METROPOLITAN, On the European Plan in Connection 100 AND 102 It HI6H, COR. E. A. BELLEVILLE. - W I T H THE— THOMAS HOUSE. 591 n OfRER CITIES AND TOWNS IN ST. CLAIR COUNTY. * i BIRKNER. Situated on the L & N R, 10 miles from St Louis and 4 from Belleville, the county seat and nearest banking point. Populatian 500. Am Ex. Elizabeth Thomas,postmistress. Avery Joseph, genl store. McCord Charles, carp. Avery Wm, coal mine. Oakland Coal Co, miners '& Clause H J, justice of peace. shippers. Stoll C Mrs, saloon. Crown Coal mine. Daniels& Marsh,coal miners Thomas Dan, genl store. Turner Geo B, painter. Grange News Publ Co. Whittle J Mrs, Saloon. Maslam J, saloon. Llewellyn W , nursery- CI CASEYVILLE. An incorporated village on t h e O & M R R and theYandalia R R, 11 miles ne of Belleville, the county seat, and 3 miles sw of Collins ville, the nearest banking point. Tel W U . Adams Ex. Population 900. Postmaster, Lloyd T Miller. BOARD OF TRUSTEES—Pres, Bescabe Frank, shoemkr Geo Haig; Clk, Jos Maish Brinan Robert, miner. jr; Treas, Gotfred Nuetzer. Broemscr Frank, lab. Buckley Ellen Miss. TRUSTEES—David Morgan, John Jacobs, Jos Maich sr, Buckley Johanna Miss, res. Henry Koblitz, EvinI Ed Buckley Michael, lab. Carr Gettie Miss, res. wards, Robert Wolf. Cody Charles, lab. Armstrong Oscar, lab. Cody James, lab. Brown Lizzie Miss, res. Coffel Rebecca Mrs (wid Barton Charles, lab. Daniel), res. Bauer Thomas, lab. Coffel William, lab. Beese James, miner. * Coffel George, lab. Black Charles, shoemkr. Dellmore Josephine (wid Blake Charles E. Conrad), res. Blake Charles E, farmer. Donelson Emma Miss, res. » Blake Chas E jr,clk Hueckel n Donelson Henry, miner. William. Donelson Luanda Mrs (wid 0* Blake Enich R, farmer. James). Blake Hester E, Miss. Dowlar Aaron, lab. Blake James, lab. Doyle James, miner. Blake Louis, lab. W W T I U« IF YOU WANT A ESTEY X CAMP. Piano or Oipi. 010 Olive Street, 8T. LOUIS, MO. V n a 3 K 6 T > •a el* if*' -2J 5< e 6- = , P Si c* a b • Q a: •< * * < oilet Articles, Schmitt Drug Co. H . W . . A . M L , Belleville. Nl. 592 Eaton Elizabeth Mrs (wid Jenkins Given Miss, res. Jenkins John, station agt. Johu), washing. Jenkins Morgan, dry goods Edwards Evin T, farmer. & groceries. Edward Jacob, farmer, SO a Jones Wm L, miner. renter. Johnson Charles, tel opr. Elliott Edwin, miner. Kersey Ed B, elk Hueckel W Elliott Eliza Miss, res. Kersey Johanna Mrs (wid Elliott Wm C, farmer. William), res. Enright Alice Miss. Kersey John G, carp, res. Enright AliceMrs( wid John) Kersey Wm M, carp. Enright Cathran Miss. Kincaid Alexander. Enright Daniel, miner. Kincaid George, lab. Enright James, miner. Kincaid John J, lab. Enright Patrick, miner. William, miner. Flood John, lab. Fortume Alice, teacher, res. KOBLITZ HENRY, sheet iron worker & painter. Gahns Charles, farmer. Kunkel Edw, blacksmith. Gavin Patrick. Geissert Geo, saloon & bar Kunkel Margret Mrs (wid Phillip), res. ber shop. Goforth Mary Mrs (wid Lutz William, basket mkr. Maisch Clement, butcher Richard.) Joseph Maisch. Goforth Preston, lab. Margan David, miner. Goshel Adolph, carp. Maisch Joseph, agt Western Goshel Wolfg, cabinet mkr. Brewery. Haig Augusta P Mrs (wid Maisch Joseph jr, butcher Alexander). Joseph Maisch. Haig Elizabeth Miss, res. HAIG GEORGE, notary public, Mees Clemence, lab. justice of peace and saloon Mees Jacob, miner. Mees Matilda Mrs (wid Jac) Hanralty Arthur, painter. Herron Elizabeth Mrs (wid Meyer John, saloon. Meyer Josephine Miss, res Alexander), washing. Meyer Paulene Miss, res. Higgins George, plasterer. Miller John, lab. Hill William, miner. Hoeltmann Annie Miss, res. MillerJnoE,prin pubschool Hoeltmann Amelia Miss, res Miller Lloyd T, physician. Hoeltmann Ferdinand, lab. Mitchell Abraham, lab. Miulberger Elizabeth Miss, Hoeltmann John T. milliner. Hueckel Wm H, dry goods Moelcr Susan Miss, res. & groceries. Molloy David, saloon. Jacobs John. Moser Frederick, blksmith Jenkins Addie Miss, res. & wagonmkr. Jenkins Elizabeth Miss, ires. CQ OdTie 202 Broadway. " U N * * of Jill Minis, «1*0 Warehouse 417 RailroH«l Ave. Tel r.020._„ KAST ST. Lours, ILLINOES Pipe *ud Tiling* all Hlzm. SftWW DRY G00D8, Wm. NOTIONS, Eckhardt, JF. 106 TO 110 W . MAIM S T . , GROCERIES, ••Ilovllle* -AT- 593 Moser H y , wks Frd Moscr Moscr Jacob, carriage ptr Muilbcr Louisa Mrs, (wid Louis). Muetzel Andrew, farmer. Nuetzel Godfred, saloon. Peronev Jos„ plaster. POIGNEE FRANCIS P ph ysician Potzel Adam, lab. Potzel Anna Miss, res. Potzel Christena Miss, res. Potzel Eliz Mrs (wid Adam) Potzel Soplia Mrs (wid P h ) Pretzel Henry, blksmith. Price John, miner. Powell Edwin,eng,bds W m Powell. Powell Wm, farmer, (73a, p o Casey ville. Ruban David, shoemkr. Roy Gertie Mrs( wid Jno), res Rcufert Henry, blksmth H y Prentzcl. Revel Louis, miner. Schmidt Annie M , Miss, res Schmidt Eliz M Miss, res Schmidt Eliz Mrs (wid John) Schmidt Jas W , machinist. Schwarzkopf Clem, blksmth Shannon James. Shivelry Cyrus, lab. Skepard Richard, miner. Schmidt August, lab. Smith Elizabeth Miss, res f Smith John, lab. Snadden ]os, miner. Snadden Margret Mrs ( w i d Joseph). Snadden Peter, saloon. Sockrider Daniel, plasterer. Stephens Albena Mrs ( w i d Mat hew). Stockwell Geo, lab. Stockwell John, lab. Strong Eli H , lab. Sutz Jacob, miner. Taylor James, miner. Taylor Win, res. Tilman Chas, farmer. Tiss Eug, farmer (6Sa,rents) Vecter Frederick, miner. Yogel Geo, harnessmkr. Voetel Joseph, lab. Wasser Domnic,farmer(25a, rents). Webb & Gavin, dry goods and groceries (Emanuel Webb and Patrick Gavin) Webb Emanuel. Werner August, miner. Werner Eliz Mrs (wid Chas) Werner M Mrs ( w i d Balthaser). Wild John, lab. Williams Annie Mrs. ( w i d Henry). Woodall Jno, bdsDav Rubin CENTERVILLE STATION. On the L & St L Air Line and St L A & T H R R, 8 miles northwest of Belleville, the county seat, and 7 from St Louis, M o ; population, 250; daily mail, J B Letempt, postmaster. Bassgens & Tonchettc,groc R o y o t t J Mrs, saloon. Hop|>e Theodore, blksmith Soucy Clovis, gcnl store. Melgrain A , Mrs, grocer. Touchette Andrew, saloon Merod John, saloon. J. A. BECHERER, LUMBER YARD, 14 N . Charles Street. - JtELfJ3VILLE, 1XU HARD* SOFT AT B R U E C C E M A N N'8. Promptness a *|>eiialt.v. TELEPHONES 113 & 148 — 1107 LKIIASOX AVE. -f BELLEVILLE, ILL CAHOKIA. On the Mississippi River, 14 miles from Belleville, the judicial seat, A /, miles from Hast St Louis, the banking and shipping point; population, 250; mail daily; Alex ander Yicn, postmaster. St Clair Powder Co. Applegate Thos, lab. McCracken R X, physician. Bashant Jos A, farmer. Manor Peter, blacksmith. Besancon Joseph, farmer. Bowser Jesse, lab. Manor William, lab. Bowser Sanders (col'd). lab Marshall Mary (wid Frank) Bourdaux A M, gen mdse. Meifuss John F Rev, rector Bourdeaux Maggie Miss. Church of the Holy Family Bourdeaux Xarcisse. Merren Frank, fanner. Bourdeaux X jr. farmer. Morriseau Louis, farmer. Brann Florence, farmer. Xeal Conlogue, lab. Carlton James X. farmer. Osher John, lab. Chartrand Joseph, farmer. Palmier Andrew, lab. Chatllion Peter, carp. Palmier Jesse, lab. Church of the Holy Family Palmier John Iv, saloon. of Cahokia. Rev John F Palmier Louis, farmer. Meifuss, rector. Perio John, farmer. Davis Jane (wid James B). Parochial School of the Holy Dedier Edward, farmer. Family, Sister Salome, Delorne Frank, lab. Superioress. Delormcjohn I>, farmer. Pierron Michael, farmer. Droit Camill \V, pres & sec Rcnois Wm jr, b a r t d r . St Clair Powder Co. Renois Wm S, physician. Flotiron Ada (wid Adolph). Rouliard Ambrose, farmer. Flotiron Aug, mail earner. Rouliard P (wid Frank). Flotiron Emma Miss. Roberts Levi (col'd),farmer Gerber Rosa (wid Ulrieh). St Clair Powder Co, C W Herbert Julius. Droit, pres and sec, Xicho Jackson Wiley (col'd), lab. las McCracken, treas. Labcnhofcr Godfrey, lab. Saucy Clovis,capitalist. Labenhofer Joseph, lab. Saucy Louis, farmer. LaCroix L 0 Miss, teacher. Sauget Ernest, farmer. Lavelle Francis. Sneed Robt (col'd), lab. Letempt George, farmer. Steimel Catlierine Mrs. Levelle Joseph, constable. Vien Alex S, P M & gen md Levy Xicholas, farmer. Wasmer Joseph, lab. McCane Thomas H, lab. White Albert, lab. McCracken Xicholas, Williams Grant (col'd), lab. 1 Theodore J. ^raffl & Son, F I R E A N D LIFE *\i i/-, :n i»um,ic INSURANCE. V »V SQUARE, BELLCVILLE. ILL. PIEPER & 3$DGLE\, INSURANCE. BSfflKiL 595 DARMSTADT. Is 22 miles southeast of Belleville, the county seat and 6 north of Marissa, the banking and shipping point; pop ulation 2 0 0 ; mail daily, C G Rummler, postmaster. Bollmeier Conrad. mdse. Bechmann Daniel. Och & Plasterer, creamery. Darmstadt German Evang Och R, (Och & Plasterer). Lutheran Church. Rev J Plasterer J , Och & Plasterer JargstorfT, pastor. Reuss Henry. Darmstadt Old Luth Ch, Rohlfing Alexander L. German, Rev Alex Rohl- Ruemmler Alex, boot and fing, pastor. shoe mkr. Eckcrt G M, flour and feed. RUEMMLER CHRIST G. post Gaubatz Philip. master and hotel. Hebcrer Conrad, carp and Ruemmler Henry. builder Schutz Aug C, school tchr. Hadcrcr Win, basket mkr. Schlesinger Philip. Heit George. Stroth William. Juenger Anna (wid Christ) Theobald Henry. Juenger IT L, wagon mkr. Theobald J a c , wagon mkr. JargstoriTJohn Rev. Tielmann Christ. Juenger Michael. Twenhoefcl Bern. Keim Freclk W, constable. Twenhoefcl Philip B . Koetke John. WEIBLE JOHN F. principal pub Kock Hartman, blacksmith. school. Lche Henrv. Wcilmunster Henrv J r . METELMANN MARTIN F. gen'l DOUGLASS. Is 0 miles south of Belleville, has about 1 2 5 inhabi tants, a grist mill, 2 saloons, blacksmith, 1 grocery and get mail at Smith ton. Kwakl Adam. Lanucrt Fred G. IItick Peter. Phillips Andrew J . Lse Charles. Polstcr John, saloon. Koeher Jacob, blacksmith. Schoenbach F, wagon mkr. Keiser J a c o b J r . Stitzel Christ. Koclmumn H, saloon grocer Woods Joseph, and miller. EAST CARONDELET. Incorporated 1 S 7 1 ; 7\A miles s c of \l St Louis on O &: M R K; William Kirckholf pres; Carl Grumbald treas;, Johnson C Sinclair clerk ; population M50. Cec Your Til, Copper # Sheet Iron Work Done f ^ U T T C IS C^. I I ' O Vrnno. r ^ w i u O , BELLEVILLE, 26 at I . MAIN ST»» - ILL, r p o i l e t Soaps, SCHHITT DRUG CO. 1 ETC., Belleville, - ' HI. 596 Adelsbergcr 0 . farmer and constable. Alexander H y (col'd) farmer. Auer H, boot and shoenikr. Bell John J, blacksmith. Boisncnue N, gen'l mdsc. Brinkman Henry, saloop. Brown Frank, (cold) lab. Brown Richard, (col'd), lab Brown Robert, (col'd), lab Boyd Richard, (col'd), tchr Chamberlain Robert, lab. Chattilion Constnce, farmer Col'd Baptist Church, Rev Frederick Lunee, pastor Cross Lawson G, blksimth Dains Wm, retired. Driscoll Lizzie Miss, tchr. E Carondalet Cornet Band, Phil I I Sopp, leader. Ferries Isaac, (col'd), lab. Godat Aug, lab. Gough Leonard, (col'd),lab Gough Reuben, (col'd), lab Gra3 John, carp. Gounbald Carl, farmer and village treas. Hamilton Arthur II, fanner Hamilton Alex, retired. Henning Emma, (wid John) Hixon John, lab. Hougherty Jos, (col'd), lab Jackson Carl, lab. Johnson Jesse, lab. Kirckhoff Wm, pres of East Carondelet vil and farmer Kirk Chas, B farmer. Koons Wm, farmer. Lewis Christian, farmer. Lindman Frederick, farmer Lunee Fredck Rcw, (col'd) Lucus Emma Miss, (coPd) T Lucus Lucy Miss, (col'd). McCormiek John W, justice of the peace. McGce Joseph, (col'd), lab McGreggory Chas, lab. McGreggory Liz, (wid Sam) McGreggory Lizzie Miss. Wales Geo, farmer. May field Thomas, farmer. Montgomery Jno, (col'),lab Moore Victoria, (wid John) Nobel Louis, retired. Pugh Edw, farmer. Pugh Peter W , farmer. Pulse John, constable. Porker James A. Pugh Leroy H , justice of the peace. Reilly Wm, sec foreman. Ross Young, farmer. Scott John, sand contractor Shoults Nelson. Sinclair Johnson C, postmstr, carp and village elk Smith Jackson. Smizcr Jacob, physician. Soph Henry, gen'l mdse. Sopp Phil, prin Pub School Stein Frank, Imrtdr. Straub Stephen. Talbot Thos, retired. Vance John C. Williams Thos, farmer. Wilson King, farmer. Winslow James, farmer. Wirgcs Henry, lab. Wirger Jacob, lab. W y a t t David, (col'd),prin E Carondelet pub school. W y a t t Wm, farmer. Young Jacob, saloon. FAYETTEVILLE. An incorporated village on the Kaskaskie River, 14 miles southeast of Belleville, the county seat and general K V I AVAUX-» t L DOMESTIC AND TROPICAL I7RU1T3 1 IN KUEVILLE. Farm Wagons and Farm Supplies, Austin Road Grader. KIRCHER X SON 21 W. Mate Street, BELLEVILLE, ILL 597 banking point, and 7% miles south of Mascoutah, the nearest shipping point; population 350; mail daily; Step hen Valkamp, pres; V Waslin, postmaster. Aberle Frank W, saloon. Aberle Marcus. Backer Vincenes. Loux Wm. Bassenhorst William. Mense John. Baucher J F. Moss Herman. Baumgarte Anna Miss. Mueller Henry. Baumgarte F,saloon& hotel Neise John. Baumgarter Wm. Pabst Charles. Bieser George, meat market Paule Wm. Brcuhan Christ. Pifner George. Breuhan Joe. Rank John. Brueckner William. Rembe Chas. Buecher Harmon. Ruffner John. Burgard Louis, gen mdse. St Bongrataions Roman Crossmann Lemuel. Catholic Church,Rev Chas Dressier Herm G, undertaker Zwisler, rector. Kidman Edward. Schneider Gerhart. Erhard Ellis. Schmidt Fred. Erhard Frank. Schrag Jacob. Falter Peter. Schuh John. Favettevillc Free Protest'nt Sommerlad Henry. Church, Rev Emil Schwilk- Stein Adolph, saloon. man, pastor. Stein August. Fayctteville Public School, Steiger Henry. Wm Koehlcr, teacher. Strathmann Herm, photo'r Fleckenstein Conrad. Strathman John. Haack Fred. Straubinger Benedict. Hcimberger Gust. Straubinger John. Heimberger Rud, ins agent. Suess Frank. Horstkoetter Henry. Snitzmeyer Frank. Jansen Hvnry. Tyberend Frank. Kammcnz Chas. Vahlkamp George jr. Kreickemeier A, blacksmith Vahlkamp George sr. Koester Wm jr. Vahlkamp Bernard. Koester Wm Sr. Vahlkamp Fred. Lehr Michael. Vahlkamp Stephen, city pres Lesker Henry. Vahlkamp Theodore. Lucder diaries. Vauree Wm. Lueder John. Voskamp Henry. Luetke Christ. Wasem Geo P, gen mdse. L I A O I N O C H A M P A C N B S Af.'t VV FOM S A L E HV & JOS. LEOPOLD JBRO. MUMM-S KXTKA DttV. j$ BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. L ACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. BELLEVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY. 59S Wasem Valcnt, postmaster. Wcichbrod Fred. Wilhelmsmeyer Chas. Will Chas. Zwisler Chas. FLORAVILLE. Is 12 miles se of Belleville, nearest bank point. One church, 2 general stores, 3 saloons, 1 school, blacksmith, wagonmaker, etc. Mail tri-weekly. Population 75. Chas C Horn, postmaster. Becker Adam. ter and gen incise. Dill John, saloon. KaemjKr Louis E, gen incise Etting Gustav, saloon. Lindauer Christian, saloon. Evangelical Luth Church, Lout Jacob. no pastor. Metzger Fritz, shoemkr. Frank Andrew, blksmith. Miller Alonzo A, school tchr Fischer John G. Opitz Gustav, wagonmkr. Ganter G, physician. Public School, Alonzo A Horn Christian C, postmas Miller, tchr. FREEBURG. Incorporated 1S75. Chas Weber, pres; John Sintzcl, clerk; George WBarthel treas; GeorgeSchuerger,super visor An incorporated village on the St L A & T I I R R ; 7 miles se of Belleville, the county seat and banking point; 21 miles se of St Louis, M o . Tel \V U, telephone communica tion with Belleville, St Louis, Fayettevilleand New Athens; Adams Exp. Population $50, Philip Krauss, postmaster. Adams Express Co, Henry Blake Jessie, miner. Hubery agt. Blottner Adeline Miss. Adams Sarah E, res. Blottner Samuel, carp. Anderson James, lab. Borger, Dan, blacksmith. Archibald David, miner. Borger Dan jr, wks Dan Arras George, elk. Borger sr. Arras John, blksmith. Borger Louis, lab. Ball Louisa Mrs. Ballard Rachacl Mrs ( w i d Braun C, wagon mkr, wks Frank). P Braun. Barthel Christ, village mar- Braun Phillip wagon mkr. shall. Brenner Eva Mrs, (wid Geo). Barthel George W, elk. Brielmeier Her, shoe mak. Barthel Henry, gen store. Buechler George, retired. Batdorf Franklin, druggist. Carter Chas, coal miner. Bauer Casper, shoemkr. Carter Chas A, coal miner. Becker Ghas, sec Freeburg Classen Cor. A , lumtaryd. Coal Co, t o w n elk. Classen E, wks C A Classen. P IAN0S AND ORGANS. 214 CollfiiKvilte Ave., SI. LIOIIIK. Custav Lehman. LARGE SAMPLE ROOMS AT THE- THOMAS HOUSE, E. MAIN. COR. HIGH. BELLEVILLE. ILL. 599 Classen M a y Miss, res. Classen Rose Miss, res. Conrad Gustav, miner. Conrad Henry, engineer. C o n r a t h Geo, miner. Conrath Peter. Conratli Philip H, stoves and furniture. Dabmest Hy, wks R M Co. D a r m s t a d t c r F r e d a ick. D a n n s t a d t e r G Freeburg Creamery C o . D a n n s t a d t e r Herman, Free b u r g Creamery Co. Dibble Emil, butcher. Dinkelmann J o b IT. Dippel Val, meat market. Dobl J o h n , lab. Dolimert Henrv, eooper. Eberhardt J , wks R M Co. Eder Louis, barber, E t l i n g Conrad. E t l i n g F C, wks R M C o . E t l i n g Peter, wks R M Co. Etling Philip, elk. E t l i n g Philip, lab. Etlinger Joseph, coal miner. F l a c h i g Joseph, miner. Fogel M a r y , ( w i d J o h n ) . F o r e a d e J o h n , constable. Foulks Abbie Miss. F o u l k s Art, wks R M C o . Foulks Mary Mrs. F r a n k Charles, blacksmith. Franz B a r t o l o m e w , tin shop Freeburg Creamery Co, Geo D a n n s t a d t e r and Herman Dannstadter. Freeburg Hotel, A Wolf, pro Freeburg S t Joseph C a t h olic Church, Rev Anton Wirtschoreck rector, II gh M a s s 1 0 a in; Sunday schl 2 p m ; vesjxrrs 2:.'S0 p in. German Anton, wks R M C o . German Evangelical Luth eran Church. S t Pauls E v a n g Church; Rev Theo dore H o r n , p a s t o r ; Sun days service 1 0 a m, Sun day school 1 p in. Gcrmann M a r y , (wid A n t ) . Germain Michael, ret. Gibson J o h n , lab. Grebe William, physician. Grass Jacob,flour and feed. Guidra M a t h c w , a g t C a i r o S h o r t Line R R. Hanson Charles, sec man. Harsh M r s , (wid J a c o b ) . Hcbcrer Gustav, elk. Heid I d a H, Miss. Heid J o h n , ins agt, police m a g i s t r a t e and town assr. Heid M a t i l d a H Miss. Heigele J a c o b , shoe mkr. Heiligenstein Chrstn. soda w a t e r mftr. Heiligenstein F X . saloon. Heillisheim Peter, coal miner Heine Henry, lab. Herman Fredk W . student Hermann Peter j r . gen store Hertel Henry, physician. Hild |ohn, miner. Hild Ottilie Mrs, midwife. Hilesheinn George, miner. Hill Agnes Miss. Hill Alice Miss. Hill Andrew J, ret farmer. HillChas. Hill James, retired. Hill J n o F . a g t Crown Mil ling C o . Hilsing Michael,wks R M Co H i k i n g Maggie, (wid G e o ) . Hoffmann, Hlisaljeth, (wid Philip), gen store. s gsTEY s CAMP,P^;;;;r" S t . Louis, Mo. ORGANS, Paints Oils, SCHim DRDC CO. I 18 W . Belleville. IIL 600 Hoffmann Kate, (wid Hv), elk. Hoffman Matilda, Miss. Holloway John C, miner. Horn Theodore Rev, pastor Evang Luth Church. HuberGus (II Hubcr& Son) Huber H H, (Huber cc Son. Huber Henry & Son, (Henry & Gusta v), gen store, Huber Mary Miss. Hubert Jacob, coal miner. Hubert William, coal miner. Hummiel Elizabeth (wid). Jones Geo rife, engineer. Jordan Walter S, wks Richert Milling Co. Kaiser George, lab. Kelly Jas C, photographer. Kelmer Mary, (wid Alex). Kessler Henry, ret. Kohl Geo. bkpr. Klcimjohn, Kleim John Jr, miner. Klein George, wks R M Co. Kline Barney, coal miner. Klingel John, ret. Koeberlin Fred, physician. Koesterer Philip, ret. Krauss A & Co, (Andrew and Philip), gen store. Krauss Ada Miss. Krauss A, (A Krauss & Co.) Krass Bertha C Miss, tchr public school. Krauss Philip, post master. Kruig Charles, druggist. Kruig Ida Miss, res. Kruig Louisa Miss res. LeGrand Mabel Miss, tchr public school. Legrant John, lab. Lemon,WW, wks R M Co. Lindmann Ida, (widHerm). Lippert J no, wks R M Co. Lucash Joseph farmer. Ly Joseph, miner. MeCormick, Wm, secfornin. Mack Eliza Miss, res. Mack Frank, coal miner. Mager George, carp. Mahlman Hy.cooper R MCo Mahlman Reg'a(wid Louis) Mason Lotiina (wid Jacob) M a s r a n g Nicholas C, ptr. Meier Anton, blksmith. MemgChristina (wid Louis) Meng Conrad, miner. Meng George, engineer. Meng Lizzie Miss, teacher Grange Hall School. Mciug Martin, miner. Meng Mary Miss. Merrick Stephen, carp. M e t ill o d i s t Epi se op a 1C h urch C D Shumard, pastor. Meyer Donat, blksmith. Miller Louis.cooper R M C o Miller Louis, coal miner. Moesser Frederick, principal Freeburg Public School. Moss Henry, coal miner. Mueller Seraphinc Mrs, hse keeper. Nold Christina Mrs (wid Michael. Nold lid ward, coal miner. Nold Frank, coal miner. Nold Frd, cooper R M Co. Noss M a t hew, miner. P a r r o t t Louis.millcr R M Co Peter Albert, lab. Peter Florence Miss. Peterson Win C, agctl store Pitts James, elk. Procasky Clara Miss. Procasky, Km ma Miss. Procasky Frank, miner. W. H.oiiice HILL & BR0. 