Kāpiti ArtBeat - Kapiti Coast District Council
Kāpiti ArtBeat - Kapiti Coast District Council
Kāpiti ArtBeat Keeping you in touch with Arts & Heritage in Kāpiti June 2015 Contact: Chill-out in June... Ph 04 296 4700 Kapiticoast.govt.nz June is a fabulous month with so many festivals, and other great things happening. It’s the official start of winter on 1 June. The month starts off with the traditional Queen’s Birthday long weekend. Towards the middle of the month, Matariki festival begins both here in Kāpiti and across the Wellington region. A great opportunity for celebration and having a fantastic time with friends and family. Enjoy the festivals, celebrations and the arts! Nerita Clark Arts & Museums Administrator Queen’s birthday weekend — out and about... Antique and Collectables Fair Paraparaumu Memorial Hall, Aorangi Street, Paraparaumu Quality antique fair by The Antique Fair Charitable Trust TACT. This antique fair offers quality furniture antique and retro, vintage tools, quality china, linen, crystal, art, glass & silver, clocks, books, jewellery (vintage/modern), and much more. Saturday 30 May 2015 10:00am - 5:00pm and Sunday 31 May 2015 10:00am – 4:00pm. Tickets: adults: $6.00, accompanied children free. Door sales only. Introduction to Pal Tiya Clay Sculpture Workshop Trinity Farm, 202 Waitohu Valley Rd, Otaki Trinity Farm is holding an introduction to Pal Tiya Clay day where you can book a 2 hour session to make a small animal or bird and experience the excitement of sculpting with this new non-firing clay. $50 for a 2 hour session. For further details visit website. 1 Supporting arts and heritage on the Kāpiti Coast Kāpiti ArtBeat — June 2015 Celebrate Matariki 2015 What is Matariki? Wellington Matariki Festival Matariki is the Māori name for the star cluster known as the Pleiades. The ascent of Matariki in late May or June signalled the change of season and heralded the start of the Māori New Year. Traditionally, Māori New Year signals a time for connecting with, and giving thanks to, the land, sea and sky. It is also a time for the community to farewell those departed and the passing of one year to the next. Today, Matariki has been revived as a celebration of people, culture, language, spirituality, and history. It is a time for whānau (family) and friends to come together to reflect on the past 12 months and look towards the year ahead. In 2015, Matariki, the Māori New Year, will start on 18 June. Eight Wellington museums and galleries have joined forces to present a major programme of exhibitions and events to celebrate Matariki 2015, the Māori New Year. The Wellington Matariki Festival will host more than 60 free events and activities between Sat 13 Jun to Sun 12 Jul. Events include a Poi E/Thriller Flash Mob, New Zealand Post Kaumātua Kapa Haka, a poetry slam, concerts, a Māori and Pacific Island Wikipedia edit-a-thon, and an art night. For more information and events visit Matariki Wellington. Matariki at Carter Observatory Carter Observatory, Kelburn, Wellington Space Place at Carter Observatory will be celebrating Matariki/Puanga from 1 June to 19 July. During this period, all planetarium shows will feature an introduction to the stars of Matariki/Puanga, along with korero around the stories set amongst them. There will be a gallery trail around the theme of ‘light’ that will keep children entertained. For further details visit website. Matariki in our community... There will be a range of local events provided by community groups, kura (schools) and the Council for you and your family to enjoy from June through to the end of July. Children’s activities available at the libraries: Weaving with Tasha, and face painting with Daizy Design. Paraparaumu library, Fri 19 Jun, 5.30pm. Taonga Puoro - making and playing putangitangi. Make and etch your own putangitangi (clay flute). Ōtaki library, 8 Jul, 10-11.30am. For bookings call 0800 485 485 or email: [email protected]. Whakapiripiri mai - Coming together: Waiata– Enjoy Thursday lunchtime sessions as Kapiti performers entertain and delight. Te Korowai Whakamana (Ōtaki School Kapa Haka). Ōtaki library, Thurs 18 Jun 1-2pm. Tu Meke—Te Ātiawa kaumātua share knowledge and love of Kapa