10 Quick Ways To Weight Loss…


10 Quick Ways To Weight Loss…
Special Report
Ten Quick Ways to
Weight Loss…
How to Look and Feel Better –
By: Coach Angela Ramos
Inspiration Fitness Camp
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A Special Report provided free of charge courtesy of:
Coach Angela Ramos
Inspiration Fitness Camp
116 N. Main Street, Crown Point, IN 46307
(219) 779-0500
What Crown Point Residents Say About
Inspiration Fitness Camp
"Since becoming an Inspiration Fitness Club member I have lost inches all over and have gone
down 2 sizes in my clothes. My biggest accomplishment is sticking with it. As a busy mom to 3
(wonderful and busy) young children, I normally would have never gotten this far. But I feel so
encouraged and motivated to continue to work hard. Although some days are better than
others, I always know that I have my own cheering squad to back me up."
- Tracey Roy, Mother of 3
"I did not know anyone else who would be attending the camp. Angela and the rest of the women put my fears to
rest. She has been in my shoes which is something I can truly appreciate. The women in the camp are extremely
supportive. Everyone wants to see each other succeed in this journey.
I especially enjoy the online component to the camp. It is very easy for me to take 5-10 minutes to post my food
log or ask for advice from the other women in the online community.
This is a journey that I am very excited to be on. Now it is my time now to take control of my life and my body."
"Hi, my name is Cathy, I’m a nurse and a massage therapist , married, mother of 2 and grandma of one special
little girl, Emily.
July 1st I joined Angela’s Inspiration fitness on line and got started. It was a slow start with vacation and returning
home and trying to re-acclimate my life. I was
interested in her Fitness camp, but the time did not fit into my schedule. Using the food guide and my custom
exercise program, I got started. Something felt different
this time. I am going to do this. I read others struggles and victory’s and Angela’s encouragement and
fitness tips on line and kept plugging along.
I still had no courage to step on the scales initially and 5 weeks in to the program I felt different, I feel better, I
step on the scale and 6 lbs are gone!!!!
I have never had this much pleasure of stepping on a scale in my life.
So now, I’m in fitness camp and my family understands this is a lifestyle change for this household and I’m
encouraged and inspired and very ,very grateful. I know I
have more ahead of me than behind me, but I’m moving in the right direction and I have the loving, kind support
of my fellow on line fitness people to nudge me along.
Remember life is journey not a destination. Thanks Ang, you’re my angel here on this earth."
Cathy Hines, Grandmother, Age 49
Hi, my name is Tricia…………..and I am an inspiration fitness goo-roo…
I heard about Angela’s-Inspiration Fitness through my sister who was being trained by Angela.
I started off doing one-on-one with Angela and loved it. Her knowledge and focus is great. She is very educated in
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each and every muscle group, so that was a factor
that I really liked and reassured me that I was training with someone that was right for me. After each session, I
felt motivated to keep up with the workout and
nutrition. Although it is an ongoing struggle with nutrition, Angela has so many recourses to use to help guide you
in the correct eating habits and even healthy and not to mention tasty recipes.
After the one-on-one, I joined the Angela’s fitness camp with a few friends. Fitness camp is like going to a gym,
but more enhanced for my wants on working out and it
helps give me more direction when I am working out on my own for an “off” of camp.
Whether it is circuits, running, or playing fitness games, it is a great 45 minutes to set out of my day for me. I love
what Angela has taught me (because I thought I
knew it all), and the confidence she gives me. I look forward to keeping up with this working out and keep chuckin’
along with the nutrition because now I have a wedding to plan for and I of course want to fit in to my dress and
have my backless dress look hot! Wooo hooo!"
The…Tricia Strbac
"As I look back on the first day of camp, I can't believe I've made it this far.
I realize that I am not only feeling better, but I am looking better. I was unsure that I could actually do the camp. I
didn't even want to go the first day. I thought my couple days a week walking on the treadmill were doing me just
fine. I was completely wrong! I have had this extra weight following me around for years.
With the help of Inspiration Fitness Camp and Angela, I have realized that I can do something about it.
The camp is fun and motivating. There isn't any reason not to be there. I just feel extremely grateful for my friend,
Tricia, who called me that day and asked me to join with her.
I am grateful for Angela and all the wonderful workouts she provides for us. Not only is Angela a trainer, she is a
friend. Someone who understands where you've been and where you need to be.
So in closing, thanks for a great couple of months and the 20 lbs. you've helped me shed. And I'm not done yet!!
