Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Final Technical
Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Final Technical
Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Final Technical Report Prepared for Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (Program Manager, EOA, Inc.) 1410 Jackson Street Oakland, CA 94612 Prepared by Stillwater Sciences 2855 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 400 Berkeley, CA 94705 18 August 2006 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (SCVURPPP) developed a Work Plan for Conducting a Watershed Analysis and Management Practice Assessment in Other Creeks Potentially Impaired by Sediment from Anthropogenic Activities (Work Plan) in fulfillment of the SCVURPPP NPDES Permit Order No. 01-024 Provision C.9.f.iii paragraph 2. The SCVURPPP contracted with Stillwater Sciences to complete Task 1 of the Work Plan, Conduct Watershed Assessment using Limiting Factor Analysis (LFA) Approach, in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. The objectives of the Upper Penitencia Steelhead LFA were to identify and fill information gaps related to physical and biological factors controlling population dynamics of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and to identify the impacts of sediment on steelhead relative to other potential limiting factors. Based on the available existing information and reconnaissance surveys, focused studies were developed to test hypotheses regarding potential limiting factors for steelhead in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. The focused studies addressed the following factors: fish passage barriers, gravel permeability, pool filling, overwintering habitat, and summer rearing and growth. A summary of the findings of the Upper Penitencia Creek LFA includes: 1. No barriers to upstream migration below natural waterfalls in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague were identified, although a passage impediment in Alum Rock Park may limit passage opportunities at some flow levels; 2. Seasonal low flows in the downstream reaches may limit steelhead outmigration success in some years, especially if channel drying occurs before the end of the outmigration period (typically March–May); 3. Gravel permeability is low but not likely limiting smolt production due to habitat limitations at other life stages; 4. Pool filling is low, indicating high transport capacity of fine sediment relative to supply; 5. Preliminary analysis suggests that overwintering habitat is likely the key limiting factor for steelhead prior to smolt outmigration; 6. Potential limitations to steelhead density and fish growth may exist in Upper Penitencia Creek due to low streamflows and warm water temperatures during the summer period. These findings indicate that factors associated with juvenile rearing, especially winter habitat conditions, are likely to have the greatest influence on the steelhead population. Sediment dynamics in Upper Penitencia Creek are directly related to juvenile rearing capacities by the embedding of coarse substrate such as cobble and boulders. However, existing information is not sufficient to differentiate current anthropogenic sediment inputs from what is likely a naturally high sediment yield from the watershed. Additional uncertainty remains regarding the potential effects on smolt production of seasonal low flows and elevated water temperatures during the outmigration and summer rearing periods. Important data gaps and information needs were identified to reduce uncertainty associated with development and testing of the key hypotheses investigated in this study. The recommendations for additional studies presented at the end of this report may be facilitated and their effectiveness enhanced through coordination with existing and/or proposed programs. Stillwater Sciences i FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................i 1 INTRODUCTION AND APPROACH............................................................................1 1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................1 1.2 Analysis Approach .................................................................................................2 2 WATERSHED CHARACTERIZATION .......................................................................4 2.1 Physical Setting ......................................................................................................4 2.2 Climate and Hydrology ..........................................................................................4 2.3 Land Use and Land Cover......................................................................................6 2.4 Geologic Setting .....................................................................................................7 2.4.1 Santa Clara Basin .....................................................................................7 2.4.2 Upper Penitencia Creek ............................................................................8 2.4.3 Landslides .................................................................................................9 2.5 Geomorphic Setting..............................................................................................10 2.5.1 Overview..................................................................................................10 2.5.2 General Description................................................................................11 2.5.3 Disturbance Factors................................................................................12 2.5.4 Current Condition by Study Reach..........................................................13 2.6 Fish Community Composition .............................................................................17 3 ANALYSIS SPECIES .....................................................................................................19 3.1 Steelhead Status and Life History Overview........................................................19 3.2 Steelhead Life History and Habitat Use Conceptual Model.................................21 3.3 Conceptual Model ................................................................................................21 4 FOCUSED STUDIES......................................................................................................25 4.1 O. mykiss Abundance ...........................................................................................25 4.1.1 Population Assessment............................................................................25 4.1.2 Population Modeling...............................................................................28 4.2 Changes in Physical Habitat.................................................................................29 4.3 Sediment-Related Impacts on Salmonid Habitat..................................................32 4.3.1 Spawning Gravel .....................................................................................33 4.3.2 Pool Filling and Juvenile Rearing Habitat .............................................36 4.3.3 Winter Habitat Suitability .......................................................................38 4.4 Fish Passage Barriers............................................................................................42 4.4.1 Structural Fish Passage Barriers............................................................43 4.4.2 Flow-related Barriers .............................................................................47 4.5 O. mykiss Growth .................................................................................................50 5 LIMITING FACTORS SYNTHESIS............................................................................53 6 CONCLUSIONS AND PROPOSED ACTIONS ..........................................................58 7 LITERATURE CITED...................................................................................................64 APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................ A-1 APPENDIX B..............................................................................................................................B-1 Stillwater Sciences ii FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis List of Tables Table 2-1. Areal extent of land use/land cover types in the Upper Penitencia Creek Watershed... 6 Table 2-2. Geologic units in the Upper Penitencia Creek Basin. ................................................... 9 Table 2-3. Reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek developed for this report and derived from other sources. .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Table 4-1. Linear feet of modified and unmodified stream channel in Upper Penitencia Creek (excluding Alum Rock Park)......................................................................................................... 32 Table 4-2. Linear feet of modified and unmodified stream channel in Alum Rock Park............. 32 Table 4-3. Number of potential spawning gravel patches greater than or equal to various size classes in Upper Penitencia Creek upstream of RM 3.5................................................................ 35 Table 4-4. Pool characteristics of selected streams in the Santa Clara Valley. ............................ 38 Table 4-5. Winter 0+ juvenile steelhead density (fish/ft2) in an artificial stream channel with different levels of coarse substrate embeddedness. ....................................................................... 40 Table 4-6. Documented fish passage impediments and barriers in Upper Penitencia Creek, up to and including the natural waterfall. ............................................................................................... 44 Table 4-7. Measured characteristics of the grade control drop structure located at the Youth Science Institute in Alum Rock Park (GB18). .............................................................................. 45 Table 4-8. Location of Upper Penitencia Creek temperature data loggers. .................................. 52 Table 5-1. Summary of conceptual models and hypotheses regarding historical and current conditions in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed and their potential effects on different life stages of steelhead. ........................................................................................................................ 55 Table 6-1. Summary of conclusions and recommended studies.................................................. 59 List of Figures Figure 2-1. Figure 2-2. Figure 2-3. Figure 3-1. Figure 3-2. Figure 4-1. Figure 4-2. Figure 4-3. Figure 4-4. Figure 4-5. Monthly mean temperature and precipitation in Mount Hamilton, CA, and San Jose, CA, average from 1948-2004. Mean daily streamflow in Upper Penitencia Creek at SCVWD gage SF 83 at Dorel Drive, Water Years 1962-2004. Upper Penitencia Creek land use comparison between years 1939, 1960, and 2004. (Scale 1 inch= 0.195 miles). Natural fish passage barriers: waterfalls in Arroyo Aguague (left) and Upper Penitencia Creek (right). Steelhead and resident rainbow trout life cycle and potential limiting factors in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. Spring and Fall 2005 densities for 0+ O. mykiss in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Spring and Fall 2005 densities for 1+ and 2+ O. mykiss in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Spring and Fall 2005 population estimates for 0+ O. mykiss in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Spring and Fall 2005 population estimates for 1+ and 2+ O. mykiss in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Length frequency histograms for steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek in 1997 (A), and from outmigrant traps in Coyote Creek during 1998 (B), 1999 (C), and 2000 (D). Stillwater Sciences iii FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Figure 4-6. Figure 4-7. Figure 4-8. Figure 4-9. Figure 4-10. Figure 4-11. Figure 4-12. Figure 4-13. Figure 4-14. Figure 4-15. Figure 4-16. Figure 4-17. Figure 4-18. Figure 4-19. Figure 4-20. Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Upper Penitencia Creek stream channel comparison between years 1873, 1899, and 1951 (Scale 1 inch= 0.663 miles). Historical maps courtesy of San Francisco Estuary Institute, Historical Ecology Program. The egg survival-to-emergence index used to interpret the relative impact of measured permeability on steelhead production is based on the regression derived from data collected by Tagart (1976) for coho salmon and McCuddin (1977) for Chinook salmon. Expected potential smolt production as a function of emergence survival. Area (ft²) of spawning gravel, summed over 0.1 mi increments upstream from the mouth of Upper Penitencia Creek (includes both Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague data). Predicted survival to emergence at permeability sites in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Predicted median survival to emergence, with 95% confidence intervals, for sampled reaches in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Pool filling in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Values < 10% should be interpreted as low in basins with fines-rich parent material, values of 10-20% are moderate, and > 20% are high (Lisle and Hilton 1999, Kondolf et al. 2003). Median V-star (pool filling) values, with 95% confidence intervals, for sampled reaches in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Boulder and cobble substrate composition, summed over 0.1 mile increments upstream from the mouth of Upper Penitencia Creek (includes both Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague data). Expected smolt production as a function of overwintering habitat quality (i.e., fish density). Grade control weir at Youth Science Institute in Alum Rock Park. Flow at Dorel gage at time of photo = 0.51 cfs. Steelhead leaping ability curves, with YSI grade control weir dimensions superimposed. Cumulative percentage of spawning gravel area, pool area, and cobble/boulder substrate area in Upper Penitencia Creek upstream of RM 3.5 (includes both Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague data). Daily average stream temperatures at monitoring locations in Upper Penitencia Creek in 2000 (A) and 2001 (B), with available streamflow data. Daily average stream temperatures at monitoring locations in Upper Penitencia Creek in 2002 (C) and 2004 (D), with available streamflow data. List of Maps Map 1. Base Map Map 2. Land Use/Land Cover Map Map 3. Geologic Map Map 4. Focused Field Studies Map List of Appendices Appendix A-1: Steelhead Population Estimation Appendix A-2: Steelhead Population Dynamics Modeling Appendix A-3: Spawning Gravel Permeability Stillwater Sciences iv FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A-4: Pool Filling Appendix A-5: Overwintering Habitat Appendix A-6: Fish Passage Barriers Appendix A-7: Available Water Temperature Data for Upper Penitencia Creek Appendix B: Steelhead Species Summary Stillwater Sciences v FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis 1 INTRODUCTION AND APPROACH 1.1 Introduction This report presents the results of studies and information synthesis conducted by Stillwater Sciences to analyze factors potentially limiting the steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) population in Upper Penitencia Creek, in Santa Clara County, California. This study was funded by the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (SCVURPPP), as part of SCVURPPP’s efforts to assess sediment-related impacts to beneficial uses in Upper Penitencia Creek and other streams in the Santa Clara Valley. Upper Penitencia Creek is among the streams previously identified by SCVURPPP as high priority for watershed analysis due to the potential for anthropogenic sediment impairment. SCVURPPP developed a Work Plan for Conducting a Watershed Analysis and Management Practice Assessment in Other Creeks Potentially Impaired by Sediment from Anthropogenic Activities (Work Plan) in fulfillment of the SCVURPPP NPDES Permit Order No. 01-024 Provision C.9.f.iii paragraph 2. This study was conducted to complete Task1 of the Work Plan for Upper Penitencia Creek, which was to “Conduct Watershed Assessment using Limiting Factor Analysis Approach.” The Work Plan identifies four major objectives for the watershed analysis: • • • • Collect available existing data to characterize the watershed and identify issues of concern; Develop hypotheses to understand potential impacts of sediment to species that are sensitive to excess sediment; Conduct focused studies to test hypotheses; and Implement a limiting factors analysis to determine to what degree human-related sediment impacts are key limiting factors for aquatic species of concern. Task 2 of the Work Plan, Assess Sediment Management Practices, will be conducted in FY 05-06 by the SCVURPPP, subsequent to the completion of the LFA. An additional objective of the Work Plan is to conduct a rapid sediment budget for Upper Penitencia Creek (Task 4) in FY 05– 06 if the results of the watershed analysis indicate excessive sediment production from anthropogenic activities are impairing aquatic life uses. In response to the four SCVURPPP analysis objectives listed above, the primary focus of this study was to characterize the nature and degree of potential sediment-related effects on steelhead. Steelhead is the species previously identified by SCVURPPP as the target for focused study based on its presence in Upper Penitencia Creek and its sensitivity to sediment-related impacts. Although this analysis primarily considered sediment and its potential impacts on habitat suitability for steelhead, we recognize the importance of other watershed impacts, their influence on watershed processes, and their potential effects on a variety of aquatic organisms (e.g., amphibians) and ecosystem functions. Our study approach therefore included an investigation of additional factors to provide a broader context for evaluating the effects of management actions in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed, and for providing scientifically-based restoration and management recommendations. This study was designed to provide an assessment of current conditions from a watershed-wide perspective and, using an iterative process of hypothesis development and testing, to identify the factors that are most likely limiting the population of steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek. The study also included a limited effort to reconstruct historical conditions using available Stillwater Sciences 1 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis information to document changes that have occurred in stream habitat conditions, particularly those most likely to affect steelhead. This limited historical analysis was intended to improve our interpretation of current conditions, the nature and degree of water quality impairment by sediment and other factors, and generate and test hypotheses to guide management and future study. The scope and timeframe of this study were not sufficient, however, to support the more intensive sampling and analysis program that would be required to perform a more comprehensive assessment of historical and current conditions. Also, it should be noted that the water quality portion of our analysis was focused on sediment and temperature as potential limiting factors. Other water quality parameters, such as nutrients, pathogens, or chemical contaminants may affect steelhead or other beneficial uses, but our initial evaluation of existing data indicated that these parameters are not problematic in Upper Penitencia Creek. The watershed’s extensive land use history for agricultural, recreational, and urban uses (see Sections 2.3 and 4.2), and existing population of steelhead (see Sections 2.6 and 4.1) make it an important watershed in which to focus studies that investigate the potential impacts of anthropogenic sources of sediment on aquatic life. Our area of study encompassed the Upper Penitencia Creek drainage upstream from the confluence with Coyote Creek. Focused analyses, however, were concentrated in the reach upstream of Noble Avenue (approximately 3.5 miles upstream of the Coyote Creek confluence), since this is the portion of the creek documented to support steelhead and was previously described as the primary zone of steelhead spawning and rearing (Smith 1998, Li 2001, BRG 2001). 1.2 Analysis Approach Our approach was to explore factors potentially limiting steelhead production to determine possible causes of current adverse impacts or historical decline. By identifying these factors, we can focus future management activities, help prioritize actions, and refine our current understanding of the ecosystem. Hypotheses regarding potential limiting factors for steelhead were developed using a conceptual model that describes steelhead life history and identifies the habitat constraints most likely to affect the success of each life stage. We then used an iterative process of hypothesis development, testing, and refinement to provide the most adaptive and effective mechanism possible for identification of priority management actions in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. This approach mirrors that used by Stillwater Sciences for the 2004 Stevens Creek Limiting Factors Analysis, and both are based in part on a similar study conducted by Stillwater Sciences and UC Berkeley for the Napa River watershed (Napa County) (Stillwater Sciences and Dietrich 2002). Similar approaches are currently being used in other Bay Area watersheds, including Lagunitas Creek (Marin County) and Sonoma Creek (Sonoma County). The Limiting Factors Analysis was a five-step process: Step 1. Assemble and Review Available Information. We assembled and reviewed relevant existing information and queried local experts to characterize the general physical and biological attributes of the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed and identify key issues of concern. This step included development of various Geographic Information System (GIS) layers that reflected watershed conditions in a map-based format and allowed us to stratify the watershed and channel network to aid in hypothesis development and study site selection. Step 2. Develop and Refine Conceptual Model, Hypotheses, and Work Plan for Focused Studies. Building on the watershed characterization and other information developed in Step 1, Stillwater Sciences 2 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis we developed and refined a conceptual model that describes the habitat requirements and potential constraints for each steelhead life stage in Upper Penitencia Creek. Based on our conceptual model and existing information, we began developing hypotheses regarding current habitat conditions and potential limiting factors for steelhead. We then conducted initial reconnaissance of the watershed to begin refining hypotheses and identify priorities for focused studies. Sections 3 and 4 of this report describe the results of Step 2. Step 3. Conduct Focused Studies. We conducted focused studies to begin testing the most likely hypotheses. We also assessed the uncertainty associated with the results of the focused studies. Focused studies included review and synthesis of available information on aquatic habitat, land use, potential fish passage barriers, and water temperature, as well as field assessment of spawning gravel permeability, pool filling, overwintering habitat suitability, channel geomorphology, and steelhead distribution and abundance (via direct observation [snorkel] surveys). The results of focused studies led, in some cases, to development of new hypotheses and additional field studies. Section 4 describes the results of the focused studies conducted for this analysis. More detailed methods and data for the focused studies are provided in Appendix A. Step 4. Conduct Limiting Factors Analysis. This step involved review and synthesis of available data from the focused studies and other sources to evaluate the factors most likely to be limiting populations of steelhead under current conditions. Steelhead population response modeling was used as an important tool in the synthesis. This analysis of limiting factors helped provide the context for rejecting, accepting, or refining hypotheses based on the results of the focused studies, and improved our understanding of key uncertainties that might affect management of aquatic ecosystems in the watershed. The results of the limiting factors analysis are discussed throughout Section 5 and summarized in Section 6. Step 5. Develop Recommendations. Based on information currently available and information and hypotheses developed during these studies, we identified management actions and priorities and developed recommendations for future studies to establish cause-and-effect relationships between limiting factors and human land use activities. Our preliminary recommendations are summarized in Section 7. Stillwater Sciences 3 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT 2 Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis WATERSHED CHARACTERIZATION This section provides a general description of the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed based on an initial review of available information, GIS analysis, and reconnaissance surveys. This watershed characterization provides the foundation for subsequent identification of potential limiting factors and development of initial hypotheses and focused studies to begin testing key hypotheses. 2.1 Physical Setting Upper Penitencia Creek drains a watershed of approximately 24 mi2 (SCBWMI 2001) (Map 1). Included in this drainage is the 9 mi2 (23 km2) watershed of Arroyo Aguague, the major tributary to Upper Penitencia Creek. Upper Penitencia Creek originates at an elevation of 3,150 feet (960 meters) in the Diablo Range just east of San Jose, flowing westward for 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) before reaching Cherry Flat Reservoir. The creek flows westward for another nine miles (14.5 kilometers) through Alum Rock Park, Penitencia Creek County Park, and across the alluvial plain through the city of San Jose. Upper Penitencia Creek joins Coyote Creek about ½ mile (0.8 kilometers) east of the intersection of Berryessa Road and Highway 101. Downstream of the confluence of Coyote and Upper Penitencia Creeks, Coyote Creek continues north for ten miles (16 kilometers) to South San Francisco Bay. The Upper Penitencia watershed is bordered by the Lower Penitencia Creek watershed to the north and the Silver Creek watershed to the south. 2.2 Climate and Hydrology The Santa Clara Valley is dominated by a Mediterranean climate with warm, dry summers and cool, moist winters. The majority of annual precipitation occurs as rainfall in the winter and early spring (Figure 2-1). The amount of precipitation in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed is highly variable from year to year, and several droughts of 5–7 years have occurred within the Santa Clara Valley Basin in historical times (SCBWMI 2001). Precipitation is heaviest in the upper watershed (average of 23 inches [58 centimeters] per year) and decreases westward towards San Jose (average of 14 inches [35 centimeters] per year) (data from 1948–2005, Western Regional Climate Center 2005). Temperatures are generally cooler at Mount Hamilton than in San Jose, with an average temperature difference of 7˚F (3.9˚C) (Western Regional Climate Center 2005). From November through April, temperature within the watershed varies on average by 9˚F (5˚C), from 45˚F (7.2˚C) on Mount Hamilton to 54˚F (12.2˚C) in San Jose. From May though October, temperature between Mount Hamilton and San Jose varies less, with an average variation of 4˚F (2.2˚C), from 62˚ (16.6˚C) F at Mount Hamilton to 66˚F (18.8˚C) in San Jose. Upper Penitencia Creek is perennial at its headwaters and becomes intermittent during dry years once it reaches the floor of the Santa Clara Valley. Flow in the upper reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek is mainly due to the contribution of water from natural springs and a perennial tributary, Arroyo Aguague, which joins Upper Penitencia Creek at RM (river mile) 6.7 (6.7 miles upstream from the confluence with Coyote Creek) (SCBWMI 2001). Arroyo Aguague provides the majority of summer baseflow in the section of Upper Penitencia Creek that flows through Alum Rock Park (SCVURPPP 2003a). In addition to Arroyo Aguague, six small tributaries feed into Upper Penitencia Creek, however most are ephemeral. The springs and tributaries help sustain summer baseflows of approximately 0.5 cfs through Alum Rock Park (BRG 2001). Stillwater Sciences 4 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis In addition to the influence of naturally occurring springs and tributaries, flow in Upper Penitencia Creek is also affected by releases from Cherry Flat Dam (RM 9.0). Cherry Flat Dam was constructed in 1936 in Upper Penitencia Creek upstream of Alum Rock Park at an elevation of 1,700 ft (518 m) and is owned and operated by the City of San Jose (BRG 2001, EOA 2003). The reservoir drains 2.4 mi² (6.2 km2), has a capacity of 500 acre-feet and was originally built for flood control and to maintain perennial flow within the park (BRG 2001, SCBWMI 2001 and 2003). The current capacity of the reservoir is likely much less than 500 acre-feet, and may not be large enough to provide significant flood protection (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). Forty years after construction, Alum Rock Park began using municipal water supply and the reservoir is now used primarily for flood control, with releases made only during years when the reservoir is in danger of exceeding capacity or when additional flows are needed to maintain perennial flow in the main channel of Upper Penitencia Creek (SCVURPPP 2003a). Periodic flow augmentation downstream of Cherry Flat Dam is believed to have increased the extent and duration of wetted habitat in Alum Rock Park during summer, but the exact amount of habitat gained and the effects of this increase on steelhead production are unknown. Regular releases from the dam are not required in most years due to the contribution of natural springs near the dam and the perennial flow from Arroyo Aguague (SCVURPPP 2003a). Streamflow in the downstream, valley floor reach is also affected by water diversions and the operation of off-channel percolation ponds. Intermittent streamflow is believed to be a natural occurrence downstream of Alum Rock Park (R. Grossinger, San Francisco Estuary Institute, pers. comm., 2005); however the operation of the percolation ponds near Noble Avenue (RM 3.6) and Mabury Road (RM 1.3) has altered natural flow patterns (Buchan et al. 1999). At Noble Avenue, water from the main channel of Upper Penitencia Creek is diverted into three off-channel percolation ponds that are operated by the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVURPPP 2003a, SCBWMI 2003). Diversions typically occur from April–October, and the percolation ponds are operated year-round (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). This water, along with water imported from the South Bay Aqueduct, is used for groundwater recharge and re-enters the main channel for instream percolation, augmenting stream flow for almost two miles (3.2 kilometers) downstream of the ponds (Buchan et al. 1999). Further downstream near Mabury Road, water is diverted to another percolation pond, which then re-enters the main channel just downstream. The Mabury diversion is operated under a water right for streamflow diversion from November–May, and may be operated at other times of the year for diversion of water from the South Bay Aqueduct delivered via the stream (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). Although the percolation ponds are created for groundwater recharge, the water diversion can cause drying of the channel downstream of Mabury Road from late spring to early fall (SCVURPPP 2003a). Flow in Upper Penitencia Creek was not monitored before the construction of either Cherry Flat Reservoir or the percolation ponds, so the effects of these impoundments on hydrology remain unclear. Two SCVWD hydrologic gages currently monitor flow in Upper Penitencia Creek. The most upstream gage, SF 83, is located at Dorel Drive (RM 3.9), near the entrance to Alum Rock Park (Map 1). It has recorded streamflow data since 1961 (Figure 2-2). The downstream gage, SF 87, is located at RM 1.3, near Mabury Road. Stream flow data from SF 87 are available beginning in water year 2004. Data from the Dorel gage (SF 83), illustrate the pattern of high winter and spring flow peaks followed by periods of drastically lower, stable flows (typically <1 cfs) throughout the summer and early fall. Stillwater Sciences 5 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT 2.3 Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Land Use and Land Cover In its upper reaches the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed is characterized by deep, narrow canyons with well-developed riparian vegetation and few anthropogenic watershed disturbances (SCBWMI 2001). The upper watershed is predominantly undeveloped open space, with only a few residential houses (SCBWMI 2003) (Map 2). Almost three-fourths of the total forested area in the watershed and half of the total rangeland area occur in the upper watershed upstream of the confluence with Arroyo Aguague (Table 2-1). Forest continues to be the predominant land cover type throughout Alum Rock Park (Map 2). Table 2-1. Areal extent of land use/land cover types in the Upper Penitencia Creek Watershed. Land Use/Cover Type Agriculture Commercial Forest Freshwater Heavy Industrial Light Industrial Public/Quasi-Public Rangeland Residential, 1 to 3 DU/acre Residential, 4+ DU/acre Transportation, Communication Urban Recreation Vacant/Undeveloped TOTAL1 Acres 164.9 89.7 10,010.1 31.7 74.5 62.6 37.9 3,643.9 53.0 1,248.9 26.6 21.9 39.3 15,505.0 mi2 0.3 0.1 15.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 5.7 0.1 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 24.2 km2 0.7 0.4 40.5 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 14.7 0.2 5.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 62.8 Total (%) 1.1 0.6 64.6 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.2 23.5 0.3 8.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 100.0 Source: SCBWMI 2001, land use in 1995 1 Because of differing data sources, these totals do not match those for geologic units reported in Section 2.4. DU = Developed Unit(s) Downstream of Alum Rock Park, Upper Penitencia Creek flows out of its steep canyon onto the alluvial plains of San Jose. A narrow strip of trees flanks the main channel of Upper Penitencia Creek, creating a riparian corridor that connects the Diablo Range to the Coyote Creek corridor (SCBWMI 2001). Beyond the riparian corridor, urban land uses dominate. Residential neighborhoods cover a large portion of the lower watershed, comprising over 8% of the total watershed area. Here, housing is interspersed with agricultural uses, commercial uses, industrial centers, and public developments, collectively covering 2.8% of the lower watershed. Transportation, communication, urban recreation, vacant, undeveloped land, and freshwater collectively cover less than 1% of the Upper Penitencia Creek Watershed (SCBWMI 2001). By the late 1800s the Santa Clara Valley around Upper Penitencia Creek was already showing signs of escalating urbanization (Hoffman 1873, USGS 1899). During the first several decades of the 20th century, most undeveloped land around the creek was cultivated as orchards. Beginning in the 1950s, orchard conversion to residential properties supported a burst of development that continues to the present day (Figure 2-3). Orchards once lined the entire length of Upper Penitencia Creek downstream of Alum Rock Park, but by the year 2000, most were replaced with urban infrastructure and homes. Despite the rapid urban development in the lower watershed over the past century, the upstream reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek remain relatively undeveloped. Upstream of Alum Rock Park the basin is sparsely covered by homes, ranches, and private roads. Stillwater Sciences 6 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Channel alterations have occurred continuously along Upper Penitencia Creek since European settlement. Mineral baths made Alum Rock Park an extremely popular destination from the later part of the 19th century through the first half of the 20th century. Many of the baths were located adjacent to the creek within the riparian corridor, and banks were lined with rock walls to accommodate and maintain their usage. The walls remain in place to this day, leaving a tightly confined box channel. Downstream of the park, much of the channel presently flows under several generations of streets, highways, power lines, and railroads. In addition, drop structures, storm drains, bank revetment, and other features have been installed in the channel and along the banks to route surface runoff and control erosion. Historical evidence shows that Upper Penitencia Creek once flowed directly into the San Francisco Bay, but was diverted to join Coyote Creek in the mid-1870s (see Section 4.2). These changes in land use, flow regulation and routing, and channel condition have affected the physical processes that influence the quality, abundance, and connectivity of habitat for anadromous fish and aquatic and riparian species in Upper Penitencia Creek. 2.4 2.4.1 Geologic Setting Santa Clara Basin The Upper Penitencia Creek watershed is located in the southeastern Santa Clara Basin near the northern end of the South Coast Ranges, a series of rugged subparallel mountain ranges that extend 200 miles (322 kilometers) southeast from San Francisco (SCBWMI 2003). The Santa Clara Basin is a northwest trending topographic depression that has largely evolved over the past two million years as a result of tectonic uplift and erosion associated with three major branches of the San Andreas Fault system: the San Andreas fault in the Santa Cruz Mountains to the west and the Hayward and Calaveras faults in the Diablo Range to the east (Map 3). Only the San Andreas and Calaveras faults are known to be active in the Santa Clara Basin, although the Hayward fault is regarded as potentially active and is known to be active to the north. Many smaller faults are also associated with each of these three main branches. Historical earthquake data indicate that four to six moderate earthquakes have occurred in the Basin every decade since 1900 (Williams 1975). Based on the review of available geologic information, topography within the Santa Clara Basin is a result of years of faulting and uplift followed by erosion and deposition of gravel, sand, silt, and clay from the Santa Cruz Mountains and Diablo Range (SCBWMI 2001). The elevations of the surrounding peaks range from over 4,000 feet (1,200 meters) to below sea level, due to subsidence, near Alviso at the southern end of San Francisco Bay. . Principal geologic formations in the Santa Clara Basin are: the older, harder rocks of the Franciscan Complex; the sedimentary units of the Santa Clara Formation and Cretaceous sedimentary formation (Great Valley Sequence); and the unconsolidated materials of the valley fill (SCBWMI 2003). The Franciscan Formation includes some rock originating from the basaltic sea floor, but primarily consists of sedimentary rocks. Greenstone, blueschist, eclogite, chert, shale, limestone, and serpentine are several of the rock types of the Franciscan Formation, outcrops of which can be found within the Santa Cruz Mountains and Diablo Range. The valley floor was originally below sea level and older sandstone units contain marine fossils. The paleo-valley rose above sea level as sediments accumulated from sources in the surrounding Stillwater Sciences 7 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis mountains and once active volcanoes. During the Pleistocene (two million to 10,000 years ago), the valley filled with gravel, sand, and silt eroded from the mountains, forming the Santa Clara Formation. Outcrops of this formation are found along the valley margins and under the modern valley floor. In the mid-to-late Pleistocene and early Holocene (one million to 8,000 years ago), large volumes of sediment were transported from the mountains during a comparatively wet climatic period. These deposits are often collectively referred to as older alluvium deposits. These high-yield streams created alluvial fans with intervening valleys within the Santa Clara Basin. Over the most recent 10,000 years, additional gravel, sand, silt, and clay has been transported from the mountains and deposited within the valleys of the Basin. In some locations, these deposits, typically referred to as the younger alluvium deposits, are over 1,500 feet (457 meters) thick and are important sources of the groundwater in the Basin.. 2.4.2 Upper Penitencia Creek The descriptions and extent of the geologic formations and units within the Upper Penitencia Creek basin are described in Table 2-2 and shown in Map 3. The basin lies within the Coast Ranges physiographic province, a series of northwest trending coastal mountains, and drains the Diablo Range, one of these coastal mountain ranges. The Diablo Range faces another set of coastal mountains, the Santa Cruz Mountains, also in the South Coast Ranges, on the opposite side of the valley that forms the Santa Clara Basin (SCBWMI 2003). The Upper Penitencia Creek basin is comprised of four major geologic units interspersed between the Hayward and Calaveras strike-slip fault zones. The fault zones run approximately parallel to one another in a north-south direction, with the Calaveras fault running across the ridgetops at the basin divide. The basin is underlain by the Franciscan formation, which is exposed on the eastern side of the Calaveras fault. The Franciscan formation is a complex of sedimentary, sandstone and shale rocks, sheared and deformed with pockets of chert, shale, and limestone interspersed with basalt lava flows (BRG 2001, PWA 2003). After the Coast Ranges formed, the Upper Penitencia Creek Basin west of the Hayward fault was flooded by seawater, burying the Franciscan rocks under layers of mud and sand. These Tertiary and Quaternary sandstones, shales, and conglomerates are fragile and easily erodible, forming well-rounded slopes that are dotted with landslides (BRG 2001). All the units are deformed by strong seismic activity occurring between the two fault systems (BRG 2001). The urbanized and relatively flat Santa Clara Valley makes up roughly 12% of the watershed area below Alum Rock Park, and is underlain by mostly unnamed Quaternary alluvial fan and valley fill deposits (younger and older alluvium deposits). Stillwater Sciences 8 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Table 2-2. Geologic units in the Upper Penitencia Creek Basin. Acres mi2 km2 Total (%) sand, gravel, silt, and mud 927 1.4 3.7 6.1 Mesozoic unnamed units Serpentinite 50 0.1 0.2 0.3 Mesozoic Alum Rock Rhyolite felsic volcanic rocks 73 0.1 0.3 0.5 5,272 8.2 21.3 34.9 4,022 6.3 16.3 26.6 167 0.3 0.7 1.1 404 0.6 1.6 2.7 963 1.5 3.9 6.4 310 0.5 1.3 2.1 66 0.1 0.3 0.4 159 0.2 0.6 1.0 178 0.3 0.7 1.2 2,065 3.2 8.4 13.7 422 0.7 1.7 2.8 36 0.1 0.1 0.2 23.6 61.2 100 Geologic Formation Lithology Holocene unnamed units sheared sandstone and shale (mélange) low-grade metasandstone Mesozoic Franciscan Complex and shale low-grade metavolcanic Mesozoic Franciscan Complex rocks porcellaneous or siliceous Mesozoic Franciscan Complex mudstone and shale; chert mudstone and shale, some Mesozoic Great Valley Sequence sandstone sandstone and conglomerate, Mesozoic Great Valley Sequence some mudstone or shale Mesozoic Franciscan Complex Pleistocene unnamed units sand, gravel, silt, and mud Quaternary undivided unnamed units Pliocene and/or Quaternary unnamed units low-grade metasandstone and shale mudstone and shale, some sandstone sandstone and conglomerate, Upper Tertiary Briones Sandstone some mudstone or shale porcellaneous or siliceous Upper Tertiary Monterey Group mudstone and shale; chert Open Water N/A WATERSHED TOTAL 15113 Source: SCVWD (GIS data) 1 Values reflect the areas calculated from the source data, and may differ from others in this report. 