CFPL NovelT News - Cedar Falls Public Library


CFPL NovelT News - Cedar Falls Public Library
Cedar Falls Public Library & Friends of the Cedar Falls Public Library present:
CFPL NovelT News
Summer Reading Program
The Summer
Reading Program
begins May 31st and
registration begins
May 23rd.
Pick up a reading
log at the front table,
youth department, or
teen room. All ages
will use the same
log. Read 600
minutes and
complete 6 out of
the 8 weekly
Each week has
multiple challenge
options. Reading
includes all book
formats (ebooks,
reading to someone,
or being read to.
Please see our
website for more
Saturday, May 21
9:00 am-1:00 pm
Join fellow readers in our conference room or any quiet
space and read!
Participants can enjoy snacks and a gift for attending. Stop by
the reference desk to receive your gift.
For more information about National Readathon Day visit
always available.
your library card, a web
browser, smart phone or
tablet to get started.
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just the hits, but the niche
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audiobooks . They are
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Page 2
Choose Joy
Saturday, May 21, 2:00 pm
Meeting Room
Mary Carver and the sister of Sara Frankl , Laura Pedersen, will have a book
signing and reading of the inspiring book Choose Joy:
Finding Hope & Purpose When Life Hurts.
This book is about a young woman Sara Frankl, who knows she is dying of a
terminal disease and everything she comes to believe about life and death
during the difficult journey. Before she passed away in 2011, Sara spent her
last remaining years on earth living in Cedar Falls. Although she rarely left her
home, she was able to connect with people from around the globe about the
struggles she faced and the joy she found in what really matters in life. Choose Joy is a book for
all those searching for meaning and beauty in a world full of tragedy.
Mary Carver is a writer, speaker, and recovering perfectionist who writes about her imperfect life
with humor and honesty, encouraging women to give up on perfect and get on with life.
Sponsored by the Friends of the Cedar Falls Public Library.
Ruth Suckow Events
Ruth Suckow Discussion
Tuesday, May 17, 10:15 am
Conference Room
Ruth Suckow Celebration
Cake and door prizes await all
book lover at the
Join us to discuss some of
50th anniversary celebration of
Suckow’s short stories including the Ruth Suckow Memorial
“A Rural Community,” “Spinster Association, Saturday June 11
& Cat,” and “A Great Mollie”. A at 1pm in the Library's upstairs
select number of Suckow’s
community room. A short
works can be located
program will be presented on
at under
Suckow’s life and works.
the Ruth Suckow’s Short Stories
link an
Iowa writer Ruth Suckow wrote
at by
some of the best short stories
searching Ruth Suckow.
and novels about Iowa and
Midwestern life. She lived from
1892 to 1960 and married
Cedar Falls writer Ferner Nuhn
in 1929.
All are invited to celebrate this
fine Cedar Falls and universal
For more on Ruth Suckow, see
the Society's official
This newsletter is compiled by the Cedar Falls Public Library and Friends of Cedar Falls Public Library.
Contact us at: [email protected]