With all my gratitude,
"Angela and her Inspiration Fitness Camps came into my life at just the right time. I, like most women, was guilty
of not just putting myself last; I wasn't even on the list. Working at the family business and taking care of two kids
under the age of two was leaving me worn out and my weight wasn't making things any easier. It had gotten to
the point that I thought someone was following
me, but it turned that it was just my rear end.
Going to Fitness Camp is my favorite way of doing something good for myself. It may sound crazy,
but after working and chasing kids all day going to Fitness Camp is my way of unwinding. The on-line portion of
Inspiration Fitness is great too. There is a lot of great information on the site. Plus you can keep a log of your
fitness journey where you get advice and support not only from Angela, but from the other ladies as well.
To sum it all up: I'm out of my really fat pants, my fat pants are getting loose and my skinny pants are waiting
patiently for me in the closet."
Kati Molchan
Hi, My name is Jessica, I am 33 years old. I have never liked exercising. To me exercising is the most boring thing to possibly do.
The past 2 years or so I have been very dissatisfied with my figure and appearance. I LOVE to eat and HATE to exercise. I would
just always wish and hope that one day when I woke up I would be 30 lbs lighter and be fit and tone. Well, that wasn't happening. I
was never motivated to work out and I really did not like or want to go to gyms. I tried a gym before I got married and that lasted
about 2 weeks.
In mid July I discovered an add for Inspiration Fitness Camp in the Family Flyer. I read the add, went to the website, emailed Angela
and the rest is history. I went to bring a friend day. I knew I would be exercising outdoors and that I had to bring water. So the
journey begins....Angela starts the workout session with a warm-up, then stretching, then the actual work-out session for the day
and then cool-down. What I am about to say is the honest to god truth! By the third WARM-UP exercise I was completely out of
breath and my legs were ready to collapse from underneath me. At which point I said to myself "I can't do this, I am NOT coming
back and I guess I am going to be fat for the rest of my life." Then after the warm-up exercises we had to run four laps around the
basketball court. I was able to run one full lap and had to walk the rest. I pushed and made it through warm-up, barely! Angela
instructed us on what the work-out for the day was going to be and explained we had to do 20 reps of each exercise. I was able to
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do 5 to 7 reps. By the end of my day of visiting camp I knew that I had just completed the hardest activities I had ever done in my life
and that I ABSOLUTELY had to join and be a member of her camp family!
Four weeks later of three days a week with Angela and some exercising on my own I have lost 5 1/2 inches throughout my body and
I lost 2% body fat. I am able to run 3 full laps and I am able to do 15 to 20 reps of each exercise.
I look forward to going to camp. I wish we could go four or five times a week. Angela is AWESOME! She is YOUR personal trainer. I
have learned so very much from her about nutrition, exercise, foods, food groups, what to eat, what not to eat, when to eat, what
kinds of foods to eat when. It is amazing to me how much I have learned in these short 4 weeks.
If you are serious about getting healthy then this camp is for you! This is old fashioned eat right, work out the right way and get
healthy! No diet pills, no cutting out an entire food group, just hard work and a healthy life style!
Angela's camps are hard, very intense and challenging but when you get done at the end of the work-out you feel so much healthier
and you will have energy that you never knew existed.
Jessica - Part II
Hi, my name is Jessica.
I have been with Angela now for 2 camps. It's not getting easier...that is for sure! I can make it around the
basketball court 4 times now (refer to my 1st testimonial).
Each day I go to camp and while at camp I think to myself "why is this not getting easier?" I am still out of breath
after our warm-up, my legs still feel like jello while exercising.
In reality, if it were getting easier I wouldn't be seeing the results that I am seeing. So THANK YOU Angela for
pushing and pushing and challenging me every day that I am with you!
Camp #2 Results: 1.7% body fat LOST 1.5 lbs. LOST 4.25 inches LOST
For a Grand total of: 3.7% body fat LOST 9.75 inches LOST
I share all of the specifics with you, because I want every woman to read my testimonials and know that YOU CAN
Angela's camps are amazing and well worth the money spent! She is FULL of information from every aspect on how
to live a healthy life-style.
Every day at camp it is something new and challenging! No boring exercise equipment! Step out of the box,
challenge yourself, come and visit INSPIRATION FITNESS CAMP."
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Talk to your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of the publication.
Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his
opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for information purposes only. While every attempt
has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor his
affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people
or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning health or related matters is needed, the services
of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This report is not intended for use as a definitive source
of health advice.
