUVM PEARSON-HOOFMAN, Pennie L. 1027-5 Chestnut S~ Ft Wainwright AK 99703. Phew): 907/353-6059. Ph(h): 907/356-2930. PEDERSON, Andreas M. 182 Park Rd, Pittsford NY 14534-9740. Phew): 716/454-2280. Ph(h): 716/248-8091. PEDRO-CARROLL, Joanne L. 191 Grosvenor Rd, Rochester NY 14610-2514. Phew): 716/273-5957. FAX: 716/232-6350. Ph(h): 716/442-3627. Peed, Alice M. (S) 904 NE 3rd S~ Blue Springs MO 64014-2614. PEEL, William C. South Ark MH CIf, 715 N College, EI Dorado AR 71730-4403. Phew): 501/862-7921. Ph(h): 501/862-4533. Pellitieri, John (S) 239 Greene S~ Rm. 400 New York NY 10003. Phew): 2121998-5571. FAX: 212/995-4358. PELLMAN, Julie L. 140 Cadman Plaza W #211, Brooklyn NY 11201-1830. Ph(h): 718/596-9480. PENN, Nolan E. Chancellor's Ore, 0005, Univ of Calif at San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla CA 92093-5003. Phew): 619/534-0195. FAX: 619/534-6523. Ph(h): 619/459-1868. PEPINSKY, Harold Brenner 519 Evergreen Circle, Worthington OH 43085-3667. Phew): 614/885-6374. Ph(h): 614/885-6341. Peraino, Joseph 3555 Timmons Lane #1280, Houston TX 77027. Phew): 713/840-1577. FAX: 713/840-1576. Perdue, Vicki 2241 Langhorne Rd., Central VA Community Svcs. Lynchburg VA 24501. PERKINS, David Victor Dept of Psychol Sci. Ball State Univ, Muncie IN 47306-1099. Phew): 317/285-1715. FAX: 317/285-8980. Ph(h): 317/282-7051. Email: [email protected] PERKINS, Douglas b. Dept of Fam & Consumer Studies, Aeb, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City UT 84112. Phew): 801/581-6548. FAX: 801/581-5156. Ph(h): 801/583-7731. Email: [email protected] PERL, Harold I. 5202 Mangum Rd, College Park MD 20740-1512. Phew): 301/443-0788. FAX: 301/443-8774. Ph(h): 301/345-4868. Email: [email protected] PERLOFF, Rohert 815 St James St, Pittsburgh PA 15232-2112. Phew): 412/648-1554. FAX: 412/648-1693. Ph(h): 412/687-3807. Peterson, John L. Dept of PsychaGA Sl Univ, University Plaza Atlanta GA 30303. Peterson, N. Andrew (S) 604 E 720d Ter, Kansas City MO 64131-1620. PETERSON, John L. Dept of Psychol, Georgia State Univ, Atlanta GA 30303. Phew): 404/651-1148. FAX: 404/651-1391. PETERSON, Paul D. 615 Short St, Steilacoom WA 98388-3115. Phew): 206/756-2851. PETERSON-HOMER, Lizette Psychol, 210 McAlester Han, Univ of Missouri, Columbia MO 6521 I. Phew): 314/882-6083. FAX: 314/882-7710. Ph(h): 314/882-0300. Pettitt, Lisa (S) Prevention Research Ctr, 1618 S. Lieoln 51. Denver CO 80210-2620. Phew): 303/861-1715. FAX: 303/861-2441. Ph(h): 303/698-2016. Email: [email protected] PHELAN, Amalie Deren 43991 Gatew\Jcd Way, Temecula CA 92592-3014. Phew): 909/694-0695. Ph(h): 909/694-1094. PHILLIPS, Deborah Ann Bd on Chldn and Fam, National Research Council 2101 Constituticn Ave, Wash:.lgton DC 20418-0007. Phew): 202/334-1935. FAX: 202/334-3768. Emaii: [email protected] Phillips, Nancy Illinois Prevention Res Ctf, 2800 Montvale Dr. Springfield II. 62704. Ph(w): 217/525-3456. FAX: 217/789-4388. Ph(h): 217/756-3260. Pierce, Lois Dept of Social Work, 8001 Natural Bridge Rd 51. Louis MO 63121. Phew): 314/516-6384. FAX: 314/516-5415. Ph(h): 314/647~8698. Email: [email protected] PILISUK, 34759 494 Cragmoot, Berkeley CA 94708-1206. Phew): 510/526-0876. FAX: 510/526-0876. Ph(h): 510/526-1788. PION, Georgine M. Inst for Public Policy Studies, Vanderbilt Univ 1207 18th Ave S, Nashville TN 37212-2807. Phew): 615/322-8541. FAX: 615/322-8081. Ph(h): 615/356-6601. PITTS, M. Henry 1201 W Wood Dr, Phoenix AZ 85029-1763. Ph(h): 602/993- I 770. PLAUT, Thomas F. A. 6410 W Halbert Rd, Bethesda MD 20817-5468. Phew): 301/229-0518. Ph(h): 301/229-0158. Plowman, Mary V. (S) 4 Durham Dr., Dillsburg PA 17019. Pokorny, Steven B. (S) 727 Westmere Rd., Des Plaines IL 60016. Email: U24660@UICVM Poland, Blake Dept Behavioural Sci, McMurrich BldgIU of Toronto Toronto, ONT M5S IA8 CANADA. Phew): 416/978/7542. FAX: 416/978/2087. Ph(h): 905/521-2792. Email: [email protected] Polk, Deborah (S) 950 F South Maxwell Terrace, Bloomington IN 47401. Pontari, Beth (S) 1430 W. Rascher Ave. Apt 3, Chicago II. 60640. Email: [email protected] Pooley, Julie Ann Dept. of Psych., Joondalup Dr. Joondalup, WA 6027 AUSTRALIA. Phew): 619-09-400-5575. FAX: 619-09-400-5834. Ph(h): 619-09-300-6415. Email: [email protected] POPPEI, Jean E. 4t2 Maio Ave, Wyoaotskill NY 12198-8204. Phew): 5181270-2076. Ph(h): 518/283-6988. Porch, William P.O. Box 1797, Richmond VA 23214. Ph(w): 804/786-1502. FAX: 804/371-6179. Ph(h): 804/883-7545. Porter, Dawn (S) 912 S. Wood St., M/C913, Chicago II. 60612. Phew): 312/996-7721. FAX: 312/413-1228. Ph(h): 708/323-3327. Email: dandrew Porter, Faith (S) 2585 S. LaVal, Fresno CA 93725. Portwood, Sharon Gross (S) 152B Broad Street, Charleston SC 29401. Potts, Randolph 191 Knickerbocker Rd., Apt 12 Englewood NJ 07631-2154. Emaii: potts%biv30 [email protected] Powell, Thomas J. (S)elf Help Research, 505 E. Huron Ann Arbor MI48104-t567. Phew): 313/998/7379. Ph(h): 313/994/6340. Email: [email protected] Prelow, Hazel M. (S) 1730 Delaford Court, Carrollton TX 75007-3032. Prescott, Folami M. (S) 969 Mt. Airy Dr. SW, Atlanta GA 30311. Price, Ann (S) 716 lett Rd., Woodstock GA 30188. PRICE, Richard H. Univ of Michigan, 2263 ISR, Box 1248, Ann Arbor MI 48106-1248. Phew): 313/763-0446. Email: [email protected] PRILLELTENSKY, Isaac Dept of Psychol, Wilfrid Laurier Univ, Waterloo N2L 3C5 Canada. Phew): 519/884-1970. FAX: 519/746-7605. Ph(h): 519/579-8377. Email: [email protected] PRIMA VERA, Judith 520 Halliwell Rd, Orange CT 06477-2520. Phew): 203/254-4000. Ph(h): 203/795-1133. Email: IPRIMA [email protected] PRINZ, Ronald J. Dept of Psychol, Univ of South Carotina, Columbia SC 29208. Ph(w): 803/777-7143. Ph(h): 803/254-2975. PROCIDANO, Mary E. Dept of Psychol, Fordham Univ, Bronx NY 10458. Phew): 718/817-3790. Ph(h): 914/723-2831. Puster, Kristie (S) Department of Psychology, Univ of South Carolioa Columbia SC 29208. Phew): 803/731-5342. FAX: 451-95-2991. RAFFERTY, Yvonne 100 W 93rd St, 21-B, New York NY 10025-7529. Phew): 212/346-1506. FAX: 718/729-8931. Ph(h): 212/663-1057. RAINE, Walter J. 8918 Pottawattami Dr, Skokie II. 60076-1908. Ph(h): 708/332-2225. RAINS, Mark Herr Fam Hlth Inst, PO Box 904, Alma MI 48801-0904. Phew): 517/463-2779. Ph(h): 517/463-6339. Rakfeldt, Jaak 61 I Saddle Ridge Rd., Orange CT 06477-2024. Phew): 203/789-7275. FAX: 203/789-7206. Ph(h): 203/387-9769. Email: [email protected] Ramirez, Jorge (S) P.O. Box 2419, El Paso TX 79952. Email: TJOO@UTEP RAMIREZ, Manuel Psychol Dept, Mezes Hall 330 Univ of Texas, Austin TX 78712. Phew): 512/471-3785. Ph(h): 512/338-9451. RANDALL, David Leon 1601 College Ave, Regina S4P IB8 Canada. Phew): 306/787-3400. FAX: 306/787-9140. Emaii: [email protected] 16 • REYNOLDS, Arthur J. 5-110 Henderson Bldg, Penn State Univ, University Park PA 16802. Phew): 814/865-]447. FAX: 814/863-7963. Ph(h): 814/237-6558. RHODES, William C. 378 Tenn Ave, PO Box 555, Crystal Beach FL 34681-0555. Rhumer Todman, Patricia PO Box 6334, St. Thomas VI 00804. Riba, Melissa ($) Suite 27 Kel10gg Center, East Lansing MI 48824-1022. Phew): 517/353-6617. FAX: 517/432-2022. Ribisl, Kurt M. (8) Stanford U. Disease Prevention, 1000 Welch Palo Alto CA 94304. Email: [email protected] RIBORDY, Sheila C. 2125 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago IL 60614-4510. Phew): 3121362-8564. FAX: 3121362-8279. Ph(h): 312/935-6370. RICHERT, Alphons J. Dept of Psychol, Wstn III U, Macomb IL 61455. Phew): 309/298-1919. Ph(h): 309/833-2026. Emaii: MFAJR@ECNUXA Richmond, Linda Nickell 52 Black Rock Rd., Warwick NY 10990. Richter, Kimher (S) 4086 Dole Center, Lawrence KS 66045. Phew): 913/864-0533. FAX: 913/864-5281. Ph(h): 913/887-6495. Email: [email protected] RICKARDS, Larry 1710 Hobart St, NW, Washington DC 20009-2908. Phew): 301/443-3706. FAX: 301/443-0541. Ph(h): 202/234-7818. Email: [email protected] RICKEL, Annette Urso 3614 Prospect St NW, Washington DC 20007-2633. Phew): 313/577-2859. FAX: 202/338-8394. Ph(h): 202/338-2562. RICKS, David Frank Psychol Dept, MI#376, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH 45221. Ph(h): 513/221-5619. Riger, Stephanie Women's Studies Program, 1007 W. Harrison St., #1022 BSB M/2 360 Chicago IL 60607-7137. Phew): 312/413-2300. FAX: 312/413-4122. Ph(h): 708/864-8323. Email: u29322@uicvm Rigshee, Sandra 224 Home Ave, Oak Park IL 60302. Phew): 3123/942-7208. FAX: 312/942-2177. Ph(h): 708/524-1074. Email: [email protected] RISKIN, Sylvia S. 75 Crescent Ave, Passaic NJ 07055-2437. Phew): 201/777-8448. Ph(h): 201/777-0667. RITCHIE, Pierre L.J. Dept of Psychol, Univ Ottawa, 11 Marie Curie, 6th Fir, Ottawa KIN 6N5 Canada. Phew): 613/564-6875. FAX: 613/564-7407. RIVERA, Miquela C. 9633 Villa Del Rey St NE, Albuquerque NM 87111-1652. Phew): 505/255-8682. Ph(h): 505/828-1236. RIVERA-MEDINA, Eduardo J. San Genaro 361, Rio Piedras PR 00926. Ph(h): 809/755-1632. Roberts, Bruce Dept of Psychology, St. Olaf College Northfield MN 55057. Emaii: [email protected] Roherts, Carla (S) 6406 E 30 Ct., N., Wichita KS 67226. Phew): 316/689-3458. FAX: 316/683-1713. Ph(h): 316/683-0464. Roherts, Linda 1430 Linden Dr., Madison WI 53705. Phew): 608/263-2290. Ph(h): 608/238-8040. Email: [email protected] ROBERTS, Michael Clark Clin Child Psychol Prgm, Joseph R Pearson Hall Univ Kansas, Lawrence KS 66045. Ph(w): 913/864-4226. FAX: 913/864-5024. Ph(h): 913/749-3452. Email: [email protected] Roberts, Renea (S) 70 Forestwood Ln NE, Atlanta GA 30328. Roberts, Richard Early Intervention Research Institute, Logan UT 84322-6580. Phew): 801/797-3346. FAX: 801/797-2019. Ph(h): 801/753-4658. Email: [email protected] Roberts, Valerie (S) Department of Psychology, Michigan State University East Lansing MI 48824-1117. Phew): 517/353-6449. FAX: 517/432-2476. Ph(h): 517/37]-5942. Email: [email protected] Robertson, Neville R. Psychology Dept., Uof Waikato, Private Bag 3105 Hamilton NEW ZEALAND. Email: [email protected] Robinson, Sheryl 1708 Piedmont Ave, Austin TX 78757. Email: [email protected] ROBINSON, W. LaVome Dept of Psycho I, Depaul Univ, 2219 N Kenmore, Chicago IL 60614-3504. Phew): 312/362-8289. FAX: 3121362-8279. Ph(h): 3121348-0920. RODNICK, Elint H. 7577 Oakleaf Dr, Santa Rosa CA 95409-6254. Ph(h): 707/538-3768. Roe, Bill Dept of Psych. Phoenix Coli, 1202 W. Thomas Rd. Phoenix AZ 85013. ROEN, Sheldon R. 3205 Beacon St, Pompano Beach FL 33062-1207. Ph(h): 305/941-1474. ROESCH, Ronald G. PO Box 8014-153, Blaine WA 98230. Phew): 604/291-3370. FAX: 206/371-0]54. Ph(h): 206/371-0627. Emaii: ROESCHSFU.CA RAPKIN, Bruce D. Mem Sloan Kettering, 1275 York Avept, 2nd Fir, New York NY 10021. Phew): 212/639-3174. FAX: 2121752-7185. Ph(h): 914/997-7147. Email: [email protected] RAPPAPORT, Julian 56 Chestnut Ct, Champaign 1L.61821-7121. Phew): 217/333-6483. Ph(h): 217/352-2158. Email: [email protected] Rashid, JamUa U of It Prey Res Ctr, 850 W Jackson Ste 400 Chicago IL 60607. Phew): 3121996-0860. FAX: 312/996-2703. Ph(h): 708/862-7021. RASKIN, Robert Tulsa Instit of Beh Sci, 1620 East 12th St, Tulsa OK 74120-5407. Pb(w): 918/586-4220. FAX: 918/586-4241. RATCLIFFE, Allen W. 625 S Commerce, Ste 240, Tacoma WA 98402-4601. Phew): 206/627-7722. FAX: 206/627-7722. Ph(h): 206/759-0469. Email: ratclaw@eskiITH).com RAUCH, Stephen S. 129 Purdue Ave. Berkeley CA 94708-1032. Phew): 510/841-4814. Ph(h): 510/526-2120. RAY, Jacqueline W. 107 Commodore Dr, Staten Island NY 10309-3982. Phew): 718/262-2191. Ph(h): 718/966-8952. RAYMOND, Jonathan S. 106 N Hena SI, Greenville IL 62246-1346. Phew): 508/927-2300. FAX: 508/921-1398. Ph(h): 508/468-1270. REED, Enid J. 337 S Beverly Dr, #107, Beverly Hills CA 90212-4307. Phew): 310/552-1522. FAX: 310/552-0844. Reed, Kris P.O. Box 45330, Olympia WA 98504-5330. Phew): 360/438-8083. FAX: 360/438-8057. Email: [email protected] Reeder, Victoria J. 787 Park Ave. West, Mansfield OH 44906. Reid, Christina (S) 3059-2B Trappers Cove Trail, Lansing MI 48910. Phew): 517/355-9519. Ph(h): 517/394-5270. Email: christinareed@psY(@)1lSU Reid, John 207 East 5th Avenne, Suite 202 Eugene OR 97401. Phew): 503/485-2711. FAX: 503/485-7087. Email: [email protected] Reid, Lorene (S) 3206 Winnebago, St. Louis MO 63118. Phew): 314/772-1038. Ph(h): 314/771-4379. Reid, Omar (S) 25 McLellan St., Boston MA 02121. Phew): 6171748-9640. FAX: 6171748-9640. Reid, Pamela T. Graduate Schoo1, CUNY, 33 W. 42nd St. New York NY 10036. REIFF, Rohert 5022 Sleeping Indian Rd, Fallbrook CA 92028-9211. Phew): 619/723-5959. Email: [email protected] REIFMAN, Alan S. 1021 Main 5t, Res Isot on Addictions, Buffalo NY 14203-1016. Phew): 7]6/887-2588. Reiling, Denise (8) Suite 27 Kellogg Center, East Lansing MI 48824-1022. Phew): 517/353-6617. FAX: 517/432-2022. REILLY, David H. 306 Mims Ave, Charleston SC 29409. Phew): 803/953-7118. FAX: 803/953-6767. Ph(h): 803/853-3402. Reininger, Belinda Rt. 4, Box 877 Edinburg TX 78539. Email: [email protected] Reischl, Thomas M. Department of Psychology, Michigan State University East Lansing MI 48824-1117. REISER, Martin 303 Gretna Greeeo Way, Los Angeles CA 90049-4007. Ph(h): 310/476-8146. Rejino, Erlinda 60 Philip st., Albany NY 12202. Releford, Charles 2545 Benjamin Moys Dr., Atlanta GA 30331. Phew): 404/753-5571. FAX: 404/753-5784. Ph(h): 404/229-4319. REMPLE, Henry D. t 922 Countryside La, Lawrence KS 66044-4649. Phew): 913/841-5458. fh(h): 913/843-5962. Renfro, Richard L. (8) 1820 Virginia ~t, Apt-D Ecrkeley CA 94703. Renner, Bobbi (S) 4459 E. Lee St., To"on AZ 85712-3931. Renner, K. Edward K.E. Rt:nner & Associates. 2343 Atwater St. Ottawa, Ont KIH 6Y5 CANADA. Rensi, Glenda P.O. Drawer t, 439 E.E. Butler Pkwy Gainesville GA 30503. Phew): 404/539-2772. FAX: 404/534-2132. Ph(h): 706/864-2046. Email: [email protected] REPETTI, Rena L. Dept of Psychol, Franz Hall, UCLA 405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles CA 90024-1301. Phew): 310/206-9290. FAX: 310/206-5895. Emaii: [email protected] REPPUCCI, Nicholas DickoD PO Box 6939, Charlottesville VA 22906-6939. Phew): 804/924-0662. FAX: 804/924-4766. Email: NDR@Virginia RESNICK, Jerome Howard Psychol Dept, 416 Weiss Hall Temple Univ, Philadelphia PA 19122. Phew): 215/635-5962. FAX: 215/635-6230. Ph(h): ~15/635-5962. REVENSON, Tracey A. 4 Washington Sq Village #17B, New York NY 10012-1910. Phew): 212/642-2534. FAX: 212/642-2523. Ph(h): 212/995-8936. Email: [email protected] . Reyes, Leticia (S) 2121 W. Main, #207' Mesa AZ 85201. Phew): 602/964-5382. Ph(h): 602/964-538'1 REYES, Olga Psychol (M/C 285), Un;, of Illinois at Chicago 1007 W Harrison St, Chicago IL 60607-7135. Phew): 312/413-2627. Student ~ (S) APA Member = Last name in all capitals 17 ROGERS. Todd Hprc/ Scrdp, 1000 Welch Rd, Palo Alto CA 94304-1811. Phew): 415/723-6528. FAX: 415/725-6906. Email: [email protected] ROHDE, Kermit Julius 1544 Dixon, Corvallis OR 97330-4651. Phew): 503/752-4067. Ph(h): 503/752-4067. ROHRBECK, Cynthia Ann Dept of Psychol, George Wash Univ 2125 G St NW, Washington DC 20037-2744. Phew): 2021994-6807. Ph(h): 202/686-3650. ROMERO, Oswaldo Apartada 411, Merida 510l-A Venezuela. Roosa, Mark Family Resources & Human Development, Arizona State University Tempe AZ 85287-2502. EmaiI: [email protected] ROOT, Maria P.P. 2457 26th Ave E, Seattle WA 98112-2612. Phew): 206/324-1480. FAX: 206/324-1480. ROSARIO, Margaret NY State Psychiat Inst Unit 29, 722 W 168th St, New York NY 10032-2603. Phew): 2121740-7317. FAX: 2121740-3508. Ph(h): 201/866-1432. Email: [email protected] ROSEN, Sharon L. 28 Seavems Ave, Jamaica Plain MA 02130.2887. Phew): 617/956-5656. FAX: 617/956-7301. Ph(h): 617/524-4309. ROSENBAUM, Dennis P. Dept of Criminal Justice, Univ of III Chicago, Box 4348, Chicago II. 60680-4348. Phew): 3121996-5290. Ph(h): 3121475-5378. Rosenbaum, Genevieve (8) 239 Greene 51, Rm. 400 New York NY 10003. Phew): 2121998-5571. FAX: 212/995-4358. ROSENBLUM, Gershen 15 Bemis S~ Newtonville MA 02160-1102. Phew): 617/272-8505. Ph(h): 617/244-5916. ROTHENBERG, Mira K. 160 State St, Brooklyn NY 11201-5610. Phew): 718/875-6890. ROTHERAM-BORUS, Mary Jane UCLA Neuropsychiat 1nst, 10920 WiIshire, #1103, Los Angeles CA 90024-6513. Phew): 310/794-8280. Ph(h): 310/394-8521. Email: [email protected] Rouiller, Rebecca (8) Dept. of Psych., Bowling Green State Univ. Bowling Green OH 43403. Round, Donald (8) 47 B Austin Ave., Greenville Rl 02828-1421. Rowland, Laurenn L. (S) 146 Farrand Park, Highland Pk. MI 48203. Ruckterstuhl, Meryl (8) 1480 New Scotland Road, Slingerlands NY 12159. RUDD, M. David 825 Chatham, Belton TX 76513-6709. Phew): 817/774-2878. Ph(h): 8171780-9557. Ruden, Dani (8) 500 W. Sycamore Circle, Louisville CO 80027. Phew): 303-673-9546. EmaiI: [email protected] Ruef, Anna Marie (S) 20 Dashiell Hammett St, Apt. #9 San Francisco CA 94108-3133. RUFF, Ronald 900 Ridge Rd, Homewood IL 60430-1933. Phew): 3121799-0280. Ph(h): 3121798-4262. Ruiz, Sonia (S) Arizona St Univ-Dept of Psych, Box 871104 Tempe AZ 85287-1104. Rumptz, Maureen (S) 3305 S.E. Washington St., Portland OR 97214. Ryan, Kimherly D. (S) Dept of Psych-Guthrie Hall, Box 351525-U of Washington Seattle WA 98195-1525. SAAFIR, Rashad K. PO Box 382, South Holland IL 60473-0382. Phew): 312/238-0097. Ph(h): 708/418-0014. SACHS, Moses B. Hamelitz 6/1, Gennanit, Jerusalem 93116 Israel. Phew): 970/263-2015. Sadlon, Elizabeth 801 Mian: Ave., Terace Park OH 45174. SAENGER, Gerhart H. Gr...