Polk`s Wisconsin State Gazetteer and Business Directory
Polk`s Wisconsin State Gazetteer and Business Directory
<" . . ~ : C. J. ATKINSON CO. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, METALUJRGISTS TEL GRAND 2714 1078 aDd TESTINC ENGINEERS MILWAUKEE, WIS. PURDY PURDY A discontinued postofflce In Vernon county. Rural delivery from Viroqua, the banking town. Brazowskl Joseph. blacksmith Hagden J 11', general store "VARRY Population. 100. On the M .• St. P. & S. Ste. M. Ry.. In Rockland township. Manitowoc county. 16 miles from ManItowoc. the judicial seat. 3 from Collins and 3 from Valders. both having bankIng facilities. Telephone connection. John Mailman. postmaster. Chrilltle Hugo, blacksmith Eastern Willconsin and Farmerll' Telephone Co Empire Lime and Stone Co, lime mfrB Fitzpatrick Ed. general IItore HALLMAN .JOHN. POlltmaster Mueller Emil. hotel Standard Lime Co. lime "VlNCY On the Wisconsin rl\'er. ill <,juincy township. Adams county, 131,2 miles southeast of Friendship. the judicial seat and uBual banking point. and 7 from Arkdale. the nearest shipping point. Telephone connection. Send mall to Friendship. Elmer Marie Mrs. cheese mfr Woodruff .. Challe. general IItore . RACINIIl PopulatloJl. 58.693 (U. S. CenBus. 1920) . The capital and Beat of justice of Racine county, Is a city picturesquely and advantageously located on the west shore of Lake Michigan, at the mouth of the Root river, 26 miles lIouth of Milwaukee and 60 north of Chicago. n Is blessed by every eondltlon to make a city at trQ.ctlve. prQlrreBslve and prosperous and not the least Important Is Its fine transportation facilities. Its magnificent harbor. one of the finest on the great lakes, acceSSible to the largest vessels afiloat, glvell the city prestige and advantages as respects transportation by water. The C. & N. W. and the C .• M. & St. P. Rys. give It direct connection, with all the great centers throughout the country. while the electric street railways reach all parts ot the city and give It connection with neighboring towna. Racine's natural resources. the productlven('ss of Its con tributary territory. its superb climate and rail and water facilIties. together with the energy and enterprise of Its cltlzena. all go to make up a community that cannot fall to grow In wealth and prosperity. These attributes are responsible for the bUild109 of this hustling trade -center with public utilities and conveniences equal to any place In the country. Its paved streets, churches, schools. theatres. parks. street railways and public bUildIngs have that Quality of excellence that Is not found In any city of equal size In the Union. Racine has the largest number of manufactories In comparison with Its population Of any city In the country. There are o"er 360 diverllified Industrl('s. many of which are large factories with many thoullandll of employes. Their annual payroll In normal times exceeds $16.000.000 with an annual output of manufactured fOOdS to the value of over $80,000.000. t Is necessary to \'hllt the manufacturing district to tully reall7.e the Importance and dlvf'rsltv of the produet... It Is one of tho> 'in ell t residential dUes In the state. The en- 244 FOURTH ST. (1921) R. L. POLK .. CO." \'Irolllnents are delightful, the cllmate Is perfect and the santary precautions are enllghtf'ned and vigilant. There are churches representing the leading