POLISH - PISF. Polish Film Institute
POLISH - PISF. Polish Film Institute
f CONTENTS f INDEX POLISH: Documentaries, Shorts & Animations 2015 POLISH: Documentaries Shorts & Animations 2015 POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 CONTENTS Ladies and Gentlemen, In this latest publication on Polish documentaries, animations and short feature films, we present a selection of films produced in recent months. Many of these have had a successful festival run, often winning top prizes at major film events around the world. Documentary films have long been the face of Polish cinema. Some of our filmmakers have enjoyed tremendous success in recent months; Aneta Kopacz’s Joanna and Tomasz Śliwiński’s Nasza klątwa (Our Curse) were both nominated for the Oscars in the Best Documentary – Short Subject category. Other Polish films have also been noticed at key film events around the world, winning awards at Amsterdam’s IDFA, Toronto’s Hot Docs, in Locarno, and at Sundance. In 2014 alone, Polish documentary films received a total of almost 70 film awards at international film festivals. Polish filmmakers who focus on animation and short feature films have also proven to be among the world’s leading talents. In 2014, their films had a total of almost 340 festival screenings abroad, including film festivals in Berlin, Cannes, and Annecy. Polish animation artists received a total of 64 awards. The end of the year brought a nomination for the European Film Award in the short film category for Wojciech Sobczyk and his Lato 2014 (Summer 2014). Short feature films from Poland screened at 138 international film festivals, winning a total of 48 awards. The POLISH: Documentaries, Shorts & Animations 2015 catalogue also features some of the latest productions yet to be released. I have no doubt that some of these will bring about emotions and gain the acclaim of international audiences. Polish films certainly deserve your attention. Agnieszka Odorowicz General Director of the Polish Film Institute www.pisf.pl/en/ PHOTO BY MAREK WIŚNIEWSKI f 2 f INDEX POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 www.pisf.pl/en/ Contents 3 f Introduction 2 Contents 3 DOCUMENTARIES 15 Corners of the World / 15 stron świata by Zuzanna Solakiewicz 7 6 Degrees / 6 kroków by Bartosz Dombrowski 7 89-91. We Break Out to Freedom / 89-91. Wyrwaliśmy się na wolność by Piotr Morawski 8 The Actress / Aktorka by Kinga Dębska, Maria Konwicka 8 Agfa 1939 by Michał Wnuk 9 Alarm Clock / Budzik by Piotr Małecki 9 And There Was Love in the Ghetto… / I była miłość w getcie… by Jolanta Dylewska, Andrzej Wajda 10 The Authors / Autorki by Janusz Mrozowski 10 The Battle with Satan / Walka z szatanem by Konrad Szołajski 11 Buddies / Kumple by Joanna Kaczmarek 11 Call Me Marianna / Mów mi Marianna by Karolina Bielawska 12 Casa Blanca by Aleksandra Maciuszek 12 Cruise to Democracy / Rejs 1989 by Jerzy Śladkowski 13 Czech Swan / Czeski łabędź by Aleksandra Terpińska 13 Delirium Tremens / Biała gorączka by Andrzej Gajewski 14 Domino Effect / Efekt domina by Piotr Rosołowski, Elwira Niewiera 14 The Dybbuk. A Tale of Wandering Souls / Dybuk. Rzecz o wędrówce dusz by Krzysztof Kopczyński 15 The End of the World / Koniec świata by Monika Pawluczuk 15 Football Brothers / Trampkarze by Marcin Filipowicz 16 For Being Alive / Za to, że żyjemy, czyli punk z Wrocka by Tomasz Nuzban 16 Gottland by Viera Čákanyová, Petr Hátle, Rozálie Kohoutová, Lukáš Kokeš, Radovan Sibrt, Klára Tasovská 17 House on Its Head / Dom na głowie by Adam Palenta 17 I Am Kuba / Jestem Kuba by Ase Svenheim Drivenes 18 The Island / Wyspa by Natalia Krasilnikova 18 It Would Be Beautiful / To byłoby coś pięknego by Anna Morawiec 19 It’s Only a Dream / To tylko marzenia by Jakub Michnikowski 19 Jonasz Kofta / Jonasz w brzuchu Lewiatana by Krzysztof Wierzbicki 20 Jurek by Paweł Wysoczański 20 K2 – Touching the Sky / K2 – Dotknąć nieba by Eliza Kubarska 21 The Last Trick / Ostatni numer by Marcin Nowak 21 INDEX POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 www.pisf.pl/en/ Little Big Team / Biało-czerwoni z Chrząstawy by Krystian Kamiński 22 The Magic Mountain / Czarodziejska góra by Anca Damian 22 The Mighty Smarzol / Pod Mocnym Smarzolem by Adam Lewandowski 23 My 89 Generation / Moje 89 pokolenie by Paweł Jóźwiak-Rodan 23 My Brother’s Life / Życie mojego brata by Katarzyna Lesisz 24 My Father from Neverland / Mój ojciec Staś by Andrzej Bart, Andrzej Dudziński 24 Object / Obiekt by Paulina Skibińska 25 One Man Show by Jakub Piątek 25 Perseverance / Wytrwałość by Małgorzata Imelska 26 Pill Junkies / Tableciarze by Bartosz Staszewski 26 The Place / Miejsce by Julia Popławska 27 The Promise of a Happy Childhood / Obietnica dzieciństwa by Piotr Morawski, Ryszard Kaczyński 27 The Queen of Silence / Królowa ciszy by Agnieszka Zwiefka 28 Rebellion / Był bunt by Małgorzata Kozera-Topińska 28 Shepherd’s Song / Pieśń pasterza by Vahram Mkhitaryan 29 Singing in Exile / Pieśń pamięci by Nathalie Rossetti, Turi Finocchiaro 29 Snails / Ślimaki by Grzegorz Szczepaniak 30 So Close and Yet So Far / Tak daleko, tak blisko by Anna Kuśmierczyk 30 Something Better to Come / Nadejdą lepsze czasy by Hanna Polak 31 The Sound of Nature by Jacek Piotr Bławut 31 Spark / Iskierka by Wiesława Piećko 32 Starting Point / Punkt wyjścia by Michał Szcześniak 32 Strongwoman / Siłaczka by Kacper Czubak, Iwona Kaliszewska 33 Sunday / Niedziela by Eryk Lenartowicz 33 Super Unit / Superjednostka by Teresa Czepiec 34 Survey About Men / Sonda o mężczyznach by Mateusz Głowacki 34 Tomasz Ossoliński. Before the Show by Judyta Fibiger 35 Unstoppables / Niepowstrzymani by Bartosz M. Kowalski 35 W. Sisters Beauty Salon / Salon sióstr W. by Jakub Stożek 36 Wałęsa by Wałęsa by Andrzej Fidyk 36 Walking Under Water / Badjao. Duchy z morza by Eliza Kubarska 37 Warsaw Uprising / Powstanie Warszawskie by Jan Komasa 37 Werka by Paweł Łoziński 38 What’s Next Karolinko – Norwid and Nicole / Co dalej z tobą, Karolinko – Norwid i Nicole by Karolina Bendera 38 4 f CONTENTS SHORTS Ambition by Tomek Bagiński 40 America / Ameryka by Aleksandra Terpińska 40 Arkansas by Sebastian Drożak 41 Asshole / Dupek by Krzysztof Komander 41 August / Sierpień by Tomek Ślesicki 42 Bittersweet / Gorzko! by Michał Wawrzecki 42 Business Trip / Delegacja by Arkadiusz Bartosiak 43 Centaur by Aleksandra Niemczyk 43 Circus Maximus by Bartek Kulas 44 Cold Feet / Gorzko, gorzko! by Julia Rogowska, Magdalena Załęcka 44 Daughter / Córka by Tomasz Wolski 45 Doctor Faustus by Anna Urbańczyk 45 Dół by Leszek Molski 46 Duties / Obowiązki by Anna Karasińska 46 Entropy / Entropia by Wojciech Klimala 47 Fast Food by Eryk Lenartowicz 47 Father’s Day / Ojcze masz by Kacper Lisowski 48 Fragments / Fragmenty by Aga Woszczyńska 48 From Bed Thou Arose / Z łóżka powstałeś by Bartek Konopka 49 Giant / Gigant by Tomasz Jeziorski 49 Grandma’s Day / Dzień Babci by Miłosz Sakowski 50 Guilt / Warszawa by Leiv Igor Devold 50 Hurly-Burly / Rwetes by Kuba Czekaj 51 In the Corner / W narożniku by Maciej Bartosz Kruk 51 Inka by Monika Majorek 52 Jasiek My Brother / Jasiek mój brat by Zofia Żurawska 52 The Kid / Szczeniak by Karol Starnawski 53 Learning to Swim / Nauka pływania by Kuba Zubrzycki 53 Light in August / Światło w sierpniu by Matej Bobrik 54 Maja by Jakub Michnikowski 54 Milky Brother / Mleczny brat by Vahram Mkhitaryan 55 Molehill by Joanna Zastróżna 55 Moloch by Szymon Kapeniak 56 The Moment / Chwila by Piotr Domalewski 56 Mr. Bad Luck by Bruno Brejt 57 Multiphrenia / Multifrenia by Martyna Majewska 57 My Father's Eye / Oczy mojego ojca by Bartosz Blaschke 58 The Naturals / Naturalni by Kristoffer Rus 58 Parisian Girl / Paryżanka by Stefan Łazarski 59 Pinky / Mały palec by Tomasz Cichoń 59 Strong Coffee Isn't That Bad / Mocna kawa wcale nie jest taka zła by Alek Pietrzak 60 f INDEX POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Summer of Love / Lato miłości by Marcin Filipowicz 60 Tenderness / Czułość by Emilia Zielonka 61 Travelling / Kroki by Karolina Zaleszczuk 61 Tropical Island by Filip Hillesland 62 A Wake / Pogrzebiny by Wojciech Stupnicki 62 What I Want / To, czego chcę by Damian Kocur 63 Windows and Planes / Okna i samoloty by Łukasz Suchocki 63 You Keep an Eye on Us / Źle nam z oczu patrzy by Arek Biedrzycki 64 ANIMATIONS The Advisors of King Hydrops / Doradcy Króla Hydropsa by Natalia Brożyńska 66 Agatha / Agatka by Jan Steliżuk, Andrzej Piotr Morawski, Wojciech Wojtkowski, Robert Turło, Andrzej Kukuła, Paweł Czarzasty 66 The Baltic Sea / Bałtyk by Piotr Giersz 67 Banjo Pig / Prosie Banjo by Łukasz Kacprowicz 67 Basia by Marcin Wasilewski 68 Bernard by Anna Oparkowska 68 A Blue Room / Niebieski pokój by Tomasz Siwiński 69 Bloody Sunday / Ta cholerna niedziela by Przemek Kotyński 69 But She’s Nice by Tomasz Pilarski 70 Cheer Up, Tamara / Nie martw się, Tamaro by Elżbieta Wąsik 70 Conquerors of the Triangle Space / Zdobywcy Trójkątnego Kosmosu by Alicja Błaszczyńska 71 Creatures / Kreatury by Tessa Moult-Milewska 71 A Documentary Film / Dokument by Marcin Podolec 72 Domestication / Udomowienie by Sylwia Gaweł 72 Don’t Lose Your Head / Nie trać głowy by Karolina Specht 73 Fences / Płoty by Natalia Krawczuk 73 Florentine’s Diary 2 season / Pamiętnik Florki seria 2 by Janusz Martyn, Dorota Cieśla, Anna Wróblewska-Dzwoniarek, Agata Mikina, Jolanta Dudzińska, Barbara Koniecka, Marta Stróżycka, Bogusława Izdebska, Piotr Rogowski 74 Fugue for Cello, Trumpet and Landscape / Fuga na wiolonczelę, trąbkę i pejzaż by Jerzy Kucia 75 Gingerbread Heart / Serce z piernika by Anna Dudek 75 Grand Banda / Grand Banda – pilot by Marek Lachowicz, Łukasz Kacprowicz 76 Hipopotamy by Piotr Dumała 76 Home / Dom by Agnieszka Borowa 77 An Incredibly Elastic Man / Nieprawdopodobnie elastyczny człowiek by Karolina Specht 77 f It’s Quite True! / To pewna wiadomość! by Joanna Jasińska Koronkiewicz 78 Kinki by Izumi Yoshida 78 Last Stop Is the Moon / Ostatni przystanek Księżyc by Birute Sodeikaite 79 Locus by Anita Kwiatkowska-Naqvi 79 The Lumberjack and the Devil / O drwalu i diable by Jacek Adamczak 80 Mami Fatale by Łukasz Kacprowicz 81 Moko by Marta Szymańska 82 The Mother Matrix / Macierz by Sławomir Shuty, Tomasz Bochniak 82 Noodles, the Gate / Kluskowa Brama by Andrzej Kukuła 83 Of a Forest / Opowieść o lesie by Katarzyna Melnyk 83 Pencil Case / Piórnik by Magdalena Pilecka 84 Poe and Joe / Paweł i Gaweł by Andrzej Gosieniecki 84 Sexy Laundry / Sex dla opornych by Izabela Plucińska 85 Summer 2014 / Lato 2014 by Wojciech Sobczyk 86 This Unruly Corporeality / Ta niesforna cielesność by Joanna Wójcik 86 Three Kings / Trzej królowie by Anna Błaszczyk 87 Tim and the Master / Tymek i Mistrz by Tomasz Leśniak, Jakub Tarkowski 87 under_construction by Marcin Wojciechowski 88 What a Beautiful Case / Co za piękny przypadek by Zbigniew Czapla 88 Who’s There? / Kto tam? by Artur Hanaj 89 The Wizard of U.S. / Czarnoksiężnik z krainy U. S. by Balbina Bruszewska 89 Woolen Cogwheels / Druciane oprawki by Bartosz Kędzierski 90 POLISH FILM INSTITUTE 91 nd Index of English Titles 94 Index of Polish Titles 96 Index of Directors 98 www.pisf.pl/en/ Credits 100 5 CONTENTS f INDEX POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 AGFA 1939 www.pisf.pl/en/ DOCUMENTARIES 6 f CONTENTS f INDEX 15 Corners of the World 15 stron świata POLAND 2014 79’ COLOUR written and directed by Zuzanna Solakiewicz director of photography Gregory Zvika-Portnoy music by Eugeniusz Rudnik edited by Mateusz Romaszkan sound by Marcin Lenarczyk producer Marta Golba produced by Endorfina Studio, [email protected] co-produced by Hupe Films, the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, the National Audiovisual Institute, the Mazovia Film Fund, TVP Kultura, Centrala co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, Film und Medien Stiftung NRW production manager Marta Golba POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 f TRAILER TRAILER f CONTENTS 6 Degrees 6 kroków POLAND 2014 81’ COLOUR written and directed by Bartosz Dombrowski director of photography Wojtek Zieliński edited by Mateusz Romaszkan, Iza Pająk sound by Błażej Kafarski producer Anna Wydra produced by Otter Films, ul. Ludowa 21/1, 26-600 Radom, Poland, tel. +48 609 841 445, [email protected], www.otterfilms.pl, HBO Europe executive producer Hanka Kastelicova co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Kaja Domeracka AWARDS: //2014 BRATISLAVA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, SLOVAKIA: SPECIAL MENTION //2014 T-MOBILE NEW HORIZONS IFF, POLAND: SPECIAL MENTION //2014 LOCARNO FILM FESTIVAL: SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE – PREMIO SRG SSR A documentary inspired by the theory of ‘six degrees of separation,’ according to which we are connected to every single person on the planet by no more than six interpersonal relations. To test this theory, the filmmakers selected two people at random: Martyna, a punk rock singer from Warsaw, and Marco Antonio, a farmer from a village in Mexico. Then they set out on a journey in search of the links that connect these two. www.pisf.pl/en/ Eugeniusz Rudnik revolutionized the concept of music using a pair of scissors and some audio tape. Member of the legendary Polish Radio Experimental Studio, Rudnik discovered the value of broken, rejected sounds long before the age of the DJ. 15 Corners of the World is an attempt at hearing his music with our eyes. f 7 f INDEX 89-91. Wyrwaliśmy się na wolność POLAND 2014 55’ COLOUR POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 89-91. We Break Out to Freedom written and directed by Piotr Morawski director of photography Andrzej Adamczak edited by Agnieszka Kowalczyk sound by Jacek Stępiński producer Janusz Skałkowski (Kalejdoskop Film Studio) produced by the Chancellery of the Senate of Poland, Wiejska 6, 00-902 Warsaw, Poland, Anna Jaguścik-Litniewska tel. +48 22 694 92 84 executive production Kalejdoskop Film Studio, Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 851 17 79 f CONTENTS The Actress Aktorka POLAND 2014 72’ COLOUR directed by Kinga Dębska, Maria Konwicka written by Maria Konwicka director of photography Radosław Ładczuk edited by Bartosz Karczyński sound by Leszek Freund producers Zbigniew Domagalski, Janusz Skałkowski produced by Kalejdoskop Film Studio, Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 851 17 79, tel./fax +48 22 841 21 35, www.kalejdoskop.art.pl co-produced by Telewizja Polska co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Kamil Skałkowski A film about the work of the first Senate in post-communist Poland, featuring interviews with senators and archive footage from the works of the Senate, as well as other key events – the Round Table negotiations, the 1989 elections, the first presidential elections, the administrative and economic reforms, the legislative work on the new constitution, and the departure of Soviet troops. www.pisf.pl/en/ A feature documentary about actress Elżbieta Czyżewska. Friends and acquaintances give a no-frills account of her failed marriage, her success in overcoming alcoholism, and her attempts to return to Poland after years spent in the United States. An archetypical account of an actress at various stages of her career: on top, hitting rock bottom, and everywhere in between. 8 f INDEX 52’ COLOUR written and directed by Michał Wnuk director of photography Michał Popiel-Machnicki edited by Jarosław Barzan, Ludwik Sielicki producer Magdalena Kamińska co-producer Antje Boehmert, [email protected] www.docdays.de produced by Balabusta, Magdalena Kamińska, [email protected] www.balabusta.pl co-financed by the Polish Film Institute POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Agfa 1939 POLAND 2015 f CONTENTS Alarm Clock Budzik POLAND 2015 30’ COLOUR PHOTO BY PIOTR MAŁECKI f TRAILER written and directed by Piotr Małecki director of photography Piotr Małecki edited by Przemysław Chruścielewski, Katarzyna Leśniak sound by Maciej Krupa producer Zuzanna Król co-producer Maciej Piwowarczyk produced by Wajda Studio, ul. Chełmska 21, tel./fax +48 22 851 10 57, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, www.wajdastudio.pl [email protected] co-produced by Agora production manager Agnieszka Bąk artistic supervisors Marcel Łoziński, Jacek Bławut, Vita Żelakeviciute www.pisf.pl/en/ A mysterious box from 1939 containing 16mm film stock and photographs launches an investigation that uncovers family secrets and unknown chapters in the history of Polish-German relations. 9 Cyprian, Filip, Ola and Kuba – these are four out of 15 young patients who have been in a coma for a significant amount of time. Their parents are determined to help them back to life. The film tells the extraordinary story of people who do not give up in the face of personal tragedy; filled with hope, they fight for the lives and well-being of their children at the Budzik (literally translated as Alarm Clock) clinic on the outskirts of Warsaw. f INDEX I była miłość w getcie… POLAND – GERMANY 2015 80’ COLOUR / BLACK&WHITE www.pisf.pl/en/ A film based on the memoirs of Marek Edelman, one of the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, written down near the end of his life by Paula Sawicka. “Why does no one ask me whether there was love in the ghetto? Why is no one interested in that? Someone should make a film about love in the ghetto. It was love that allowed us to thrive,” says Marek Edelman in his book “And There Was Love in the Ghetto.” Now Marek Edelman’s wish has become reality. CONTENTS The Authors Autorki POLAND – FRANCE 2014 70’ COLOUR written and directed by Janusz Mrozowski director of photography Janusz Mrozowski edited by Olek Krzanowski producer Janusz Mrozowski co-producer Karolina Bieńko produced by Filmogène Janusz Mrozowski, 30 rue Charlot, 75003 Paris, France, tel. +33 6 82 89 81 32, [email protected] co-produced by Jakobyart PHOTO BY J. KIJOWSKI directed by Jolanta Dylewska, Andrzej Wajda written by Jolanta Dylewska, Agnieszka Holland research by Zuzanna Solakiewicz, Marta Golba director of photography Kuba Kijowski sound by Zofia Gołębiowska, Marcin Lenarczyk edited by Paweł Suchta produced by Otter Films, ul. Ludowa 21/1, 26-600 Radom, [email protected] www.otterfilms.pl producer Anna Wydra co-producers Thanassis Karathanos, Martin Hampel co-produced by Pallas Film (Germany) and the Warsaw Mazovia Film Fund production coordinator Anna Kuchta production managers Marta Golba, Joanna Szymańska co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, MDM, FFA, Eurimages POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 And There Was Love in the Ghetto… f 10 Four Polish prison inmates are transported to the premiere of a stage play they’ve written based on their lives. On their way to the theatre, the authors worry about how their dramatic and often shocking stories will be received by the audience and whether the viewers understand their message from prison — the result of reflection after years of isolation. f INDEX Walka z szatanem POLAND 2015 75’ COLOUR www.pisf.pl/en/ Early 21st-century Poland. We observe the lives of people who believe they are possessed by Satan. We join them in a world of demons and exorcists – a group with rapidly increasing ranks, much like the number of believers who find themselves in need of ‘liberation.’ Psychiatrists, priests and experts in religion studies help us get to the bottom of this phenomenon. CONTENTS Buddies Kumple POLAND 2014 45’ COLOUR written and directed by Joanna Kaczmarek directors of photography Piotr Niemyjski, Przemysław Niczyporuk music by Krzysztof Aleksander Janczak edited by Jan Kidawa-Błoński Jr. producer Barbara Ławska produced by Kronika Film Studio, ul. Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 841 14 91, [email protected] co-financed by the Polish Film Institute PHOTO BY MICHAŁ ŚLUSARCZYK written and directed by Konrad Szołajski director of photography Michał Ślusarczyk music by Dariusz Żebrowski edited by Paweł Kowalik sound by Radosław Ochnio producers Małgorzata Prociak, Konrad Szołajski co-producers Izabela Łopuch, Hanka Kastelicova produced by ZK Studio, ul. Hoża 29/31 l. 56, 00-521 Warsaw, Poland, tel.+48 601 999 352 [email protected] co-produced by HBO Europe in cooperation with TG4, DR, SVT executive producers Małgorzata Prociak, Konrad Szołajski co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, the Tribeca Film Institute and the Creative Europe MEDIA Programme production manager Małgorzata Prociak POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 The Battle with Satan f 11 A blind marathon runner proves, on a daily basis, that anything is possible. He has run over 100 marathons in complete darkness. But in order to run, Rysiek always needs to have a guide with him. For the past few years, this has been Felek. Hours spent training together bring the two closer together. Buddies is a story about running, about friendship, and about the ability to enjoy the little things in life. f INDEX Mów mi Marianna POLAND 2015 74’ COLOUR written and directed by Karolina Bielawska director of photography Kacper Czubak music by Antony and the Johnsons, Natalia Fiedorczuk edited by Daniel Gąsiorowski sound by Jacek Pająk producer Zbigniew Domagalski produced by Kalejdoskop Film Studio, Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel. 22 851 17 79, tel./fax 22 841 21 35, www.kalejdoskop.art.pl co-produced by Telewizja Polska co-financed by the Polish Film Institute executive producer Agata Szymańska POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Call Me Marianna f CONTENTS Casa Blanca POLAND 2015 55’ COLOUR written and directed by Aleksandra Maciuszek director of photography Javier Labrador Deulofeu edited by Lorenzo Mora Salazar producer Anna Gawlita produced by Kijora ul. Krowoderskich Zuchów 24/117, 31-272 Krakow, Poland, tel.+48 609 421 497, [email protected] mailing address ul. J. Dąbrowskiego 18/15, 02-571 Warsaw, Poland co-produced by Telewizja Polska, the Polish Filmmakers Association, Nomadas Y Compania, Aleksandra Maciuszek Casa Blanca is a small fishing village in Havana Harbour. The film focuses on 76-year-old Nelsa and her 37-year-old son Vladimir, who suffers from Down Syndrome. Vladimir serves as the caretaker of the ill Nelsa. Nelsa acts as guardian to Vladimir, who gets into trouble easily. Their life is a constant conflict: she tries to control her son, while he prefers to spend his time with the local fishermen. www.pisf.pl/en/ Marianna is an attractive 40-year-old woman. We slowly enter her life in order to understand the decision she once made: leaving the people she loved. She sued her parents, because that was the only way to change the wording of her birth certificate. And the point of all this was to undergo a sex change and finally truly be herself. 12 f INDEX COLOUR written and directed by Jerzy Śladkowski director of photography Michał Popiel Machnicki music Frederic Chopin, Polonaise in F-sharp minor, op. 44, performed by Janusz Olejniczak edited by Agnieszka Bojanowska, Jakub Śladkowski PSM sound by Zbigniew Waraksa producers Sylwia Wilkos, Klaudiusz Frydrych, Roman Gutek produced by Scorpio Studio co-produced by Telewizja Polska, the National Centre for Culture, D35 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, the National Centre for Culture, D35 production manager Ewa Turczańska A search for an answer to the question of why Tadeusz Mazowiecki’s government lasted a mere 16 months. The film focuses on the people who led a nation of almost 40 million in a bloodless transition from communism to democracy between 1989 and 1991. Cruise to Democracy relives the emotions and tension behind the events that took place in Poland at the time. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 58’ CONTENTS Czech Swan Czeski łabędź POLAND – CZECH REPUBLIC 2015 52’ COLOUR PHOTO BY MARCIN ŁASKAWIEC Rejs 1989 POLAND 2015 directed by Aleksandra Terpińska written by Aleksandra Terpińska, Marcin Łaskawiec director of photography Marcin Łaskawiec music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky edited by Przemysław Chruścielewski PSM sound by Radim Hladík Jr. producers Danuta Gęgotek, Katarzyna Siniarska, Stanisław Dziedzic co-producers Kateřina Ondřejková, Aleksandra Terpińska, Marcin Łaskawiec produced by CoLab Pictures, ul. Promyka 5/21, 01-604 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 503 176 222, [email protected] co-produced by Czech Television, Film Production executive producer CoLab Pictures co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Beata Rzeźniczek distribution in Poland CoLab Pictures world sales Wide House www.pisf.pl/en/ Cruise to Democracy f 13 Both humorous and uplifting, Czech Swan is the story of a group of elderly women from a small Czech village; their age doesn’t stop them from pursuing their dreams and whimsies with unsurpassed enthusiasm. f INDEX Biała gorączka POLAND 2015 48’46’’ COLOUR POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Delirium Tremens The film focuses on Lyubov Passar, a specialist in treating alcoholics. She arrives in a remote Siberian town, inhabited by the indigenous peoples of Russia. The plague of alcoholism is decimating the community, causing entire nations to go extinct. Having had shamans among her ancestors, Lyuba chooses to use some unconventional methods. www.pisf.pl/en/ PHOTO BY TOMASZ MICHAŁOWSKI written and directed by Andrzej Gajewski director of photography Tomasz Michałowski edited by Cezary Kowalczuk sound by Iwona Kawiorska producer Mirosław Dembiński co-producer Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy produced by Studio Filmowe Everest, pl. Zwycięstwa 2d/2, 90-312 Łódź, Poland,tel +48 609 333 407 co-produced by Telewizja Polska Belsat co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Victoria Ogneva 14 f TRAILER f CONTENTS Domino Effect Efekt domina POLAND – GERMANY 2014 76’ COLOUR AWARDS: //2014 KRAKOW FILM FESTIVAL, POLAND: GOLDEN HORN, THE AWARD OF THE POLISH SOCIETY OF CINEMATOGRAPHERS, GOLDEN HOBBY-HORSE //2014 VISIONS DU RÉEL, SWITZERLAND: INTERRELIGIOUS PRIZE //2014 GOLDEN APRICOT YEREVAN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, ARMENIA: SILVER APRICOT AWARD //2014 DOKUFEST INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY AND SHORT FF, KOSOVO: INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY COMPETITION / FEATURE DOX – WINNER //2014 BUDAPEST INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FESTIVAL, HUNGARY: LET ME FOLLOW THE CALL SECTION WINNER //2014 DOK LEIPZIG, GERMANY: GOLDEN DOVE FOR AN OUTSTANDING GERMAN DOCUMENTARY directed by Piotr Rosołowski, Elwira Niewiera written by Elwira Niewiera, Piotr Rosołowski director of photography Piotr Rosołowski music by Maciej Cieślak edited by Karoline Schulz, Andrzej Dąbrowski sound by Marcin Lenarczyk, Elwira Niewiera, Tomasz Wieczorek, Franciszek Kozłowski producer Anna Wydra co-producers Thomas Kufus, Ann Carolin Renninger produced by Otter Films, ul. Ludowa 21/1, 26-600 Radom, Poland, [email protected] www.otterfilms.pl co-produced by zero one film GmbH, Germany, www.zeroone.de co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, Kuratorium junger deutscher Film, the Robert Bosch Foundation world sales Autlook Filmsales In Abkhazia, a post-Soviet ‘frozen conflict’ zone, patriotism runs deep. While Sports Minister Rafael is busy organizing an international domino event to put his motherland on the world map, his beloved Russian wife is just an unwelcome foreigner. A Black Sea black comedy, rife with socio-political commentary. f INDEX Dybuk. Rzecz o wędrówce dusz POLAND 2015 COLOUR written and directed by Krzysztof Kopczyński directors of photography Jacek Petrycki, Serhij Stetsenko edited by Michał Leszczyłowski sound by Oleg Goloveshkin, Maciej Kaliński, Jarosław Roszyk, Aleksandr Tur producer Krzysztof Kopczyński produced by Eureka Media executive producers Gennady Kofman, MaGiKa Film, Kuba Kosma co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, Swedish Film Institute, Ukrainian State Film Agency production managers Valeriy Sardudinov, Konrad Wróblewski, Olga Beskhmelnitsyna POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 The Dybbuk. A Tale of Wandering Souls f CONTENTS The End of the World Koniec świata POLAND 2015 40’ COLOUR written and directed by Monika Pawluczuk directors of photography Małgorzata Szyłak, Szymon Lenkowski, Jakub Giza, Michał Dymek music by Mikołaj Trzaska edited by Agnieszka Glińska, Marcin Latanik sound by Radosław Ochnio producer Katarzyna Ślesicka co-producer Monika Pawluczuk produced by Wajda Studio, ul. Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel./fax +48 22 851 10 57, www.wajdastudio.pl [email protected] co-produced by Telewizja Polska, Pomerania Film, the City of Łódź co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production managers Piotr Gochnio, Agnieszka Dziedzic www.pisf.pl/en/ 30,000 Hasidim journey to Ukraine to celebrate the Jewish New Year at the gravesite of their holy leader Rebbe Nachman. Meanwhile a Ukrainian far-right group erects a cross at the site of Hasidic prayers and builds a monument to Cossacks who slaughtered thousands of Jews and Poles in 1768. 15 An intimate documentary in which several stories intertwine over the course of one night. On this night, not unlike most other nights, people in a big city – tired of being lonely – just want to talk to someone. Some call an ambulance (often without just cause), others call in to a radio show where the radio host asks questions about the end of the world and what it means for each of us. The radio serves as the binding agent of the film and the source of key questions being asked. f INDEX 28’ COLOUR written and directed by Marcin Filipowicz directors of photography Marcin Filipowicz, Weronika Bilska, Marcin Łaskawiec edited by Wojciech Słota sound by Krzysztof Ridan producer Adam Ślesicki produced by Wajda Studio, ul. Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel./fax +48 22 851 10 57, www.wajdastudio.pl [email protected] co-produced by the Krakow Festival Office executive producer Adam Ślesicki co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, the Krakow Festival Office, the Krakow Regional Film Fund production managers Piotr Gochnio, Dominika Płazińska A documentary about the early yet most difficult stage in the lives of the young protagonists – the stage that leads to their lifelong dream being fulfilled. The film focuses on two brothers: 14-year-old Mateusz and 13-year-old Łukasz, living in a small mountain village in southern Poland. They dream of becoming professional football players and making it at least to the Polish major league, known as Ekstraklasa. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Trampkarze POLAND 2015 TRAILER f CONTENTS For Being Alive Za to, że żyjemy, czyli punk z Wrocka POLAND 2014 71’ COLOUR directed by Tomasz Nuzban written by Cezary Marszewski, Marek Świerk, Tomasz Nuzban directors of photography Tomasz Nuzban, Paweł Bogucki, Łukasz Stolarski music by Zwłoki, Miki Mousoleum, Kaman & Big Bit, Sedes, Mechaniczna Pomarańcza, Klaus Mitffoch, Klaus Mit Foch, Poerock’s, Program 3, Excess, Los Loveros, Natchniony Traktor, WSK-Punk, Blade Loki, Pol Pot Boys, Teatrzyk Martwych Dzieci, Stan Oskarżenia, Latające Odchody, Działon Punk, Alhambra animation artist Łukasz Stolarski edited by Grzegorz Górecki producer Aleksandra Wojtaszek produced by touchFILMS, ul. Morelowskiego 11, 52-429 Wrocław, Poland, tel. +48 601 79 23 76, [email protected] co-produced by Odra Film, the Mastershot Wrocław Film School, CeTa, KPD co-financed by the Polish Film Institute and the Lower Silesian Film Fund production manager Cezary Marszewski www.pisf.pl/en/ Football Brothers f 16 The second half of the 1970s saw the development of a strong punk movement in Wrocław – the result of a protest against the lack of independent thinking and surrounding bleak reality. Richly illustrated with archive footage, this documentary tells the story of the difficult daily existence of the punk subculture in communist Poland and the development of the punk rock music scene. f INDEX Gottland POLAND – CZECH REPUBLIC – SLOVAKIA 100’ / 6 X 25’ COLOUR directed by Viera Čákanyová, Petr Hátle, Rozálie Kohoutová, Lukáš Kokeš, Radovan Sibrt, Klára Tasovská written by Jan Gogola ml., Viera Čákanyová, Petr Hátle, Rozálie Kohoutová, Lukáš Kokeš, Klára Tasovská, Radovan Sibrt directors of photography Paweł Dyllus, Lukáš Kokeš, Lukáš Milota, Prokop Souček music by Patryk Cannon edited by Šimon Špidla, Lukáš Kokeš, Šimon Hájek, Viera Čakányová, Alexandra Gojdičová, Evženie Brabcová, Klára Tasovská, Jan Daňhel sound by Vítězslav Jíra (sound supervisor), Adam Levý, Vojtěch Knot, Lukáš Kosek, Vítězlav Jíra producers Tomáš Hrubý – Nutprodukce, Agnieszka Janowska – Centrala, Jacek Nagłowski – Centrala, Paweł Kosuń – Centrala, Peter Badač – Bfilm co-producer Ondřej Šejnoha – Studio FAMU, Rafał Bubnicki – Odra-Film produced by Nutprodukce, www.nutprodukce.cz, [email protected], Umělecká 618/7, 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic; Centrala, www.centralafilm.pl [email protected] [email protected] ul. Sienkiewicza 52/37, 90-058 Łódź, Poland; Bfilm, www.bfilm.sk [email protected], Škultétyho 10, 831 03 Bratislava, Slovakia co-produced by Czech Television, FAMU, Odra Film executive producer Klára Žaloudková co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, the Slovakian Audiovisual Fund, the Czech Film Fund production managers Agnieszka Janowska, Paweł Kosuń, Magda Borowiec POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 f TRAILER CONTENTS House on Its Head Dom na głowie POLAND 2014 19’ COLOUR AWARDS: //2014 KRAKOW FILM FESTIVAL, POLAND: THE AWARD OF THE POLISH FILMMAKERS ASSOCIATION FOR BEST FILM EDITING written and directed by Adam Palenta director of photography Wojciech Zamecznik music by Marcin Masecki edited by Adam Palenta, Agnieszka Glińska, Wojciech Zamecznik producer Karolina Puchała-Rojek produced by Fundacja Archeologii Fotografii, ul. Andersa 13, 00-159 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 504 697 387, +48 22 628 14 64, www.archeologiafotografii.pl [email protected] co-financed by the Polish Film Institute AWARDS: //18TH JIHLAVA INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FESTIVAL: SILVER EYE AWARDS – SPECIAL MENTION // 2014 FAMUFEST JURY HONORABLE MENTION An extraordinary documentary about the family life of Wojciech Zamecznik (1923-1967) – architect, production designer, and acclaimed poster artist. The film consists exclusively of archive footage shot by the artist himself, since he loved filming the life of his family, social gatherings, and trips with friends. The film is not only a unique look at the everyday life of an artist, but also a rare opportunity to catch a glimpse of the reality of communist Poland in the 1950s. www.pisf.pl/en/ An industrialist who got the Czech factories up and running and a movie star who played the role of a lifetime as Goebbels’ mistress. A man who put Stalin on a pedestal and another, who toppled him. A writer who always lied, except when writing fiction. A boy who tried to set the country on fire. Five pieces, five unique stories, five original takes on the history of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic. f 17 f INDEX 60’ COLOUR written and directed by Ase Svenheim Drivenes directors of photography Michał Jarosiński, Jacek Gruszka edited by Robert Stengard producers Anita Rehoff Larsen, Tone Grottjord co-producers Edward Porembny, Heino Deckert produced by Sant & Usant As co-produced by AMP Polska, Ma. Ja. De Filmproduktion co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, the Krakow Film Commission, Telewizja Polska POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Jestem Kuba NORWAY – POLAND – GERMANY 2014 The Island Wyspa POLAND – UKRAINE 2015 18’ BLACK&WHITE written and directed by Natalia Krasilnikova director of photography Ruslan Girin music by Dariusz Wancerz edited by Daria Szewczenko sound by Dariusz Wancerz producer Adam Ślesicki produced by Wajda Studio, ul. Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel./fax +48 22 851 10 57, www.wajdastudio.pl, [email protected] www.pisf.pl/en/ PHOTO BY SANT & USANT AS AWARDS: //TROMSO PALM AWARD FOR BEST FILM IN THE ‘FILMS FROM THE NORTH’ COMPETITION When the family business went under, the parents of 13-year-old Kuba and 8-year-old Mikołaj had to seek work abroad, leaving the boys in the care of grandparents and neighbours. But Kuba does his best to take care of his little brother by himself. An estimated 100,000 children in Poland are living today without parental supervision, following their parents’ decision to move abroad. What problems do these euro-orphans and their parents face? CONTENTS PHOTO BY RUSLAN GIRIN I Am Kuba f 18 A film about Mykola Golovan, an old sculptor from the Ukrainian city of Lutsk, where for the past 30 years he has been building his exceptional home. The place has by now become a tourist attraction; people come from all over to photograph the house and take souvenir snapshots with the master himself. But the film is more about the everyday life of a man who does what he loves, paying no attention to popularity. A parable on the harmony of loneliness. f INDEX To byłoby coś pięknego POLAND 2014 17’30’’ COLOUR written and directed by Anna Morawiec director of photography Paweł Jóźwicki edited by Barbara Fronc sound by Anna Morawiec, Ewa Bogusz producer Marcin Malatyński produced by the Łódź Film School, ul. Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 42 275 59 47, [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl executive production the Łódź Film School co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Konrad Rydlewski world sales Studio Filmowe INDEKS, tel. +48 515 123 369, [email protected] POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 It Would Be Beautiful CONTENTS It’s Only a Dream To tylko marzenia POLAND 2014 23’ COLOUR written and directed by Jakub Michnikowski director of photography Marek Kozakiewicz edited by Wojciech Janas producer Ewa Jastrzębska produced by Munk Studio, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 556 54 70; [email protected] co-produced by J Property co-financed by the Polish Film Institute AWARDS: //2014 ‘ETIUDA & ANIMA’ INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, KRAKOW: AUDIENCE AWARD //2014: ‘EUROSHORTS’ EUROPEAN FILM FESTIVAL, GDAŃSK-WARSAW: AWARD FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM The story of Jan, who lives in a decrepit wooden mansion on the outskirts of Łódź. He once lived here with his wife and numerous pets; today, his only roommates are two dogs and a mouse. There’s not much going on in his life – only the daily walks with his dogs bring a bit of colour into his bleak everyday existence. But Jan has a dream. He would like to see the sea at least once in his life. www.pisf.pl/en/ Mars could have long been inhabited by human beings if it wasn’t for the technical difficulty of returning to Earth from this remote planet, which is a year-long trip away. For the moment, there are plans to send four people to Mars on a one-way trip. The mission, known as Mars One, has been scheduled for 2023. Over 200,000 people from around the world applied for the programme; one of them is Aleksandra, a 57-year old biology teacher from the Polish city of Sosnowiec. f 19 f INDEX Jonasz w brzuchu Lewiatana POLAND 2015 55’ COLOUR / BLACK&WHITE written and directed by Krzysztof Wierzbicki director of photography Andrzej Wojciechowski edited by Svitlana Topor sound by Leszek Freund producer Zbigniew Domagalski produced by Kalejdoskop Film Studio, Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 851 17 79 co-produced by Telewizja Polska executive production Kalejdoskop Film Studio co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, the National Audiovisual Institute production manager Kamil Skałkowski POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Jonasz Kofta f TRAILER f CONTENTS Jurek POLAND 2015 73’ COLOUR AWARDS: //2015 VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL, CANADA: GRAND PRIZE //2015 HORY A MESTO, SLOVAKIA: CENA V4 A story about the life of Jonasz Kofta in communist Poland. About how he would find little pockets of freedom in the system and the price he paid for it. About his constant journey, his success and drama, his moments of rebellion against oppression and those in which he accepted his fate. A story of the disease he fought and defeated, and his unexpected death that came much too soon. But also a story about the joy of life, humour, and good spirit. www.pisf.pl/en/ written and directed by Paweł Wysoczański director of photography Jacek Kędzierski music by Michał Lorenc edited by Adriana Słoniec, Grzegorz Mazur producer Paweł Wysoczański produced by Black and White Productions co-produced by Instytucja Filmowa SILESIA FILM, Telewizja Polska co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, the Silesian Film Fund, the Katowice City Hall 20 Jerzy Kukuczka died tragically on October 24, 1989 during an expedition to Lhotse. This was his first trip to the Himalayas with money, with good equipment, and as a real celebrity. But Paweł Wysoczański’s documentary does not focus on the mystery of Kukuczka’s death. It is the portrait of a man climbing to the top – both literally and figuratively. From a zero to a hero, from a communist worker to a star of international media, from a man climbing mountains with neither funding nor equipment to Reinhold Messner’s number one rival in reaching the Crown of the Himalayas. Interviews with friends and family, archive footage, photographs, recordings, excerpts from television shows and interviews are brought together in this documentary to create a portrait of the whole mountain climbing community of the 1980s. It is also a portrait of their time – a time that was as difficult as it was colourful; a time when ideals were valued more than fame. f INDEX K2 – Dotknąć nieba POLAND – UNITED KINGDOM – GERMANY 72’ COLOUR written and directed by Eliza Kubarska director of photography Radosław Ładczuk music by Michał Jacaszek edited by Bartosz Pietras sound by Mariusz Bielecki producers Katarzyna Ślesicka, Monika Braid, Joanna Szymańska co-producers Gregor Streiber, Eliza Kubarska produced by Wajda Studio, Pl / Braidmade Films, UK co-produced by HBO Europe, Inselfilm Germany, Vertical Vision Film Studio executive producer Monika Braid co-financed by SERVUS TV, the Polish Film Institute, MEDIA Europe production managers Agnieszka Bąk, Marta Golba sound mixer Franciszek Kozłowski second unit David Kaszlikowski POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 K2 – Touching the Sky f CONTENTS The Last Trick Ostatni numer POLAND 2015 12’ COLOUR written and directed by Marcin Nowak director of photography Marcin Nowak edited by Marcin Sucharski sound by Artur Walaszczyk produced by Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 556 54 70, [email protected] executive production Kolektyw Film co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Agata Golańska www.pisf.pl/en/ In the summer of 1986, several dozen alpinists from all over the world met to climb K2, the second-highest mountain on the planet. The season, later dubbed ‘the black summer,’ brought a series of tragic events, leaving 13 climbers dead. Almost 30 years later, the director of the film, along with an international group of now grownup children of those unfortunate climbers, sets out on an expedition to reach the K2 base camp — the symbolic burial place for those who lost their lives on the mountain. For years, Zenon Andryjewicz has been running a circus school for children in Lviv. He is starting to think about retirement. He believes that everything good in life is already in the past. He wants to leave his protégés with more than old posters and faded photographs – he wants to share his knowledge, experience, and passion. 21 f INDEX Little Big Team Biało-czerwoni z Chrząstawy POLAND 2014 53’ COLOUR www.pisf.pl/en/ The story of the worst football team in the country. One defeat after another, all season. Sometimes even by twenty to null. 54-year-old Bohdan Kwaśniak founded the team in 1980 and remains the club’s president. He’s the coach. He plays on the team, too. He’s also a bachelor, still living with his parents. But he never stops dreaming of football greatness. f CONTENTS The Magic Mountain Czarodziejska Góra POLAND – ROMANIA – FRANCE 2015 80’ COLOUR directed by Anca Damian written by Anca Damian, Ania Winkler music by Alexander Balanescu sound by Sebastian Włodarczyk producer Anca Damian co-producer Joanna Ronikier, Włodzimierz Matuszewski, Guillaume de Seille produced by Aparte Films co-produced by Filmograf, SMF, Arizona Productions co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, Telewizja Polska, KFF, CNC France, CNC Romania, HBO Romania PHOTO BY ADRIAN PAWŁOWSKI written and directed by Krystian Kamiński directors of photography Filip Cichecki, Mateusz Wołoczko edited by Marek Domowicz music by Marek Papaj sound by Marcin Kotwa, Grzegorz Kucharski, Paweł Uszyński, Błażej Kanclerz, Maciej Adamczyk, Wojciech Bożek, Karol Szykowny sound post-production Ztudio production managers Sara Gołębiowska, Anna Kiełsznia producer Adrian Pawłowski co-producer Witold Będkowski produced by FILM FICTION Adrian Pawłowski, Al. Jerozolimskie 57, 00-697 Warsaw, Poland, [email protected] , tel. +48 793 145 467 co-produced by Telewizja Polska co-financed by the Polish Film Institute artistic supervisor Andrzej Fidyk POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 f TRAILER 22 Anca Damian’s latest film focuses on the remarkable Adam Jacek Winkler. He was a true individualist; he believed that his guileless and eager personality was not unlike that of Koziołek Matołek from the Polish classic children’s comic book. With his firm beliefs in the anti-communist resistance movement, he emigrated from Poland in 1965, settling in Paris, where he became an active fighter against communism. Upon learning of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, he joined the Afghan forces and fought under Ahmad Shah Massoud. f INDEX Pod Mocnym Smarzolem POLAND 49’ COLOUR PHOTO BY JACEK DRYGAŁA directed by Adam Lewandowski written by Jacek Rzehak, Adam Lewandowski directors of photography Adam Lewandowski, Jacek Rzehak music by Mikołaj Trzaska edited by Marcin Dulemba sound by Marcin Gągola producer Jacek Rzehak produced by Profil Film, ul. Huculska 3/36, 00-730 Warsaw production manager Klaudia Śmieja POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 The Mighty Smarzol www.pisf.pl/en/ Jerzy Pilch’s most acclaimed novel “Pod Mocnym Aniołem” (The Mighty Angel) brought him the 2001 Nike Literary Award. 13 years later, Wojciech Smarzowski turned this novel into a feature film. The documentary Pod Mocnym Smarzolem (The Mighty Smarzol ) depicts the filming process – from the original idea, through the shooting period, to the cast and crew’s struggle with the complicated issue of alcoholism. 23 f TRAILER f CONTENTS My 89 Generation Moje 89 pokolenie POLAND 2014 64’ COLOUR directed by Paweł Jóźwiak-Rodan written by Łukasz Ludkowski, Paweł Jóźwiak-Rodan directors of photography Łukasz Czerniawski, Janusz Dybowski, Łukasz Grubski, Ewelina Jasicka, Paweł Jóźwiak-Rodan, Martyna Kobiela, Paulina Raczkowska, Artur Rozmysł, Adam Rymon-Lipiński, Konrad Śniady, Piotr Uznański, Tomasz Woźniczka, Michał Żuberek music by Maciej Jamiołkowski edited by Rafał Stós producer Paweł Jóźwiak-Rodan produced by Projekcja Identyfikacja, ul. Jasia i Małgosi 29, 94-118 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 600 787 466, [email protected] co-produced by Telewizja Polska production manager Monika Krupa This crowdfunded documentary consists of footage filmed by its very protagonists – young people born after 1989. The filmmakers addressed them, asking to send in their films. Among dozens of hours of footage, they selected seven main protagonists going through their first loves, betrayals, break-ups, and trying to make their dreams come true. f INDEX 18’ COLOUR written and directed by Katarzyna Lesisz director of photography Katarzyna Lesisz edited by Cecylia Pacura sound by Ewa Bogusz, Rafał Nowak producer Marcin Malatyński produced by the Łódź Film School, ul. Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 42 275 59 47, [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl executive production Łódź Film School co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production managers Karina Brdak, Zuzanna Boryszewska world sales Studio Filmowe INDEKS, tel.