#1: If You Really Want To Lose Weight
Do NOT Diet, It’s Dangerous And…
Did you know that dieting actually causes your body to lose weight more slowly?
It‟s true! You see your body is wired for survival, and so if you try and starve it from the
essential nutrients, minerals and what not that come from eating food… Well it‟s not going to be
too happy…
And so everything you do eat while dieting is locked in and stored away with even more
stubbornness than normal because your body thinks there‟s some sort of food shortage going on,
and so tries to stock up and make the most of what little scraps are available. And remember,
your body has been using this little survival technique for two million years now, so there‟s no
use in fighting it. Diet, and the food you eat burns off slower, it makes sense right?
But that‟s not the worst of it; not only is dieting counter-productive, it can also cause:
Thinning of the hair
Dry skin and chapped lips
Hair growth on the body
Weakened immune system
Pale Complexion
Tooth decay
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And more
Frankly dieting is just downright dangerous; and some of the symptoms are very un-lady like
I‟m sure you‟ll agree… More body hair anyone?
And then there‟s grumpiness, tiredness, and a sluggish brain to deal with too!
It‟s simply not worth it (nor is it practical to walk around like a zombie everyday)!
The only exception where I would recommend dieting is if you were severely overeating; but
it‟s rare for me to need to do that. You see, surprisingly those little nuisance body lumps and
bumps you want to get rid of are normally caused by the complete opposite of overeating...
That‟s right! If you want to really lose weight, heck you probably need to EAT MORE!
(Next, find out if I’ve gone bananas, or am actually talking some sense…)
#2: Eat More “_ _ _ _ _ _,” It Reduces Fat “Stockpiling!”
Remember I told you about how our bodies are finely tuned survival machines…
Well anyway, just as our bodies cling on to food when it‟s scarce; when food is in abundance
our bodies don‟t feel the need to stock-up for the “famine” ahead and so let food, fats and other
fuels slide through our system almost as easily as they came in.
Let me explain what I really mean by eating more though…
As you can see I left a “fill in the blank” for the headline of this little tip (mainly just to
arouse your curiosity) So what are you thinking… Eat more fruit? Eat more vegetables? Eat
more donuts? … Nope, eat more often!
Of course what you eat is very important, but I‟m sure you‟ve heard it all before and are smart
enough to know what‟s good and bad for you so I won‟t go over all that here as I want to keep
these tips quick, easy and instantly useable for fast results. (If you feel you would benefit from a
full nutritional consult, feel free to call (219) 779-0500 and find out more about the Inspiration
Fitness Camp’s nutrition support system)
Okay, back to eating more often… So exactly how often should you eat then?
Well, being in the health and fitness industry, I have found 5 to be the magic number (3 main
meals and two snacks). So here‟s what a typical meal plan would look like for you; this is
actually a good one for you to follow:
1. Breakfast (An essential meal, you must never, ever skip breakfast)
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Snack (Piece of fruit, yogurt, rice cake, healthy shake, bar, etc)
Lunch (Another essential, a nice light, easy on the dressing salad will do the job)
Snack (Piece of fruit, yogurt, rice cake, healthy shake, bar, etc)
Dinner (Again essential, you can “pig out” – on healthy foods – at dinner time)
Not a bad deal right? You get to stave off hunger with snacks, keep energy high throughout
the day and tell your body – “Hey, look at all the food I am giving you on a regular basis! And
there’s tons more where that came from too, so you don’t have to store excess “survival” fat!”
Believe or not, your body will heed your call and hold-up on fat stockpiling, which will allow
you to drop pounds faster. Again this only works if you‟re eating healthy food, and the right
amount of it, I‟m sure you‟ll know if you are… or are not.
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#3: Build More Muscle, Get Firm!
Don‟t worry; I‟m not suggesting for a minute you become the female Arnold Schwarzenegger
here, in fact far from it!
But there is something interesting you should know about old Arnold, in his heyday he would
have probably been burning anywhere up to 200 calories or more every hour – at rest! That is to
say, he could burn 200 calories per hour doing diddly squat… That‟s burning a whopping 4,800
calories a day!
The reason for this is because muscle is a big energy consumer.
Now the number of calories you burn at rest right now (known as your basal metabolic rate,
BMR) will probably be somewhere around 60 calories per hour (about 1,500 per day)... However
with a little muscle it‟s quite easy to get that up to 80, maybe even 90; and if you do the math…
That would mean your body could burn an extra 400 – 700 calories per day, at rest! That‟s up
to 4,900 extra calories you could be burning every week sleeping, watching T.V., etc!
