ASHM FY2012 Annual Report - American Swedish Historical Museum


ASHM FY2012 Annual Report - American Swedish Historical Museum
Report for
July 1, 2011—June 30, 2012
1900 Pattison Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19145
Sharing Swedish Culture in America
Förmedlar svensk kulture i Amerika
In just a few short words, our new tagline perfectly encapsulates our activities for the
fiscal year! In the following pages you will read about the many ways that ASHM
shared Swedish culture in America throughout the year through programs, events, and
Our fall exhibition, 17 Swedish Designers, represented Swedish design in the annual
city-wide celebration Design Philadelphia. The exhibition was a refreshing splash of
modern interior furnishings, all designed by women. We also offered monthly
programs, Design Dialogues, exploring design topics during the exhibit’s run.
The Auxiliary’s Swedish
Deli was open for business
at most of the museum’s
events, selling everyone’s
favorite Swedish food items.
Our other major exhibition of the year, the works of sculptor Albert Paley, was the
result of a collaboration between the Steneby School of Art and Design in Dals
Långed, Sweden, the Röhsska Museum of Fashion, Design and Decorative Arts in
Gothenburg, Sweden and ASHM. We were the first American museum to show these
sculptures, which push the boundaries of what we normally think can be accomplished
with steel.
We had a variety of new and one-time programs during the year. Two of them were so
popular that we are likely to make them annual traditions. Whether we were
putting a Swedish twist on a currently popular American event type with
Smorgasbeer’d; or introducing a fun Swedish tradition to American audiences through
Waffle Day on March 25, we found people were hungry for more food-centered programs.
Another way we are sharing Swedish food with the public is the expansion of the
Auxiliary’s very popular deli tables at the Lucia fest. In 2012, the Auxiliary offered
deli items for sale at many of the museum’s events, beginning with Valborg.
People lined up to get a taste
of decadent Swedish pastry
at the Auxiliary’s Semlor and
a Movie event.
It is easy to sometimes focus on new initiatives and forget to mention the myriad ways
we share Swedish Culture in America every year. Our Swedish language classes and
Swedish-speaking club Midsommarklubben help keep the Swedish language alive in
the Philadelphia area. The Swedish Museum Singers, Lucia and Midsommarfest bring
Swedish and Swedish-American music and traditions to a broad audience. Our
genealogy club helps people make meaningful links to Sweden by locating
information about their relatives who immigrated to America. All of these activities
would not be possible without the assistance of the 150 volunteers who contribute
thousands of hours to share what we do with the public. Please see the section (pg. 5)
of the report which features the many and varied contributions of our volunteers.
It is my great pleasure to have the opportunity to work with such a vibrant community
each year. Thank you so very much for your support.
Tracey Rae Beck
Executive Director
Education Programs
for Children
The museum was selected to participate in the Connelly Foundation’s
Access Program which provides funding for Philadelphia Catholic
parish/regional elementary school students to participate in cultural and
arts programming in the city of Philadelphia. As a result, 800 students in
grades 4-6 from local catholic schools were able to come to ASHM. They
explored topics such as the Vikings, New Sweden Colony and
orienteering while at the museum. It was a delight to see the students
finding their way around FDR Park using clues and a compass!
The 2012 summer library outreach program was developed by University
of the Arts intern Katie Coleman. Stories in the Sky explores the
Northern Lights through stories and art. At the 15 libraries that she
visitied, she found that the parents were as intrigued by the Northern
Lights as the children were. She shared many of the myths that different
Students studying maps in the
cultures used to explain this beautiful phenomenon and was able
Orienteering program.
to hear back from program participants what meaning the aurora borealis had for
them. Perhaps the most touching story was from a mother who saw the
Northern lights when adopting her children in Russia. Through the museum’s program
she was able to share about this special experience with them.
