Training Journal - Workouts That Win


Training Journal - Workouts That Win
Copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved. Underground Strength Coach, LLC
All rights reserved. No part of this special report e-book may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without
the expressed written permission from Zach Even-Esh. We have unique tracking codes
embedded, designed to detect illegal distribution of this special report e-book and the
download links. Fines start at $150,000 and include a possible prison sentence upon
The Underground Wrestling Course: ‘Workouts That WIN!’
Copyright © 2011, All Rights Reserved.
All rights reserved. No part of this ebook may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or
by any information storage and retrieval system, without the expressed written
permission from Zach Even-Esh. Fines start at $150,000 and include a possible prison
sentence upon conviction.
You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this exercise program. These
recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only.
You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any
medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is
designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only.
The information in this e manual is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise
training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers
advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before
practicing the exercises in this e manual, be sure that your equipment is wellmaintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training
and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this book are not intended as a
substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been
prescribed by your physician.
See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking
any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program,
including any exercise or demonstration performed in The Underground Combat
Course. If you experience any light headedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while
exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician.
Don’t perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a
certified personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always ask
for instruction and assistance when lifting. Don’t perform any exercise without proper
instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to strength training and interval training.
You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high
cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over
30 years of age.
Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If
your physician recommends that you don’t use The Underground Wrestling Course or
any other Underground Strength Courses, please follow your doctor’s orders.
Waiver and Release of Liability:
Awesome, now that the legal B.S. is out of the way we can get to work!
I’ll be outlining the results proven wrestling programs I have used with great success
with the high school & college wrestlers of The Underground Strength Gym. Don’t be
afraid to follow this regime if you partake in ANY combat sport as I have applied these
workout to not only Wrestlers, but also Judoka fighters, BJJ athletes, Rugby athletes &
Football players. In essence, these athletes are ALL preparing for a form of combat.
How to Choose the Program that
Suits YOU Best
There are THREE Programs outlined in this course:
- Beginner / Introductory
- High School
- Advanced High School / Collegiate
I encourage you to choose the programs and workouts that suit you best
according to your experience in strength & conditioning, your current fitness
level as well as your age.
WARNING: Don’t think that you can start the advanced programs just because you’re
in college. Our high school wrestlers who have trained at The Underground regularly
smash the college wrestlers just starting out who are simply not used to this style of
unconventional wrestling training.
I always recommend starting slow and slightly easier than what you think you can
do at least for your first 2 weeks to accommodate your mind and body safely.
If you are in high school, do NOT jump to the advanced workouts until you have gone
through The Basic Training Program AND The High School Training Program in Full.
Even after completing BOTH the beginner AND high school programs, you still
may not feel ready for the advanced workouts. That’s perfectly fine. Simply go
back and repeat the high school training again, but try and beat records in
strength and timed workouts. Eventually, you will be ready.
The wrestlers who went through the advanced workouts were highly advanced both in
lifting AND wrestling. They were also highly motivated and mentally tough because we
BUILT them up to the advanced workouts. It took time to get there
Once you are in the advanced program you’ll notice we use much more variety in the
exercises compared to the high school program. The high school program we are still
learning the movements so we repeat workouts frequently to increase your efficiency of
technique / strength skills while you add weight and get stronger.
For both high school &
advanced wrestlers I
recommend using a
training journal to
record ALL weights used,
sets, reps and notes on
how you felt during each
Repeat the high school
workouts several times.
YES, repeat them. Go
back, repeat them and try
to use more weight to
increase your strength.
If you skip the use of
the journal there will be
NO way to track your
Get a simple note book
and write the workout
down BEFORE you get to the gym. Once there, record the sets, reps and weights used
next to each exercise. Review your training journal regularly to help you stay motivated
to break records and set new personal records, aka PRs.
If you are going through the workouts and you find they are too intense for you and / or
you can not maintain technique on the prescribed movements, then begin with the
basics of bodyweight training for 6 - 8 weeks, training 4 - 5 x week with the basics
- mixed grip pull ups
- rope climbing
- push up variations on rings, with chains & mixing hand / foot positions
- hand walking with partner or the power wheel
- wall walking
- squats, lunges, jumping rope, sprints, hill sprints, stadium stair runs & jumps
Also use the basic carrying / dragging / pushing movements in addition to your
bodyweight exercises and training:
- sandbag zercher carry
- stone carry
- sled drags from all angles
- car / truck pushing
These are ALL basic movements that are simple in technique yet powerful in their return
of results. Your goal is to become GREAT at these “simple to learn movements” and
then move onward to the detailed workouts. If you have any questions, simply drop a
comment on the Underground Inner Circle Forum HERE.
Grip Strength is a MUST. Click HERE and apply these grip exercises 2
or 3 x week.
Sets & Reps Explained
For Sets + Reps, Apply as explained below:
- 5 x 5 means 5 sets of 5 reps with the same weight. Warm up and get to a
heavy set of 5. Repeat this heavy set for 5 sets of 5 reps. This does NOT
include your warm up sets and you are expected to warm up thoroughly leading
into these 5 heavy sets.
- 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 means to start with a light set of 5 reps & keep increasing
weight until your fifth set is the heaviest 5 rep set
- Submax means leave 1 - 2 reps in tank, just shy of muscular failure. This helps
keep your form in check.
- 5, 5, 5, 3, 3 Would mean to keep increasing weight through each set, making
your 4th and 5th set your heaviest weights at 3 reps.
- If you see 1A followed by 1B) this means perform exercise A and without
rest, immediately perform exercise B. Rest as needed after exercise B and
then repeat prescribed sets and reps for both A & B. This is called a couplet or a
superset, where 2 movements are performed back to back.
- AFAP = As Fast as Possible
If you need assistance on HOW to perform an exercise, go to our web
site, and type in your exercise in the
“Search Bar”. Enter specific words and you will find your answers:
- rope climbs
- bodyweight workout
- kettlebell training
- tire flips
- sandbag training
8 Week Introductory Wrestling
Workouts for High School
These workouts are served for the 8th grade wrestler or the beginning high
school wrestler who needs to build up his base of physical development AND
mental toughness.
