Autism Spectrum Disorders - Michigan Psychological Association
Autism Spectrum Disorders - Michigan Psychological Association
2014 SPRING CONVENTION March 28, 2014 The Henry Center Michigan State University • Lansing Autism Spectrum Disorders SPEAKERS: Ira Glovinsky, Ph.D. Beth Osten, M.S., OTR/L MICHIGAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Join Us This Spring To Learn About Topics Important To Every Psychologist W elcome to the 2014 Spring Convention of the Michigan Psychological Association. We’re pleased to announce that our presenters will be Dr. Ira Glovinsky and Ms. Beth Osten. They will provide information on current research, diagnosis, and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders. The Spring Convention is an excellent opportunity to reconnect with colleagues and network with psychologists from across Michigan. The convention is also where we honor psychologists in Michigan that are recipients of both the Distinguished Psychologist Award and the Beth Clark Award, as well as acknowledge the new MPA Fellows. There will be time during the luncheon to find out about the activities of MPA by speaking with Committee Chairs and other committee members. During the break, please take time to review the submissions for the MPA Diversity Poster Contest. As always, there will be vendors at the Spring Convention offering products and services of value to psychologists. If you’re not already a member of MPA, please talk with any member of the Board of Directors and/or committee member about how to join and become involved with this wonderful organization. I want to thank you for attending and supporting MPA. Tamara McKay Ph.D., President Michigan Psychological Association Lunch & Learn MPA board members and other leaders will host special tables to answer your questions about: • Ethics • Licensing • Insurance • Public education • Legislation • MPA Foundation • Diversity And much more... MPA Annual Business Meeting: Friday, 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. Meet & Greet — Beggar’s Banquet: 6:00 p.m. Meet the MPA Executive Director. Honor your colleague’s special achievements, catch up with old Friends, and make new ones. This event is a cash bar. Beggar’s Banquet, 218 Abbot Rd., East Lansing, MI 48823. Our Featured Speakers Ira Glovinsky, Ph.D. Dr. Ira Glovinsky is one of two persons certified in the state of Michigan in Developmentally Based, Individual Differences, Relationship Based Therapy (DIR), a treatment model that is used with children on the autism spectrum. He specializes in pediatric mood disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder. His work with infantile autism disorder started in the 1970s. He has co-authored two books with Dr. Stanley Greenspan, Bipolar patterns in Children and Children and Babies with Mood Swings. He has published articles and monograph chapters on pediatric bipolar disorder. Dr. Glovinsky is the Chief Academic Officer of the Interdisciplinary Council for Development and Learning, an online doctoral program offering a Ph.D. in Infant Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities. He is presently in private practice in West Bloomfield, Michigan and heads a multidisciplinary center, Glovinsky Center for the Family. Beth Osten, M.S., OTR/L Ms. Beth Osten, M.S., OTR/L is a prominent pediatric therapist with 40 years of experience working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other developmental challenges. She has been an international presenter on infant mental health topics. She has presented and worked with Dr. Stanley Greenspan as a contributor to the “Diagnostic Manual for Infancy and Early Childhood”. Her work also contributed to “Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual” (2006). She is presently the director of a large multidisciplinary pediatric therapy practice in the Chicago area. Autism Spectrum Disorders T his seminar will focus on autism spectrum disorders from the first recorded case of early infantile autism to the present theory of autism as a disorder of underconnectivity and over-connectivity. Beginning with the work of Dr. Leo Kanner, we will trace different perspectives on autism spectrum disorder. We will look at the early thinking about autism as a disorder that was caused by “refrigerator mothering” and the most recent perspectives that have emerged from neuroscientific studies. The importance of treating autism through child-caregiver relationships will be stressed with videotaped illustrations of multi-disciplinary therapy with young children. The important components of therapy will be discussed so that the audience can understand the importance of social relationships as the “window” for intervention. Workshop Objectives Participants will learn: 1.The early history of autism beginning with Dr. Leo Kanner’s work leading up to contemporary theory of autism spectrum disorders. 