Education program attendance was nearly 3,000 in FY12—an 8% increase over the
previous year! In addition to serving an increasing number of students, our
educator and interns developed pre-and post- visit materials for teachers to use with
their classes, which are now available on our website.
We sought new ways to promote our programs to teachers as well, through teacher
information fairs at the Mütter Museum and in the Kensington section of Philadelphia.
We also sent a special mailing reaching out to local South Philadelphia teachers.
was the overall increase
in education program
attendance, with almost
3,000 area children
The museum went out into the community in other ways, too. We had a table at the
Popped! Music festival in September where we were able to meet thousands of
hipsters from the area. The festival was originally planned for FDR Park (right outside
the museum) but had to be moved to Temple University because of heavy rains. We
also had a table at Colonists Day in Wilmington Delaware. We were happy to support
this New Sweden Centre program and have the opportunity to meet and talk with
hundreds of Delawareans!
Children attending the
Stories in the Sky Summer
Library program.
Museum Highlights
Special Exhibitions
17 Swedish Designers, September 18, 2011-January 29, 2012
Forged Sculptures of the Steneby Collection: Albert Paley, March 11, 2012-June 24, 2012
Featured Mini Exhibitions
Fact & Fiction: Getting to Know Sweden’s Authors, March 11, 2011—Ongoing
Birger Sandzén: Collection Highlights, May 6, 2011—Ongoing
Special Archives project
The Albert Paley exhibition
featured 12 remarkable, forged
steel sculptures and
accompanying sketches.
ASHM was selected to participate in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania’s Hidden
Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories project. Archivists
for the project spent 3 days pouring over the museum’s archival collections and
creating finding aids describing them. Our John Ericsson collection received one of the
highest rankings given because of its national importance. The museum’s collections
will be included in a searchable database on the PACSCL website and will make the
museum’s archival collections much better known as a resource for researchers.
Gifts to the Museum Collection
With much appreciation, we thank the following members, friends, and colleagues for
contributing to the collection. Sylvia Holteen donated a 19th century Husqvarna meat
grinder. Susan Sjöström donated two bumper stickers made in the 1980s in Sioux Falls,
SD, a Swedish birch basket, and a birch coffee grounds container. Kathy and Phil
Coleman donated litmus paper used to test chemicals in Sweden during World War
II, artist Jean Lang donated a mixed media painting she did of Gloria Dei Church,
Carin Foster donated pieces of her father’s official uniform from the Swedish National
Guard. Judy Wheat donated an antique kitchen scale as well as immigration-related
archival materials. Fanny Warren donated a hatbox used while traveling with The
Swedish American Line (SAL), 2 silver tone cups, and 2 postcards from SAL’s
Gripsholm. Veree Coin donated the travel journal of Bertha Swanson, who beautifully
documented her 1928 voyage with SAL. Elsa Orescan donated menus from her 1951
voyage on the Gripsholm, 9 SAL postcards, and a box of various postcards and
illustrations from around Sweden. Signe Rooth donated a vintage postcard of Gloria
Dei Church and a Civil War-era photo of Captain Peter Hollers. Svea Burman Sauer
bequeathed a 1902 photo of her father, Birger F. Burman, who was an accomplished
engineer and patron of ASHM.
Gifts to the Library Collections
With much appreciation, we thank Sandra Pfaff for donating genealogical resources to
our library.
Research Queries
The museum’s library was active with research queries this year. We received a range of
questions and proposals from historians, genealogists, hobbyists, and cultural questers
located in all corners of the world. Prevalent inquiries this year included the Monitor
(2012 was the 150th anniversary of the Monitor), John Ericsson, and the John Ericsson
papers, Swedes and the Civil War, New Sweden Colony, New Sweden
anniversary celebrations, colonial America, the Vikings and Viking culture, Anders
Zorn, Carl Larson, Birger Sandzén, Swedish handcrafts and textiles, Swedish design,
archaeology and colonial-era material culture, immigration and genealogy, and several
queries relating Swedish art and artists.