Like I said though, achieving this extra calorie “burnage” doesn‟t require you to have tree
trunk arms, with just a few simple exercise you can quickly and easily build muscle that will
increase your BMR and give you a tight, toned, firm and very feminine body.
What kinds of exercises?
Well, unfortunately I don‟t have enough space to tell you (remember these are quick tips).
Just a few sentences trying to describe all the different exercises is dangerous frankly, because
you can cause yourself some damage if I don‟t make it clear, exactly what you need to do.
Be sure to remember this though, building muscle (even as a woman) is good… Done
properly, you won‟t look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but you will lose more weight!
Building this “right kind” of muscle is something I work on with all of my Inspiration
Fitness Camp recruits. And remember you too can come along and see this for yourself, check
out the website below for more information.
Full Details At – www.InspirationFitnessCamp.com
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#4: How To Lose Weight By Saving Money On Sky-High Fuel!
“I can save money AND lose weight?!”
Yes, absolutely! In fact you‟ve probably heard of this old weight loss “secret” so many times
you‟re tired of it, but I‟m going to tell you again one more time anyway because it‟s almost
always overlooked despite being so incredibly effective…
And if you‟ve put two and two together you might have already cracked it…
Yes, you can save money on fuel and burn off those wobbly bits simply by walking more.
Walk one daily trip where you‟d normally take the car (where appropriate), walk the kids to
school for example… For the sake of the 30 minutes or so you might lose walking instead of
driving a mile – you get sooo much back.
In fact, according to the surgeon general, a brisk 30 minute walk improves mood, energy,
weight loss AND life expectancy by reducing the risk of developing chronic illnesses.
So look for those opportunities to walk more, and give your car a rest.
(The real magic potion you can drink to lose weight, on the next page…)
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#5: A Real Life Magic Potion To Increase Weight Loss,
Boost Energy, Improve Mental Performance AND
Develop Younger, Healthier Looking Skin…
If you‟re guilty of snacking when you really don‟t need to, this natural appetite suppressant
will help you eliminate the munchies for good; making it much easier for you to achieve and
maintain a healthy weight.
What‟s more, the American Journal of Epidemiology found that drinking this magic potion at
least five times a day reduced the risk of heart attack in women by up to 41%.
But that‟s not all, this magic potion will also…
Improve your energy
Increase your mental performance
Increase your physical performance
Remove harmful toxins and waste from your body
Give skin a healthy, young looking glow
Reduces headaches and dizziness
Improve digestion
And more!
So what is this “magic potion” and how to you get your hands on it?
Well, you can buy it in most stores; however it can be found FREE without having to look too
hard… Yes, the “magic potion” you can (and must) drink for all of these health benefits is
simply, good ol‟ H20!
Now get this, some nutritionist‟s say that up to 80% of the population is dehydrated; and that
means it‟s very likely YOU could be at risk from basically all the “opposites” of the list above.
Drinking enough water in the day is crucial for normal functionality. Hunger in between
meals, energy crashes in the afternoon and more can all be eliminated simply by drinking more
water – which isn‟t that hard to do when you think about it.
For starters, why not swap your morning coffee for a glass of water? What caffeine gives to you
in the morning it takes back in the afternoon (with interest!), while water will keep you going all
day long – It‟s a no brainer really – shoot for at least 8 glasses a day, if you start today you‟ll be
feeling the difference in no time at all!
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#6: They Call It Beauty Sleep For A Reason
Listen, I know that you know all about how walking, drinking water and sleeping well is great
for your physical and mental health; the fact is, reading this right now tells me that although you
may have heard it all before, you aren‟t doing any of them near enough…
And that MUST change if you‟re serious about achieving your health & fitness goals.
So, you know why you need to walk for at least 30 minutes each day, why you need to drink
at least 8 glasses of water a day… But what about sleeping?
Well for starters you can watch that Christian Bale movie “The Machinist” and see what lack
of sleep does to your mind in extreme cases. Now you might not ever get to that extreme stage,
but you will experience reduced concentration and sluggish brain operations.
A good night‟s sleep also reduces stress, improves memory, increases alertness and reduces
your risk of depression.
As for the physical effects, inefficient sleep can affect your ability to repair tissue from the
likes of UV light damage; and we all know that UV ages skin. Get enough sleep and you‟ll stay
wrinkle free for longer; not enough and you‟ll start looking older than you really are!