This 8 week program will have little variation to enable you to focus on several
key traits (explained in detail below) for the rapid development of strength:
- strength is a skill, the same movements must be practiced regularly to allow you to
improve your skill / strength
- repeating the same movements allows you to track progress, every workout or
every other workout you will try and add 1 or 2 reps and / or add a few pounds to the
prescribed exercises. Record ALL your workouts to ensure you’re on track.
- Warm up with The GWS Animal Warm UP (Video HERE): 3 - 5 minutes of jumping
rope, followed by some mobility work as well as a few sets of calisthenics for 10 reps
per exercise such as squats, lunges, push ups, arm circles, skipping, side shuffling,
hopping on one foot, animal walks, jumps and leg raises. NEVER skip the warm up
or mobility work as you will raise your chances of injury greatly.
- Perform the 1 arm Kettlebell Carries as part of every warm up: Carry the
kettlebell overhead, in the rack & in the suitcase position. Use a dumbbell if you don’t
have a kettlebell for the time being.
- On “off” days you can wrestle, play other sports or even perform “Farm Boy”
workouts such as truck / car pushing, carrying sandbags or water filled kegs, dragging
sleds or swinging a sledge hammer onto a tire.
- If you are unable to perform pull ups as prescribed, perform recline rows using
Gymnastics Rings or on a rope hanging over a pull up bar. DOUBLE the prescribed
reps if you are performing recline rows instead of pull ups. For example, if it says 10
pull ups, you need to perform a total of 20 recline rows. If your technique fades before
rep 20, rest 20-30 seconds and finish the remainder of your set.
- ALL reps must be performed with perfect technique or they do NOT count. If you
are mid way through a set and your technique fails, you MUST either:
A) lighten the weight for the next set
B) if this is a bodyweight exercise, you need to stop the set and rest for 20-30
seconds, then continue and finish the set with proper technique
- Rest Periods can be 60 - 90 seconds between sets in the beginning, as you become
stronger, you can reduce rest period to 60 seconds and eventually 30 seconds
between sets.
You practiced double leg and singe takedowns thousands of times before you got
GREAT at them, college wrestlers and international wrestlers still drill the basics in
wrestling. In strength training, you will need repetition to improve your strength.
Let’s Start..... Introductory Training
Week 1
Monday, Wednesday & Friday:
1) Bodyweight Squats x 100 reps total (each day try to finish the 100 reps in less time)
2) Underhand Pull Ups x 25 Reps Total (each day try to finish the 25 reps in less time)
3) Push Ups x 50 Reps Total (each day try to finish the 50 reps in less time)
4) Jump Rope x 250 Reps (each day try to finish the 250 reps in less time)
Week 2
Monday, Wednesday & Friday:
1) Bodyweight Squats x 150 reps total (each day try to finish the 150 reps in less time)
2) Underhand Pull Ups x 30 Reps Total (each day try to finish the 30 reps in less time)
3) Push Ups x 65 Reps Total (each day try to finish the 65 reps in less time)
4) Jump Rope x 350 Reps (each day try to finish the 350 reps in less time)
Week 3
Monday, Wednesday & Friday:
1) Squat Jumps 4 x 10 reps
2) Underhand OR Overhand Pull Ups x 40 reps total (each day try to complete the 40
reps in less time)
3) Push Ups x 75 reps total (each day try to complete the 75 reps in less time)
4) Jump Rope Tabata Style (4 minutes Total: 20 seconds sprint / 10 seconds rest)
Week 4
Monday, Wednesday & Friday:
1) Squat Jumps 5 x 10 reps
2) Underhand OR Overhand Pull Ups x 50 reps total (each day try to complete the 50
reps in less time)
3) Push Ups x 100 reps total (each day try to complete the 100 reps in less time)
4) Jump Rope Tabata Style (4 minutes Total: 20 seconds sprint / 10 seconds rest)
Training Journal: After each workout write notes in your journal
regarding how difficult the workout felt, how you felt mentally after completing
the assigned reps in less time than before. Use your training journal to motivate
you for greater success in the next 4 weeks!
Week 5
Monday, Wednesday & Friday:
1. Squat Jumps 4 x 12 reps
2. Push Ups + weight on back 5 x 10 reps (weighted back pack, weight vest, 25 lb plate)
3. Pull Ups 4 x submax reps
4. Walking Lunges 3 x 10 / 10 (10 each leg)
5. Recline rows 3 x submax reps
6. Run 1/2 Mile AFAP (as fast as posisble)
Week 6
Monday, Wednesday & Friday:
1. Squat Jumps 5 x 10 reps
2. Push Ups + weight on back 5 x 12 reps
3. Walking Lunges 3 x 15 / 15 (15 each leg)
4. Pull Ups 4 x submax reps (increase reps each set from last week)
5. Recline rows 4 x submax reps (increase reps from last week)
Week 7
Monday, Wednesday & Friday:
1. Squat Jumps 3 x 15 reps
2. Push Ups + weight on back 4 x 15 reps
3. Lunge Jumps 3 x 12 (6 each leg)
4. Pull Ups 3 x submax reps (increase reps from last week)
5. Recline rows 3 x submax reps (increase reps from last week)
Week 8
Monday, Wednesday & Friday:
1. Squat Jumps 3 x 20 reps
2. Push Ups + weight on back x 20, 15, 10, 5 (increase weight each set)
3. Lunge Jumps 4 x 10 (5 each leg)
4. Weighted Pull Ups + weight 5 x 5 reps
High School
Wrestling Workouts
NOTE: If you think skipping the 8 week intro plan described in the beginning
of this course is a wise decision think again, go back and start from square one.
There are NO short cuts to success.
The workouts you’re about to experience have been used with great success at
The Underground Strength Gym as well as through distance coaching where I’ve
helped Coaches organize their training via e mail coaching.
At this point, your base of training has already involved 3 x weekly training using full
body workouts & lots of the basic exercises that deliver results. We will be adding more
movements such as:
- rope climbing
- sandbag squats
- sandbag clean & press
- sandbag carries
- weighted wheel barrow carries UP hill
- sprints
- push ups
- handstand push ups
- medicine ball push ups
- ALL variations of Challenging Bodyweight Exercises
As encouraged with ALL of the wrestling workouts presented in this training
course, do NOT follow these workouts as written unless you have gone through
the Introductory Workouts prescribed in the beginning of this curse.