Haka. Paraparaumu library 22 Jun, 1-2pm. 2 Celebrate Matariki at Mahara 13 Jun - 12 Jul 2015, Mahara Gallery, Waikananae. This year Mahara Gallery is one of eight major galleries and museums region-wide presenting Matariki Wellington. In "He Toi Reikorangi" Te Atiawa artists celebrate Matariki at Mahara. Twenty five leading Te Atiawa artists from throughout the country provide a range of both traditional and contemporary work in a celebration of shared whakapapa. The opening weekend, Sat 13 and Sun 14 Jun, includes a performance by singer Aja Wairere Ropata 13 Jun, 12:30 -1:00pm. Internationally known Taa moko artists Rangi Kipa, Mitchell Hughes and Taryn Beri will be working in the gallery throughout this weekend. For further details visit Mahara Gallery website. Supporting arts and heritage on the Kāpiti Coast Kāpiti ArtBeat — June 2015 What’s on... Putiputi Pai—weaving with Tasha Ōtaki Library, 81 Main St, Otaki 4th Annual Boutique Craft Fair benefiting Paraparaumu Playcentre. Join a family friendly day of local crafts, food and entertainment. Local artisans will be showcasing a variety of gifts, clothing, jewellery, toys, homewares and more. Paraparaumu Memorial Hall, Aorangi St, Paraparaumu, Sun 14 Jun 2015, 10:00am– 2:00pm World Wide Knit in Public Day Paraparaumu Library, Iver Trask Pl, Paraparaumu Bring a work in progress to KiP (Knit in Public). Have fun knitting, crocheting, and stitching! Bring your needles or hook - no need to book. Everyone welcome! Saturday 13th June 2015 10.30am-12.00pm. All welcome. Visit the Ōtaki library art space for simple flax weaving of putiputi. Sat 20 Jun, 10.30am-12.30pm. Suitable for all ages. Nau mai, Haere mai. For further details call 0800 486 486 or visit website. Kāpiti Arts Guide Pick up your copy of the Kāpiti Arts Guide from the District Libraries, Visitor i-sites, or view and download from the Council website on the “Kāpiti Coast Arts” page. Listings show galleries and studios that are open all year to visitors. View original art and talk to the artists about their work. Look out for special events which are listed in the local press and on events websites. Arts Trail News Exciting new developments for the Kapiti Arts Trail this year, you will be advised very shortly. Theatrical and music offerings... When A Man Loves Lindale Centre, State Highway 1, Paraparaumu Grace Productions Events present "The Samson Story: When A Man Loves". This is a theatre production about one man’s divine purpose to free his people from oppression. Sat 27 Jun, 5–6.45pm, and 7.309.15pm, Sun 28 Jun, 4–6.00pm. Adults: $15, students 7 -12yrs: $10, Gold Card holders:$8, children up to 6yrs free. For more details visit website. The Air Force Band in Concert Southward Car Museum, Otaihanga Rd If you would like to enjoy an afternoon of entertainment by this popular group of talented musicians, put Sunday 14th June in your diary now as the 65 members of the Central Band of the RNZAF are coming to Kapiti and will be presenting a concert at Southwards. Sun 14 Jun, 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Tickets are available from the I Site, Rimu Road, Paraparaumu. For further details contact Mick on 04 9051272 or visit website. Best Musicals of All Time Southward Theatre, Otaihanga Road Iconic artist Helen Medlyn leads a team of musical theatre exponents in a show that highlights the best musicals of all time. Featuring showstoppers from the Golden Age of Musicals through to the modern era. Just like a degustation menu you will be sampling the best offerings from some of the tastiest musicals: Wouldn’t it be Loverly from My Fair Lady; The Time Warp from Rocky Horror Picture Show; Tonight from Westside Story; and Send in the Clowns from A Little Night Music. Tickets $32 includes lunch after the show. Tue 30 Jun 11:00am - 1:00pm, To book, phone free 0508 266 237 or visit www.daytimeconcerts.co.nz. Information in this newsletter has been published in good faith with no warranties as to the accuracy of the information supplied or printed. We take no responsibility for the content of other persons’ or organisations’ websites. 3 Supporting arts and heritage on the Kāpiti Coast
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