2.4.3 Landslides Geologic mapping indicates active hillslope processes occurring within the Upper Penitencia Creek Basin (BRG 2001). Landslides occur mostly in the steep-walled canyons of the upper basin and include rockfall activity, shallow surface failures, and large, deep seated landslides that can reactivate during large storms. Rockfall can occur from natural and anthropogenically controlled mechanisms, through hillslope and bank-toe landslips, and road related failures caused by oversteepened slopes (PWA 2003). Landslides are most common on the Mesozoic Great Valley sequence, a complex of conglomerate, sandstone, and shale, but are also found in areas underlain by the Tertiary Briones or Monterey formations. Slope aspect appears to be an important factor in hillslope stability with most failures occurring on the south facing slopes. A more detailed quantitative analysis of landslide frequency within the basin was not possible with the available data. Fine and coarse sediment can also be produced by gully erosion through tributary rejuvenation, flow concentration from grazing, and flow concentration from road network drainage (PWA 2003). Stillwater Sciences 9 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT 2.5 2.5.1 Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Geomorphic Setting Overview Upper Penitencia Creek originates along Poverty Ridge within the Los Buellis hills on the westernmost slopes of the Diablo Range, and flows into Coyote Creek before emptying into southern San Francisco Bay (EOA 2003). The upper reaches are controlled by Cherry Flat reservoir, but downstream the creek flows for one mile (1.6 kilometers) through a narrow, steep walled canyon that has occasional exposed bedrock outcrops on either bank before reaching the confluence with Arroyo Aguague, the largest tributary to Upper Penitencia Creek. Arroyo Aguague originates along gently sloping ridgetops before flowing through a narrow canyon with characteristics similar to the canyon below Cherry Flat reservoir. The two streams meet to form the mainstem of Upper Penitencia Creek. Over the next 2.5 miles (4 kilometers), the mainstem flows through Alum Rock Park, where it is artificially confined by rock walls built early in the park’s history. Downstream of the park, Upper Penitencia Creek leaves its canyon and flows out onto the floor of the Santa Clara Valley. In this highly urbanized section the channel has been generally straightened and is confined by flood defense measures. Despite channel modifications, the riparian habitat of Upper Penitencia Creek remains largely intact, and is one of the few riparian corridors that contiguously stretches from the Diablo Range to Coyote Creek (SCBWMI 2003). The creek has flooded several times over the past century, and the channel is maintained to ensure conveyance of these larger flood events (HDR 2002, EOA 2003). Existing flood control structures along Upper Penitencia Creek are believed to provide adequate protection only against smaller floods with a recurrence interval of less than about 10 years (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). Over the 11 miles (17.2 kilometers) from its headwaters to Coyote Creek, Upper Penitencia Creek exhibits a single-thread planform, evolving from cascade and step-pool morphology in the reaches below Cherry flat reservoir through Alum Rock Park to predominantly pool-riffle with occasional plane-bedding downstream across the valley floor to Coyote Creek. Median (D50) bed grain size generally decreases from headwater to mouth, although there are many locations within the urbanized valley where large, unnatural clasts (concrete, bricks, rubble) have been added to the stream to support the banks and prevent unwanted erosion (PWA 2003, Jordan et al. 2005). Signs of channel incision are apparent downstream of the confluence of Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Through Alum Rock Park there are occasional lengths where the channel has been scoured to bedrock, and downstream on the valley floor the bed appears to generally aggrade as it flows toward Coyote Creek, with the exception of a highly incised section near the mouth. Some incised sections were observed between the downstream edge of the park and Coyote Creek, but these may represent the natural behavior of an alluvial channel as it meanders across its valley and responds to episodic sediment delivery from upstream reaches. Stillwater Sciences 10 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT 2.5.2 Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis General Description The potential historical geomorphic condition of the Upper Penitencia Creek Basin was determined by examining the processes of sediment input and transport occurring throughout the channel network. River channels show distinct bed morphologies in response to their capacity to transport sediment and the supply of available sediment (Montgomery and Buffington 1997). In a natural setting, the ability of a channel to transport sediment is largely influenced by gradient and the supply is governed by delivery sources and mechanisms. An understanding of natural sediment dynamics and channel response is essential to understand and describe the current condition of impaired channels. The historical geomorphic condition was assumed to be the potential condition of the basin before European influence. Upper Penitencia Creek below Cherry Flat reservoir, and the adjacent Arroyo Aguague sub-basin, flow through a tightly confined, steep walled, bedrock controlled valley. Under historical conditions the dominant sediment sources would include landslides, which were likely prevalent due to the basin’s tectonic activity, and erosion of the weak parent material. Sediment delivery to the stream channel was facilitated by the episodic rainfall characteristic of the area’s Mediterranean climate and influenced by the orographic effects of storm clouds being forced over the Diablo Range. The relatively steep gradient (4–10%) and narrow valley would result in a channel where the sediment transport capacity exceeded the sediment supply, leaving bedrock cascades, and large clasts that form a step-pool morphology (Montgomery and Buffington 1997, EOA 2003). Fine sediment would either be largely absent, in the case of cascade reaches, stored in step-pools, along the channel margins, or near boulders and large woody debris (LWD). The reach would be a sediment transport zone that delivers sediment to lower gradient reaches downstream. The narrow valley and the high sediment transport capacity would leave few extensive gravel bars or floodplain surfaces for riparian recruitment, but the valley walls and upslope areas likely supported an extensive riparian canopy. The influence of LWD on channel form would likely be limited as logs quickly break down from abrasion against boulders and pieces lie above the channel, resting on boulders. Downstream of its confluence with Arroyo Aguague, the mainstem of Upper Penitencia Creek flows through a moderately confined alluvial valley. The dominant sediment sources are, and likely were, fluvial transport, landslides, and debris flows. Naturally occurring summer wildfires followed by winter rains likely caused debris flows that periodically aggraded the channel, causing the creek to meander across its valley (BRG 2001). The average gradient is 3% and such reaches are typically dominated by step-pool and plane-bed morphologies. Plane-bedding occurs in relatively steep gradients where rivers are unable to form pools and riffles because of low width to depth ratios and coarse bed substrates that diminish lateral flow (Montgomery and Buffington 1997). Pool-riffle bed morphologies are able to form in plane-bedded environments in the presence of flow obstructions, such as large woody debris (LWD) (Montgomery et al. 1995). In a natural setting, the channel would meander across the narrow valley, laterally influenced by landslides that redirect the channel, and create gravel bars and floodplains that would be the site of riparian regeneration and recruitment. The availability of geomorphic surfaces would create a riparian forest that contributes LWD to the stream channel and encourage the formation of a forced pool-riffle morphology. Downstream of Alum Rock Park, Upper Penitencia Creek leaves its confined canyon and flows out onto a low, unconfined alluvial plain. The main sources of sediment here were likely from fluvial transport and bank erosion, as is generally the case today. The average gradient is less than 1% and would most likely support plane-bedded and pool riffle channel morphologies. The presence of pool-riffle channels is influenced by the grain size, with smaller sizes favoring the Stillwater Sciences 11 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis formation of pool-riffle sections, and by the presence of LWD, which would be a main component of pool formation. Reaches with higher volumes of woody debris tend to have shorter distances between pools, and a greater pool frequency (Abbe and Montgomery 1996). In a natural state, sediment from headwater sections would be supplied to downstream alluvial sections to be reworked by periodic floods, resulting in a temporal mosaic of depositional patterns and sites (PWA 2003). Flow would be confined to semi-permanent alluvial channels that gradually filled with sediment, causing overtopping and channel switching. Unimpaired flows during the winter and spring rainy season would have overtopped banks and inundated vegetated banks and floodplains, providing organic matter to support the stream food web, dissipating stream power, and serving as important seasonal feeding, rearing, and low-velocity overwintering habitat for juvenile salmonids. Gravel was likely present as localized deposits (e.g. gravel bars) and intermixed with some fine sediment due to the erosive nature of the parent material, but still able to provide good spawning habitat and macroinvertebrate production. 2.5.3 Disturbance Factors The primary anthropogenic activities influencing the sediment dynamics and the current geomorphic condition of the Upper Penitencia basin are water diversion, roads, channel modification, urbanization, and cattle grazing. Cherry Flat dam was originally a water source for Alum Rock Park and several local ranchers, as well as a flood control structure (EOA 2003). The park no longer uses the reservoir as a water source, but the city still manages the facility for flood control and to maintain a wetted channel downstream (BRG 2001) (see Section 2.2). Land use in the portion of the basin upstream of the confluence of Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague includes grazing, scattered residential development, parkland, and undeveloped forest (SCBWMI 2001). Grazing occurs on private lands upstream of Alum Rock Park in the Upper Penitencia Creek (Buchan et al. 1999, EOA 2003) and Arroyo Aguague drainages (SCBWMI 2003). The intensity of the grazing is unknown, as most of the grazed areas are privately owned with few access roads. Grazing pressure in the upper basin can create several potential impacts, including soil compaction, loss of vegetative cover, alteration of plant species composition, and destabilization of hillslopes and stream banks (Mount 1995). Soil compaction reduces infiltration capacity and increases runoff to speed gully formation. The loss of vegetative cover reduces rainfall interception to further increase runoff and erosion, and may increase stream temperatures through lack of canopy cover. Removal of native grassland species intensifies the increases in runoff and erosion, as natives bind soils more cohesively than exotic annual grasses. Along the stream corridor, livestock can feed on riparian seedlings, preventing regeneration and destabilizing banks. In some cases, such as below Cherry Flat Reservoir, cattle are allowed access to the channel (EOA 2003). The road network in the basin upstream of the confluence of Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague is limited to a few public and private roads. However, the majority of the roads are native surfaced (dirt), and it is possible that they contribute some sediment to the Upper Penitencia Creek channel. Road-related surface erosion can be a large source of the fine sediment that enters streams (Reid and Dunne 1984), and much of this sediment originates at or near locations where roads cross or divert streams (Furniss et al. 1991). Road surfaces collect water and concentrate flow directly into stream channels or over hillslopes (Forman and Alexander 1998). Flow concentration over steep hillslopes initiates gully formation and lengthens the first order drainage network, which can lead to increases in erosion (Montgomery 1994). Landsliding and mass wasting associated with roads can be a major source of fine sediment to the channel and exposed cut/fill sites along roadways are also likely sources of fine and coarse sediment (Forman Stillwater Sciences 12 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis and Alexander 1998). The amount of sediment produced from roads in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed, and potential for delivery to the channel network, has not been documented. The lower four miles (6.4 kilometers) of the basin are influenced by a variety of flood control structures and activities: bank reinforcement, channel straightening, and bypass channels. The creek has flooded several times over the past century and the streams are maintained to prevent flooding through sediment removal, vegetation management, and bank protection. As discussed in Section 2.5.1, existing flood control structures along the creek appear to provide adequate protection against smaller floods (< 10 year recurrence interval) (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). 2.5.4 Current Condition by Study Reach There have been several previous reach classifications developed for Upper Penitencia Creek (Table 2-3). All of the previous classifications acknowledge a morphological and land-use change at the downstream end of Alum Rock Park, where Upper Penitencia Creek flows out of its canyon and onto its alluvial fan, and where it leaves a lightly urbanized portion of the basin and enters the highly urbanized Santa Clara Valley. Upstream and downstream of this point, the previous reach designations vary according to the goals of the particular study and the criteria used to develop the classification. The reaches developed here were based on geomorphic processes, and thus vary slightly from those previously reported. Table 2-3. Reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek developed for this report and derived from other sources. River Mile SWS (2005) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 URB 5 Mouth to King Rd URB 4 King Road to Mabury Rd URB 3 Mabury Rd to Capitol Ave 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 URB 2 Capitol Ave to Piedmont Ave SCBWMI (2003) Reach 1 Mouth to N. Jackson Ave Reach 2 N. Jackson Ave to Alum Rock Park Entrance URB 1 Piedmont Ave to Dorel Drive ARP 3 Dorel Drive to Quail Hollow crossing Reach 3 Alum Rock Park Entrance to Arroyo Aguague mouth FAHCE Database (2000) PWA (2003) SCVURPPP (2003) Reach 1 Mouth to Capitol Ave Reach 5 Mouth to King Bridge Rd Reach 4 King Road to Mabury Road Reach 3 Mabury Rd to Capitol Ave Reach 1 Mouth to King Bridge Rd Reach 2 King Road to Mabury Road Reach 3 Mabury Rd to Capitol Ave Reach 2 Capitol Ave to Nobel Ave Reach 3 Nobel Ave to Arroyo Aguague mouth Reach 2 Capitol Ave to Piedmont Ave Reach 1 Piedmont Ave to Tallent Rd NOT OBSERVED Reach 4 Capitol Ave to Dorel Dr Reach 5 Dorel Dr to Arroyo Aguague mouth ARP 2 Quail Hollow crossing to most upstream drop structure ARP 1 Stillwater Sciences 13 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT River Mile SWS (2005) 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 Drop structure to confluence UUP Arroyo Aguague mouth to Cherry Flat Dam Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis SCBWMI (2003) FAHCE Database (2000) Reach 4 Arroyo Aguague mouth to Cherry Flat Dam Reach 4 Arroyo Aguague mouth to tributary downstream of Cherry Flat Dam PWA (2003) SCVURPPP (2003) Reach 6 Arroyo Aguague mouth to Cherry Flat Dam NOT OBSERVED CHERRY FLAT DAM Upper Penitencia Creek below Cherry Flat Reservoir to confluence with Arroyo Aguague Upper Penitencia Creek below Cherry Flat reservoir (UUP, RM 8.1–6.7) is fed a steady supply of coarse and fine sediment from landslides and rockfalls that scar the canyon sides. Other sources of mass movement include sheetwash, and deep-seated landslides that dot the landscape and can be reactivated during wet periods (PWA 2003). The bed is composed of angular and semi-angular large cobbles to large boulders, with pockets of sandy clay along margins and behind channel obstructions. The channel morphology is step-pool and cascade, but with varying step-lengths, possibly due to the constant input of large boulders from the hillsides or the influence of tectonic activity. Woody debris has a minimal effect on sediment storage and channel geometry due to the presence of boulders that prevent the logs from interacting with the bed surface. Five hundred meters upstream of its confluence with Arroyo Aguague, Upper Penitencia Creek flows through a narrow channel constriction at a sharp bend in the channel that impounds mobile bed material and small and large boulders. Accumulations of sandy clay up to 18–24 inches [46–61 centimeters] thick are locally stored upstream and downstream of boulders, which can be characteristic of cascade channels where gravel and finer material is stored in the stoss and lee sides of flow obstructions due to physical impoundment and generation of velocity shadows (Montgomery and Buffington 1997). Downstream of the bend, the creek flows over a 20 to 30 foot cascading waterfall into a small bedrock pool. Down to the confluence with Arroyo Aguague, the channel is slightly wider, with a lower gradient and slightly smaller bed material, ranging from medium cobbles to small boulders. Pockets of clay persist along the channel margins, but the bed sediment generally appears better mixed with gravel and sand. In their assessment of the FAHCE (2000) database, EOA (2003) noted high levels of fine substrate and embeddedness of gravel substrates in this reach. Arroyo Aguague The upper reaches of the Arroyo Aguague (AAG, [RM not assigned]) sub-basin occur within the Calaveras fault zone over highly erodible and fractured Mesozoic era geologic units. From these upper reaches, Arroyo Aguague flows through a narrow canyon, with steep walls that are rife with small landslides and earthflows that provide a consistent source of fine and coarse sediment. Also present are less frequent, but large scale, Quaternary landslides (BRG 2001). These reaches are characterized by rounded to semi-rounded boulders forming a step-pool to cascade stream morphology. Pockets of gravelly sand are stored upstream and downstream of large boulders within and along the channel margins. The influence of woody debris on sediment storage is also minimal in this reach due the perching of logs above the bed surface, and rapid decomposition and abrasion of recruited hardwood logs. Still, occasional fallen trees that span the channel and remain attached at the rootwad to the opposite bank are able to form small debris jams that trap Stillwater Sciences 14 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis mobile sediment and exert some control on bed elevation. Such pockets of mobile sediment may be indicative of the sizes of sediment delivered to downstream reaches. Pockets of fine sediment were observed in this portion of Upper Penitencia Creek and in Arroyo Aguague during reconnaissance surveys, but it was not possible to determine if these were attributable to a naturally high sediment yield due to erosive parent material, tectonic activity, and episodic rainfall, or represent an elevated supply in response to adjacent land uses, such as grazing and roads. Upper Penitencia Creek through Alum Rock Park Upper Penitencia Creek through Alum Rock Park was divided into three reaches based on the differences in bed morphology observed during a geomorphic reconnaissance, the degree of confinement, and the intensity of surrounding land uses related to the park (Table 2-3). The first reach (ARP 1, RM 6.7–6.1) begins at the confluence of Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague and extends downstream to the first in a series of grade control structures. The reach is characterized by a 3–4 meter wide unpaved trail along the right bank, and rock walls and bank revetments running along portions of the channel. There is also a paved road along the steep valley wall about 200 m upslope of the right bank. The creek is moderately to tightly confined to its active channel by rock walls and bank revetments intended to prevent local bank erosion and to protect the adjacent trail. BRG (2001) mapped several landslides along both banks. The level of channel confinement gradually increases downstream, as does the depth of incision. The resulting channel is composed of step-pool and plane bed morphologies with few pieces of LWD in the channel. The next reach (ARP 2, RM 6.1–5.1) begins downstream of the first grade control structure and extends downstream into the heart of Alum Rock Park. The reach is narrowly confined along both banks by rock walls and riprap, and park infrastructure (buildings, trails, several parking lots) occupies adjacent terraces on both banks. The creek is limited to its active channel, with little or no room for channel migration. Sediment delivery from hillslopes and banks is reduced and since the channel is unable to erode its banks or meander, the channel is generally cutting downward (BRG 2001). Attempts to control this incision with grade control structures have created alternating stretches of empty channel scoured to bedrock (cascades), step-pool, and plane bedded morphologies. As the channel is confined to a narrow path and prevented from meandering, there is a lack of new floodplains for riparian forest regeneration and a lack of LWD recruitment. The downstream reach (ARP 3, RM 5.1–3.9) extends downstream from the covered bridge to the road crossing at Dorel Drive, which is where Upper Penitencia Creek flows out onto its alluvial fan. The reach is moderately controlled on the banks by cement walls and riprap, and has a road and paved trails running along the adjacent terraces. There is some resumption of sediment delivery from the banks and hillslopes, with the creek eroding its banks and undermining some bank revetment structures at the top of the reach, and a large active landslide near the downstream end. Upper Penitencia Creek downstream of Alum Rock Park The reaches downstream of the canyon mouth are generally depositional in nature due to their distance below the main sediment sources of the basin. The deposition gradually increases in the downstream direction as overall channel slope lessens, until the final 0.7 miles (1.1 kilometers) when the channel incises rapidly before emptying into Coyote Creek. Upper Penitencia Creek along the Santa Clara Valley floor was divided into five reaches based on differences in bed Stillwater Sciences 15 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis morphology, channel confinement, and intensity of surrounding land uses observed during geomorphic reconnaissance and from available literature. The most upstream urban reach (URB 1, RM 3.9 to 3.1) is a natural channel with few structural modifications, limited to bank revetments around bridges and near roads (EOA 2003). There are some incised sections occurring near adjacent roadways and several meandering sections with well developed gravel bars. Overall the reach displays a meandering channel form with gravel bars and an active floodplain surrounded by a relatively wide riparian corridor. PWA (2003) noted no apparent systematic evidence of channel erosion/incision, but did observe channel deepening at the downstream end of the reach. Portions of this reach appear to have been straightened near the downstream end (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). The next downstream reach (URB 2, RM 3.1–2.2) has incised sections occurring near roadways and meandering sections with gravel bars surrounded by a generally wide riparian corridor. The reach is a zone of greater sediment production due to intermittent bank erosion that is likely caused by the constraining effects of high flows on the banks, knick point migration, and sediment deposition diverting flow toward banks (PWA 2003). Finer material on the bed could indicate a depositional environment. PWA (2003) described this reach as a zone of aggradation, with a sediment imbalance of +1,865 tonnes/year (1,865,000 kilograms/year). This value was not corroborated in the field, and is not a true measure of annual sediment yield, but does indicate the relative ability to transport sediment between reaches. Reach URB 3 (RM 2.2–1.4) is an incised channel with few bedforms, modified by an earthen levee (EOA 2003, PWA 2003). The reach grades progressively downward from the top of the reach, with at least one knickpoint and channel avulsion, indicating some channel instability. At the downstream end of the reach, PWA (2003) observed a channel avulsion possibly associated with downstream disturbance and knickpoint migration. PWA (2003) also considered this reach to be a zone of net sediment deposition (+1,982 tonnes/year [1,982,000 kilograms/year]), with most deposition concentrated between Interstate 680 and Jackson Avenue. Reach URB 4 (RM 1.4–0.7) is a moderately incised channel with limited floodplain access and is lined by an earthen levee (EOA 2003). This portion of Upper Penitencia Creek is straight with moderate connection to the floodplain (PWA 2003). There are numerous signs of current and past bank erosion, which is partially controlled by bank revetments, but potentially exacerbated by channel edge embankments. Some bank erosion may have been arrested by the construction of the flood spillway at the downstream end of the reach. Downstream of flood bypass there are some signs of contemporary bank erosion focused outside of bends. PWA (2003) described this as a zone of sediment deposition, with input exceeding export by 15 tonnes/year (15,000 kilograms/year). The most downstream reach (URB 5, RM 0.7–0.0) flows into Coyote Creek and is the most incised of all the reaches in the urbanized portion of the basin. This reach was created between 1873 and 1875 when Upper Penitencia Creek was diverted into Coyote Creek, and is therefore most of it is an artificially straight section. The section between King Road and Berryessa Road is incised but likely follows the natural stream course (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). The banks are heavily protected with little indication of bank erosion and no floodplain connectivity. PWA (2003) found this to be a reach of net sediment transport (-660 tonnes/year [660,000 kilograms/year]). A sand bar sometimes forms at the confluence with Coyote Creek (PWA 2003; J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2005). Stillwater Sciences 16 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis The highest level of natural floodplain and channel function are observed in UUP, AAG, ARP 1 and URB 1, where channel modifications are either absent or have minor influence on sediment dynamics. The reaches upstream of Alum Rock Park (UUP and AAG) are relatively unaffected by urbanization, but are influenced by surrounding land uses. In the upper Alum Rock Park reach (ARP 1) the creek flows through a relatively wide, well vegetated inset valley without numerous man-made impediments, such as concrete weirs or bridge footings. In the upper urban reaches (URB 1 and 2) the creek flows across an alluvially deposited surface with vegetation on both banks. The lack of confinement allows point and lateral bars to develop naturally in these reaches, adding roughness to the channel and creating greater curvature, or sinuosity. In this way, the equilibrium between available transport capacity and sediment supply within the reach is better maintained. In the two lower Alum Rock Park reaches (ARP 2 and 3), and the lower urban reaches (URB 3, 4, and 5), channel and floodplain function progressively degrade as the channel narrows and modifications encroach on the creek. Here, the channel is straight, point and lateral bars shrink or disappear altogether, and an increasing number of concrete walls and weirs act as grade control and bank stabilizing structures. Transport capacity increases as the number of roughness elements (i.e., bedforms, bar deposits, sinuosity) decrease and anthropogenic influences increase. As a result, a greater amount of scour and incision was observed in these reaches. It was not possible for this study to quantitatively assess the effects of land use changes along Upper Penitencia Creek. Literature review and field observations indicate, however, that despite little change in channel planform through the 20th century (Figure 2-3), the channel profile may still be adjusting to the recent decades of urbanization in the basin as shown by evidence of incision, and multiple occurrences of channel avulsion and knickpoint migration. These changes likely have impacted the physical processes that govern sediment movement and channel stability in Upper Penitencia Creek, and likely have altered the structure and function of aquatic habitat. Changes in physical habitat are discussed further in Section 4.2. 2.6 Fish Community Composition Eight native fish species have been documented in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed, including federally listed steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and its resident form rainbow trout, as well as Pacific lamprey (Lampetra tridentata), California roach (Lavinia symmetricus), hitch (Lavinia exilicauda), Sacramento blackfish (Orthodon microlepidotus ), Sacramento sucker (Catostomus occidentalis), prickly sculpin (Cottus asper) and riffle sculpin (Cottus gulosus) (Buchan et al. 1999, Leidy 1984). Each of these species has been documented upstream to Dorel Drive, near the entrance to Alum Rock Park, and five of these species have been observed farther upstream. Sacramento blackfish documented in Upper Penitencia Creek may have been temporary introductions via water imports from the South Bay Aqueduct (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). Pacific lamprey and Sacramento sucker have occasionally been observed within Alum Rock Park, while steelhead/resident rainbow trout, California roach, and riffle sculpin have been observed up to the waterfall fish barriers in both Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague (Buchan et al. 1999). During snorkel surveys conducted in May 2005 by Stillwater Sciences, we observed three native species (or genera) in Upper Penitencia Creek within Alum Rock Park: Oncorhynchus mykiss, Lavinia sp., and Cottus sp. California roach and rainbow trout are the only two native species that have been observed upstream of the waterfall fish barrier in Upper Penitencia Creek, whereas only resident rainbow trout have been observed upstream of the waterfall fish barrier in Arroyo Aguague (Buchan et al. 1999). Chinook and coho salmon may have historically occurred in Upper Penitencia Creek (Buchan et al. 1999, Leidy et al. 2005), but Stillwater Sciences 17 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis insufficient evidence exists to confirm this. Chinook salmon have at times spawned in the lower reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek, which apparently contains better spawning and rearing habitat than the Coyote Creek mainstem (Smith 1998, FAHCE 2003). Information on historical fish species composition and distribution in Upper Penitencia Creek is limited. However, it is generally thought that Upper Penitencia Creek is the main producer of steelhead for the Coyote Creek basin (Li, unpublished data). Upper Penitencia Creek is one of only a few creeks in the South Bay that support steelhead runs (Buchan et al. 1999) and is considered to have the best steelhead habitat (SCBWMI 2003). Introduced fish, including inland silverside (Menidia beryllina), goldfish (Carassius auratus), fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), and white catfish (Ictalurus catus) have been observed in the lower reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek, with some observed as far upstream as Dorel Drive, near the entrance of Alum Rock Park (SCVURPPP 2003a; Li, unpubl. data). Green sunfish and goldfish have been identified further upstream within Alum Rock Park (BRG 2001, Buchan et al. 1999). Bluegill is the only nonnative species observed between the waterfall fish barrier and Cherry Flat Dam, most likely due to releases from Cherry Flat Reservoir (Buchan et al. 1999). During snorkel surveys conducted by Stillwater Sciences in May 2005, bluegill were also observed in Upper Penitencia Creek just downstream of the Arroyo Aguague confluence and in Arroyo Aguague downstream of the waterfall. Stillwater Sciences 18 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT 3 Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis ANALYSIS SPECIES One of the premises of the limiting factors analysis for the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed was that a select “analysis species" could be used for evaluating the impacts of watershed activities on a range of aquatic species historically and currently found within the basin. An analysis focused on the life history and habitat requirements of a certain species allows us to improve our understanding of the relative importance of various watershed processes and habitat features, identify factors currently limiting the distribution and abundance of the species in the watershed, and evaluate the degree to which watershed-level management strategies may benefit the species, as well as other species and the ecosystem as a whole. Additionally, an assessment of the factors that may be limiting the success of the analysis species at each freshwater life stage helps evaluate the impact of a specific stressor (e.g., sediment) at multiple temporal and spatial scales. Steelhead was chosen by SCVURPPP as the analysis species for the Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis because this species: (1) has special-status designation, (2) has high economic or public interest value, (3) has narrow habitat requirements, (4) is dependent on habitats that have likely been reduced in quality and quantity from historical conditions because of anthropogenic land use within the basin and elsewhere, (5) is in decline locally and regionally, and (6) has habitat requirements that represent the needs of a suite of native coldwater fish species. Steelhead, and its resident form rainbow trout, are the only salmonids currently present in Upper Penitencia Creek (Leidy et al. 2003). Steelhead occupy perennial stream habitat within the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed upstream to barrier waterfalls in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague (Figure 3-1), its largest tributary. Restoring or maintaining habitat connectivity and habitat-forming processes targeted at steelhead will likely benefit other native coldwater species found in the watershed. Their potential sensitivity to land use practices within the watershed, as well as their limited distribution, represents a clear example of a species in decline for which habitat conservation is an important consideration. 3.1 Steelhead Status and Life History Overview Steelhead found in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed belong to the Central California Coast evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) (NMFS 1997), which includes coastal drainages from the Russian River to Aptos Creek and the drainages of San Francisco and San Pablo Bays, excluding the Sacramento-San Joaquin River basin. This ESU is federally listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (NMFS 2000). Accurate adult population size estimates for Upper Penitencia Creek and other South San Francisco Bay watersheds are not available (Leidy et al. 2003; J. Smith, San Jose State University, pers. comm., 2004). In general, steelhead stocks throughout California have declined substantially. The most current estimate of the population of steelhead in California is approximately 250,000 adults, which is roughly half the adult population that existed in the mid1960’s (McEwan and Jackson 1996). Currently, 10 or fewer tributaries to San Francisco Bay are estimated to support runs of steelhead, with most streams having runs of 50 or fewer spawning adults (Leidy et al. 2003). A summary of the life history and habitat requirements of steelhead is provided below and the general steelhead life cycle is presented in Figure 3-2. Detailed information regarding this species is provided in Appendix B. Stillwater Sciences 19 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Steelhead is the term commonly used for the anadromous life history form of rainbow trout. In Upper Penitencia Creek, both resident and anadromous life histories are thought to be displayed (Smith 1998), although detailed information on the relative proportion of each ecotype is not available. For convenience, we use the term steelhead throughout this report to describe all O. mykiss in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. The relationship between anadromous and resident life history forms of this species is the subject of ongoing research. Current evidence suggests that the two forms are capable of interbreeding and that, under some conditions, either life history form can produce offspring that exhibit the alternate form (i.e., resident rainbow trout can produce anadromous progeny and vice-versa) (Shapovalov and Taft 1954, Burgner et al. 1992, Hallock 1989). The fact that little to no genetic differentiation has been found between resident and anadromous life history forms inhabiting the same basin supports this hypothesis (Busby et al. 1993, Nielsen 1994, but see Zimmerman and Reeves 2001). Steelhead return to spawn in their natal stream, usually in their fourth or fifth year of life, with males typically returning to freshwater earlier than females (Shapovalov and Taft 1954, Behnke 1992). A small percentage of steelhead may stray into streams other than their natal stream. Based on variability in the timing of their life histories, steelhead are broadly categorized into winter and summer reproductive ecotypes. Only the winter ecotype (winter-run) occurs in Upper Penitencia Creek. Winter-run steelhead generally enter spawning streams from late-fall through spring as sexually mature adults, and spawn in late winter or spring (Roelofs 1985, Meehan and Bjornn 1991, Behnke 1992). Spawning occurs primarily from January through March, but may begin as early as late December and may extend through April (Hallock et al. 1961). Female steelhead construct redds in suitable gravels, often in pool tailouts and heads of riffles, or in isolated patches in cobble-bedded streams. Steelhead eggs incubate in the redds for 3–14 weeks, depending on water temperatures (Shapovalov and Taft 1954, Barnhart 1991). After hatching, alevins remain in the gravel for an additional 2–5 weeks while absorbing their yolk sacs, and then emerge in spring or early summer (Barnhart 1991). After emergence, steelhead fry move to shallow-water, low-velocity habitats, such as stream margins and low-gradient riffles, and forage in open areas lacking instream cover (Hartman 1965, Fontaine 1988). As fry grow and improve their swimming abilities in late summer and fall, they increasingly use areas with cover and show a preference for higher velocity, deeper mid-channel areas near the thalweg (the deepest part of the channel) (Hartman 1965, Everest and Chapman 1972, Fontaine 1988). Juvenile steelhead (parr) rear in freshwater before outmigrating to the ocean as smolts. The duration of time parr spend in freshwater appears to be related to growth rate, with larger, fastergrowing members of a cohort smolting earlier (Peven et al. 1994). Steelhead in warmer areas, where feeding and growth are possible throughout the winter, may require a shorter period in freshwater before smolting, while steelhead in colder, more northern, and inland streams may require three or four years before smolting (Roelofs 1985). Juvenile steelhead occupy a wide range of habitats, preferring deep pools as well as higher velocity riffle and run habitats (Bisson et al. 1982, Bisson et al. 1988). During periods of low temperatures and high flows that occur in winter months, steelhead prefer low-velocity pool habitats with large rocky substrate or woody debris for cover (Hartman 1965, Raleigh et al. 1984, Swales et al. 1986, Fontaine 1988). During high winter flows, juvenile steelhead seek refuge in interstitial spaces in cobble and boulder substrates (Bustard and Narver 1975). Stillwater Sciences 20 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Juvenile emigration typically occurs from March through June. Emigration appears to be more closely associated with size than age, with 6–8 inches (15–20 centimeters) being most common for downstream migrants. Depending partly on growing conditions in their rearing habitat, steelhead may migrate downstream to estuaries as age 0+ juveniles or may rear in streams for up to four years before outmigrating to the estuary and ocean (Shapovalov and Taft 1954). Steelhead migrating downstream as juveniles may rear for one month to a year in the estuary before entering the ocean (Shapovalov and Taft 1954, Barnhart 1991). 3.2 Steelhead Life History and Habitat Use Conceptual Model In this section, we describe a conceptual model for linkages between physical habitat and the life history of steelhead. We then briefly discuss how existing steelhead abundance data and results from population surveys conducted during this study were used to screen the initial list of potential limiting factors to develop a list of hypotheses specific to the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. Generally speaking, a wide range of factors may limit the size and growth potential of a population of organisms. While each of these factors may serve as the primary limiting factor under specific circumstances, our goal was to identify the factor or factors that appeared to be limiting the population of steelhead under current conditions in Upper Penitencia Creek. The primary aim of this analysis was to use knowledge of various potential limiting factors combined with information gathered from focused studies to examine the importance of sediment-related impacts relative to other potential limiting factors. This knowledge will help elucidate the causeand-effect relationships between land use and water management activities in the watershed and their effects on steelhead and general aquatic ecosystem health. We first provide a general conceptual model that is used as the starting point for developing conceptual models specific to Upper Penitencia Creek. The general model combines hypotheses that are well supported by the literature with elements that are the subject of ongoing research, but is not intended to be a detailed account of the life cycle and habitat requirements for steelhead (such an account is provided with references in Appendix B). Rather, this formulation provides a starting point for exploring available data and developing hypotheses. It is expected that there will be cases where our general conceptual models do not hold up, requiring subsequent modification to fit the conditions of particular watersheds. 3.3 Conceptual Model Steelhead can smolt at a variety of ages, but most frequently smolt at ages 1+ and 2+1. Because juvenile steelhead must spend at least one summer and winter in freshwater prior to outmigrating to the sea, they tend to establish territories2 in suitable rearing habitat soon after emergence from the gravel (as opposed to fall Chinook, chum, pink, and sockeye salmon, which only spend a few days, weeks, or months within their natal stream). The maximum densities of oversummering age 0+ steelhead that a reach of stream can support are determined by territorial/agonistic behavior, 1 We follow conventional methods for assigning fish ages to year classes. Age 0+ refers to fish in their first year of life, sometimes called young-of-the-year; age 1+ to fish in their second year of life, and so on. A fish changes from age 0+ to age 1+ based on the time of hatching, which in the case of steelhead occurs in the spring. 