Plan de Collection
Plan de Collection
Plan de Collection Printemps / Été 2013 Spring / Summer 2013 Collection Book book_Lacoste_2013.indd 1 5/21/2012 3:32:24 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 2 5/21/2012 3:32:24 PM SOMMAIRE SUMMARY Collection Femme / Women’s Collection : Collection Homme / Men’s Collection : Cathy Toile........................................................................................................................................ SPORTSWEAR ...............p. 1 n Amelia........................................................................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR ..............p. 5 n AMELIA PUNCH.............................................................................................................................. SPORTSWEAR ...........p. 13 n Institutionnelle........................................................................................................ SPORTSWEAR ...........p. 17 n Alix......................................................................................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR ......... p. 25 n Anna Tresse...................................................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR ......... p. 29 n Serena.......................................................................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR ......... p. 33 n Serena Vinyl.................................................................................................................................. SPORTSWEAR ......... p. 37 n Anna Toile........................................................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR .........p. 43 n Alix Nylon............................................................................................................................................. SPORTSWEAR .........p. 47 n Emma............................................................................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR ......... p. 57 n Emma Transparent........................................................................................................ SPORTSWEAR .......... p. 61 n L.12.12 Concept...................................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR ......... p. 65 n L.12.12 Concept Fantaisie............................................................................... SPORTSWEAR ......... p. 73 n New Classic................................................................................................................................ SPORTSWEAR ......... p. 77 n New Classic PU.................................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR ......... p. 89 n BACKCROC........................................................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR ......... p. 93 n 80th Anniversary.................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR ......... p. 97 n Roland Garros............................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR ....... p. 101 n Pop L!VE........................................................................................................................................................................................ L!VE ......p. 105 n Psychedelic L!VE.............................................................................................................................................. L!VE ......p. 109 n ....... p. 113 n ....... p. 121 ....... p. 131 n book_Lacoste_2013.indd 3 John.................................................................................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR FG................................................................................................................................................................................. SPORTSWEAR n Andrew................................................................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR n John Toile............................................................................................................................................. SPORTSWEAR n Ulysse............................................................................................................................................................ SPORTSWEAR n Carnaby................................................................................................................................................. SPORTSWEAR n Manhattan............................................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR n Street Balance................................................................................................................. SPORTSWEAR n BACKCROC........................................................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR n ATTITUDE.......................................................................................................................................................................... SPORT n CHALLENGE................................................................................................................................................................. SPORT n ROLAND GARROS............................................................................................................... SPORTSWEAR n L!VE X.................................................................................................................................................................................................... L!VE ...... p. 139 p. 143 ...... p. 147 ...... ....... ...... p. 151 p. 157 ...... p. 165 ...... p. 169 ...... p. 173 ...... p. 179 ...... p. 183 L!VE ...... p. 187 L!VE ....... Collection Mixte / Mixed Collection : n n L!VE XY.............................................................................................................................................................................................. L!VE Z.................................................................................................................................................................................................... p. 191 5/21/2012 3:32:25 PM TABLE DES MATIÈRES TABLE OF CONTENTS NF0271PO...........................67 NF0276PO...........................69 NF0277PO...........................67 NF0278PO...........................68 NF0365NC...........................80 NF0366NC...........................79 NF0367NC...........................79 NF0368NC...........................80 NF0371NC...........................82 NF0372NC...........................83 NF0374NC...........................83 NF0375NC...........................84 NF0376NC...........................84 NF0377NC...........................88 NF0378NC...........................88 NF0379NC...........................87 NF0380NC...........................87 NF0381NC...........................86 NF0383NC...........................86 NF0386NC...........................85 NF0387PO...........................70 NF0388PO...........................70 NF0390PO...........................71 NF0406IN.............................49 NF0407IN.............................49 NF0408IN.............................50 NF0409IN.............................50 NF0410IN.............................51 NF0412IN.............................51 NF0413IN.............................52 NF0416IN.............................52 NF0417IN.............................53 NF0418IN.............................53 NF0419IN.............................54 NF0420IN.............................54 NF0429IS..............................19 NF0433CU............................. 8 NF0434CU............................. 7 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 4 NF0435CU............................. 7 NF0436CU...........................10 NF0444IS..............................19 NF0447IS..............................20 NF0448IS..............................20 NF0449IS..............................21 NF0450IS..............................21 NF0451IS..............................22 NF0571CT.............................. 1 NF0572CT.............................. 2 NF0573CT.............................. 3 NF0574GE............................35 NF0575GT............................39 NF0576GT............................39 NF0577GT............................40 NF0578GT............................40 NF0579GT............................41 NF0580GT............................41 NF0581CU............................. 8 NF0582CU...........................10 NF0583CU............................. 9 NF0584CU............................. 9 NF0585CU...........................11 NF0586CU...........................11 NF0587PU...........................15 NF0588PU...........................15 NF0589IS..............................22 NF0590IS..............................23 NF0591IS..............................23 NF0592NI.............................27 NF0593IN.............................55 NF0596CV...........................99 NF0597CV...........................99 NF0598CJ............................91 NF0599CJ............................91 NF0600CJ............................92 NF0601CJ............................92 NF0603NC...........................85 NF0610SZ............................45 NF0611SZ............................45 NF0613SZ............................46 NF0615TR............................31 NF0616TR............................31 NF0618ET............................63 NF0619ET............................63 NF0647PO...........................69 NF0648PO...........................68 NF0661CP............................95 NF0666PL......................... 107 NF0667PL......................... 107 NF0674PS......................... 111 NF0681NC...........................82 NF0682NC...........................81 NF0683NC...........................81 NF0705GE............................35 NF0713EM...........................59 NF0714EM...........................59 NF0715NI.............................27 NF0718RG........................ 103 NF0719RG........................ 103 NF0730PU...........................16 NF0731PO...........................75 NH0065FG........................ 123 NH0066FG........................ 123 NH0068FG........................ 124 NH0069FG........................ 124 NH0131FG........................ 125 NH0132FG........................ 125 NH0155SB........................ 160 NH0159SB........................ 160 NH0298SB........................ 161 NH0300LA........................ 185 NH0301LA........................ 185 NH0302LA........................ 186 NH0332FG........................ 126 NH0512SB........................ 163 NH0514SB........................ 163 NH0518JO........................ 117 NH0520JO........................ 118 NH0521JO........................ 118 NH0524JO........................ 119 NH0606CH....................... 176 NH0609KE........................ 149 NH0620FG........................ 126 NH0621FG........................ 127 NH0622FG........................ 127 NH0623FG........................ 128 NH0624FG........................ 128 NH0625FG........................ 129 NH0627JO........................ 119 NH0631JT......................... 141 NH0632JT......................... 141 NH0634JT......................... 142 NH0635EN........................ 133 NH0636EN........................ 133 NH0638EN........................ 134 NH0639EN........................ 134 NH0640EN........................ 135 NH0641EN........................ 135 NH0642EN........................ 136 NH0643EN........................ 136 NH0644EN........................ 137 NH0645EN........................ 137 NH0646EN........................ 138 NH0649UL........................ 145 NH0650UL........................ 146 NH0651UL........................ 146 NH0652NM...................... 153 NH0653NM...................... 153 NH0654NM...................... 154 NH0655NM...................... 154 NH0656NM...................... 155 NH0657SB........................ 161 NH0658SB........................ 159 NH0659SB........................ 162 NH0660CP........................ 167 NH0662EV........................ 189 NH0663EV........................ 189 NH0664EV........................ 190 NH0665LA........................ 186 NH0684EN........................ 138 NH0686JO........................ 115 NH0687JO........................ 115 NH0688JO........................ 116 NH0689JO........................ 116 NH0690KE........................ 149 NH0692KE........................ 150 NH0693UL........................ 145 NH0694SB........................ 159 NH0695SB........................ 162 NH0696SB........................ 164 NH0697SR........................ 171 NH0698SR........................ 171 NH0699SR........................ 172 NH0700SR........................ 172 NH0701CH....................... 175 NH0702CH....................... 175 NH0703CH....................... 176 NH0704CH....................... 177 NH0716JO........................ 117 NH0720RG........................ 181 NH0721RG........................ 181 NH0722RG........................ 182 NU0668LS......................... 193 NU0669LS......................... 193 NU0670LS......................... 194 NU0671LS......................... 194 NU0672LS......................... 195 NU0673LS......................... 195 5/21/2012 3:32:25 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Cathy Toile book_Lacoste_2013.indd 5 5/21/2012 3:32:25 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 6 5/21/2012 3:32:25 PM NF0571CT LARGE BUCKET BAG 380 BLANC PENOMBRE BLANC WHITE ECLIPSE WHITE 322 OCEANE PENOMBRE u BLUE PRINT ECLIPSE 285 SABAYON BLANC DOUBLE CREAM WHITE 364 RUISSEAU MER BLANC u STERLING BLUE LARCKSPURWHITE 380 285 322 SAC SEAU 1 poche zippee - int : 1 poche + 1 poche amovible zippee exterieur : 50% coton, 50% lin garniture : cuir doublure : 100% coton 364 27 x 34.5 x 28 crocodile embosse + "lacoste" brode embossed crocodile + "lacoste" embroided BUCKET BAG 1 zip pocket - int: 1 pocket + 1 removable