Marketing and Communications
ASHM’s marketing and public relations reach continued to expand this year. Thanks
to a generous donation, we had a rare opportunity to be featured on the US Airways
Magazine’s June 2012 issue, which focused on Philadelphia’s arts and culture
community. In addition to the beautiful full page spread in the monthly magazine,
we were also included in the special reprint of the section that was distributed
throughout Philadelphia this summer. Other special coverage of the museum
included a live radio interview with Executive Director Tracey Beck and long-time
member Karin Hampel on West Chester community radio WCHE.
The redesign of
ASHM’s marketing
materials won
3rd prize at the
American Design
The museum’s events coverage did very well this year, with regular features on, the City Paper’s Meal Ticket and Critical Mass, as well as in the
South Philly Review and on The Daily News had a nice feature
article on Midsommarfest and our Spring Ting award winner Pia Sundhage was the
cover the article of South Philly Review’s Sports section in April of 2012. In terms of
advertising, we ran print ads in Philadelphia Weekly, Where Magazine,
University City Review & Center City Weekly Press, the South Philly Review, the
Metro, City Paper and Delaware County Magazine. We ventured into online
advertising with the Philadelphia Convention Center and Visitor Bureau,
Philadelphia Weekly, Philadelphia Gay News, Nordstjernan, and Philly Beer Scene.
Our social media communications have been very effective this year, with our fan
base on Facebook more than doubling in 12 months. We continue to gain
followers on Twitter, and are regularly featured in tweets by Philly event and
tourists sites, such as We also started a Flickr page this year, to keep
an online photographic record of our exhibitions and programs. In other web news,
our website was given a facelift this year by marketing intern Maria Molander, who
helped make it’s design fit our new brand identity.
ASHM’s first ever Waffle Day
was featured in the City
Paper’s Meal Ticket column.
In the late fall of 2011, we completed the
final components of our marketing
materials redesign project with Alusiv Inc,
which was generously sponsored by the
Davenport Family Foundation. It was a
lengthy process, but the end results have been
spectacular and helped to breathe new life
into all of the museum’s communications. In
fact, Alusiv won an American Design Award
for the whole package that they produced for
ASHM. We are thrilled with the fresh,
contemporary look we now have, and how we
are perceived by our members and the public.
US Airways in-flight magazine highlighted Philadelphia arts
and culture in the June 2012 issue, including ASHM.
Volunteers provide a varied range of assistance to the museum, whether it is
helping move 500 pound sculptures or providing legal advice on contractual issues.
Throughout the year, about 150 different people give their time and talents to the
museum. We even have a few families who volunteer together. Twelve volunteers
served over 100 hours during the year, and one, Christina Gravdahl, served over 200!
The total hours served by volunteers amounts to nearly 3 full-time positions! We are
extremely grateful for the assistance of all of these people who bring life and spirit to
the museum.
Board of Governors
The board and its committees are an important volunteer group who advise the museum on important issues related to the building, collection, finances, and membership program. See pg. 7 for a complete list of the board committees and members.
Clubs and Committees
The Midsommarklubben, the
ASHM’s Swedish speaking club,
served up Swedish delights at
Our volunteer-run clubs, including the Auxiliary, Genealogy Club,
Midsommarklubben and the Swedish Museum Singers provide a rich diversity of
programs for the public throughout the year. They also assist the museum the
museum by raising money and getting new people interested in the museum.
Committees are also important in presenting our annual fundraisers such as Spring
Ting and SmörgåsBeer’d, and events such as Pea Soup Supper.