202 lirondwtiy. Warehouse '11? R.-iilrosul A ve. Telephone 6020. E A S T S T . T.OUIS. I L L I N O I S . '»••»*-' Materials of All Ktaltt. Constantly o» Han4. Flour & Feed. WM. IJCKBaRDT, JR. 106 T O 110 W . M A I N , ILL. 601 Procasky Mary Miss. Quick Julia (wid Francis). RaenekgerBened't, slioemkr Randle Jos, miner. Randlc Wm, foreman Randle Coal Co. Rauch George, painter. Rauch John, ret. Rauth Emma Miss, res. Rauth Frieda Miss, res. Rauth Geo H, wks R M Co. Rauth George, driver. Rauth Gustav, coal miner, Rauth John, coal miner. Rauth Mary Miss, res. Rathheim Harney, tinner. Rathheim Berthold, cooper, R M Co. Rathheim Geo, hamessmkr. Rathheim J a c o b , harness. Rathheim Paul, harncssmkr Rehl Peter, wks R M Co. Reichert Amelia Mrs (wid J a c o b ) , saloon. Reichert Freida Miss. Reichert Geo,supt REICHERT MILLING CO. Reichert Ida Miss, res. Reichert Jacob, farmer. Reichert johannah Mrs (wid John). Reichert Jos, pres REICHERT MILLING CO. Reichert Jos jr, coal miner. REICHERT MILLING CO., J o s Reichert, pres; W J Reich ert, scc&treas; Geo Reich ert, supt. Reichert Wm T, sec & treas REICHERT MiLLING CO. Reuthcr John, school tcher. Rochy B.'irbetta Miss. Rochy Valentine, miner. Roeder Magrett Mrs. L UMBER,»» Klumrlts, b l h , Sash. Ifcwrs, Etc. M N.Cti«rietSt. BELLEVILLE.ILL Roeder William, saloon. Ruh Andrew, tailor. Ruppert Anna Miss, res. Ruppert Nicholas, lab. St Joseph Parochial School, conducted by Sisters of Precious Blood, Sister Erama, superioress. Schaefer Emma, dom A Wolf Schanz Fredk, wks R M Co. Scheick Henry, carp. Scheick Phillip, carp. Scheid Anna Miss. Scheid Bertha Miss. Scheid Carrie Miss. Scheid Charles, carp. Scheid Louis, carp. Schendanz Philip, ret. Schendanz Philip, farmer. Schiek Edward, carp. Schiek William, carp. Schifferdecker Andrew, lab. Schifterdeckcr Christ, farmer Schifferdecker Felix, lab. Schifferdecker Frieda Miss. Schifferdecker Wm, farmer. Schifferdecker Wm j r , miner. Schmidt Frank sr, wks Reichert Milling Co. Schmitt Frk, wks R M Co. Schmitt Theresa Miss. Schuerger Francis Miss. Schuerger G, town supcrvsr Schuerger Helen Miss. Schuerger K a t e Miss. Schumard Chas D, pastor M E Church. Schwald John, wks R M Co Serth R G, wks R M Co. Sintzel J , bakery & cigar mfr Sorg Conrad, saloon. Skacr J a c o b . SkaerJacob,carp. Stenglein Christian, lab. AT BECHERER'S •# Y H R D . * s in ^ m m as m o 2 o o 3 n S <*> £ >= BRUECCEMANjTS (^C^ y \ I | BEST. 1107 LEBANON AVE. TELEPHONES 1134148. S T i H E BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS* 602 A Stephan A G. wks R M Co. Walker George, lab. Weber Charles, furniture. Stephan A J , Avks R M Co. Weber Matilda Miss. Stephan Adolpli, saloon. Wiemer George, teamster. Steplian L, cooper R M Co William Henry, miner. Stoll Adam, bartender. Winterbauer Chas, mason. Stoll Joseph, coalniincr. Winterbauer F Mrs,midwife Stoll Louis. Wirtsehoresh A Rev, rector Stoll Theresa (wid Adam). St Josephs Church. Stoll Theresa Miss. CO Wise Henry, miner. Strutz Edward, farmer. Woldrich James, lab. Tisch Charles, lab. Tisch Lizzie Miss. Wolf A, prop F reel>urg hotel Truck Jacob, tailor. Wolf Phil, cooper R M Co. Woods Enos, lab. t— r Turner Helen M Miss. 00 " Turner Matilda (wid L D). Woods Joseph, wks R M Co UJ Yarner Edna E (wid J a s ) . Yager Peter, meat market. Vielweber Adam, lab. Yanke Otto, sectionman. Yoegel Mary (wid John). Zacher Christ, wks R M Co Vogel Charles, cooper. Zacher Christ, cooper, wks Vogel Frederick, barter. St Louis. Ui Yo<^el William. Zachner I), cooper R M Co. X Vote Yal, justice of peace FRENCH VILLAGE. On the L & N R R. 7 miles east of S t Louis and 7 miles west of Belleville, the county seat; Adams Express; T Davinroy, postmaster Davinroy Joseph, saloon. Kehr Aug, wagonmkkr. Fetterer L, blksmith. Lepage J o s , gen'l store. Fulons 15ros, physicians. Payner Frank, saloon. Kampmeyer Aug, grocer. H . B I E S E R St S O N . Manufacturers of and dealers in HARNESS, SAOQLES, COLLARS. WHIPS. ROBES, BLANKETS, BRUSHES, CURRY COMBS, FLY NETS, STC. 2»0 E A S T M A I N S T . , . . . BELLEVILLE, ILL. ST. CLAIR TITLE OFFICE. (KSTAliMHIKI) IN 1 H « ) 2 . ) Furnishes Abstracts o} Title and Reliable Information concerning all Real Estate 1 in St. Clair County. Deeds, Mortgages and other Legal Documents drawn correctly, neatly and with despatch IN C O U R T H O U S E , M. E . S C H R A O E R , B E L L E V I L L E , ILL. SUTAHV P C H U C . THEODORE J. KRAFFTi80M|* • * > * m r IN ST. C t A I H C O U N T Y . t 31 PUBLIC SQUARE, -f BELLEVILLE, PIEPER & BADGLEY, INSURANCE. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. PEMH BUILOINQ, B I L L I V 1 L L I , ILL. 603 LEBANON. Settled in 1819 and incorporated as a citv in 1874. On the O & M Ry, 24 miles east of St Eouis, Mo. It sustains a weekly newspaper (The Lebanon Journal) and bank; population 2200; Adams Express; W U Telegraph; Telephone connections with St Louis, Belleville andTrenton. COMMITTEES AND OFFICERS FOR 1890, CITY OF LEBANON. Finance—H J Blanck, F Pesald and J G Rahner. Streets and Alleys—J WHait, Jno Lupton and A J Renter. Lighting—Jno Lupton, H J Blanck and J G Rahner. Ordinance—Jno W Hoit, J G Rahner and F Pesold. Ccmeterv—fno Lupton, H [ Blanck and A J Renter. Public Health—A S Griffith', J G Rahner and Geo Sip. Purchasing—A J Renter, Jno Lupton and J W Hoit. Fire Apparatus—A I Renter, F Pesold and H | Blanck. City Marshall—W H Stone. Mayor—Louis Zerweck. Fire Warden—Jno Scvears. Clerk—C S Robinson. Sexton—Win Riddle. Treasurer—(J J Renter. Street Com—Geo Riddle. Attornev—W j Clucas. Coal Oil Insp—Geo Loveless CHURCHES. American Methodist Episcopal Church—Rev Fletcher West, pastor. Services, 10:30 A M and 7:30 p M every Sunday Baptist—Rev Smith,, pastor; regular services, Lebanon. Colored Baptist Church—W H Denton, pastor. Services, first and last Sunday every month. Free Methodist Episcopal Church—No regular pastor. German Methodist Episcopal Church—No regular pastor. Methodist Episcopal (col'd)—No regular pastor. Presbyterian Church—Hartly TUpdyke, pastor. Services, 10:30 A M and 7:30 p M . St Josephs R C Church—Father Gillcn, pastor. St Clair R Catholic. SCHOOLS. Lebanon Public School—Otto C Pfeninghauscn, principal: Annie Rankin, Ella Clucas, Adas Wittenmeyer, Nettie Haines, Flov Deneen. Maggie Baker, tchrs. COLLEGES. McKcndrec College, (Methodist Episcopal)—Rev Thos H Herd man, D D, acting pres; Faculty, A G [epson, A M P H D, Bertram Judd, A M P H D / W m W Edwards, A M L L 11, E B Waggoner, A M , Frederick Pesold, prof music, John Lupton, prof art, Lebanon. OT0VES! W CHAS. KEIL'S, 26 E. Main Street, - BELLEVILLE, ILL. SGHMITT DRUG CO., I 1 1 8 W . MAIN ST. ETC. ADA * 0) .5 rz • W O £4 ' BeUevitte, - 604 IH. BLA Adams Express Co, W S Duncan, agt. Agles Amanda Miss. Asjles Ebbi, lab. Agles John, teamster. Agles John, coal miner. Agles Marion, coal miner. Agles Win, lab. Alexander Martha, (wid Frank). Ammennan Joseph L, wks ereamery. Andrews John, miller, out o f work. Andrews Nicholas, cooper. Angelrodt Edward A . music tchr. Arft Frederick, ret. Art Amelia Miss. Ansburg Louis, ctgarmkr J Hoffman. Bachman and undertaker. £4 Bachman Henry jr, elk Henry Bachman. ^ Bailey Sarah Miss. ZlL Bailey Stephen, ret. O ) Baker Tames, engineer. B A K E R JAWES 0., H Seitcr & Co. T3 |^ Baker James G, banker. Baker Margarett Miss,tchr pub school,bds Bishop House Baptist Church, Rev Smith, pastor, regular service!. Baum Annie Miss. Baum August, blksmith, wks M Baum. Baum Louisa Miss. Baum Maria, (wid Peter). C Baum Martin, blksmith. Bender Conrad, carp. ^ Berger Adolph, physician. <U Sv Bctten Frank, miller. -C ° " Bieson Alfred, lab. ^ >> Bishop House, Silas Smith, prop. Bitzer Walter, teamster J C Hite. | > <D Blacklidge Win N, carp. ^ 5 Blanck & Chaml>crlin, (Henry W Blanck and John M L. <D Chamberlin), dry goods and groceries. —' Blanck Henry W , (Blanck & Chaml>erlin). Blanck Herman jr, boots and shoes. V IJWAUX, • ^ 104 I . M A I N STRUT, D K A L K R IN FRUITS, N U T 8 f CONFECTIONS, OYSTERS, Etc •CLLIVILLI, I L L IJircher & Son, Shelf -•<! Heavy Hard ware, Household 21 W. Main Street, Belleuilfe, HI. Goods, Etc. BUS 605 BLA Blanck Jennie, (wid Chas). Blank Mary (wid Christ). Blum Adam, lab. Blum Mary Miss. Blum Robert, blksmith. Boyce James, lab. Boyce Sarah (wid Win). Bradsbys John, farmer. Brant Henry, coal miner. Brasby Jas, lab. Brasher Anson W, lab. Braun Alvin, cigarmkr. Braun Balzer, cooper. Breuitegam Rud, elk Jacob J Lysakowski. Breuning Clara Miss. Breuning Emma Miss. Breuning John. Breuning John jr, lab. Brewer George, teamster. Brewer Win, blksmith. Brewer Willis A, blksmith John H Lehman. Brill Emil, cigarmkr. Broaddus Paul, druggist, St Louis, Mo. Brown Alvin, cigarmkr. Brown Augustus, lab. Brown Balzer, cooper. Brown Barbara Miss. Brown Emanuel, peddler. Brown Emil, elk Louis Reinhardt. Brown Emma Miss, seamstress. Brown John, watchman. Brown Luther, retired. Brown Richard, lab. Brown Wm, engineer. Brownlee Bertha Miss. Brownlee Wm, retired. Buhr Jacob, tailor. Buhr Mary Miss, dom James O'Neal. Burnett Edward (col'd), porter Bishop House. Burnett Henry (col'd), lab. Burnett Louis, (col'd), lab. Bums Richard J, bookkeeper. Buscher Adolph, cigarmkr Louis Traband. Buscher Carolina (wid John). Old 0*car 1-epper, | LEADING *J M \ C U 1 Tf C Old W . s. SUHie, [ KENTUCKY W ll I »D TV 1 L i M . V . Munarcli* M«MUire»» Agents, )J — ___ JOS. LEOPOLD A BRO., — — HUBUl,U. 1 baurjdry Work at Sfyort J^otice. 2 1 5 E . Main St., Belleville, III. BUS »-3 e/a g 006 Buschcr Carolina Miss. BUSCHER EDWARD J., saloon and boarding. Buscher Francis Miss. Buscher Henry, cooper. Bnscher Lizzie Miss. B u s s o n g j a u e (wid Peter). Bussong Thomas A, wks S t Louis, M o . fkf 2 Calbreath George,,mason. Calbreth Win, farmer. p+ J Campbell John (col'd). lab. <!g Campbell "Richard (col'd), lab. M Campbell Sarah (wid J a c o b ) . , Campe Henry, farmer. Q « Carnine K a t i e I), dom \V Brownlee. Case Nancy K, (wid T i m o t h y ) . Castelle Alice Miss, dom C \Y P a r k e r . r»| Chamberlin John M, Blanck & Chainberlin. • - — Clark Alfred*, lab., £: Clark J o n a t h a n retired. (/) Clucas Annie Miss, g O Clucas Ella Miss. c/> Clucas j . l i u d e Miss. UJ 5 Clucas William J , lawver. ° £ Cole Frank D. *J:3C Cole Nelson. Collier Robert, farmer (col'd). UJ o Compe Frederick, baker. © 2c Conklin Win field, coal miner. 3C Conkling Josephine Miss, dom C W Hasinger. Cook Julia, (wid Harrison). Cooper M a r y , (wid Jesse). Cook Nancy, (wid R o b e r t ) . Covington M;iry, (wid Alexander). Craines Sophire, (wid Charles). Creed Ellen Miss, dom J Hill. Creed J o n a h , constable. Creed Joseph, lab. Cunningham Richard F, physician. a Daniel M a r y J , (wid Christian) Dawson J o h n , lab. PAX MRS. A. B. RICHNER, PROP. MS. CORWIN, CLERK LEADING HOTEL IN THE CITY. > 1SSMSS%L t P h n m s i * : Ufnii^rr .4 • . DAW 607 ELL Dawson John, carriage trimmer, John H Lehman. Dawson Robert, lab. Daywein John, lab. Delaney Theresa Miss. Deneen Florence Miss, teacher public school. Deneen Samuel H, consul a t Belleville, Ont. Denny Alice Miss, dom E Hoffman. Denny Dora* A Miss. Denny Thomas J, gardener. Denny Thomas J, pension agt. Dentvy William U, lab. Denton William H, (col'd), pastor Col'd Baptist Church. Derick Minnie Miss, dom E Hoffman. Derleth Adolph, cigarmaker. Derleth AlwvnMiss. Derleth Louisa, dom J Hoffmann. Derleth Paul, shoemaker. Derleth William, watchmaker, C H Hoffmann Deshiels Edward, (col'd) lab. Dessuisseaux Awastasia Miss, tchr R C Parochial school. Dickson Fred J, elk St Louis,, Mo. Dimmerly James, lab J C Hite. Dimmer, Henry, col'd lab. Dimmer Mary Miss, col'd. Doel Andrew, barber. Doll Charles, barber. Dorris Charles H, school teacher. Dorris Harriet E (wid August). Dudney Manscl, coachman Henry H Homer. Dudney Martha, dom Henry H Homer. Duncan Charles R, tel opr. Duncan Joseph S, agt O & M R R. Dunston Jemimah, (wid William). Eakin Margaret A, (wid James). Eckles Laura (col'd) (wid Munroc. Edwards Juliet M (wid William). Edwards Mortamor C, res. E d w a r d s William W. Elliott Ida, dom Nelson Coal. Elliott Lcc, Ida Miss. Elliott Lewis, lab J C Hite. Elliott John H, teamster. Pianos and Organs the Leaders ESTJ3Y & » « OHve St., C A M P , St. Loiig, • Mo. l SCHMITTDRUGOO. 118 W. MAIN ST., Belleville, ELL • 60S III. GIL Elliott Louis, coachman Amos S Griffith. £ I Elliott Louis W, lab. <£ 2 Engelmann Catharine ( w i d Michael). Engelmann Emma Miss. 3 <a Engelmann Henry, farmer. = • Esque Harry, engineer J C Hite. P I'5 S Zu i o | SI J g •* C/T * j f. f, P . Q£ r^j M J 5 QTN Faydcn M a r y (wid Jacob). Fanes Elizabeth (wid Elan). Feiser William, carp, Felch Annie Miss. Fischer Jasper, lab. Fitzgerrell John S, lawyer, Fitzgerrell Mary C (wid John), Fix Louisa (wid Jacob). Fizcr Rudolph, carp. Fleak J oh n F, carp. Flint Henrv M , nurserv salesman. Flint Mary (wid William). Flint William W, ret. Flood George, lab. Flynt Fletcher, wks St Louis, M o . Foster John. Free, Methodist Episcopal Church. Xo regular pastor. Fritz John, ret. Gaether William (col'd),lob. •+*rLJ Ganschenitz Jos. carp. ~ Ganschenitz Rosa (wid Joseph). Gedeny Edward, carp James S Gcdncy. Gedney Elizabeth (wid John), j GEDNEY JAMES S. contractor, builder & bee hive mannfact'r. k.w Gedney Jesse, carp James S Gedncj'. S~ Genter Mrs (wi<l Henry). German Methodist Episcopal Church. No regular pastor. RE German Presbyterian Church, George '.Meyer, past, services QT\ 3:00 p m, every Sunday. *+H*J Gernc Annie Miss. • * Gerne Conrad, meat market. l " t ) Gerne Emma Miss. • Gerne William, butcher Conrad Gerne. £)Ep Gillen James, pastor St Joseph's R C Church. 1 W. n. HILL & BRO. HARD I SOFT COAL. IT TTITI 7 HHA Wholesale un<! Retail Neater* in Office 202 Broadway. Warehouse 417 IUilroa.1 Ave. TrfepJione 5020. fc&St Ti„„i « i t m ot IlOllS. Ill GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS AND SEED GRAIN — AT Wn?. £ckl?ardt Jn t i o e T O 110 W . MAIN BBLLIVILLI, GOE sr., 609 ILL. HAW Goetz , carp. Graucl Bros (Charles & Ernst Grauel), barber shop. Grauel Charles, barber. Grauel Christian, barber. Grauel Ernst, barber, Grauel Louis, tailor C & H Reinhardt. Grauel Valentine, ret. Grauel William, ljarber. Gray Almado, painter. Gray Charles, student. Gray Fronie A Miss. Gray Fronnie, elk Saeger. Gray Mitchel, painter. Gray William H, painter. Gregory Jennie E Miss. Griffith Amos S, physician. Groeler Henrj', lab. Gunion Cyrus, lab. Gunterer Fredrica (wid Henry), Haase Emma (wid Robert), millinery. Haenel Christian, shoe store & manufacturer. Haines Isaac, carp. Haines James, lab. Haines Phanctta Miss, teacher Public School. Haines Robert, teacher Clinton Co. Hamincl George, sewing machine agent. Harding Fr&lerick, student. Harding Robert, student. Harding William, div supt Consolidation Coal Co. Harrington Lizzie Miss. Harris Frank, lab. Harris William, carpenter & builder. Harris William H , farmer. Harris William, lab. Hartmann Elizabeth (wid Edward) seamstress. Hartmann Henry, saloon. Hartmann Jennie Miss, res. Hassinger Cordelia W (wid Peter). Hausmann Alvina, lab. Hausmann Frederick, lab. Hausmann Jacob, shoemaker. Hawks William, lab. | jT I limher v M • • • w • ALL KINDS AT BSCHERER'S, u x ciiarlcs St., ltelteville, III. AT BRUEGGEWANN'S, 1107 Lebanon Ave.. Belleville, IN. HAY id UJ v> -J UJ UJ CO £2 eo 610 Phone* 1 1 3 4 1 4 * JEF Hayflinger Magdelina (wid Anton). Hayflinger Matilda Miss. Hecker Thalia (wid I r v i n g ) . Hellery J ames (col'd). lab. Hellmuth Amanda Miss. Helhmith Conrad, painter. Helhvich Nicholas, driver Brewery. Henderson Caroline Miss (col'd). Hendriekson Caroline (wid Louis). Hendrickson Carrie Miss. Hendrickson William. Herdman Thomas IT, pres Lebanon College. ITerzberg Fritz, cigarmkr J Hoffmann. Hcuer Henry J. prop Lebanon House. Heuer Rosina (wid Henry). Hightower Alexander D. farmer. Hill Amos B, tel opr. Hill lane. H i l l M a r y E (wid John). Hite Augustus, elk 1 C Hite. H U E JOHN C. elevator and lumber yard. Hobbs John L, student. Hobbs Ruth A Missi . Hobbs William I \ ret. Hoffmann Edith (wid William). HOFFMANN GUSTAVUS H.. jewelry and musical instruments. Hoffmann Julius, cigar mfr and dealer. H o i t John W, ret. Horner Bertha Miss. Horner Hattic Miss. Horner Henry lrl, lawyer. Howald Charles, veterinary surgeon. Howard Charles E, teamster. Howard Frederick E, elk Blank & C o . Howard John A L col'd), lab. Howard William D, ret. Hubner Mary (wid August). Hurding Robert, lab. Hypes Benjamin, ret. Hypes Emma (wid William IT). Hypes John W , ret. PIEPER & BADGLEY, IN8URANCE. JEN S ^ L „ BILLKVILLI, 611 ILL. LEB Jennings Wisely, coal miner. Jepson Albert G, teacher. Jepson Genevieve Miss. Johnson Annie (col'd) (wid Virgil). Johnson Newton, lab. Johnson Orlando, driver Lebanon Creamery. Johnson Sarah (wid David). Jones Mary A Miss. Jones Mar\' E (wid Oliver). • Jones William L, newspaper and stationery. Judd Bertram!, prof in college. Kadel Peter, cooper. Kassbaum August, E Laubrier & Co. Kassernian Henry M, student. Keck Abram, lab. Kcese Leonora (wid Louis). Keil Adolph. Ken nelly John H, dentist. Kcran Peter, lab. Kimmel Samuel, saloon. Kinder Belle Miss. Kinder Isaac, engineer. Kingston Liua Miss, St Clair House. Kingston Mary J , St Clair House. Kingston Nellie Miss, St Clair House. Koch Henry, saloon. Koehler Arthur. Kolb Adam, harncssmkr Edward C Mueller. Kolb George, harncssmkr Edward C Mueller. Krause Ernst P, gen mdse atul saloon. Lasley Oscar C, bill poster. Laslev Susan M (wid David). Laubncr E & Co, (Mrs Eva Laubnerand Aug Kassbaum), bakers. Laubncr Eva (wid Paul ten), E Laubncr & Co. Lnubner Kosella. Miss. Lawrancc Sarah A (wid David). Lebanon House, H J Heuer prop. Lebanon Journal, weekly, Wm Jones, editor and pub. Stove Repairs SO E . Main Street, Chas. M s , - - B E L L E V I L L E , ILL. PERFUMES SMTT DRUe CO, 118 W. MAIN S T . , I Belleville. LEB - 111. McK 612 Lebanon Public School, John A Wvllie, prin, Otto C Pfennighhausen, Annie Rankin, E t t a Clucas, Nettie Haines, Floy Deneen, Maggie J Baker, Adda Wittenmyer, assts Lehman George, teacher. Lehman John H, blacksmith and wagonmkr. Lehman Martin B, painter. Lehman Nellie F Miss. Lentz Warner. Lewis Annie Miss, elk postoflicc. Lewis Sophia (wid Edmund). Lindley Ellen P Miss. Lindley Tohn. Lindley Sarah P (wid John). Lingenfelder Valentine, lab. Lingenfelder William, lab. Litschwager Fred, saloon. Lively Charles, school teacher a t Mascoutah, Lively William elk Lupten. Louden John, ret. Louden John j r , elk. Louden Rebecca Miss. Lupton Abbie E Miss, artist and teacher of oil painting pastels and crayons. LUPTON JOHN., photographer and artist. Lvnch Belle Miss, dom M Lehman. LYSAKOWSKI JACOB J. jeweler and watchmaker. Lytic Mary Miss, res. 1VI MeCallister Emma, coVd (wid William). McCarl Charles, wks mill. McCaw Charles, wks. McComb Lena M Miss. McComb Sarah E, (wid Alexander). McCoy Hezekiah, lab. McCoy John T. genl merchandise. McCoy Thomas. McCoy Thomas L, elk John T McCo\\ McDonald Albert P, carpenter. McDonald Carrie Miss, dom M A Shepard. McDonald Elias, lab. McDonald Lou Miss, cook Bishop House. McKee Joseph J, wks Chester, III. McKennic Flora Miss. S O L E AGT. IN-I'.ICLLKVILLK, I L L . , p R 0 OAKES' C E L E B R A T E D HOME-MADE CANDIES. Established 1849. V T U f l J l v D ft C AII KIRCHER H H I V U U l lft U. SON UVll Incorporated 1**9. W. Main Street, BeileviHe, Illinois. Dealers in Hardware, Sewing and Agricultural Machines, Miners' and Artisans' Tools Electric Supplies and Farmers' Outfits. 