2.Autism as a disorder of complex information processing related to neurological “underconnectivity.” 3. To identify the central characteristics of autism spectrum disorder and the early signs of the disorder after 12-months chronological age. 4. To compare normal social development to atypical social development as seen in autistic spectrum disorder. 5. To see the changes that have been made in DSM-5 relating to autism spectrum disorder. 6.To learn about the components of treatment of children with autism and their families and to see the importance of addressing “relationships” in order to treat autism. Autism Spectrum Disorders AGENDA 8:30 a.m.Registration & Continential Breakfast 9:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m. Historical perspective of Autism Margaret Creak’s Nine Points to Minshew’s Complex Information Processing 10:30 a.m. -10:45 a.m.Break 10:45 a.m. – Noon Biology, socio-emotional, and Neurodevelopmental Disorder of relating and communication Noon - 1:30 p.m. Lunch & Learn and Awards 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Treatment using a team approach 3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Break 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Team treatment continued Working with grieving parents 4:15 p.m.- 4:45 p.m. Questions, Wrap-up and Evaluations 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Annual Meeting 6:00 p.m.Meet & Greet — Beggar’s Banquet 218 Abbot Rd. East Lansing, MI 48823 Eligibility for Continuing Education Credits: The Michigan Psychological Association (MPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The MPA maintains the responsibility for the program and its content. In accordance with APA rules, those arriving more than 15 minutes late or leaving more than 15 minutes early will be unable to obtain continuing education credits. Hotel Reservation Information The 2014 MPA Spring Convention is being held at the Henry Center, part of Michigan State University in Lansing. A limited block of rooms at the Candlewood Suites, attached to the Henry Center, will be held until February 28th at a cost of $91 each.When making your reservation, let Candlewood Suites know you are with the MPA Convention. For Reservations call: 517-351-8181. A The James B. Henry Center for Executive Development 3535 Forest Road • Lansing, MI 48910 Basic directions: Exit US 127 at the Jolly Road exit (1st exit north of I-96 intersection). At the end of the exit ramp turn left (east) on Dunkel. Turn left (north) on Collins Road. In approximately one mile, turn left (west) on Forest Road. The Henry Center for Executive Development and Candlewood Suites is located on the immediate right. B Beggar’s Banquet 218 Abbot Rd., East Lansing, MI 48823 For a comprehensive list of things to see and do in and around Lansing/East Lansing, go to Registration Form MPA Spring Convention 2014 Friday, March 28, 2014 Autism Spectrum Disorders The Henry Center, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI. Please print legibly name and degree as you would like them to appear on your badge: NameDegree StreetCityStateZip PhoneEmail Registration Fees: Check appropriate box. Early Bird Rate ends February 28, 2014. EARLY BIRD Friday, February 28, 2014 REGISTRATION REGULAR REGISTRATION MPA Members: q $165 MPA Members: q $180 Non-MPA Members: q $215 MPA Student Members: q $ 50 Non-MPA Members: q $230 MPA Student Members: q $ 60 Non-MPA Student Members: q $ 95 Non-MPA Student Members: q $105 Total Amount Due: $ q Please check to receive a membership application. When applying for membership you may register for the conference at the member rate. Membership will cover 2014 dues. q Check enclosed. Please make payable to “Michigan Psychological Association” q Please charge my credit card: q Mastercard q Visa q Discover q American Express Name on credit card: _________________________________________________________ Card Number: _______________________________________________________________ Expiration Date:: _____/_____ 3-digit code from back of card: ______(required for processing) (For A.E. – 4-digit code on front of card) Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Register online at or send in completed registration form by mail/fax/email to: Michigan Psychological Association 124 W. Allegan, Suite 1900, Lansing MI 48933 Phone: (517) 347-1885 or 800-270-9070 Fax: (517) 484-4442 Email: [email protected]