ASHM staff is committed to providing meaningful internship experiences for
students at many levels of study. We give them valuable work and research
experience and they help us to do projects we wouldn’t be able to accomplish
otherwise. Our interns are as young as high school students from Mastery Charter
School and go through people working on graduate degrees. The bulk of the
Long-time member and volunteer,
Carin Foster, receiving the Amandus museum’s interns over the last few years have come from the University of the Arts,
Johnson Volunteer Service Award. which has programs in Exhibition Design, Museum Communications and Museum
Education. This in FY12 we had four UArts interns, Haley Waugh, Claire Cossabon,
Katie Coleman, and Meghann Hickson. We were able to participate in a new
internship program sponsored by Temple University and National History Day
Philadelphia called the Cultural Fieldwork Initiative. This award-winning internship
program provides museum experience for undergraduate students who are studying
to become history teachers. Our intern through the program was Kevin Savini.
Marketing Intern Maria Molander,
pictured with Associate Director
Birgitta Davis.
We have been grateful to receive funding from the Barbro Osher Pro Suecia
Foundation to offer a paid internship to a Swedish student or recent graduate
through the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce’s Trainee program for the
last several years. This year Maria Mollander joined us. Her major projects included
working on our social media marketing and re-designing our website.
Events and Programs
Volunteer Party
July 23
Crayfish Party
August 5
Auxiliary Flea Market and Museum Open House
September 17
Annual Meeting and Opening of
September 18
17 Swedish Designers Exhibition
Auxiliary Lunch and Lecture by Samuel W. Heed:
Kalmar Nyckel Sail Again: Voyages of Rediscovery
October 8
Smörgåsbeer’d: A Beer Tasting
October 15
Design Dialogues: The Spirit of Swedish Interiors
with Karin S. Kuenstler
October 19
Genealogy Club Meeting
October 22
The Great Meatball Match Up
October 23
New Sweden Conference:
The Women of New Sweden, 1638 – 1800
November 5
Cooking Class
November 12
Design Dialogues: Made in Scandinavia:
Behind the Scenes at Hello Home
November 17
December 2
Lucia and Christmas Market
December 3
Swedish Simplicity for Your Holiday Table
with Event Designer Christopher Carlson
December 10
Swedish Museum Singers Holiday Concert
December 13
Pea Soup and Punsch Supper
January 28
Bus Trip to New York City
February 4
Semlor and a Movie
February 18
Lecture: USS Monitor at 150 with David A. Mindell
February 28
Exhibition Opening: Albert Paley
Forged Sculptures of the Steneby Collection
March 11
Waffle Day
March 25
Easter Workshop and Egg Hunt
April 1
Spring Ting Dinner and Auction
Honoring Pia Sundhage
April 21
Valborg: Spring Bonfire and Concert
April 28
Auxiliary Lecture and Luncheon: Sweden and Norway Share Unique Folk Art with Kristina Keune
May 12
Cooking Class
June 9
Genealogy Club Meeting
June 9
June 23
Guests enjoying the Summer
Crayfish Party.
SmörgåsBeer’d was fun all
around, with great raffle prizes
and delicious local beers to
Families made traditional Easter
crafts at our annual Easter Workshop.
Board of Governors
Leonard A. Busby, Esq., Chair
John P. McCann, Jr., Vice Chair
Carin Foster, Vice Chair
Sandra Pfaff, Vice Chair
Earl Seppala, Secretary
Bo Bergqvist, Treasurer
Jacqueline Axilbund
Christer Baeckstrom
Tracey Beck, Executive Director
Alice (Roni) Christensen
Kevin S. Gorman
Christina Gravdahl
Samueal Heed, Esq.
Gudmund Iversen
Erik Muther
Full-Time Staff
Tracey Rae Beck,
Executive Director
Birgitta W. Davis,
Associate Director
Carrie A. Hogan, Curator
Maria Mollander, Marketing Intern
Caroline S. Rossy,
Membership and
Marketing Coordinator
Frank C. Sanders, Facility Manager
Lauren Zalut, Education Manager (through February 2012)
Carina Åhrén,
Membership and
Marketing Assistant
(through October 2012)
Kristina Johnson O’Doherty
James R. Roebuck, Jr.