zip pocket exterior: 50% cotton, 50% linen - trim: cow leather lining: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 1 SPORTSWEAR CATHY TOILE 1 5/21/2012 3:32:25 PM COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 2 NF0572CT SMALL BUCKET BAG 380 BLANC PENOMBRE BLANC u WHITE ECLIPSE WHITE 322 OCEANE PENOMBRE BLUE PRINT ECLIPSE 285 SABAYON BLANC u DOUBLE CREAM WHITE 364 RUISSEAU MER BLANC STERLING BLUE LARCKSPURWHITE 322 380 SAC SEAU 1 poche zippee int : 1 poche exterieur : 50% coton, 50% lin garniture : cuir doublure : 100% coton 285 364 25 x 25.7 x 13.5 crocodile embosse + "lacoste" brode embossed crocodile + "lacoste" embroided BUCKET BAG 1 zip pocket - int : 1 pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 2 exterior: 50% cotton, 50% linen - trim: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR CATHY TOILE 5/21/2012 3:32:25 PM NF0573CT SMALL CROSSOVER BAG 287 287 BLANC PENOMBRE WHITE ECLIPSE 322 OCEANE PENOMBRE u BLUE PRINT ECLIPSE 379 SABAYON CANVAS BLANC u DOUBLE CREAM WHITE 378 RUISSEAU BLANC STERLING BLUE WHITE 322 379 378 SAC CROSSOVER exterieur : 50% coton, 50% lin garniture : cuir doublure : 100% coton 27.7 x 21 x 4.5 "lacoste" brode "lacoste" embroided CROSSOVER BAG exterior: 50% cotton, 50% linen - trim: cow leather lining: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 3 SPORTSWEAR CATHY TOILE 3 5/21/2012 3:32:26 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 4 5/21/2012 3:32:26 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Amelia book_Lacoste_2013.indd 5 5/21/2012 3:32:26 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 6 5/21/2012 3:32:26 PM NF0435CU SHOPPING BAG sac cabas zippe poignees reglables - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 263 NUIT LIMOGES 055 CERISE u FORMULA ONE 263 NUIT LIMOGES 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 000 NOIR BLACK 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 000 NOIR u BLACK exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton sac cabas zippe poignees reglables - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 57 x 31.5 x 20 lettres "lacoste" metal or pâle exterieur: cuir doublure:100% coton exterior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 7 VERTICAL TOTE BAG 40 x 36 x 16 lettres "lacoste" metal or pâle Light gold " lacoste" metal letters Light gold " lacoste" metal letters shopping bag with adjustable handles - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket NF0434CU vertical tote bag with adjustable handles - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR AMELIA exterior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR AMELIA 7 5/21/2012 3:32:26 PM 8 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0433CU MESSENGER BAG SAC MESSENGER - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 263 NUIT LIMOGES 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 263 NUIT u LIMOGES 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 165 AROMATE u INCA GOLD 000 NOIR BLACK 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton 27 x 26 x 12 lettres "lacoste" metal or pâle sac camera avec poche ext zippee - int: 2 poches + 1 poche zippee exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton book_Lacoste_2013.indd 8 exterior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR AMELIA RETRO BAG 25 x 16 x 5.7 lettres "lacoste" metal or pâle Light gold " lacoste" metal letters MESSENGER BAG - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket NF0581CU Light gold " lacoste" metal letters camera bag with ext zip pocket - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR AMELIA 5/21/2012 3:32:26 PM NF0583CU SMALL CLUTCH pochette zippee porte main 263 NUIT LIMOGES 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 263 NUIT LIMOGES 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 000 NOIR u BLACK 165 AROMATE u INCA GOLD 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton 14.7 x 10 pochette zippee porte main 2cc lettres "lacoste" metal or pâle exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton exterior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 9 MINI CLUTCH 11.4 x 7 lettres "lacoste" metal or pâle Light gold " lacoste" metal letters zip clutch with hand strap NF0584CU Light gold " lacoste" metal letters zip clutch with hand strap 2cc SPORTSWEAR AMELIA exterior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR AMELIA 9 5/21/2012 3:32:26 PM 10 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0582CU ALL IN ONE portefeuille complet avec poche ext zippee - int : 10 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie 263 NUIT u LIMOGES 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 263 NUIT LIMOGES 055 CERISE u FORMULA ONE 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 000 NOIR BLACK 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 000 NOIR BLACK 19 x 10 x 3 portefeuille zippe 2 poches - int : 3 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur : cuir Interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton lettres "lacoste" metal or pâle exterieur : cuir Interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton Light gold " lacoste" metal letters all in one with ext zip pocket - int : 10 card slots, multi-pockets + coin purse book_Lacoste_2013.indd 10 exterior: cow leather Interior: cow leather lining: 100% cottonvv SPORTSWEAR AMELIA NF0436CU MULTI POCKET PURSE 14.8 x 9.6 x 2.2 lettres "lacoste" metal or pâle Light gold " lacoste" metal letters zip wallet 2 pockets - int: 3 card slots, multipockets + coin purse exterior: cow leather Interior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR AMELIA 5/21/2012 3:32:26 PM NF0585CU SMALL BILLFOLD 9CC & ID FLAP portefeuille 3 volets - int: 1 poche zippee, 5 cartes 263 NUIT LIMOGES 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 263 NUIT LIMOGES 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 165 AROMATE u INCA GOLD 000 NOIR BLACK 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 000 NOIR u BLACK exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton 11.5 x 9.5 x 4.5 portefeuille dos a dos - int : 8 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie lettres "lacoste" metal or pâle exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton Light gold " lacoste" metal letters small trifold wallet int : 1 zip pocket, 5 cc exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 11 NF0586CU LARGE BILLFOLD & COIN CASE 12 x 10 x 3 lettres "lacoste" metal or pâle Light gold " lacoste" metal letters double side wallet int : 8 card slots, multi - pockets + coin purse SPORTSWEAR AMELIA exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR AMELIA 11 5/21/2012 3:32:27 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 12 5/21/2012 3:32:27 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Amelia Punch book_Lacoste_2013.indd 13 5/21/2012 3:32:27 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 14 5/21/2012 3:32:27 PM NF0587PU 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE CROSSOVER sac crossbody avec poignées réglables, poche ext + poche ext zippee - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee crossbody bag with adjustable shoulder strap, ext pocket + ext zip pocket int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton NUIT u LIMOGES 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 350 NOISETTE COCONUT SHELL 350 NOISETTE u COCONUT SHELL 27 x 26 x 12 sac camera avec poche ext zippee - int: 2 poches + 1 poche zippee lettres "lacoste" metal nickel brillant 263 NUIT LIMOGES exterior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton NF0588PU RETRO BAG exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton 25 x 16 x 5.7 lettres "lacoste" metal nickel brillant Shiny nickel " lacoste" metal letters COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 15 263 Shiny nickel " lacoste" metal letters camera bag with ext zip pocket - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR AMELIA PUNCH exterior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR AMELIA PUNCH 15 5/21/2012 3:32:27 PM 16 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0730PU LARGE SHOPPING BAG sac cabas zippe poignees reglables - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 001 BLANC u BRIGHT WHITE 350 NOISETTE COCONUT SHELL exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton 263 NUIT LIMOGES 58 x 31.5 x 20 lettres "lacoste" metal nickel brillant Shiny nickel " lacoste" metal letters shopping bag with adjustable handles - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 16 exterior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR AMELIA PUNCH 5/21/2012 3:32:27 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Institutionnelle book_Lacoste_2013.indd 17 5/21/2012 3:32:27 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 18 5/21/2012 3:32:27 PM NF0429IS PASS/KEY HOLDER porte carte zippe - int : 2 cartes, poche pass navigo 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 260 ENCENS LEAD GRAY 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 018 ROUGE ECARLATE u FLAME SCARLET 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : croute de cuir pu - interieur : croute de cuir pu - doublure : 100% polyamide 11.5 x 8 x 2 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 260 ENCENS u LEAD GRAY 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 000 NOIR BLACK portefeuille a rabat int : 4 cartes et porte monnaie lettres "lacoste" metal dore light gold " lacoste" metal letters zip pass holder - int : 2 card slots, tube pass exterior: pu split cow leather - interior: pu split cow leather lining: 100% polyamide COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 19 flap wallet - int : 4 card slots + coin purse SPORTSWEAR INSTITUTIONNELLE exterieur : croute de cuir pu - interieur : croute de cuir pu doublure : 100% polyamide exterior: pu split cow leather - interior: pu split cow leather lining: 100% polyamide NF0444IS TRI-FOLD WALLET 10.4 x 9.5 x 2.5 lettres "lacoste" metal dore light gold " lacoste" metal letters SPORTSWEAR INSTITUTIONNELLE 19 5/21/2012 3:32:27 PM 20 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0447IS MEDIUM TRIFOLD WALLET portefeuille - int : 6 cartes, poche billet et porte monnaie 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 185 PETUNIA u VIRTUAL PINK 260 ENCENS LEAD GRAY 307 TREND UNION u CAMPANULA 260 ENCENS LEAD GRAY 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 000 NOIR BLACK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : croute de cuir pu - interieur : croute de cuir pu doublure : 100% polyamide 11 x 10 x 2 lettres "lacoste" metal dore light gold " lacoste" metal letters wallet - int : 6 card slots, note pocket + coin purse book_Lacoste_2013.indd 20 exterior: pu split cow leather - interior: pu split cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR INSTITUTIONNELLE portefeuille enveloppe - int : 6 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur : croute de cuir pu - interieur : croute de cuir pu doublure : 100% polyamide envelope wallet - int : 6 card slots, multipockets + coin purse exterior: pu split cow leather - interior: pu split cow leather lining: 100% polyamide NF0448IS LARGE ENVELOPE WALLET 20.2 x 11 x 3 lettres "lacoste" metal dore light gold " lacoste" metal letters SPORTSWEAR INSTITUTIONNELLE 5/21/2012 3:32:27 PM NF0449IS LARGE ZIP WALLET portefeuille zippe - int : 12 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 260 ENCENS u LEAD GRAY 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : croute de cuir pu - interieur : croute de cuir pu doublure : 100% polyamide 20 x 10.5 x 2 lettres "lacoste" metal dore light gold " lacoste" metal letters zip wallet - int : 12 card slots, multi-pockets + coin purse exterior: pu split cow leather - interior: pu split cow leather lining: 100% polyamide COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 21 SPORTSWEAR INSTITUTIONNELLE 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 260 ENCENS LEAD GRAY 307 TREND UNION u CAMPANULA 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 000 NOIR BLACK portefeuille zippe 2 poches - int : 3 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur : croute de cuir pu - interieur : croute de cuir pu doublure : 100% polyamide zip wallet 2 pockets - int: 3 card slots, multipockets + coin purse exterior: pu split cow leather - interior: pu split cow leather lining: 100% polyamide NF0450IS MULTI POCKET PURSE 14.5 x 10 x 3 lettres "lacoste" metal dore light gold " lacoste" metal letters SPORTSWEAR INSTITUTIONNELLE 21 5/21/2012 3:32:28 PM 22 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0451IS ALL IN ONE 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 165 AROMATE u INCA GOLD 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 260 ENCENS LEAD GRAY 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 260 ENCENS LEAD GRAY 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 000 NOIR u BLACK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 000 NOIR BLACK portefeuille complet avec poche ext zippee - int : 10 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur : croute de cuir pu - interieur : croute de cuir pu doublure : 100% polyamide all in one with ext zip pocket - int: 10 card slots, multi-pockets + coin purse exterior: pu split cow leather - interior: pu split cow leather lining: 100% polyamide book_Lacoste_2013.indd 22 19 x 10 x 2.5 lettres "lacoste" metal dore porte yen - int : 16 cartes, poche zippee exterieur : croute de cuir pu - interieur : croute de cuir pu doublure : 100% polyamide light gold " lacoste" metal letters SPORTSWEAR INSTITUTIONNELLE NF0589IS YEN HOLDER 19 x 9.7 x 2.5 lettres "lacoste" metal dore light gold " lacoste" metal letters yen holder - int: 16 cards, zip pocket exterior: pu split cow leather - interior: pu split cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR INSTITUTIONNELLE 5/21/2012 3:32:28 PM NF0590IS SMALL BILLFOLD 9CC & ID FLAP portefeuille 3 volets - int: 1 poche zippee, 5 cartes 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 260 ENCENS LEAD GRAY 307 TREND UNION u CAMPANULA 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : croute de cuir pu - interieur : croute de cuir pu doublure : 100% polyamide 11.5 x 9.5 x 4.5 165 AROMATE INCA GOLD 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 260 ENCENS u LEAD GRAY 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 000 NOIR BLACK Portefeuille – Int: 6 cartes, porte monnaie + CI lettres "lacoste" metal dore exterieur : croute de cuir pu - interieur : croute de cuir pu doublure : 100% polyamide light gold " lacoste" metal letters small trifold wallet int: 1 zip pocket, 5 cc exterior: pu split cow leather - interior: pu split cow leather lining: 100% polyamide COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 23 NF0591IS LARGE BILLFOLD 11.5 x 13 x 3 lettres "lacoste" metal dore light gold " lacoste" metal letters Large billfold - Int: 6 cards, coin case + ID flap SPORTSWEAR INSTITUTIONNELLE exterior: pu split cow leather - interior: pu split cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR INSTITUTIONNELLE 23 5/21/2012 3:32:28 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 24 5/21/2012 3:32:28 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Alix book_Lacoste_2013.indd 25 5/21/2012 3:32:28 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 26 5/21/2012 3:32:28 PM NF0592NI SMALL SHOPPING BAG sac cabas - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 178 OCEANE BLUE PRINT 000 NOIR u BLACK exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% polyamide 260 ENCENS u LEAD GRAY 30 x 25.5 x 8.5 178 OCEANE u BLUE PRINT 000 NOIR BLACK sac cabas - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee lettres "lacoste" metal t/t 260 ENCENS LEAD GRAY exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% polyamide t/t " lacoste" metal letters shopping bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide book_Lacoste_2013.indd 27 57.5 x 36.5 x 18 lettres "lacoste" metal t/t t/t " lacoste" metal letters shopping bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR ALIX COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0715NI LARGE SHOPPING BAG exterior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ALIX 27 5/21/2012 3:32:29 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 28 5/21/2012 3:32:29 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Anna Tresse book_Lacoste_2013.indd 29 5/21/2012 3:32:29 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 30 5/21/2012 3:32:29 PM NF0615TR SHOPPING BAG sac cabas poignees reglables - int : pochette zippee 287 BLANC PENOMBRE WHITE ECLIPSE 360 TREND UNION PENOMBRE u CAMPANULA ECLIPSE exterieur : 100% papier garniture : cuir doublure: 100% coton 359 COLOQUINTE PENOMBRE GOLDEN OAK ECLIPSE 54.5 x 31.5 x 20 287 BLANCPENOMBREu 359 WHITE ECLIPSE 360 TREND UNION PENOMBRE CAMPANULA ECLIPSE sac cabas poignees reglables - int : pochette zippee "lacoste" embosse argent COLOQUINTEPENOMBREu GOLDEN OAK ECLIPSE exterieur : 100% papier garniture : cuir doublure : 100% coton silver "lacoste" embossed shopping bag with adjustable handles - int: zip pocket exterior: 100% paper trim: cow leather lining: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 31 NF0616TR SMALL VERTICAL TOTE BAG 30 x 22 x 12 "lacoste" embosse argent silver "lacoste" embossed vertical tote bag with adjustable handles - int: zip pocket SPORTSWEAR ANNA TRESSE exterior: 100% paper trim: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR ANNA TRESSE 31 5/21/2012 3:32:29 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 32 5/21/2012 3:32:29 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Serena book_Lacoste_2013.indd 33 5/21/2012 3:32:29 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 34 5/21/2012 3:32:29 PM NF0574GE 309 GOYAVE u CAYENNE 000 309 NOIR BLACK GOYAVE CAYENNE 000 NOIR BLACK MEDIUM BUCKET BAG sac seau 1 poche zippee - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton LARGE BUCKET BAG 27.5 x 27.3 x 19.5 sac seau 1 poche zippee - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee "lacoste" et crocodile embosses + crocodile debosse exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton exterior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 35 36 x 36 x 25 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses + crocodile debosse "lacoste" and crocodile embossed + debossed crocodile bucket bag 1 zip pocket - int 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket NF0705GE "lacoste" and crocodile embossed + debossed crocodile bucket bag 1 zip pocket - int 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR SERENA exterior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR SERENA 35 5/21/2012 3:32:29 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 36 5/21/2012 3:32:29 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Serena Vinyl book_Lacoste_2013.indd 37 5/21/2012 3:32:29 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 38 5/21/2012 3:32:29 PM NF0575GT MEDIUM BUCKET BAG sac seau 1 poche zippee - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 324 BLANC PRIMEVERE u 299 WHITE VIBRANT YELLOW BLANC CITRONNELLE WHITE CITRONELLE 324 299 BLANC PRIMEVERE WHITE VIBRANT YELLOW BLANC CITRONNELLE u WHITE CITRONELLE 298 288 BLANC POPPY WHITE GOLDEN POPPY BLANC CERISE WHITE FORMULA ONE 298 288 BLANC POPPY WHITE GOLDEN POPPY BLANC CERISE u WHITE FORMULA ONE 287 BLANC PENOMBRE u WHITE ECLIPSE 287 BLANC PENOMBRE WHITE ECLIPSE exterieur : pu garniture : 100% coton doublure : 100% coton 27.5 x 27.3 x 19.5 sac seau 1 poche zippee - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee "lacoste" et crocodile embosses exterieur : pu garniture : 100% coton doublure : 100% coton "lacoste" and crocodile embossed bucket bag 1 zip pocket - int 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: pu trim: 100% cotton lining: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 39 NF0576GT LARGE BUCKET BAG 36 x 35 x 36 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses "lacoste" and crocodile embossed bucket bag 1 zip pocket - int 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR SERENA VINYL exterior: pu trim: 100% cotton lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR SERENA VINYL 39 5/21/2012 3:32:29 PM 40 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0577GT MEDIUM TRIFOLD WALLET portefeuille - int : 6 cartes, poche billet et porte monnaie 389 PRIMEVERE u VIBRANT YELLOW 390 CITRONNELLE CITRONELLE 389 PRIMEVERE VIBRANT YELLOW 390 CITRONNELLE u CITRONELLE 391 POPPY GOLDEN POPPY 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 391 POPPY GOLDEN POPPY 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE exterieur : pu interieur : pu doublure : 100% polyamide 11.3 x 10 x 3.5 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses "lacoste" and crocodile embossed wallet - int : 6 card slots, note pocket + coin purse book_Lacoste_2013.indd 40 exterior: pu interior: pu lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR SERENA VINYL portefeuille zippe int : 12 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur : pu interieur : pu doublure : 100% polyamide zip wallet - int: 12 card slots, multi-pockets + coin purse exterior: pu interior: pu lining: 100% polyamide NF0578GT LARGE ZIP WALLET 20.2 x 10.3 x 2.5 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses "lacoste" and crocodile embossed SPORTSWEAR SERENA VINYL 5/21/2012 3:32:30 PM NF0579GT MAKE UP POUCH trousse de maquillage zippee 389 PRIMEVERE VIBRANT YELLOW 390 CITRONNELLE CITRONELLE 389 PRIMEVERE VIBRANT YELLOW 390 CITRONNELLE CITRONELLE 391 POPPY GOLDEN POPPY 055 CERISE u FORMULA ONE 391 POPPY u GOLDEN POPPY 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE exterieur : pu doublure : 100% polyamide 14.5 x 10.5 x 4.3 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses "lacoste" and crocodile embossed zip make up pouch exterior: pu lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR SERENA VINYL COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 41 NF0580GT portefeuille complet avec poche ext zippee - int : 10 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur : pu interieur : pu doublure : 100% polyamide all in one with ext zip pocket - int : 10 card slots, multi-pockets + coin purse exterior: pu interior: pu lining: 100% polyamide ALL IN ONE 19 x 9.5 x 3.5 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses "lacoste" and crocodile embossed SPORTSWEAR SERENA VINYL 41 5/21/2012 3:32:30 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 42 5/21/2012 3:32:30 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Anna Toile book_Lacoste_2013.indd 43 5/21/2012 3:32:30 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 44 5/21/2012 3:32:30 PM NF0610SZ 386 FISH BLUE u FISH PRINT BLUE 361 386 FISH BEIGE fish print beige FISH BLUE u FISH PRINT BLUE 361 FISH BEIGE FISH PRINT BEIGE MEDIUM BOSTON BAG sac boston poignees reglables - int : pochette zippee exterieur : 100% coton lamine de pu garniture : cuir doublure : 100% coton SMALL VERTICAL TOTE BAG 42.5 x 21 x 20.5 sac cabas poignees reglables - int : pochette zippee "lacoste" embosse argent exterieur : 100% coton lamine de pu garniture : cuir doublure : 100% coton silver "lacoste" embossed boston bag with adjustable handles - int: zip pocket exterior: 100% cotton coated with pu trim: cow leather lining: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 45 NF0611SZ 31 x 22.5 x 12 "lacoste" embosse argent silver "lacoste" embossed vertical tote bag with adjustable handles - int: zip pocket SPORTSWEAR ANNA TOILE exterior: 100% cotton coated with pu trim: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR ANNA TOILE 45 5/21/2012 3:32:30 PM 46 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0613SZ 386 FISH BLUE FISH PRINT BLUE 361 FISH BEIGE u fish print beige SHOPPING BAG sac cabas poignees reglables - int : pochette zippee exterieur : 100% coton lamine de pu garniture : cuir doublure : 100% coton 57 x 31.5 x 20 "lacoste" embosse argent silver "lacoste" embossed shopping bag with adjustable handles - int: zip pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 46 exterior: 100% cotton coated with pu trim: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR ANNA TOILE 5/21/2012 3:32:30 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Alix Nylon book_Lacoste_2013.indd 47 5/21/2012 3:32:30 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 48 5/21/2012 3:32:30 PM NF0406IN BACK PACK sac a dos - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 385 NOIR ANODISE BLACK ANODISE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC u ECLIPSE WHITE exterieur : 100% polyamide - garniture : cuir - doublure : 100% polyamide 309 GOYAVE CAYENNE 35.5 x 35.5 x 15 385 NOIR ANODISE BLACK ANODISE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC ECLIPSE WHITE sac messenger - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee "lacoste" sur plaque metal rivetee 309 GOYAVE u CAYENNE exterieur : 100% polyamide - garniture : cuir - doublure : 100% polyamide "lacoste" on metal plate riveted backpack - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 49 NF0407IN SMALL MESSENGER BAG 28 x 22 x 13 "lacoste" sur plaque metal rivetee "lacoste" on metal plate riveted messenger bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR ALIX NYLON exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ALIX NYLON 49 5/21/2012 3:32:31 PM 50 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0408IN SMALL FLAT CROSSOVER sac crossover plat int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 385 NOIR ANODISE BLACK ANODISE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC u ECLIPSE WHITE exterieur : 100% polyamide - garniture : cuir - doublure : 100% polyamide 309 GOYAVE CAYENNE 28.7 x 20.5 "lacoste" sur plaque metal rivetee 385 NOIR ANODISE u BLACK ANODISE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC ECLIPSE WHITE sac trotteur - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 309 GOYAVE CAYENNE SATCHEL BAG exterieur : 100% polyamide - garniture : cuir - doublure : 100% polyamide "lacoste" on metal plate riveted flat crossover bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 50 exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ALIX NYLON NF0409IN 30 x 28 x 17 "lacoste" sur plaque metal rivetee "lacoste" on metal plate riveted traveler - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ALIX NYLON 5/21/2012 3:32:31 PM NF0410IN HOBO BAG sac porte epaule - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 385 NOIR ANODISE BLACK ANODISE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC ECLIPSE WHITE exterieur: 100% polyamide - garniture : cuir - doublure : 100% polyamide 309 GOYAVE u CAYENNE 37 x 28 x 1 385 NOIR ANODISE BLACK ANODISE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC u ECLIPSE WHITE sac cabas - int : 2 poches +1 poche zippee "lacoste" sur plaque metal rivetee 309 GOYAVE CAYENNE exterieur : 100% polyamide- garniture : cuir - doublure : 100% polyamide "lacoste" on metal plate riveted hobo bag - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 51 NF0412IN LARGE SHOPPING BAG 48 x 38 x 20 "lacoste" sur plaque metal rivetee "lacoste" on metal plate riveted shopping bag - int : 2 pockets + zip pocket SPORTSWEAR ALIX NYLON exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ALIX NYLON 51 5/21/2012 3:32:31 PM 52 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0413IN VERTICAL TOTE BAG sac cabas vertical int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 385 NOIR ANODISE BLACK ANODISE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC ECLIPSE WHITE exterieur : 100% polyamide - garniture : cuir - doublure : 100% polyamide 309 GOYAVE u CAYENNE 44 x 36 x 7.5 "lacoste" sur plaque metal rivetee 385 NOIR ANODISE u BLACK ANODISE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC ECLIPSE WHITE portefeuille - int : 6 cartes, poche billet et porte monnaie "lacoste" on metal plate riveted vertical tote bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 52 exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ALIX NYLON wallet - int: 6 card slots, note pocket + coin purse 309 GOYAVE CAYENNE NF0416IN MEDIUM TRIFOLD WALLET exterieur : 100% polyamide - garniture : cuir - interieur : pu doublure : 100% polyamide exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather interior: pu lining: 100% polyamide 12 x 10 x 2 "lacoste" sur plaque metal rivetee "lacoste" on metal plate riveted SPORTSWEAR ALIX NYLON 5/21/2012 3:32:31 PM NF0417IN SMALL ENVELOPE WALLET 385 NOIR ANODISE BLACK ANODISE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC ECLIPSE WHITE portefeuille enveloppe - int : 3 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur : 100% polyamide - garniture : cuir interieur : pu doublure : 100% polyamide envelope wallet - int: 3 card slots, multipockets + coin purse exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather interior: pu lining: 100% polyamide GOYAVE u CAYENNE 15 x 11 x 3 "lacoste" sur plaque metal rivetee "lacoste" on metal plate riveted COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 53 309 SPORTSWEAR ALIX NYLON 385 NOIR ANODISE BLACK ANODISE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC u ECLIPSE WHITE 309 GOYAVE CAYENNE NF0418IN LARGE ENVELOPE WALLET portefeuille enveloppe - int : 6 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur: 100% polyamide - garniture : cuir interieur : pu doublure : 100% polyamide envelope wallet - int: 6 card slots, multipockets + coin purse exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather interior: pu lining: 100% polyamide 20.6 x 11 x 3 "lacoste" sur plaque metal rivetee "lacoste" on metal plate riveted SPORTSWEAR ALIX NYLON 53 5/21/2012 3:32:31 PM 54 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0419IN LARGE ZIP WALLET 385 NOIR ANODISE u BLACK ANODISE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC ECLIPSE WHITE portefeuille zippe int: 12 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur : 100% polyamide - garniture : cuir interieur : pu doublure : 100% polyamide zip wallet - int: 12 card slots, multi-pockets + coin purse exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather interior: pu lining: 100% polyamide book_Lacoste_2013.indd 54 309 GOYAVE CAYENNE 21.5 x 12 x 2.5 "lacoste" sur plaque metal rivetee "lacoste" on metal plate riveted SPORTSWEAR ALIX NYLON 385 NOIR ANODISE BLACK ANODISE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC ECLIPSE WHITE 309 GOYAVE u CAYENNE NF0420IN ALL IN ONE portefeuille complet avec poche ext zippee - int : 10 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur : 100% polyamide - garniture : cuir interieur : pu doublure : 100% polyamide all in one with ext zip pocket - int: 10 card slots, multi-pockets + coin purse exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather interior: pu lining: 100% polyamide 19 x 10 x 3 "lacoste" sur plaque metal rivetee "lacoste" on metal plate riveted SPORTSWEAR ALIX NYLON 5/21/2012 3:32:32 PM NF0593IN SMALL BILLFOLD 9CC & ID FLAP portefeuille 3 volets - int : 1 poche zippee, 5 cartes 385 NOIR ANODISE BLACK ANODISE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC u ECLIPSE WHITE exterieur : 100% polyamide - garniture : cuir interieur : pu doublure : 100% polyamide 309 GOYAVE CAYENNE 11.6 x 9.5 x 2.8 "lacoste" sur plaque metal rivetee "lacoste" on metal plate riveted small trifold wallet int: 1 zip pocket, 5 cc exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather interior: pu lining: 100% polyamide COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 55 SPORTSWEAR ALIX NYLON 55 5/21/2012 3:32:32 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 56 5/21/2012 3:32:32 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Emma book_Lacoste_2013.indd 57 5/21/2012 3:32:32 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 58 5/21/2012 3:32:32 PM NF0713EM MEDIUM SHOPPING BAG sac cabas - int : 2 poches zippees exterieur : 100% coton garniture : pu 316 CERISE BLANC ENCENS u FORMULA ONE WHITE LEAD RAY 316 CERISE BLANC ENCENS FORMULA ONE WHITE LEAD RAY 317 PENOMBRE BLANC ENCENS ECLIPSE WHITE LEAD GRAY 317 PENOMBRE BLANC ENCENS u ECLIPSE WHITE LEAD GRAY 319 BLANCPENOMBREENCENS WHITE ECLIPSE LEAD GRAY 319 BLANCPENOMBREENCENS WHITE ECLIPSE LEAD GRAY 40.5 x 33 x 15 sac cabas - int : 2 poches zippees "lacoste" et crocodile imprimes exterieur : 100% coton garniture : pu exterior: 100% cotton trim: pu book_Lacoste_2013.indd 59 33 x 25.5 x 12.5 "lacoste" and crocodile screen printed shopping bag - int : 2 zip pockets SPORTSWEAR EMMA COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 SMALL SHOPPING BAG "lacoste" et crocodile imprimes "lacoste" and crocodile screen printed shopping bag - int: 2 zip pockets NF0714EM exterior: 100% cotton trim: pu SPORTSWEAR EMMA 59 5/21/2012 3:32:32 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 60 5/21/2012 3:32:32 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Emma Transparent book_Lacoste_2013.indd 61 5/21/2012 3:32:32 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 62 5/21/2012 3:32:32 PM NF0618ET LARGE SHOPPING BAG sac cabas - int : 2 poches 323 CRISTAL CRYSTAL 309 GOYAVE CAYENNE exterieur : pvc garniture : pu 325 JAUNE FLUO u FLASHY YELLOW 48 x 38 x 20 323 CRISTAL u CRYSTAL 309 GOYAVE u CAYENNE sac cabas - int : 2 poches "lacoste" et crocodile imprimes 325 JAUNE FLUO FLASHY YELLOW exterieur : pvc garniture : pu exterior: pvc trim: pu "lacoste" and crocodile screen printed shopping bag - int : 2 pockets SPORTSWEAR EMMA TRANSPARENT COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 63 40.5 x 33 x 15 "lacoste" et crocodile imprimes "lacoste" and crocodile screen printed shopping bag - int: 2 pockets NF0619ET MEDIUM SHOPPING BAG exterior: pvc trim: pu SPORTSWEAR EMMA TRANSPARENT 63 5/21/2012 3:32:32 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 64 5/21/2012 3:32:32 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection L.12.12 Concept book_Lacoste_2013.indd 65 5/21/2012 3:32:32 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 66 5/21/2012 3:32:32 PM NF0277PO EXTRA LARGE SHOPPING BAG sac cabas - int : 1 poche zippee 376 377 POPPY GOLDEN POPPY CITRONNELLE u CITRONELLE 376 377 POPPY GOLDEN POPPY CITRONNELLE CITRONELLE 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 000 NOIR BLACK 141 PENOMBRE u ECLIPSE 000 NOIR BLACK 41 x 35 x 22 sac cabas - int : 1 poche zippee exterieur : pvc garniture : croute de cuir pu crocodile vert brode exterieur : pvc garniture : croute de cuir pu green crocodile embroided shopping bag - int : zip pocket exterior: pvc trim: pu split cow leather book_Lacoste_2013.indd 67 35 x 27 x 14 crocodile vert brode green crocodile embroided shopping bag - int: zip pocket SPORTSWEAR L.12.12 CONCEPT COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0271PO LARGE SHOPPING BAG exterior: pvc trim: pu split cow leather SPORTSWEAR L.12.12 CONCEPT 67 5/21/2012 3:32:33 PM 68 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0648PO L1 LARGE SHOPPING BAG sac cabas - int : 1 poche zippee 376 377 POPPY u GOLDEN POPPY CITRONNELLE CITRONELLE 376 377 POPPY GOLDEN POPPY 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 307 TREND UNION u CAMPANULA 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 000 NOIR BLACK 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : pvc garniture : croute de cuir pu 35 x 27 x14 crocodile vert brode sac cabas - int : 1 poche zippee CITRONNELLE CITRONELLE exterieur : pvc garniture : croute de cuir pu green crocodile embroided shopping bag - int : zip pocket exterior: pvc trim: pu split cow leather SPORTSWEAR L.12.12 CONCEPT book_Lacoste_2013.indd 68 NF0278PO VERTICAL TOTE BAG 27 x 35 x 14 crocodile vert brode green crocodile embroided vertical tote bag - int : zip pocket exterior: pvc trim: pu split cow leather SPORTSWEAR L.12.12 CONCEPT 5/21/2012 3:32:33 PM NF0647PO M1 VERTICAL TOTE BAG sac cabas - int : 1 poche zippee 376 377 POPPY GOLDEN POPPY CITRONNELLE CITRONELLE 376 377 POPPY GOLDEN POPPY CITRONNELLE CITRONELLE 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA u VIRTUAL PINK 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 055 CERISE u FORMULA ONE 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 000 NOIR BLACK 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 000 NOIR BLACK 27 x 35 x 14 sac cabas - int : 1 poche zippee exterieur : pvc garniture : croute de cuir pu crocodile vert brode exterieur : pvc garniture : croute de cuir pu green crocodile embroided vertical tote bag - int : zip pocket exterior: pvc trim: pu split cow leather book_Lacoste_2013.indd 69 22 x 23 x 11 crocodile vert brode green crocodile embroided shopping bag - int: zip pocket SPORTSWEAR L.12.12 CONCEPT COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0276PO SMALL SHOPPING BAG exterior: pvc trim: pu split cow leather SPORTSWEAR L.12.12 CONCEPT 69 5/21/2012 3:32:33 PM 70 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0388PO XL3 FLAT TOTE BAG sac cabas plat - int : 1 poche zippee 376 377 POPPY GOLDEN POPPY CITRONNELLE CITRONELLE 376 377 POPPY GOLDEN POPPY CITRONNELLE CITRONELLE 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 001 BLANC u BRIGHT WHITE 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 000 NOIR BLACK 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 000 NOIR u BLACK exterieur : pvc garniture : croute de cuir pu 30 x 40 x 14 crocodile vert brode sac porte epaule - int : 1 poche zippee exterieur : pvc garniture : croute de cuir pu green crocodile embroided flat tote bag - int : zip pocket exterior: pvc trim: pu split cow leather SPORTSWEAR L.12.12 CONCEPT book_Lacoste_2013.indd 70 NF0387PO XL2 LARGE SHOULDER BAG 29 x 37 x 19.5 crocodile vert brode green crocodile embroided shoulder bag - int: zip pocket exterior: pvc trim: pu split cow leather SPORTSWEAR L.12.12 CONCEPT 5/21/2012 3:32:34 PM NF0390PO CLUTCH BAG Pochette zippée porté main Int : poche plate 376 377 POPPY GOLDEN POPPY CITRONNELLE CITRONELLE 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : pvc garniture : croute de cuir pu 20.5 x 13 crocodile vert brode green crocodile embroided Zip clutch hand strap Int : 1 flat pocket exterior : pvc trim : pu split cow leather SPORTSWEAR L.12.12 CONCEPT COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 71 71 5/21/2012 3:32:34 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 72 5/21/2012 3:32:34 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection L.12.12 Concept Fantaisie book_Lacoste_2013.indd 73 5/21/2012 3:32:34 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 74 5/21/2012 3:32:34 PM NF0731PO 310 BLANCCOLOQUINTEPENOMBRE u WHITE GOLDEN OAK ECLIPSE 353 BLANC GOYAVE CERISE u WHITE CAYENNE FORMULA ONE 141 PENOMBRE u ECLIPSE 354 BLANCTRENDUNIONPENOMBREu White campanula eclipse 355 BLANC RUISSEAU PENOMBRE u WHITE STERLING BLUE ECLIPSE 356 BLANC SABAYON PENOMBRE u WHITE DOUBLE CREAM ECLIPSE 311 BLANC ENCENS PENOMBRE u WHITE LEAD GRAY ECLIPSE VERTICAL TOTE BAG 353 141 354 355 356 311 310 sac cabas - int : 1 poche zippee exterieur : pvc garniture : croute de cuir pu 27 x 35 x 14 crocodile vert brode green crocodile embroided vertical tote bag - int : zip pocket exterior: pvc trim: pu split cow leather SPORTSWEAR L.12.12 CONCEPT FANTAISIE COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 75 75 5/21/2012 3:32:34 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 76 5/21/2012 3:32:34 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection New Classic book_Lacoste_2013.indd 77 5/21/2012 3:32:34 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 78 5/21/2012 3:32:34 PM NF0366NC LARGE SHOPPING BAG sac cabas - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 001 BLANC u BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION u CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton 37 x 30.5 x 20 sac cabas - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee crocodile et "lacoste" embosses exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton crocodile and "lacoste" embossed shopping bag - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 79 NF0367NC MEDIUM SHOPPING BAG 29.5 x 25 x 14.5 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed shopping bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC 79 5/21/2012 3:32:35 PM 80 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0368NC SMALL SHOPPING BAG sac cabas - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA u VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR u BLACK 22 x 23 x 12 sac boston - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton crocodile et "lacoste" embosses exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton crocodile and "lacoste" embossed shopping bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 80 exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC NF0365NC SMALL BOSTON BAG 30.5 x 18 x 15.5 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed boston bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC 5/21/2012 3:32:35 PM NF0683NC HOBO sac porte epaule - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION u CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA u VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton 35.5 x 25.5 x 5 sac porte epaule - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee crocodile et "lacoste" embosses exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton crocodile and "lacoste" embossed hobo bag - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 81 NF0682NC SMALL HOBO 35.5 x 18 x 10 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed hobo bag - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC 81 5/21/2012 3:32:35 PM 82 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0681NC BACK PACK sac a dos avec poche ext zippee -int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE u FLAME SCARLET 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR u BLACK exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton 28 x 33 x 12.5 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses sac camera avec poche ext - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton crocodile and "lacoste" embossed backpack with ext zip pocket - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 82 exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC NF0371NC CAMERA BAG 28 x 23 x 16 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed camera bag with ext pocket - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC 5/21/2012 3:32:36 PM NF0372NC VERTICAL CAMERA BAG sac vertical porte epaule avec poche ext int : une poche 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 001 BLANC u BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 035 GALAXIE u BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton 15 x 20 x 5 sac crossover plat avec poche ext - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee crocodile et "lacoste" embosses exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton crocodile and "lacoste" embossed vertical camera bag with ext pocket - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 83 NF0374NC FLAT CROSSOVER BAG 27 x 1.5 x 25 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed flat crossover bag with ext pocket- int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC 83 5/21/2012 3:32:36 PM 84 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0376NC CLUTCH BAG pochette zippee porte epaule - int : poche plate 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA u VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE u FLAME SCARLET 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton 18.5 x 10.5 x 1 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses pochette zippee porte main -int: poche plate exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton crocodile and "lacoste" embossed zip clutch with shoulder strap: int: 1 flat pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 84 exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC NF0375NC CLUTCH 22 x 13 x 4 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed zip clutch with hand strap: int: 1 flat pocket exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC 5/21/2012 3:32:36 PM NF0603NC TOILET KIT trousse de toilette avec poche ext zippee int : 1 poche zippee 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 001 BLANC u BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 035 GALAXIE u BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton 17.5 x 10 x 5 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed toilet kit with ext zip pocket - int : 1 zip pocket exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 85 SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC portefeuille complet avec poche ext zippee - int : 10 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur : pvc interieur : pu doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton all in one with ext zip pocket - int : 10 card slots, multi-pockets + coin purse exterior: pvc interior: pu lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton NF0386NC ALL IN ONE 19 x 10 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC 85 5/21/2012 3:32:36 PM 86 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0381NC MEDIUM TRIFOLD WALLET portefeuille - int : 6 cartes, poche billet et porte monnaie 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 185 PETUNIA u VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR u BLACK 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : pvc interieur : pu doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton 11 x 10 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed wallet - int: 6 card slots, note pocket + coin purse book_Lacoste_2013.indd 86 exterior: pvc interior: pu lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC portefeuille zippe int : 10 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur : pvc interieur : pu doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton zip wallet - int: 10 card slots, multi-pockets + coin purse exterior: pvc interior: pu lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton NF0383NC SMALL ZIP WALLET 15 x 11 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC 5/21/2012 3:32:37 PM NF0379NC LARGE ZIP WALLET 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE u FLAME SCARLET 185 PETUNIA u VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK portefeuille zippe int : 12 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur : pvc interieur : pu doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton zip wallet - int: 12 card slots, multi-pockets + coin purse exterior: pvc interior: pu lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 87 19 x 10 SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC portefeuille complet int : 6 cartes, poches multiples et porte monnaie exterieur : pvc interieur : pu doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton wallet - int: 6 card slots, multi-pockets + coin purse exterior: pvc interior: pu lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton NF0380NC LARGE ALL IN ONE 20 x 10 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC 87 5/21/2012 3:32:37 PM 88 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0377NC TRI-FOLD WALLET portefeuille a rabat int : 4 cartes et porte monnaie 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION u CAMPANULA 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 307 TREND UNION CAMPANULA 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE FLAME SCARLET 185 PETUNIA VIRTUAL PINK 018 ROUGE ECARLATE u FLAME SCARLET 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK 035 GALAXIE BLACK IRIS 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : pvc interieur : pu doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton 10 x 9.5 porte monnaie zippe crocodile et "lacoste" embosses exterieur : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton crocodile and "lacoste" embossed flap wallet - int : 4 card slots + coin purse book_Lacoste_2013.indd 88 exterior: pvc interior: pu lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton NEW CLASSIC COIN PURSE 10 x 10 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed zip coin purse SPORTSWEAR NF0378NC exterior: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC 5/21/2012 3:32:37 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection New Classic PU book_Lacoste_2013.indd 89 5/21/2012 3:32:37 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 90 5/21/2012 3:32:37 PM NF0598CJ CAMERA BAG sac camera avec poche ext - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee exterieur : pu garniture : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton 295 PENOMBRE BLANC ECLIPSE WHITE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC u ECLIPSE WHITE 287 BLANC PENOMBRE u WHITE ECLIPSE 287 BLANC PENOMBRE WHITE ECLIPSE 28 x 23 x 10 sac vertical porte epaule avec poche ext int : une poche crocodile et "lacoste" embosses NF0599CJ VERTICAL CAMERA BAG exterieur : pu garniture : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton crocodile and "lacoste" embossed camera bag with ext pocket - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: pu trim: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 91 15 x 20 x 5 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed vertical camera bag with ext pocket - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC PU exterior: pu trim: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC PU 91 5/21/2012 3:32:38 PM 92 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0600CJ SHOPPING BAG sac cabas - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee exterieur : pu garniture : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton 295 PENOMBRE BLANC u ECLIPSE WHITE 295 PENOMBRE BLANC ECLIPSE WHITE 287 BLANC PENOMBRE WHITE ECLIPSE 287 BLANC PENOMBRE u WHITE ECLIPSE 33 x 25.5 x 10 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses sac boston - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee NF0601CJ LARGE BOSTON BAG exterieur : pu garniture : pvc doublure : 80% polyester, 20% coton crocodile and "lacoste" embossed shopping bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 92 exterior: pu trim: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC PU 48 x 28 x 23 crocodile et "lacoste" embosses crocodile and "lacoste" embossed boston bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: pu trim: pvc lining: 80% polyester 20% cotton SPORTSWEAR NEW CLASSIC PU 5/21/2012 3:32:38 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection BACKCROC book_Lacoste_2013.indd 93 5/21/2012 3:32:38 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 94 5/21/2012 3:32:38 PM NF0661CP 278 SUMATRA NOIR BLANC u TURKISH TILE BLACK WHITE 272 ENCRIER NOIR BLANC ESTATE BLUE BLACK WHITE 275 PRIMEVERE NOIR BLANC VIBRANT YELLOW BLACK WHITE 274 ROUGE 240 NOIR BLANC u TANGO RED BLACK WHITE 276 CHLOROPHYLLE NOIR BLANC u JELLY BEAN BLACK WHITE 279 NOIR BLANC BLACK WHITE SMALL BACKPACK 272 275 274 276 278 279 sac a dos avec poche ext + poch ext zippee + soufflet zippe - int : poche ordinateur + 2 poches exterieur : 100% polyester backpack with ext pocket + ext zip pocket + zip gusset - int: computer pocket + 2 pockets exterior: 100% polyester crocodile vert brode green crocodile embroided COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 95 31 x 42.5 x 13 SPORTSWEAR BACKCROC 95 5/21/2012 3:32:38 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 96 5/21/2012 3:32:38 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection 80th Anniversary book_Lacoste_2013.indd 97 5/21/2012 3:32:38 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 98 5/21/2012 3:32:38 PM NF0597CV MEDIUM BOSTON BAG sac boston - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee exterieur : 50%coton, 50% lin garniture: cuir doublure :100% coton NF0596CV 218 GALAXIE BLANC BLACK IRIS WHITE 218 GALAXIE BLANC u BLACK IRIS WHITE 381 BLANC GALAXIE WHITE BLACK IRIS 381 BLANC GALAXIE WHITE BLACK IRIS 382 BLANC LACOSTE u WHITE GREENER PASTURES 382 BLANC LACOSTE WHITE GREENER PASTURES sac boston - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 37 x 25 x 19 crocodile en gomme t/t LARGE BOSTON BAG exterieur : 50%coton, 50% lin garniture: cuir doublure :100% coton t/t rubber crocodile t/t rubber crocodile boston bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: 50%cotton, 50% linen trim: cow leather lining: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 99 49 x 29 x 23 crocodile en gomme t/t boston bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR 80TH ANNIVERSARY exterior: 50%cotton, 50% linen trim: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR 80TH ANNIVERSARY 99 5/21/2012 3:32:38 PM 100 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NF0595CV SHOPPING BAG sac cabas - int: 2 poches + 1 poche zippee exterieur : 50%coton, 50% lin garniture: cuir doublure :100% coton 218 GALAXIE BLANC BLACK IRIS WHITE 381 BLANC GALAXIE u WHITE BLACK IRIS 382 BLANC LACOSTE WHITE GREENER PASTURES 45 x 42 x 13 crocodile en gomme t/t t/t rubber crocodile shopping bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 100 exterior: 50%cotton, 50% linen trim: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR 80TH ANNIVERSARY 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Roland Garros book_Lacoste_2013.indd 101 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 102 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM NF0718RG MEDIUM SHOPPING BAG sac cabas int : 2 poches + pochon amovible exterieur : pvc garniture : pu int : 100% coton 178 OCEANE u BLUE PRINT 178 OCEANE BLUE PRINT 280 ROUGE 240 u TANGO RED 280 ROUGE 240 u TANGO RED 40.5 x 33 x 15 trousse de toilette porte main crocodile brode et roland garros imprime NF0719RG TOILET KIT exterieur : pvc garniture : pu int : 100% coton embroidery crocodile and roland garros screen printed shopping bag int 2 pockets + removable pocket exterior: pvc trim: pu int: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 103 21 x 8.5 x 14 crocodile brode et roland garros imprime embroidery crocodile and roland garros screen printed toilet kit with hand strap SPORTSWEAR ROLAND GARROS exterior: pvc trim: pu int: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR ROLAND GARROS 103 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 104 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Pop L!VE book_Lacoste_2013.indd 105 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 106 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM NF0666PL SMALL SATCHEL BAG sac musette avec poche ext 178 OCEANE u BLUE PRINT 000 NOIR u BLACK exterieur :100% thermoplastique pu 289 CAPUCINE HOT CORAL 20 x 20.5 x 6.4 178 OCEANE BLUE PRINT 000 NOIR BLACK 289 sac musette avec 2 poches ext crocodile brode CAPUCINE u HOT CORAL exterieur :100% thermoplastique pu exterior: 100% thermoplastic pu embroidery crocodile patch satchel bag with 2 ext pockets L!VE POP L!VE COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 107 28 x 20 x 10.1 crocodile brode embroidery crocodile patch satchel bag with ext pocket NF0667PL MEDIUM SATCHEL BAG exterior: 100% thermoplastic pu L!VE POP L!VE 107 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 108 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM Collection Femme Women’s Collection Psychedelic L!VE book_Lacoste_2013.indd 109 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 110 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM NF0674PS TOTE BAG sac cabas int : 1 poche 363 ACQUA PAINT u ACQUA PAINT exterieur: 100% coton 36 x 35 x 13.5 crocodile brode embroidery crocodile patch vertical tote bag int: 1 pocket exterior: 100% cotton L!VE PSYCHEDELIC L!VE COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 111 111 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 112 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM Collection Homme Men’s Collection John book_Lacoste_2013.indd 113 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 114 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM NH0686JO REPORTER BAG sac reporter 1 poche zippee - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 214 TAN u TAN 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : cuir doublure : 50% coton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex 178 OCEANE BLUE PRINT 38 x 23 x 18 214 TAN TAN 000 NOIR BLACK 178 sac shopping vertical - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee "lacoste" et crocodile embosses OCEANE u