EASIS - Brief Introduction - EURL ECVAM
EASIS - Brief Introduction - EURL ECVAM
EASIS - Brief Introduction EASIS Background ......................................................................................................................................................1 EASIS First Steps .........................................................................................................................................................2 EASIS Search Functions ..............................................................................................................................................2 Simple Search .........................................................................................................................................................2 Advanced Search ....................................................................................................................................................5 EASIS Study Questionnaires .......................................................................................................................................8 Questionnaire meta-data .....................................................................................................................................10 Questionnaire data ..............................................................................................................................................11 EASIS Background EASIS, the Endocrine Active Substances Information System, is a web-based application open to the public for query and review of (eco)toxicological information about chemicals, with an emphasis on endocrine-related endpoints. The starting point of EASIS was the EAS Database1 created by the European Commission's Environment Directorate-General (DG ENV) in the 2000s. A new application, EASIS, was developed and the data from the DG ENV DB were migrated into EASIS. More data will be added over time, in a first step by the JRC, then by a crowdsourcing community. 1 see https://eurl-ecvam.jrc.ec.europa.eu/laboratories-research/endocrine_disrupters/files_eds/database.zip EASIS Brief Introduction Page 1 EASIS First Steps The URL https://easis.jrc.ec.europa.eu leads to the EASIS main page: The Register button leads to a dialogue in which a user account for EASIS can be requested. Please note that for searching the database a user account is not necessary. Registering and logging in will become relevant once write access is available. The Glossary and the Links buttons lead to pages with background information. The Search button leads to the current main functionality, i.e. querying and reviewing studies in EASIS. EASIS Search Functions Clicking on the search tab in the main screen leads to two search options: Simple Search Advanced Search Simple Search The Simple Search is the default option selected: Any search term can be entered into the search field, and once the button is clicked, all DB fields will be examined whether the word appears there, and as a consequence, the Result Set is shown: Example: "Ovaries" are entered as search term: EASIS Brief Introduction Page 2 This sample Result Set shows that 19 studies are in the database in which the term "ovaries" appears (in any field). The Result Set features the following fields: Result Set fields: Test Type and Target All studies in EASIS are of one of the following four types: In-vivo mammals In-vivo humans (epidemiology) In-vivo ecotox In-vitro Later we will see that EASIS study data are displayed in one of four possible "Questionnaires" which are forms that correspond to these four types. Result Set fields: Substance and CAS Number Indicates the substance that the study is about. Result Set field: General Effect Type Indicates what kind of effect was observed in the study. In most cases this field also contains the search term. Result Set field: Test Guideline Indicates what Test Guideline (OECD or other) was followed in the study, if any. Result Set field: Metric Endpoint Displays relevant numerical results of the study. EASIS Brief Introduction Page 3 Result Set field: Matched Fields By clicking the arrow-down symbol in the "Matched Fields" column… … columns to be displayed/not displayed in the Result Set can be selected: The "Matched Field" column features two clickable icons: - the "View matched fields" icon, which displays the field in which the search term appeared (i.e. the reason why the study is displayed in the Result Set), and - the "View" icon, which leads to the display of the full study report, see chapter "EASIS Study Questionnaires". Export Result Set Clicking the button in the right hand bottom corner of the screen activates the Export dialogue; it is possible to export the Result Set into an Excel or CSV file. Please note that the Excel export contains, per row in the Result Set, also a direct URL link to the specific study back in EASIS. EASIS Brief Introduction Page 4 Filter Result Set The row of column headings features Filter fields. When selecting a filter term from one or more of the filter fields… … (e.g. "Ecotox" in the Target field), only the studies from within the Result Set that deal with "Ecotox" are shown: Filtering can be used to drill into the search result and get a less overwhelming Result Set. Advanced Search Clicking the tab activates the Advanced Search. Search criteria can be entered in one or more of the search fields, and once the button is clicked, the DB is searched for the occurrence of each of the search criteria, and the Result Set is shown: EASIS Brief Introduction