Studies have also shown that people who get less than 7 hours sleep per day are more likely to
be overweight or obese too… So more sleep means less weight gain.
I recommend you make 8 hours sleep per day the target, that‟s a full 16 hours you have left
for everything else. Now you may think that‟s not enough, but when you consider that you are
more productive when well rested, getting 8 hours sleep and then being able to work effectively
the next day is more beneficial than getting 5 hours of sleep and then trying to do work, chores
and what not late into the night when your brain has shut down and your concentration low.
Hey and consider this; sleeping is the easiest way I know for achieving such amazing health
benefits! I‟m sure you wouldn‟t mind a few more hours in bed, right? And you get to say you‟re
working out too!
(Next, the #1 way to look and feel great…)
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#7: What You Can Do Right Now,
To Instantly Look And Feel EXCELLENT!
Did you know that confidence is a self-fulfilling prophecy; that is to say, merely by being
confident alone, you can achieve your goals?
It‟s true, and with the hundreds of clients I‟ve worked with; I„ve seen it for myself.
I bet you‟re no different than most, in that you‟ve tried losing weight, getting fitter or
whatever before this, and you‟ve not really succeeded in achieving your goals… So now,
because you‟ve been burned in the past, you‟re skeptical. Right?
So for example, you might enroll in my upcoming Boot Camp –
www.InspirationFitnessCamp.com  - but with the “I’ll give it a try” attitude…
Now I don‟t blame you for feeling like this, especially if you‟ve struggled to find something
that has worked in the past. But here‟s the problem with that kind of thinking, you‟re setting
yourself up for failure by trying… Trying isn‟t definitive, it‟s “Maybe I will, and maybe I won’t.”
And so when the going gets tough, your sub-conscious tells you “It’s okay to quit, because
you weren’t sure if this was going to work for you anyway.” And of course, failure to achieve
your goals is 100% guaranteed by quitting. Make sense?
The flipside is having an “I will do” attitude when entering your “weight loss adventure.”
This way, when the going gets tough, you get tougher because you‟ve entered into a mental
contract, and even the mere thought of failing to fulfill your promise to yourself is disappointing,
and that fear of failure spurs you on… Being confident gives you that extra edge.
I think, therefore I am and all that, you know.
And if you are wondering why I‟d be able to get results for you while others have failed you
in the past, well it‟s all about confidence (I practice what I preach)…
A) I am confident I will get you results, the proof? I guarantee my services, if you don‟t
achieve your goals, I don‟t get paid… Business is thriving.
B) Plus, I go beyond the physical 101 you‟d normally expect when working with a trainer.
The battle of the mind is the very first thing you need to overcome, and so I work with
you to do that, and develop Michael Phelps like confidence… Think he thought before
the Olympics, he‟d give it a “try” - going for his eight gold medals?
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#8: Remember Though, Set Realistic Goals
Guess what? You will never, no way, no how - lose 20lbs in two weeks without seriously
endangering your health by going on a crazy diet and a round the clock exercise regime…
So, if you‟re going on a vacation soon and need that bikini body ASAP; well I hate to be the
bearer of bad news but that is just not going to happen. You need to be more realistic about what
you can achieve, in the time you want to achieve it.
You will be amazed at how much more weight you will lose by doing so.
Consider this, you want to lose 10lbs in one week, you try so hard for that week and then still
don‟t achieve your goals… Your confidence takes a beating and you give-up hope and go back
to your “old ways.”
On the other hand, if you set your goal at 2lbs per week – that is absolutely achievable with
the right help and motivation – and within just a few short months you‟ve burned off 16lbs plus
of fat; your confidence is sky-high and you‟re on-track to finally achieving your goals.
In this instance slow and steady really does win the race, but I hesitate to use the word “slow”
here because many people spend years and years trying and failing to get anywhere… In fact, in
all that time most people continue to put on weight!
When in reality all it took was a few months if they had realized the power of
realistic goal setting.
Oh and on a side note, you can set realistic goals for anything in life you want to achieve…
Health, wealth, happiness, kid‟s college tuition (start saving), anything! Again, this is something
I have seen with my own eyes, it works… Together my clients have shed thousands of pounds
through this pretty easy to grasp and follow principal.
I urge you to give it a try.