~ne Rein I~, Cadier £:1 Keer Th~ Netherlands. SAENZ, Javier 2787 E 4510 South, Salt Lake City VT 84117-4658. Phew): 801/262-8416. Ph(h): 801/277-3436. SAHNI, Carolyn D. Jackson 916 Ninovan Rd SE, Vienna VA 22180-5970. Phew): 703/281-4850. Ph(h): 703/281-3634. Salem, Deborah Department of Psychology, Michigan State University East Lansing MI 48824-1117. Salt, James D. (S) 1322 N. Woodlawn #118, Wichita KS 67208. Email: JDSALT@TWSUVM Samaniego, Roxana (S) 510 S Extension Rd, Apt 2093 Mesa AZ 85210-2254. Email: [email protected] Sanchez, Bernadette (S) 720 Kltchawan Rd., Ossining NY 10562. SANCHEZ-VIDAL, Alipio Dept Soc Psy-U of Barcelona, Pseo Valle hebron 171 08035 Barcelona SPAIN. Sandeen, Beverly Ann (S) U. of California, Irvine, Dept. of Psych. & Social Behavior Irvine CA 92717-5150. SANDLER, Irwin N. 3205 N 55th St, Phoenix AZ 85018-6634. Phew): 602/965-7420. Ph(h): 602/840-7187. Email: [email protected]! Sandmann, Lorilee 56 Kellogg Ct., Ea~, Lansing MI 48824-1022. Phew): 517/355-4589. FAX: 517/4r-1327. Ph(h): 616/285-9023. Email: [email protected] Santinello, Massimo Dipartimento Di Psicologia, Via Beato Pellegrino 26 35100 Padova ITALY. SANUA, Vietur D. 2416 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn NY 11229-2416. Phew): 212/990-6368. FAX: 212/990-6705. Ph(h): 212/339-0337. SAPER, Bernard 8201 SW 139th Terr, Miami FL 33158-1038. Phew): 305/348-3376. FAX: 305/348-3879. Ph(h): 305/251-3326. SARASON, Irwin G. Dept of Psych NI-25, Univ of Washington, Seattle WA 98195-0005. Phew): 206/543-6542. FAX: 206/685-3157. Email: [email protected] SARASON, Seymour D. 136 Hartley S~ North Haven CT 06473-4411. Phew): 203/436-1950. Ph(h): 203/248-2571. SARDIN, Theodore R. 25515 Hatton Rd, Carmel CA 93923-8232. Phew): 408/373-3075. FAX: 408/646-2041. Ph(h): 408/625-1160. Email: 52I1P@NAVPGS SARGENT, S. StansCeld 850 Del Mar Downs Rd #140, Solana Bch CA 92075-2720. Ph(h): 619/792-2075. Sarkin, Andrew (S) U of CA at San Diego, 4533 College Way San Diego CA 92115. Phew): 619/594-2668. Ph(h): 619/582-8078. Email: [email protected] SASAO, Toshiaki Dept of Psychol, Franz Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles CA 90024. Phew): 310/206-8610. FAX: 310/206-5592. Ph(h): 310/371-6514. Email: [email protected] Saunders, Lisabeth (S) 3201 Wilmot Ave #5, Columbia SC 29205-2666. Phew): 803/777-4864. Ph(h): 803/252-9386. Email: [email protected] Sawyer, Jack PO Box 5599, Berkeley CA 94705. SAWYER, Jack PO Box 5599, Berkeley CA 94705-0599. Phew): 510/540-0940. FAX: 510/849-4512. Ph(h): 510/540-0940. Email: [email protected] Scally, Joseph (S) 907 S. Wolcot~ Chicago IL 60612. Phew): 312/413-1989. Ph(h): 312/929-8515. Scarpetta, Jim 150 W. Jefferson, Joliet IL 60431. Ph(w): 815/740-2442. FAX: 815/740-6172. Ph(h): 815/722-0848. Schadwinkel, Sabine French (S) 6 Washington PL, 2nd FI, New York: University New York NY 10003. Email: [email protected] Schemer, Adam (S) 1325 W. Early Ave., Chicago 1L 60660-3424. SCHEID LINGER, Saul 715 Bleeker Ave, Mamaroneck NY 10543-4516. Phew): 212/918-3880. Ph(h): 914/698-3340. Sehewe, Paul (S) 3537 Forest Ave., Brookfield IL 60513-1406. Schillo, Barhara (S) 324 Clifford ST, Lansing MI 48912. Email: [email protected] Sehlosser, Ann (S) Her!. 1106 S. Domer, Urbana IL 61801. Phew): 217/244-0393. Email: [email protected] SCHMIDT, C. Jacobus 230 E 15th St, New York NY 10003-3940. Phew): 212/533-7229. Ph(h): 212/686-4137. Schmidt, Ron (S) Ctr on Children & families, 121 S. 13th St. Suite 302 Lincoln NE 68588-0227. Phew): 402/47213479. FAX: 402/47218412. Email: [email protected] Schmit~ Carol (S) 2125 Harbor Dr., Annapolis MD 21401. Phew): 410/974-4337. FAX: 410/455-1055. Ph(h): 410/974-4337. Email: cschmi [email protected] Schneider, Marg~ret 97 Withrow Ave" Toronto, Ont M4K IC8 CANADA. Email: [email protected] SCHNEIDER, Stanley F. 11405 Soward Dr, Kensington MD 20895-1424. Phew): 301/443-4347. FAX: 301/443-4822. Ph(h): 301/942-1634. Schnopp-Wyatt, Daniel (S) 2160 S. First Ave., Dept of Psych Maywood 11. 60153. Schoeny, Miehael E. (S) 643 W. Barry #3B. Chicago IL 60657. SCHOLOM, Allan H. 30 N Michigan Ave, Ste 1914, Chicago IL 60602-3605. Phew): 312/641-1140. Ph(h): 312/281-6099. Schrum, Janice (S) 8531 W. 15th St., Wichita KS 67212. Phew): 316/721-3278. FAX: 316/942-7986. Ph(h): 316/721-3278. Schultz, Theresa M. (S) 1117 N. Harlem Ave., Oak Park IL 60302. SCHWARTZ, Allan J. Couns & MH Svc, 401 Dewey Hall Univ of Rochester, Rochester NY 14627-0356. Phew): 716/275-3113. FAX: 716/442-0815. Ph(h): 716/383-8218. Email: [email protected] SCHWARZ, Jacqueline Anne The Brackett House, 2455 Broadway, Ste C, Boulder CO 80304-4108. Phew): 303/790-5851. SCHWEON, Craig Howie 2159 Casa Grande St, Pasadena CA 91104-4104. Ph(w): 213/746-5260. FAX: 213/746-5369. Ph(h): 818/797-4435. Schwer-Canning, Sally (S) 4011 N. Avers Ave" Chicago IL 60618. SCILEPPI, John A. Dept of Psychol, Manst Col, Poughkeepsie NY 12601. Phew): 914/575-3000. Ph(h): 914/229-6277. SCOTT, Barbara Attebery 5 Bellamy Ct, Champaign IL 61821-6065. Ph(h): 217/352-7364. Scott, Brian Department of Psychology, University of Hong Kong Hong Kong CHINA. Seabrook, Lucy (S) 1637 Cambria Dr, East Lansing MI 48823. Phew): 517/353-5015. Ph(h): 517/332-2147. Email: [email protected] 18 • Silverman, Morton M. 4858 S. Dorchester Ave., Chicago IL 60615-2012. Email: [email protected] SILVERMAN, Ronald E. Dept of Psychol, Univ of Mich, Flint MI 48502. Ph(w): 810/762-3424. FAX: 810/239-7267. Ph(h): 810/239-5220. SIMAN, Michael L. 32 Tannersbrook Rd, Rd 2, Chester NJ 07930-2032. Ph(w): 2011625-7093. FAX: 201/625-3619. Ph(h): 908/879-4132. SIMMENS, Samuel J. Public Hlth Programs Rm 125, George Wash Uoiv Med Ctr 2300 Eye St NW, Washington DC 20037-2337. Ph(w): 202/994-7887. FAX: 202/994-7893. Ph(h): 202/363-7977. Email: [email protected] Simmons, Reginald (S) 300 E. Main, #119, Lansing MY 48933. Ph(w): 517/487-6218. Ph(h): same. Email: [email protected] SIMMONS, William L. Dept of Psychol, SUNY Albaoy, Albany NY 12222. Pb(w): 518/442-4858. FAX: 518/442-4867. Simoni, Jane M. (S) 601 W 115th St, #101, New York NY 10025. Simons, Robert Dept. of Psychology, University of Delaware Newark DE 19716. SINGER, Henry A. 1 Morningside Dr N, Westport CT 06880-3847. Ph(w): 203/454-2299. FAX: 203/255-6668. Ph(h): 203/255-6668. Singer, J. Robert 125 Rollingwood Dr, Ste 10, Suite 10 Dublin GA 31021-7111. SINGER, Jerome L. #5 Forest Trl, Woodbridge CT 06525-1423. Ph(w): 203/432-4527. FAX: 203/432-4608. S]NGH, R. K. Janmeja 1040 Oakgrove Rd. Ste #103, Concord CA 94518-3225. Ph(w): 510/689-0560. Slain, Andrew J. (S) 4440 Starr St. #8, Lincoln NE 68503. SLATER, Ruth Anne 60 Ellerbeck St, Toronto M4K 2VI Canada. Slattery, Suzanne 86 Prendiville Way, Marlborough MA 01752. Ph(w): 508/485-5943. Sliefert, David (S) P.O. Box 81396, Fairbaoks AK 99708. SLOBIN, Morton S. 1842 Wilton Rd, Cleveland Hgts OH 44118-1629. Ph(h): 216/932-1598. Small, Stephen Child & Family Studies, 1300 Linden Dr., U of WI-Madison Madison WI 53706·1575. Email: [email protected] SMART, David W. 515 N 200 East, #10, Provo UT 84606-1771. Ph(w): 303/351·2496. Ph(h): 303/330-4757. Smith, Emilie P. Department of Psychology, Univ of South Carolina Columbia SC 29223. Email: [email protected] SMITH, John Francis 595 Cedar, Elmhnrst IL 60126-4137. Ph(w): 708/346·5169. Ph(h): 708/941-3226. Email: [email protected] Smith, Paula (S) 527 W Calhonn St., Macomb 1L 61455-2058. Ph(w): 708/730-3478. Ph(h): 708/730-3478. Email: [email protected] SMITH, William F. 1401 12th Av S, St Petersberg FL 33705-2309. Ph(h): 813/896-0889. SMYER, Michael A. Grad School of Arts & Sciences, McGuinn 221 Boston College, Chestnut Hill MA 02167. Ph(w): 6171552-3268. FAX: 6171552-3700. Ph(h): 617/235-4978. Email: [email protected] SNOW, David L. 389 Whitney Ave, New Haven CT 06511-2301. Ph(w): 203/789-7645. FAX: 203/562·6355. Ph(h): 203/488-5819. SNOWDEN, Lonnie R. 1090 Warfield Ave, Oaklaod CA 94610-1612. Ph(w): 510/642-1252. Ph(h): 510/452-2125. Snyder, David 4764 Broadway, Suite #2 New York NY 10034. SOLARZ, Andrea L. Institute of Medicine, 210] Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20418. Ph(w): 2021334-1446. FAX: 202/334-1317. Ph(h): 703/931-7211. Email: [email protected] Sommer, Dr. Gert Fachbereich Psychologie, Gutenbergstr. 18, D35032 Marburg GERMANY. Sonn, Christopher C. (S) 9 Grace Court, Frankston Victoria 3199 AUSTRALIA. Email: [email protected] SORENSEN, James L. Substance Abuse Svcs. Ward 93, San Francisco Gen Hosp 1001 Potrero Ave, San Francisco CA 94110-3518. Ph(w): 4151476-7677. SORENSON, Herbert 34-0 Stratford Hills Apts, Chapel Hill NC 27514-7720. SORHAINDO, Alphonso 16 Clinton Ave, Hastings-Hudson NY 10706-3209. Ph(w): 718/430-0883. Southward, Kaye 125 S. Wacker 14th Floor, Chicago IL 60606. Ph(w): 312/424-6804. FAX: 312/424-6800. Ph(h): 3121281-1699. SPACCARELLI, Steve A. 1018 N Grove Ave, Oak Park 1L 60302-1344. Ph(w): 312/413-1741. FAX: 7081524-9930. Ph(h): 602/941-8737. SPERGEL, Philip Benjamin Fox Pavilion, Wyncote & York Rds, Jenkintown PA 19046. Ph(w): 2151572-6669. Ph(h): 215/884·7111. SEEKINS, Tom \Vinfield 52 Corbin Hal!, Univ Montana, Missoula MT 59812. Ph(w): 406/243-5481. FAX: 406/243-2349. Ph(h): 406/728-2515. SEEMAN, Julius 4008 Irogquois Ave, Nashville TN 37205-3828. Ph(h): 6151665-1145. SEIDMAN, Edward Psychol Bldg, Rm 277, NYU 6 Washington PI, New York NY 10003-6634. Ph(w): 212/998-7794. FAX: 2121995-4018. Ph(h): 212/995-8936. Email: [email protected] Seigle, Pamela The Stone Center, Wellesley College Wellesley MA 02181. Email: [email protected] SEITES, Nancy S. 5225 Pooks Hill Rd, #428N, Bethesda MD 20814-2042. Ph(h): 301/493-5827. Sellers, Robert M. 143 Four Seasons Dr, Charlottsville VA 22901. Ph(w): 804/982-4733. FAX: 804/98~-4766. Sequin, Louise 2145 Pierre Deaubien, L'aval. Quebec H7M 3V8 CANADA. Ph(w): 514/343-7665. FAX: 514/343-5645. Ph('.): 514/669-0725. SERRANO-GARCIA, Irma Taylor I-23A, Urb Parkville, Guaynabo PR 00969. Ph(w): 809/764-0000. FAX: 809/764-2615. Ph(h): 8091789-2188. Seybolt, Diaoa (S) 212 River Bluff Way, Columbia SC 29210-3646. Ph(w): 803/777·5835. FAX: 803/777-9558. Ph(h): 803/779-3153. Email: SEYBOL [email protected]: [email protected],edu SEYMOUR, Guy O. 675 Ponce De Leon Ave Ste 5510, AUaota GA 30308-1807. Ph(w): 404/817-6750. Ph(h): 617/491·3587. Shadbolt, Michael (S) 90 Monash St., Sunshine Victoria 3020 AUSTRALIA. SHADISH, William R. Dept of Psychol, Memphis State Univ, Memphis TN 38152. Ph(w): 9011678-4687. FAX: 9011678-2579. Ph(h): 9011682-9814. Email: [email protected] Shanahan, Timothy (S) 1040 W. Harrison, Chicago 1L 60607-7133. Ph(w): 3121413-1914. FAX: 3121413-8083. Email: [email protected] Shannon-Moria, Crystal 940 Austin Blvd, Oak Park IL 60302-1713. Ph(w): 708/386-4798. Ph(h): 708/386-4798. Shavel, David 146 N Canal St. #211, Seattle WA 98103. SHEA, Michael P. 177 McHaughton S~, Sudbury P3E IV4 Canada. Ph(w): 7051675-1151. FAX: 705/675-4808. Ph(h): 7051673-0317. Email: [email protected] Sherwood, Dehorah (S) 706 N Euclid Ave #1, Uplaod CA 91786. SHINN, Marybelh Psychol Dept, NYU, 6 Washington PI, 2nd Fir, New York NY 10003-6634. Ph(w): 2121998-7923. Ph(h): 212/663-1616. Email: [email protected] SHIPMAN, Virginia C. Family Studies Prgm, Cot Educ, Univ of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM 87131. Ph(w): 505/277-4535. FAX: 505/277-8361. Ph(h): 505/275-2745. Shlaes, Jennifer 1004 Main Street, Apt 2D Evanston IL 60202. Ph(w): 312/362/5272. Ph(h): 708/869/8038. SRUEN, John M. 984 Memorial Dr Apt 103, Cambridge MA 02138-5741. Ph(w): 617/495-4954. Ph(h): 508/358-4204. SHORE, Elsie Rochelle Dept of Psychol, Wichita State Univ Box 34, Wichita KS 67201-0034. Ph(w): 316/689-3083. FAX: 316/689-3086. Ph(h): 316/685-6322. Email: SHORE@TWSUVM SHORE, Milton F. 418 Lamberton Dr, Silver Spring MD 20902-1624. Ph(w): 301/649-3345. Ph(h): 301/593-5487. Short, Jerome L. Department of Psychology, George Mason University Fairfax VA 22030-4444. Email: [email protected] SHROUT, Patrick Elliot Dept of Psychol, NYU, 6 Washington PI, New York NY 10003-6634. Ph(w): 212/998-7895. ~AX: 212/995-4018. Ph(h): 201/783-5623. Email: [email protected] SHURE, Myrna Beth Hahnemann Univ, Broad & Vine, MS-626, Philadelphia PA 19102. Ph(w): 215/762-7205. FAX: 2151448-4419. Ph(h): 215/732-4454. SHUSTITZKY, John W. 14600 NW Cornell Rd, Tnalatin Valley MHC, Portland OR 97229·5442. Ph(w): 503/645-3300. FAX: 503/690-9605. Ph(h): 503/524·1003. SIGAL, Janel A. 888 8th Avenue, New York NY 10019-5704. Ph(w): 201/692-2314. Ph(h): 212/246-6922. SILKA, Linda 4 Pinewood St, Orono ME 04473-1330. Ph(w): 508/934-3956. Ph(h): 207/866-3858. Silva, Liliana 750 Washington ST, Box 396 Boston MA 02111. Ph(w): 617/636-1309. FAX: 617/636-7301. Ph(h): 617/641-3930. Silverman, E.S. (S) 124 Thomas Drive, Charlottesville VA 22903. SILVERMAN, Hirsch Lazaar 123 Gregory Ave, West Orange NJ 07052·4740. Ph(w): 201/731-1137. Ph(h): 201/731-6646. Silverman, Jay (S) Department of Psychology, University of Georgia Athens GA 30602. Student ~ (S) APA Member = Last name in all capitals 19 Stewart, Lisa (S) 26 Hampshire Dr, Derry NH 03038. STEWART, Tracy M. 460 Falke CI. Anchorage AK 99504-1064. Phew): 907/257-1140. FAX: 907/257-1835. Ph(h): 907/338-3964. STIEHL, Edward PO Box 354, Hato Rey PR 00919. Ph(h): 809/765-1793. Stoakley, Djuana (S) 232 East 2nd St., New York NY 10009. Stockman, Kristin D. (S) 3838 N. Fremont, 2nd fl., Chicago IL 60613. Stoekton, Mary (S) 1730 N. Clark #1002, Chicagn IL 606]4. Stojanovil, Daniela (S) Dept of Psych, NY Univ, 6 Washington Place, Rm 275 New York NY 10003. Stokes, Joe Psych N/C 285, 1007 W. Harrison SI. Chicago [L 60607. Phew): 312/996-4462. FAX: 312/413-4122. Ph(h): 312/666-6085. Email: JSTOKES(ii)UIC.EDV STOKOLS, Daniel S. Prgm in Soc Ecol, Univ of Calif, Irvine CA 92717. Phew): 714/856-6094. FAX: 714/725-2056. Ph(h): 714/786-8285. Email: DSSTOKOLS@VC[ STOLBERG, Arnold L. VA Commonwealth Univ, 806 W Franklin SI. Richmond VA 23284-9038. Phew): 804/828-1242. FAX: 804/828-2237. Ph(h): 804/285-2425. Stoll, Barre (S) 01329 SW Palatine Hill Rd, Portland OR 97214. Phew): 503/635-5782. Stolle, Dennis (S) Ctr on Children & families, 121 S. 13th St. Suite 302 Lincoln NE 68588-0227. Phew): 402/472/3479. FAX: 402/472/8412. Email: [email protected] STONE, Daniel A. PO Box 491, Gaylord MI 49735-0491. Phew): 517/939-8633. Stoneking, Beth C. (S) 1814 E. Muirwood Dr., Phoenix AZ 85048. STONESIFER, Fred A. 509 Wyoming Ave, Wilmington DE 19809-1326. Ph(h): 302/798-9796. Stury, Marilyn (S) 2025 Englewood Ave., Baltimore MD 21207. STRATOUDAKJS, James P. Dir Mnt! Hlth Svcs, Humn Scvs Ctr #800 12011 Government Ctr Pkwy, Fairfax VA 22035-1105. Phew): 703/207-7743. FAX: 703/280-0763. Ph(h): 703/239-9616. STREVFERT, Donald E. 802 6th Ave SW, Grand Rapids MN 55744-3522. Phew): 218/326-0523. FAX: 218/327-1949. Ph(h): 218/326-0696. STRVENING, Elmer L. 9 Stafford Place, Larchmont NY 10538-2722. Phew): 914/834-8773. STRVMW ASSER, Ira 5076 Scio Church Rd, Ann Arbor M[ 48103-9636. Phew): 313/225-6399. FAX: 313/955-1464. Ph(h): 313/995-1839. STVART, Irving R. 192 Del Mesa Cannel, Carmel CA 93923-7951. Phew): 4081624-0582. Ph(h): 408/624-0582. Stultz, Heidi M. (S) Clinical PsycblUC-Berkeley, 2205 Tolman Hall Berkeley CA 94720. Sturm, Shimon (S) 38 Middletown Ave., Wethersfield CT 06109. Suarez-Balcazar, Yolanda Dept of Psych-Loyola Univ, 6525 N Sheridan Chicago [L 60626. SUCHMAN, David J. 301 Peabody Hall, Univ of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611. Phew): 904/392-1575. FAX: 904/392-8452. Ph(h): 904/475-1050. Email: SVCHMAN(ii)COVNSEL.VFL.EDV SUE, Stanley Dept of Psychol, VCLA, Los Angeles