Robert E. Savage
Doriney Seagers
Inger Stone
Theresa Stuhlman
Margaretha Talerman
Peg Tigue
Fanny Warren
Ex-Officio Governors
The Honorable Michael Nutter,
Mayor of Philadelphia
Mark Focht, Executive Director,
Fairmount Park Commission
(represented by Theresa Stuhlman)
Chairman of the Board, Leonard
Busby, enjoying himself at the Great
Meatball Match Up.
* Investment income used for operations only.
Weekend Managers
Betsy Cashin
Roberta Johnson
Ruth Lonvick
Sophie Miles
Ruth O’Brien
Jamee Vasil
Weekend Manager Jamee Vasil
at SmörgåsBeer’d.
Committee Members and Club Officials
Board Committees
Buildings and Grounds
Erwin Apell, Co-chair
Theresa Stuhlman, Co-chair
Carrie Hogan
Earl Seppala
Margaretha Talerman
Development Committee
Kristina O'Doherty, Chair
Jackie Axilbund
Christer Baeckstrom
Maria Donatucci
Carin Foster
Sandra Pfaff
Edie Rohrman
Peg Tigue
Finance & Audit
Erik Muther, Chair
Bo Bergqvist
Leonard Busby
Gudmund Iversen
Sandra Pfaff
Membership Committee
Christina Gravdahl, Chair
Christer Baeckstrom
Roni Christensen
Kristina Hofmann
Gudmund Iversen
Evie Merritt
Fred Pfaff
Sandra Pfaff
Caroline Rossy
Inger Stone
Ginny Swedberg
Fanny Warren
Museum Committee
Margaretha Talerman, Chair
Vicki Cassman
Carrie Hogan
Thora Jacobson
Andrea Reidell
Abby Shaw
Nominating Committee
Carin Foster, Chair
John McCann
Doriney Seagers
Earl Seppala
Margaretha Talerman
Strategic Planning
John McCann, co-chair
Tracey Beck, co-chair
Erwin Apell
Bo Bergqvist
Birgitta Davis
Carin Foster
Christina Gravdahl
Sam Heed
Carrie Hogan
Shawn Jalosinski
Erik Muther
Kristina O’Doherty
Sandra Pfaff
Caroline Rossy
Theresa Stuhlman
Margaretha Talerman
Lauren Zalut
Tracey Beck and Leonard Busby are
members of all board committees.
Event Committees
Spring Ting Committee
Fanny Warren, Chair
Jackie Axilbund
Tracey Beck
Sally Bridwell
Roni Christensen
Margaret Churchville
Margaret Copeland
Sylvia Davenport
Birgitta Davis
Carin Foster
Christina Gravdahl
Donna Johnson
Kristina O’Doherty
Sandra Pfaff
Edie Rohrman
Caroline Rossy
Doriney Seagers
Virginia Swedberg
Margaretha Talerman
Birgitta Wilson
Christer Baeckstrom, Chair
Tracey Beck
Roni Christensen
Dawn Gould
Sam Heed
Tom Herdelin
Glenn Kasper
Monica Kruse
Kristina O’Doherty
Caroline Rossy
Roni Christensen, President
Dawn Gould, Vice President
Tina Cook, Secretary
Linda Alexy, Treasurer
Jackie Axilbund, Corresponding
Genealogy Club
Dennis Rydberg, President
Tod Benedict, Vice President
Bill Fagerstrom, Secretary
Inger Stone, President
Annika Saracini, Secretary
Ingrid Cagan, Treasurer
Swedish Museum Singers
Christina Gravdahl, President
Carol Gutkenecht, Music Director
Members and Donors
The generosity of our community of supporters is vital in our ability to carry out our mission. The following
individuals, foundations, organizations and corporations have given us gifts and grants to support our operating
