Mobile Asphalt Mixture Testing Laboratory (MAMTL) Trailer
Mobile Asphalt Mixture Testing Laboratory (MAMTL) Trailer
Office of Pavement Technology Asphalt Pavement Program Mobile Asphalt Mixture Testing Laboratory (MAMTL) Trailer 2008 LTAP/TTAP Conference Breckenridge, CO July 14 – 17, 2008 Long-Life Asphalt Pavement for the 21st Century MAMTL Trailer Mobile Asphalt Lab Technology z z Equipment Development & Refinement z Asphalt Mixture Performance Test (AMPT) z Aggregate Imaging System (AIMS) Evaluation and Performance of New Asphalt Pavement Materials z Asphalt Modifiers, Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) z Development of New QA Concepts for HMA z Advanced Rapid Test Tools z AIMS, SSDetect, CoreLok, CoreDry, Angle Validation Routine Project Site Activities z Material z Mix Characterization Design Replication and Testing z Production Testing Material Characterization Aggregate Stockpile Gradation Asphalt Binder Specific Gravity Specific Gravities T 84 & T 85, CoreLok, SSDetect Consensus Properties Aggregate Imaging (AIMS) Grading M320 Preliminary Testing Mix Design Replication 3 Points Performance Test Specimens • 4 Replicates per Pb Ignition Furnace Correction Factor Production Testing HMA Sample • Performance Specimens •Gradation • Pb • T 30 • • 4 - Replicates Ignition •VMA •Va • T 166 •VFA • CoreLok •P 0.075 / Pbe • Gmm • Gmb • Dynamic Modulus (E*) • Unconfined/Confined • Flow Number (Fn) • Unconfined/Confined Asphalt Mixture Performance Test (AMPT) z Dynamic Modulus (E*) Direct input into AASHTO Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) Software z Addresses Pavement Rutting & Cracking z z Flow Number (Fn) z z May Be Best Simulation of Actual Load Static Creep (Flow Time) Performance Characteristics z Asphalt Mixture Performance Test (AMPT) IPC Global Specimen Fabrication z SGC Specimen 150mm diameter z 165 ~ 190mm height z z Final Test Specimen 100mm (4 in.) diameter z 150mm (6 in.) height z Smooth Parallel Ends z Maximum Aggregate Size z z 37.5mm (1.5 in.) IPC ServoPac Performance Sample Preparation NCHRP Recommended Temperatures and Frequencies Temperature Frequency (Hz) Traffic Speed SLOW °C °F .1 -10 14 .5 4.4 40 1 21.1 70 5 37.8 100 10 54.4 130 25 FAST Master Curve Development 1.0E+07 1.0E+06 12 F 40 F 70 F 100 F 130 F 1.0E+05 1.0E+04 1.E-07 1.E-05 1.E-03 1.E-01 TIME 1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+05 Master Curve Development 1.0E+07 DYNAMIC MODULUS 1.0E+06 12 F 40 F 70 F 100 F 130 F 1.0E+05 1.0E+04 1.E-07 1.E-05 1.E-03 1.E-01 TIME 1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+05 Advanced Rapid Test Tools Aggregate Imaging System (AIMS) z z Distributed by Pine Instrument Company Consensus Property Tests z z z z Coarse Aggregate Angularity (fractured faces) Flat & Elongated Particles Fine Aggregate Angularity (voids in fine aggs) Form, Angularity, and Texture Aggregate Imaging System Form Angularity Texture Angularity – Coarse Aggregate Angular > 6000 SubAngular SubRounded 4000 - 6000 3000 - 4000 Rounded < 3000 Development of 2nd Generation AIMS Device Advanced Rapid Test Tools CoreLok z Marketed by Instrotek Inc. z Versatile device z Gmm z Gmb z Gsb – Coarse & Fine Agg. z Vacuum Sealing Procedure Advanced Rapid Test Tools CoreDry z Marketed by InstroTek Inc. z Rapid Vacuum Drying z Alternating cycles of Vacuum and Heating z Maintains Sample at Room Temperature Advanced Rapid Test Tools SSDetect z Distributed by Barnstead/Thermolyne z Fine Aggregate z Dry – Wet Conditioning z Infrared Conditioning Additional HMA Technology ServoPac - Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) z Capable of measuring Shear Resistance z Compacts tall specimens required for fabrication of performance test specimens IPC ServoPac Additional HMA Technology z Internal Angle Measurement with the Dynamic Angle Validator (DAV) Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) - Internal Angle z Factors Influencing Angle of Gyration SGC Frame Compliance z SGC Maintenance z SGC Mold Wear z Mixture Stiffness z Internal Angle Measurement DAV on Top to measure αT DAV on Bottom to measure αB Mixless SGC Internal Angle z Hot Mix Simulator (HMS) - TestQuip MAMTL Trailer
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