BLUE PRINT exterieur : cuir doublure : 50% coton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex "lacoste" and crocodile embossed reporter bag with 1 zip pocket - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: cow leather lining: 50% cotton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 115 NH0687JO TOTE BAG 33 x 40.5 x 15 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses "lacoste" and crocodile embossed vertical tote bag - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR JOHN exterior: cow leather lining: 50% cotton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex SPORTSWEAR JOHN 115 5/21/2012 3:32:39 PM 116 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0688JO COMPUTER BAG sac ordinateur - int : 2 poches + 1 poche pressionnee 214 000 TAN TAN 178 OCEANE BLUE PRINT NOIR u BLACK exterieur : cuir doublure : 50% coton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex 40.5 x 28 x 11 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses 214 TAN u TAN 000 NOIR BLACK 178 sac camera avec poche ext - int : 2 poches OCEANE BLUE PRINT exterieur : cuir doublure : 50% coton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex "lacoste" and crocodile embossed computer bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 snap pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 116 exterior: cow leather lining: 50% cotton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex SPORTSWEAR JOHN NH0689JO MEDIUM CAMERA BAG 21 x 23 x 5 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses "lacoste" and crocodile embossed camera bag with ext pocket - int: 2 pockets exterior: cow leather lining: 50% cotton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex SPORTSWEAR JOHN 5/21/2012 3:32:40 PM NH0716JO SMALL CAMERA BAG sac camera avec 2 poches ext zippees - int : 1 poche 214 TAN TAN 000 NOIR u BLACK exterieur : cuir doublure : 50% coton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex 178 OCEANE BLUE PRINT 14 x 17 x 4 214 TAN u TAN 000 NOIR BLACK 178 porte carte 6 cartes "lacoste" et crocodile embosses OCEANE BLUE PRINT exterieur : cuir doublure : 50% coton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex "lacoste" and crocodile embossed small camera bag with 2 ext zip pockets - int: 1 pocket exterior: cow leather lining: 50% cotton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 117 NH0518JO CREDIT CARD HOLDER 11 x 7.5 "lacoste" embosse "lacoste" embossed card holder with 6 card slots SPORTSWEAR JOHN exterior: cow leather lining: 50% cotton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex SPORTSWEAR JOHN 117 5/21/2012 3:32:40 PM 118 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0520JO SMALL BILLFOLD portefeuille 6 cartes 214 000 TAN TAN 178 OCEANE BLUE PRINT NOIR u BLACK exterieur : cuir interieur: cuir doublure : 50% coton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex 11 x 9 "lacoste" embosse 214 TAN TAN 000 NOIR BLACK 178 portefeuille 3 cartes et porte monnaie OCEANE u BLUE PRINT exterieur : cuir interieur: cuir doublure : 50% coton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex "lacoste" embossed billfold with 6 card slots book_Lacoste_2013.indd 118 exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 50% cotton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex SPORTSWEAR JOHN NH0521JO LARGE BILLOLD & COIN 12 x 10 "lacoste" embosse "lacoste" embossed billfold with 3 card slots + coin purse exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 50% cotton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex SPORTSWEAR JOHN 5/21/2012 3:32:40 PM NH0524JO 4 CREDIT CARD HOLDER portefeuille 4 cartes 214 TAN TAN 000 NOIR u BLACK exterieur : cuir interieur: cuir doublure : 50% coton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex 178 OCEANE BLUE PRINT 11 x 9 "lacoste" embosse "lacoste" embossed billfold with 4 card slots exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 50% cotton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 119 SPORTSWEAR JOHN 214 TAN TAN 000 NOIR BLACK 178 OCEANE u BLUE PRINT NH0627JO SMALL BILLFOLD & COIN portefeuille - int : 3 cartes avec porte monnaie et rabat 2 cartes exterieur : cuir interieur: cuir doublure : 50% coton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex billfold - int : 3 card slots, coin purse, 2 card slots flap exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 50% cotton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex 13 x 10 "lacoste" embosse "lacoste" embossed SPORTSWEAR JOHN 119 5/21/2012 3:32:40 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 120 5/21/2012 3:32:40 PM Collection Homme Men’s Collection FG book_Lacoste_2013.indd 121 5/21/2012 3:32:40 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 122 5/21/2012 3:32:40 PM NH0065FG 000 LARGE BILLFOLD portefeuille 6 cartes NOIR u BLACK exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton 028 000 MARRON DARK BROWN 12 x 10 x 3 NOIR BLACK 028 portefeuille 3 cartes avec porte monnaie et rabat 2 cartes crocodile embosse MARRON u DARK BROWN exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton "crocodile" embossed billfold with 6 card slots exterior : cow leather interior : cow leather lining : 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 123 NH0066FG SMALL BILLFOLD & COIN 11.5 x 9.3 x 2 crocodile embosse "crocodile" embossed billfold with 3 card slots, coin purse + 2 card slots flap SPORTSWEAR FG exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR FG 123 5/21/2012 3:32:41 PM 124 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0068FG 000 NOIR BLACK 028 MARRON u DARK BROWN 000 NOIR u BLACK 028 MARRON DARK BROWN LARGE BILLFOLD & DOUBLE FLAP portefeuille 6 cartes avec double rabats et double poche billet billfold with 6 card, double flap + double bill pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 124 exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton NH0069FG CREDIT CARD HOLDER 12 x 10 x 2 porte carte 4 cartes exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton 11 x 7.5 crocodile embosse crocodile embosse "crocodile" embossed "crocodile" embossed SPORTSWEAR FG card holder with 4 card slots exterior : cow leather lining : 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR FG 5/21/2012 3:32:41 PM NH0131FG 000 SMALL BILLFOLD portefeuille 6 cartes NOIR u BLACK exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton 028 000 MARRON DARK BROWN 11.5 x 9.5 x 2 NOIR u BLACK 028 portefeuille 3 cartes et porte monnaie crocodile embosse MARRON DARK BROWN exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton "crocodile" embossed billfold with 6 card slots exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 125 NH0132FG LARGE BILLFOLD & COIN 12 x 10 x 3 crocodile embosse "crocodile" embossed billfold with 3 card slots + coin purse SPORTSWEAR FG exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR FG 125 5/21/2012 3:32:41 PM 126 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0332FG 000 NOIR BLACK 028 MARRON u DARK BROWN 000 NOIR BLACK 028 MARRON u DARK BROWN PASS HOLDER porte carte 6 cartes + poche passe navigo exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton SMALL BILLFOLD 9CC & ID FLAP 11 x 8.5 crocodile embosse portefeuille - int : 9 cartes + ci amovible exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton "crocodile" embossed card holder 6 card slots with tube pass book_Lacoste_2013.indd 126 exterior : cow leather interior : cow leather lining : 100% cotton NH0620FG SPORTSWEAR FG 11 x 11 crocodile embosse "crocodile" embossed small billfold - int : 9 cc + id flap exterior : cow leather interior : cow leather lining : 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR FG 5/21/2012 3:32:41 PM NH0621FG 000 BUSINESS CARD HOLDER porte carte visite - int : 2 cartes NOIR u BLACK exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton 028 000 MARRON DARK BROWN 11 x 8 NOIR u BLACK 028 porte yen - int : 16 cartes, poche zippee crocodile embosse MARRON DARK BROWN YEN HOLDER exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton "crocodile" embossed business card holder int: 2 cards slots exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 127 NH0622FG 20 x 10 crocodile embosse "crocodile" embossed yen holder - int : 16 cards, zip pocket SPORTSWEAR FG exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR FG 127 5/21/2012 3:32:41 PM 128 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0623FG 000 NOIR u BLACK 028 MARRON DARK BROWN 000 NOIR BLACK 028 MARRON u DARK BROWN LARGE BILLFOLD 11 CC & ID FLAP portefeuille - int : 8 cartes, porte monnaie exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton BUSINESS / CREDIT CARD HOLDER 12 x 10 crocodile embosse portefeuille - int : 5 cartes exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton "crocodile" embossed large billfold - int : 8 cards slots, coin purse book_Lacoste_2013.indd 128 exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton NH0624FG SPORTSWEAR FG 11 x 8 crocodile embosse "crocodile" embossed vertical wallet - int : 5 cards slots exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton SPORTSWEAR FG 5/21/2012 3:32:42 PM NH0625FG 000 NOIR BLACK PASSPORT COVER etui passeport exterieur : cuir interieur : cuir doublure : 100% coton 028 MARRON u DARK BROWN 13 x 11 crocodile embosse "crocodile" embossed passport cover exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 129 SPORTSWEAR FG 129 5/21/2012 3:32:42 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 130 5/21/2012 3:32:42 PM Collection Homme Men’s Collection Andrew book_Lacoste_2013.indd 131 5/21/2012 3:32:42 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 132 5/21/2012 3:32:42 PM NH0635EN COMPUTER BAG sac ordinateur 1 poche - int 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 266 ENCRIER NOIR u ESTATE BLUE BLACK 267 ENCENS DARK BROWN LEAD GRAY DARK BROW exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : cuir doublure 100% polyamide 000 NOIR BLACK 41 x 28 x 10.5 266 ENCRIER NOIR ESTATE BLUE BLACK 267 ENCENS DARK BROWN u LEAD GRAY DARK BROW sac messenger - int : 3 poches + 1 poche zippee lettres "lacoste" metal 000 NOIR BLACK NH0636EN exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : cuir doublure 100% polyamide "lacoste" metal letters computer bag 1 pocket - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 133 MESSENGER BAG 38,5 x 30.5 x 13 lettres "lacoste" metal "lacoste" metal letters messenger bag - int : 3 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR ANDREW exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ANDREW 133 5/21/2012 3:32:42 PM 134 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0638EN CROSSBODY sac crossbody - int : 3 poches + 1 poche zippee 266 ENCRIER NOIR ESTATE BLUE BLACK 267 ENCENS DARK BROWN u LEAD GRAY DARK BROW exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : cuir doublure 100% polyamide 000 NOIR BLACK 25.5 x 25.5 x 5.5 lettres "lacoste" metal 373 ENCRIER RED ESTATE BLUE BURNT OCHRE 374 DARK BROWN YELLOW DARK BROWN YELLOW 372 NOIR BLUE u BLACK SNORKEL BLUE porte carte - int : 4 cartes CREDIT CARD HOLDER exterieur : cuir doublure : 100% polyamide book_Lacoste_2013.indd 134 exterior: 100% polyamide trim: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ANDREW 9.5 x 8 "lacoste" embosse "lacoste" metal letters crossover bag - int : 3 pockets + 1 zip pocket NH0639EN "lacoste" embossed card holder - int : 4 card slots exterior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ANDREW 5/21/2012 3:32:42 PM NH0640EN SMALL BILLFOLD & COIN portefeuille - int : 3 cartes, porte monnaie 373 ENCRIER RED ESTATE BLUE BURNT OCHRE 373 ENCRIER RED u ESTATE BLUE BURNT OCHRE 374 DARK BROWN YELLOW u DARK BROWN YELLOW 374 DARK BROWN YELLOW DARK BROWN YELLOW 372 NOIR BLUE BLACK SNORKEL BLUE 372 NOIR BLUE BLACK SNORKEL BLUE exterieur : cuir interieur: cuir doublure : 100% polyamide 11 x 11 portefeuille - int : 8 cartes "lacoste" embosse LARGE BILLFOLD exterieur : cuir interieur: cuir doublure : 100% polyamide "lacoste" embossed small billfold - int : 3 card slots + coin purse exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 135 NH0641EN 13 x 11 "lacoste" embosse "lacoste" embossed billfold - int : 8 cards slots SPORTSWEAR ANDREW exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ANDREW 135 5/21/2012 3:32:42 PM 136 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0642EN SMALL BILLFOLD 9CC & ID FLAP portefeuille - int : 10 cartes 373 ENCRIER RED ESTATE BLUE BURNT OCHRE 373 ENCRIER RED ESTATE BLUE BURNT OCHRE 374 DARK BROWN YELLOW DARK BROWN YELLOW 374 DARK BROWN YELLOW u DARK BROWN YELLOW 372 NOIR BLUE u BLACK SNORKEL BLUE 372 NOIR BLUE BLACK SNORKEL BLUE exterieur : cuir interieur: cuir doublure : 100% polyamide 11 x 11 "lacoste" embosse porte monnaie - int : 3 cartes COMPACT WALLET exterieur : cuir interieur: cuir doublure : 100% polyamide "lacoste" embossed billfold - int : 10 cards slots book_Lacoste_2013.indd 136 exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ANDREW NH0643EN 11 x 11 "lacoste" embosse "lacoste" embossed coin purse - int : 3 cards slots exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ANDREW 5/21/2012 3:32:43 PM NH0644EN YEN HOLDER porte yen - int : 16 cartes, poche zippee 373 ENCRIER RED u ESTATE BLUE BURNT OCHRE 373 ENCRIER RED u ESTATE BLUE BURNT OCHRE 374 DARK BROWN YELLOW DARK BROWN YELLOW 374 DARK BROWN YELLOW DARK BROWN YELLOW 372 NOIR BLUE BLACK SNORKEL BLUE 372 NOIR BLUE BLACK SNORKEL BLUE exterieur : cuir interieur: cuir doublure : 100% polyamide 21 x 11 porte carte visite - int : 2 cartes "lacoste" embosse exterieur : cuir interieur: cuir doublure : 100% polyamide "lacoste" embossed yen holder - int: 16 cards, zip pocket exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 137 NH0645EN BUSINESS CARD HOLDER 11 x 8 "lacoste" embosse "lacoste" embossed business card holder int: 2 cards slots SPORTSWEAR ANDREW exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ANDREW 137 5/21/2012 3:32:43 PM 138 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0646EN ZIP WALLET portefeuille zippe - int : 2 cartes 373 ENCRIER RED u ESTATE BLUE BURNT OCHRE 373 ENCRIER RED