2 We use the term territory and territory size not only in its traditional sense—as a particular defended area —but also in cases where defense of a particular area may not occur but agonistic behavior by dominant individuals (e.g., nips, fin extensions, charges) effectively determine the maximum density of rearing juvenile steelhead in an area. Stillwater Sciences 21 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis both intraspecific and interspecific with other salmonids when they are present. Aggressive displays such as gill flaring, fin extensions, charges, and attacks are used to actively defend individual territories. This behavior results in density-dependent emigration or mortality of juvenile steelhead that do not successfully establish and defend territories. The size of steelhead territories may vary from location to location or between seasons as a function of food availability and temperature, becoming smaller when habitats are more productive or when they are colder. Whether territories are relatively large or small, the forming of territories during freshwater rearing provides an important mechanism for partitioning a finite food resource among individuals and regulating the growth of juvenile steelhead. If territories were not established and defended by individuals, the result would either be mortality of many juveniles due to starvation or the production of a large number of small smolts that, as we discuss below, would have very poor ocean survival. Steelhead smolts tend to have much greater survival to adulthood if they outmigrate as age 2+ or older smolts because the older fish are generally larger. Although they are sometimes common, age 1+ smolts may contribute little to the numbers of returning adults3. This differential survival is likely due to the advantages that larger fish have in evading predation, either through superior swimming ability or by surpassing the gape size of potential predators. In considering steelhead life histories, it is important to distinguish between age 1+ smolts and age 1+ downstream migrants. It is a common life history strategy for juvenile steelhead to migrate downstream in the spring but rear for an additional year before smolting in an estuary when one is present. This is true of all age classes of juvenile steelhead but especially common at age 1+. Age 1+ steelhead that rear in the estuary will then smolt at age 2+ the following spring and, because they may be larger as a result of greater food supply in the estuary, they may experience similar if not higher survival to adults as stream-reared age 2+ smolts. Therefore, both in instances of stream rearing and estuary rearing, production of adult steelhead depends greatly on the size of the smolts produced and advantageous smolt size is most often reached by age 2+. The relatively extended freshwater rearing of steelhead has important consequences for its population dynamics. The maximum number of steelhead that a stream can support is limited by food and space through territorial behavior, and this territoriality is necessary to produce steelhead smolts that are large enough to have a reasonable chance of ocean survival. Because of these habitat requirements, the number of age 0+ fish that a reach of stream can support is typically small relative to the average fecundity of an adult female steelhead. For example, a female steelhead may produce, on average, about 5,000 eggs. Typical age 0+ densities in some of the most productive California steelhead streams (e.g., tributaries to South Fork Eel River) have been around 0.10 fish/ft2 (1.1 fish/m2) (Connor 1996). Therefore, with survival-to-emergence as low as 25%, the number of fry produced from one female (5,000 x 0.25 = 1,250) may be sufficient to fully seed the available rearing capacity of nearly 0.25 miles (0.4 kilometers) of Upper Penitencia Creek at some of the highest densities observed in California. Consequently, the reproductive effort may have little effect on the next generation’s adult population size (although it may influence how many offspring from a particular female will occupy the finite number of territories within a stream). Because of this, spawning gravel availability and egg mortality (e.g., as a result of poor gravel quality, redd dewatering, fungal infections, redd scour) may not have an important effect on steelhead population dynamics. In other words, any density-dependent mortality that might result from redd superimposition or density-independent mortality resulting from redd scour and poor gravel quality (among other factors) may be irrelevant because, despite 3 Patterns described here are typical of North Coast and Central Valley populations, but may not necessarily reflect life histories of steelhead in southern California. South of San Francisco Bay, where warmer stream temperatures and longer photoperiods may lead to higher steelhead growth opportunities in some seasons, fish may achieve a suitable size for smolting at age 1+. Stillwater Sciences 22 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis these sources of mortality, far more fry are typically produced than can be supported by the available rearing habitat. Therefore, the availability of suitable juvenile rearing habitat (either in the summer or winter) is the factor that usually governs the number of steelhead smolts produced from a stream. Consequently, we would expect that, even with small escapements and high egg mortality, summer habitat will usually be seeded with steelhead fry. Within the freshwater rearing stages of their life histories, the physical habitat requirements for different age classes of steelhead are relatively similar, except that as fish age and grow their requirements for space tend to become more restrictive. We postulate that age 0+ steelhead rearing habitat, both summer and winter, did not typically limit steelhead production under historical conditions and does not currently. Age 0+ steelhead can use shallower habitats and finer substrates (e.g., gravels) than age 1+ steelhead, which, because of their larger size, need coarser cobble/boulder substrate for velocity cover while feeding and escape cover from predators. Because age 0+ steelhead can generally utilize the habitats suitable for age 1+ steelhead, but age 1+ steelhead can not use shallower and/or finer substrate habitats suitable for age 0+ steelhead, it is unlikely that summer habitat will be in shorter supply for age 0+ than age 1+ steelhead. There may be stream systems or reaches where all available habitat is suitable for both age 0+ and age 1+ steelhead, but even in these cases the density of age 0+ steelhead that the habitat will support will be higher than for the larger age 1+ steelhead simply due to allometric increases in territory size. In situations where summer habitat is suitable for both age classes, competition for space between age 0+ and age 1+ steelhead may restrict the numbers of age 0+ steelhead that the habitat will effectively support. But in general, a reach of stream would commonly support far fewer age 1+ than age 0+ steelhead in the summer. As with summer habitat, a reach of stream will typically support far fewer age 1+ than age 0+ steelhead in the winter. In watersheds where temperatures become cold in winter (i.e., < 45°F), predation risk becomes much greater because the fish become slower, sluggish, and less able to escape predators. Refuge from high flows requires a similar type of habitat as concealment cover, but may require access deeper into the streambed to avoid turbulent conditions near the surface or even within first layer of substrate (the implications of this for embeddedness are discussed later). During winter juvenile steelhead will often hide within the substrate (or other cover) during the day, emerging only at night. In colder regions, juvenile steelhead may remain concealed in the substrate all winter. Because steelhead tend to spawn in higher gradient reaches (i.e., >3%) with confined stream channels, off-channel water bodies such as sloughs and backwaters are typically rare. As a result, steelhead show less propensity then other species (e.g., coho salmon) for using off-channel slackwater habitats in winter, and a greater propensity for using in-channel cover provided by cobble and boulder substrates, which are typically common and usually immobile at all but the highest flows in these areas. Because age 0+ steelhead are smaller and can utilize a wider range of substrate than age 1+ steelhead, it will often be the case that there is more winter habitat available for age 0+ than for age 1+ fish. In watersheds where, as a result of anthropogenic disturbance, there are increased inputs of coarse and fine sediment to the stream channel and decreased large woody debris, the disparity between the amount of summer habitat for age 0+ steelhead and age 1+ steelhead is often increased. Pool frequency is reduced with the removal of large woody debris, especially in forced pool-riffle and plane-bed stream reaches. The remaining pools may become shallower as a result of aggradation and the lack of scour-forcing features such as large woody debris. The filling of interstitial spaces of cobble/boulder substrates by gravels and sand can affect summer habitat for both age 0+ and age 1+ steelhead. But because of the larger size and more secretive nature of age 1+ steelhead, their habitat will be reduced at lower levels of embeddedness than for age 0+ steelhead. Stillwater Sciences 23 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Likewise, in the winter, habitat may often become unsuitable for age 1+ steelhead at lower levels of sediment additions than for age 0+ steelhead. At higher levels of embeddedness, substrate will become unsuitable for both summer and winter rearing, but it will often be more limiting in winter because refuge from entrainment during winter freshets typically occurs deeper within the substrate. In the following section we use the existing available information as well as results from pilotlevel field studies conducted during spring and fall 2005 to evaluate this conceptual model. Stillwater Sciences 24 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT 4 FOCUSED STUDIES 4.1 O. mykiss Abundance 4.1.1 Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Population Assessment Information on historical fish species composition and distribution in Upper Penitencia Creek is limited. It is generally thought that Upper Penitencia Creek is the main producer of steelhead for the Coyote Creek basin (Li 2001, Smith 1998). Upper Penitencia Creek is one of only a few creeks in the South Bay that support steelhead runs (Buchan et al. 1999) and is considered to have the best steelhead habitat (SCBWMI 2003). To our knowledge, routine monitoring of fish populations in Upper Penitencia Creek has not been conducted. In the past, several surveys have documented the presence of steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek, but have not quantified their abundance. However, three sampling efforts conducted within the recent past have collected fish data that is pertinent to a preliminary Upper Penitencia Creek steelhead population dynamics analysis. The first of these efforts is smolt trapping conducted in Coyote Creek below the confluence with Upper Penitencia Creek by SCVWD from 1998–2000. Smolts that emigrated from Upper Penitencia Creek during the trapping period are assumed to have been caught in this downstream migrant trap on their migration to the South Bay. In all years of trapping, Upper Penitencia Creek was connected to Coyote Creek during the trapping period (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2005). Since Upper Penitencia Creek is thought to be the primary producer of steelhead in the Coyote Creek watershed, the majority of steelhead smolts captured in Coyote Creek were likely produced in Upper Penitencia Creek, but the exact proportion in any year is unknown. The second source of steelhead abundance information is an electrofishing sampling effort conducted in September 2000 (Li 2001). Li (2001) sampled during the period of low flow and warm temperatures in late summer, after the period where any potential density-dependent mortality or emigration of fish that had survived their first winter would have occurred. During this effort, eight sites spaced at 0.5 mile (0.8 kilometer) intervals between stream mile 2.88 and 5.88 were sampled. Fish densities were estimated using multiple-depletion electrofishing in one riffle and one pool at each of the sample sites, for a total of eight pools and eight riffles sampled. Separate fish estimates were calculated for age 0+ and age 1+ and older steelhead for each habitat type at each site. We used the densities reported by Li (2001) to extrapolate a population estimate for the perennial reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek watershed between stream mile 3.5 and barrier falls in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Methods are described in Appendix A-1. The third source is from direct observation surveys conducted during this study. A total of 67 habitat units were sampled between stream mile 3.5 and barrier waterfalls in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague during May and October 2005. Age-specific fish densities were estimated from direct observation using the “Method of Bounded Counts” (Figures 4-1 and 4-2) and extrapolated population estimates were calculated (Figures 4-3 and 4-4) using the methods described in Hankin and Mohr (in prep). Methods are described in Appendix A-1. Collectively, this limited sampling record documents the density of multiple age classes of juvenile steelhead during various seasons and years and presents a sparse but necessary starting point for analyzing steelhead population dynamics in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. As described in our conceptual model, age 1+ smolts may contribute very little to the number of returning adult steelhead because they have very low ocean survival due to their small size. We Stillwater Sciences 25 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis believe it is essential to steelhead population viability in Bay Area streams to produce age 2+ or older smolts, and that habitat suitable for producing them (age 1+ summer and/or winter) was historically limiting and under disturbed conditions would become even more so. Therefore, the initial focus of an investigation of steelhead population dynamics was to look at ratios of abundance of different life stages. If the number of age 1+ steelhead during the late summer is high relative to the number of age 2+ smolts, then an initial hypothesis would be that winter habitat for age 1+ fish is limiting production of the next life stage. If the number of age 1+ steelhead is high during the late spring relative to the number of age 1+ during the late summer/fall, then it would indicate that summer habitat for age 1+ fish is limiting production of the next life stage. Finally, if the late summer/fall abundance of age 0+ steelhead is high relative to age 1+ steelhead the following spring, then winter habitat for age 0+ fish is likely limiting production of the next life stage (of course, this may also imply a limitation of 1+ winter habitat, and increasing age 0+ winter habitat, but not age 1+ winter habitat would not result in an increase in age 2+ smolts). The information available from existing data and recent field studies provide “snapshots” of a dynamic cycle that influences population fluctuations over time. The precision of both conceptual and parameterized models depends on the extent and quality of available information. With streams such as Upper Penitencia Creek, where very limited historical steelhead population information exists, conclusions must be considered preliminary and subject to considerable uncertainty until information becomes available to test the assumptions upon which they are based. Nevertheless, the existing information provides a beginning for testing the hypotheses listed above. The first step in our analysis of the Upper Penitencia steelhead population was to compare late summer age 1+ steelhead estimates with numbers of age 2+ smolts. Although estimates of these age classes of fish are not available for the same cohort, previous surveys provide snapshots of fish abundance at various life stages from 1998 through 2000. During these three years, smolt trapping was conducted in Coyote Creek below the mouth of Upper Penitencia Creek. In all three years, smolt traps were in place for only a portion of the steelhead outmigration period, and consequently the smolt totals undoubtedly underestimate total smolt production. This was particularly true in 1998 when the trap was installed for only 13 days in May and 12 days in June and 15 steelhead smolts were captured (Figure 4-5). The years of 1999 and 2000, when a total of 172 and 239 smolts were captured, respectively, provide the most complete record of smolt production in the Coyote Creek watershed. During these years, traps were operated continuously from early April through mid-June. While any smolts that had migrated during March would not have been captured, the traps were in place during the typical peak smolt emigration period of mid-April observed in other central and southern coastal California streams (e.g., Waddell Creek, Santa Cruz Co., Shapovalov and Taft 1954; Lagunitas Creek, Marin Co., Bratovich and Kelley 1988; Arroyo de la Cruz, San Luis Obispo Co., Nelson 1994; Gazos Creek, San Mateo Co., Nelson 1994b). Scale analysis, completed in 2006 for a portion of the trapped smolts, indicates that the majority of smolts were age 1+ (40%) and age 2+,(57%) with age 3+ and age 4+ fish4 comprising a small percentage of outmigrating steelhead (S.P. Cramer and Associates 2006). To compare the number of age 2+ smolt numbers to the abundance of age 1+ fish during the late summer, we first used the densities of steelhead observed by Li (2001) to calculate an extrapolated population estimate for the area of stream between mile 3.5 and the barrier waterfalls in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. This resulted in an estimate of approximately 4 Our aging system (see footnote 1, page 21) differs from that used by S.P. Cramer and Associates (2006) by one year. Our use of age 1+ is equivalent to S.P Cramer and Associates assignment of age 2; our use of age 2+ is equivalent to their assignment of age 3, and so on. Stillwater Sciences 26 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis 1,100 age 1+ and older steelhead in 2000 (see Appendix A-1 for extrapolated estimate methods). Similarly, our snorkel survey in fall 2005 produced an estimate of approximately 1,475 age 1+ and older steelhead (Appendix A-1). If we assume that the majority of the smolts captured at the Coyote Creek trap represent steelhead that reared in Upper Penitencia Creek and that age 1+ densities observed by Li (2001) and our 2005 survey are “typical”, the number of smolts observed in 1999 and 2000 represent a small fraction of the late summer age 1+ and older steelhead population in Upper Penitencia Creek. These estimates indicate an 85–90% reduction in abundance of age 1+ fish during the winter, suggesting that a potential winter habitat bottleneck exists for age 1+ steelhead. Since both resident and anadromous life histories are present in Upper Penitencia Creek, we also must account for any age 2+ fish that remain in the rearing stream either as residents or to smolt as age 3+ or 4+ fish. Based on our recent snorkeling observations and population estimates (Appendix A-1), age 2+ and older fish comprised between 5 and 10 % of the number of age 1+ and older steelhead present in the watershed and, consequently, this relatively low percentage is not likely to affect our analysis. Our interpretation of the existing data is relatively insensitive to some of the assumptions inherent in the above discussion. For example, it is not likely that every steelhead smolt captured in the downstream migrant trap in Coyote Creek reared in Upper Penitencia Creek. Additionally, Li (2001) felt his sampling may have underestimated rearing potential in Upper Penitencia Creek, since he was not able to access upstream areas thought to contain the best steelhead habitat (i.e., upstream of mile 6.0). Nevertheless, a similar population size was estimated using the results of our snorkel surveys, which did include the anadromous fish bearing reaches of Upper Penitencia and Arroyo Aguague above mile 6.0. However, if all smolts captured at the Coyote Creek trap were not produced in Upper Penitencia Creek, or if Li (2001) and our surveys underestimate the true number of age 1+ fish, then survival between these life stages may be even lower and would indicate that winter habitat limitations may be even greater. Of course, if the smolt totals from Coyote Creek dramatically underestimate the true number of smolts produced in Upper Penitencia Creek, then winter habitat limitations may not be as severe. Our interpretation may be fairly insensitive to underestimates of smolt production, however, since quadrupling the number of age 2+ smolts captured still leads to a nearly 50% reduction between the late summer abundance of age 1+ fish and the abundance of age 2+ smolts. The second step in our analysis of steelhead population dynamics was to examine whether the number of age 1+ steelhead is high during the late spring relative to the number of age 1+ fish during the late summer/fall. If so, this may indicate that age 1+ summer habitat is limiting. Abundance of age 1+ and older fish during spring 2005 and fall 2005 (Figure 4-2) indicates that juvenile steelhead densities were fairly similar between these seasons. For example, during 2005, the spring population estimate extrapolated from direct observation dives was approximately 1,300 fish (Appendix A-1), which is slightly lower but statistically not significantly different from the fall estimate of approximately 1,475 fish. As mentioned previously, the fall estimate derived from our snorkel survey is very similar to the estimate produced from electrofishing data in Li (2001). If we consider these densities to be near a “typical” capacity for juvenile steelhead production in the Upper Penitencia watershed, then this comparison indicates that summer habitat is not the primary factor limiting steelhead populations under the conditions experienced by fish in spring and fall 2005. Finally, if the late summer/fall abundance of age 0+ steelhead is high relative to age 1+ steelhead, then age 0+ winter habitat may be limiting production of age 1+ steelhead. Li (2001) probably underestimates the number of age 0+ steelhead since sampling was conducted in downstream reaches where abundance trends suggest that densities of age 0+ fish are among the lowest in the watershed (Figure 4-1). Therefore, for this comparison, we rely on our fall 2005 estimate of age Stillwater Sciences 27 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis 0+ steelhead, which was 2,489 fish. This compares to the spring estimate of age 1+ and older steelhead of 1,300 fish. If we assume that the spring abundance of age 1+ steelhead that we observed during this study is near the carrying capacity for fish during their first winter (i.e., age 1+ abundance provides a minimum estimate of the number of age 0+ fish surviving through their first winter), then winter habitat for age 0+ fish limits the production of age 1+ steelhead. However, it is unlikely that 0+ winter habitat ultimately limits steelhead population growth in Upper Penitencia Creek, because of the previously described winter habitat limitations for age 1+ steelhead, (i.e., the abundance of age 1+ fish is much higher than the observed number of smolts captured at the Coyote Creek trap). In summary, spring and fall 2005 population estimates confirm that summer habitat does not substantially limit the population of age 1+ and older steelhead. The available population information indicates that winter habitat for age 1+ steelhead limits production of steelhead during the freshwater rearing stages in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed, which is consistent with our conceptual model (Section 3.3). These conclusions are based on sampling conducted within a single year and they should be interpreted with caution. The conceptual model and preliminary evaluation of existing population data provides a tool for prioritizing focused studies and a context for the interpretation of their results. The following sections presents the results of focused field studies that attempt to link the hypothesized population dynamics described here to current habitat conditions within the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. 4.1.2 Population Modeling A preliminary assessment of current habitat conditions for steelhead populations in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed was conducted within the framework of a population dynamics model. This assessment relies on fundamental concepts in population dynamics, particularly stock-production analysis. The assessment performed here was based on a combination of results from field studies conducted by Stillwater Sciences and existing habitat data from Upper Penitencia Creek (i.e., FAHCE 2000) and previous fisheries inventories (FAHCE 2000, Li 2001) and is only intended to provide a preliminary, and conservative, indication of the degree to which steelhead smolt production may be limited by current channel conditions. The salmonid population modeling approach used in this analysis is based on stock-production theory (Ricker 1976). Stock-production theory characterizes the number of individuals of one life stage at one time (the production) as a function of the number in the same cohort of an earlier life stage at an earlier time (the stock). This approach is particularly well suited to situations where physical habitat is believed to be limiting, and where population dynamics can be plausibly separated into density-independent and density-dependent components, such as productivity (the ratio of stock to production that would be expected if there were no limits on population density) and carrying capacity (the maximum number of individuals of a given life stage that the habitat can support for the duration of that life stage). A detailed description of the population modeling approach is described in Appendix A-2. Mortality occurs at every stage within the life cycle of steelhead due to factors that may vary by season and development (i.e., age and size) of fish. When considered in isolation, these factors may not elucidate limits of the current watershed condition on steelhead population growth. For example, in some situations improvement of summer rearing habitat may increase the abundance of fish alive during that season, but if winter habitat limitations are greater, no population growth will occur. In this study, our goal was to assess factors limiting the growth of the steelhead population, rather than the abundance of steelhead at any given life stage. Therefore, the objective of population modeling was to place results from selected focused field studies within the context Stillwater Sciences 28 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis of steelhead population dynamics through a preliminary modeling exercise. In the following sections, results of selected focused studies are presented within this context. 4.2 Changes in Physical Habitat Physical stream habitat is determined by basin-wide interactions between a number of variables, such as geology, topography, vegetation, climate, hydrologic regime, and human activities that can affect the quantity, quality, or timing of large woody debris (LWD), water, and sediment inputs to the channel. Changes to these variables influence physical processes that control the quality, abundance, and connectivity of habitat for steelhead and other aquatic and riparian species in Upper Penitencia Creek. We used historical data and field reconnaissance to identify changes in physical habitat that occurred over the past 130 years, and to better understand the physical processes that control sediment dynamics in Upper Penitencia Creek. Historical topographic maps and aerial photographs indicate significant changes in land use from 1873 to 2005 (Figures 2-3 and 4-6). These changes may have had substantial impacts to the physical processes that govern sediment supply, transport, and deposition in Upper Penitencia Creek. Field observations confirm that the creek’s channel has adjusted, and may still be adjusting, to the recent decades of urbanization and other land uses in the watershed. Arroyo de la Penitencia or Aguague, the earliest known name of Upper Penitencia Creek, originally flowed from the Diablo Range into the San Francisco Bay near Milpitas, but was diverted into Coyote Creek near the town of Murphy between 1873 and 1876 (Figure 4-6). Downstream of the diversion, the creek still flowed into the bay, but was renamed Lower Penitencia Creek, while the channel connected to Coyote Creek became Upper Penitencia Creek. Examination of topographic maps and air photos reveals modest changes in channel planform since the separation of Upper and Lower Penitencia Creeks, with most occurring before 1943. The most conspicuous channel change was the emplacement of the Cherry Flat Dam in 1932 (see Section 2.2). Other changes included the diversion of Silver Creek, which joined Upper Penitencia Creek near Coyote Creek in 1899, to Coyote Creek, and the construction of an irrigation canal near RM 3.0, both prior to 1943. Evidence of channel straightening in response to infrastructure is apparent just downstream of Capitol Avenue, where in 1943 power transmission lines intersected the channel, and by the mid 1970’s Interstate 680 crossed the creek along the same path (USGS 1943; J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006).Despite these changes, the channel length (21,650 feet [6,600 m]) of Upper Penitencia Creek below Alum Rock Park has remained consistent since 1899 (Jordan et al. 2005). Land use within the lower basin has changed from rural agriculture to mixed-use suburban on the eastern edge of greater San Jose, the tenth largest city in the United States (pop. 905,000; City of San Jose 2005). Early maps show the lower basin already divided into agricultural tracts by 1873 and occupied by the settlements of Murphy and Baker (Hoffman 1873, courtesy of SFEI). These small settlements were swallowed by urban expansion that eventually spread across the entire Santa Clara Basin. Low density rural structures interspersed among orchards were gradually replaced by higher density residential and commercial buildings. The present day road network grew out from Capitol Avenue, Berryessa Road, Mabury Road, and White Road, which were all present (though not named) by 1899, with Interstate 680 being constructed in the 1950s. Greater than 80% of the surface area of the lower basin is covered by recent urban growth, increasing from less than 1% in 1899 (Jordan et al. 2005). With increases in impermeable surface area, the Stillwater Sciences 29 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis travel time of water from hillslope to channel decreases, and less water is able to percolate into the soil, instead being directed through modern storm drainage systems into local stream channels, such as Upper Penitencia Creek. This serves to increase the magnitude and shorten the duration of flood peaks, causing flows to become more flashy. Flood defense measures along the valley floor are a mix of earthen levees, arch and box culverts that line 18% of the banks, and channel maintenance (Table 4-1). Channel maintenance is part of a multi-year stream maintenance program that focuses on sediment removal, vegetation removal, and bank protection to protect SCVWD facilities (EOA 2003). The defense measures have still not prevented all floods, as water has inundated the adjacent area several times over the last century, most recently in 1998 (HDR 2002). The Upper Penitencia Creek Flood Protection Project, to provide protection from a 100 year event using natural flood protection design where feasible, is currently in the planning stage (EOA 2003, SCVWD 2005). It is our understanding that the SCVWD is proposing a flood protection design for all reaches downstream of Alum Rock Park in partnership with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). One alternative is to widen the existing channel along URB 5 to create a floodplain within a setback of approximately 150 feet measured from the existing south bank (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). The channel modifications and channel maintenance influence sediment dynamics through channel simplification that decreases roughness, thereby maintaining high water velocities and increasing sediment transport capacity. Zones of channel incision, localized bank erosion, and channel avulsion within the lower basin indicate channel adjustment to this modified sediment transport regime. Knickpoints and migrating headcuts may have formed as fluvial processes worked to balance transport with available sediment supply. The current sediment dynamics indicate slight aggradational trend downstream of Alum Rock Park to King Road and channel degradation downstream of King Road to Coyote Creek (PWA 2003). Through Alum Rock Park the creek is also subject to channel modification. In the early 20th century, visitors to the park recreated in mineral baths fed by spring water. Adjacent to the creek, walkways and bridges sat atop rock walls lining both banks. Today, visitors use the park as a hiking and picnic venue, yet the rock walls remain, and along with other channel modifications (bank revetments sacked concrete, concrete walls, rock gabions, concrete crib walls) line 80% of the channel length in the park (Table 4-2, BRG 2001). The rock walls have prevented natural channel migration, the formation of floodplain surfaces and significant gravel bars, and the recruitment of LWD from the banks. The structures have also increased water depth, causing an increase in shear stresses on the bed and banks. Accordingly, the bed morphology is influenced along reach by downcutting to shallow bedrock and the occasional grade control structures that attempt to control bed elevation. The result is alternating stretches of boulder-cobble dominated step-pools, empty reaches scoured to bedrock, and step-runs of sandy gravel (BRG 2001). The dominance of large substrates indicates that the fine sediment load is quickly transported downstream during high flow events, a process characteristic of a sediment starved channel (BRG 2001). Large woody debris (LWD) is an essential ecological and geomorphic element in freshwater systems. The basin occurs within a Mediterranean climate and few studies address the role and dynamics (input and transport) of LWD within such systems. Most studies have been conducted in temperate, coniferous systems. Nonetheless, in Mediterranean climates, LWD potentially plays important roles in pool formation and nutrient retention (Gasith and Resh 1999). While logs recruited to temperate systems tend to persist for long periods of time within the channel, forming large jams lasting habitat features, Mediterranean systems recruit hardwoods (oaks, willows, Stillwater Sciences 30 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis laurel) that decay rapidly and rarely form large, persistent jams. The essential roles of LWD within Mediterranean systems should be considered within the context of the wet-dry cycles that occur within such systems. Mediterranean deciduous trees contribute leaf litter to the stream channel in one short pulse in autumn, with minor contributions for lateral transport from the banks over the remainder of the year. This allochthonous material is retained until the rainy periods when seasonal floods occur, usually from winter to spring. The allochthonous input from the riparian forest forms the energy base for aquatic ecosystems, but is rapidly flushed out during rainy periods. Logs form debris dams that obstruct leaf litter, forming dense pockets of organic material that can be processed by aquatic insects prior to downstream flushing. Logs also create pools that can be used as winter refuge and as summer rearing habitat. In Mediterranean streams that dry in the late summer and early fall, wood created pools provide a cool temperature refuge, and maintain wetted sections that may be isolated due to channel drying. The abundance and frequency of LWD in the Upper Penitencia Creek basin has likely been impacted by historical land use changes. Wood in the upper portion of the basin is recruited through landslides and mass movements. Input of wood may be influenced by land use that changes forest character and also alters the rate of input from the hillslopes. Land use can alter the extent of the forest, reducing the amount of potential wood available and the age, which influences the size of LWD. The size of LWD is a significant influence on geomorphic function (Ralph et al. 1994). Land use, such as grazing or road building can also increase the rate of LWD input by increasing the occurrence of landslides. Wood in the lower portion of Upper Penitencia basin would be recruited through bank erosion as the channel meanders across its valley and floodplain. Surrounding land uses that reduce the extent of the adjacent riparian corridor reduce the amount of available wood and channel modification that reduces the occurrence of bank erosion, further preventing the recruitment of wood. Channel confinement that prevents channel migration may also reduce the formation of gravel bars and floodplains that are sites of LWD deposition. There is evidence of channel modification (Table 4-1), channel straightening, and forest clearing due to land use (agriculture and urbanization) along the lower portion of Upper Penitencia Creek. Fluvial transport from upstream reaches can also be a significant source of wood to lower reaches where it deposits on within the channel, on gravel bars, or along the banks. Accordingly, changes in land use upstream influence wood loads downstream. Field reconnaissance found few pieces of LWD in the upper basin. Wood was observed in Arroyo Aguague, but most had little effect on channel form, with the exception of one fully spanning piece that stored gravel upstream and created a small cascade downstream. We observed few pieces of LWD downstream of the confluence of Arroyo Aguague and Upper Penitencia Creek and through the park. This may have been caused by a lack of recruitment due to channel confinement, or rapid flushing downstream. Few pieces of LWD were also observed in the lower basin, but some recruitment via bank erosion did occur in URB 2 along the left bank. We observed several areas of recent bank erosion, but LWD recruitment occurred in only one of these areas. Woody debris loads are most likely reduced by a reduction in riparian forest, by a lack of channel migration to recruit wood, and channel maintenance to reduce wood related flooding (HDR 2002, J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). The SCVWD historically removed LWD to prevent flood damage, but currently leaves some wood in the channel to maintain aquatic habitat (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). The reduction of woody debris may alter bed morphology and stream hydraulics, resulting in fewer pools and reduced spawning gravel area. Stillwater Sciences 31 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Table 4-1. Linear feet of modified and unmodified stream channel in Upper Penitencia Creek (excluding Alum Rock Park). General Channel Type Detailed Channel Type Length (ft) Total (%) Arroyo Aguague Natural Unmodified Natural Unmodified 43,359 49.6 Upper Penitencia Natural Unmodified Natural Unmodified 36,229 41.5 79,588 91.1 Creek Total Unmodified Upper Penitencia Concrete Channel Arch Culvert 72 0.1 Upper Penitencia Concrete Channel Box Culvert 593 0.7 Upper Penitencia Earth Levee Earth Levee 7,088 8.1 Total Modified 7,753 8.9 TOTAL FOR BASIN 87,341 100.0 Table 4-2. Linear feet of modified and unmodified stream channel in Alum Rock Park. South Bank Channel Type (ft) Total (%) (ft) Total (%) 1,960 15.1 3,251 24.9 1,960 15.1 3,251 24.9 Rock Wall 5,991 45.8 7,164 55.1 Revetment 288 2.2 1,570 12.1 Sacked Concrete 175 1.3 244 1.9 3,550 27.2 72 0.6 Bridge Abutment 496 3.8 587 4.5 Rock Gabions 57 0.4 116 0.9 Concrete Crib Wall 551 4.2 0 0.0 Total Modified 11,108 84.9 9,753 75.1 TOTAL 13,068 100.0 13,004 100.0 Natural Unmodified Total Unmodified Concrete Wall 4.3 North Bank Sediment-Related Impacts on Salmonid Habitat We assessed sediment-related impacts on salmonid habitat in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed by examining multiple factors, with emphasis on those that are: (1) known to affect salmonid reproductive success directly, and (2) affected by land and water management in the watershed. In addition, studies addressing these factors needed to be cost-effective and efficient given the size of the study area and the limited time and funding available for this study. Sediment-related factors evaluated during this study included the potential for: Stillwater Sciences 32 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT • • • 4.3.1 Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Reduced spawning gravel permeability (which reduces survival-to-emergence of steelhead eggs); Filling of pools (which reduces the quality and quantity of juvenile rearing habitat); and Overwintering habitat quantity and quality (which affects the density of juvenile steelhead that the stream can support during winter high flow conditions). Spawning Gravel The availability and quality of spawning gravel is a key factor influencing the spawning success of anadromous salmonids. Successful spawning and incubation requires gravel of appropriate size, without excessive levels of fine sediment. Gravel must also be distributed in patches large enough to allow redd construction, and must be deep enough to allow excavation of an egg pocket by the spawning fish. The key factor determining survival of salmonids during egg incubation through fry emergence is sufficient flow of cool, oxygenated water through the spawning gravels to ensure adequate delivery of dissolved oxygen and removal of metabolic wastes. When a high percentage of fine sediment is deposited in or on the streambed, gravel permeability can be substantially reduced. Gravel permeability and hydraulic head together determine the rate of interstitial flow. Reduction of gravel permeability results in progressively less oxygen and greater concentrations of metabolic wastes around incubating eggs and alevins (newly hatched fish larvae or sac-fry) as they develop in the pore spaces between gravels, resulting in higher mortality (McNeil 1964, Cooper 1965, Platts 1979, Barnard and McBain 1994). We hypothesized that levels of fine sediment in Upper Penitencia Creek were elevated above historical levels based on a review of existing information (i.e., PWA 2001 and 2003, FAHCE 2000, SCVURPPP 2002) and reconnaissance-level field assessments made by Stillwater Sciences during February 2005, during which we observed that patches of suitably-sized spawning gravels were frequently embedded with a mixture of sand and fine clay. Depending on the extent of the fines and depth of spawning gravels, permeability could be poor in these areas, indicating that regardless of the quantity of spawning habitat, the quality may be limited. To assess spawning gravel quality in Upper Penitencia Creek, we combined an analysis of existing information with focused field studies conducted during May 2005. We used reconnaissance-level field surveys to validate estimates of spawning habitat quantity derived from an existing habitat database (FAHCE 2000). Spawning habitat quality was assessed using standpipe gravel permeability measurements that provide a rapid and cost-effective indicator of both gravel quality and egg survival (Terhune 1958, Barnard and McBain 1994). Permeability5 is preferred as a descriptor of spawning gravel quality because (1) it is the descriptor most directly related to salmonid survival during egg incubation through fry emergence, and (2) it is affected directly by fine sediment deposition. Measured permeability rates can be converted into an index of predicted survival rates from egg deposition to fry emergence (i.e., survival-to-emergence rates) using relationships derived from field observations of redds with differing permeabilities (Tagart 1976) and studies where the permeability of artificial redds was manipulated experimentally (McCuddin 1977) (Figure 4-7). Detailed methods are described in Appendix A-3. The relative importance of egg survival to steelhead population dynamics, as affected by spawning gravel permeability, was evaluated using a population model that incorporated input 5 Our use of the term ‘permeability’ (expressed in units of length/time), is consistent with the established convention in fisheries biology. However the property being measured is more accurately termed ‘hydraulic conductivity,’ as defined in the hydraulics literature. Stillwater Sciences 33 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis data from focused field studies, existing habitat measurements for Upper Penitencia Creek (i.e., FAHCE 2000), and values for habitat- and life stage-specific fish densities and survival rates reported in fisheries literature (discussed in further detail in Appendix A-2). The model was run using survival-to-emergence values ranging from 0–100%. The results of these variations in the survival rate were expressed in terms of the fraction of smolts produced at a given survival rate relative to the maximum potential production of smolts, given hypothetical 100% egg survival (see Figure 4-8 and discussion below). In considering spawning habitat quantity and quality, we focused our studies in the area beginning upstream of Capitol Avenue (RM 2.2) and continuing to the waterfall fish barriers in both Upper Penitencia Creek (RM 6.8) and Arroyo Aguague (0.8 miles upstream from the confluence with Upper Penitencia Creek). The stream channel is intermittent in dry months downstream of a point near the entrance to Alum Rock Park (RM 3.9), and is perennially wetted throughout the park to the waterfall barriers. Because the entire stream channel is wetted during the spawning and incubation period, it is conceivable that spawning may occur in areas downstream of Dorel Drive. However, even if spawning is successful in this lower reach, in most years emerging fry would face desiccation as the stream channel dried since numerous barriers prohibit movement of young steelhead from ephemeral spawning habitats to upstream perennial rearing habitats. Furthermore, even if juveniles could move into perennially wetted summer rearing habitat, it is highly unlikely that unoccupied habitat would be available. The most relevant findings of the spawning gravel analysis are discussed below. Detailed methods and results are presented for the permeability studies in Appendix A-3 and for the population model in Appendix A-2. Spawning gravel patches as small as 2 ft2 (0.18 m2) may be used by resident rainbow trout (Bjornn and Reiser 1991). During February 2005, we observed five redds in Upper Penitencia Creek, ranging in size from 6–8 ft2 (0.6–0.7 m2) in area. Values reported in the literature for average steelhead redd sizes are as high as 50 ft2 in large alluvial rivers (Bjornn and Reiser 1991) but patches as small as 4 ft2 (0.37 m2) are used, especially in streams where spawning gravel occurs in small isolated patches (Trush, B., McBain & Trush, pers. comm., 2004). Throughout Upper Penitencia Creek, potential spawning gravel is distributed unevenly, with the highest concentrations occurring in areas located 0.0–0.5 miles, and 1.7–5.4 miles from the mouth of Upper Penitencia Creek (FAHCE 2000) (Figure 4-9). The total area of spawning gravel occurring in patches 4 ft2 (0.37 m2) or larger from RM 0.0 to the waterfall barriers in both Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague Creek, as reported by FAHCE (2000) and Stillwater Sciences 2005 data, is 15,841 ft2 (1,472 m2) (Table 4-3). Stillwater Sciences 34 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Table 4-3. Number of potential spawning gravel patches greater than or equal to various size classes in Upper Penitencia Creek upstream of RM 3.5. Minimum Area (ft²) Number of Patches 4 386 10 237 15 167 20 138 30 101 40 80 50 68 Based on permeability measurements at 41 potential steelhead spawning sites, the median predicted survival to emergence was 36%, with two of 41 sites having survival index values lower than 25% and no sites having survival index values greater than 74% (Figure 4-10, Appendix A-3) No longitudinal trends in gravel permeability were observed in Upper Penitencia Creek, however median predicted survival to emergence was lowest in the two upper reaches, UUP2 and AAG (Figure 4-11). Shapovalov (1937, as cited in Shapovalov and Taft 1954, p. 155) found that survival to emergence of steelhead eggs was 29.8% “in the presence of considerable silting” and 79.9% in the absence of silting. Shapovalov and Taft (1954) hypothesized that under favorable conditions, survival to emergence is high (70–85%) for steelhead eggs. From these results, we concluded that our original hypothesis, that gravel permeability at potential spawning sites was insufficient to support a high level of egg survival, is correct, and that elevated fine sediment concentrations in the channel bed subsurface may adversely affect embryo survival in Upper Penitencia Creek. The relative importance of egg survival to steelhead population dynamics, as compared with factors such as the availability of rearing habitat for juveniles, was assessed via population modeling using data from the permeability assessment and other focused field studies. The results of the sensitivity analysis are illustrated in Figure 4-8. The analysis demonstrates that increases in smolt production can be expected relative to increases in embryo survival only when embryo survival is very low to begin with (e.g., lower than 10%). The response of the population to improved embryo survival diminishes rapidly and even 10% survival is sufficient to produce nearly 100% of the maximum number of smolts expected under optimum spawning habitat conditions (i.e., maximum [100%] permeability) for Upper Penitencia Creek. Similarly, no increases in smolt production would be expected by increasing spawning gravel quantity, since population modeling indicated that greatly increasing fry production results in very small increases in smolt production. These results strongly suggest that steelhead production is not limited by spawning habitat quality or quantity in Upper Penitencia Creek. Despite predictions of low egg survival, recent literature summaries (e.g., Buchan et al. 1999, Leidy et al. 2003) and our spring and fall 2005 fish surveys have indicated that juvenile steelhead/rainbow trout are common to abundant in Upper Penitencia Creek. This is consistent with the results of our population modeling that indicate only limited spawning habitat is needed to effectively seed the available rearing habitat in Upper Penitencia Creek. These findings are Stillwater Sciences 35 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis also consistent with empirical and theoretical evidence presented in our conceptual model for steelhead in Section 3.3. Despite the relatively weak link between spawning gravel quality and overall steelhead population response, spawning gravel permeability is a useful tool for indicating sediment-related impacts. Even if a target species, such as steelhead, is resilient to impacts of fine sediment in egg stages, gravel permeability is a still a good measure of the degree of fine sediment intrusion into gravels, and may detect anthropogenically elevated levels of fine sediment. The relative importance of reduced permeability as compared with factors such as the availability of rearing habitat for juveniles is discussed further in Section 5. 