+48 515 123 369, [email protected] Raised on a farm in the heart of Iceland, two brothers are portrayed as they face their daily routines. They lead different lives – the older brother lives in the city far away from the valley that used to be his home, the younger is a farmer, living at the family farm with his wife and son. Their story becomes a lyrical journey, during which the characters address important questions about belonging, being homesick, and finding one’s place in the world. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Życie mojego brata POLAND – ICELAND 2014 CONTENTS My Father from Neverland Mój ojciec Staś POLAND 2015 52’ COLOUR directed by Andrzej Bart in cooperation with Andrzej Dudziński written by Magdalena Dygat-Dudzińska director of photography Andrzej Wojciechowski edited by Svitlana Topor sound by Leszek Freund visual design by Andrzej Dudziński producer Zbigniew Domagalski produced by Kalejdoskop Film Studio, Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 851 17 79, tel./fax +48 22 841 21 35, www.kalejdoskop.art.pl co-produced by Telewizja Polska, the National Audiovisual Institute co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Monika Błachnio www.pisf.pl/en/ My Brother’s Life f 24 My Father from Neverland is a film portrait of Stanisław Dygat and an attempt to define this writer by his daughter Magda using literary quotes, press statements, and televised interviews with the writer. The film also features statements by Dygat’s friends and excerpts from his letters as read by actors. f INDEX Obiekt POLAND 2015 14’ COLOUR written and directed by Paulina Skibińska directors of photography Jakub Stolecki underwater photography Adam Wasiak, Grzegorz Zubowicz, Krzysztof Wiszniewski, Piotr Czechowski, Arkadiusz Ostrowski sound by Katarzyna Szczerba produced by Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 556 54 70, [email protected] executive producer Studio PUK co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Katarzyna Szczerba POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Object f CONTENTS One Man Show POLAND 2014 52’ COLOUR AWARDS: //2015 TAMPERE FILM FESTIVAL, FINLAND: SPECIAL MENTION //2015 SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL: SPECIAL JURY AWARD written and directed by Jakub Piątek director of photography Michał Stajniak music by Mikołaj Stroński edited by Jakub Piątek, Urszula Klimek-Piątek sound by Kamil Radziszewski, Weronika Raźna producer Maciej Kubicki co-producers Anna Kępińska, Witold Będkowski produced by Telemark, ul. Ordynacka 14/9, 00-358 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 508 154 480, [email protected] co-produced by Mazowieckie Centrum Kultury i Sztuki, the Warsaw Mazovia Film Fund, Telewizja Polska co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Jakub Razowski www.pisf.pl/en/ A creative approach to portraying a search&rescue operation set in two worlds: in the ice desert and under water. The story is told from the point of view of the rescue team, of the diver entering the underwater world, and of the onlookers waiting on the shore. 25 33-year-old Marcin is an actor who has never played a significant part in a significant film. His whole life has been about his dream of becoming a great actor. Meanwhile Marcin tries to fulfil himself as a cabaret actor and stand-up comedian. Despite his frustration and unending problems, he marches on in pursuit of his dreams. For the past seven years, he has been spending six weeks a year as a seasonal worker on farm in Norway, harvesting carrots and potatoes. f INDEX Wytrwałość POLAND 2015 74’ COLOUR POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Perseverance written and directed by Małgorzata Imelska director of photography Przemysław Niczyporuk music by Michał Lorenc edited by Ireneusz Grzyb sound by Aleksander Musiałowski producer Wojciech Szczudło produced by Kalejdoskop Film Studio, Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 851 17 79, tel./fax +48 22 841 21 35 co-produced by Telewizja Polska Program 2 executive production Kalejdoskop Film Studio co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Maciej Domagalski f TRAILER f CONTENTS Pill Junkies Tableciarze POLAND 2014 76’ COLOUR written and directed by Bartosz Staszewski director of photography Bartosz Staszewski music by Audio Network Limited edited by Bartłomiej Szkop producer Bartosz Staszewski The story of immigrants who left Poland and moved to Sweden during the time of martial law. In addition to a difficult past, Tadeusz and Krystyna share an addiction to strong meds. The footage for this film was shot over the past eight years, while observing the film’s protagonists in their struggle with addiction not only to the medication, but also to each other. www.pisf.pl/en/ The story of Ben Barenholtz, legendary American independent filmmaker. We all know his artistic bio: he is the man behind the famous Midnight Movies and the producer of the Coen brothers’ Barton Fink. But what factors played a key role in his life? The answer is to be found in the small Ukrainian village where he was born. 26 f INDEX Miejsce POLAND 2015 14’ COLOUR written and directed by Julia Popławska director of photography Grzegorz Hartfiel edited by Grzegorz Liwiński sound by Grzegorz Liwiński, Marcin Ochnio produced by Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 556 54 70, [email protected] executive production Munk Studio co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Agnieszka Ptaszyńska POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 The Place f CONTENTS The Promise of a Happy Childhood Obietnica dzieciństwa POLAND 2014 52’ COLOUR Observation of the ever-changing phenomena in this world never stops at ‘The Place’ – the highest-elevated work station in Poland, located on a symbolically immovable rock. This is the central point, the highest point, one that offers a different perspective and changes our view of reality. According to quantum physics theory, even the act of observing reality is capable of altering it. With regards to the observed alterable space, the protagonists’ story gains a deeper dimension. www.pisf.pl/en/ written and directed by Piotr Morawski, Ryszard Kaczyński director of photography Andrzej Adamczak edited by Grzegorz Mazur producers Wojciech Szczudło, Witold Będkowski produced by Kalejdoskop Film Studio, ul. Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 851 17 79, [email protected] co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Kamil Skałkowski 27 When Rita and Robert Jurotich, an American couple, showed up at the orphanage in Przesieka near Szklarska Poręba in the summer of 1997, they caused quite a commotion. Especially since they decided to adopt five siblings: 14-year-old Oktawia, 12-year-old Sylwek, 11-year-old Andrzej, 6-year-old Artur, and 4-year-old Kasia. Not long after returning to the States, their dreams of an idyllic life crashed and burned when faced with the brutal everyday reality. The film is an account of the dramatic story of the siblings over the course of 15 years. f INDEX Królowa ciszy POLAND – GERMANY 80’ COLOUR written and directed by Agnieszka Zwiefka directors of photography Armand Urbaniak, Aleksander Duraj music by Cocorosie, Dani Pintul, Banatului, Jessica de Rooik edited by Hansjörg Weißbrich, Thomas Ernst sound by Artur Kuczkowski producers Heino Deckert, Agnieszka Zwiefka, Iris Pakulla, Izabela Łopuch co-producers Elena Filippini, Stefano Teadli produced by HBO Poland, Chilli Productions, Ma.ja.de., Odra Film, ARTE/ZDF executive producer Hanka Kastelicova co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, Creative Europe – Media, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, the Lower Silesian Film Fund production manager Agnieszka Papiewska This story of ten-year-old Denisa, a deaf-mute young girl from an illegal Romani encampment, is also the story of the encampment itself – a place in danger of being evicted. But Denisa lives in her own world. Ever since she found a box of Bollywood films at the local landfill, they have become her escape from everyday reality. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 The Queen of Silence f TRAILER f CONTENTS Rebellion Był bunt POLAND – QATAR 2014 58’ COLOUR directed by Małgorzata Kozera-Topińska written by Łukasz Bluszcz, Małgorzata Kozera-Topińska directors of photography Maciej Fornal, Jan Budzowski, Michał Pałka music by Wojciech Błażejczyk edited by Bartosz Pietras producer Krzysztof Dzięciołowski produced by Vision House Krzysztof Dzięciołowski, Słupecka 11 m 5a, 02-309 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 6593863, [email protected], www.visionhouse.eu co-produced by Al Jazeera Documentary, TVP Kultura co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production managers Łukasz Bluszcz, Urszula Sławiec The story of the biggest prison riots in Europe after the Second World War. Carried by the waves of the democratic revolution in Poland, prison inmates started to speak up for their rights. When they took over the prisons in several towns, regular riots broke out. The new Solidarity government was afraid to take a firm stance against the rebelling inmates. www.pisf.pl/en/ f TRAILER 28 f INDEX COLOUR written and directed by Vahram Mkhitaryan director of photography Vahram Mkhitaryan music by Arsen Babajanyan edited by Daniel Gąsiorowski producer Adam Ślesicki produced by Wajda Studio, ul. Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 851 10 56, [email protected]; www.wajdaschool.pl co-produced by Art Sight Studio production manager Alicja Kizińska Khatchik, a blind shepherd, lives in the high mountains of Armenia. Against all odds, he managed to start a family and now lead a quiet life, taking his goat herd out into the steep mountain pastures every morning, where he moves around with no outside help. When his only son also loses his eyesight and has to travel to Yerevan to study at a school for the blind, Khatchik is faced with a difficult dilemma: should he carry on with his shepherd’s life or move to the city to be closer to his son? Khatchik is convinced that blindness is a curse that haunts his family; a curse that can only be lifted by a pious life in the mountains. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 30’ CONTENTS Singing in Exile Pieśń pamięci POLAND – BELGIUM – FRANCE 2015 72’ COLOUR FESTIVALS: //VISIONS DU REEL, 2015: COMPETITION, WORLD PREMIERE PHOTO BY MAGDALENA MĄ D RA Pieśń pasterza POLAND – ARMENIA 2014 written and directed by Nathalie Rossetti, Turi Finocchiaro directors of photography Raphael Van Sitteren, Maël Lagadec, Edouard Valette, Pôl Seïf music ancient Armenian music edited by Rudi Maerten sound by Origan Cannella, Agnès Szabo, Elsa Ruhlmann, Jeanne Debarsy sound editing by Tomasz Sikora producer Turi Finocchiaro co-producer Aleksandra Wojtaszek, Valérie Dupin produced by Borak Films co-produced by touchFILMS, ul. Morelowskiego 11, 52-429 Wrocław, Poland; Les Productions du Lagon executive producers Turi Finocchiaro, Aleksandra Wojtaszek co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, Odra-Film production manager Turi Finocchiaro www.pisf.pl/en/ Shepherd’s Song f 29 The tumultuous history of the 20th century dispersed the Armenian people all over the world. Uprooted and removed from their own culture and history, they attempt to protect traditional Armenian church songs. In Singing in Exile, two Armenians travel with Jarosław Fret and the Wrocław-based ZAR Theatre to the places of origin of this art form. f INDEX Ślimaki POLAND 2015 30’ COLOUR written and directed by Grzegorz Szczepaniak directors of photography Daniel Wawrzyniak, Marek Kozakiewicz music by Mikołaj Majkusiak edited by Wojciech Janas sound by Paulina Bocheńska producer Zuzanna Król produced by Wajda Studio, ul. Chełmska 21, tel./fax +48 22 851 10 57, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, www.wajdastudio.pl, [email protected] executive producer Zuzanna Król co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Piotr Gochnio POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Snails f TRAILER f CONTENTS So Close and Yet So Far Tak daleko, tak blisko POLAND 2014 47’ COLOUR written and directed by Anna Kuśmierczyk director of photography Marcin Nowak music by Łukasz Plenikowski, Maciej Werk edited by Piotr Budzowski producer Ewa Wójcicka produced by the Museum of Polish History, ul. Senatorska 35, 00-099 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 211 90 02, [email protected], [email protected] www.pisf.pl/en/ A film about preparations for launching a snail farm and the training sessions organized by industry guru Grzegorz Skalmowski (also known as the “Snail King”) and about the farm itself. But the real subjects of the film are the conversations about life and death, love and friendship, and about how to survive in today’s world; conversations the protagonists have with one another during filming. A portrait of five people who revisit the events of their childhood. Deportation, losing their loved ones, disease, fear, and hunger – that is their shared experience of the Second World War. A story of memory, identity, and broken family ties. The film’s protagonists now live in Russia, Israel, England, and Poland. For years, they either tried to reconnect with their close ones or tried to forget. 30 f INDEX Something Better to Come Nadejdą lepsze czasy POLAND – DENMARK 100’ COLOUR written and directed by Hanna Polak directors of photography Hanna Polak, Mariusz Margas, Hans Jurgen Burkard, Ivan Phynogyev, Yula Galochkina, Sasha Borisov, Maxim Drozdov, Dima Rakov edited by Marcin “Kot” Bastkowski producer Hanna Polak produced by Hanna Polak Films, Danish Documentary Production, [email protected], tel. +48 795 624 981 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, Danish Film Institute POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 f TRAILER f CONTENTS f The Sound of Nature POLAND 2015 60’ COLOUR AWARDS: //2014 IDFA, NETHERLANDS: SPECIAL JURY AWARD //2015 TRIESTE FILM FESTIVAL, ITALY: THE ALPE ADRIA CINEMA AWARD //2014 ART DOC FEST, RUSSIA: GRAND PRIZE Eleven-year-old Yula lives in Svalka, Europe’s biggest landfill, located 20 km outside of Moscow. Walled off and manned, the area is supposed to be free of any intruders. The group of people living inside these walls is a small community that effectively has no rights. They are Yula’s closest family. This is where she lives her life, this is where she dreams of a future far from the landfill. www.pisf.pl/en/ written and directed by Jacek Piotr Bławut director of photography Adam Palenta music by Jeph Jerman edited by Aleksandra Gowin sound by Radek Ochnio producer Anna Bławut Mazurkiewicz co-producer Wojciech Janio produced by Studio Filmowe Rabarbar co-produced by Fixa Film executive production Studio Filmowe Rabarbar co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Tatiana Wasilewska 31 A film about Jeph Jerman, an Arizona-based musician, experimenter, and sound enthusiast. Jeph’s passion is discovering the world through sounds. He has immersed himself in listening to the sounds we usually ignore. For instance, do we ever notice the sound of rocks knocking against each other, or the rustle of leaves in the wind? Jeph sometimes records these sounds, manipulates them, and composes into musical pieces. He makes whole symphonies using nothing but ambient sounds. Composing music out of the sounds of nature and listening to it is his way of life. The Sound of Nature is a film about passion that allows us to discover something extraordinary about the ordinary. The world’s first documentary film made using binaural sound technology, which allows the audience to experience a 3D stereo sound sensation. INDEX Spark Iskierka POLAND 2014 55’ COLOUR written and directed by Wiesława Piećko director of photography Bartosz Bieniek music by Piotr Klimek edited by Magda Budzyń producers Alina Gutowska-Terechowicz, Maria Marszałek produced by Film Studio MTM, ul. Świętokrzyska 18b, 00-052 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 601 98 16 85, [email protected] co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, the West Pomeranian Film Fund POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 f TRAILER f CONTENTS Starting Point Punkt wyjścia POLAND 2014 25’ COLOUR AWARDS: //2014 CAMERIMAGE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, POLAND: GOLDEN FROG – GRAND PRIZE IN SHORT DOCUMENTARY FILM COMPETITION directed by Michał Szcześniak written by Michał Szcześniak, Katarzyna Bonda director of photography Przemysław Niczyporuk music by Wioleta Szcześniak, Radosław Ochnio edited by Jacek Tarasiuk, Daniel Gąsiorowski sound by Radosław Ochnio, Fonograf producer Ewa Jastrzębska produced by Munk Studio, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 556 54 70, [email protected] co-produced by N Film Studio co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Bogna Janiec www.pisf.pl/en/ The birth of a child is one of the most beautiful experiences in a parent’s life – a truly joyous and emotional moment. But when they pick up their baby for the first time and learn that the child is very different from others, that’s when ‘Spark’ – the Association of Families and Friends of Children with Down Syndrome – comes to their rescue, providing rehabilitation to its young protégés, and engaging in educational and cultural activities. 32 Aneta rebelled at the age of 19. She ended up in prison for murder. Nine years later, while still serving time, she becomes a social worker. She is able to leave the prison walls every day to work at a nursing home, taking care of Helena, who is suffering from arthritis. Engaging in conversation with Helena, Aneta realizes how much she has to live for; this gives her the strength to believe in herself before the difficult test that lies ahead. f INDEX 16’ COLOUR written and directed by Kacper Czubak, Iwona Kaliszewska director of photography Kacper Czubak edited by Kacper Czubak, Joanna Wojtulewicz sound by Maciej Krupa producer Ewa Jastrzębska produced by Munk Studio, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 556 5470, [email protected] co-produced by Informa co-financed by the Polish Film Institute POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Siłaczka POLAND 2014 CONTENTS Sunday Niedziela POLAND 2015 10’ COLOUR PHOTO BY GDYŃ́ S KA SZKOŁA FILMOWA Strongwoman f directed by Eryk Lenartowicz director of photography Eryk Lenartowicz edited by Jean Tarrou, Irena Siedlar sound by Eryk Lenartowicz producers Leszek Kopeć, Jerzy Rados produced by the Gdynia Film School, ul. Wrocławska 93, 81-553 Gdynia, Poland, +48 58 625 11 46, [email protected] executive production Gdynia Film School co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Joanna Pultyn public relations & festivals Marcin Borchardt GFS office coordinator Marta Drankiewicz A village in Dagestan. A portrait of a woman who takes a nonconformist stance in the patriarchal world that surrounds her. Her decision is all the more daring considering the harsh social norms based on conservative Islamic law, which does not favour women. But the woman has an ace up her sleeve: the stubbornness, relentlessness and determination she gained during the times of the Soviet Union, when she was a wrestling champion. www.pisf.pl/en/ A short story about two people who have been living together for a long time, yet continue to live in their own worlds. An observation of their lives and routine. Will they be able to become closer to one another? 33 f INDEX Super Unit Superjednostka POLAND 2014 20’ COLOUR written and directed by Teresa Czepiec director of photography Paweł Dyllus edited by Jerzy Zawadzki sound by Krzysztof Ridan producer Adam Ślesicki produced by Wajda Studio, ul. Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 851 10 56, [email protected], www.wajdaschool.pl co-produced by Instytucja Kultury Katowice – Miasto Ogrodów executive producer Adam Ślesicki production manager Agnieszka Bąk POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 f TRAILER f TRAILER f CONTENTS Survey About Men Sonda o mężczyznach POLAND 2014 30’ COLOUR AWARDS: //2014 ‘OPOLSKIE LAMY’ FILM FESTIVAL, POLAND: SPECIAL JURY PRIZE IN DOCUMENTARY CATEGORY, AUDIENCE AWARD //2014 ‘OFF CINEMA’ INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, POZNAŃ: BRONZE CASTLE AWARD directed by Mateusz Głowacki director of photography Marcin Banasik, Kacper Sędzielewski sound by Marcin Kramarczyk edited by Mateusz Głowacki produced by Wojciech Janio FIXAFILM, ul. Nowogrodzka 31 lok. 31, 00-511 Warsaw, Poland financed by Telewizja Polska, FIXAFILM What do women want? This question has tormented men (filmmakers included) for years; this film creates a tongue-in-cheek opportunity to learn about expectations and dreams, and discuss relationships, partners and the intricacies of the female mentality. www.pisf.pl/en/ The Super Unit is a huge apartment block, designed as a ‘machine for living.’ The building’s 15 floors can accommodate up to three thousand people. The film’s protagonists are the people living inside the Super Unit – a place that becomes the setting for some of the key events in their lives. 34 f INDEX POLAND 57’ COLOUR written and directed by Judyta Fibiger director of photography Tomasz Nowak music by Daniel Bloom edited by Kuba Motylewski sound by Jacek Kozłowski producers Judyta Fibiger, Robert Rhodin produced by White Shark Studios, ul. Rejtana 14/12, 02-516 Warsaw, Poland, www.whiteshark.se production manager Małgorzata Kozioł A unique documentary about a Polish fashion designer and about fashion. The film features a first look at a collection that’s never been shown to a wide audience. Organized in driving rain, this impressive show took place with no photojournalists or cameras. On that day, fashion was at the forefront. Tomasz Ossoliński. Before the Show is the story of the three-week prep period for the show, which – much like a stage play – is carefully planned down to the most minute detail. An hour-long journey into a world of passion and love of beauty. As an 18-year-old, Tomasz Ossoliński walked into the ‘Bytom’ clothing factory, where he would spend the next few years working on his craft and discovering his life’s passion: fashion. He is the only fashion designer to proudly call himself a tailor. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Tomasz Ossoliński. Before the Show f TRAILER f CONTENTS Unstoppables Niepowstrzymani POLAND 73’ COLOUR directed by Bartosz M. Kowalski written by Bartosz M. Kowalski, Jakub Maj director of photography Mateusz Skalski music consultant Paweł Juzwuk edited by Jerzy Zawadzki sound by Mirosław Makowski, Piotr Pastuszak, Radosław Ochnio producer Dariusz Pietrykowski co-producers Hanka Kastelicova, Izabela Łopuch produced by Film it, Różana 32, 02-569 Warsaw, Poland co-produced by HBO Europe executive producer Mirella Zaradkiewicz co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, the Gdynia Film Fund production manager Mirella Zaradkiewicz Three individuals with a shared passion for American football – a talented, hard of hearing visual artist; a lawyer with a complicated past, and a fit-as-a-fiddle fitness instructor. Unstoppables is a story of friendship, passion, brotherhood, and sacrifice by teammates who, as the Gdynia Seahawks, strive to be the 2014 national champions in this spectacular sport. www.pisf.pl/en/ f TRAILER 35 f INDEX W. Sisters Beauty Salon Salon sióstr W. POLAND 2014 30’ COLOUR POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 f TRAILER written and directed by Jakub Stożek directors of photography Aleksander Duraj, Michał Pakulski edited by Jakub Stożek sound by Artur Kuczkowski producer Anna Zajączkowska produced by Afilm, ul. Lwowska 2A/54, 30-548 Krakow, Poland, tel. +48 607 983 844, [email protected], www.afilm.pl executive producer Natalia Bartkowicz-Koszałka production manager Ryszard Urbaniak CONTENTS Wałęsa by Wałęsa POLAND – FRANCE 2015 CA 70’ COLOUR written and directed by Andrzej Fidyk director of photography Adam Fręśko edited by Jan Mironowicz producer Klaudiusz Frydrych co-producer Christine Camdessus produced by Scorpio Studio co-produced by Arte, Alegria, Telewizja Polska executive production Scorpio Studio executive producer Ryszard Urbaniak co-financed by the Polish Film Institute Lech Wałęsa is making a movie about himself – he lectures the director about what elements should be or shouldn’t be included in his film portrait. While trying to comply with the request, the director is telling a parallel story – one that shows Wałęsa as a visionary and a hero, while also focusing on his cunning, megalomania, and love of both democracy and dictatorship. www.pisf.pl/en/ An unconventional beauty salon opened in Szczecin in 2012. It is Poland’s only beauty parlour catering exclusively to women suffering from cancer. It is run by two sisters – Joanna Wiszniewska and Jolanta Wiewióra, who know first-hand just how embarrassing a visit at a beauty parlour can be for cancer patients. At the W. Sisters Beauty Salon, things are just the opposite: the customers have an opportunity to freely discuss their dreams and their fears about the disease. f 36 f INDEX Walking Under Water Badjao. Duchy z morza POLAND 2014 76’ COLOUR written and directed by Eliza Kubarska directors of photography Piotr Rosołowski, Lisa Strohmayer music by Michał Jacaszek edited by Bartosz Pietras producer Monika Braid produced by Braidmade Films, [email protected] co-producers Stefan Kloos, Maciej Ostoja-Chyżyński, Filip Kovcin, Eliza Kubarska co-produced by Kloos&Co (Germany), Vertical Vision Film Studio and EBH (Poland) co-financed by the Polish Film Institute POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 f TRAILER AWARDS: //2014 HOT DOCS INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL, CANADA: SPECIAL JURY PRIZE //2014 PLANETE+ DOC FILM FESTIVAL: CANON CINEMATOGRAPHY AWARD – HONORABLE MENTION //2014 LOS ANGELES FILM FESTIVAL, USA: HONORABLE MENTION //2015 PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, USA: THE JOHN SCHLESINGER AWARD TRAILER f CONTENTS f INDEX Warsaw Uprising Powstanie Warszawskie POLAND 2014 85’ directed by Jan Komasa written by Joanna Pawluśkiewicz, Jan Ołdakowski, Piotr C. Śliwowski script consultant Władysław Pasikowski edited by Joanna Brühl producers Jan Ołdakowski, Piotr C. Śliwowski footage filmed by Andrzej “Kier” Ancuta, Stefan “Stefan” Bagiński, Stanisław “Giza” Bala, Roman “Świerk” Banach, Antoni “Wiktor” Bohdziewicz, Jerzy “Orski” Gabryjelski, Wacław Feliks “Wacek” Kaźmierczak, Seweryn Kruszyński, Kazimierz Pyszkowski, Edward Szope, Ryszard Szope, Henryk “Wania” Vlassak, Antoni “Antonio” Wawrzyniak, Jerzy “Pik” Zarzycki, and others produced by the Warsaw Rising Museum artistic supervisor Milenia Fiedler PSM colour grading supervisor Piotr Sobociński Jr., PSC sound by Bartosz Putkiewicz, Kacper Habisiak MPSE, Marcin Kasiński MPSE music by Bartosz Chajdecki executive production House Media Company, Opus Film compositing Łukasz Głowacz, Agnieszka Ratyńska, Sławomir Śmiarowski co-financed by the Polish Film Institute www.pisf.pl/en/ Badjao is a community of sea nomads, living in the area between the Philippines, Borneo, and Indonesia. For centuries, they lived like fish, spending most of their time in the water. Badjao children learn to swim before they learn to walk, while adults have mastered the difficult art of free-diving. They are able to walk and hunt on the bottom of the ocean, holding their breath for many minutes at a time. But when confronted with modern civilization, their lives begin to change rapidly. f 37 Based exclusively on actual archive footage filmed during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, this film is an account of the uprising as seen through the eyes of a US airman and two young reporters, cameramen for the Bureau of Information and Propaganda of the Polish Home Army. In their search for the perfect shots, they become immersed in the fighting and finally recognize that it is their moral duty to document the events and preserve the footage at all costs. Using state-of-the-art colouring and audio reconstruction technologies, Warsaw Uprising is an unprecedented account of real wartime drama. 40’ COLOUR written and directed by Paweł Łoziński directors of photography Paweł Łoziński, Wojciech Staroń edited by Dorota Wardęszkiewicz sound by Paweł Łoziński producer Paweł Łoziński produced by Łoziński Production, ul. Walecznych 17/6, 03-916 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 617 48 53, [email protected] co-produced by Telewizja Polska co-financed by the Polish Film Institute POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Werka POLAND 2014 f TRAILER f CONTENTS What’s Next Karolinko – Norwid and Nicole Co dalej z tobą, Karolinko – Norwid i Nicole POLAND 2014 60’ COLOUR AWARDS: //2014 KRAKOW FILM FESTIVAL – POLISH COMPETITION: MACIEJ SZUMOWSKI AWARD //2014 LUBUSKIE LATO FILMOWE, ŁAGÓW: BRONZE GRAPE AWARD IN DOCUMENTARY FILM COMPETITION //2014 ‘MAN IN DANGER’ MEDIA FESTIVAL, ŁÓDŹ: KAZIMERZ KARABASZ ‘PATIENT EYE’ AWARD //2014 POLISH FILM FESTIVAL IN AMERICA, CHICAGO: SOCIETY HUMANITARIAN AWARD www.pisf.pl/en/ The life of the film’s protagonist is no walk in the park. From morning till night, her day is filled with a series of responsibilities, only one of which is her job at the match factory. She tries to fix the mistakes of her past; she and her husband decide to take care of a handicapped girl named Weronika. Requiring constant sacrifice, their everyday struggle takes place quietly, far from grand words and declarations. written and directed by Karolina Bendera director of photography Karolina Bendera music by Luka edited by Anna Wagner producer Agata Szymańska produced by Filmpolis, ul. Dolna 7/9 00-773 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 514 593 757, [email protected], www.filmpolis.eu co-produced by TVP1 38 13 years ago, Karolina Sobczak – a girl growing up in an orphanage – played the part of the depraved friend of the main character in Robert Gliński’s Cześć, Tereska. In 2003, a documentary was made about Karolina – by then a teenage mother – and about her goal to build a normal home for her newborn child. Ten years on, we take a look at her everyday struggle with the hardships of being a single mother. f INDEX POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 AGFA 1939 www.pisf.pl/en/ SHORTS 39 f CONTENTS f INDEX directed by Tomek Bagiński written by Tobiasz Piątkowski, Jacek Dukaj, Jan Pomierny, Tomek Bagiński, Afolabi Kuti director of photography Wojciech Zieliński music by Atanas Valkov edited by Wojciech Jagiełło costume design by Malwina Wędzikowska sound by Kuba Pietrzak, Bartek Baranowski, Michał Jaroszewicz storyboards Michał Murawski cast Aidan Gillen, Aisling Franciosi producer Jan Pomierny, Anna Różalska produced by Platige Image, Racławicka 99, 02-634 Warsaw, Poland, [email protected] executive producer Mark McCaughrean (ESA), Marcin Kobylecki, Jarek Sawko, Piotr Sikora production manager Karina Lempkowska post-production by Platige Image compositing Michał Skrzypiec, Jakub Knapik, Mateusz Węglarz, Marcin Charlicki, Tomasz Suwalski, Juliusz Zenkner, Sylwester Lipiński CG supervisor Jakub Knapik art director Jakub Knapik On a distant planet, a tutor watches his apprentice go through tests in nanotechnology as she tries to prove herself worthy of advancement. Having failed, she demands another chance, but the tutor only agrees on the condition that she listens to a story. He begins to lecture her on the dawn of the Solar System and the qualities that have driven humans to excel. He finally reveals the true nature of her test and whether or not she passed. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 COLOUR CONTENTS America Ameryka POLAND 2015 30’ COLOUR PHOTO BY BARTOSZ BIENIEK 6’39’’ written and directed by Aleksandra Terpińska director of photography Bartosz Bieniek edited by Przemysław Chruścielewski production design by Mela Melak costume design by Aleksandra Chorążyczewska make-up artists Olga Dackiewicz, Jacqueline Bujek sound by Mateusz Adamczyk, Grzegorz Kucharski, Sebastian Witkowski cast Marta Mazurek, Aleksandra Adamska, Małgorzata Trofimiuk, Andrzej Konopka, Bartosz Gelner producer Jerzy Łukaszewicz produced by the Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia (WRiTv UŚ), ul. Bytkowska 1 B, 40-955 Katowice, Poland, [email protected], +48 32 25 82 420 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Beata Rzeźniczek distribution in Poland and world sales Michał Hudzikowski, [email protected], +48 663 573 247 www.pisf.pl/en/ Ambition POLAND 2014 f 40 Once upon a time in America… Two friends, Anka and Justina, dream of a better life. When they decide to go hitchhiking, what starts out as an innocent adventure will forever change their relationship. f INDEX 18’ COLOUR PHOTO BY IGOR POŁANIEWICZ written and directed by Sebastian Drożak director of photography Igor Połaniewicz music by Jan Sanejko edited by Magdalena Chowańska production design by Paulina Mazoń costume design by Magdalena Tarka make-up artist Adrianna Pawłowicz sound by Anna Rok, Mikołaj Teodorescu cast Aleksandra Bednarz, Paweł Smagała, Marek Siudym producer Jerzy Łukaszewicz produced by the Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia (WRiTv UŚ), ul. Bytkowska 1 B, 40-955 Katowice, Poland, [email protected], +48 32 25 82 420 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production managers Maria Wachowiak, Stanisław Zaborowski, Daria Maślona distribution in Poland and world sales Michał Hudzikowski, [email protected], +48 663 573 247 POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Arkansas POLAND Asshole Dupek POLAND 2015 19’ COLOUR written and directed by Krzysztof Komander director of photography Jakub Cachro music by Szymon Kania, Marek Grucka edited by Marcin Sucharski production design by Alicja Kazimierczak, Aleksandra Klemens costume design by Sandra Kowalska make-up artist Anna Warot sound by Tomasz Broniszewski cast Bartosz Gelner, Agnieszka Żulewska producer Jerzy Łukaszewicz produced by the Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia (WRiTv UŚ), ul. Bytkowska 1 B, 40-955 Katowice, Poland, [email protected], +48 32 25 82 420 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production managers Natalia Daniluk, Hanna Janocha distribution in Poland and world sales Michał Hudzikowski, [email protected], +48 663 573 247 A young man tries to break up with his girlfriend. This seemingly simple plan gets complicated when, having been beaten up, he is forced to spend a few more days with her. www.pisf.pl/en/ Marek runs a used car lot, selling American cars. He inherited the place after his father simply got up and left one day. Marek’s sister Anita unexpectedly returns to town, but it’s no ordinary sisterly visit. Will they manage to bid that last farewell to their father and to the American world he tried to build for them? CONTENTS PHOTO BY JAKUB CACHRO Arkansas f 41 f INDEX COLOUR written, directed and edited by Tomek Ślesicki director of photography Tomek Ślesicki cast Paweł Górka, Edyta Bełza, Maciej Bożek, Mateusz Bożek producer Maciej Ślesicki produced by the Warsaw Film School, ul. Generała Zajączka 7, 01-518 Warsaw, Poland, tel./fax +48 22 839 00 50 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Sierpień POLAND 2014 CONTENTS Bittersweet Gorzko! POLAND 2015 19’ COLOUR PHOTO BY CEZARY STOLECKI August f written and directed by Michał Wawrzecki director of photography Cezary Stolecki edited by Michał Żytkowski production design by Agata Adamus costume design by Hanna Podraza make-up artist Lena Zięba sound by Grzegorz Kubaszko cast Anna Gorajska, Piotr Polak, Hanna Maciąg producer Jerzy Łukaszewicz produced by the Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia (WRiTv UŚ), ul. Bytkowska 1 B, 40-955 Katowice, Poland, [email protected], +48 32 25 82 420 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Hanna Janocha distribution in Poland and world sales Michał Hudzikowski, [email protected], +48 663 573 247 www.pisf.pl/en/ Two twelve-year-olds take a six-year-old child from the village into the fields. As a result of the things that happen during their journey, nothing will ever be the same again. 42 Bittersweet is the story of a wedding night, a night at a hotel, a night on the street, a night in the back seat of a convertible, a night at a bakery and a restaurant, a night with a shotgun that will definitely fire. One couple, one night, two hold-ups. f INDEX Delegacja POLAND 2015 7’ COLOUR written and directed by Arkadiusz Bartosiak director of photography Arkadiusz Bartosiak music by Plateau edited by Arkadiusz Bartosiak cast Ewelina Bator producer Maciej Ślesicki produced by the Warsaw Film School, ul. Generała Zajączka 7, 01-518 Warsaw, Poland, tel./fax +48 22 839 00 50 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Business Trip f CONTENTS www.pisf.pl/en/ 43 INDEX Centaur POLAND – NORWAY – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 2014 45’ written and directed by Aleksandra Niemczyk director of photography Namsuk Kim edited by Aleksandra Niemczyk production design by Kwon Moon costume design by Aleksandra Niemczyk, Jesse Erin make-up artist Jesse Erin sound by Graeme Cole cast Snežana Alić, Vladimir Kajević, Anton Petersen, Dražen Dizdarević, Hare Metak, Vladimir Vlado Grizelj producer Emina Ganić co-producers Marta Habior, Marta Lewandowska, Aleksandra Niemczyk produced by the University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, University Incorporated in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hrasnička cesta 3a, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina co-produced by No Sugar Films, ul. Domaniewska 47/10, 02-672 Warsaw, Poland, Aleksandra Niemczyk Selskapsform, Fredensborgveien 39 B, 0177 Oslo, Norway production manager Mersiha Halilović artistic supervisor Bela Tarr Two days in the life of a woman. Who is she? What does she do? What path has she chosen? Business Trip is an intimate film made single-handedly, with no crew and no budget. f Centaur is a film about the unusual and demanding side of love; the husband, paralyzed as a result of polio, no longer wants to be a burden to his young wife. In her search for a cure, the loving wife turns to alternative therapies: burying the paralyzed body parts in the ground. The film consists of takes from the realm between reality and the dream world. COLOUR 33’30’’ COLOUR written and directed by Bartek Kulas director of photography Cezary Stolecki music by Łukasz Pieprzyk edited by Bartek Kulas sound by Sebastian Kordasz cast Marta Mazurek, Dariusz Basiński, Piotr Loretz, Ewa Worytkiewicz, Katarzyna Kwiatkowska, Krzysztof Zarzecki, Lidia Olszak, Marta Ojrzyńska, Hubert Podgórski, Aleksander Kopański, Paweł Monsiel, Mirosław Jadach, Andrzej Skwarek produced by Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, [email protected], tel. +48 22 556 54 70 co-produced by Kosma Films executive production Kosma Films co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Monika Derenda “A story that needs to be heard before growing up.” Circus Maximus is the story of a circus in decline. The circus director’s attempts at saving it gradually become unreasonable. We examine the world of the artistes, and especially the story of teenage Marianna, who was abandoned there as a child. Will they manage to save the circus? Will Marianna’s handicap allow her to finally perform in ‘The Grand Circus of the World’? POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 POLAND 2015 CONTENTS Cold Feet Gorzko, gorzko! POLAND 2014 17’ COLOUR written and directed by Julia Rogowska, Magdalena Załęcka director of photography Fredrik Olsson music by Adam Dąbrowski edited by Zbigniew Niciński cast Sławomir Orzechowski, Małgorzta Zajączkowska, Michał Sękiewicz, Sebastian Stankiewicz, Milena Lisiecka, Paula Bąk, Adam Bobik, Konrad Kapica, Szymon Milas, Karol Zakrzewski producer Maciej Ślesicki produced by the Warsaw Film School, ul. Generała Zajączka 7, 01-518 Warsaw, Poland, tel./fax +48 22 839 00 50 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute A short comedy of errors; embarrassing situations pile up in a way that feels like the pyramid of lies might topple any second. Włodek has been running a banquet hall for years. His business is organizing parties. A small error results in Włodek having to host a wedding and a wake at the same time, in the same building, making sure that neither party finds out about the other. www.pisf.pl/en/ Circus Maximus f 44 f INDEX COLOUR directed by Tomasz Wolski written by Tomasz Wolski, Bartosz Mleczko director of photography Patryk Jordanowicz edited by Tomasz Wolski production design by Łukasz Trzciński costume design by Semira Ali sound by Małgorzata Staroń cast Teresa Budzisz-Krzyżanowska, Katarzyna Krzanowska, Andrzej Konopka, Dagmara Bąk, Jowita Mazurkiewicz producer Ewa Jastrzębska co-producer Anna Gawlita produced by Munk Studio co-produced by Kijora Film executive producer Kijora Film production manager Przemysław Błażejewski distribution in Poland and world sales Munk Studio The story of an estranged mother and daughter, forced to spend several nighttime hours in each other’s company when the latter’s daughter goes missing. They set out on a search together – a search that will serve as an opportunity to sort out the difficult issues from their past. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 25’ CONTENTS Doctor Faustus Doktor Faustus POLAND 21’ COLOUR PHOTO BY JÓZEFINA GOCMAN Córka POLAND 2015 written and directed by Anna Urbańczyk director of photography Józefina Gocman music by Adrian Robak edited by Iza Pająk production design by Anna Wołoszczuk-Banasiak costume design by Natalia Data, Milena Jaroszek make-up artist Joanna Łopatowska sound by Paweł Gapiński, Paweł Szygendowski cast Tomasz Nosiński, Jerzy Zelnik, Katarzyna Błaszczyńska, Szymon Czacki, Robert Mania, Irena Sierakowska producer Jerzy Łukaszewicz produced by the Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia (WRiTv UŚ), ul. Bytkowska 1 B, 40-955 Katowice, Poland, [email protected], +48 32 25 82 420 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Joanna Śniegucka distribution in Poland and world sales Michał Hudzikowski, [email protected], +48 663 573 247 www.pisf.pl/en/ Daughter f 45 Thomas is a German writer, living in the United States during the Second World War. He writes down the story of his friend who believes to have sold his soul to the devil. By doing so, he intends to find out what led to the decline of his nation. But the consequences of showing these notes to a random person are far from what Thomas expected. f INDEX COLOUR directed by Leszek Molski written by Piotr Borkowski director of photography Paweł Dyllus music by Andrzej Kwieciński edited by Leszek Molski sound by Franciszek Kozłowski cast Magdalena Popławska, Dariusz Toczek, Milena Lisiecka, Dobromir Dymecki produced by Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, [email protected], tel. +48 22 556 54 70 co-produced by Trzy.tv executive production Trzy.tv co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Monika Krupa A young sales manager plans to go jogging after work. During her run, she falls into a deep hole. That’s the beginning of her absurd odyssey. The film serves as a metaphorical commentary to the changes that resulted from the recent economic crisis; it is the story of gaining a new perspective – one that allows us to take a long hard look at our earlier priorities. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 30’ CONTENTS Duties Obowiązki POLAND 2014 27’ COLOUR written and directed by Anna Karasińska director of photography Małgorzata Szyłak music by Hieronim Chamski edited by Ireneusz Grzyb, Paweł Sławek, Barbara Fronc cast Mirosława Sobik, Katarzyna Bargiełowska, Zbigniew Kosowski, Dariusz Grzywacz producer Marcin Malatyński produced by the Łódź Film School, ul. Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel.+48 42 275 58 80 [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl co-produced by Lollipop Films Everything happens on the day that Celine Dion gives birth to twins. In order to behave accordingly at her uncle’s funeral, Milena practices crying in front of a mirror. Though nothing major will happen, Milena will get better and better at shedding tears. www.pisf.pl/en/ Dół POLAND 2015 f 46 f INDEX POLAND 2015 13’ COLOUR written and directed by Wojciech Klimala director of photography Paweł Dyllus music by Tomasz Opałka edited by Hubert Pusek production design by Agnieszka Bąk costume design by Małgorzata Brama make-up artist Anna Piechocka sound by Paweł Uszyński cast Dawid Czupryński, Damian Kret, Adam Bobik, Magda Cwen-Hanuszkiewicz, Michalina Sosna, Borys Jaźnicki producer Małgorzata Brama co-producer Mateusz Wajda produced by Fundacja Artystyczna Erina B co-produced by MX35 executive producer, production manager Małgorzata Brama POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Entropia www.pisf.pl/en/ PHOTO BY HALINA JASIŃSKA AWARDS: //QL FILM FESTIVAL – MAIN PRIZE IN FEATURE FILM CATEGORY This adaptation of a short story by Marek Hłasko is set during the Second World War. Four young soldiers of the Home Army are heading to the home of a young woman to carry out the sentence of the underground tribunal. But when emotions take over, the events get out of control. CONTENTS Fast Food POLAND 2015 15’ COLOUR PHOTO BY ŁUKASZ BRODOWICZ Entropy f 47 written and directed by Eryk Lenartowicz director of photography Jonathan Young edited by Jean Tarrou, Maciej Szydłowski production design by Łukasz Brodowicz, Noemi Staniszewska costume design by Aleksandra Brzezińska make-up artist Ewa Klepacka sound by Piotr Pastuszak, Karol Szykowny cast Marek Kossakowski, Jacek Lenartowicz, Małgorzata Talarczyk, Michał Ludwik, Elżbieta Benkowska, Adrian Apanel, Karolina Zaleszczuk public relations & festivals Marcin Borchardt GFS office coordinator Marta Drankiewicz producers Leszek Kopeć, Jerzy Rados produced by the Gdynia Film School executive production Gdynia Film School co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Joanna Pultyn A dark comedy. Robert works at a fast food restaurant. After a co-worker dies, he becomes melancholy. He finds his life to be nothing but monotony and routine. When a new neighbour moves in next door, Robert’s organized world is suddenly turned upside down. f INDEX Ojcze masz POLAND 2014 30’ COLOUR written and directed by Kacper Lisowski director of photography Maciej Lisiecki music by Michał Skrok, Marek Sarba, Wściekły Pies edited by Piotr Szamburski cast Arkadiusz Jakubik, Przemysław Strojkowski, Agnieszka Przepiórska, Łukasz Simlat, Marek Sarba producer Ewa Jastrzębska produced by Munk Studio, Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 556 54 70, [email protected] co-produced by Monternia.pl executive producer Leszek Starzyński co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Radosław Rożniecki POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Father’s Day f CONTENTS Fragments Fragmenty POLAND 2014 25’ COLOUR AWARDS: //2014 POLISH FILM FESTIVAL IN AMERICA, USA: DISCOVERING EYE AWARD FOR THE MOST INTERESTING EMERGING FILM ARTIST //2014 ETIUDA & ANIMA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, POLAND: GOLDEN DINOSAUR AWARDS: //2014 CLERMONT-FERRAND INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL: YOUNG JURY AWARD www.pisf.pl/en/ Marcel is a punk rock musician. Though he is well over forty, he has yet to settle down. Staying true to his motto of ‘no future,’ he lives from concert to concert, and from party to party. One night, he runs into his old flame Basia. What starts out as a casual one-night adventure will eventually set Marcel’s life on a completely new path. written and directed by Aga Woszczyńska director of photography Bartosz Świniarski edited by Wojciech Rawecki Jr. cast Agnieszka Żulewska, Dobromir Dymecki, Sławomir Orzechowski, Jacek Mikołajczak producer Marcin Malatyński produced by the Łódź Film School, ul. Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel.+48 42 275 58 80 [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl co-produced by AT Productions, Before My Eyes co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Magdalena Sztorc 48 A collection of loosely-connected scenes about the disintegration of a world that the main protagonist clings to for dear life. Anna and her partner have a comfortable life – they have good jobs, they eat out at fancy restaurants, they have wild sex, and go jogging in the morning. But their urban lifestyle and the monotony that seems to have no end make Anna feel like she’s rotting inside. f INDEX Z łóżka powstałeś POLAND 2014 23’ COLOUR directed by Bartek Konopka written by Michał Ogrórek, Bartek Konopka director of photography Jacek Podgórski edited by Andrzej Dąbrowski cast Paweł Domagała, Aleksandra Grzelak, Stanisław Brudny, Tomasz Borkowski, Leszek Balcerowicz producer Anna Wydra produced by the National Bank of Poland, Otter Films, ul. Ludowa 21/1, 26-600 Radom, Poland, tel. +48 609 841 445, [email protected], www.otterfilms.pl co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Marta Wierzbicka POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 From Bed Thou Arose AWARDS: //2014 GDYNIA FILM FESTIVAL: MULTIMEDIAOFF GOLDEN FISH AUDIENCE AWARD CONTENTS Giant Gigant POLAND 2015 30’ COLOUR written and directed by Tomasz Jeziorski director of photography Karolina Zielińska music by Bogdan Klat edited by Paweł Sosnowski producer Marcin Malatyński produced by the Łódź Film School, ul. Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 42 275 59 47, [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production managers Bartosz Bednarz, Konrad Rydlewski world sales Studio Filmowe INDEKS, tel. +48 515 123 369, [email protected] Bartek is a 16-year-old boy, being raised by a single mother who can’t seem to get her personal life in order. Bartek supports her, sacrificing his own passions in the process. Until a chance meeting with a girl turns his world upside down. www.pisf.pl/en/ 25 years of Polish transformation as seen from bed. This absurdist tongue-in-cheek parable is the story of a carpenter who, after the fall of communism, decides to start his own small business. He starts with a rollaway bed, from which he sells bric-a-brac outside his building. Then he turns to making his own beds, risking a face-off with the mafia, becoming inebriated with freedom and capitalism, and paying a high price in his personal life. Probably the world’s first film shot exclusively using top shots. f 49 f INDEX Dzień Babci POLAND 2015 30’ COLOUR directed by Miłosz Sakowski written by Miłosz Sakowski, Marcin Kubawski director of photography Kacper Zieliński edited by Miłosz Sakowski production design by Łukasz Brodowicz costume design by Elżbieta Radke, Izabela Karwacka, Zuzanna Glińska make-up artists Izabela Karwacka, Noemi Ostrowska, Michalina Dudziak sound by Piotr Pastuszak cast Anna Dymna, Mateusz Nędza, Łukasz Simlat, Justyna Jeleń, Adam Cybulski, Michał Wojciechowicz producers Leszek Kopeć, Jerzy Rados produced by the Gdynia Film School, ul. Wrocławska 93, 81-533 Gdynia, Poland, +48 58 625 11 46 executive production Gdynia Film School public relations & festivals Marcin Borchardt GFS office coordinator Marta Drankiewicz co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Joanna Pultyn POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Grandma’s Day f CONTENTS Guilt Warszawa POLAND – NORWAY 2015 25’ COLOUR directed by Leiv Igor Devold written by Leiv Igor Devold, Morten Hovland, Krzysztof Śliwka, Rune S. Thorud director of photography Szymon Lenkowski edited by Rafał Listopad, Arild Tryggestad production design by Magdalena Marszałek costume design by Joanna Talejko make-up artist Monika Podnajmer sound by Robert Czyżewicz cast Andrzej Chyra, Mads Ousdal, Sylwia Juszczak producer Marta Habior, Leiv Igor Devold produced by AURORA FILM, Stortorget 1, 2609 Lillehammer, Norway co-produced by No Sugar Films, ul. Domaniewska 47/10, 02-672 Warsaw, Poland delegate producer No Sugar Films, Marta Habior co-financed by Ostnorsk Filmsenter production managers Maja Zupok, Marta Łachacz www.pisf.pl/en/ Tomek is a con man, swindling elderly people out of money. Everything seems to be going according to plan, when suddenly an old woman exposes him and locks him in her flat. The crippled old lady offers the crook a deal: he will get her money if he pretends to be her grandson in front of a social worker, who’s coming to see if she is being cared for by family. 50 Robert, a 30-year-old yuppie from Norway, wants to commit suicide. Not sure how to go about it, he decides that Polish prostitute Janina could be an excellent source of both knowledge and tools. What Robert doesn’t expect is that, instead of the ‘easy way out,’ what he’ll get is a second chance. f INDEX 17’ COLOUR written and directed by Kuba Czekaj director of photography Adam Palenta edited by Magdalena Chowańska sound by Radosław Ochnio cast Malwina Rybarczyk producer Krystyna Doktorowicz produced by the Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia (WRiTv UŚ), ul. Bytkowska 1b, 40-955 Katowice, Poland, tel.+48 32 258 24 28 [email protected] executive producer Kinga Kłusak co-financed by the Polish Film Institute and the Scholarship Programme of the Polish Filmmakers Association production manager Kinga Kłusak POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Rwetes POLAND 2014 AWARDS: //2014 ETIUDA & ANIMA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, POLAND: STUDENT JURY AWARD In the Corner W narożniku POLAND 2015 20’45’’ COLOUR written and directed by Maciej Bartosz Kruk director of photography Wojciech Ostrowski edited by Michał Poddębniak production design by Sylwia Galon, Miłosz Sakowski costume design by Dominika Rydzyńska make-up artist Magdalena Bautsch sound by Wojciech Cwyk cinematography consultant Sławomir Pultyn public relations & festivals Marcin Borchardt GFS office coordinator Marta Drankiewicz cast Alicja Stasiewicz, Marek Kasprzyk, Maciej Konopiński, Karolina Trębacz, Michał Wojciechowicz, Halinka Piwowarska, Kamila Bałanda, Wiesław Rupiński, Tomasz Jamroz producers Leszek Kopeć, Jerzy Rados produced by the Gdynia Film School, ul. Wrocławska 93, 81-553 Gdynia, Poland, +48 58 625 11 46, [email protected] co-produced by the Pomeranian Film Foundation and Magnus Film co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Joanna Pultyn artistic supervisor (directing) Sławomir Fabicki artistic supervisor (screenwriting) Grzegorz Łoszewski artistic supervisor (editing) Leszek Starzyński www.pisf.pl/en/ A few hours in the life of a young woman, when nothing of particular interest really happens – just the trivial activities of the kind you perform routinely, without paying them much attention. What could possibly happen in such a plain everyday existence? Nothing, really. And yet, it is the cracks of existence that can often be most dramatic. CONTENTS PHOTO BY GDYŃSKA SZKOŁA FILMOWA Hurly-Burly f 51 Coached by her father, 20-year-old Iza is getting ready for an important boxing match. As the big day approaches, Iza’s father suggests that she throw the match. Iza is forced to choose between her dreams and everything she ever believed in. f INDEX COLOUR POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Inka POLAND 2015 f CONTENTS Jasiek My Brother Jasiek mój brat POLAND 2014 9’ COLOUR written and directed by Monika Majorek director of photography Tomek Ślesicki edited by Monika Majorek cast Kamila Kobic, Julia Gawrysiak, Hubert Mikołajewski, Tadeusz Falana, Ireneusz Kozioł, Wojciech Węglarski, Szymon Milas producer Maciej Ślesicki produced by the Warsaw Film School, ul. Generała Zajączka 7, 01-518 Warsaw, Poland, tel./fax +48 22 839 00 50 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute written and directed by Zofia Żurawska director of photography Jakub Wójcik music by Balkan Balagan edited by Zofia Żurawska sound edited by Jan Żurawski sound studio Paprika Sound Factory cast Mateusz Lonc, Jan Żurawski, Piotr Żurawski producer Maciej Ślesicki produced by the Warsaw Film School, ul. Generała Zajączka 7, 01-518 Warsaw, Poland, tel./fax +48 22 839 00 50 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute As the summer draws to an end, two brothers set out on an idyllic journey. Carefree, they play around in the deserted fields. Jasiek, the elder, talks his brother into swimming out to the middle of the lake. The water seems calm at first, but soon shows the treacherous side of its element. www.pisf.pl/en/ The story of Inka, a young woman bullied by the people living in her village. Inka comes into conflict with the local parish priest, which results in her being shunned by the village community. Alone, she needs to face the decision about whether to stand by her ideals at all costs. 52 f INDEX Szczeniak POLAND 2015 20’ COLOUR written and directed by Karol Starnawski director of photography Kajetan Plis music by Michał Drabczyk edited by Grzegorz Habryn PSM sound by Aleksandra M. M. Mikołajczyk cast Bartłomiej Kwiatkowski, Anna Moskal, Krzysztof Chodorowski, Urszula Gryczewska producer Marcin Malatyński produced by the Łódź Film School, ul. Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 42 275 59 47, [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Joanna Rybus world sales Studio Filmowe INDEKS, tel. +48 515 123 369, [email protected] POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 The Kid f CONTENTS Learning to Swim Nauka pływania POLAND 2015 29’ BLACK&WHITE written and directed by Kuba Zubrzycki director of photography Julian A. Ch. Kernbach edited by Paweł Kowalik sound by Bogdan Klat cast Agnieszka Skrzypczak, Mariusz Jakus, Milena Lisiecka, Bartłomiej Nowosielski producer Marcin Malatyński produced by the Łódź Film School, ul. Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 42 275 59 47, [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Kuba Michalski distribution and world sales Studio Filmowe INDEKS, tel. +48 515 123 369, [email protected] A young girl turns up at a place that at first seems like the place where hope goes to die. Meeting other people in mourning who seem so different from her will give her an opportunity to learn something new about herself and look at her life, and the decisions she made, in a different light. www.pisf.pl/en/ Adolescence is the worst period in human life. Janek will be taking his high school graduation exam this year. He has a problem with mathematics – the single greatest nuisance in his life. He feels overwhelmed by the pressure from his family, who want nothing but the best for him, of course. And then there’s the girl in Janek’s class who would really like to get him to notice her. But Janek has a secret – one that only he and his maths teacher know about. 53 f INDEX 23’ COLOUR written and directed by Matej Bobrik director of photography Maciej Twardowski edited by Matej Bobrik cast Bartosz Bielenia, Marta Kurzak, Marcin Włodarski, Jan Kamiński, Krzysztof Bitdorf, Błazej Pieczonka producer Marcin Malatyński produced by the Łódź Film School, Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel.+48 42 275 58 80 [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production managers Anna Majek, Monika Buczyńska Kuba and Jurek are friends; they work together felling a forest and spend their free time together as well. After a crazy night, Kuba wakes up in a field, surrounded by cows. His friend is nowhere to be found. So he decides to look for the girl they met the night before. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 POLAND 2014 CONTENTS Maja POLAND 2014 5’45’’ COLOUR PHOTO BY SEBASTIAN WEBER Światło w sierpniu written and directed by Jakub Michnikowski director of photography Sebastian Weber music by Geeshie Wiley, “Last Kind Words” edited by Tomasz Kolak sound by Ewa Bogusz cast Maja Krupińska, Władysław Kruk, Ryszard Nowakowski, Krystyna Karolak producer Marcin Malatyński produced by the Łódź Film School, ul. Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 42 275 59 47, [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Katarzyna Janiak world sales Studio Filmowe INDEKS, tel.+48 515 123 369, [email protected] The wind blows. A dog anxiously barks in the yard. Maja and her family are at a wake, gathering over the body. Maja looks out the window. Her grandfather may be gone, but there is an old magical willow, and there are enchanted spirits in the music. www.pisf.pl/en/ Light in August f 54 f INDEX Milky Brother Mleczny brat POLAND – ARMENIA 2014 30’ COLOUR directed by Vahram Mkhitaryan written by Vahram Mkhitaryan, Aleksandra Majdzińska director of photography Marcin Sauter music by Mikołaj Trzaska edited by Ziemowit Jaworski sound by Marcin Cichoń, Agata Chodyra cast Lusine Avanesyan, Manuk Qishmishyan, Arthur Papikyan, Seyran Mkrtchyan producer Katarzyna Ślesicka produced by Munk Studio, Wajda Studio, ul. Chełmska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 851 10 56, [email protected] www.wajdaschool.pl co-produced by MX 35, Hasmik Hovhannisyan executive producers Joanna Szymańska, Hasmik Hovhannisyan co-financed by the Polish Film Institute and the National Cinema Centre of Armenia production managers Alicja Kizińska, Tigran Shahinyan POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 f TRAILER AWARDS: //2014 GOLDEN APRICOT INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, ARMENIA: GOLDEN APRICOT AWARD, HRANT MATEVOSSIAN SPECIAL PRIZE FOR BEST SCRIPT //2014 PREMIERES PLANS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, FRANCE: GRAND JURY PRIZE EUROPEAN SHORT FILMS //2014 KRAKOW FILM FESTIVAL, POLAND: AWARD FOR THE BEST SHORT AND DOCUMENTARY FILM PRODUCER IN POLAND CONTENTS Molehill POLAND 2014 20’ COLOUR written and directed by Joanna Zastróżna director of photography Jan Holoubek music by Piotr Pawlak edited by Joanna Zastróżna sound by Wojciech Cwyk cast Andrzej Chyra, Eryk Lubos, Leon Dziemaszkiewicz, Gucio Gordon producer Magdalena Dula produced by Mediascream Art Productions, ul. Świętojańska 35/36/5; 80-840 Gdańsk, Poland, tel.+48 690 000 590 [email protected] Two old men spend the shortest night and the longest day at the military molehills. The White Bear, the Mole and the Horse watch over them while they sleep, because the approach to post-trauma therapy changes – especially if psychological and physical well-being rank high on your list of priorities. www.pisf.pl/en/ The story of a young boy named Seto, living in a small Armenian village. The newest addition to the family is soon to be born. Seto dreams of having a little brother, but the baby dies soon after birth. Instead of a baby brother, the new friend in Seto’s life will be a baby lamb. Seto’s initial reluctance soon turns into fondness – a true friendship forms between Seto and the lamb. But not for long. The family decides that the boy will need to part with his ‘milky brother.’ f 55 f INDEX written and directed by Szymon Kapeniak director of photography Jacek Podgórski music by Hubert Zemler edited by Paweł Laskowski sound by Franek Kozłowski cast Daniil Mireschkin, Oleg Scherbina, Evgeny Yaroschuk, Natalia Terlecka, Vlad Bokatov, Oksana Stepchuk produced by Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, [email protected] tel. +48 22 556 54 70 co-produced by Better Films Production executive production Better Films Production co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Vasyl Malko POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 COLOUR CONTENTS The Moment Chwila POLAND 15’ COLOUR PHOTO BY CEZARY STOLECKI Moloch POLAND 2015 f written and directed by Piotr Domalewski director of photography Cezary Stolecki music by Piotr Domalewski, Anna Stela edited by Adam Kozioł production design by Agata Lepacka, Ewa Solecka costume design by Joanna Gawrońska, Agata Wąs make-up artist Joanna Skiba sound by Bartosz Idzi cast Sławomir Grzymkowski, Julia Kerner, Katarzyna Domalewska, Małgorzata Buczkowska, Anna Moskal, Andrzej Konopka producer Jerzy Łukaszewicz produced by the Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia (WRiTv UŚ), ul. Bytkowska 1 B, 40-955 Katowice, Poland, [email protected], +48 32 25 82 420 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production managers Julia Jendrysik, Justyna Mieńkowska, Szymon Ziegler distribution in Poland and world sales Michał Hudzikowski, [email protected], +48 663 573 247 www.pisf.pl/en/ Modern-day Ukraine. A group of young men is working illegally at a run-down steelworks. The oldest among them is currently having a hot affair and decides to quit his job, seeing his new flame as a good reason to reshape his life. His friends try to get him to change his mind in order to save their tight crew from falling apart. After a long day’s work, they decide to pay their colleague’s new girl a visit. 56 Dusk falls over a luxurious neighbourhood of identical houses. Marcin decides to invite his neighbour’s family over for dinner. But as he stands at their door, he notices something that will eat away at his mind for the rest of the night. f INDEX 28’ COLOUR written and directed by Bruno Brejt director of photography Bartosz Białobrzeski music by Piotr Aleksandrowicz edited by Adam Andrzejewski, Bruno Brejt cast Maciej Brzoska, Katarzyna Maciąg, Ireneusz Kozioł producer Maciej Ślesicki produced by the Warsaw Film School, ul. Generała Zajączka 7, 01-518 Warsaw, Poland, tel./fax +48 22 839 00 50 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 POLAND 2014 CONTENTS Multiphrenia Multifrenia POLAND 2015 25’ COLOUR PHOTO BY PIOTR IWANOWICZ Mr. Bad Luck f written and directed by Martyna Majewska director of photography Piotr Iwanowicz music by Dawid Majewski edited by Aleksy Kubiak, Jakub Lech production design by Anna Haudek costume design by Jagoda Strzałba-Głód make-up artist Anna Blada sound by Mikołaj Urbański, Łukasz Stanisławski cast Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, Martyna Witowska, Jonasz Tylkowski, Magdalena Biegańska, Justyna Kokot, Zbigniew Prażmowski, Magdalena Różańska producer Jerzy Łukaszewicz produced by the Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia (WRiTv UŚ), ul. Bytkowska 1 B, 40-955 Katowice, Poland, [email protected], +48 32 25 82 420 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Kinga Demska distribution in Poland and world sales Michał Hudzikowski, [email protected], +48 663 573 247 www.pisf.pl/en/ The end of summer. A young married couple heads off for a long-awaited holiday. When their quiet time is interrupted by a seemingly innocent incident, tensions between the two start to rise by the minute. 57 Multiphrenia is a short feature based on Marcel Proust’s “In Search of Lost Time.” It is the story of a spoiled aristocrat named Marcel who falls in love with a girl selling tangerines. The young filmmakers experiment with form, juggling conventions, often turning to kitsch and combining different styles. f INDEX 26’ COLOUR directed by Bartosz Blaschke written by Anna Stańko director of photography Tomasz Augustynek edited by Robert Polewski, Karol Kubiak sound by Konrad Błaszczyk cast Katarzyna Herman, Jadwiga Jankowska-Cieślak, Jowita Chwałek, Joanna Telecka, Anna Moskal produced by Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, [email protected] tel. +48 22 556 54 70 co-produced by Wajda Studio executive production Wajda Studio co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production managers Daria Zieniowicz, Iga Wójcik A story set in a rural village in the Mazury region of Poland. The father of the family has been away for a few days. While her husband is away, Halina tries to be very strict with their daughters. Eleven-year-old Ola believes her dad will soon return and her mother will finally be happy. But something gets in the way of that: her father’s goats. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Oczy mojego ojca POLAND 2015 CONTENTS The Naturals Naturalni POLAND 2014 22’ COLOUR directed by Kristoffer Rus written by Jarosław Stawirej director of photography Dominik Danilczyk edited by Jakub Pietrzak cast Wojciech Zieliński, Agnieszka Wosińska, Barbara Kurzaj, Elżbieta Okupska producer Ewa Jastrzębska produced by Wajda Studio, Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association (Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 556 54 70, [email protected]; Tango Production co-produced by Samolot.tv, Juice executive producers Joanna Szymańska, Zuzanna Król co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Szymon Danilczyk www.pisf.pl/en/ My Father’s Eye f 58 Monika and Piotr have been married for a long time. Desire and passion have long dwindled; all that remains is jealousy. Being as pragmatic as they are, they choose therapy over divorce. But they accidentally end up at an evolutionary psychologist’s office. The theories of various reproductive strategies appeal to them, so they decide to try them out – leading to a surprise ending. f INDEX Paryżanka POLAND – FRANCE 2015 COLOUR written and directed by Stefan Łazarski director of photography Filip Drożdż edited by Milenia Fidler sound by Anna Rok cast Zofia Domalik, Akil Wingate produced by Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, [email protected], tel. +48 22 556 54 70; G.R.E.C - Groupe de Recherches et d’Essais Cinématographiques executive producer Joanna Szymańska co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée production manager Quentin Laurent POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Parisian Girl f CONTENTS Pinky Mały palec POLAND 2014 24’ COLOUR directed by Tomasz Cichoń written by Tadeusz Rawa director of photography Mikołaj Łebkowski music by Łukasz Targosz edited by Adrian Szczepaniak cast Adam Bobik, Joanna Opozda, Remigiusz Jankowski, Stanisław Hubert, Nam Bui Ngoc, Anna Samusionek producer Ewa Jastrzębska produced by Munk Studio, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 556 54 70, [email protected] co-produced by Zielony Pomidor, Studio Spot, 3Monkeys executive producer Marcin Łunkiewicz co-financed by the Polish Film Institute One night, Tomek, Leszek and Seweryn steal a car, then sell it to a fence. Eager to celebrate a job well done, they head over to the local Vietnamese bar for a beer. Intoxicated with success, they are rude to the staff. What they don’t know is that their night will prove to be long and painful. www.pisf.pl/en/ 20-year-old Justyna arrives in Paris. Marcel was supposed to pick her up from the train station, but he never showed. Justyna is approached by a big, dark-skinned man named Riki, claiming to be a friend of Marcel’s. Reluctantly, she climbs into his car. 59 f INDEX POLAND 2014 COLOUR directed by Alek Pietrzak written by Norm Foster, Alek Pietrzak director of photography Mateusz Pastewka edited by Mateusz Rybka cast Marian Dziędziel, Dorota Pomykała, Wojciech Mecwaldowski producer Maciej Ślesicki produced by the Warsaw Film School, ul. Generała Zajączka 7, 01-518 Warsaw, Poland, tel./fax +48 22 839 00 50 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Mocna kawa wcale nie jest taka zła CONTENTS Summer of Love Lato miłości POLAND 2015 23’ COLOUR PHOTO BY BARTOSZ BIENIEK Strong Coffee Isn’t That Bad f written and directed by Marcin Filipowicz director of photography Bartosz Bieniek music by Krystian Wołowski, Adam Hryniewicki edited by Nucky Thompson production design by Judyta Pieprzyk costume design by Judyta Pieprzyk make-up artists Weronika Pająk, Alicja Pieczykołan sound by Krzysztof Ridan cast Jaśmina Polak, Grzegorz Grabowski producer Jerzy Łukaszewicz produced by the Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia (WRiTv UŚ), ul. Bytkowska 1 B, 40-955 Katowice, Poland, [email protected], +48 32 25 82 420 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Karolina Korta distribution in Poland and world sales Michał Hudzikowski, [email protected], +48 663 573 247 www.pisf.pl/en/ Jack hasn’t seen his son in 18 years. Then, out of the blue, his son arrives back at the village. A story of two men, both too stubborn to express their true feelings. 