CA 90024-1563. Phew): 310/825-3140. FAX: 213/206-5895. Ph(h): 818/345-6752. Email: [email protected] SVH, Helene S. 1419 D Willow Lake Dr NE, Atlanta GA 30329. Phew): 513/662-9900. Ph(h): 513/861-6759. Suinn, Richard M. Dept of Psychology, Colorado State University Fnrt Collins CO 80523. SULLJV AN, Cris M. Psychol Dept, Mich State Univ, East Lansing M148824. Phew): 517/353-8867. FAX: 517/432-2476. Ph(h): 517/645-0349. Email: [email protected] SVMMERS, Linden D. Colgate Vniv, Hamilton NY 13346. Phew): 315/824-7385. Ph(h): 315/824-1593. SUNDBERG, Norman D. Psychol, Univ of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403. Phew): 503/346-4909. FAX: 503/346-4911. Ph(h): 503/345-6138. Email: [email protected] Sussman, Riehard A. HFPG, 85 Gillett SI. Hartford CT 06105. Sutherland, Cheryl (S) 1155 E. Saginaw Hwy, Apt BI East Lansing M[ 48823. Swendsen, Joel 0 15 Blvd. Maredual Leclerc, 38000 Grenoble FRANCE. SWIFT, Carolyn F. 1102 Hilltop Dr, Lawrence KS 66044-4530. Phew): 913/842-2751. Ph(h): 913/842-2751. SWIFT, Marshall S. 319 S Ivy Ln, Glen Mills PA 19342-1327. Phew): 215/459-2088. FAX: 215/358-6364. Ph(h): 215/358-1289. Tableman, Betty 1515 Moores River Drive, Lansing MI 48910. Talavera-Garza, Liza M. (S) 2309 Fuzz Fairway, Austin TX 78728. Tally, Stenn (S) 6565 Bantam Lake Circle, San Diego CA 92119. Phew): 619/594-2668. Ph(h): 619/698-9412. Email: [email protected] SPIELBERGER. Chari •• D. Dept of Psychol, Vniv of S Fla, Tampa FL 33620. Phew): 813/974-2342. FAX: 813/974-2340. Ph(h): 813/932-3593. SPRAFKIN, Robert P. 23 Sunset TeIT3ce, Baldwinsville NY 13027-1111. Phew): 315/635-8321. Ph(h): 315/635-8309. SPRINZELES, Lola Leah 588 West End Ave, New Ynrk NY 10024-1732. Phew): 212/923-4700. Ph(h): 212/874-7591. SREBNIK, Dehra S. 18521 63rd Ave NE, Seattle WA 98155-4647. Phew): 206/298-2783. Ph(h): 206/489-0601. Email: [email protected][NGTON.EDV Srinivasan, Shobha 10920 Wilshire Blvd., #1103 Los Angeles CA 90024. Phew): 31On94-2861. FAX: 310n94-8297. Email: [email protected] SI. Clair, Becky (S) 208 W. 6th SI., P.O. Box 153 Stewartsville MO 64490. ST. CLAIR, Catherine H. PO Box 700567, Plymouth MI 48170-0950. Ph(h): 313/459-1726. ST-ONGE, Myreille 3605 Messier #34, Montreal H2K 3R6 C3Jlada. Phew): 514/762-3048. FAX: 514/762-3032. Ph(h): 5[4/522-1598. StatT, Barhara P.O. Box 86, Grambling LA 71245. STAHLER, Gerald Jay Rm 309, Gladfelter HI (025-26), Temple Vniv, Philadelphia PA 19122. Phew): 215/204-6939. FAX: 215/204-7833. Ph(h): 215/334-2325. Stall, Susan Dept of Sociology, SSOO N St. Louis Ave Chicago IL 60625. STAMMEYER, Eugene Charles 419 Timber Br Pkway, Victorian Hills, Alexandria VA 22302. Phew): 703/683-1155. Ph(h): 703/548-5463. STAMPS, Louis W. Dept Psychol, Univ of Wisconsin, La Crosse WI 54601. Phew): 608/785-6893. FAX: 608/785-8443. Ph(h): 608/784-7825. Email: [email protected] Stanley, Jennifer M. (S) 3208 Trappers Cove 3C, Lansing MI 48910. STANLEY, Jndith Ann Couns Ctr Shs 219, SVNY at Albany 1400 Washington Ave, Alhany NY 12222-0100. Phew): 518/442-5800. Ph(h): 518/477-4462. Stanton, Glenn A. 8869 W. Scenic Lake, Laingsburg MI 48848. STANTON, Richard D. Iroquois MHC, 908 E Cheny, PO Box 322, Watseka IL 60970-1811. Phew): 815/432-5241. FAX: 815/432-4537. Ph(h): 815/432-5756. Stayner, David (S) 8 Ridge Rd., Cos Coh CT 06807. Phew): 203/869-7645. Ph(h): 203/869-6732. STAYTON, William Ralph 987 Old Eagle School Rd, #719, Wayne PA 19087-1708. Phew): 310/971-0700. FAX: 610/971-0144. Ph(h): 610/644-7983. Steed, Lyndall (S) School of Psych, gpo Box V 1987 Perth, WA 6001 AVSTRALIA. Phew): 09/351/7182. FAX: 09/351/2464. Ph(h): 09/332/7876. STEELE, Robert E. Dept of Psychol, Vniv of Maryland, College Park MD 20742. Phew): 301/454-6889. Ph(h): 301/935-5002. StetTen, Ann 612 Clark Ave., SI. Lnuis MO 63119-1823. Email: sasteff(ii)ADMlRAL.VMSL.EDV STEGER, Joseph M, 111 E Kellogg Blvd, #2911, St Paul MN 55101-1227. Phew): 612/623-3128. Ph(h): 612/291-9193. STEIN, Catherine Dept of Psychol, Bowling Green State Univ, Bowling Green OH 43403. Phew): 419/372-2301. FAX: 419/372-6013. Email: [email protected] STEINBERG, Jakob J. Dept of Psychol, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ, Madison NJ 07940. Phew): 201/593-8556. Ph(h): 201/586-8770. STEINKE, Geraldine D. 90 Falcon Hills Dr, Highlands Ranch CO 80126-2907. STELZNER. Stephen P. 37 S College Ave, College of St Benedict, St Joseph MN 56374. Phew): 612/363-5410. Ph(h): 6[2/537-1161. Emai1: [email protected] Stenzel, Cheryl L. (S) 2019 W Melrose SI., Chicago II 60618-6307. Sterling, Terrie D. 1143 Willivee Dr., Decatur GA 30033. STERN, Barhara F. 110 Sunset Ave, Palm Beach FL 33480-3913. Phew): 407/694-6500. FAX: 407/694-1605. Ph(h): 407/832-2615. Sternberg, Juliet (S) 440 W. Sedgwick St., #B212 Philadelphia PA 19119-3045. STEVENSON, Janice Elaine 10632 Little Patuxent Pkwy, Ste #311, Columbia MD 21044-3205. Phew): 410/730-6950. Ph(h): 30ImO-9314. Stevenson, John F. Dept of Psychology, Univ of Rhode Island Kingston RI 02881. Steward, Curtisteen School of Public Health, 2121 W. Taylor St., #503 Chicago IL 60612-7260. Phew): 312/996-5012. FAX: 3]2/996-0064. Steward, Donald (S) P.O. Box 608, Magna VT 84044. Phew): 801/466-6100. Ph(h): 801/250-2553. Stewart, Rev. Dwight 201 E. 95 SI. Chicago IL 60619. Phew): 312/821-6240. Ph(h): 312/821-6240. Stewart, Erie (S) 202 W. Columbia, No. 002 Champaign [L 61820. 20 r Taluto. Adina (S) 83 & 10 35th Ave., Apt. 3N Jackson Heights NY 11372. Tanaka, Carey Ann N. (S) 2000 W Plum St. Furt Collins CO 80521. Tate, Aliee (S) Box 483, Monee IL 60449. Tate, David C. (S) Dept of PsychlUniv of VA, 102 Gilmer Hall Charlottsville VA 22903. Tauber, Lori Dessau 2 Mt. Royal, Hamilton, ONT L8P 4H6 CANADA. Ph(w): 905/524-2022. FAX: 905/546-3645. Ph(h): 905/546-3624. TAYLOR, Ralph Brecken Dept of Crim Justice, Gladfelter Hall Temple Univ, Philadelphia PA 19122. Ph(w): 215/209-7169. Email: V5024E@TEMPLEVM Taylor, Theodora DePaul Ctr. Room 2109, 2nd Fl., 333 S. State St. Chicago IL 60604-3972. Ph(w): 312/747-9823. FAX: 312/747-9420. Teal, Cayla (S) 456 N. Bleckley, Wichita KS 67208. Ph(w): 316/689-3170. FAX: 316/689-3086. Ph(h): 316/682-6673. Email: [email protected] Teal-Sleurs, Cnlleen (S) 314 South Rd., Slingerlands NY 12159. TEBES, Jacob Kraemer 38'1 Whitney Ave, New Haven CT 06511-2301. Ph(w): 203/789-7645. Ph(h): 203/248-1882. TEDESCO, Lisa A. Univ of Michigan, Sch of Dentistry, Ann Arbor MI 48109. Ph(w): 313/764-8006. FAX: 303/747-4024. Ph(h): 313/665-2052. Email: USERGGBH@UM1CHUM TEFFT, Bruce M. Head, Psychol Dept, Univ of Manitoba, Winnipeg R3T 2N2 Canada. Ph(w): 204/474-8259. FAX: 204/269-3599. Ph(h): 204/488-9072. Email: [email protected] TELLEEN, Sharon L. 912 Greenleaf Ave, Wilmette 1L 60091-2705. Ph(w): 312/996-3818. FAX: 312/996-3551. Ph(h): 708/256-4281. Email: [email protected] Temple, Judy (S) Dept. of Economics, DeKalb 1L 60115. Ph(w): 815/758-4199. FAX: 815/753-6302. Email: [email protected] Templeton, Veronica P.O. Box 26887, Richmond VA 23261. Ph(w): 804/780-4841. FAX: 804/643-6902. Ph(h): 804/342-5809. Tente, Luis (S) 26 Laura Dr, Danbury CT 06811-3293. Email: [email protected] TEPLIN, Linda Anne 303 E Chicago - Rm 9-200, Chicago IL 60611-3008. Ph(w): 312/908-3334. FAX: 312/908-7955. Ph(h): 312/477-0500. TERENZIO, Marion A. Psychol Dept, Gurley Hall, Russell Sage Col, Troy NY 12180. FAX: 518/271-4845. TERRELL, David Lawrence 3710 Westport Dr, Nashvil1e TN 37218-1210. Ph(w): 615/321-5262. Ph(h): 615/876-3201. TERRY, John P. 285 Merrimac St, Newhuryport MA 01950-2022. TEST, Mary Ann Sch of Social Work, 1350 University St Univ of Wis, Madison WI 53706-1510. Ph(w): 608/263-5695. FAX: 608/263-3836. Ph(h): 608/238-2263. Email: [email protected] Thomas, David R. Private Bag 3105, Univ of Waikato, Psych. Dept. Hamilton NEW ZEALAND. Email: [email protected] Thomas, Gerry Bowdoin St. Hlth Cntr, 200 Bowdoin St. Boston MA 02122. Ph(w): 617/825-9802x242. FAX: 617/825-1878. THOMAS, James G. 10610 W 50th SI, Shawnee KS 66203-1674. Ph(w): 913/491-7220. Ph(h): 913/631-3549. Thomas, R. Elizabeth (S) 406 W. Green St., Urbana IL 61801. THOMPSON, David W. Clin Psychol Assocs, 345 Milwaukee \ve, Burlington WI 53105-1228. Ph(w): 414/763-9191. FAX: 414/763-7767. Ph(h): 414/534-4029. Email: [email protected] THOMPSON, James Patriek Psychol Svc (1I6B), VAMC, 2002 Holcombe, Houston TX 77030-421 I. Ph(w): 713/794-7147. Ph(h): 713/939-9267. THOMPSON, Larry E. 5607 Beneva Woods Cir, Sarasota FL 34233-4123. Ph(w): 813/923-0228. Ph(h): 813/924-4614. Tobin, David (S) 6 Memorial Dr, Tivuli NY 12583-5416. TOOMAN, Patricia Rhymer PO Box 6334, St Thomas VI 00804-6334. Ph(w): 809/693-1276. Ph(h): 809/776-7707. TOLAN, Patrick H. Univ of III at Chicago, Inst of Juvenile Res (M/C 747) 907 S Walcott Ave, Chicago IL 60612-7347. Ph(w): 312/413-1893. FAX: 3121413-1063. Ph(h): 708/209-1217. Email: [email protected] Tom, Tanya (S) 3328 32 St., #C, San Diego CA 92104. Ph(w): 619/594-6362. FAX: 619/594-1332. Ph(h): 619/280-6688. Email: [email protected] Tommasi, Mario (S) 1405 Westwinds Dr, Columbia MO 65203. Ph(w): 314/442-4182. Ernail: [email protected] Student ~ (S) APA Member = Last name in all capitals TORO, Paul Anderson Dept of Psychol, 71 W Warren Wayne State Univ, Detroit MI 48201-1305. Ph(w): 313/577-2834. FAX: 313/577-7636. Ph(h): 313/331-3766. Email: PTORO@WAYNESTI TOUSIGNANT, Michel Univ Du Que A Montreal, C P 8888, Succ A, Montreal H3C 3P8 Canada. Ph(w): 514/987-4846. FAX: 514/987-8408. Ph(h): 514/272-9674. Email: [email protected] TOWNS, Kathryn L. Penn SU Capitol Campus, Middletown PA 17057. Ph(w): 717/948-6068. Ph(h): 717/233-6262. TRACEY, Ernest A. 9469 Aegean Dr, Boca Raton FL 33496-6684. Ph(w): 407/483-9101. Ph(h): 407/483-9101. TRACHTMAN, Gilbert M. 110 Bleecker St, New York NY 10012-2101. Ph(w): 212/998-5366. Ph(h): 212/673-4772. TRAVIS, Cheryl Lynn Brown Dept of Psychol, Untv of Tenn, Knoxville TN 37996. Ph(w): 615/974-6843. FAX: 615/974-3330. Ph(h): 615/693-5970. Email: [email protected] Trela, Patricia (S) 50 Louise Drive, Hollis NH 03049. TRICKETI, Edison J. Dept of Psychol, Univ of Maryland, College Park MD 20742. Ph(w): 301/405-5893. Ph(h): 301/570-0067. Email: [email protected] TRIMBLE, Joseph E. 198 Shallow Shore Rd, Bellingham WA 98226-8504. Ph(w): 360/650-3058. FAX: 360/650-6893. Ph(h): 360/671-2278. Email: [email protected] TRUPIN, Erie W. Chmc, Ch-13 (PO#402041), 4800 Sand Point Wy NE, Seattle WA 98105-3901. Ph(w): 206/526-2165. FAX: 206/527-3858. TSEMBERIS, Sam J. Pathways to Housing, 155 W 23rd St New York NY 10011. Ph(w): 212/744-3700. FAX: 212/238-7796. Ph(h): 212/674-4317. Tseng, Vivian (S) Psychology Dept-Cornmunity, 6 Washington PI, 2nd Floor New York University, New York NY 10010. Phew): 212/443-8716. Email: [email protected] Tueker, Sharon (S) 5662 Logan St. SE, Rochester MN 55904-66 Ph(w): 507/280-5507. Ph(h): 507/281-0078. TURNER, Castellanlt B. 95 Wood End Rd, Newton Highland MA 02161-1402. Ph(w): 617/287-6340. FAX: 617/287-6336. Ph(h): 617/965-6636. Email: TURNER%[email protected] Turro, Gabriela (S) Dept of Psych., One U Ave. Lowell MA 01854. Ph(w): 508/934-3950. FAX: 508/934-3074. Ph(h): 508/957-1747. Email: [email protected] TURTURRO, Carnlyn L. 303 North Cedar St, Little Rock AR 72205-5535. Ph(h): 501/664-4081. Email: [email protected] Twnhey, Joan (S) 11620 E Sahuaro Dr, Apt 2080 Scottsdale AZ 85259-3173. Email: jtwohey(l1)ASU.EDU TYLER, Forrest B. Dept of Psychol, Univ of Maryland, College Park MD 20742. Ph(w): 301/405-5899. FAX: 301/314-9566. Ph(h): 301/345-3692. Email: [email protected] TYLER, Mary P. 2100 Washington Ave, Silver Spring MD 20910-2649. Ph(w): 2021874-6255. Ph(h): 301/587-4578. Email: [email protected] Tyndall, Katherine (S) 107 Westview Rd., Lowell MA 01851. Email: [email protected] Ubriaco, Michael 269 Adirondack Dr., Selden NY 11784-3754. UBRIACO, Miehael 269 Adirondack Dr, Selden NY 11784-3754. Ph(w): 718/264-4114. Uhl, Gary A. (S) 51 Peachtree Way NE, Atlanta GA 30305-3735. UNGER, Donald G. Dept of Indiv & Farn Studies, Univ of Delaware, Newark DE 19716. Ph(w): 302/831-6852. FAX: 3021831-8776. Ph(h): 302/239-9836. Email: [email protected] UNGERLEIDER, Steven 66 Club Rd Ste 370, Eugene OR 97401-2459. Ph(w): 503/683-9278. FAX: 503/683-2621. Email: SU1NTEG(I1)CERF.NET VACHER-MAYBERRY, Carole D. 2614 Oak Hill Ln, SW, Roanoke VA 24015-3846. Ph(w): 703/427-3020. FAX: 703/427-3237. Ph(h): 703/345-2448. Vaden-Kiernan, Michael (S) Dept. of Mental Hygiene 624 N Broadway, Baltimore MD 21205. Ph(w): 410/955-3945. FAX: 410/955-9088. Ph(h): 202/244-1753. Email: [email protected] Valery, Jnan (S) 54 Meadowland St, Delmar NY 12054. VALLANCE, Theodore Roosevelt 548 Hillcrest Ave, State College PA 16803-3420. FAX: 814/237-2379. Ph(h): 814/238-1898. van Uchelen, Collin (S) Dept of Psychiatry, 2255 Wesbrook Man Vancouver, V6T 2AI CANADA. VAN RYZIN, Gregg G. Sch Pub Affairs, Baruch College, 17 Lexington Ave-Box F-2021 New York NY 10010. 21 VANDENBOS, Gary R. Amer Psychol Assn, 750 First St NE, Washington DC 20002-4241. Phew): 202/336-5795. FAX: 202/336-5630. Ph(h): 703n34-1431. Email: [email protected] VANN, Donald H. 600 Nutley PI, North Woodmere NY 11581-3028. Ph(h): 516n91-7136. VanWinkle, Jacqueline (8) 49 W. Madison St. Apt. E. Greencastle PA 17225. VAUX, Alan C. Psychol Depl, Sthn III Univ, Carbondale IL 62901. Phew): 618/536-2301. Ph(h): 618/684-5728. Veno, Arthur Pol & Pub SafetylMonash Univ, Caulfield East, Melbourne Victoria 3145 AUSTRALIA. Emaii: YENO(a)GHSS.CC.MONASH.EDU.AU VERPLANCK, William S. 4605 Chickasaw Rd, Knoxville TN 37919-7686. Ph(h): 615/522-0431. Vessels, Jeff 810 Barret Ave., Louisville KY 40204. Phew): 502/574-6827. FAX: 502/574-6476. Ph(h): 502/636-3195. Vijayakumaran, K.P. (S) Cleveland, 33/452 Camp Rd., Marikunnu PO Kozhikode 673012 Kerala State INDIA. VINCENZ, Lilli Marie 1909 N Ohio SI, Arlington VA 22205-2136. Phew): 703/532-2731. Ph(h): 703/532.2731. VINEY, Linda Louise Dept of Psychol, Univ of Wollongong, Wollongong 2500 Australia. VLAHAKOS, Irene J. Psychol Dept, Cent Conn State Univ, New Britain CT 0605-0. Phew): 203/827-7591. Ph(h): 203/223-6442. Volk, Frederick (S) 6017B Shanda Dr., Raleigh NC 27609-3962. Voss, W. Jay (S) 10 Landing Ln. #9P, New Brunswick NJ 08901. WACKWITZ, John H. 1080 Estes, Lakewood CO 80215-4853. Phew): 303n62-4092. FAX: 303n62-4373. Ph(h): 303/238-3126. WAHL, Otto F. Dept of Psycho I, George Mason Univ, Fairfax VA 22030. Phew): 703/993-1361. Ph(h): 703/378-1553. Email: [email protected] Wainright, Jennifer Lee (S) 3030 Davis Rd C 62, Fairbanks AK 99709. Waldo, Craig (S) 603 E. Daniel St., Pasadena CA 91106-3274. Walker, Katrina (S) 2706 Bentley Court, Columbia SC 29210. Phew): 803n98-7109. Ph(h): same. Emaii: [email protected] Walker, Marilyn FHSD Bldg., U of Victoria, Box 1700 Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2 CANADA. Phew): 604/721-6274. FAX: 604/721-6231. Email: [email protected] Wallace, Jr., John University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research 426 Thompson SI, Ann Arbor MI 48106-1248. Phew): 3I3n63·5043. FAX: 3.3/936-0043. Email: johnwall(a)UMICH.EDU WALLACE, William L. Ocean Psychol Svcs. 1448-15th SI, Ste 203, Santa Monica CA 90404. Phew): 310/451-2107. FAX: 310/451-9665. Ph(h): 310/395-1586. Email: 732501603 Walrath, Christine 13 Park Dr., Baltimore MD 21228. Walton, Maureen U of MARC, 400 E. Eisenhower, Bldg 2, Ste A Ann Arbor MI 48108.3318. WANDERSMAN, Abraham H. Dept of Psychol. Univ of S Carolina, Columbia SC 29208. Phew): 803n77-7671. FAX: 803n77-9558. Ph(h): 803/782-7929. Emaii: WANDERSMAN(a)GARNET.CLA.SC.EDU Ward, Catherine L. (S) Psych. Dept., Univ. of South Carolina Columbia SC 29208. Email: [email protected] Warner, Cheryl (S) 142 Tower Rd, SW, Cartersville GA 30120. Warren, Mary 1845 Fainnonl, Wichita KS 67260-0034. Phew): 316/689·3594. FAX: 316/689·3086. Ph(h): 316/283-6101. WARREN, Nancy Johnson 1020 Holcombe Blvd Ste 510, Houston TX 77030-2213. Phew): 713/798-4837. FAX: 713/796-9718. Ph(h): 713/242-7605. Wasner, Guenter (Jim) 618 Library Place, Evanston IL 60201. Phew): 708/733-4300 x 328. Watkins-Victorino, Lisa 2022 Komo Mai Dr., Pearl City HI 96782. Watson, Carol 424 Green St., Gainesville GA 30501. Ph(w): 404/532-9596. FAX: 4041718.9484. W ATIS, Roderick Jeffrey Dept of Psychol, Depaul Univ, 2323 N Seminary Ave, Chicago IL 60614-3211. Phew): 312/362-6967. FAX: 3121362-8279. Ph(h): 708/524-4695. Email: [email protected] Waugh, Daphne (S) 2305 Ginger Lane, Apt A Charlotte NC 