4.3.2 Pool Filling and Juvenile Rearing Habitat Deposits of fine bed material (predominantly sand and fine gravels) may accumulate in pools when the fine sediment load of a stream is high relative to transport capacity (Lisle and Hilton 1991, 1992; Hilton and Lisle 1993). These deposits reduce pool volume and potentially reduce the amount of juvenile rearing habitat for steelhead, as well as for other fish and aquatic species. In addition, reductions in pool depth may adversely affect thermal and velocity refugia and reduce areas used for cover to avoid predators. Pool filling often occurs when sediment supply is increased relative to the equilibrium conditions in which the pool formed. The degree that pool filling will affect aquatic biota depends on several factors. Pools in steeper channels are less likely to be filled with sediment because of their high sediment transport capacity. Fine sediment deposition in pools, however, has been observed in streams with gradients as high as 0.065 (6.5%) in areas with high sediment loads (Montgomery and Buffington 1993, 1997). For aquatic organisms using pools as habitat, the depth of the pool is more important than the proportion of the pool filled with fine sediment. Thus, larger pools with greater average depths can usually bear a greater proportion of pool filling without loss of summer rearing habitat. Filling of interstitial spaces in pool bottom substrates, however, could still diminish summer habitat quality by reducing available cover for juvenile steelhead. A measurement of the amount of pool filling with fine sediment is V*, the ratio of the volume of fine sediment in a pool to the total pool volume (Lisle and Hilton 1991, 1992; Hilton and Lisle 1993). V* is an index of the mobile sediment within a stream channel and varies primarily as a function of supply. V* also relates to spawning habitat quality, since mobilization of fine sediment accumulations in pools can result in infiltration of redds constructed in the downstream tails of pools, particularly those with high V* values (Lisle and Hilton 1991, Peterson et al. 1992). It should be noted that the summer V* measurement for a given pool can vary from year to year in response to changes in sediment supply relative to transport capacity. Annual transport of fine material depends more on the volume stored on the streambed than on the duration and magnitude of streamflow (Lisle and Hilton 1999). Also, pool type does not significantly affect V* measurements. Local mass wasting such as landslides and bank failures can also fill pools temporarily until a sufficiently high flow scours the sediment. Lisle and Hilton (1999) found that lithologies producing abundant fine bed material, such as sandstone components of the Franciscan formation, were characterized by V* values greater than 10%. Values of less than 10% are considered low and a reference for undisturbed landscapes, while values of 10 to 20% are considered moderate, and greater than 20% high (Kondolf et al. 2003). We hypothesized that reduction of juvenile rearing habitat due to pool filling by fine sediment in Upper Penitencia Creek was a potential problem given the distribution of fine sediments observed during field reconnaissance in February and May 2005. Pool filling surveys were conducted in 21 Stillwater Sciences 36 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis pools in Arroyo Aguague and Upper Penitencia Creek upstream of its confluence with Arroyo Aguague and downstream through reach URB 2 during June 2005 (Map 4). For these studies, we used a rapid method of assessing pool filling that was developed based on the methodology described in Hilton and Lisle (1993). Like the original, the rapid V* assessment can be used to compare changes in pool filling through time, yet requires one-tenth the field time investment. A comparison of both methods found that the rapid method of assessing pool filling was consistently within 10% of results using Lisle and Hilton’s V* method (Stillwater Sciences and Dietrich 2002). A further discussion of the methodology for assessing pool filling and the detailed results of the survey are presented in Appendix A-4. The rapid V* assessment reveals that the mean level of pool filling in Upper Penitencia Creek was 6.3% and the median was 5.5%, a low value (Kondolf et al. 2003). This refutes our original hypothesis that pool filling is high in Upper Penitencia Creek. Five of the 21 pools surveyed had more than 10% pool filling, while 10 of the pools had less than 5% fine sediment (Figure 4-12). We did not observe a longitudinal trend in pool filling, nor did we observe a significant difference between reaches (Figure 4-13). We did observe one pool with a value over 20%, but concluded that local grade control, not a point source of sediment, contributed to the high value. The pool was located in the ARP1 reach between two grade control structures that reduced local bed gradient and water surface slope, resulting in a lowered sediment transport capacity (Lisle and Hilton 1999). These findings indicate that pool filling by fine sediment is alone not likely to adversely impact steelhead rearing habitat. Given that we observed a number of potential and active sources of fine sediment delivery to the creek during field reconnaissance, the low incidence of pool filling is probably due to the high transport capacity of the stream. The modern, confined channel and hardened banks in portions of Upper Penitencia Creek within Alum Rock Park (the primary rearing reach) have increased shear stresses on the bed particles, which increases the sediment transport rate. As a result, most fine sediment is efficiently transported downstream by low- to mid-level flows that occur relatively frequently. Although pool filling may not limit rearing, other factors affecting the quality of pools may be a factor limiting steelhead survival in Upper Penitencia Creek. Compared to other similar streams in the Santa Clara Valley, pool frequency in Upper Penitencia Creek is high, but the pool area is relatively low (Table 4-4). Field observations made in June 2005 indicate that the quality of pool habitat for steelhead also decreases in the downstream direction though the urbanized reaches, with little refuge for fish. The lack of LWD and the overall lack of channel complexity, as noted throughout much of Upper Penitencia Creek, may be the primary factors responsible for the low area of pools. Large woody debris has a major influence on creating fish habitat by scouring pools and facilitating temporary sediment storage (Harmon et al. 1986). In plane bedded channels, such as those found in the urban reaches, there are few channel obstructions to force pool formation. Without flow obstructions or roughness elements, plane bedded reaches remain relatively featureless and have little bed differentiation (Montgomery and Buffington 1997). Thus, factors in addition to sedimentation may affect pool quality and potentially limit rearing habitat for steelhead. Additional studies to document the summer rearing success of juvenile steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek, such as spring and fall population assessments, would increase our confidence in these results. Stillwater Sciences 37 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Table 4-4. Pool characteristics of selected streams in the Santa Clara Valley. % Pool by Area Number of Pools (per 1,000 ft) Alamitos Creek 0.38 3.3 Guadalupe Creek 0.50 7.6 Los Gatos Creek 0.57 3.1 Stevens Creek 0.49 6.3 Upper Penitencia Creek 0.25 6.5 Stream Data from FAHCE (2000) 4.3.3 Winter Habitat Suitability The availability and quality of overwintering habitat is an important factor influencing juvenile survival and thus the production of steelhead smolts in many streams. Because steelhead generally rear for more than one year in their natal stream, they are subject to harsh environmental conditions during winter high flows. Despite the difficulties posed by winter stream conditions, extended freshwater rearing may increase the chances of successful outmigration and ocean survival. Research has shown that although age 1+ smolts may compose a substantial portion of outmigrating steelhead, their survival is poor and they often contribute little to the numbers of returning adults (Shapovalov and Taft 1954, Kabel and German 1967). Survival of steelhead smolts tends to be much greater if outmigration occurs at age 2+ or 3+. Persistence of a steelhead population is therefore highly dependent on the quantity and quality of habitat for older age classes of juvenile fish (i.e., age 2+ and, to a lesser extent, 3+ and 4+). Because larger fish have greater requirements for space and other resources, however, habitat for age 1+ and older fish is usually more limited than for age 0+ fish. Although features such as large woody debris jams may provide some value as winter refuge for steelhead, cover consisting of interstitial spaces in cobble or boulder substrate is the key attribute defining winter habitat suitability for juvenile steelhead (Hartman 1965, Chapman and Bjornn 1969, Meyer and Griffith 1997). As stream temperatures fall below approximately 45°F (7°C) in the late fall to early winter, steelhead enter a period of winter inactivity spent hiding in the substrate or closely associated with instream cover, during which time growth may cease (Everest and Chapman 1972). Winter hiding behavior of juveniles reduces their metabolism and food requirements and reduces their exposure to predation (Bustard and Narver 1975). In streams where winter storms bring periodic high flows, juvenile steelhead also use coarse substrate as a refuge from downstream displacement in high velocity flows. Velocity refugia may occur deeper within the streambed than concealment cover typically used during winter base flows. Initial observations from experiments conducted by Redwood Sciences Laboratory and Stillwater Sciences in artificial stream channels indicate that juvenile steelhead respond to high flows by seeking cover deep within cobble and boulder substrate. These experiments suggest that steelhead will seek refuge at least 1–2 times the depth of the median particle size (d50) in unembedded cobble/boulder substrate. Therefore, in streams subject to frequent winter storm events, the area and depth of unembedded substrate may be a primary determinant of the winter carrying capacity of juvenile steelhead. Rearing densities for juvenile steelhead overwintering in high quality habitats with cobbleboulder substrates in California streams are estimated to range from approximately 0.24 fish/ft2 Stillwater Sciences 38 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis (2.58 fish/m2 [W. Trush, McBain and Trush, pers. comm., 1997]) to 0.69 fish/ft2 (7.42 fish/m2 [Bjornn et al. 1977]). The density of fish that cobble and boulder substrate can support during the winter declines when fine sediments fill the interstitial spaces of the substrate. Bjornn et al. (1977) measured the densities of age 0+ steelhead (mean total length = 4.5 inches [11.4 centimeters]) remaining in laboratory stream channels with different substrate treatments to evaluate the effects of sedimentation on winter habitat quality. At flows equivalent to winter base flow, fine sediments were added to pools and riffles to embed the cobbles and boulders from 0 to 100%. Densities were between 0.65 and 0.74 fish/ ft2 (7 and 8 fish/m2) when cobbles and boulders were completely free of fine sediment. Steelhead densities decreased to between 0.09 and 0.18 fish/ ft2 (0.97 and 1.94 fish/m2) when embeddedness increased to 50%. Densities declined further to 0.05 to 0.06 fish/ ft2 (0.54 to 0.64 fish/ m2) when cobble and boulder substrate were fully embedded. Similarly, Chapman and Bjornn (1969) found that approximately twice as many juvenile steelhead remained in artificial stream channels with coarse substrate (“rubble”) as in stream channels with gravel substrate when stream temperatures were below 50ºF (10ºC). Meyer and Griffith (1997) found that the number of age 0+ rainbow trout (2.2–6.1 inches total length [5.6–15.5 centimeters]) remaining in stream enclosures during the winter was higher when the arrangement of cobble and boulder substrate provided the most refuge cover. Previous studies of winter habitat use for steelhead and rainbow trout may overestimate winter rearing densities for steelhead in coastal streams. These studies (i.e., Bjornn et al. 1977, Myer and Griffith 1997) have been conducted in Rocky Mountain streams where, because of snowdominated precipitation, winter conditions consist of stable and relatively low streamflows. However, habitat suitable for winter concealment cover is not necessarily suitable as refuge during high velocity streamflows because of turbulent hydraulic conditions in the shallow substrate. In areas with high winter streamflows, the number of fish the streambed can support will likely be lower than reported for Rocky Mountain streams because deeper refuge habitat may be less abundant than that required for winter concealment cover. Observations conducted under conditions similar to high winter flows provide a clearer understanding of the importance of interstitial velocity refuge. Results of preliminary experiments by Redwood Sciences Laboratory and Stillwater Sciences in an artificial stream channel show the effect of coarse substrate embeddedness on the use of interstitial space by age 0+ juvenile steelhead during high (i.e., winter) flows. At flow velocities of 3–4 ft/s, densities of 0.65 fish/ft2 (7 fish/m2) were observed when cobbles were unembedded (Table 4-5) (Redwood Sciences Laboratory and Stillwater Sciences 2004, unpublished). When cobbles were at least 30% embedded in sand and finer particles, a lack of sufficient interstitial space precluded use by juvenile steelhead of coarse substrates for refuge (i.e., a fish density of 0). Comparison of results from this flume study and studies conducted under stable winter base flow regimes suggests that completely unembedded coarse material provides similar carrying capacities during both base and storm flows. However, with increasing fine sediment inputs carrying capacities for habitats subjected to high winter flows decrease much more quickly than in habitats subject to stable winter base flow. Stillwater Sciences 39 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Table 4-5. Winter 0+ juvenile steelhead density (fish/ft2) in an artificial stream channel with different levels of coarse substrate embeddedness. Embeddedness Steelhead Density (fish/ft2) 0% 0.65 10% 0.33a 20% 0.16a ≥30% 0 Source: Redwood Sciences Laboratory and Stillwater Sciences 2004, unpublished data a interpolated (not observed). These studies demonstrate that the winter carrying capacity for juvenile steelhead depends primarily on the amount of space located within the interstices of coarse substrate. Considerable uncertainty remains about the rate at which winter habitat degrades with increasing fine sediment loading. For example, results from Redwood Sciences Laboratory and Stillwater Sciences (unpublished data) indicate that fish use declines to zero at embeddedness levels as low as 30% (Table 4-5). However, it is not known if the decline in habitat capacity between zero and 30% embeddedness is linear or takes the form of some other function. Based on observations made during field reconnaissance and interpretations of existing population information and formulation of conceptual model for juvenile steelhead, we hypothesized that winter habitat may limit steelhead production. We combined an analysis of existing information with focused field studies conducted during May 2005 to assess the quantity and quality of overwintering habitat in Upper Penitencia Creek. Because juvenile steelhead require low velocity habitat in the winter and are known to seek refuge in the interstices of coarse substrates during periods of high flows and low temperatures, we focused our winter habitat assessment on habitats composed of cobble and/or boulder substrates in the perennial rearing reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek between mile 3.5 upstream to barrier waterfalls in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. The assessment of winter habitat availability in Upper Penitencia Creek did not include relatively rare habitat features such as large woody debris jams, root wads, and backwater habitat. Juvenile steelhead are known to use these habitats to some degree during winter (Hartman 1965, Swales et al. 1986, Raleigh et al. 1984, Fontaine 1988). Although these habitats were not commonly observed in Upper Penitencia Creek, we may have underestimated winter habitat availability by not including them in our analysis. Information on substrate area was obtained from the existing FAHCE (2000) database. Substrate embeddedness was determined during field studies conducted by Stillwater Sciences. For those habitat units containing cobble and/or boulder as either the dominant or subdominant substrate, substrate embeddedness was estimated by removing several sediment particles (i.e., cobble or boulder) to determine the percentage of the circumference that had been inundated by smaller sediments. A slight discoloration of the particles is typically apparent above and below the level of embeddedness (Sylte and Fischenich 2002). Winter habitat area, estimated by summing the area of cobble and boulder substrate, is 120,741 ft2 (11,217 m2) upstream of RM 3.5. The area of winter habitat represents approximately 52% of the total wetted area in the primary rearing reach of Upper Penitencia Creek, as determined by FAHCE (2000) habitat survey data collected during summer 1998 and/or 1999. The distribution of winter habitat is relatively even, with an upstream increasing dominance of boulder habitat in reaches with step-pool features (Figure 4-14). However, the existing database is likely to Stillwater Sciences 40 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis overestimate the true winter carrying capacity for Upper Penitencia Creek. The FAHCE habitat survey was not conducted with the intent of estimating the area of coarse substrate suitable for winter refuge habitat. The size range of cobble substrate includes smaller particles (64 to 90 mm) than would be considered suitable for juvenile steelhead overwintering (i.e., >90 mm). Therefore, winter habitat area may be substantially different than this total depending on the size distribution of the cobble substrate present (although this distribution is unknown). A relatively small percentage of the cobble and boulder habitat area in Upper Penitencia Creek was considered suitable for overwintering habitat (Appendix A-5). Interstitial spaces found in coarse substrate were typically lacking due to a high degree of embeddedness by fine sediment (i.e., small gravel, sand, and silt). Mean cobble and boulder substrate embeddedness was approximately 28% (range 10–60). In cases where surface embeddedness was relatively low (i.e., 10%), embeddedness of subsurface layers of coarse substrate were high (50–80%) (Appendix Table A5-1). We estimated winter rearing densities in Upper Penitencia Creek using a weighted average of cobble/boulder area and fish densities (Table 4-5) corresponding to the level of embeddedness observed in habitat units surveyed during focused field studies (Appendix A-5). Based on this relationship, the average winter rearing densities in Upper Penitencia Creek were estimated at approximately 0.034 fish/ft2 (0.37 fish/m2) for age 0+ steelhead and 0.010 fish/ft2 (0.11 fish/m2) for age 1+ steelhead. We used the estimates of rearing densities and habitat area to compare with observed fish densities from spring and fall 2005 and previous fisheries surveys in Upper Penitencia Creek to allocate the available winter habitat between multiple steelhead age classes (Appendix A-5). Based on these estimates we assigned approximately 48,061 ft2 (4,465 m2) of the available cobble/boulder habitat to age 1+ steelhead, and 44,349 ft2 (4,120 m2) to age 0+ steelhead. This resulted in approximately 20% of the cobble/boulder area estimated by FAHCE (2000) being removed from the winter habitat area estimate. Using these habitat areas and rearing densities estimated from substrate embeddedness levels to estimate carrying capacities results in close agreement with the fish population estimates derived during spring and fall 2005 and previous fish surveys (Appendix A5). Cobble and boulder substrate was often organized laterally in a series of steps that create localized areas of suitable winter habitat, but the majority of coarse material was typically embedded in a matrix of finer gravel, sand, and silt. In addition, although localized conditions resulted in an unembedded surface layer in some areas, this condition rarely, if ever, extended more than a single layer deep into the stream bed. As mentioned above, Meyer and Griffith (1997) observed that the arrangement of cobble and boulder substrate influenced the carrying capacity of the substrate, with higher fish densities observed when cobbles were touching than when they were not touching. Additional experimental observations also indicate that successful refuge from high flows requires sufficient depth of these larger substrates (Redwood Sciences Laboratory and Stillwater Sciences, unpublished data). The high levels of embeddedness observed in Upper Penitencia Creek probably results in a relatively low winter carrying capacity for juvenile steelhead. The high embeddedness we observed may be at least partly the result of the naturally high sediment load in the basin (see Section 2.3). Other indicators of fine sediment storage (i.e., gravel permeability, pool filling) do not indicate an imbalance of supply and transport. However, the sensitivity of fish populations to winter habitat quality is consistent with our conceptual model (Section 3.3) that postulates that winter habitat may have been a historically important factor limiting steelhead populations, and may be particularly sensitive to impacts of human land use. However, at this time we cannot differentiate between reference and current conditions. The relative importance of winter habitat quality to steelhead population dynamics, as compared with factors such as the quality of spawning habitat, was assessed via population modeling using Stillwater Sciences 41 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis habitat data from FAHCE (2000) and the results of our focused studies. The relative importance of winter habitat quality to steelhead population dynamics, assessed over a range of winter habitat fish densities, is illustrated in Figure 4-15. The purpose of this analysis was to determine the sensitivity of steelhead populations to a range of winter habitat qualities relative to habitat availability as a constraint on population growth. The results of these variations in fish density were expressed as the fraction of smolts produced at a given winter fish density relative to the maximum potential production of smolts, given a high fish density (Figure 4-15). The analysis demonstrates that increases in the quantity or quality of winter habitat are expected to result in dramatic increases in smolt production when habitat quality is low to begin with. For example, increasing winter habitat rearing densities for age 1+ steelhead from 0.01 to 0.05 fish/ft2 (0.11 to 0.54 fish/m2) results in an approximately 65% increase in smolt production (assuming densities of age 0+ steelhead increase proportionally; Figure 4-15). These results also indicate that if our current estimate of winter rearing densities is reasonable, any decrease in winter habitat quality could result in substantial reductions in steelhead production. However, we urge caution in applying this preliminary modeling analysis, which is based on assumptions about survival rates, fish densities, and habitat use in Upper Penitencia Creek as well as from other stream systems. The lack of information specific to Upper Penitencia Creek adds some uncertainty to our conclusions. Studies to document actual juvenile densities at the beginning and end of winter over several seasons would be very useful in validating our assumptions and the modeling results. 4.4 Fish Passage Barriers Barriers and impediments to fish movement can cause significant adverse impacts on anadromous fish populations by restricting the ability of fish to leave and return to the basin and the ability of rearing juveniles and resident adults to access habitat and track resources within the system. By disrupting habitat connectivity, even a small number of barriers can have a disproportionately large impact on a population if the barriers obstruct access to large amounts of habitat or habitat of critical importance. Potential fish passage barriers and impediments were identified by FAHCE (2000) as a significant factor limiting habitat availability and quality for salmonids in the Coyote Creek system. Although the spatial extent and temporal duration to which barriers and impediments impede access to habitat in Upper Penitencia Creek is largely unknown, the documented presence of anadromous O. mykiss (i.e., steelhead) adults (CDFG 1987) and smolts (Smith 1997) in the creek indicates that adults successfully ascend to suitable spawning habitat and reproduce in at least some years. The ability of adult steelhead to access all suitable habitat, however, especially in upstream reaches, is dependent on the extent to which structural and flow-related barriers impede upstream passage. Because of the limited ability of juveniles to disperse upstream, especially under extreme high or low flow conditions, limited access to spawning habitat can be expected to also limit the amount of available rearing habitat. Access to downstream rearing habitat may be similarly limited by flow-related barriers. By disrupting habitat connectivity, barriers may limit the ability of rearing juvenile steelhead to access high quality rearing habitat and can prevent smolts from outmigrating. Flow influences the degree to which structural impediments are passable by adults moving upstream and, to a lesser extent, by smolts and juveniles moving downstream. High flows may pose problems for upstream migration if water velocity at artificial structures and fish passage facilities exceeds that which can be overcome by the fish. Low flows may render structures impassible if water depth is too shallow to allow movement of fish over or through the Stillwater Sciences 42 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis impediment. Fish ladders can become impassible if flow is not sufficient to provide flow through the steps, or if resting pools or downstream jump pools are too shallow. No quantitative analysis has previously been conducted to determine the amount of habitat rendered inaccessible by barriers or the effects of potential delays in upstream or downstream passage by steelhead. The potential impacts of structural and flow-related barriers on steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek are evaluated below. Results of these analyses were used to examine the possible effects of fish passage barriers on the steelhead population in Upper Penitencia Creek. 4.4.1 Structural Fish Passage Barriers In-channel structures such as flow diversion weirs, grade control structures, and road crossings may create steep drops or wide expanses in the channel that cannot be jumped by fish. In addition, these and other structures may artificially reduce water depth to a point that precludes fish passage or may concentrate flows to such a degree that fish cannot overcome the current to move upstream. In an attempt to allow upstream passage by adult salmonids, some in-channel structures incorporate passage facilities (i.e., fish ladders). The effectiveness of passage facilities, however, may be reduced at very high or low flows, or when they become clogged with sediment and debris. Even barriers that fish are able to pass after some effort (i.e., impediments) may be significant if the level of effort required exhausts the fish and reduces reproductive fitness or longevity. Although most attention is typically focused on barriers to upstream passage, some structures may also impair downstream movement of juvenile salmonids or outmigrating smolts, especially at low flows. In addition to limiting downstream passage of outmigrating steelhead smolts and potentially delaying outmigration, structural barriers may also curtail movement by juveniles, thereby reducing the amount of available rearing habitat. The number of potential barriers to juvenile movement and the extent to which access to rearing habitat is limited are highly dependent on several factors, including the location of emergence, the quantity and quality of nearby rearing habitat, and flow duration and magnitude. Flow-related (i.e., non-structural) barriers are discussed in Section 4.4.2 below. Relatively few structures in Upper Penitencia Creek have been identified as potential barriers to fish passage. Existing data and observations made during field reconnaissance indicated that none of the documented artificial impediments in Upper Penitencia Creek act as complete barriers to fish passage during peak periods of upstream migration by adult steelhead or outmigration by juveniles. Previous investigations have indicated that there are no physical barriers to upstream migration of anadromous fish from San Francisco Bay to the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed (Buchan et al. 1999). Under typical flow conditions during the primary period of upstream migration (January–April), it appears highly likely that Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague are accessible to steelhead as far upstream as the natural waterfalls. Although low flows may at times prove problematic for outmigrating steelhead smolts (Smith 1998), we could find no evidence that structural impediments prevent downstream movement during the primary outmigration period (February–May). Based on this information, we hypothesized that instream structures do not have a substantial impact on habitat connectivity in Upper Penitencia Creek, and are therefore not expected to limit production of steelhead or successful emigration to Coyote Creek. The historical and presumed current upstream limit of fish passage in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed is defined by the natural waterfalls located in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague upstream of their confluence (Map 1). The waterfall in Upper Penitencia Creek (Figure Stillwater Sciences 43 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis 3-1) is located approximately 6.8 miles (11 kilometers) upstream of the Coyote Creek confluence and 0.1 miles (0.1 kilometers) upstream of the confluence with Arroyo Aguague. The waterfall in Arroyo Aguague (Figure 3-1) is located approximately 0.8 miles (1.3 kilometers) upstream of its confluence with Upper Penitencia Creek. Both are considered to be complete barriers to upstream fish passage (FAHCE 2000, Buchan et al. 1999, others). Cherry Flat Reservoir, located near the headwaters of Upper Penitencia Creek, approximately 2.3 miles (3.7 kilometers) upstream of the waterfall, therefore has no effect on fish passage. Downstream of the waterfalls, several artificial instream structures in Coyote Creek and Upper Penitencia Creek may act as fish passage impediments. FAHCE (2000) lists seven partial fish passage barriers (impediments) in Coyote Creek downstream of the Upper Penitencia Creek confluence. In Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague downstream of the waterfalls, only one documented structural impediment currently exists (FAHCE 2000, SCVWD 2002) (Table 46, Map 1). This structure, a concrete grade control weir, or drop structure, is located in Alum Rock Park adjacent to the Youth Science Institute (YSI) (Figure 4-16), approximately 5.9 miles (9.5 kilometers) upstream of the confluence with Coyote Creek. It has been identified as a potential barrier to upstream migration at low flows (FAHCE 2000, Buchan et al. 1999, CDFG 1987) and assigned a high priority for removal (FAHCE 2000). An additional, previously documented impediment, the low-flow crossing at Quail Hollow in Alum Rock Park, was removed and replaced with a clear span pedestrian bridge in 2004. A complete list of documented barriers and impediments is presented in Appendix A-6. Several other artificial structures in the creek may interrupt habitat connectivity during low flows and potentially impede downstream passage by juveniles and smolts. These include the diversion structures at Noble Avenue (RM 3.6) and Mabury Avenue (RM 1.3). Although both structures have fish ladders and have been deemed passable by upstream-migrating adult steelhead, their effect on habitat connectivity and fish passage at low flows has not been documented. Smith (1998) stated that the ability of steelhead smolts to reach Coyote Creek may be limited by low flows downstream of the Noble Avenue diversion, but gave no specific information regarding structural impediments to outmigration. Observations made by Stillwater Sciences during six separate field reconnaissance and focused study surveys conducted from January–May, 2005 indicated that flows were suitable for downstream passage at these structures. Flow conditions during these surveys, however, were not necessarily representative of the full range of flows that could potentially occur in Upper Penitencia Creek during the steelhead outmigration period. Table 4-6. Documented fish passage impediments and barriers in Upper Penitencia Creek, up to and including the natural waterfall. a b River Milea Barrier IDb Description Barrier Typeb 0.0 GB1 Critical riffle at Coyote Creek confluence Partial; non-structural 2.0 GB16 Critical riffle at HWY 680 crossing Partial; non-structural 5.9 GB18 6.8 GB9 Grade control structure at Youth Science Institute (YSI), Alum Rock Park Natural waterfall in Upper Penitencia Creek, upstream of confluence with Arroyo Aguague Partial; structural Complete; structural (natural) river mile upstream of Coyote Creek confluence; from FAHCE (2000) or GIS data (SCVWD 2000) Barrier ID and type (degree) from FAHCE (2000) and SCVWD (2002) We evaluated the physical characteristics of the YSI drop structure (Barrier GB18) to assess the likelihood that it impedes upstream movement by steelhead. The combination of a potential Stillwater Sciences 44 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis barrier’s geometry, the hydraulic conditions, and the leaping ability of the fish determine the likelihood of fish passage. The angle of the fish’s leap, as well as the depth of the takeoff pool and the water depth at the landing location are among the critically important factors for determining passage at a potential barrier (Powers and Orsborn 1985). Passage conditions are optimized when (1) the depth of the plunge pool is equal to or greater than the length of the fish, (2) the water depth at the falls crest is greater than the fish’s body depth, and (3) the water velocity at the crest is less than or equal to the sustained swimming speed of the fish (Powers and Orsborn 1985). Steelhead have a maximum sustained swimming speed (also called cruising speed) of 4.6 ft/s (Bell 1973). Measurements were taken at the YSI drop structure on 31 May 2005, when streamflow at the SCVWD Dorel gage (SF 83) was 2.0 cfs (SCVWD 2005) (Table 4-7). Water velocity at the falls crest (the lip of the structure) was not measured, but it was estimated to be well below the critical threshold of 4.6 ft/s. We compared the measured vertical and horizontal dimensions of the YSI structure with the steelhead “leaping curves” developed by Powers and Orsborn (1985) to assess the likelihood of upstream passage (Figure 4-17). The curves represent leap distances for three different takeoff angles and two fish condition factor coefficients (Cfc6). Table 4-7. Measured characteristics of the grade control drop structure located at the Youth Science Institute in Alum Rock Park (GB18). Characteristic Measurement* Vertical distance from plunge pool water surface to falls crest 5.1 ft Horizontal distance from plunge to falls crest at lip of structure 6 ft Depth of plunge pool (takeoff) 3.3 ft Water depth at falls crest 0.3 ft Depth of pool at top of structure (landing) 0.8 ft * measurements taken on 31 May 2005; discharge at Dorel gage was 0.51 cfs This analysis indicates that the YSI drop structure is easily passable by steelhead with a Cfc of 1.0 (solid curves in Figure 4-17) at the flow measured (approximately 2.0 cfs). As shown in Figure 4-17, a steelhead with Cfc = 1.0, leaving the water at a 60° angle, can clear an obstacle eight feet (2.5 meters) high and over 17 feet (5.2 meters) wide. Steelhead attempting to leap the structure are expected to have a Cfc close to 1.0 (the strongest, healthiest fish), due to the relatively short, 16 mile (25.7 kilometer) travel distance from salt water. Depth of the takeoff and landing pools was adequate at the flow measured, but the shallow water depth at the falls crest (0.3 ft [0.09 m]) could present a problem for leaping steelhead at similar or lower flows if the horizontal leaping distance is insufficient to clear the crest. Given the horizontal range of a leaping steelhead, however, this seems unlikely. Furthermore, the measured depth of the pool at the top of the YSI structure, just upstream of the falls crest, was 0.8 ft (0.24 m) (Table 4-7), which exceeds the minimum upstream passage depth of 0.6 ft (0.18 m) reported by Thompson (1972) for an adult steelhead. It can be expected that a leaping steelhead would be able to clear the falls crest and land upstream in the deeper pool. 6 The coefficient of fish condition (Cfc) referenced here is a subjective measure based on observations of fish condition by Powers and Orsborn (1985) for coho and chum salmon. It does not correspond to the condition factor commonly used in fisheries biology, which is based on measured length and weight. As defined by Powers and Orsborn (1985), a fish with Cfc = 1.0 is a “bright” fish, fresh out of salt water, with no visible spawning colors. A fish with Cfc = 0.75 is a fish in “good” condition, in the river for a short time, with spawning colors apparent. Stillwater Sciences 45 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Water depth and velocity at the landing location are potentially critical uncertainties that vary with flow. Although it was not feasible as part of this analysis to measure water depths and velocities during all potential passage flows, the hydraulic characteristics at the YSI drop structure are such that only at the highest flows would the water velocity at the top of the structure be expected to approach the critical sustained steelhead swimming velocity of 4.6 ft/s. Depth and velocity measurements taken at a range of high and low flows during the primary period of steelhead upstream migration (January–April) would be required to verify this supposition. Adult steelhead that successfully surmount the YSI drop structure in Alum Rock Park have access to the full extent (7.5 miles [12 kilometers]) of habitat in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague downstream of the waterfall barriers. Existing data indicates, however, that suitable rearing habitat for O. mykiss is primarily located upstream of RM 3.5. If the YSI structure prevents access to upstream reaches, nearly 1.5 miles (2.4 kilometers) of stream habitat becomes unavailable. Steelhead would then be restricted to 50% of the pool area, 74% of the spawning area, and 31% of the cobble/boulder overwintering habitat that would otherwise be available upstream of RM 3.5 (Figure 4-18). Only pools less than two feet deep (<0.6 meters) were considered in this analysis. The impact of this habitat limitation is determined largely by the quality of the habitat located in the uppermost 1.5 miles (2.4 kilometers) of the creeks. This is best illustrated by the estimated steelhead smolt production in this reach, compared with habitat downstream of the YSI structure. We evaluated the potential effects of limited access to spawning and rearing habitat on the steelhead population using stock-production based population modeling. Using the amount of available spawning, rearing, and overwintering habitat in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague upstream of RM 3.5 as a baseline, we assessed the relative impact of blocked upstream passage at the YSI drop structure. If upstream access is blocked by the YSI structure located 5.9 miles (9.5 kilometers) upstream of the Coyote Creek confluence, the fraction of potential smolt production is reduced to 0.5, a reduction of 50% relative to the maximum potential smolt production in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague between RM 3.5 and the natural waterfall barriers. This analysis assumes that juvenile steelhead have unimpeded access to habitat in the creek upstream and downstream of the location where they were spawned. More detail on the steelhead population assessment is presented in Section 4.5, and a detailed description of the population model is presented in Appendix A-2. The results of this analysis indicate that the YSI drop structure, if it in fact prevents upstream passage, can substantially limit the potential steelhead production in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. Based on our analysis of steelhead leaping ability, however, the likelihood of upstream passage at the YSI structure is high, and it is therefore not believed to limit the amount of habitat accessible to steelhead. Additional data are necessary, however, to validate this assessment. Limited information is available to support a conclusion regarding potential downstream passage limitations posed by instream structures. Despite our observations made during the relatively wet spring of 2005 indicating that suitable flows for downstream passage were frequently present at instream structures, the lack of information from dryer years prevents a positive conclusion. We therefore cannot accept or reject our hypothesis that structural barriers in Upper Penitencia Creek likely do not limit steelhead production. Stillwater Sciences 46 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT 4.4.2 Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Flow-related Barriers In addition to structural barriers, natural variations in precipitation and runoff, together with reservoir releases, diversions, and water returns, influence the amount of flow and suitability for fish passage in Upper Penitencia Creek. While upstream spawning migration by anadromous salmonids typically occurs during the wet season when flows are generally sufficient (unless the onset of rains is late), inadequate flows in the spring can pose a potentially significant barrier to fish movement within the stream and to smolts emigrating to the ocean. Dry reaches can impact juvenile steelhead at other times of the year by preventing or restricting access to habitat during the rearing period. Upstream passage can also be restricted by high flows, especially at instream structures where flow is concentrated. Based on a review of available information, we hypothesized that flow-related barriers, either alone or in conjunction with potential structural barriers, can substantially limit summer rearing and outmigration success by steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek. This potential limitation may have been a natural occurrence in the lower reaches of the creek, but given the lack of historical stream flow data our analysis focused on the effects of current flow patterns. Flow in Upper Penitencia Creek originates largely from springs and tributaries, most notably Arroyo Aguague, its primary perennial tributary. Releases from Cherry Flat Dam are typically made only during dry periods when additional water is required to maintain flow downstream. The City of San Jose, which owns and operates Cherry Flat Dam, is required under a California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) 1600 permit to maintain a “wet/active” channel downstream of the dam (Buchan et al. 1999). It is not clear from existing information, however, how far downstream this requirement applies, and whether the permit stipulates release amounts or timing. Several authors have reported that portions of Upper Penitencia Creek downstream of Alum Rock Park are intermittent or subject to seasonal drying during summer (EOA 2003, SCBWMI 2003, Buchan et al. 1999, Smith 1998, HRG 1992). Potential flow-related passage barriers identified in Upper Penitencia Creek include two “critical riffles” where channel geometry may limit fish passage at low flows due to shallow water depth or drying of the channel (FAHCE 2000) (Table 4-6). Additional low-flow passage constraints resulting from water diversions and seasonal drying may also exist downstream of Dorel Drive. Diversion locations in this reach include: (1) the Noble Avenue diversion (RM 3.6) (2), the Penitencia Creek Park diversion (RM 1.7), and (3) the Mabury Avenue diversion (RM 1.3). No information was available regarding operation of the Penitencia Creek Park diversion. At the Noble Avenue diversion, a portion of stream flow is diverted to the three percolation ponds located nearby on the north side of the creek. The percolation ponds also receive water from the South Bay Aqueduct (EOA 2003, SCBWMI 2001). Diversion typically occurs from April– October (SCVURPPP 2003a), but the ponds are operated year-round (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). Water from the ponds is discharged back into the creek for instream percolation. Although imported water discharged from the percolation ponds may at times augment streamflow as far as two miles (3.2 kilometers) downstream of the ponds (Smith 1998), this water can be relatively warm. CDFG (1987) reported that effluent from the percolation ponds provided the majority of the flow in the creek downstream of the ponds, and that the water entering the creek from the ponds was 3° F warmer (67° F) than the creek water upstream of the ponds (64° F). The date of these observations, however, was not reported. The USACE (1995) reported that Upper Penitencia Creek between King Road and the Coyote Creek confluence often dries in late summer/early fall. Furthermore, Smith (1998) noted that water imports from the South Bay Aqueduct are subject to occasional cutoffs, causing the creek to go dry and posing problems for smolt outmigration from April–June. Existing information was not sufficient to determine the Stillwater Sciences 47 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis amount, timing, or frequency of these occurrences, but Smith (1998) stated that