60 Confined in terms of time and space, Summer of Love is a love story about two young people whose decisions prove to be irreversible. The guy rents a wooden cabin in the mountains for his beautiful girlfriend, who goes there to experience the eponymous summer of love. f INDEX 26’ COLOUR Irka and Miłosz are a couple of teenagers who lock themselves in a hotel room for a single night. Their plan seems to be foolproof, and there’s just one thought guiding them: our love is unique and indestructible. The twelve hours they spend together at that hotel will change everything between them. www.pisf.pl/en/ PHOTO BY ŁUKASZ BRODOWICZ directed by Emilia Zielonka written by Agata K. Koschmieder director of photography Bartosz Świniarski music by Zbyszek Węgliński edited by Emilia Zielonka, Irena Siedlar production design by Marta Sieczak costume design by Marta Sieczak make-up artist Magda Szarzyńska sound by Piotr Pastuszak cast Sonia Mietielica, Józek Pawłowski, Dorota Androsz, Zbyszek Węgliński producers Leszek Kopeć, Jerzy Rados produced by the Gdynia Film School, ul. Wrocławska 93, 81-553 Gdynia, Poland, +48 58 625 11 46, [email protected] co-financed by the Polish Film Institute produced with financial support from the Pomeranian Voivodship production manager Joanna Pultyn GFS office coordinator Marta Drankiewicz POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Czułość POLAND CONTENTS Travelling Kroki POLAND 2015 23’ COLOUR PHOTO BY GDYŃ́ S KA SZKOŁA FILMOWA Tenderness f 61 written and directed by Karolina Zaleszczuk director of photography Zuzanna Pyda edited by Bartłomiej Piasek production design by Ewa Mroczkowska costume design by Izabela Karwacka, Ewa Mroczkowska make-up artist Ewa Klepacka sound by Piotr Pastuszak cast Nikola Raczko, Dorota Androsz, Paulina Gałązka, Michał Jaros producers Leszek Kopeć, Jerzy Rados produced by the Gdynia Film School, Wrocławska 93, 81-553 Gdynia, Poland, +48 58 625 11 46 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Joanna Pultyn GFS office coordinator Marta Drankiewicz Teenaged Justyna has had it with her mother, who parties all night. A random infatuation with a new neighbour will force her to grow up quickly. f INDEX POLAND 2015 13’ COLOUR written and directed by Filip Hillesland director of photography Jakub Burakiewicz music by Filip Hillesland edited by Malwina Wodzicka cast Paweł Dobek, Mike Lipiński, Maksymilian Michasiow, Rafał Rosiak, Wafic Abon-Khadra, Oliwia Korzec, Wiktoria Korzec produced by the Warsaw Film School, ul. Generała Zajączka 7, 01-518 Warsaw, Poland, tel./fax +48 22 839 00 50 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Tropical Island f CONTENTS A Wake Pogrzebiny POLAND 2014 20’ COLOUR written and directed by Wojciech Stupnicki director of photography Paweł Chorzępa edited by Artur Rej cast Piotr Bułka, Dariusz Chojnacki, Michalina Sosna, Monika Radziwon, Dariusz Niebudek producer Ewa Jastrzębska produced by Munk Studio, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 556 54 70, [email protected] co-produced by Aurora Film Production executive producer Piotr Ledwig co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, the Silesian Film Fund production manager Jakub Strzępka www.pisf.pl/en/ Tropical Island is a dramedy about social alienation, self-acceptance, and finding a sense of belonging. The main character is an albino teenager named Whitey, who wants to get away from his neighbourhood and escape to a place known as Tropical Island. 62 “Remember, you have an older brother,” are the words that Pyjter will utter to his kid brother several times a day. They are both waiters at a restaurant that caters to special events, but tonight’s shift will be different. Pyjter intends to find his brother a girlfriend. And, as the more experienced one, he will surely find the best girl out there, because he knows best what’s good for his brother. As luck would have it, the event happens to be a wake. So it’s time to stop mourning and make things more festive. Tonight’s the night when the kid becomes a man. f INDEX To, czego chcę POLAND 2015 30’ COLOUR www.pisf.pl/en/ Modern-day Silesia. Ariel, whose whole life revolves around his favourite football team and his dog. For Karolina, a single mother, a cheerleading career is the delusive opportunity for a better life. Their meeting is an encounter between two seemingly opposite desires – but both really stem from loneliness. CONTENTS Windows and Planes Okna i samoloty POLAND 2014 COLOUR directed by Łukasz Suchocki written by Łukasz Suchocki, Mateusz Pastewka director of photography Mateusz Pastewka edited by Mateusz Rybka cast Paweł Wilczak, Łukasz Garlicki, Olga Bołądź producer Maciej Ślesicki produced by the Warsaw Film School, ul. Generała Zajączka 7, 01-518 Warsaw, Poland, tel./fax +48 22 839 00 50 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute PHOTO BY DAMIAN KOCUR written and directed by Damian Kocur director of photography Damian Kocur music by Maria Holka edited by Sebastian Mialik production design by Agata Adamus costume design by Karolina Biesiadecka make-up by Lena Zięba sound by Błażej Kanclerz cast Ariel Makara, Karolina Marczok, Kacper Białek, Daniel Furmaniak, Jolanta Łoskot, Andrzej Mastalerz, Jakub Lipa, Artur Garbacz, Małgorzata Metyk producer Jerzy Łukaszewicz produced by the Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia (WRiTv UŚ), ul. Bytkowska 1 B, 40-955 Katowice, Poland, [email protected], +48 32 25 82 420 co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production managers Piotr Steczek, Marta Czajka, Katarzyna Sierka distribution in Poland and world sales Michał Hudzikowski, [email protected], +48 663 573 247 POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 What I Want f 63 Marcel is going through a mid-life crisis. He has been getting ready to fulfill a lifelong dream for a while now, keeping it secret from his family. What he doesn’t know is that he is being watched by his neighbour Eryk, who is having relationship trouble of his own. f INDEX Źle nam z oczu patrzy POLAND 2014 25’ COLOUR directed by Arek Biedrzycki written by Arek Biedrzycki, Łukasz M. Maciejewski director of photography Piotr Pawlus music by Adam Żurada cast Marcin Kowalczyk, Magdalena Celmer producer Krystyna Doktorowicz produced by the Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia (WRiTv UŚ), ul. Bytkowska 1b, 40-955 Katowice, Poland, tel.+48 32 258 24 28 [email protected] co-financed by the Polish Film Institute production manager Przemysław Błażejewski POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 You Keep an Eye on Us www.pisf.pl/en/ He and She find themselves in a flat that doubles as a trap. He is hiding from the consequences of a crime he once committed. She is innocent. She stays with him, even though she’s free to leave at any time. All signs from the outside world suggest impending doom. A story inspired by the events that took place in the town of Sanok in January last year. 64 f CONTENTS f INDEX POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 AGFA 1939 www.pisf.pl/en/ ANIMATIONS 65 f CONTENTS f INDEX POLAND 2015 17’ COLOUR directed by Natalia Brożyńska written by Mateusz Moczulski, Natalia Brożyńska director of photography Hubert Napierała music by Tomasz Jerzy Tumidajewicz edited by Janusz Czubak production design by Krzysztof Wierzbowski production design by Krzysztof Wierzbowski, Izabela Nakoneczna, Alina Wieczorek, Wojciech Sankiewicz, Izabela Ambroziak animation artists Wojciech Sankiewicz, Katarzyna Okoniewska storyboard, visual design, puppet designs by Natalia Brożyńska produced by WJTeam, al. Piłsudskiego 135, 92-318 Łódź, Poland producers Wojciech Leszczyński, Anna Mroczek, Justyna Rucińska co-produced by PWSFTViT production manager Jakub Wawrzynkiewicz artistic supervisor Mariusz Wilczyński The story of Hydrops – the king of Aquatia, and his advisors, who were given the assignment of creating the heir to the throne. Rivalry and intrigues concerning the qualities of the future prince led to the implanting of the matrix of ‘fondness’ for little things. That was the beginning of the obsession with growing smaller. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Doradcy Króla Hydropsa CONTENTS Agatha Agatka POLAND 2015 13 X 10’ COLOUR directed by Jan Steliżuk, Andrzej Piotr Morawski, Wojciech Wojtkowski, Robert Turło, Andrzej Kukuła, Paweł Czarzasty written by Jan Steliżuk director of photography Joanna Wójcik music by Robert Ochnio edited by Robert Rząca sound by Robert Ochnio production design by Aleksandra Vetter, Sławomir Zalewski storyboard artists Jan Steliżuk, Andrzej Piotr Morawski, Wojciech Wojtkowski, Robert Turło, Andrzej Kukuła, Paweł Czarzasty visual design by Sławomir Zalewski, Aleksandra Vetter produced by Serafiński Studio, Solec 85/8, 00-382 Warsaw, Poland, [email protected] producer Marek Serafiński co-produced by the National Audiovisual Institute production manager Tomasz Wojtkowski compositing Robert Rząca co-financed by the Polish Film Institute www.pisf.pl/en/ The Advisors of King Hydrops f 66 Agatha is an altruist – despite her young age, she is always helping someone, comforting someone, or rescuing someone. Her imagination and ability to bring the objects around her to life and creating fascinating and often unusual stories are as educational as they are entertaining. f INDEX 10’ COLOUR directed by Piotr Giersz written by Monika Dovnar director of photography Robert Rzaca music by Robert Ochnio edited by Robert Rzaca sound by Robert Ochnio production design by Joanna Izydor animation artists Piotr Giersz, Grażyna Firląg, Patryk Dudziński storyboard artist Piotr Giersz visual design by Monika Dovnar, Joanna Izydor producer Serafiński Studio, Solec 85/8, 00-382 Warsaw, Poland, [email protected] producer Marek Serafiński production manager Tomasz Wojtkowski compositing Robert Rzaca co-financed by the Polish Film Institute A film based on a 19th-century folk tale about how the waves of the Baltic sea take possession of the cliff, the church and the cemetery in the seaside village of Trzęsacz. A story about love, the brutality of war, and the unbridled forces of nature. The Baltic sea brings long-lost lovers together again. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Bałtyk POLAND 2015 CONTENTS Banjo Pig Prosie Banjo POLAND 2015 6’ COLOUR directed by Łukasz Kacprowicz written by Łukasz Kacprowicz, Robert Jaszczurowski edited by Tomasz Halski production design, animation, storyboards, visual design, post-production by Grupa Smacznego produced by Grupa Smacznego Jaszczurowski, Kacprowicz, Wasilewski, ul. Łąkowa 35/38, 80-769 Gdańsk, Poland tel. +48 587 181 323 producer Robert Jaszczurowski production manager Anna Malinowska compositing Tomasz Halski co-financed by the Polish Film Institute Pig is a talented musician – a veritable banjo virtuoso, unappreciated by the other residents of the pig pen. His only true fan is Fly, who also happens to have a crush on him. She never leaves Pig’s side, even when he decides to travel the world in search of recognition. www.pisf.pl/en/ The Baltic Sea f 67 f INDEX 13 X 11’ COLOUR directed by Marcin Wasilewski written by Marcin Wasilewski, Szymon Jachimek, Zofia Stanecka, Marcin Graj, Szczepan Rożalski, Gisle Norman Melhus based on the “Basia” book series by Zofia Stanecka and Marianna Oklejak music by Michał Jacaszek edited by Tomasz Halski sound by Studio Spot production design by Marianna Oklejak, Magdalena Węgrzyn, Maja Barska, Aleksandra Kleczkowska animation artists, 3D animation by Grupa Smacznego/ Planet Nemo storyboard artist Grupa Smacznego visual design by Marianna Oklejak dubbing Miriam Aleksandrowicz cast Julia Gawrysiak, Basia Kubiak, Kowalik Maciej, Beata Wyrąbkiewicz, Włodzimierz Press, Krystyna Wachelko, Miriam Aleksandrowicz, Lidia Sadowa, Józek Kubiak, Basia Kubiak produced by Grupa Smacznego Jaszczurowski, Kacprowicz, Wasilewski, ul. Łąkowa 35/38, 80-769 Gdańsk, tel. +48 587 181 323 producer Robert Jaszczurowski co-produced by Planet Nemo, 18, rue Truffaut, 75017 Paris, France, tel. +33 (0) 1 44 70 70 20 production manager Małgorzata Klamann post-production by Grupa Smacznego compositing Tomasz Halski co-financed by Planet Nemo POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Basia POLAND – FRANCE 2015 f CONTENTS Bernard POLAND 2015 4’ BLACK&WHITE directed by Anna Oparkowska written by Anna Oparkowska, Łukasz Kacprowicz edited by Tomasz Halski production design, animation, storyboards Grupa Smacznego visual design by Anna Oparkowska produced by Grupa Smacznego Jaszczurowski, Kacprowicz, Wasilewski. ul. Łąkowa 35/38, 80-769 Gdańsk, Poland tel. +48 587 181 323 producer Robert Jaszczurowski production manager Łukasz Kacprowicz post-production by Grupa Smacznego compositing Tomasz Halski co-financed by the Polish Film Institute artistic supervisor Łukasz Kacprowicz Five-year-old Basia is a bit of a character. She lives in the city with her parents, her two brothers, her turtle Kajetan, and her teddy bear. Like all five-year-olds, Basia occasionally runs into major problems and needs to sort them out. She discovers that sometimes even the most difficult questions have simple answers. www.pisf.pl/en/ A somewhat perverse and concise deliberation on loneliness and the attempts to wrench free from its shackles. 68 f INDEX A Blue Room Niebieski pokój POLAND 2014 15’ COLOUR written, directed and edited by Tomasz Siwiński director of photography Tomasz Siwiński animation artists Piotr Garbacz, Andrzej Piotr Morawski, Tomasz Siwiński music by Remi Boubal cast Masza Bogucka, Wojciech Poradowski, Antoni Lemański, Jędrzej Lemański produced by Sacrebleu Production production manager Katarzyna Gormadzka co-produced by Se-Ma-For Produkcja Filmowa compositing Tomasz Siwiński artistic supervisor Piotr Dumała POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 f TRAILER CONTENTS f Bloody Sunday Ta cholerna niedziela POLAND 2015 16’ BLACK&WHITE directed by Przemek Kotyński written by Marcin Wroński music by Krzysztof Maciejewski edited by Przemek Kotyński, Bartek Kędzierski sound by Cafe Ole Wojtek Mielimąka animation artists Robert Zjawiński, Celina Skiba 3D animation by Piotr Popek, Piotr Kurzątkowski, Agnieszka Podolecka, Wojtek Jakubowski, Radosław Popiołek, Tomasz Żelazko, Grzegorz Szczygieł, Dominik Zieliński, Paweł Rajch, Marcin Montesano, Tomasz Januszewicz, Michał Konwicki, Mateusz Wiśniewski, Dash Dot Creations storyboard artist Olaf Ciszak visual design by Przemek Kotyński / “Najdroższy mój skarb” performed by Beata Przybytek, lyrics by Marcin Wroński, music by Krzysztof Maciejowski cast Mirosław Zbrojewicz, Marietta Żukowska, Robert Czebotar, Krzysztof Banaszyk, Modest Ruciński, Lech Łotocki, Przemysław Bluszcz produced by Studio Produkcyjne ORKA, ul. Bukowińska 22 lok. 3B, 02-703 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 641 56 20, [email protected] producer Magdalena Zimecka production managers Katarzyna Kozłowska, Rafał Błaziak post-production by Studio Produkcyjne ORKA compositing Piotr Ołtarzewski, Roman Trojanowski co-financed by Studio Produkcyjne ORKA, the Polish Film Institute, the Lublin Film Fund artistic supervisor Bartek Kędzierski www.pisf.pl/en/ AWARDS: //2014 CURTAS VILA DO CONDE INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, PORTUGAL: BEST ANIMATED FILM //2014 GUANAJUATO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, MEXICO: SPECIAL MENTION //2014 CUTOUT FEST, MEXICO: BEST NARRATIVE SHORT ANIMATION //2014 INTERNATIONAL ANIMATED FILM FESTIVAL ANIMATEKA, SLOVENIA: SPECIAL MENTION A man wakes up in a blue room. He is in a trap from which he cannot escape. He is tormented by unsettling visions, in which he has to face his fears and his memories. Trapped in the blue room, he is forced to come to terms with his past all on his own – only then will he be free again. f 69 Bloody Sunday is a multi-layered story completely open to interpretation; the plot consists of three narrative time segments, each leaving traces in the past and ultimately coming together in the present. INDEX But She’s Nice POLAND 2014 6’ COLOUR written and directed, director of photography, edited by Tomasz Pilarski music by Damian Czajka produced by the University of Arts in Poznań, al. Marcinkowskiego 29, 60-967 Poznań, Poland, tel. +48 61 855 25 21 (370) [email protected] producer Tomasz Pilarski POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 f TRAILER f CONTENTS Cheer Up, Tamara Nie martw się, Tamaro POLAND – FRANCE 2015 23’ COLOUR directed by Elżbieta Wąsik written by Marcin Graj sound by Aleksander Matuszewski production design by Elżbieta Wąsik, Tymoteusz Chliszcz animation artist Józef Trzaska storyboard artist Elżbieta Wąsik outlines by Szymon Adamski, Stefania Lachowicz, Mateusz Kmieć produced by Studio Miniatur Filmowych, ul. Królewicza Jakuba 12A, 02-956 Warsaw, Poland producer Joanna Ronikier co-produced by Planet Nemo Animation compositing Szymon Adamski co-financed by NINA In a world of grey tones, where life flows slowly in all its monotony, the light sketches a subtle story of unexpectedly blooming feelings. But sometimes, if you’ve been alone for too long, the very thought of being with someone could be dangerous. Will the protagonist manage to free himself from under the heavy shell that he built out of fear of the outside world? What will be the role of the Shadow in all this? A story about attempting to break out of the cage of loneliness, about the will to overcome one’s own weakness in order to open up to new possibilities, to the world, and to feelings. www.pisf.pl/en/ A group of school friends is getting ready for a masquerade ball. Someone comes up with the idea that they should dress up as doctors. This makes Tamara sad. Tamara often misses school. As it turns out, it is because she goes to the hospital to visit her mother, who is suffering from cancer. The children decide to surprise Tamara’s mother. 70 f INDEX POLAND 2015 6’ COLOUR written, directed and edited by Alicja Błaszczyńska director of photography Alicja Błaszczyńska visual design and animation by Alicja Błaszczyńska sound by Rafał Nowak, Wiesław Nowak produced by the Łódź Film School, ul. Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 42 275 59 47, [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl producer Marcin Malatyński compositing Alicja Błaszczyńska co-financed by the Polish Film Institute artistic supervisors Krzysztof Rynkiewicz, Mariusz Wilczyński, Kacper Zamarło world sales Studio Filmowe INDEKS, tel. +48 515 123 369, [email protected] Two triangular creatures are trapped on a platform. When a strange voice from space explains to them how to get out, the creatures engage in a game that is not as easy as the instructions they were given. Conquerors of the Triangle Space is a short film about reaching your goals, but also about ambition and the bitterness of rivalry. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Zdobywcy Trójkątnego Kosmosu CONTENTS f Creatures Kreatury POLAND 2015 10’ COLOUR written and directed by Tessa Moult-Milewska director of photography Tessa Moult-Milewska visual design by Marta Sieczak animation artist Wojciech Sankiewicz characters designed by Maria Janczak edited by Jakub Sobek music by Krzysztof A. Janczak sound by Michał Jankowski, Paweł Łuczak, Noiseroom cast Julia Kołakowska-Bytner, Janusz Wituch, Krzysztof A. Janczak, Stanisław Sygitowicz, Marta Markowicz, Michalina Fabijańska, Mattheu Bondu produced by Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, [email protected] tel. +48 22 556 54 70 producer Ewa Jastrzębska production manager Tessa Moult-Milewska co-produced by WJTeam – Justyna Rucińska, Anna Mroczek, Indemind, ul. Władysława Kotwicza 1, 61-344 Poznań, Poland co-financed by the Polish Film Institute artistic supervisor Stanisław Lenartowicz www.pisf.pl/en/ Conquerors of the Triangle Space f 71 A grotesque love story. The caricature-like Harold and Matylda face social ostracism and fumble while attempting to manipulate their obscene image. Inspired by the works of Roald Dahl, Lotte Reiniger and Edward Gorey, this raw cut-out animation takes us into the unpredictable and eclectic world of a dark imagination, ultimately leaving us with the question: “so who exactly are these eponymous creatures?” INDEX Dokument POLAND 2015 6’50’’ COLOUR written, directed and edited by Marcin Podolec director of photography Marcin Podolec visual design and animation by Marcin Podolec sound by Marcin Podolec music by Wiktoria Nowak produced by the Łódź Film School, ul. Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 422755947, [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl producer Marcin Malatyński compositing Marcin Podolec co-financed by the Polish Film Institute artistic supervisor Piotr Dumała world sales Studio Filmowe INDEKS, tel. +48 515 123 369, [email protected] POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 A Documentary Film f CONTENTS Domestication Udomowienie POLAND 2015 6’ COLOUR written, directed and edited by Sylwia Gaweł director of photography and animation artist Sylwia Gaweł produced by the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Plac Matejki 13, 31-157 Krakow, Poland, tel. +48 12 292 62 86 [email protected] producer Robert Sowa A film about a rather unusual relationship between man and animals. A collector of exotic reptiles and birds lives in a flat filled with cages and aquaria. In a thicket of lush greenery, he tends to his animals daily, while also carefully controlling their behaviour. A young caiman brought to the flat will suddenly disrupt the order he had been building so patiently. www.pisf.pl/en/ A portrait of a father whose adult children have moved out of the family home. 72 f INDEX Nie trać głowy POLAND 2015 4’ COLOUR written, directed and edited by Karolina Specht director of photography Karolina Specht visual design and animation by Karolina Specht sound by Bogdan Klat produced by the Łódź Film School, ul. Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łodź, Poland, tel. +48 42 275 59 47, [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl compositing Karolina Specht co-financed by the Polish Film Institute artistic supervisors Krzysztof Rynkiewicz, Mariusz Wilczyński, Kacper Zamarło world sales Studio Filmowe INDEKS, tel. +48 515 123 369, [email protected] Don’t Lose Your Head – a short animation using drawing and 2D techniques. A visual story about how easy it is to lose your head. A white head slowly rolls towards the centre of a black screen. A single event triggers an avalanche of subsequent events. The visual side of the film develops with the story. Starting with simple compositions, through a growing number of layouts and increasing density of forms, up to the final scenes filled with colours like a kaleidoscope. An overabundance of thoughts, relations and connections leads to a tragic ending. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Don’t Lose Your Head f CONTENTS Fences Płoty POLAND 2015 7’ BLACK&WHITE written and directed by Natalia Krawczuk director of photography Natalia Krawczuk visual design and animation by Natalia Krawczuk edited by Magdalena Chowańska music by Tsering Tobgyal sound by Ewa Bogusz produced by the Łódź Film School, ul. Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 42 275 59 47 [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl producer Marcin Malatyński compositing Natalia Krawczuk co-financed by the Polish Film Institute artistic supervisors Krzysztof Rynkiewicz, Mariusz Wilczyński, Kacper Zamarło world sales Studio Filmowe INDEKS, tel. +48 515 123 369 [email protected] www.pisf.pl/en/ f TRAILER 73 A bird in a cage, a toddler in a playpen, two dogs on either side of a fence. Barriers of various kinds are a part of our lives from beginning to end. Everyone deals with them in their own way. Does it really make sense to separate ourselves from our neighbours with a wall? The film is a reflection on the role of ‘fences’ in our lives – not just the physical ones, but also those that exist only in our minds. f INDEX 2nd season Pamiętnik Florki seria 2 POLAND 2015 13 X 11’ COLOUR directed by Janusz Martyn, Dorota Cieśla, Anna Wróblewska-Dzwoniarek, Agata Mikina, Jolanta Dudzińska, Barbara Koniecka, Marta Stróżycka, Bogusława Izdebska, Piotr Rogowski written by Roksana Jędrzejewska-Wróbel music by Marek Kuczyński edited by Janusz Martyn, Dorota Cieśla, Anna Wróblewska-Dzwoniarek, Agata Mikina, Jolanta Dudzińska, Barbara Koniecka, Marta Stróżycka, Bogusława Izdebska, Piotr Rogowski sound by Aleksander Matuszewski animation artists, 3D animation, storyboard artists Janusz Martyn, Dorota Cieśla, Anna Wróblewska-Dzwoniarek, Agata Mikina, Jolanta Dudzińska, Barbara Koniecka, Marta Stróżycka, Bogusława Izdebska, Piotr Rogowski, Jolanta Kędziora visual design by Jona Jung produced by ANIMA-POL, ul. Łąkowa 29, 90-554 Łódź, Poland, [email protected], tel. +48 501 180 256 producer Jadwiga Wendorff co-produced by Planet Nemo Animation 18, rue Truffaut, 75017 Paris, France, [email protected] tel. +33 (0) 1 44 70 70 20, the National Audiovisual Institute, ul. Wałbrzyska 3/5, 02-739 Warsaw, Poland, [email protected], tel. +48 22 380 49 00, Telewizja Polska, ul. J.P. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 547 70 76 production manager Piotr Królak compositing Janusz Martyn, Dorota Cieśla, Anna Wróblewska-Dzwoniarek, Agata Mikina, Jolanta Dudzińska, Barbara Koniecka, Marta Stróżycka, Bogusława Izdebska, Piotr Rogowski co-financed by the Polish Film Institute artistic supervisors Stanisław Lenartowicz, Janusz Martyn POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Florentine’s Diary f CONTENTS FESTIVALS (EPISODES FROM THE FIRST SEASON): //32ND ALE KINO! INTERNATIONAL YOUNG AUDIENCE FILM FESTIVAL, 2014: SHORT FILM COMPETITION – “BALLET” EPISODE – OFFICIAL SELECTION //12TH BIENNIAL OF ANIMATION FESTIVAL BRATISLAVA 2014 – “SHADOW” EPISODE, DIR. JANUSZ MARTYN – SPECIAL SCREENING IN THE INSPIRATIONS FESTIVAL SECTION //4TH KINOJAZDA 2014 CHILDREN’S FILM FESTIVAL – EPISODES “BEAN,” “TREASURES,” “TIME” – OFFICIAL SELECTION //3RD KOLKATA SHORTS FILM FESTIVAL 2014 KOLKATA, INDIA – “SHADOW” EPISODE, DIR. JANUSZ MARTYN – OFFICIAL SELECTION //54TH ZLIN FILM INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S FILM FESTIVAL 2014 – INTERNATIONAL ANIMATED CHILDREN’S FILM COMPETITION – “SHADOW” EPISODE, DIR. JANUSZ MARTYN – OFFICIAL SELECTION //31ST ALE KINO! INTERNATIONAL YOUNG AUDIENCE FILM FESTIVAL, 2014: SHORT FILM COMPETITION – “SHADOW” EPISODE, DIR. JANUSZ MARTYN – OFFICIAL SELECTION //INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S SHORT FILM FESTIVAL 2013 CHENNAI, INDIA – “SHADOW” EPISODE, DIR. JANUSZ MARTYN – OFFICIAL SELECTION A shrew named Florentine is out to explore the world around her. She wonders who owns the sky, and where do the colours disappear. A key issue addressed in the second season is the family relationship. Florentine is no longer an only child; she is now the big sister to twin brothers. The series is known for its shrewd observation of the world and a realistic way of presenting children’s problems. www.pisf.pl/en/ f TRAILER 74 f INDEX Fuga na wiolonczelę, trąbkę i pejzaż POLAND 2014 18’ COLOUR POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Fugue for Cello, Trumpet and Landscape f CONTENTS f Gingerbread Heart from the “Polish Fairy Tales” series [based on a fairy tale by Kornelia Dobkiewiczowa] Serce z piernika z serii „Baśnie i bajki polskie”, sezon 3 [na motywach baśni Kornelii Dobkiewiczowej] POLAND 2015 13’ COLOUR directed by Jerzy Kucia written by Jerzy Kucia, Agnieszka Kucia animation artists Jerzy Kucia, Vladimir Borokhov, Ewa Grzesiak, Dmytro Kovtanets, Katarzyna Agopsowicz, Maria Görlich-Opyd, Marek Pieniążek, Józef Trzaska, Edyta Turczanik, Joanna Wójcik directors of photography Janusz Wierciak, Leszek Skuza edited by Jerzy Kucia music by Maciej Jabłoński, Michał Jacaszek sound by Michał Kosterkiewicz produced by Jerzy Kucia – Produkcja Filmów, Chrobrego 29/33, 31-428 Krakow, Poland, tel. +48 50 858 76 78, [email protected] producer Jerzy Kucia production manager Zbigniew Noga co-financed by the Polish Film Institute AWARDS: //2014 KRAKOW FILM FESTIVAL, POLAND: GOLDEN DRAGON AWARD //2014 INTERNATIONAL ANIMATION FESTIVAL HIROSHIMA: SPECIAL AWARD //2014 ETIUDA & ANIMA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, POLAND: SILVER JABBERWOCKY //2014 LES SOMMETS DU CINÉMA D’ANIMATION, CANADA: AUDIENCE AWARD //2014 ANIMATEKA INTERNATIONAL ANIMATED FILM FESTIVAL, SLOVENIA: SPECIAL MENTION directed by Anna Dudek written by Anna Dudek, Jacek Adamczak director of photography Paweł Prewencki music by Arnold Dąbrowski edited by Krzysztof Napierała sound by Jan Jakub Milencki production design by Anna Dudek animation artists Leszek Budzelewski, Janusz Gałązkowski, Roman Frajczyk, Janusz Matusik, Roman Janeczko, Paweł Byrski, Elżbieta Kandziora, Ewa Rodewald, Waldemar Szajkowski storyboard artist Anna Dudek visual design by Anna Dudek cast Grzegorz Nawrocki, Marcel Groblewski, Agnieszka Kunikowska, Waldemar Barwiński, Andrzej Chudy, Jakub Jankiewicz, Bernard Lewandowski dubbing Dorota Kawęcka music and sound effects by Tomasz Śliwak Orlicki series title sequence by Robert Turło title sequence music by Marek Kuczyński produced by TV Studio Filmów Animowanych, ul. Aleksandra Fredry 7, 61-701 Poznań, Poland, +48 618 520 105, [email protected] producer Ewa Sobolewska co-produced by Telewizja Polska and the National Audiovisual Institute production manager Mariola Olejniczak post-production by TV Studio Filmów Animowanych compositing by Paweł Prewencki co-financed by the Polish Film Institute www.pisf.pl/en/ After 13 years of silence, Jerzy Kucia returns with a ruminative and poetic tale, based on the relationship between image and music. The film shows the process of searching for the unique qualities of landscape and liberating human emotions by calling on events that took place in the presented scenery. 75 INDEX Gingerbread Heart is the story of how fate always rewards us for being altruistic and sensitive to the needs of others. Szymek, a miner’s son, had a chance to learn this first-hand when he helped the Old Man, never knowing that he was in fact the Treasurer, the legendary ghost of the mine. Grand Banda – pilot POLAND 2015 7’ COLOUR written and directed by Marek Lachowicz, Łukasz Kacprowicz edited by Tomasz Halski sound by Studio Fonograf production design by Janusz Wyrzykowski animation and 3D animation by Grupa Smacznego storyboard artist, visual design by Marek Lachowicz cast Miriam Aleksandrowicz, Jacek Czyż, Jacek Domin, Jan Aleksandrowicz-Kraśko, Michał Lewandowski, Michał Lewandowski produced by Grupa Smacznego Jaszczurowski, Kacprowicz, Wasilewski, ul. Łąkowa 35/38, 80-769 Gdańsk, Poland, tel. +48 587 181 323 producer Robert Jaszczurowski production manager Małgorzata Klamann post-production by Grupa Smacznego compositing Tomasz Halski co-financed by the Polish Film Institute Grand Banda is a series based around two elderly ladies: Kazia and Mirka. Both now retired, they are former agents of two competing intelligence services. Kazia and Mirka share a flat and need to face the reality of a senior citizen’s everyday life. Though they compete with one another a little, deep down they both know that they are the best of friends. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Grand Banda f CONTENTS Hipopotamy POLAND 2014 13’ COLOUR AWARDS: //2014 KRAKOW FILM FESTIVAL, POLAND: SILVER HOBBY-HORSE FOR BEST ANIMATED FILM //2014 ANIMAFEST, ZAGREB: SPECIAL MENTION FROM JURY MEMBER MARIE-HÉLENE GIROD FOR “ADDRESSING THE DIFFICULT SUBJECT OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN” //2014 “ANIMATOR” INTERNATIONAL ANIMATED FILM FESTIVAL, POZNAŃ: WOJCIECH JUSZCZAK SPECIAL PRIZE //2014 “COUNTRYSIDE ANIMAFEST” ANIMATED FILM FESTIVAL, NICOSIA: GRAND PRIZE //2014 OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL ANIMATED FILM FESTIVAL: GRAND PRIZE //2014 BANJA LUKA INTERNATIONAL ANIMATED FILM FESTIVAL: AWARD FOR BEST 2D ANIMATION //2014 “ZINEBI” INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY AND SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, BILBAO: CINE CLUB FAS AWARD //2014 ETIUDA & ANIMA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, KRAKOW: HONOURABLE MENTION IN “ANIMA” COMPETITION //2014 LES SOMMETS DU CINEMA D’ANIMATION, MONTREAL: GRAND PRIZE written and directed by Piotr Dumała animation artists Paweł Dębski, Piotr Dumała visual design by Piotr Dumała edited by Beata Walentowska, Paweł Dębski music by Alexander Balanescu sound by Jacek Hamela produced by Fumi Studio producer Piotr Furmankiewicz, Mateusz Michalak production manager Magdalena Gładysz compositing Mateusz Michalak co-financed by the Polish Film Institute www.pisf.pl/en/ f TRAILER 76 Several naked young women are bathing with their children in a river. They are being secretly watched by a group of men. When the men decide to approach, their encounter takes a dramatic turn, inspired by events in the lives of hippos. f INDEX Dom POLAND 2015 14’ COLOUR www.pisf.pl/en/ Home is a place. A family. A history. Relationships. Home is the memory that forms a person. Or is it a dream? This is the story of a girl who returns home; a visit that will flood her with chaotic and difficult memories. She will not be able to leave home until she faces these memories. What is her home? Is it possible to change it? TRAILER f CONTENTS An Incredibly Elastic Man Nieprawdopodobnie elastyczny człowiek POLAND 2013 5’ COLOUR AWARDS: //2014 FEST ANCA INTERNATIONAL ANIMATION FESTIVAL, SLOVAKIA: BEST STUDENT FILM //2014 UPPSALA INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, SWEDEN: SPECIAL MENTION //2014 ANIM’EST ANIMATION FILM FESTIVAL, ROMANIA: SPECIAL MENTION FOR A STUDENT FILM //2014 REANIMANIA INTERNATIONAL ANIMATION FILM FESTIVAL, ARMENIA: SPECIAL MENTION //2014 ETIUDA & ANIMA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, POLAND: STUDENT JURY AWARD PHOTO BY AGNIESZKA BOROWA written and directed by Agnieszka Borowa director of photography Agnieszka Borowa music used in the film “Dom” by Mariusz Obijalski and “Banan” by Astma (Tomasz Popakul) edited by Agnieszka Borowa sound designers and foley artists Małgorzata Napiontek, Igor Szymański animation artists Agnieszka Borowa, Mateusz Helwein, Katarzyna Melnyk, Paulina Ziółkowska storyboard artist and visual design by Agnieszka Borowa cast Aleksandra Andrzejewska, Dorota Kolak, Andrzej Grabowski, Miriam Aleksandrowicz, Jacek Czyż produced by FUMI Studio, ul. Puławska 61 lok. 4, 00-402, 02-595 Warsaw, Poland producers Piotr Furmankiewicz, Mateusz Michalak production manager Maria Deskur post-production by FUMI Studio compositing Agnieszka Borowa artistic supervisor Piotr Dumała POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Home f 77 written, directed and edited by Karolina Specht director of photography Karolina Specht production design by Karolina Specht produced by the Łódź Film School, Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 42 275 58 80 [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl producer Marcin Malatyński co-financed by the Polish Film Institute artistic supervisors Henryk Ryksza, Aleksandra Chrapowicka The story of a man who was born without a shape. Constant deformation and being forced into other people’s form makes him want to rebel. Is it possible to live a life completely independent of others and detached from reality? Who and what determines who we ultimately are? f INDEX 13’ COLOUR directed by Joanna Jasińska Koronkiewicz written by Joanna Jasińska Koronkiewicz (based on a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen) director of photography Joanna Jasińska Koronkiewicz music by Michał Makulski edited by Anna Gałązkowska sound by Aleksander Matuszewski production design, animation, storyboards, visual design by Joanna Jasińska Koronkiewicz series title sequence by Kacper Zamarło Turło cast Jerzy Stuhr, Grzegorz Nawrocki produced by TV Studio Filmów Animowanych, ul. Aleksandra Fredry 7, 61-701 Poznań; +48 618 520 105, [email protected] producer Ewa Sobolewska co-produced by Fundacja AnimaFilm, ul. Aleksandra Fredry 7, 61-701 Poznań, Poland, +48 618 520 105, [email protected]; Estrada Poznańska, ul. Masztalarska 8, 61-767 Poznań, Poland,, [email protected] production manager Katarzyna Kubacka post-production TV Studio Filmów Animowanych compositing Joanna Jasińska Koronkiewicz, Ewelina Stefańska co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, the Poznań Regional Film Fund POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 POLAND 2014 www.pisf.pl/en/ PHOTO BY KRZYSZTOF NAPIERAŁA AWARDS: //32ND ALE KINO! INTERNATIONAL YOUNG CINEMA FESTIVAL, POZNAŃ: AWARD FOR BEST POLISH FILM WITH EXCEPTIONAL ARTISTIC AND EDUCATIONAL QUALITIES //4TH KINOJAZDA CHILDREN’S FILM FESTIVAL, NOWY SĄCZ: GOLDEN FRAMES GRAND PRIZE FOR BEST SHORT FILM This adaptation of one of Andersen’s fairy tales tells the story of a certain piece of gossip – a story that is as humorous as it is true to life. A topic that has always been hot, but is ever more so in this age of audiovisual media, tabloids, and the internet. A certain story travels by word of mouth, turning into a ‘tragic’ piece on hens that ‘died’ of love for their rooster. CONTENTS Kinki POLAND 2015 10’ COLOUR PHOTO BY IZUMI YOSHIDA It’s Quite True! from the “Paint me a Fairy Tale” series To pewna wiadomość! z cyklu „Namaluj mi bajkę…” f 78 written and directed by Izumi Yoshida director of photography Izumi Yoshida music by Sebastian Ładyżyński edited by Beata Walentowska sound by Jacek Hamela animation artist, storyboard artist, visual design by Izumi Yoshida produced by FUMI Studio, Puławska 61 lok. 400-402, 02-595 Warsaw, Poland producer Piotr Furmankiewicz, Mateusz Michalak co-produced by the Łódź Film School, Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland production manager Maria Deskur post-production by FUMI Studio compositing Izumi Yoshida calligraphy by Masakatsu Yoshida artistic supervisor Piotr Dumała Kinki is an abstract animation that narrates by illustrating emotions. The film’s main character is a suicidal murderer, who experiences extreme emotions during and after committing his crime. Images and emotions are encoded in his memory; based on these memories, he tries to recreate the series of events. f INDEX Ostatni przystanek Księżyc POLAND 2015 16’ COLOUR written and directed, production design, visual design, puppet designs by Birute Sodeikaite production design WJTeam, al. Piłsudskiego 135, 92-318 Łódź, Poland production design Wojciech Leszczyński, Anna Mroczek, Justyna Rucińska POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Last Stop Is the Moon f CONTENTS Locus POLAND 2015 12’ BLACK&WHITE written, directed and edited by Anita Kwiatkowska-Naqvi 3D animation, visual design and puppet design by Anita Kwiatkowska-Naqvi director of photography Piotr Matysiak animation artists Maria Stefańska, Szymon Wolski produced by WJTeam, al. Piłsudskiego 135, 92-318 Łódź, Poland producers Wojciech Leszczyński, Anna Mroczek, Justyna Rucińska co-produced by Lele Cross Media Production post-production and compositing Anita Kwiatkowska-Naqvi co-financed by the Polish Film Institute artistic supervisor Mariusz Wilczyński There is a unicorn living in a world imagined by a little boy. The film portrays the process of forming the identity of a young human being and the moment of disconnect from the world of childhood; the moment when he loses a piece of himself and becomes involved in a life filled with set patterns and routine. www.pisf.pl/en/ An intriguing story about how the small everyday choices determine the path our lives take. Gośka is living simultaneously in two worlds, connected to one another by a single thread. Her home and her job are far from each other, which makes it almost impossible for her to juggle her role as a mother with that of a woman with a professional career. 79 f INDEX POLAND 2015 13’ COLOUR written and directed by Jacek Adamczak director of photography Krzysztof Napierała music by Zbigniew Kozub edited by Krzysztof Napierała sound by Jan Jakub Milencki production design by Jacek Adamczak animation artists Janusz Gałązkowski, Lesław Budzelewski, Jacek Adamczak, Janusz Matusik, Roman Frajczyk, Paweł Byrski, Roman Janeczko, Ewa Rodewald, Waldemar Szajkowski, Ewa Klimas storyboard artist, visual design by Jacek Adamczak cast Grzegorz Nawrocki, Adam Ferency, Robert Jarociński, Andrzej Chudy, Tomasz Steciuk dubbing Dorota Kawęcka sound effects, music performed by Tomasz Śliwak Orlicki series title sequence by Robert Turło title sequence music by Marek Kuczyński produced by TV Studio Filmów Animowanych, ul. Aleksandra Fredry 7, 61-701 Poznań, Poland, +48 618 520 105, [email protected] producer Ewa Sobolewska co-produced by Telewizja Polska, the National Audiovisual Institute production manager Mariola Olejniczak post-production by TV Studio Filmów Animowanych compositing Krzysztof Napierała co-financed by the Polish Film Institute POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 z serii „Baśnie i bajki polskie”, sezon 3 CONTENTS PHOTO BY KRZYSZTOF NAPIERAŁA from the “Polish Fairy Tales” series O drwalu i diable The Lumberjack and the Devil is a story about how things are not always as bad as they seem. When people thoughtlessly cut down forests for profit, a certain Lumberjack joins forces with the Devil in order to change things and not only restore the last forest in the area, but also increase its size. An environmentalist Devil – oh, the times we live in! www.pisf.pl/en/ The Lumberjack and the Devil f 80 f INDEX POLAND 2015 13 X 10’ COLOUR series directed by Łukasz Kacprowicz episodes directed by Robert Jaszczurowski, Łukasz Kacprowicz, Marcin Wasilewski, Tamas Ducki, Szymon Adamski written by Marcin Graj, Łukasz Kacprowicz, Gisle Normann Melhus, Szymon Jachimek, Radek Smektała, Pavla Fridrichova, Szymon Adamski music by Michał Jacaszek edited by Tomasz Halski, Szymon Adamski sound by Studio Fonograf, Radosław Ochnio, Marcin Gontarz production design by Katarzyna Nowowiejska, Maja Barska, Przemysław Szukaj, Magdalena Markowska animation artists Tomasz Wyrąbkiewicz, Grzegorz Zarębski, Ryszard Siring, Artur Huk, Anna Oparkowska, Marcin Zdybel, Wladimir Borochow, Andrzej Bzdak, Szymon Adamski, Paweł Garbacz, Józef Trzaska, Dominik Iwan, Rafał Balcer, Mikołaj Pilchowski, Mariusz Włodarski storyboard artists Szymon Adamski, Marek Lachowicz, Wladimir Borochow, Krzysztof Różański, Łukasz Kacprowicz, Mikołaj Pilchowski, Tamas Ducki visual design by Katarzyna Nowowiejska, Maja Barska, Przemysław Szukaj, Magdalena Markowska cast Robert Makłowicz, Anna Apostolakis, Jarosław Domin, Michał Lewandowski produced by Grupa Smacznego Jaszczurowski, Kacprowicz, Wasilewski. ul. Łąkowa 35/38, 80-769 Gdańsk, Poland, tel. +48 587 181 323; Studio Miniatur Filmowych, ul. Królewicza Jakuba 12a, 02-956 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 845 53 45 producer Włodzimierz Matuszewski co-produced by Filmograf, ul. Niedźwiedzia 29b, 02-737 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 845 53 45 production manager Małgorzata Klamann, Eugeniusz Gordziejuk executive producers Ewelina Gordziejuk, Robert Jaszczurowski post-production by Grupa Smacznego, Studio Miniatur Filmowych compositing Tomasz Halski, Szymon Adamski co-financed by the National Audiovisual Institute and the Polish Film Institute POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Mami Fatale f CONTENTS AWARDS: //TARNÓW CHILDREN’S JURY FILM AWARD, 2012, 2013, 2014 //SPECIAL MENTION AT KINOJAZDA FILM FESTIVAL, NOWY SĄCZ 2012 The story of an elderly lady named Mami Fatale, who left the big city in order to live an idyllic life in the countryside with her two pets, and to have time for her true passion: cooking. www.pisf.pl/en/ f TRAILER 81 f INDEX 4’ COLOUR written, directed and animated by Marta Szymańska director of photography and animation artist Marta Szymańska music by Patryk Zakrocki, Wojciech Traczyk produced by the Łódź Film School, Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 42 275 58 80 [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl producer Marcin Malatyński production manager Jacek Szeligowski co-financed by the Polish Film Institute artistic supervisors Piotr Dumała, Marek Skrobecki, Piotr Milczarek POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Moko POLAND 2014 f CONTENTS The Mother Matrix Macierz POLAND 2015 7’ COLOUR directed by Sławomir Shuty, Tomasz Bochniak written by Sławomir Shuty production design by Michalina Rolnik 3D animation by Tomasz Bochniak storyboard artist Aleksandra Trawińska director of photography Kajetan Plis edited by Tomasz Bochniak music by Łukasz Targosz produced by Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, tel. +48 22 556 54 70, [email protected] production manager Marta Lewandowska co-produced by Fundacja Korporacja Ha!art co-financed by the Polish Film Institute www.pisf.pl/en/ An energetic story about shapes, colours, and Polynesian ornaments that draws on the mythology of that region. A variation on the Polynesian myth of creation. A story of the first parents and first lovers, immersed in a multicolour visual and musical impression. 82 The existing Slavic heritage is but a few remaining fragmentary myths. In writing this script, the filmmakers used the comparative method; Slavic myths should not be perceived as removed from the wider tradition of the Northern peoples, both hunter-gathering and agricultural cultures. The Mother Matrix is a psychedelic journey through the myth of creation; we observe its beginnings at the moment of a cosmic explosion. The repetitive nature of these motives suggests a constant evolution that repeats its creations on a larger or smaller scale. f INDEX z serii „Baśnie i bajki polskie”, sezon 3 POLAND 2015 13’ COLOUR written and directed by Andrzej Kukuła director of photography Andrzej Kukuła music by Juliusz Śliwak edited by Krzysztof Napierała sound by Jan Jakub Milencki production design by Andrzej Kukuła animation artists Lesław Budzelewski, Janusz Gałązkowski, Piotr Giersz, Roman Frajczyk, Janusz Matusik, Roman Janeczko, Paweł Byrski, Elżbieta Kandziora storyboard artist, visual design by Andrzej Kukuła cast Grzegorz Nawrocki, Tomasz Błasiak, Modest Ruciński, Renata Łuczak dubbing Dorota Kawęcka music and sound effects by Tomasz Śliwak Orlicki series title sequence by Robert Turło title sequence music by Marek Kuczyński produced by TV Studio Filmów Animowanych, ul. Aleksandra Fredry 7, 61-701 Poznań, Poland, +48 618 520 105, [email protected] producer Ewa Sobolewska co-produced by Telewizja Polska, the National Audiovisual Institute production manager Mariola Olejniczak post-production by TV Studio Filmów Animowanych compositing Andrzej Kukuła co-financed by the Polish Film Institute POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Noodles, the Gate from the “Polish Fairy Tales” series Kluskowa Brama f CONTENTS Of a Forest Opowieść o lesie POLAND 2014 4’ COLOUR written, directed and edited by Katarzyna Melnyk director of photography Katarzyna Melnyk sound by Adam Kufel produced by the Łódź Film School, Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 42 275 58 80 [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl producer Marcin Malatyński artistic supervisors Henryk Ryszka, Aleksandra Chrapowicka Noodles, the Gate is a story about how it doesn’t pay to be selfish and how using the work of others to fulfil one’s own needs will always be punished. A certain Wrocławbased Foreman learns this the hard way, having hidden in a side alley to eat the delectable noodles his wife made to sell for profit. www.pisf.pl/en/ In her subtle animation, Katarzyna Melnyk draws a portrait of a dog living among people. Its everyday life is organized according to the order of the human day, which defines meal time and training time. By night, when the lights in the nearby houses go out, the sound-filled forest comes to life. The dog’s long-suppressed instincts slowly come to light. A film about longing for freedom, made using the traditional drawing technique. 