21 McM 613 MUE McMurle}" Hester Miss. Markendorff Frank, lab J C Hite. Marshall Eliza W, (wid Lyman). Mauntel Bernard, miller, St Louis, Mo. May Benjamin, farmer. May William, lab. Meier Anton, cooper. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev Fletcher West, pastor. Meeting 10:30, 7:30 every Sunday. Methodist Episcopal Church, (cord),no regular pastor. Meyer Anton, cooper. Mej'er Bailey. Meyer Charles W, lab. Meyer Elizabeth (wid Mathew). Meyer Jeremiah. Meyer Macus, lab. •Meyner Elizabeth, (wid August). Midgley Annie Miss, res. Midgley Thomas E, butcher. MIDGLEY WILLIAM M, meat market. Miller John 0, carp. Miller Josephine, (wid Nicholas). Mills Cora, Miss. Mills Harriett, Miss. Mills Robert, carp. Mills William, elk. Miner Gussie Miss. Moore Benjamin, lab, col'd. Moore Christopher, farmer. Moore George L, school teacher. Moore Mary J, (wid Thomas). Moore Pantsy, col'd, (wid Benjamin). Morris Alexander W. Morris Annie Miss. Morris Frank, lab. Morris George, coal miner. Morris Hubert S. Morris Jane (wid Irven). Morris Jane, (wid John). Morris Louise Miss. Morris Perry, real estate. Morris Perry, painter John H Lehman. Morris S:ir;ii: Miss. Mueller L hv-n! filler a t mill. M B I ^ H H i ^ M M I ^ ^ k V H ^ »' -fi^AAW'MMH^BMMSMMBaSBaMBMSlBl^^HBI^^^BBMBB^MSHB^^MBMB* JOS. LEOPOLD & BRO. WlMH.I'HAI.i: PKAI.KKH IX FINK IMKOICTED W I N K S AM> FKENCH B R A N D I E S * •CLLIVILLf. . . . . ILLINOIS. ELLEVILLE • STEAM • LAUNDRY, B A. H . R E E S E , PROPRIETOR. SIS t . MAIN STIIErr, j " £ ^ MUB M L L I V I L t l , ILL. 614 PHI Mueller Edward C, harness shop. Myers Daniel H, blksntith. * uS Xaumer Eva (wid Fred). .5 " Xaumer George, lab Lebanon Brewery. 2 » Xaumer Jacob, engineer Lebanon Brewery. 1 Xaumer John, tailor C & H Reinhadt. * 5 Xegley Lena (wid James). tm £ Xeil Charles, student, jjj* Xeil Wm, student. C Xeumann Therese (wid Chas), saloon. £! § Xichols Caroline (wid Wm). •fi Xichols Orin. Xichols Wm L, retired. — X i e m e y e r Antonia Miss. j| Xiemeyer Louis, genl mdse. 5 £ Xoland Levi, farmer. |2 .a Xorman Benjamin F, painter. * £ Xorman Wm, lab. 5 Q CO ^ "g O & M Depot, Lebanon, J S Duncan, agt. UJ ^ O'Xeal James. 3> o Opdvke H T, pastor Presbvterian Church. UJ -» '_ _ o 5 -"T~ J Parker Chas W, wks St Louis, Mo. ____ Parker Elizabeth D Miss, post mistress. Parker Thomas M, retired. Q • Peach Cyrus B, student. Ill Z Peach James S, t r a v salesman X Y house. Ill JJ Peach John, retired. | ^ 2 Pesold Frederick, pianos, organs and music teacher. K Pfeffer Annie Miss, res. O Pfeffer Christian, pres Pfefter Milling Co. Z Pfeffer Christian J. ; < J Pfeffer Edward, elk Pfeffer Milling Co. ' Z Pfeffer Louis L. Z < Pfeffer Milling Co, flouring mills, C Pfefler, pres; C J Pfeffer. •J d treas. O Pfeninghausen Otto, schoolteacher pub school. J 2 Pfeninghausen — •V I Phillips John. w s c c a n GUSTAY LEHMAN, I * J Music and * 1 4 OoOintMille Ave., East SL Louis. Musical Merchandise. T H O M A S HOUSE, E. Main and High, Belleville, 111. PHI REASONABLE RATES PER WEEK OR MONTH. 615 REU Phillips Lawrence. Plack Mary (wid Louis). Plack Orend, vvks St Louis, Mo. Poignee George, saloon. Poignee Frank. Poole Dora Miss. Poole George, coal miner. Poole Sarah (wid Lewis). Poole Wm I, coal miner. Powell Carrie Miss. Powell Mary Miss. Powell Walter, carp. Presbyterian Church, Hurtly T Updvke, pastor; services, 10:30 A ii and 7:30 p M. Price Carrie Miss. Price Daniel M, retired. Putnam Ella Miss. Putnam Jesse, mason. Putnam Jesse jr, lab. Rable Albert, coal miner. Ratter John, lab. Rahner Clara (wid Bernard). Rahner John, ret. Ralls Edward C, Student. Rankin Annie Miss. Rankin Catharine Miss. Rankin Noah, lab. Rebel Albert, lab. Reeves Claude, lab C Elite. Reitnan Jacob, ret. Reiman John, farmer. Rcimann John, ret. Reinhardt C & H (Charles & Henrv), merchant tailors. Reinhardt Charles (C & H Reinhardt). Reinhardt Charles sr, clothier. Reinhardt Henry (C & H Reinhardt). Reinhardt Louis, general merchandise. Resch Anton. Rcuter Adolph J , lab. Reuter Annie Miss. Reuter Charles J , mineral water factory. Rcuter Minnie Miss. H I A NOS DECKER BROS. ESTEYlCflMPS CO. 1l^Jir\i\\J^J» ESTET&CAMP, ST. CATALOGUE P M I . LOUIS, MISSOURI* ARTISTS' MATERIALS, ETCM RHO (f£ Vl/1 Ql ri ?, m a ^ |-*| Ox§ . t fl)*]' 'fj[ £| mZb[ h Ij§-j 0~~^ K = ti 2 e f ^ A fY"N 1—4 «™JHS» Belleville. - III, ST. J 616 Rhoads Irvin (col'd). Riddle George, street inspector. Riddle William, lab. Risley Annie Miss. Rithmann Erhardt, lab Lebanon Brewerv. RITHMANN MATH IAS. Lebanon Brewery. Rittenhousc Charles A , lab. Rittcnliouse Gorncilous, lab. Roberts Abraham (col'd), lab. Robinson Charles W, wks creamery. Roliinson Cicero L, carp & city clerk, Robinson Edward L , clerk H Seiter & Co. Robinson Frank \V, carp. Robinson Lizzie (wid Charles). Robinson Louisa Miss, res; Rock Martin, carp, bds. Roesch Albert, lab. Roesch Anton, wksmill. Roesch Louis, lab. Roesch Sophia Miss. Root Edmund, ret. Root Etta L Miss. Root Luther, ret. Root Mary A Miss. Ross Henry Ross William, coachman Nelson Coal, Rouse Hazel, lab. Rouse James (col'd), lab. Rouse Nellie Miss. Ruff Ella Miss. Rufl Eva Miss. Ruff Isabella (wid Robert L ) . Rumpf Minnie Miss, sec Win Harding. Russ Alma Miss, dom. Russ Frank, cigarmkr. Russ'Richard, mason Russ Rosa Miss, Dom S H Deneen. St Clair House (Nellie, Lina and Mary j Kingston, props), Hotel Lebanon. t \ 1 St Joseph's Parochial School, Father Gillen, princ; Miss 1 VI Anastasia Desruisseaux, teacher. St Joseph's R C Church, Father Gillen, pastor. W.n.Hlllftnltl.^ ll II'II 9 D Wliotesftfe and Kutail Dealers In SiBd, Cement, Plaster Office 202 Tkoartway. Warehouse 417 Railroad Ave. Telephone r,u20. ud Fin Q»y. EAST ST. LOUTS. ILLINOIS Wm. Eckhardt, Jr. FINE TEAS AND COFFEES • ~ S S f J X - AND TABLE LUXURIES. SEE 617 SAB Sabin Frank A, physician. Sabin Milicent B (wid Mellen). Sabert Charles, ret Sager Anna Miss. Sager Chas H, hardware, etc. Sager Edgar G, elk C H Sager. Sanspeur Aton, wks St Louis, Mo. Sanspetir Hat tie Miss. Sanspeur Wm, cigarmkr Louis Trabrand. SAUTER E L I Z A B E T H (wid Conrad), millinery. Sauter Clara Miss. ^ Sauter Louise Miss, elk Elizabeth Sauter. Schafer Adam. Schafer Emma Miss, dom C H Sager. Schafer Jacob, farmer. Schafer Jacob jr, lab. Schields Henry (col'd), lab. Schiman Barbari (wid William). Schiman William. Sch male Balzer, lab. Schmidt Emma Miss, dom Herbert S Morris. Schmidt George, teamster J C Hite. Sch mitt Annie Miss. Schmitt Daniel, farmer. Sch mitt John, ret. Schmitt George, lab. Schmitz William, cigarmkr. Scheider John, spec, Schreiber Albert, cigarmkr. Schroader Mary (wid Jacob), Schroener Margarette, dom A Berger. Schroeder Mary, (wid Cloudy). Schroeder Mary Miss, dom J Smith. Schuetz Barbara Miss. Schuctz Louis, lab. Schuctz Wm, cigarmkr. Schuctz Wm, lab. Schwab Martin, cooper. Schwab Thomas, cooper. Scott Annie Miss, waitress Bishop House. Scott James, tchr. Sebrantke Louis, elk E F Krause. Secor Chas, lab. See Ellen Miss, dom Frank Webb. J.A.BEGHERER, | 1 4 N. C H A R L E S ST., | LUMBER BELLEVILLE, ILL. DRUEGGEMANN'S COAL MINE8JE D a • a Z a Q Q —" ft A M J ^ • oc: M oo ^ ^7 * 11 I | "5 w 2 <? | t g« < * ™ " S E E NORTH B E L L E V I L L E , ILL, + T E L E P H O N E S 113 4 149. 618 SMI - See Christian, cooper. See Christoph, cooper, i SEITER H. A CO.. (Henrv Seitcr and [as D Baker), bankers. SEITER HENRY. H Seitcr & Co. ; Seiter Henry, prop Lebanon Creamery. Seitz Nicholas, lab. Sevann James W, farmer. Sewell Caleb J , elk J Wallace. \ Shane Jordan, lab. Shannon Patrick, lab. Shaw Lucettc C, (wid Win). ^ Shaw Wm C, watchman. Sherwood Chas, ret. Sherwood Cora Miss. Shepaird Eva Miss. Shepard Jane, (wid John). Shepard John A, Shephard Minnie Miss, Shepard Morrell A. Shepard Olive B Miss. Siegel Catharine Miss. Siegel Margaret, (wid John). Simpson Ida Miss, dom college. Simpson Wm, lab. Singer Hall. Sink Geo, mason. Sink John, mason, Sink Wm, eaffjp. Six Frederick, machine shop. Six Geo, machinist. Six Lizzie Miss. Six Minnie Miss. Six Theresa Miss. Small Balzer, lab. Smith Bertha Miss. Smith Carrie Miss. Smith Christian, carp. Smith Eliza J , (wid Wm). ^^^^Jiss. ^-^neer, E St Louis, (col'd). Hre and Lite Insurance. PIEPER & BADGLEY, INSURANCE SMI AGENTS. 619^ ™JK^ TYN Smith Silas, prop Bishop House. Spurr Annie M , (wid Thomas). Stafford, lab, name refused. Staker Amelia (wid Charies). Stark Wm J restaurant. Steele Jane (wid Robert). Steele William J, student. Steidle Joseph, lab. Stephenson Robert, coal miner. Stone Frank, lab. Stone William, cit>' marsh all. Sublett William (col'd), lab. Swers George, lab. Swers John, mason. Swers Waldo, lab. r Taylor Belle Miss, dom Thomas A Wilson. Tecklenburg Amilea Miss. Tecklenburg Louis, shoemkr. Thatcher Melvina T (wid John). Thayer N B. Tholke Fred, tel opr. Thomas Caroline (wid John J). Thomas Mary (wid James). Thoma Charles, lab. Thoma Christena (wid Andrew.) Thoma Louisa Miss. Thoma Mathew, lab. Thompson Harrison, farmer. Thurston Edward, lab. Thurston Mary A (wid Robert). Toles Charles (col'd), lab. Toles Nelson (col'd), lab. Toles William (col'd), lab. Townsend Charles D, elk E St Louis. Townsend Ellen Miss. Townsend Mary Miss. Townsend William, ret. Traband Henry, janitor public school. Traband Henry Sr, ret. Traband Louis, cigar mfr, Main st. Turner Henry (col'd), lab. T> ner Josephenc Miss, teacher at college. r Gutteringi. .oCHAS. KE1LS, 20 K. Main Street, - BELLEVILLE, ILL. Pure Drugs, g g g liLR 620 * WIL = — Ulrich Wilhehnina (wid Anton), s jjj Umphrev Amelia (wid William). ^ w y ^ U-4 J A : 2 " & g ^ j ,i « Q M Jr* g UH ^ * ^ 0 ^ g W A " y Waggoner Edward, prof Lebanon College. Wasrgoner Eugene L , phvsician. Walker Jacob, lab. Walker Maria (wid Jacob). Walker William, lab. Wallace Addison, elk Louis Reinhardt. Wallace James A, elk Reinhalt. Wallace John:, liverv stable. Wallace Oliver, lab J Wallace. Waters Emerata A Miss. Webb Frank, salt miner. Webb James, prin Summerfield School. Weber Adolph, lab A Berger. Weber Joseph, cooper. Weber William, striper. Weiler Nicholas, striper. Wekenmann Joseph, cigar maker. Wekenmann Thomas, saloon. Wergel Alma Miss. Wergel Emil, elk John Wergel. Wergel John, gen merchandise. Wergel Laura Miss. Wergel Leytora Miss. West Fletcher, minister. Western Union Tel Office, J S Duncan agt. Wheeler Edgar, lab. White James, engineer. White Milly (col'd) (wid John). Whitncv Francis J Miss. Whittaker A dele Miss. Whitaker Mary (wid James). Whittmeycr John, lab. Wielder Genoveva (wid Bernard). Wilder man Dovey Miss. WildermanJ C, retired. Wilderman Olive Miss. Willi Anton. Willi Christ, gen merchandise, Willi Julius, elk. ; . ^V.LAVAUXaOYSTERSwkE 104 E. Main St.* HEL1.EVIIJ.K, 1LL. • ^ — 1 K I R C H E R J SON AU Work warranted. 21 * . M>k» Stint • BELLEVILLE, ILL WIL 621 ZOT Williams Indiana (wid John). Willis Benjamin (col'd), lab. Willis Henry (col'd), lab. Willis Wm (col'd), coachman Alexander W Morris. Willoughby Ida M Miss. Willoughby Wm E, farmer. Wilson Thos A, druggist. Wise A Hadley, elk, retired. Wise Charles T, tinware, etc. Wolf Thomas, merchant tailor. Wolf Thomas W, tailor T Wolf. Wolfe Eliza (wid Arnold). Woods Dora Miss. Woods Mamie Miss. Woods Wm H, blacksmith. Woods Wm R, wagonmkr. Wuench Benedict, lab. Young Elizabeth (wid Conrad). Z E R W E C K L O U I S , mayor of tlefEnon, attorney, notanr, ins agt, school trcas for township. Zotz Frank, cooper. LENZBURG. Incorporated village, on the St L A & T H R R, 18 miles southeast of Belleville, the county seat, 4 miles from Marissa, the nearest banking point; population, 275; tel W U, Adams Exp; Geo Neuembergcr, pres; Louis Winter, elk; election third Tuesday in April; Lewis Hamnicl, post master. Aiders Conrad, justice of the East J L, R R a g t . Ehrke Martin. peace. Fischer Louis, farmer. Archibald Geo, miner. Fleischman Henry ,incatnikt Archibald Robert, miner. Freeh Jacob, nicht tailor. Barber Robert, miner. Freeh Jacob jr, miner. Beimfohr John W, hotel. Freeh Louis, miner. Breidwicser Thco, miner. Caspersen Win C, cigar mfr Freeh William, miner. Dcutchinann Edw, saw-mill Fries Fred W, genl mdsc. German Evang Luth Church Deutchman Edw, carp. F Bosolt, pastor. Deutchman Henry, carp. GeyerJohnG. Hotel. Deutchman Louis, carp. Golseh Adolph, farmer. Dorn Mathew, miner. ^OTOUIA "* - Kentucky WMst? 1 QJ 0 WIWLtXA l.E Ml A LEllS IX FIXE A. Belleville Steam Laundry, 215 E. Main Street, BELLEVILLE, ILL. 622 Golsch Chas, eigarmkr. Griebel Christine Miss. > M Gricbel Frank, constable. c Haesel David., coal opr. Hambach Peter, miner. Hammel Bros, Louis & Phil r a lip, genl mdse. Hammel Louis, p m Hamin el Bros. Hammcl Phil, Hammel Bros — X Henge Lizzie Miss. ' Hoffman Fredk, miner. Hoffman John, farmer. Jacob William, painter. Jaeger Fredk, meat market. Kein Regeni (wid Daniel). Kein William, blksmith. Kellev Michael, miner. Kiefer Otto, stoves, tinware 6c hardware. Kunze Bruno, miner. Lehr II L, lab. Lenzburg Dairy Co, Daniel Wildy, rangr. MeFerron W m , farmer. McFerron W R, farmer. Maul Traugott, sawyer. Metzler Adam, lab. Muser W i n . lab. Xuernberger George, saloon Porter James H , physician. Porter Wade, student. Politseh Weigand, tailor. Ruestcr John. 1 Ruestcr Philip, harness & saddlery. Sehnipper George, miner. Schrocder Anna Miss. Schroeder Charles, miner. Schrocder Clara Miss. Schweighoefer Fredk. ! Sebastian Frank, winemrifr. Sebastian Frank, farmer.! Serth Henry, elevator. Steinheimer Anna Miss. SteinheimcrChrist, blksmith Steinheimer David, sawyer. Steinheimer Gust, blksmith. Steinheimer Hv, wagonmkr Steinheimer Philip, lab. Steinheimer Rose Miss. Utz Georvre, wagonmkr. Von Derheit, Ed & Bro (Edward & William), dairy. Von Derheit Fdward (Ed Von Derheit & B r o ) . Von Derheit Win (Von Der heit & Bro). Yolkening Herm, druggist. Wachsmuth Amanda Miss. Wachsmuth Frederick. Wanschina Jacob, miner. Wildy Amelia Miss. Wildy Mary Miss. Winter Ferdinand, lab. Winter Louis, city clerk. Winter Maggie Mrs. MAR1SSA. •J. An incorporated village in the se part on the S i L A & T H R R , 40 miles from St Louis, Mo, and L>H from Belle ville,the county seat. It sustains a bank ami a newspajHir —The Messenger; Tel W L , Adams Exp. Population 1,000; Charles G Glenn, postmaster. Adams Express Co, Main. Ague Clinton, miner, res S Main, Marissa. FANCY AND PLAIN Baird John, elk II L Campbell,"res Park ave. Baumann Jno, elk A J Mat- (flJgTAV LEHMAN, 2 I t Collins villi; Avruiui, E R S T SKINT LOUIS METROPOLITAN, On the European Plan in Connection 100 AND 102 N. HIGH, COR. E. A. BELLEVILLE. —WITH THE— THOMAS HOUSE. 623 hews, res Main. Beard John, mer tailor, res S Park ave. Bigain Win,miner, bds Glenn Biggs Thos, lab, res Fulton Blarikenmeister Albert, trav salesman, res S Park ave BORDERS WILLIAM E., gertl mdse, Main. Boyle Sam S, hrdwre, stves etc, Main. Braun Lang Com Co of St Louis, M o , prop Elevator Main mid Mill. Brien Chas, bds Globe Hotel Bryan Chas A , painter, bds N Main. Burder Rachael, (wid Mchl) res Church. Burkhardt Win, wks Xieek Finger & Co. Burnett Alice M iss, res Glenn Burnett Ellen Miss,res Glenn Burnett Martha, (wid A ) , res Glenn. Cairo Sht Line Depot, Main Campbell Ella (wid Saml), res Glenn. Campbell Haniltn L , cloth ing, Boots & Shoes, Main Campbell Jos M , physician, res S Main. Carl Aug, miner,res S Hinltn Cams Samuel. Carter Win, engineer, res S Park ave. Case Elizabeth, dom. Cliaucelaw Henry C, barber S Main, bds Marissa Hotel Chestnut Rob R Rev, pastor R P Church, res S Park av Church Henry, coal miner, Park ave. Church John, miner, res S Park ave. Church Robt, miner, res S Hamilton. Church Robt jr, miner, res Hamilton. Church Win, miner, res S Hamilton ave. Clendenin Geo, constable,res Hamilton. Collins J, lab, bdsS Park av Collins Thos, lab, res S Park ave. Conrath Edw, hardware, Mill, res same. Casper America (wid John) res S Park ave. Cooper James, packer, bds S Park ave. Cooper John jr, engineer, bds S Park ave. Cooper John M,fireman, bds S Park ave. Co wen Win, lab, res S Main, Marissa. Coulter A Miss, res N Main Coulter Arthur P, physician N Main, res do. Coulter Jennie Miss, com positor, bds N Main. Coulter John, student, bds N Main. Coulter Minnie Miss, bds N Main. COULTER ROBERT S.. prop and editor Marissa Messenger, bds N Main. Coulter Win R, confectioner 5 Main, res Park ave. Crawford, Wells & Co,(Wm J Crawford, Stiles H Wells 6 G W Nevin), gcnl mdse Crawford Win 1, (Crawford, Wells & Co),res Coulter vie Curry M a r g t (wid Sml B ) Main. Curry William G, wks Lyon Pi a no or Orp. ESTEY X CAMP. WHITE US IF VOU W A N T A 910 Olivo Street, BT. LOUIS, M O 2 1 ••• S n 3 * 9 » 3 3 K C I T -^^t^Y"* Schmitt Drug Co. oilet Articles, „.*.-..