28213. WAXENBERG, Sheldon E. 175 Riverside Dr, #14F, New York NY 10024-1616. Ph(h): 2121787-4324. Way, Niobe PO Box 208205. Psychology Department New Haven CT 06511. Weaver, Katie 3813 S. Andover St., Seattle WA 98118. Email: [email protected] Webb, Oanette 2705 Virginia St NE, Albuquerque NM 87110. WECHSBERG, Wend •• M. 2508 Hiking Trail, Raleigh NC 27615-3922. Weed, David S. Conigan Mental Health Ctr., 49 Hillside St. Fall River MA 02720. WEIGEL, Richard G. Univ Counseling Ctr 426 SSB, Univ of Utah, Sail Lake City UT 84112. Phew): 801/581-6826. FAX: 801/585-3034. Ph(h): 801/485-7544. WEIGL, Robert Curt 801 Franklin St, Alexandria VA 22314-4105. Phew): 703/548-1408. Ph(h): 703/768-1654. Weiler, Michael F. (S) 7800 Altavan, Los Angeles CA 90045. Weine, Stevan 2241 Hartey Ave., Evanston IL 60201. Ph(w): 312/666-6500X3205. FAX: 312/633-2195. Ph(h): 708/491-1366. WEINER, Marcella Bakur 383 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn NY 11218-4701. Phew): 718/941-0318. Weiner, Mark (S) 14 Rosalie SI, 2nd FI Manville NJ 08835-2312. WEINER, Sondra G. 123 Grove Ave Ste 202, Cedarhurst NY 11516·2302. Phew): 516/295-0463. Ph(h): 516/374-5693. WEINSTEIN, Rhona Stra.berg Dept of Psychoi, 3210 Tolman Hall, #1650 Univ of Calif, Berkeley CA 94720-1650. Phew): 510/642·2055. FAX: 510/642-5293. Weiser, Elizabeth (S) 1066 San Pasqual St, Apt 21 Chicago IL 60637-1965. Emaii: [email protected] WEISSBERG, Roger Paul Dep' of Psychol (M/C 285), Uic Behav Sci Bldg, Rm 1009 1007 West Harrison SI, Chicago IL 60607·7135. Phew): 312/413·1012. FAX: 312/413-4122. Ph(h): 708/853-1819. Emaii: [email protected] WEISZ, P. Vietoria 2501 Bradfield Dr, Lincoln NE 68502-4211. Phew): 402/472-9814. Ph(h): 402/474-1095. Emaii: [email protected] Wells, Carole V. ($) Temple Univ.,Soc Psych, Weiss Hall, Rm 530 Philadelphia PA 19122. Wells, Jennifer (S) 1392 Timber Trl Apt A, Akron OH 44313-4814. Phew): 216/678-3703. Ph(h): 216/678-3703. Email: [email protected] WENER, Albert E. 1916 Tupper, Montreal H3H IN5 Canada. Phew): 514/932-7007. FAX: 514/932-1196. Ph(h): 514/932-6268. WENZEL, Suzanne L. 11956 Laurelwood Dr, #3, Studio City CA 91604·3778. Ph(h): 818/752.8478. Werner, Carol Dept. of Psychology. University of Utah Salt Lake City UT 84112. WERNER, John Louis 524 Medowbrook Ave, Bloomington IN 47401-4228. Phew): 812/339·1691. FAX: 812/339.8109. Ph(h): 812/336-8781. Wesler Londow, Robyn (S) 315 E. 68th St., Apt. 15S New York NY 10021. Wesley, Susan Joanna ($) 304 West Cortland Ave., Fresno CA 93705. WEST, Stephen Gano Dept of Psychol, Arizona State Univ. Tempe AZ 85287-1104. Phew): 602/965-3326. FAX: 602/965-8544. Ph(h): 602/831-9628. Wheeler, Wendy Neifeld 463 Middle Rd., Delanson NY 12053. WHEE LEY, Barbara M. 405 Hollen Rd, Baltimore MD 21212-2531. Phew): 410/435-4400. FAX: 410/433-8868. Ph(h): 410/532-9483. White, Anna (S) 721 S. Olympia, Tulsa OK 74127. Phew): 918/592-0614. Ph(h): 918/592-0614. White, Glen \V. Human Dev & Fam Life, Univ of KS - Rm 4001 Dole Laurence KS 66045. White, Linda (S) 91 High Street, Hoosick Falls NY 12090. White, Mialsha ($) Suite 27 Kellogg Center. East Lansing MI 48824-1022. Phew): 517/353-6617. FAX: 517/432-2022. WHITTAKER, James K. Sch of Soc Work, 4101 15th Ave NE. Seattle WA 98105-6250. Phew): 206/543-5731. FAX: 206/543·1228. Ph(h): 206/523- 1385. \VICK, Erika Elisabeth 3076 Riverside Dr. Wantagh NY 11793-4640. Phew): 718/990-6161. Ph(h): 516/826-9578. Wicker, Allan W. Psych.Dept., Claremont, 130 E. 9th Claremont CA 91711. Wicklander, Erin (S) 3137-F Flowers Rd. S., Atlanta GA 30341. WILCOX, Brian Leroy Univ of Nebraska, Center for Children & Famiiy 121 S 13th St #302, Lincoln NE 68508-1906. Ph(w): 402/472-3130. FAX: 402/472-8412. Email: [email protected] Wiieox, Kathryn L. (S) 623 W. Guadalupe #249, Tempe AZ 85210. WILENSKY, Harold 18 Essex PI, Hartsdale NY 10530-1206. Ph(h): 914/693-0072. WILKIN, Wenden R. 40 Camino #11105, Mill Valley CA 94941. Ph(h): 415/461-5786. Wilkinson, Anna (S) 300 Crockett St.. Apt 314 Austin TX 78704·5106. Emaii: [email protected] Wilkinson, Mark (S) 5 Fox Glen Ct.. Clifton Park NY 12065. Williams, Kenneth (S) 313 West 2nd St.. Bloomington IN 47403. Email: [email protected] a 22 Wrynn, Joan (S) 189 Littleton Rd, Unit 49 Chelmsford MA 01824. Ph(w): 508/934-3250. FAX: 508/452-5711. EmaiI: [email protected] WYATT, Gail Elizabeth 3080 Deep Canyon Dr, Beverly HiHs CA 90210-1043. Ph(w): 310/825-0193. Xaverius, Pamela K. (8) 1461 W. Belle Plaine, Chicago IL 60613. YACORZYNSKI, George K. 3384 Dunscroft Ct, Keswick VA 22947-9140. Ph(w): 8041296-1807. Ph(h): 804/296-1809. YADOFF, Bernard 23 Sea Breeze Ln, Nahant MA 01908. Ph(w): 617/581-3143. Ph(h): 617/581·3143. Yamamoto, Leslie (S) P.O. Box 83496, Fairbanks AK 99708. Ph(w): 907/479-0187. FAX: 907/479·0192. Yarger, Kelly (S) 3148 Plymouth Dr., Lansing MI 48910. Ph(w): 517/882-0647. Ph(h): 517/882-0647. Yasuoka, Shinichiro (8) 1052 Warburton Ave., Yonkers NY 10701-1006. Yeich, Susan 625 N. Avenida de Suenos, Tuscon AZ 85745. YING, Yu-Wen Sch Soc Welfare, Univ Calif, 120 Haviland Hal1, Berkeley CA 94720-7401. Ph(w): 510/643-6672. Yoder, Darin J. (S) 4904 Belle Chase Blvd., Apt. 302 Lansing MI 48910. Yoder, Dwight (S) 13 Townsend Ct., Lancaster PA 17603. Youells, Randi R. 242 N 29th, Camp Hill PA 17011. Ph(w): 717/731-6241. Young, Adam (S) CS Box 4606, Williamsburg VA 23186. Ph(w): 804/221-4241. YOUNG, Carl E. 54 Worsley Ave, Wickford RI 02852-6332. Ph(w): 4011459-5762. FAX: 4011459-1290. Ph(h): 401/294-2366. Yowell, Constance M. 2126 W Crystal, Chicago IL 60622. Ph(w): 312/996-7327. FAX: 312/996-6400. YUDELOWITZ, Irving S. 194 Rugby Rd, Brooklyn NY 11226-4550. Ph(w): 718/282-9085. YUDIN, Lee William 5616 Holly Oak Dr, Los Angeles CA 90068-2522. Ph(w): 310/864-2751. Ph(h): 213/461-5194. YUTRZENKA, Barbara A. Dept of Psychol USD, 414 E Clark Street, Vermillion SD 57069-2307. Ph(w): 605/677-5353. FAX: 605/677-5073. ZANARDI, Claudia 28 E 4th St, New York NY 10003-7004. Ph(w): 212/998-7929. FAX: 212/995-4018. Ph(h): 212/755-3224. ZANE, Nolan W. Grad Sch of Educ, Univ of Calif, Santa Barbara CA 93106-2003. Ph(w): 805/893-8564. FAX: 805/893-8055. Ph(h): 805/383-7199. Emai!: [email protected] ZAUTRA, Alex J. Dept of Psycho1, Arizona State Univ, Tempe AZ 85287. Ph(w): 602/965-7606. FAX: 602/965·8544. Ph(h): 602/961-9768. Email: ATAJZ@ASUACAD ZAX, Melvin 625 Panorama Trl Ste 200, Rochester NY 14625-2432. . Ph(w): 716/385-6370. Ph(h): 716/385-7968. ZEA, Maria Cecilia Psychol Dept, George Wash Univ, Washington DC 20052. Ph(w): 202/994-6321. FAX: 202/994-1602. Ph(h): 202/537-0590. Email: [email protected] Zeisz, Jennie (S) 3836 N. Fremont, Chicago 1L 60613. Ph(w): 312/929-3243. Ph(h): 3121929-3243. ZELEN, Seymour L. Calif Sch of Profes Psychol, 1000 S Fremont Ave, Alhambra CA 91803-4737. Ph(w): 818/349-8873. Zibbell, Rachel (S) 424 Fireside Lane, Cherry Hill NJ 08003. Ph(w): 609/428-2043. ZILAITIS, Victor 2018 Heathfield Cir, Sun City Center FL 33573-7304. Ph(h): 813/633-3403. ZIMMERMAN, Marc A. Dept of Hlth Beh & Hlth Educ, Sch of Pub Hlth, Univ of Mich 1420 Washington Hgts, Ann Arbor MI 48109-2009. Ph(w): 313/747-0224. FAX: 313/763-7379. Email: [email protected] ZINS, Joseph E. U Cincinnati, PO Box 210002, 339 Teachers Col, Cincinnati OH 45221-0002. Ph(w): 513/556-3341. FAX: 513/556-1581. Ph(h): 513/281-1138. Email: [email protected] ZOLlK, Edwin S. 3240 Pine Valley Dr, Sarasota FL 34239. Ph(w): 813/923-3233. Ph(h): 813/923-3233. ZULLOW, Harold M. 321 Sunset Ave, N Asbury Park NJ 07712-5554. Ph(w): 908/774-7300. Ph(h): 908/775-9280. WILLIAMS. S. Kay 904 E 77th St, Kansas City MO 64131-2016. Ph(w): 8161524-8400. Ph(h): 816/361-5925. Williams-Rice, Brian (S) 132 E. GreenvaIJey CiT., Newark DE 19711. Wilson, Aimee S. (S) P.O. Box 1162, Brookhaven PA 19015. Email: 73742/[email protected] Wilson, Georjcanna (S) 2350 Eastman Ave, Apt 1 Green Bay WI 54302-6600. WILSON, Karl E. Crider Ctr for MH. 1032 Crosswinds Ct, Wentzville MO 63385-4836. Ph(w): 314/946-4000. FAX: 314/946-9384. Ph(h): 314/542-0726. Wilson, Mark 25 Medrox Gardens, Cumbemau1d Glasgow, 067 4AJ SCOTLAND. WILSON, Melvin N. Dept of Psychol, Gilmer Hall, Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville VA 22903. Ph(w): 804/982-4750. FAX: 804/982-4766. EmaiI: [email protected] Wilson, Stephanie H. (S) 2716 Forest Dr., Columbia SC 29204-2366. EmaiI: N570158@UNIVSCVM WINDLE, Charles D. 5709 Annamarie C1, Derwood MD 20855-1401. Ph(w): 3011443-4233. FAX: 3011443-4045. Ph(h): 3011330-4368. WINE, Jeri Dawn 48 McGill Ave, Charlottetown CIA 215 Canada. Ph(w): 416/923-6641. Ph(b): 416/533-6137. WINETT, Riehard A. Psychol Dept, VP1 & SU, Blacksburg VA 24061. Ph(w): 703/231-8747. Wingate, Thurya 3597 Covington Hwy., Decatur GA 30032. Ph(w}: 404/501-0722. FAX: 404/296-3070. WINTER, Christine PO Box 327, Newcastle WY 82701-0327. Ph(w): 3071746-4456. Ph(h): 307/746-2486. Wiother, Brenda (S) 1948 Jack St., Fairbanks AK 99709. Wishart, Sasha ($) Faculty of Education, Southbrae Dr. Glasgow Gl31PP SCOTLAND. Ph(w): 44/41-950-3622. Ph(h): 44/41-950-3622. Emaii: [email protected] WISSNER, Fred 5700 Arlington Ave, Bronx NY 10471-1503. Ph(w): 212/874-2870. Ph(h): 718/549-4027. Wittig, Michele A. 721 20th Street, Santa Monica CA 90402-3031. Wituk, Scott (S) 7000 E. Kellogg Apt. D, Wichita KS 67207. Ph(w): 316/689-3843. Ph(h): 316/686-6557. WOHLFORD, Paul F. Ctr for MH Svcs, Rm 15C18, 5600 Fishers Ln, Rockville MD 20857-0001. Ph(w): 3011443-5850. Ph(h): 30]/983-8442. WOLCHIK, Sharlene Ann Psychol Dept, Ariz SU, Tempe AZ 85287. Ph(w): 602/965-7420. Email: [email protected] WOLFE, John C. 1151 Fairway Gdns NE, Atlanta GA 30319-5326. Ph(w): 404/841-9200. Ph(h): 404/252-1378. Wolfe, Susan M. (S) 4432 San Fernando, McKinney TX 75070 . WOLFF, Thomas J. 24 S Prospect St, Amherst MA 01002-3817. Ph(w): 4131253-2646. Ph(h): 413/548-9074. Email: [email protected] Wolford, Rev. George A. ($) 519 Hospital Drive, Mountain Home AR 72653. Emaii: [email protected] WOLFRED, Timothy R. 975 Duncan St, San Francisco CA 94131-1800. Ph(w): 415/647-5265. FAX: 415/647·4722. Ph(h): 415/647-5265. WOLKON, George H. 1271 El Hito Cir, Pacific Palisid CA 90272-2334. Ph(w): 310/459-2671. WOLPE, Zelda S. 4515 Willard Ave #1503 S, Chevy Chase MD 20815-3619. Ph(w): 3011986-8582. Ph(h): 3011986-8582. WOLPIN, Milton 1321 Palms BI, Venice CA 90291-2907. Ph(w): 310/392-7685. Ph(h): 310/392-7685. WONG, Frankie Y. 35 Rossmore Rd, #2, Jamaica Plain MA 02130-3636. Ph(w): 617/638-5031. FAX: 617/638-4483. Ph(h): 617/522-0714. Email: [email protected] WONG-RIEGER, Durhane Dept of Psychol, Univ Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave, Windsor N9B 3P4 Candda. Ph(w): 519/253-4232. FAX: 519/973-7021. Ph(h): 5191256·9471. Email: DWRI@WINDSOR2 WOOD-KRAFT, Sara M. Lenar 95 Templar PI, Oakland CA 94618-2649. Ph(w): 510/667-7540. Ph(h): 510/654-0645. Emaii: [email protected] Woodhury, Donna (S) P.O. Box 63, Carlise MA 01741. WOODBURY, Roger W. 804 Buckingham Rd, Garner NC 27529-4513. Ph(w): 919/772·0551. Ph(h): 919/772-4500. Woolard, Jennifer (S) Psych Dept/I02 Gilmer Hall, U of Virginia Charlottesville VA 22903. Email: [email protected] WORK, William C. 101 Southland Dr, Rochester NY 14623·1331. Ph(w): 716/273-5957. Ph(h): 716/424-2368. Wrahetz, Amy (S) 1410 W. 5th St., U of Arizona Tempe AZ 85281. WRIGHT, Stephanie 904 Chippewa Ln, Wilmette II. 60091-1210. Ph(w): 708/570-2156. Student - (S) APA Member = Last name in all capitals 23 Location Listings Alaska CLARK, James Edward DINGES, Norman Gerald Ernes~ Camita (S) Francoer, Lisa A. (8) Hazel, Kelly L. Mather, Donna (8) McGrath, William (S) Mustered, Laura (8) PEARSON-HOOFMAN, Pennie L. Sliefer!, David (S) STEW ART, Tracy M. Wainright. Jennifer Lee (8) Winther, Brenda ($) Yamamoto, Leslie (8) Alabama Campbell, Martha R. (S) Arkansas MIDDLETON, Morris Mitt PEEL, William C. TURTURRO, Camlyn L. Walford, Rev. George A. (5) Arizona Angelini, Patricia AYERS, Tim S. BARRERA, Manuel BEAVER, William T. Bolduc, Danielle Bush, Kevin (5) CASTRO. Felipe Gonzalez DeAnda, MariaElana (8) DeLuse, Stephanie (8) Dumka, Larry Friedman, Ruth (S) Gonzales, Nancy (8) Groppenbacher, Nancy Herman-Stahl, Mindy Housberg, Lydia (5) KAHN, Marvin William Kim, Lauren (8) Lester, Lydia V. (8) Lit Susan A. (8) LlZZADRO, Terese K. Miller, Kenneth E. (S) PATIERSON, Joseph Russell PITTS, M. Henry Renner, Bobbi (5) Reyes. Leticia (S) Roe, Bill Roosa, Mark Ruiz, Sonia (S) Samaniego, Roxana (S) SANDLER, Irwin N. Stoneking, Beth C. (S) Twohey, Joan (S) WEST, Stephen Gano Wilcox, Kathryn L. (S) WOLCHIK, Sharlene Ann Wrabetz, Amy (S) Yeich, Susan ZAUTRA, Alex J. California ABOU~GHORRA, Ibrahim M. ACOSTA, Frank X. ADELMAN, Howard S. Adriance, Lisa' (S) Applebaum, Gail T. ATTKISSON, C. Clifford BECKER, Mark Ronald Benard, Bonnie BLANTON, Judith S. BLOCH, Ellin L. Bo]tz, Sheila BOUHOUTSOS, Jacqueline C. BOXLEY, Russell Leslie BRESLOW, Alice Philp BRIGANTE, Thomas R. Brooks, Lynda (S) BROWN-CHEATHAM, Michaelanthony BROWN, Vivian Barnett BURSTEIN, Bonnie Castanon, Cruz C. (S) Chun, Chi-Ah (S) Coleman, Christy CONES, James H. COOK, Rudolph E. COROTTO, Loren V. CRESSWELL, Deborah L. Crisa, Richard (S) Cronan, Terry A. CRONAN-HILLlX, Terry Ann Dehnel, Russell DEMOS, George D. DOOLEY, C. David DOWELL, David Allen DRAKE, Patricia E. Driscoll, Bridget E. (S) DYE, Nancy E. EHRMAN, Donald ELSON, Steven E. FARBEROW, Noonan L. FOXMAN, Joel Freeman, Riza (S) FREEMAN, Albert Vincent Garland, Ann GARNETS, Linda Doris GA TZ. Margaret 1. GIBBS, Jewelle Taylor GOLDMAN, Ruth K. Goldstein, Ellen GOODMAN, Gerald M. GOZA, Barbara Kay GREENFIELD, Thnmas K. GROSS, Cecily F. GRUBER, Enid L. HANDLON, Joseph H. Harper, Gary W. HARRELL, Shelly P. Henry, Lisa M. (S) HERNANDEZ, Maria Guadalupe Michaels, Mark Miller, Claudine (S) Montgomery, Susanne Moody, Robert P. MOOS, Rudnlf H. Morris, Anne (S) MUNOZ, Ricardo F. MYERS, Hector F. NA VRAN, Leslie NEMOTO, Toom NISSELSON, Janet Bamert Noke, Jennifer (S) NOV ACO, Raymond W. O'Hearn, Todd C. (S) O'SULLIVAN, Michael Joseph OLIN, Tom Davis Ozer, Emily (S) PADILLA, Amado M. PARKER, Kenneth A. Parra, Michelle PENN, Nolan E. PHELAN, Amalie Deren PILISUK, 34759 Porter, Faith (S) RAUCH, Stephen S. REED, Enid 1. REIFF, Robert REISER, Martin Renfro, Richard L. (S) REPEITI, Rena L. Ribis], Kurt M. (S) RODNICK, Eliot H. ROGERS, Tndd ROTHERAM-BORUS, Mary Jane Ruef, Anna Marie (S) Sandeen, Beverly Ann (S) SARBIN, Theodore R. SARGENT, S. Stansfeld Sarkin, Andrew (S) SASAO. Toshiaki SAWYER, Jack SCHWEON, Craig Howie Sherwood, Deborah (S) SINGH, R. K. Janmeja SNOWDEN, Lonnie R. SORENSEN, James L. Srinivasan, Shobha STOKOLS, Daniel S. STUART, Irving R. Stultz, Heidi M. (S) SUE, Stanley Tally, Steven (S) Tom, Tanya (S) Waldo, Craig (S) WALLACE, William L. Weiler, Michael F. (S) WEINSTEIN, Rhona Strasberg WENZEL, Suzanne L. Wesley, Susan Joanna (S) Wicker, Allan W. WILKIN, Wendell R. Wittig, Michele A. WOLFRED, Timothy R. WOLKON, George H. WOLPIN, Milton WOOD-KRAFT, Sara M. Leflar WYATT, Gail E]izabeth YING, Yu-Wen YUDIN, Lee William ZANE, No]an W. ZELEN, Seymour L. Hillix. AI HOWARD-PllNEY, Beth A. Hudley-Paul, Cynthia HUDLEY-PAUL, Cynthia A. HUMPHREYS, Keith N. JA, Davis Ying JOHNSON, Christine JOHNSON, Paula B. JOHNSTON, Terry A. KAPLAN, Oscar J. KATZ, Elias KATZ, George G. KENKEL, Mary Beth KENYON, G.M. KERR, Douglas MacNaughton Kohn, Laura P. (S) KRASNER, Leonard KREMSDORF, Ross Bryan Kroeker, Caroline KUEHNEL, Timothy G. Kurasaki, Karen S. (S) LERNER, Arthur LEVINSON, Ronald N. LEWIS, Barbara O. Lieber, Eli (S) Liew, Jeffrey C. (S) LOWENTHAL, Alan S. MANTELL, Michael Robert MARIN, Gerardo MARTINEZ, Alejandro M. MCNEILL, Malvina Rosat Colorado ALBINO, Judith E. Newsom BLOOM, Bernard L. FISCU, Ralph Irving Ilettleman, Daniel (S) JENS, Kathryn S. 24 Magana, Belizario (S) MAUSNER, Howard MITCHELL, Christina M. NAYLOR, KeIiy E. PARISIAN, Julia A. Pettitt, Lisa (S) Ruden, Dani (S) SCHWARZ, Jacqueline Anne STEINKE, Geraldine D. Suinn, Richard M, Tanaka, Carey Ann N. (S) WACKWITZ, John H. Connecticut Assard, Christine F. BECKER-LAUSEN, Evelyn Louise Blitz, Caryn (S) Brunn, Patricia C. (S) Bruss, Carrie (S) Chinman, Matthew (S) CHINSKY, Jack M. DAVIDSON, Larry DEUTSCH, Martin Dunn, Elizabeth Duvall, Noelle (S) EDINBERG, Mark A. FARBER, Stephanie Solomon Fortunato, Christine Gagliardi, Amy D. (S) GIULIANO, Pbillip F. GOLDSTEIN, Marc B. GRADY, Katherine GROSSMAN, Saul A. Gullota, Thomas P. HOFFNUNG, Rnbert J. Kasprow, Wesley J. Kaufman, Joy S. Kennan, Ben (S) KLINE, Marsha