ESTATE BLUE BURNT OCHRE 374 DARK BROWN YELLOW DARK BROWN YELLOW 374 DARK BROWN YELLOW DARK BROWN YELLOW 372 NOIR BLUE BLACK SNORKEL BLUE 372 NOIR BLUE u BLACK SNORKEL BLUE exterieur : cuir interieur: cuir doublure : 100% polyamide 11 x 11 "lacoste" embosse portefeuille - int : 3 cartes, porte monnaie exterieur : cuir interieur: cuir doublure : 100% polyamide "lacoste" embossed zip wallet - int: 2 card slots book_Lacoste_2013.indd 138 exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ANDREW NH0684EN LARGE BILLFOLD & COIN 12 x 9.5 "lacoste" embosse "lacoste" embossed small billfold - int: 3 card slots + coin purse exterior: cow leather interior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide SPORTSWEAR ANDREW 5/21/2012 3:32:43 PM Collection Homme Men’s Collection John Toile book_Lacoste_2013.indd 139 5/21/2012 3:32:43 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 140 5/21/2012 3:32:43 PM NH0631JT CROSSBODY BAG SAC CROSSBODY int : 2 poches + 1 poche pressionnee 326 ORANGE N° 1 BRUN u GINGER BREAD PINECONE 326 ORANGE N° 1 BRUN GINGER BREAD PINECONE 327 PENOMBRE BEIGE ECLIPSE SAND 327 PENOMBRE BEIGE u ECLIPSE SAND 000 NOIR BLACK 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : 100% coton garniture : cuir doublure : 50% coton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex 48 x 28 x 23 sac ordinateur - int : 2 poches + 1 poche pressionnee "lacoste" et crocodile embosses COMPUTER BAG exterieur : 100% coton garniture : cuir doublure : 50% coton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex "lacoste" and crocodile embossed CROSSBODY BAG - int: 2 pockets + 1 snap pocket exterior : 100% cotton trim: cow leather lining: 50% cotton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 141 NH0632JT 40.5 x 28 x 10 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses "lacoste" and crocodile embossed computer bag - int: 2 pockets + 1 snap pocket SPORTSWEAR JOHN TOILE exterior: 100% cotton trim: cow leather lining: 50% cotton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex SPORTSWEAR JOHN TOILE 141 5/21/2012 3:32:43 PM 142 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0634JT MEDIUM CAMERA BAG sac camera avec poche ext - int : 2 poches 326 ORANGE N° 1 BRUN GINGER BREAD PINECONE 327 PENOMBRE BEIGE u ECLIPSE SAND 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : 100% coton garniture : cuir doublure : 50% coton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex 18 x 23 x 5 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses "lacoste" and crocodile embossed camera bag with ext pocket - int : 2 pockets book_Lacoste_2013.indd 142 exterior: 100% cotton trim: cow leather lining: 50% cotton, 48% polyester, 2% spandex SPORTSWEAR ANDREW 5/21/2012 3:32:43 PM Collection Homme Men’s Collection Ulysse book_Lacoste_2013.indd 143 5/21/2012 3:32:43 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 144 5/21/2012 3:32:43 PM NH0693UL 329 PENOMBRE NOIR ECLIPSE BLACK 000 329 NOIR u BLACK PENOMBRE NOIR u ECLIPSE BLACK BODY BAG sac crossbody avec soufflet zippe - int : 3 poches exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pvc doublure : 100% polyamide exterior: 100% polyamide. trim: pvc lining: 100% polyamide COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 145 NOIR BLACK NH0649UL 3 WAY BRIEFCASE 24 x 35 x 10 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses "lacoste" and crocodile embossed body bag with zip gusset - int : 3 pockets 000 SPORTSWEAR ULYSSE sac ordinateur double porte avec soufflet zippe + 2 poches zippees + 1 poche - int : poche ordinateur + 5 poches exterieur: 100% polyamide garniture: pvc doublure: 100% polyamide 2 way briefcase with zip gusset + 2 zip pockets + 1 pocket - int: computer pocket + 5 pockets exterior: 100% polyamide. trim: pvc lining: 100% polyamide 40 x 33 x 10 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses "lacoste" and crocodile embossed SPORTSWEAR ULYSSE 145 5/21/2012 3:32:44 PM 146 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0650UL 329 PENOMBRE NOIR ECLIPSE BLACK 000 NOIR u BLACK 329 PENOMBRE NOIR u ECLIPSE BLACK 000 NOIR BLACK BACKPACK sac a dos avec soufflet zippe + poche ext zippee int : poche ordinateur + 5 poches + 1 poche zippee exterieur: 100% polyamide garniture: pvc doublure: 100% polyamide backpack with zip gusset + ext zip pocket int : computer pocket + 5 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: 100% polyamide. trim: pvc lining: 100% polyamide book_Lacoste_2013.indd 146 NH0651UL MESSENGER BAG 34 x 45 x 18 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses "lacoste" and crocodile embossed SPORTSWEAR ULYSSE sac messenger avec 2 poches ext zippees - int : poche ordinateur + 5 poches exterieur: 100% polyamide garniture: pvc doublure: 100% polyamide messenger bag with 2 ext zip pockets - int: computer pocket + 5 pockets exterior: 100% polyamide. trim: pvc lining: 100% polyamide 44 x 32 x 15 "lacoste" et crocodile embosses "lacoste" and crocodile embossed SPORTSWEAR ULYSSE 5/21/2012 3:32:44 PM Collection Homme Men’s Collection Carnaby book_Lacoste_2013.indd 147 5/21/2012 3:32:44 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 148 5/21/2012 3:32:44 PM NH0609KE CROSSBODY sac crossbody avec rabat, 2 poches ext - int : 4 poches exterieur : 100% coton garniture : cuir NH0690KE 371 NOIR MARRON BLACK DARK BROWN 371 NOIR MARRON BLACK DARK BROWN 269 PENOMBRE MARRON u ECLIPSE BROWN 269 PENOMBRE MARRON ECLIPSE BROWN 268 ORANGE N°1 MARRON GINGER BREAD BROWN 268 ORANGE N°1 MARRON u GINGER BREAD BROWN 24.5 x 25.5 x 5.5 sac messenger avec 2 poches - int : 4 poches "lacoste" embosse argent MESSENGER bag exterieur : 100% coton garniture : cuir "lacoste" embosse argent silver "lacoste" embossed crossbody bag with flap, 2 pockets - int: 4 pockets exterior: 100% cotton trim: cow leather COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 149 40 x 30.5 x 11.5 silver "lacoste" embossed messenger bag with 2 ext pockets - int : 4 pockets SPORTSWEAR CARNABY exterior: 100% cotton trim: cow leather SPORTSWEAR CARNABY 149 5/21/2012 3:32:44 PM 150 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0692KE TOTE BAG sac cabas avec 2 poches ext - int : 4 poches exterieur : 100% coton garniture : cuir 371 NOIR MARRON BLACK DARK BROWN 269 PENOMBRE MARRON u ECLIPSE BROWN 268 ORANGE N°1 MARRON GINGER BREAD BROWN 39 x 39 x 10 "lacoste" embosse argent silver "lacoste" embossed tote bag with 2 ext pockets - int : 4 pockets exterior: 100% cotton trim: cow leather SPORTSWEAR CARNABY book_Lacoste_2013.indd 150 5/21/2012 3:32:44 PM Collection Homme Men’s Collection Manhattan book_Lacoste_2013.indd 151 5/21/2012 3:32:44 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 152 5/21/2012 3:32:44 PM NH0653NM COMPUTER BAG sac ordinateur - int : 2 poches zippees 329 PENOMBRE NOIR u ECLIPSE BLACK 302 ENCENS NOIR LEAD GRAY BLACK exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu doublure : 100% polyester 000 NOIR BLACK 46 x 31 x 13 329 PENOMBRE NOIR ECLIPSE BLACK 302 ENCENS NOIR LEAD GRAY BLACK sac shopping 2 compartiments - int : 2 poches zippees "lacoste" et crocodile debosses sur patch en gomme 000 NOIR u BLACK NH0652NM TOTE BAG exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu doublure 100% polyester "lacoste" and crocodile debossed on rubber patch computer bag - int : 2 zip pockets exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu lining: 100% polyester COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 153 43.5 x 43.5 x 8 "lacoste" et crocodile debosses sur patch en gomme "lacoste" and crocodile debossed on rubber patch tote bag with 2 compartments - int: 2 zip pockets SPORTSWEAR MANHATTAN exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu lining: 100% polyester SPORTSWEAR MANHATTAN 153 5/21/2012 3:32:44 PM 154 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0654NM ROLL BAG sac rond - int : 2 poches zippees 329 PENOMBRE NOIR ECLIPSE BLACK 302 ENCENS NOIR LEAD GRAY BLACK exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu doublure : 100% polyester 000 NOIR u BLACK 48.5 x 25.5 x 25.5 "lacoste" et crocodile debosses sur patch en gomme 329 PENOMBRE NOIR ECLIPSE BLACK 302 ENCENS NOIR u LEAD GRAY BLACK sac messenger avec poche ext zippee - int : 1 poche zippee 000 NOIR BLACK NH0655NM MESSENGER BAG exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu doublure : 100% polyester "lacoste" and crocodile debossed on rubber patch roll bag - int : 2 zip pockets book_Lacoste_2013.indd 154 exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu lining: 100% polyester SPORTSWEAR MANHATTAN 38.5 x 18 x 5 "lacoste" et crocodile debosses sur patch en gomme "lacoste" and crocodile debossed on rubber patch messenger bag with ext zip pocket - int : 1 zip pocket exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu lining: 100% polyester SPORTSWEAR MANHATTAN 5/21/2012 3:32:45 PM NH0656NM VERTICAL CAMERA BAG sac vertical porte epaule avec poche ext 329 PENOMBRE NOIR ECLIPSE BLACK 302 ENCENS NOIR u LEAD GRAY BLACK exterieur : 100% polyamide doublure : 100% polyester 000 NOIR BLACK 18 x 23 x 5.5 "lacoste" et crocodile debosses sur patch en gomme "lacoste" and crocodile debossed on rubber patch vertical camera bag with ext pocket exterior: 100% polyamide lining: 100% polyester COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 155 SPORTSWEAR MANHATTAN 155 5/21/2012 3:32:45 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 156 5/21/2012 3:32:45 PM Collection Homme Men’s Collection Street Balance book_Lacoste_2013.indd 157 5/21/2012 3:32:45 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 158 5/21/2012 3:32:45 PM NH0658SB VERTICAL CAMERA BAG WITH FLAP sac vertical porte epaule avec poche ext zippee - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 384 RHUM u ATMOSPHERE 000 NOIR BLACK 384 RHUM u ATMOSPHERE 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu doublure : 100% polyester 18 x 23 x 8 sac messenger plat avec soufflet + poche plate - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee crocodile detoure sur patch en pu t/t exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu doublure : 100% polyester outlined crocodile on a t/t pu patch vertical camera bag with ext zip pocket - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu lining: 100% polyester COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 159 NH0694SB FLAT MESSENGER BAG 36 x 28 x 8 crocodile detoure sur patch en pu t/t outlined crocodile on a t/t pu patch flat messenger bag with gusset -zip pocket int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR STREET BALANCE exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu lining: 100% polyester SPORTSWEAR STREET BALANCE 159 5/21/2012 3:32:45 PM 160 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0155SB CAMERA BAG sac camera avec soufflet + 1 poche zippee - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 055 CERISE u FORMULA ONE 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 055 CERISE u FORMULA ONE 384 RHUM ATMOSPHERE 000 NOIR BLACK 384 RHUM ATMOSPHERE 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu doublure : 100% polyester 33 x 28 x 33 crocodile detoure sur patch en pu t/t outlined crocodile on a t/t pu patch camera bag with gusset + zip pocket - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 160 exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu lining: 100% polyester SPORTSWEAR STREET BALANCE sacoche ordinateur avec soufflet + 1 poche zippee - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu doublure : 100% polyester computer bag with gusset + zip pocket - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu lining: 100% polyester NH0159SB COMPUTER BAG 38 x 28 x 13 SPORTSWEAR STREET BALANCE 5/21/2012 3:32:45 PM NH0298SB WEEKENDER sac weekend avec soufflet + 1 poche zippee - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 141 PENOMBRE u ECLIPSE 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 141 PENOMBRE u ECLIPSE 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 384 RHUM ATMOSPHERE 000 NOIR BLACK 384 RHUM ATMOSPHERE 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu doublure : 100% polyester 48 x 30.5 x 18 sac airline avec poche ext zippee avec soufflet - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee crocodile detoure sur patch en pu t/t exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu doublure : 100% polyester outlined crocodile on a t/t pu patch weekend bag with gusset + zip pocket - int: 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu lining: 100% polyester COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 161 NH0657SB SATCHEL 35.5 x 28 x 8 crocodile detoure sur patch en pu t/t outlined crocodile on a t/t pu patch airline bag with ext zip pocket + gusset - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR STREET BALANCE exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu lining: 100% polyester SPORTSWEAR STREET BALANCE 161 5/21/2012 3:32:46 PM 162 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0659SB VERTICAL CAMERA BAG sac vertical porte epaule - int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 141 PENOMBRE u ECLIPSE 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 384 RHUM ATMOSPHERE 000 NOIR u BLACK 384 RHUM ATMOSPHERE 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu doublure : 100% polyester 18 x 20.5 x 8 crocodile detoure sur patch en pu t/t sac messenger avec soufflet + poche ext int : 2 poches + 1 poche zippee exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu doublure : 100% polyester outlined crocodile on a t/t pu patch vertical camerA bag - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 162 exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu lining: 100% polyester SPORTSWEAR STREET BALANCE NH0695SB MESSENGER BAG 38.5 x 28 x 13 crocodile detoure sur patch en pu t/t outlined crocodile on a t/t pu patch messenger bag with gusset + ext pocket - int : 2 pockets + 1 zip pocket exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu lining: 100% polyester SPORTSWEAR STREET BALANCE 5/21/2012 3:32:46 PM NH0512SB SMALL BILLFOLD portefeuille 6 cartes 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 