small groups - Capital Church


small groups - Capital Church
Adelphos: Men’s Study Beginning January 20
Game Plan for Life by Joe Gibbs
Tuesdays @ 7pm—Capital Church (Room 110)
Three-time Super Bowl winner, NFL Hall of Fame coach, and three-time NASCAR
champion Joe Gibbs has assembled a team of experts to tackle the key areas of
life a man needs in order to lead a victorious life. Based on a national survey, the
Gibbs team has identified the most important issues facing men today. Come join
us for coffee, learning and conversation. Leader: Matt Good
Living a Life of Sexual Integrity
Tuesdays @ 7:00pm—Capital Church (Room 108)
This group is for guys struggling with sexual integrity and guys who want to
help others who struggle. We choose studies that offer grace and hope in the
area of sexual integrity while promoting authentic conversations and friendship.
Follow by Andy Stanley Beginning February 4
Wednesdays @ 6:30pm—Capital Church (Room 110)
Lots of people think Christianity is all about doing what Jesus says. But what if
doing what Jesus says isn’t what Jesus says to do at all? Jesus’ invites us into
relationship, beginning with a simple request: “Follow me.” Come learn how
Jesus can teach us to do exactly that. Childcare is available through our Kids
Ministry. Leader: Ken Bohney
The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren Beginning February 4
Wednesdays @ 6:30pm—Capital Church (Room 107)
This six-session video-based program is centered on five essentials that will
launch you toward better health: faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends. The Daniel
Plan works! God designed your body to be healthy and He provided everything
you need to thrive and live an abundant life. Childcare is available through our
Kids Ministry. Leader: Pat Cooper
Leader: Jon-Marc Muntz
The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller
Wednesdays @ 6:30am—Park City Roasters, Kimball Junction
This book shows everyone—Christians, skeptics, singles, longtime married
couples, and those about to be engaged—the vision of what marriage should be
according to the Bible. Consider yourself invited! Leader: Rob Harter
Men’s Prayer Group
2nd & 4th Saturdays @ 7am—Capital Café
Are you determined to be a man who is willing to turn things over to God, asking
Him to lead the way instead of worrying about your next decision? Here is a great
opportunity to connect with other guys on the same journey.
Leader: Paul LaForge
Ge t
co n
Skiers & Snowboarders for Christ
Thursdays @ 7pm—Near 2100 S Foothill Dr.
Join us for our weekly Wax & Coffee! Get connected to your shred buddies and
meet Jesus in an intimate way. This nationwide ministry has weekly meetings for
connecting and Bible study. Members plan days to ride together and an annual
camp trip to Moab. Open to all skiers and snowboarders. Leader: Seth Foster
Evening Knitting & Crocheting Group
1st Mondays @ 7pm—Canyon Rim area, near 2900 S 2900 E
If you like to knit or crochet, or would like to learn, come join this fun, evening
group. Enjoy the fellowship of others who like handwork, and help make items
for children at the Mkhombokati Care Point in Swaziland, Africa. Children who
knit or crochet are welcome (No childcare). Leader: Kathy Olympia
Ge t
e ct
We believe that one of the healthiest and most fruitful ways of
journeying with Christ is by partnering with others. Our small
groups exist to help people develop authentic relationships in
which to experience support and a sense of belonging while
deepening their faith. We hope you find a group that is a good fit
for you!
To sign up or to get more information, please email us at
[email protected]
The Juggle
Sundays @ 6:30pm—The Avenues
2nd & 4th Tuesdays @ 6:45pm—Ft. Union Barnes & Noble Café
D.I.N.K.s (Dual Income, No Kids) gather to build community amongst couples in
a similar season of life. (You don’t really have to have two incomes or two student
loans to join!) We mix Bible study with monthly activities. Come be a part of this
adventurous group as we study God’s Word and build community! The current
study is The Life You’ve Always Wanted by John Ortberg.
Are you trying to keep all the balls in the air of spiritual life, marriage, motherhood,
caring for the home, and excelling in your career? Come join the Juggle, a small
group for moms working outside the home. Discussion will vary each meeting
with focus on supporting and praying for one another.