L. Kupenninc, Gabriel P. Landry, Lyne S. (S) Larson, Susan H. Lewis, Zannette (S) Long, Holly Sterling (S) Marr, Daniel S.M. (S) MORRIS, Michael Adrian OLEKSIW, Catherine A. PRIMA VERA, Judith Rakfeldt, Jaak SARASON, Seymour B. SINGER, Henry A. SINGER, Jerome L. SNOW, David L. Stayner, David (S) Stunn, Shimon (S) Sussman, Richard A. TEBES, Jacob Kraemer Tente, Luis (S) VLAHAKOS, Irene J. Way, Niobe District of Columbia Barone, Charles Bennett, Lauren E. (S) DeAngelis, Tori DOCKElT, Kathleen H. FEIS, Carolyn L. FINKEL, Nonnan 1. FOWLER, Raymond D. Goodman, Lisa Gunnoe, Marjorie HARPER, Robert Allan HOLLIDAY, Bertha Garrett Myers, Ernest R. PHILLIPS, Deborah Ann RICKARDS, Larry RICKEL, Annette Urso ROHRBECK, Cynthia Ann SIMMENS, Samuel J. VANDENBOS, Gary R. ZEA, Maria Cecilia Delaware COHEN, Lawrence H. DOZIER, Mary Simons, Robert STONESIFER, Fred A. UNGER, Donald G. Williams-Rice, Brian (S) Florida ALBEE, George W. ANDERSON, Jeffrey Michael BARGER, Benjamin BASSIN, Alexander Coa15worth, Doug COHEN, Louis D. Coyle, Sandra (S) CRUM, Joseph E. CURTIS, Michael Joseph DE PIANO, Linda C. DORSEIT, Hennan Willington EISDORFER, Carl GANTZ, June R. GESTEN, Ellis L. HUMPHRIES, Joan R. Imm, Pamela (S) KNOX, Michael D. LEVIN, Barry L. MCCOLSKEY, Ann Shedden NEWMAN, Frederick L. PARK, Paul D. RHODES, William C. ROEN, Sheldon R. SAPER, Bernard SMITH, Williarn F. SPIELBERGER, Charles D. STERN, Barbara F. SUCHMAN, David I. THOMPSON, Larry E. TRACEY, Ernest A. ZILAITIS, Victor ZOLlK, Edwin S. Georgia Avant, Ray Avery, Eden (S) BAKER, Frank BARD, Morton BARRY, John R. Belcher, Lisa (S) Bell, Rae Jean (S) Bruce, Carlyle Calvert, Chena Capryce (S) Chambliss, Julie W. (S) Dabrowski, Renee (S) DAVES, Walter F. Eaton, Prescon Edwards, Arlene (S) EMS HOFF, James Gordon Erickson, Stephen (S) Fitzgerald, Judy Garrad, Wendy (S) GOODMAN, Sherryl H. Harrison, Janet S. (S) Johnson, Randy (S) KAPLAN, Nonnan Kearse, Wendy (S) KENNEDY, May Grabbe Kennington. Patricia A. D. Lavinghouse, Rene' Gyger (S) Leslie, Gloria Lesondak, Linda M. (S) Long, Beverly Mancuso. Laura (S) Matthews, B. Alexandra (S) Michaels, Marcia (S) Murray, Virgil (S) ~ (S) APA Member NORRIS, Fran H. NOTTINGHAM, Jack A. Page, Richard L. PARSONS, Tnm PETERSON, John L. Prescott, Folami M. (S) Price, Ann (S) Releford, Charles Rensi, Glenda Roberts, Renea (S) SEYMOUR, Guy O. Silverman, Jay (S) Singer, J. Robert Sterling, Terrie D. SUH, Helene S. Uhl, Gary A. (S) Warner, Cheryl (S) Watson, Carol Wicklander, Erin (S) Wingate, Thurya WOLFE, John C. Davis, Anita A. (S) DAVIS, Charles Edward Davis, Steven M. (S) Davis, Trina (S) Desouza, Eros Dickerson, Anna Dienes, Bruce (S) DiVita, Lili C. (S) DURLAK, Joseph A. EPSTEIN, Jeff A. FELNER, Robert D. Fendrich, Michael FERRARI, Joseph Richard Flay, Brian Ford, Zyphia Fox, Dennis Fulton, Bradley (S) Giloth, Barbara (S) GIORDANO, Francesca Gold, Jennifer (S) GOLDSTON, Stephen E. Golz, Judy Gomez, Sofia (S) Gone, Joseph P. (S) Gnod, Trudy (S) Goodman, Wylie (S) Gordon, Rachel A. (S) Gorman-Smith, Deborah Grant, Teresa E (S) Graumlich, Sally Grober, Jackie (S) Gustin, Jillian (S) Hall, Jennifer (S) Hamernik, Heidi (S) Harding, Kathryn A. (S) Harmon, C. Michael HASTINGS, Margaret M. HEAL, Laird W. Heinstein, Michael T. (S) HENRY, David B. HILKEVITCH, Rhea R. HIRSCH, Barton J. Hogan Bruen, Kathy (S) Horner, Adelia (S) Isazu-Rivera, Victoria (S) Isenberg, Daryl Izzo, Charles (S) Jackson, Daniel F. (S) Jagers, Robert JASON. Leonard A. Jayaraj, Anita (S) Jha, Aruna (S) Johnson, Tiffany Jopp, David Alden (S) Jurkowski, Elaine (S) Kaminska, Sandy Kaplan, Daniel L. (S) Kean, Jackie Keck, Lorraine KELLY, James G. KEYS, Christopher B. Kian, Elana (S) KLINGBERG, Haddon E. Kloos, Bret R. (S) Kobayashi, Robynn (S) Kobus, Kimberly (S) Kociubinski, Kristine L. (S) KRIMM, Edward A. KRUECKEBERG. Suzanne M. Krulee. Gilbert K. Kulesa, Patrick (S) Lambert, Sharon (S) LAMP, Robert E. Lardon, Cecile (S) Lemke, Amy (S) LEWIS, Judith A. Linfield, Kenneth J. (S) London, Lorna (S) Lorimer, Kathy Lowe, Cassandra Hawaii Ahlen·Widoe, Robert (S) Chun, Maria Bow Jun (S) COMPTON, John M. GOLDEN, William P. Hanrahan, William (S) Helm, Susana (S) KAMEOKA, Velma Asayo Kronabel, Benno (S) O'Donnell, Clifford R. Watkins·Victorino, Lisa Iowa Hodne, Carol J. (S) Lindemann, Bonnie MANN, Philip Alan Nelson, Karen A. (S) Idaho CAMBARERI, John D. Illinois Stenzel, Cheryl L. (S) Adan, Angela ADLER, Milton L. ALTMAN, B. Eileen Armstrong, Mashana (S) Atkins, Marc Attar, Beth K. (S) Azelton, L. Sean (S) Daghy, Margaret BALCAZAR. Fabricio Banik, Donald (S) Barnes, Holly E. (S) Barton, Heather A. (S) Becker, Ms. Gerry (S) Berry, Carolyn Blackmore, Jorge (S) Bowden, Blake Sperry BRAND, Stephen Briggs, Ernestine (S) Brunson, Liesene (S) Burgoyne, Nancy Groelzer Butler, Susan (S) Butz, Cathy (S) Cafasso, Lynda (S) Call, Laurie Campbell, Jennifer Canning, Sally Schwer Carpenter, Susan L. (S) Chase-Lansdale, P. Lindsay Cheatham, Ceola Chen, Shu-Pi Choe, Jean (S) Clauson, Jennifer (S) Cloninger, Lea Cooksey, Judith Copper, Elizabeth Student = Last name in all capitals 25 Madison, Sybil (S) Makarewicz, Paul Mankowski, Eric (S) Marsh, Patrica (S) Martinez, Lori (S) MATTHEW, Ronald L. Maureno, Jennifer A. (S) McCarthy, Jr., Martin McCny, Jnn E. (S) McCray, Jennifer McMahon, Susan D. (S) MERMELSTEIN, Robin J. Meyer, Harriet Meyers, Adena B. (S) Miller, Alison (S) Mock, Lynne Owens (S) MOORE, Thorn L. Moragne Kayser, Lisa (S) MULDOON, John F. Mussey, Carol Nguyen, Tina (S) Nicholas, James (S) Nicholson, Melba (S) Nieto, Martin (S) NIKELLY, Arthur G. NOLL, Gary A. O'Gorman, Robert Orellana, Lucia (S) Ortiz, George (S) Paikoff, Roberta Parks, Michaela (S) Parrish, Lynn (S) Parrot, Cynthia Phillips, Nancy Pokorny, Steven B. (S) Pontari, Beth (S) Porter, Dawn (S) RAINE, Walter J. RAPPAPORT, Julian Rashid, Jamila RAYMOND, Jonathan S. REYES, Olga RIBORDY, Sheila C. RICHERT, Alphons J. Riger, Stephanie Rigsbee, Sandra ROBINSON, W. LaVome ROSENBAUM, Dennis P. RUFF, Ronald SAAFIR, Rashad K. Scally, Joseph (S) Scarpetta, Jim Scheffler, Adam (S) Schewe, Paul (S) Schlosser, Ann (S) Schnopp-Wyatt, Daniel (S) Schoeny, Michael E. (S) SCHOLOM, Allan H. Schultz, Theresa M. (S) Schwer·Canning, Sally (S) SCOIT, Barbara Attebery Shanahan, Timothy (S) Shannon-Moria, Crystal Shlaes, Jennifer Silverman, Morton M. Smith, Paula (S) SMITH, John Francis Southward, Kaye SPACCARELLI, Steve A. Stall, Susan STANTON, Richard D. Steward. Curtisteen Stewart, Eric (S) Stewart. Rev. Dwight Stockman, Kristin D. (S) Stockton. Mary (S) Stokes, Joe Suarez-Balcazar, Yolanda Tate, Alice (S) Taylor, Theodora TELLEEN, Sharon L. Temple, Judy (S) TEPLIN, Linda Anne Thomas, R.Elizabeth (S) TOLAN, Patrick H. VAUX, Alao C. Wasner, Guenter (Jim) W ATIS, Roderick Jeffrey Weine, Stevan Weiser, Elizabeth (S) WEISSBERG, Roger Paul WRIGKf, Stephanie Xaverius, Pamela K. (S) Yowell, Constance M. Zeisz, Jennie (S) Gillock, Karen Lee (S) Indiana Canales-Portalatin, David (S) Drake, Tammie (S) HALDEMAN, Charles F. HELLER, Kenneth HENDERSON, Thomas L. IRELAND, John F. Kling, Kathleen Kochaooff, Anita (S) Matroni, Karen E. (S) PERKINS, David Victor Polk, Deborah (S) WERNER, John Louis Williams, Kenneth (S) Kansas Berkley, Jaonette (S) BOWMAN, Paul H. BREWER, Joseph E. Claudio, Roberto (S) Colgate, Jeaone M. (S) Cramp, Sonja (S) DORR, Darwin A. Edwards, Judi (S) Fawcett, Steve Francisco, Vincent (S) Kilgore, Kimberly M. (S) Lewis, Rhonda (S) Lopez, Christine (S) Mathews, Mark Medina, Sherry (S) MEDVENE, Louis J. MEISSEN, Gregory J. Nansel, Tonja R. (S) NEFF, Franklin W. Paine-Andrews, Adrienne REMPLE, Henry D. Richter, Kimber (S) Roberts, Carla (S) ROBERTS, Michael Clark Sal~ James D. (S) Schrum, Janice (S) SHORE, Elsie Rochelle SWIFT, Carolyn F. Teal, Cayla (S) THOMAS, James G. Warren, Mary White, Glen W. Wituk, Scon (S) Kentucky APONTE, Joseph F. BELEW, Barbara Lynne BRACCO, Howard F. Hampton, Karen S. (S) KALAFAT, John D. MURRELL, Stanley A. NIETZEL, Michael T. Vessels, Jeff Louisiana Eby, Kimberly K. (S) Medellin, Paul (S) Staff, Barbara Massachusetts Aldrich, Holly ALLEN, M. Harriet AZAR, Sandra Theresa Bachtel, Elizabeth (S) BARNES, Robert A. Benoit, Beth BERKOWITZ, William Robby BOND, Meg A. Brooks, Margaret (S) BUCKNER, John C. Caya, Michelle L. (S) COINER, Maryrose Carew CONNERS, J. Edward Craig, Lisa A. (S) Gardner, Sarah (S) GENERO, Naocy GOETHALS, George W. Griffiths, Diane (S) GROB, Samuel HARSHBARGER, D Dwight Harlling, Linda M. (S) HARVEY, Mary R. HENKEN, Bernard S. Jacobs, Cynthia (S) Jones, Hildegarde H. (S) KANTROWITZ, Ricki Ellen KEENAN, Louise Keren, Yael (S) LENROW, Peter B. LEV ANT, Ronald F. Levine, Deborah (S) LIEM, G. Ramsay LITWACK, Lawrence LYKES, M. Brinton Matusen, Darren E. (S) Montoya, Oswaldo (S) MULVEY, Anne Nikitopoulos, Charles OCKENE, Judith Keller Reid, Omar (S) ROSEN, Sharon L. ROSENBLUM, Gershen Seigle, Pamela SHLIEN, John M. Silva, Liliana Slattery, Suzanne SMYER, Michael A. TERRY, John P. Thomas, Gerry TURNER, Castellaoo B. TuITO, Gabriela (S) Tyndall, Katherine (S) Weed, David S. WOLFF, Thomas J. WONG, Ftaokie Y. Woodbury, Donna (S) Wrynn, Joao (S) Y ADOFF, Bernard Maryland Azrin, Susan (S) BALLARD, James Moses BEMAK, Frederic Paul BIRKEL, Richard C. Binnan, Dina Borkman, Thomasina BRENNER, Berthold Brodsky, Anne (S) Buchanan, Rebecca (S) Daoiels, Jill (S) Flaoders, Cathy C. (S) Frumkin, Lara A. (S) GINSBERG, Mark Richard Goldklaog, Dorothy S. Goplerud, Eric Grant, Terri R. Holland, Cheryl Cole (S) Hyde, Mary Morris (S) JENKINS, Richard A. Kaftarian, Shakeh KILBURG, Richard R. KLEIN, Donald C. KLEIN, Katherine J. Knowlton, Amy (S) Kohn, Steven J. (S) KYRIAZIS, C. W. Latkin, Carl Lee, Rebecca (S) LEVIN, Gloria B. Levine, Eliot (S) LEVY, Leon H. Loomis, D.M. Colleen (S) LORlON, Raymond P. Lucksted, Alicia (S) Lustig, Julie (S) MAGOON, Thomas Mayo MANDELL, Wallace MANNINO, Fortune Vincent MA TON, Kenneth I MCKELVIE, William H Mitnick, Leonard MURRAY NETILES, Saundra R. NICHOLS, Robert S. Nickerson, Kim PERL, Harold I. PLAUT, Thomas F. A. Schmitt, Carol (S) SCHNEIDER, Stanley F. SEITES, Naocy S. SHORE, Milton F. STEELE, Robert E. STEVENSON, Janice Elaine Story, Marilyn (S) TRlCKETI, Edison J. TYLER, Forrest B. TYLER, Mary P. Vaden-Kiernan, Michael (S) Walrath, Christine WHEELEY, Barbara M. WINDLE, Charles D. WOHLFORD, Paul F. WOLPE, Zelda S. Maine SILKA, Linda Michigan ALLEN, laRue Angelique, Holly (S) Arroyo, Ana (S) Baker, Charlene (S) Bannister, Brad (S) BARBARIN, Oscar A. Bennett, Kelly (S) Bogat, G. Anne Bondy, Renee; (S) BootsMiller, Bonnie 1. (S) Breer, M. Lynn (S) Buck, Catherine Buettner, Lisa (S) Buur, Henrietta (S) BYBEE, Deborah L Caldwell, Robert A. Campbell, Rebecca M. (S) CAP PONE, Margaret K. Chibnall, Susao (S) CLAY, Margaret L. Clouzet, Robert (S) COHEN, Evan H. Collins, Joanna COOPER, Saul Curtis, Stacy (S) DAVIDSON, William S. Fingers, Earnest (S) Firlan, Mindy (S) FLEMING, George R. Folman, Rosalind (S) Foster-Fishman. Pennie FRANK, Susan J. GARDNER, LaMaurice H. Gassaway, Jeanette M. (S) 26 GRIER, Leslie K. Helmus, Todd (S) Huber-Yoder, Melissa S. (S) Juras, Jennifer (S) Keith, Joanne KROLL, Jill Corrine Legler, Ray (S) Lerner, Jackie Lerner, Richard Lounsbury, David W. (S) Loveland, David (S) Mackin, Juliette (S) Martin, Andre (S) McAuslao, Pam (S) McCrohan, Nancy (S) MILLER, Jerry M. Morell, Jonathan MOWBRAY, Carol T. Nguyen, Hoa Xuan (S) ONAGA-FERGUS, Esther Powell, Thomas J. Powell, Tom PRICE, Richard H. RAINS, Mark Herr Reid, Christina (S) Reiling, Denise (S) Reischl, Thomas M. Riba, Melissa (S) Roberts, Valerie (S) Rowland, Laurenn L. (S) Salem, Deborah Sandmann, Lorilee Schillo, Barbara (S) Seabrook, Luey (S) SILVERMAN, Ronald E. Simmons, Reginald (S) ST CLAIR, Catherine H. Stanley, Jennifer M. (S) Stanton, Glenn A. STONE, Daoiel A. STRUMW ASSER, Ira SULLIVAN, Cris M. Sutherland, Cheryl (S) Tableman, Betty TEDESCO, Lisa A. TORO, Paul Anderson Wallace, Jr., John Walton, Maureen White, Mialsha (S) Yarger, Kelly (S) Yoder, Darin J. (S) ZIMMERMAN, Marc A. Minnesota ANDERSON, Deborah Jean BUTLER, Robert T. GROSS, Seymour Z. HUNTER, William Frank KIRESUK, Thomas J. Komro, Kelli LARSSON, Eric V. LONG, Nicholas K. Roberts, Bruce STEGER, Joseph M. STELZNER, Stephen P. STREUFERT, Donald E. Tucker, Sharon (S) Missouri Adams-Leavitt, Warren (S) Berkshire, Elizabeth (S) Charva~ Jeffiey (S) Cruz, Sonia G. (S) Diebold, Charles T. (S) DUBOIS, David L. FISHER, Edwin B. GENSHEIMER, Leah K. Gibson, Cheryl (S) HANDAL, Paul J. Haugh, James A. (S) Hellmer, Tricia L. (S) Holloway, Bruce E. (S) Howard, Colanda (S) Hughey, Joseph Julian, Paula (S) Kennedy, Mellen KIESLER, Charles A. Lawrenz, Cathy E. (S) LETENDRE, Dana LUBIN, Bernard Luke, Douglas Martin, Alison J. (S) Mayer, Jeffrey P. McNiel, Cynthia G. (S) Mulhern, Moira A. Peed, Alice M. (S) Peterson, N. Andrew (S) PETERSON-HOMER, Lizette Pierce, Lois Reid, Lorene (S) S1. Clair, Becky (S) Steffen, Ann Tommasi, Mario (S) WILLIAMS, S.Kay WILSON, Karl E. Mississippi CHRISTOFF, Karen Ann Gustafson, Scott (S) HARGROVE, David Scott Montana CRANDALL, Evan S. LELIEUVRE, Robert BrysonMT Mossman, Beal M. SEEKINS, Tom Winfield North Carolina ALTMAN, David Gary ANDERSON, Noonan Bruce BEHAR, Lenore B. Brookins, Craig C. Coggins, Copper M. COlE, John D. COOK, James Richard EDGERTON, J. Wilbert Jenkins, Robin (S) Karvonen, Meagan (S) KRAMER, Kathryn KUPERSMIDT, Janis B. LEVIN, Richard H. LOCHMAN, Jobn E. MAGINN, Vincent John MCCAMMON, Susan Lynn MILLER, Howard G. Mittelmark, Maurice B. SORENSON, Herbert Volk, Frederick (S) Waugh, Daphne (S) Wechsberg, Wendee WECHSBERG, Wendee M. WOODBURY, Roger W. Brown, Beverly A. (S) BROWN, Daniel L. Burke, Susan (S) Cagliostro, Dina (S) Cairo, Leopoldina (S) CASELLA, Cannine F. Cheng, Yun-Ju (S) CHISHOLM, June F. CHRISTENFELD, Roger Michael Clements, Peggy (S) Cocco, Karen M. (S) Cole, Kristin Consiglio, Donald (S) Corbett, Christopher Cowal, J. Kirsten (S) COWEN, Emory L. Crosby, Catherine Curry, Debra Curthoys, Allan D'ANGELO, Rita Y. DEFOUR, Darlene C. Dabkowski, David (S) DOHRENWEND, Bruce P. Dryfoos, Joy DutTy, Karen DWYER, Frances Markey Elcott, Ross E. (S) Enchautegui-de Jesus, Noemi (S) ESTRlNE, Steven A. Ethier, Margaret M. Fagen, Doug (S) FROMM, David M. Fuligni, Andrew J. FUNK, John E. Gartner, Audrey (S) GILLESPIE, Janet F. GIVENTER, Edwin B. GLENWICK, David S. GOLLNISCH, Gerno! GOODMAN. Carolyn D. Gordon, Elaine (S) HASSEIT, Carol Alice Hatfield, Kathy (S) Haugaard, Jeff Hayes, Susan A. Hegarty, David (S) HIGHTOWER, Alan Dirk HILTON, Irma M. HINRICHSEN, Gregory Allen HITIELMAN, Eugene Lee Hollander, Sharon HOLZMAN, Lois H. Hughes, Diane INCLAN, Jaime E. JAMESON, Leslie B. JED, Joyce JOSEPH, Joanne M. KAUFMAN, Max C. KEATING, Barry 1. Kemp, Jr., Leroy (S) Kilmer, Ryan P. (S) KIRKHART, Karen Eileen Kiener, Jacqueline A. (8) KOSCHEI, Erika C. KRAUSS, Herbert Harris Lajeunesse, Susan LANT A Y, George Charles Lassiter, Margaret (S) Leeds, Jeremy LEIBMAN, O. Bernard LEVINE, Murray Levy, Shelly (S) LINNICK, Ida Lolik, Mary MAHLER, Clifford R. Marsters, Mary E. Mathes, Stephen K. (S) Mattaini, Mark A. McArthur, Kerry (S) McLaughlin, Mary (5) New Mexico BACHRACH, Arthur J. DINGMAN, Paul R. Hill, Jean JOHNSON, Dale L. Oldknow, Mark Z. (S) RIVERA, Miquela C. SHIPMAN, Virginia C. Webb. Danette Nevada AL TROCCHI, John Gleghorn, Alfred L. (S) Nebraska FONDACARO, Mark FRiMAN, Patrick C. Macolini, Ruthann M. (S) Schmidt, Ron (S) Slain, Andrew J. (S) Stolle, Dennis (S) WEISZ, P. Victoria WILCOX, Brian Leroy New Hampshire Anastos-Stewart, Lisa Banyard, Victoria L. Berger, Stephen Oswald, William T. Stewart, Lisa (S) Trela, Patricia (S) Student ~ (S) AP A Mem her New Jersey ARMENTI, Nicholas P. Barosi, Steve (S) BERNSTEIN, Andrew D. Blum, Lisa (S) Broder, Hillary Brown, Steve (S) BRY, Brenna Hafer BUCHANAN, Elena S. CALLAGHAN, Eugene E. CAMERON, Linda Susan CAMPANELLI, Peter C. Chavis, David M. CHERNISS, Cary CLARFIELD, Steven Paul Coleman, Stacy (S) DuMon~ Kimberly (S) ELIAS, Maurice Jesse Feinman, Joanna (S) FISHMAN, Daniel B. FLOYD, James A. Franco, Felipe A. (S) FRANKS, Cyril Maurice Gager, Peter (S) Gwadz, Mary A. (S) Hallman, William K. HASTINGS, Kathleen C. Heckart, Ken HECKART, Ken HINES, Paulette KAUFMAN, Judith KRAMER, Judith Ann Kress, Jeffery (S) LEVENTHAL, Gerald S. LEVIN, Hannah A. Madara. Edward J. MAHER, Charles A. NEIGHER, Susan Strassberg NEIGHER, William David O'CONNELL, Agnes N. Potts, Randolph RISKIN, Sylvia S. SILVERMAN, Hirsch Lazaar