religious denominations. While the citizens of Racine have been Btrlvlng for and making a place for themselves and their city In the world of affairs. and whllc they have been building up a town commercially and Industrially, they have not neglected to develop and perfect an unsurpassed public school system or primary. grammar and high IIchools. Racine has a High and 19 grade schools, and In addition there are'colleges, academies. private and parochial achools_ There are 6 strong banks, with capital and surplus of $1,873.000 and deposits of $17.147.000, fine hOBpltalB, a public library, retail storeB that offer metropolitan selection. hotels with excellence of management, a handsomely appointed opera house and smaller moving picture theatrNI and lecture halls bringing the best attractions to the city. The press Is represented by 2 dally newspapera, the Journal-News and the TlmeB-call; a weekly, the Wisconsin Agriculturist. and a semi-weeki,., the Labor Advocate. 'Vlth such a record aa has been achieved by Racine, It needB no prophet to outline the future ot this thriving city. It muat become greater and greater, not only In the matter of growth In population and buslncss, but also In all that makes a wldewake. progreeelv8 community. The secretary of the Racine Commercial Club. Mr. Walter H Reed, wllJ reply to any Inquiries regarding Racine and Its Interests. Telegraph, telephone and express facilities. George H. Henog, postmaster. ACHE CARPET CLEANING AND RUG WEA ,riNG WORKS. Joseph Pesek. Propr. Have Your Old Carpeting Made Into Beautiful Rugs, 914-916 Erie Adams Cab Co (Adam Marckarlan, John Goshgorlan), 426 S Main Adams Elizabeth, botel, 2229 Mead ADAMS E B .t: SON (B Rand C E). Hardware and Harness Specialties 13th and Clark (See palO\'e tOR6) Adamllkl John. restr nOt Washington av Adesam Frank, meats 1901 'Douglas av Ahrens Otto E. lawyer 604 S Main Ajax Auto Parts Co. J W Bates pres, L B Grlttlth sec-treaa, Junction av sw cor 16th Albertson James H, meats 1602 Nortbwestern av Allen Livery & Garage, C R Allen mgr, 1206 }Ii Wisconsin Alshuler Bros, H D Alshuler sec-treaa. clothing 223 6th Alshuler Charles Mfg Co The, lIrs Cella Alshuler pres. Salo Haas BeC, clothing mfrs U13 14th Alshuler D D & Co (Mrs Cella and lI'rank AIHhulcr), clothing 424 S Main Altman Vladlslaw, restr '201 Douglas AMERIC."~ BRASS .. ALUMINUM FOlfNDRY CO (Chr A Andersen, K W Hansen), Rrass, Rronze and Aluminum Castings 1212-18 18th (See page 1088) Amt'rlcan Dlstrlet Telegraph Co, 11' P WinlJOrn III,.;-r. 203 6th AMF.nICA~ ~ATIONAL BANK THE (Capital $100.000. Surplus U9,OOOL Member Federal Reserve Bank. Wm '-.; Hood Pres. W H Armstrong V-Pres. E L Ollborn Cashier. G C Peters, W A Williams .\!lst Cashiers. 30% 6th AMERICAN PATTERN .. IIFG CO (HaDlI 1',,1 .... 11). ""ouII and MOltal Patterns 18th and naclne (Sr e page 1086) MOUTOR BOX COMPANY Paper Boxes, Sample Trays, Mailing Tube. and Cana Phone Haa_... 2171 I Digitized by Google J 10.9 RACINE A BUYERS' GUIDE Leading Industries "and Representative Men Engaged" in Commercial and Professional Pursuits 1921-1922 . 1 h~ DI H[( TORY THE (OMMO," INHRM[ DIARY I ') BUW([N BUYlR ' ·'S[ll£R ~ WISCONSIN GAZETTEER (1921) Digitized by Google lQ~O (192l.) R. L. POLK'" CO.'