UAV Vision and Control System - Department of Electrical and
UAV Vision and Control System - Department of Electrical and
Special Engineering Project: UAV Vision and Control System 3rd Year Project Final Report Author: Richard Lane 1456687 [email protected] Project Supervisor: Dr. Richard Bowden University of Surrey School of Electronics & Physical Sciences Department of Electronic Engineering Final Year Project Dissertation I confirm that the project dissertation I am submitting is entirely my own work and that any material used from other sources has been clearly identified and properly acknowledged and referenced. In submitting this final version of my report to the JISC anti-plagiarism software resource, I confirm that my work does not contravene the university regulations on plagiarism as described in the Student Handbook. In so doing I also acknowledge that I may be held to account for any particular instances of uncited work detected by the JISC anti-plagiarism software, or as may be found by the project examiner or project organiser. I also understand that if an allegation of plagiarism is upheld via an Academic Misconduct Hearing, then I may forfeit any credit for this module or a more sever penalty may be agreed. Project Title: UAV Vision and Control System Student Name: Richard Lane Supervisor: Dr. Richard Bowden Date: 04 / 05 / 2008 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Abstract This report details the development of a UAV Vision and Control System, as a contribution towards the second year of the Special Engineering Project. The eventual aim of the project was to have a UAV hovering over a set of fiducials, on top of the Special Engineering Project’s UGV. The vision side to the project progressed well throughout the year, with software completed to a point where it can track fiducials and calculate orientation. The control side to the project suffered greatly from incompatibility issues; however a working control interface prototype has been developed. i The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Acknowledgements The author would like to thank the following people for their help and support through the duration of the project. Dr. Richard Bowden for selecting me to work on such an exciting project, and for the help and guidance given to me throughout the project. Adam Lindsay for his swift development of the USB to analogue voltage microcontroller. Liam Ellis for the various times he has answered my queries, and for lending me several pieces of equipment. Shiv Tailor for taking some excellent photos for the SEP website. Lastly Ben Abbott, Adam Lindsay, Affan Shaukat, and Dr. Philips Jackson for their valuable ideas and input into project meetings. ii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Table of Contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 The Special Engineering Project ................................................................................................... 1 Project Objectives.......................................................................................................................... 2 Specifications................................................................................................................................... 2 Breakdown of Report.................................................................................................................... 2 Background and Literature........................................................................................... 3 2.1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles............................................................................................................ 3 2.1.1 Example UAV System: “md 4-200”......................................................................................... 3 2.2 Existing Vision and Control Systems........................................................................................... 4 2.3 Remote Controlled Aircraft......................................................................................................... 4 2.4 Quadrocopters ............................................................................................................................... 6 2.5 OpenCV........................................................................................................................................... 6 2.5.1 CvCam......................................................................................................................................... 6 2.5.2 HighGUI ...................................................................................................................................... 7 2.6 Network API................................................................................................................................... 7 2.6.1 Bcastmanager.............................................................................................................................. 7 3 Vision and Control System ........................................................................................... 8 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 System Overview ........................................................................................................................... 8 Source of Hardware and Software .............................................................................................. 8 Modifications to the Original Plan ............................................................................................... 9 Hardware ...................................................................................................................... 10 4.1 UAV................................................................................................................................................10 4.1.1 X-UFO Aerial Platform...........................................................................................................10 4.1.2 Wireless Camera .....................................................................................................................10 4.2 UGV ...............................................................................................................................................12 4.2.1 Target Fiducials ........................................................................................................................12 4.2.2 Superbright LEDs .....................................................................................................................13 4.3 External Laptop ............................................................................................................................13 4.3.1 Laptop Specifications ...............................................................................................................13 4.3.2 Resource Usage........................................................................................................................14 4.4 Control Interface..........................................................................................................................14 4.4.1 Investigated Control Methods ...............................................................................................14 4.4.2 USB-PPM Interface Method 1 ................................................................................................14 4.4.3 USB-PPM Interface Method 2 ................................................................................................15 4.4.4 USB-Voltage Interface Method ..............................................................................................16 5 Software ........................................................................................................................ 21 5.1 5.2 Software Overview ......................................................................................................................21 Fiducial Detection ........................................................................................................................21 iii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 5.2.1 Video Acquisition.....................................................................................................................21 5.2.2 The Process of Fiducial Detection ........................................................................................21 5.2.3 Relevant Pixel Detection ........................................................................................................22 5.2.4 Pixel Grouping..........................................................................................................................22 5.2.5 Possible LED Sorting ...............................................................................................................23 5.3 Decision System ...........................................................................................................................28 5.3.1 Orientation Calculations.........................................................................................................28 5.3.2 UAV to UGV Communications .............................................................................................32 5.3.3 UGV Emulation Software .......................................................................................................33 5.3.4 Error Handling..........................................................................................................................34 5.4 Control Interface..........................................................................................................................35 5.4.1 Control Integration .................................................................................................................35 5.4.2 Visualisation ..............................................................................................................................36 5.4.3 Remote Control Test Software.............................................................................................36 6 Live Test Results .......................................................................................................... 38 6.1 Hardware.......................................................................................................................................38 6.1.1 Manual Flight with Camera Mounted....................................................................................38 6.1.2 Control Interface .....................................................................................................................39 6.2 Software.........................................................................................................................................39 6.2.1 Fiducial Detection....................................................................................................................39 6.2.2 Orientation Calculations.........................................................................................................40 7 Additional Work .......................................................................................................... 41 7.1 Project Planning ............................................................................................................................41 7.1.1 Gantt Charts.............................................................................................................................41 7.1.2 Costing ......................................................................................................................................41 7.1.3 Hardware Sourcing..................................................................................................................41 7.2 Project Website ...........................................................................................................................42 7.3 Project Meetings...........................................................................................................................42 8 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 43 9 Discussions .................................................................................................................... 44 9.1 9.2 9.3 Gantt Charts .................................................................................................................................44 Project Objectives........................................................................................................................44 Future Work.................................................................................................................................44 iv The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane List of Figures Figure 1: Picture of example UAV system “md 4-200” ............................................................................. 3 Figure 2: Example Vision Target using Moiré Patterns .............................................................................. 4 Figure 3: Examples of available Remote Controlled Aircraft.................................................................... 5 Figure 4: Quadrotor Torque Diagram ......................................................................................................... 6 Figure 5: Final System Overview Block Diagram ........................................................................................ 8 Figure 6: Original System Overview Block Diagram .................................................................................. 9 Figure 7: Picture showing power socket modifications to X-UFO........................................................10 Figure 8: Picture of wireless camera mounted to the X-UFO ...............................................................11 Figure 9: Screenshot showing Video Options for WinDVR ...................................................................12 Figure 10: Completed LED Boards attached to Scale Layout.................................................................12 Figure 11: Pictures of LED board and Main Supply board.......................................................................13 Figure 12: LED Boards Circuit Diagram.....................................................................................................13 Figure 13: Superbright LED test board ......................................................................................................13 Figure 14: Unreliable X-UFO Control Method using Hitec Laser 6 Transmitter ...............................16 Figure 15: Picture of the Original USB-Voltage Interface Prototype.....................................................17 Figure 16: RS-232 Level Converter Circuit Diagram...............................................................................18 Figure 17: X-UFO Transmitter Modification Circuit Diagram ...............................................................18 Figure 18: Pictures showing modifications to X-UFO Transmitter .......................................................19 Figure 19: Microcontroller-Transmitter Interface Circuit Diagram ......................................................20 Figure 20: Screenshots showing the effect of likelihood LED sorting algorithms ...............................26 Figure 21: Histogram plots showing distribution of the amount of pixels in possible LEDs .............28 Figure 22: Fiducial Numbering for Orientation Calculations..................................................................29 Figure 23: Orientation Data shown on a test frame................................................................................32 Figure 24: Control Visualisation shown on a test frame .........................................................................36 Figure 25: Screenshot of Remote Control Test software ......................................................................37 Figure 26: Screenshots from video showing UAV mobility with camera mounted ............................38 Figure 27: Screenshots showing Fiducial Detection in Low and Normal Light Conditions...............40 Figure 28: Screenshots showing Orientation Calculations in Low and Normal Light Conditions ...40 List of Tables Table 1: Cost Breakdown of Hardware Ordered ....................................................................................41 Table 2: Part number and Source of Hardware Ordered.......................................................................42 v The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane List of Appendices Appendix A: Original Gantt Chart Appendix B: Revised Gantt Chart Appendix C: Vision and Control System Software Code Appendix D: Remote Control Test Software Code Appendix E: UGV Emulation Software Code Appendix F: X-UFO Technical Information Appendix G: SC-8000 Technical Information Appendix H: Wireless Camera Technical Information Glossary of Terms API CCTV CVSSP DAC DFT IC IP KLT PC PCB PPM R/C RS-232 SEP TCP UAV UGV USB Application Programming Interface Closed-Circuit Television Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (at The University of Surrey) Digital-to-Analogue Converter Discrete Fourier Transform Integrated Circuit Internet Protocol Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi feature tracker Personal Computer Printed Circuit Board Pulse Position Modulation Radio Control Recommended Standard 232 (a serial data standard) Special Engineering Project Transmission Control Protocol Unmanned Arial Vehicle Unmanned Ground Vehicle Universal Serial Bus vi The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 1 Introduction 1.1 The Special Engineering Project The Special Engineering Project (SEP) was started in 2006 by Dr. Richard Bowden as a memorable third year project, the idea being to create a group project which could be continued and improved upon in years to come. Third year projects are individually marked, so care is taken to allocate four independent projects each year, which can be integrated to produce a project which is more meaningful than could be achieved by one student in the same time span. The original four team members; Ahmed Aichi, Edward Cornish, Peter Helland, and Martin Nicholson, succeeded in producing a robotic platform capable of navigating it’s self to a certain extent. Some parts of the project were deemed either not as successful as hoped, or un-useful to the continuation of the project and have therefore not be used again this year. This year the project has been continued with four new team members, responsible for four more individual projects to be integrated into SEP. - The author is responsible for producing a vision and control system capable of hovering an airborne platform (referred to as the UAV in the rest of this report), above the original robotic platform (referred to as the UGV). - Ben Abbott is responsible for the continuation and improvement, of the high level control and onboard vision system for the UGV, as well as project management aspects such as budget and chairing meetings. - Adam Lindsay is responsible for producing a generic wired and wireless sensor interface to be poled by the decision system, including useful sensors to SEP such as odometers, and gyroscopes. - Affan Shaukat is responsible for producing a sound source localization system capable of detecting significant noises and relaying a direction to the decision system. The UGV was previously designed to navigate around the CVSSP department. It was decided to push the project in the direction of security applications, which led to the above four projects. The vision system and generic sensor interface is to give feedback to the decision system about location and movement of the UGV, and audio sensing to be used to detect interesting events for the UGV to navigate too. The UAV is intended to provide a hovering platform, or disembodied head for the UGV, to in the future mount a camera on to take pictures of people found in the CVSSP corridors. 1 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 1.2 Project Objectives Primary Objectives: 1. To produce a robust vision system capable of tracking a set of fixed fiducials. 2. To use information provided by the vision system to establish the camera’s location relative to the fiducials. 3. To produce a control and decision system to interface between the vision system and UAV. 4. To stabilise a UAV above a set of fiducials fixed to the UGV, by using a vision system for the control feedback. Secondary Objectives: 1. Enhance the vision system so it’s possible to stabilise a UAV above the UGV without the fixed fiducials by tracking the UGV itself. 2. Enhance the vision system so it’s possible to stabilise a UAV above any object, by training the systems to recognise and track a specific object. The secondary objectives are where the project could progress to, if the primary objectives are achieved earlier than anticipated. 1.3 Specifications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The aerial platform must be capable of carrying a wireless camera. The vision system must work at the frame rate of the camera (25-30Hz). The vision system must be robust enough to keep tracking under stable conditions, and achieve tracking for 50% of the time under unstable conditions. The control system must provide full software control of the aerial platform. The aerial platform must be at least as stable under automated flight, as during manual flight. 1.4 Breakdown of Report The remainder of the report starts by explaining relevant background information and research to the project, followed by details of modules within the author’s project giving technical information and their progress, testing, and results. There is then some live test results and information of additional project work and planning. Finally there is a conclusion and discussion on the final progress and results of the project and the future work which could be carried out. 2 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 2 Background and Literature 2.1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles UAVs are aerial vehicles which are capable of unmanned (remote controlled) or unpiloted (automated) flight. They are used for a wide range of activities from remote controlled toys to police surveillance and army reconnaissance. 2.1.1 Example UAV System: “md 4-200” [1] Figure 1: Picture of example UAV system “md 4-200” The "md 4-200" developed by a German company called "microdrones GmbH" is described as a vertical take off and landing, autonomous unmanned micro vehicle. It is capable of manual flight using a traditional style R/C transmitter, as well as automated waypoint navigation and automated software controlled flight. Specification: Important specification points include: [1] - The integration of accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometer, airpressure, humidity and temperature sensors to allow reliable stable flight. - GPS for autonomous waypoint navigation or position hold. - Up to 20 minutes of flight time. - 200g payload limit. A USB R/C interface is also available. The "PPM9_USART" which is also developed by "microdrones GmbH" allows the emulation of a standard R/C transmitter via software [2]. Mobile Police CCTV: British police have adopted the use of these small quadrocopter UAVs to take advantage of their mobile capabilities. They were first trialled at a large public event (the V Festival) in August 2007 [3], where the UAV was equipped with high-resolution night vision capable camera. The UAV was used primarily to monitor large car parks and was controlled by a single operator wearing video goggles. More recently a similar model of UAV has been adopted by the British Transport Police to "crack down on metal thefts on the railways" [4]. As well as carrying a camera, it has the ability to shoot "SmartWater" at subjects allowing them to later be identified by police. 