(Next, here’s a real doozy for you…)
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#9: Get A Buddy System Going
Want to know what most of the woman at my Boot Camp
(www.InspirationFitnessCamp.com) think is one of the biggest reasons for achieving weight loss
If you think you aren‟t competitive you‟re kidding yourself; it‟s just part of human nature and
with the 30 woman I have in the middle of a park at the crack of dawn, I really see that come to
the surface.
Everyone wants to finish the reps first, or run the laps in the fastest time which is great for
motivation and forces you to really get the most of your exercising.
Likewise, you can create a similar “competitive environment” by inviting your friends to
exercise with you… Even if that‟s just going for a quick stroll in the park or whatever, you‟ll be
trying to keep up with your friend(s) and vice versa.
Also, bringing your friends “in” on your new exercise plans creates accountability.
If they want to go walking - you kind of have to, even if you don‟t feel like it because you‟d
be letting someone down otherwise.
To take this accountability even further, when you make the decision to really go for this and
finally achieve the health and fitness goals you‟ve desired for so long – tell everyone you know
about what you are trying to do – because the more people (other than yourself) you stand to
let down by failing the better. .. You will fight so hard not to let that happen.
Creating competition and accountability can be incredibly effective for you, don‟t take this tip
lightly and try and do something about it sooner rather than later.
(And finally…)
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#10: Above All Have A Boatload Of Fun!
The most sure-fire way to get and stay in great shape is if you can have fun every step of the
way… Working out and exercising is only really hard work when you focus on the physical
aspects of it, so don‟t.
One of the most popular ways of “zoning-out” is by listening to music, I‟m sure you‟ve seen
countless runners with their head phones in?
Some gyms have T.V.‟s for the exact same purpose of being able to take your mind off the
physical strain by simply tuning into something else... Like your favorite show. It really does
make it a lot easier and time flies.
That‟s one way; another way is with the “buddy system” which we‟ve just talked about.
When you get your friends involved you can go for a walk or a jog and chat away, having as
much fun as you would talking over the phone or with a cup of Joe… Only this way you‟ll be
melting away fat too, now that‟s fun!
And again, I‟ve seen this with my own eyes…
Despite pushing my Boot Camp (www.InspirationFitnessCamp.com) members hard, there‟s
rarely a moan or groan in site… Instead I find myself playing the high school gym teacher
having to disciple grown women giggling and talking!
But I am sure, this fun atmosphere is one of the big reasons Boot Camps are so easy to attend
and stick with.
(Alright, let’s wrap this up…)
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The Last Word…
So let‟s re-cap your 10 Quick Ways To Weight Loss…
1. Do NOT diet (unless you know you are really overeating, see a doctor first)
2. Eat more often, five times a day is good.
3. Build muscle, it‟ll help you burn fat faster.
4. Walk more, especially in situations where you really don‟t need to drive.
5. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and try reducing your caffeine intake.
6. Get your beauty sleep (8hrs), the physical and mental benefits are immense!
7. Be more confident, you will achieve more because of it.
8. Set realistic goals, this way you‟ll never disappoint.
9. Develop a buddy system for exercising.
You can manage that, right? All of these things are really easy to implement in your life; you
just need to make the mental commitment… And after a few weeks you‟ll realize these
becoming habits as opposed to chores…
And when that happens, you are well on your way to getting into the greatest shape of your
life and feeling better than you ever have before – I guarantee that!
Inspiring you to better health,
Coach Angela
P.S. If you‟re thinking the Inspiration Fitness Camp would be the best way for you to get
started then I urge you to come along and try it out… Your first class is free but for a small $10
application fee; if you feel Boot Camp isn‟t for you then that‟s totally fine, you are not
committed to anymore classes. Full details on the next page…
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Your First Boot Camp Class Is FREE!
Boot Camp is a fun, fast way to melt away fat; and if you’re a
first-timer, it’s also FREE too!
For more information on how to claim your first class FREE
(normally $14.95) simply click on the link below (or visit
www.InspirationFitnessCamp.com if you’ve printed this report).
I am convinced that after seeing firsthand how enjoyable and
effective Boot Camp is you’ll be hooked! But if not that’s okay,
because you attend your first class on a purely, discovery, no
obligation basis only.
Click below now to find out more:
Click Here To Claim Your FREE Boot Camp Class Now
(Or call 219-779-0500 for more information)
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Be healthy.
Get Fit.
Have Fun.
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Inspiration Fitness Camp’s numerous boot camps are the quickest, easiest and most FUN way to jump start
your fitness program, lose pounds and inches fast, make new, supportive friends and look and feel great in
just four short weeks!