83 f INDEX COLOUR written, directed and edited by Magdalena Pilecka visual design and animation by Magdalena Pilecka 3D animation by Rafał Felak music and sound by Remigiusz Zawadzki produced by Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, 00-068 Warsaw, Poland, [email protected] tel. +48 22 556 54 70 producer Marek Serafiński production manager Tomasz Wojtkowski co-produced by Serafiński-Studio post-production by Studio PAY compositing Rafał Felak co-financed by the Polish Film Institute artistic supervisor Daniel Szczechura A story about feeling different and the consequences of resisting this feeling. The story begins the moment our protagonist decides to step out of the comfort zone of his lonely everyday existence and be around people, in order to have company in the space between happiness and madness. A slightly surreal confrontation with the conviction that someone else’s crayons (even when they’re not for drawing!) might be better. POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 6’30’’ CONTENTS INDEX from the “Polish Fairy Tales” series [based on a fairy tale by Aleksander Fredro] Paweł i Gaweł z serii „Baśnie i bajki polskie”, sezon 3 [na motywach bajki Aleksandra Fredry] POLAND 2015 13’ COLOUR directed by Andrzej Gosieniecki written by Andrzej Gosieniecki, Dorota Bielecka-Gosieniecka director of photography Andrzej Gosieniecki music by Krzesimir Dębski edited by Krzysztof Napierała sound by Jan Jakub Milencki production design by Andrzej Gosieniecki, Dorota Bielecka-Gosieniecka animation artists Dorota Bielecka-Gosieniecka, Andrzej Gosieniecki, Roman Frajczyk, Janusz Gałązkowski, Leszek Budzelewski, Ewa Rodewald storyboard artist Andrzej Gosieniecki visual design by Andrzej Gosieniecki, Dorota Bielecka–Gosieniecka dubbing Dorota Kawęcka sound effects, music performed by Tomasz Śliwak Orlicki series title sequence by Robert Turło title sequence music by Marek Kuczyński produced by TV Studio Filmów Animowanych, ul. Aleksandra Fredry 7, 61-701 Poznań, Poland, +48 618 520 105, [email protected] producer Ewa Sobolewska co-produced by Telewizja Poland and the National Audiovisual Institute production manager Mariola Olejniczak post-production by TV Studio Filmów Animowanych compositing Andrzej Gosieniecki co-financed by the Polish Film Institute 84 f Poe and Joe PHOTO BY KRZYSZTOF NAPIERAŁA Piórnik POLAND 2015 www.pisf.pl/en/ Pencil Case f Poe and Joe is a tongue-in-cheek story inspired by Aleksander Fredro’s classic tale of two neighbours of completely opposite dispositions. A satirical look at neighbourly relations, presented in a timeless and complex take on the problem; a story about the truth behind the old adage – what goes around, comes around. COLOUR written and directed by Izabela Plucińska directors of photography Izabela Plucińska, Robert Kuźniewski, Claire Brognez music by Normand Roger, Pierre Yves Drapeau, Denis Chartrand edited by Dirk Schreier, Rudi Zieglmeier sound by Lise Wedlock production design by Agata Rojek, Teresa Otulak, Monika Gajewska, Katarzyna Mierzejewska animation artists Izabela Plucińska, Robert Kuźniewski, Claire Brognez storyboard artist Agata Rojek visual design by Izabela Plucińska, Agata Rojek puppet designs by Agata Rojek, Katarzyna Mierzejewska, Gabriela Śmierzewska cast Konrad Pawicki, Beata Zygarlica, Kathleen Fee, Harry Standjofski, Guylaine Tremblay, Denis Bernard, Marie Gruber, Norbert Stöß produced by Clay Traces Gbr, Gabri El-Max. Sthasse 13, 10245 Berlin, Germany; the National Film Board of Canada, Cote-de-LIesse Road, Montreal, Quebec, H4N 2N4, Canada; Fundacja Las Sztuki, ul. Świstacza 41/13, 70-798 Szczecin, Poland producers Paulina Ratajczak (Las Sztuki Foundation), Karsten Matern (Clay Traces Gbr), Izabela Plucińska (Clay Traces Gbr), Robert Kern (Clay Traces Gbr), Marc Bertrand (NFB) production manager Julie Roy (NFB) post-production by National Film Board of Canada (NFB) compositing Anna Levinson, Maria Steinmetz, Cynthia Tremblay co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, Pomerania Film, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the German Federal Film Board POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 12’ CONTENTS PHOTO BY IZABELA PLUCIŃSKA Sex dla opornych GERMANY – POLAND – CANADA 2015 This adaptation of a stage play by Canadian author Michele Riml is an entertaining and shrewd comedy about the relationship between men and women, to which everyone can relate. The modelling clay of which the whole film is made allows us to experiment with form and step beyond the boundaries of realism. www.pisf.pl/en/ Sexy Laundry f 85 f INDEX Lato 2014 POLAND 2014 12’ BLACK&WHITE POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Summer 2014 f CONTENTS This Unruly Corporeality Ta niesforna cielesność POLAND 2015 9’ 45’’ COLOUR written, directed and edited by Wojciech Sobczyk director of photography and animation artist Wojciech Sobczyk music by Bartosz Chajdecki produced by Studio A, ul. Zamoyskiego 50, 30-523 Krakow, Poland, [email protected] producer Wojciech Sobczyk compositing Wojciech Sobczyk co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, Krakow City Hall artistic supervisor Jerzy Kucia AWARDS: //2014 KRAKOW FILM FESTIVAL, POLAND: PRIX EFA 2014 FOR BEST EUROPEAN FILM written, directed and edited by Joanna Wójcik director of photography Joanna Wójcik music by Wojciech Fedkowicz sound by Łukasz Świerzawski production design, animation, storyboards, visual design by Joanna Wójcik produced by Serafiński Studio, ul. Solec 85/8, 00-382 Warsaw, Poland, [email protected] producer Marek Serafiński production manager Tomasz Wojtkowski compositing Joanna Wójcik co-financed by the Polish Film Institute www.pisf.pl/en/ A grey-toned, raw and poetic treatise on the yearning for domination and about violence as the driving force of history. Sobczyk’s film portrays history as a series of repeating plagues and disasters in which man, trying to find his place, gets even more lost and stoops even lower. 86 There comes a moment in a teenage boy’s life when he stops being a child and becomes a man. He treads uneasily through the unknown territory of his own sexuality. Luckily, he finds a good guide to take him on this educational journey. During their magical voyage, he learns about the complicated nature of the emotion we call love. f INDEX Trzej królowie POLAND 2015 8’ COLOUR directed, written and edited by Anna Błaszczyk director of photography Maciej Błaszczyk music by Jan Duszyński sound by Mateusz Adamczyk, Sebastian Witkowski production design by Paulina Majda animation artists Anna Błaszczyk, Tomasz Leśniak, Agata Droga-Bazan produced by WJTeam, al. Piłsudskiego 135, 92-318 Łódź, Poland producers Wojciech Leszczyński, Anna Mroczek, Justyna Rucińska co-producer Anna Błaszczyk compositing Wojciech Wawszczyk co-financed by the Polish Film Institute and the Łódź City Hall POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Three Kings AWARDS: //O!PLA POLISH ANIMATION FESTIVAL: FIRST PRIZE IN ‘MUSIC //VIDEO’ CATEGORY – AWARD FOR THE MUSIC VIDEO TO ‘THREE KINGS’ //THAT IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE MOVIE //OFFELIADA AMATEUR AND INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL: SPECIAL MENTION OF THE MAIN JURY TRAILER f CONTENTS f Tim and the Master Tymek i Mistrz POLAND 13 EPISODES X 11’ COLOUR directed by Tomasz Leśniak, Jakub Tarkowski written by Rafał Skarżycki, Krzysztof Gureczny, Michał Śledziński music by Szymon Wysocki edited by Tomasz Leśniak, Jakub Tarkowski sound by Mateusz Adamczyk, Małgorzata Szlendak, Sebastian Witkowski animacja 2D Tomasz Leśniak, Jakub Tarkowski, Anna Błaszczyk, Wojciech Jakubowski, Jakub Mazur, Tomasz Nowik storyboard artists Tomasz Leśniak, Jakub Tarkowski, Michał Śledziński visual design by Tomasz Leśniak, Michał Śledziński, Jakub Rebelka, Monika Rdzanek, Janusz Ordon, Przemysław Surma cast Tim – Agnieszka Mrozińska, the Master – Paweł Sanakiewicz produced by SPInka Film Studio, ul. T. Reytana 14/12, 02-516 Warsaw, Poland producer Piotr Reisch co-produced by White SharkStudios AB, Banergatan 54 lok 1601, Stockholm production managers Marlena Zienkiewicz, Dariusz Żmudziński post-production by Studio Saundmaking compositing Studio HumanArk co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, the National Audiovisual Institute scriptdoctoring Phil Parker www.pisf.pl/en/ The story of Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar, three kings brought together by a joint mystical journey. Despite their differences, a bond of friendship forms as they travel, experiencing joy and fulfilment. Each of the three is shown as a unique personality, while together they complement and influence one another. f 87 When ten-year-old Tim starts studying under an expert magician known as the Master, a true adventure begins. Magic, wit, riddles, the love of a princess, and competing with rivals – these are the key themes of a series, in which wisdom means more than magic spells. A film based on the “Tim and the Master” comic series by Tomasz Leśniak and Rafał Skarżycki. INDEX POLAND 2014 8’ COLOUR POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 under_construction f CONTENTS What a Beautiful Case Co za piękny przypadek POLAND 2015 15’ COLOUR written, directed and edited by Marcin Wojciechowski director of photography and animation artist Marcin Wojciechowski music by Elektrony produced by Anima Art, ul. Zamoyskiego 29/8, 30-516 Krakow, Poland, tel. +48 60 186 48 43 [email protected] producer Marta Gebhardt co-financed by the Polish Film Institute written, directed and edited by Zbigniew Czapla animation and visual design by Zbigniew Czapla produced by Warsztat Filmowy, 30-308 Krakow, Poland, ul. Dębowa 6/6, tel. +48 604 940 224 producer Tomasz Wolf post-production and compositing by Warsztat Filmowy co-financed by the Polish Film Institute www.pisf.pl/en/ A personal journal, in which the author incessantly creates his ego. By moving from place to place, he patiently sets the tone for each day. The relative order of his reality emerges from an abundance of dates and hours that – much like the dots in a children’s colouring book – only reveal their true shape once connected. Everyday reality appears to be a tedious process of constant ‘becoming.’ What a Beautiful Case is a universal and contemplative story about childhood experience, coming of age, and other key stages of the protagonist’s life. An attempt at finding meaning and order in the mass of individual and collective human experience. 88 f INDEX Kto tam? POLAND 2015 3’45’’ BLACK&WHITE written, directed and edited by Artur Hanaj director of photography Artur Hanaj visual design and animation by Artur Hanaj sound by Marek Knaga, Wiesław Nowak produced by the Łódź Film School, ul. Targowa 61/63, 90-323 Łódź, Poland, tel. +48 42 275 59 47, [email protected] www.filmschool.lodz.pl producer Marcin Malatyński compositing Artur Hanaj co-financed by the Polish Film Institute artistic supervisors Marek Skrobecki, Piotr Dumała, Piotr Milczarek world sales Studio Filmowe INDEKS, tel. +48 515 123 369 [email protected] POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Who’s There? f CONTENTS The Wizard of U.S. Czarnoksiężnik z krainy U.S. POLAND 2015 20’ COLOUR directed by Balbina Bruszewska written by Balbina Bruszewska based on the novel “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” by L. Frank Baum director of photography Tomasz Łaptaszyński edited by Janusz Czubak production design by Mariusz Andryszczyk, Balbina Bruszewska animation artists Zuzanna Szyszak, Magdalena Parszewska visual design by Mariusz Andryszczyk cast Jerzy Matula, Gintautas Potockas, Adam Radoń, Toni Walker, Katarzyna Urbaniak, Elizabeth Kanski, Gregory A. Peralta, Monika Rydel, Scott Meyers, Leila Daryaee produced by WJTeam, al. Piłsudskiego 135, 92-318 Łódź, Poland producer Wojciech Leszczyński, Anna Mroczek, Justyna Rucińska production manager Jakub Wawrzynkiewicz co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, the City of Łódź Having just woken up from a nightmare, the film’s paranoid protagonist starts hearing strange noise coming from the flat above. Intrigued, he starts wondering what might be going on up there. When it gets quiet, he concludes that it can’t possibly be anything bad. Or can it? www.pisf.pl/en/ This ironic animated collage uses themes from the popular American novel to depict how the American Dream comes to life in the city of Los Angeles. 89 f INDEX Woolen Cogwheels Druciane oprawki POLAND 2014 13’ COLOUR written and directed by Bartosz Kędzierski animation artist Krzysztof Opieka director of photography Krzysztof Opieka edited by Bartosz Kędzierski music by Piotr Dziubek produced by Kineskop, ul. Ostrowskiego 30, 53-238 Wrocław, Poland tel. +48 50 990 37 63, [email protected] producer Piotr Krzykwa POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 f TRAILER www.pisf.pl/en/ Aniela and Konstanty are an elderly couple, leading a quiet life – just the two of them. She enjoys needlework, while he eagerly works on a certain invention. Though their everyday existence seems extremely organized, something seems to be missing in their lives. The change brought by Konstanty’s unusual invention allows them to discover a whole new perspective. This puppet animation by Bartosz Kędzierski is a moving tale of loneliness, longing, and the human connection. 90 f CONTENTS f INDEX www.pisf.pl/en/ POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 POLISH FILM INSTITUTE 91 f CONTENTS f INDEX POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 CONTENTS The Polish Film Institute is the government agency responsible for implementing state policy in the field of cinematography through: // enabling the development of Polish film production and international co-productions; // inspiring and supporting the development of all genres of filmmaking in Poland (with emphasis on artistic films), including the preparation of film projects, film production, and film distribution; // supporting activities aimed at fostering availability of Polish, European, and world cinema heritage; // supporting film debuts and supporting artistic development of young filmmakers; // promoting Polish filmmaking; // providing financial support for initiatives in areas of film project development, film production, film distribution, promoting Polish filmmaking, and disseminating film culture; // supporting the maintenance of film archives; // supporting the development of the independent film industry in Poland, especially small and medium-sized companies active in the field of filmmaking. www.pisf.pl/en/ 2015 Operational Programmes of the Polish Film Institute f 92 f INDEX POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 2015 Operational Programmes of the Polish Film Institute f Taking into account the expected 2015 limits of funds for financing ventures in the area of filmmaking, in order to implement policy in the previously mentioned areas the General Director of the Polish Film Institute announced the following operational programmes for 2015: PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE Film Production Screenwriting scholarships 1.00 Project development, of which: feature films: 3.5 million PLN documentary films: 0.75 million PLN animated films: 1.25 million PLN 5.50 QUOTA TOTAL QUOTA (PLN (PLN millions) millions) Feature film production Documentary film production Animated film production Film Education and Dissemination of Film Culture CONTENTS 60.00 9.50 13.144 89.144 Film education and vocational training Film events Local film initiatives Digital restoring Research & development Development of Cinema Infrastructure 17.00 Modernization of cinemas Digitization of cinemas Promotion of Polish Film Abroad 11.30 7.954 Awards, experts, other 3.00 TOTAL 128.398 Applications must be submitted online at https://wnioski.pisf.pl/ with hard copies subsequently sent to the Polish Film Institute. Applications are accepted three times a year. 93 f INDEX POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 www.pisf.pl/en/ Index of English Titles 94 f 15 Corners of the World 7 6 Degrees 7 89-91. We Break Out to Freedom 8 A Actress, The 8 Advisors of King Hydrops, The 66 Agatha 66 Agfa 1939 9 Alarm Clock 9 Ambition 40 America 40 And There Was Love in the Ghetto… 10 Arkansas 41 Asshole 41 August 42 Authors, The 10 CONTENTS Creatures 71 Cruise to Democracy 13 Czech Swan 13 D Daughter 45 Delirium Tremens 14 Doctor Faustus 45 Documentary Film, A 72 Domestication 72 Domino Effect 14 Don’t Lose Your Head 73 Duties 46 Dybbuk. A Tale of Wandering Souls, The 15 E End of the World, The 15 Entropy 47 B F Baltic Sea, The 67 Banjo Pig 67 Basia 68 Battle with Satan, The 11 Bernard 68 Bittersweet 42 Blue Room, A 69 Bloody Sunday 69 Buddies 11 Business Trip 43 But She’s Nice 70 Fast Food 47 Father’s Day 48 Fences 73 Florentine's Diary 2nd season 74 Football Brothers 16 For Being Alive 16 Fragments 48 From Bed Thou Arose 49 Fugue for Cello, Trumpet and Landscape 75 C G Call Me Marianna 12 Casa Blanca 12 Centaur 43 Cheer Up, Tamara 70 Circus Maximus 44 Cold Feet 44 Conquerors of the Triangle Space 71 Giant 49 Gingerbread Heart 75 Gottland 17 Grand Banda 76 Grandma’s Day 50 Guilt 50 I I Am Kuba 18 In the Corner 51 Incredibly Elastic Man, An 77 Inka 52 Island, The 18 It Would Be Beautiful 19 It’s Only a Dream 19 It’s Quite True! 78 N Naturals, The 58 Noodles, the Gate 83 J O Jasiek My Brother 52 Jonasz Kofta 20 Jurek 20 Object 25 Of a Forest 83 One Man Show 25 K P K2 – Touching the Sky 21 Kid, The 53 Kinki 78 Parisian Girl 59 Pencil Case 84 Perseverance 26 Pill Junkies 26 Pinky 59 Place, The 27 Poe and Joe 84 Promise of a Happy Childhood, The 27 L Last Stop Is the Moon 79 Last Trick, The 21 Learning to Swim 53 Light in August 54 Little Big Team 22 Locus 79 Lumberjack and the Devil, The 80 M Magic Mountain, The 22 Maja 54 Mami Fatale 81 Mighty Smarzol, The 23 POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Home 77 House on Its Head 17 Hurly-Burly 51 Milky Brother 55 Moko 82 Molehill 55 Moment, The 56 Mother Matrix, The 82 Mr. Bad Luck 57 Multiphrenia 57 My 89 Generation 23 My Brother’s Life 24 My Father from Neverland 24 My Father's Eye 58 S Sexy Laundry 85 Shepherd’s Song 29 Singing in Exile 29 Snails 30 So Close and Yet So Far 30 Something Better to Come 31 Sound of Nature, The 31 Spark 32 Starting Point 32 Strong Coffee Isn't That Bad 60 Strongwoman 33 Summer 2014 86 Summer of Love 60 Sunday 33 Super Unit 34 Survey About Men 34 T Tenderness 61 This Unruly Corporeality 86 Three Kings 87 Tim and the Master 87 Tomasz Ossoliński. Before the Show 35 Travelling 61 Tropical Island 62 U under_construction 88 Unstoppables 35 Q W Queen of Silence, The 28 R Rebellion 28 www.pisf.pl/en/ H f 95 W. Sisters Beauty Salon 36 Wake, A 62 Walking Under Water 37 Wałęsa by Wałęsa 36 Warsaw Uprising 37 Werka 38 What a Beautiful Case 88 What I Want 63 CONTENTS What’s Next Karolinko – Norwid and Nicole 38 Who’s There? 89 Windows and Planes 63 Wizard of U.S., The 89 Woolen Cogwheels 90 Y You Keep an Eye on Us 64 f INDEX POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 www.pisf.pl/en/ Index of Polish Titles 96 f 15 stron świata 7 6 kroków 7 89-91. Wyrwaliśmy się na wolność 8 CONTENTS D Agatka 66 Agfa 1939 9 Aktorka 8 Ambition 40 Ameryka 40 Arkansas 41 Autorki 10 Delegacja 43 Doktor Faustus 45 Dokument 72 Dom 77 Dom na głowie 17 Doradcy Króla Hydropsa 66 Dół 46 Druciane oprawki 90 Dupek 41 Dybuk. Rzecz o wędrówce dusz 15 Dzień Babci 50 B E Badjao. Duchy z morza 37 Bałtyk 67 Basia 68 Bernard 68 Biała gorączka 14 Biało-czerwoni z Chrząstawy 22 Budzik 9 Był bunt 28 Efekt domina 14 Entropia 47 C G Casa Blanca 12 Centaur 43 Chwila 56 Circus Maximus 44 Co dalej z tobą, Karolinko – Norwid i Nicole 38 Co za piękny przypadek 88 Córka 45 Czarnoksiężnik z krainy U.S. 89 Czarodziejska góra 22 Czeski łabędź 13 Czułość 61 Gigant 49 Gottland 17 Gorzko! 42 Gorzko, gorzko! 44 Grand Banda – pilot 76 A F Fast Food 47 Fragmenty 48 Fuga na wiolonczelę, trąbkę i pejzaż 75 H Hipopotamy 76 I I była miłość w getcie… 10 Inka 52 Iskierka 32 f INDEX N Jasiek mój brat 52 Jestem Kuba 18 Jonasz w brzuchu Lewiatana 20 Jurek 20 Nadejdą lepsze czasy 31 Naturalni 58 Nauka pływania 53 Nie martw się, Tamaro 70 Nie trać głowy 73 Niebieski pokój 69 Niedziela 33 Niepowstrzymani 35 Nieprawdopodobnie elastyczny człowiek 77 K2 – Dotknąć nieba 21 Kinki 78 Kluskowa Brama 83 Koniec świata 15 Kreatury 71 Kroki 61 Królowa ciszy 28 Kto tam? 89 Kumple 11 L Lato 2014 86 Lato miłości 60 Locus 79 M Macierz 82 Maja 54 Mały palec 59 Mami Fatale 81 Miejsce 27 Mleczny brat 55 Mocna kawa wcale nie jest taka zła 60 Moje 89 pokolenie 23 Moko 82 Molehill 55 Moloch 56 Mój ojciec Staś 24 Mów mi Marianna 12 Multifrenia 57 Mr. Bad Luck 57 O O drwalu i diable 80 Obiekt 25 Obietnica dzieciństwa 27 Obowiązki 46 Oczy mojego ojca 58 Ojcze masz 48 Okna i samoloty 63 One Man Show 25 Opowieść o lesie 83 Ostatni numer 21 Ostatni przystanek Księżyc 79 R Rejs 1989 13 Rwetes 51 S Salon sióstr W. 36 Serce z piernika 75 Sex dla opornych 85 Sierpień 42 Siłaczka 33 Superjednostka 34 Szczeniak 53 Pamiętnik Florki seria 2 74 Paryżanka 59 Paweł i Gaweł 84 Pieśń pamięci 29 Pieśń pasterza 29 Piórnik 84 Płoty 73 Pod Mocnym Smarzolem 23 Pogrzebiny 62 Powstanie Warszawskie 37 Prosie Banjo 67 Punkt wyjścia 32 Z Z łóżka powstałeś 49 Za to, że żyjemy, czyli punk z Wrocka 16 Zdobywcy Trójkątnego Kosmosu 71 Ź Źle nam z oczu patrzy 64 Ślimaki 30 Światło w sierpniu 54 Życie mojego brata 24 U Udomowienie 72 under_construction 88 W 97 Wyspa 18 Wytrwałość 26 Ż Ta cholerna niedziela 69 Ta niesforna cielesność 86 Tableciarze 26 Tak daleko, tak blisko 30 To byłoby coś pięknego 19 To, czego chcę 63 To pewna wiadomość! 78 To tylko marzenia 19 Trampkarze 16 Trzej królowie 87 Tymek i Mistrz 87 P CONTENTS Ś T www.pisf.pl/en/ K POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 J f W narożniku 51 Walka z szatanem 11 Wałęsa by Wałęsa 36 Warszawa 50 Werka 38 f INDEX POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 A Adamczak, Jacek 80 B Bagiński, Tomek 40 Bart, Andrzej 24 Bartosiak, Arkadiusz 43 Bendera, Karolina 38 Biedrzycki, Arek 64 Bielawska, Karolina 12 Blaschke, Bartosz 58 Błaszczyk, Anna 87 Błaszczyńska, Alicja 71 Bobrik, Matej 54 Bochniak, Tomasz 82 Borowa, Agnieszka 77 Brejt, Bruno 57 Brożyńska, Natalia 66 Bruszewska, Balbina 89 C Cieśla, Dorota 74 Czapla, Zbigniew 88 D Damian, Anca 22 Devold, Leiv Igor 50 Dębska, Kinga 8 Domalewski, Piotr 56 Dombrowski, Bartosz 7 Drivenes, Ase Svenheim 18 Drożak, Sebastian 41 Dudek, Anna 75 Dudzińska, Jolanta 74 Dudziński, Andrzej 24 Dumała, Piotr 76 Dylewska, Jolanta 10 www.pisf.pl/en/ Index of Directors f 98 C Čákanyová, Viera 17 Cichoń, Tomasz 59 CONTENTS Czarzasty, Paweł 66 Czekaj, Kuba 51 Czepiec, Teresa 34 Czubak, Kacper 33 F Fidyk, Andrzej 36 Filipowicz, Marcin 16, 60 Finocchiaro, Turi 29 Gajewski, Andrzej 14 Gaweł, Sylwia 72 Giersz, Piotr 67 Gosieniecki, Andrzej 84 H Hanaj, Artur 89 Hátle, Petr 17 I Imelska, Małgorzata 26 Izdebska, Bogusława 74 J Jasińska Koronkiewicz, Joanna 78 Jeziorski, Tomasz 49 Jóźwiak-Rodan, Paweł 23 K Kacprowicz, Łukasz 67, 76, 81 Kaczmarek, Joanna 11 Kaczyński, Ryszard 27 Kaliszewska, Iwona 33 Kamiński, Krystian 22 Kapeniak, Szymon 56 Karasińska, Anna 46 Kędzierski, Bartosz 90 Klimala, Wojciech 47 Kocur, Damian 63 Kohoutová, Rozálie 17 Kokeš, Lukáš 17 f INDEX L Lachowicz, Marek 76 Lenartowicz, Eryk 33, 47 Lesisz, Katarzyna 24 Leśniak, Tomasz 87 Lewandowski, Adam 23 Lisowski, Kacper 48 Ł Łazarski, Stefan 59 Łoziński, Paweł 38 M Maciuszek, Aleksandra 12 Majewska, Martyna 57 Majorek, Monika 52 Małecki, Piotr 9 Martyn, Janusz 74 Melnyk, Katarzyna 83 Michnikowski, Jakub 19, 54 Mikina, Agata 74 Mkhitaryan, Vahram 29, 55 N POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 Molski, Leszek 46 Morawiec, Anna 19 Morawski, Piotr 8, 27 Morawski, Andrzej Piotr 66 Moult-Milewska, Tessa 71 Mrozowski, Janusz 10 Niemczyk, Aleksandra 43 Niewiera, Elwira 14 Nowak, Marcin 21 Nuzban, Tomasz 16 O P Śladkowski, Jerzy 13 Ślesicki, Tomek 42 Palenta, Adam 17 Pawluczuk, Monika 15 Piątek, Jakub 25 Piećko, Wiesława 32 Pietrzak, Alek 60 Pilecka, Magdalena 84 Plucińska, Izabela 85 Podolec, Marcin 72 Polak, Hanna 31 Popławska, Julia 27 T Tarkowski, Jakub 87 Tasovská, Klára 17 Terpińska, Aleksandra 13, 40 Turło, Robert 66 U Urbańczyk, Anna 45 R W Rogowska, Julia 44 Rogowski, Piotr 74 Rosołowski, Piotr 14 Rossetti, Nathalie 29 Rus, Kristoffer 58 S Sakowski, Miłosz 50 Shuty, Sławomir 82 Sibrt, Radovan 17 Siwiński, Tomasz 69 Skibińska, Paulina 25 Sobczyk, Wojciech 86 Sodeikaite, Birute 79 Solakiewicz, Zuzanna 7 Specht, Karolina 73, 77 Starnawski, Karol 53 Staszewski, Bartosz 26 Steliżuk, Jan 66 Stożek, Jakub 36 Stróżycka, Marta 74 Stupnicki, Wojciech 62 Suchocki, Łukasz 63 Szczepaniak, Grzegorz 30 Szcześniak, Michał 32 Szołajski, Konrad 11 Szymańska, Marta 82 Ś Oparkowska, Anna 68 www.pisf.pl/en/ Komander, Krzysztof 41 Komasa, Jan 37 Koniecka, Barbara 74 Konopka, Bartek 49 Konwicka, Maria 8 Kopczyński, Krzysztof 15 Kotyński, Przemek 69 Kowalski, Bartosz M. 35 Kozera-Topińska, Małgorzata 28 Krasilnikova, Natalia 18 Krawczuk, Natalia 73 Kruk, Maciej Bartosz 51 Kubarska, Eliza 21, 37 Kucia, Jerzy 75 Kukuła, Andrzej 66, 83 Kulas, Bartek 44 Kuśmierczyk, Anna 30 Kwiatkowska-Naqvi, Anita 79 f 99 Wajda, Andrzej 10 Wasilewski, Marcin 68 Wawrzecki, Michał 42 Wąsik, Elżbieta 70 Wierzbicki, Krzysztof 20 Wnuk, Michał 9 Wojciechowski, Marcin 88 Wojtkowski, Wojciech 66 Wolski, Tomasz 45 Woszczyńska, Aga 48 Wójcik, Joanna 86 CONTENTS Wróblewska-Dzwoniarek, Anna 74 Wysoczański, Paweł 20 Y Yoshida, Izumi 78 Z Zaleszczuk, Karolina 61 Załęcka, Magdalena 44 Zastróżna, Joanna 55 Zielonka, Emilia 61 Zubrzycki, Kuba 53 Zwiefka, Agnieszka 28 Ż Żurawska, Zofia 52 f INDEX POLISH: DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS & ANIMATIONS 2015 www.pisf.pl/en/ edited by Olga Domżała, Robert Jaczewski, Marrta Sikorska translated and edited in English by Karolina Kołtun logo design for the Polish Film Institute Darek Komorek graphic design by LAVENTURA Maciej Sawicki 100 f CONTENTS f INDEX CONTENTS f INDEX Polish Film Insitute Krakowskie Przedmieście 21/23 00-071 Warsaw phone [+48 22] 42 10 518 fax [+48 22] 42 10 241 e-mail [email protected] www.pisf.pl https://www.facebook.com/InstytutFilmowy https://twitter.com/filmsfrompoland http://www.youtube.com/user/PolishFilmInstitute f
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