. Digitized by Google 1081 FREEMAN MFG. CO. RACINE WISCONSIN •• •• MANUFACTURERS OF "FREEMAN LINE" FEED CUTIERS FANNING MILLS ENDGATE SOWERS SILO FILLERS and CARRIERS . WINDM~ BLOWER £LEVATORS WIND MILL TOWERS HORSE POWERS PUMP JACKS SPEED JACKS QUADRANT LEVERS CIDERM~ STATIONARY TUBULAR GRINDERS BOILERS SAW BLADES MARINE BOILERS SMOKE STACKS SAW FRAMES STEEL TANKS CORN SHru J .ERS ~ Write for Catalog Digitized by Google lOS2 Homes of the F. J. Greene Engineering ~Works Building of Special Machinery General Line of Repair Work, Steel Fabricated and Erected for Building Greene Manufacturing Company Stamping Press Work Japaning and Plating, Hand or Mechanical Finish, Wardrobe Trunk Fur.tures :'Christensen Machine Company Manufacturen of Patent Stitcher Feeding Machine and Book Binders Machinery OFFICE AND WORKS: 1020-1030 DOUGLAS AVE. Phones 143 and 144 RACINE, WIS. (921) R. L. POLK & Digitized by co.'s CJ0egle- --'- 1083 Beautifully illustrated, eloquently written advertisements, prepared without the vision that results only from yeara of broad business u:perience, are as bubbles Roating at the will of the winds. Advertising planned and prepared with a thorough underatanding and appreciation of business and marketing problems-anchored down to fact_will reach its goal. An advertising agency, whose peraonnel is composed of business executives as well a8 advertising experts, can make youra such dollarproducing advertising. The vision and experience of the printer, editor, advertising manager, art buyer, artist, space buyer, sales manager, purchasing agent, banker, manufacturer and retailer are at your command in the service of this Agency. Western Advertising Agency Racine, Wisconsin WISCONSIN GAZETTEER (1921) .& Digitized by Google 10S4 MR. TRUCK OWNER THE MORAND CUSHION WHEEL will stop your tire troubles and save you money 'llOllA D De mounta bl e P neu ma.tics Cu shions 34x 4'/, Replaced by 36X4 34x 5 36x 6 36x 6 36x 6 38x 7 40x 8 44x l D 36x4 36x4 36x5 ,I 36x6 " 36x 6 II 36x7 or 8 H 36x8 II .. u .f II II II II " BRIETZKE & PAULI WrJt.e For Particulars State Distributors RACINE, WIS. R. B. Lang Manufacturing Co. Hardware Specialties Sheet Metal Stampings Patented Novelties . Nickel Plating, Japanning, Etc. E.tabli.hed 1885 Holbom and 18th Streets Correapondence Solicited RAONE, WISCONSIN (1921) R. L. POLK & CO.'!': Digitized by Google 10S5 RACINE IRON & WIRE WORKS MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Wire and Sheet Metal Specialties CONSISTING OF Kitchen Wire Goods, Bath Room Supplies, Garment Hangers, Electric Light Guards, Co~ductor Spout Strainers, Cold Pack Canning Racks and Hanging Baskets for flower Pots. SPECIAL WORK We solicit inquiries on Special Wire Forma, Oven and Refrigerator Racks, Window, Door and Machinery Guards and Small Steel Stamping.. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS We are the only manufacturers in the State of a 2Yz-GalIon Fire Extinguisher. . We illue a catalog illustrating and describing all articles. RACINE, WISCONSIN Western Eagle Mfg. Company WOOD AND METAL Patterns Novelties Carrying Cases Factories at 1218 Washington Ave. Phones 3333 and 2087 Racine Wisconsin WISCONSIN GAZETTEER (19111) Digitized by Google 1086 B. R. ADAMS C. E. ADAMS E. B. ADAMS & SONS MANUFACTURERS OF BOLSTER SPRINGS, TEAM DOUBLETREES, BUGGY NECKYOKES, WAGON JACKS WHOLESALE DEALERS IN POLES. SHAFTS, HAND-MADE HARNESS ANTI-RATILERS, AXLE WASHERS Jobbers of Carriage, Wagon, Automobile and Horae Goods Hara_ _d Hardware Specialti.. and • Complete Line