sufficient flows for smolt outmigration during April and May are likely to occur only in wet years. Farther downstream, water is again diverted at the Mabury Avenue diversion (RM 1.3) to a percolation pond on the south side of the creek. This diversion is typically operative from April– October (SCVURPPP 2003a) but may also be operated at other times of the year (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). Upper Penitencia Creek downstream of the Mabury Avenue diversion is classified as intermittent (EOA 2003) due in part to summer diversion of water at this location. We could find no information regarding return flows to the creek from this percolation pond. In addition to the diversions discussed above, a “dryback zone” at RM 1.5 was identified by FAHCE (2000). No additional information was found describing the features of this dryback zone, but several authors have reported that the creek downstream of this location typically dried during periods of low precipitation or warm weather. On December 16, 1987, CDFG surveys (CDFG 1987) reported that, “Although there should have been flow from storm runoff, the creek was dry at I-680.” A survey on March 11, 1992 by HRG (1992) documented a dry channel in Upper Penitencia Creek, “…from 150 yards downstream of the Maybury Road crossing to below King Road.” Since installation of the fish passage and diversion facility at Nobel Avenue in 1999, however, drying of the channel downstream may occur less frequently than in prior years (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm., 2006). This is presumably because the diversion is typically only operated when flow is above about 2.5 cfs, which is the minimum flow necessary for the fishway to function. An analysis of the effects of the diversions and water returns on steelhead passage would require detailed information on the timing and amount of water diverted and discharged to the stream, and the stream flow and water temperatures during winter and spring periods of adult upstream migration and juvenile outmigration. Because very little information of this type is available, our analysis is limited to a largely qualitative evaluation of the potential effects of diversions and seasonal drying on fish passage. Available water temperature data, collected by SCVWD at five locations in Upper Penitencia Creek downstream of Alum Rock Park, are limited to the summers of 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2004 (Figures 4-19 and 4-20). Data from 2001 and 2004, however, only include the later half of the summer, beginning in late July. Only data from 2000 and 2002, which begin in the month of May, provide insight into water temperatures during the later portion of the peak steelhead outmigration period (April–May). These data show that daily average water temperatures in May downstream of RM 3.7 can range from as low as 55°F to over 70°F (Figures 4-19 and 4-20). This range includes temperatures that are known to be stressful to outmigrating steelhead. Myrick and Cech (2001) reported that temperatures >59°F are unsuitable for smolting steelhead, and Zaugg and Wagner (1973) and Adams et al. (1975), both as cited in ODEQ (1995) found temperatures >55°F to be stressful (inhibiting gill ATPase activity). McEwan and Jackson (1996) reported that temperatures <57°F are preferred for steelhead smolt outmigration. This comparison indicates that water temperatures in the “migration corridor” reach of Upper Penitencia Creek (downstream of RM 3.5) may be unsuitable for steelhead smolt outmigration by late May. Temperatures Stillwater Sciences 48 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis encountered by smolts earlier in the year, or during periods of higher flows, however, may be low enough to facilitate successful outmigration. Additional water temperature data, collected in this reach from March–May, would allow a more conclusive determination of the frequency of water temperature limitations. Historical stream flow data for Upper Penitencia Creek are available for the Dorel Dr. gage (SF 83) for the period 1962–2004. This gage, located at RM 3.9, is upstream of the Noble Ave. diversion and therefore does not reflect alterations to streamflow resulting from downstream water diversions or returns. Stream flow data from gage SF87, located 1.3 miles (2.1 kilometers) upstream from the confluence with Coyote Creek at Mabury Avenue, are only available for the year 2004. Due to the lack of comparative stream flow data, an analysis of the effects of water diversions is not possible. The relationship between flow and depth at potential passage barriers and other locations in Upper Penitencia Creek is largely unexplored, and we know of no analyses of instream flow requirements for steelhead passage in the creek. Although two critical riffles have been identified in Upper Penitencia Creek (Table 4-6), no known passage flow has been calculated for these riffles. For Coyote Creek, the critical passage flow used by FAHCE (2000) was 13 cfs, which is based on an assumed minimum depth requirement of 0.8 ft (24 cm) for both adult and juvenile passage. Balance Hydrologics (2002) calculated an average passage discharge of 19 cfs for critical riffles in Coyote Creek, but no such calculations were made for Upper Penitencia Creek. While flows downstream of the Dorel gage (RM 3.5) may be sufficient during the winter and spring spawning and incubation period to allow successful incubation and emergence, juveniles in this reach are not likely to survive the summer high temperatures and drying of the channel. Low flows or drying of the stream bed can delay or preclude downstream passage by smolts during outmigration, and may result in stranding of rearing or outmigrating fish. Because upstream movement is likely limited by structural impediments and low flows, juveniles in the drying reach must either attempt to emigrate during their first summer or seek isolated wetted habitats in which to rear. Juvenile steelhead entering the ocean in their first year (age 0+) have been shown to have extremely low survival compared to those rearing in fresh water for at least a year (age 1+ or 2+) (Shapovalov and Taft 1954, Ward et al. 1989). Those that remain in isolated habitats and temporarily avoid mortality from desiccation, predation, lethal water temperatures, or other factors may suffer stress related to increased competition, high water temperatures, or reduced food availability. Although existing information indicates that stream flow manipulations may have resulted in slightly increased summer flows in portions of Upper Penitencia Creek relative to historical conditions, this assessment is based on insufficient flow data to draw positive conclusions. It is likely, however, that seasonal drying of the lower reaches occurred regularly in Upper Penitencia Creek under historical conditions. The wet-winter/dry-summer seasonal pattern in central California results in summer conditions in Upper Penitencia Creek and other local streams that are warmer and characterized by less flow than “classic” steelhead streams to the north. To some degree, steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek would be expected to be adapted to these natural summer conditions of low flow and warmer water. Available information indicates that low spring and summer flows and elevated water temperatures may substantially limit steelhead rearing and outmigration success in Upper Penitencia Creek. Not enough is known, however, about steelhead life history in the system (particularly the timing of movement of juveniles), or about flow and temperature patterns, to understand how channel drying specifically affects steelhead population dynamics. Substantial Stillwater Sciences 49 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis uncertainty also remains regarding the effects of diversions and water returns in the lower portion of the creek, including the potential tradeoffs between flow augmentation and increased water temperatures downstream of the percolation ponds. Without additional data it is not possible to determine the relative importance of each diversion and inflow with regard to steelhead outmigration success. Additional information on steelhead population ecology (including run size, outmigration timing, smolt size, food availability, thermal tolerances, and other factors) is needed to determine the effects of flow-related barriers on steelhead production. Based on existing information and observations made by other researchers, it is likely that flow-related barriers, including high water temperatures, can frequently limit steelhead production in Upper Penitencia Creek. 4.5 O. mykiss Growth As outlined in our conceptual model for steelhead (Section 3.3), growth of juvenile steelhead during their freshwater rearing period is believed to be critical to their attaining a size that will promote survival during outmigration and ocean phases, as well as to the overall viability of the population. Several studies have shown a strong relationship between the size at which a steelhead smolt migrates to the ocean and the probability that it returns to freshwater to spawn (Kabel and German 1967, Hume and Parkinson 1988, Ward and Slaney 1988, Ward et al. 1989). For example, in a mark-recapture study on the Eel River, Kabel and German (1967) demonstrated an exponential relationship between smolt size at outmigration and successful adult return. The increased survival is usually attributed to larger smolts being better able to escape predation during outmigration, and in the estuary and ocean. Most marine mortality of steelhead occurs soon after they enter the ocean and predation is believed to be the primary cause of this mortality (Pearcy 1992). The most important food source for juvenile salmonids is usually invertebrate drift from riffles. Benthic macroinvertebrate production is concentrated in highly oxygenated riffle habitats. Juvenile steelhead can minimize energy expended in feeding by establishing feeding stations where riffles enter pools or where they can hold near boulders, large wood, or other flow obstructions while remaining adjacent to higher velocity water with higher food delivery rates. Invertebrate production in riffles may be reduced by decreased surface flows; changes in channel geomorphology that reduce available habitat for benthic macroinvertebrates (such as sedimentation); and poor water quality that may reduce primary and secondary production or result in direct mortality of invertebrates. Steelhead summer rearing densities are typically regulated through territorial behavior that ensures that fish with established territories achieve sufficient growth. In most of the Pacific Northwest, summer is considered to be the primary growth period for juvenile steelhead (Barnhart 1991, Dambacher 1991). However, near the southern portion of its range, including Bay Area streams, the potential for summer growth may be limited if water temperatures are nonlethal but warm enough to increase bioenergetic needs and food supply (i.e., drifting macroinvertebrates) is limited. This was found to be the case in the nearby Napa River basin (Stillwater Sciences and Dietrich 2002). When growth rates are low, aggressive interactions with conspecifics may increase and this may lead to lower juvenile fish densities in areas where growth potential is low. For example, Suttle et al. (2004) found that aggressive interactions, including attacks, increased under conditions of low summer growth. This increased aggression may provide a mechanism for the downstream decline in juvenile steelhead densities observed by Li (2001) in Upper Penitencia Creek during late summer sampling. Densities of both age 0+ and Stillwater Sciences 50 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis age 1+ steelhead decreased in a downstream direction between RM 5.88 and 3.88 and steelhead were absent at three sample sites below RM 3.88 (Li 2001). In addition to overall reductions in fish density, there was a slight shift in preference of age 1+ fish from pool to riffle habitats at downstream sample sites. Empirical and theoretical evidence suggests that, within reason, juvenile steelhead can compensate for warm stream temperatures if food availability is high by moving to habitats with high food delivery in the form of drifting invertebrates (Smith and Li 1983, Smith 1999). Summer food availability for rearing steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague is unknown. Existing data from Upper Penitencia Creek (USGS 1997, SCVURPPP 2003b) do not provide a reliable indicator of prey availability for juvenile steelhead because they consist of benthic samples, and not invertebrate drift. Although benthic data indicate a high diversity and abundance of the potential drift food source, the delivery (and thus availability) of drifting invertebrates to fish during the primary summer growth season is highly dependent on surface flow characteristics. It was not possible as part of this study to evaluate summer flow patterns, summer invertebrate drift, or the availability of suitable feeding stations in the primary rearing reach during the summer low flow period. Water temperature is a particularly relevant parameter for understanding constraints on steelhead because steelhead rear as juveniles in freshwater for one or more years. Steelhead may experience several summer seasons while rearing, during which they may be subject to warm water temperatures and the resulting thermal stresses. The direct impacts of high temperatures may include both acute and chronic effects. Acute effects tend to involve decreased or disrupted enzyme function, which may compromise a wide range of physiological functions and result in total incapacitation and death. Chronic effects involve physiological changes that slowly degrade the condition of the fish, such as increased metabolic rate (which reduces growth efficiency), reduced immune system function (which increases susceptibility to disease), or an increased tendency to become exhausted (which reduces foraging efficiency). Indirectly, high temperatures may affect coldwater fish such as steelhead by reducing dissolved oxygen (the dissolved oxygen capacity of water is inversely related to temperature), or by changing the behavior or physiology that affect the competitive balance among species and hence may result in a shift in fish species composition or relative abundance. In addition, because steelhead are sensitive to increases in temperature, any additional factors that might increase physiological stress, such as disease, food limitations, elevated turbidity, or increased competition between species, have the potential to compound the impact of elevated temperatures. Because the timing of this project precluded us from collecting summer stream temperature data, we characterized existing temperature patterns in Upper Penitencia Creek using information collected by the SCVWD. Stream temperatures measured during summer and fall of 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2004 at five sites between RM 3.7 and the mouth of Upper Penitencia Creek (Table 48) were obtained from SCVWD. The uppermost of these sites is close to the lowermost extent of juvenile rearing in Upper Penitencia Creek (Li 2001; see also Section 4.1), and therefore, thermal conditions in the majority (and presumably most suitable) of rearing habitat is unknown. We found that maximum summer water temperatures at the uppermost monitoring site (RM 3.7) exceeded lethal limits reported for steelhead and rainbow trout (75–80°F; Hokanson et al. 1977, Bell 1991, Bjornn and Reiser 1991, Myrick and Cech 2001), but we do not know if temperatures at this site are representative of upstream conditions. In general, as stream gradient, elevation, and streamflow decrease, and solar insolation increases, stream temperatures increase. Therefore, the upper reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek are expected to have lower stream temperatures, although their true thermal regime is unknown. Stillwater Sciences 51 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Table 4-8. Location of Upper Penitencia Creek temperature data loggers. Miles upstream of Coyote Creek Location Description 0.1 Near Coyote Creek confluence 1.2 Education Park Drive 1.3 Mabury Road 3.3 Percolation Ponds 3.7 Noble Avenue It is likely that the summer season is a period of low growth for steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek due to low stream flows and warm temperatures. Very low summer growth and even negative growth (weight loss) by juvenile steelhead has been documented in Napa River tributaries with very low summer stream flows and high water temperatures (Stillwater Sciences and Dietrich 2002). In Upper Penitencia Creek there is little available information specific to the area of stream upstream of RM 3.7, where most of the rearing habitat is found. However, indirect evidence suggests that growth potential may be suboptimal in Upper Penitencia Creek during some years. Lengths of steelhead smolts captured in Coyote Creek trap in 1999 (FAHCE 2000) indicate that smolt lengths are unimodal with peaks within a range that is typical of steelhead populations in other portions of the species’ range (e.g., 160–180 mm) (Figure 4-5). However, smolt lengths in the year 2000 are shifted toward smaller lengths with the majority of smolts falling below lengths (e.g., 160 mm) that other studies (e.g., Kabel and German 1967) have shown are related to poor ocean survival. Whether these differences in length frequencies reflect annual differences in growth opportunity or are a byproduct of an incomplete sampling of the smolt outmigration period is unknown. Additionally, it is not known what portion of the smolts captured at the Coyote Creek trap originated in Upper Penitencia Creek, nor is their length frequency known. Naturally low flows and high summer water temperatures may result in low summer steelhead growth rates in Upper Penitencia Creek (see Appendix A-7 for available water temperature data). However, the resulting late summer/early fall population of age 1+ steelhead is still high relative to the winter carrying capacity, indicating that summer conditions do not currently limit the steelhead population in Upper Penitencia Creek. Although results from our 2005 fall snorkel survey may have been influenced by the particularly wet spring and early summer conditions providing increased streamflow, they are similar to a previous late-summer juvenile estimate that occurred during a year (2000) where observed summer stream temperatures reached near-lethal levels at the uppermost temperature monitoring site at stream mile 3.7 (Figure 4-19). In summary, there is some uncertainty related to summer rearing conditions for steelhead within the watershed, particularly with regard to steelhead growth potential. The available information indicates that summer rearing habitat does not currently limit steelhead population growth. Our modeling results suggest that increases in winter habitat quality for age 1+ steelhead would lead to large benefits in smolt production. However, with improvements to winter habitat conditions, other factors, particularly summer rearing conditions for age 1+ steelhead, may become more important as limitations to additional population growth. Confidence in these model results would be greatly improved by additional seasonal monitoring of seasonal steelhead abundance. Stillwater Sciences 52 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT 5 Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis LIMITING FACTORS SYNTHESIS In conducting the limiting factors analysis we attempted to: (1) systematically review steelhead life history requirements, (2) identify the full range of potential factors that might be operating to limit the steelhead population in Upper Penitencia Creek, (3) screen these potential limiting factors using available information and initial reconnaissance observations on current watershed conditions to develop hypotheses about those factors thought to be of greatest likely importance in the basin, and (4) test and refine hypotheses using the focused studies described above. Time and funding constraints for this project, however, limited our ability to address some key uncertainties about potential limiting factors. Because of limitations in our understanding of current conditions and how limiting factors have operated in the basin, there are varying degrees of uncertainty associated with our identification and ranking of key limiting factors. Future studies, including collection of additional data on steelhead habitat use and carrying capacity in Upper Penitencia Creek for use in supplemental population modeling, have been proposed in Section 7 to address what we feel are the most important uncertainties related to management of aquatic resources in the watershed. A synthesis of the conceptual models, hypotheses, and findings developed during this study is provided below. Review of available information and analysis of limiting factors for steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek indicates that, despite human land use and water use activities in the watershed, alterations to the creek have not seriously compromised the potential of the system to support a viable run of steelhead. Although the urbanized areas of the watershed, which have received the most intense human use, did not likely support spawning and rearing of steelhead historically due to intermittent stream flow and warm temperatures, they continue to serve as a migratory corridor for adult upstream migration and downstream migration of smolts from the upper watershed. The primary hypothesized impact to steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek has been a general simplification of the channel, resulting in somewhat reduced quantity and quality of habitat for spawning and rearing life stages. Due to the lack of data describing the pre-disturbance (i.e., reference) conditions in the watershed, however, this hypothesis remains largely unverified. Currently, the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed supports juvenile steelhead in the area from approximately 3.5 miles (5.6 kilometers) upstream of the confluence with Coyote Creek upstream to waterfall barriers in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Results from an extensive snorkel sampling effort during spring and fall 2005 indicated that the watershed supported between 1,300 and 1,500 age 1+ and older steelhead, of which age 2+ and older fish comprised approximately 5 to 10 %. To help synthesize the information collected on steelhead habitat conditions and juvenile abundance in Upper Penitencia Creek, we conducted a population dynamics modeling exercise based on fish and habitat data collected during this and previous studies (Appendix A-2). Our gravel permeability study indicates that spawning gravels in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague have low to moderate permeability, probably due to fine sediment intrusion. Although the survival of steelhead eggs and larvae is likely reduced by low permeability of spawning gravels, our analysis demonstrates that this factor is not sufficient to cause a decline in steelhead population levels. The quantity and quality of spawning gravel in relatively unaltered portions of the channel—primarily the upstream reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague below the natural waterfalls—likely provide spawning and incubation conditions sufficient to fully seed the available rearing habitat. Population modeling suggests that under current conditions we would not expect significant changes in smolt production even if egg-toemergence survival was increased by improving spawning gravel quality. Similarly, the quantity Stillwater Sciences 53 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis of spawning gravel in the primary rearing reach (upstream of RM 3.5), although limited in area and distribution, is not likely limiting the steelhead population. Results from our fish passage analysis indicate that artificial structural barriers are not likely to restrict access by adult steelhead to habitat in upstream reaches. Flow-related passage restrictions may, however, compromise habitat connectivity and reduce successful outmigration opportunities during late spring. Although flow augmentation and diversions affect the majority of the creek and drying of the channel in downstream reaches has been documented to reduce passage opportunities for outmigrating steelhead smolts in some years (e.g., SCBWMI 2003, Smith 1998), it remains unclear whether this phenomenon is exacerbated by anthropogenic activities. It is likely that seasonal drying of the lower reaches occurred regularly in Upper Penitencia Creek under historical conditions due to the warm, dry climate and highly permeable alluvial materials present in the Santa Clara Valley. Periodic flow augmentation downstream of Cherry Flat Dam is believed to have increased the extent and duration of wetted habitat in Alum Rock Park during summer, but the exact amount of habitat gained and the effects of this increase on steelhead production are unknown. In addition to low flows, high water temperatures in the migration corridor reach (downstream of RM 3.5) may also limit the ability of steelhead smolts to migrate to the bay, especially if they occur during the April-May outmigration peak. Low flows may also render some artificial structures impassible to outmigrating smolts but the timing, frequency, or severity of this occurrence could not be documented using available information. If low flows and resulting high water temperatures actually prevent smolt outmigration, reduced steelhead production can be expected. Our analysis of winter rearing habitat suggests that highly embedded cobble and boulder substrates may limit the winter carrying capacity of the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. Although the abundance of cobble and boulder substrates in the primary rearing reach is relatively high, intrusion of sediment into interstitial spaces reduces the area available for juvenile steelhead concealment and velocity refuge during high winter flows. Further, the artificial straightening of the channel and hardening of the banks at multiple locations in Alum Rock Park have in places resulted in a steep-sided, box-like channel in which increased water velocity during high winter flows may severely reduce the overwintering success of juvenile steelhead. Despite observations that sediment ranging in size from silt to small gravel is causing embeddedness of coarser substrates and reducing interstitial space, based on best professional judgment the existing evidence was not sufficient to determine whether a significant fraction of the sediment load in Upper Penitencia Creek is derived from anthropogenic sources. The naturally erosive underlying geology and steep topography present in much of the upper basin, together with local seismic activity and the intense, episodic winter rainfall characteristic of California’s Mediterranean climate, combine to produce a naturally high sediment load in Upper Penitencia Creek. Additional analyses of sediment sources and relative contributions would be necessary to reach a more definitive conclusion regarding anthropogenic sediment inputs. While available information suggests that summer habitat does not limit the steelhead population in Upper Penitencia Creek because of winter habitat limitations for age 0+ and 1+ fish, there is a great deal of uncertainty related to summer rearing conditions within the watershed. Available data were collected from limited and sporadic monitoring, making annual trends and variability in stream conditions and population response difficult to characterize. Although population modeling indicates that winter rearing habitat is currently more limiting than summer habitat, summer rearing success may be limited by flow-related reductions in food delivery and increases in water temperature, especially during critically dry years. Additional studies to characterize summer growth and document late summer steelhead densities during additional years would Stillwater Sciences 54 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis greatly reduce uncertainties and improve our ability to identify the underlying causes of population limitations. The lack of detailed historical information on fish populations and habitat conditions and the extensive period of human use in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed make it difficult to identify pre-disturbance conditions. Studies of historical ecology of several local watersheds, including Upper Penitencia Creek, are currently being conducted by the San Francisco Estuary Institute. Only limited information on the historical conditions in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed, however, were available to us during our analysis. Nevertheless, we have used currently available information to analyze the current habitat conditions within the watershed in relation to likely historical conditions. Our current hypotheses regarding changes from historical conditions and their likely effects on various life stages of steelhead are summarized in Table 5-1. Table 5-1. Summary of conceptual models and hypotheses regarding historical and current conditions in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed and their potential effects on different life stages of steelhead. Life History Stage Upstream migration Hypothesized Historical Condition Current Condition Steelhead accessed Upper Penitencia Creek each year after the onset of winter rains that facilitated passage through seasonally dry reaches. Flow regulation in Upper Penitencia Creek is generally restricted to summer months, and thus has little effect on upstream fish passage. Natural hydrologic fluctuation delayed steelhead passage during dry years but, besides low flow, there were probably no significant in-channel barriers or impediments to upstream migration of adults. Despite rapid and widespread urban development in the lower portion of the watershed, the majority of the drainage area remains relatively undeveloped. The duration and frequency of winter high flow events remains similar to historical conditions. The natural waterfalls in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague were the upstream limits of anadromous fish access. LWD formed deep pools, providing holding habitat for anadromous adults. Although numerous weirs, grade control structures, and other structures have been built in the channel, upstream passage by steelhead remains relatively unimpeded up to the natural waterfalls. Reductions in LWD may have resulted in fewer deep pools, reduced holding habitat for spawners and reduced spawning gravel storage. Spawning and incubation Spawning gravel was relatively abundant in the primary rearing reach, but gravel quality may have been reduced by naturally high fine sediment loads originating from the steep, erosive upper watershed. Localized bed mobility may have occurred at high flows, especially in areas where steep, narrow canyon walls or bedrock outcrops concentrated stream flow. Redd scour was probably rare, however, because suitable quantities of spawning gravel were not likely to occur Spawning habitat quality in the primary rearing reach is relatively low, as evidenced by low to moderate permeability. This likely results in reduced survival of steelhead eggs and alevins (larvae). Spawning habitat, however, is believed to be sufficient to fully seed rearing habitat under current conditions. The quantity and quality of spawning gravel in relatively unaltered portions of the channel—primarily the upstream reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek and Stillwater Sciences 55 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Life History Stage Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Hypothesized Historical Condition in areas with extremely high bed mobility. Arroyo Aguague below the natural waterfalls—likely provide spawning and incubation conditions sufficient to fully seed the available rearing habitat. Juvenile rearing was limited to upstream perennial reaches that were well shaded with riparian forest and had suitably cool stream temperatures. Juvenile rearing continues to be restricted to upstream perennial reaches, with summer flow augmentation from Cherry Flat reservoir maintaining a wetted channel downstream as far as the urbanized reach. Lower reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek likely did not have surface flow during summer and early fall months of most years. Pools with complex structural habitat and relatively cool water likely provided the primary summer rearing habitat in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Well developed native riparian forests in the upper watershed probably provided moderate to high amounts of LWD, leading to frequent pool development. Juvenile rearing Current Condition The coarse streambed in the upper watershed likely provided a high amount of potentially suitable overwintering habitat. Natural sediment may have chronically reduced overwintering habitat quality (but actual quality is unknown). Flows were probably lower and temperatures higher than more northerly steelhead streams, but the local steelhead race was probably at least partially adapted to cope with these conditions. At low flows, numerous instream structures may limit the ability of juvenile fish to move from seasonally dry habitats to perennial habitat. Perennial habitat, however, may already be at carrying capacity, in which case restricted movement by juveniles would result in no net decrease in smolt production. The quality of rearing habitat available is diminished due to channel alterations, which have reduced summer habitat by reducing channel complexity and habitat diversity, and reduced winter habitat by increasing water velocity during storm events. Sediment deposition is reducing the availability of interstitial space in coarse substrates used by overwintering steelhead, but the degree to which smaller-grained sediment (small gravel, sand, and finer) inputs may exceed natural background levels remains unclear. The stream channel likely has fewer pools and pool quality is reduced due to incision and reduction in LWD levels. Artificial bank hardening and channel modification in Alum Rock Park and at several downstream locations has contributed to channel incision and reduced channel migration. Disconnection of the stream from its historical floodplain has in places reduced the input of organic matter to the stream channel and reduced secondary winter refuge habitat. Outmigration During wet years smolt outmigration occurred over a wide time period from late winter to early summer, with the peak likely occurring in April and May. During dry years, interruption of smolt outmigration likely occurred when Water diversion may cause early drying of downstream reaches. Outmigration may be interrupted more frequently, possibly resulting in substantially reduced smolt outmigration success. Due to a lack of specific information describing Stillwater Sciences 56 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Life History Stage Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Hypothesized Historical Condition downstream reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek dried during the spring. Current Condition diversion and water return operations, as well as limited stream hydrology data for these reaches, considerable uncertainty remains regarding the effects of these operations on downstream smolt passage. Return flows may periodically augment streamflow in downstream reaches— primarily from April–October—but warm imported water reduces suitability for outmigrating smolts. Available information is insufficient, however, to determine the relative importance of any specific diversion or flow return on steelhead smolt success. Summary of steelhead production potential Steelhead production in Upper Penitencia Creek would have been lower than in larger drainages in the Santa Clara Basin, but perennial flow in the upper reaches and relatively high quality habitat would have supported production levels fairly typical for a stream of its size. Compared with basins having lower natural sediment production, however, steelhead production in Upper Penitencia Creek may have been somewhat reduced due primarily to lower quality overwintering habitat. Production would have been limited occasionally during drought years, but the availability of suitable spawning and rearing habitat in the upper reaches would have spread risks and reduced the odds of substantial year-class failures. Steelhead production may be somewhat reduced from hypothesized historical levels, which would be primarily attributable to habitat simplification, periodic reduction of outmigration passage opportunities, reduced pool quality, and possibly increased sedimentation of overwintering habitat. Reduced success of outmigrating steelhead smolts may result in the return of low numbers of anadromous adults in some years. Overall habitat quality is somewhat diminished due to altered channel morphology, including increased water velocity in modified reaches during storm events, reduced channel complexity, and reduced habitat diversity. Stillwater Sciences 57 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT 6 Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis CONCLUSIONS AND PROPOSED ACTIONS The limiting factors analysis was based on the best available existing information and the results from each of the focused studies. Consistent with the limiting factors approach, key findings are summarized by steelhead life stage in Table 6-1. For each life stage we have described important information needs that were identified based on currently available information and hypotheses and these needs are presented as recommended future studies. Recommended monitoring and management actions that are not explicitly linked to the requirements of a specific steelhead life stage are listed separately at the end of this section. The recommendations for additional studies presented below may be implemented as individual studies or integrated with existing and/or proposed programs. We expect that local knowledge and experience, conveyed through input from local landowners, resource managers, and stakeholders, will enhance and bring specificity to the recommendations provided herein prior to implementation. The results of this study and future studies, including those currently underway or planned, should be used to develop a better understanding of priorities for the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed and to place in context the management priorities for Upper Penitencia Creek relative to other streams and rivers in the Santa Clara Valley as a whole. Stillwater Sciences 58 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Table 6-1. Summary of conclusions and recommended studies. Juvenile rearing Spawning and incubation Upstream migration Life history stage Conclusion Although numerous weirs, grade control structures, and other structures have been built in the channel, upstream passage by steelhead remains relatively unimpeded up to the natural waterfalls. Nevertheless, the grade control structure at the Youth Science Institute has the potential to reduce upstream passage opportunities at some flow levels. Results of gravel permeability and other analyses strongly suggest that steelhead production is not limited by spawning habitat quality or quantity in Upper Penitencia Creek. Predicted survival of steelhead eggs and alevins is relatively low, due to low-moderate permeability of spawning gravels. The degree to which this is attributable to anthropogenic disturbance or the naturally high sediment load in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed is unknown. Under existing conditions, improved spawning gravel permeability and increased egg-to-emergence survival would not be expected to increase smolt production because of population limitations at other life stages. Summer Rearing: The degree to which summer rearing limits the production of steelhead is uncertain. Summer rearing habitat does not appear to be substantially impacted by fine sediment in pools. Potential limitations to steelhead density and fish growth from low streamflow and high water temperatures were identified. Preliminary Potential studies to reduce uncertainties Conduct a detailed analysis to determine the timing and magnitude of flows necessary for upstream passage by adults. This is especially important at the YSI grade control structure and the two previouslyidentified critical riffles in the “migration corridor” reach. None recommended (but see Recommended Management Actions at the end of Section 6). Monitor juvenile steelhead populations in established sample reaches twice annually (fall and spring) to collect habitat-specific population data and determine summer (and winter) carrying capacity. One-time or ongoing study? Potential importance to steelhead population dynamics Current relative uncertainty Potential reduction in uncertainty Relative priority ranking One-time Moderate Moderate High 8 NA NA NA NA Ongoing Moderate High Moderate– High 4 (same study as for winter rearing) Stillwater Sciences 59 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Life history stage Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Conclusion modeling suggests that summer carrying capacity is higher than winter carrying capacity for age 1+ steelhead but this conclusion should be considered preliminary until further studies are conducted. Potential studies to reduce uncertainties Monitor stream temperatures year-round at multiple locations in Upper Penitencia Creek for several years to improve our understanding of seasonal and annual variability in stream temperatures that might adversely affect steelhead and other aquatic organisms. The need for stream temperature data is especially critical in Alum Rock Park, where most rearing likely takes place. Conduct seasonal fish growth studies over the course of a full year to determine whether summer growth is limited by water temperatures, food, and flow, and whether potential low or negative summer growth can be offset by growth during the spring and fall. One-time or ongoing study? Potential importance to steelhead population dynamics Current relative uncertainty Potential reduction in uncertainty Relative priority ranking Ongoing High High High 5 One-time (full year) Moderate Moderate High 7 Stillwater Sciences 60 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Life history stage Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Conclusion Winter Rearing- High levels of coarse substrate embeddedness are believed to result in low winter carrying capacity for juvenile steelhead. Preliminary modeling suggests that an increase in the quantity or quality of winter refuge habitat would likely increase smolt production. Additional studies are needed to quantify the type and quality of available overwintering habitat throughout the primary rearing reach and the mechanisms responsible for the high levels of embeddedness. Potential studies to reduce uncertainties Additional population surveys in spring 2006 would provide the data necessary to document winter survival and carrying capacity. Spring densities of age 1+ or greater steelhead obtained from snorkel surveys in the same habitat units snorkeled in 2005 would greatly aid in determining whether winter rearing habitat is limiting smolt production in Upper Penitencia Creek. If conducted in conjunction with recommended fall population monitoring (see Summer Rearing above), this information would greatly aid in determining the relative importance of winter habitat as a limiting factor for steelhead. Monitor juvenile steelhead populations in established sample reaches twice annually (fall and spring) to collect habitat-specific population data and determine winter (and summer) carrying capacity. One-time or ongoing study? Potential importance to steelhead population dynamics Current relative uncertainty Potential reduction in uncertainty Relative priority ranking One-time High High High 3 Moderate– High 4 (same study as for summer rearing) Ongoing Moderate High Stillwater Sciences 61 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Outmigration Life history stage Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Conclusion Steelhead outmigration success is likely limited by seasonal drying of the channel, and this impact can be exacerbated when habitat connectivity is interrupted by flow diversion. At very low flows, otherwise passable artificial structures may become impediments to downstream smolt passage. Although seasonal drying is most likely a natural phenomenon in Upper Penitencia Creek, we believe it to be a potential limiting factor of current importance. Available data were not sufficient to determine the extent to which the frequency of channel drying during outmigration has changed relative to historical conditions, or which diversion(s) have the most pronounced effect on downstream flow and water temperature. Potential studies to reduce uncertainties Collect detailed habitat data to document the location and carrying capacity of critical steelhead habitat, including the extent of suitable winter habitat (e.g., unembedded cobble and boulder substrate, large woody debris jams, root wads, offchannel habitat) in the primary rearing reach in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Conduct annual smolt trapping in Upper Penitencia Creek during the spring outmigration period (March–June) to determine smolt size, abundance, and outmigration timing. Conduct a detailed analysis to determine the timing and magnitude of flows necessary for downstream passage by smolts. This study has been identified as “ongoing” due to the need to collect data under a variety of flow conditions. One-time or ongoing study? Potential importance to steelhead population dynamics Current relative uncertainty Potential reduction in uncertainty Relative priority ranking One-time Moderate Moderate Moderate 6 Ongoing High High High 1 Ongoing High High High 2 Stillwater Sciences 62 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis In addition to the key findings and recommended studies listed in Table 6-1, we have identified the following recommended monitoring and management actions that are not linked to a specific steelhead life stage. We believe the monitoring recommendations listed below would help fill data gaps and potentially provide significant contributions to the understanding of both physical and biological processes in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. Recommended Monitoring • Install and monitor a stream flow gage in Alum Rock Park to provide data on seasonal flow patterns. • Continued stream flow monitoring at gage SF 87, at Mabury Avenue, is recommended. Because the effects of seasonal stream drying are dependent on the magnitude and timing of flows, especially in the lower reaches of the creek that are subject to diversion and flow augmentation, additional streamflow monitoring data are needed downstream of the Noble Avenue diversion to determine the impacts of flow-related barriers on steelhead production. Recommended management actions listed below are likewise not specifically linked to a particular steelhead life stage, but are considered to be important actions with the potential to benefit steelhead and other aquatic organisms and uses in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. Recommended Management Actions • Develop a biologically- and hydrologically-based operation schedule for water releases from Cherry Flat Reservoir. In conjunction with stream flow monitoring in Alum Rock Park (see recommendation below), a formalized operations schedule would enable adaptive flow management in the primary rearing reach of Upper Penitencia Creek. • Develop and implement fine sediment reduction measures in the upper watershed, especially in the Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague drainages upstream of their confluence. A pilot-level sediment source analysis focusing on potential sediment input from roads and grazing in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague would help identify sediment management priorities. As a first step in characterizing anthropogenic fine sediment contributions, this analysis could be conducted using existing data sources, such as SCVWD GIS data, aerial photographs, and limited field reconnaissance. • Remove or modify the concrete grade control weir at the Youth Science Institute in Alum Rock Park to reduce the potential for upstream passage limitations by adult steelhead. 