tentacle wart
tentacle wart
1980 10 a ACTA ZOOTAXONOMICA SINlCA ~ Ocr., 1980 5 & C Bayly, I. A. E. 1973 Comments on medusae from inland water and estuaries with reference t o recent find in Australia. Bull. Bust. Soc. Lzmnol. ( 4 ) : 4-6. Bigelow, H. B. 1909 Report on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacifie, 1904-1905. The Medusae. M e n . MW. C o m p . 2001. Harv. 37: 1-243. Blackburn, M. 1955 Trachyrnedusae and Narcomedusae of South-Easb Australian waters. Bust. J . mar. Freshw. Bes. 6 ( 3 ) : 410-428. Browne, E. T. 1908 The medusae of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Trans. Roy. SOC. -___ __ .~ - -__ Edinb. 46: 223-4251. Fewkes, J. W. 1882 On the Acalephae of the east coast of New Englaqd. Bull. Mus. Comp. Z o d . Ham. 9(8) : 291-312. Haque, M. M. 1977 Some littioral Coelenterates of Bangladesh and Pakidtan coasts. Bangladesh J. Zool. 5 340. Kramp, P. L. 1961 &nopsis of the Medusae of the world. J . mar. biol. A S S . 17. IK. 40: 1-469. Kramp, P. L. 1962 Medusae of Vietnam. V z d a s l i . Medd. dam&. Naturh. Porm. 124: 305-366. 329 USA NE ZHEN-w u (Department of Biology, Xinlciaag A-ormrrl College, Eenan) I n July 31, 1956, three small medusae were collected from Yantai, Shangdong Province. This animal is identified as representing a new genus and species of the family Raliweatidae. Varitentacula, gen. nov. Radial canals f o u r ; stomach without manubrium ; month rounded, without lip ; marginal tentacles varying in size ; distal one-third of the large tentacle spindle-shaped; tentacles with irregularly arranged nematocyst warts ; gonads four, oval, on the radial canals. ~ a r i t ~ yantaiensis, n ~ ~ c gem. ~ ~ nov., ~ sp. nov. (fig. I ) Umbrella h i g h e r t h a n a .hemisphere, 9-12 nun in diameter, 68 mm high, Jelly th&, but very thick in apical portion of the umbrella, Marginal tentacles slender, 1920 in number. Each tentacle with an axis of endoderm. Each nematocyst wart with 4 4 2 6 nematocysts. Tentacle bulbs triangular, brownish in color. The larger stomach is low conical toward the base which is squarish in shape. Statocysts, 12-14 in number, situated between the tentacles. Gonads brownish yellow in color, the basal portion connected with the stomach and the distal portion seached nearly t o ring canal. - - - T h m type specimens a d e p t iu. the Department of Biology, Peking Normal-Uni__ versity. The family Halicreatidae has begn reviewed by Kramp (1961) and enumerated up b present only four geners. -A comparison of these four and the new genera is given in the following table. .c ~ - 1 H a1I cre a s Fewkes, 1882 j Halisccra Botrynerna Vanhiffen, 1902 Rrowne, 1908 Bigelow, 1909 1 Varitenta;ula g' 16 or more radial canals 8, flattened, gonads tentacles 1 Halitrephcr not in clusters, regularly arranged. not in cluste- rs, regularly arranged. 7 in 16 clusters and 8 single ones. not in clusters, regularly arranged. 1 4, flattened, oval not in clusters, regularfp arranged. -