The workouts presented here can take place anywhere: your garage, basement,
your school’s training facility (which enables a team unity that also raises the
camaraderie of the team as well as the intensity of each workout). Training with a
partner or with a large group always brings about a friendly competition to push you to
greater heights.
ALL workouts MUST begin with the GWS warm up with gymnastics drills
on the wrestling mat, kettlebell carries and of course, mobility work & soft tissue work
using a tennis ball and / or medicine ball.
See THIS video for using gymnastics & bodyweight training as a warm up on the
wresting mat.
Bookmark THIS Video for Kettlebell Training (The Underground Kettlebell Assault
If you are using this workout during the off season and you are competing heavily
in freestyle and greco and you feel these workouts are too intense, you can
always adjust the volume by the following:
- remove one workout so you only train 2 x week
- lower the conditioning portion of the workouts as your wrestling training will serve as
your conditioning
- perform ALL sets with submax effort (1 - 3 reps in the tank)
During the in season, our wrestlers use shorter, much briefer workouts mixing in brief
bodyweight, sandbag and kettlebell workouts.
An In Season workouts are detailed in full inside Train To Pin, HERE
NOTE: The workouts below are NOT intended for in season training. In Season
workouts are detailed in full inside Train To Pin, Click HERE for Details.
These shorter, in season workouts often lasted only 15 - 20 minutes. The main
focus of the wrestling season is to become better at wrestling. The briefer workouts
helped the wrestlers with the following:
- Maintenance AND improvement of strength / power
- Improved their confidence knowing they were doing more AND better than their
competition was doing.
- Helped wrestlers recover from intense training
- Allowed plenty of time for focus to be spent on wrestling, NOT strength & conditioning
Tire Flip
How Often to Train: The Workouts below should be followed 2 x week if you
are wrestling frequently in the off season, 3 x week if you are wrestling minimally
in the off season. Take 1 - 2 days rest from strength & conditioning after each
workout to ensure maximum recovery.
In essence, listen to your body and train accordingly.
Workout # 1
1) Warm Up with tumbling, dive rolls forwards / backwards, cartwheels, jumps / hops
2) One Arm Kettlebell Carries: 50’ carry with each arm: overhead / rack / suitcase
3A) Barbell Floor Press x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
3B) Mixed Pull Ups 5 x Sub Max Reps
4) Sandbag Power Clean 5 x 3 Reps (Speed w/moderate weight)
5) 10 Minute Circuit Mixing In:
- sled drags x 100’ - 150’
- battling ropes x 30 seconds or 30 reps
- keg / sandbag carries x 100’ - 150’
BB Floor Press
Workout # 2
Lower Body Workout:
1) Race: 1/2 Mile AFAP (as fast as possible)
2) KB Farmer Walk 4 x 150’ (Use dumbbells or buy Kettlebells HERE)
3) Sandbag Shoulder 4 x 5 reps ea. side
4) Outside Battle: Mix in Sled Drags, Keg Carries & Sandbag Carries in Various
Positions + Battling Ropes x 10 Minutes Total
Workout # 3
Upper Body Workout (Video HERE)
1A) Barbell or Dumbbell Floor Press 3 x 5 reps (elbows in / palms neutral on DB press)
1B) Clapping or Chest Slap Push Up 3 x 5 reps
2A) Mixed Grip Chins 5 X Max Reps
2B) DB Shrugs 5 x 6 Reps
3) Outside: Mixed Together: Partner Wheel Barrow, Battling Ropes, Medicine Ball
Throws from Various Angles x 10 Minutes
Partner Wheel Barrow
Workout # 4
No Holds Barred Workout / Outside:
1) Sandbag Power Clean 5 x 20 seconds Work / 40 seconds rest
2) hand over hand sled pulls 3 x on Long Rope (50-60’ rope)
3) Tug of War Battles 1 on 1 or 2 Vs 2 (2” rope or 1.5” rope) 4 x each wrestler
4) 1/2 Mile Sprint / Bear Crawl Intervals:
- sprint straight aways on track (100 meters)
- bear crawl the turns (100 meters)
Workout # 5
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries (overhead, rack, suit case)
3) Double Kettlebell Clean & Press x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
4A) Squat Jump 3 x 10
4B) Lunge Jump 3 x 10
5) Race 1/2 Mile
6) Ab Circuit 3x 15 reps
Trap Bar DL
Workout # 6
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3) 1 Arm DB Snatch (VIDEO) 5 x 5
4A) Rope Climb 5 x
4B) Sandbag Power Clean 5 x 3 reps
5) Sleds, Sledge Hammer Work + Battling Ropes Outside x 10 Minutes
Workout # 7
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3A) Dumbbell Floor Press x 10, 8, 5, 5, 5
3B) Mixed Grip Chins 5 x submax reps (leave 1 rep in tank ea. set)
4A) Dumbbell Shrugs 3 x 15 reps
4B) Push Ups 3 x 33 reps
5) Grip / Abs 4 x each
Recline Rope Rows
Workout # 8
1) Warm Up with tumbling, dive rolls forwards / backwards, cartwheels, jumps / hops
2) One Arm Kettlebell Carries
3A) Barbell Floor Press x 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
3B) Rope Climbing 5 x
4A) Dumbell / Kettlebell Farmer Walks 4 x 150’
4B) Recline Rowing on Ropes or Rings 4 x submax
5) Sled Dragging x 6 minutes non stop (change directions every 100’)
6) ab circuit: 4 exercises x 15 reps each
Truck Pushing
Workout # 9
1) Race: 1/2 Mile
2) 1 Arm KB Clean & Press (Ladder Up + Down using same weight) x 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3,
2, 1 for each arm (try to perform this ladder without allowing the KB to touch the
3) Sandbag Shoulder + Lunge Combo 3 x 5 reps ea. side
4) grip / abs 4 x each
Workout # 10