needs, endowment, events and special projects above and beyond basic membership dues:
$100,000 and above
Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation
$10,000 to $99,999
Arronson Foundation
George and Esther Ann
McFarland Foundation
Robert Savage
$1,000 to $9,999
Kristina & John Antoniades
ASHM Auxiliary
Jacqueline Axilbund
Ragnhild & Bo Bergqvist
Connelly Foundation
Sylvia E. Davenport
Ellis Olson Memorial Foundation
Finlandia Foundation
Roy & Donna Johnson
Martin Kleppe
Dr. & Mrs. V. Eugene McCoy
Kristina & John O’Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pfaff
Philadelphia Cultural Fund
Rosenlund Family Foundation
SCA North America
Sports Complex Special Services
Sunoco, Philadelphia Refinery
SWEA New Jersey
SWEA Philadelphia
Swedish Council of America
$500 to $999
Biddle & Co. Insurance
Central Carolina Community
Alice Christensen
Jimmy & Helena Collins
Comcast Foundation
Christine & Gary Davies
Gordon & Jane Downing
Marna Feldt
John & Carin Foster
Jeffrey & Christina Gravdahl
Loretta Hampson & Sergio Rojstaczer
Kristina Gustafson Hofmann
Gudmund Iversen
Kreisher Miller
W. Robert & Judith A. Lang
Ruth Lindeborg & Leonard Busby
Mrs. Marshall A. Mundheim
Elsa Orescan
Jonathan Poole & Erin Cederlind
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Ross
Earl & Sylvia Seppala
Virginia Swedberg
Alec & Margaretha Talerman
James and Cynthea Traverso
Whibco, Inc.
Birgitta and Bill Wilson
$250 to $499
Clifford & Dorothy Anderson
Harry & Marilyn Appel
Albert & Evelyne Axelrod
Christer & Patricia Baeckstrom
William & Tracey Beck
Robert & Ingrid Cagan
Evert J. Christensen, Jr.
DeAnn P. Clancy
Kerstin Cook
Margaret Copeland
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Eklund
Jan & Lillemor Essunger
Kevin S. Gorman
Mrs. Samuel M.V. Hamilton
Samuel W. Heed
Kristina and Charles Kalb
Rev. John & Mrs. Lila McCleary
Charles J. Mode
Erik D. Muther
Hope Rosenlund
Will Springer
Inger & Andy Stone
Jim & Theresa Stuhlman
Robert & Beth Talerman
Fanny Warren
$100 to $249
Linda & Kenneth Alexy
Marianne Baeckstrom
Marian L. Bartlett
Helene Y. Basile & Family
Görel Bengtzon & Roman Hrycushko
Ingrid Bergstrom-Bogen
Mr. & Mrs. G. Nagle Bridwell
Elisabeth and Wayne Brown
Mrs. Robert W. Miller
Sandra E. Brown
Robert & Julie Jensen Bryan
Robert P. Thomas AIA
Lisa C. Caplan
Walter Carlson
Florence Anderson Chatas
Margaret Churchville
Dale & Mary Jean Clark
Jens & Allison Clausen
Charles Colson
in honor of Christina Gravdahl
Keith and Hilma Cooper
Michael and Jill M. D’Andrea
Morris and Birgitta Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. DeBoer
Lincoln & Ruth Ekstrom
Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Engstrom
John H. Erickson
ExxonMobil Foundation
Jan Fagerberg
Chris and Karl Fritton
David A. Furlow & Lisa Pennington
Drusilla Gullberg
Carol & Paul Gutknecht
Anne & Matt Hamilton
Ulla M. Heinicke
Hellberg Family
Carl O. Helstrom, Jr.