3 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 2.2 Existing Vision and Control Systems There are several existing research projects into vision and control systems UAVs. The most notable is described in the paper “Estimation and Control of a Quadrotor Vehicle Using Monocular Vision and Moiré Patterns” by Tournier, Valenti, How, and Feron [5]. They succeeded in creating a vision based estimation system using a single camera mounted downwards on a UAV, with a tracking target in the field of view of the camera. The tracking target used is described as “a novel target that incorporates the use of moiré patterns” [6]. The target pattern consists of 5 red patches and two orthogonal moiré patterns as shown in Figure 2. [7] Figure 2: Example Vision Target using Moiré Patterns The Red Dots shown in Figure 3 are used to calculate the yaw and distance of the camera relative to the target as well as to locate the moiré patterns. Moiré patterns in this case are created using two sets of gratings, one a set distance on top of the other. This result is “a near constant apparent wavelength on the image plane” [8] independent of distance of the camera from the target. Relative position, pitch and roll are calculated using DFT calculations on the information provided by the moiré patterns. More detailed information on the position estimation can also be found in the thesis entitled “Six Degree of Freedom Estimation Using Monocular Vision and Moiré Patterns” by Tournier [9]. Although the method applied by Tournier, Valenti, How, and Feron for orientation calculations was successful and accurate it is far beyond the complexity which could be achieved within the author’s project time scale. However a similar method of calculating yaw and distance has been employed in the author’s project, using five red fiducials. The same five fiducials are then also used to provide some relatively simple and therefore less accurate position, pitch and roll values. 2.3 Remote Controlled Aircraft Several types of remote controlled aircraft were researched and considered for use as the project’s aerial platform. It was decided that a quadrocopter would be the most suitable for the task mainly due to its natural stability and power over weight advantages, below are some advantages/disadvantages of the options available. 4 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Miniature helicopters These are meant for indoor flying so are fairly small, but most have limited control and also weigh less than a wireless camera and battery, which makes most of them useless to the project. The example shown in Figure 3a is the “Heli-Q”. Its size is shown in relation to a cigarette. Mid-sized helicopters These are generally used outdoors; they are fairly large and should be able to hold the weight of a wireless camera and battery. A large down side is the size of the main rotors that are typically over 600mm in diameter and therefore not very safe for flying through tight corridors. Mid-sized helicopters are also mostly for experienced R/C flyers and are notoriously hard to hover. The example shown in Figure 3b is the “Walkera Dragonfly”, which is a standard mid-sized helicopter. Quadrocopters These are a perfect size although about 600mm wide like the mid-sized helicopters; quadrocopters have four much smaller rotors, making them safer for use in corridors. They also appear powerful enough to hold the wireless camera and battery and are naturally stable due to onboard gyro stabilisation. A small down side is that there are relatively few ready to use quadrocopters commercially available. The example shown in Figure 3c is the “X3D-BL UFO”, which is a high end quadrocopter. Blimps These would be by far the easiest option to control, but they are bulky and are made to be very light, so it is possible a blimp would not be able to support any extra weight. The example shown in Figure 3d is the “Tri-Turbofan” blimp. Figure 3: Examples of available Remote Controlled Aircraft b) Mid-sized Helicopter: “Walkera Dragonfly” [11] a) Miniature Helicopter: “Heli-Q” [10] c) Quadrocopter: “X3D-BL UFO” [12] d) Blimp: “Tri-Turbofan” [13] 5 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 2.4 Quadrocopters Quadrocopters are a form of helicopter with four fixed pitch rotor blades. Two pairs of rotors spin in opposite directions to create counter torque as shown in Figure 4. Directional motion is achieved by independently varying the speed of the four rotors; in the descriptions below the motors are numbered as shown in Figure 4. - Height is controlled by varying the speed of all four rotors. Increasing the speed of rotors 1-4 increases height. - Yaw is controlled by speeding up two opposite rotors and slowing the other two. Speeding up 1&3 and slowing 2&4 would result in turning right. - Pitch is controlled by increasing and decreasing the speed of two opposite rotors. Assuming 1 is the forward rotor, speeding up 3 and slowing 1 will result in forward motion. - Roll is controlled by increasing and decreasing the speed of two opposite rotors. Assuming 1 is the forward rotor, speeding up 2 and slowing 4 will result in rolling left. [14] Figure 4: Quadrotor Torque Diagram 2.5 OpenCV “OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real time computer vision. Example applications of the OpenCV library are Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Object Identification, Segmentation and Recognition; Face Recognition; Gesture Recognition; Motion Tracking, Ego Motion, Motion Understanding; Structure From Motion (SFM); and Mobile Robotics.” [15] OpenCV was originally developed by Intel. Several parts of OpenCV are used within the author’s project, CvCam and HighGUI which are described below, as well as common mathematic functions, drawing functions, and data structures. 2.5.1 CvCam “CvCam is a universal cross-platform module for processing video stream from digital video cameras. It is implemented as a dynamic link library (DLL) for Windows and as a shared object library (so) for linux systems and provides a simple and convenient Application Programming Interface (API) for 6 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane reading and controlling video stream, processing its frames and rendering the results. CvCam is distributed as a part of Intel’s OpenCV project under the same license and uses some functionality of the Open Source Computer Vision Library.” [16] CvCam is used as the method for initialising the wireless camera, streaming video and then accessing individual video frames for processing. 2.5.2 HighGUI “While OpenCV is intended and designed for being used in production level applications, HighGUI is just an addendum for quick software prototypes and experimentation setups. The general idea behind its design is to have a small set of directly useable functions to interface your computer vision code with the environment.” [17] HighGUI is used to create a window for displaying video frames from CvCam; it is also used for some very basic user event handling. 2.6 Network API The Network API is “A generic API for peer to peer interprocess communication over a network” [18] developed by Ahmed Aichi during the first year of SEP. It is an extremely useful tool for the project as it requires very little knowledge of how it works and provides a simple communication method between as many different software modules as necessary over standard TCP networking. The Network API is used in the author’s project to communicate to and from the UAV decision system and UGV decision system over a wireless network. 2.6.1 Bcastmanager Bcastmanager is an additional part to the Network API which allows the use of broadcast names when establishing a connection instead of specific IP addresses. This helps when using the Network API to communicate between two pieces of software on different PCs, as an IP allocated to a PC on one day may be different on another day. That fact makes it impractical to directly use IP addresses. The Bcastmanager works by running of both target PCs and broadcasting their name and IP address across their network. One PC’s name and IP address is picked up by the other PC and this information is passed on to Network API. The Network API on each PC will now know the current IP address of the other PC. 7 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 3 Vision and Control System 3.1 System Overview The UAV Vision and Control System consists of several purchased or designed pieces of hardware interacting with the project software, which runs on an external laptop. Figure 5 contains a block diagram showing these interactions, each block is described in more detail in future sections. Figure 5: Final System Overview Block Diagram 3.2 Source of Hardware and Software Software designed and coded by the author: - Image Processing - Decision System - Control Interface Hardware designed and built by the author: - Fiducials - Interface Circuits - Modifications to X-UFO Transmitter Hardware designed and programmed by Adam Lindsay - Microcontroller (designed by Adam Lindsay) 8 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Hardware purchased from budget: - X-UFO and Transmitter - Wireless Camera and Video Receiver - USB to RS-232 Converter Legacy hardware from 2006-07: - Robot Platform 3.3 Modifications to the Original Plan The original plan for the UAV Vision and Control System contained slightly different hardware blocks than the final design. The original system (shown in Figure 6) involved using a USB-PPM Box to control the R/C Transmitter with software. This interface suffered from many incompatibility issues, which are described in detail in future sections. The USB-PPM Box was eventually replaced by a USB to RS-232 Converter, Microcontroller, and several interface circuits and modifications to the X-UFO Transmitter (as shown in Figure 5). These changes are also described in detail in future sections. Figure 6: Original System Overview Block Diagram 9 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 4 Hardware 4.1 UAV 4.1.1 X-UFO Aerial Platform The X-UFO is an R/C (remote controlled) quadrocopter made by a company called Silverlit (see Appendix C for specification and picture). It has an onboard mechanical gyro and control circuit, which automatically handles speed control for the four motors and compensates for most unwanted pitch and roll. Having four automatically regulated propellers makes the X-UFO naturally stable, because of this hovering requires minimal effort compared to traditional helicopters; the user need only control the height and compensate for drifting. The X-UFO is also capable of lifting the extra weight of a wireless camera and 9V battery, but care needs to be taken when mounting extra weight to maintain the centre of gravity. Figure 7: Picture showing power socket modifications to X-UFO The X-UFO is supplied by a 12V 350mAh battery, which causes a problem when developing, such that 8 hours charging time for the battery results in less than 5 minutes flying/development time. To solve this problem a 12V 5A power supply was purchased and modified with a 10 metre long light weight cable. An extra socket for the power supply was also added to the X-UFO (shown in Figure 7), giving the flexibility to use either the power supply or original battery. 4.1.2 Wireless Camera Mounting A wireless camera is to be attached to the underside of the X-UFO to provide visual feedback to the decision systems by referencing a set of fiducials on top of the UGV. The camera itself is small and light, and can easily be mounted to the X-UFO’s foam body, however the 9V battery required to power it is relatively bulky. This may cause some future issues with the centre of balance if not mounted correctly. Tests have shown that stability is not an issue if the battery is held within the X-UFO’s battery cradle, however weight is an issue and the X-UFO struggles to gain much height 10 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane with the camera and battery mounted (shown in Figure 8). See Appendix E for pictures and technical specifications of the wireless camera. Figure 8: Picture of wireless camera mounted to the X-UFO Interference The camera transmits on a set frequency channel at around 2.4GHz which could cause two issues. Firstly it could interfere with local wireless computer networking (which is also at 2.4GHz). Tests have already shown that if a wireless network is trying to use the same channel the network will be completely blocked, however on different channels both systems can be used together. Secondly the RF link for the wireless sensor system being developed by Adam Lindsay also uses channels at around 2.4GHz. This should be less of a problem as a feature of the wireless sensor system link is to be able to channel hop and automatically pick a noise free channel. During testing no interference has been detected between the wireless camera transmitter and wireless sensor system. WinDVR Setup InterVideo WinDVR is the software which comes with the wireless camera receiver. Once installed options need to be set before use with the Vision and Control System software. The setting under Setup%Option%Device%Standard% should be changed to “PAL_D”. The options under Setup%Option%Display%Video should be set as shown in Figure 9. 11 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Figure 9: Screenshot showing Video Options for WinDVR 4.2 UGV 4.2.1 Target Fiducials The target fiducials to be used for the vision tracking system consists of 5 ultra bright diffused red LEDs. Each of the five small LED and resistor stripboards can be bolted on top of already existing mount points for the UGV’s ultrasound sensors, or to mount points on this years extended platform. The LEDs are set out with one in each corner and one in the middle front centre, as shown in Figure 10. The picture shown in Figure 10 is cardboard template with the LED stripboards attached to it. The template, which is to the same scale as the UGV mount points, is used to hold the LEDs in the correct orientation for testing and demonstration purposes. 420mm 280mm UGV Forward Direction Figure 10: Completed LED Boards attached to Scale Layout It was decided that the best power supply for the LEDs was one of the UGV laptop’s USB ports, as this would save weight and cost by not requiring extra batteries. Each small LED board (shown 12 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane in Figure 11) plugs into a main supply board (shown in Figure 11) separately to facilitate easy and neat attachment to the UGV. The supply board can then be hidden underneath the UGV’s laptop platform. Figure 11: Pictures of LED board and Main Supply board 4.2.2 Superbright LEDs To provide the best visibility on video of the LEDs, large superbright 8mm LEDs were purchased as tests using standard brightness 5mm LEDs showed that the LEDs could not be easily distinguished at distances of over a metre. A test board (shown in Figure 13) was built containing 4 superbright LEDs to be used to find how many LEDs would be required for each fiducial. Tests showed that just one superbright LED is easily visible using the wireless camera up to distances of over 3 metres. Figure 12: LED Boards Circuit Diagram Figure 13: Superbright LED test board 4.3 External Laptop 4.3.1 Laptop Specifications The laptop used for development and testing of the project code was an Apple MacBook Pro, running Windows XP Pro. The image processing function development for the project code can tend to be very processor intense depending on the operating conditions. For future reference in case of code re-use on a different laptop some relevant specifications of the laptop used are listed 13 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane below, these were taken from the Mac OS System Profiler. Resource usage data described in section 4.3.2 should also be taken into account. Model Identifier: Processor Details: Memory Details: Graphics Chipset: USB Ports: Network Card: MacBookPro3,1 2.4GHz, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4MB L2 Cache, 800MHz Frontside Bus 2GB, 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM 256MB GDDR3 VRAM, NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT 2 x USB 2.0 AirPort Extreme, 802.11 a/b/g/n 4.3.2 Resource Usage Below some average CPU Usage figures for the Vision and Control System software are given, with increase amounts of the Vision and Control software running on the laptop described in section 4.3.1. Video Rendering Only : + Image Processing : + Orientation Calculations : + Network API : 20% 25% 28% 30% 4.4 Control Interface 4.4.1 Investigated Control Methods During the course of the project three control interface methods were investigated. These are referred to as USB-PPM Interface Method 1, USB-PPM Interface Method 2, and USB-Voltage Interface Method, and described in detail in future sections. The USB-Voltage Interface Method is the final chosen method for the control interface as it was the only method to prove reliable. 4.4.2 USB-PPM Interface Method 1 Method The original plan was to attempt to use the USB-PPM box to control the X-UFO via the original transmitter’s buddy port. Assuming they were compatible this would allow a very tidy control method for the X-UFO from software. USB-PPM Interface Box The USB-PPM box (SC-8000, see Appendix D for a picture and technical specifications) provides an interface between software and an R/C transmitter. At the software side it acts as a PC comm port with an interface library which allows you to send PPM values to a compatible (up to 8channel) R/C transmitter. PPM servo values range from 8000-22000, so in terms of the throttle 8000 would be none, 22000 would be max, and 15000 would be midway. The box is connected to a transmitter via the transmitter’s buddy/trainer port. This is a port which allows two transmitters to be connected together for the purpose of teaching; if a learner loses control the trainer’s transmitter can override the learner’s controls. The USB-PPM box essentially pretends to be another transmitter and can therefore be used to override the controls of the connected transmitter. The manufacturer of the box provides USB drivers and a simple to use software API. 14 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Initial Results After receiving the X-UFO and USB-PPM box they proved to be incompatible. It was found that the X-UFO transmitter does not use a standard PPM signal for its buddy control. Instead it uses a very different pulse system, which is then converted to a PPM signal just before transmission. This result had been anticipated, as the X-UFO transmitter is intended as a toy rather than a professional R/C transmitter. The planned solution was to try using a professional R/C transmitter instead, see 4.4.3. Possible Modifications to X-UFO Transmitter After finding the X-UFO transmitter and USB-PPM box to be incompatible, the transmitter was dismantled in the hope of finding a way of connecting the PPM signal directly into the transmitter without using the buddy port. A signal very similar to the PPM signal outputted from the USB-PPM box was located inside the transmitter. It was considered that a solution could be to amplify the PPM signal to the same amplitude as the signal found inside the transmitter, and to find the correct place to insert the signal. However without a schematic diagram of the transmitter it could have been damaging to the transmitter to try this, so the idea was put on hold for other possible solutions. 4.4.3 USB-PPM Interface Method 2 Method This secondary plan was to attempt to use the USB-PPM box to control the X-UFO via a third party R/C transmitter’s buddy port. This however relies on both the USB-PPM box being compatible with the transmitter and the transmitter being compatible with the X-UFO. But again if compatible this would allow a very tidy control method for the X-UFO from software. USB-PPM Interface Box The same USB-PPM interface box is used as described in section 4.4.2. Hitec Laser 6 Transmitter Results Liam Ellis, a postgraduate also at The University of Surrey, was using the USB-PPM box (SC-8000) for a research project with a compatible Hitec Laser 6 R/C transmitter. The Laser 6 transmitter however is not directly compatible with the X-UFO. After borrowing this transmitter several solutions were investigated with varying success. Solution one was to try and use the Laser 6 transmitter (which has a 35MHz frequency) to control the X-UFO by changing the X-UFO’s receiver crystal to 35MHz. This failed presumably because the rest of the X-UFO’s receiver circuitry is only compatible with 26MHz channels. Two new aerials of correct length for receiving 35MHz R/C were also made and tested with the X-UFO with no success. The calculations used for length of the aerial required are shown below. wavelength = speed of light / frequency = 3*108 / 35*106 = 8.57 metres 1/8 wave aerial length = wavelength / 8 = 8.57 / 8 = 1.07 metres 1/16 wave aerial length = wavelength / 16 = 8.57 / 16 = 0.54 metres Solution two was to try and use the Hitec R/C transmitter to control the X-UFO (which has a 26MHz frequency) by changing the transmitter’s crystal to 26MHz. This also failed presumably because the rest of the transmitter’s circuitry is only compatible with 35MHz channels. However it 15 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane was noticed that the X-UFO did respond correctly to the transmitter when the transmitter’s aerial was rested on the X-UFO’s mains power cable. The only possible explanation for this is that the RF signal from the transmitter was propagating up the power cable (this could be seen using an oscilloscope) and was being picked up by the receiver. This could be made to work 50% of the time by securing the power cable along side the transmitter’s aerial (as shown in Figure 14). This method could have been used as a temporary solution had it been more reliable; obviously an unreliable control interface is extremely undesirable with aerial vehicles. It did however prove the important concept that the X-UFO could be controlled using the signal from the USB-PPM box. Figure 14: Unreliable X-UFO Control Method using Hitec Laser 6 Transmitter Hitec Optic 6 Transmitter Results After some research on German R/C forums, it was found that several people were using third party transmitters to control the X-UFO. A commonly used combination of hardware was the Hitec Optic 6 Transmitter along with a 27Mhz RF transmitter module. The Optic 6 transmitter is the model up from the previously tested Laser 6, which was importantly USB-PPM box compatible. The 27MHz RF transmitter module (Futaba FP-TJ-FM) is a module which clips into that back of the Optic 6 and allows any 26-27MHz crystals to be used. After obtaining both pieces of hardware there was however (for unknown reasons) no success manually controlling the XUFO. With project time starting to run short this solution was put on hold in favour of a completely different idea for a solution, which is described in 4.4.4. 4.4.4 USB-Voltage Interface Method Method After little success with previously investigated USB-PPM interface methods it was decided to take a different approach. The original X-UFO transmitter was dismantled to find that each channel is essentially driven by a voltage from a potentiometer (attached to the control sticks). This means that the transmitter could be modified to be driven by a software controlled voltage source. It was decided that Adam Lindsay would strip down the current code for the wireless sensor system 16 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane microcontrollers, so that they would take a servo value via RS-232 and output the servo value as a voltage from the microcontrollers’ DACs. Four channels are required, which can be achieved using two microcontrollers with two DACs each. The original prototype for this system is shown in Figure 15. The voltages from the microcontrollers can then be amplified and used to drive the original X-UFO transmitter. Several modifications are required to the X-UFO transmitter, which are described in later sections along with the intermediate circuits required. Figure 15: Picture of the Original USB-Voltage Interface Prototype USB to RS-232 Converter A USB to RS-232 converter is required to connect the laptop to the microcontrollers. The converter uses a “Prolific” serial converter chip for which drivers and API are readily available. It was originally purchased as part of the wireless sensor system project but proved to slow for that purpose. RS-232 Level Converter A level converter is required between the USB to RS-232 Converter (which works at 5V) and the Microcontrollers (which work at 3V). Adam Lindsay had already designed a circuit for this purpose for the wireless sensor system, which uses an optocoupler IC. This circuit was stripped down to just the Rx channel as only one way communication is required. The resulting circuit is shown in Figure 16. 