Guaranteed Results!
What you can expect
Four Weeks To Freedom: That’s all it takes – 28 days – just four short weeks. And you will never be the same again. Your body will
change, fat and inches will melt away, pants/dress sizes will shrink, the feminine/masculine, firm and fit you will emerge. That’s
for certain. But what’s even more astonishing is how your “seize the day” attitude and zest for life will grow. You will get physical
and emotional freedom in four weeks of Boot Camp.
Four Weeks of FUN! Let’s face it…if it’s not fun…you don’t want to do it. Nobody does. That’s the #1 reason people struggle with
their fitness and weight loss…they’re not having fun doing it! Not anymore. Crown Point Boot Camp is TONS OF FUN. You’ll get a
body-trimming workout, lose weight and inches, feel great about yourself, accomplish more, increase your energy and improve
your life in so many ways…and you’ll have FUN doing it. Which is why you’ll keep coming back for more, and keep getting more and
even better results with each passing week.
Special Benefits for Our Members
1. Nutrition Coaching through the whole program (Value $299)
2. Bonus Workouts and Special Trips for Members Only (Value $25)
3. Nutrition and Guest Speaker Seminars (Value $50-$200)
4. A different workout EVERY time you come. (Value - Priceless)
5. Workouts for your days outside of camp. (Value - $55)
And so much more...
We offer all this for so much less than hiring a personal trainer. Most trainers cost $50-$55 an hour. No one else will offer you this
value in Crown Point.
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Jackie Peyton of Crown Point
"I signed up with Inspiration Fitness in September of 2009. My last body assessment
was on February 27, 2010. I'm down 45 pounds and went from 28% body fat to 15% WOW, need I say more?”
“You will sweat, you will push yourself, and you will be sore...but, you will love doing
Dawn De Lyons of Crown Point
“I have dropped 9% body fat and have lost 4 inches in my hips and 5 at my waist; bringing
me down to a size 8. I love the way I feel and the compliments I receive from family and
friends. Working out used to feel like a trip to the dentist, but now I look forward to class
and even the intervals on our days off.”
Paula Mishevich
“The results that I've noticed are that I've lost many inches in addition to almost 30
lbs. Have gone from a size 14 (borderline 16) to a size 10!! I can see that I have a
shape now that's not a barrel. I am stronger. I can do exercises that I couldn't
possibly do in the beginning.”
Barb Hiestand of Hebron
I want to say to all my fellow campers and friends, YOU CAN DO THIS! THERE IS SUPPORT
HERE FOR YOU WITH ANY CHALLENGE YOU MAY FACE! Inspiration Fitness does rock and
Angela will help you to achieve your goals but you must first decide to HAVE a goal. Now
get out there and live the dream!"
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Ladies Fitness Camp—For women interested in losing fat FAST! We use a variety of equipment and you NEVER do the
same workout twice!
Boot Camp LITE—Open for men and women. This two day boot camp offers the same Fat Blasting workout as our
regular fitness camps taken down a notch or two. This camp is perfect for fit seniors, brand new exercisers, those
rehabilitating from injury and those with more than 50 lbs. to lose.
Co-Ed Kettlebell—Train with NW Indiana’s only RKC’s (Russian Kettlebell Challenge ) Instructors and learn how to lose
fat fast with kettlebell and bodyweight exercises.
Small Group Training—Small personal coaching sessions with 2-5 other comrades for a butt kicking workout with one
of our certified coaches. In this personalized setting, you will be able to perfect your technique and be exposed to
much more in-depth instruction. This training allows you to maximize the benefits of our expert coaches.
Private Training—Although we feel our small groups are a superior way to train due to the accountability and support
you gain through training with several people, we know some of you feel more comfortable in a private setting.
*Check out our online calendar for our current camp schedule:
Finally...A PROVEN & GUARANTEED Body Transformation System That Works EVERY TIME...Even If You’ve Struggled In
The Past!”