1A) Barbell or Dumbbell Floor Press 3 x 5 reps (elbows in / palms neutral on DB press)
1B) Clapping or Chest Slap Push Up 3 x 5 reps
2A) Weighted Pull Ups (mixed grip each set) 3 x submax reps, 2 x Max Reps (5 sets
2B) KB Farmer Walks 5 x 100’
3A) Jump Rope 5 x 100 Reps
3B) Sprint 5 x 100’
Dumbbell Floor Press (Palms In)
Workout # 11
REVIEW: Tire Flip Instructional HERE
1) Tire Flip x 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Ladder Reps (15 second rest after ea. set)
2) hand over hand sled pulls 3 x 50’ rope
3) Mixed Style Push Ups x 100 reps AFAP
4) Grip / Abs 5 x each
Workout # 12
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3) Tire Flip 6 x 10 seconds (rest 20 seconds after each set)
4A) Squat Jump 3 x 15
4B) Lunge Jump 3 x 10 (5 each leg)
4C) Ab Exercises 3 x 20 reps
5) Race 1/2 Mile AFAP
Workout # 13
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3) 1 Arm Dumbbell Snatch + Press Combo (VIDEO) x 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
4A) Rope Climb 5 x
4B) Sandbag Power Clean 5 x 3 reps
5) Sleds, Sledge Hammer Work + Battling Ropes Circuit x 10 Minutes
Workout # 14
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3A) Barbell Floor Press 12, 10, 6, 3, 3, 3
3B) Weighted Pull Ups 6 x 3 reps
4A) Recline Rows x 50 reps total
4B) Mixed Style Push Ups x 50 reps total
5) Grip / Abs 4 x each
Workout # 15
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3) Barbell Back Squats x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
4A) Weighted Pull Ups 5 x 5 reps
4B) Weighted Ring Push Ups 5 x 8 - 12 reps
5) Sled Drags x 7 minutes non stop (change directions every 100’)
Workout # 16
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3) 1 Arm Dumbbell Snatch x 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
4) Tire Flip 5 x 3 reps
5) Mixed Style Push Ups x 150 Total AFAP
6) Rope Climbing 3 x
7) Abs 4 x circuit, 15 reps each exercise
Workout # 17
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3) Barbell Zercher Squats x 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
4) Tire Flips 5 x 2 reps (moderate weight tire for speed strength)
4A) Mixed Bodyweight Pulling (rope climbs, all chin ups, recline rows, etc) 4 x submax
4B) Mixed Bodyweight Pushing (dips, all push ups, handstand push ups, etc) 4 x
5) Ab Circuit: 5 exercises x 10 reps each
BB Zercher Squats
Workout # 18
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3) Barbell Back Squats x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
4A) Weighted Pull Ups 4 x 5 reps
4B) Weighted Ring Push Ups 4 x 12 - 15 reps
5) Sled Drags x 10 minutes non stop (change directions every 200’)
Workout # 19
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3A) 1 Arm Dumbbell Snatch 5 x 3 reps
3B) 1 Arm Dumbbell Rows 5 x 6 reps
4A) Double Kettlebell Rack Walk 4 x 100’
4B) Rope Climbing 4 x
5A) Abs 4 x 15 reps each exercise
5B) Sled Sprints 4 x 150’
Workout # 20
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3) Barbell Zercher Squats x 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
4A) Mixed Bodyweight Pulling (rope climbs, all chin ups, recline rows, etc) 3 x max reps
4B) Mixed Bodyweight Pushing (dips, all push ups, handstand push ups, etc) 3 x max
4C) Kettlebell Swings 3 x 15 reps
5) Abs / Grip Circuit: 4 x each
Workout # 21
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3) Barbell Back Squats x 10, 6, 3, 3, 3
4A) Handstand Push Ups 5 x submax
4B) Mixed Bodyweight Pulling 5 x submax
5) Sled Drags 4 x 200’ (forwards / backwards switch @ 100’)
6) Abs / Grip 3 x each
Workout # 22
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
**Do Not allow sandbag to touch floor when transitioning from back squat to
zercher squat **
3A) Sandbag Back Squats 4 x 5
3B) Sandbag Zercher Squats 4 x 5
4A) Double KB Push Press 4 x 5 reps
4B) Double KB Rows 4 x 6 reps
5A) KB Swings 3 x 10
5B) Any Ab Exercises 3 x 15
6) Grip 3 x
Workout # 23
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3) Sandbag Zercher Squats x 12, 8, 6, 6, 6
4A) Ring Push Ups 3 x submax reps, 2 x max reps (5 x total)
4B) Recline Rows on Ropes / Rings 5 x max reps
4C) Jump Rope 5 x 100 reps
5) Grip + Abs 3 x
Workout # 24
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3) Trap Bar DL 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
4A) Med Ball Cross Over Push Ups 4 x 10
4B) KB Swings 4 x 10
4C) Rope Climbs 4 x
5) Sleds 5 minutes non stop
Workout # 25
1) Warm Up with tumbling & gymnastics x 5 minutes
2) 1 Arm Kettlebell Carries
3) SB Shouldering 5 x 6 reps (3 each side)
4A) ANY Dips / Push Ups 5 x submax reps
4B) ANY Bodyweight Pulling Exercises 5 x submax reps
5A) KB Farmer Walks 4 x 200’
5B) Sleds 4 x 200’
6) Abs Circuit: 4 x 15 reps each
Advanced Wrestling Workouts
The workouts below are derived from our experienced wrestlers who have
been training with us for several months as well as being experienced
wrestlers AND mentally tough.
The workouts can be performed 2 - 3 x week, usually on Monday and
Thursday, sometimes Monday & Wednesday, allowing wrestlers ample
recovery time before weekends tournaments
- If you feel ready to move on to these advanced workouts after following
the Intro Course AND the previous 25 workouts, go for it. OR... repeat the
FIRST 25 workouts again. 25 workouts can take up to 12 weeks if you train
2 x week.
- Before / During / After each workout, recovery & mobility work was
performed, please follow Mobility WOD Daily.