«.?. Belleville, Belleville, ^r-^^^^-r^rv-v-v- - III. 62+ < .2" *T1 o DM 71 _ •If 6. = . **s»l H ga ~ H C" M a c. S u CQ & White bds Main. Degen Hy, boots and shoes, res Main. Devinny John, teacher Marissa, res Hamilton ave. Dial Harrison, lab, res Main Doak David, teamster, res S Main. Edwards J W, miner, res S Hamilton. Elder A C, carp. Engelhardt Bros, (Hy and John), blacksmiths. Engelhardt H. (Engelhardt Bros). Engelhardt J (Engelhardt Bros. Erb Michael, lab. Finger Theo, (Meek, Finger &Co). Freivogel Geo, wks Meek, Finger & Co. Freivogel Henry, wks Meek, Finger & Co. Fulton William, ret. Gegen Lawrence, carp. Gibson Elmer E , elk \Ym K Lyons & C o . Gibson fames, carp. Glenn & Wolter, (Albert C Glenn and Louis Wolter), Agricultural implmts. Glenn Alb C. (Glenn & Wol ter), res X Main. Glenn Chas C, post master. Goelitz Herman, coal miner. Gray Hattic Miss. Orav Ida Miss, milliner M J & E A Wilson. Gray Thomas B, cooper. Gray William, miner, res S Main, Marissa. Gray William T, cooper. Green Annie Miss. W. H. HILL & BRO. Green Charles, coal miner. Green George T, lab. Green Henry, coal miner. Green Jennie Miss, seam stress Short Sisters. Green Robert, liverv stable Mill. Gutherie Samuel J , livery, Main. \ Gutherie Sam J J r , notions etc. ! Hacker Henry, blacksmith, X Main. Hacker 11 A, wagon maker. Hafner George, coal miner. Hamilton fo'hiiC & Co, Jno C, Peter B and Win M, mdse. Hamilton John C, farmer, also Hamilton Wells & Co. Hamilton John C, J C Ham ilton & Co. j Hamilton Martin, miner, Hamilton Peter 11 J C Ham ilton 6c Co, res S Main. Hamilton Wells & Co, bank ers, John C Hamilton, A II Wells A J Meek. N Main. Hamilton Win M, | C Ham ilton & Co. Manna Thomas, principal Marissa Academy. Harmon Garrison, lab. Harper Jessie, miner, bds S Main. Held Chas F, saloon, N Main Hcuning Andrew A, carp. Hemphill, John, miner. Hemlrcn Nancy Mrs. Henry Joseph, lab. ! Henry Nancy E Miss, res S Hamilton. Henry Susie Miss,res S Ham ilton. >v,,o,,;sa,<j iui u * ******* |h Orfl"w2fi2 uromiway. Bri< k A f u l l kim!*. also Sewer Warehouse.117 Railr»*:ul A W . T*] S 0 2 0 mw W W W EAST ST. LOUIS, ILLINOIS »>„] T i l i n g « | | l w » . K DRY GOOD8, N0TI0N8, GR0CER1R8. I —AT— I Wm. Eckhardt, Jr. 100 TO 110 W. MAIM S T . , Bollovlllo* • IN. 625 ilton. Henry Zacharia, carp, res S Jones A Edw, tinner, S S Hamilton. Boyle. Hill C C, engineer. Hill Jethro M, painter, res S Jones Fred X, janitor, res Main. Main. Kane John, coal miner, res Hill Martimar F, painter, Park ave. res S Park ave. Hisong James, cooper, res Kregel Gottfried bricklayer, res N Main. S Park. Holz John, meat market, S Keim Samuel, coal miner. Kelly Thomas, sect manRR Main, res same. Kess Fred, baker; also jus Hopke August. tice of peace, N Main. Huelbig Edward, mngr H L Keys Ellen Mrs, res S Park av Com Co, res Park ave. Irwin Wm, miner, res S Key worth Emma Miss, tailoress H L Campbell, bds Park ave. Hamilton ave. Isgrigg Wm, miner, res S Keyworth Mary Miss, res Park ave. Hamilton ave. Jackson Cyrus W, photogr, Key worth Thomas, barber, res S Main. Main, res Hamilton. Jackson Andrew, lab, res S Park ave. Kirchhoefer Philip, propsr Globe Hotel, Main St. Jaynes Alice Miss.resChurch Johns Cora Miss, res Ham Kirkpatrick Wm, coal miner, bds Marissa Hotel. ilton ave. Johns Dcllia Miss, res Ham- KraigJos, lab, res SMain. ilton ave. Lamb Chs, oiler, bds SMain Johns James, carp, res Ham- Lamb Wm R, engineer, res S Main. ilton ave Johnson Caroline (wid Rich Landgraf Fred, elk, res N Hamilton ave. rd), res N Main Johnson Edw H, lab, res S Langa Frank, lab, res S Hamilton. Park ave. Johnson James, grain bnv- Lanz John, elk, WE Borders .. . " T i^i. T ?I:„., : K J „ Leavitt Elias miner, bds er, res oS »r_* Main. Hamilton ave. Johnson Mary Miss, res N Leavitt John, miner, bds Main. Hamilton ave. Johnson Maud Miss, seam LchrJno N, butchrJLehrsr stress, res S Main Johnson Wm, tel opr, bds S Lchr John si\ meat market, Main. Main. Jones David, mine foreman, Lenning Jacob, carp, res res Park ave. Jones Edw, lab, res S Ham- Ling Eftic Miss, elk W B J. A. BEGHERER, LUMBER YARD, 1 4 X. Charles Street, KKLLEVILLK, ILL* CO HARD & SOFT AT B R U E C C E M AN N'8. Promptness a S|H>c-ially. , TELEPHONES 113 & 148 Borders, bds Church. Lippert Chas. eigarmkr. Logan Cortlilia Miss, C res > X Main, Marrissa. ui Lyons Nancy E Miss, res S ca Park ave. Lyons William (M K, \V M e K Lvons & Co), res Main Lvons W M K & Co. (Win "MK Lyons and J F While. C/3 druggists, jewelers and lumber. Main street. o McBride John, miner, res X Hamilton ave. McCanley Maggie, dom S Main, Marissa. McCright Robert, painter, res S Park ave. McDonald W m . teamster, Main. McGce Henry, street com, res S Park ave. McGounigall James, miner, res X Main. McKee Edward Rev, pastor Unked Prcsbytn Church. res Main. McKinlcy Ash, bds S Main, Marissa. McLean Bettie Miss, res S Park ave. McLean Edwin, engineer, £ res S Park ave. McLean Ray Miss, res S Park ave. McMillen Hugh, farmer,, res Glenn. McMillan Jane Miss, res' Glenn. U J McMillan Maggie Miss, res Glenn. McMurdo Hariette (wid William), res S M aiu. McMurdo Jay Miss, bds S Main. f 1107 UHANON AVE. + BELLEVILLE, ILL McMurdo Millard, lawyer? res S Park ave. McQuilkin Mary, (wid Jno), res S Park ave. MeWright Boyd, wks mill, Lyons. MeWright James, lab res S Park ave. MeWright Levi B, wks Meek, Finger & Co. Mann Piantha, (wid John), res S Main, Marissa. Mann Louis, teamster, res S Main, Marissa. Mann M a r g a r e t t Miss rcsS Main, Marissa. MarcroftWm,boot and shoe maker, S Main, Marissa. Marissa Academy, T Han nah |r, prin. Marissa Creamery, Lyon & White, Main. Marissa Hotel, J as Wisely & Sons props, S Main. Marshall Math, wks Meek, Finger & Co. Massie J, mining engineer, res Hamilton ave. Mathews Alexander J, gro cers, Main, res Hamilton ave. Meek Andrew J, (Mcek,Finger & Co), res X Main. Meek, Finger & Co, And J - Meek, f h c o F i n g e r & E ( h v II Stephani, Marissa Rol ler Mills. Mitze Henry H, harness and sadlery. Main, res Fulton. Miller Nicholas, tailor H L Campbell. Momberger VVm,coal miner Main. Moore Alice Miss, dom S Main, Marissa. ! Theodore J. Krafft & Son. FIRE A N D LIFE INSURANCE. 9 • E L L E V I L L I , ILL. PIEPER & F$£DGLE\, INSURANCE. P E N S BUILDING. BELLEVILLE, ILL. 627 Moore 0 T,physician, Glenn res same. Morgcnthaler Geo, res N Hamilton. Morgan thaler Geo jr, cooper bcls S Main. Morgenthaler Hy, cooi>cr, bcls N Hamilton. Morgenthaler Lizzie Miss, smstress, bcls N Hamilton Myerott Geo, miner, res N Main. Nevin Geo W, (Crawford, Wells & Co), Glenn. Nevin John, miner, res S Main, Marissa. Nixon Geo M, (J C Hamilton & Co), res S Main. Orth Jno W,barkpr S Orth, bcls Main. Orth Phillip, barkpr SOrth, bcls Main. Orth Sophie, (wid John) Hotel, Main. Osborne Thos,clk,rcs Fulton Pollock Thos M, teamster, res S Park ave. Predigcr Nancy, (wid Peter) Lyon. Rainey Isabel, (wid Win), res S Park avc. Rainey Win jr, carp, res S Park ave. Ralls Nellie Miss, res Alain. Rankin Martha E Miss, millinery, Main. Reformed Presbvt'n Church 8 Main, Rev R W Chest nut, pastor. Reihert Phillip, miner, res N Main. Rodumer J no,coal mnr Alain Robeson j a s . c o a l mnr Alain Robinson Mary Miss, dom, S Alain. Roundtree Alonzo, lab S J Gutherie, Sr, bds Alain. R P Church, S Alain, Rev R W Chestnut, pastor; Sun day services, 11 A M ; Sunday school, 10 A M ; Prayer meeting ever\' Friday and Saturday at 2 P M . Ruester Alar tin, wagommkr res O AI. Sanerwein Henry,coal mnr, res Alain. Schmunek Fred, vvks Aleck, Finger & Co. Schmunck Philip, cooper Aleek, Finger & Co. Schneickwind Chas, miner, res S Hamilton. Schroeder Hy, lab, bds Alain Schuster Jno, wks ereamerv bds X Main. ~ Schwartz Adam, engineer, res S Main. Sender Charles, coal miner, Park ave. ShortJas S, bkpr, res Alain. Short Kate Aliss, Short Sisters, Alain. Short Alay Aliss, Short Sis ters, Alain. Short'Sisters (May & Kate) dressmkrs, Alain. Singleton H W, station agt„ res Hamilton. Sinn Henrv, harncssmaker H E Mitze. Stein Anna Miss,res N Alain Stein Rose Aliss, res. Steinheimer Geo, blksmith, Alain, res same. Steinheimer Hy, lab, Park. Stcphani Fdw H, Aleek, Fingzc & Co, res Belleville. Hn, Copper ^ Sheet Iron WorkDene a t C H K S , K S I L ' S , KLLEVILLE, - ILL. Cac Your M K. MAIM S T . , , 1 , v 1 ^ 25L 2| Eji ^ | . § £ ^* * § : I' - r £ 5 = o. £ *° - g f* O u § £5, ' r = = r p o i l e t Soaps, SCHMTTT DRUG 00. ETC., Belleville, HI. 118 A W . MAIN ST., 628 Stewart Alex, furniture and undertkr, Alain, res same. Stewart Chas. res Church. Straker Ewing, coal miner, res Main. Straker James E, miner, res X Main Stuter John, painter, res S Hamilton. Telephone Exchange, W M K Lyons & Co store. Main Thompson Catharine (wid) res Main. Thompson Chas, coal miner, bds Marrissa Hotel. Threnn Charles, coal miner, res Main. Troutner George, gardener. Main, res same. Troutner John, coal miner, res Main Tweed Jas R, physician, S Main, Marissa, res same. Uhlman Edward, blksmith res S Main. Uhlmann Kate (wid Fcrdinand), res N Main. Uhlmann Otto, miner, bds X Main Uhlmann Win, m i n e r , bds N Main. Wagner Fredk J r , student, bds S Main. Wagner Frederick, bkpr, res Glenn. Walker All>ert, wks Meek, Finger & Co. Walker Edward, wks Marissa Creamer)' Co. Walker Joseph, miner, res S Hamilton. Walter Geo. lawyer. Main, res Park ave. Walter Louis, Glenn & Wal- V.L tcr, res Hamilton ave. Wells Albert H, Hamilton, Wells & Co, res S Main. Wells Stiles H, Crawford, Wells & Co, res Park ave. Wcstcrman Hy, coal miner, res Main. Western Union Telegraph office, Main. White Frank, res S Park av White J a s T, W M K Lyons & Co, res Hall cor Park av Wilson Belle C Miss, music teacher, bds S Main. Wilson Eliza J (wid J o h n ) , res Main. Wilson Esther Miss, house keeper S Main. Wilson Ester A ( M J & E A Wilson), res S Main. Wilson James T, bds Main. Wilson M J & E A (Mattie J & Ester A), inlnry, Main Wilson Maggie Miss, res S Hamilton. Wilson Martha (wid Moses) res S Hamilton. I Wilson Mattic L M T & E A Wilson, bds S Main. Wilson Nannie T Miss, res Main. Wirching Edw, coal miner, bds Main. Wisely Alice Miss, res S M ain. Wisely James, res Main. Wisely James, (James Wise ly & Son), res Marissa Hotel. Wisely J a s J r , (Jas Wisely & Son,) bds Marissa Hotel. Wisely J a s & Son, (Jas & Jas J r , ) hotel and livery stable, res Marissa Hotel. AVAUX<-S^ ETRU1TS DOMESTIC AND TROPICAL [ IN KUEVIUE. Farm Wagons and Farm Supplies, Austin Road Grader. KIRGHER S SON 21 W. Mafa Strati, BELLEVILLE, ILL 629 Wisely Lavina Miss, res N Main. Wisely Samuel, coal miner, lxls Marissa Hotel. Wolter Ernst, bds Globe Hotel. Wolf Henry, retired, res N Main. WolterL, (Glenn &Wolter), res Hamilton ave. Wylie John S, blacksmith, res S Main. £i Wylie Robert J , tel opr, res c O S Park ave. Ziehlsdorf Daniel, coal opr, res S Main, Marissa. o =n 33 CD MASCOUTAH. An incorporated village in St Clair County, on the L & N R R, 10 miles east of Belleville,, the county seat and banking point—25 miles from St Louis; 2 weekly newspapers, Herald and Anzeigcr. Mail stages to St Libory, (14 miles), and Fayetteville, (8 miles) daily, fares 6 5 and 4 0 c t s . Telegraph" W. U., Adams Express,; population, 2,300. Municipal election on the first Tuesday in April; council meets on first Monday night in each month. CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor—Christopher Lischer. Clerk—Carl Montag. Marshall—Isaac H Pad field. Treasurer—Fred Justus. Attorney—Frank Perrin. Street Superintendent—John Gougcon. Sexton—Martin Rietzel. Aldermen First Ward—Henry Brucgel, George Dietz, John Mann. Aldermen Second Ward—John Brickmer, Martin Merkle, William D Donner. SOCIETIES. A. F . & A. M.—Douglas Lodge No. 3 6 1 holds stated communications first and third Saturday nights of each month in Decker's Hall. John T. Gebbie, W. M, John F a c t , Secretary. 1. O. O. F.—Humboldt Lodge No. 2 8 6 meets everv Monday night in Odd Fellow's Hall. M. Molter N. G. Peter Nisehwitz, Secretary. Mascoutah Encampment No. 9 0 , I. O. O. F.—Meets first and third Thursday night in each month in Odd Pellow's Hall. John Mann, C P.John Arndt, Scribe. L C A O I N C C M A M P A O N C S AME YX F O * SALE « V I JOS. LEOPOLD 4 BRO. CHAS. HKII^SIIXK. uml MUMWS E X T R A D R W %K BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. <Ci fC^) * • >. L 2 3 c/> b Jj | P r£ 5 ™ C j*j ~'r » s. ~ * 5' 2 r" o * ^ H g OB " £J = <" B ACE CURTAINS B E L L E V I L L E L STEAM L A U N DRY. A SPECIALTY. S ~ I. 0 . M. A—Mascoutah Lodge No 145 meets second > and fourth Tuesdav nights of every month in Odd Fellow's _ - Hall, lohn H Liebig, president, Philip PfeiierJr, Sec'y. j K. of H.—Mascoutah Lodge No. 1 9 7 7 holds regular C " meetings in Decker's Hall, every first and third Wednesday nights'of each month. Jacob Decker, Dictator, J a c o b .j Bachman. reporter. j EB< 0 . 1. H.—Local Branch No. 4 S 3 , holds regular meet ings in Decker's Hall, every first and third Tuesday nights of each month. John Trappe. C . J , Henry Bruegel, Acc'ti D. 0 . H.—Harmonic Lodge Xo. 5 6 3 meets on the first and third Saturday niehts of each month in Mever's Hall, G. W: Pannier. 0 . *B. Fred Graul, J r . , Secretary. j C. K. of I.—Mascoutah Branch No. 24, Catholic Knights of Illinois, meets in the afternoon of the first Sun-. day~of each month at the Catholic Schoolhouse. Henry Albrecht, President, John Roehl, Secretary. W*. A. S.—Workmen's Aid Society of Mascoutah. meets' on the last Saturday night of every month, in the Turn-! Hall. J George Mertz, President, F. Sehubkegel, Secretary. M. C. T. V—Mascoutah Central Turn Verein meets' on the first Wednesday night of every month, in the Turnhall, Adam Stock, J r . , President, W. H. Rupi)ersberger,| Secretary. | G. A. R.—Mascoutah Post, No. 082, G. A. R., meets on £i£ the first Thursday evening of each month in Decker's Hall. D 1 1 ^^^^^ *—' ^ Visiting comrades are cordially invited. Fred Dilg, Commander. Fred Sehubkegel, Adjutant. CHURCHES. Church of the Holy Childhood of Jesus, (R. C.) First •~ North n \v cor John. Rev Anton Pieke, rector. Services: Sunday Mass S:00 a. m., High Mass, 10:00, Vesper2:30 p.j m. weekdays, mass 8:00 a. m. ! Evangelical Lutheran Church, First North, n e cor • School. No regular pastor. —— Lutheran Church (German), Schmahl cor South, no' in regular pastor. g " Methodist Church (German), Mill, n e corSehool, Rev. t O Charles Holtkamp, pastor. Services: 10:15 a. in.,7:30 p. £ m., vSundayschool l»:00 a. m„ prayermeeting Wednesday 2 S 7:30 p. m., Teachers meeting. Friday 7:30 p m g2 PUBLIC SCHOOL. 5 Green l>et Schmahl and Market, Milliam A. Hough, principal. ( K DlftNOS AND ORGANS, I 1 2 1 4 Collinsville Ave., E a s t St. I^MIIM. Custav Lehman. LARGE S A M P L E R O O M S AT T H E — THOMAS HOUSE, g > ADA MAIM. COW. MICH, BELLEVILLE, I L L . 631 BAU Adams Express Co., F Hattes agt, Mill. Alber Jacob, mason, res Philip. Alber Theodore, saloon, Mill, res do. Albrecht Henry cooper, res First North. Altdoerfcr John lab, res nr Mascontah Brewery. Altdoerfer Katie Miss, res nr Mascoutah Brewery. Altdoerfcr Philip, coal miner, res nr Brewery. Alt water John, res Philip. Andres Charles, wks Hussnian Crucible Co, bds Main. Andres Margaret Mrs, res Main. Appel George, lab, res Main. Appel Henry, blacksmith Mill, bds Main. Appel Regina Miss, bds Mill. Arbogast Elizabeth (wid Geo), res First North. Arndt Geo, wks Hussnian Crucible Co, res South. ArndtJohn, lab, res First North. Arndt Otto W, barl)er B Jacobs, bds South. Arndt Sophie Miss, dress in kr, bds First North. Bachmann Jacob, teacher public school, res Main. Rachmann Win, lab, res Philip. Raehr Rudolph, Rausch & Baehr, bds Philip. Raer Henry, res First North. RaerJacob, lab, res George. Raised John G, tailor, res Fourth North. Ragby Edgar, lab, res Schinahl. Ragby Elisha, justice of the peace Mill, res Schinahl. Rarth Susan (wid Wm), res Market. Rarthold Cuna S Miss, res Main. Rartholme Mavin, coal miner, res Mill. Ratty Bros (Jas H and Nephi Ratty), props Mascoutah Custom Mill. Fourth North. B a t t y James, coal miner and dlr, Market, res Fourth North Batty James H, Batty Bros, res Green. Batty John, coal miner, bds Fourth North. Batty Nephi, Batty Bros, bds Fourth North. Ratty Sarah J Miss, res Fourth,North. Bauer & Grisbauni (Misses Susan Bauer and Ida Grisbaumjl, milliners, Mill. Bane Ansel in, painter Mill, res same. Rauer August, painter, bds Mill. bpSTEY & CAMP, \ St. Louis, M o . PIAI)08 »„„ ORGANS, Paints * Oils, BAU 0-5 (\5 Lb ? *m \ m % ^ i ~ 0 (I) 0 a: K w ili »- I A ) } f >*5 fT~\ ( t CO Sdlin DRW C9. 118 W . MAIM » T , Belleville, - t ML 63= Bauer M a r y Miss, bds M i l l . Bauer Philip, merchant tailor M i l l , res same. Bauer Susan Miss, Bauer & Grisbauin, bds Mill. Baumgartner M a r g a r e t ( w i d C a r l ) , res M a i n . Baumhard Jacob, res Green. Becker Abraham, section boss, res Jefferson. Becker Emma Miss, res Jefferson. Becker Frank., cooper, bds Jefferson. Becker Jacob, cooper, res Jefferson. Becker Joseph, lab, res Mill. Becker M a r y Miss, res Jeflerson. Becker Theodore, barber, bds Jefferson. Beil George, fanner, res Mill, Benz Philip, harness and saddles Mill, res same. Bergmann Louis, teamster, res M i l l . Bern his George L . blacksmith Mill, res same. Bcrthold Leonard, lab, res Mill. Bertram Elizabeth ( w i d Johanna), res George. Beyer J o h n , l a b , bds South. Bietsch John, butcher E F Geneg,, bds same. Binz (Charles, tailor, res Mill. Binz Gustav, shoemkr Henry Binz, bds Mill. Binz Henry, b o o t and shoes Mill, res same. Binz Lena M i - s . res Mill. Binz Louisa Miss, res Mill. Binz Sarah ( w i d A n d r e w ) , res M i l l . Blaise John, lal), res Mill. Blueher Franz, lock and gunsmith Mill, res Independence Blum John, res Patterson. Bocquet Albert, bds Green. Bocquet Gustav, elk Geo Keichardt Sr, bds Green. Boc<|wet Julius, res Green. Bocquet Margareth ( w i d Clias), res Green. Boelim Elizabeth Mrs, bds Fourth N o r t h . Boesenberg A1 fred, lal), bds South. Bocsenberg Godfrey, res South. Bohlander Geo, lab, res Main. Bohlinger Jos, grain, res Mill. Boos Jacob, res First N o r t h . B o r g Ignatius, lab, res Jefferson. Borg Ignatius jr, w k s ereamerv, bds Jefferson. Boss John, cooper, res Mill. Bramstedt Dicdcrich, carp, res George. Brandtstcttner Anna Miss, res Mill. W.H. HILL & B R 0 . Oflice 202 lirnathvav. Warfcboiise <t 17 Railroad A w. Teleiihouu H020 EAST sr. LOUIS. ILLINOIS. V m U k r n ,,r NtttfcriJtls of All Kind*. Constantly <m IIJIMI. Flour & Feed. W M . 