Muscle Dynamics, Size Principle, and Stability - Research
Muscle Dynamics, Size Principle, and Stability - Research
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. BME-31, NO. 7, JULY 1984 489 Muscle Dynamics, Size Principle, and Stability YUAN-FANG ZHENG, STUDENT MEMBER, IEEE, HOOSHANG HEMAMI, MEMBER, IEEE, BRADFORD T. STOKES Abstract-A mathematical model of skeletal muscle activation during small or isometric movements is discussed with the following attributes. A direct relationship between the stimulus rate and the active state is established. A piecewise linear relation between the length of the contractile element and the isometric force is considered. Hill's characteristic equation is maintained for determining the actual output force during different shortening velocities. A physical threshold model is proposed for recruitment which encompasses the size principle and its manifestations and also exceptions to the size principle. Finally, the role of spindle feedback in stability of the model is demonstrated by studying a pair of muscles. 0, AND cc SEC (a) PEC F I. INTRODUCTION T HE complex behavior and complicated physiological structure of skeletal muscle has prompted decades of study to define these parameters. Much remains to be known about the actual energy conversion, bioenergetics, and dynamics of the muscle. In spite of this gap in knowledge, models of the skeletal muscle, that have input-output and behavior similar to an actual muscle, are desirable. Such models would be indispensable in any quantitative studies of the behavior of the skeletal and the nervous systems by mathematical methods and analog and digital computer simulations. In many locomotion studies [1], ideal torque generators are employed at the joints to represent the action of groups of muscles. This idealization ignores muscle characteristics and the system cannot predict actual human locomotion very well. Further, the inputs to such torque generators do not correspond to valid physiological inputs to the human muscle from the nervous system. For prosthetic and orthotic devices, eventually quiet, efficient, and cosmetically appealing muscle-like force actuators are desirable that could interface with signals from the nervous systems, and would also provide sensory signals acceptable to the central nervous system. Besides, muscle-like actuators are distributed along the peripheral links, while torquegenerator actuators are concentrated at the joints, and would make the joints very heavy and cumbersome. All these issues necessitate postulation of meaningful muscle models. Since the work of Hill [2] -[41 and Wilkie [5], the mechanical behavior of active muscles has been described by a contractile component (CC) in series with a noncontractile series elastic Manuscript received May 21, 1982; revised June 23, 1983. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant ECS 820-1240 and in part by the Department of Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210. Y.-F. Zheng and H. Hemami are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210. B. T. Stokes is with the Department of Physiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210. (b) Fig. 1. Structural model of muscle fibers. component (SEC) [Fig. 1(a)]. For a long time, the study of muscles was concentrated on the mechanical properties of the series elastic element [6] , and the parallel elastic element [Fig. 1(b)] whose nonlinear behavior can be described by reasonably accurate functions [7]. In some further studies, the force output of the contractile element is assumed to be a function of an input from the central nervous system [8], [9]. Recently, Hatze [7], [10] has proposed a control model of the muscle based on a set of five nonlinear first-order differential equations. This model would produce a simulation system with a very large dimension. For the model presented in this paper, a threshold theory and a corresponding physical implementation are proposed that encompass the size principle and its physiological manifestations, as well as exceptions to it [11] -[14]. The role of some of the afferent fibers in stability of this model are also studied, and some of the muscle input-output attributes are studied by digital computer simulation. In Section II, a single motor unit is studied. In Section III, a recruitment and thresholding model are proposed via a physical circuit. In Section