17 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Figure 16: RS-232 Level Converter Circuit Diagram RS-232 to Voltage Microcontrollers The RS-232 to voltage microcontrollers were designed and coded by Adam Lindsay and therefore full details of their implementation are included in the SEP: Wireless Sensor Project report. The microcontrollers are the same as used for the wireless sensor system; the debug boards obtained by Adam Lindsay were used for the prototyping. Each microcontroller handles two R/C channels, a channel number and servo value for each channel is sent via RS-232 to the microcontroller’s Rx input (pin 46). The microcontrollers will then take the servo values and set a voltage at the appropriate DAC (pins 5-6). More information on which microcontroller and pin relates to which channel, can be found in future sections. Modified X-UFO Transmitter Modifications were made to the X-UFO transmitter to allow individual switching for each channel, between software controlled input (switch up towards socket) or manual input using the sticks (switch down towards sticks). A 2-way switch was inserted at the output of the channel control potentiometers for each channel as shown in Figure 17. Figure 17: X-UFO Transmitter Modification Circuit Diagram 18 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Holes were drilled in the front of the transmitter for the switches as well as a hole for the five pin voltage input socket. These modifications are shown in Figure 18. Care should be taken when the X-UFO is powered on, if the switches are in the software control position but no input is present this will lead to unpredictable behaviour of the X-UFO. VIN Socket Switches for channels 1-4 Potentiometer plugs Figure 18: Pictures showing modifications to X-UFO Transmitter Microcontroller-Transmitter Interface Circuit An interface circuit (shown in Figure 19) is required between the output DAC pins on the microcontrollers and the transmitter to improve the voltage range at the transmitter. The voltage range at the output of the DAC (VINi) is approximately 0.5-1.5V and the range required at the transmitter (VOUTi) is approximately 0-3.5V. Firstly the minimum voltage at the input to the op-amp needs to be 0V, so a diode is used to drop 0.5V from VINi. Secondly a gain of just over 3 is required; this is achieved using a non-inverting op-amp circuit with a gain of 3.2. Practical results show a range of 0.2-3.3V at VOUTi. The circuit is repeated four times, one for each R/C channel. The corresponding inputs and outputs are listed below. VIN1 = Microcontroller 1 (MC1) pin 5 VIN2 = Microcontroller 1 (MC1) pin 6 VIN3 = Microcontroller 2 (MC2) pin 5 VIN4 = Microcontroller 2 (MC2) pin 6 % % % % VOUT1 = Transmitter Channel 1 VOUT2 = Transmitter Channel 2 VOUT3 = Transmitter Channel 3 VOUT4 = Transmitter Channel 4 19 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Figure 19: Microcontroller-Transmitter Interface Circuit Diagram Results This method provides a working interface between software and the X-UFO aerial platform, albeit not as simple as the original plan. Servo values can be sent via software to the modified X-UFO transmitter and the input for each channel can be selected using the switches on the front of the transmitter. 20 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 5 Software 5.1 Software Overview Process For each frame of video loaded by CvCam a callback function is called; within the callback function is most of the Vision and Control System code. Video is rendered at 30Hz which means that 30Hz is also the frequency of the system code. The overall working of the system is described below as pseudocode and each section in described in detail in future sections. The full software code can be found in Appendix C. Callback Function Pseudocode Representation callback loop if Network API communications are connected if height message received set acknowledgement bit set new target height process odd frame choose 5 reference points get decision commands from reference points if commands are valid adapt values for grouping thresholds send control values else set error bits show control visualisaton if message bits set send message to UGV decision system loop 5.2 Fiducial Detection 5.2.1 Video Acquisition Video acquisition is achieved by using CvCam, part of the OpenCV library. During initialisation a callback function is passed to CvCam; the callback function is then called by CvCam for every video frame taken from the wireless camera. Most of the project code is then run from the callback function, which has access to the most current image data structure every time it is called. Video is then rendered to a window using HighGUI, another part of the OpenCV library. 5.2.2 The Process of Fiducial Detection Fiducial detection starts by scanning through pixels in a video frame and grouping them together if they meet the required criteria. These grouped pixels, or possible LEDs, are sorted based on the likelihood of them actually being an LED. Likelihood is calculated using shape, size and orientation as the criteria, the five possible LEDs with the highest likelihood are then assumed to be the five fiducials. 21 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 5.2.3 Relevant Pixel Detection Process Pixels are examined one at a time; from left to right on each line and each line from top to bottom of the frame. Each pixel is tested to see if it meets one of two criteria, is it bright white or strong red as these are the best criteria available to describe the pixels making up an LED in the image data structure. If a pixel matches the criteria it is grouped to an existing or new possible LED object, the pixel grouping algorithm is described in a later section. For easy visualisation of relevant pixels bright white pixels are changed to pure white, strong red pixels are changed to pure red, and all other pixels are changed to black within the processed field. Criteria Each pixel is stored in the image data structure as three component colour values; red, green and blue. For a pixel to be classed as bright white the sum of the red, green and blue values must be greater than the adaptive white threshold. For a pixel to be classed as strong red the green and blue values are deducted from the red value, the result must then be greater than the adaptive red threshold. Pixel Detection Pseudocode Representation for each line in a frame for each pixel in a line if pixel is bright white pixel is relevant so group pixel mark pixel by changing colour to pure white if pixel is strong red pixel is relevant so group pixel mark pixel by changing colour to pure red else pixel not useful mark pixel by changing colour to black loop loop Adaptive Pixel Thresholds Adaptive pixel thresholds are required for accurate relevant pixel detection in a range of lighting conditions. Whilst scanning through pixels during relevant pixel detection peak bright white and strong red values are calculated. The bright white value is the sum of the red, green and blue values; the threshold is then calculated as 5% of the peak value. The strong red value is the green and blue values, deducted from the red value; the threshold is then calculated as 30% of the peak value. The calculated threshold values are then used during relevant pixel detection for the next frame. 5.2.4 Pixel Grouping Process Once a pixel is determined as relevant it needs to be grouped, the result is a list of possible LEDs containing an averaged [x,y] position in the frame, the amount of pixels, and a likelihood factor which is used later on. A relevant pixel’s [x,y] position is compared to the position of each 22 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane possible LED. The pixel is added to the closest possible LED, as long as the distance is below the adaptive distance threshold. The possible LED position is averaged with the pixel position and the pixel count is increased. If the pixel is not close enough to any current possible LED a new possible LED is created. Pixel Grouping Pseudocode Representation for each possible LED in list if pixel distance from possible LED is less than threshold check if shortest distance loop if a shortest distance has been found average position of possible LED with position of pixel increase pixel count of possible LED else create new possible LED with position of pixel Adaptive Distance Threshold The adaptive distance threshold is used to determine if a pixel is close enough to an existing possible LED to be grouped with it. The threshold is adapted to ensure that it stays about half the minimum distance between two fiducials. If the threshold is too large the pixels from more than one fiducial could be grouped together, this could happen if the camera is moved far away from the fiducials. If the threshold is too small the pixels from one fiducial could be added to several groups this could happen if the camera is moved very close to the fiducials. If tracking is completely lost, the thresholds are set to a default value in an attempt to recover. 5.2.5 Possible LED Sorting Process Once a list of possible LEDs is obtained, the list requires sorting to decide which of the possible LEDs are most likely to be the target fiducials. This is done by assigning each possible LED a likelihood, which represents its likelihood of being one of the five fiducials. This likelihood value is then modified using four criteria; Group Pixel Threshold, Shape Analysis, Size Histogram, and Relative Orientation. For each criterion a likelihood is calculated for each possible LED and then multiplied with the possible LED’s current likelihood. The five possible LEDs with the highest likelihood are then taken to be the five fiducials. Group Pixel Threshold The amount of pixels making up each possible LED is compared with a group pixel threshold. All possible LEDs below the threshold are assigned a starting likelihood of 0.0, effectively discarding them. All above the threshold are assigned 1.0. This helps to weed out small groups pixels caused by noise straight away and therefore reduce future computational complexity. Shape Analysis The shape of the target fiducials in a frame will generally be circular, which means possible LEDs found to not be circular can be given a lower likelihood. The shape analysis works by starting at the centre point of each possible LED and then work outwards one pixel at a time checking that it is not black (a non-useful pixel). This is done in eight directions, four perpendicular and four diagonal; the distances between the centre and the edge of the shape are recorded. The 23 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane differences between distances are then summed, perpendicular first, then diagonal, and then both. These sums are used to produce a likelihood that the possible LED is circular. Size Histogram Each of the target fiducials in a frame will generally be represented by a similar amount of pixels. Therefore if a histogram is taken and five possible LEDs are in the same histogram group there is a strong likelihood that they are the target fiducials. It is also very likely that the five possible LEDs will be in two adjacent groups. For this reason the histogram likelihood process is repeated twice with different histogram widths for improved accuracy. Once each histogram has been produced likelihoods for each possible LED are calculated from the amount of items in the histogram group, to which the possible LED belongs. Relative Orientation Possible LEDs which form right angles or straight lines with each other are more likely to be the target fiducials because of the target fiducial layout. To start the orientation likelihood process the angle between two possible LEDs relative to another possible LED is calculated for every combination of possible LEDs which do not already have a likelihood of 0.0. If a combination is found which is within a set threshold of 90° or 180° then this combination is stored in a list for later reference. The list contains details of the reference possible LED and the product of all three possible LED’s likelihoods. Once the list is complete the maximum product of likelihoods for each reference possible LED is used for the likelihood that the reference possible LED is a fiducial. This results in a large likelihood for combinations where all three possible LEDs already have a high likelihood. Combinations which happen by chance will not have all three possible LEDs with high likelihood and will therefore have a small product of likelihoods. Shape Likelihood Pseudocode Representation for each useful possible LED in list calculate distance from centre of possible LED, to outer boarder for four perpendicular and diagonal directions average distances sum differences between perpendicular distances and divide by average sum differences between diagonal distances and divide by average sum differences between perpendicular and diagonal distances and divide by average calculate a likelihood that the shape is circular based on the three sums possible LED’s likelihood becomes it’s current likelihood multiplied by the shape likelihood loop 24 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Size Likelihood Pseudocode Representation repeat twice with different histogram widths for each useful possible LED in list find histogram value for possible LED keep track of highest value add possible LED’s value to histogram loop for each histogram value cap value at set limit if required loop for each possible LED in list possible LED’s likelihood becomes it’s current likelihood multiplied by the value proportional to possible LED’s histogram value loop loop Orientation Likelihood Pseudocode Representation for each useful possible LED in list use this LED as origin for each other useful possible LED in list use this LED as LED1 for each other useful possible LED in list use this LED as LED2 find angle between LED1 and LED2 with respect to origin if angle is within threshold of 90° or 180° multiply likelihoods of three LEDs and keep for later loop loop loop for each saved likelihood find max likelihood for each origin LED origin LED’s likelihood becomes it’s current likelihood multiplied by the max combination of likelihoods found for that origin loop Field Based verses Frame Based Processing It was noticed that shape analysis had a negative effect on fiducial detection in the event of the camera moving forwards or backwards quickly. This is because the camera transmits an interlaced signal, which means that when there is fast movement circles are no longer circles. Circles created by the LEDs in a video frame become stretched out with an interlaced combing effect on either side. It was decided that to counter this effect, field based processing would be used rather then frame based. This solves the problem but reduces the vertical resolution by half, which can lead to inaccurate tracking at larger distances. An advantage however is that if required the second field could be processed separately from the first effectively giving a tracking rate of 60Hz, twice that of the frame rate. Results Results for the possible LED sorting are shown in several screenshots in Figure 20. The screenshots show the progressive improvement of sorting, as each likelihood algorithm is added. 25 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Possible LEDs are highlighted by green rings, where the size of the ring represents the likelihood that the possible LED is actually a target fiducial. Part e) of Figure 20 shows the final result, with the five largest rings around the five fiducials, indicating that all five fiducials would be correctly picked out from the original possible LEDs. Figure 20: Screenshots showing the effect of likelihood LED sorting algorithms a) Example exaggerated noisy frame created to test likelihood method of sorting possible LEDs. The frame contains shapes which could be mistaken for target fiducials, some of which are fairly common in strongly lit locations. b) The result of possible LED sorting after applying Group Size Threshold. 26 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System c) The result of possible LED sorting after applying Group Size Threshold, with the Shape Likelihood algorithm. d) The result of possible LED sorting after applying Group Size Threshold, with the Shape and Size Likelihood algorithms. 27 Richard Lane The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane e) The result of possible LED sorting after applying Group Size Threshold, with the Shape, Size and Orientation Likelihood algorithms. The results of the pixel size histogram (using the example frame shown in Figure 20) are shown in Figure 21. For the two histograms performed there are two clear groups that are most likely to contain possible LEDs which are target fiducials. Figure 21: Histogram plots showing distribution of the amount of pixels in possible LEDs 5.3 Decision System 5.3.1 Orientation Calculations Process Once there has been five significant fiducials discovered in a frame the camera’s orientation relative to the fiducials can be calculated. Figure 22 shows the fiducials as they should be numbered, the steps listed below describe how the fiducials are given the correct number and how orientation is calculated. 28 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 1) The average position of the five fiducials is calculated. 2) The distances between each fiducial and each other four fiducials are calculated. The two shortest distances will have a fiducial in common; this will always be fiducial 0. 3) The angles from the direction of fiducial 0 to each of the other four fiducials are calculated, working clockwise. Fiducial 1 will be between 0°-90°, fiducial 2 will be between 90°-180°, fiducial 3 will be between 180°-270°, and fiducial 4 will be between 270°-360°. 4) The direction the camera is facing compared to the fiducials can then be calculated; this is shown as angle & in Figure 22. 5) Assuming the camera is level, the location of the camera relative to the fiducials is then the difference between the average of the five fiducials, and the centre point of the video frame. 6) If the camera when attached to the UAV, is pitching or rolling drastically this could affect the results from step 5). To compensate, pitch and roll can be calculated by be looking at the distances between fiducials 1, 2, 3 and 4. If distance[1,4] is larger than distance[3,2] then it’s pitching forwards, else it’s pitching backwards. If distance[1,2] is larger than distance[4,3] then it’s rolling right, else it’s rolling left. 7) The information gained at step 6) can then be taken into account to calculate a modified value instead of the centre point of the video frame. 8) Height of the camera above the fiducials can be estimated be looking at the average of distance[1,3] and distance[2,4]. Tests have shown that this distance is approximately 300 pixels at a height of 1 metre. Therefore the height in metres is taken as 300 divided by the average distance. Forward direction of camera Average of five points Figure 22: Fiducial Numbering for Orientation Calculations Orientation Pseudocode Representation find the centre point for each fiducial sum x and y locations in frame loop divide by number of fiducials 29 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System sort points to identify fiducial number for each point for each other point find and record distance between two points loop loop for each recorded distance find the two least values… if distance < least1 if least1 < least2 recorded distance becomes new value of least2 else recorded distance becomes new value of least1 else if distance < least2 recorded distance becomes new value of least2 loop fiducial 0 is the point common to both least distances calculate angle of fiducial 0 for each point which is not fiducial 0 calculate angle of point angle is calculated angle minus angle of fiducial 0 if angle is between 0° and 90° then point is fiducial 1 else if angle is between 90° and 180° then point is fiducial 2 else if angle is between 180° and 270° then point is fiducial 3 else if angle is between 270° and 360° then point is fiducial 4 loop find direction of camera calculate angle of point 0 find pitch and roll roll is distance[1,2] minus distance[3,4] if roll is positive then rolling left if roll is negative then rolling right pitch is distance[3,2] minus distance[1,4] if pitch is positive then pitching forward if pitch is negative then pitching backward find height of camera above fiducials take average of distance[1,3] and distance[2,4] divide the average at 1 metre by the calculated average 30 Richard Lane The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Angle Calculations The following calculation is used to find the angle of one point compared to a reference point. When used in the orientation calculations the reference point is the average of the five fiducial locations. Resulting angles are relative to the camera forward direction shown in Figure 22, this direction is taken as 0°. TempX = RefX – PointX TempY = RefY – PointY if TempY = 0 and TempX >=0 then Angle = 0 else if TempY = 0 and TempX < 0 then Angle = 180 else if TempX = 0 and TempY < 0 then Angle = 90 else if TempX = 0 and TempY > 0 then Angle = 270 else Angle = arctan ( TempY / TempX) Angle = Angle * 180 / PI if TempY < 0 and TempX > 0 then if TempY > 0 and TempX > 0 then Angle if TempY > 0 and TempX < 0 then Angle if TempY < 0 and TempX < 0 then Angle Angle = 360 = 180 = 0 – = 0 – Angle – Angle – Angle Angle Results Figure 23 shows a screenshot of orientation data being displayed on same noisy test frame used to demonstrate likelihoods. Four lines should connect the fiducials in a rectangular shape, this shows the fiducials are being numbered correctly. These lines can be red or green, red is normal and green visualises the direction of pitch and roll. Blue lines show the forward directions of the camera and fiducials. The green line shown between points 3-4 in this example means that the UAV would be rolling to the left. The green line shown between points 1-4 means that the UAV would be pitching forwards. 31 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Figure 23: Orientation Data shown on a test frame 5.3.2 UAV to UGV Communications Process A protocol has been implemented for communications between the UAV decision system and the UGV decision system using Network API and Bcastmanager, which were developed by Ahmed Aichi during the first year of SEP. The Bcastmanager is used to broadcast an address string across a network, which removes the need to know the target program’s IP address. Bcastmanager then finds the IP address of the target program which is also broadcasting an address string and establishes a connection for Network API. Once connected, the UAV decision system checks for a received message before each video frame is processed. After each video frame is processed any messages ready to be sent out to the UGV decision system are transmitted, for example to acknowledge a received message and/or report an error. Messages from UGV to UAV Only one message is required which is a height request. One double value will be sent to represent the height in metres at which the UGV decision system wishes the UAV to fly. This should then be acknowledged and possibly rejected by the UAV decision system. 32 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Messages from UAV to UGV One char will be sent containing 8 status bits; each bit has a different meaning as described below. For example to acknowledge a command the hex byte 0x01 would be sent, or to report a low battery and complete loss of tracking the hex byte 0x28 would be sent (0x20 + 0x08). Error bits are set during processing of a video frame. Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Acknowledge that a command has been received UAV decision system error Partial loss of tracking Complete loss of tracking Invalid command UAV battery low Reserved Reserved Network API and Bcastmanager Variables When setting up the Network API and Bcastmanager several variables are required at both ends. The following variables have been decided by the author and Ben Abbott for UAV to UGV communications. Local Port: Remote Port: Local Address: Remote Address: Channel from UGV: Channel to UGV: 6200 6000 “uav_system” “DECISION” “ugv_to_uav” “uav_to_ugv - port number for UAV decision system - port number for UGV decision system - Bcastmanager name for UAV decision system - Bcastmanager name for UGV decision system 5.3.3 UGV Emulation Software Purpose For the purpose of testing UAV to UGV communications, an emulation program was written which pretends to be the UGV decision system (the code is included in Appendix E). Once running it establishes a connection with the UAV decision system using Network API and Bcastmanager in the same that the UGV decision systems would. It will then pick up error messages sent from the UAV decision system and display their meaning in a console window. This provides and excellent way of checking when error messages are being sent and that they are being sent correctly. The UGV emulator also sends a height request every few seconds to the UAV decision system. The height sent will increment each message by 0.1 metres until it receives an “invalid command” message back from the UAV decision system. It will then decrement each message until again it receives an “invalid command” message. This is used to test the UAV decision systems response to height requests, which could be out of the allowed range, and to check it accepts a valid height as its new target height. 33 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane UGV Emulation Pseudocode Representation enter state machine loop starting at Init state state Init: initiate Network API and Bcastmanager wait for connection to be established change to Wait state state Wait: sleep for 20ms to avoid over using CPU if time since last message sent < send interval then change to Check state else change to Send state state Check: check with Network API for new message if message then decipher message and display meaning if invalid command message received swap height change to increment or decrement change to Wait state state Send: increment or decrement next height send height message with Network API change to Wait state state Error: pause and advise program is closed loop 5.3.4 Error Handling There are several types of error which could occur during use of the Vision and Control System; anticipated errors and how they are handled are described below. Video Frame Glitches Video frame glitches can occur due to the wireless camera having poor reception or suffering from interference. The effect is a video frame filled with noisy lines across it. These lines however should not be picked up as fiducials because of the implemented fiducial detection algorithm. However if they are, checks are in place to make sure the tracking points have not jumped drastically across the frame, since the last frame. If the frame is labelled as a glitch frame it is not used for further calculations. Partial Loss of Tracking This is an error which is reported to the UGV decision system by sending a “Partial loss of tracking” message in the event of a partial loss of fiducial tracking. Partial loss of tracking is defined as not having a complete set of suitable fiducials in five consecutive video frames. The set of fiducials could not be suitable if one or more fiducials are missing or in the event of a frame glitch. Upon receiving a “Partial loss of tracking” message the UGV decision should react by stopping or re-tracing its movements. Assuming that the problem is that the UGV has become partially out of view of the UAV’s camera, this is an attempt to bring the UGV’s fiducials back into view. This error is only partially implemented, in the event of this error it will be reported to the UGV. However the ideal behaviour for the UAV would be to attempt to cope with previous position 34 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane information or the fiducials available until tracking is restored. This would be part of the automated control implementation which is incomplete. Complete Loss of Tracking This is an error which is reported to the UGV decision system by sending a “Complete loss of tracking” message in the event of a complete loss of fiducial tracking. Complete loss of tracking is defined as not being able to find any suitable fiducials in five consecutive video frames. Upon receiving a “Complete loss of tracking” message the UGV decision should react by re-tracing its movements. Assuming that the problem is that the UGV has become out of view of the UAV’s camera, this is an attempt to bring the UGV’s fiducials back into view. This error is only partially implemented, in the event of this error it will be reported to the UGV. However the ideal behaviour for the UAV would be to slowly lower itself towards the ground until tracking is achieved or the floor is reached safely. This would be part of the automated control implementation which is incomplete. Low Battery Warning This is an error which is reported to the UGV decision system by sending a “UAV battery low” message in the event of a low battery being detected. A low battery error should be defined as UAV being unable to reach a target height within 10 seconds at full throttle. 10 seconds is more than enough time to rise from the minimum to maximum height limit at full throttle. Therefore it is safe to assume if the height is not reached, it is due to the battery not having enough power to keep the UAV in the air. Although this error is defined, it is not yet implemented as this would be part of the automated control implementation which is incomplete. Invalid Requested Height This is an error which is reported to the UGV decision system by sending an “Invalid command” message in the event of an invalid height request being received from the UGV decision system. The minimum height is set at 0.5 metres above the UGV fiducials, flying any lower than this could result in unreliable tracking. The maximum height is set at 2.0 metres above the UGV fiducials, flying any higher could result in unreliable tracking or collision with average height ceilings. Upon receiving an “Invalid command” message just after sending a height request, the UGV decision should re-send the request with a value within agreed limits. Decision System Error This is an error which is reported to the UGV decision system by sending a “UAV decision system error” message in the event of an unknown decision system error. This should be considered by the UGV decision system as a serious error. There is nothing that the UGV decision system can do as the UAV will most likely have crashed. 5.4 Control Interface 5.4.1 Control Integration Progress Due to the amount of issues encountered getting the hardware control interface working, as described in previous sections, the control integration of the project software remains largely incomplete. The actual software-hardware communications are in place for both types of control 35 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane method; the USB-PPM box or the USB-Voltage microcontroller. Servo values can be sent to either piece of hardware; however the calculation of the servo values is incomplete. 5.4.2 Visualisation Process A small visualisation box is drawn in the corner of the video window. It gives a visual representation of the control servo values being sent out of the interface. Four lines represent the four control sticks on the R/C transmitter. The lengths of the lines represent the servo values. Figure 24 shows a screenshot of a test frame containing the control visualisation. Pitch Roll Yaw Throttle Figure 24: Control Visualisation shown on a test frame 5.4.3 Remote Control Test Software Purpose A small Remote Control Test program was written to provide a simplified method of testing the control interface between software and R/C transmitter, without running the full vision software. It is compatible with both interface methods using the USB-PPM Box or the USB-Voltage microcontrollers; the method used is set via a compile option. The program allows the use of a keyboard to change servo values sent out by the selected interface. With each key press the appropriate servo value is incremented/decremented by a set step size. Instructions are shown on 36 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane screen in the form of a transmitter (shown in Figure 25), pressing space resets the servo values to default, and pressing esc closes the program. Figure 25: Screenshot of Remote Control Test software Remote Control Pseudocode Representation initialise interface method either SC-8000 servo controller or USB-RS232 serial port if initialised correctly initiate command values while esc key not pressed calculate servo values from command values print servo values send servo values print instructions get key from keyboard adjust command values according to key pressed check command values are within limits clear screen loop set servo values to neural send servo values close interface connection 37 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 6 Live Test Results 6.1 Hardware 6.1.1 Manual Flight with Camera Mounted Live tests were conducted to assess the mobility of the X-UFO as a UAV platform. The first test performed was using the mains supply umbilical with the camera and 9V battery mounted to the X-UFO. Upward acceleration was found to be fairly sluggish, achieving height at a rate of about 0.5 metres/sec. As a result of the extra weight the rotors have to spin faster to keep the UAV a flight, therefore turning speed is also reduced because the maximum difference between rotor speeds is reduced. Overall however the mobility of the UAV is still acceptable, as shown in Figure 26, the UAV was capable of taking off and manoeuvring around the test area from about 0.5 metres to the ceiling at 3.0 metres. It is also worth noting that with the extra weight centrally distributed there were no visible negative effects on platform stability. Figure 26: Screenshots from video showing UAV mobility with camera mounted The second test was using the mains supply umbilical with the camera mounted to the X-UFO, but without the 9V camera battery. Overall mobility was greatly improved with upward speeds of around 1.0 metres/sec. Therefore if extra greater mobility is required in the future it is recommended that the wireless camera is also powered from the same supply as the X-UFO. The third test was using the X-UFO battery to supply the X-UFO with the camera and 9V battery also mounted to the X-UFO. The extra weight from the camera and 9V battery almost prevents the X-UFO from taking off. Height can barely be gained and due to the short flight time of the XUFO battery, flight was only achieved for 30 seconds before the battery could not keep up the demand of full power to the motors. This test was repeated without the 9V camera battery and 38 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane results similar to the first test were achieved. However flight time was limited to about 4 minutes before it was impossible for the UAV to gain height. Therefore if a battery powered UAV is required several steps could be taken. - A reduction of weight on the UAV. Such as the camera using the same battery as the X-UFO, and/or the removal of safety precautions such as the foam padding surrounding to rotors. - An upgrade to the X-UFO battery. Batteries with higher capacity are readily available in professional R/C stores. - An upgrade to the UAV platform. There are several higher rated quadrocopters available commercially. This option was considered at the start of the project however due to their price they were not suitable. 6.1.2 Control Interface Tests were conducted using the USB-Voltage interface method (described in section 4.4.4) and the Remote Control test software (described in 5.4.3). These tests proved that the control interface works with no noticeable lag between pressing a key on the laptop to the X-UFO reacting appropriately. As the Remote Control software provides servo values in 10 steps it is an impractical control method for actual flight. However whilst holding the top of the X-UFO to prevent collisions it was clear that each channel functions correctly whilst varying the values from minimum to maximum. 6.2 Software 6.2.1 Fiducial Detection Live tests were conducted to assess the fiducial tracking algorithm. The screenshots in Figure 27 show successful fiducial detection, with the likelihood of possible LEDs being the fiducials represented as the size of the green circle marking them. The normal light condition screenshot shows some possible LEDs which have been discarded; they are marked as tiny green dots due to the extremely low likelihood of them being the fiducials. The normal light condition screenshot shown in Figure 28 is also a good example of fiducial detection working correctly. Small white reflections off of a radiator can be seen, these would have been picked up as possible LEDs however they have been successful discarded. Despite coping with noise extremely well compared previous detection algorithms, detection problems still occur in some situations. In situations where the LEDs are very close to reflective surfaces, the reflection on the surface can merge with the light from the LED. This results in a larger mass of light in roughly the same position as the LED, which will get discarded by the fiducial detection as the shape will not be circular or the same size as the other fiducials. In cases where there happens to be noisy light in the frame, which is the same shape and size as a fiducial, the algorithm can also fail. If the noise also happens to be at right angles to the other fiducials this can lead to the noise being picked over an actual fiducial. 39 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Figure 27: Screenshots showing Fiducial Detection in Low and Normal Light Conditions 6.2.2 Orientation Calculations Live tests were conducted to assess orientation calculations in live conditions. Due to the relatively simple nature of the orientation algorithm, as long as fiducial detection is successful, orientation calculations are successful 100% of the time. Screenshots showing successful orientation calculations are shown in the Figure 28. Figure 28: Screenshots showing Orientation Calculations in Low and Normal Light Conditions 40 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 7 Additional Work 7.1 Project Planning 7.1.1 Gantt Charts A Gantt chart was produced at the start of the project (shown in Appendix A) which included a breakdown of the expected tasks during the project. The time allocated to some of the tasks proved to be overly optimistic, and did not take into account busy times of the year or the four weeks between semesters. There were also some unanticipated tasks taking up several weeks. At the time of writing the Interim report the Gantt chart was revised and has since been updated again with the time taken for each task and the addition of extra tasks (shown in Appendix B). In the Gantt charts provided in Appendix A and Appendix B orange squares show the planned times scales for each task, green lines show the actual time taken to complete tasks. If a task has a green line but no orange square this shows that it is an unexpected task added into the Gantt chart after it was first produced. In the revised Gantt chart in Appendix B lighter orange squares show the time plan carried over from the first Gantt chart for comparison. 7.1.2 Costing The total budget for the SEP project was £1000, a breakdown of hardware costs for the UAV Vision and Control project is shown in Table 1. The original planned costs for the author’s project totalled £299.48, but with the need for a mains supply for the X-UFO the last two items in the table were ordered, raising the total to £321.45. The total may be more than a quarter of the SEP budget but the other three projects obtained a large amount of hardware for free. Table 1: Cost Breakdown of Hardware Ordered 7.1.3 Hardware Sourcing A list of the part numbers and source of hardware ordered from the SEP budget is shown in Table 2. For future reference was a particularly unreliable source and it took over a month to receive the wireless camera ordered from them, this hampered progress on the project 41 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane whilst waiting for camera (a major component in the project). Tom’s RC is based in USA but the SC-8000 was received within a week. Most of the small components were ordered from Rapid through lab services as it is a preferred source, however parts may be found cheaper elsewhere. Table 2: Part number and Source of Hardware Ordered 7.2 Project Website As with 2006/07 SEP, a project website has also been produced for 2007/08. The author produced the UAV project page, located at This provides an overview of the progress made on the UAV Vision and Control System project and results achieved. It also has a photo gallery containing development photos taken during the project, some development videos, and provides download links for the project code, resources, and this report. The author also produced the main 2007/08 introduction page, located at This provides an introduction to this year’s projects, and a group photo of the 2007/08 SEP members. 7.3 Project Meetings During the course of the project weekly meetings were held to discuss progress, problems and targets. The meetings were chaired by Ben Abbott as the project leader, and meeting minutes were taken each week by the other team members. The author participated in minute taking every three weeks or less, and also chaired a meeting once. The result of the meetings were that all members of SEP had time to sit down and discuss issues that they were having, and decide on what their targets were to be achieved by the next weeks meeting. 42 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 8 Conclusions Over the course of the project the most progress was made on the vision fiducial tracking system. It can successfully pick out five fiducials from a video frame in a range of lighting conditions and can handle noise to a certain extent. Therefore objective 1 “to produce a robust vision system capable of tracking a set of fixed fiducials” can be considered achieved. It could be argued that the robustness can be improved further. There will always be some situations where it would be extremely difficult to pick fiducials out of a frame using just the current methods employed in the project. Some improvements considered are described in section 9.3. The orientation calculations of the UAV relative to the UGV are calculated correctly. The exact location calculations have not been implemented due to the delay in getting the control interface working, without an interface there was no need for the location information. Therefore objective 2 “to use information provided by the vision system to establish the camera’s location relative to the fiducials” can only be considered partially achieved. The control interface despite taking a large amount of the project time to produce is in a working prototype state. It would have been extremely beneficial to the rest of the project objectives if the originally planned interface had worked as it should first time. Despite being a prototype, objective 3 “to produce a control and decision system to interface between the vision system and UAV” can be considered achieved. A black box generic final product would have an ideal solution; however the final solution only works with the modified X-UFO transmitter. If a more professional platform was to be purchased the interface is also in place using the originally planned interface. Unfortunately objective 4 “to stabilise a UAV above a set of fiducials fixed to the UGV, by using a vision system for the control feedback” has not been achieved. Due to the lack of a working control interface for almost the entire project duration it has not been possible to start work on the control feedback system. None of the secondary objectives were attempted due to the time constraints on the project. The project management aspects of the project have had varied success. Regular weekly meetings helped the SEP team motivated and focused. The author’s efforts to plan task timings using a Gantt chart failed several weeks into the project. Too many small tasks were overlooked, and the whole plan was affected drastically by the constant delays in producing the control interface. 43 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane 9 Discussions 9.1 Gantt Charts The original Gantt chart (shown in Appendix A) from the start of the project now seems very optimistic. I started off well but soon fell behind after extra tasks, which were not originally anticipated started to emerge. The fact that I was unlikely to get much project work completed during the exam period also passed me by. A revised Gantt chart (shown in Appendix B) seemed more realistic as it also takes into account time available during holidays. However after several weeks and countless more problems with the control interface, it was clear that tasks were far behind being completed when they should have been. 9.2 Project Objectives I am reasonably happy with the overall progress made on my project; obviously I would like to have achieved more. I feel that completing the majority of the three out of four objectives in such a large project however is very good progress. I am really happy with the vision system I’ve produced. I came up with a lot of the ideas for its implementation without the need for advice. My programming skills have also improved greatly over the year. Actually achieving a working control interface took too much time during the project. If I could change anything it would have been early decisions about the control interface. Two better possibilities would have been to buy a more expensive aerial platform, one with a professional R/C transmitter which isn’t intended as a toy, or to have decided to go in the direction of modifying the internals of the X-UFO transmitter at an earlier stage of the project. Failing to achieve automated flight is a great disappointment to me. This would have been the most exciting part of the project to get working. However with the amount of problems encountered with the control interface, it became clear late on in the project that this would not be implemented. Towards the end of the project it began to feel like I was working on two projects. If the original interface plan had worked first time I feel I would have been able to achieve automated flight in some form and a more reliable tracking system. In hindsight it would have made more sense to split my project between two students. 