1&CKHSRDT, J R . „ 106 TO 110 W. MAIM* BRA 633 DEC B r a n d s t e t t n e r M a r y Miss, dom C h a s A K u n g . Breckmer J o h n , res M a i n . Breidenbach Dora, (wid F r e d ) , bds P a t t e r s o n . Breidenbach J a c o b , lab, res Green. Brueckmann Philip, shoemkr Mill, res same. B m e c k n e r Henr}', lab, res South. BRUEGEL HENRY, saloon, Mill, res s a m e . Brucgel L e n a , (wid A d a m ) , res Mill. Btiettner J o h n , l a b , res Oak. B u s s J Joseph, lab, res P a t t e r s o n . B u s s Joseph, peddler, res Lebanon. Butzinger Elizabeth, (wid C h a s ) , res F i r s t North. Cannady C h a s , county s u p t o f schools, res Main. C a s p a r Adolph, wood turner, Mill bds same. C a s p a r Raphael, res Mill. Central Turn Verein Hall, S bet Independence and Jeflerson Christ J o h n , res Jefferson. Christian O t t o D, painter, bds F i r s t North. Church o f the Holy Childhood o f Jesus ( R C ) F i r s t North n w cor J o h n . City Hall, Mill n w cor Schmahl. Claus Anton, res Schmahl. Clement Fritz, lab, res George. Colliugen Alex, c o a l miner, bds n r M a s c o u t a h Brewery. Collingen Julius, c o a l miner, res nr M a s c o u t a h Brewery. Collingen Magdalene, (wid Christoph), res nr M a s c o u t a h Brewery. Conklin Amos, c o a l miner, res Fifth North. Constanzer Bernhard, retired, res Mill. Constanzer Catharine, (wid Michael), res Mill. Comtek Louisa M r s , res Mill. D a t h a n Anna Miss, res Mill. Dathati Anna C, (wid C a r l ) , res Mill. D a t h a n Fredk, furniture and undertaking, Mill, bds same Dauber Amanda Miss, res Mill. Dauber Augusta Miss, res Mill. Dauber Henry, elk L Dauber, bds Mill. Dauber Louis, druggist, Mill, res same. Decker Eliza Miss, res Mill. Decker E m m a Miss, res Mill. L U M B E R , tx> Skiigto, laid, Kask, Doors, Ik. W ftCHNtosSt, KaEVN.LE.ILL. BECHERER'S * Y H R D . * ^RUECCEMANN 8 |$ THE BEST. 1107 LEBANON AVE. TELEPHONES 1 1 3 4 1 4 1 . ~ BELLEVILLE, - ILLINOIS. i 0 . * O j o rs >, Jj CC -I UJ H ^ Q UJ ^ ^ £ ~r = CC ^ UJ j *~ p [2 ^ ^> > f Y w •f| DEC 034_ " EIG DECKER HENRY J., p r o p M a s e o u t a h H o u s e a n d dealer in agricultural implements, sewing machines, etc. Sec a d v DECKER JACOB, m n g r H J Decker's 'machine d e p t . res Mill. Decker Ottilie Miss, res Mill. Dick Aug. lali. res Main. Dickhaut Ada Miss, res S o u t h . Dickhaut Peter, res S o u t h . Diepfer Christian, lab. bds nr Brewery. Diepfer George, res nr Brewery. Dietz Geo. blksmith, M a r k e t st. Dietz Geo \V. blksmith G Dietz, bds M a r k e t Dietz Henry, butcher, res'Philip. i Dilg F r e d . t r c a s M a s c o u t a h Brewing Co a n d p o s t m a s t e r , ! Mill, res same. Dilg Lillie L Miss, asst p o s t m a s t e r , bds Mill. Dingier Joseph, farmer , res Main. Dittmnnn Jo3m, lab. res Main. Doebert Adeline Miss, res Philip. Doehert Christ, cooper, res Philip. Doebert O t t o , cooper, bds Philip. Doelling Matilda, (wid Aug), res Main. Donner Adeline Miss, res South. Donner Albert, cooper, res South. Donner E m m a Miss, res South. Donner Ferdinand, cooper, res South. Donner Katie M Miss, res Green. Donner Peter, elk M & M Marglous, bds S o u t h . Donner \Ym D. cooper, res Green. DRASER & PFAFF, (George Draser and Adam Pfaff), lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, etc, Mill. Draser Geo, (Draser & Pfaflf). res Green. Draser Geo jr.. elk Draser & Pfafl", bds Green. Duckett Jacob' B, farmer, res Green. Dumont Peter, res Schmahl. Duniont Peter jr, engineer, res Schmahl. Eagle Hotel, John Hermann prop, Schmahl ' ^ d ^ Hbc'rleinjr), boots- < THEODORE J . KRAFFT&SON The Oldest Insurance Agency * 31 PUBLIC SQUARE * I ' NST C L A R CO094TV BELLEVILLE. - ILL. AMPLK FACILITIES FOR PLACING LAR«K LINES. PIEPER & BADGLEY, LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. INSURANCE. MLOINO, BILLIVILLI, ILL. 635 EID FRI Eidmann Dora C Miss, seamstress, M s Mill. Eisenmayer Geo C, res Philip. Eisenmayer Ida Miss, tch Public School, Ixls Philip. Eisenmayer Matilda Miss, res Philip. Eisenmeyer Jacob, res Market. Eisenmeyer Mary A (wid Jacob), res Main. Emig Amelia Miss, res Mill. Emig A Christian, editor Mascoutah Anzeiger, res Mill. Emig Lydia Miss, res Mill. Emmerich Anna M (wid Charles L ) , res Green. Engel John, lab, bds Philip. Engel Mary (wid J o h n ) , res Philip. Espenschied Christina Miss, res South. Espenschied Elizabeth (wid Adam), res South. Espenschied Gustav, lab, res Patterson. Etling Henry, harnessmkr J D Mollman, Ixls Fifth North. Etling Peter, res Fifth North. Evangelical Lutheran Church, First North, n e c o r School Fackt John, miller, res Schmahl. Fackt John A, coal dealer Schmahl, res same. Feller John, res Mill. Fischer Anna M (wid John), bds Mill. Fisher Jacob, res Mill. Fleddermann Henry A, tel opr, res Green. Flcmttutth Martin, lab, res George. Flemmuth Philip, lab, bds George. Flotho Esther (wid Joseph), res First North. Flotho John J , express driver, bds First North. Frey George, lab, res Fifth North. Friboliu Charles, teacher, res First North. Fribolin Minnie Miss, bds First North. Friederich Emilie Miss, I & E Priederich, res Mill. Friederich Ida Miss, I & E Friederich, res Mill. Friederich I & E (Misses Ida and Emilie Friederich), millinery, Mill. Friederich Mary E (wid Peter), res Mill. Friederich Michael, saloon, Mill, res same. Friederich Philip, lab, res Mill. Friedrich Jacob, carp, res John. Friedrich Magdalcna (wid John), res First North. Fries John, res First North. Fries Marie Miss, bds Mill. OTOVES! O CHAS. KEIL'S, 26 E. Main Street, - BELLEVILLE, ILL. SCHMITT DRU6 CO, ) IIS W. MAIM ST. Belleville, G3G FRI o to D - IU. GOL Fries Mina Miss, res First N o r t h . Friess J Peter, carp, bds Green. Friess Peter, ret, bds Schmahl. Froelin George, peddler, res Fifth N o r t h . Fiiehs August J, physician. M i l l , res same. Fuehs Elizabeth Miss, doni P I I Postel. Fuchs Fred, lab. bds nr brewery. Fuchs Lizzie Miss, res near brewery. Fuchs M a r y Miss, res near b r e w e r y . Fuchs Pierce, lab! res near b r e w e r y . Fuchs Pierce Jr. lab, bds near b r e w e r y . Fuesser Annie Miss, res Independence. Fuesser M a r y ( w i d C h r i s t o p h ) . bds Independence. Fullmer Daniel, school teacher, bds liable H o t e l . b amnion Charles B, a g t L & N R R and tel o p r \V U Tel C o , res Schmahl. Garbs John P., teamster, res First N o r t h . Gaskell George, lab. res Main. Gebbie John T , miller, res First North. Genez Adolph J, printer Maseoutah Herald, bds Mill. Genez Emil F, meat market, Mill, res same. Genez Emil T , butcher, bds Mill. Gerties Christian 0 . painter, First N o r t h , res same. Gerhardt Christian, w a g o n m k r , Mill, res same. Geycr Frederick, carp, res M a i n . Glaeser Henrietta Miss, res Mill. Glaeser Henry, peddler, bds Mill. Glaeser Peter, "peddler, res Mill. Glaeser Peter j r , peddler, bds M i l l . Glassen Emil. saloon, Mill, res same. Glassen Fridolin, tinsmith, res M i l l . Glassen Louisa Miss, res Mill. Glatz Annie Miss, milliner, bds M i l l . y Gleiss Conrad, packer, res George. Glenzer Pretlcricka, ( w i d G e o r g e ) , res Mill. Glenzer Gustav. elk, bds Mill. Glenzer M a r g a r e t Miss, res Mill. Goebel Christiana, ( w i d John), res Mill. Goebel Emil J, broom mnfr, Mill, bds same. Goebel Ottilic K Miss, seamstress, bds Mill. Goebel O t t o E, tailor, bds Mill. Gold Joseph, res Green. a? o « S| D K A T . K U IN* V.UWAUX, FRUITS, 1 % m m d « • MAIN STREET, NUT8, CONFECTIONS, OYSTERS, Etc. •KLLEVILLC, I L L t I^ircher & Son, 21 W. Bain Street, Belleville, III. GOR 637 Shejf. M Hetty Hard ware, Household tt*ds, Ete. HAM Gorg G Philip, bartdr Henrv J Decker. Gosch Thos F , res First North. Gottner Henry, lab, res Green. Gougeon Elizabeth Miss, res Mill. Gougeon Hagar Miss, res Mill. Gougeon John, street supt, res Mill. Graeser Margaret, (wid Geo), res Sehmiahl. Graul Fred, (Fred Graul & Son), res First North. Graul Fred jr, (Fred Graul & Son), res Green. Graul Fred & Son, (Fred & Fred Graul, jr), blksmiths, Mill Griesmer John, res Independence. Grisbaum Ida Miss, (Bauer & Grisbaum), bds Mill. Grohs Annie Miss, res Frankfort. Grohs Christiana, (wid Henrj), res Frankfort. Grohs Margarette Miss, res Frankfort. Grohs Philip J , foreman Geo I^eibrock, res Mill. Gross Jacob, carp, res Mill. Grosz Barbara, (wid Philip J ) , res George. Grutnm Salerna,(wid Geo), res South. Guth Albert, (L Guth & Son), bds Mill). Guth Carrie Miss, res Mill. GUTH ELIAS 6.. genl store Mill, res same. Guth Geo E elk E G Guth, bds same. Guth Louis, (L Guth & Son) and saloon, Mill, res same. GUTH LOUIS & SON. (Louis & Albert Guth), hardware etc, Mill. See adv. Gutwein Chas, lab, bds Mill. Gutwein Ottilie, (wid Martin), bds Mill. ;t *J "21 gp« , 5 ^ * *Q4 J -f"^ iP 5 • § r g ~ £3 £ gj £ » < £ po f g, 1 m Haegele Marianne, (wid Joseph), bds First North. 3 Hafley Thos, lab, res Mill. Hagen Caroline, (wid Chas), res Mill. Hagiti Laura Miss, res Mill. Hagist Albert, elk E Hagist & Son, res Mill. Hagist Augusta Miss, res First North. Hagist E & Son, (Ernst & Ernst R Hagist),genl store, Mill a^rk Hagist Ernst, (E Hagist & Son), res Scliimahl. §gp| Hagist Ernst R, (E Hagist & Son), res Mill. s'Jk? Hagist Margaret, (wid John), res First North. Hamanii Aug, saloon, Mill, res same. |3Hamann Geo, H, bds Mill. ^ Hall Chas, bricklayer, bds Green. 3 HanfT Armiii N, organ agt, res Green * Old Oacar lVpixsr, ) LEADING 1 V 1 I I *I C 1 / *I P, C KEMTUCKY %?v?i&2X5? i WHISftltCfr. Agents, JOS. LEOPOLD & BRO., Kuurius, IIL ljaurjdry W o r k at Sfyort J^otice. 215 E. Main St., Belleville, 111, HAR ea.2 .-3=3 1-3"—* C*3 ,J| . fkf 2 J ^Jj-'c Q « <Jj #v» £»y • — £ ^ g © ^ <n UJ S CL Q. UJ — © 5 — * ^"" HES 038 H a r t e n g Catharine, ( w i d L o u i s ) , res Philip. H a r t e n g Emil, lab, bds Philip. H a r t e n g Hrnestina, ( w i d W i n ) , res Philip. H a r t e n g Ida Miss, res Philip. H a r t e n g M a r y Miss, res Philip. Harteng O t t o , lab, bds Phillip. Harugari Hall, Mill. Hatzenbiehler Ferdinand; coo])er, bds M i l l . Hatzenbiehler Miichael. w a t c h m a n , res M i l l . Hauck L n d w i g , res-Mill. Hanser Elizabeth Miss, res Schmahl. Hanser Isabella Miss, teacher public school, bds Schmahl. Hanser Philippine ( w i d Frederick), res Schmahl. Hanswirth Charles, bricklayer, res Green, Heberer John, res Mill. Heck Fritz, hostler A . H a m a n n , bds d o . H e d w i g Luchvig, saloon, Mill, res d o . Heene Jacob, grocery and bakery, Mill, res d o . Heer Lena Miss, d o in L. Cornic. Hehner M a r g a r e t ( w i d J a c o b ) , res Mill. Hehner Philip I ) , nurseryman, res Green. Hciligenstein Leonard, prop Lincoln P a r k , res P h i l i p , Hem Eliza Miss, seamstress, bds First N o r t h . Heim John, stoves and tinware, M i l l , res First North. Heinz John, res M i l l . Heinz M a t i l d a Miss, teacher public school, bds M i l l . Heiser Catharine Miss, res Jefferson. Heiser Gustav, lab, res Jefferson. Heiser G u s t a v j r , coal miner, bds Jefferson. Heiser Peter, coal miner, bds Jefferson. Heiser Rudolph, coal miner, bds Jefferson. Henrich Christian, res M a i n . HENRICH GEORGE, prescription druggist, d r u g g i s t s ' sun dries, })aints, oils, glass, etc., ami a g t Ins. C o . of North America, M i l l , n e Jefferson, res d o . Hcnrich K a t i e E Miss, dressmaker, bds M i l l . Hen rich William P, elk George Hcnrich, bds d o . Hentscher Barbara ( w i d A u g u s t ) , res South. Hentscher Charles, carp, bds South. Hentscher Clara Miss, res South. Hermann Jacob, w k s j Satiter. Hermann John, prop Eagle H o t e l , Schmahl. Hesse Joseph, carp, res M i l l . Hcstorfcr Barbara ( w i d John), res M i l l . QUSTAV LEHMAN, n « T 3 " « » \ 4 214 CtOtovHto Im., E«* 51 Louis. ^_.„ , —- B. RICHNER. PROP. Thomas flouse, MRS. A. JAS. CORWIN, CLERK LEADING HOTEL IN THE CITY. >> -4* V<$i.i!E ,U 639 JUL HEY H He\'de Henry H, res Jefferson. He3'de Herman H, student, bds Jefferson. Hildebrandt Frederick, lab, res, Main. Hocrdt Fred, miller, res Green. Hoerdt Fred jr, painter, M s Green. Hoerdt Henry, lab, bds Green. Hocrdt Sophie Miss, res Green. Hoering Elisc (wid George H), res Phillip. Hoering Eliza Miss, res Philip. Hoering M a r y (wid Philip), bds Main. Hoffmann George, wks George Leibrock, res Mill. Holt Henry, res Schmahl. Holtkamp' Charles Rev, pastor Methodist Church (Ger man), res School. Holtkamp Otilie M Miss, teacher public school, bds school Homer H W, sec Hussman Crucible C o , res St Louis. Hopp John, lab, bds Main. Hopp Michael, lab, res Main. Hottcs Annie K Miss, res Mill. Hottes Charles F , teacher Public School, res Mill. Hottes Frederick, hardware, Mill, res same. Hottcs Henry G, wks F Dathan, bds Mill. Hough Win A, prin Public School, res First North. Huckc Henry, Philip Hucke & Son, res Mill. Huckc Philip, Philip Hucke &S011, res Mill. Hucke Phil & Son (Phil and H y Hucke), gen store, Mill. Huhs Frank, cooper, res Green. Huhs Ida Miss, res Green. Hummel Hieronymus, blacksmith, Mill, res same. Hummel Win, wagonmaker,res Mill. Hund Henry, bakery, Mill, res same. Huss Henry, lab, res Main. Hussman Arnold, pres Hussman Crucible C o , res Mill. Hussman Crucible C o , A Hussman, pres; Horace Stone, treas; H W Homer, sec; mfrs of crucibles, stove polish and graphite goods, Mill. Jaegc Victor, hostler Emil Glassen, bds same. Jakobs Benjamin, barber, Mill, res same. Jansz Henry, res First North. Jansz Margaret A (wid John), res First North. Jenning Henrietta (wid Fred), res Mill. Julius John P, barber, Mill, res same. the Leaders I & 9 1 0 Olive St. C A M P , 8U LMIS, • Mo. | GtO U L KOE b ~, Julius Louis, lab, bds Mill. 2 * Justus Andrew, barter, res Mill. S2 j Justus Fred, gen store. Mill, res same. Justus Salome (wid A n d r e w ) , res Mill. ac _ 2 i.% < zi g — I UJ I 3; = z ~ ^ -2 2 ~ < a a- E Kabel Elizabeth (wid Nicholas), bds First North. Kallmcver Henry, clothing, Mill, res s a m e . K a n n i n g Rosa (wid Win), bds Green. K a m m a n n Edmund, carp, bds Mill. K a m m a n n K a r l , carpenter and builder. Mill, res same. Karch Charles, res Mill. Karch E m m a Miss, res Mill. I K a r c h John, res Mill. I Karch Lizzie Miss, res Mill. K a r s t Elizabeth Mrs, res Main. K a s t Gottlieb, carp, res M a i n . Keil Joseph, w a g o n m a k e r . Mill, Keimm Jacob, lab, res George. Keller Reinhardt, l'ab. res First North. • Kemler John, shoemaker, res Mill. CM Kern Blasius, lab, res Lebanon. JxJ Kern M a r y Miss, res Lebanon. y p | Kilian M a r g a r e t Miss, res South. Kilian Otto, tailor., res South. \ j Kilian O t t o jr, lab, bds South, p*^ Kimberlin Theodore, s a w y e r , res First North. Kissel August, meat market Mill, res same. J > ^ / Kissel Emilie Miss, res Mill. ^ Kissel Fred, meat market Mill, res same, j ^ * * Kissel Sophie Miss,, res Mill. Klein Paul, teamster, res South. Klein Philip, coal miner, res 11 r brewery. J Kleist Caroline (wid Geo), res Green. tD Kloppmeyer Henry, farmer, res nr M a s c o u t a h Brewery. Kloppmeyer John, w k s M a s c o u t a h B r e w i n g Co, bds nr r-r* brewery. Knoerr Jacob, farmer, res Main. K n o t h Christiane (wid John), res First North. K n o t h Louise Miss, dom E G Guth J—Q Koehn Maria A (wid Melchoir), res Green . Koerner Chas, w k s Geo Leibroek, res Greei Koerner Geo, cooper, res Green. Koerner Martin, eoopcr, bds Green £ 0 W, H . H IT T I [ T I V PI n LLABK A Wholesale and U t t a l l !*afer» In J.HARD 9 SOFT COAL GARDEN AND F L O W E R S E E D S AND S E E D GRAIN-AT Wit?* Ccktyardt, Jr* 106 TO 110 W. MAIM S T . , BBLLBVILLI. • KOH 641 ILL. LEI Kohlhoff Philippine (wid Philip), res Main. K O L B & SON (Kilian and Kilian Kolb jr), genl store, W Mill •Kolb Henry, printer Mascoutah Anzeiger, bds Main. Kolb Kilian, Kolb & Son, res Mill. Kolb Kilian jr, Kolb 8c Son, bds Mill. Kolb Philip, elk Kolb & Son, bds Mill. Kolb Philip, farmer, res Independence. Kolb Rosa (wid Killian), res Main. Koob Marie A (wid Philip), res Schmahl. Kottke Chas, lab, res First North. Kraemmer Nicholas, farmer, res Mill. Krantz Andreas, res Mill. Krape Lizzie C Miss, dress-cutter, bds First North. Kreher John, lab. res First North. Kruse Johanna Miss, res Mill. Kruse Maria (wid Gerhardt), res Mill. Kuehn Frank, carp, res Green. Kuehn J Henry, elk, bds Fourth North. Kuehn Margaret (wid Lucas), res Mill. Kuehn Win. coal miner, res Mill. Kuelli Clemens, Rickcrt & Kuelli, bds First North. KuelH Isadore, carp, res First North. Kuenitz Mary Miss, dom A Hamanri. Kugelmann Anna (wid John), res First North. Kugelmnmi John, cooper, res Main. Kuhle Barnabus, lab, res Fourth North. Kulilmann Henry, lab, res Mill. Kuhlmann Louisa Miss, res Mill. Kuiiz Chas A, res First North. Kunz Louise M Miss, res First North. Kunz Philip A, bkpr, bds First North. Kutterer Adam, carp, res Jefferson. Lalltnann Jacob, engineer, res First North. Lamperter John, res Mill. Lang Emilie Miss, res First North. Lang Henry, farmer, res First North. Lang Mary (wid Jacob), res First NorthLang Minna Miss, res First North. Legendrc Michael, blksmith P Legendre, bds Mill. Legend re Peter, blacksmith Mill, res same. Legendre Theo, blksmith P Legendre,, bds Mill. Leibrock Adam, bds South. | | Lumber M wm m m m ow w • ALL KINDS AT i>—>— BSCHERER'S, u x € , l ; i r , ^ t S K > Helleville, 111. BEST UJ UJ 00 1 -J zz > Ui —! UJ UJ £0 03 UJ u o u CO •22 1107 -AMD- Lebanon Ave.. Belleville, III. Phones 1 1 3 * 1 4 * LIS <U2 LEI UJ AT BRUEGGEMANN'S. HARD SOFT Leil)rock A ml res, bds South. Leibrock Got*, physician, res South. Leibroek Geo. sawmill Mill, res same. Leibrock Geo H, bds South. Leibroek J a c o b L. bds S o u t h . Leibrock J o h n , lab. res Mill. Leibrock J o h n P, res Mill. Leibrock Lawrence, bds S o u t h . Leibrock Lizzie Miss, dom Fred Scheve. Leibrock Philip N. res Mill. Leitsehuh Geo, lab, res Fifth North. Lenkemeier Henry, res Mill, -ehkemeier Lizzie Miss, res Mill, .ehkemeier Mary Miss, res Mill, .enhardt J o h n , lab. res South, .enhardt Ko>a Miss, dom F Hagist. .eonhard Christian, lab, res South, .eonhard lili/.a Miss, res South, .ereh William, cigar mfr, Mill, res P a t t e r s o n , .essiey Hugh, lab, res. South, .iebig Adam, lab, res Mill, -iebig Annie M Miss, res Mill, .iebig Charles (C Liebig cc S o n ) , res Mill, .iebig Charles, wagonmaker, rc< Mill, .iebig Charles & Son (Charles & Herman G Liebig), feed and sale si able. M ill. .iebig Elizabeth (wid Philip), res Main, .icbig Herman G (C Liebig <K: S o n ) , res Mill. Jcbitr John, farmer, res Mill, .ill Peter, lab. res Mill. .ill Peter \V, recorder S t Clair County, res Jefferson, .incoln Park, \ve>t end Philip, .ingenfelder Caroline (wid J a c o b ) res Mill, .ingcnfelder Sophie Miss, bds Mill, .inn Emma, (wid J a c o b ) res South, .ippert Anna M, (wid Fred), bds Green, .ippert Charles, bricklayer, res Green. Lippert George, lab, les Independence. Lippert Henry, asst a g t L & N R R, bds Independence, lippert J a c o b , blacksmith J Hummel, bds Independence. J p p e r t 0 , bricklayer and dealer in lime etc, Green, res do. .ippert Rudolph, elk E 11 agist & Son, bds Independence. Jscher Christoph, mayor, res George. Theodore J, Krafft & Son, •f 31 PUBLIC SQUARE. INSURANCE. Only Old a n d l:«listbJ« C o m p a n i e s iU'prcscJilt.'d. BELLEVILLE. ILL. PIEPER 5 BADGLEY, INSURANCE. LIS •ILLIVILLf, 643 ILL. MER Lischcr Christopher J , printer, M a s e o u t a h Atizeiger, res South. Lischcr Fred, shocmkr, Adam Stock, J r . . bds George. Lischcr Peter, res George. Lischcr Susan Miss, res George. Lorcnz J o s , j a n i t o r Central Turn Verein Hall, res Jefferson. Loss Lewis, lab, res M a i n . Loui K a t e Miss, res Mill. Lout M a r y , (wid M a r t i n ) , res Mill. Louis Joseph, butcher, H F Genez, bds do. Louisville & Nashville R R depot, Schmahl cor Union. Lucius Rudolph \V, w a t c h m a k e r and jeweler. Mill, res do. Lutheran Church (German), Schmahl cor South. 