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Population structure of sympatric anadromous and nonanadromous Oncorhynchus mykiss: evidence from spawning surveys and otolith microchemistry. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:2152-216 Stillwater Sciences 72 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis FIGURES Stillwater Sciences 80 5 4.5 70 4 3.5 50 3 40 2.5 2 30 1.5 20 1 Mt Hamilton Temperature San Jose Temperature Mt Hamilton Precipitation San Jose Precipitation 10 0.5 0 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D Month Figure 2-1. Monthly mean temperature and precipitation in Mount Hamilton, CA, and San Jose, CA, average from 1948-2004. Average Precipitation (inches) Monthly Mean Temperature (F) 60 550 500 450 Mean Daily Streamflow (cfs) 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 ct -0 5 O ct -0 1 O ct -9 7 O ct -9 3 O ct -8 9 O ct -8 5 O ct -8 1 O ct -7 7 O ct -7 3 O ct -6 9 O ct -6 5 O O ct -6 1 0 Water Year Figure 2-2. Mean daily streamflow in Upper Penitencia Creek at SCVWD gage SF 83 at Dorel Drive, Water Years 1962-2004. d N Jackson Capitol Ave Ave N King R 1939 Capitol Ave N N Kin Jackson g Rd Ave Mabury Rd Mabury Rd Mabury Rd Capitol Ave I-680 N Jackson N Kin g Rd Ave 1960 2004 Figure 2-3. Upper Penitencia Creek land use comparison between years 1939, 1960, and 2004 (Scale 1 inch= 0.195 miles). Note that stream channel is shown for comparative purposes, and is not a GIS layer. Figure 3-1. Natural fish passage barriers: waterfalls in Arroyo Aguague (left) and Upper Penitencia Creek (right). Factors Affecting Upstream Migration •Attraction flows •Physical migration barriers •Environmental migration barriers •Migration corridor hazards Upper P enit enc ia SPAWNING Cr ee k s Re out t Tr en id UPSTREAM MIGRATION INCUBATION y ar tu Es Factors Affecting Estuary and Ocean Rearing •Loss of estuarine rearing habitat •Water quality and temperature •Harvest •Ocean conditions •Predation Factors Affecting Spawning and Incubation •Spawning gravel quantity and redd superimposition •Spawning gravel quality •Water quality and temperature •Substrate mobility/scouring •Redd dewatering ESTUARY and OCEAN REARING & O ce an Factors Affecting Outmigration •Adequate flows for outmigration •Water quality and temperature •Predation •Diversion hazards REARING OUTMIGRATION (steelhead only) Factors Affecting Juvenile Rearing •Availability of summer rearing habitat •Availability of overwintering habitat •Stranding by low flows •Displacement by high flows •Predation •Food availability •Interspecific interactions between native species •Competition with introduced species •Water quality and temperature Figure 3-2. Steelhead and resident rainbow trout life cycle and potential factors thought to affect the abundance of various life stages. 0.35 pool units Spring 2005 Fall 2005 Fish Density (fish/ft²) 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 398 400 407 423 425 452 464 467 482 483 498 507 519 525 536 541 559 561 574 588 593 611 617 630 633 640 656 660 669 685 689 700 702 712 725 726 727 739 740 752 753 758 761 762 763 765 774 784 786 791 800 807 810 2 4 6 7 9 12 16 18 21 26 27 28 33 35 0.00 lower reach upper reach arroyo aguaque Habitat Unit Figure 4-1. Spring and Fall 2005 densities of age 0+ O. mykiss in pools (shaded) and runs in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. 0.050 0.045 pool units Spring 2005 Fall 2005 Fish Density (fish/ft²) 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 398 400 407 423 425 452 464 467 482 483 498 507 519 525 536 541 559 561 574 588 593 611 617 630 633 640 656 660 669 685 689 700 702 712 725 726 727 739 740 752 753 758 761 762 763 765 774 784 786 791 800 807 810 2 4 6 7 9 12 16 18 21 26 27 28 33 35 0.000 lower reach upper reach arroyo aguaque Habitat Unit Figure 4-2. Spring and Fall 2005 densities of age 1 and older O. mykiss in pools (shaded) and runs in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. 3500 Spring 2005 estimates Fall 2005 estimates 3000 Population Estimates 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 pools runs lower total pools runs upper total pools runs total arroyo Figure 4-3. Spring and Fall 2005 population estimates and 95% confidence intervals for age 0+ O. mykiss in lower and upper reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek and in Arroyo Aguague. 700 Spring 2005 estimates Fall 2005 estimates 600 Population Estimates 500 400 300 200 100 0 pools runs lower total pools runs upper total pools runs total arroyo Figure 4-4. Spring and Fall 2005 population estimates and 95% confidence intervals for age 1 and older O. mykiss in lower and upper reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek and in Arroyo Aguague. ( ) pp 35 ( ) 35 A B Source: Smith (1997) 30 Source: SCVWD outmigrant trapping data 30 n=111 n=15 20 20 Number 25 Number 25 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 0 60 120 180 Standard Length (mm) 240 300 360 420 Standard Length (mm) pp ( ) pp 35 ( ) 35 C D Source: SCVWD outmigrant trapping data 30 Source: SCVWD outmigrant trapping data 30 n=239 n=158 25 20 20 Number Number 25 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 0 60 120 180 240 Standard Length (mm) 300 360 420 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Standard Length (mm) Figure 4-5. Length frequency histograms for steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek in 1997 (A), and from outmigrant traps in Coyote Creek during 1998 (B), 1999 (C), and 2000 (D). 420 Capitol Ave Coyote ssa Rd Berrye ot Coy ssa Rd Berrye eek e Cr 1951 Ave Capitol Ave Creek 1899 Capitol te yo Creek Co 1873 Figure 4-6. Upper Penitencia Creek stream channel comparison between years 1873, 1899, and 1951 (Scale 1 inch= 0.663 miles). Historical maps courtesy of San Francisco Estuary Institute, Historical Ecology Program. 100% 90% 80% McCuddin 1977 (chinook) Tagart 1976 (coho) Fitted model 90% confidence limits 95% confidence limits Survival-to-Emergence 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% Survival = -0.825 + 0.149 Ln Permeability 10% Adjusted R2 = 0.85 p < 10-7 0% 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Permeability (cm/hr) Figure 4-7. The egg survival-to-emergence index used to interpret the relative impact of measured permeability on steelhead production is based on the regression derived from data collected by Tagart (1976) for coho salmon and McCuddin (1977) for Chinook salmon. 1.0 0.9 Fraction of maximum smolt production 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Survival-to-emergence Figure 4-8. Expected potential smolt production as a function of emergence survival. 0.8 0.9 1 2000 Spawning Gravel area Reach Boundaries 1750 Spawning gravel area (ft²) 1500 1250 UUP ARP URB 1000 AAG 750 500 250 7. 5 7 6. 5 6 5. 5 5 4. 5 4 3. 5 3 2. 5 2 1. 5 1 0. 5 0 0 River Mile Figure 4-9. Area (ft²) of spawning gravel, summed over 0.1 mi increments upstream from the mouth of Upper Penitencia Creek (includes both Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague data). 1.0 predicted survival to emergence 0.9 Reach boundaries Predicted survival to emergence 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 UUP 0.1 URB ARP AAG 7. 5 7 6. 5 6 5. 5 5 4. 5 4 3. 5 3 2. 5 2 0.0 River Mile Figure 4-10. Predicted survival to emergence at permeability sites in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. 1.0 Reach boundaries 0.9 Predicted survival to emergence 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 ARP2 URB2 ARP1 0.4 ARP3 URB1 AAG UUP2 0.3 0.2 UUP 0.1 URB AAG ARP River mile Figure 4-11. Predicted median survival to emergence, with 95% confidence intervals, for sampled reaches in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. 7. 5 7. 0 6. 5 6. 0 5. 5 5. 0 4. 5 4. 0 3. 5 3. 0 2. 5 2. 0 0.0 25 UUP HIGH URB ARP AAG 20 MODERATE % pool filled 15 10 LOW 5 % pool filled Reach boundaries River Mile Figure 4-12. Pool filling in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Values < 10% should be interpreted as low in basins with fines-rich parent material, values of 10-20% are moderate, and > 20% are high (Lisle and Hilton 1999, Kondolf et al. 2003). 7. 5 7. 0 6. 5 6. 0 5. 5 5. 0 4. 5 4. 0 3. 5 3. 0 2. 5 2. 0 0 25 UUP URB ARP AAG 20 % pool filled 15 ARP2 10 URB1 UUP2 5 AAG ARP1 ARP3 Reach boundary River mile Figure 4-13. Median V-star (pool filling) values, with 95% confidence intervals, for sampled reaches in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. 7. 5 7. 0 6. 5 6. 0 5. 5 5. 0 4. 5 4. 0 3. 5 3. 0 2. 5 2. 0 0 100% Boulder 90% Cobble 80% 70% Percent (%) 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 7. 0 6. 5 6. 0 5. 5 5. 0 4. 5 4. 0 3. 5 3. 0 2. 5 2. 0 1. 5 1. 0 0. 5 0. 0 0% River mile Figure 4-14. Boulder and cobble substrate composition, summed over 0.1 mile increments upstream from the mouth of Upper Penitencia Creek (includes both Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague data). 1 Fraction of maximum potential smolt production 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Current hypothesized condition 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 2 Winter habitat quality (fish/ft ) Figure 4-15. Expected smolt production as a function of overwintering habitat quality (i.e., fish density). 0.1 Figure 4-16. Grade control weir at Youth Science Institute in Alum Rock Park. Flow at Dorel gage at time of photo = 0.51 cfs. Cfc Grade control weir at YSI Modified from Powers and Orsborn (1985). Figure 4-17. Steelhead leaping ability curves, with YSI grade control weir dimensions superimposed. 100% % spawning gravel area 90% % pool area (max depth > 2 ft) Grade control weir at YSI % cobble and boulder area 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% UUP URB ARP AAG 30% 20% 10% 7 6. 5 6 5. 5 5 4. 5 4 3. 5 0% River Mile Figure 4-18. Cumulative percentage of spawning gravel area, pool area, and cobble/boulder substrate area in Upper Penitencia Creek upstream of RM 3.5 (includes both Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague data). 100 80 A 95 90 75 85 80 75 70 65 65 60 55 50 60 45 40 55 Daily Mean Flow (cfs) Daily Average Temperature (˚F) 70 35 50 daily mean flow (cfs) 30 RM 0.1 near Coyote Ck confluence 25 RM 1.2 Education Park Dr. 20 RM 3.3 Percolation Ponds 15 RM 3.7 Noble Ave. 45 10 5 0 Ju l-0 0 Ju l-0 0 Ju l-0 0 Au g00 Au g00 Au g00 Se p00 Se p00 Se p00 O ct -0 0 O ct -0 0 O ct -0 0 N ov -0 0 N ov -0 0 N ov -0 0 D ec -0 0 D ec -0 0 D ec -0 0 M ay -0 0 M ay -0 0 M ay -0 0 M ay -0 0 Ju n00 Ju n00 Ju n00 40 Date 100 80 B 95 90 75 85 80 75 70 65 65 60 55 50 60 45 40 55 35 daily mean flow (cfs) 50 RM 0.1 near Coyote Ck confluence 30 RM 1.2 Education Park Dr. 25 RM 1.3 Mabury Rd. 20 RM 3.3 Percolation Ponds 45 15 RM 3.7 Noble Ave. 10 5 Ju l-0 1 Ju l-0 1 Ju l-0 1 Au g01 Au g01 Au g01 Se p01 Se p01 Se p01 O ct -0 1 O ct -0 1 O ct -0 1 N ov -0 1 N ov -0 1 N ov -0 1 D ec -0 1 D ec -0 1 D ec -0 1 0 M ay -0 1 M ay -0 1 M ay -0 1 M ay -0 1 Ju n01 Ju n01 Ju n01 40 Date Figure 4-19. Daily average stream temperatures at monitoring locations in Upper Penitencia Creek in 2000 (A) and 2001 (B), with available streamflow data. Daily Mean Flow (cfs) Daily Average Temperature (˚F) 70 80 75 100 C 95 90 85 80 70 75 65 65 60 55 60 50 45 40 55 35 daily mean flow (cfs) 50 RM 0.1 near Coyote Ck confluence 30 RM 1.2 Education Park Dr. 25 RM 1.3 Mabury Rd. 20 RM 3.3 Percolation Ponds 15 RM 3.7 Noble Ave. 45 Daily Mean Flow (cfs) Daily Average Temperature (˚F) 70 10 5 0 M ay -0 2 M ay -0 2 M ay -0 2 M ay -0 2 Ju n02 Ju n02 Ju n02 Ju l- 0 2 Ju l- 0 2 Ju l- 0 2 Au g02 Au g02 Au g02 Se p02 Se p02 Se p02 O ct -0 2 O ct -0 2 O ct -0 2 N ov -0 2 N ov -0 2 N ov -0 2 D ec -0 2 D ec -0 2 D ec -0 2 40 Date 80 100 D 95 90 75 85 80 70 75 65 65 60 55 60 50 45 40 55 35 daily mean flow (cfs) 50 RM 0.1 near Coyote Ck confluence 30 RM 1.2 Education Park Dr. 25 RM 1.3 Mabury Rd. 20 RM 3.3 Percolation Ponds 45 Daily Mean Flow (cfs) Daily Average Temperature (˚F) 70 15 RM 3.7 Noble Ave. 10 5 0 M ay -0 4 M ay -0 M 4 ay -0 4 M ay -0 4 Ju n04 Ju n04 Ju n04 Ju l-0 4 Ju l-0 4 Ju l-0 4 Au g04 Au g04 Au g04 Se p04 Se p04 Se p04 O ct -0 4 O ct -0 4 O ct -0 4 N ov -0 4 N ov -0 4 N ov -0 4 D ec -0 4 D ec -0 4 D ec -0 4 40 Date Figure 4-20. Daily average stream temperatures at monitoring locations in Upper Penitencia Creek in 2002 (C) and 2004 (D), with available streamflow data. FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis MAPS Stillwater Sciences FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A APPENDIX A: FOCUSED STUDIES Stillwater Sciences FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A Table of Contents APPENDIX A1: A1.1 A1.2 STEELHEAD POPULATION ESTIMATION ..............................................1 METHODS ........................................................................................................................1 RESULTS .........................................................................................................................3 APPENDIX A2: STEELHEAD POPULATION DYNAMICS MODELING ............................6 A2.1 METHODS ........................................................................................................................6 A2.1.1 Population Modeling ...............................................................................................6 A2.1.2 Collecting Habitat-specific Information...................................................................7 A2.1.3 Assigning Steelhead Life History Parameters...........................................................7 APPENDIX A3: A3.1 A3.2 METHODS ......................................................................................................................10 RESULTS .......................................................................................................................11 APPENDIX A4: A4.1 A4.2 POOL FILLING ..........................................................................................13 METHODS ......................................................................................................................13 RESULTS .......................................................................................................................14 APPENDIX A5: A5.1 A5.2 SPAWNING GRAVEL PERMEABILITY ..................................................10 OVERWINTERING HABITAT ..................................................................15 METHODS ......................................................................................................................15 RESULTS .......................................................................................................................16 APPENDIX A6: FISH PASSAGE BARRIERS ......................................................................19 APPENDIX A7: AVAILABLE WATER TEMPERATURE DATA FOR UPPER PENITENCIA CREEK ...............................................................................................................20 LITERATURE CITED ...............................................................................................................25 List of Tables Table A1-1. Population estimates of juvenile steelhead by age class and reach with 95 % confidence limits. .....................................................................................................................................3 Table A2-1. Structure and parameters for modeling of Upper Penitencia Creek steelhead population dynamics. ...............................................................................................................................8 Table A2-2. Derivations of carrying capacities used in the model. ...................................................9 Table A3-1. Summary of permeability sampling in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. ...........11 Table A4-1. Estimates of pool filling in Upper Penitencia Creek. ..................................................14 Table A5-1. Amount of cobble and boulder substrate and percent embeddedness in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague, May 2005. ................................................................16 Table A6-1. Potential fish passage barriers in Upper Penitencia Creek as defined by FAHCE (2000), Abel (2001), and Stillwater Sciences (2005) ¹........................................................................19 List of Figures Figure A1-1. Density (fish/ ft2) of age 1 and older steelhead and maximum depth (ft) of habitat units sampled during spring 2005. Figure A1-2. Density (fish/ ft2) of age 1 and older steelhead and maximum depth (ft) of habitat units sampled during fall 2005. Stillwater Sciences FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A Figure A7-1. Daily average, maximum, and minimum water temperatures recorded at SCVWD monitoring locations in Upper Penitencia Creek in 2000, with daily mean flow at the Dorel gage. Figure A7-2. Daily average, maximum, and minimum water temperatures recorded at SCVWD monitoring locations in Upper Penitencia Creek in 2001, with daily mean flow at the Dorel gage. Figure A7-3. Daily average, maximum, and minimum water temperatures recorded at SCVWD monitoring locations in Upper Penitencia Creek in 2002, with daily mean flow at the Dorel gage. Figure A7-4. Daily average, maximum, and minimum water temperatures recorded at SCVWD monitoring locations in Upper Penitencia Creek in 2004, with daily mean flow at the Dorel gage. Stillwater Sciences FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A APPENDIX A1: STEELHEAD POPULATION ESTIMATION A1.1 Methods Direct observation dives were conducted to estimate the total juvenile steelhead population in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague in spring and fall 2005. To develop the population estimate we used the most recent iteration of two-phase ratio estimation design developed by Dr. David Hankin, Humboldt State University (Hankin and Mohr, in preparation). This method estimates total fish abundance in small streams using the following components: (1) habitat typing of the entire stream channel, (2) stratified random selection of habitat units to receive at least a single-pass diver count, (3) estimation of fish abundance in a stratified random selection of these units using the method of bounded counts, based on four independent diver counts. This last step calibrates the first phase (step 2) counts of fish by divers using a more intensive, second phase of repeated diver counts. An existing habitat database (FAHCE 2000) was used to select habitat units for sampling and to extrapolate the observed fish densities to the entire stream network. Based on previous fisheries inventories, which found no juvenile steelhead at sample sites below River Mile (RM) 3.5 (Li 2000), sampling was restricted to areas above this point. In addition to Upper Penitencia Creek, the survey included a portion of Arroyo Aguague, the main tributary to Upper Penitencia Creek. Arroyo Aguague was sampled from its mouth upstream approximately 0.7 mile to a barrier waterfall. Reconnaissance level field visits and evidence from a previous fisheries inventory (Li 2000) suggest that Upper Penitencia Creek may be broken into two reaches: (1) an upper reach of relatively consistent habitat characterized by a deeply confined valley, moderate channel gradient, and consistent flows that includes all of Arroyo Aguague and Upper Penitencia Creek below the waterfall barriers and extends downstream to approximately river mile 6.0; (2) a lower reach with less confinement, moderate-to-low channel gradient, and decreasing flow volume that extends from RM 6.0 to RM 3.5 (the lowermost extent selected for sampling). This lower reach is characterized by sharp gradients in environmental variables, such as stream temperature and flow volume, that eventually result in poor habitat suitability for steelhead in the lower portion of the stream. Because of these differences in habitat characteristics, these stream segments were treated as independent reaches. Sample site selection followed the “quasi-systematic” methodology described by Hankin and Mohr. In practice, this method requires the field crew to determine whether the kth unit is to be included in the first or second phase samples by observing whether or not the kth number on a continuous list of numbers is either a “1” (included), or a “0” (not included). These continuous sequences of “1”s and “0”s are generated independently for each habitat type. Selected habitat units were be located in the field and marked with aluminum tags. The dimensions of units selected for sampling were measured prior to snorkeling. Prior to sampling conducted for population estimation, day and night dive counts were conducted at selected sample sites to assess differences in observed steelhead density between day and night surveys. During these preliminary surveys, night counts provided consistently higher counts of fish ≥ age 1+. Nighttime surveys were therefore selected as Stillwater Sciences A-1 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A the method to be used for population estimates. A critical assumption of the bounded counts approach is that all individuals have a chance of being observed. Hankin and Mohr (in press) found that their survey designs were suitable for coho salmon, but they were not confident about applying their methodology to steelhead juveniles because the fish’s secretive nature may violate the assumption that all fish have an observation probability > 0. Sampling during the night will help increase observation probabilities, since juvenile steelhead are less oriented towards cover and less apt to flee from divers at night. Another result from the day/night snorkeling comparison is that, in contrast to age 1+ fish, detection of age 0+ fish declined dramatically during the night. Our observations indicated that these small fish may have moved into shallow habitats along the margins of pools and runs, or into very shallow riffles—areas that, in general, were too shallow to snorkel. Therefore, we believe that spring snorkeling may have underestimated the abundance of age 0+ steelhead. Snorkel surveys were conducted during late-May and mid-October at sample sites located throughout the rearing reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek. Snorkeling protocols followed the Method of Bounded Counts (MBC) described in Hankin and Mohr (in press). The snorkel survey and extrapolated population estimate was stratified by habitat type (i.e., pools and runs) because these habitat units have different physical characteristics that affect the true number of steelhead that may occupy them, as well as our probability of observing them. Only pool and run habitats were snorkeled. Hankin and Reeves (1988) showed that snorkel counts are poorly correlated with accurate estimates of fish numbers in riffles. Our observations also suggest that riffles are too shallow in Upper Penitencia Creek to snorkel effectively. Dive counts were conducted in approximately 60 pool and run habitats. With few exceptions, the same habitat units sampled during the spring survey were sampled during the fall survey. During the fall, we shifted our sampling effort to include slightly more sample sites in the upper reach of Upper Penitencia Creek and in Arroyo Aguague, and fewer in the lower reach of Upper Penitencia Creek, since there was a high frequency of zero counts in the lower reach during the spring. During snorkel surveys, one diver conducted fish counts in each selected habitat unit. The diver cautiously entered the lower end of each habitat unit and proceeded upstream to the top of the unit. The number of fish were counted and identified to species, and were classified into young-of-the-year (<100 mm), or age 1+ and older fish (>100 mm). This size break corresponds to age classes observed by Smith (1997) and Li (2000) during previous surveys in Upper Penitencia Creek. Data were recorded on underwater dive slates during the dive counts and later transferred to data sheets. Single-pass dive counts were calibrated to estimate the “true” abundance of fish using the MBC in a subsample of habitat units. At sites chosen for repeat sampling, a total of four dive counts were made. Dives were repeated after resting the unit for 10–20 min to allow water clarity (i.e., visibility) to return to normal. We used t-tests to determine the statistical significance of differences between spring and fall population estimates described here. We used multiple regression to determine relationships between fish density and habitat variables. We also compared our population estimates to existing population data available from Li (2001). Li sampled during the period of low flow and warm temperatures in late summer, after the period where any potential density-dependent mortality or emigration of fish that had survived their first winter would have occurred. During this effort, eight sites spaced at 0.5 mile (0.8 Stillwater Sciences A-2 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A kilometer) intervals between stream mile 2.88 and 5.88 were sampled. Fish densities were estimated using multiple-depletion electrofishing in one riffle and one pool at each of the sample sites, for a total of eight pools and eight riffles sampled. Separate fish estimates were calculated for age 0+ and age 1+ and older steelhead for each habitat type at each site. We used the densities reported by Li (2001) to extrapolate a population estimate for the perennial reaches of Upper Penitencia Creek watershed between stream mile 3.5 and barrier falls in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. A1.2 Results Fish densities for both age 0+ and age 1+ and older steelhead increased at upstream sample sites (Figure 4-1 and 4-2) similar to the findings of Li (2000). Fish densities from our survey also generally agree with those observed by Li in areas where the two surveys overlapped. Table A1-1 shows the spring and fall population estimates by age class, habitat type, and reach, with 95 % confidence limits. Results of a statistical comparison of spring and fall population estimates are also provided. Table A1-1. Population estimates of juvenile steelhead by age class and reach with 95 % confidence limits. Life stage Age 0+ Age 1+ and older Habitat Spring 2005 type/total Estimate Upper pools 257 Pen runs 453 lower total 711 Upper pools 478 Pen runs 1,492 upper total 1,970 Arroyo pools 137 Aguague runs 829 total 966 Upper pools 165 Pen runs 178 lower total 343 Upper pools 166 Pen runs 292 upper total 458 Arroyo pools 130 Aguague runs 163 total 293 * CI = +/-2*SQRT(variance) Reach Spring 2005 +/- 95% CI* 198 418 463 169 1,170 1,182 66 507 511 132 150 200 65 158 171 41 79 89 Fall 2005 Estimate 45 196 241 664 1,064 1,728 224 296 520 190 215 405 204 145 348 244 124 368 Fall 2005 +/- 95% CI* 138 109 176 209 356 413 51 110 121 152 205 255 111 207 235 71 51 88 Probability Spring = Fall 0.088 0.171 0.037 0.153 0.393 0.640 0.016 0.017 0.049 0.804 0.768 0.700 0.522 0.268 0.453 0.011 0.459 0.273 The abundance of age 0+ steelhead declined consistently across stream reaches from spring to fall (Table A1-1; also see Figure 4-3). In the lower reach of Upper Penitencia Creek, declines in the densities of age 0+ fish in both pools and runs resulted in a significantly lower fall estimate (α = 0.05). In the upper reach of Upper Penitencia Creek, slight increases in density of age 0+ steelhead in pools were offset by larger declines in density in runs resulting in no significant difference between the spring and fall estimate. In Arroyo Aguague, fall densities of age 0+ fish were higher than spring densities in pools, but were Stillwater Sciences A-3 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A significantly lower in runs, resulting in a significant net decrease in the reach-specific population estimate. Overall, the total estimate for age 0+ steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague declined from 3,647 fish in the spring to 2,489 fish in the fall. The change in the estimated number of age 1+ and older steelhead was variable across reaches (Table A1-1; also see Figure 4-4). In the lower reach of Upper Penitencia Creek, fall densities of age 1+ and older steelhead increased slightly in both pool and run habitats, but these changes did not result in significant changes to the estimated population size. In the upper reach of Upper Penitencia Creek, increases in the density of age 1 and older steelhead in pools were offset by decreases in runs, resulting in no significant change in the population size. In Arroyo Aguague, significant increases in pool densities were offset by decreases in run densities, resulting in a net increase in the fall estimate, although this change was not statistically significant. Overall, the total estimate for age 1+ and older steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague was 1,094 in the spring and 1,121 in the fall. On a unit-by-unit basis, the overall trend was for habitat unit-specific densities of age 1+ and older steelhead to decline in run habitats from spring to fall, whereas the change in densities of age 1+ and older fish in pools was more variable (Figure 4-2). Spring and fall densities of age 1 and older steelhead were positively related to habitat depth (Figure A1-1 and A1-2). In a linear regression depth explained 34 percent of the variation in spring density of age 1 and older steelhead (F = 30.19, p < 0.01), and 29 percent of the variation in fall density of age 1 and older steelhead (F = 22.80, p < 0.01). Estimates derived from our spring and fall snorkel surveys are based on fish densities observed in run and pool habitats only. However, using electrofishing Li (2001) found age 0+ and age 1+ steelhead in riffles. To compare with Li’s population estimates of age 1+ fish, we applied the densities of fish we observed in runs to the extent of riffle habitat present above stream mile 3.5. This resulted in a slightly higher spring estimate of 1,300 age 1+ steelhead compared to our initial estimate of approximately 1,060 age 1+ steelhead. The fall estimate increased from 1,121 to 1,475 fish. Conversely, since Li (2001) sampled only riffle and pool habitat, we applied the reach specific densities of age 0+ and age 1+ steelhead that he observed in riffles to the extent of run habitat in each reach. When combined with extrapolated estimates based on habitat specific densities for riffle and pool habitats this resulted in a total population estimate of 1,100 age 1+ and older steelhead. In both our spring and fall surveys and Li’s survey, all age 1 and older fish were considered together for the purpose of estimating the juvenile steelhead population. Our field observations indicate that age 2+ and older fish constituted a relatively small percentage of the 2005 population estimates, comprising approximately 5 percent (spring estimate) to 10 percent (fall estimate) of the age 1 and older fish observed. Stillwater Sciences A-4 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A 0.04 0.035 pools runs Spring density (fish/ft^2) 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Maximum depth (ft) Figure A1-1. Density (fish/ ft 2 ) of age 1 and older steelhead and maximum depth (ft) of habitat units sampled during spring 2005. 0.06 0.05 pools runs Fall density (fish/ft^2) 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Maximum depth (ft) Figure A1-2. Density (fish/ ft 2 ) of age 1 and older steelhead and maximum depth (ft) of habitat units sampled during fall 2005. Stillwater Sciences A-5 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A APPENDIX A2: STEELHEAD POPULATION DYNAMICS MODELING A2.1 Methods A preliminary assessment of current habitat conditions for steelhead populations in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed was conducted within the framework of a population dynamics model. This assessment relies on fundamental concepts in population dynamics, particularly stock-production analysis. The assessment performed here was based on a combination of results from field studies conducted by Stillwater Sciences and existing habitat data from Upper Penitencia Creek (i.e., FAHCE 2000) and is only intended to provide a preliminary, and conservative, indication of the degree to which steelhead smolt production may be limited by current channel conditions. The population modeling exercise involved three basic steps: (1) analyzing habitat-specific information regarding habitat quality and quantity from a suitable reach within the area of interest; (2) assigning density-independent survival and habitat-specific carrying capacity values for each salmonid life stage; and (3) integrating these values into a system of equations to express the impact of current salmonid habitat conditions on potential steelhead production. These three steps are described in further detail below (in reverse order). A2.1.1 Population Modeling The salmonid population modeling approach used in this analysis is based on stockproduction theory (Ricker 1976). Stock-production theory characterizes the number of individuals of one life stage at one time (the production) as a function of the number in the same cohort of an earlier life stage at an earlier time (the stock). This approach is particularly well suited to situations where physical habitat is believed to be limiting, and where population dynamics can be plausibly separated into density-independent and density-dependent components, such as productivity (the ratio of stock to production that would be expected if there were no limits on population density) and carrying capacity (the maximum number of individuals of a given life stage that the habitat can support for the duration of that life stage). The population model uses the following relationships between a stock S and a production P . In the equations below, the parameter r can generally be interpreted as the intrinsic productivity (e.g., a density-independent survival rate, or in the case of reproduction, a fecundity). The parameter K is interpreted as the carrying capacity for the production stage. In practice, both of these can vary from year to year in response to varying environmental conditions, although such refinements were not used in the present analysis. All of these relationships are asymptotic to the two lines P = rS and P = K . There are three basic types of functional relationships that are used in this model: Truncated Linear: Modified Beverton-Holt: P = max(rS , K ) P= ((rS ) rKS γ +Kγ )γ 1 Stillwater Sciences A-6 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Superimposition: Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A P = K (1 − exp( − rS K ) ) The truncated linear relationship is often used when no natural carrying capacity is evident; in this case K is set to some very large value, or simply omitted. The parameter γ of the modified Beverton-Holt relationship controls the “stiffness” of the relationship: γ = 1 is the usual Beverton-Holt relationship; larger values yield curves which make more abrupt transitions between the two asymptotes P = rS and P = K . The superimposition relationship was derived from analytical models of habitat selection. A2.1.2 Collecting Habitat-specific Information Habitat-specific information for this population modeling exercise was collected during 1998 by SCVWD and Entrix (FAHCE 2000) and included the entire stream channel of Upper Penitencia Creek. Basic habitat types (i.e., pool, riffle, run, and cascade) were delineated within the surveyed area according to standard habitat mapping descriptions. Mean length, width, and depth were estimated for each habitat unit, and maximum depth was measured within each unit. The percentage of habitat area composed of the dominant and subdominant substrate categories (i.e., silt, sand, gravel, cobble, boulder) were estimated for each habitat unit. In addition to these habitat parameters, the area of potential steelhead spawning habitat (if present) was estimated. Spawning habitat area estimates were based on professional judgments of steelhead spawning habitat requirements (J. Abel, SCVWD, pers. comm.). We collected additional field data on substrate embeddedness during focused studies to characterize winter habitat conditions in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague (Appendix A5). We also collected habitat data for the previously unmapped reach of Arroyo Aguague from its mouth to the barrier waterfall located upstream approximately 0.7 mi using protocols derived from the FAHCE database. A2.1.3 Assigning Steelhead Life History Parameters Steelhead life history was separated into discrete stages having identifiable, and to some extent overlapping, habitat requirements. As discussed above, the population dynamics modeling approach that we used requires two biological parameters for each stage: (1) a carrying capacity (K), which describes the ultimate limits imposed by crowding and competition; and (2) an intrinsic productivity (r), which describes the expected dynamics under conditions for which the effects of crowding and competition can be ignored. The model was parameterized using values obtained from focused field studies (e.g., permeability measurements) that related physical habitat measurements to survival (r) or density-related carrying capacities (K). Existing information for Upper Penitencia Creek was not available for some life stages so professional judgment was used to determine when literature based values fish densities were reasonable surrogates for data specific to Upper Penitencia Creek. In all cases, literature-based values were compared to fish densities observed during studies by Li (2000), SCVWD (FAHCE 2000), and snorkel surveys conducted during this survey (Appendix A1). Tables A2-1 and A2-2 summarize the K and r parameters used in the analysis, and the derivations of these values. Stillwater Sciences A-7 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A Table A2-1. Structure and parameters for modeling of Upper Penitencia Creek steelhead population dynamics. Life history segment Stock-production relationship r (fish/fish) a K (fish) 7,072,455 b Spawning and superimposition (spawner to effective eggs) Superimposition 2,751.5 Egg and alevin rearing (effective egg to spring fry) Truncated Linear 0.39c (NA) Early fry rearing (spring fry to 0+ summer) Modified BevertonHolt ( γ = 2 ) 1 31,269d Summer rearing, first year (0+ summer to 0+ fall) Truncated Linear 1 2,712e Winter rearing, first year (0+ fall to 1+ spring) Modified BevertonHolt ( γ = 2 ) 1 1,500f Summer rearing, second year (1+ spring to 1+ fall) Modified BevertonHolt ( γ = 2 ) 1 1,437 g Winter rearing, second year (1+ fall to 2+ smolt) Modified BevertonHolt ( γ = 2 ) 1 500 h Outmigration, ocean life, and return (2+ smolt to spawner) Truncated Linear 0.05i (NA) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 0.5 females/total spawners × 5,503 eggs/female (estimated from Shapovalov and Taft 1954) 6,426 ft² spawning habitat × 0.2 redds/ft² × 5,503 eggs/redd. Derived from permeability samples (Appendix A3). See Table A2-2. Derived from age 0+ and older steelhead densities from fall 2005 population estimate. Derived from spring estimates of age 1+ and older steelhead in 2005 and field measurements of winter habitat quality. Derived from age 1+ and older steelhead densities from Li (2001) and fall 2005 population estimate. Derived from age 0+ winter carrying capacity scaled for larger age 1+ steelhead in 2005, and from estimates of smolt production in 1999 and 2000 (FAHCE 2000). Shapovalov and Taft (1954). Stillwater Sciences A-8 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A Table A2-2. Derivations of carrying capacities used in the model. Life history segment Early fry rearing Habitat type Habitat area (ft²) a b Density (fish/ft²) Pool 52,384 Riffle 70,830 c 0.1433 h Run 107,001 d 0.1437 i Pool 52,384b 0.0132 k Riffle 70,830 c 0.0146 l Run 107,001 d 0.0091 l Winter rearing, first year All 44,349 e 0.0338 j Summer rearing, second year Pool 50,085f 0.0100 k Riffle 70,830 c 0.0050 l 1,424 Run All 107,001 d 48,061 e 0.0053 l 0.0104 m 500 Summer rearing, first year Winter rearing, second year a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. 