Leader: Sara Vazquez
Leaders: Ryan & Emily Wirick
IGNITE (Young Adults)
Mondays @ 6:30pm—Capital Café
Join Ignite Monday Nights as our young adults (twenty somethings) gather to
connect and grow! The group enjoys community interaction and then breaks
into small groups for discussion on the following topics:
The Bible Study will delve into God’s Word, one book of the Bible at a time. With
the assistance of Bible commentaries, we will work through tough questions that
prompt engaging dialogue. Through the reading and discussion, we hope to
learn more about ourselves and God’s will for us. This winter we will be tackling
Nehemiah! Leaders: Bridget Sullivan & Matt Sykora
Building Blocks by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs Beginning February 10
Tuesdays @ 6:30pm—Sugarhouse area
This six-week DVD study unpacks five of the life-changing principles from the
Love and Respect program. Join us as we seek to draw closer to Jesus and build
thriving marriages in the context of healthy community.
Leaders: Paul & Sarah Merritt
Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Beginning March 3
Koinonia: Women’s Study Beginning January 20
The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard
Tuesdays @ 9am (childcare available)—Capital Café
Tuesdays @ 7pm (no childcare)—Capital Café
In his classic The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard skillfully weaves together
biblical teaching, popular culture, science, scholarship, and spiritual practice,
revealing what it means to “apprentice” us to Jesus. Come make some new
friends and learn more about God’s love!
Leaders: Vicki Bohney (am) & Marlene Woertz (pm)
Tuesdays @ 6:30pm—Capital Church (Room 104)
If you were recently married or marriage is in your future, you will want to be
sure to take this class which gets you thinking and talking about the important
subjects every married couple faces. Meet some new friends, ask your tough
questions and be equipped for life with your mate. We offer this course once a
year and it is required for anyone who wants to be married by our pastoral staff.
Knit or Not
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
Leaders: Dennis & Sandy Pfaff
Fight Back with Joy by Margaret Feinberg
The Book Club explores popular Christian-themed books and discusses their
relevance and impact on spirituality. C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters is the
most engaging account of temptation—and triumph over it—ever written.
Join us as we dig into questions to find meaningful answers that allow for a more
robust faith. Leader: Spencer Young
Ask It by Andy Stanley
Should I take this job? Buy this house? Marry this person? We ask questions every
day about the choices we face. But are we asking the most important question
of all? In Ask It, Andy Stanley identifies the one question that makes it easy to
determine the answer to all other questions. Join us for this thought-provoking
DVD-driven study! Leader: Matthew Davis
The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller
Grace-Based Parenting Beginning February 4
Wednesdays @ 6:30pm—Capital Church (Room 107)
Parents in our post-modern world tend to be committed to but anxious about
their child-rearing responsibilities. The Grace-Based Parenting Video Series is a
refreshing new study for small groups. It gives parents a realistic job description
for raising spiritually strong children who grow up with a sense of calm and a
heart full of purpose and hope. Childcare is available through our Kids Ministry.
Leaders: Felix & Sara Vazquez
Adoption Support Group
This group meets periodically through out the year.
This Ignite Group is going to work their way through Tim Keller’s incredible book,
The Meaning of Marriage. This book shows everyone—Christians, skeptics, singles,
longtime married couples, and those about to be engaged—the vision of what
marriage should be according to the Bible. If you are married, dating, or just think
you might want to get married some day, jump in!
This group offers support to adoptive families as well as those
considering adoption. Our goal is to provide community and
resources to those interested in adoption. We host and
participate in social gatherings and fundraisers that
support those considering adoption as well!
Leaders: Trent & Brynn Fowler
Leaders: Felix & Sara Vazquez
1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 9:30am—Sugarhouse Barnes & Noble Café
Knitters & non-knitters unite! Come join the ladies for coffee, cupcakes, laughter,
community, and, of course, knitting! Leader: Sandy Pfaff
Thursdays @ 9am—Park City
No matter what your circumstances, you can practice defiant joy.
When you do, you will embrace a life that’s richer and fuller
than you’ve ever known before—a life radiant with
joy. Join us on this adventure!
Leader: Leah Harter