Alfred C. Holm
Kathi Keefe
Carol A. Kimbell
Bruce and Donna Knight
Mark LaCelle-Peterson
Maria and Scott Larsen
Barbro & Ernst Larsson
Gunhild Ljung
Joe Lorini & Larkin Eriksson
Main Line Opera Associates of
the Vocal Arts
Evie and Chris Merritt
Gunlög Millet
Margie Moss
Mrs. Jack D. Neilson
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Nelson
Al Ostrand
Jere & Birgitta Paddack
Maud & Ronald Palmer
PNC Foundation
Mary Anne Powell
Prudential Foundation
John & Kerstin Radel
Linda T. Raffa
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert R. Rambo
Eleanor D. Redfield
Rev. & Mrs. David B. Rivers
Deborah Robinson
Edith and Albert Rohrman
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas S. Roosevelt
Christer & Rebecca Sahlman
Kjerstin & Dominic Sama
Nancy Sandberg
Matthew Scanlan II
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Seagers
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Seagers
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaffner
Kristina H. Smith
The Society of the Sons of St. George
Rudy & Jean Soderlund
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Springer III
John & Denise Johnson Staub
Mrs. Thomas Stengel
Evelyn A. Streed
Julianna Struck
Eddie Talerman & Dyan Simon
Elaine Tanenbaum
Paul Thenstedt
Margaret A. Tigue
Lorraine & Richard Waldron
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wattman
Mr. & Mrs. William White
Under $100
Joan & John Achey
Janet and Frank Aki
Charles & Frances Allmond
Mr. & Mrs. Claude Anderson
Helena Barnabic
John M. Baxter
Len and Flo Beck
Anita Bogsted Bilicki
Morgan and Elsa Brenner
William Callahan & Rut Vivianne
Nancy Z. Clark
Dale W. Cottrell
Theodore S. Dalstrom
Katherine Danser
Maria & William Dostmann
Susan Durand
Frank Embon
Mr. & Mrs. Evald R. Eskilson
Grace B. Fay
Kay Ford
Mitchell Gerstein
Mrs. William Giles
Rachel and Jonathan Goldman
Barbara E. Good
Chuck & Margot Gupta
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Haley
Donald A. Hall
Joseph & Karin Hampel
Henry & Mildred Hanson
Lisa and Bill Hoffman
Elisabeth Hohman
Sylvia Holteen
Thomas F. and Mary Ann Hudson
B. Rena Huntsman
Jenny Lind Club of Michigan
Mr. & Mrs. Sigurd S. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Knutson
Karin Kornaga
Rosemary Krill
Dorothea and Kretz Mathis
Ulla-Britta and Jerry McCarthy
Genevieve McLay
George and Elizabeth McFarland
Karen A. McKillip
Jim & Kathleen McKracken
Peter P. Mickulas
Rosemary and Jeffrey Moller
Jean Moran
Marita & William Motter
Hans K. Mueller
Alfred J. Nicolosi
Norden Women’s Club
Phyllis I. Oberg
Florence V. Olson
Rose Marie G. Oster
PA Society of New England Women
Despina Page
Dorothy Appelgren Paley
Mette Parker
Patrick and Mae Agnes Pasquariello
Evelyn Pauley
Jane Pepper
Carolyn Peterson
Mrs. Thomas F. Quinn
Rose Marie Repici Riley
Hilda Karlsson Roderick
Bernard & Bonnie Ruekgauer
Melissa and Tim Scholz
David O. Segermark
George & Dede Shafer
Edwin & Dorothy Sheffield
Elisabeth Shellenberger
John & Susan Soffronoff
Christine N. Stainton
Marilyn Steinbright
Vincent V. Suppan
Swedish Cultural Society of Cleveland
Alice Lea Tasman
Selma Tepper
Mrs. Stina I. Timm
Linnea Tornqvist
The Rev. Dr. Kim-Eric Williams
Rev. and Mrs. DuWayne Winters
Mr. and Mrs. David Winters
Theodore V. Wood, Jr.
Life Members
David L. Anderson
Margaret Anderson
Ruth Meixner-Bird
Amelie Marie Bonde
Helena Elisabeth Bonde
Count and Countess Peder Bonde
Sophia Louise Bonde
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Butcher IV
W. Keen Butcher
Robert Cato
Robert G. Cato, Jr.