This brochure entitles you to:
A One-Hour FREE Health and Fitness Consultation. Here’s what will happen during your consultation: we’ll explain, in
detail, exactly what our 12-week program involves and how it works. We’ll also give you a complete health and
fitness analysis and at a bare minimum, you will learn a great deal about how to better achieve your weight loss,
health and fitness goals. We’ll share with you our vast knowledge absolutely FREE. You will get all your questions
answered fully and completely. ($49 value)
A FREE subscription to my newsletter, Rich and Rewarding Living! This newsletter is packed full of techniques, tips,
expert guidance and proven weight loss and fitness strategies. It will keep you motivated and on track towards
your goals. This is the best and most informative newsletter available. There’s no fluff, no worthless fad diets, no
lies, no junk. Only hard hitting content that will empower you. ($29 Value)
One FREE week of fitness boot camp OR Two FREE Semi Private Training Sessions. when you reply before the
deadline date by calling us (219) 779-0500. ($60 value)
These gifts are worth $183, and they are yours FREE for taking action today. Please don’t delay. Each day is precious.
Take action now. Take back control of your life. You’re not alone anymore. We guarantee you will not fail! Give us a
chance to prove to you how powerful our 12 week program is. Expires ________________________________
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What exactly is the Crown Point Inspiration Fitness Camp's Boot Camp for Women?
Our Boot Camp is a four-week program held indoors and outdoors (if there's inclement weather, we make some adjustments) that
provides instruction on fitness and nutrition, with generous heapings of motivation and fun! Boot Camp is led by Crown Point's
world-class fitness instructor: Angela Ramos. Angela is a certified fitness professional with years of experience helping over 243
Crown Point residents. Boot Camp consists of calisthenics, light running and body weight exercises. Small dumbbells, rocks, ropes,
kettlebells, medicine balls are also used. The goal is to get you moving, elevate your heart rate and build lean muscle so your body
burns twice as much fat. NOTE: Ladies, do not worry you will not get bulky. Muscle is more compact and smaller than fat. Also, it's
much more shapely. Replacing fat with muscle will make you smaller, tighter and firmer your dress size will go down, not up!
What if I'm not in very good shape?
We use progressive programming at Crown Point Inspiration Fitness Camp's Boot Camp for Women. That means each person is
assessed to determine their personal level of fitness. If you're not in very good shape, we'll start you slow (there will be others in
the same boat, so you won't be left behind), but work you up to speed more quickly than you can probably imagine right now. The
amazing thing about the human body is how it adapts quickly to proper stimulus. We will SAFELY challenge you never more so than
you can handle. With years of experience working with women of all ages and fitness levels, we have this progressive programming
down to a science.
Just know that you are welcome at Crown Point Inspiration Fitness Camp's Boot Camp regardless of your level of fitness, and you
will not feel out of place, even if you think of yourself now as being totally out of shape. You are not alone. Help is here, both from
us (your instructors) and the friendly, caring support you will receive from the other women. We work as a team, inspiring and
being inspired, and everybody wins!
What types of exercises and activities are included in the program?
First let me say that everything we do at Boot Camp is FUN. You will never be doing long, boring cardiovascular exercise or painful,
hard, heavy lifting. Those days are gone.
sort of we
can I expect
to achieve
at Boot Camp?
do include
an emphasis
on developing
the core muscles of your body. This is called functional fitness. Your
Besides the
the people,
biggest achievement
is the
of satisfaction
and accomplishment
to your
knees is your
And for most
that's where all
are. Now, keep
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your shoulders
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will benefit tremendously from the exercises we do at Crown Point Inspiration Fitness Camp's Boot Camp for Women.
The body
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firm. Your
soar. Stressrunning
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totally controlled,
in some
cases, even disappear. Your
courses and
stamina and strength will increase, your body fat decrease by as much as 3% - 8%, you can lose a minimum of 5lbs - 12lbs, your
and tush
will literally
melt away as
and lose
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it all, and
with our
at amuscle
pace that's
will glow,
eyes clear,
sleep likeand
a baby.
instruction, safely and measurably, quicker than you can imagine. That's how
you get results!
I know, I know, that sounds like hype. All I can say is this: once you experience it, you WILL believe it. And in addition to all that,
you'll meet great people, make some new friends and have a heckuva lot of fun!
What types of women get the most benefit from Crown Point Inspiration Fitness Camp's Boot Camp?
The women who get the best results are not categorized so much by body type, age, fitness level or demographics. They are
categorized by attitude. If you come to camp ready, willing and able to take instruction, inspire and be inspired, push yourself a
little beyond your normal comfort zone and have fun in a supportive environment designed to really bring out the best in you, then
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you can expect phenomenal results. Like everything in life, you get out of it what you put into it. But one of the great benefits of
camp is that you are led by knowledgeable, expert fitness trainers who understand what you need and how to give it to you, how
to motivate you and how to hold you accountable so that results come fast!