of Bu• .,. and T_m Whip., Blankets and Robes RACINE WISCONSIN CHR. A. ANDERSEN K. W. HANSEN American Boss &AI_om Foundry Co. )(anuf.cturer. of BRASS, BRONZE AND ALUMINUM CASTINGS 1212·1218 Eighteenth St. Phone 3483 RACINE, WIS. AMERICAN PATTERN &MFG. COMPANY Wood and Metal Patterns of Every Description MATCH PLATES AND MOLDING MACHINE WORK EXPERIMENTAL WORK AND SPECIALTIES-EFFICIENT AND PROMPT SERVICE TELEPHONE 4433 1508-1520 Clark Street RACINE, WIS. Armstrong ·Foundry Co. Grey Iron Castings 16th and Junction Ave. RACINE, WIS. (1921) R. I •. POJ~K Digitized by & COo'S Google 10S'7 Badger Foundry Co. IRON FOUNDERS Dekoven Ave. and C. &: N. W. Ry. RACINE, WIS. BELLE CITY BASKET CO. Manufacturers of the Genuine "RACINE" ~~kef - Stave, Splint, Delivery, Laundry and Clothe. Baskets St. Patrick, Forest and High St.., C. a: N. W. Track. Office and Factory: RACINE, WiS. C. A. BROECKER, Sec'y and Treu. J. H. BROECKER. President Broecker Paper Box Company INCORPORATED ftlanufacturer. of SET·UP PAPER BOXES Fourteenth and Villa Streets RACINE, WISCONSIN FOR LISTS OF NAMES ANY TRADE DETROIT ANY BUSINESS - R. L. POLK. 81; ANY PROFESSION CO. CHICAGO WISCONSIN GAZETTEER (1921) Digitized by Google CHARTER No. 457 The First National Bank 524 Main Street RACINE, WIS. Under Government Supervi.ion Member Federal a-.. Bank ORGANIZED MAY 16, 1864 ., CAPTAL-$300,OOO SURPLUS-$300,OOO UNDIVDED PROFITS-$227.000 OFFICERS--David C. Janes. Pres.; G. N. Fratt, Active Vice-Pre•. ; W. C. Palmer, VicePre•. ; O. P. Graham. Caehier; B. R. Jones. A ..t. Cashier; J. H. Martin. Asat. Cashier D1RECTO~. N. Fratt. O. P. Graham. E. B. Hand. R. P. Powell, David G. Janes. L. F. Nelson. Walter C. Palmer. John Reid. Jr .• j. Stoffel. Jr.• j. O. Thomae. L. T. Vance TELEPHONE 637 WM. S. DOOLEY Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and Bonda Wisconsin Farm Landa Notary Public RACINE, WIS. 1002 State Street PHONE 669 Fox-Pioneer Scrap Iron Co. RACINE. 1218-1244 Frederick St. WISCON~'N Wholesale Dealer. in Scrap Iron, Metals, Drosses, Railway Material, Pipe. and Fittin..s and Second-Hand Machinery Parla . Our Specialties Are CARLOAD LOTS Tracka..e C. 4: N. W. Ry. Co. GRAHAM· MACHINERY CO. H. E. GRAHAM, M8'r. Manufacturers and Dealers in New and Used Metal and Wood Working Machinery Racine Industrial Plant 16th St. and Junction Ave. Phone 3480 RACINE, WIS. (1921) R. I ... POLK & CO.'S Digitized by Google 1089 PHONE 358 OFFlC&-':'No•• 500·501·510 Janes Block A. ARTHUR GUILBERT P. M. ADAMS, Engineer _.ARCHITECT and SUPERINTENDENT RACINE WISCONSIN E. R. HARDING CO. Contractors for Public Works Sewers, Paving, Heavy Concrete Work, Sewage Disposal and FUteration by Contract or on Percentage Ba.is. Estimates and Plana Fumiahed. Contractors' Equipment for Rental omCE 400-410 JANES BLOCK RACINE, WIS. WILLIAM F. KISO"", Prea. Kisow-Fowler Agency, Inc. (Incorporated) - Realtors Property Bou.ht, Sold. Rented, Cared For, For Hon·Re.ident Owner_Mort.ap Loan., Farm. Membera, Racine Real Eatate Board. 'Vlaeonaln Aa.'n ncal Eatat" Broker.., Natlonol A ••'n Rent Eatllte Board. 534 Monument Square RACINE, WIS. Telephone 1314 Knight-Barry Abstract Co. SUCCFSSORS TO J. W. KNIGHT CO. and BARRY ABSTRACT CO. Complete Set of Record Books of Racine City and County 301-303 Badger Bldg. RACINE, WIS. WISCONSIN GAZETTEER (1921) Digitized by Google 1090 Mf'mbf'r "'edernl Rf'sel'Te B"nk, District No. 