1*1 M a g e r Anna Miss, res Mill. M a g e r Bertha Miss, res Mill. M a g e r Henry, stoves and tinware, Mill, res do. Mai Philip, peddler, res Main. Mai Philip W, lab, bds Main. MARGLOUS W. & M.. (Morris A and M a y e r M a r g l o u s ) , clothing, dry goods, notions, fancy goods etc, Mill. M a r g l o u s Mayer, ( M & M M a r g l o u s ) , res Mill. Marglous Morris A, ( M & M M a r g l o u s ) , bds Mill. Maseoutah Anzeiger, John Winkler prop, A C Emisr editor, Mill. MASCOUTAH BREWING CO.. George Seheibel prcs and snpt, H P Teichmann sec; Fred Dilg treas, brewers of lager beer, county rd nr western limits. Maseoutah Custom Mill, Hatty Pros props. F o u r t h North. M a s e o u t a h Herald, Carl M o n l a g editor and prop, Mill. WASCOUTAH HOUSE. Henry J Decker prop, Mill, see adv. M a s e o u t a h Public School, Green bet Schmahl and M a r k e t . Maseoutah Turn Hall, c o r Lebanon and George. M a t h i a s Amelia Miss, res F i r s t North. M a t h i a s Christian, res F i r s t North. M a y e r Ferd. wks Maseoutah Brewing Co, res nr brewery. Mayer Ferd J r , wks Maseoutah B r w ' g C o , bds nr brewery. M a y e r Joseph D, res Mill. Menna Margareth (wid Louis), res M a i n . Merkel Edward bds Main. Mcrkel Martin, teamster Hussman Crucible Co, res Main. Mertz George, cooper, res Market. Mertz George jr, cooper, bds M a r k e t . Stove Repairs K0R SO E . Main Street, - ^ - T0VE Chas.KeU's, UKLLKYILLK, ILL* MER JH4 NIC, * 0 „ !Z 7 g £ H> -7 f§ ^ S ^ * £ ¥ (/) i * c W I ^ § 1 0 0 Mertz John G, cooper, res Market. Mcrtz Pauline Miss, dom L Postel. Mertz Robert, wks G Deibroek. . Methodist Church (German), Mill, iir cor School. Meyer Andrew, barber, Mill, res same. Meyer Anthony, lab, bds Fourth North. Meyer Conrad, res George. Meyer Conrad, prop New Crucible Works, res M a i n . Meyer Conrad B, sawyer, res First North. Meyer George, saloon, Mill, res same. Meyer John G, res Fourth North. Meyer Katie Miss, res Mill. Meyer Magdalena (wid Joseph), res First North. Miller David, lab, res Schniahl. Moetz Alexander, bds George. Moetz Robert, lab, bds George. Moetz Sophia (wid Alex), res'George. Mohr Charles, hostler C Liebig & Son, bds Mill Moll John. lab, bds First North. 5 Moilman Moll Marianne Christian), res FirstHerald, North bds Mill. Arthur(wid J, printer Mascoutah Moilman Khza Miss, res Mill. Mollman Fred W, harnessmkr j D Mollman, bds Mill. Mollman Herman F, harnessmkr J 1) Mollman, bds Mill. Mollman John D, harness and saddlery, Mill, res same. Mollman Ida K Miss, teacher, bds Mill. Mollman MinaM iss, teacher, bds Mill. Molter M ichaci, lab, res Philip. Montag Carl, cd and prop Mascoutah Herald, also city clerk and justice of the peace, res Mill. Morlock Christine (wid Louis), res Jefferson. Muehlhaeuser John, res First North. Mueller Charles F, vet surgeon, Green, res same. Mueller Charles Z, bricklayer, res Jefferson. Mueller Margareth (wid Frank X), res Jefferson. Mueller Margareth (wid Jacob), res Independence. Mueller William, wagonmkr, Jefferson. Munn John, lab, res Schmahl. Newa Kate Miss, dom G Rausch. Nichwitz Peter, bartender A Hamann, bds same. Nickel George, plasterer, bds Green. Nickel Gustav, plasterer, bds Green. 1/ U 11 (J A 0 A K E S ' CELEBRATED K • L t t Y f l U A , HOME-MADE CANDIES. Established 1819. 21 W . M)»in Stm'».. JTTPf^lIPP Jfr C A N f v i R v I l D R tt Ijl/n Tnc °n>orated 1889. Belleville. Illinois. 1 Dealers in H a r d w a r e , Sewing aiul Agricultural Machines, Miners' and Artisans T o o l s Kler.tric Supplies nn<l Farmers' Outfits. NIC 645 • POS Nickel Philip, florist, Green, res same. Nicol George H , blacksmith, Mill, res same. Nicoll Henry, res Mill. Niedemueller Joseph, cooper, res Green. Nolt Lconhard, cigarmkr Wm Lerch, res Mill. o Ohl Jacob, lab, res George. Old John, lab, Philip. Oster Hour}-, lab, res Mill. Ott Maria ( w i d Henry), res Schmahl. Pacific-Id Francis H , lab,Schmahl. Padfield Isaac H , marshall, res Jefferson. Padfield James R, constable, res Jefferson. Padfield Jessie Miss, res Schmahl. Panicr William, farmer, w end George. Perrin Frank, lawj'er, Mill, res Independence. Peters Henr3vshoemkr Geo Eberlein & Son, res Jefferson. Peth Mary Miss, res Mill. Peth Otto, bartdr Wm Pcth, bds M i l l Peth William, saloon, Mill, res same. Pfaff Adam, Draser & Pfaff. res First North. Pfaff Annie Miss, res First North. Pfaff Emilie Miss, res First North. Pfaff Marv Miss, res First North. Pfeifer Fredk, Philip Pfeifer & Son, res First North. Pfeifer Philip, Philip Pfeifer & Son, res Mill. Pfeifer Philip jr, soda water mfr. First North, res Green. Pfeifer Philip & Son (Philip & Fred Pfeifer). First North. Piekc Anton Rev, rector Church of the Holy Childhood of Jesus ( R C ) , res John. Plapp J, lab, res Mill. Plapp Jacob, blacksmith G L Bernius, bds Mill. Piatt John, coal miner, res Mill. Plegge Ernst, farmer, AV end Main. Plegge Lydia Miss, res \v end Main. Pohle Julius, painter, bds Main. Pohle William I I , cooper, res Main. Poirot Caroline Miss, dom G Leibrock. Postel Andrew, miller, bds Schmahl. Postel Eliza!>cth Miss, res Mill. Postel Geo, treas Ph H Postel Milling Co, res Schmahl. J03. LEOPOLD & BRO. W l l O L K S A I . K PKAI.KKS IX FTNE IMPORTED WINKS I X " FltENCII BRAM DIES •tLLIVILLI, . . . . ILLINOIS. ELLEVILLE • STEAM • LAUNDRY, B 2IS A. H . R E E S E , PROPRIETOR. I . MAIN STREET, BELLEVILLE, ILL. PCS W ' j£j # c Jjf si uj Ui' oe ~< I |j w 64-(> Postel John Ph, miller, Schmahl. Postel Julia Miss, res Schmahl. Postel Julius, see Ph I I Postel Milling Co, res Schmahl. Postel Philip H, pres Ph H Postel Mdling Co. res Mill. ' Postel Ph H jr. v-pres Ph H Postel Milling Co, res Mill Postel P h H Milling Co. I»li I I Postel, pres; Ph H Postel jr. v-pres; Julius Postel, see; Geo Postel, treas. Mill. Postoffice, Fred Dilg postmaster, Mill. Pralle Lizzie ( w i d PVed), res Mill, Press M a r y Mrs, res Mill. Puschner William, carpel weaver, res George. Ft = 8 *C 0j • j 5 ^ g Z n „ * S3 V) c [2 3 -J £ x i£ • O W J* "» Q 2 J ft g Q j ^ ROE Rabbe William, res First North. Ragland U Sylvester, res Green. Rauh Elisabeth (wid John), res Main, Rausch & Hiaehr, (George Kausch and Rudolph Baehr), house and sign painters. Mill. Rausch George, (Rausch & Baehr), res Mill. Rausch John," res Mill Rausch L U C Y E (wid George), bds Schmahl. Rehm Juliusjah, res nr Mascoutah Prewery. Rehm'Margaret (wid Joseph), bds nr Mascoutah Brewery. Reichardt George Sr. gen'l store, Mill, res do. Reichert Pertha Miss, dom Eagle Hotel. Reinhardt Charles, cooper, res First North, Reinhardt Elizabeth Miss, res Schmahl. Reinhardt Gustav, cooper, bds First North. Reinhardt Herman, agricultural implements, Mill. Reinhardt John G, res I irst North. Reinhardt Louis, teamster, res Schmahl. Reiss John, teamster Drascr & PfafT, res Patterson. Reist Marie Miss, res Mill. Renth Adam, farmer, bds Mill. Rettingbausen Ik'rtha J Miss, bds First North. Rettinghausen John; sawyer, res First North. Rickert & Kiuelli, (John Rickert and Clemens Ivuelli), carps and builders, First North, Rickert John (Rickert & Kuelli). res Mill, Rics Ferdinand, teamster, res Jefferson. Rictzel Martin,, sexton cemetery, res Fourth North, Ritter Iialthasar, lab, res First North. Koch Victor, lab, res Mill, Roeder George,, lab, bds Mill. : m — ^ ft Q O < > < j 60STAY LEHMAN, Sheet Music and 214 CoWntvilie Ave., Cast S t Louis. Misical Mtrcfaatflsi THOMAS HOUSE, E. Main and High, Belleville, 111. ROE REASONABLE R A T E S PER W E E K O R MONTH. 647 SCH Roeder Peter, shoemaker, Mill. Roc hi John, saloon, Mill. Roehl Stephen E, bartdr John Roehl, bds do. Rothaug Philip, wks Fred Schcve. Rudolph Jacob, bunier Hussman Crucible Co, res nr Mas coutah Brewery. Rudolph J o s , lab, res nr Mascoutah Brewer\-. Rucbclmann Adam, lab, res First North. Ruehl John, cooper, res Jefferson. Ruppersberger Emily Miss, teacher public school, bds Mill. Ruppersberger Jacob (J Ruppersberger & Son), bds Mill. Ruppersberger J a c o b & Son (Jacob & Wm), merchant tailors, Mill. Ruppersberger Wm, (J Ruppersberger & S o n ) bds Mill. Salz George, mason, res Philip. Saucrwcin Adam, res South. Sauerwein Elizabeth Miss, res Schmahl. Sauerwein Nicholas, res Main. Sauter Henry, res Market. Sauter John, res Market. Sauter Lizzie Miss, res Market. Sauter Philip H, elk E Hagist, res Schmahl. Schaick Peter, res South. Schaller Adam, shoemaker Geo Eberlein & Son, res Main. Schaller Fred, barber A Meyer, bds Main. Schannot Jacob, cooper, res Jefferson. Scharth John J r , groceries, Mill, res do. Scheel Maximilian, constable, res Mill. Scheel Minnie Miss, res Mill. Scheel Theodore, elk E Hagist & Son, bds Mill. Scheiibcl George, pres and supt Mascoutah Brewing Co, res nr brewery. Schetter Otto, flour packer, res Philip. Scheurer Albert, cooper, res First North. ^ Seheve Charles bds Mill. Sclievc Elizabeth (wid Charles), res Main. Scheve Frederick J , res Green. Schcve Gustave J , ins agt, Mill, res do. Schiller Adam, shoemaker, bds Main. Schiller Regina (wid J a c o b ) , res Main. Schilling Barbara (wid George A), res Mill. n Schilling Adolph, lab, bds South. IANOS DECKER l8SSsfflE ,,MPi co - ARTISTS' MATERIALS, ETC.. Belleville, SCH » (US Hi. SHI Schinke August, furniture, Mill, res do. > Schinke Edward, wks A Schinke, bcls Mill. . C\t Schinkc Erna Miss, res Mill. Schleicher Rarthold, hostler Henry Pruegeh bds do. Schlicher Louis, ret, res South. JT?; Schlicher Philip, painter, res Main. JSchlicher William, cooper, res South. Schlichter Peter, lab. res First North. Schmidt Louis, lab, res South. Schmitt Eliza (wid Henry), res Mill. Schmitt M a r y Miss, res Mill. % Schncbling Annie P (wid l i a r t h o l e m c w ) res Mill. Sehnebling Fred, blacksmith, bds Mill. Schnebling Louise Miss, seamstress, bds Mill. i Schneider Edward, lab, res Philip. | . Schneider Fmil, lab, res Mill, (h';." Schneider John X, res Mill. i rj . Schoeller Caspar, driver Mascoutah Brewing C o , res Mill, i £ Schoeller Jgnatz, wks Mascoutah Prewing C o , bds Mill, "r* Schopp Gustavus, lab, res Main. ' X-"^ Sehramp Ferdinand, lab, res Independence. "~ Schroeder Carl, res Mill. 2 Schroeder John, teamster, res First North. £ Schroeder Leonard, cooper, res Main. i i Schrumpf J a c o b , lab, res l irst North. 2 Schubert Robert F, res First North. ~L Sehubkegel Aainie Miss, res Mill. Schubkeg";l Fred, saloon. Mill, res same. Sehubkegel Louis, musician, bds Independence. | I Sehubkegel Marie (wid George), res Independence. . Sehubkeirel Mina Miss, res Mill \ ' Sehubkegel Philip, lab, res Mill. Sehubkegel Sophie Miss, teacher public school, bds Mill. Schuh J a c o b , wks P Schuh, bds Mill. ! _ Schuh Peter, wagonmkr. Mill, res same. lY'N Schuh Thomas, wks Hussman Crucible Co, res F i r s t North. I 1 Schuster Conrad, res Mill. Schuster Henrietta (wid George), res Green. Schwalb Charles, lab, res Sehmahl. Scip Adam, res First North. . Scip Adolph A. carp, bds First North. [ \ ] Scip Henry, painter, bds First North. " ' Seilcr Teresa Miss, bds Mill. Shier M a r g a r e t R (wid Peter), res Main. m p O j 0 r : K A HF U H. II. 1] III IT On Wholesale amlliutall lHjulcra In nlll<KDrO. lame. Sand. Cement, Piaster ud Office 2 0 2 Broadway. Warehouse A17 Railroad Ave. Fin CUj. F A S T ST LOUTS Will. Eckhanlt, Jr. FINE TEAS AND COFFEES ""Sr:^- AND TABLE LUXURIES, SHO 649 TEI Shoen Herman, elk M & M Marglous, bds Mill. Short J oh n, res Jefferson. Single Annie Miss, res Patterson. Single Jacob, janitor public school, res Patterson. Singler Lena Miss, dom G Leibrock. Spaeth Daniel, miller, res Main. Spalt Sophia (wid John), bds Mill. Spies Louisa ( w i d Sigmund), bds Philip. Spriestersbach Adolph, carp, res Green. Spriestersbach Melchior, res Mill. Stadler Anna Miss, res South. Stadler Jacob, farmer, res South. Staerkei Adam, coal miner, res nr Mascoutah Brewery. Stahl Peter, miller, res Green. Staub Jacob, teamster, bds Independence. St a ub John, lab, res Mill. Staub Magdelena, ( w i d Stephen), res Independence. Staub Peter, bds Independence. Steiert Peter, shoemkr, Mill, res same. Stock Adam, res Mill. Stock Adam j r , shoemkr, Mill, res same. Stock Chas, merchant tailor, Mill, res same. Stock Henrietta, (wid Peter), res Mill. Stock Oscar, shoemkr Adam Stock jr, bds Mill. Stock Peter A , cooper, bds Mill. Stoftel Adolph, tinsmith J W Stoffel, bds Mill. Stoffel Julius W , stoves and tinware, Mill, res same. Stoffel Louis, shoemkr, Mill. St oil Geo, res George. Stone Horace, treas Hussman Crucible Co, res St Loins. Strait Frances, ( w i d James), res Schmahl. Streif Anna, ( w i d Peter), I K I S First North. Stnegel Bertha Miss, res Patterson. Striegel E d w , lab, bds Patterson. Striegel Jacob, res Patterson. Stueckel Anna M Miss, seamstress, bds Mill. Stueckel Catharine, ( w i d M a t t h e w ) , res Fourth North. Stueckel Henr\% merchant tailor, Mill, res same. Sues Philip, lab. Tecklenburg M a r i a K, ( w i d Fred W ) , res Patterson. TEICHMANN HENRY F., sec Mascoutah Brewing Co, and saloon, Mill, res same. J.A.BECHERER, | ^ g v I LUMBER, 14 Nl CHARLES ST., B E L L E V I L L E . ILL. DRUEGGEMANN'S COAL M I N E S J ^ S S D TEI M « . A CD m cxi > NORTH BELLEVILLE, ILL, * TELEPHONES 113 A 14t 650 WOL Teiclimann Oscar, bkpr M a s c o u t a h Brewing Co, bds Mill. Telloiken Man* Miss, res nr M a s c o u t a h Brewerv. Theobald Peter, res Mill. Theobald Peter jr, lab. res Mill. Trappe Bros, (Charles H & John Trappe), mnfrs Fanning Mills and Washers, Mill* Trappe Chas H, (Tra])pe Bros), res Mill. Trappe Edwin C. h a r n e s s m k r J D M o l l m a n . bds Mill. Trap])e J o h n , '(Trappe Bros), res Mill. T r a n b John, shoemkr. Mill, res s a m e . Tuerck Lena Miss, res Independence. Tuerck Sophia, (wid J o h n ) , res Independence. UJ • cxz Vaughn C h a m p i o n , res F i r s t N o r t h . M O Viliinger C. (wid Theodore), res Sehmahl. Villinger Ottillie Miss, res Sehmahl. Virgin J Henry, butcher Fred Kissel, res Mill. {— Vollmer M a t h i a s , lab. res George. i § Y Wagner Chas C, lab, res F i r s t N o r t h . Weber Catharine, (wid J o h n ) , res George. Weidler Henry, lab, res Mill. Weidler Valentine, lab, res Miil. Weidler Valentine jr. lab, bds Mill. Weiss Robert, butcher, res Mill. Weisz Frederick J, lab. res First North. ~ -J. Weisz Robert, butcher August Kissel, res Mill. Welsch B a r b a r a (wid WoVfaanir), b d s S e h m a h l . Western Union Tel Co. C P.Gammon, L & N Depot, Sehmahl Widmann Nicholas, engineer, res First N o r t h . y |U Wieder John, lab, res Hickory. Wiellich Anna (wid C o n r a d ) , bds S o u t h . Wiert Valentine, lab, res Mill. Wiese Anna (wid H e r m a n ) , res First North. Winkler John, books and s t a t i o n e r y and p r o p M a s c o u t a h Anzeigcr, Mill, res Green. CO Q Winkler Jos, engineer Hussmau Crucible C o . Winkler Theresa (wid Stephen), res First N o r t h . Woclkert J a c o b , lab, res Main. Wolf Anna D Miss, res Mill. Wolf Christina Miss, res Main. Wolf Frederick, cooper, res Lebanon. U in 5 an Theodore J. Kraffl k Son 31 I'uMic Square-, BELLEVILLE, UJ. ^ }asKm Kxamiiiu th« C o m p a n y " Insure* I - i are PIEPER & BADGLEY, INSURANCE AGENTS. -"gff** WOL 651 ZWI Wolf Gustav, lab, bds Main. Wolf Ida Miss, res First North. Wolf Jos, res Green. Wolf Mary A (wid Peter), res Mill. Wolf Nicholas C, fireman, res First North. Wolf Phillip B , lab, res Main. Wolff Emma Miss, doim Chas Schwalb. Wolff Henry, elk John Wolz, bds Oak. W olfl Laura Miss, dressmkr, bds Oak. Wolff Lizzie (wid Leonhard), res Oak. Wolff Philip, cooper, bds Oak. Wolz Ella Miss, res Schmahl. Wolz John, gen'l store Mill, res Schmahl. Wolz Otto H, elk John Wolz, bds Schmahl. Woods John, coal miner, res Schmahl. Worms Henry, lab, res Independence. Worms Louis, lab, bds Independence. Worms Louis A, thresher, res Patterson. Worms Mathias, lab, res Mill. Wuench Henry, fireman, res South. r Yost Frank, vet surgeon Jefferson, res same. Zachcisz Conrad, tailor, res Jefferson. Zachcisz Mary Miss, res Main. Zachcisz Peter, shoemkr, res Main. Zapp Amelia Miss, dom J P Postcl. Zapp Andrew, engineer, res Main. Zapp Jacob, saloon Mill, res same. Zapp Mary Miss, res Mill. Zarben Louis, engineer, res Jefferson. Zwilling Philip, res Patterson. MILLSTADT. An incoiporated village on the M & O R R, 7 miles southwest ol Belleville, the nearest banking point. Popu lation, 1,200; mail daily; W U Tel; Joseph Yeile, Post master. Ah reus Mrs (wid Henry). Baltz Henry, farmer. Alberter Charles, teamster. Baltz Nicholas, farmer. Altschuh Geo, wagonmkr. Baltz Philip. Altschuh Jacob, cooper. Baltz Philip j r , gen nidse. Baltz Fritz, school teacher. Baltz Richard, helper. ^Guttering (in ta CHAS. KEILS, 2 0 K. Main Street, - BELLEVILLE. I L L Pure Drugs, SCHMTT 9 K U S CO. 118 W . MAIN S T Belleville, III. 05 2 UJ -1 Baltz Win, constable. B a n g c Charles, ret. Bange Gnsiav, ear]). B a n g c Henry, miner. Bangert Chas. vet surgeon. Bauer J o h n , cooper. CQ B a u r Ouirin, cooper. Beck J o h n , coal miner. Becher Christine! wid Louis) Becher K, dom X Theobald. Bentz Catharine Mrs (wid Hen rich). Beomer William, lab. Berkebile J o h n K , druggist and physician. Besse Joseph, elk. Bier Herman, miner. Boehm Louis, lab. Boemer Henry, teacher. Boener Casper, ret. Boetger Herman, lab. Boltz Frederick, teacher public school. Breideckcr E m m a Miss. Breidecker Lena Miss. Breideckcr P F, harnessmkr Brenfleek J V, stone quarry. Brenfleck Sophia Miss. Brenfleek Valentine, lab. Brenfleek Valentine, saloon < and hotel. Breuhl Henry, elk. Brucker George, miller. Brucggenjuergen Henry, elk M S Brueggenjuergen J o s , elk. B r uegge nj ue rge n Vic to r i a, (w i d H e r m a;n). ge n m d sc. Buden J o h n , teamster. o Buchalz Henry, lab. 0 . J Cajacob George, highway o commissioner. Cajacob M a r y (wid Philip). Carr Robt,enginr coal mine Daniels A B , teh pub school V A a, « DcfYuer L F G, teacher. Dehn Chas, stoves, tinware. Dchn Fred, m e a t market. Dehn Louis, butcher F Dehn. Detgmeier Charles, saloon. Diehl Charles, policeman. Diesel J o h n , miner. Diedrich August, blksmith. Doerr J a m e s , sectionhand. Doerr J o h n , lab. Dohrmann Carl, lab. : Dohrmann George, painter. Dohrmann Henry, c a r p . Dohrman J ohn, ca rp. Dohrmann M a r y Mrs (wid Henry). Dohrman William, c a r p . Doran J a m e s J r , eng mill. Drewes William, shoemaker C Manx. Ehlinger George, coal miner. Km kins Henry, retired. Engler Mrs ( w i d ) . F e a t h e r r e n o v a t o r , Kcntiig Oscar. Fessenmeier, Charles, lab. Feuerhahn Christ, miner. Fischer C, soda w a t e r mkr. Fleming Adam. Forister J e t h r o , feather ren ovator. Fritzinger B a r b M r s (wid George. Frizzcl'jas, eng M & O R R . Gerhardt Peter, lab. German M E Church, Buchmiller P a s t o r . GesselringJ, wks Belleville. Gibfel George, lab. Gray