055 CERISE u FORMULA ONE 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 384 RHUM ATMOSPHERE 000 NOIR BLACK 384 RHUM u ATMOSPHERE 000 NOIR BLACK exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu interieur : pu doublure : 100% polyester 11.5 x 9.5 portefeuille 3 cartes et porte monnaie crocodile detoure sur patch en pu t/t exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu interieur : pu doublure : 100% polyester outlined crocodile on a t/t pu patch billfold with 6 card slots exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu - interior: pu lining: 100% polyester COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 163 NH0514SB LARGE BILLFOLD & COIN 12.5 x 10 crocodile detoure sur patch en pu t/t outlined crocodile on a t/t pu patch billfold with 3 card slots + coin purse SPORTSWEAR STREET BALANCE exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu - interior: pu lining: 100% polyester SPORTSWEAR STREET BALANCE 163 5/21/2012 3:32:46 PM 164 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0696SB TOILET KIT trousse de toilette 141 PENOMBRE ECLIPSE 055 CERISE FORMULA ONE 384 RHUM ATMOSPHERE 000 NOIR u BLACK exterieur : 100% polyamide garniture : pu doublure : 100% polyester 25.5 x 13 x 13 crocodile detoure sur patch en pu t/t outlined crocodile on a t/t pu patch toilet kit book_Lacoste_2013.indd 164 exterior: 100% polyamide trim: pu lining: 100% polyester SPORTSWEAR STREET BALANCE 5/21/2012 3:32:46 PM Collection Homme Men’s Collection BACKCROC book_Lacoste_2013.indd 165 5/21/2012 3:32:46 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 166 5/21/2012 3:32:46 PM NH0660CP LARGE BACKPACK 278 275 274 272 ENCRIER NOIR BLANC u ESTATE BLUE BLACK WHITE 278 SUMATRA NOIR BLANC TURKISH TILE BLACK WHITE 275 PRIMEVERE NOIR BLANC u VIBRANT YELLOW BLACK WHITE 274 ROUGE 240 NOIR BLANC TANGO RED BLACK WHITE 276 CHLOROPHYLLE NOIR BLANC JELLY BEAN BLACK WHITE 279 NOIR BLANC u BLACK WHITE 276 272 279 sac a dos avec poche ext + poch ext zippee + soufflet zippe - int : poche ordinateur + 2 poches exterieur : 100% polyester backpack with ext pocket + ext zip pocket + zip gusset - int: computer pocket + 2 pockets exterior: 100% polyester crocodile vert brode green crocodile embroided COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 167 32.5 x 46.5 x 15 SPORTSWEAR BACKCROC 167 5/21/2012 3:32:47 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 168 5/21/2012 3:32:47 PM Collection Homme Men’s Collection ATTITUDE book_Lacoste_2013.indd 169 5/21/2012 3:32:47 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 170 5/21/2012 3:32:47 PM NH0697SR DUFFLE BAG sac duffle - int : 1 poche zippee 362 178 PRIMEVERE VIBRANT YELLOW 280 ROUGE 240 TANGO RED exterieur : pvc doublure : 100% polyester 000 OCEANE u BLUE PRINT 362 178 PRIMEVERE VIBRANT YELLOW NOIR BLACK 280 ROUGE 240 u TANGO RED 48.5 x 30.5 x 20.5 sac airline int : 1 poche zippee crocodile debosse et lacoste imprime 000 OCEANE BLUE PRINT NOIR BLACK exterieur : pvc doublure : 100% polyester exterior: pvc lining: 100% polyester COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 171 AIRLINE BAG 36 x 23 x 13 crocodile debosse et lacoste imprime debossed crocodile and "lacoste" screen printed duffle bag - int: 1 zip pocket NH0698SR debossed crocodile and "lacoste" screen printed airline bag - int: 1 zip pocket SPORT ATTITUDE exterior: pvc lining: 100% polyester SPORT ATTITUDE 171 5/21/2012 3:32:47 PM 172 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0699SR MESSENGER BAG sac messenger - int : 1 poche zippee 362 PRIMEVERE u 178 VIBRANT YELLOW 280 ROUGE 240 TANGO RED exterieur : pvc doublure : 100% polyester 000 OCEANE BLUE PRINT 362 178 PRIMEVERE VIBRANT YELLOW NOIR BLACK 280 ROUGE 240 TANGO RED 51 x 25.5 x 25.5 crocodile debosse et lacoste imprime 000 sac a dos - int : 1 poche zippee OCEANE BLUE PRINT NOIR u BLACK Exterieur : Pvc Doublure : 100% Polyester book_Lacoste_2013.indd 172 exterior: pvc lining: 100% polyester SPORT ATTITUDE BACKPACK 36 x 41 x 18 crocodile debosse et lacoste imprime debossed crocodile and "lacoste" screen printed messenger bag - int: 1 zip pocket NH0700SR debossed crocodile and "lacoste" screen printed backpack - int: 1 zip pocket Exterior: Pvc Lining: 100% Polyester SPORT ATTITUDE 5/21/2012 3:32:47 PM Collection Homme Men’s Collection CHALLENGE book_Lacoste_2013.indd 173 5/21/2012 3:32:47 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 174 5/21/2012 3:32:47 PM NH0702CH LARGE GYM BAG 000 NOIR BLACK 178 OCEANE u BLUE PRINT sac de sport avec poche bouteille + poche ext zippee - Int : 1 poche zippee exterieur : 100% polyester garniture : pvc doublure : 100% polyamide gym bag with bottle pocket + ext zip pocket Int: 1 zip pocket exterior: 100% polyester trim: pvc lining: 100% polyamide BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 60 x 26 x 30 000 NOIR BLACK 178 OCEANE BLUE PRINT 001 sac de sport avec 1 poche ext zippee - int : 1 poche zippee crocodile en gomme t/t BLANC u BRIGHT WHITE NH0701CH MEDIUM GYM BAG exterieur : 100% polyester garniture : pvc doublure : 100% polyamide rubber crocodile t/t COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 175 001 48 x 21 x 25 crocodile en gomme t/t rubber crocodile t/t gym bag with 1 zip pocket - int: 1 zip pocket SPORT CHALLENGE exterior: 100% polyester trim: pvc lining: 100% polyamide SPORT CHALLENGE 175 5/21/2012 3:32:47 PM 176 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0606CH BACKPACK 000 NOIR u BLACK 178 OCEANE BLUE PRINT sac a dos avec poche raquette + poche ext zippee - Int : 1 poche zippee exterieur : 100% polyester garniture : pvc doublure : 100% polyamide backpack with racket pocket + ext zip pocket Int: 1 zip pocket exterior: 100% polyester trim: pvc lining: 100% polyamide book_Lacoste_2013.indd 176 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 21 x 49.5 x 15 crocodile en gomme t/t 000 NOIR BLACK 178 OCEANE BLUE PRINT 001 sac duffle avec 1 poche ext zippee- int : 1 poche zippee BLANC u BRIGHT WHITE DUFFLE BAG exterieur : 100% polyester garniture : pvc doublure : 100% polyamide rubber crocodile t/t SPORT CHALLENGE NH0703CH 49 x 32 x 21.5 crocodile en gomme t/t rubber crocodile t/t duffle bag with 1 ext zip pocket - int : 1 zip pocket exterior: 100% polyester trim: pvc lining: 100% polyamide SPORT CHALLENGE 5/21/2012 3:32:48 PM NH0704CH TOILET KIT trousse de toilette 000 NOIR BLACK 178 OCEANE u BLUE PRINT exterieur : 100% polyester garniture : pvc doublure : 100% polyamide 001 BLANC BRIGHT WHITE 28.5 x 13 x 11 crocodile en gomme t/t rubber crocodile t/t toilet kit exterior: 100% polyester trim: pvc lining: 100% polyamide COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 177 SPORT CHALLENGE 177 5/21/2012 3:32:48 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 178 5/21/2012 3:32:48 PM Collection Homme Men’s Collection ROLAND GARROS book_Lacoste_2013.indd 179 5/21/2012 3:32:48 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 180 5/21/2012 3:32:48 PM NH0720RG AIRLINE BAG sac airline - int : 1 poche zippee exterieur : pvc doublure : 100% polyester 387 ROUGE240 BLANC u TANGO RED WHITE 387 ROUGE240 BLANC TANGO RED WHITE 334 OCEANE BLANC BLUE PRINT WHITE 334 OCEANE BLANC u BLUE PRINT WHITE 34.5 x 23 x 13 sac rond - int : 1 poche zippee crocodile brode et roland garros imprime NH0721RG ROLL BAG exterieur : pvc doublure : 100% polyester embroidery crocodile and roland garros screen printed airline bag - int: 1 zip pocket exterior : pvc lining : 100% polyester COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 book_Lacoste_2013.indd 181 50 x 25 x 25 crocodile brode et roland garros imprime embroidery crocodile and roland garros screen printed roll bag - int: 1 zip pocket SPORTSWEAR ROLAND GARROS exterior : pvc lining : 100% polyester SPORTSWEAR ROLAND GARROS 181 5/21/2012 3:32:48 PM 182 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0722RG TOILET KIT trousse de toilette exterieur : pvc doublure : 100% polyester 387 ROUGE240 BLANC TANGO RED WHITE 334 OCEANE BLANC u BLUE PRINT WHITE 20.5 x 10 x 10 crocodile brode et roland garros imprime embroidery crocodile and roland garros screen printed toilet kit book_Lacoste_2013.indd 182 exterior : pvc lining : 100% polyester SPORTSWEAR ROLAND GARROS 5/21/2012 3:32:48 PM Collection Homme Men’s Collection L!VE X book_Lacoste_2013.indd 183 5/21/2012 3:32:48 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 184 5/21/2012 3:32:48 PM NH0300LA BACKPACK sac a dos avec poche ext zippee 345 ANVERS u INK BLUE 347 VETIVER VETIVER exterieur : 100% polyester garniture 1 : croute de cuir pu garniture 2 : pvc 176 ROUGE POMPEIAN RED 35 x 46 x 20 345 ANVERS INK BLUE 347 VETIVER VETIVER sac crossover plat avec poche ext zippee crocodile vert brode 176 ROUGE u POMPEIAN RED exterieur : 100% polyester garniture 1 : croute de cuir pu garniture 2 : pvc green crocodile embroided backpack with ext zip pocket exterior: 100% polyester trim 1: pu split cow leather trim 2: pvc book_Lacoste_2013.indd 185 31 x 35 x 4 crocodile vert brode green crocodile embroided flat crossover bag with ext zip pocket L!VE L!VE X COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0301LA FLAT CROSSOVER BAG exterior: 100% polyester trim 1: pu split cow leather trim 2: pvc L!VE L!VE X 185 5/21/2012 3:32:48 PM 186 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0302LA ROLL BAG sac rond avec poche ext zippee 345 ANVERS INK BLUE 347 VETIVER u VETIVER exterieur : 100% polyester garniture 1 : croute de cuir pu garniture 2 : pvc 176 ROUGE POMPEIAN RED 50 x 25 x 25 crocodile vert brode 345 ANVERS INK BLUE 347 VETIVER VETIVER sac messenger avec poche ext zippee 176 ROUGE u POMPEIAN RED exterieur : 100% polyester garniture 1 : croute de cuir pu exterior: 100% polyester trim 1: pu split cow leather trim 2: pvc L!VE L!VE X book_Lacoste_2013.indd 186 MESSENGER BAG 42 x 34 x 9 crocodile vert brode green crocodile embroided roll bag with ext zip pocket NH0665LA green crocodile embroided messenger bag with ext zip pocket exterior: 100% polyester trim 1: pu split cow leather L!VE L!VE X 5/21/2012 3:32:49 PM Collection Mixte Mixed Collection L!VE XY book_Lacoste_2013.indd 187 5/21/2012 3:32:49 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 188 5/21/2012 3:32:49 PM NH0662EV 021 MARINE 166 PEACOAT 284 021 ECRU u ECRU MARINE 166 PEACOAT 284 ECRU u ECRU BACK PACK sac a dos avec poche ext zippee - int : 1 poche backpack with ext zip pocket - int: 1 pocket exterieur : 100% coton SHOPPING BAG 35 x 46 x 15 sac cabas - int : 1 poche 44 x 37.5 x 18 crocodile vert brode green crocodile embroided green crocodile embroided shopping bag - int: 1 pocket L!VE L!VE XY book_Lacoste_2013.indd 189 exterieur : 100% coton crocodile vert brode exterior: 100% cotton COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0663EV exterior: 100% cotton L!VE L!VE XY 189 5/21/2012 3:32:49 PM 190 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NH0664EV 021 MARINE 166 u 284 PEACOAT ECRU ECRU BRIEFCASE sac ordinateur avec 2 poches ext - int : poche ordinateur + 1 poche exterieur : 100% coton 41 x 36 x 11 crocodile vert brode green crocodile embroided computer bag with 2 ext pockets - int : computer pocket + 1 pocket book_Lacoste_2013.indd 190 exterior: 100% cotton L!VE L!VE XY 5/21/2012 3:32:49 PM Collection Mixte Mixed Collection L!VE Z book_Lacoste_2013.indd 191 5/21/2012 3:32:49 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 192 5/21/2012 3:32:49 PM NU0668LS SMALL CLUTCH pochette zippee porte main - int : 1 poche 144 345 ANVERS INK BLUE 352 291 ETAMINE GOLDEN APRICOT exterieur : croute de cuir doublure : 100% polyamide 144 ECLIPSE ANTHRACITE 345 ANVERS INK BLUE CORAIL FLUO u FUSION CORAL 352 291 ETAMINE GOLDEN APRICOT 14.9 x 10.5 x 0.3 portefeuille zippe - int : 2 cartes "lacoste l!ve" embosse ECLIPSE u ANTHRACITE CORAIL FLUO FUSION CORAL exterieur : croute de cuir doublure : 100% polyamide zip wallet - int : 2 card slots L!VE exterior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide L!VE L!VE Z L!VE Z book_Lacoste_2013.indd 193 11 x 11 x 1.5 "lacoste l!ve" embossed exterior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 ZIP WALLET "lacoste l!ve" embosse "lacoste l!ve" embossed zip clutch with hand strap - int : 1 pocket NU0669LS 193 5/21/2012 3:32:49 PM 194 COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 NU0670LS SMALL BILLFOLD portefeuille - int : 6 cartes 144 345 ANVERS INK BLUE 352 291 ETAMINE u GOLDEN APRICOT exterieur : croute de cuir doublure : 100% polyamide 144 ECLIPSE ANTHRACITE 345 ANVERS u INK BLUE CORAIL FLUO FUSION CORAL 352 291 ETAMINE GOLDEN APRICOT 9.1 x 11.5 x 1 "lacoste l!ve" embosse porte carte avec poche pass navigo - int : 4 cartes ECLIPSE ANTHRACITE CORAIL FLUO FUSION CORAL exterieur : croute de cuir doublure : 100% polyamide exterior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide L!VE L!VE Z book_Lacoste_2013.indd 194 PASS HOLDER 11 x 8 x 1 "lacoste l!ve" embosse "lacoste l!ve" embossed small billfold - int: 6 card slots NU0671LS "lacoste l!ve" embossed card holder with tube pass - int: 4 card slots exterior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide L!VE L!VE Z 5/21/2012 3:32:49 PM NU0672LS CREDIT CARD HOLDER porte carte - int : 6 cartes, pass navigo, porte monnaie card holder - int: 6 card slots, tube pass, coin case 144 345 ANVERS u INK BLUE 352 291 ETAMINE GOLDEN APRICOT exterieur : croute de cuir doublure : 100% polyamide exterior: cow leather lining: 100% polyamide 345 ANVERS INK BLUE CORAIL FLUO FUSION CORAL 352 291 ETAMINE GOLDEN APRICOT 11.2 x 8.9 x 2.1 coque ipad book_Lacoste_2013.indd 195 ECLIPSE ANTHRACITE CORAIL FLUO u FUSION CORAL exterieur : croute de cuir doublure : 100% polyamide NU0673LS IPAD CASE 19.2 x 24.5 x 3 "lacoste l!ve" embosse "lacoste l!ve" embosse "lacoste l!ve" embossed "lacoste l!ve" embossed ipad case L!VE L!VE Z COLLECTION PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 144 ECLIPSE ANTHRACITE exterior: cow leather lining: pu L!VE L!VE Z 195 5/21/2012 3:32:50 PM book_Lacoste_2013.indd 196 5/21/2012 3:32:50 PM
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Plan de Collection
adjustable handles - int:
2 pockets + 1 zip pocket + 2
pencil pockets