'I The Manufacturers' National Bank Capital, $300,000. Surplus and Profits, $426,000 DIHI·:CTOH3-Thos. A . Fagan, James H . Brannum, J. W . Bate. H. M. Wallis, \Varren .1 . Davi s, H . F. Johnson, George H. Herzog, Milton J . Knoblock, Otis, W. Johnson . WISCONSIN RACINE WE KNOW Land values in this State. Our firm has been identified with Real Estate and Insurance Interests for OVel' 40 years 6 per c:ent aDd 7 pel' cent first mort...e loans. ID all our loanin. we have not had a 10... Write us for facts F. A. MOREY, "The Real Eatate MaD" Realtor Morey Blq., 222 5th St., RACINE, WIS. MORRIS LEITER SERVICE Typewriting, Multigraphing, Circularizing, Printing, Addreaaing, Mailing Lists, Public Stenographers PHONE 2431 RACINE. WIS. Times-Call Building, 310 FIfth St. NATIONAL ALUMINUM CO. HARDWARE FOUNDRY THE BEST IN BRASS, BRONZE AND ALUMINUM CASTINGS ALUMINUM SOLDER BRONZE BUSHINGS WELDING RODS 1912 Frederick Street ALUMINUM MATCH PLATES PLANE HANDLE RASPS AUTO COWL VENnLATORS RACINE, WIS. (1921) R. I.. POLK & CO'-S Digitize by Go 1091 ROBERT G. NELSON REAL ESTATE, LOANS; INSURANCE Improved Fann. in Southern and Northern Wiscon.in Timber and Cut-over Lana in Small or Larl'e Tracts in' Northern Wiacconsin Stock Ranchea, Improved Farm. and Prairie Lands in Minnesota, Montana and Dakota RACINE, WIS. 620 State Street ROBERT P. NELSON, Prea. LOUIS F. NELSON, Sec-Trea•• Nelson & Company, Inc. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Phone 233 408 Jane. Block RACINE, WISCONSIN H l(j~ spEED Hack Saw Machines for Metal Cutting Reliable-Accurate-Ra pid With rea l blade economy PEERLESS MACHINE COMPANY Racine, Wis. 1630 Racine St . Use P eerles. TunR"ste n Power a nd Duplex Hand Blades Telephone 2824 RACINE ALUMINUM AND BRASS FOUNDRY HIGH.GRADE ALUMINUM, BRASS AND BRONZE CASTINGS 1329 Twelfth Street RACINE, WIS. WISCONSIN GAZETTEER (1921) Digitized by Google 1092 WM. nJEBNER, Sec. and Tr.... H. L WRATTEN, Pre•• RACINE BOILER & TANK CO. Alanufacturera of BOILERS, TANKS AND HEAVY SHEET METAL WORK REPAIRS PROAIPTLY ATTENDED TO Telephone 64 Sixteenth St. and Qwen Ave. RACINE, WISCONSIN JOHN H. TOOAlAN, Sec. and Treu. JOHN OLLE, Pres. Racine Brass & Iron Co. HlGH·GRADE GREY IRON CASTINGS CYUNDERS A SPECIALTY LONG DISTANCE PHONE 315 1325·1327 Racine Street RACINE, WIS. TELEPHONE 3987 W. J. Sll'tfANEK RACINE PATTERN WORKS Wood and Metal Pattem&-Automobile Pattern. a Specialty RACINE, WIS. Frederick and Yout St. Member 01 Natlonnl, State .lIlIl Racine Real Edate Boarda J. E. ROWLANDS & SONS REA·LTORS Real Estate Loans, Insurance Farms and Improved Land. 211 Sixth St., 2nd Floor RACINE, WIS. (1921) R. L. POLK'" Digitized by co.-a Google 1093 F. H. SCHULZ W. E. FRENCH F. H. SCHULZ CO. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS 618 Wisconsin Street WISCONSIN RACINE .Shephard Plating Co. Gold, Silver, Nickel, Copper, Brass, Bronze, Japanning, Oxidizing, Mechanical Burnishing and Plating a Specialty Automobile Parts and Reflector. Replated 330 Wisconsin St. Phone 948 RACINE, WIS. WISCONSIN TELEPHONE 1267 STANDARD FOUNDRY CO. (Incorporated) MANUFAClURERS OF "STANDARD-MADE" TRUCK, TRACTOR, AEROPLANE CYUNDERS A SPECIALTY "lHE CYLINDER FOUNDRY" Cor. Forest and Kewaunee Su. RACINE, WIS. THOR MACHINE WORKS MAKERS OF Tool., Dies, Jig. and Gauges-Also Metal Stamping and Machine Work Factory and Oflice: lltia and Clark SU. RACINE, WISCONSIN PHONE 