IV, the dynamics of a whole muscle are discussed and some digital computer simulations are presented. The stability analysis is carried out in Section V. All signal intensities are represented by amplitudes in order to simplify the presentation. II. A SINGLE MOTOR UNIT It is generally accepted that the muscle fiber is composed of a series arrangement of repeating structure, the sarcomeres, that extend from Z-disk to Z-disk. Contained in this repeating structure is a controllable elementary contractile unit. Also, there are series elastic elements and parallel elastic elements within each basic unit. Although the structure of these elastic elements is not exactly known [15], the experimental phenom- 0018-9294/84/0700-0489$0 1.00 C 1984 IEEE 490 9 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. BME-31, NO. 7, JULY 1984 ena strongly suggest their existence. The arrangement of where a1, a2, b1, b2 are appropriate constants. Now for difthese three elements can be seen in Fig. 1. Because the struc- ferent muscles the stimulus rate which excites the maximum ture is repeated in series in each muscle fiber, this arrangement tension is different, and defining a relative active state is more is also valid as a lumped model for the entire fiber. Muscle convenient. fibers normally contract in groups, referred to as muscle units It is known t-hat in response to the stimulation of the nerves, [161. The muscle fibers within a single muscle unit are quite muscles need a certain amount of time to contract and differ homogeneous, even though they may be spread throughout widely in their speed of contraction. For example, the extrathe muscle. Therefore, the physical arrangement of Fig. I ocular muscles that rotate the eyeball require only about 7.5 should be good for a muscle unit. The muscle unit, together ms, but the soleus muscle, a slow antigravity muscle in the with its associated motorneuron, is known as a motor unit hind limb, requires about 100 ms to reach its maximal tension [16]. The modeling, based on a single muscle fiber, could [14]. Taking into account the above property of the muscle also be extended to a motor unit [9], [10]. contraction, the following first-order differential equation is According to [7], the force developed by the contractile adequate to relate the active state q to Q component is the product of the active state q (the relative 4q+cq=cQ(r)A 0.Q.1 (4) amount of Ca++ bound to troponin), the length-tension funcwhere A is the maximum tension a single motor unit can tion k, and the velocity-tension function g develop and Q is the "desired" active state of the single motor f=qkg. (1) unit while q is the actual active state, and the final values of In [7], q is a function of the length of the contractile element both in (4) are the same, i.e., the actual active state reaches the desired one after some time. and the concentration y of Ca++ Now each stimulation impulse from the nervous system q = q(y, ) (2) elicits a single twitch lasting for a fraction of a second. SucThe dependence of the active state q in (2) on t could be re- cessive twitches may add up to produce a stronger action, i.e., garded as redundant, because in (1), the force is already length a partially or fully fused tetanus. If the stimulus rate is not dependent through the tension-length function k. This redun- high enough, a single motor unit shows an unfused response dancy arises from the definition of the active state. As is well (Fig. 2). If the stimulus reaches its critical frequency, the known, each basic contractile element, the sarcomere, is sur- successive contractions fuse together and cannot be distinrounded by a network called sarcoplasmic reticulum. The guished from one another [21]. But any kind of muscle is action potential is conducted through the T-system located at composed of a number of motor units and the stimulation the borders of two adjacent networks. The depolarization of could be assumed to be distributed over motor units, instead the T-system caused by the action potential depolarizes the of being synchronized. For distributed stimulation, even at membrane of the reticulum at the triad. This, in turn, triggers a low rate, a smooth contraction can be demonstrated [19]. the release of Ca"+ ions from this area [17]. The action poten- This is the reason why the behavior of a muscle usually shows tial becomes smaller towards the interior of