C C, teacher public school. Green Ralph, coal miner. Grimclbme William, butcher Guekes George, coal miner. -IX- SiY. 1 0 4LK.A>lui,i V A USt.,X J L O Y S T E R S ANY STYLE. u~ Harvesting and Sewing W M o fXir^/lfirO V £7 (\ \ f tr; :s " I K I K b r l t K S oUN ( All Work Warranted. ^ 21 W. **« » W t , • BELLEVILLE, ILL John Sr, (Hirsch & 653Hirsch Schoening. Guckes Jacob, coal miner. Guckes Mary Miss res. Guckes William, saloon. Guenwald Peter, boot and shoe maker. Haas Henry. Hagemann John, beer agt. Hahn Frieda Miss. Halin Kate Miss. Hahn John, boots and shoes. Haniman John R, lab. Hamons John, coal miner. Hankammer Edward, carp. Hartmann Frederika, (wid John P). Hartmann Lena (wid Peter) Hartnian Peter, cooper. Hartmann William Sr, coal miner. Hartmann William Jr, coal miner. Haser Frederick, cooper. Hass Jacob, engineer. Hattigjohn, miner. Heisslcr Mary Mrs. Hennaka William, shoemkr. Henrice Henry, cooper. Hensel George. Herbert George, bricklayer. Herbert Henry, mason. Hermann Wm, town clerk. Hertel Barbara (wid Jacob). Hertel Louis, lab. Hess Christian, gen mdse. Higgins William, sec boss. HildebrandtJ110, coal miner. Hinton Henry, wagonmkr. Hirsch & Schoening, (John Hirsch and Ed Schoening), flouring mills. Hirsch Herman, elk (Hirsch & Schoening. Hirsch John Jr, elk Hirsch & Schoening. C/ WHOLK&U.K DEALEHS IX FIXE Hoeser Fred, cooper. Hoepfing Lizzie Miss. Hoepfing Maggie (widFdk); Hoftmann John, retired. Homer Abraham P, teacher. Homer Daniel, res. Huber Charles, lab. Huber Henry. Hupper Mathias. Herbert Margaretha (wid; George). ; Jacobus Charles, coal miner I Jacobus George, blacksmith \ Jung Amelia Miss. j Jung & Knoke (Aug Jung,! Henry Knoke), carps and bldrs. Jung Aug (Jung & Knoke). Jung Charles, gen mdse. Jung Charles jr. miner. Jung Minnie Miss. Kalbfleisch Geo, elk P Kalbfleisch. Kalbfleisch Peter, prop Millstadt Hotel. Kankammer G, wagonmkr. Kaiser Joseph, carp. Kack Conrad. Keck Frederick, retired. Kern August, barber shop. Kern Geo H, harness. Kern Henry W, blacksmith. Kern Philip, harness mkr. Kerns Henry, farmer. Kesselring Catharine (wid George). Kesselring Fred, engineer. Kinkel Henry, cigar mfr. Kinkel Alary (wid Philip). Kiilan Barbara (widJacob). Kiilau George, lab. Kilian Jacob, cooper. \ Belleville Steam Laundry, 275 E. Main Street, BELLEVILLE, ILL. 05+ °1 Utt USIt co <>• < Cfci QUI Cx9 Klot/c Charles. K n o k a Hy[(Jung & K i i o k a ) Knief Henry 1-3 Rev. p a s t o r Evang Lutheran Church. Kropp Leonard, m g r l u m y d Kruse Fred, lab. Krueger M a r y (wid George) Kuntz .Marin Mrs. Laka Prank, coal miner. L a n g Louisa (wid Louis). Lang Philip, fnnner. L a i n Cath (wid Phillip). L a m Jos. driver beer wagon L a u t Margaret, (wid Pritz) Leipke J a c o b , painter. Limbadi Catliarine Mrs, (wid George). Lippert Pritz, lab. Lippert Henry, miner. Lippert J a c o b , brklayer. Lippert J a c o b , teamster. Lippert Philip, saloon. Losses Mrs, (wid P r a n k ) . M a r x Christian, shoemkr. Marxer Aloi>. crenl mdse. Marxer Jos, genl mdseec brk Marxer Katie Miss. Marxer Mary Miss. Marxer Nicholas Sr. saloon Marxer Tillic Miss. Maserang George, lab. Maul Henry, lab. Medemeyer PBiza, (wid Wm) Merkei Cornel, meat mkt. Merod P.ertha Miss. Merod Caroline, (wid Fred) Metker Geo. miner. Metzger Geo. Metzger Henry, miner. Miller Geo T, cooper. Miller Louis, teamster. Miller Peter |, notion store Millstadt Hotel, Pete Kalbfleisch prop. FANCY AND PLAIN Mobile & Ohio R R. Toliri L K, a g t . Muehlenbeck I'"red, cooper. Mueller P, b a r k p r C Stocber Mueller Pred, blksmith. Mueller Pricda Miss, j Mueller G e o , c o o p e r . Mueller Peter. MusktiiT Daniel. ! Muskoff Hani jr. teamster. Muskoph Geo, farmer. ' Muskopf Henry, wagonmkr M u s k o p f Henry, coal miner M u s k o p f J a c o b , blksmith. Muskopf J o h n , farmer. Musk ops Pritz, miner. Nesbit Charles, shoreman Union ^Iine. Neumever J a c o b , miner!, Neumever K a t e , ( w i d Caspr) Niemeyer Daniel, packer. Nicdemeyer Geo, lab. Nohl A, coal miner. Nolte Anna Miss. Nolte Ivmma Miss. Nolte Geo, stoves and tinwre Nolte Henry, farmer. Notter J o h n , l a b . Nolte Wm, tinner. ' Oldendorph B a t t l e . Oldendorph Catliarine Miss Oldendorph Geo, blksmith. Oldendorph Peter, blksmith Oldendorph Tlieo, blksmith I'a trie Pliza M, (wid Peter) Petri Louis, miner. | Pfliekenbaum Mrs, (wid Chas). I 'istor Adam, miner. 1 'ierce Mateson, jus o f |»eace I'late Prcdk, w a t c h m i k r . Pomp Henry, retired. Presiug M a r y Mrs (wid : Valentine). GUSTAV LEHMAN, 211 EAST ColUiisvjIk! A v c m i u , SAINT LOUIS. METROPOLITAN, On the European Plan in Connection 100 AND 102 N. HIGH, COR. E. A. BELLEVILLE. —WITH THE— THOMAS HOUSE. 655 Preusscr Win, wagonmaker Probstiirver Chas, saloon. Propst Annie, dom H Dohrmann. Redding Oscar, feather reno vator. Rehg John, lab. Reichling Adam, cooper. Rcichtnann Hy, coal miner. Rcitz Jacob, lab. Rhoedcckcr Frederick, lab. Richtnann Henrv,coal miner Riedel Fred, tailor H Tegtmeier. Ringeisen Danl, coal miner. Ringeisen Peter, tailor. Roose Caroline (wid Henry) Roose Louisa Miss. Roose Maggie (wid Yal). Roose Sophia Miss. Roswog Clara Miss. Rudel Elizabeth Miss. Rudel Fred, cooper. Rudel 'Margaret Miss. Rudolph Adam, baker. St fames German Roman Catholic Church, Rev Al bert Breinlingcr, rector. St James Roman Catholic School, conducted by the sisters of the Precious Wood. Sander Mrs (wid). Schanmburg Hcrmon, coal miner. Schilling John, druggist. Schlernitzaur Adolph, physn Schlernitzauer Leon, drug'st Schlernitzauer Nellie Miss. SchmahlenlKiger Daniel C, blacksmith. Sc 1 I i n a 11 be rg e r J ac o b. Schniitt S, miner. Schneider Benjamin, lab. WRITI US Schneider George, saloon. Schneider Henry, mer tailor Schneider Louis, blacksmith Schoening Edward, Hirsh & Schoening. Schopp Henrietta Mrs (wid Fred). Schuff Charles, bartender. Schuff Daniel,ret. Schuft* Jacob, lab. Schuff Louis, coal miner. Schulze August, tailor H Tegtmcier. Schultics Henry, wagonmkr Schtiltice Marcrt Mrs (wid Jacob. Schultz August, tailor. Schwartz John P. Siebcr James, painter. Stoeber Clias, saloon and police magistrate. Stoeber Hannah Mrs (wid r. Chas. r. Stoeber John, coal miner. Strauss Lizzie Miss. Strauss Louis, watchman. Strauss Nicholas,hackdriver Strauss Peter, undertaker. Sutton Ellen Miss, res. Sutton Emily Miiss, res. Sutton Joseph, coal miner. Sutton Sarah Miss, res. Sutton Thos, coal miner. Tegtmcier Carrie Miss, res Tegtmeier Chas,, tailor H Tegtmcier Sr. Tegtmeier Hy sr,mcht tailior Tegtmeier Henry jr, tailor H Tegtmeier Sr. Theobald Edw, barber A Kern. 3 Theobald Henry. Theobald Nich, genl mdse. Tolin Louis E, agt M&O R R IP VOO W A N T A Pi a no or Otp. E8TEYI CAMP. DIG Olive Street, . ST. LOUIS, MO. n 2 ft •* *SC n 3 K I -^^^-wtvw-www Belleville, • III. Got> Trinity Congregation. Millstndt Evang Luth Church, Rev Louis E Knicf. pastor Veile Joseph, postmaster. U -1 Yogt B a r b a r a Mrs. Waechter Jacob, cooper. Wagner Geo, miner. Wagner Ge'o F, saloon. Wagner Louis, blacksmith Wagner Philipina (wid Lo) •g • Walter Adam. Walter Adam Mrs, midwife Warchter Jacob, cooper. M ! C = i Weber Engebcrt, saloon. T>~>1 Weber AI a ry (w i d Seb a s t i a n) Weible J Fremon. prin public school. Weibel Harvey, clerk drug store. < w S a >- UJ —1 O Q CQ UJ Weibel J as F.prin pub school Weible Win, lab. Weigand Anna, dom P Kalbtleisch. W e i g a n t Rheinhold, miller. Weigmund Henry, peddler. Weiscbler Augusta Mrs, Western Union Telegaph, L E Tol'in, a g t . Wetteroth, Fritz, cooper. Wetteroth Louis, packer. W c y g a n t C h a s . cooper. | W e y g a n t Henry, barber. j W c y g a n t M a r y Mrs. W e y g a n t Reinhard, miller. W e y g a n t Wm, cigar mfr. f Wissig Peter, shoemkr. Vesen L a w r e n c e , lab. i NATIONAL STOCK YARDS. One mile from East St Louis, 1 4 miles northeast of Belleville, the county seat, are located the S t Louis Na tional Stock Yards, the second largest in the United States, with which all the railroads entering East S t Louis are connected, and ample facilities for trans-shipping live stock of all descriptions are provided. It is the location of sev eral packing establishments, fertilizing and rendering works, and other similar industries; W U Tel, stage com munications every 15 minutes w i t h East S t Louis; mail, daily, Gilbert B Foster, postmaster. All names are classi fied in East St Louis Directory. NEW ATHENS. On the Kaskaski River in St Clair Countv and on the St L A & T II R R, 11- miles south east of Belleville the seat of Justice, the nearest banking point. W. U. Tel. Adams Express; population 8 0 0 ; Carl Zicrrath, post master. j Adams Fxp Co, F W DuckBaeumer Franz, physician worth a g t . B a u m a u n Alois, teacher. Baumann Josie, Miss. j Axthelm Fred, stoves and B a u m g a r t c n Ameli ( w i d Jn) tinware. BaehrCharles, moulder X A Baumguertner Jno, harness and saddler. ; F Co. W. H. HILL & BRO. »Vli<»l<sak; 0cm«2!i2 Uroiulwny. >> arehoiipf! I 1 7 R;ulro;n] A v e . T-l fioof) K A K T fc'T. LOUIS, ILLINOIS " uitd l(< U i l m a l i r * ! • Krick of nil kinds, «l*o l'J|Hft klld Tiling » | | »iz*» S*w«f DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Win. GROCER1E8, —AT— Eckhardt, Jr. 106 TO 110 W. MAIM S T . , III. 657 Bert Daniel, farmer. Bert Louis, clerk. Becker Peter, carp. Bobst Casper, carp. Boots Frank, saw mill. Boots Robert, sawyer. B r a u n w a r t h Frk, moulder N A F Co. Brcidwisscr Peter, tinsmith. Brenner John, cooper. Brenner Louis, cooper. Brucning GussieMiss, dress making. BrueningMary (wid Louis). Daneiske Edward. Darmsettcr Rcb (wid Geo.) Degen Benjamin ret. Degen Cath (wid Wm). Degen F \V, wagon mkr. Degen Wm, mounter New Athens Foundry. Deichmann Charles, lab. Dcichmann Heel wig T Miss, res Xcw Alliens Hotel. Deichmann Henry, elk New Athens Hotel. D E I C H M A N N P E T E R , prop New Athens Hotel. Det/el Frederick, lab. Dingers Charles, farmer. Dose Helena Miss. D O S E H E N R Y , druggist. Dose Henry, civil engineer. Dose William F, lawyer in Belleville, res New Athens. Dressier Henry, school tchr, bds New Adieus Hotel. Duckworth Fred W, tel. opr, bds New Athens Hotel. Eberhard t A ml, enginecr. Emge Andrew, ret. Emge Jacob, farmer. Emge John, carp, N A F Co. Emge Louis, farmer. Esterlv Martin, moulder N A F "Co. Etling Wm, lab. Fischer George, stone mason Flach & Co (Joseph Flach & Wm Weimer),gen store Flach Fred J, sec N A F Co. F L A C H J O S E P H (Flach & Co), pres and treas New Athens Milling Co. Flach Katie, clerk. Flusschuetz Andrew, lab. Fries Clara Miss. Fries George, ret. Fuess Hy, butcher G Yeagcr Gain John, molder, N A F C o Gciger Bertha Miss. Gciger Dora (wid William). Gciger Henry, farmer. Gciger Martin, clerk. Gciger William, farmer. Gerhold John, lab. Gerhold Philip, lab. Gcrnhardt John S, mgr N A Stove Works. Gierchner H (wid August). Goeglein Geo, engr Rotlrs Brewery. Groh Fred, meat market. Hanses Anna Miss. Hanscs Jjr, section manR R Hanses John sr. lab. Hardabech John, cooper. H a n p Peter, sec N A M Co, Hauft Peter, agl implts. HauftWm. Henuemann Adam, cooper. Hennemann Christ, saloon and boarding house. Hennemann Martin, barkpr C Hennemann. Henrieh Albert, mounter N A FCo. Hen rich Ceisro Mrs. J.fl.BECHERER, LUMBER YARD, 1 4 W. Charles Street, HARD & SOFT AT B R U E C C E M ANN'S. Promptness a $|MM'i;ilty. TELEPHONES 113 & 148 1107 I.KHANON AVE, -f BELLEVILLE, ILL 65* llciirich Win. l a b X A F Co. Hepp George, lab. Herthel Adolph, packer. Hessiek C a t h a r i n e Mrs. Hill Samuel, lliller Win, shoemaker. Hinsehc Goiilieb, cooper. Holiday J a m e s , lei opr, bds New Athens Hotel. H o i s t & H o r n (Gust Hoist. Franklin I' H o r n ) , New Athens Creamery. Hoist F C A. gen store. J l o l s t G u s t a v , Hoist & Horn H o i s t M a t i l d a Miss. H o o s s J a c o b , saloon. H o r n Franklin I', Hoist & Horn. Hull H a r r i s o n , molder X A F Co. Illig Christian, a p i a r y . J cage! Christ, section m a n . J cage 1 I'red. Jockel George, cooper. Kaesberg I red A. X A F Co Kaiser M a r y (wid F r a n k ) . K a l c r Riley, oiler. Keim Fritz, ret. Keller George, lab. Klinckhardt Alex, cooj)cr. K l i n k h a r d t Alex, lab. Kolchmann FYed, jeweler. Kraft Henry, elk. K r u p p J a c o b , lab. Kuchn Gusta v, stone mason Lively Geo, engr X A F Co. Loop Phillip, section m a n . Loep Win, section m a n . M a r k s O a t h (wid George). M a r k s Christ, cigar mkr. Miller Dora (wid William). Miller John, molder X A F C o Miller J o s , molder X A F C o Miller Lena Miss. : Miller Wni, i n o k l c r N A F C o Mueller Hernhardt, lab. Mueller J o h n , moulder. Mueller Joseph, moulder. Mueller NVm, w k s Foundry. Xa ue rt M a g d a 1 i ne. Xauert Mena. Xaucrt W m , saloon. Xew Athens Hotel, P Deichmann, prop. Xew Athens Fire Co No 1. volunteer. Xew Athens F o u n d r y , Fred Woberbeek, pres and treas; FYed J Flaeh, sec; J S Gernhardt, mngr. Xew Athens Lodge 5SS J 0 0 F, meets every S a t eve Xew Athcjns M E Church, no resident p a s t o r . Xew Athens Milling Co, llouringjinill. Xold Elizabeth. (widMichl) Xold W m j b r k m a s o n . Oberbeck Fred W, elk F \\ Oberbeck. Oberbeck Fred W, pres X A F Co, lumber dealer. Orleans J i L, c a r p . Pa timer F r a n k , physician. P r e s b y t e r i a n Church, Adph H o r n , pastor,non-resident services j every .alternate S u n d a y jlO a ni. Priefer L^uis, painter, bds Xew Athens Hotel. P r o b s t Benedict. PROBST ISFRIED. genl mdsc. P o t t e r M a t h c w , watchman Quickert H u g o , miller. Quitmeyei; Fix., lab N A F C o Ramer Geo, cooper. Ranch l l c n r v , lab. Ranch M a r v Mrs. T Theodore J. Krafftj 2t Son, FIRE AND LIFE Ill r U I I M C S Q U A R E , INSURANCE. •CLLKVILLC, ILL. PIEPER S B#DGLE\, INSURANCE. PEXN BUILDING. BELLEVILLE, ILL. 659 Rauch W m , cooper. Rcclcr Aug, student. Rcder Franz, physician. Ritter Eliza, (vvicl Samuel). Ritter Christian, lab. Ritter Frank, miner. Roth Ambrose, brewery. Rtiestcr Albert, mounter N A F Co. Ruester Nicholas, carp. Ruester Peter, carp. St Agatha Catholic Church, Rev Anton Wrilschoenk, rector, non-resident, high mass every 4th Sunday. Sarlouis Christopher, lab. Saucrwein Albert, moulder X A F Co. Schenck Louis, druggist. Scherer Anna, (wid John). SCHLESINGER MICHAEL soda water mfr. Schlesinger Wentzler. Sehmelzel Win, blksmith. Schmubach Adalcna Miss. Schmulbach Joseph, lab N A F Co. Schmulbach John, blksmith Schmull Daniel. Schopp Leonard, blksmith. Scbreiber John,lab brewery Sdirocder Louis, leader New Athens Cornet Band. Sehwebel Win, harness mkr Seibert Philip, baker. Shaller Christ, ret. Sharsmith Peter, moulder N A F Co. Sherman Edward, moulder N A F Co. Sintzel Richard, cigar mfr. Stahl Wm, barber. Stauder Julius, of N A F Co Steiger Edward, moulder N A F Co. Steinmeyer R, (wid Jno M ) Tetter Riley, oiler. Traut George, mounter N A F Co. Troester John, baker. Troester John jr, baker. Van Pelt Isaac, Jab. Vetter Gustav, physician. Vogler Chas, painter. Wagner Henry, cooper. Watson |olm F„ pumper St L & C S L R R. Weber Lizzie (wid Albert), millinery. Weimer Wm, Flaeh & Co, Wenc George, lab. Western Union Telegraph Co, F X Duckworth agt. Wildgrube Frederick, saloon Winter Wm H, painter. Wolf Andrew, lab. Woodward Daniel, cooper. Ycager Geo,, meat market. Zaeller Frank, lab. Zierath Charles, postmaster Zierath Julia Miss, ass't postmistress. 0 FALLON. Adopted charter 1874. Election in town hall 3d Tues day in April. President is elected annually; three trustees elected each vear for a term of t w o years. Is situated on the O & M R R and on the branch of L•& X R R; near est banking point Belleville, the county scat; has about 1100 population; Hour mill, etc, W U Tel, Adams Ex; B MeO.eehon, postmaster. Cat Your Tin. Copper - Sheet Iron Work Done at CHHS. 2 « C. M A I N S T . , K61L'S.M£&££ ILL O l o i l e t S o a p s , SCHMITT DRUG CO. 1 118 W . ETC., Belleville, 111. C*C>Q -I J Aberer 0 , wks S t Louis, M o Adams E x Co, W A Wheel er, agent. Albert Henderson, lab. Alexander J o h n , coal miner. Alexander Win, coal miner. Altho f Fri tz, coo per. Anstet J o h n , prop O T a l l o n House. Bailey Charles, farmer. Bailey Elizabeth (wid S a m ) B a p t i s t Church, no regular pastor. B a u m o n t Levi, saloon. . B a y e t J o h n , coal miner. Beehtold Herman, physician Behrens August,blacksmith Benken Henry, coal miner. Bender Yandeline, coo])er. Bender Wendelien, cooper. Bequeret Albert, clerk E Tiedema nn. Bergadeen Hy, coal miner. Bernhardt Hy, coal miner. Bernhardt J a c o b , coal miner Bernhardt Michael, hotel. Berns August, blacksmith. Beteau Theodore, coal miner Bolbach Charles, lab. BiOiisart Charles, clerk F Ticdemann. Bowler George W, justice o f peace. Brantner Amelia Miss, smstress L & J Landgraf. Breaur Annie Miss, seam stress L & J Landgraf. Bridges Alonzo, tinner C If I) arrow. Brockhorn Henry, lab. Budina Gustav, lumber dlr and ins agt. Carroll Amelia. Miss, school teacher. V.L AYAUX Carroll J o h n , c o a l miner. Carriei Henry, machinist. C a r t w r i g h t J o h n , retired. Clark Hy ( c o l ' d ) , t e a m s t e r . Claiusel G u s t a v , l a b . Clemens J o r d a n , enginneer. Condran J a s j coal miner. Cook Maihc>v, l a b . Corbridge Ljllie Miss, dom F F Ticdemann. Coupin W m , | l a b . Crowson Hlilni foreman a t mine. | Crowson I "red, elk E S t L o . Crowson Precilla Miss. Crowson Wjm, miner and dealer in c o a l . Crowson Win j r , engineer. Crosslcy Alfred, c o a l miner. Dandelion Jcjhn, c o a l miner. Daniels Henry, c o a l miner. Dare {as A, coal miner. DARROW CHAS. H. ? stoves, tin ware and agricult implts. Darrow Geo L , P a r k e r & Da r row. Davis E v a n , ' c o a l miner. Davis Henrietta Miss. Deis her Geoj H, eng pump house O & M K k . Dctsap Geo, lab. Distler Chas, teamster. Distler S a r a h (wid J o h n ) . Dressel C h a s . teamster. Dressel Henry, lab. Drozda Annie Miss, elk D Hammer, j Drozda J o h n , shoemkr. Dunn Daniel, physician. Dtmmead Win, lab. Edwards Ellen (wid W i n ) . Esehcnfelder Benj, b a r t d r E Ticdemann. Evangelical German Luth- 2 i"H Hit.' l.:u-K<-sl iuid IkM, A S S O J - I iiuiiil i)f DOMESTIC AND TROPICAL P j 7RUITS IN BELLEVILLE. Farm Wagons and Farm Supplies, Austin Road Grader. KIRCHER J SON 21 W. Man Street, BELLEVILLE, ILL 661 cran Church, Karl Pleger, p a s t o r ; services, 10:30 a in every Sunclav. Evans Francis M, lab. Evans Jane Miss. Ewakl Peter, appr. Faith Conrad, coal miner. Feicht John, coal miner. Fischer Louis, bkpr CTiedem a n n. Fischer Louisa Miss. Fischer Mary A Miss. Fischer Wm F, cigar mfr. Fotlcar Jos, wks mill. Frankenberg Henry .butcher C Schafcr. Fritz Catharine, dom S Smi ley. Ftirman — (wid). Gardner Fk, elk coal mine. Gaertner John, stoves and tinware. Geiser Mary Miss, dom J A ns tel. German Evangelical Luthcran Church, Karl Pleger, p a s t o r ; services, 10:30 a m every Sunday. Goetz Ernst, wks mill. Goetz Henry, coal miner. Graff John, cooper. Green Geo,elk E Tiedcmann Gross Herman, blksiuith. Guetcrnian Daniel, tailor, bds Scher. Harding Thos, coal miner. Hammer David, bakery. Harrison Emma (wid John) Hclmann Christ, blksmith. Henry August, cooper. Henry Gust, wks mill. Henry Philip, tel opr. Heyer Lena (Wid Henry). Heyde Philip, miller. LEADING C H A M P A C N K S ATM <;i oic<;i a o i i L i r r , c i I A S . a i : n > s i i : € K , mm M U M M ^ I3XTKA DRY. Hill Richard, coal miner. Holdhousc Christena L Miss dom C Tiedeniann. Hoffmann Julia Miss. Horein John, hotel. Housam Clara Miss. Houseam John, coal miner. Housam Nellie Miss. Housam Wm, coal miner. Isch Grocery Co, gcnl mdse, Jos P Isch, pres; A Isch, sec and treas; X Isch. Jaeger Albert, coal miner. Johnson Fred, coal miner. Johnston Emma (wid John) Kampmeyer NellieMiss.dom E F Tied em an. Kampmeyer, Rudolph, lab. Keil Frederick, carp. Keil John, lab. Keiser Mat hew, lab. Keiser Peter, lab. Kenedy John, coal miner. Kirg .n Frank, janitor pub school. Kirgan Simon S. lab. Knowlton Melisa (widow Fron). Kolb John, miller. Kolb John C, miller. Korbridgc Jos, coal miner. Krause Bernhardt, phy. Kreuse Bernhardt, watclimkr and jeweler. Ladd Wm, coal miner. Landgraf Jessie Miss. L & J Landgraf. Landgraf J oseph. saloon. Laudgrai L & J, milliners and dressmakers. Landgraf Lizzie Miss, L & | Landgraf. Landwehr Louis, wgonmkr Landwchr Louis, wgonmkr WOm S A L E B Y JOS. LEOPOLD J BRO. BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. ACE CURTAINS A vSPECIALTY. L BELLEVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY, 6G2 Lang John, cooper. Morningstarj Barbara (\vid Lang Theobald, cooper. Valentine).! Lawrence John,elk J Taylor Morningstar! Peter, ret. Lehmann John, cooper. Mossner Julia (widow MelLehniann Win, barber shop clior). j Leistritc Ernst, lab. Xevill Chas, lab. Lewis Thomas, coal miner. Ohio & Mississippi RR, Wm Lintncr John, coal miner. A Wheeler agt. Lurtz Louisa Miss, dom M OTallon Coal Mines,Joseph Bernhardt. Taylor prop. Lurtz Julius, harness and 0" Fallon Public School, saddlerv. Robert Steel principal. McParland David C. Orst Margaret (wid Victor) M'GEEHON BRICE, postmaster Ostle Harry, coal miner. McGechon James K, phys. Otstott Daniel, painter, bds MeGeehon Samuel, clerk F M Wachterj Tiedemann. Owen James F , news dealer McGinley James, clerk Isch and notary.'; 0 w ens M a r v '(w i d 0 wen). Grocery Co. MeHenrv John B, airt L & Parker & Paijrow (William 5 Parker, Geo L Harrow), X R R" creamery, j McGuire Robert, lab. Parker William S (Parker Mace Hugene S, engr R R. 6 Darrow).i Mace M A. dentist at Remich's drug store, res Belle Pequeret Andj W, blksmith. ville. Pcqtierct J o s A, blacksmith. Mackin Thomas, saloon. Pickert Pmma Miss, dom Martin George, carp. G Budina. i Martin Lizzie Miss, sc.?'