4105 WISCONSIN GAZETTEER (19111) Digitized by Google :~ lOU WISCONSIN CYUNDER FOUNDRY CO. I 'Ti!SIX (Incorporatecl) WATER AND AIR COOLED CYLINDERS OUR SPECIALTY ALSO GREY IRON CASTINGS 1308 Eighteenth SL Phone 4334 RACINE, WIS. LIST OF NAMES Any Business-Any Locality Accurate and Up-to-the.;.minute WE publish over 400 Directories - City, County, State, National and Trade. We furnish real live up-to-date lists of all trades and professions. «]I As directory publishers we frequently have available for lists the manuscript copy from which directories are being compiled, and thus you may secure information in < advance of publication, a service that cannot be had elsewhere. «]I We have no trade lists~ur information is taken from the latest sources, and above all things, is accurate. R. L. Polk & Co., Publishers Detroit Chicago (1921) R. L. POLK Digitized by a CO.'8 Google SOUTH GEORGE SIDE"ROOFING CO. DAMMAN. Proprietor 8m C-.osition Roofers !s~ ~~72.......i;= ~ ~----------------------------------------~ WISCONSIN GAZETTEER (1921) RACINE 1095 American Skein '" Foundry Co. W F Walker pres. W B Mitchell sec and treas. Z3d and Racine AMERICAN TRADES 01: SAVINGS BANK (Capital $200.000). L Holden Parker Pres. George L "Buck V-Pre •• Henry J Rogers V-Pres. Loren S Bowne CashIer. F J McNeill Aut Cashier. Main ne cor 6th Andersen Ann; grocer 906 'Valnut A,ndersen Carl E. hardware 1000 State Andersen Edwin. canfr 1920 16th Andersen Thomu C. photographer 1000 Washington av Anderson Adolph. grocer and meats 403 8th Anderson Alesander. clothlnf 1348 State Anderson-Dizon Co. Carl Anderson pres. M J Knoblock "sec. clothing 408 6th Anderson Edwin. dentist 1434 State Anderson Jens. phys 301 6th Anderson Margaret. mlnr 630 High Anderson Otto III. soft drinks 601 Grand. av Anderson Peter. grocer 1103 Villa av Anelerson Walter. men's furnga 1813 16th Anderson'" Jacobson (Anthony Anderson. Peter Jacobeon)" grocers 115% Washington av Anderson '" Magnan (A F Anderson. F R Magnan). grocers 1203 Center Andis 0 M )(fg Co. Mathew Andis pres. John Oster see-treas, machinists 12th and St Paul Ry tracks Annunciator Advertising Co (Edward J Showalter). 1114 State Arendt RaJ' J. canfr IOU 16th Armour '" Co. L F Bowman mgr, whol meats. 4 S Main . ARIISTRONG POVNDRY CO. Wm H Armstrong Pres. B A Armstrong VPres. John Armstrong Sec and Treas, Grey Iron Castings and General Foundry Work. 18th and Junction av (See page 1088) Arnold Electric Co. G C Schmitz pres. J A Scb_lta'see, 1IZ8 Washington av Aro Body Co "(LouiS S Freedman): mfrll auto bOdies Junctlon av cor 16tn Aroks John. phonographs 407 6th Aronln Eugene J. real estate 10to WashIngton av Aronln Max, grocer and meats 718 Grand av Asby Richard Jr. livery 617 College av Asclahl '" Nelson (Isaac H Asdahl. Christ Nelson), flour and feed 1231 State .Asylum Av Market (F C Jansen. T !\oJ Anderson). meats 1983 Asylum av Atlas Beverage Co. John Cerny agt 92t Garfteld av Augustine RUas H. real est 205 8th Augustine Furniture Co. J C Augustine pres. T S Augustin" see and treas, furn and undertakers 609 S Wisconsin Auto Tire Repair '" Supply Co (J H Preuss. M C Keeler). 1910 16th Auto Tire '" RadIator Co (Lawrence Johnson). 1004 Wuhlngton av Avenue Drug Co. J J HelnlschPresi W A Worley Bec-Treas, 1049 Wash ngton av Avenue Garage (Walter Holtz. La Verd Hardie. Otto Plnkowsky). 