- If you have access to a mat to warm up with gymnastics skills continue
to do so, if not, use The GWS Animal Warm Up: variety of calisthenics,
animal walks, jumps, jump rope and mobility work to prepare for your
- Review The Kettlebell Training Videos HERE
Workout # 1
1A) wheel barrow 4 x 50 - 75’ (Use Power Wheel if NO Partners)
1B) mixed grip pull ups 4 x submax reps
2A) sandbag power clean 1 warm up, 3 x 5 reps
2B) chain push ups 4 x submax reps (Each chain weighs 25 lbs)
3) sleds 5 x 200’
4) grip / abs 4 x each
Workout # 2
1) 1 arm DB snatch + push press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
2A) ring push ups 4 x submax
2B) 1 arm KB or DB rows 4 x 6 - 10 reps
3A) squat jumps 5 x 10 seconds
3B) lunge jumps 5 x 10 seconds
** rest 20 seconds after lunges & repeat (20 sec. work / 20 sec. rest)
4) med ball slams x 2 minutes: 10 sec. work / 10 sec. rest
5) grip / abs 4 x each
Workout # 3
1) Zercher Squat x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
** After each set of Squats, perform 5 reps push & 5 reps pull Bodyweight Exercises
# 2) 10 Minutes of Max Rounds
2A) DB Floor Press (neutral grip) x 6 - 10 reps
2B) See Saw KB Row x 6 - 10 reps
# 3) 10 Minutes of Max Rounds
3A) KB Farmer Walks x 100’
3B) Band Triceps Pushdowns x 15 - 20 reps
3C) Sprint x 200’
Workout # 4
Kettlebell Skill Work (light to moderate weights, focus was on learning technique
so this served as a slight deload day):
Review: Underground Kettlebell Assault Movie HERE
1) Swings 2 x 10
2) 1 Arm Swing 1 x 10/10
3) 1 Arm Cleans 2 x 5
4) 1 Arm Push Press 2 x 5
5) 1 Arm Clean & Press x 5 / 5
6) Goblet Squats x 20
7) Goblet Lunge Forwards x 6 / 6
8) Goblet Lunge Reverse x 6 / 6
9) 1 Arm High Pull x 6 / 6
10)1 Arm Snatch 2 x 6 / 6
11) 1 Arm Carries: Overhead, Rack, Suit Case x 75’ each
Kettlebell Complex: One Set of Each
1) 1 Arm Swing x 5 + 1 Arm Clean & Press x 5 + Rack Squat x 5
2) Double Clean & Press x 6 + Double Squats x 6 + Double Rows x 6
Finishers: Max Rounds in 7 Minutes
Sleds / Prowlers x 150’ / Various Ab Exercises x 7 Minutes Non Stop
Workout # 5
Warm Up + Light Kettlebell Skill Work
1) Trap Bar Deads x 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
2A) KB Goblet Squat 3 x 10
2B) KB Swings 3 x 10
2C) KB Lunge Variations 3 x 5 / 5
3) 10 Minutes x MAX Rounds
3A) Bodyweight Push x 12
3B) Bodyweight Pull x 6
3C) Sled / Prowler x 150’
3D) KB Farmer Walks x 100’
Workout # 6
Warm Up + Light KB Skill Work
1) Double KB Clean & Press x 5 Minutes: 15 seconds work / 15 seconds rest
2A) Swiss Floor Press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
2B) Mixed Bodyweight Pull 5 x Submax
3) 10 Minutes Max Rounds
3A) DB Hammer Cheat Curls x 6 ea.
3B) band pushdowns x max reps (15 - 25 reps average)
3C) sled / prowler x 150’
Finished with grip / abs 5 x each
Workout # 7
1) Zercher Squat 8 x 3 reps (focus on speed and technique - the weight chosen for 3
heavy reps was approx. a tough 6 rep set)
2) 10 Minutes of Max Rounds:
A) Bodyweight Push x 10 reps
B) Bodyweight Pull x 5 reps
3) Heavy KB farmer walk 1 HEAVY Set x 200 meters
4) Various Ab Work 3 x
Workout # 8
1A) Thick Bar Floor Press 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
1B) Mixed Bodyweight Pulling Movements 5 x SubMax
2A) 1 Arm KB Clean & Press 4 x 5 / 5 reps ea. arm
2B) Gymnastics Ring Face Pulls 4 x 10
3) 10 Minute Medley Non Stop
- Keg Carries various positions
- Sandbag Carries x 100’
- Kettlebell Rack or Farmer Carries x 100’
- Sled Drags x 100’
- Jump Rope x 100 reps
4) Finish with Grip / Abs 3 x each
Workout # 9
1) Chest Slap Push Ups 5 x 5
2) 1 Arm KB Snatch Practice / Skill x 5 - 7 minutes, 5 reps each arm
3) 1 Arm KB Snatch + Press Combo 5 x 3 / 3 each arm
4A) Double KB Squats 4 x 6 reps
4B) See Saw KB Rows 4 x 6 reps
5) Sprint x 1/4 mile AFAP
6) grip / abs 4 x each
Workout # 10
1) Box Jumps x 10 (Box should be 24-30” high)
2) Knee Tuck Jumps 3 x 6
4A) Trap Bar DL 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
4B) Mixed Bodyweight Pulling 5 x submax reps
4C) KB Swings 5 x 6 reps
5A) Ring Push Ups 3 x max reps
5B) KB farmer walks 3 x 200’
6) ab circuit 5 x non stop
Workout # 11
1A) SB Zercher Squat 5 x 5 - 10 reps
1B) Sprint 5 x 100 meters
2) 1 Arm DB Clean & press 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
3) Mixed Pull Ups 2 x max reps
4A) Prowler 5 x 150’
4B) Mixed Grip Push Ups 5 x 10
Workout # 12
1A) Swiss Bar Floor Press: 5, 5, 5, 3, 3 (one wrestler hit 340 x 2 reps!!)