SIMAN, Michael L. STEINBERG, Jakob 1. Voss, W. Jay (S) Weiner, Mark (S) Zibbell, Rachel (S) ZULLOW, Harold M. = New York Abraido-Lanza, Ana F. Acosta, Olga M. (S) BARTLEIT, Donald Paul BAT-CHAVA, Yael Beatty, Bonnell Susan (S) Belanott, Lila T. Bender. Joan T. (S) Berkley, Carla H. (S) BERKOWITZ, Bernard BLAIR, Rima N. Bolger, Kerry (S) Borges, Carla O. Rosa (S) Bradbury, Donna (S) Brennan, Margaret Bronner, Theresa M. Last name in all capitals 27 Meritt, Dana MEYERS, Joel MEYERS, Judith Cravets MILBURN, Norweeta G. MILLER, Robin Lin Moore, Cynthia (S) Moran, Linda Lee (S) MOREY, Theodore M. Muth, Barbara (S) NAFFZIGER, Nancy K. NECHIN, Herbert NEFF, Walter S. O'CONNOR, Patricia Ann Papadakos, Athena (S) PASAMANICK, Benjamin PEARSON, Richard E. PEDERSON, Andreas M. PEDRO-CARROLL, Joanne L. Pellitieri, John (S) Pellman, Julie PELLMAN, Julie L. POPPEI, Jean E. PROCIDANO, Mary E. RAFFERTY, Yvonne RAPKIN, Bruce D. RAY, Jacqueline W. Reid, Pamela T. REIFMAN, Alan S. Rejino, Erlinda REVENSON, Tracey A. Richmond, Linda Nickell ROSARJO, Margaret Rosenbaum, Genevieve (S) ROrnENBERG, Mira K. Ruckterstuhl, Meryl (S) Sanchez, Bernadette (5) SANUA, Victor D. Schadwinkel, Sabine French (S) SCHEIDLINGER, Saul SCHMIDT, C. Jacobus SCHWARTZ, Allan J. SCILEPPI, John A. SEIDMAN, Edward SHINN, Marybeth Shrout, Patrick SHROUT, Patrick Elliot SIGAL, Janet A. SIMMONS, William L. Simoni, Jane M. (S) Snyder, David SORHAINDO, Alphonso SPRAFKIN, Robert P. SPRINZELES, Lola Leah STANLEY, Judith Ann Stoakley, Djuana (S) Stojanovil, Daniela (S) STRUENING, Elmer L. SUMMERS, Linden D. Taluto, Adina (5) Teal~Sleurs, Colleen (S) TERENZIO, Marion A. Tobin, David (S) TRACHTMAN, Gilbert M. Tsemberis, Sam TSEMBERJS, Sam J. Tseng, Vivian (S) Ubriaco, Michael UBRIACO, Michael Valery, Joan (S) Van Ryzin, Dr. Gregg V ANN, Donald H. W AXENBERG, Sheldon E. WEINER, Marcella Bakur WEINER, Sandra G. Wesler Landow, Robyn (S) Wheeler, Wendy Neifeld White, Linda (5) WICK, Erika Elisabeth WILENSKY, Harold Wilkinson, Mark (S) WISSNER, Fred WORK, William C. Yasuoka, Shinichiro (S) YUDELOWIlZ, Irving S. ZANARDI, Claudia ZAX, Melvin Ohio BROOKINGS, Jeffrey B. Cameron, Rebecca (S) Chambers, Tracee Ann (S) Chesney, Barbara CHIAPPA, Francis W. Clifton, A. Kay Contreras, Josefina CONYNE, Robert K. Craft, Scott (S) Drake, M. Gordon DUBOW, Eric F. FLOYD, William S. Freeberg, Andrew L. (S) FUEHRER, Ann Elizabeth Gaines, Michelle (S) GlDDAN, Nonnan S. HALL, Gordon C. Nagayama HANDY, Walter S. HATCHER, Joseph W. HETRICK, Suzanne H. HIRSCHMAN, Richard D. HOBFOLL, Stevan E ISHIY AMA, Toam Jewell, Thomas (S) Julian, David Julian, Teresa LISKE, Ralph E. MCCULLOUGH, Milton W. Meatchem, Muhammad Ali (S) Monnier, Jeannine (8) NEWMAN, Philip R. PARGAMENT, Kenneth I. PEPINSKY, Harold Brenner Reeder, Victoria J. RICKS, David Frank Rouiller, Rebecca (S) Sadlon, Elizabeth SLOBIN, Morton S. STEIN, Catherine Wells, Jennifer (S) ZINS, Joseph E. Oklahoma Mendoza, Susan Marcus NOVACEK, Jill RASKIN, Robert White, Anna (S) Oregon BARRON, Nancy M. Biglan, Anthony CARLSON, Helena M. Chandler, Samantha (S) CHAPMAN, Nancy J. Dresser, Jack FAGOT, Beverly I. Fullerton, Sally Hamilton, Carolynn (5) LICHTENSTEIN, Edward LOWE, Raymond N. MARKS, John Brady PARVIN, RuthAnn Reid, John ROHDE, Kennit Julius Rumptz, Maureen (5) SHUSTlTZKY, John W. Stoll, Barre (S) SUNDBERG, Nonnan D. UNGERLEIDER, Steven Colman, Robert W. Corbett, Chanda (S) Culhane, Dennis P. D' AUGELLI, Anthony Raymond DALTON, James Heath Dibiacomo, Susan Dunkle (5) DOWRICK, Peter Winton DUNST, Carl Joseph FARLEY, Frank FERTMAN, Carl I. FINE, Harold J. FRANCE, Olin Kenneth Gentzler, Rie GERDES, John L. Gibb, Katie GODIN, Steven W. GUERNEY, Bernard GUERNEY, Louise F. HEALEY, Kathryn N. Herwig, Sunny D. (5) Hill, Robert J. (S) Jackson, April (5) KANIASTY, Krys KELLER. Peter Alan KORR. Wynne Sandra Markel-Fox, Suzanne MASTERPASQUA, Frank Mulkeen, Patricia MULVEY, Edward Patrick MURRAY, J. Dennis NEWMAN, Joseph OXLEY, Diana PARKER, Kenneth Paul Parvus, Sheila (5) PERLOFF, Robert Plnwman, Mary V. (S) RESNICK, Jerome Howard REYNOLDS, Arthur J. SHURE, Myrna Beth SPERGEL, Philip STAHLER, Gerald Jay STAYTON, William Ralph Sternberg, Juliet (5) SWIFT, Marshall S. TAYLOR, Ralph Brecken TOWNS, Kathryn L. VALLANCE, Theodore Roosevelt VanWinkle, Jacqueline (5) Wells, Carole V. (S) Wilson, Aimee S. (5) Yoder, Dwight (S) Youells, Randi R. Atkins, Jacqueline (5) Clarke, Angela Teresa (5) Connell, Christian (5) Crusto, Cindy (S) Davino, Katrina (5) DAVIS, Keith E. Fields, Laurie (5) Foster, Allison M. (5) Genthner, Jennifer (5) Griffin, Laura (5) HECKEL, Robert V. Heisler, Amy (5) JERRELL, Jeanette M. Kilmer, Karlene (5) LATIMER, Charles Laurens Limber, Susan P. LINNEY, Jean Ann MARTIN, Elmore A. Mcleod, Phoebe A. (S) MELTON, Gary B. Morrissey, Erin (5) MUNGER, Richard Lehr MUZEKARI, Louis Harry Nation, Maury (5) Portwood, Sharon Gross (5) PRINZ, Ronald J. Puster, Kristie (5) REILLY, David H. Saunders, Lisabeth (5) Seybol~ Diana (S) Smith, Emilie Walker, Katrina (5) W ANDERSMAN, Abraham H. Ward, Catherine L. (5) Wilson, Stephanie H. (5) South Dakota ALLEN, James R. YUTRZENKA, Barbara A. Tennessee COYLE, F. A. DOKECKI, Paul R. GLIDEWELL, John C. KRANZ, Peter L. Lewis, Susan (5) LOUNSBURY, John William Mahan, Beverly B. (5) MORTON, Jerome Holdren NEWBROUGH, John Robert Oman, Diane Johnson PION, Georgine M. SEEMAN, Julius SHADISH, William R. TERRELL, David Lawrence TRAVIS, Cheryl Lynn Brown VERPLANCK, William S. Puerto Rico Acevedo, Victor (5) Angueira,- Katherine __ BERNAL, Guillenno Jimenez, David Perez (5) RIVERA-MEDINA, Eduardo J. SERRANO-GARCIA, Inna STIEHL, Edward Texas Alarcon, Magda (5) BOULWARE, Donald W. Cook, Tara Lane (5) COOPER, Matthew N. Dauphinot, Lorie (5) DUNN, Dorothy P. GALLESSICH, June Marie Graves, Barbara (5) GRILL, Dennis Joseph Guamaccia, Charles A. HOLAHAN, Charles J. HORWITZ, Michael Bennett ISCOE, Ira JOLLEY, Aubrey H. KOPPLIN, David A. KRUGER, D. Bruce Martin, David OSBORNE, Gerald E. Peraino, Joseph Prelow, Hazel M. (5) Ramirez, Jorge (5) RAMIREZ, Manuel Rhode Island COOPER, Shawn DUNCAN, David Frank Florin, Paul Hart, Kenneth Harvey, Elizabeth F. HURLEY, Daniel J. JONES, Ferdinand Kang, Susan S. (5) Kingston, Sharon (5) LlPSITT, Lewis P. McMillan, Bradley (5) MITCHELL, Roger Emmit Round, Donald (5) Stevenson, John F. YOUNG, Carl E. Pennsylvania Brown, Carol M. (5) COHEN, Richard J. South Carolina ANDREWS, Arlene Bowers 28 Reininger, Belinda Robinson, Sheryl RUDD, M. David Talavera-Garza, Liza M. (5) THOMPSON, James Patrick WARREN, Nancy Johnson Wilkinson, Anna (5) Wolfe, Susan M. (S) Utah ALTMAN, Irwin BROWN, Barbara B. PERKINS, Douglas D. Roberts, Richard SAENZ, Javier SMART, David W. Steward, Donald (5) WEIGEL, Richard G. Werner, Carol Virginia Alley, Arnie (S) ARNHOFF, Franklyn N. BABB, Herbert E. BARRELL, Robert P. Bell, Beverley BELL, Richard Q. Britner IV, Preston A. (5) CHA TLOS, William R. Chavous, Tabbye (5) Cohen, Deborah (5) Cohen, Robert Cook, Sarah (S) Creighton, Chrissann (5) Cullen, Partida M. DANISH, Steven J. DIESENHAUS, Herman Isadore ECHTERLING, Lennis G. FIELDS, Rona M. GALANO, Joseph GELLER, E. Scott Ginger, Penny GLANZER, P. David GOCKEL, Barbara M. GRIFFIN, Patricia A. Harris, Robert Henderson, Rita HETHERINGTON, Eileen Mavis Huntington, Lee IRWIN, Thomas C. KEARNEY, Helen Revenda KLOPNER, Michele A. Cuvilly Land, Deborah (5) Lewis, John (5) Lindsay, Larry loPresti, Ann B. (5) McElhaney, Sandra MORGAN, John R. NISSIM-SABAT, Denis Pauline, Rosemary P AXIDN, Anne L. Perdue, Vicki Porch, William REPPUCCI, Nicholas Dickon SAHNI, Carolyn D. Jackson Sellers, Robert M. Short, Jerome L. Silverman, E.S. (5) SOLARZ, Andrea L. ST AMMEYER, Eugene Charles STOLBERG, Arnold L. STRATOUDAKIS, James P. Tate, David C. (5) Templeton, Veronica V ACHER~MA YBERRY, Carole D. VINCENZ, Lilli Marie WAHL, Otto F. WEIGL, Robert Curt WILSON, Melvin N. WINETT, Richard A. Woolard, Jennifer (S) YACORZYNSKI, George K. Young, Adam (8) GARCIA-GONZALEZ, Jose A.Venezuela Vermont Black, Anne (8) BOND, Lynne A. COMPAS, Bruce Edward Washington Adelman, Mara ARMSTRONG, Hubert E. Arredondo, Elva (8) ARTHUR, Michael W. ATINEA VE, Carolyn Lewis BARRETT, David M. BROWN, Edward Oakley CAllCE, Ana Mari COMTOIS, Katherine Anne Genz, Jnlie (8) GREENBERG, Mark T. HERNANDEZ, Carrol A. KEIFFER. Miriam G. Kuklinski, Margaret (8) Lengua, Liliana (S) MAR, Norman 1. MORITSUGU, John N. OSSORIO, Abel Garcia PETERSON, Paul D. RATCLIFFE, Allen W. Reed, Kris ROESCH, Rnnald G. ROOT, Maria P.P. Ryan, Kimberly D. (8) SARASON, Irwin G. Shavel, David Srebnik, Debra SREBNIK, Debra S. TRIMBLE, Joseph E. TRUPIN, Eric W. Weaver, Katie WHiTJAKER, James K. Wisconsin AMBUEL, Bruce BLOOM, Linda Spilkewitz CHAN, Adrian Elliott, Gordon Gray-Murray, JoAnn Hill, Natreece (S) KANE, Andrew W. KREUL, Randolph W. PACm, Asher R. Roberts, Linda Small, Stephen STAMPS, Louis W. TEST, Mary Ann THOMPSON, David W. Wilson, Georjeanna (S) West Virginia Brown, Seth (8) Wyoming Branden·Muller, LesJie (S) DOHERTY, George William WINTER, Christine Birch, Lesley (8) Bishop, Brian John Clement, Pauline (S) Cohen, Lynne (8) Contos, Natalie (S) D'Rozario, Pam Fisher, Adrian Fitzsimmonds, June M. (S) Fyson, Stephen Gridley, Heather (S) = Last name luichi (S) M. ButtelWOrth, lain (S) Swendsen, Joel (8) AUBRY, Tim D. BABARlK, Paul BARNES, Keith Edward BLASE, Karen A. BRODSKY, Marvin Jerome Brunk, Tammie (S) England BARKER, BAHNSON, Claus B. Honnage!, Jordis (S) Sommer, Dr. Gert Cargo, Margaret (8) Chamberland, Claire Chataway, Cynthia Cotte, Pierre-Marie Cutler, Janine Douglin, Margaret (S) DUFORT, Francine Dunham, Katy (8) FAUBERT, 34759 FIXSEN, Dean Lee Fuentes, Karina (S) GOTILIEB, Benjamin Hannan Green, Lawrence W. GUA Y, Jerome E. KIELY, Margaret C. LaFleur, Diane (S) Landry, Suzanne Laurendeau, Marie Claire LA VOlE, Francine A. Le Bosse, Yann D. (S) Levesque, Louise MCDONALD, Marvin John Mills, Joanne (S) Monforton, Michelle (S) NELSON, GeoflTey Byron O'NEILL, Patrick Papineau, Danielle (S) Poland, Blake PRILLELTENSKY, Isaac RANDALL, David Leon Renner, K. Edward RITCHIE, Pierre L.J. Schneider, Margaret Sequin, Louise SHEA, Michael P. SLATER, Rnth Anne ST-ONGE, Myreille Tauber, Lori Dessau TEFFT, Bruce M. TOUSIGNANT, Michel van Uchelen, Collin (S) Walker, Marilyn WENER, Albert E. WINE, Jeri Dawn WONG-RIEGER, Durhane India Vijayakumaran, Ireland Dunne, John Mac Eochaidh, Chris Germany Butler, Jayne (8) Hong Kong Chan, Cecilia CHENG, Sheung- Tak New Zealand Huygens, Ingrid Maclean, Bryan (8) Robertson, Neville R. Thomas, David R. Portugal Monteiro, Scotland Brown, Duckett, Forrest, Hough, Wilson, Wisb~ Maria Florence (S) Paul Joan Michael Mark Sasha (8) South Africa Bhana, Arvin (S) Ganie, Laila PARRY, Charies D. Spain SANCHEZ-VIDAL, Alipio Taiwan (ROC) Chou, Yah-Jong Jiang, Jun-hong (S) Chen, Cheng-Chee Huang, Tzer-Tang (S) The Netherlands SAENGER, Gerhart H. Venezuela ROMERO, Oswaldo Virgin Islands TODMAN, Patricia Rhymer K.P. (S) Gearoid (S) Israel in all capitals Japan Kobayashi, France Moses B. (5) APA Member Massimo Egypt EL~SA YED, Abdelhalim Canada SACHS, Italy Santinello, Kenya GRAF. Michael George China Scott, Brian Australia Student ~ Griffiths, Susan (S) HIGGINBOTIlAM, H. Nick Higgins, Jill (8) Mardling, Anna McPherson, John I. (8) Morrow, Ros (S) Pooley. Julie Ann Shadbol~ Michael (8) Sonn, Christopher C. (8) Steed, Lyndall (8) Vena, Arthur VINEY, Linda Louise Lobnig, Mag. Hubert F. 29 INTEREST GROUP BULLETIN BOARD Aging Disabilities Rural The Aging interest group focuses on the productive role of aging in the community and the prevention of mental health problems in the elderly. for more information contact Margaret Hastings at 708-256-4844 or Ann Steffen at 314-516-5382, Email: [email protected]. The Disabilities interest group promotes understanding of the depth and diversity of disabilities issues in the community that are ready for research and action; and influences community psychologists' involvement in policy and practices that enhance selfdetermination, personal choice, and full inclusion in the community for people with disabilities. For more information contact Glen White at 913-864-4840, Email: [email protected]. The Rural interest group is devoted to highlighting issues of rural environment that are important in psychological research, service and teaching. For more information contact Michael Blank at 804-979 8372 or Email: [email protected]. Community Action The Community Action interest group explores the roles and contributions of people working in applied community psychology settings. For more information contact David Julian at 614-2272700, Email: [email protected]. Prevention and Promotion Children and Youth The Children and Youth interest group facilitates the interests of child and adolescent development in high risk contexts, especially the effect of urban poverty and community structures on child and family development. For more information contact Mark Aber at 217-333-6999, Email: [email protected]. .- ---1 1.- The Prevention and Promotion interest group is a forum to enhance the development of prevention and promotion research, foster active dialogue about critical conceptual and methodological action and implementation issues, and promote the rapid dissemination and discussion of new developments and findings in the field. This Interest Group seeks to continue the traditional leadership role of SCRA in the area of prevention and promotion research. For more information contact Jean Ann Linney (803-777-7161, Email: [email protected]) or Irwin Sandler (602-727-6121, Email: [email protected]). Stress and Coping The Stress and Coping interest group aims to preserve the Society's ties to an area of research that has been important historically in the development of community psychology and facilitate communication among researchers in this area and with other community psychologists. For information, contact Fran H. Norris at 404-651-1610. Und!!rgraduate Awareness The aim of the Undergraduate Awareness interest group is to promote the awareness of community psychology among undergraduate students and to increase student involvement in community psychology. For more information contact Kim Kobus at 312-996-3036 or Email: [email protected] Community Health The Community Health interest group focuses on health promotion, disease prevention, and health care service delivery issues as they relate to the community. For more information contact Rich Jenkins (301-294-1880, ext. 1125; FAX: 302-294-1896, Email: ~enkins ) or Frank Wong (617-522-0714). Self Help and Mutual Support The Self Help interest group is an international organization of researchers, self-help leaders, and policy makers that promotes research and action related to selfhelp groups and organizations. For more information contact Keith Humphreys at 415-617-2746 or Email [email protected] School Intervention The School Intervention interest group addresses theories, methods knowledge base, and setting factors pertaining to prevention and health promotion in schools. For more information contact Joseph Zins (513-556-3341, [email protected]) or Marsha Kline (203-789-7645). Call for Proposals: Conference on Community Research 1997 Biennial and Action Our Biennial Oonferenceis thenumbet one showcase of community research and action. Every two years SOme site ~as the opportunity .