9.3 Future Work Although the fiducial detection works reasonably reliably there are several thresholds and constants within the software header files, which given time could be optimised to produce greater reliability. There are still extra reliability methods I did not have time to implement such as temporal checking of possible LEDs during fiducial detection. An example of this is assigning a higher likelihood to possible LEDs which are close to the location of fiducials in the previous frame. There are two other methods of tracking I considered during the project to be included alongside the current fiducial detection. The first is using edge detection to pick out the edges on the UGV. 44 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane After finding the edges, corners can be found and the position of these corners could be compared to the position of possible LEDs during fiducial detection to improve reliability. Secondly I thought about implementing KLT tracking to again improve reliability as well as providing addition positional information. The remnants of testing these ideas can be found within my project code however there was not enough time to experiment further. A method of coping with the merging of noisy light and fiducial light could be to detect circular edges using available edge detection algorithms. This could be used to further improve fiducial detection by being able to at least recognise half of the circular fiducial shape. I spent some time trying to find ready code to use for camera pose estimation. There is most likely something available however this was put to one side until the control interface was working. Implementing an established pose estimation algorithm would produce more accurate values to be fed to the control feedback system. A large amount of work is needed on the control feedback system as it is nearly non-existent due to the lack of time remaining after managing to produce a working control interface too late in the project. It would also be good to see a finished black box version of the control interface with a surface mounted PCB. 45 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane References 1. microdrones GmbH: MD 4-200 System Features, 2008-05-01 2. microdrones GmbH: Description of PPM9_USART, 2007-10 3. Daily Mail: Police use remote-controlled drone to spy on crowd at V festival 8&in_page_id=1965, 2007-08-21 4. Telegraph: 'Microdrone', the police's tiny eye in the sky, 2008-03-08 5. “Estimation and Control of a Quadrotor Vehicle Using Monocular Vision and Moiré Patterns” Glenn P. Tournier, Mario Valenti, Jonathan P. How, and Eric Feron,, 2006-08 6. Abstract (page 1) 7. Figure 3 (page 3) 8. Moiré Target Overview (page 2) 9. “Six Degree of Freedom Estimation Using Monocular Vision and Moiré Patterns” Glenn P. Tournier,, 2006-06 10. Picture of the “Heli-Q” miniature helicopter 11. Picture of the “Walkera Dragonfly” helicopter 12. Picture of the “X3D-BL UFO” quadrocopter 13. Picture of the “Tri-Turbofan” blimp 14. Wikipedia: Quadrotor Flight Control, 2007-01-15 15. OpenCV Wiki: What is Open CV?, 2007-10-12 16. CvCam Manual: Introduction cvcam.rtf distributed with OpenCV, 2007 46 The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System 17. HighGUI Reference Manual: HighGUI overview, 2007-04-11 18. Ahmed Aichi’s SEP Homepage, 2007 19. Hammacher Schlemmer, 2008-05-03 20. Silverlit Toys Manufactory Ltd, 2007 21. Tom’s RC, 2007 22., 2007 47 Richard Lane The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Appendix A: Original Gantt Chart Appendix A - i Richard Lane The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Appendix A - ii Richard Lane The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Appendix B: Revised Gantt Chart Appendix B - i Richard Lane The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Appendix B - ii Richard Lane The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Appendix B - iii Richard Lane The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Appendix C: Vision and Control System Software Code aerial_platform.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // aerial_platform.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains various bits for aerial_platform project //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __AERIAL_PLATFORM_H__ #define __AERIAL_PLATFORM_H__ // Complile options //#define CONNECT_NETAPI //#define USE_UGV_EMULATION #define BCAST_LOCATION "C:/SEP_code/netAPI/" #define EMULATOR_EXE "C:/SEP_code/ugv_emulation/release/ugv_emulation.exe" //#define SEP_REPORT_ERRORS //#define PAUSE_ON_ENTER // Use to test individual frame //#define PROCESS_FRAME_TEST "C:/SEP_code/aerial_platform/test_frames/bw_320x240_led_perfect.bmp" //#define PROCESS_FRAME_TEST "C:/SEP_code/aerial_platform/test_frames/bw_320x240_led_speckled.bmp" //#define PROCESS_FRAME_TEST "C:/SEP_code/aerial_platform/test_frames/bw_320x240_led_noisy.bmp" //#define PROCESS_FRAME_TEST "C:/SEP_code/aerial_platform/test_frames/bw_320x240_3xled_noisy.bmp" //#define PROCESS_FRAME_TEST "C:/SEP_code/aerial_platform/test_frames/col_320x240_5xled_speckled.bmp" //#define PROCESS_FRAME_TEST "C:/SEP_code/aerial_platform/test_frames/col_320x240_led_real.jpg" //#define PROCESS_FRAME_TEST "C:/SEP_code/aerial_platform/test_frames/col_320x240_5xled_realish.jpg" //#define PROCESS_FRAME_TEST "C:/SEP_code/aerial_platform/test_frames/bw_720x576_5xled_very_noisy.bmp" //#define PROCESS_FRAME_TEST "C:/SEP_code/aerial_platform/test_frames/bw_720x576_odd_5xled_very_noisy.bmp" //#define PROCESS_FRAME_TEST "C:/SEP_code/aerial_platform/test_frames/bw_720x576_even_5xled_very_noisy.bmp" //#define PROCESS_FRAME_TEST "C:/SEP_code/aerial_platform/test_frames/bw_720x576_noisy_shapes.bmp" // KLT feature selection //#define PROCESS_KLT_FEATURE "C:/SEP_code/aerial_platform/test_frames/feature_320x240_testledboard_close.jpg" #define PROCESS_KLT_FEATURE "C:/SEP_code/aerial_platform/test_frames/feature_320x240_testledboard_mid.jpg" #define CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE //#define CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 #define COMM_STRING "\\\\.\\COM13" #define SC8000_COMM_PORT 3 #define #define #define #define CONTROL_CAMERA 1 CONTROL_CAMERA_WIDTH 720 CONTROL_CAMERA_HEIGHT 576 CONTROL_CAMERA_FPS 30.0 Appendix C - i The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane #define PROCESS_LEDS //#define PROCESS_EDGES //#define PROCESS_KLT #define CALL_OK 1 #define CALL_ERROR 0 #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define ERRORBIT_ACKNOWLEDGE 1 // 0x01 ERRORBIT_DECISIONERROR 2 // 0x02 ERRORBIT_PARTIALTRACKING 4 // 0x04 ERRORBIT_COMPLETETRACKING 8 // 0x08 ERRORBIT_INVALIDCOMMAND 16 // 0x10 ERRORBIT_BATTERYLOW 32 // 0x20 ERRORBIT_RESERVED1 64 // 0x40 ERRORBIT_RESERVED2 128 // 0x80 typedef enum { STATE_CLOSE, STATE_ERROR, STATE_INIT, STATE_PAUSED, STATE_RESUME, STATE_START, STATE_STOPPED } state_machine; #endif //__AERIAL_PLATFORM_H__ aerial_platform.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // aerial_platform.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains main() and procesing_callback() for control of the aerial // platform //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" "aerial_platform.h" "sep_uavcomms.h" "sep_cvcam.h" "sep_commands.h" "sep_uavcontrol.h" "sep_orientation.h" "cvcam.h" "highgui.h" #ifdef PROCESS_LEDS #include "sep_leds.h" #endif //ifdef PROCESS_LEDS #ifdef PROCESS_EDGES #include "sep_edges.h" #endif //ifdef PROCESS_EDGES #ifdef PROCESS_KLT #include "sep_klttracker.h" #endif //ifdef PROCESS_KLT void processing_callback(IplImage* image) { #ifdef PROCESS_LEDS #ifdef CONNECT_NETAPI static sepUAVComms callbackComms; if (callbackComms.commsConnected()) Appendix C - ii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane { #endif // ifdef CONNECT_NETAPI bool gotcommands(false); static sepLEDs callbackProcess; static sepOrientation callbackOrientation; static sepUAVControl callbackUAVControl; // error status bits static char callbackErrorBits(0); #ifdef CONNECT_NETAPI // check for target height message static double tempheight; if (callbackComms.commsCheck(tempheight)) { callbackErrorBits += ERRORBIT_ACKNOWLEDGE; callbackOrientation.SetTargetHeight(tempheight, callbackErrorBits); } #endif // ifdef CONNECT_NETAPI // 5 reference points from processing static CvPoint refpoints[5]; // commands from orientation // [0] Forward(+)/Backward(-), [1] Left(+)/Right(-) // [2] Up(+)/Down(-), [3] TurnLeft(-180->0)/TurnRight(0->180) static double controldirections[4]; // do processing and get ref points from first field callbackProcess.ProcessField(image, FIELD_ODD); callbackProcess.Get5RefPoints(refpoints); // calc orientation and get commands gotcommands = callbackOrientation.GetCommands(image, refpoints, controldirections); // if got valid commands proceed and send commands to UAV if (gotcommands) { // adapt values for grouping and distance thresholds callbackProcess.AdaptValues(callbackOrientation.GetMinDistance()); // send commands to uav // callbackUAVControl.SendCommands(controldirections); } else { // check orientation class for reportable errors callbackOrientation.GetErrors(callbackErrorBits); } // show control visualisation in video window callbackUAVControl.RefreshDisplay(image); #ifdef CONNECT_NETAPI // transmit status if needed if (callbackErrorBits) { callbackComms.commsSend(callbackErrorBits); callbackErrorBits = 0; } } #endif //ifdef CONNECT_NETAPI #endif //ifdef PROCESS_LEDS #ifdef PROCESS_EDGES static sepEdges callbackProcess; callbackProcess.ProcessFrame(image); #endif //ifdef PROCESS_EDGES Appendix C - iii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane #ifdef PROCESS_KLT static sepKLTTracker callbackProcess; callbackProcess.ProcessFrame(image); #endif //ifdef PROCESS_KLT } int main(int argc, char** argv) { #ifndef PROCESS_FRAME_TEST VidFormat controlformat = {CONTROL_CAMERA_WIDTH, CONTROL_CAMERA_HEIGHT, CONTROL_CAMERA_FPS}; sepCVCAM ControlCamera(CONTROL_CAMERA, controlformat, processing_callback); // enter main state machine state_machine current_state = STATE_INIT, next_state = STATE_INIT; while(current_state != STATE_CLOSE) { switch (current_state) { // init state case STATE_INIT: cvNamedWindow("control camera", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); if (ControlCamera.camInit( (HWND)cvGetWindowHandle("control camera")) == CALL_OK) { #ifdef PAUSE_ON_ENTER next_state = STATE_STOPPED; #else //ndef PAUSE_ON_ENTER next_state = STATE_START; #endif //PAUSE_ON_ENTER } else { next_state = STATE_ERROR; } break; // stopped state case STATE_STOPPED: command_line_in(current_state, next_state); break; // start state case STATE_START: ControlCamera.camStart(); #ifdef PAUSE_ON_ENTER next_state = STATE_PAUSED; #else //ndef PAUSE_ON_ENTER next_state = STATE_CLOSE; #endif //PAUSE_ON_ENTER break; // paused state case STATE_PAUSED: command_line_in(current_state, next_state); break; // resume state case STATE_RESUME: ControlCamera.camResume(); next_state = STATE_PAUSED; break; // close state case STATE_CLOSE: Appendix C - iv The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane #ifdef PAUSE_ON_ENTER ControlCamera.camKill(); cvDestroyWindow("control camera"); #else //ndef PAUSE_ON_ENTER cvDestroyWindow("control camera"); #endif //PAUSE_ON_ENTER break; // error state case STATE_ERROR: command_line_in(current_state, next_state); break; // default default: #if SEP_REPORT_ERRORS cerr << "state machine entered unknown state" << endl; #endif // SEP_REPORT_ERRORS next_state = STATE_ERROR; } current_state = next_state; } #else //PROCESS_FRAME_TEST IplImage* frame_in = cvLoadImage(PROCESS_FRAME_TEST, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); processing_callback(frame_in); cvNamedWindow("frame", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvShowImage("frame",frame_in); cvWaitKey(0); #endif //PROCESS_FRAME_TEST return 0; } sep_commands.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_commands.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains various bits for aerial_platform project //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __SEP_COMMANDS_H__ #define __SEP_COMMANDS_H__ #include "aerial_platform.h" int command_line_in(state_machine current_state, state_machine& next_state); #endif //__SEP_COMMANDS_H__ sep_commands.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_commands.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// Appendix C - v The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane // contains command_line_in() for reading user commands and changing // state accordingly //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "stdafx.h" #include "sep_commands.h" int command_line_in(state_machine current_state, state_machine& next_state) { char command_in; switch (current_state) { // in stopped state case STATE_STOPPED: cout << "input command (r = run, c = close)..."; cin >> command_in; switch (command_in) { case 'c': next_state = STATE_CLOSE; break; case 'r': next_state = STATE_START; break; default: #if SEP_REPORT_ERRORS cerr << "invalid input" << endl; #endif // SEP_REPORT_ERRORS return CALL_ERROR; } break; // in paused state case STATE_PAUSED: cout << "input command (r = resume, c = close)..."; cin >> command_in; switch (command_in) { case 'c': next_state = STATE_CLOSE; break; case 'r': next_state = STATE_RESUME; break; default: #if SEP_REPORT_ERRORS cerr << "invalid input" << endl; #endif // SEP_REPORT_ERRORS return CALL_ERROR; } break; // in error state case STATE_ERROR: cout << "input command (c = close)..."; cin >> command_in; switch (command_in) { case 'c': next_state = STATE_CLOSE; break; default: #if SEP_REPORT_ERRORS cerr << "invalid input" << endl; #endif // SEP_REPORT_ERRORS return CALL_ERROR; } Appendix C - vi The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane break; } return CALL_OK; } sep_cvcam.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_cvcam.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains prototype for sepCVCAM class //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __SEP_CVCAM_H__ #define __SEP_CVCAM_H__ #include "cvcam.h" #include "highgui.h" class sepCVCAM { public: sepCVCAM(int number, VidFormat format, void* callback); ~sepCVCAM(); int camInit(HWND window); int camStart(); int camPause(); int camResume(); int camKill(); private: sepCVCAM(){} int cam_number; VidFormat cam_format; HWND cam_window; void* cam_callback; }; #endif //__SEP_CVCAM_H__ sep_cvcam.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_cvcam.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains the sepCVCAM class for using cvcam for video input //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "stdafx.h" #include "sep_cvcam.h" #include "aerial_platform.h" sepCVCAM::sepCVCAM(int number, VidFormat format, void* callback) { // keep cvcam variables cam_number = number; cam_format = format; cam_callback = callback; } Appendix C - vii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System sepCVCAM::~sepCVCAM() { } int sepCVCAM::camInit(HWND window) { // set window handle cam_window = window; // check camera(s) exist if (!cvcamGetCamerasCount()) { cerr << "no cameras detected" << endl; return CALL_ERROR; } // set cvcam properties cvcamSetProperty(cam_number, CVCAM_PROP_ENABLE, CVCAMTRUE); cvcamSetProperty(cam_number, CVCAM_PROP_CALLBACK, cam_callback); cvcamSetProperty(cam_number, CVCAM_PROP_WINDOW, &cam_window); cvcamSetProperty(cam_number, CVCAM_PROP_SETFORMAT, &cam_format); // check cvcam initiated if (!cvcamInit()) { cerr << "error initiating cvcam" << endl; return CALL_ERROR; } else { cout << "cvcam initiated" << endl; return CALL_OK; } } int sepCVCAM::camStart() { // start cvcam cvcamStart(); #ifdef PAUSE_ON_ENTER cout << "cvcam started, press enter to pause" << endl; cvWaitKey(0); cvcamPause(); cout << "cvcam paused" << endl; #else //ndef PAUSE_ON_ENTER cout << "cvcam started" << endl; cvWaitKey(0); cvcamStop(); cvcamExit(); cout << "cvcam killed" << endl; #endif //PAUSE_ON_ENTER return CALL_OK; } int sepCVCAM::camPause() { // pause cvcam cvcamPause(); cout << "cvcam paused" << endl; return CALL_OK; } int sepCVCAM::camResume() { // resume cvcam and wait for keys cvcamResume(); cout << "cvcam resumed, press enter to pause" << endl; Appendix C - viii Richard Lane The University of Surrey } UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane cvWaitKey(0); cvcamPause(); cout << "cvcam paused" << endl; return CALL_OK; int sepCVCAM::camKill() { // stop and close cvcam cvcamStop(); cvcamExit(); cout << "cvcam killed" << endl; return CALL_OK; } sep_edges.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_edges.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains prototype for sepEdges class //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __SEP_EDGES_H__ #define __SEP_EDGES_H__ #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" #include "aerial_platform.h" class sepEdges { public: sepEdges(); ~sepEdges(); void ProcessFrame(IplImage* frameimage); private: CvSize imagesize; CvMemStorage* storage; IplImage* originalimage; IplImage* bwcopyimage; }; #endif //ndef __SEP_EDGES_H__ sep_edges.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_edges.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains the sepEdges class for detecting and tracking edges of UGV //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "stdafx.h" #include "sep_edges.h" // edges constructor sepEdges::sepEdges() Appendix C - ix The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane { } imagesize = cvSize(CONTROL_CAMERA_WIDTH,CONTROL_CAMERA_HEIGHT); bwcopyimage = cvCreateImage(imagesize,IPL_DEPTH_8U,1); storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); // edges deconstructor sepEdges::~sepEdges() { cvReleaseImage(&bwcopyimage); cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); } // processes image void sepEdges::ProcessFrame(IplImage *frameimage) { originalimage = frameimage; // convert to gray scale cvCvtColor(originalimage, bwcopyimage, CV_BGR2GRAY); // use cvcanny CvSeq* lines = 0; int linecount; cvCanny(bwcopyimage, bwcopyimage, 50, 200, 3); // use houghlines lines = cvHoughLines2(bwcopyimage, storage, CV_HOUGH_PROBABILISTIC, 1, CV_PI/180, 80, 30, 10); for(linecount = 0; linecount < lines->total; linecount++) { CvPoint* line = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(lines, linecount); cvLine(originalimage, line[0], line[1], CV_RGB(0,0,255), 2, 8); } } sep_klttracker.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_klttracker.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains prototype for sepKLTTracker class //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __SEP_KLTTRACKER_H__ #define __SEP_KLTTRACKER_H__ #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" #include "aerial_platform.h" #define FEATURES_TO_TRACK 500 class sepKLTTracker { public: sepKLTTracker(); ~sepKLTTracker(); void ProcessFrame(IplImage* frameimage); private: void ProcessFeature(void); CvSize imagesize; IplImage* originalimage; IplImage* bworiginalimage; IplImage* bwfeatureimage; IplImage* eigimage; Appendix C - x The University of Surrey IplImage* IplImage* IplImage* CvPoint2D32f int CvPoint2D32f CvSize CvTermCriteria char float UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane tempimage; pyramid1; pyramid2; featurefeatures[FEATURES_TO_TRACK]; numfeatures; framefeatures[FEATURES_TO_TRACK]; opticalflowwindow; opticalflowterminationcriteria; opticalflowfoundfeature[FEATURES_TO_TRACK]; opticalflowfeatureerror[FEATURES_TO_TRACK]; }; #endif //ndef __SEP_KLTTRACKER_H__ sep_klttracker.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_klttracker.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains the sepKLTTracker class for //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "stdafx.h" #include "sep_klttracker.h" // opticalflow constructor sepKLTTracker::sepKLTTracker(): imagesize(cvSize(CONTROL_CAMERA_WIDTH, CONTROL_CAMERA_HEIGHT)), opticalflowwindow(cvSize(2,2)), opticalflowterminationcriteria( cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.3)), numfeatures(FEATURES_TO_TRACK) { // create required images bworiginalimage = cvCreateImage(imagesize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); eigimage = cvCreateImage(imagesize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1); tempimage = cvCreateImage(imagesize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1); pyramid1 = cvCreateImage(imagesize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); pyramid2 = cvCreateImage(imagesize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); ProcessFeature(); } // opticalflow deconstructor sepKLTTracker::~sepKLTTracker() { cvReleaseImage(&bwfeatureimage); cvReleaseImage(&bworiginalimage); cvReleaseImage(&eigimage); cvReleaseImage(&tempimage); cvReleaseImage(&pyramid1); cvReleaseImage(&pyramid2); } // processes the feature frame void sepKLTTracker::ProcessFeature(void) { // find good features to track in feature image bwfeatureimage = cvLoadImage(PROCESS_KLT_FEATURE,0); cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(bwfeatureimage, eigimage, tempimage, featurefeatures, &numfeatures, 0.01, 0.01, NULL, 9, 0, 0.04); } // processes image Appendix C - xi The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane void sepKLTTracker::ProcessFrame(IplImage *frameimage) { // convert image to gray scale originalimage = frameimage; cvCvtColor(originalimage, bworiginalimage, CV_BGR2GRAY); // run optical flow algorithm cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(bwfeatureimage, bworiginalimage, pyramid1, pyramid2, featurefeatures, framefeatures, numfeatures, opticalflowwindow, 5, opticalflowfoundfeature, opticalflowfeatureerror, opticalflowterminationcriteria, 0 ); // visualise features in frame int featurecount; for(featurecount = 0; featurecount < numfeatures; featurecount++) { // if Pyramidal Lucas Kanade didn't really find the feature, skip it if (opticalflowfoundfeature[featurecount] == 0 ) continue; int linethickness(1); CvScalar linecolor(CV_RGB(255,0,0)); // get arrow for feature CvPoint p,q; double angle, hypotenuse; p.x = (int) featurefeatures[featurecount].x; p.y = (int) featurefeatures[featurecount].y; q.x = (int) framefeatures[featurecount].x; q.y = (int) framefeatures[featurecount].y; angle = atan2( (double) p.y - q.y, (double) p.x - q.x ); hypotenuse = sqrt( (double)((p.y - q.y)*(p.y - q.y) + (p.x - q.x)*(p.x - q.x)) ); // draw main line of arrow cvLine(originalimage, p, q, linecolor, linethickness, CV_AA, 0); // draw tip of arrow p.x = (int) (q.x + 9 * cos(angle + CV_PI / 4)); p.y = (int) (q.y + 9 * sin(angle + CV_PI / 4)); cvLine(originalimage, p, q, linecolor, linethickness, CV_AA, 0); p.x = (int) (q.x + 9 * cos(angle - CV_PI / 4)); p.y = (int) (q.y + 9 * sin(angle - CV_PI / 4)); cvLine(originalimage, p, q, linecolor, linethickness, CV_AA, 0); } } sep_leds.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_leds.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains prototype for sepLEDs class //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __SEP_LEDS_H__ #define __SEP_LEDS_H__ #include #include #include #include "cv.h" "highgui.h" "aerial_platform.h" <map> //#define DEBUG_SHOW_HISTOGRAM_INFO //#define DEBUG_SHOW_ORIENTATION_INFO //#define DEBUG_SHOW_LIKELIHOOD_INFO Appendix C - xii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane //#define DEBUG_SHOW_THRESHOLD_VALUES #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define SHOW_USEFUL_ONLY LIKELIHOOD_CIRCLE_WEIGHT 0.05 SIZE_HISTOGRAM_STEPS_START 25 SIZE_HISTOGRAM_STEP_JUMP 10 HISTOGRAM_REPETITIONS 2 ORIENTATION_ANGLE_VARIATION 20 PERCENT_OF_RED_PEAK 0.3 // 30% PERCENT_OF_WHITE_PEAK 0.05 // 5% DEFAULT_LED_REDTHRESHOLD 50 DEFAULT_LED_WHITETHRESHOLD 700 DEFAULT_LED_DISTTHRESHOLD 20 DEFAULT_LED_GROUPTHRESHOLD 20 LED_NUM_USED 5 // must be 5 or less #define #define #define #define #define FIELD_ODD 0 FIELD_EVEN 1 R_OFFSET 2 G_OFFSET 1 B_OFFSET 0 typedef struct _Led { CvPoint Position; int pixelcount; double likelihood; } LedDetails; typedef struct _LedOrientation { int LEDorigin; int LED1; int LED2; double likelihood; double angle; } LedOrientation; class sepLEDs { public: sepLEDs(); ~sepLEDs(); void ProcessField(IplImage* frame_image, int fieldin); void ClearField(int fieldin); void Get5RefPoints(CvPoint* ref_points); void AdaptValues(int min_distance); private: void ProcessFrame_ScanPixels(void); double ProcessFrame_PixelDist(int x_compare, int y_compare, int led_compare); void ProcessFrame_PickLeds(void); double TestCircle(CvPoint TestPoint); void SizeHistogram(void); void TestOrientation(void); double PointAngle(CvPoint Origin, CvPoint Point1, CvPoint Point2); int PixelValue(const char& charin); bool QuestionPixel_Useful(char& r, char& g, char& b); bool QuestionPixel_StrongRed(int& r, int& g, int& b); bool QuestionPixel_BrightWhite(int& r, int& g, int& b); char* AccessPixel(CvPoint pnt, IplImage* img); int processtype; IplImage* ImageData; int field; int peak_red; int peak_white; int adaptled_redthreshold; int adaptled_whitethreshold; int adaptled_distthreshold; int adaptled_groupthreshold; Appendix C - xiii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane LedDetails PrevLEDsFound[LED_NUM_USED]; LedDetails LEDsFound[LED_NUM_USED]; map<int,LedDetails> PossibleLeds; }; inline int sepLEDs::PixelValue(const char& charin) { // convert from 2's compliment values if (charin < 0) return (charin + 256); else return (charin); } inline bool sepLEDs::QuestionPixel_StrongRed(int& r, int& g, int& b) { if ((r-b-g) > adaptled_redthreshold) return true; else return false; } inline bool sepLEDs::QuestionPixel_BrightWhite(int& r, int& g, int& b) { if ((r+b+g) > adaptled_whitethreshold) return true; else return false; } inline char* sepLEDs::AccessPixel(CvPoint pnt, IplImage* img) { int pos = ((img->widthStep)*pnt.y) + ((img->nChannels)*pnt.x); return &img->imageData[pos]; } #endif //__SEP_LEDS_H__ sep_leds.