1B) chest slap OR hip slap push ups x 5 reps ea set
2A) mixed DB pressing 5 x 6 - 8 reps (floor, flat bench, incline bench)
2B) mixed BW pulls 5 x submax reps
3) Heavy KB farmer walk around gym next door: 1 Set x approx. 200 meters
4A) band push downs 3 x max
4B) abs 3 x 15 reps
Workout # 13
1A) Incline DB Press (neutral grip) x 12, 10, 8, 6, 6
1B) 20 lb mixed grip pull ups 5 x submax (1-2 reps in tank)
2) tire flip 5 x 3 reps (if tire is too light, perform 5 x 5 reps)
4 rounds non stop of # 3:
A) sledge hammer x 10/10 (switch top hand at 10 rep mark)
B) lunge jumps x 5 / 5
C) any abs x 10
Finish w/grip work 4 x
Workout # 14
1) DB snatch: 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
2) tire flip 5 sets of heavy 2 or 3 reps or 5 x 5 speed w/lighter tire
** several sets of Eischen's yoga **
3) 10 minutes max rounds of:
A) pull ups x 10 (switched to 6 reps at 5 minute mark)
B) ring push ups or dips x 10
C) squat jumps x 10
D) lunge jumps x 10
4) sled sprints 6 x 100'
Workout # 15
1) Max Rounds in 7 Minutes:
1A) Rope Climb
1B) Chest Slap Push Ups x 5
1C) Squat Jumps x 6
1D) Lunge Jumps x 6 / 6 ea. leg
1E) Jump Rope x 50 speed reps
** Rest 3 Minutes **
2) Max Rounds in 7 Minutes
2A) Handstand Push Ups x 5
2B) KB Swings x 10
2C) Mixed Position KB Farmer Walks x 100’
2D) Battling Ropes x 30 seconds
2E) Jump Over Objects (hurdles, benches, boxes) 20 - 24” High x 5 reps
Workout # 16
1) 4 Rounds AFAP
1A) Handstand Push Ups x 5
1B) Rope Climb
1C) Squat Jumps x 10
2) 4 Rounds AFAP
2A) Med Ball Push Up Complex: 10 reps each: cross over, push off (5 each), close
grip. Video of Med Ball Push Up Complex Video HERE
2B) KB Swings x 10 reps
2C) Lunge Jumps x 6/6 each leg
3) 4 Rounds AFAP (Video HERE)
3A) KB Farmer Walks x 150’
3B) Flat DB Bench x 6
3C) 1 Arm DB Row x 6
3D) Hanging Leg Raises (Toes to Bar) x 6
Workout # 17
1A) Neutral Grip BB or DB Floor Press 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
1B) Pull Ups (Touch Chest to Bar EVERY Rep) 5 x 5
2A) Ring Push Ups x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
2B) Recline Rows w/Rope x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
3A) Bear Crawl Forwards / Backwards 3 x 30’ each direction
3B) Crab Walk Forwards / Backwards 3 x 30’ each direction
3C) Jump Rope 3 x 150 speed reps
Workout # 18
1) 5 Rounds NON Stop - Video HERE
1A) Rope Climb 5 x
1B) Back Extension or Glute Ham Raise 5 x 10
1C) Weighted Ring Push Ups 5 x 10
2) Trap Bar DL 5, 5, 3, 3, 3
3) Ab Circuit 4 x 12 reps each
Workout # 19
1) DB snatch: 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
2) tire flip 5 sets of heavy 2 or 3 reps or 5 x 5 speed w/lighter tire
** several sets of Eischen's yoga **
3) 10 minutes max rounds of:
A) pull ups x 10 (switched to 6 reps at 5 minute mark)
B) ring push ups or dips x 10
C) squat jumps x 10
D) lunge jumps x 10
4) prowler sprints 6 x 100' (switch high / low at 50’ mark)
Workout # 20
1) Max Rounds in 7 Minutes:
1A) Rope Climb
1B) Chest Slap Push Ups x 5
1C) Squat Jumps x 6
1D) Lunge Jumps x 6 / 6 ea. leg
1E) Jump Rope x 50 speed reps
** Rest 3 Minutes **
2) Max Rounds in 7 Minutes
2A) Handstand Push Ups x 5
2B) KB Swings x 10
2C) Mixed Position KB Farmer Walks x 100’
2D) Battling Ropes x 30 seconds
2E) Jump Over Objects 20 - 24” High x 5 reps
Workout # 21
1) 4 Rounds AFAP
1A) Handstand Push Ups x 5
1B) Rope Climb
1C) Squat Jumps x 12
2) 4 Rounds AFAP
2A) Med Ball Push Up Complex: 10 reps each: cross over, push off (5 each), close
grip. Video of Med Ball Push Up Complex Video HERE
2B) KB Swings x 10 reps
2C) Lunge Jumps x 6/6 each leg
3) 4 Rounds AFAP (Video HERE)
3A) KB Farmer Walks x 150’
3B) Flat DB Bench x 6
3C) 1 Arm DB Row x 6
3D) Hanging Leg Raises (Toes to Bar) x 10
Workout # 22
1A) Neutral Grip BB or DB Floor Press 5 x 3 reps
1B) Pull Ups (Touch Chest to Bar EVERY Rep) 5 x 6
2A) Ring Push Ups x 25, 20, 15, 10, 5
2B) Recline Rows w/Rope x 25, 20, 15, 10, 5
3A) Bear Crawl Forwards / Backwards 3 x 40’ each direction
3B) Crab Walk Forwards / Backwards 3 x 40’ each direction
3C) Jump Rope 3 x 250 speed reps
Workout # 23
1) 5 Rounds NON Stop - Video HERE
1A) Rope Climb 5 x
1B) Back Extension or Glute Ham Raise 5 x 12
1C) Weighted Ring Push Ups 5 x 12
2) Trap Bar DL 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
3) Ab Circuit 4 x 15 reps each
Workout # 24
1A) Flat Bench Press (Arms slightly wider than shoulder width grip) x 10, 5, 5, 3, 2
1B) Bent Over Rows with Kettlebells 5 x 8 reps
2A) KB See Saw Military Press 4 x 6 / 6 each arm
2B) Recline Row on Ropes or Rings 4 x MAX reps
3A) Weighted Push Ups 3 x 10-15 reps
3B) Ring Face Pulls 3 x 10-15 reps
4) grip/abs 4 x each
Workout # 25
1) Barbell Zercher Squats x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
2A) Reverse Lunges w/KBs Racked 3 x 8/8 each leg
2B) Double KB Cleans 3 x 6 reps
3) Run 1/4 Mile, Rest 30 seconds, repeat 1 more time (1/2 mile total)
4) Abs Circuit: 3 x 25 reps each exercise
I Finished... Now What!!??
Awesome! You’ve finished all the workouts. You have MANY options from here. Your
next step would be to take your knowledge of training even further along with the
workouts for off season AND in season from Train To PIN. Click HERE to get started.
Your other option would be to begin your journey with The Underground Strength
System, and although there is NOT an in season program to follow, your knowledge
gained will allow you to create your own in season program. Click HERE to Begin.