the membrane of smooth motion. Based on this assumption, (3) and (4) are the T-system as a function of T-system electrical capacitance. acceptable and simplify the model a great deal. The length-tension function k could be derived from wellWith the shortening of the muscle, the cross-section area inknown experimental results by Gordon et al. [22] and by the creases [9], [10]. The longer the diameter of the muscle sliding filament theory of Huxley and Niedergerke [23]. This fibers, the less Ca"+ ions could be released; therefore, the relarelation has been approximated by a mathematical expression tive amount of Ca"+ bound to troponin depends on the muscle similar to a step response of a underdamped second-order length. But according to Hill [4], the active state is defined as equation [7]: the tension developed when the contractile component is k() = 0.32 + 0.71 exp {-1.1 12( - 1)1 neither lengthening nor shortening. With this definition, the active state could be measured by the produced isometric X sin {3 - 722( - 1)} 0.5 8 < t 6 1 .8. (5) tension [18]. The relation between free calcium ion concenFig. 3 shows a comparison of k from (5) to others obtained tration and contractile response has been studied. Hellam and Podolsky [19] were the first to use skinned fibers for the from experiments [22]. From Fig. 3, the tension-length relaquantitative study of this relation. They found that the ten- tion can be represented by piecewise linear function sion was related to the free Ca++ ion concentration via a 0 0<L <0.635 sigmoid curve. This relation is the main argument for support 4.2L - 2.67 0.635 < L < 0.835 of (2). If, however, a definite relation could be established between the stimulation rate and the contractile force, the 0.97L + 0.022 0.835 < L S 1 (6) Ca"+ concentration need not be involved in the model and 1 <L < 1.125 -1 consequently the model will be simpler. Many experimental results [19], [20] suggest that the rate of the nerve impulses -1.43L + 2.61 1.125 <L <-3.65 determines the rate of the tension output according to a sig- where L is the relative length and is equal to y/y0, and y0 is moid curve. Thus, one could directly relate the "desired' the at length point C in Fig. 3. active state of a single motor unit Q to the relative input stimuThe remaining item which can change the force output of lus rate r the contractile element is the velocity of movement between Q(r)=I-biexp(a,r)-b2exp(a2r), 06Q61 (3) the thick and the thin filaments. The force-velocity relation of ZHENG etal.: MUSCLE DYNAMICS, SIZE PRINCIPLE, AND STABILITY 100/sec 40/sec ro S. c 15/sec a) o 10/sec Lime Fig. 2. Contraction response of muscle flbers to stimulus rate. 0.6 1.8 Fig. 3. Comparison of K(L) for Hatze model and experimental results. Hatze [24] -based the contractile element-is very similar on the experiments on on to Hill's characteristic equation-based a muscle bundle ] (7) Vmax The similarity of the predicted force by these two equations dictates in favor of Hill's equation if simplicity is the goal. To summarize, a single motor unit can be described by the following: [1 - Vmax ] [1 +a fi = q k.1A amaxJ Fm (+ 1- - Q(ri) CQ(ri) Ai = b1 1 - exp (a1 ri) - b2 exp (a2 ri) 0<L S0.635 0 4.2L - 2.67 0.97L + 0.022 1 1.43L 0.635 < L < 0.83 0.835 < L < 1 1 + 2.61 <L 1.125 1.125 <L .3.65 where L, as stated before, is the relative length of the contractile element. RECRUITMENT AND THRESHOLDING The skeletal muscle is composed of many motor units. Even within one muscle, motor units vary widely in their properties. The model derived in the last section is good for a single motor III. unit but not valid for the muscle. Motor units are usually recruited in a sequential order. In large postural muscles for small forces, only the small, slow motor units may be recruited. For larger forces, faster and larger motor units cease firing in the reverse order. This represents the size principle first proposed by Henneman [25], and supported by many experiments [11], [25], [26]. On the other hand, experimental results of Burke [27] point to functional specialization of motor unit types. Desmedt's results [28] point still to other exceptions to the size principle; the ordering appears to depend on the direction but not the speed of movement [29]. Also, Grillner [30] points out that other parameters may influence the recruitment. One feasible hypothesis is that before the small motor unit