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_leds.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains the sepLEDs class for processing frames from the // cvcam callback //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "stdafx.h" #include "sep_leds.h" #include "sep_utils.h" using namespace sep_utils; // processing constructor sepLEDs::sepLEDs() : adaptled_redthreshold(DEFAULT_LED_REDTHRESHOLD), adaptled_whitethreshold(DEFAULT_LED_WHITETHRESHOLD), adaptled_distthreshold(DEFAULT_LED_DISTTHRESHOLD), adaptled_groupthreshold(DEFAULT_LED_GROUPTHRESHOLD) { } // processing deconstructor sepLEDs::~sepLEDs(void) { } // chooses process method void sepLEDs::ProcessField(IplImage* frame_image, int fieldin) { field = fieldin; ImageData = frame_image; ProcessFrame_ScanPixels(); ProcessFrame_PickLeds(); Appendix C - xiv The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane } void sepLEDs::Get5RefPoints(CvPoint* ref_points) { // pass ref points out of sepLEDs class int refcount; for (refcount = 0; refcount < 5; refcount++) { ref_points[refcount] = LEDsFound[refcount].Position; // mark ref points on frame cvCircle(ImageData, LEDsFound[refcount].Position, 10, cvScalar(0,255,0,0), 2); } } void sepLEDs::ClearField(int fieldin) { int linepos; CvPoint testpoint; field = fieldin; // scan each line for (testpoint.y = field; testpoint.y < ImageData->height-1+field; testpoint.y += 2) { testpoint.x = 0; // scan each pixel in this line for (linepos = (ImageData->widthStep)*testpoint.y; linepos < (ImageData->widthStep)*(testpoint.y+1); linepos += ImageData->nChannels) { if ((PixelValue(AccessPixel (testpoint, ImageData)[R_OFFSET] != 255)) && (PixelValue(AccessPixel (testpoint, ImageData)[G_OFFSET] != 255)) && (PixelValue(AccessPixel (testpoint, ImageData)[B_OFFSET] != 255))) { AccessPixel(testpoint, ImageData)[R_OFFSET] = 0; AccessPixel(testpoint, ImageData)[G_OFFSET] = 0; AccessPixel(testpoint, ImageData)[B_OFFSET] = 0; } testpoint.x++; } } } void sepLEDs::ProcessFrame_ScanPixels(void) { int linepos, ledcount(0), closest[2], distance; CvPoint testpoint; bool pixeladded; PossibleLeds.clear(); // scan each line for (testpoint.y = field; testpoint.y < ImageData->height-1+field; testpoint.y += 2) { testpoint.x = 0; // scan each pixel in this line for (linepos = (ImageData->widthStep)*testpoint.y; linepos < (ImageData->widthStep)*(testpoint.y+1); linepos += ImageData->nChannels) { if (QuestionPixel_Useful(AccessPixel(testpoint, ImageData)[R_OFFSET], AccessPixel(testpoint, ImageData)[G_OFFSET], AccessPixel(testpoint, ImageData)[B_OFFSET])) { // check for close points already found Appendix C - xv The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane closest[1] = adaptled_distthreshold + 1; for (ledcount = 0; ledcount < PossibleLeds.size(); ledcount++) { distance = ProcessFrame_PixelDist(testpoint.x, testpoint.y, ledcount); if ((distance <= adaptled_distthreshold) && (distance < closest[1])) { closest[0] = ledcount; closest[1] = distance; } } // if close enought to one of the possibleleds if (closest[1] != adaptled_distthreshold + 1) { PossibleLeds[closest[0]].Position.x += testpoint.x; PossibleLeds[closest[0]].Position.y += testpoint.y; PossibleLeds[closest[0]].pixelcount += 1; } // if no points close enough add new else { // first line below automatically creates a // new entry in PossibleLeds PossibleLeds[PossibleLeds.size()].Position.x = testpoint.x; // size has now therefore changed hence -1 PossibleLeds[PossibleLeds.size()-1].Position.y = testpoint.y; PossibleLeds[PossibleLeds.size()-1].pixelcount = 1; PossibleLeds[PossibleLeds.size()-1].likelihood = 0.0; } } testpoint.x++; } } } bool sepLEDs::QuestionPixel_Useful(char& r, char& g, char& b) { int rcomp, gcomp, bcomp; rcomp = PixelValue(r); gcomp = PixelValue(g); bcomp = PixelValue(b); // check for peak values if (peak_red < (rcomp-bcomp-gcomp)) peak_red = (rcomp-bcomp-gcomp); if (peak_white < (rcomp+bcomp+gcomp)) peak_white = (rcomp+bcomp+gcomp); if (QuestionPixel_BrightWhite(rcomp, gcomp, bcomp)) { #ifdef SHOW_USEFUL_ONLY r = 255; g = 255; b = 255; #endif return true; } else if (QuestionPixel_StrongRed(rcomp, gcomp, bcomp)) { #ifdef SHOW_USEFUL_ONLY r = 255; g = 0; b = 0; #endif return true; } else Appendix C - xvi The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane { #ifdef SHOW_USEFUL_ONLY r = 0; g = 0; b = 0; #endif return false; } } double sepLEDs::ProcessFrame_PixelDist(int x_compare, int y_compare, int led_compare) { // get average from current values x_compare -= PossibleLeds[led_compare].Position.x / PossibleLeds[led_compare].pixelcount; y_compare -= PossibleLeds[led_compare].Position.y / PossibleLeds[led_compare].pixelcount; return DiagLength(y_compare, x_compare); } void sepLEDs::ProcessFrame_PickLeds(void) { int ledcount, pickedcount, leastlikely; double lowestlikelihood; // save previously picked LEDs for (ledcount = 0; ledcount < LED_NUM_USED; ledcount++) PrevLEDsFound[ledcount] = LEDsFound[ledcount]; // check some simple likelyness statistics for possible LEDs for (ledcount = 0; ledcount < PossibleLeds.size(); ledcount++) { // average x and y location values PossibleLeds[ledcount].Position.x /= PossibleLeds[ledcount].pixelcount; PossibleLeds[ledcount].Position.y /= PossibleLeds[ledcount].pixelcount; // check pixel count is over group threshold if (PossibleLeds[ledcount].pixelcount > adaptled_groupthreshold) PossibleLeds[ledcount].likelihood = 1.0; // test to see if shape is circlular PossibleLeds[ledcount].likelihood *= TestCircle(PossibleLeds[ledcount].Position); } // perform histogram on sizes SizeHistogram(); // check orientation of points TestOrientation(); #ifdef DEBUG_SHOW_LIKELIHOOD_INFO for (ledcount = 0; ledcount < PossibleLeds.size(); ledcount++) { cout << "[" << PossibleLeds[ledcount].Position.x << "," << PossibleLeds[ledcount].Position.y << "] pixels:" << PossibleLeds[ledcount].pixelcount << " lhood:" << PossibleLeds[ledcount].likelihood << endl; // mark possible points with size according to stats if ((int)(PossibleLeds[ledcount].likelihood*30.0) < 1) PossibleLeds[ledcount].likelihood = 0.05; cvCircle(ImageData, PossibleLeds[ledcount].Position, (int)(PossibleLeds[ledcount].likelihood*30.0), cvScalar(0,255,0,0), 2); } #endif //def DEBUG_SHOW_LIKELIHOOD_INFO // reset picked pixel count for (pickedcount = 0; pickedcount < LED_NUM_USED; pickedcount++) LEDsFound[pickedcount].likelihood = 0; // sort through possible leds for (ledcount = 0; ledcount < PossibleLeds.size(); ledcount++) { Appendix C - xvii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane // find lowest pixelcount so far lowestlikelihood = 1.1; for (pickedcount = 0; pickedcount < LED_NUM_USED; pickedcount++) { if (LEDsFound[pickedcount].likelihood < lowestlikelihood) { lowestlikelihood = LEDsFound[pickedcount].likelihood; leastlikely = pickedcount; } } // check to find if led is more likely to be useful than least likely if (PossibleLeds[ledcount].likelihood > lowestlikelihood) { LEDsFound[leastlikely] = PossibleLeds[ledcount]; } } } double sepLEDs::TestCircle(CvPoint TestPoint) { double up(0.0), down(0.0), left(0.0), right(0.0); double uleft(0.0), uright(0.0), dleft(0.0), dright(0.0); double likelyhoodcalc(1.0), temp, templength, avg; char* pixel; CvPoint test; int smallest; // adjust TestPoint to decide on field to use if ((field == FIELD_EVEN && (TestPoint.y % 2 == 0)) || (field == FIELD_ODD && (TestPoint.y % 2 != 0))) { TestPoint.y += 1; up -= 1; down += 1; } // scan up to find circle border for (test = TestPoint; test.y >= 0; up+=2.0) { pixel = AccessPixel(test, ImageData); if (PixelValue(pixel[R_OFFSET]) == 0) break; test.y -= 2.0; } // scan down to find circle border for (test = TestPoint; test.y < ImageData->height; down+=2.0) { pixel = AccessPixel(test, ImageData); if (PixelValue(pixel[R_OFFSET]) == 0) break; test.y += 2.0; } // scan left to find circle border for (test = TestPoint; test.x >= 0; left+=1.0) { pixel = AccessPixel(test, ImageData); if (PixelValue(pixel[R_OFFSET]) == 0) break; test.x -= 1.0; } // scan right to find circle border for (test = TestPoint; test.x < ImageData->width; right+=1.0) { pixel = AccessPixel(test, ImageData); if (PixelValue(pixel[R_OFFSET]) == 0) break; test.x += 1.0; } // scan up and left to find circle border for (test = TestPoint; (test.y >= 0) && (test.x >= 0); uleft+=2.0) Appendix C - xviii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane { pixel = AccessPixel(test, ImageData); if (PixelValue(pixel[R_OFFSET]) == 0) break; test.y -= 2.0; test.x -= 2.0; } // scan up and right to find circle border for (test = TestPoint; (test.y >= 0) && (test.x < ImageData->width); uright+=2.0) { pixel = AccessPixel(test, ImageData); if (PixelValue(pixel[R_OFFSET]) == 0) break; test.y -= 2.0; test.x += 2.0; } // scan down and right to find circle border for (test = TestPoint; (test.y < ImageData->height) && (test.x < ImageData->width); dright+=2.0) { pixel = AccessPixel(test, ImageData); if (PixelValue(pixel[R_OFFSET]) == 0) break; test.y += 2.0; test.x += 2.0; } // scan down and left to find circle border for (test = TestPoint; (test.y < ImageData->height) && (test.x >= 0); dleft+=2.0) { pixel = AccessPixel(test, ImageData); if (PixelValue(pixel[R_OFFSET]) == 0) break; test.y += 2.0; test.x -= 2.0; } // calc true diag values uright = DiagLength(uright,uright); uleft = DiagLength(uleft,uleft); dright = DiagLength(dright,dright); dleft = DiagLength(dleft,dleft); // calc average avg = (up + down + left + right + uleft + uright + dleft + dright) / 8.0; // check differences in up/right/left/down temp = ModDifference(up, right); temp += ModDifference(right, down); temp += ModDifference(down, left); temp += ModDifference(left, up); temp += ModDifference(down, up); temp += ModDifference(left, right); temp /= avg; likelyhoodcalc -= LIKELIHOOD_CIRCLE_WEIGHT*temp; // check differences in uleft/uright/dleft/dright temp = ModDifference(uright, uleft); temp += ModDifference(dright, uright); temp += ModDifference(dleft, dright); temp += ModDifference(uleft, dleft); temp += ModDifference(uleft, dright); temp += ModDifference(uright, dleft); temp /= avg; likelyhoodcalc -= LIKELIHOOD_CIRCLE_WEIGHT*temp; // compare up/right/left/down to diags temp = ModDifference(uright, up); temp += ModDifference(dright, right); temp += ModDifference(dleft, down); temp += ModDifference(uleft, left); temp += ModDifference(dright, up); temp += ModDifference(dleft, right); temp += ModDifference(uleft, down); temp += ModDifference(uright, left); temp /= avg; likelyhoodcalc -= 2*LIKELIHOOD_CIRCLE_WEIGHT*temp; Appendix C - xix The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane // make sure returned value is a min of 0 if (likelyhoodcalc < 0.0) likelyhoodcalc = 0.0; return likelyhoodcalc; } void sepLEDs::SizeHistogram(void) { int ledcount, value, maxvalue, prevvalue, hist, stepsize(SIZE_HISTOGRAM_STEPS_START); map<int,int> histogram; // perform two histograms for (hist = 0; hist < HISTOGRAM_REPETITIONS; hist++) { maxvalue = 0; prevvalue = 0; histogram.clear(); // sort through possible leds and create histogram for (ledcount = 0; ledcount < PossibleLeds.size(); ledcount++) { // ignore irrelivent possibleleds if (PossibleLeds[ledcount].likelihood != 0) { // find the group value for current pixel value = PossibleLeds[ledcount].pixelcount (PossibleLeds[ledcount].pixelcount % stepsize); if (value > maxvalue) maxvalue = value; // check it's not 0, ignoring 0 group if (value) { // add to histogram if (histogram.find(value) != histogram.end()) { histogram[value]++; } else { histogram[value] = 1; } } } } // scan through histogram for (value = 0; value <= maxvalue; value += stepsize) { // check histogram entry exists if (histogram.find(value) != histogram.end()) { #ifdef DEBUG_SHOW_HISTOGRAM_INFO cout << value << ": " << histogram[value] << endl; #endif //def DEBUG_SHOW_HISTOGRAM_INFO // cap histogram value at num of leds if (histogram[value] > LED_NUM_USED) histogram[value] = LED_NUM_USED; } } // sort through possible leds and create histogram for (ledcount = 0; ledcount < PossibleLeds.size(); ledcount++) { // find the group value for current pixel value = PossibleLeds[ledcount].pixelcount (PossibleLeds[ledcount].pixelcount % stepsize); // check histogram entry exists if (histogram.find(value) != histogram.end()) { PossibleLeds[ledcount].likelihood *= (double)histogram[value] / (double)LED_NUM_USED; } Appendix C - xx The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane } stepsize += SIZE_HISTOGRAM_STEP_JUMP; } } void sepLEDs::TestOrientation(void) { int ledcount, led1count, led2count, testcount(0), prevorigin(-1), tempcount; double tempangle, currentmax(0.0); map<int, LedOrientation> orientations; // sort through possible leds and calc orientations // reference possible LEDs for (ledcount = 0; ledcount < PossibleLeds.size(); ledcount++) { if (PossibleLeds[ledcount].likelihood > 0.0) { // possible LEDs 1 for (led1count = 0; led1count < PossibleLeds.size(); led1count++) { if ((PossibleLeds[led1count].likelihood > 0.0) && (ledcount != led1count)) { // possible LEDs 2 for (led2count = led1count; led2count < PossibleLeds.size(); led2count++) { if ((PossibleLeds[led2count].likelihood > 0.0) && (ledcount != led1count) && (ledcount != led2count)) { // calculate angle between two points // wrt reference point tempangle = PointAngle( PossibleLeds[ledcount].Position, PossibleLeds[led1count].Position, PossibleLeds[led2count].Position); if (((tempangle >= 180 – ORIENTATION_ANGLE_VARIATION) && (tempangle <= 180 + ORIENTATION_ANGLE_VARIATION)) || ((tempangle >= 90 – ORIENTATION_ANGLE_VARIATION) && (tempangle <= 90 + ORIENTATION_ANGLE_VARIATION))) { #ifdef DEBUG_SHOW_ORIENTATION_INFO cvLine(ImageData,PossibleLeds[ledcount].Position, PossibleLeds[led1count].Position,cvScalar(255,0,0),1); cvLine(ImageData,PossibleLeds[ledcount].Position, PossibleLeds[led2count].Position,cvScalar(255,0,0),1); #endif //def DEBUG_SHOW_ORIENTATION_INFO // keep calculations for later orientations[testcount].LED1 = led1count; orientations[testcount].LED2 = led2count; orientations[testcount].LEDorigin = ledcount; orientations[testcount].angle = tempangle; orientations[testcount].likelihood = 5 * PossibleLeds[ledcount].likelihood * PossibleLeds[led1count].likelihood * PossibleLeds[led2count].likelihood; testcount++; } Appendix C - xxi The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane } } } } } } // sort through orientations for (testcount = 0; testcount < orientations.size(); testcount++) { if (prevorigin == orientations[testcount].LEDorigin) { if (orientations[testcount].likelihood > currentmax) { currentmax = orientations[testcount].likelihood; tempcount = testcount; } } else if (prevorigin < 0) { prevorigin = orientations[testcount].LEDorigin; currentmax = orientations[testcount].likelihood; tempcount = testcount; } else { #ifdef DEBUG_SHOW_ORIENTATION_INFO cvLine(ImageData, PossibleLeds[orientations[tempcount].LEDorigin].Position, PossibleLeds[orientations[tempcount].LED1].Position, cvScalar(255,0,0),1); cvLine(ImageData, PossibleLeds[orientations[tempcount].LEDorigin].Position, PossibleLeds[orientations[tempcount].LED2].Position, cvScalar(255,0,0),1); cout << "[" << PossibleLeds[prevorigin].Position.x << "," << PossibleLeds[prevorigin].Position.y << "] angle:" << orientations[testcount].angle << " prev:" << PossibleLeds[prevorigin].likelihood << " new:" << (PossibleLeds[prevorigin].likelihood * currentmax) << endl; #endif //def DEBUG_SHOW_ORIENTATION_INFO PossibleLeds[prevorigin].likelihood = PossibleLeds[prevorigin].likelihood * currentmax; currentmax = orientations[testcount].likelihood; prevorigin = orientations[testcount].LEDorigin; } } } double sepLEDs::PointAngle(CvPoint Origin, CvPoint Point1, CvPoint Point2) { int pointcount; double doublex, doubley, doubleangle, doubleang[2]={0.0}; CvPoint Points[2]; Points[0] = Point1; Points[1] = Point2; // calculate angle for points for (pointcount = 0; pointcount < 2; pointcount++) { doublex = (double)(Origin.x - Points[pointcount].x); doubley = (double)(Origin.y - Points[pointcount].y); if ((doubley == 0.0) && (doublex >= 0.0)) doubleang[pointcount] = 0.0; else if ((doubley == 0.0) && (doublex < 0.0)) doubleang[pointcount] = 180.0; else if ((doublex == 0.0) && (doubley < 0.0)) doubleang[pointcount] = 90.0; else if ((doublex == 0.0) && (doubley > 0.0)) Appendix C - xxii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane doubleang[pointcount] = 270.0; else { doubleang[pointcount] = atan(doubley/doublex); doubleang[pointcount] = (doubleang[pointcount]*180)/PI; if ((doubley < 0) && (doublex > 0)) doubleang[pointcount] = 0.0 - doubleang[pointcount]; else if ((doubley > 0) && (doublex > 0)) doubleang[pointcount] = 360.0 - doubleang[pointcount]; else if ((doubley > 0) && (doublex < 0)) doubleang[pointcount] = 180.0 - doubleang[pointcount]; else if ((doubley < 0) && (doublex < 0)) doubleang[pointcount] = 180.0 - doubleang[pointcount]; } } doubleangle = ModDifference(doubleang[0],doubleang[1]); if (doubleangle > 180) doubleangle = 360 - doubleangle; return doubleangle; } void sepLEDs::AdaptValues(int min_distance) { // adapt distance and group thresholds if (min_distance == -1) { adaptled_distthreshold = DEFAULT_LED_DISTTHRESHOLD; adaptled_groupthreshold = DEFAULT_LED_GROUPTHRESHOLD; } else if (min_distance > 0) { //adaptled_distthreshold = min_distance / 3; //adaptled_groupthreshold = (min_distance / 5)^2; //if (adaptled_distthreshold < 5) adaptled_distthreshold = 5; //if (adaptled_groupthreshold < 2) adaptled_groupthreshold = 2; } // adapt red and white thresholds adaptled_redthreshold = peak_red (int)(peak_red * PERCENT_OF_RED_PEAK); // % of peak adaptled_whitethreshold = peak_white (int)(peak_white * PERCENT_OF_WHITE_PEAK); // % of peak peak_red = 0; peak_white = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_SHOW_THRESHOLD_VALUES cout << "Red:" << adaptled_redthreshold; cout << " White:" << adaptled_whitethreshold << endl; cout << "Distance: " << adaptled_distthreshold; cout << " Group: " << adaptled_groupthreshold <<endl; #endif //def DEBUG_SHOW_THRESHOLD_VALUES } sep_orientation.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_orientation.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains prototype for sepOrientation class //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __SEP_ORIENTATION_H__ #define __SEP_ORIENTATION_H__ #include "cv.h" //#define DEBUG_SHOW_PITCH_DATA Appendix C - xxiii The University of Surrey #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane HEIGHT_FACTOR 300.0 // num of diagonal pixels for 1 metre height MIN_FLYING_HEIGHT 0.5 // metres MAX_FLYING_HEIGHT 2.0 // metres NUM_REF_POINTS 5 NUM_PREVIOUS_POINTS 2 NUM_AVG_POINTS 50 GLITCH_THRESHOLD 50 GLITCH_PERCENT_THRESHOLD 20 PARTIAL_ERROR_THRESHOLD 5 COMPLETE_ERROR_THRESHOLD 5 typedef struct _Distance { int distance; int point1; int point2; } DistanceSort; class sepOrientation { public: sepOrientation(); ~sepOrientation(); void SetTargetHeight(const double& target, char& errors); bool GetCommands(IplImage* frame_image, CvPoint* ref_points_in, double* directions_return); int GetMinDistance(void); void GetErrors(char& errors); private: int CheckRefData(void); int CheckFrameGlitch(void); void FindCentre(void); void SortPoints(void); void FindDirection(void); void FindPitch(void); void FindHeight(void); void EstimateCentre(void); void ReturnDirections(double* directions); void FindMinDistance(void); int PointDistance(CvPoint point1, CvPoint point2); double PointAngle(CvPoint refpoint, CvPoint point1); IplImage* ImageData; CvPoint* RefData; CvPoint CentrePoint; int next_saved_point; CvPoint PreviousPoints[NUM_PREVIOUS_POINTS]; CvPoint ActualCentrePoint[NUM_AVG_POINTS]; double ortn_direction; double ortn_frontbackpitch; // (+)front (-)back double ortn_leftrightpitch; // (+)left (-)right double ortn_height; double target_height; int sortedpoints[NUM_REF_POINTS]; int min_distance; int error_glitchcount; int error_partialcount; int error_completecount; }; #endif //__SEP_ORIENTATION_H__ sep_orientation.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_orientation.cpp Appendix C - xxiv The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains the sepOrientation class for calculating orientation of // fixed points to the camera //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "stdafx.h" #include "math.h" #include "aerial_platform.h" #include "sep_orientation.h" #include "sep_utils.h" using namespace sep_utils; sepOrientation::sepOrientation() : next_saved_point(-NUM_PREVIOUS_POINTS), target_height(1.0) { } sepOrientation::~sepOrientation() { } void sepOrientation::SetTargetHeight(const double& target, char& errors) { // check height is within limits if ((target < MIN_FLYING_HEIGHT) || (target > MAX_FLYING_HEIGHT)) // set invalid command error bit errors += ERRORBIT_INVALIDCOMMAND; else // set new target height target_height = target; } bool sepOrientation::GetCommands(IplImage* frame_image, CvPoint* ref_points_in, double* directions_return) { ImageData = frame_image; RefData = ref_points_in; // check for valid ref data if (CheckRefData() == CALL_OK) { FindCentre(); SortPoints(); FindDirection(); // check for frame glitch if (CheckFrameGlitch() == CALL_OK) { FindPitch(); FindHeight(); //EstimateCentre(); ReturnDirections(directions_return); return true; } else { return false; } } else { FindMinDistance(); return false; } } Appendix C - xxv The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane int sepOrientation::GetMinDistance(void) { return min_distance; } // set relevent error bits for loss of tracking void sepOrientation::GetErrors(char& errors) { if (error_completecount >= COMPLETE_ERROR_THRESHOLD) { errors += ERRORBIT_COMPLETETRACKING; } else if ((error_partialcount + error_glitchcount) >= PARTIAL_ERROR_THRESHOLD) { errors += ERRORBIT_PARTIALTRACKING; } } // check input ref data is valid int sepOrientation::CheckRefData(void) { int pointcount, datamissing(0); bool dataout(false); for (pointcount = 0; pointcount < NUM_REF_POINTS; pointcount++) { if ((RefData[pointcount].x == -1) || (RefData[pointcount].y == -1)) datamissing++; else if ((RefData[pointcount].x < 0) || (RefData[pointcount].y < 0) || (RefData[pointcount].x > CONTROL_CAMERA_WIDTH) || (RefData[pointcount].y > CONTROL_CAMERA_HEIGHT)) dataout = true; } if (datamissing) { if (datamissing == 5) error_completecount++; else error_partialcount++; #if SEP_REPORT_ERRORS cerr << datamissing << " ref point(s) missing" << endl; #endif // SEP_REPORT_ERRORS return CALL_ERROR; } else if (dataout) { #if SEP_REPORT_ERRORS cerr << "ref point data out of bounds" << endl; #endif // SEP_REPORT_ERRORS return CALL_ERROR; } else { error_partialcount = 0; error_completecount = 0; return CALL_OK; } } // return calculated direction commands // [0] Forward(+)/Backward(-), [1] Left(+)/Right(-) // [2] Up(+)/Down(-), [3] TurnLeft(-180->0)/TurnRight(0->180) void sepOrientation::ReturnDirections(double* directions) { // set up/down directions[2] = target_height - ortn_height; // set turn left/right if (ortn_direction > 180.0) directions[3] = 360.0 - ortn_direction; Appendix C - xxvi The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane else directions[3] = 0.0 - ortn_direction; // set forward/backward // set left/right } // check orientation data for frame glitch int sepOrientation::CheckFrameGlitch(void) { // fill previous points for first time if (next_saved_point < 0) { PreviousPoints[next_saved_point + NUM_PREVIOUS_POINTS] = CentrePoint; next_saved_point++; #ifndef PROCESS_FRAME_TEST return CALL_ERROR; #else return CALL_OK; #endif } // compare average of previous points to current point else { // calculate average CvPoint AvgPoint = {0,0}; int pointcount; for (pointcount = 0; pointcount < NUM_PREVIOUS_POINTS; pointcount++) { AvgPoint.x += PreviousPoints[pointcount].x; AvgPoint.y += PreviousPoints[pointcount].y; } AvgPoint.x /= NUM_PREVIOUS_POINTS; AvgPoint.y /= NUM_PREVIOUS_POINTS; // add new value to previous points array PreviousPoints[next_saved_point++] = CentrePoint; if (next_saved_point >= NUM_PREVIOUS_POINTS) next_saved_point = 0; // compare if ((PointDistance(AvgPoint, CentrePoint) < GLITCH_THRESHOLD) && PercentageThreshold(PointDistance(RefData[sortedpoints[1]], CentrePoint), PointDistance(RefData[sortedpoints[4]], CentrePoint), GLITCH_PERCENT_THRESHOLD) && PercentageThreshold(PointDistance(RefData[sortedpoints[2]], CentrePoint), PointDistance(RefData[sortedpoints[3]], CentrePoint), GLITCH_PERCENT_THRESHOLD)) { return