propane autogas - ROUSH CleanTech
propane autogas - ROUSH CleanTech
A PROVEN TRACK RECORD OF SAFETY • Among alternative fuels, propane autogas Propane autogas is a safe fuel when has the narrowest flammability range. This PERC-sponsored website provides properly stored, dispensed, and used. This The flammability range is comparable to information on several diff erent types is due to several factors: propane autogas’ that of gasoline and diesel fuel. of propane-autogas- powered vehicles natural properties; stringent codes and • Propane autogas engine systems are (and other types of propane equipment), fi tted with safety devices and shutoff propane autogas refueling, and education, training, and safety-awareness valves that function automatically if the incentive programs. programs. Vehicles powered by propane fuel line ruptures. regulations; and the industry’s extensive autogas have a long history of performing safely under all operating conditions. In VALUABLE RESOURCES TO HELP fact, propane autogas off ers several safety UNDERSTAND PROPANE AUTOGAS advantages compared with other fuels: VEHICLES AND FACILITIES • Propane autogas in its natural state is Several online resources are available that non-toxic with no defining natural odor. An odorant is added to aid in leak detection. • Propane autogas requires a much higher provide users with information such as code requirements for propane autogas vehicle facilities, characteristics of propane temperature to ignite. For example, autogas, and case studies of companies gasoline and diesel fuel will catch fire converting their fleets to run efficiently on at temperatures as low as 495 degrees propane autogas. PROPANE AUTOGAS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY REQUIREMENTS Fahrenheit, whereas propane autogas requires a temperature of at least 920 degrees Fahrenheit to ignite. The NFPA website provides information on • Propane autogas is classified by the codes and standards related to motor fuel Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) repair garages and maintenance facilities. as a non-contaminant of air, land, and You can view, download, or acquire printed water resources. copies of all NFPA codes including NFPA 58 and NFPA 30A from this site. FOR MORE INFORMATION To learn more about propane autogas and the Propane Education & Research Council, visit Propane Education & Research Council / 1140 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 1075 / Washington, DC 20036 P 202-452-8975 / F 202-452-9054 / The Propane Education & Research Council was authorized by the U.S. Congress with the passage of Public Law 104-284, the Propane Education and Research Act (PERA), signed into law on October 11, 1996. The mission of the Propane Education & Research Council is to promote the safe, efficient use of odorized propane gas as a preferred energy source. © 2015 by the Propane Education & Research Council 9001-BR-13 SOURCES OF IGNITION REQUIREMENTS MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING GARAGES There are no specific requirements beyond OR MAINTENANCE FACILITIES existing standards for traditional liquid fuel A review of compliance to existing codes repair garages and maintenance facilities. (for liquid fuels such as gasoline or diesel) ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS to allow the servicing or repair of propane may be necessary before modifications There are no specific requirements beyond autogas-powered vehicles can begin. existing standards for traditional liquid fuel Since the existing facility may have been repair garages and maintenance facilities. built under older editions of the codes, any new propane autogas modifications may PARKING, SERVICING, AND REPAIR OF require bringing the facility up to code for VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS traditional liquid fuels as well. There are no specific structural requirements INTRODUCTION For purposes of this guide, only specific propane autogas requirements beyond those required for gasoline and diesel vehicle repair and maintenance facilities will be discussed in detail. This guide will explain in easy-to-understand terms the general design, safety, and code guidelines for constructing or modifying repair and maintenance garages for propaneautogas-powered vehicles including passenger cars, vans, buses, and trucks. GAS DETECTION REQUIREMENTS Several national codes such as the National codes are adopted voluntarily by states. Propane gas detection equipment is Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code Always contact the local Authority Having not required for repair garages and for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Jurisdiction (AHJ) for applicable codes maintenance facilities that service propane Repair Garages, International Building Code regarding the building or modifying autogas vehicles. (IBC), and National Electric Code (NEC) of a propane autogas vehicle repair or help outline the detailed requirements maintenance facility. In some cases, the AHJ QUESTIONS TO ANSWER BEFORE for building or modifying a vehicle repair may have other requirements in addition to BUILDING OR MODIFYING A REPAIR or maintenance facility. These codes, for those cited in national codes. The AHJ is the GARAGE OR MAINTENANCE FACILITY the most part, give the requirements for organization, office, or individual responsible • Does the existing garage or facility meet traditional liquid fuel facilities that service for enforcing the requirements of the code. gasoline- and diesel-fueled vehicles, but do current code requirements for traditional liquid fuels (such as gasoline or diesel)? not directly address alternative fuels such VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS as propane autogas. Ventilation requirements for propane Facilities and Repair Garages. Each type of garage has a specific set the propane autogas vehicle when parked, of code requirements. serviced, or repaired inside buildings: • Major Repair Garage. A major repair • The fuel system must be leak-free. garage is defined as a building or same requirements as those for gasoline- • The fuel tank or container must not portions of a building where major and diesel-fueled vehicle major repair be filled beyond the limits specified repairs, such as engine overhauls, areas. There are no special requirements for the equipment. painting, body and fender work, and for propane autogas-powered vehicle repairs that require draining of the motor repair areas. autogas are the same as those for gasoline • Will the facility provide minor repairs, major repairs, or both? • If the facility provides both minor and and diesel. This includes ventilation for major repairs, will the major repair area all workspaces including floor areas, pits, be separated from the minor repair area? below-grade areas, and subfloors. There is no need for modifications to the building or building design. • Will the facility include an indoor or outdoor propane autogas fueling station? vehicle fuel tank, are performed. • Minor Repair Garage. A minor repair INDOOR VEHICLE FUEL garage is defined as a building or portions DISPENSING STATIONS of a building used for lubrication, Indoor refueling of propane vehicles is sources of heat or open flames (or similar inspection, and minor automotive permitted where the building is constructed sources of ignition), or near inadequately maintenance work, such as engine tune- in accordance with the requirements of ventilated pits. ups, replacement of parts, fluid changes NFPA 30A and NFPA 58, and any other codes (oil, antifreeze, transmission fluid, brake that are adopted by the jurisdiction where fluid, air conditioning refrigerants, etc.), the building is located. • The vehicle should not be parked near It is important to note that all national • NFPA 30A Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing diff erent categories for code purposes. several code requirements that apply to required to operate. GENERAL CODE REQUIREMENT OVERVIEW • NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code. Repair garages are placed into two maintenance facilities. However, there are being repaired, except when the engine is maintenance garage. the requirements for propane autogas traditional liquid fuel repair garages and be closed when the vehicle or engine is understand the basic requirements of a propane-autogas-powered vehicle repair or vehicle facilities: TYPES OF REPAIR GARAGES • The tank or container shut-off valve must This guide is intended to help fleet managers, operators, and private garage owners There are two national codes that cover beyond the existing standards for brake system repairs, tire rotation, and similar routine maintenance work. PROPANE AUTOGAS STORAGE Above-ground tanks storing propane REPAIR GARAGE autogas must be separated by at least 15 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS feet from devices that dispense liquid or If the facility is planning to have a major gaseous motor vehicle fuels. If the facility repair area for propane autogas vehicles, a has aboveground compressed natural gas separate building or area within the facility (CNG) or liquid natural gas (LNG) tanks, the may be used. Minor repair areas do not need propane autogas tank must be separated to be separated from other activities in the by at least 20 feet. facility. If part of the facility is being used for major repair activities, there are certain In addition, the tanks must have physical requirements that need to be followed to and security protection in accordance with separate the area from minor repair and the codes. Consult NFPA 30A and NFPA 58 other servicing activities. They are the for exact conditions and requirements.
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