reaches its maximum tension, the larger motor units are not recruited. This is because the large motor unit is more vulnerable to fatigue. The central nervous system therefore limits long duration of large motor unit activation. Here, two physical models of recruitment are discussed. The first one permanently obeys the size principle. The second one is programmable from the central nervous system.' Consider the physical model of Fig. 4 for the first case. The general signal s, the result of CNS as well as reflex feedback, as a voltage source, is assumed to be the input to this circuit. The circuit consists of a number of devices in parallel. Each device pertains to one motor unit, and the current ri in the device is the signal that the nervous system provides to the motor unit (8)-(1 1). The ith device consists of three elements in series: 1) a diode conducting only in one direction, 2) a threshold voltage TG, and 3) a (nonlinear) resistor Ri that determines the size of the stimulus current ri. A current ri would flow only when S > Ti. Therefore, ri g(V)=-= Fo qi + cqi = 491 ri=0 Ti if S > T1 Ri (12) if S<T1. (13) This physical system establishes the relationship between the above-defined general signal S and the two muscle control parameters, stimulus rate, and the motor unit. If the general control signal is regarded as from a "voltage source," the responses "current" could be considered as the stimulus rate which will depend on both the threshold "voltage" Ti and the nonlinear "resistance" Ri. The values and the arrrangement of those thresholds should vary widely in different skeletal muscles, but is definitive for each specific muscle. If the voltage is beyond the threshold of a particular motor unit, this motor unit will be recruited. -The large motor units have high thresholds, and begin to be active only when the high output tension is needed. This means if Ti for larger motor units is higher than Ti for smaller motor units, the size principle is obeyed. In recent years, different reports of exceptions to the size principle have appeared [27] -[34]. Even Henneman, who first proposed the size principle, questioned its validity [25]: "Does it (central nervous system) select from among the various motor units just those it requires for a certain task? Does it mobilize just the large, powerful, rapidly contracting units to supply the speed and the power needed by a high jumper to clear a 7-foot bar? May it activate only small, slower units to provide the delicacy and precision a watchmaker needs? The answers are not obvious." With the physical model proposed here, these questions may be partially answered at least IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. BME-31, NO. 7, JULY 1984 492 S T c R. Ri I Charge Control r. I II1 Fig. 4. Threshold circuit. for large postural muscles. The motor units are recruited in the sequential order according to the size principle. When a large force is needed in a very short time, a large step function, beyond the threshold of all the motor units, is input. All the motor units become active and contract. Large motor units need less time and reach the maximum tension much faster than the small motor units. This gives the appearance that the large motor units are recruited first. In reality, the smaller motor units are not recruited later than the large units but are slower. The above explanation could very well account for the contradiction in part between the size principle and its exceptions. On the other hand, if the hypothesis is proposed that the recruitment is controlled by the central nervous system, one may consider discharge circuits that reduce the threshold T1 and allow a larger motor unit to fire earlier (Fig. 5). As seen in this figure, two control valves-one for charge and one for discharge-may allow Ti to be increased or decreased. The increase in Ti retards firing, and the decrease in Ti expedites firing of the correponding motor neuron. Such mechanisms under the control of the central nervous system may provide many patterns of recruitment for hand and finger muscles involved in delicate manipulative tasks. For the purposes of this paper, it is necessary to develop a relation for a motor unit i involving the input signal s, the stimulus rate ri, the threshold tension T7, and the maximum tension (in grams) Ai of the motor unit. Qualitatively, this relationship can be explained as