0.1095 K (fish) g 31,269 2,712 1,500 All area estimates based on FAHCE (2000) for Upper Penitencia Creek and on data collected by Stillwater Sciences in 2005 for Arroyo Aguague. Total pools upstream of RM 3.5 Total riffles upstream of RM 3.5 Total runs upstream of RM 3.5 Area of cobble/boulder substrate above mile 3.5 allocated to specific steelhead age classes based on winter habitat survey results (Appendix A5). Pools with summer maximum depth of at least 1 ft 1.179 fish/m² (Connor 1996) × 0.3048 m²/ft² 1.543 fish/m² (Connor 1996) × 0.3048 m²/ft² 1.547 fish/m² (Connor 1996) × 0.3048 m²/ft² Derived from observed spring age 1+ population estimate (Appendix A1) and winter habitat survey results (Appendix A5). Weighted average of observed age-specific density in pools in reaches sampled during 2005 population estimates. Weighted average of observed age-specific density in runs in reaches during 2005 population estimates. Ratio of age 0+ to age 1+ fish length was used as a scaling factor to approximate the degree to which fewer larger fish can fit in a given habitat area. Fish size was estimated from data reported in FAHCE (2000), and Li (2001). Stillwater Sciences A-9 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A APPENDIX A3: SPAWNING GRAVEL PERMEABILITY A3.1 Methods To determine the quality of streambed gravels for salmonid egg incubation and larval (alevin) rearing, substrate permeability (i.e., hydraulic conductivity) was measured using a modified Mark IV standpipe (Terhune 1958, Barnard and McBain 1994). Gravels at potential spawning sites were mixed to a depth of 0.95 feet to simulate mixing and sorting conditions that would occur during redd construction by a spawning salmonid (see Kondolf and Wolman 1993 for more information on this topic). The standpipe used was 46.5 inches long, with a 1.0 in inside diameter and a 1.25 in outside diameter. The standpipe had a 2.75 in-long band of perforations and was driven into the substrate so that the band of perforations extended in depth from approximately 0.60 to 0.86 ft below the bed surface. To reduce the potential for water ‘slippage’ down the pipe, the standpipe was held, but not forced in any direction, during the driving process. Permeability was measured by using a Thomas vacuum pump (Model 107CDC20, powered by a 12-volt rechargeable battery) to siphon water out of the standpipe to maintain the water level inside the standpipe exactly one-inch lower than the surrounding water. By measuring the volume of water siphoned out of the standpipe over a measured time interval, it was possible to determine the recharge rate of the water level in the standpipe under a standard one-inch pressure head. At each spawning patch assessed, the standpipe was driven in once and five consecutive permeability measurements were taken. We used the median permeability value from this series of measurements for further analysis. The recharge rate (units of volume per time) data measured in the field were converted into permeability (units of length per time) using an empirically derived rating table (Barnard and McBain 1994) and adjusted with a correction factor that accounts for temperature related changes in water viscosity that can affect permeability results (Barnard and McBain 1994). We then used published empirical relationships between permeability and survival-toemergence for anadromous salmonids (McCuddin 1977, Taggart 1976) to estimate survival based on our permeability measurements. The following simple linear regression defines this relationship: Survival = 0.1488 * ln(Permeability) - 0.8253 where permeability is in units of cm/hr. During field studies we observed several redds constructed in the tails of pools. When we encountered a redd we measured the maximum width and total length of the pit and tail. The area of each redd was then approximated by calculating the area of an ellipse using the width as the short axis and the total redd length as the long axis. Stillwater Sciences A-10 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A A3.2 Results The results of the permeability analysis and the survival index calculation are given in Table A31. Discussion of the results is provided in Section 5.3.1 of the main report. Table A3-1. Summary of permeability sampling in the Upper Penitencia Creek watershed. Reach UUP2 ARP1 ARP2 ARP3 URB1 URB2 AAG Site ID 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 River Mile 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.3 6.1 6.1 5.9 5.4 5.3 5.0 4.9 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.1 3.5 3.4 3.2 3.0 3.0 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 ------- Date 5/20/2005 5/20/2005 5/20/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/23/2005 5/19/2005 5/19/2005 5/19/2005 5/19/2005 5/19/2005 5/19/2005 5/19/2005 5/19/2005 5/19/2005 5/19/2005 5/19/2005 5/20/2005 5/20/2005 5/20/2005 5/20/2005 5/20/2005 5/20/2005 Permeability (cm/hr) 1,540 2,512 2,426 1,490 2,154 4,436 4,817 13,593 7,248 4,612 4,933 3,953 21,203 37,507 1,629 2,234 12,600 8,005 2,462 1,979 933 2,072 1,362 2,435 8,814 8,278 4,523 4,523 6,847 3,632 2,526 4,727 2,208 1,413 3,082 2,699 1,258 Predicted survivalto-emergence 0.27 0.34 0.33 0.26 0.32 0.42 0.44 0.59 0.50 0.43 0.44 0.41 0.66 0.74 0.28 0.32 0.58 0.51 0.34 0.30 0.19 0.31 0.25 0.33 0.53 0.52 0.43 0.43 0.49 0.39 0.34 0.43 0.32 0.25 0.37 0.35 0.24 Stillwater Sciences A-11 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Reach Site ID 4 3 2 1 Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A River Mile ----- Date 5/20/2005 5/20/2005 5/20/2005 5/20/2005 Permeability (cm/hr) 2352 1,829 2,865 4,237 Predicted survivalto-emergence 0.33 0.29 0.36 0.42 Stillwater Sciences A-12 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A APPENDIX A4: POOL FILLING A4.1 Methods To determine the impact of pool filling by fine sediment in the study reaches, we developed a rapid technique for estimating pool filling based on the V* technique developed by Hilton and Lisle (1993). The rapid technique is similar to the V* technique in that it estimates the proportion of the residual pool filled by fine sediment, where “residual pool” is defined as the scoured volume of the pool lying below the downstream grade control. A validation experiment showed that results using the rapid method of assessing pool filling was consistently within 10 percent of results using the more rigorous Lisle and Hilton’s V* method. Details of the validation can be found in Stillwater Sciences and Dietrich (2002). The rapid method involves estimating the volume of the residual pool by measuring the length, average width and maximum depth of water to determine the volume of water in the pool. The bottom of the pool was then probed extensively to identify the locations and surface areas of all patches of fine sediment within the residual pool. The depth of each patch of fine sediment was then measured in five locations to calculate the average depth of the deposit. Finally, a detailed sketch of each pool was drawn, showing the outline of the residual pool, location of fine sediment deposits, location of pool depth measurements, and any significant landmarks (e.g., riprap or large trees) that would be useful for locating the pool in the future. Using the modified method, pool filling by fine sediment was calculated by dividing the estimated volume of fine sediments in each pool by the sum of the water volume and fine sediment volume. n ∑Ad Pool filling (PF) = i i =1 i n ∑Ad i =1 i i +V where Ai is the surface area, di is the depth of the ith sediment patch in the pool, and V is the total pool water volume. As suggested by Hilton and Lisle (1993), a volume weighted mean was the statistic used to characterize pool filling by fine sediment at the reach level. n Volume Weighted, Reach Averaged Pool Filling = ∑ PF i ⋅ PVi i =1 ∑ All Pool Volumes Where PFi is the pool filling and PVi is the volume of the ith pool. In the analysis, pool shapes were assumed to be elliptical cylinders and sediment deposits were assumed to be planar ellipses. Stillwater Sciences A-13 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A In considering pool filling, we focused our studies in the area from Arroyo Aguague and Upper Penitencia Creek upstream of its confluence with Arroyo Aguague to URB1 (RM 3.5–6.7). This length was selected for focused studies because it is known to provide habitat to steelhead, and is the extent of the perennially wetted creek in most years. After obtaining permission to access the channel, a total of 21 pools were surveyed. Photographs were taken and GPS positions were recorded at each pool using a handheld Garmin GPS device. Then, each pool was assessed to estimate filling by fine sediment. Permeability was sampled in the same reaches of the creek. A4.2 Results The results of the pool filling analysis are shown in Table A4-1. Pools were numbered in the sequence in which they were assessed. Discussion of the results is provided in Section 4.2.2 of the main report. Table A4-1. Estimates of pool filling in Upper Penitencia Creek. Site Description UTM (NAD 27) Easting RM Date Max Depth (ft) Pool Volume (ft 3) Sediment Volume (ft 3) Pool Filling (%) Northing AAG AAG AAG AAG UUP2 UUP2 UUP2 ARP1 ARP1 0607491 0607447 0607389 0606940 0606977 N/A N/A 0606901 0606619 4139608 4139887 4140037 4140269 4140469 N/A N/A 4140384 4140092 7.00 6.90 6.80 6.70 6.78 6.75 6.71 6.63 6.32 6/9/2005 6/9/2005 6/9/2005 6/9/2005 6/8/2005 6/8/2005 6/8/2005 6/8/2005 6/9/2005 2.9 2.9 2.1 1.6 1.6 1.2 0.8 1.3 1.8 1,450.5 1,292.0 420.6 606.5 179.1 59.4 19.0 156.2 757.6 176.8 33.8 2.5 17.5 19.5 1.8 1.2 6.7 29.4 12.2 2.6 0.6 2.9 10.9 3.1 6.5 4.3 3.9 ARP1 0606484 4139917 6.18 6/9/2005 1.8 281.8 12.3 4.4 ARP2 ARP2 ARP2 ARP3 ARP3 ARP3 URB1 URB1 URB1 URB1 URB1 0606449 0605958 0605324 0604811 0604536 0604064 0603643 0603524 0603542 0603365 0603286 4139634 4139542 4139378 4139189 4139274 4139547 4139305 4139216 4139211 4139195 4139144 6.04 5.65 5.26 4.87 4.68 4.28 3.87 3.79 3.65 3.65 3.59 6/8/2005 6/8/2005 6/8/2005 6/7/2005 6/7/2005 6/7/2005 6/7/2005 6/9/2005 6/7/2005 6/7/2005 6/7/2005 2.0 2.5 2.0 1.3 1.5 2.0 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 377.0 1,372.2 375.7 315.0 317.9 565.5 518.4 502.7 232.6 130.8 173.7 84.2 105.9 20.7 3.4 20.3 13.5 56.5 10.8 12.9 8.7 19.2 22.3 7.7 5.5 1.1 6.4 2.4 10.9 2.2 5.6 6.6 11.1 Stillwater Sciences A-14 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A APPENDIX A5: OVERWINTERING HABITAT A5.1 Methods Field-based habitat mapping was conducted in Upper Penitencia Creek to assess winter habitat suitability for juvenile steelhead. Habitats were classified by type (e.g., run, riffle, or pool), following the protocol used in FAHCE (2000). Mapping within each study reach was continuous, with each habitat unit abutting the next. To be classified as an independent unit, the unit had to contain a distinctly different habitat type, with its length equal to or greater than the active channel width (McCain et al.1990). In each habitat unit, the dominant and subdominant substrate types were identified based on the length of the intermediate axis of the dominant particle size. Substrates were classified as bedrock, boulder (>10 in), cobble (2.5 to 10 in), gravel (0.25 to 2.5 in), sand (<0.25 in), or silt (FAHCE 2000). For those habitat units containing cobble and/or boulder, substrate embeddedness was estimated by removing several sediment particles (i.e., cobble or boulder) to determine the percentage of the circumference covered by smaller sediments. A slight discoloration of the particles is typically apparent above and below the level of embeddedness. If the surficial particle was greater than 10% embedded, no additional assessments were conducted. If the surficial particle was less than 10% embedded, the surface layer of substrate was excavated using a hand trowel to determine the depth of large diameter surface particles and the degree to which subsurface cobble or boulder were embedded in finer substrates. Levels of coarse substrate embeddedness were related to their ability to support juvenile steelhead during the winter using relationships developed from laboratory flume studies (see Table 4-5) and spring 2005 population estimates derived from direct observation dives (which provide a minimum estimate of winter survival). The fish densities estimated from this analysis were then extrapolated to the portion of the stream channel composed of cobble and boulder substrate as estimated from an existing habitat database (FAHCE 2000). Because the available winter habitat must be partitioned among at least two age classes of juvenile steelhead, adjustments to fish densities approximate this partitioning. If all habitat is allocated to 0+ juveniles, or all to 1+ juveniles, there will be no net production. We have resolved this by simply assuming that the 0+ and 1+ juveniles partition the habitat in such a way as to maximize the overall smolt production when winter habitat is saturated. Additionally, we assume that even in cases where all habitat is usable by both age 0+ and age 1+ steelhead, a given habitat area will support a higher age 0+ winter carrying capacity compared to the capacity for age 1+ fish because age 1+ fish are larger. Therefore, we partitioned the density of juvenile steelhead among age 0+ and 1+ age classes while considering allometric influences on their densities using observed age specific fish sizes. This resolution is conservative in the following sense: if analysis using this assumption indicates that winter habitat is limiting, than this will also be true of any more elaborate analysis incorporating intra-specific competition and more complex allocation rules. We used the estimates of rearing densities and habitat area to compare with observed fish densities from spring 2005 and previous fisheries surveys in Upper Penitencia Creek to allocate the available winter habitat between multiple steelhead age classes (Appendix A5). Based on this analysis we assigned approximately 48,061 ft2 of the available Stillwater Sciences A-15 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A cobble/boulder habitat to age 1+ steelhead, and 44,349 ft2 to age 0+ steelhead. This resulted in approximately 20 % of the cobble/boulder area estimated by FAHCE (2000) being removed from the winter habitat area estimate. Using these habitat areas and rearing densities estimated from substrate embeddedness levels to estimate carrying capacities approximated the fish population estimates derived from this and previous surveys. A5.2 Results The winter habitat quality assessment was used in combination with estimates of total cobble/boulder area provided in FAHCE (2000) to estimate the influence of winter habitat on overall steelhead production using the population model presented in Appendix A2. Figure 4-14 (in main report) shows the distribution of cobble and boulder substrate in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague. Cobble or boulder material comprised a large percentage of the stream channel in all reaches. Boulder substrate was especially abundant above RM 5.0. The results of the winter habitat survey are presented in Table A5-1. Surface embeddedness of coarse substrate (i.e., cobble and boulder) was 10% or less in only four of the units surveyed. In these cases, subsurface embeddedness was found to range from 50 to 80%. No longitudinal trends in embeddedness were observed. The high level of surface embeddedness suggests that, despite a high percentage of coarse material within the stream channel, winter habitat quality for steelhead is relatively low in Upper Penitencia Creek due to a lack of interstitial refuge. Methods for how this information was used in the context of a population model are described in Appendix A2. Table A5-1. Amount of cobble and boulder substrate and percent embeddedness in Upper Penitencia Creek and Arroyo Aguague, May 2005. RM Survey Location AAG begin end 6.7 7.4 Substrate Habitat type Length Width Riffle Run Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Run Riffle Pool Riffle Run Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool 72 80 143 58 265 18 99 201 39 450 203 30 202 29 255 26 48 26 21 19 18 18 18 18 17 15 11 16 21 25 16 16 15 14 13 9 % cobble 40 5 50 20 25 20 15 5 40 5 5 60 15 35 5 35 5 % boulder 20 20 5 60 25 20 80 5 35 5 % embedded surface/ subsurface 20 30 10/50 Embedding substrate sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/silt 35 sand/gravel 30 20 sand/gravel sand/gravel 10/50 25 sand/gravel sand/gravel 35 25 gravel/sand 50 10 35 5 15 gravel/sand 15 sand/gravel Stillwater Sciences A-16 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT RM Survey Location UUP2 ARP1 ARP2 begin 8.1 end 6.7 6.7 6.2 6.2 5.1 Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A Substrate Habitat type Length Width Riffle Run Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Run Pool Run Riffle Pool Riffle Run Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool 125 54 37 62 25 80 25 275 37 617 100 45 75 28 30 159 58 24 35 16 15 12 20 11 19 13 20 14 13 12 10 17 13 9 22 12 17 28 Riffle 13 Run Pool Cascade Pool Pool Riffle Pool Run Pool Pool Run Pool Riffle Pool Run Pool Run Riffle Run Riffle Pool Riffle Run Pool Run Pocket Water % cobble 45 40 5 35 5 35 % embedded surface/ subsurface 15 10/60 Embedding substrate 30 30 % boulder 40 25 35 50 20 30 15 35 20 40 55 10 5 65 10 35 gravel/sand 10 55 25 gravel/sand 30 10 60 10 20 gravel 9 0 10 25 34 12 18 34 15 36 12 62 19 26 25 24 25 13 26 22 20 32 60 18 16 96 78 20 28 12 8 9 16 20 7 15 8 9 5 5 8 6 7 7 22 7 6 12 14 10 12 7 14 10 10 5 10 10 5 25 5 25 5 <5 0 <5 5 5 <5 <5 20 45 10 35 10 35 40 5 40 25 25 50 30 10 25 5 30 25 <5 0 <5 5 20 0 <5 10 0 5 20 5 15 5 <5 10 25 40 35 25 40 20 5 25 40 15 N/A 15 30 25 25 20 25 10/80 40 20 35 20 15 30 25 sand/gravel sand gravel gravel/sand sand/gravel gravel/sand sand/gravel sand/gravel gravel/sand sand/gravel sand/gravel gravel/sand gravel/sand sand/gravel 36 9 15 45 25 sand/gravel 40 sand/gravel gravel/sand 25 gravel/sand 25 gravel/sand 25 sand/gravel 35 40 gravel/sand gravel/sand small gravel/sand sand/silt sand/silt sand/gravel sand/silt sand/silt sand/silt gravel/sand sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/gravel Stillwater Sciences A-17 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT RM Survey Location begin end ARP3 5.1 3.9 URB1 3.9 3.1 Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A Substrate Habitat type Length Width Riffle Riffle Run Riffle Run Riffle Riffle Pool Pool Riffle Run Riffle Run Riffle Run Pool Riffle Run Pool Riffle Riffle Run Riffle Run Riffle Run Riffle Run Riffle Run Riffle 24 53 15 47 76 58 22 14 16 44 10 16 16 23 10 17 11 74 20 25 40 31 31 69 21 20 58 51 15 31 20 7 9 10 10 14 10 13 9 10 11 12 9 8 7 7 7 6 10 12 12 12 10 8 7 6 11 12 8 8 8 5 % cobble 40 60 25 60 25 35 20 15 20 35 15 30 40 50 40 30 15 15 10 60 40 <5 40 40 40 65 70 60 50 70 90 % boulder 30 20 5 20 10 35 75 75 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 <5 55 <5 30 10 5 0 5 10 <5 5 10 10 20 <5 5 % embedded surface/ subsurface 35 35 40 40 45 20 20 25 30 35 25 30 35 30 60 50 30 40 30 15 30 45 35 30 35 30 25 30 25 35 15 Embedding substrate sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/gravel gravel/sand gravel/sand sand/silt sand/silt sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/silt sand/gravel sand/silt sand/silt sand/gravel sand/gravel gravel/sand sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/gravel sand/gravel gravel/sand sand/gravel sand/gravel Stillwater Sciences A-18 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A APPENDIX A6: FISH PASSAGE BARRIERS Table A6-1. Potential fish passage barriers in Upper Penitencia Creek as defined by FAHCE (2000), Abel (2001), and Stillwater Sciences (2005). FAHCE/SWS Barrier ID RM GB1 0.0 GB2 1.3 GB19 1.5 GB15 1 2 3 Location confluence with Coyote Creek Mabury Road diversion structure Barrier Description Barrier Degree Priority critical riffle Partial 1 diversion structure, with fish ladder Intermittent 5 none specified dryback zone Intermittent 4 1.7 Penitencia Creek Park diversion culvert Intermittent 2 GB16 2.0 Hwy 680 crossing critical riffle Partial 1 GB3 3.6 diversion structure, with fish ladder Intermittent 5 GB17 3.9 Noble Ave Diversion structure Dorel Drive gaging station gaging weir Unknown 5 GB4 4.9 Quail Hollow1 low flow vehicle crossing Partial 2 GB18 5.9 YSI drop structure concrete grade control weir Partial 1 GB5 6.4 recreational weir Partial 0 GB20 ND 2 culvert Partial 3 UP01 3 6.8 waterfall Complete ND 2 AA01 3 0.7 waterfall Complete ND 2 Alum Rock Falls (Alum Rock Park) Berryessa Industrial Park Bridge Culvert Upper Penitencia waterfall Arroyo Aguague waterfall This barrier was removed in 2004 ND = no data or not rated Barrier ID designated during Stillwater Sciences (2005) field reconnaissance. Stillwater Sciences A-19 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A 60 55 daily mean flow (cfs) RM 1.3 Mabury Rd. daily max daily min ec D ov ec D ov N ct ec D ov N ct O Se p Au g Ju l 40 Figure A7-1. Daily average, maximum, and minimum water temperatures recorded at SCVWD monitoring locations in Upper Penitencia Creek in 2000, with daily mean flow at the Dorel gage. Flow (cfs) 65 Ju n Temperature (˚F) 70 ay O ec 75 M Au g 40 Date 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 80 45 N 45 Date 85 50 daily mean flow (cfs) RM 3.7 Noble Ave. daily max daily min 50 D ov N ct O Se p Au g l Ju Ju n M ay 40 55 l 45 60 Ju daily mean flow (cfs) RM 1.2 Education Park Dr. daily max daily min 65 Ju n 60 70 Temperature (˚F) 65 75 M Temperature (˚F) 70 80 ay 75 85 Flow (cfs) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 80 50 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Date 85 55 O ec Date ct 40 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Flow (cfs) 45 D ov N ct O Se p Au g l Ju Ju n M ay 40 50 Se p 45 daily mean flow (cfs) RM 3.3 Percolation Ponds daily max daily min Se p 50 55 Au g daily mean flow (cfs) RM 0.1 near Coyote Ck confluence daily max daily min l 55 60 Ju 60 65 Ju n 65 70 M Temperature (˚F) 70 75 Temperature (˚F) 75 80 ay 80 85 Flow (cfs) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 85 Flow (cfs) APPENDIX A7: AVAILABLE WATER TEMPERATURE DATA FOR UPPER PENITENCIA CREEK Date Stillwater Sciences A-20 45 Date 65 60 55 daily mean flow (cfs) RM 1.3 Mabury Rd. daily max daily min ec D ov N ec D ov N O ct ec D ov N ct O Se p Au g Ju l 40 Ju n Temperature (˚F) 70 Figure A7-2. Daily average, maximum, and minimum water temperatures recorded at SCVWD monitoring locations in Upper Penitencia Creek in 2001, with daily mean flow at the Dorel gage. Flow (cfs) 75 ay Au g 40 ec 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 80 M 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Date 85 45 ct 45 Date 50 daily mean flow (cfs) RM 3.7 Noble Ave. daily max daily min 50 D ov N O ct Se p Au g l Ju Ju n M ay 40 55 l 45 60 Ju daily mean flow (cfs) RM 1.2 Education Park Dr. daily max daily min 65 Ju n 60 70 Temperature (˚F) 65 75 M Temperature (˚F) 70 80 ay 75 85 Flow (cfs) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 80 50 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Date 85 55 O ec 40 D ov N ct O Se p Au g Ju l n Ju M ay 40 50 Se p 45 daily mean flow (cfs) RM 3.3 Percolation Ponds daily max dail min Se p 50 55 Au g daily mean flow (cfs) RM 0.1 near Coyote Ck confluence daily max daily min l 55 60 Ju 60 65 n 65 70 M ay Temperature (?F) 70 75 Ju 75 80 Temperature (˚F) 80 85 Flow (cfs) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 85 Flow (cfs) Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A Flow (cfs) FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Date Stillwater Sciences A-21 45 65 60 55 daily mean flow (cfs) RM 1.3 Mabury Rd. daily max daily min ec D ov ec D ov N ct O ec D ov N ct O Se p Au g Ju l 40 Ju n Temperature (˚F) 70 Figure A7-3. Daily average, maximum, and minimum water temperatures recorded at SCVWD monitoring locations in Upper Penitencia Creek in 2002, with daily mean flow at the Dorel gage. Flow (cfs) 75 ay Au g 40 ec 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 80 M 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Date 85 45 N 45 Date 50 daily mean flow (cfs) RM 3.7 Noble Ave. daily max daily min 50 D ov N ct O Se p Au g l Ju Ju n M ay 40 55 l 45 60 Ju daily mean flow (cfs) RM 1.2 Education Park Dr. daily max daily min 65 Ju n 60 70 Temperature (˚F) 65 75 M Temperature (˚F) 70 80 ay 75 85 Flow (cfs) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 80 50 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Date 85 55 O ec Date ct 40 D ov N ct O Se p Au g l Ju Ju n M ay 40 50 Se p 45 daily mean flow (cfs) RM 3.3 Percolation Ponds daily max daily min Se p 50 55 Au g daily mean flow (cfs) RM 0.1 near Coyote Ck confluence daily max daily min l 55 60 Ju 60 65 Ju n 65 70 M Temperature (˚F) 70 75 Temperature (˚F) 75 80 ay 80 85 Flow (cfs) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 85 Flow (cfs) Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A Flow (cfs) FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Date Stillwater Sciences A-22 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A No data were recorded at SCVWD monitoring locations in Upper Penitencia Creek in 2003. Stillwater Sciences A-23 45 65 60 55 daily mean flow (cfs) RM 1.3 Mabury Rd. daily max daily min ec D ov ec D ov N ct O ec D ov N ct O Se p Au g Ju l 40 Ju n Temperature (˚F) 70 Figure A7-4. Daily average, maximum, and minimum water temperatures recorded at SCVWD monitoring locations in Upper Penitencia Creek in 2004, with daily mean flow at the Dorel gage. Flow (cfs) 75 ay Au g 40 ec 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 80 M 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Date 85 45 N 45 Date 50 daily mean flow (cfs) RM 3.7 Noble Ave. daily max daily min 50 D ov N ct O Se p Au g l Ju Ju n M ay 40 55 l 45 60 Ju daily mean flow (cfs) RM 1.2 Education Park Dr. max min 65 Ju n 60 70 Temperature (˚F) 65 75 M Temperature (˚F) 70 80 ay 75 85 Flow (cfs) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 80 50 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Date 85 55 O ec Date ct 40 D ov N ct O Se p Au g l Ju Ju n M ay 40 50 Se p 45 daily mean flow (cfs) RM 3.3 Percolation Ponds daily max daily min Se p 50 55 Au g daily mean flow (cfs) RM 0.1 near Coyote Ck confluence daily max daily min l 55 60 Ju 60 65 Ju n 65 70 M Temperature (˚F) 70 75 Temperature (˚F) 75 80 ay 80 85 Flow (cfs) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 85 Flow (cfs) Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A Flow (cfs) FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Date Stillwater Sciences A-24 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A LITERATURE CITED Abel, J. 2001. “Barrierness”: Qualitatively assessing fish passage impediments. Unpublished memo to FAHCE Consensus Committee. 17 April. Abel, J. 2005. Personal communication with Jae Abel of SCVWD (Santa Clara Valley Watershed District), City of San Jose, California. 11 January. Barnard, K., and S. McBain. 1994. Standpipe to determine permeability, dissolved oxygen, and vertical particle size distribution in salmonid spawning gravels. Fish Habitat Relationships Technical Bulletin No. 15. USDA Forest Service. Connor, E. J. 1996. Comparative evaluation of Pacific giant salamander and steelhead trout populations among streams in old-growth and second-growth forests of northwest California. Ph. D. dissertation. University of California, Davis. FAHCE (Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat Collaborative Effort). 2000. Summary and conclusion FAHCE TAC evaluation of the effects of Santa Clara Valley Water District facilities and operations on factors limiting habitat availability and quality for steelhead and chinook salmon. Hankin, D. G., and G. H. Reeves. 1988. Estimating total fish abundance and total habitat area in small streams based on visual estimation methods. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45:834-844. Hilton, S., and T. E. Lisle. 1993. Measuring the fraction of pool volume filled with fine sediment. Research Note PSW-RN-414. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Berkeley, California. Kondolf, G. M., and M. G. Wolman. 1993. The sizes of salmonid spawning gravels. Water Resources Research 29: 2275-2285. Li, S. K. 2001. Electrofishing surveys on Guadalupe Creek, Stevens Coyote and Penitencia Creeks: catch results. Prepared by Stacy K. Li with Aquatic Systems Research, for the FAHCE Technical Advisory Committee. McCain, M., D. Fuller, L. Decker, and K. Overton. 1990. Stream habitat classification and inventory procedures for northern California. FHR Currents, Fish Habitat Relationships Technical Bulletin No. 1. U. S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Arcata, California. McCuddin, M. E. 1977. Survival of salmon and trout embryos and fry in gravel-sand mixtures. Master's thesis. Department of University of Idaho, Moscow. Ricker, W. E. 1976. Review of the rate of growth and mortality of Pacific salmon in salt water and non-catch mortality caused by fishing. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 33: 1483-1524. Stillwater Sciences A-25 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix A Shapovalov, L., and A. C. Taft. 1954. The life histories of the steelhead rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri gairdneri) and silver salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) with special reference to Waddell Creek, California, and recommendations regarding their management. Fish Bulletin. 98. California Department of Fish and Game. Smith, J. 1997. Personal communication with Heidi Fish regarding steelhead/ rainbow trout in several Monterey Bay and San Francisco Bay streams. Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, San Jose State University, San Jose, California. 9 June. Stillwater Sciences and Dietrich, W.E. 2002. Napa River Basin Limiting Factors Analysis. Prepared for San Francisco Bay Water Quality Control Board and California State Coastal Conservancy by Stillwater Sciences, Berkeley, California and W.E. Dietrich, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Berkeley. Executive Summary and Technical Report Text both available online at http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/~rwqcb2/Download.htm and http://www.coastalconservancy.ca.gov/Programs/napa.htm Tagart, J. V. 1976. The survival from egg deposition to emergence of coho salmon in the Clearwater River, Jefferson County, Washington. Master's thesis. Department of University of Washington, Seattle. Terhune, L. D. B. 1958. The Mark VI groundwater standpipe for measuring seepage through salmon spawning gravel. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 15: 1027-1063 Stillwater Sciences A-26 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B APPENDIX B: STEELHEAD SPECIES SUMMARY Stillwater Sciences FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B Table of Contents APPENDIX B B1.1 B1.2 B1.3 B1.4 B1.5 B1.6 B1.7 B1.8 STEELHEAD SPECIES SUMMARY............................................................ B-1 S TATUS ....................................................................................................................... B-1 G EOGRAPHIC D ISTRIBUTION ......................................................................................... B-1 P OPULATION TRENDS ................................................................................................... B-1 LIFE H ISTORY .............................................................................................................. B-2 A DULT U PSTREAM MIGRATION AND S PAWNING ............................................................ B-2 H ABITAT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. B-6 ECOLOGICAL I NTERACTIONS ........................................................................................ B-8 RESPONSES TO A NTHROPOGENIC W ATERSHED D ISTURBANCES ...................................... B-9 LITERATURE CITED ........................................................................................................... B-25 List of Tables Table B-1. Adult holding velocity criteria for steelhead. .......................................................... B-12 Table B-2. Adult holding depth criteria for steelhead. ............................................................... B-12 Table B-3. Adult spawning velocity criteria for steelhead......................................................... B-13 Table B-4. Adult spawning depth criteria for steelhead. ........................................................... B-14 Table B-5. Fry early summer rearing velocity criteria for steelhead. ......................................... B-15 Table B-6. Fry early summer rearing depth criteria for steelhead. ............................................. B-16 Table B-7. Age 0+ summer rearing (late summer/fall) velocity criteria for steelhead. ............... B-16 Table B-8. Age 0+ summer rearing (late summer/fall) depth criteria for steelhead. ................... B-18 Table B-9. Age 0+ summer rearing (late summer/fall) for steelhead not related to depth or velocity. ......................................................................................................................................... B-20 Table B-10. Age 0+ winter rearing velocity criteria for steelhead. ............................................ B-20 Table B-11. Age 0+ winter rearing depth criteria for steelhead. ................................................ B-20 Table B-12. Age 0+ winter rearing habitat criteria for steelhead not related to depth or velocity. ..... ......................................................................................................................................... B-21 Table B-13. Age 1+ and older summer rearing velocity criteria for steelhead. .......................... B-21 Table B-14. Age 1+ and older summer rearing depth criteria for steelhead. .............................. B-22 Table B-15. Age 1+ and older summer rearing for steelhead not related to depth or velocity..... B-23 Table B-16. Age 1+ and older winter rearing velocity criteria for steelhead. ............................. B-23 Table B-17. Age 1+ and older winter rearing depth criteria for steelhead.................................. B-23 Table B-18. Age 1+ and older rearing velocity criteria for steelhead [SEASON NOT SPECIFIED]. ......................................................................................................................................... B-24 Table B-19. Age 1+ and older rearing depth criteria for steelhead [SEASON NOT SPECIFIED]. .... ......................................................................................................................................... B-24 Stillwater Sciences FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX B Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B STEELHEAD SPECIES SUMMARY Common Name: Steelhead Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus mykiss Legal Status: Federal Threatened (Central California Coast ESU, listed in 1997 [62 FR 43937]) State None B1.1 Status Two major O. mykiss genetic groups exist in the Pacific Northwest; a coastal and an inland group, separated by the Cascade Range crest (Schreck et al. 1986, Reisenbichler et al. 1992). Upper Penitencia Creek steelhead belong to the subspecies O. m. irideus, or coastal rainbow trout and steelhead, that extends east to the Cascades (Behnke 1992). Steelhead found in Upper Penitencia Creek and the Coyote Creek watershed belong to the Central California Coast evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) (NMFS 1997) and were designated as a federally threatened species on August 18, 1997 (NMFS 1997). This ESU extends from the Russian River to Aptos Creek, and includes tributaries to San Francisco and San Pablo bays eastward to the Napa River, excluding the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Basin. Both winter-run steelhead and non-anadromous resident forms of rainbow trout occur in tributaries to the San Francisco estuary (Leidy et al. 2003). B1.2 Geographic Distribution Steelhead are distributed throughout the North Pacific Ocean and historically spawned in streams along the west coast of North America from Alaska to northern Baja California. The species is currently known to spawn only as far south as Malibu Creek in southern California (Barnhart 1991, NMFS 1996a). B1.3 Population Trends The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS 1996a) has concluded that populations of naturally reproducing steelhead have been experiencing a long-term decline in abundance throughout their range. Populations in the southern portion of the range have experienced the most severe declines, particularly in streams from California's Central Valley and south, where many stocks have been extirpated (NMFS 1996a). During the 1900s, 23 naturally reproducing populations of steelhead are believed to have been extirpated in the western United States. Many more are thought to be in decline in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California. Based on analyses of dam and weir counts, stream surveys, and angler catches, NMFS (1997) concluded that, of the 160 west coast steelhead stocks for which adequate data were available, 118 (74%) exhibited declining trends in abundance, while the remaining 42 (26%) exhibited increasing trends. Accurate population size estimates are not available for Upper Penitencia Creek or most other San Francisco Estuary streams due to lack of reliable information (Leidy et al. 2003). Although historical data on salmonid presence, spawning, and viability is incomplete, it is Stillwater Sciences B-1 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B believed existing San Francisco Bay area steelhead runs have declined largely due to habitat impacts such as artificial barriers, reduction of habitat quantity and quality due to land use, and water withdrawals (Leidy et al. 2003). On a larger scale, steelhead stocks in the state of California have declined substantially. The most recently available estimate of California’s steelhead population is roughly 250,000 adults, which is nearly half the adult population that existed 30 years ago (McEwan and Jackson 1996). Current estimates of all steelhead adults returning to San Francisco Bay tributaries combined are well below 10,000 fish (Leidy 2001). Upper Penitencia Creek is one of only a few creeks in the South Bay that support steelhead runs (Buchan et al. 1999) and has been described as having the best steelhead habitat (SCBWMI 2003). B1.4 Life History Steelhead is the term used to distinguish anadromous populations of rainbow trout from resident populations. Much life history variability exists among steelhead populations; however, populations may be broadly categorized into two reproductive groups, most commonly referred to as either winter-run or summer-run. Steelhead in Upper Penitencia Creek are all winter-run. B1.5 Adult Upstream Migration and Spawning Steelhead return to spawn in their natal stream, usually in their fourth or fifth year of life, with males typically returning to freshwater earlier than females (Shapovalov and Taft 1954, Behnke 1992). A small percentage of steelhead may stray into streams other than those in which they originated. Winter-run steelhead generally enter spawning streams from fall through spring as sexually mature adults and spawn a few months later in late winter or spring (Roelofs 1985, Meehan and Bjornn 1991, Behnke 1992). Adult steelhead migrate upstream on both the rising and falling limbs of high flows, but do not appear to move during flood peaks. Some authors have suggested that increased water temperatures trigger movement, but some steelhead ascend into freshwater without any apparent environmental cues (Barnhart 1991). Peak upstream movement appears to occur in the morning and evening, although steelhead have been observed to move at all hours (Barnhart 1991). Adult winter steelhead are not believed to feed to any great extent during their freshwater spawning migration (Shapovalov and Taft 1954). Delays experienced during migration may therefore affect reproductive success. Steelhead are among the strongest swimmers of freshwater fishes. Cruising speeds, which are used for long-distance travel, are up to 5 ft/s (1.5 m/s); sustained speeds, which may last several minutes and are used to surmount rapids or other barriers, range from 5–15 ft/s (1.5–4.6 m/s). Darting speeds, which are brief bursts used in feeding and escape, range from 14–27 ft/s (4.3–8.2 m/s) (Bell 1973, as cited in Everest et al. 1985; Roelofs 1987). Steelhead have been observed making vertical leaps of up to 17 ft (5.2 m) over falls (W. Trush per. comm., as cited in Roelofs 1987). During spawning, female steelhead create depressions in streambed gravels by vigorously pumping their body and tail horizontally near the streambed. Steelhead redds are approximately 4–12 in (10–30 cm) deep, 15 in (38-cm) in diameter, and oval in shape Stillwater Sciences B-2 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B (Needham and Taft 1934, Shapovalov and Taft 1954). Males do not assist with redd construction, but may fight with other males to defend spawning females (Shapovalov and Taft 1954). Males fertilize the female's eggs as they are deposited in the redd, after which the female moves to the upstream end of the nest and stirs up additional gravel, covering the egg pocket (Orcutt et al. 1968). Females then move two to three feet upstream and dig another pit, enlarging the redd. Females may dig six to seven egg pockets, moving progressively upstream, and spawning may continue for several days to over a week (Needham and Taft 1934). A female approximately 33 in (85 cm) in length may lay 5,000 to 10,000 eggs, with fecundity being related to age and length of the adult female and varying between populations (Meehan and Bjornn 1991). A range of 1,000 to 4,500 eggs per female has been observed within the Sacramento Drainage (Mills and Fisher 1994, as cited in Leidy 2001). In cases where spawning habitat is limited, late-arriving spawners may superimpose their redds atop existing nests, resulting in mortality of eggs and alevins that were in the original redd (Orcutt et al. 1968). Although most steelhead die after spawning, adults are capable of returning to the ocean and migrating back upstream to spawn in subsequent years, unlike most other Pacific salmon. Runs may include from 10 to 30% repeat spawners, the majority of which are females (Ward and Slaney 1988, Meehan and Bjornn 1991, Behnke 1992). Repeat spawning is more common in smaller coastal streams than in large drainages requiring a lengthy migration (Meehan and Bjornn 1991). Hatchery steelhead are typically less likely than wild fish to survive to spawn a second time (Leider et al. 1986). Whereas females spawn only once before returning to the sea, males may spend two or more months in spawning areas and may mate with multiple females, incurring higher mortality and reducing their chances of repeat spawning (Shapovalov and Taft 1954). Steelhead may migrate downstream to the ocean immediately following spawning or may spend several weeks holding in pools before outmigrating (Shapovalov and Taft 1954). Egg Incubation, Alevin Development, and Fry Emergence Hatching of eggs follows a 20- to 100-day incubation period, the length of which depends on water temperature (Shapovalov and Taft 1954, Barnhart 1991). In Waddell Creek (San Mareo County), Shapovalov and Taft (1954) found incubation times between 25 and 30 days. Newly-hatched steelhead alevins remain in the gravel for an additional 14–35 days while being nourished by their yolk sac (Barnhart 1991). Fry emerge from the substrate just before total yolk absorption under optimal conditions; later-emerging fry that have already absorbed their yolk supply are likely to be weaker (Barnhart 1991). Upon emergence, fry inhale air at the stream surface to fill their air bladder, absorb the remains of their yolk, and start to feed actively, often in schools (Barnhart 1991, NMFS 1996b). Survival from egg to emergent fry is typically less than 50% (Meehan and Bjornn 1991), but may be quite variable depending upon local conditions. Juvenile Freshwater Rearing Juvenile steelhead (parr) rear in freshwater before outmigrating to the ocean as smolts. The duration of time parr spend in freshwater appears to be related to growth rate, with larger, faster-growing members of a cohort smolting earlier (Peven et al. 1994). Steelhead in warmer areas, where feeding and growth are possible throughout the winter, may require a shorter period in freshwater before smolting, while steelhead in colder, more northern, and inland streams may require three or four years before smolting (Roelofs 1985). Stillwater Sciences B-3 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B Juveniles typically remain in their natal streams for at least their first summer, dispersing from fry schools and establishing feeding territories (Barnhart 1991). Peak feeding and freshwater growth rates occur in late spring and early summer. In Steamboat Creek, a major steelhead spawning tributary in the North Umpqua River watershed, juveniles typically rest in the interstices of rocky substrate in the morning and evening, and rise into the water column and orient themselves into the flow to feed during the day when water temperatures are higher (Dambacher 1991). In the Smith River of Oregon, Reedy (1995) suggested that rising stream temperatures and reduced food availability occurring in late summer may lead to a decline in steelhead feeding activity and growth rates. Juveniles either overwinter in their natal streams if adequate cover exists or disperse as presmolts to other streams to find more suitable winter habitat (Bjornn 1971, Dambacher 1991). As stream temperatures fall below approximately 44.6°F (7°C) in the late fall to early winter, steelhead enter a period of winter inactivity spent hiding in the substrate or closely associated with instream cover, during which time growth ceases (Everest and Chapman 1972). Age 0+ steelhead appear to remain active later into the fall than 1+ steelhead (Everest et al. 1986). Winter hiding behavior of juveniles reduces their metabolism and food requirements and reduces their exposure to predation and high flows (Bustard and Narver 1975), although substantial mortality appears to occur in winter, nonetheless. Winter mortalities ranging from 60 to 86% for 0+ steelhead and from 18 to 60% for 1+ steelhead were reported in Fish Creek in the Clackamas River basin, Oregon (Everest et al. 1988, as cited in Dambacher 1991). Juveniles appear to compete for food and rearing habitat with other steelhead. Age 0+ and 1+ steelhead exhibit territorial behavior (Everest and Chapman 1972), although this behavior may dissipate in winter as fish reduce feeding activity and congregate in suitable cover habitat (Meehan and Bjornn 1991). Reedy (1995) found that steelhead in the tails of pools did not exhibit territorialism or form dominance hierarchies. Parr outmigration appears to be more significant in smaller basins, when compared to larger basins (Dambacher 1991). In some areas juveniles migrate out of tributaries despite the fact that downstream rearing habitat may be limited and survival rates low in these areas, suggesting that migrants are responding to density-related competition for food and space, or to reduction in habitat quality in tributaries as flows decline (Dambacher 1991, Peven et al. 1994, Reedy 1995). In relatively small tributaries with good rearing habitat located downstream, early outmigration may represent an adaptation to improve survival and may not be driven by environment- or competition-related limitations (Dambacher 1991). Steelhead may overwinter in mainstem reaches, particularly if coarse substrates in which to seek cover from high flows are available (Reedy 1995), or they may return to tributaries for the winter (Everest 1973, as cited in Dambacher 1991). Rearing densities for juvenile steelhead overwintering in high-quality habitats with cobbleboulder substrates are estimated to range from approximately 0.24 fish/ft2 (2.7 fish/m2 ) (W. Trush, per. comm., 1997) to 0.53 fish/ft2 (5.7 fish/m2 ) (Meyer and Griffith 1997). Everest and Chapman (1972) report age 0+ densities of 0.12 to 0.14 fish/ft2 (1.3 to 1.5 fish/m2 ) in preferred habitat in Idaho. Smolt Outmigration and Estuarine Rearing At the end of the freshwater rearing period, steelhead migrate downstream to the ocean as smolts, typically at a length of 5.85 to 7.80 in (15 to 20 cm) (Meehan and Bjornn 1991). A Stillwater Sciences B-4 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B length of 5.46 in (14 cm) is typically cited as the minimum size for smolting (Wagner et al. 1963, Peven et al. 1994). Evidence suggests that photoperiod is the most important environmental variable stimulating the physiological transformation from parr to smolt (Wagner 1974). During smoltification, the spots and parr marks characteristic of juvenile coloration are replaced by a silver and blue-green iridescent body color (Barnhart 1991) and physiological transformations occur that allow them to survive in salt water. Less is known regarding the use of estuaries by steelhead than for other anadromous salmonid species; however, the available evidence shows that steelhead in many systems use estuaries as rearing habitat. Smith (1990) concluded that even tiny lagoons unsuitable for summer rearing can contribute to the maintenance of steelhead populations by providing feeding areas during winter or spring smolt outmigration. Estuarine rearing may be more important to steelhead populations in the southern half of the species' range due to greater variability in ocean conditions and paucity of high quality near-shore habitats in this portion of their range (NMFS 1996a). Estuaries may also be more important to populations spawning in smaller coastal tributaries due to the more limited availability of rearing habitat in the headwaters of smaller stream systems (McEwan and Jackson 1996). Most marine mortality of steelhead occurs soon after they enter the ocean and predation is believed to be the primary cause of this mortality (Pearcy 1992, as cited in McEwan and Jackson 1996). Because predation mortality and fish size are likely to be inversely related (Pearcy 1992, as cited in McEwan and Jackson 1996), the growth that takes place in estuaries may be very important for increasing the odds of marine survival (Pearcy 1992, as cited in McEwan and Jackson 1996; Simenstad et al. 1982, as cited in NMFS 1996a; Shapovalov and Taft 1954). Steelhead have variable life histories and may migrate downstream to estuaries as age 0+ juveniles or may rear in streams up to four years before outmigrating to the estuary and ocean (Shapovalov and Taft 1954). Steelhead migrating downstream as juveniles may rear for one to six months in the estuary before entering the ocean (Barnhart 1991). Shapovalov and Taft (1954) conducted exhaustive life history studies of steelhead and coho salmon in Waddell Creek (Santa Cruz County, California) and found that coho salmon went to sea almost immediately after migrating downstream, but that some of the steelhead remained for a whole season in Waddell Creek lagoon or the lower portions of the stream before moving out to sea. Some steelhead individuals remained in the lagoon rather than moving out to sea and migrated back upstream and underwent a second downstream migration the following year. In Scott Creek lagoon (Santa Cruz County), Marston (1992, as cited in McEwan and Jackson 1996) found that half of the steelhead rearing in the lagoon in June and July of 1992 were less than 90 mm and appeared to be pre-smolts. Coots (1973, as cited in McEwan and Jackson 1996) found that 34% of juvenile steelhead in San Gregorio Creek lagoon captured in summer were juveniles less than 3.9 in [100 mm] in length. From these studies and others, it has been shown estuaries provide valuable rearing habitat to juvenile and yearling steelhead and not merely a corridor for smolts outmigrating to the ocean. Ocean Phase The majority of steelhead spend one to three years in the ocean, with