CALL_OK; } else { error_glitchcount++; #if SEP_REPORT_ERRORS cerr << "frame glitch detected" << endl; #endif // SEP_REPORT_ERRORS return CALL_ERROR; } } } // find center of point and draw onto image void sepOrientation::FindCentre(void) { int pointcount; CentrePoint.x = 0; CentrePoint.y = 0; for (pointcount = 0; pointcount < NUM_REF_POINTS; pointcount++) Appendix C - xxvii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane { CentrePoint.x += RefData[pointcount].x; CentrePoint.y += RefData[pointcount].y; } CentrePoint.x /= NUM_REF_POINTS; CentrePoint.y /= NUM_REF_POINTS; cvCircle(ImageData, CentrePoint, 5, cvScalar(255,0,0,0), 2); } void sepOrientation::SortPoints(void) { DistanceSort Distances[NUM_REF_POINTS*NUM_REF_POINTS], Least[2], Most[4]; int pointcount, pointcount2, sortcount(0); double refangle, tempangle; // workout distances between points for (pointcount = 0; pointcount < NUM_REF_POINTS; pointcount++) { for (pointcount2 = pointcount+1; pointcount2 < NUM_REF_POINTS; pointcount2++) { Distances[sortcount].distance = PointDistance(RefData[pointcount], RefData[pointcount2]); Distances[sortcount].point1 = pointcount; Distances[sortcount].point2 = pointcount2; sortcount++; } } // find least distances and therefore point 0 Least[0].distance = CONTROL_CAMERA_WIDTH*CONTROL_CAMERA_HEIGHT; Least[1].distance = CONTROL_CAMERA_WIDTH*CONTROL_CAMERA_HEIGHT; for (pointcount = 0; pointcount < sortcount; pointcount++) { if (Distances[pointcount].distance < Least[0].distance) { if (Least[1].distance > Least[0].distance) { Least[1] = Distances[pointcount]; } else { Least[0] = Distances[pointcount]; } } else if (Distances[pointcount].distance < Least[1].distance) { Least[1] = Distances[pointcount]; } } if ((Least[0].point1 == Least[1].point1) || (Least[0].point1 == Least[1].point2)) sortedpoints[0] = Least[0].point1; else if ((Least[0].point2 == Least[1].point1) || (Least[0].point2 == Least[1].point2)) sortedpoints[0] = Least[0].point2; (Least[0].distance < Least[1].distance) ? (min_distance = Least[0].distance) : min_distance = Least[1].distance; // use angles to sort points 1 to 4 refangle = PointAngle(CentrePoint, RefData[sortedpoints[0]]); for (pointcount = 0; pointcount < NUM_REF_POINTS; pointcount++) { if (pointcount != sortedpoints[0]) { tempangle = PointAngle(CentrePoint, RefData[pointcount]); tempangle -= refangle; Appendix C - xxviii The University of Surrey } UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane if (tempangle < 0) tempangle += 360; if ((tempangle >= 180) && (tempangle < 270)) sortedpoints[3] = pointcount; if ((tempangle >= 270) && (tempangle < 360)) sortedpoints[4] = pointcount; if ((tempangle >= 0) && (tempangle < 90)) sortedpoints[1] = pointcount; if ((tempangle >= 90) && (tempangle < 180)) sortedpoints[2] = pointcount; } } // find angle direction from center and draw line to point 0 void sepOrientation::FindDirection(void) { CvPoint MidLine = {0,0}; MidLine.y = CentrePoint.y; ortn_direction = PointAngle(CentrePoint, RefData[sortedpoints[0]]); cvLine(ImageData, CentrePoint, RefData[sortedpoints[0]], cvScalar(255,0,0,0), 2); cvLine(ImageData, CentrePoint, MidLine, cvScalar(255,0,0,0), 2); } // find pitch of UAV relative to UGV void sepOrientation::FindPitch(void) { CvScalar Green = {0,255,0,0}, Red = {0,0,255,0}; // left/right pitch ortn_leftrightpitch = (double) (PointDistance(RefData[sortedpoints[1]],RefData[sortedpoints[2]]) - PointDistance(RefData[sortedpoints[3]],RefData[sortedpoints[4]])); if (ortn_leftrightpitch > 0.0) { cvLine(ImageData, RefData[sortedpoints[1]], RefData[sortedpoints[2]], Red, 2); cvLine(ImageData, RefData[sortedpoints[3]], RefData[sortedpoints[4]], Green, 2); } else { cvLine(ImageData, RefData[sortedpoints[3]], RefData[sortedpoints[4]], Red, 2); cvLine(ImageData, RefData[sortedpoints[1]], RefData[sortedpoints[2]], Green, 2); } // front/back pitch ortn_frontbackpitch = (double) (PointDistance(RefData[sortedpoints[3]],RefData[sortedpoints[2]]) - PointDistance(RefData[sortedpoints[1]],RefData[sortedpoints[4]])); if (ortn_frontbackpitch > 0.0) { cvLine(ImageData, RefData[sortedpoints[3]], RefData[sortedpoints[2]], Red, 2); cvLine(ImageData, RefData[sortedpoints[1]], RefData[sortedpoints[4]], Green, 2); } else { cvLine(ImageData, RefData[sortedpoints[1]], RefData[sortedpoints[4]], Red, 2); cvLine(ImageData, RefData[sortedpoints[3]], RefData[sortedpoints[2]], Green, 2); } #ifdef DEBUG_SHOW_PITCH_DATA //cout << "LR:" << ortn_leftrightpitch << " FB:" << ortn_frontbackpitch << endl; #endif //def DEBUG_SHOW_PITCH_DATA } Appendix C - xxix The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane // calculate height from distance between point void sepOrientation::FindHeight(void) { // calc avg diagonal distance double avg; avg = PointDistance(RefData[sortedpoints[1]],RefData[sortedpoints[3]]); avg += PointDistance(RefData[sortedpoints[2]],RefData[sortedpoints[4]]); avg /= 2; // calc height using height factor ortn_height = HEIGHT_FACTOR / avg; } // estimate actual centre from avg point and pitch void sepOrientation::EstimateCentre(void) { // add next point to array static int nextpoint(0); ActualCentrePoint[nextpoint].x = CentrePoint.x;// - 40*ortn_frontbackpitch; ActualCentrePoint[nextpoint].y = CentrePoint.y;// - 40*ortn_leftrightpitch; nextpoint++; if (nextpoint == NUM_AVG_POINTS) nextpoint = 0; // find average CvPoint AvgCentrePoint = {0,0}; int pointcount; for (pointcount = 0; pointcount < NUM_AVG_POINTS; pointcount++) { AvgCentrePoint.x += ActualCentrePoint[pointcount].x; AvgCentrePoint.y += ActualCentrePoint[pointcount].y; } AvgCentrePoint.x /= NUM_AVG_POINTS; AvgCentrePoint.y /= NUM_AVG_POINTS; } // draw circle cvCircle(ImageData, AvgCentrePoint, 5, cvScalar(255,0,0,0), 2); // calculates the distance between two points int sepOrientation::PointDistance(CvPoint point1, CvPoint point2) { double doublex, doubley, doublesqrt; doublex = (double)(point1.x - point2.x); doubley = (double)(point1.y - point2.y); doublesqrt = (doublex*doublex) + (doubley*doubley); return (int)sqrt(doublesqrt); } // calculates the angle of one point to another double sepOrientation::PointAngle(CvPoint refpoint, CvPoint point1) { double doublex, doubley, doubleang(0.0); doublex = (double)(refpoint.x - point1.x); doubley = (double)(refpoint.y - point1.y); if ((doubley == 0.0) && (doublex >= 0.0)) { doubleang = 0.0; } else if ((doubley == 0.0) && (doublex < 0.0)) { doubleang = 180.0; } else if ((doublex == 0.0) && (doubley < 0.0)) { doubleang = 90.0; } else if ((doublex == 0.0) && (doubley > 0.0)) Appendix C - xxx The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane { doubleang = 270.0; } else { doubleang = atan(doubley/doublex); doubleang = (doubleang*180)/PI; if ((doubley < 0) && (doublex > 0)) doubleang = 0.0 - doubleang; else if ((doubley > 0) && (doublex > 0)) doubleang = 360.0 - doubleang; else if ((doubley > 0) && (doublex < 0)) doubleang = 180.0 - doubleang; else if ((doubley < 0) && (doublex < 0)) doubleang = 180.0 - doubleang; } } return doubleang; void sepOrientation::FindMinDistance(void) { int pointcount, pointcount2, tempdistance, usefulpoints(0); min_distance = CONTROL_CAMERA_WIDTH*CONTROL_CAMERA_HEIGHT; // workout min distance between points for (pointcount = 0; pointcount < NUM_REF_POINTS; pointcount++) { for (pointcount2 = pointcount+1; pointcount2 < NUM_REF_POINTS; pointcount2++) { if ((RefData[pointcount].x >= 0) && (RefData[pointcount].y >= 0) && (RefData[pointcount2].x >= 0) && (RefData[pointcount2].y >= 0)) { tempdistance = PointDistance(RefData[pointcount], RefData[pointcount2]); if (tempdistance < min_distance) min_distance = tempdistance; } } if ((RefData[pointcount].x >= 0) && (RefData[pointcount].y >= 0)) usefulpoints++; } if (usefulpoints == 0) min_distance = -1; if (usefulpoints == 1) min_distance = 0; } sep_uavcomms.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_uavcomms.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains prototype for sepUAVComms class //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __SEP_UAVCOMMS_H__ #define __SEP_UAVCOMMS_H__ #include "TCPLink.h" #include "aerial_platform.h" //#define DEBUG_SHOW_COMMS_TRANSLATION #ifdef USE_UGV_EMULATION #define LOCAL_PORT 2001 #define REMOTE_PORT 2000 #define CHANNEL_TO_UAV "to_uav" #define CHANNEL_TO_UGV "to_ugv" #define LOCAL_ADDRESS "uav_machine" #define REMOTE_ADDRESS "ugv_machine" Appendix C - xxxi The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane #else //ifndef USE_UGV_EMULATION #define LOCAL_PORT 6200 #define REMOTE_PORT 6000 #define CHANNEL_TO_UAV "ugv_to_uav" #define CHANNEL_TO_UGV "uav_to_ugv" #define LOCAL_ADDRESS "uav_system" #define REMOTE_ADDRESS "DECISION" #endif //USE_UGV_EMULATION class sepUAVComms { public: sepUAVComms(); ~sepUAVComms(void); bool commsConnected(void); void commsSend(char statusbits); bool commsCheck(double& passheight); private: bool commsInit(void); bool startEmulator(void); bool connected; bool inittried; bool initfailed; int local_port; int remote_port; string channel_to_uav; string channel_to_ugv; string local_address; string remote_address; TCPLink* connection_to_ugv; TCPLink* connection_from_ugv; }; #endif //__SEP_UAVCOMMS_H__ sep_uavcomms.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_uavcomms.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains the sepUAVComms class for communicating between UAV decision // system and UGV decision systems, using netAPI //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "stdafx.h" #include "sep_uavcomms.h" #include "util.h" sepUAVComms::sepUAVComms(void) : connected(false), inittried(false), initfailed(false) { } sepUAVComms::~sepUAVComms() { // if connections exist delete them if (connection_to_ugv) delete connection_to_ugv; if (connection_from_ugv) delete connection_from_ugv; } bool sepUAVComms::commsInit(void) Appendix C - xxxii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane { inittried = true; #ifdef USE_UGV_EMULATION // use values for ugv emulation local_port = LOCAL_PORT; remote_port = REMOTE_PORT; channel_to_uav = CHANNEL_TO_UAV; channel_to_ugv = CHANNEL_TO_UGV; local_address = LOCAL_ADDRESS; remote_address = REMOTE_ADDRESS; #else //ifndef USE_UGV_EMULATION char usedefault; // ask if you want to use default testing values cout << "would you like to use default values for netAPI (y/n)? "; cin >> usedefault; if ((usedefault == 'y') || (usedefault == 'Y')) { // use default values local_port = LOCAL_PORT; remote_port = REMOTE_PORT; channel_to_uav = CHANNEL_TO_UAV; channel_to_ugv = CHANNEL_TO_UGV; local_address = LOCAL_ADDRESS; remote_address = REMOTE_ADDRESS; } else { // input non default values cout << "input setup values..." << endl; cout << " local port: "; cin >> local_port; cout << " input channel name: "; cin >> channel_to_ugv; cout << " local address: "; cin >> local_address; cout << " remote port: "; cin >> remote_port; cout << " output channel name: "; cin >> channel_to_uav; cout << " remote address: "; cin >> remote_address; } #endif //def USE_UGV_EMULATION // initiate TCPLink TCPLink::Load(local_port, local_address, _on, BCAST_LOCATION); connection_to_ugv = new TCPLink(channel_to_ugv, remote_port, remote_address); connection_from_ugv = new TCPLink(channel_to_uav, remote_port, remote_address); if (connection_to_ugv && connection_from_ugv) { cout << "netAPI initilised, attempting to connect..." << endl; #ifdef USE_UGV_EMULATION #ifdef EMULATOR_EXE return startEmulator(); #else return true; #endif //def EMULATOR_EXE #else return true; #endif //def USE_UGV_EMULATION } else { initfailed = true; cerr << "Error: unable to initialise netAPI" << endl; Appendix C - xxxiii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane return false; } } bool sepUAVComms::startEmulator(void) { // run emulator automatically if (util::ExecuteProcess(EMULATOR_EXE, "", 0, true)) { cerr << "Error: unable to execute " << EMULATOR_EXE << endl; return false; } else { cout << "UGV emulator started" << endl; return true; } } bool sepUAVComms::commsConnected(void) { if (connected) return true; else if (initfailed) return false; else if (!inittried) { commsInit(); return false; } else if ((*connection_to_ugv).isConnected() && (*connection_from_ugv).isConnected()) { connected = true; TCPLink::AllConnected(); cout << "connections established" << endl; return true; } else return false; } void sepUAVComms::commsSend(char statusbits) { (*connection_to_ugv) << statusbits << endl; (*connection_to_ugv).Send(); #ifdef DEBUG_SHOW_COMMS_TRANSLATION cout << "Message sent: " << endl; if ((statusbits & ERRORBIT_ACKNOWLEDGE) == ERRORBIT_ACKNOWLEDGE) cout << " - Acknowledgment" << endl; if ((statusbits & ERRORBIT_DECISIONERROR) == ERRORBIT_DECISIONERROR) cout << " - Decision error" << endl; if ((statusbits & ERRORBIT_PARTIALTRACKING) == ERRORBIT_PARTIALTRACKING) cout << " - Partial racking loss" << endl; if ((statusbits & ERRORBIT_COMPLETETRACKING) == ERRORBIT_COMPLETETRACKING) cout << " - Complete tracking loss" << endl; if ((statusbits & ERRORBIT_INVALIDCOMMAND) == ERRORBIT_INVALIDCOMMAND) cout << " - Invalid command" << endl; if ((statusbits & ERRORBIT_BATTERYLOW) == ERRORBIT_BATTERYLOW) cout << " - Battery low" << endl; if ((statusbits & ERRORBIT_RESERVED1) == ERRORBIT_RESERVED1) cout << " - Reserved bit1" << endl; if ((statusbits & ERRORBIT_RESERVED2) == ERRORBIT_RESERVED2) cout << " - Reserved bit1" << endl; #endif //def DEBUG_SHOW_COMMS_TRANSLATION } Appendix C - xxxiv The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane bool sepUAVComms::commsCheck(double& passheight) { if ((*connection_from_ugv).Receipt()) { (*connection_from_ugv) >> passheight; cout << "Target height recieved: " << passheight << endl; (*connection_from_ugv).FreeInputBuf(); return true; } else return false; } sep_uavcontrol.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_uavcontrol.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains prototype for sepUAVContol class //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __SEP_UAVCONTROL_H__ #define __SEP_UAVCONTROL_H__ #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" #include "aerial_platform.h" #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 // set values for SC-8000 #define SC8_COMM_PORT 1 #define SC8_SERVO_MASK (unsigned char)15 #define SC8_DIO_MASK (char)'0' // servo values for use with Hitec Laser 6 RC transmitter #define AXIS_THROTTLE 2 #define AXIS_YAW 3 #define AXIS_PITCH 0 #define AXIS_ROLL 1 #define THROTTLE_OFF 8000 #define THROTTLE_MAX 22000 #define THROTTLE_STEP 1400 #define YAW_LEFTMAX 8000 #define YAW_MID 15000 #define YAW_RIGHTMAX 22000 #define YAW_STEP 1000 #define PITCH_BACKWARDMAX 8000 #define PITCH_MID 15000 #define PITCH_FORWARDMAX 22000 #define PITCH_STEP 1000 #define ROLL_LEFTMAX 8000 #define ROLL_MID 15000 #define ROLL_RIGHTMAX 22000 #define ROLL_STEP 1000 #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE #include "Serial.h" // servo values for use with Original X-UFO transmitter // DAC range min=0x000, max=0xFFF #define BIT_THROTTLE 0x20 #define BIT_YAW 0x10 #define BIT_PITCH 0x40 #define BIT_ROLL 0x80 Appendix C - xxxv The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane #define AXIS_THROTTLE 1 #define AXIS_YAW 0 #define AXIS_PITCH 2 #define AXIS_ROLL 3 #define SERVO_STEPS 10 #define THROTTLE_OFF 0 #define THROTTLE_MAX 2500 #define THROTTLE_STEP (THROTTLE_MAX-THROTTLE_OFF)/SERVO_STEPS #define YAW_LEFTMAX 0 #define YAW_MID (YAW_RIGHTMAX-YAW_LEFTMAX)/2 #define YAW_RIGHTMAX 2500 #define YAW_STEP (YAW_RIGHTMAX-YAW_LEFTMAX)/SERVO_STEPS #define PITCH_BACKWARDMAX 0 #define PITCH_MID (PITCH_FORWARDMAX-PITCH_BACKWARDMAX)/2 #define PITCH_FORWARDMAX 2500 #define PITCH_STEP (PITCH_FORWARDMAX-PITCH_BACKWARDMAX)/SERVO_STEPS #define ROLL_LEFTMAX 0 #define ROLL_MID (ROLL_RIGHTMAX-ROLL_LEFTMAX)/2 #define ROLL_RIGHTMAX 2500 #define ROLL_STEP (ROLL_RIGHTMAX-ROLL_LEFTMAX)/SERVO_STEPS #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE class sepUAVControl { public: sepUAVControl(void); ~sepUAVControl(); void SendCommands(double* directions_in); void RefreshDisplay(IplImage* MainImg); inline bool InitOK(void){return initok;} void controlInit(void); private: bool InterpretDirections(double* directions_in); void ConvertServoValues(void); void SendServoValues(void); IplImage* ControlImage; double control_throttle; double control_yaw; double control_pitch; double control_roll; bool initok; #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 unsigned short servo_values[4]; int boardnumber; int commnumber; #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE CSerial serial; int servo_values[4]; #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE }; #endif //__SEP_UAVCONTROL_H__ sep_uavcontrol.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_uavcontrol.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains the sepUAVControl class for sending control signals //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "stdafx.h" Appendix C - xxxvi The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System #include "sep_uavcontrol.h" #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 #define _USE_DLL // for TTiSC8VC #define __WIN32__ #include "TTiSC8VC.h" #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE // send serial data out int send_serial(CSerial& serial, int* valuesin, int axis, int axisbit) { char transmit[2]; long error; // ready values transmit[1] = valuesin[axis] & 0xFF; // lower byte transmit[0] = (valuesin[axis] & 0xF00)/256; // upper byte transmit[0] += axisbit; // channel number //transmit header error = serial.Write("iu"); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) cerr << "Unable to send data" << endl; else { //transmit data error = serial.Write(transmit, 2); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) cerr << "Unable to send data" << endl; } if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) return 0; else return 1; } #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE sepUAVControl::sepUAVControl(void) { #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 boardnumber = 0; commnumber = SC8000_COMM_PORT; #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 controlInit(); } sepUAVControl::~sepUAVControl() { #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 //SC8_CleanUP(boardnumber); // NOTE: ^ should be using this but gives unresolved external // symbol error during compile for some reason #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE // close comm port serial.Close(); #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE } void sepUAVControl::SendCommands(double* directions_in) { // take directions in and interpret to control values if (InterpretDirections(directions_in)) { // continue to send servo values if sc8 present if (initok) Appendix C - xxxvii Richard Lane The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane { // convert control values to servo values ConvertServoValues(); // send servo values SendServoValues(); } } } void sepUAVControl::RefreshDisplay(IplImage* MainImg) { // draw control visualisation box cvRectangle(MainImg, cvPoint(MainImg->width - 101, MainImg->height - 201), cvPoint(MainImg->width - 1, MainImg->height - 1), cvScalar(0,0,100), CV_FILLED); cvRectangle(MainImg, cvPoint(MainImg->width - 101, MainImg->height - 201), cvPoint(MainImg->width - 1, MainImg->height - 1), cvScalar(200,200,200), 2); // draw circles cvCircle(MainImg, cvPoint(MainImg->width - 51, MainImg->height - 151), 10, cvScalar(255, 255, 255), 1); cvCircle(MainImg, cvPoint(MainImg->width - 51, MainImg->height - 51), 10, cvScalar(255, 255, 255), 1); // draw lines cvLine(MainImg, cvPoint(MainImg->width - 51, MainImg->height - 51), cvPoint(MainImg->width - 51 - 5*control_throttle + 20, MainImg->height – 51), cvScalar(255, 255, 255), 2); cvLine(MainImg, cvPoint(MainImg->width - 51, MainImg->height - 51), cvPoint(MainImg->width - 51, MainImg->height - 51 + 5*control_yaw), cvScalar(255, 255, 255), 2); cvLine(MainImg, cvPoint(MainImg->width - 51, MainImg->height - 151), cvPoint(MainImg->width - 51 - 5*control_pitch, MainImg->height - 151), cvScalar(255, 255, 255), 2); cvLine(MainImg, cvPoint(MainImg->width - 51, MainImg->height - 151), cvPoint(MainImg->width - 51, MainImg->height - 151 - 5*control_roll), cvScalar(255, 255, 255), 2); } void sepUAVControl::controlInit(void) { #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 boardnumber = SC8_Initialize(boardnumber, commnumber); if (!boardnumber) { #if SEP_REPORT_ERRORS cerr << "error initiating sc8" << endl; #endif // SEP_REPORT_ERRORS initok = false; } else { cout << "sc8 initiated" << endl; initok = true; } #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE // initiate serial control long error; // attempt to open the serial port //error = serial.Open(_T(COMM_STRING),0,0,false); error = serial.Open((COMM_STRING),0,0,false); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { #if SEP_REPORT_ERRORS cerr << "Unable to open comm port " << COMM_STRING << endl; Appendix C - xxxviii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane #endif // SEP_REPORT_ERRORS initok = false; } else { // setup the serial port (9600,N81) using hardware handshaking error = serial.Setup(CSerial::EBaud9600,CSerial::EData8, CSerial::EParNone,CSerial::EStop1); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { #if SEP_REPORT_ERRORS cerr << "Unable to set comm port setting" << endl; #endif // SEP_REPORT_ERRORS initok = false; } else { // setup handshaking error = serial.SetupHandshaking(CSerial::EHandshakeHardware); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { #if SEP_REPORT_ERRORS cerr << "Unable to set comm port handshaking" << endl; #endif // SEP_REPORT_ERRORS initok = false; } else { cout << "serial comms initiated" << endl; initok = true; } } } #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE } bool sepUAVControl::InterpretDirections(double* directions_in) { // [0] Forward(+)/Backward(-), [1] Left(+)/Right(-) // [2] Up(+)/Down(-), [3] TurnLeft(-180->0)/TurnRight(0->180) bool invalidvalue(false); // interpret throttle directions if (directions_in[2] < 0) control_throttle = 0; else control_throttle = 10; // interpret yaw directions if (directions_in[3] < 0) control_yaw = -5; else control_yaw = 5; // interpret pitch directions if (directions_in[0] < 0) control_pitch = -5; else control_pitch = 5; // interpret roll directions if (directions_in[1] < 0) control_roll = 5; else control_roll = -5; // return correct value if (invalidvalue) return CALL_ERROR; else return CALL_OK; } Appendix C - xxxix The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane void sepUAVControl::ConvertServoValues(void) { // calc servo values from control values servo_values[AXIS_THROTTLE] = THROTTLE_OFF + control_throttle * THROTTLE_STEP; servo_values[AXIS_YAW] = YAW_MID + control_yaw * YAW_STEP; servo_values[AXIS_PITCH] = PITCH_MID + control_pitch * PITCH_STEP; servo_values[AXIS_ROLL] = ROLL_MID + control_roll * ROLL_STEP; } void sepUAVControl::SendServoValues(void) { #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 SC8_SendPositions(0, SC8_SERVO_MASK, SC8_DIO_MASK, servo_values); // NOTE: ^ the 0 should be sc8_board_num but sc8_board_num == 1 // and SC8_SendPositions only seems to work with 0 #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE send_serial(serial, servo_values, send_serial(serial, servo_values, send_serial(serial, servo_values, send_serial(serial, servo_values, #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE } AXIS_THROTTLE, BIT_THROTTLE); AXIS_YAW, BIT_YAW); AXIS_PITCH, BIT_PITCH); AXIS_ROLL, BIT_ROLL); sep_utils.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // sep_utils.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains some useful utility functions //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __SEP_UTILS_H__ #define __SEP_UTILS_H__ namespace sep_utils { #define PI 3.14159265 // returns mod difference of two inputs template<class T> T ModDifference(const T& num1, const T& num2) { if (num1 < num2) return (num2 - num1); else return (num1 - num2); } // returns returns diag length from x-y lines template<class T> T DiagLength(T ydiff, T xdiff) { ydiff *= ydiff; xdiff *= xdiff; return sqrt((double)(ydiff + xdiff)); } // returns true if num1 and num2 are within specified percentage template<class T> bool PercentageThreshold(const T& num1, const T& num2, int percent) { Appendix C - xl The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane T nummax = (num1 < num2) ? num2 : num1; T numdiff = ((num1 - num2) < 0) ? (num2 - num1) : (num1 - num2); if (numdiff > (nummax * percent / 100)) return false; else return true; } } #endif //__SEP_UTILS_H__ stdafx.