follows. For fast muscle fibers, the active state reaches its maximum at about 100 Hz stimulus rate. The stimulus rate of slow muscle fibers may be about one-half to one-third of that for fast muscles. The stimulus rate ri should be selected such that when the input S reaches threshold Ti, the stimulus rate for the motor unit i keeps constant. The input signal at this moment should be equal to the threshold of the next larger motor unit. For a quantitative relation, two definitions are needed. Let u(x) be a unit step u(x)=1 if x>0 u(x)=0 if x.0. Let Ti <Ai, and let Ti and Ai be expressed in the same units (grams of force). The stimulus rate ri is related to S, Ti and Ai as follows: ri= 1 Ri (S- T1)(Ai- Ti)-1 Fig. 5. Threshold circuit with charge and discharge control. IV. A FIVE MOTOR UNIT HYPOTHETICAL MUSCLE MODE Combining (14) with the model of a single motor unit derived in Section II, the control model of a particular muscle, excluding its series and parallel viscoelastic elements, and composed of n motor units, can be expressed as follows: fi = CQk )( 4i + Ci qi = CiAi Q(ri) (17) k = same as in (1 1) (18) ri = Gi(S - T1) (As - T) -' (U(S - T,) - U(S - Ai)) + Gi U(S - Ai) (19) n F= , i-1 (20) fi where a, Vmax, C, bi, a1, b2, a2 , G, A, T, and n are constants depending on the properties of the motor units: n = the total number of the motor units in a muscle = 1/Ci the contraction time constant for motor unit i = the maximum tension of motor unit i Ai = the threshold tension of motor unit i Ti b21, ali, and a21 = constants in accordance with the active state and stimulus relation = Gi the stimulus and amplitude ratio Gi= 1/R. Equation (17) may be further simplified. Kanosue et al. [35] have proposed that the isometric tension (or the active state) has the following relationship with the stimulus rate: Q(ri) = (14) (15) (16) Q(r,) = 1 - bli exp (alir,) - b21 exp (a2iri) (ri<10) 0.16 [u(S- Tt) ( 0.042ri 1 - 0.26 (10 < ri < 30). (30 < ri). (21) ZHENG et al.: MUSCLE DYNAMICS, SIZE PRINCIPLE, AND STABILITY In order to test this mode, a hypothetical five-motor unit muscle with no load and no elastic elements is assumed. The constants of all five motor units are listed in Table I. From Table I, it is apparent that unit 5 has the largest maximum tension and the fastest contraction time, and that unit I has the smallest and the slowest. Two sets of digital computer simulations of this hypothetical muscle are presented here. The first simulation is concerned with large tension development. A step function is input to the muscle whose value is beyond the thresholds of all five motor units. All motor units become active and contract. The response is shown in Fig. 6. The rise time of the maximum tension is rather small. It looks as if only the fast and large motor units are recruited. Actually, all the motor units are recruited and the tension and the contraction time are mainly dominated by the large motor units. In the second simulation, the input signal is a ramp signal, requiring the muscle to develop maximum tension in 5 s. Let the input signal be expressed as S = 960 t(U(t) - U(t - 5)) + 4800 U(t - 5). The stimulus rate response of the motor units by (19) are 0< t<0.1042 288 t r = 3 0.1042 < t 30 (144t - 135) 0.093 < t < 0.3021 r2 = r3 = r4 = 0.3021 < t (57.6t - 16.8) 0.297 < t < 0.8125 0.8125 < t 30, (28.8 t - 22.5) 0.7813 < t < 1.8229 493 TABLE I Unit 1 Unit. 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Ci(S-1) Ai(g) Ti(g) Gi(c/s) 25.58 30.70 38.38 51.17 76.75 100 200 500 1000 3000 0 90 280 750 1700 30 30 30 30 30 s 1.2 F t sec (g) 4800 30 t (sec) Fig. 6. The response of the hypothetical model to a step input. 0.12 1.8229 < t 1.7708 < t < 4.8958 (9.6t - 17) r5 = 30 4.8958 < t. (22) The actual active state of all motor units are shown in Fig. 7(a)-(e). Note that a sigmoid curve is presented for each motor From (21) the following active states can be obtained: unit. The total force tension is the summation of all five motor 0.16 0< t 0.1042 unit forces and is shown in Fig. 8. The developing force is not quite smooth because (21) is employed instead of (17). In the = Q(r>) 12.096 t 0.26 0.034. t < 0.1042 second simulation, the force develops in a long time and the 0.1042 < t motor units are recruited one by one, and the size principle is more obvious. 