Underground Nutrition Tips
DISCLAIMER: The tips listed below are guidelines and nothing more, nothing less. If
any of these nutrition tips do not agree with your stomach, go against your religion, you
are allergic to them, etc then be responsible and educate yourself deeper on what
works best for YOU. Do NOT follow these guidelines blindly as they are just that,
guidelines, and you are expected to adjust for your best needs accordingly.
Not all foods respond and work the same for each individual.
Rule of thumb is to go by what gives you the best results. If a certain food or
combination of foods irritate your stomach, reduce energy or strength levels then
remove them.
Protein, carbs and healthy fats are critical for you if you want to build muscle, gain
strength, speed, power, stamina AND recover from all the intense training you go
Quality foods must be chosen and junk foods are to be kept to a minimum if you want to
maximize your results from training and improve your performance. Poor nutrition will
NOT support your intense workouts and will work against you, making it tougher to
recover from intense workouts.
Nutrition is the baseline of ALL your performance. Poor nutrition can cancel out much of
your hard work if you don’t pay attention to eating for optimal wrestling performance.
Always have 3 meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner, even during the in season. I
understand that on the day of a match you might have to watch your food intake but the
ultimate goal is to not have to cut weight and be able to eat 3 meals a day, even on
match days.
If you’re cutting weight it’s a sign that you’ve done Two Wrong Things:
1) You’ve put on excess body fat in the off season. Poor nutrition, lack of regular
training and lack of muscle lead to excess body fat.
2) You are too week to compete against the weight class you’re in because you did
not properly strength train in the off season.
During the off season small snacks can be added between meals in the way of fruits,
trail mix / nuts / seeds and protein bars or protein shakes if you need them. If you are
not allergic, drinking milk during your teen years will be a powerful and simple way of
adding quality nutrition.
Food choices will come from meats (steak, chicken, beef), fish, seafood, whole eggs, all
types of vegetables, organic dairy products, fresh fruits, animal fats and oils. Aim for one
salad a day, even if you complain that you don’t like salad, re-think that statement. You
need to learn to love eating healthy for how it makes you feel and how it helps you
perform as a wrestler.
Every excuse you make for not eating strong foods is another wrestler’s
advantage over YOU.
In season, on the day of matches, yes, you might have to eat a little lighter than normal
if you are close to your weight class but skipping meals only makes you weaker & more
susceptible to injury. It will also cause you to burn out early in the season and likely
begin to hate wrestling. Wrestling is supposed to be fun, NOT dreaded. Cut weight and
you will dread wrestling.
The off season should focus on healthy eating, packing on muscle and strength and
NOT cutting any weight at all. In season, I prefer to see my wrestlers lose weight
naturally through practice and they enter the weight class naturally which still allows
them 3 healthy meals each day.
Red Light vs Green Light Foods: A simple way to stray from the wrong foods is
to determine what is a red light food vs a green light food. Red light foods are foods that
you find in a box, can or bag minus natural foods. Green light foods are foods that you
find without boxes and bags.
Green light foods will be found on the outer edges of the super market such as fruits,
vegetables, meats, eggs and some dairy. Red light foods will be found through the
center aisles such as pastas, cereals and breads. Wrestlers can still consume these
foods but you simply need to choose the less processed foods.
Focus on our 80/20 rule. 80% of the time go with the healthier option and stick to our
green light foods. It will give you a HUGE leap in energy, strength and muscle gains and
overall alertness both mentally and physically.
Excess grains will result in less energy and less muscle growth compared to eating
regular meals higher in protein, moderate in carbs & moderate in healthy fats. The
majority of your calories should be coming from proteins and healthy fats. Some pasta,
cereal and bread is fine, but carbs and sugars in excess lead to poor performance and
less than stellar muscle & strength gains. “In excess” would mean loading up on
sandwiches and cold cereals more than 1/3 of your meals.
As you get into your early 20s you develop a naturally allergy to most dairy products.
But, during your youth, high school and early college years dairy tends to agree with
your body and will produce results but not as you get towards early and mid 20s.
When I was in high school I would drink plenty of milk and eat lots of turkey sandwiches,
tuna sandwiches, etc and my energy felt great. Once I hit 22 years old I noticed my
body responded poorly to eating cold cereals (cereal in a box) and eating sandwiches
(excess breads).
I removed all breads, milk and dairy from my nutrition minus whole eggs and my body
transformed within days. I got leaner, stronger, increased my energy and overall felt 10
x better than before when I was consuming excess milk, breads and dairy.
I also never skipped meals, even if that meant waking up 30 - 60 minutes earlier than
everyone else. I’ve seen too many wrestlers skipping breakfast, eating the school lunch,
then having a pasta loaded dinner. That is a day filled with pure crap. No breakfast, pure
fat and sugar for lunch (ALL processed) and then ALL carbs for dinner. This typical day
is devoid of protein, devoid of healthy fats and not enough food spread equally
throughout the day.
You want the majority of your calories coming from proteins and healthy fats with
moderate carb intake to balance out the day. Fruits and veggies should be
scattered through the day at each meal along with a goal of one salad every day.
If you need to gain weight increase the size of your breakfast, lunch and dinner along
with regular snacks of mixed seeds and nuts through the day.
I suggest taking a multi vitamin, some extra vitamin C and fish oils to supplement your
nutrition. These 3 will help increase recovery as well as energy levels.
To further understand a solid nutrition program in an easy and FUN
manner, I highly recommend THIS Book.
Above, a wrestler who started out weighing 88 lbs, followed our weight gain
guidelines, trained 3 x week and wrestled 2 - 3 x week. 2 years later a solid
120 lbs in the off season and a power packed 112 lb wrestler! (Action Video)
A sample day of eating can look like this: Breakfast:
2 scrambled eggs + cheese
2 - 3 pieces bacon
2 pieces fruit
multi vitamin
choose 1: chicken, beef or fish (on bread if bringing lunch to school)
** 2 sandwiches if trying to gain weight (turkey or tuna, add lettuce + tomato)
1 cup of yogurt
2 pieces fruit
Afternoon Snack:
Choose one: PBnJ sandwich or Tuna / Turkey Sandwich (lettuce + tomato)
2 Pieces of Fruit
salad / veggies
Choose Any Meat / Fish
Sweet Potato
If you’re hungry again at night, have dinner left overs assuming it is a source of protein
rather than extra carbs right before bed. Here and there I’ve had VERY skinny
wrestlers or wrestler who were too weak and too scrawny for their weight class.