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.h for aerial_platform project //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files, // or project specific include files that are used frequently, but // are changed infrequently #pragma once #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers // cimg includes //#include "CImg.h" //using namespace cimg_library; stdafx.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.cpp for aerial_platform project //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes // aerial_platform.pch will be the pre-compiled header // stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information #include "stdafx.h" Appendix C - xli The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Appendix D: Remote Control Test Software Code remote_control.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // remote_control.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains various bits for remote_control project //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __REMOTE_CONTROL_H__ #define __REMOTE_CONTROL_H__ #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 // set values for SC-8000 #define SC8_COMM_PORT 1 #define SC8_SERVO_MASK (unsigned char)15 #define SC8_DIO_MASK (char)'0' // servo values for use with Hitec Laser 6 RC transmitter #define AXIS_THROTTLE 2 #define AXIS_YAW 3 #define AXIS_PITCH 0 #define AXIS_ROLL 1 #define THROTTLE_OFF 8000 #define THROTTLE_MAX 22000 #define THROTTLE_STEP 1400 #define YAW_LEFTMAX 8000 #define YAW_MID 15000 #define YAW_RIGHTMAX 22000 #define YAW_STEP 1000 #define PITCH_BACKWARDMAX 8000 #define PITCH_MID 15000 #define PITCH_FORWARDMAX 22000 #define PITCH_STEP 1000 #define ROLL_LEFTMAX 8000 #define ROLL_MID 15000 #define ROLL_RIGHTMAX 22000 #define ROLL_STEP 1000 #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE // set serial interface values #define COMM_STRING "\\\\.\\COM13" // servo values for use with Original X-UFO transmitter // DAC range min=0x000, max=0xFFF #define BIT_THROTTLE 0x20 #define BIT_YAW 0x10 #define BIT_PITCH 0x40 #define BIT_ROLL 0x80 #define AXIS_THROTTLE 1 #define AXIS_YAW 0 #define AXIS_PITCH 2 #define AXIS_ROLL 3 #define SERVO_STEPS 10 #define THROTTLE_OFF 0 #define THROTTLE_MAX 2500 #define THROTTLE_STEP (THROTTLE_MAX-THROTTLE_OFF)/SERVO_STEPS #define YAW_LEFTMAX 0 #define YAW_MID (YAW_RIGHTMAX-YAW_LEFTMAX)/2 #define YAW_RIGHTMAX 2500 #define YAW_STEP (YAW_RIGHTMAX-YAW_LEFTMAX)/SERVO_STEPS #define PITCH_BACKWARDMAX 0 Appendix D - i The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane #define PITCH_MID (PITCH_FORWARDMAX-PITCH_BACKWARDMAX)/2 #define PITCH_FORWARDMAX 2500 #define PITCH_STEP (PITCH_FORWARDMAX-PITCH_BACKWARDMAX)/SERVO_STEPS #define ROLL_LEFTMAX 0 #define ROLL_MID (ROLL_RIGHTMAX-ROLL_LEFTMAX)/2 #define ROLL_RIGHTMAX 2500 #define ROLL_STEP (ROLL_RIGHTMAX-ROLL_LEFTMAX)/SERVO_STEPS #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE // prints current values to console template<class T> void print_servo_values(T* values) { cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << '\t' << "throttle: " << (char)9 << values[AXIS_THROTTLE] << endl; cout << '\t' << "yaw: " << (char)9 << (char)9 << values[AXIS_YAW] << endl; cout << '\t' << "pitch: " << (char)9 << (char)9 << values[AXIS_PITCH] << endl; cout << '\t' << "roll: " << (char)9 << (char)9 << values[AXIS_ROLL] << endl; } #endif //__REMOTE_CONTROL_H__ remote_control.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // remote_control.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains main() for test remote control app for the aerial platform //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "remote_control.h" #include "remote_keys.h" #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 #define _USE_DLL // for TTiSC8VC #define __WIN32__ #include "TTiSC8VC.h" #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE #include "Serial.h" // send serial data out int send_serial(CSerial& serial, int* valuesin, int axis, int axisbit) { char transmit[2]; long error; // ready values transmit[1] = valuesin[axis] & 0xFF; // lower byte transmit[0] = (valuesin[axis] & 0xF00)/256; // upper byte transmit[0] += axisbit; // channel number //transmit header error = serial.Write("iu"); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) cerr << "Unable to send data" << endl; else Appendix D - ii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane { //transmit data error = serial.Write(transmit, 2); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) cerr << "Unable to send data" << endl; } if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) return 0; else return 1; } #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE void print_instructions(void) { // draw nice ascii art transmitter with control instructions cout << endl; cout << '\t' << " |" << endl; cout << '\t' << " X-UFO |" << endl; cout << '\t' << " /|\\" << endl; cout << '\t' << "/---------------------\\" << endl; cout << '\t' << "| " << THROTTLE_UP << " " << PITCH_FORWARD << " |" << endl; cout << '\t' << "| | | |" << endl; cout << '\t' << "| " << YAW_LEFT << "-- --" << YAW_RIGHT << " " << ROLL_LEFT << "-- --" << ROLL_RIGHT << " |" << endl; cout << '\t' << "| | | |" << endl; cout << '\t' << "| " << THROTTLE_DOWN << " " << PITCH_BACKWARD << " |" << endl; cout << '\t' << "\\---------------------/" << endl; cout << endl; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 // initiate SC-8000 control int sc8_board_num(0); sc8_board_num = SC8_Initialize(sc8_board_num, SC8_COMM_PORT); if (sc8_board_num) { cout << "sc8 initiated" << endl; print_instructions(); // initiate command values and remoteKeys class int throttle(0), yaw(0), pitch(0), roll(0); unsigned short axisvalues[4]; remoteKeys keysIn(throttle, yaw, pitch, roll); // loop until exit key pressed (throttle set to -1) while (throttle != THROTTLE_ESC) { // calc servo values from command values axisvalues[AXIS_THROTTLE] = THROTTLE_OFF + throttle * THROTTLE_STEP; axisvalues[AXIS_YAW] = YAW_MID + yaw * YAW_STEP; axisvalues[AXIS_PITCH] = PITCH_MID + pitch * PITCH_STEP; axisvalues[AXIS_ROLL] = ROLL_MID + roll * ROLL_STEP; // print and send values to SC-8000 print_servo_values(axisvalues); SC8_SendPositions(0, SC8_SERVO_MASK, SC8_DIO_MASK, axisvalues); // NOTE: ^ the 0 should be sc8_board_num but sc8_board_num == 1 // and SC8_SendPositions only seems to work with 0 // get new command values Appendix D - iii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane keysIn.GetCommands(); system("cls"); } // reset servo to neutral positions axisvalues[AXIS_THROTTLE] = THROTTLE_OFF; axisvalues[AXIS_YAW] = YAW_MID; axisvalues[AXIS_PITCH] = PITCH_MID; axisvalues[AXIS_ROLL] = ROLL_MID; SC8_SendPositions(0, SC8_SERVO_MASK, SC8_DIO_MASK, axisvalues); // NOTE: ^ the 0 should be sc8_board_num but sc8_board_num == 1 // and SC8_SendPositions only seems to work with 0 // clean up sc8 resources //SC8_CleanUP(sc8_board_num); } else { cerr << "error initiating sc8" << endl; } #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE // initiate serial control CSerial serial; long error; // attempt to open the serial port error = serial.Open(_T(COMM_STRING),0,0,false); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) cerr << "Unable to open comm port " << COMM_STRING << endl; else { // setup the serial port (9600,N81) using hardware handshaking error = serial.Setup(CSerial::EBaud9600,CSerial::EData8, CSerial::EParNone,CSerial::EStop1); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) cerr << "Unable to set comm port setting" << endl; else { // setup handshaking error = serial.SetupHandshaking(CSerial::EHandshakeHardware); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) cerr << "Unable to set comm port handshaking" << endl; else { // initiate command values and remoteKeys class int throttle(0), yaw(0), pitch(0), roll(0), axisvalues[4]; remoteKeys keysIn(throttle, yaw, pitch, roll); // loop until exit key pressed (throttle set to -1) while (throttle != THROTTLE_ESC) { // calc servo values from command values axisvalues[AXIS_THROTTLE] = THROTTLE_OFF + throttle* THROTTLE_STEP; axisvalues[AXIS_YAW] = YAW_MID + yaw*YAW_STEP; axisvalues[AXIS_PITCH] = PITCH_MID + pitch*PITCH_STEP; axisvalues[AXIS_ROLL] = ROLL_MID + roll*ROLL_STEP; // print and send servo values via serial port print_servo_values(axisvalues); error = send_serial(serial, axisvalues, AXIS_THROTTLE, BIT_THROTTLE); error += send_serial(serial, axisvalues, AXIS_YAW, BIT_YAW); error += send_serial(serial, axisvalues, AXIS_PITCH, BIT_PITCH); Appendix D - iv The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane error += send_serial(serial, axisvalues, AXIS_ROLL, BIT_ROLL); if (error) break; // from while loop // get new command values print_instructions(); keysIn.GetCommands(); system("cls"); } // reset servo to neutral positions axisvalues[AXIS_THROTTLE] = THROTTLE_OFF; axisvalues[AXIS_YAW] = YAW_MID; axisvalues[AXIS_PITCH] = PITCH_MID; axisvalues[AXIS_ROLL] = ROLL_MID; send_serial(serial, axisvalues, AXIS_THROTTLE, BIT_THROTTLE); send_serial(serial, axisvalues, AXIS_YAW, BIT_YAW); send_serial(serial, axisvalues, AXIS_PITCH, BIT_PITCH); send_serial(serial, axisvalues, AXIS_ROLL, BIT_ROLL); } } } // close comm port serial.Close(); #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE // pause then exit system("pause"); return 0; } remote_keys.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // remote_keys.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains prototype for remoteKeys class //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __REMOTE_KEYS_H__ #define __REMOTE_KEYS_H__ // remote control keys #define ESC_KEY #define SPACE_KEY #define THROTTLE_ESC #define THROTTLE_UP #define THROTTLE_DOWN #define YAW_LEFT #define YAW_RIGHT #define PITCH_FORWARD #define PITCH_BACKWARD #define ROLL_LEFT #define ROLL_RIGHT 27 32 -2 'w' 's' 'a' 'd' 'i' 'k' 'j' 'l' class remoteKeys { public: remoteKeys(int& throttleref, int& yawref, int& pitchref, int& rollref); ~remoteKeys(); void GetCommands(void); private: char keyin; Appendix D - v The University of Surrey }; int& int& int& int& UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane throttle; yaw; pitch; roll; #endif //__REMOTE_KEYS_H__ remote_keys.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // remote_keys.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains the remoteKeys class for inputing keys and returning // remote command values //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "remote_keys.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <conio.h> //#include <windows.h> // constructor remoteKeys::remoteKeys(int& throttleref, int& yawref, int& pitchref, int& rollref) : throttle(throttleref), yaw(yawref), pitch(pitchref), roll(rollref) { } // deconstructor remoteKeys::~remoteKeys() { } // get one key from keyboard and adjust servo values accordingly void remoteKeys::GetCommands(void) { // get key from console without echo keyin = _getch(); // check for escape key if (keyin == ESC_KEY) throttle = THROTTLE_ESC; // check for space/reset key else if (keyin == SPACE_KEY){ throttle = 0; yaw = 0; pitch = 0; roll = 0; } // adjust throttle else if (keyin == THROTTLE_UP) throttle++; else if (keyin == THROTTLE_DOWN) throttle--; // adjust yaw else if (keyin == YAW_LEFT) yaw--; else if (keyin == YAW_RIGHT) yaw++; // adjust pitch else if (keyin == PITCH_FORWARD) pitch++; else if (keyin == PITCH_BACKWARD) pitch--; // adjust roll else if (keyin == ROLL_LEFT) roll--; else if (keyin == ROLL_RIGHT) roll++; // check values for limits if (throttle == -1) throttle = 0; else if (throttle > 10) throttle = 10; Appendix D - vi The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane if (yaw < -5) yaw = -5; else if (yaw > 5) yaw = 5; if (pitch < -5) pitch = -5; else if (pitch > 5) pitch = 5; if (roll < -5) roll = -5; else if (roll > 5) roll = 5; } stdafx.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.h for remote_control project //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files, // or project specific include files that are used frequently, but // are changed infrequently #pragma once //#define CTRLMETHOD_SC8000 #define CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers #ifdef CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE #include <tchar.h> #include <crtdbg.h> #include <windows.h> #include <conio.h> #endif //def CTRLMETHOD_USB2VOLTAGE stdafx.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.cpp for remote_control project //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes // aerial_platform.pch will be the pre-compiled header // stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information #include "stdafx.h" Appendix D - vii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Appendix E: UGV Emulation Software Code ugv_emulation.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // ugv_emulation.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains various bits for ugv_emulation project //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __UGV_EMULATION_H__ #define __UGV_EMULATION_H__ //#define EMULATION_DEBUG #define POLL_FREQ 20 //ms #define SEND_INTERVAL 200 //polls per send #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define ERRORBIT_ACKNOWLEDGE 1 // 0x01 ERRORBIT_DECISIONERROR 2 // 0x02 ERRORBIT_PARTIALTRACKING 4 // 0x04 ERRORBIT_COMPLETETRACKING 8 // 0x08 ERRORBIT_INVALIDCOMMAND 16 // 0x10 ERRORBIT_BATTERYLOW 32 // 0x20 ERRORBIT_RESERVED1 64 // 0x40 ERRORBIT_RESERVED2 128 // 0x80 typedef enum { STATE_CHECK, STATE_CLOSE, STATE_ERROR, STATE_HEIGHT, STATE_INIT, STATE_WAIT } state_machine; #endif //__UGV_EMULATION_H__ ugv_emulation.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // ugv_emulation.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains main() for emulation of ugv comms //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "stdafx.h" #include "ugv_emulation.h" #include "netapi_interface.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { netAPI_UGV UGVcomms; int pollcount(0); // enter main state machine state_machine current_state(STATE_INIT), next_state(STATE_INIT); while(current_state != STATE_CLOSE) { Appendix E - i The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane switch (current_state) { // check for message state case STATE_CHECK: #ifdef EMULATION_DEBUG cout << "Poll: check for message" << endl; #endif // EMULATION_DEBUG if (UGVcomms.commsCheck()) { next_state = STATE_WAIT; } else { cerr << "Error: could not check for messages" << endl; next_state = STATE_ERROR; } break; // close state case STATE_CLOSE: break; // error state case STATE_ERROR: cout << "A FATAL ERROR HAS OCCURED, " << "PLEASE CLOSE UGV EMULATION" << endl; Sleep(-1); break; // send new height state case STATE_HEIGHT: #ifdef EMULATION_DEBUG cout << "Poll: send height" << endl; #endif // EMULATION_DEBUG if (UGVcomms.commsSend()) { next_state = STATE_WAIT; } else { cerr << "Error: could not send height" << endl; next_state = STATE_ERROR; } break; // init state case STATE_INIT: if (UGVcomms.commsInit()) { next_state = STATE_WAIT; } else { cerr << "Error: could not initiate netAPI" << endl; next_state = STATE_ERROR; } break; // wait state case STATE_WAIT: if (UGVcomms.commsConnected()) { if (pollcount < SEND_INTERVAL) { pollcount++; Appendix E - ii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane next_state = STATE_CHECK; } else { pollcount = 0; next_state = STATE_HEIGHT; } } // sleep to prevent CPU overuse Sleep(POLL_FREQ); break; // default default: cerr << "Error: state machine entered unknown state" << endl; next_state = STATE_ERROR; } current_state = next_state; } } return 0; netapi_interface.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // netapi_interface.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains prototype for netAPI_UGV class //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef __NETAPI_INTERFACE_H__ #define __NETAPI_INTERFACE_H__ #include "TCPLink.h" #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define USE_DEFAULTS BCAST_LOCATION "C:/SEP_code/netAPI/" LOCAL_PORT 2000 REMOTE_PORT 2001 CHANNEL_TO_UAV "to_uav" CHANNEL_TO_UGV "to_ugv" LOCAL_ADDRESS "ugv_machine" REMOTE_ADDRESS "uav_machine" #define STANDARD_HEIGHT 1.0 // metres #define HEIGHT_JUMP 0.1 // metres class netAPI_UGV { public: netAPI_UGV(void); ~netAPI_UGV(); bool commsInit(void); bool commsConnected(void); bool commsCheck(void); bool commsSend(void); private: double nextHeight(void); double last_height; bool height_error; bool connected; Appendix E - iii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane int local_port; int remote_port; string channel_to_uav; string channel_to_ugv; string local_address; string remote_address; TCPLink* connection_to_uav; TCPLink* connection_from_uav; }; #endif //__NETAPI_INTERFACE_H__ netapi_interface.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // netapi_interface.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // contains the netAPI_UGV class for interfacing with netAPI //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "stdafx.h" #include "netapi_interface.h" #include "ugv_emulation.h" // constructor netAPI_UGV::netAPI_UGV(void) : connected(false) { } // deconstructor netAPI_UGV::~netAPI_UGV() { // delete TCPLink objects if (connection_to_uav) delete connection_to_uav; if (connection_from_uav) delete connection_from_uav; } // initiates connections using TCPLink bool netAPI_UGV::commsInit(void) { #ifndef USE_DEFAULTS char usedefault; // ask if you want to use default testing values cout << "would you like to use default values for netAPI (y/n)? "; cin >> usedefault; if ((usedefault == 'y') || (usedefault == 'Y')) { // use default values local_port = LOCAL_PORT; remote_port = REMOTE_PORT; channel_to_uav = CHANNEL_TO_UAV; channel_to_ugv = CHANNEL_TO_UGV; local_address = LOCAL_ADDRESS; remote_address = REMOTE_ADDRESS; } else { // input non default values cout << "input setup values..." << endl; cout << " local port: "; Appendix E - iv The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System cin >> local_port; cout << " input channel name: "; cin >> channel_to_ugv; cout << " local address: "; cin >> local_address; cout << " remote port: "; cin >> remote_port; cout << " output channel name: "; cin >> channel_to_uav; cout << " remote address: "; cin >> remote_address; } #else //ifdef USE_DEFAULTS // use default values local_port = LOCAL_PORT; remote_port = REMOTE_PORT; channel_to_uav = CHANNEL_TO_UAV; channel_to_ugv = CHANNEL_TO_UGV; local_address = LOCAL_ADDRESS; remote_address = REMOTE_ADDRESS; #endif //ndef USE_DEFAULTS // initiate TCPLink TCPLink::Load(local_port, local_address, _on, BCAST_LOCATION); connection_to_uav = new TCPLink(channel_to_uav, remote_port, remote_address); connection_from_uav = new TCPLink(channel_to_ugv, remote_port, remote_address); // check both connections have been created if (connection_to_uav && connection_from_uav) { cout << "netAPI initilised, attempting to connect..." << endl; return true; } else return false; } // returns true if connected bool netAPI_UGV::commsConnected(void) { // if known to be connected if (connected) return true; // if just connected else if ((*connection_to_uav).isConnected() && (*connection_from_uav).isConnected()) { connected = true; // report all connected so bcastmanager closes TCPLink::AllConnected(); cout << "connections established" << endl; return true; } else return false; } // checks for message, and interprets and prints received messages bool netAPI_UGV::commsCheck(void) { if ((*connection_from_uav).Receipt()) { char inputtemp; // read message from TCPLink (*connection_from_uav) >> inputtemp; // interpret and print message cout << "Message recieved: " << endl; Appendix E - v Richard Lane The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System if ((inputtemp & ERRORBIT_ACKNOWLEDGE) == ERRORBIT_ACKNOWLEDGE) cout << " - Acknowledgment" << endl; if ((inputtemp & ERRORBIT_DECISIONERROR) == ERRORBIT_DECISIONERROR) cout << " - Decision error" << endl; if ((inputtemp & ERRORBIT_PARTIALTRACKING) == ERRORBIT_PARTIALTRACKING) cout << " - Partial racking loss" << endl; if ((inputtemp & ERRORBIT_COMPLETETRACKING) == ERRORBIT_COMPLETETRACKING) cout << " - Complete tracking loss" << endl; if ((inputtemp & ERRORBIT_INVALIDCOMMAND) == ERRORBIT_INVALIDCOMMAND){ cout << " - Invalid command" << endl; height_error = true;} if ((inputtemp & ERRORBIT_BATTERYLOW) == ERRORBIT_BATTERYLOW) cout << " - Battery low" << endl; if ((inputtemp & ERRORBIT_RESERVED1) == ERRORBIT_RESERVED1) cout << " - Reserved bit1" << endl; if ((inputtemp & ERRORBIT_RESERVED2) == ERRORBIT_RESERVED2) cout << " - Reserved bit1" << endl; // clear message from TCPLink buffer (*connection_from_uav).FreeInputBuf(); } return true; } // sends a height message using TCPLink bool netAPI_UGV::commsSend(void) { // get height value to send double heighttemp = nextHeight(); // put value in buffer and send message (*connection_to_uav) << heighttemp << endl; (*connection_to_uav).Send(); return true; } // return next height value to send double netAPI_UGV::nextHeight(void) { static double last_height(STANDARD_HEIGHT); static bool direction_up(true); // switch direction down if error recieved if (direction_up && height_error) { direction_up = false; height_error = false; last_height -= HEIGHT_JUMP; } // switch direction up if error recieved else if (!direction_up && height_error) { direction_up = true; height_error = false; last_height += HEIGHT_JUMP; } // else increment values accordingly else if (direction_up) { last_height += HEIGHT_JUMP; } else if (!direction_up) Appendix E - vi Richard Lane The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane { } last_height -= HEIGHT_JUMP; } return last_height; stdafx.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.h // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.h for ugv_emulation project //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files, // or project specific include files that are used frequently, but // are changed infrequently #pragma once #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers stdafx.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.cpp // - developed for University of Surrey - Special Engineering Project // - by Richard Lane 2007-08 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.cpp for ugv_emulation project //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes // aerial_platform.pch will be the pre-compiled header // stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information #include "stdafx.h" Appendix E - vii The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Appendix F: X-UFO Technical Information [19] Manufacture’s Information: [20] - Advanced mechanical gyro system help for stability of flying - Unique electronic pitch and roll control system - Ultra light weight carbon fibre frame with durable EPP foam body frame - 4 individual motor to delivery smooth and constant power - Digital proportional 4-channels radio control system with changeable transmitting crystal - Default R/C crystal frequency: 26.590MHz - Battery pack: 12V 350mAh NiMH Appendix F - i The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Appendix G: SC-8000 Technical Information Technical Specifications: [21] - Number of servo channels: 8 - USB->Serial protocol: 9600-N-8-1 - Pulse width range: 600 to 2200 [sec - Pulse resolution: 0.1 [sec - PPM frame size: 22.5 msec - Positive or Negative shift PPM output Appendix G - i Richard Lane The University of Surrey UAV Vision and Control System Richard Lane Appendix H: Wireless Camera Technical Information Technical Specifications: [22] - Image Sensor: 1/3” Colour CMOS - Resolution: 380 TV lines - Frames per Second: 30 - Standard Lens: 3.6 mm with 62' view - Wide Angle Lens: 2.8 mm with 108' view - Minimum Illumination: 1.0 Lux - Frequency: ISM 2400-2483 - Power: 5 mW - Power Supply: 8-9 V - Current Consumption: 80 mA - Camera Dimensions: 20 x 20 x 20 mm (with standard lens) - Camera Weight: 20 g Appendix H - i