smaller smolts tending to remain in salt water for a longer period than larger smolts (Chapman 1958, Behnke 1992). Larger smolts have been observed to experience higher ocean survival rates Stillwater Sciences B-5 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B (Ward and Slaney 1988). Steelhead grow rapidly in the ocean compared to in freshwater rearing habitats, with growth rates potentially exceeding 0.98 in (2.5 cm) per month (Shapovalov and Taft 1954, Barnhart 1991). Steelhead staying in the ocean for two years typically weigh 7 to10 lbs (3.15 to 4.50 kg) upon return to fresh water (Roelofs 1985). Unlike other salmonids, steelhead do not appear to form schools in the ocean. Steelhead in the southern part of the species' range appear to migrate close to the continental shelf, while more northern populations of steelhead may migrate throughout the northern Pacific Ocean (Barnhart 1991). B1.6 Habitat Requirements Adult Upstream Migration and Spawning During their upstream migration, adult steelhead require deep pools for resting and holding (Puckett 1975, Roelofs 1983, as cited in Moyle et al. 1989). Deep pool habitat (>4.88 ft [>1.5 m]) is preferred by summer steelhead during the summer holding period. Steelhead need water with a minimum depth of 0.59 ft (18 cm) and maximum velocity of 8 ft/s (240 cm/s) for successful upstream migration (Thompson 1972, as cited in Everest et al. 1985). Relatively cool water temperatures (between 50 and 59°F [10o and 15°C]) are preferred by adults, although they may survive temperatures as high as 80.6°F (27°C) for short periods (Moyle et al. 1989). Adult holding habitat requirements for steelhead are shown in Tables B2-1 and B2-2. Areas of the stream with water depths from about 7–53 in (18 to 137 cm) and velocities from 1.97–3.77 ft/s (0.6 to 1.15 m/s) are typically preferred for spawning by adult steelhead (Moyle et al. 1989, Barnhart 1991). Pool tailouts or heads of riffles with well-oxygenated gravels are often selected as redd locations (Shapovalov and Taft 1954). The average area encompassed by a redd is 47–65.56 ft2 (4.4–5.9 m2 ) (Orcutt et al. 1968, Hunter 1973, as cited in Bjornn and Reiser 1991). Gravels ranging in size from 0.25 to 5.07 in (0.64 to 13 cm) in diameter are suitable for redd construction (Barnhart 1991). Steelhead pairs have been observed spawning within 3.94 ft (1.2 m) of each other (Orcutt et al. 1968). Bell (1986) indicates that preferred temperatures for steelhead spawning range from 39.0o to 48.9o F (3.9o to 9.4o C). Steelhead may spawn in intermittent streams, but juveniles soon move to perennial streams after hatching (Moyle et al. 1989). In the Rogue River drainage, summer steelhead are more likely to spawn in intermittent streams, while winter steelhead typically spawn in permanent streams (Roelofs 1985). Spawning habitat requirements for steelhead are shown in Tables B2-3 and B2-4. Egg Incubation, Alevin Development, and Fry Emergence Incubating eggs require dissolved oxygen concentrations, with optimal concentrations at or near saturation. Low dissolved oxygen increases the length of the incubation period and cause emergent fry to be smaller and weaker. Dissolved oxygen levels remaining below 2 ppm result in egg mortality (Barnhart 1991). Information available in the literature indicates that preferred incubation temperatures range from 48.2 to 51.8°F (9 to 11°C) (McEwan and Jackson 1996, FERC 1993). Juvenile Freshwater Rearing Age 0+. After emergence from spawning gravels in spring or early summer, steelhead fry move to shallow-water, low-velocity habitats such as stream margins and low-gradient riffles and will forage in open areas lacking instream cover (Hartman 1965, Everest et al. Stillwater Sciences B-6 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B 1986, Fontaine 1988). As fry increase in size in late summer and fall, they increasingly use areas with cover and show a preference for higher-velocity, deeper mid-channel waters near the thalweg (Hartman 1965, Everest and Chapman 1972, Fontaine 1988). In general, age 0+ steelhead occur in a wide range of hydraulic conditions (Bisson et al. 1988), appearing to prefer water less than 19.5 in (50 cm) deep with velocities below 0.98 ft/s (0.3 m/s) (Everest and Chapman 1972). Age 0+ steelhead have been found to be relatively abundant in backwater pools and often live in the downstream ends of pools in late summer (Bisson et al. 1988, Fontaine 1988). Age 0+ rearing habitat requirements are shown in Tables 5– 12. Age 1+ and older juveniles. Older age classes of juvenile steelhead (age 1+ and older) occupy a wide range of hydraulic conditions. They prefer deeper water during the summer and have been observed to use deep pools near the thalweg with ample cover as well as higher-velocity rapid and cascade habitats (Bisson et al. 1982, Bisson et al. 1988). Age 1+ fish typically feed in pools, especially scour and plunge pools, resting and finding escape cover in the interstices of boulders and boulder-log clusters (Fontaine 1988, Bisson et al. 1988). During summer, steelhead parr appear to prefer habitats with rocky substrates, overhead cover, and low light intensities (Hartman 1965, Facchin and Slaney 1977, Ward and Slaney 1979, Fausch 1993). Age 1+ steelhead appear to avoid secondary channel and dammed pools, glides, and low-gradient riffles with mean depths less than 7.8 in (20 cm) (Fontaine 1988, Bisson et al. 1988, Dambacher 1991). As steelhead grow larger, they tend to prefer microhabitats with deeper water and higher velocity as locations for focal points, attempting to find areas with an optimal balance of food supply versus energy expenditure, such as velocity refuge positions associated with boulders or other large roughness elements close to swift current with high macroinvertebrate drift rates (Everest and Chapman 1972, Bisson et al. 1988, Fausch 1993). Reedy (1995) indicates that 1+ steelhead especially prefer high-velocity pool heads, where food resources are abundant, and pool tails, which provide optimal feeding conditions in summer due to lower energy expenditure requirements than the more turbulent pool heads. Fast, deep water, in addition to optimizing feeding versus energy expenditure, provides greater protection from avian and terrestrial predators (Everest and Chapman 1972). Age 1+ steelhead appear to prefer rearing habitats with velocities ranging from 0.33–0.98 ft/s (10–30 cm/s) and depths ranging from 19.5–29.3 in (50–75 cm) (Everest and Chapman 1972, Hanson 1977, as cited in Bjornn and Reiser 1991). During the juvenile rearing period, steelhead are often observed using habitats with swifter water velocities and shallower depths than coho salmon (Sullivan 1986, Bisson et al. 1988), a species they are often sympatric with. In comparison with juvenile coho, steelhead have a fusiform body shape that is better adapted to holding and feeding in swifter currents (Bisson et al. 1988). Where the two species coexist, this generally results in spatial segregation of rearing habitat that becomes most apparent during the summer months. While juvenile coho salmon are strongly associated with low-velocity habitats such as pools throughout the rearing period (Shirvell 1990), steelhead will use riffles (age 0+) and higher velocity pool habitats (age 1+) such as scour and plunge pools in the summer (Sullivan 1986, Bisson et al. 1982). Habitat requirements of age 1+ and older steelhead are shown in Tables 13–19. Preferred rearing temperatures range from 45.0 to 57.9°F (7.2 to 14.4°C), with optimum temperature for juveniles occurring from 50–55.0°F (10–12.8°C) and lethal temperatures Stillwater Sciences B-7 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B occurring at 74.8°F (23.8°C) (Bell 1991). Preferred outmigration temperatures are <57°F (<13°C). Winter Habitat Steelhead overwinter in pools, especially low-velocity deep pools with large rocky substrate or woody debris for cover, including backwater and dammed pools (Hartman 1965, Swales et al. 1986, Raleigh et al. 1984, Fontaine 1988). Juveniles are known to use the interstices between substrate particles as overwintering cover. Bustard and Narver (1975) typically found age 0+ steelhead using 3.9–9.7 in (10–25 cm) diameter cobble substrates in shallow, low-velocity areas near the stream margin. Everest et al. (1986) observed age 1+ steelhead using logs, rootwads, and interstices between assemblages of large boulders (39.0 in [>100 cm] diameter) surrounded by small boulder to cobble size (19.7–39.0 in [50–100 cm] diameter) materials as winter cover. Age 1+ fish typically stay within the area of the streambed that remains inundated at summer low flows, while age 0+ fish frequently overwinter beyond the summer low flow perimeter along the stream margins (Everest et al. 1986). In winter, 1+ steelhead prefer water deeper than 17.5 in (45 cm), while age 0+ steelhead often occupy water less than 5.8 in (15 cm) deep and are rarely found at depths over about 23.4 in (60 cm) (Bustard and Narver 1975). Below 44.6o F (7 o C), juvenile steelhead prefer water velocities 0.5 ft/s (<15 cm/s) (Bustard and Narver 1975). Spatial segregation of stream habitat by juvenile coho salmon and steelhead is less pronounced in winter than in summer, although older juvenile steelhead may prefer deeper pools than coho salmon (Bustard and Narver 1975). Overwinter habitat requirements of juvenile steelhead are shown in Tables B10–12, and in Tables B16–17. Ocean Phase Little is known about steelhead use of ocean habitat, although changes in ocean conditions are important for explaining trends among Oregon coastal steelhead populations (Kostow 1995). Evidence suggests that increased ocean temperatures associated with El Niño events may increase ocean survival as much as two-fold (Ward and Slaney 1988). The magnitude of upwelling, which determines the amount of nutrients brought to the ocean surface and which is related to wind patterns, influences ocean productivity with significant effects on steelhead growth and survival (Barnhart 1991). Steelhead appear to prefer ocean temperatures of 48.2o–52.7o F (9 o–11.5o C) and typically swim in the upper 30–40 ft (9–12 m) of the ocean's surface (Barnhart 1991). B1.7 Ecological Interactions Food Web Interactions Emergent fry initially feed on zooplankton and other microorganisms (Barnhart 1991). Juveniles feed on a wide range of items, primarily those associated with the stream bottom such as aquatic insects, amphipods, aquatic worms, fish eggs, and occasionally smaller fish (Wydoski and Whitney 1979). Juveniles may also feed on spiders, mollusks, and fish, including smaller steelhead (Roelofs 1985). Age 0+ steelhead prefer benthic invertebrates (Johnson and Ringler 1980); larger steelhead, having larger mouths, can consume a broader range of foods (Fausch 1991). In the ocean, steelhead feed on juvenile greenling, squids, amphipods, and other organisms (Barnhart 1991). Stillwater Sciences B-8 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B Adult summer steelhead apparently do not usually feed in fresh water and can endure long periods without food, during which time their stomachs shrink (Shapovalov and Taft 1954, Roelofs 1987). Summer steelhead, which spend longer periods in fresh water before spawning, may be more likely to feed in freshwater than adult winter steelhead. Food items taken by adults include caddisflies, mayflies, stoneflies, salmon eggs and, infrequently, other fish (Barnhart 1991). Major predators of adult steelhead include humans, marine mammals, and large pelagic fish. Eggs may be eaten by macroinvertebrates, crayfish, and other fish. Juvenile steelhead may be preyed upon by garter snakes, piscivorous fish such as older salmonids (including steelhead), freshwater sculpins, introduced piscivorous fish (e.g., smallmouth bass, striped bass), mammals (e.g., river otter, mink), and piscivorous birds (e.g., mergansers, kingfishers, herons, ospreys, loons). Juvenile steelhead have been observed feeding on emergent fry (Shapovalov and Taft 1954). B1.8 Responses to Anthropogenic Watershed Disturbances An anadromous life history and changes in habitat requirements at different life stages make steelhead vulnerable to a wide range of watershed disturbances, including dams, timber harvest, road construction, recreational use, and other human-related disturbances. The relative importance of anthropogenic and natural disturbances and of ocean conditions for controlling steelhead populations is uncertain. Coastal steelhead habitats, which historically consisted of old-growth temperate moist conifer forests with streams having high structural complexity, have been significantly altered (Kostow 1995). Physical Barriers to Migration and Movement Dams without fish passage facilities block migration to historically available spawning and/or rearing areas, inundate spawning and rearing habitat beneath reservoirs, and alter hydrologic regimes, sediment and LWD budgets, water temperatures, nutrient cycling, and food supplies (Collins 1976). Where fish passage facilities are provided at dams, delays to upstream or downstream migration may occur, and stress, injury, or mortality may result from passage through juvenile bypass facilities. Two natural waterfalls, one in Upper Penitencia Creek and one in Arroyo Aguague, are complete barriers to upstream migration (FAHCE 2000). Although several partial structural barriers (impediments) exist in Coyote Creek and Upper Penitencia Creek (FAHCE 2000), the passage assessment conducted by Stillwater Sciences for this study indicates that spawning adults likely have unimpeded upstream access to the waterfalls during most winter and spring flow conditions. In downstream reaches, however, water diversions and potentially warm water temperatures may reduce passage opportunities for outmigrating smolts. The extent to which this occurs, however, could not be determined with available data. Stillwater Sciences B-9 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B Changes to Hydrologic Regimes Changes to natural flow regimes may impact steelhead populations through changes to stimuli used for timing of upstream and downstream migrations, dewatering of redds, displacement of fry or juveniles, scouring of spawning gravels, and changes to the quality and quantity of habitat for different life stages. Rapid decreases in flow associated with hydroelectric project operations may cause stranding, especially of recently emerged fry because of their preference for stream margin areas of mainstem channels and because they are relatively weak swimmers (Hunter 1992). Vulnerability to stranding declines once juvenile steelhead reach lengths of 1.8 inches (45 mm) (R.W. Beck and Associates 1987). As juveniles grow, they are more likely to occupy deeper areas further from channel margins, reducing their susceptibility to stranding. Flow diversions may delay or stop adult migration if minimum water depths are not maintained (Everest et al. 1985). Changes to Sediment Dynamics Sedimentation of streams resulting from increased erosion may reduce spawning success of steelhead and the carrying capacity of juvenile rearing areas. Sedimentation due to land use activities has been recognized as a primary cause of habitat degradation for steelhead populations on the west coast (NMFS 1996a). Increased input of fine sediment resulting from natural or anthropogenic disturbance may be the principle cause of egg and alevin mortality in some areas (Shapovalov and Taft 1954). Filling of interstitial spaces with fine sediments reduces intragravel flow through redds, reducing dissolved oxygen concentrations and the rate of removal of metabolic wastes (Everest et al. 1985). Alevins that develop in oxygen-deficient gravels are smaller at emergence, placing them at a competitive disadvantage (Doudoroff and Warren 1965, as cited in Everest et al. 1985). Interstitial habitat used as cover by juvenile steelhead is also reduced if embedded in fine sediments. Bjornn et al. (1977) observed reduced juvenile steelhead abundance in Idaho streams characterized by a high degree of substrate embeddedness. Accumulation of fine organic material in gravel, which may occur following logging or other land use disturbances, can also reduce the amount of dissolved oxygen available to incubating eggs, since the decay of this material consumes oxygen (Barnhart 1991). Filling of pools with fine sediments can reduce carrying capacity of rearing habitats for juvenile salmonids (Bjornn et al. 1977). Sedimentation also fills interstitial spaces in the substrate that are used as velocity refuges by juvenile salmonids during high-flow events or low temperatures (Hillman et al. 1987) and may reduce aquatic invertebrate production and therefore reduce juvenile salmonid production (Crouse et al. 1981). Reductions of bedload supply and/or changes in bed stability are downstream geomorphic effects often associated with dams (Williams and Wolman 1984, Ligon et al. 1995). Bedload is that portion of the sediment load carried by rivers that consists of larger particles, including spawning gravels, that are pushed along or near the bed, as opposed to suspended load (Leopold 1994). Dams can reduce spawning gravel availability in downstream reaches and cause development of a coarse, relatively immobile surface layer. Dams can cause a number of changes to channel morphology or fluvial processes that can have deleterious effects on stream and riparian habitats, including channel incision and/or widening, increased bank erosion, and reduced channel migration (Ligon et al. 1995). Stillwater Sciences B-10 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B Changes to Large Woody Debris Dynamics Reductions in the amount of LWD in stream channels due to either past removal (stream cleaning) efforts or harvest of streamside trees may reduce the carrying capacity of these streams for juvenile anadromous salmonids, especially of the older age classes which may prefer deeper habitats, and may reduce the occurrence of deep pools used by adults during migration and holding (NMFS 1996a). Murphy et al. (1985, 1986) found that higher juvenile steelhead densities occurred in reaches with buffer strips adjacent to clearcuts than in reaches without buffer strips where LWD had been removed. Reduced LWD may also result in decreased retention of spawning gravels and of fine and coarse particulate organic matter and salmonid carcasses important for nutrient cycling and maintenance of macroinvertebrate communities. Changes to Stream Temperatures and Water Quality Factors that result in increased stream temperatures, such as large-scale clearcutting, removal of riparian vegetation, and changes to natural flow regimes may reduce steelhead populations both directly through increased mortality and indirectly through such factors as changes to growth rates or timing of emergence and downstream migration. Warm water temperatures may favor competitors of juvenile steelhead, such as redside shiners (Reeves et al. 1987). Increases in water temperatures may also make juvenile anadromous salmonids more susceptible to mortality from diseases such as Flexibacter columnaris (Holt et al. 1975). Reservoirs Reservoir conditions can adversely affect anadromous fish populations. Reservoirs submerge spawning and rearing habitat, and juvenile anadromous fish traveling downstream through reservoirs may be subject to mortality through entrainment and predation by introduced or native fish species in these areas. Reservoir characteristics, including reduced water velocities, thermal stratification, and low dissolved oxygen levels may delay downstream migration and extend the exposure of smolts to disease and predation risks (Collins 1976, Spence et al. 1996). Poaching and Other Impacts on Adult Holding Habitat Summer steelhead adults are vulnerable to human disturbance during their holding period. Holding steelhead are vulnerable to poaching, because they typically congregate in large numbers in a relatively small number of suitable pools. Steelhead fishing has been restricted in many areas in response to population declines, but the species remains vulnerable to poaching. Adult summer steelhead are especially vulnerable to poaching during summer low flows. Roelofs (1983, as cited by Moyle et al. 1989) has indicated that steelhead populations showing signs of severe declines tend to be in areas that are more accessible to people, while stable populations tend to be found in the most inaccessible streams. Poachers may capture adult steelhead by snagging, spearing, netting, trapping, shooting, or blasting (Roelofs 1987). In both tributaries and the mainstem, increased human disturbance associated with recreational activities such as boating, swimming, or fishing may affect adult holding habitat; Moyle et al. (1989) indicate that these types of activities may stress adult fish and result in increased mortality in streams heavily used for recreation. These impacts would not affect winter steelhead, which do not require extended use of holding areas prior to spawning. Stillwater Sciences B-11 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B Estuary Impacts Estuary conditions may have an important influence on anadromous fish survival, since anadromous fish must pass through these areas during upstream and downstream migration and since estuarine rearing prior to ocean entry is a life history strategy used by many juvenile anadromous fish to increase marine survival (Giger 1972, Healey 1991, McMahon and Holtby 1992). Degradation of estuary habitats due to diking and filling, increased temperatures, introduction of piscivorous fish, sedimentation due to upstream impacts, and other human activities may have contributed to anadromous fish declines in California and in Upper Penitencia Creek. Table B-1. Adult holding velocity criteria for steelhead. VELOCITY CRITERIA minimum maximum average SOURCE preferred/ optimal 2.44 m/s (8.01 ft/s) 28.6 cm/s (0.94 ft/s) NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Thompson (1972) as cited in Bjornn and Reiser (1991) Race not specified. Moyle and Baltz (1985) as cited in Spence (1996) Race not specified, methods not stated. Table B-2. Adult holding depth criteria for steelhead. DEPTH CRITERIA minimum maximum average SOURCE preferred/ optimal NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) 0.24 m (9.36 in) Thompson (1972) as cited in Bjornn and Reiser (1991) Race not specified. 300 cm (117 in) Puckett (1975), Roelofs (1983) as cited in Moyle et al. (1989) Race not specified. Moyle and Baltz (1985) as cited in Spence (1996) Race not specified, methods not stated. 82 cm (31.98 (in) Stillwater Sciences B-12 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B Table B-3. Adult spawning velocity criteria for steelhead. VELOCITY CRITERIA minimum maximum average SOURCE preferred/ optimal NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) SUMMER STEELHEAD 23Β155 cm/s (0.75Β5.09 ft/s) Cited in Moyle et al. (1989) Source of data not provided. 0.431 m/s (1.41 ft/s) 0.915 m/s (3.00 ft/s) 0.683 m/s ∀ 0.4823 (2.24 ft/s ∀1.58) Smith (1973) Based on 90 redds in the Deschutes River, Oregon. Velocities were measured at 0.12 m depth over undisturbed gravel just above the upstream edge of the redd and were recorded to nearest 0.01 ft/s. Velocity criteria were defined as the twosided tolerance limits within which there was 95% confidence that 80% of the measurements would occur with a normal distribution. 0.488 m/s (1.60 ft/s) 0.909 m/s (2.98 ft/s) 0.698 m/s ∀ 0.4423 (2.29 ft/s ∀ 1.45) Smith (1973) Based on 46 redds in the Rouge River system, Oregon. Velocities were measured at 0.12 m depth over undisturbed gravel just above the upstream edge of the redd and were recorded to nearest 0.01 ft/s. Velocity criteria were defined as the two-sided tolerance limits within which there was 95% confidence that 80% of the measurements would occur with a normal distribution. Bovee (1978) 50% probability. Based on probability of use criteria, source of data is not clear. WINTER STEELHEAD 1.41Β2.85 ft/s (43Β87 cm/s) 0.387 m/s (1.27 ft/s) 0.869 m/s (2.85 ft/s) 0.628 m/s ∀0.5455 (2.06 ft/s ∀ 1.79) Smith (1973) Based on 113 redds in 11 Oregon streams. Velocities were measured at 0.12 m depth over undisturbed gravel just above the upstream edge of the redd and were recorded to nearest 0.01 ft/s. Velocity criteria were defined as the two-sided tolerance limits within which there was 95% confidence that 80% of the measurements would occur with a normal distribution. 0.387 m/s (1.27 ft/s) 0.909 m/s (2.98 ft/s) 0.648 m/s ∀ 0.5472 (2.13 ft/s ∀ 1.80) Sams and Pearson (1963) as cited in Smith 1973) Based on 49 redds in 2 western Oregon streams. Velocity values = mean water column velocity over redds. Velocity criteria were defined as the two-sided tolerance limits within which there was 95% confidence that 80% of the measurements would occur with a normal distribution. 1.5 ft/s (45.73 cm/s) 2.5 ft/s (76.22 cm/s) 2.2 ft/s (67.07 cm/s) Briggs (1953) Range and average of velocities observed over 13 redds in Prairie Creek and Godwood Creek, California. Stillwater Sciences B-13 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B VELOCITY CRITERIA minimum maximum average SOURCE NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Carroll (1984) as cited in Barnhart (1991) Not annotated. Range observed in a small tributary to the Klamath River. Orcutt et al. (1968) as cited in Smith (1973) Average velocities taken at 0.4 ft (12 cm) above 54 redds in Idaho. 30Β91 cm/s (0.98Β2.99 ft/s) Stober and Graybill (1974) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) 80% probability 37Β109 cm/s (1.21Β3.58 ft/s) Hunter (1973) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) 46Β91 cm/s (21.51Β2.9 9 ft/s) Graybill et al. (1979) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) preferred/ optimal 15Β54 cm/s (0.49Β1.77 ft/s) 2.3Β2.5 ft/s (70Β76 cm/s) 80% probability Table B-4. Adult spawning depth criteria for steelhead. DEPTH CRITERIA minimum maximum average SOURCE NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Smith (1973) Based on 83 redds in the Deschutes River, Oregon. Depths were measured over undisturbed gravel just above the upstream edge of the redd and were recorded to nearest 0.1 ft. Minimum depth was the limit above which 80% of measurements could be expected to occur with 95% confidence. preferred/ optimal SUMMER STEELHEAD 0.244 m (9.52 in) 0.406 m ∀ 0.4756 (15.83 in ∀18.55) 10Β150 cm (3.9Β58.5 in) Cited in Moyle et al. (1989) 0.78Β1.79 ft (23.78Β54.5 7 cm) Bovee (1978) Source of data not provided. WINTER STEELHEAD 50% probability. Source of data is not clear. Stillwater Sciences B-14 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B DEPTH CRITERIA minimum maximum SOURCE NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) preferred/ optimal average 0.061 m (2.38 in) 0.417 m ∀0.3325 (16.26 in ∀ 12.97) Smith (1973) Based on 113 redds in 11 Oregon streams. Depths were measured over undisturbed gravel just above the upstream edge of the redd and were recorded to nearest 0.1 ft. Minimum depth was the limit above which 80% of measurements could be expected to occur with 95% confidence. 0.244 m (9.52 in) 0.386 m ∀ 0.4639 (15.05 in ∀ 18.09) Sams and Pearson (1963, as cited in Smith 1973) Based on 49 redds in 2 western Oregon streams. Depths were measured over undisturbed gravel just above the upstream edge of the redd and were recorded to nearest 0.1 ft. Minimum depth was the limit above which 80% of measurements could be expected to occur with 95% confidence. 10.1 in (25.90 cm) Briggs (1953) Range and average of water depths taken at 13 redds in Prairie and Godwood creeks in California. 12Β29 cm (4.68Β11.31 in) Carroll (1984) as cited in Barnhart (1991) Not annotated. Range measured over redds in a Klamath River tributary. 18 cm (7.02 in) Stober and Graybill (1974) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) 80% probability 12Β70 cm (4.68Β27.30 in) Hunter (1973) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) 27Β88 cm (10.53Β34.3 2 in) Graybill et al. (1979) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) 80% probability Orcutt et al. (1968) as cited in Smith (1973) Depths taken above 54 redds in Idaho. 7 in (17.95 cm) 14 in (35.90 cm) 0.7 ft (21 cm) Table B-5. Fry early summer rearing velocity criteria for steelhead. VELOCITY CRITERIA minimum maximum average 5.2 cm/s ∀7.6 (0.17 ft/s∀0.25 ) preferred/ optimal LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) Emergent fry, 33.2 mm (1.33 in) FL (n=240) SOURCE Shirvell (1990) NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Mean values for six samples during altered flows using reservoir releases; artificially placed rootwads. Stillwater Sciences B-15 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B Table B-6. Fry early summer rearing depth criteria for steelhead. DEPTH CRITERIA minimum maximum average preferred/ optimal 38.1 cm ∀4.3 (14.86 in ∀1.68) LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE Emergent fry, 33.2 mm (1.33 in) FL (n=240) Shirvell (1990) NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Mean values for six samples during altered flows using reservoir releases; artificially placed rootwads. Table B-7. Age 0+ summer rearing (late summer/fall) velocity criteria for steelhead. VELOCITY CRITERIA minimum maximum average preferred/ optimal <15 cm/s (0.49 ft/s) Highest densities of juvenile fish observed in a range of habitat characteristics. Early summer. 35.6 mm (1.42 in) FL. Bugert et al. (1991) Not annotated. Bankside and snorkel observations of fish habitat use. Age 0. Season not stated Moyle and Baltz (1985) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) Methods not stated. 32.4 mm (1.30 in) total length Stuehrenberg (1975) Measured the densities of fish using a range of habitat characteristics. 6Β49 cm/s (0.20Β1.61 ft/s) Age 0. Season not stated. Thompson (1972) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) Methods not stated. 40 cm/s (1.31 ft/s) Fish length=31Β44 mm (1.24Β1.76 in). Season not stated. Bugert (1985) as cited Spence et al. (1996) Methods not stated. 66Β86 % occupied <20 cm/s in both seasons Summer. Average total length 64.2 mm Johnson and Kucera (1985) Observations were made on the habitat utilization of 801 age 0+ steelhead in three Clearwater River tributaries, Idaho. Also examined available habitat. Bedrock Creek 0.46 ft/s (14 cm/s) 12.4 cm/s ∀ 10.4 (4.8 in ∀ 4.1) NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Everest and Chapman (1972) 7.3 cm/s (0.24 ft/s) 0.85 ft/s (26 cm/s) SOURCE Emergent fry about 32 mm FL. 21.2 cm/s ∀ 2.99 (0.70 ft/s ∀0.10) 0.10 ft/s (3 cm/s) LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) 18.1 cm/s ∀17.4 (7.1 in ∀ 6.8) Big Canyon Creek Stillwater Sciences B-16 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B VELOCITY CRITERIA minimum maximum average preferred/ optimal LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE 16.6 cm/s ∀12.3 (6.5 in ∀ 4.8) NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Cottonwood Creek 12.5 cm/s ∀ 12.0 (4.9 in ∀ 4.7) Autumn. Average total length 84.5 mm Johnson and Kucera (1985) Methods; see above Bedrock Creek 12.1 cm/s ∀ 12.3 (4.7 in ∀ 4.8) Big Canyon Creek 14.2 cm/s ∀ 11.4 (5.5 in ∀ 4.4) Cottonwood Creek Approx. range 1Β6 cm/s (0.03Β0.20 ft/s) Total length 2.5 cm (0.98 in) Late April and early May Smith and Li (1983) Focal point velocities measured at locations where fish were observed using direct observation in Vas Creek, California. Fish were then electrofished to obtain length data. Relative habitat availability was also determined. Α...steelhead selected focal points where water velocities were higher than those typically available in Vas Creek...our results probably underestimate mean water velocities at focal points...≅ Invertebrate drift increased with water velocity. Data in this form is approximated from Figure 2 on page 176 of Smith and Li (1983). Approx. range 5Β10 cm/s (0.16Β0.33 ft/s) Total length 5 cm (1.95 in) Late April and early May Smith and Li (1983) Methods, see above. Approx. range 11Β30 cm/s (0.36Β0.98 ft/s) Total length 7.5 cm (2.93 in) September to December Smith and Li (1983) Methods, see above. 0.40Β0.80 ft/s (12.20Β24. 39 cm/s) June sampling; total length ranged 32Β46 mm (1.28Β1.84 in); average total length = 36.5 mm (1.46 in) Sheppard and Johnson (1985) Methods included both direct observations of fish focal points and seining of very small areas. Values are for mean current velocities. Tributaries to Lake Ontario, New York, with juvenile coho present. Range in which fish Αpredominantly occurred.≅ N=20. Summer flows were approximately 15Β20 cfs (0.42Β0.57 ft 3 /s). ΑThe utilization of areas with higher current velocities in June may reflect the actual physical Stillwater Sciences B-17 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B VELOCITY CRITERIA minimum maximum average preferred/ optimal LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) characteristics of the streams rather than behavioral preferences of these species because stream discharge, and hence, mean current velocities were higher during the June sampling period.≅ 0.10Β0.80 ft/s (3.05Β24.3 9 cm/s) October sampling; total length ranged 51Β86 mm (2.04Β3.44 in); average total length = 67.1 mm (2.68 in) Sheppard and Johnson (1985) Methods included both direct observations of fish focal points and seining of very small areas. Values are for mean current velocities. Tributaries to Lake Ontario, New York, with juvenile steelhead present. Range in which fish Αpredominantly occurred.≅ Flows in October were 60Β70% lower than in June. N=42. Table B-8. Age 0+ summer rearing (late summer/fall) depth criteria for steelhead. DEPTH CRITERIA minimum maximum average preferred/ optimal <15 cm (5.85 in) LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Emergent fry about 32 mm FL. Everest and Chapman (1972) Highest densities of juvenile fish observed in a range of habitat characteristics. 11.7 cm ∀0.63 (4.56 in ∀ 0.25) Early summer. 35.6 mm (1.42 in) FL. Bugert et al. (1991) Not annotated. Bankside and snorkel observations of fish habitat use. 35 cm (13.65 in) Age 0, season not stated Moyle and Baltz (1985) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) Methods not stated. <12 in (30.77 cm) 32.4 mm (1.30 in) total length Stuehrenberg (1975) Measured the densities of fish using a range of habitat characteristics. 18Β67 cm (7.02Β26.1 3 in) Age 0, season not stated. Thompson (1972) Methods not stated. 24 cm (9.36 in) Fish length=31Β44 mm (1.24Β1.76 in). Season not stated. Bugert (1985) as cited Spence et al. (1996) Methods not stated. Stillwater Sciences B-18 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B DEPTH CRITERIA minimum maximum average 40 cm (15.6 in) (<7% of observatio ns > than 40 cm) Both seasons 13.6 cm ∀ 8.0 (5.3 in ∀3.1) preferred/ optimal 5Β25 cm (1.95Β7.80 in) Both Seasons LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) Summer. Average total length 64.2 mm SOURCE Johnson and Kucera (1985) NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Observations were made on the habitat utilization of 801 age 0+ steelhead in three Clearwater River tributaries, Idaho. Also examined available habitat. Bedrock Creek 18.8 cm ∀ 8.1 (7.3 in ∀ 3.2) Big Canyon Creek 17.8 cm ∀ 12.9 (6.9 in ∀ 5.0) Cottonwood Creek 16.8 cm ∀ 12.5 (6.6 in ∀ 4.9) Autumn. Average total length 84.5 mm Johnson and Kucera (1985) Methods; see above Bedrock Creek 17.0 cm ∀ 10.1 (6.6 in ∀ 3.9) Big Canyon Creek 18.8 cm ∀ 12.6 (7.3 in ∀ 4.9) Cottonwood Creek 0.30Β0.50 ft (9.15Β15.2 4 cm) June sampling; total length ranged 32Β46 mm (1.28Β1.84 in); average total length = 36.5 mm (1.46 in) Sheppard and Johnson (1985) Methods included both direct observations of fish focal points and seining of very small areas. Values are for mean current velocities. Tributaries to Lake Ontario, New York, with juvenile coho present. Range in which fish Αpredominantly occurred.≅ N=20. Summer flows were approximately 15Β20 cfs (0.42!0.57 ft 3 /s). ΑThe utilization of areas with higher current velocities in June may reflect the actual physical characteristics of the streams rather than behavioral preferences of these species because stream discharge, and hence, mean current velocities were higher during the June sampling period.≅ 0.60Β1.20 ft (18.29Β36. 59 cm) October sampling; total length ranged 51Β86 mm (2.04Β3.44 in); average total length = 67.1 mm (2.68 in) Sheppard and Johnson (1985) Methods included both direct observations of fish focal points and seining of very small areas. Values are for mean current velocities. Tributaries to Lake Ontario, New York, with juvenile steelhead present. Range in which fish Αpredominantly occurred.≅ Flows in October were 60Β70% lower than in June. N=42. Stillwater Sciences B-19 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B Table B-9. Age 0+ summer rearing (late summer/fall) for steelhead not related to depth or velocity. OTHER HABITAT CRITERIA (e.g., substrate, cover type, distance to cover, gradient, minimum habitat area) LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) 5.7 ∀ 0.43 Summer. Average total length 64.2 mm Johnson and Kucera (1985) Modified Wentworth scale: sand (4.0) gravel (5.0) cobble (6.0) boulder (7.0) bedrock (8.0). Bedrock Creek 5.9 ∀ 0.42 Big Canyon Creek 5.6 ∀ 0.42 Cottonwood Creek 6.2 ∀ 0.47 Autumn. Average total length 84.5 mm Johnson and Kucera (1985) Modified Wentworth scale: see above. Bedrock Creek 6.1 ∀ 0.46 Big Canyon Creek 6.1 ∀ 0.40 Cottonwood Creek Table B-10. Age 0+ winter rearing velocity criteria for steelhead. VELOCITY CRITERIA minimum maximum average preferred/ optimal 0Β15 cm/s (0Β0.49 ft/s) LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) Size not stated. SOURCE Bustard and Narver (1975) NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) 87.1% of observations within this range. Information collected by snorkeling and electrofishing. Velocities taken at focal points. Focal point velocities for age 0+ and 1+ steelhead increased significantly with rising temperatures above 4 o C. Temperatures during sampling were generally less than 10 o C. Table B-11. Age 0+ winter rearing depth criteria for steelhead. DEPTH CRITERIA minimum maximum average preferred/ optimal 0Β15 cm (0Β5.85 in) LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) Size not stated. SOURCE Bustard and Narver (1975) NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Age 0+ steelhead were strongly associated with shallow water, often less than 15 cm deep. Information collected by snorkeling and electrofishing. Stillwater Sciences B-20 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B Table B-12. Age 0+ winter rearing habitat criteria for steelhead not related to depth or velocity. OTHER HABITAT CRITERIA (e.g., substrate, cover type, distance to cover, gradient, minimum habitat area) LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Cover = rubble 10Β25 cm (3.9Β9.75 in) diameter (>50% observed under rocks <15 cm (<5.85) diameter) Bustard and Narver (1975) Information collected by snorkeling and electrofishing. Age 0 and 1+ coho salmon present. Pool or Channel Type = shallow areas of low velocity near stream margin Bustard and Narver (1975) as above Table B-13. Age 1+ and older summer rearing velocity criteria for steelhead. VELOCITY CRITERIA minimum maximum average LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE 12.8 cm/s ∀12.0 (0.42 ft/s ∀0.39 Estimated mean length=124 mm (4.96 in) n=122 Shirvell (1990) 60Β90 cm/s (1.97Β2.95 ft/s) Age 1+, Summer. FL > 100 mm Everest and Chapman (1972) 19.4 cm/s (0.64 ft/s) ΑJuvenile≅ Moyle and Baltz (1985) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) Approx. range 17Β32 cm/s (0.56Β1.05 ft/s) Total length 10.0 cm (3.90 in) September to December Smith and Li (1983) preferred/ optimal NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Mean of six samples during altered flows using reservoir releases; artificially placed rootwads. Highest densities of juvenile fish observed in a range of habitat characteristics. Values given are an average of values collected in sympatric and allopatric populations with chinook. Ranges given are for focal point velocities. Focal point velocities measured at locations where fish were observed using direct observation in Vas Creek, California. Fish were then electrofished to obtain length data. Relative habitat availability was also determined. Α...steelhead selected focal points where water velocities were higher than those typically available in Vas Creek...our results probably underestimate mean water velocities at focal points...≅ Invertebrate drift increased with water velocity. Data in this form is approximated from Figure 2 on page 176 of Smith and Li (1983). Stillwater Sciences B-21 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B VELOCITY CRITERIA minimum maximum average preferred/ optimal Approx. range 15Β35 cm/s (0.49Β1.15 ft/s) 0.15 ft/s (4.57 cm/s) 1.2 ft/s (36.59 cm/s) 0.52 ft/s (15.85 cm/s) LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Total length 12.5 cm (4.88 in) September to December Smith and Li (1983) Methods, see above. Data on larger fish is not included here because the authors considered their observations on larger fish to be likely biased. Mean total length between 114 and 151 mm (4.56Β6.04 in) Stuehrenberg (1975) Measured the densities of fish using a range of habitat characteristics. Table B-14. Age 1+ and older summer rearing depth criteria for steelhead. DEPTH CRITERIA minimum 0.5 ft (15.24 cm) maximum average LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE 56.5 cm ∀13.4 (22.04 in ∀5.23) Estimated mean length=124 mm (4.96 in) n= 122 Shirvell (1990) 60Β90 cm ( 1.97Β2.95 ft) Age 1+, Summer. FL > 100 mm (3.9 in) Everest and Chapman (1972) 63 cm (24.57 in) ΑJuvenile≅ Moyle and Baltz (1985) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) Mean total length between 114 and 151 mm (4.56Β6.04 in) Stuehrenberg (1975) preferred/ optimal NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Mean of six samples during altered flows using reservoir releases; artificially placed rootwads. Highest densities of juvenile fish observed in a range of habitat characteristics. Values given are an average of values collected in sympatric and allopatric populations with chinook. Ranges given are for focal point velocities. Measured the densities of fish using a range of habitat characteristics. Stillwater Sciences B-22 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B Table B-15. Age 1+ and older summer rearing for steelhead not related to depth or velocity. OTHER HABITAT CRITERIA (e.g., substrate, cover type, distance to cover, gradient, minimum habitat area) LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Large substrate, >20 cm (7.80 in) diameter. Age 1+, Summer. FL > 100 mm (3.9 in) Everest and Chapman (1972) Highest densities of juvenile fish observed in a range of habitat characteristics. Values given are an average of values collected in sympatric and allopatric populations with chinook. Ranges given are for focal point velocities. Table B-16. Age 1+ and older winter rearing velocity criteria for steelhead. VELOCITY CRITERIA minimum maximum average preferred/ optimal 0Β15 cm/s (0Β0.60 ft/s) LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Age 1+ Bustard and Narver (1975) 78 % of fish were associated with water velocities <15 cm/s at temperatures < 7 o C. Information collected by snorkeling and electrofishing. Velocities taken at focal points. Focal point velocities for age 0+ and 1+ steelhead increased significantly with rising temperatures above 4 o C. Table B-17. Age 1+ and older winter rearing depth criteria for steelhead. DEPTH CRITERIA minimum maximum average preferred/ optimal Mainly > 45 cm (17.55 in) LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors)) Age 1+ Bustard and Narver (1975) Information collected by snorkeling and electrofishing. Age 1+ steelhead occupied a wide range of depths, but favored depths significantly deeper than age 0+ coho, and were found in depths mainly greater than 45 cm. Stillwater Sciences B-23 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B Table B-18. Age 1+ and older rearing velocity criteria for steelhead [SEASON NOT SPECIFIED]. VELOCITY CRITERIA minimum maximum LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE 10 cm/s (0.33 ft/s) Age 1+ Hanson (1977) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) Race not specified. 15 cm/s (0.49 ft/s) Age 2+ Hanson (1977) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) Race not specified. Age 3+ Hanson (1977) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) Race not specified. Αjuvenile≅ Moyle and Baltz (1985) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) average preferred/ optimal 15 cm/s (0.49 ft/s) 19.4 cm/s (0.64 ft/s) NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Table B-19. Age 1+ and older rearing depth criteria for steelhead [SEASON NOT SPECIFIED]. DEPTH CRITERIA minimum maximum LIFE STAGE NOTES (e.g., fish size, season) SOURCE 51 cm (19.89 in) Age 1+ Hanson (1977) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) Race not specified. 58 cm (22.62 in) Age 2+ Hanson (1977) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) Race not specified. 60 cm (23.4 in) Age 3+ Hanson (1977) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) Race not specified. Stuehrenberg (1975) as cited in Spence et al. (1996) Race not specified average preferred/ optimal 18Β67 cm (7.02Β26.1 3 in) NOTES (e.g., methods, presence of other species, complicating factors) Stillwater Sciences B-24 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Upper Penitencia Creek Limiting Factors Analysis Appendix B LITERATURE CITED Barnhart, R. A. 1991. Steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss. Pages 324-336 in J. Stolz and J. Schnell, editors. The Wildlife Series: Trout. Stackpole Books. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Behnke, R. J. 1992. Native trout of western North America. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. Bell, M. C. 1973. Fisheries handbook of engineering requirements and biological criteria. Contract DACW57-68-C-0086. Fisheries-Engineering Research Program, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division, Portland, Oregon. Bell, M. C., editor. 1986. Fisheries handbook of engineering requirements and biological criteria. Fisheries-Engineering Research Program, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division, Portland, Oregon, NTIS AD/A167-877. Bell, M. C., editor. 1991. Fisheries handbook of engineering requirements and biological criteria. Fish Passage Development and Evaluation Program, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division, Portland, Oregon. Bisson, P. A., K. Sullivan, and J. L. Nielsen. 1988. Channel hydraulics, habitat use, and body form of juvenile coho salmon, steelhead trout, and cutthroat trout in streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 117: 262-273. Bisson, P., J. L. Nielsen, R. A. 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