Leroy W. Dahlberg
Sylvia Davenport
Torsten Edvar E.A.
Lincoln and Ruth Ekstrom
Marna Feldt
Margaret Finley
Mrs. Richard A. Groos
Len & Elly Gustafsson
Olov Hagerbrant
Douglas Hellstrom
Dr. John Hemmingson Hill
Dr. Robert Nyden Hill
Mr. Bengt Jansson
Jenny Lind Club of Michigan
Martin Kleppe
Mrs. Harold E. Kohn
Marcia Larson
Dr. Elizabeth Larsson
Mrs. Anne Martenson
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Matz
Rita G. Matthews
Ellen Peterson Morris
Sven Mossberg
Life Members con’t.
Cindy Nord
Barbro S. Osher
Dr. Georgina Peacher
Herbert V. Peterson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pfaff
Morris C. Rambo, Jr.
Dr. Signe A. Rooth
Hope Ryden
Dr. Robert Savage
Karl E. Schober
Robert A. Souders
Ruth M. Taylor
Board members Kristina O’Doherty
and Sam Heed, along with Janet Heed,
at Spring Ting.
Judging the Amateur contestants
at the Great Meatball Match Up.
Gift In-Kind
We would like to thank the many individuals and organizations that provided donations of tangible
gifts and/or services to the museum and its events.
Adventure Aquarium
American Helicopter Museum
& Education Center
ASHM Auxiliary
Jackie Axilbund
Bartram’s Garden
Battleship New Jersey
Tracey Beck
Joan Bennet
Bo Bergqvist
The Bocce Club
Elisabeth Brown
Camden Riversharks
Campbell Thomas Architects
Chef’s Table Catering
Christopher Carlson and Béke Beau
Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia
Roni Christensen
Cirillo Cosmetic Dermatology Spa
Comcast Spectacor Foundation
Peggy Copland
Rob Curtis
Dad’s Stuffings
Jill & Michael D’Andrea
Dansko, LLC
Sylvia Davenport
Eastern State Penitentiary
Lincoln and Ruth Ekstrom
Equilibrium Spa
Face Stockholm
Carin Foster
Free Will Brewing Company
Judy L. Glowiak
Christina Gravdahl
Hassis Men’s Shop
Hedgerow Theather
Hello Home
Hyatt House Plymouth Meeting
Gudmund Iversen
Joey Joe’s Prime Meats
Donna Johnson
Kristina Kalb
Kalmar Nyckel Foundation
Kathi Keefe
Liscio’s Bakery
Longwood Gardens
Elisabeth Lundin
Margaretha Talerman
Marabella Meatball Co.
Mary McCoy
McFadden’s Ballpark
McKenzie Brewhouse
Montgomery, McCracken,
Walker & Rhoads, LLP
Paula Newman
Kristina O’Doherty
Orchestra 2001
Orrefors Kosta Boda
Penrose Diner
People’s Light and Theatre Company
Sandra and Fred Pfaff
Philadelphia Flyers
Philadelphia Independence
Philadelphia Phillies
Philly Beer Scene
Radisson Plaza Warwikck Hotel
Pop’s Homemade Water Ice
Rapp Family
Paul Ricchiuti
Richard Rood
Doriney Seagers
Stogie Joe’s
Debbie Stone
SWEA Philadelphia
Margaretha Talerman
Temple University
Athletic Department
The Bottle Shop
Triumph Brewing Company
US Soccer
Viking Culinary Center
Villa di Roma
Village Belle
Villanova University
Alumni Association
Linda Vizi
Fanny Warren
Water Works Restaurant
Whole Foods Market
Birgitta Wilson
Yards Brewing Company
We appreciate the generosity demonstrated by those on the above lists and have made every effort
to ensure accuracy. Please contact Tracey Beck, Executive Director, if you discover an error.
Photography courtesy of ASHM, Christine Gravdahl and Pfaff Photography.