These wrestlers had to be built up with more quality nutrition and they were the
exception when it came to pushing for more carbs.
But, the simple formula for adding more meat on your frame is to eat more meat.
Things like 2 sandwiches instead of one sandwich, extra milk & trail mix through the day
and extra protein as a late night snack rather than extra carbs.
Here and again we have a wrestler who is carrying excess fat and we’re looking to
change his body composition by adding lean muscle, burning fat yet maintain round
about his same weight. This wrestler will be stricter on his carb intake and lay low on
breads, pastas, etc and go with a moderate carb intake, focusing more on proteins and
healthy fats.
In essence, make smarter decisions when it comes to eating. You can easily look at two
different plates of food and distinguish which plate is healthier over the other. Here’s the
8/20 Rule: 80% of the time you need to choose the healthier plate.
Without hesitation, as a final note, I can easily state that wrestlers are not drinking
nearly enough water. If you are cramping during practice or matches then your problem
can often be solved by drinking more water regularly throughout your day.
Start your morning by drinking 2 glasses of water. Pack a large bottle of water to school
every day and drink plenty of water during and after practice / workouts. Reducing your
water intake won’t make you any tougher or any better of a wrestler.
During the in season, the kids who are cramping are the kids cutting excess weight
rather than competing at their natural weight class. Water is NOT to be restricted if you
plan to maintain a healthy body along with competing and performing at your best.
Remember, I am NOT a nutritionist, just giving you guidelines but these are the
guidelines our wrestlers use at my gym very successfully.
To take this further, please take a look at the general guidelines listed below from my
friend & colleague, Dr. John Berardi:
7 Simple Rules
Habit 1: Eat every 3 - 4 hours.
Habit 2: Eat complete, lean protein with each feeding opportunity.
Habit 3: Eat vegetables with each feeding opportunity.
Habit 4: Eat veggies/fruits with any meal. Eat "other carbs" only after
Habit 5: Eat healthy fats daily.
Habit 6: Don't drink beverages (soda, beer, etc.) with more than 0 calories.
Habit 7: Eat whole foods whenever possible.
The list that John gives will need to be tweaked a bit for the high school wrestler who
has a schedule not allowing him to eat every 3 - 4 hrs. Also, if you wrestle year round
then you will need carbs more frequently than just post workout.
Is it OK to drink soda occasionally? Absolutely, you’re human, it won’t kill you. Just
remember our 80/20 rule: Go with the healthier choice 80% of the time.
Some of the wrestlers I train will train at my gym in the afternoon, then wrestle at night.
This is a LONG day and on days like this a wrestler needs protein and carbs with more
than just a post workout meal to fuel the body for the tough day of training. On these
days I suggest moderate carbs with every meal except for the last meal / snack before
Always remember that nutrition is very much like training. You will find some exercises
simply don’t agree with your body and you might have to eliminate an exercise(s)
altogether. Nutrition is the same. Some foods will agree with one wrestler while they
may not work well for you. To keep things simple, 3 strong, healthy meals a day will give
you a greater advantage over your competition who is not paying attention to his eating
The Underground Strength Catalog
Zach Even - Esh is a Strength & Performance Specialist located in NJ. Zach is the
Founder of The Underground Strength Gym, a private warehouse gym for athletes
and hardcore strength addicts located in NJ. You can gain insider access as to
how Zach trains his athletes and operates his business via the resources below.
Underground Strength Nation - Lifetime Membership
The Power Wheel
The Power Wheel is one of the most powerful training tools a
wrestler can use. It allows you to walk on your hands, perform
animal movements, abdominal / core exercises, hamstring
exercises and plyometrics to make you a stronger, more
explosive and more conditioned wrestler. You can use them on
grass, cement or a wrestling mat. This is a MUST have tool for
ALL serious wrestlers looking to dominate their competition!
Get one of the best upper body and core training devices on the planet at
Underground Kettlebells
I highly recommend getting at least one kettlebell to add to your repertoire. You will
develop tremendous grip strength, athleticism, speed / power and full body strength. You
can swing the kettlebells through your legs to further engage the muscles, thus creating
stronger, more powerful muscles.
They can be thrown on grass fields, carried, pressed, rowed, pushed and pulled from all
angles. Tie thick ropes or towels through them and perform curls, carries, rows, swings
and more.
Get your Kettlebells at
The Underground SandBag
Sandbags are one of the most effective training tools for developing wrestling
strength & full body power. They are, literally, an all in one gym. You can
perform movements for lower body, upper body as well as full body movements.
You can throw your bag for power and carry your bag for conditioning. Every
sandbag exercise will build your grip strength which is critical for success as a
wrestler. The Underground Sandbag is extremely versatile, allowing you to
perform wrestling circuits without needing any other equipment. Sandbags can be
used indoors or outdoors and are a must have for your Wrestling Workouts.
Get Your Sandbag at
Gymnastics Rings
Get Your Rings at
These Rings are straight up AWESOME! They are easy to set up and easy to
travel with. I have them in my gym as well as in my garage. I often take them
down from my garage beam and travel with them to the park for my playground
workouts. You can perform push ups, core / abdominal training, muscle ups,
flexibility work, gymnastics drills, ab training and more. These are a MUST have
for any serious wrestler. Get your rings HERE.
Get Your Rings at
For The Ultimate 30 Day Trial to The Underground Strength Inner
Circle Click HERE NOW.
You’ll Will Get ALL the following PLUS Tons More:
- The Underground Strength Gym Workout of the Month
- A Monthly Underground Movie with insider access to what REALLY goes on at my
Underground Strength Gym
- Our Exact Underground Strength workouts posted almost daily
- Daily Training updates & Tips on the Private Members Only Forum
- The exact sets, reps and program design methods behind our wrestling training
sessions so you too can learn why our wrestlers transform themselves and dominate
the competition
- A collection of over one thousand Underground Strength Movies, Articles,
Audios & Special Reports revealing uncut training footage, never seen before
articles, videos and audio interrogations
Click HERE for your 30 Day Trial.

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