0.16 0.093< t<0.163 V. SPINDLE AND GOLGI FEEDBACK 0.163 < t < 0.3021 Q(r2 ) = 6.048t - 0.827 The above model is implemented in a model of the moveI 0.3021 < t ment of the elbow joint in a plane (Fig. 9) in order to study 0.16 0.2917 < t < 0.4653 the effect of spindle and Golgi feedback (36], [37]. This is idealized in Fig. 10 with a pair of muscles. joint 0.4653 < t < 0.9656 0.8125 Q(r3)= 2.4192tFor small movement at the joint, the dynamics of muscle 0.8125 < t could be largely simplified. The lengths of the muscles can be assumed constant, and (18) is simply k = 1. ft is reasonable to 0.7813 < t < 1.12847 0.16 assume that the stimulus rate will not exceed 30 Hz so that the Q(r4) = 1.2096t 1.205 1.12847 < t < 1.8229 muscle tension is always less than the maximum value. With these assumptions (21) is 1.8229 < t 30 1.2 - Q(rs ) = 0.16 0.4032 t - 0.974 1 1.7708t < t < 2.8125 2.8125 < t < 4.8958 4.8958 < t. Q(ri) = 0.042ri 0.26. - (23) For small movements, (15) could be linearized. Suppose at the operating point the stimulus rate ri = ri0, Q(r) is expanded in Tqwlor --rip- IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. BME-31, NO. 7, JULY 1984 494 Qi °2 100 (sec) 0.08 0.03 (a) (b) Triceps brachii Q4 Fig. 9. The human elbow. 1000 (sec) 0.8 0.3 0.8 1.8 (c) (d) Fig. 10. A simple planar model of the flow. Motor Unit 1 t (sec) Motor Unit i Motor Unit 2 (e) Fig. 7. Active state responses to a ramp input. F S s 4800 0 Fig. 11. Linearization around the operating point So. Equation (24) can be diagrammatically represented in Fig. 11 for each motor unit. For any specified operating point, only one of the Ari is active. And it could be expressed as 3200 Ar-= -GiIAS. 1600 ITi +n All other Ari's are zero. With (24), (17) is now . ec 4.5 3 1.5 A4j +C1Aqi=CiAQA t or Fig. 8. The total force output for the hypothetical model with a ramp input. q1 + Ciqi = 1.26CiAS A4i + Q(riO + Ari) Q(r1o) + = dQ(rio) Ari + d2Q(r'i) A2ri + * dr1 - d2r Ignoring higher order terms Q dQ(r,0) Ar, dr, = 0.042 Ar1. (24) Ci qi = 1.26CiAS. (25) Equation (24), only, denotes one motor unit of the muscle depending on the operating point chosen. The Hill characteristic equation has been linearized before [9] V= (qifi +a f+) b - ZHENG et al: MUSCLE DYNAMICS, SIZE PRINCIPLE, AND STABILITY .495 Aqi=xs, Aq x6, AS=u1, AS=u2. (32) These equations may be put in a convenient state space form Let a spring, in series with the contractile element, represent the x =Ax + Bu elastic element. Let x denote the muscle length-the same for or all motor units. Let yi denote the length of the contractile component (Fig. 1), and let VI = j. It follows that 0 0 1 0 0 0 xl xl = fi KI(x - yi) mgl/l 0 RI/ -RI 0 X2 X2 0 f=K1x- Ki V O -KR -K/C 0 K/C X3 X3 Afi = K1Ax - Ki Vi O KR 0 -K/C 0 K/C X4 X4 EAfi= KiA - AKiAVi O O 0 '0 -C. 0 XS XS AF= Kx - KLA Vi. (27) o o 0 0 0 X6 X6 I.Replacing A VI in (27) with (26) one obtains 0 0 AF=KA* - IK(Xa Aqi + ^Afi). 0 0 (28) 0 ' 0 At the operating point 3 V/lq1 and a V/3f1 are the same for + (33) 0 0 every motor unit. Since for only one of the motor units qi is not equal to zero CiA, 0 av av .0 CiA. AF= KAx - K-AF- K-Aqi afi .aq The numerical values of the parameters are selected as follows: v I and a f.. let a (29) R = 0.045 m 1 = 0.2 m C1 = 25.58 E afi(qiC B 1=0.12kg m2 C2 = 30-70 Equation (29) becomes K = (50 *10-3)-l m = 1 kg C3 = 38.38 AF=KA*-KB AF--Aqi. (30) .C K= 17 N/m C4 = 51.17 Equations (25) and (30) describe the dynamics of the muscle C5 = 76.75 when it is subject to a small disturbance. Gi Suppose there are a pair of flexor and extensor muscles workAi=Dj ing on the forearm. Initially, there is a small disturbance so Di = 0.042 30. that the forearm leaves the perpendicular position a small angle AE (Fig. 9). The changing of the length of each muscle If the value of Ci is chosen to be 25.58, then the numerical is relatively Ax, = -A91 and Ax2 = -A1l. The Newtonian values of A and B are equation for expressing this model should be 0 1 0 0 0 0 IA, -=AF1 di - AF2d2 + mgl sin AE. 146.35 0 0.375 -0.375 0 0 If AOeis small, d, and d2 remain constant. Let 0 -0.765 -20 0 20 0 d1 =d2 =R 0 0.765 0 -20 0 20 = Ae. sin 0 0 0 0 -25.58 0 Now the system equations for small motion aTe 0 0 O 0 0 -25.58 IA6= AF1R - AF2R + mgl AO 0 0 K K AF1 =-KAeR- AF1 + Aqi 0 0 C C 0 0 ~~K A =2KAOR - - AF2 + /qi Vi= a-K Aq1+ - Af1. (26) _ _ [U21 AF2 - A4i = -CiAqi + CiAi ASi A4Q = -C;'Aq; + CAiAS! let X1 =AE, X2 =AO, AF1=X3, AF2 =X4, (31) 32.23 03 1 0 32.23 The eigenvalues of matrix A are -25.58, -25.58, -20, -19.97, -4.0616, and 4.0316. Since X6 iS positive, this system is un- 496 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. BME-31,NOJ. 7, JULY 1984 stable for small amplitudes. The muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organs provide this negative feedback which could stabilize the system. u =Kx of this model is that all the parameters should be measured experimentally. This should be possible with more experiments, although the identif'ication problem is difficult. The simulation results have shown that the muscle tension can be developed either very quickly or gradually. Both obey the size principle. As demonstrated, this model allows inclusion of or spindle length and velocity feedback and also Golgi force feedback. This model is a piecewise linear model. Although the model x2 is nonlinear, the parameters of the model are those arrived at [UI kll k12 k13 k14 001 X3 ( experimentally and verified by small signal conditions and analysis. Thus, there may appear an inconsistency in the logic 21 k22 k23 k24 J X4 of using large-size motor units in small movements. Large-size x5 motor units, however, could be recruited in small movements when it is desired to oppose excessive external forces, or to To study the effect of Golgi feedback state, variables X3 and provide stable platforms for delicate and accurate movements. X4 are fed back by selection of different gains for kl3, k14, REFERENCES k23, and k24, and leaving the other elements of c to be zero. This choice of k did not stabilize the system for different values [11 H. Hatze, "Neuromusculoskeletal control systems modeling-A critical study of recent developments,"' IEEE Trans. Automat. of gains. Similarly, muscle length feedback (for small values 0 is vol. AC-25, pp. 375-385, Mar. 1980. proportional to 1) did not stabilize the system. Combination [2] Contr., A. V. 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A good model should predict the muscle behavior closely and be easy to employ in theoretical studies of human movement. Most muscle models have at least one of the following attributes: 1) simplicity, 2) detail, 3) lack of all relevant physical phenomena, or 4) the applicability of the model is limited. In the present study, a mathematical model for a single motor unit is given. Also, a physical model for the whole muscle is presented. The flexibility of the parameters of this physical model makes it useful for realization of different muscles. The size principle is confirmed by this physical model and the exceptional phenomena discovered in recent years are explained by the model as well. The main problem Roy. Soc., vol. 136B, pp. 399-420, 1949. [5] D. R. Wilkie, "The relation between force and velocity in human muscle," J. Physiol., vol. 110, pp. 249-280, 1950. [6] T. A. Bahill, Bioengineering. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1981. [71 H. 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He was a graduate student in the The Chinese Academy of Science from 1978 to 1979. He is currently a Teacher and on the Research Staff of the Department of Electrical Engineering at The Ohio State University, and he is pursuing a Ph.D. program. His research interests are robotics, locomotion, and digital and control systems. W X Hooshang Hemami (S'66-M'67) received the B. S. degree in electrical engineering from the ~* University of Teheran, Teheran, Iran, in 1958. He further studied with Y. W. Lee and A. G. Bose at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, and with R. L. Cosgriff at The Ohio State University, Columbus. He is currently a Professor of Electrical Engineering at The Ohio State University where he teaches courses in nonlinear, digital, and control systems. His research activities are in locomotion, robotics, mechanics, dynamics, and control of movement and pattern recognition. Bradford T. Stokes received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, in 1973. He is an Associate Professor of Physiology at The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus. He is also the Scientific Director and Co-Principle Investigator of the Spinal Cord Injury Research Center at Ohio State, sponsored by the National Institute of Neurological Communicable Diseases and Stroke. His research interests lie in the areas of development of vertebrate motor systems and the influence of the extracellular environment on neural function.