Proyecto: Technological Recycling “ReciTEC”
Proyecto: Technological Recycling “ReciTEC”
San Lorenzo, Paraguay Project: Technological Recycling “ReciTEC” Second Phase 2015-2016 Rotary Foundation and Service Project Committees of San Lorenzo, Paraguay Outline • • • • • • • • • San Lorenzo, Paraguay Precedents and Foundations Objectives Goals Methodology of the project Project’s stages Schedule Beneficiaries Expected results Diffusion 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 2 Precedents San Lorenzo, Paraguay • Community project “PC-Mochila” • Community project “Tenonderã” • Framework agreement with the Polytechnic School of the National University of Asuncion • Specific agreement 1 “Technological recycled project: ReciTEC” 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 3 Foundations San Lorenzo, Paraguay • The low expertise in IT. • Limited access to resources in secondary schools of the city. • Undergraduate students in IT available • Promotion of volunteering • Social responsibility of the University, Rotary Club and the associated companies. 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 4 Objectives San Lorenzo, Paraguay • Main Objective: “To recycle and donate IT equipments to secondary schools with limited resources of San Lorenzo city, with the purpose of make contributions in the reduction of the digital divide of the country within the unprivileged sectors and to facilitate the access to the first job”. 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 5 Specific Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. San Lorenzo, Paraguay To apply the knowledge acquired in the University. To encourage the recycled of IT components to contribute with the environment protection. To comply with the extension requirements by means of communitary projects. To contribute with the learning of collaborative work. To train teachers and students of the assisted secondary schools in the appropriate use and the maintenance of IT equipments. To contribute in the reduction of the digital divide between the citizens of the country. To comply with the ethical standards of the Rotary oriented to the service. 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 6 Goals San Lorenzo, Paraguay • To provide at least 20 computers to the Library or to the computing laboratory of 2 secondary schools as first proposal. • To train at least 5 teachers of the secondary schools in Linux OS or similar during a period of one month. • To train people in the elemental solutions for the preventive maintenance of the equipments. • To adapt the civil infrastructure, electric installations, security protections and furniture of the computer center. 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 7 Methodology • • • • San Lorenzo, Paraguay Collaborative work Volunteers Recycling of IT equipments Members of the community: – Students and professors of the UNA – Students and teachers of the secondary schools benefited. – Rotarians of San Lorenzo. – Companies and other institutions. 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 8 Project Stages San Lorenzo, Paraguay Stage 1: Obtention of the equipments for the recycling and purchase of parts Stage 2: Design and testing of the prototype Stage 3: Presentation of the work in Stage 5- Delivery the ETyC 2015 of the donations to the secondary schools Stage 4: Training of the teachers Stage 6: Diffusion of the results 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 9 Schedule Months 1 2 3 4 5 San Lorenzo, Paraguay 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Launch Acquisitions Recycling Civil works Delivery and training Publication of the results End of the project 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 10 Budget – Global Summary Aprox. Amount U$ Project Institution % 15.000,00 Facultad Politécnica de la UNA 25 15.000,00 45.000,00 ROTARY Global Subvention 75 School 1 Col. Barcequillo 2 Col. San Miguel Arcángel 3 Col. San Rafael 5.000,00 5.000,00 1 Col. Barcequillo 15.000,00 2 Col. San Miguel Arcángel 3 Col. San Rafael 12/03/2015 San Lorenzo, Paraguay Total 5.000,00 15.000,00 Community Projects TOTAL AMOUNT U$:Service 60.000,00 100 11 Estimated Budget per individual project Object of Expenditure 1- Equipment reconditioning 2- Equipment installation 3- Beneficiary Training Aprox. Amount U$ San Lorenzo, Paraguay Institution Facultad 5.000,00 Politécnica de la UNA 4- Parts procurement 2.600,00 5- Classroom reconditioning – 5.000,00 ROTARY Global Civil works Subvention 6- Classroom reconditioning – 5.000,00 (U$ 15.000,00) Electrical installation 7- Classroom furnishing 2.400,00 TOTAL AMOUNT U$: Service20.000,00 12/03/2015 Community Projects % 25 13 25 25 12 100 12 Funding San Lorenzo, Paraguay • Funding from Rotary Foundation – Regional – International • Contributions in kind from companies and institutions of the community. • Funding from Rotary Club San Lorenzo activities 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 13 Human Talents Available for the Project San Lorenzo, Paraguay • Professors from the Informatics Department of FP-UNA • Two or more employees from the Informatics Department of FP-UNA • Twelve or more students from Informatics Science, Electricity Bachelor, Electrical Engineering and Informatics Engineering. • Members of Rotary Club of San Lorenzo • Community Volunteers 12/03/2015 Community of Service Projects 14 Beneficiaries San Lorenzo, Paraguay Public schools with low resources from San Lorenzo: 1. Chóferes del Chaco School – San Lorenzo, 20 PCs. – Phase 1. (developing) 2. Barcequillo School- San Lorenzo, 20 PCs. Phase 2. 3. San Miguel Arcángel School- San Lorenzo, 20 PCs. Phase 3. 4. San Rafael School– San Lorenzo, 20 PCs. Phase 4. Number of beneficiaries: 2,500 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 15 Technical Survey to Choferes del Chaco School – Phase 1 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects San Lorenzo, Paraguay 16 Expected results and evaluation mechanisms San Lorenzo, Paraguay • It is expected that through the development of prototypes, undergraduate students of FP-UNA, improve their knowledge and skills in computer recycling. – This result will be evaluated according to the scores obtained during the design process and computer assembling using a Checklist. • It aims to increase the number of teachers and students trained in the use of both Operating System and Office Automation tools. – These results will be evaluated based on the training records and evaluation test of teachers and students. • To facilitate to the youth the access to better employment. – This result is evaluated keeping track of the promoted students . 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 17 Project Sustainability San Lorenzo, Paraguay • Ability to solve long-term needs of the community and keep operative the computer centers. • Community empowerment as an active part of the project, working to improve the laboratories. • Sponsorships from companies to obtain financial support for the maintenance of laboratories. • Monitoring plan of the project by the Rotary Club of San Lorenzo. • Association with other prestigious institution as UNA. 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 18 Diffusion of the Results San Lorenzo, Paraguay • Presentation in the Rotary events. • Posting on Official Rotary sites (Rotary Showcase) • Allusive poster • Press and media • Social Network and other means of diffusion • Preparation of an academic or scientific papers showing the achieved results. 12/03/2015 Community Service Projects 19 San Lorenzo, Paraguay Project: Technological Recycling “ReciTEC” 2015-2016 Rotary Foundation and Service Projects Committees Elaborated by: María Elena García [email protected]
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