Page 5 Search Example: CAS number = 63-25-2 The Result Set shows 97 studies for this substance (Carbaryl). The columns of the Result Set correspond to the ones of the Simple Search (see above). Filtering and exporting are also the same as in the Simple Search. As is the case with the Simple Search, clicking the View icon in the Matched Fields column leads to a detailed view of the selected study. For more details, see the chapter "EASIS Study Questionnaires". EASIS Brief Introduction Page 6 Search Example: Test Guideline = OECD Guideline 421: The Result Set shows 4 studies for this Guideline. EASIS Brief Introduction Page 7 Search Example: CAS number = 72-43-5 & Study Type = In vitro The Result Set shows 13 in-vitro studies for this substance (Methoxychlor). EASIS Study Questionnaires The Result Sets of both the Simple Search and the Advanced Search display one row per retrieved study. Next to each of these rows, the EASIS Brief Introduction View icon leads to the display of the full study report. Page 8 Clicking the View icon next to any study… … displays the main Study screen: Study Data in EASIS are displayed in an interconnected series of screens that are called Questionnaires2. The questionnaires themselves are a long series of data display forms (left hand side of the screen, see chapter "Questionnaire data"); the right hand side of the screen shows assorted questionnaire meta-data (see next section). 2 The meaning of this term will become more obvious once the public Data Entry functionality is made available, as users will be guided through data capturing via a questionnaire-like model; the same questionnaires are already now used for data display. EASIS Brief Introduction Page 9 Questionnaire meta-data The questionnaire meta-data shows information about general overview data concerning the selected study: Questionnaire meta-data element Actions The section "actions" in the questionnaire meta-data shows icons for all manipulations that are possible with the current study (questionnaire). In most cases the only selectable action while not logged (i.e. in Read Access mode) on is "Close" (the study). Questionnaire meta-data element Endpoints The EASIS data model supports the association between an EASIS questionnaire and the OECD Harmonised Template3 (OHT) format. Each questionnaire is linked to one distinct OHT, which makes subsequent re-use of the data in other environments and applications easier: OHTs are used in a number of regulatory programmes as the data reporting and exchange format, most prominently REACH4. Inserting data into EASIS makes them automatically compatible with these reporting standards for possible re-use in a regulatory context. 3 The OECD Harmonised Templates (OHTs) are standard data formats for reporting studies done on chemicals to determine their properties or effects on human health and the environment. For more details go to http://www.oecd.org/ehs/templates/ 4 REACH is a regulation of the European Union, adopted to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals.. It also promotes alternative methods for the hazard assessment of substances in order to reduce the number of tests on animals. For more see http://echa.europa.eu/regulations/reach EASIS Brief Introduction Page 10 Possible associations between Questionnaire types and OHTs are as follows: Questionnaire meta-data element Questionnaire information Several fields give information about relevant data concerning the questionnaire, like test type, target, creation date, etc. The study status is "published" for all publicly visible questionnaires. Other statuses become relevant once the write functionality has been made available. Questionnaire data Each questionnaire consists of several sections: EASIS Brief Introduction Page 11 The main sections (green frame in the diagram above) are the same across all questionnaire types: Materials and Methods Results Reference Discussion and Conclusion Attachments Depending on the questionnaire type (in-vivo mammal, in-vivo human, in-vivo ecotox, in-vitro), different subsections exist for each of the five main sections, e.g. for the Materials and Methods section in the "in-vivo mammal" as shown above the following subsections exist: General method information Test materials Test animals Details on test animals and environmental conditions Administration Protocol details Observations and examinations performed and frequency Browsing through the study by clicking the relevant tabs gives a quick overview. Please note that the walkthrough below only shows a small fraction of the data fields EASIS actually manages. EASIS Brief Introduction Page 12 General method information, Test Guideline The Test Guideline is described in the General method information tab, OECD Guideline 421 in this case. Test Material The Test Material is Bisphenol A. Test animals The Test Animals were rats. EASIS Brief Introduction Page 13 Administration The dose was 1000 mg/kg body weight per day, the route of administration was oral. Result, Endpoint, Effect The General Effect Type is "Increased number of corpora lutea". Reference, Bibliographic Information The Bibliographic information shows the original source of the data. The secondary source, in this case, indicates that this study has been imported/migrated from the original DG ENV DB (see chapter "EASIS Background"). EASIS Brief Introduction Page 14 Discussion and Conclusions The conclusion is that there is a suspected endocrine effect. EASIS Brief Introduction Page 15
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