~.:gi:~lh~s~ml~0~'6~%W:rSt~8~a~J~s~':c~u~cial and world. TI1e Plannin9 Oommittee is soliciting Biennial Conference which will be held in June, hosting this conference. proposals forthe Sixth 1997. Oonsider Proposals should describe the following: • the local planning committee and its chair. • dates that conference would be held (early to mid- June is traditional) • the meeting facilities and their cost (include information about accessibility for handicapped members). • plans for lodging and meals (estimate costs) • accessibility of transportation to the site, cost of airfares, etc. • estimated registration fees (should include a plan for students, new members, members, and non-members). • financial resources such as institutional contributions and other donations • human resources such as cooperating agencies, affiliated institutions, student groups, etc, • special conference themes or regional emphases that could be promoted. • any other reasons why your site would be a great place to have the Biennial. Proposals should be received by Manuel Barrera (PresidentElect and chair of the. Planning Committee) at the Psychology Department, Box 871104, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1104; telephone, 602-965- 3826; fax, 602·965-8544: Email, [email protected]. Harry V. McNeill Award Honoring Innovation in Community Mental Health Call for Nominations Nominations for this prestigious award are sought by the American Psychological Foundation and the SCRA. The purposes of the award, given annually since 1989, are to support and encourage innovation in the community mental health field and to promote active participation by the local community in creating such innovation. Individual practitioners, neighborhood organizations, and community mental health organizations are eligible for the $500 award. The criteria to be used in judging applications are: 1) development of innovative practice in community mental health service, 2) evidence of stimulating participation in local community activities, and 3) transfer of expertise to the community. Past winners have been well-known community mental health practitioners and organizations, including Community Psychologist Tom Wolff (1993); the South Carolina Self help Association Regarding Emotions (SC-SHARE, 1994); and Health Transitions/Health Futures of New England Medical Center (1995). Nominations may be made by members or fellows of the American Psychological Association, who are responsible for providing the following documentation: 1) four letters of support (two from local community citizens and/or organizations and two from members or fellows of the APA, 2) written documentation or description of the innovation (two-page description plus supporting materials, 3) a copy of the curriculum vita or resume of the individual or a brief description of the organization unit. Deadline for nominations is February 15, 1996. For more information or to send nominations contact: John R. Morgan, Chesterfield MH-MR Department, P.O. Box 92, Chesterfield, VA 23832. 10 The Community Psychologist, Volume 28-Special, December 1995 [I NEW PUBLICATIONS Journal of Social Issues: Religion and Well-Being After death and taxes, what is virtually universal in North American society? Public opinion polls show that 95 per cent of Americans believe in God. The next issue of JSI, edited by Raymond Paloutzian and Lee Kirkpatrick, examines the links between religion and well-being. Not surprisingly, these links are complex. Not only are each of these phenomena multifaceted; but also, religion has both beneficial and detrimental effects. The articles are grouped into three main clusters. The first is organized around four specific facets of well-being. In it, Kenneth Pargament and Crystal Park rebut the stereotype that religion is merely a defensive, passive coping mechanism. To the contrary, they claim religion can be motivated by a search for positive goals such as finding meaning in life or intimacy. Larry Ventis shows that religion participation as a means is predominantly associated with poor mental health outcomes but religion as an end in itself is predominantly associated with positive mental health outcomes. Valerie Dull and Laurie Skokan offer a new model of the relationship between religion and physical health. They stress the role of religiously based cognitions, claiming that some cognitions enhance health and others undermine it. Richard Gorsuch reviews evidence indicating that religious individuals are generally less likely to engage in substance abuse; he considers possible explanations for this as well as circumstances when this is not likely to be the case. The second section focuses on three contemporary social problems. Bette Bottoms, Phillip Shaver, Gail Goodman, and It Jianjian Oin examine cases of religion-related child abuse as reported to mental health professionals. In a descriptive study, they indicate how the abuse occurs, who its victims and perpetrators are, and what its outcome is. Bruce Hunsberger, although noting that major world religions espouse tolerance and love, summarizes a large body of empirical evidence showing that religiosity often goes hand in hand with prejudice. He then offers a novel formulation for explaining this correlation, emphasizing the role of right-wing authoritarianism, religious fundamentalism, and the quest dimension of religiosity. Richard Jenkins explores the relations between religion and HIV infection, noting that religion may prompt either caring or intolerance. His study of 500 HIV infected military personnel shows that religious beliefs are more informative than institutional aspects of religiosity (e.g., church attendance) in predicting the use of religious coping strategies. The third section examines religiosity and well-being in two a~e groups. Among adolescents, Michael Donahue and Peter Benson find that religiousness is positively associated with prosocial behavior, and negatively associated with suicide attempts, substance abuse, premature sexual involvement, and delinquency. Susan McFadden suggests reasons why the study of religiosity and well-being deserves special attention in old age (i.e., religious participation is high among seniors, religious groups contribute to the care of older adults, and sacred texts reflect on the meaning and purpose of a long life). McFadden concludes that the overall trend in research points to a positive relationship between religiosity and late-life well-being, particularly physical well-being. In the finai article, Kenneth Maton and Elizabeth Wells argue that religious institutions and ideals comprise an important resource for the community well-being. They identify helping and healing, prevention, and empowerment as three pathways via which religion can exert a positive influence. This issue of JSI should be mailed to SPSSI members in February, 1996. Development of the issue was supported by APA's Psychology of Religion Division (Div.36). Journal of Social Issues 1995 Vol. 51 NO.2 RELIGIOUS INFLUENCES ON PERSONAL AND SOCIETAL WELL-BEING, Editors: Raymond F. Paloutzian and Lee A. Kirkpatrick • Introduction: The Scope of Religious Influences on Personal and Societal WellBeing, Paloutzian and Kirkpatrick • Merely a Defense? The Variety of Religious Means and Ends. Pargament and Park • The Relationships Between Religion and Mental Health, Ventis • A Cognitive Model of Religion's Influence on Health, Dull and Skokan • Religious Aspects of Substance Abuse and Recovery,. Gorsuch • In the Name of God: A Profile of Religion-Related Child Abuse, Bottoms, Shaver, Goodman, and Oin • Religion and Prejudice: The Role of Religious Fundamentalism, Quest, and Right-Wing Authoritarianism, Hunsberger • Religion and HIV: Implications for Research and Intervention Jenkins • Religion and the Well-Being of Adolescents, Donahue and Benson • Religion and Well-Being in Aging Persons in an Aging Society, McFadden • Religion as a Community Resource for Well-Being: Prevention, Healing, and Empowerment Pathways, Maton and Wells The Community Psychologist, Volume 28-Special, December 1995 11 II ANNOUNCEMENTS Conference on "Minority Issues in Prevention" sponsored by Arizona State University Prevention Research Center on Thursday, February 22, 1996. The Program for Prevention Research is one of four Preventive Intervention Research Centers (PIRC), or centers of excellence in prevention research, funded by the National Institute on Mental Health. The ASU PIRC has been continually funded by NIMH since 1984 and current funding will continue until the year 2000. The ASU PIRC also has an NIMH funded post doctorate training program in prevention research. Minority families are over represented in populations defined as "at risk" and therefore in need of prevention services but minorities are under represented in related graduate programs and even more so on the faculties of departments involved in prevention research and development. Many researchers at the ASU PIRC have been conducting cutting edge research on issues such as examining the cross-ethnic equivalence of measures commonly used in prevention research, developing culturally sensitive measures of stress, parent-child conflict, and motivations for parenting behaviors, identifying ethnic group specific responses of children to family stress or parental alcohol abuse, testing the utility of common developmental models for minority populations, and developing culturally proficient approaches to prevention program recruitment, retention, and implementation. One of the primary purposes of the February conference is to use the cutting edge research on minority issues in prevention, especially research being conducted by our graduate students and post doctoral fellows, as a means of helping to recruit the most promising minority students into graduate programs involved in prevention research or into the PIRC's post doc training program. The ASU PIRC includes faculty and graduate students from three departments: Psychology (doctoral programs in clinical! community, social and developmental), Family Resources and Human Development (masters programs in family studies, child development, marriage and family therapy), and Public Affairs (doctoral program). We need your help to identify and recruit promising juniors, senior and doctoral candidates to attend the conference. The most promising students will receive travel scholarships to cover their cost of attending the conference. The PIRC offers a very rich training environment in both basic and applied research related to prevention program development and implementation to those graduate students and post docs who train here. We hope that you will help us identify the next generation of graduate students to benefit from this atmosphere. Please contact Mark Roosa at 602-727-6122 or 602-965-6435 orE-mail: [email protected] for more information or conference brochures. Call for Papers, Silver Anniversary Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), November 7-9,1996, New York City. One page proposals on any aspect of nonprofit organizations, voluntary action, philanthropy or citizen participation are invited. Panel proposals, containing three papers that concern a common theme, will receive preferential consideration. Proposals will be evaluated on a competitive basis. Describe each proposed paper with authors' names and addresses, tentative title and a few paragraphs detailing the problem or issue to be discussed, 12 The Community Psychologist, Volume 28-Special, December 1995 the approach to be taken and the relation of this work to existing literature on the subject. Enclose 4 copies and self addressed stamped envelope for each proposer wishing to be notified of the review decision. Mail to ARNOVA Executive Office, c!o Indiana University Center on Philanthropy, 550 West North St., Indianapolis, IN 46202. FAX: 317684-8900. Submission Deadline: March 15, 1996. For more information contact David C. Hammack, Vice president for Meetings, Department of History, Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106-7107. Phone (216)368-2671, Email: [email protected]. 1996 AWP Conference in Portland: The 1996 Association for Women in Psychology Conference will be held in Portland, OR, March 1417. This year the theme is WOMANSPAN: Generating Bridges across Community, throughout Humanity and within Ages as Keeper, Carrier, and Creator of Culture. Registration materials are available from Linda Gallahan, Department of Psychology, Pacific University, 2043 College Way, Forest Grove, OR 97116 .. Phone (503)357-6151, or e-mail: [email protected]. More information is available at the World Wide Website at html:/! ~JOBS JOBS JOBS Health Behavior Research. The Center for Health Behavior Research at Washington University anticipates two job openings at the doctoral level. Both would be for individuals in the final stages of finishing their doctorates, or for those who are within several years of having completed the doctorate. Statistician One position is for an individual to coordinate statistics and evaluation activities 'I of several projects. Responsibilities would include carrying out statistical analyses as well as consulting to other staff regarding statistical analyses of their projects. Responsibilities would also include work with an already established Data Management Core within the Center. Many of the projects of the Center address topics that are best pursued by multivariate, longitudinal analyses. Experience with such statistics as well as evaluation in both social science and health would be desirable. Health Educator/Health Psychologist The second position is for an individual in health psychology, health education, or related fields to manage several current projects and to develop his or her own research activities. Project management would include collaboration with other doctoral staff in project and evaluation design, management of development of educational and other interventions, and management of project implementation, including data gathering and general analyses. Development of individual research activity would be especially encouraged in areas complementary to ongoing projects and future directions of growth of the Center. Current projects of the Center include community, clinical, and professional education programs related to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma, cancer, obesity, smoking cessation, and other health problems. Conceptual perspectives guiding program planning and evaluation include the Precede-Proceed model, health beliefs and related models, social support, community organization, general social learning theory, and proactive/ stages-of-change approaches. Both positions would entail work on existing projects and encouragement to develop one's own research program and sources of funding. Center staff and collaborators include those with backgrounds in anthro- po logy, clinical psychology, data management, dietetics, health education, educational psychology, nursing, public health, and social work and, in medicine, colleagues in asthma and immunology, cardiology, clinical oncology, general internal medicine, metabolism and endocrinology, pediatrics, and pulmonary medicine. The Center is within the Division of General Medical Sciences within the Department of Medicine. The Center has ongoing collaboration with the Departments of Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Psychology, and Radiology and the School of Social Work. Those interested in the Statistician position should contact Edwin Fisher, Ph.D., Director of the Center, by letter, FAX, or e-mail at the following addresses: Washington University Center for Health Behavior Research, 4444 Forest Park Ave., St. Louis, MO 63108 Phone: 314/286-1901; FAX: 286-1919, E-mail: [email protected] For the Health Educator/ Health Psychologist position contact Debra Haire-Joshu, Ph.D. by letter, FAX, or e-mail at the following addresses: Washington University Center for Health Behavior Research, 4444 Forest Park Ave., St. Louis, MO 63108. Phone: 314/286-1902; FAX: 286-1919 . E-mail: [email protected] Postdoctoral Fellowship The Center for Health Care Evaluation will have 1 or 2 postdoctoral fellowships slots available starting with the 1996 academic year. Fellows will have the opportunity to conduct independent and collaborative research in program evaluation, stress and coping, health services issues, substance abuse and psychiatric treatment, self-help organizations, and related areas. The Center is an interdisciplinary research group directed by Dr. Rudolf Moos and based at the Palo Alto VA Health Care System and Stanford University School of Medicine. Fellows receive a postdoctoral appointment at Stanford and a stipend of $34,000/year. Appointment is for one year, with a second year contingent on satisfactory performance. For further information, contact: Keith Humphreys, Center for Health Care Evaluation, VA Health Care System (152MPD), 795 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, Email: [email protected] Assistant Professor of Community Psychology The Division of Behavioral Sciences and Education at Penn State Harrisburg, The Capital College, is searching for an Assistant Professor of Community Psychology beginning Fall Semester, 1996. This tenure track position will have responsibilities to teach courses in undergraduate programs in Social Sciences and the Master of Community Psychology program and advise in both. An earned doctorate in Community Psychology is preferred; doctorate in Applied Social Psychology with emphasis on community interventions will be considered. A record of (or potential for) scholarly productivity is required. The successful candidate should possess background in another academic area including one or more of the following: quantitative and qualitative research methods, women's studies, counseling, human services, organizational dynamics and empowerment. In addition to teaching, all tenure track faculty are expected to pursue scholarly research and publication, participate in curriculum development and University and professional service activities as well as advise undergraduate and/or graduate students and serve on graduate level degree committees. Penn State Harrisburg, The Capital College, located eight miles from the state capitol at The Community Psychologist, Volume-28-Special, December 1995 13 Harrisburg, has an enrollment of approximately 3,600 students and is the multi-disciplinary upper division college and graduate center of Penn State University's 22-campus system. This unique college serves the citizens of south-central Pennsylvania and is easily accessible via interstate routes from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, DC and New York. As the only senior college in the Penn State system, Penn State Harrisburg, offers students the opportunity to earn baccalaureate degrees in thirty academic majors. As a graduate center, Penn State Harrisburg offers fourteen master's degree programs, the D.Ed. in adult education and the Ph.D. in public administration. Interested applicants should submit a letter of application specifying the position of interest, a curriculum vitae, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least four references to the following address: Chair, Search Committee for Community Psychology, c/o Ms. Dorothy Guy, Manager of Human Resources Penn State Harrisburg 777 West Harrisburg Pike Middletown, PA 17057-4898 Applicants will be accepted until the position is filled; however, formal review will begin on November 20, 1995. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and Minorities Encouraged to Apply. preferably licensed or licenseeligible, who have expertise in teaching as well as in practice or research related to clinical/ community issues and needs of Native Americans, Asian Americans, Latino/as, and/or African Americans. For one of the three positions, preference will be given to a candidate who is proficient in issues relating to children and youth. Faculty responsibilities include graduatelevel teaching, student advisement, and mentorship of student doctoral psychology projects and student dissertations. MCCP is currently comprised of a racially and ethnically diverse group of nine full-time core faculty and several part-time and adjunct faculty who share a commitment to training a diverse group of doctoral clinical students in multicultural and community psychology issues. Please send vitae and cover letter describing current professional and teaching interests, and the names of three references to: Dr. Kumea ShorterGooden, Ph.D., Chair, MCCP Faculty Search Committee, CSPP-LA, 1000 S. Fremont Ave, Alhambra, CA 91803-1360. Applications received by January 12, 1996 will be given priority review. CSPP is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer fully committed to increasing the diversity of its administration, faculty and student body. Three positions in Multicultural Community/Clinical Psychology. The Multicultural Community/Clinical Psychology Emphasis Area (MCCP) at the California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles, wishes to recruit three core faculty at either the Assistant or Associate level for the two APA approved Clinical Psychology Programs: PsyD program (two positions) and Ph.D. program (one position). MCCP is seeking candidates with doctoral degrees in psychology, Postdoctoral Fellowship in Substance Abuse Interdisciplinary Research, The University of Michigan Pre- and Post-doctoral Interdisciplinary Training Grant Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Open to pre-doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars from a variety of professional backgrounds with interests in interdisciplinary research in alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Post-doctoral applicants (earned degree from any accredited institution within 14 The Community Psychologist, Volume 28-Special, December 1995 past 8 years) must have demonstrated research productivity and academic excellence. Predoctoral applicants must be enrolled in a doctoral program at the University of Michigan with expectation of having completed preliminary exams by July, 1996. Open to US citizens and permanent residents. Deadline: January 2,1996. For more information and to obtain an application package, contact UMSAC at: The University of Michigan Substance Abuse Center (UMSAC) 715 N. University, Suite 6, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1611. Telephone: (313) 998-6500; fax (313) 998-6508, Email: [email protected]. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow - University of Texas - School of Public Health Center for Health Promotion Research and Development. Position immediately available for a postdoctoral fellow (new Ph.D., EdD, DrPH or equivalent) providing advanced training in research in health promotion/health education. The appointee's project commitment is to help to develop, implement and evaluate a syphilis prevention program in Houston, Texas. Position requires sensitivity to the health and social needs of minority communities, especially African American communities; the ability to work with the community as well as with academic agencies; and a willingness to work as part of a team. Experience with health promotion and/or disease prevention, community interventions, or with minority communities is desirable. Prior research experience in a social or behavioral science. The post-doctoral fellow will act as project coordinator and assist in the development of culturally sensitive intervention materials based upon behavioral health theories; train, supervise and oversee field workers; and supervise data collection and analysis. There will be significant opportunities to contribute to professional presentations and publications, and become involved in graduate programs if 50 desired. Position is funded in the first instance for two years, with the possibility of renewal for a further three year period. Salary and benefits are competitive. Address inquiries, or send curriculum vitae and statement of interests ASAP to: Michael W. Ross, Center for Health Promotion Research and Development, School of Public Health, University of Texas, PO Box 20186, Houston TX 77225 (713) 745-1051 or Email [email protected] Minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply. Assistant Professor, Tenure Track starting September 1996, Human Development and Family Studies, Department of Family and Consumer Studies, University of Utah. Research and teaching focus on family interactions, parent-child relations, development within the family, models of prevention and intervention. Doctorate required. Demonstrated competency in research and strong interest in an multidisciplinary approach to human development and the family. Interest in ecological perspectives on the family and policy implications of research. Submit a CV, letter of interest, copies of recent publications, and arrange to have three letters of reference sent to: Dr. Ken R. Smilh, Chair of Search Committee, 228 AEB, Dept of Family & Consumer Studies, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112. The University of Utah is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from women and minority scholars, and provides reasonable accommodation to the known disabilities of applicants and employees. The Department offers a Masters degree in Family Ecology. The Department has three undergrad majors: Human Development & Family Studies, Consumer Studies & Family Economics, and Environment & Behavior. The University of Utah, with an enrollment of 26,000 students, is located in metropolitan Salt Lake City (pop 800,000) which is the economic, cultural, and entertainment center of the Intermountain West. The Department of Psychology, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) anticipates two tenure track positions at the Assistant! Associate Professor level with at least one available for Fall, 1996. The Department is committed to undergraduate and graduate education offering baccalaureate degree programs to over 800 majors as well as Ph.D. programs in Applied Developmental Psychology and Human Services Psychology with 125 doctoral students. Human Services Psychology includes emphases in behavioral medicine/health psychology, clinical psychology (APAaccredited), and community-social psychology. The department is searching for academic psychologists committed to both teaching and research to complement current faculty interests and expertise. Areas of subspecialization are open but clear preference will be given to qualified individuals whose teaching and research interests cross departmental areas of concentration and focus on applied research questions. The department anticipates appointing a new director of Human Services Psychology and qualified applicants may also be considered for this position. UMBC is located in the BaltimoreWashington corridor in close proximity to our professional school campus in Baltimore (UMAB) and the NIH and other federal research agencies offering many avenues for collaboration. Applicants should send a statement of interest, curriculum vitae, a description of teaching and research interests and the names of four referees to: Chair, Search Committee, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228-5398 ([email protected]). Processing will begin December 15, 1995, and will continue until the position(s) are filled. Applications from women, minority group members, and the disabled are especially encouraged. UMBC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. South Peninsula Women's Services, Inc., a non-profit organization providing direct services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault; community and rural outreach; education; and child care assistance to residents of Homer and the lower Kenai Peninsula, is seeking an Executive Director. The ED is accountable to the Board of Directors, responsible for ensuring effective operations through financial management, fiscal accountability, grant writing, fundraising, program and personnel management, and networking with local and state agencies. Desire knowledge of family and sexual violence, current trends of local, state, and federal programs and laws, budget and program development. Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree or significant comparable experience in non-profit human services or related field, including supervisory experience, with strong administrative and fiscal emphasis. Competitive salary plus benefits. Submit letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to Eva Young, 3776 Lake St., Suite 100, Homer, Alaska 99603, Phone: 907/2357712 Fax: 907-235-2733. SPWS is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Position open until filled. The Community Psychologist, Volume 28-Special, December 1995 15 The Program for Prevention Research at Arizona State University is recruiting for an applied researcher to collaborate in the development of experimental prevention research programs with low income families and children and to teach 2 classes per year in the Psychology Dept. The person will be expected to collaborate with faculty of t he Raising Successful Children research team at our NIMH supported Preventive Intervention Research Center in implementing prevention research projects and in developing new funded research projects. The center conducts prevention research projects with children is stressful life situations. Qualifications: Ph.D. in a relevant discipline such as Family Studies, Marriage and Family Therapy, Child Development or Community, Clinical, or Developmental Psychology and two years of experience conducting intervention research with children or families. Candidate must have experience in developing grant support for applied research or conducting research projects in community settings or collaborating with other investigators. Qualifications desired: Advanced quantitative skills, program evaluation, experience in prevention program development. The position is a fiscal year appointment, funded for three years. Future support is expected to be derived from research grants. There is the possibility of an Adjunct Assistant Professor position with either the Family Resources and Human Development Dept or the Psychology Dept. Salary is competitive. Send Vita, copies of relevant publications, grant proposals, and three letters of reference to: Dr. Mark Roosa, Chair, RSC Preven tion Search Committee, Program for Prevention Research/ Community Services Center, Arizona State University, P.O. Box 871108, Tempe, AZ 852871108. Deadline: January 15, 1996 or the first of each month thereafter until filled. AA/EEO. University of Illinois at Chicago invites applications, pending availability of funds, for the position of Director of the Office of Applied Psychological Services, a university-based mental health clinic housed in the Department of Psychology that serves as the primary training vehicle for our APA accredited scientist practitioner Ph.D. program in clinical psychology. We seek a clinical researcher, licensed or license-eligible, with a history of grant support and administrative experience, as well as a publication record that would quality for a tenure-track/tenured appointment in the Department. Candidates must have completed the Ph.D. and an APA approved internship. The appointment will require some graduate level instruction and case supervision as well as overall responsibility for patient care and service delivery, primarily in the context of research-based protocols. To insure full consideration applicants should send a letter of intent and at least three letters of recommendation by January 10, 1996 to: Laurence Grimm, chair, OAPS Search Committee, Dept of Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1007 W. Harrison St., Chicago,lL 60607. UIC is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. Requirements for the position include a Ph.D. in psychology and previous teaching undergraduate psychology courses. Preference will be given to candidates who have taught Introduction to Psychology and who have demonstrated excellence in teaching. Submit a vitae, letter detaning teaching experience and interests, teaching evaluations, and 3 letters of reference to Leona King, Lecturer Search Committee, Psychology Dept, Box 871104, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 852871104. Deadline for receipt of applications is January 1, 1996 or the first of each month thereafter until the position in filled. AA/EOE. Arizona State Universlty's Psychology Department invites applications for tenure track Assistant Professor position in Developmental Psychology. Requirements for this position include a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology, clear evidence of research and scholarship, and a focus on basic social development processes with children or young adolescents. Candidates whose research interests have potential application to prevention research with children are especially encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will be expected to teach both undergraduate and graduate courses. Applicants must submit a vitae, reprints or pre-prints of representative publications, a letter detailing research experience and interests, and three letters of reference to George P. Knight, Developmental Psychology Search Committee, Dept of Psychology, Box 871104, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1104. Deadline for receipt of applications is February 1, 1996 or the first of each month thereafter until the position is filled. Arizona State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
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