.?:;-* Pierron Peter.'jcarp. stress L & J Landgral. Pierson Charlotte (widow Mattews Christ, painter. David). Mayer Annie Miss. Pieron Frank, carp. Mayer Chas, meat market. Pleger Karl, pastor Evang Mayer Clara Miss. Luth Church. Mayer Ida Miss. Poctzinger Geo, driver M Meng Fred, wks mill, bds Wachter. | Ul M Wachter. Poignee George, coal driver. o Methodist Episcopal church Poignee John C, clerk. Hcnnessy, pastor. Poignee M aryj Miss. Miller Joseph, butcher C Poignee Salomja( wid Frank) UJ ~ Pope Margaret Miss, dom Scluifer. CO ° J Taylor. Minder Peter, coal miner. Post Henry, watchmaker, Miller Stephen, lab. notions, etc. Molles Andrew, wagontnkr 1 DIANOS AND ORGANS. I 1 2 1 4 Colllnsvilte Ave., K a » t St. IxmlH. Custav Lehman. L A R C E S A M P L E ROOMS A T TMf MAS HOUSE, I THOMAS C. MAIN. COR. MICH. BELLEVILLE. ILL, 663 P o w e l l E l i z a b e t h Miss. P o w e l l M a r y (wid William H), carpet weaver. Powell William, lab. Raffle R o s a Miss, dom J JToran. R a y m o n d A n d r e w , l a b mill. R e d m o n d James, farmer. Kcimcnn A n t o n , l a b . Remelius Richard, a g l impts Remiek George E , d r u g g i s t . Reno Susan (wid L o u i s ) . K h c i n h a r d t M a t b c w S, l a b . Richard Geo A, vill marshal Roberts D a v i d , coal miner. Roberts Rich, coal miner. Russell Jane, (wid William). St C l a i r R o m a n C Church, William Drube F a t h e r in charge. Schachner C h r i s t , cooper. SehaiTer C h a s , meat market and pork packer. Sell after Daniel, ret. Scha Her Frk, w a t c h m n mill. Schafter H e n r y , butcher C SehaiTer. Scliafter John butcher. Schaldcr Jules, barber. Schalter Rose, ( w i d ) . Sehau Ferdinand, carp. Seller Geo, merchant tailor. Schildknecht Henry A, har ness ami saddlery. Schluter George, coal miner. S c h m i d t Charles, lab. Sch 1 nitt J a c o b , l a b . Schoellkopl"Catherine Miss, elk E Tiedemaun. Schocekner John, lab. S c h w a r t z Leonard, C O O | K . T . S c h w a r t z R o s a , (wid G e o ) . S e o t t C l a r i s a , (wid Benj), Sco 111 il iza I K't h, ( w id Isa ac). S c o t t Julian W, physician. Scott Mary, (widHenry). S c o t t M a r y Miss. Shoelkup K a t e , elk Tiede maun. Simmons Annie Miss. SIMMONS LEVI, m a y o r , police magistrate, n o t a r y and assessor. Simpson George W, lab. Simpson Thos, coal miner. Sisters Precious Blood, schl and nunnery. Sleighter George, coal miner. Smiley Ernst. Smith Jacob, w k s mill. Smiley Samuel, ret. Smith Salina. Mrs. S p a r g o Frank, coal miner. Steele Robert, prin school. T a y l o r Joseph, gen mdse. T a y l o r Samuel, elk J T a y l o r . Tlioma Alex, carp. T h o r p E d w . coal miner. T h o r p M a r y , (wid William.) T h o r p Wm H, coal miner. Thurston Xdson.eoal miner. TIEOEMANN CHARLES, flour. ing mill. Tiedemaun Detrich P, civil engineer. TIEOEMANN ERNST, gen mdse. Tiedeinanm E F, physician. Tiedemaun Helena Miss. res. Tiedemaun Louisa Miss. Tiedemaun Sophia Miss. Tiedemaun Wilhelmina (wid Fredrich 0 ) . T o m a n Anna (\vid). Umbarger Fannie Miss. Umbarger James H, carp. Umbarger Jessie Miss. Waehter Annie Miss. Waehter H , elk M Waehter. pSTEY & CAMP± St. Louis, Mo. Unequal^ Bargains In PIANOS ANO ORGANS, Paints • Oils, SCHMITT DRUG CO. 118 W . MAIM S T . , Belleville. • IIL G44 (Di 01 J* hi 01 (Di H W a c h t e r Josephine Miss. WACHTER MICHAEL, hotel. Wade Frank \V, tclir public school. Ward YYoolibre, coal miner. Weichert Herman, eng mill. Weil Susie Miss. Weisbrod Julius, barber \V Lehmann. Weisbrod Henry,cooper. Weisbrod Hy. wks cooper shop. Western Union Tel Co, W A Wheeler, a g t . Wetmore Hy I), teamster. Whalev 1 ]ennie, (wid Jesse). Wheeler Wm A, agt 0 & M R I U V U Tel Co, Adams Exp Co. ! YVhitmore Jaincs, lab. Wiechert H e r m a n , engineer. Wit tig M a r g a r e t Miss. Wittig W m , foreman cooper. W i t t i g W\ elk FTiedeniann. W r i g h t s M a r v Miss. W r i g h t s Peter, ret. Young Angus, coal miner. Yungblut Henry, tinner J Gaertncr. Yungblut Philip, shoenikr. Zeick Michael, l a b . Zidzmann C a t h a r i n e (wid Nicholas), j Zink R o s a Miss, dom I ' H y d e Zoeller Christ, livery stable. ( OLD HARMONY. s Situated on the Air Line R R, lVl> miles jwest o f Belle ville, the nearest banking point and C o u n t y Seat. Pop ulation 1 3 0 , Albert Ogle, post m a s t e r . | IIo; a: i I Anderson Charles, printer. Anderson F m i h Anderson F r a n k , c o a l miner Denner J o h n , section hand. Heeley 'Mrs, (wid Albert). Holmes J o h n jr, coal miner. Holmes John sr, coal miner. J a m e s Fdw, cord miner. Kelly John, section boss. Linkey I rank, cord miner. : CQ Ogle Albert, 'editor Grange News and p o s t m a s t e r Ogle Chas, musician. Ogle Joseph, retired. O i l e M a r g a r e t , (wid David) Ogle Oliver, lab. Reeb Nicholas, c o a l miner. Seherming J o h n , bkpr. Selierining Peter, saloon. S u t t o n Biigene, c o a l miner. PADERBORN. Paderborn, lf> miles s \v o f I'ellcvillc, has p o s t office, general store and saloon combined. 1 C h u r c h , ! S c h o o l ; 1 5 i n h a b i t a n t s ; J o s llross, postmaster. B r o s s Josc]ih, postmaster, genl man and saloon. Claus 15, priest. Deckelman. Gociz J o h n A:, school tclir. Riggert Chasl R C ClmrcliJ ( G e r m a n ) , B Claus, p a s t o r . RENTCHLER. ! On the L & N R R , 5 miles e a s t o f Belleville, the c o u n t y w . H. HILL & BR0. Warehouse 417 kailro-.ul Ave. f '"trt; 'I't^ Telephone 5020. EAST ST. LOUIS, ILLINOIS. (misUiitly oil Hand. Flour & Feed. "WM. ^CKHflRDT, JR. /Vrr; rnupitioi?. 109 TO H O W . MAIM, •CLLKVILIC, ILL. 665 scat and banking point; Adams Express; population, 100; D Rentchler, postmaster. Bltnn J, saw mill. Clark A F, R R agt and jus Lloyd A & Son, coal miners Moser J W , coal miner. Ogden Adam, grocery and hotel. Rentchler Danl, coal and ex agt and genl store. RISOON. x 28 miles south of Belleville, the county seat, and Z fa from Baldwin, its shipping point. ARMoore,postmaster M o o r e A R, justice of peace. Pflasterer Anna M , gen store ST. LIBORY. Is 20 miles southeast of Belleville, nearerst banking point 12 miles from Mascoutah, the shipping point. 3 general s'.ores, 1 hotel, 1 saloon, 1 Church, a grist mill, 2 blacksmith shops, 2 wagon makers, 1 School; mail daily; population, 300; Conrad Burgard, postmaster. Behrmann George. Otten Barnard A. Bergmeyer Theo, blksmith. Otten Herman, saloon and Borgmever Theodore. hotel. Bossc Bernard. Poelmann Anl'n H,gen mdse Bosse Conrad. Poh 1 man Henry. B refold t Anton, ])riest R C Pranger Conrad. Pramjer Henrv. church. Recker Henry sr. Brinkman Henry. Recker Henry Jr. Broekelmann Stephen. Recker John. Busehmann Henry. Recker Wm, constable. Bttthe Henry. Rich ter Theodore. Dingwert Henrv. Ruthenfranz Arnkl.gunsmth Fauckc Henry. RUTTER BROS. (Bernard and Pcldt Bernard. George),gen merchandise. Fischer Frank, physician. Rutter Bernard, Eutter Bros Grothe John. real estate, res St Louis. Herbies Gnstav. Rut ter Geo, Rutter Bros. HESSLER 6USTAV. prop Star Rutter Gertrude ( w i d H y ) . Flouring Mills. St Lilxnus German Roman Iluclsmann Henry. Church, Rev A Brcfeldt, Jaiisscu J no, wood shoe mfr rector. Knuewe Conrad. Schlesinsrer Henrv. Knuewe Clara Mrs, wid. Knuewe Stephen, genl mdse Schoer Bennett. Schratz Henry, Ticmeyer & Kocster Herman. Schratz. Locpke Albert. Schroeder Frk, wagonmkr. Maver Nicholas. L AT U M B E R , 0» Sfcimrh, talk, Susli, Mrs. Bit. M N.CtoHtiSt. BELLEVN.tE.llL. BECHERER'S * YRRD. • is THE BEST. dRUECCEMANN^S 1107 LEBANON AVE. TELEPHONES 1134141. . B E L L E V I L L E , - ILLINOIS. 6GG A o - Schulte Henry. Schroeder Hern aril. Stem pel Bernard. Stolte Bernard. Stumpf F r a n k . Ticmeyer & Sehratz (Henry Ticmeyer, Henry Sehratz), painters. 1 Ticmeyer Henry, Tiemcyer & Sehratz.j Wegmaim William. AY easels H c n j i a n , tailor. Winkler Phillip, harnessmkr SHILOH. Six miles northeast o f Belleville, the judicial s c a t , and t w o south o f O T a l l o n depot, the nearest; R R s t a t i o n . Population 200: mail daily; F W Herbst, p o s t m a s t e r . Friedwald H, gen I store. K a u s M, barber. Hennesery Rev (Methodist) Ley Joseph, shoemaker Herbst Frederick, black Meyer J o h n M, s a l o o n . smith and wagonmaker. Sehaefer I I , physician. Herbstritt B , saloon. S c o t t P. carpenter. Hess H, physician. Walisser G, carpenter. Fless J a c o b , shoemaker. Yaeger Masse, genl store. CO UJ 7 SMITHTON. LU »i 7. c 7 < | Smithton is an incorporated village o f 050 i n h a b i t a n t s , situated seven miles south o f Belleville, nearest banking point; has 2 churches, 3 general s t o r e s j 1 school, 1 creamery, 2 hotels, 1 s a l o o n . g r i s t mill, drug store, wagonmakers, blacksmith, etc. Mail daily. George Schocpp, prcs; J a c o b Theiss, postmaster. ' \ Arnold Hermann. Bock Gus G. physician. Athans Frncst Briesaehcr Christian. Bactje Maggie (wid Fredk) Catholic P a r o c h i a l School, Ball Christian, meat mkf. in charge Sisters o f the Ball Paul. Precious B l o o d . Bauer Henry. Daab Frederick. Becker J o h n . Daesch & Rimer (Nicholas Becker Win, Singer Daesch & E d w a r d E i m e r ) , agt sewing machine. grist mill. Benedick F r a n k . Daesch C o n r a d . Berkcl Adam. Daeseh George. Berkel Maggie (wid Lorcnz) Daeseh Louis, genl melse. Bernius Christina (wid Lou) Daeseh Nicholas, Daesch & Bernius George. Eimer. i Blinn Henry. Dietrich J o s e p h . Bock George C, druggist Eimer lid w a r d , Daesch & and physician. Eimer. THEODORE J . KRAFFTiSON Tlie Oldest Insurance Agmcj + 31 PUBLIC SQUARE. + IN 8T. C L A I R C O U N T Y . BELLEVILLE, - IUU AMPLE FACILITIES FOR PLAGISG L A R G E LINKS. PIEPER&BADGLEY, IN S U R A NBIK.UVILLI, CE. UNO, ILL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. 667 Ktling Henrietta (wid Phil) Peisel Charles, hoot and shoemkr. Fcrhcr F, priest R C Church Porcadc Henry. Prciii Henry P, notary pub lic and school teacher. Pries/ Henry, boots and shoes. Gauch Lizzic( wid Christian) German Evangelical Luth eran Church, W H Hosto, pastor. Gerinann Fred, wagonmkr Grossmann Geo, coal miner Grossmann Jacob. 11 tin rich Adam. Mcinrich George Mrs. Herol'd Adam, hotel. Herpin Henry. Ileuring John. Holeomb James. Hosto Win H, pastor G E L Church. J a t h o John, painter. Jcrger Joseph, painter. Jerger Louis Mrs. Kamiusky John. Keim Heinrich, Franklin Hotel. Kmek'h George. Kreukcl Mary (wid Sebas tian). Kimkcliiiaiifi Leonhard. Kunz John A. Lindaucr William. Maas Christian. Maedel Catherine (wid Chr) Marxer Barbara (wid Jos). Mertz Christian. Moeser Henrv. Oberting John. Pfeiffer Fcrd, cabinet maker. Press Michael. Press Michael j r . Quirm Tacob, tinshop. Rcitz Philip. Riedel John. Roebling Ferd. St Johns Roman Catholic Church, (Ger), F Ferbers, Father. Sehaaflf George. Schallmcycr Albauns. Schallmever Liborious. Schantz Charles. Schantz Leonard, blksmth. Schcpp George Jr. Schirenbeeker Fred. Sclimitt John, lab. SchoenhornJ ohn. Schoepf George. Seil)ert August F, harness Seibcrt George, gen mdse. Sieben Jacob, blacksmith. Smithton Creamery Co, G Scibert pres, Fred Daab sec, G Daab, treas J Grassman, mgr. Staneck Yeit. Stell George, saloon. Stoeger Geo, gen mdse. Thress Jacob!" barber and post master. Thress William, barber. Veile Charles. Yogel Joseph. Weber John. Wel>er |ohn Jr. Weyhaupt H Mrs. Yung Frank. STOOKEY. On the St L & T H R R, 5 miles north west of Belle- OTOVES! O T .!Cr:* CHAS. KEIL'S, 26 E. Mnin Street, - BELLEVILLE, ILL. SCHMin us DRU6 CO., w. MAIN Belleville, rr. III GGS villc. the seal of justice and b a n k i n g |K)int; W U T e l ; pop ulation .100: 1-1 N Goalby, post master. « Boul C. blksmith and p l o w manufacturer. Goalby Henry X. R R & F x p agt Phillips ] , justice o f peace. SUMMERFIELD. On the 0 . X: M . R a i l r o a d , 15 miles n o r t h e a s t o f Belle ville, the seat of justice. H /:; miles from L e b a n o n , the near est banking point. Kxpress—Adams; telegraph—Western Union. P o p u l a t i o n . 500. \ V . B . T a g g a r t , postmaster. 1 • D? .5? o 55 It Adams John, gen mdse. Adams M a t h e w , cooper. Andrews Frederick, lab. A n i o n i c M C, cooper. Apj)el John L . t w p assessor. Auenheimer Jacob, saddler. Baer John L. school teacher. Bauchhenz Henry, w n g o n mkr Phili]) Bauchhenz. Bauchhenz Philip, w g o n m k r Bee Chas, blksmith shop. Bcuerle Lizzie Miss, dom Henry F Fieher. Biltz Jacob. Biltz Phillip. Bloch William, bakery. Braim Michael, lab. Braundel David:, h a r d w a r e and tinware. Braundel M a r y ( wid J a c o b ) Braundel Minnie Miss. Brudcr W m , carp. Christan Theresa ( w i d o w Christian). Close James, phys. DaggetJacob. Dahlem Jacob, carp. Davis August, carj'). Deigler Xicholas, lab. Dettweiler Christian, carp. Dettweiler Jacob, carp. Dreher Charles, shoemaker. Fbcrle Albert, lab. EICHER & SON ( J o h n and H e n r y F ) , groceries and drv goods. Ficher David C, lab. EICHER HENRY F (Eicher & Son). I EICHER JOHN ( F i c h e r & S o n ) , lecher Valentine, l a b . Pisenmayer F m i l j , w k s 15 M C o . i Fisenmaver E m m a D Miss. EISENMAYER MANUFACTURING CO.. T H E . flour mills. Fisenmaver Phillip H , T h e Fisenmaver M f g C o . Fisenmaver Sherman W T , bkpr The Fisenmaver Mfg C o . | Prankcnberg Fredk, eooi>er F M C o . ;" Geline G e o r g e , machinist machine shop. Gehne H e n r y , lab. Geidlingcr Jacob. Grim in France. Ilecker Arthur, F M C o . Herbstma n; Clemens. H e w i t t J as I I , physician. Hiekeox N a t h a n C , l a b . Hoerner John P, c o o p e r . H ubncr | oh n, 1 >ook keeJKT St Louis, M 6 . Juda H e r m a n , s a l o o n V. LAVAUJC «T»£lT t 1 MCA J , K i t IN FRUITS, NUTS* CONFECTIONS, OYSTERS, Etc BIILKVILLI, ILL FJircher & Son, 21 W. main Street, Belleville, HI. Shelf ;d Heavy Hard ware, Household Goods. Ek". 669 Juda Herman, Summerfield. Kaltenbrand Chas, lab. Kaltcnbron Julia Miss. Keith Thomas, teamster. Klein Joseph, lab Kruger Phillip, engineer. Kull man n Caroline Mrs, grocer. Kullmann Louise Miss. Kullmann Peter. Lang Chas T, barbershop. Lang Henry, lab. Ledig Louis M , meatmkt. Lereh Barbara Mrs (wid Adam). Lereh Catharine Miss. Lereh Gottlieb, lab. Little Thomas, lab. ILohman Geo, bricklayer. Long Henry, lab. McDonald Thomas. Me Michael, John L, miller. Mahle F L Rev. Meaner Jacob, bricklayer. Mcrkel Frederick. Miller Christian jr. engineer Mailman Annie Miss, cloin. \V lilaggart. Mueller Cathran Mrs (wid John, saloon and boarding , Mueller Christian, cooper E Mfg C o . Mueller Geo, carp. Mueller Jacob, blksmith. Mueller Michael, bartender Cathran Mueller. Orban Michael, lab. Osborn Geo, school teacher. Papproth John. lab. Peters Chas, tailor. Peters Christian, Lib. Peters Geo sr. lab. Peters Geo jr, lab. Peters Michael, lab. Peters Barbara Mrs, (wid Jacob). Peters Chritian/lab. Peters Henrv L / l a b . ONI Osw-ar l V | » | » e r , ^ OI<l \ V . S Stone, j M. V , Monarch, I u Agents, Petry Jacob, tailor. Propes Rebecca Mrs, (wid Richard). Rehg Conrad G saloon. Reiblin Ruben M , stat agt Reinhardt Christena Miss. Reinhardt Mary Miss. Reinbold Mathias, lab. Reinhardt Philipana Mrs, (wid Henry). Rheinhardt Cathran Miss. Rhcinhardt John, blksmith. Schowalter Elizabeth Miss. Schowalter Jacob, lab. Schroeder John C, lab. Schumacher Win, lab. Seawald Louis lab. Seitz Jacob, shoemkr. SohlGotthart,butcher Louis M Ledig. Sohn Jacob, cooper E M Co Steaver Geo, lab. Stultz Geo, lxls Cathran Mueller. Suddon John, engineer. Taggart W i n B, postmaster and druggist. Trcnz Annie Miss, res. Trenz Mary Mrs (wid Jos) Urban Michael, cooper E Mfg Co. Vilhardt John, lab. Vilhardt Peter, lab. Vogt Gcrhart, furniture and lumber. Wcinerth Adam, cooper E MlgCo. WhidecHS Arnold, wks E M Co. Whitaker Jas H, elk Samuel R Whitaker. Whitaker Samuel R, dry goods and groceries. Widicus Geo, !iab. Widieus Thco, lab. Winer John, soloon. Winkler Julius, gent mdse. W'irtz Michael, lab. KENTUCKY s WHISKIES. J08. LEOPOLD*BRO., mmuun kaurjdry W o r k at Sfyort /Notice. 215 E. Main St., Belleville, 111. 670 M _J P*3 a -. C*3 FINE PRINTING A SPECIALTY. §*• ^ ••"•'*•• r M - " x >( > *' - '""^ m HI 3s 5 . . ^ c a n g 3t d C/) OC u. O *< QC a i > d Printing i Company, a. x UJ — -I <£ C/5 E. G. CR0£ID0bb, Prop. So ?//] <—± L LIZ ±LS; '_>• ,H.V A,'- ! ,.,v >.VV ;<i\ MILWAUKEE, WIS.
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