916 WashIngton av Avenue Hat Shop (Edythe Reiman, Ida Schrandt). "milliners 1402 Washington Avenue Music Store (M J Hltzelberger). 1319 Wuhlngton av . Avenue Print Shop (J E Welker). 1710 Washington av ~ S T E BACK PEDER. Landscape Architect 513 6th (See adv) PEDER BACK Landscape Architect RACINE, WISCONSIN LAKE FOREST. ILL E L BADGER FOUNDRY CO Wm H Schrader Pres, Frank F Mohr V -Pres. A R Callender Sec and Treas. Grey Iron and Semi-Steel Castings, General Foundry Work 1835 Holborn cor VeKoven av (See page 1087) Badger Hotel. Barney Richter prop, 231 S Main Badger Meat Market. 1328 Washington Badger-Packard Machinery Co. J R Powers mgr. 1218 16th Badger Steel Roof Mfg Co (F J Bleldorn. T N Schweitzer). 1831 Superior Baker Henry C. chief of police City Hall " Balamet Jacob, soft drinKS 1300 16th Baldwin '" Rasmussen (G A Baldwin. !II J Rasmussen), electrician 423 6th Balian Bros (Moses Balian. Garabel Horasanlan), billiards 604 State Balian'" Kamaklan (Bark Is Balian. Hanneo Kamaklan). grocers and meats ,969 Geneva Baltayan Martin. tailor 1114 Douglas Barney Willis W. dentist 1503 W 6th Bartek J<oseph. SOfl drinks 1600 Douglas Bartels Albert. expresa 2037 Erie Bartlett Bros (Wesley P and John T), bowling alleys and billiards 1337 Washington av Ba.[~u Anton, soft drinks 180~ Douglas Bashlrlan '" Kalsarllan (Mlhran BashlrIan. Baug Kalaarllan). soft drink. 1021 Douglas av Baillie Bros (Frank and Bamuel). grocers 2236 Mead Basinger Harry. county clerk Court House Haumann Coal Co, F A Baumann pres. L J Quinn sec-treas. 100 Main Baumblatt Julius. cloaks and suits 301 . 6th Baumblatt Leonard p. lawyer .05 JaneB Blk Baumgardt Henry C. Boft drinks 1101 State" " Bayermann CharleB. furn 138 Main . Bayermann '" Krug Undertaking Co. Charles Bayerman pres. John J Krug sec, 238 Main Beck Jacob M. grocer 1572 Packard av Beck Peter. machinist 510 Center Beck Peter Co Co (Peter C Beck). whol tobacco 502 7th Beck Thorwald M. dIstrict attorney Court House Beck '" Simpson (Thorwald M Beck. J Allan Simpson).. lawyers 300 Janes blk Becker Mitchell .I. real est 206 6th neetcher 0 H It Co ("Otto H BeelCher), lliumbers 1432 Grand av Bl'tfel Furniture Co, W J Belrel pres. Edward Belrl'l sec. 606 6th Belrel Undertaking Co (Wm J Belrel). 610 6th Belan Kashmar. 80ft drinks 1027 Dougla8 av Beland Sue Mrs, delicatessen un WashIngton av Belden Ellsworth B. circuit judge Cour:t House C A S T I N G S MODERN STEEL CASTING CO. ReVere Moto .. Sales Co. AatomotiYe s.vice. Day aad N"aght Service &pert 178 THlRTEENnI ST., MILWAUKEE, WIS. TEL GRAND S244 Digitized by Google CENTRAL LIFE Give your family • fair place ia the lUDahiDe of Americaa Life. A. C. LARSON, STATE MANAGER 1098 Awnings Tents Coven Flags Pho_ Lbacoba lSI R. LAACKE COfllANY 543-545 Third St. I I MILWAUKEE WIS. HACINE ~ISON,WIS. (lIlUJ Belden Jeanette Mrs, grocer 1609 State Bell Arthur N, m"ats 326 S Main • ~ell Joseph K, soft drinks 1101 RacIne Helle City Abstract ~o, 0 1!: Miller mgr 214 6th B~LLE CITY BASKET CO, Charles Kannenberg ~r Pres, Louis W Anderson VPres, Charles Kannenberg Jr SecTreall, Mfrs Clothes, Stave and Splint Baskets, Office and Factory St Patrick avand N W Hy Tracks (See page 1087) Belle City Hotel, Wm Stillman propr 1224 16th Belle City Incubator Co (James V Rohan pres, 15th and C M &: Ht P Hy Belle City Malleable Iron Co, Judson Stone pres, C S Anderson sec and treas, 1600 Kewaunee BELLE CITY .FG CO, John ReId Jr Pres, John H Jones V-Pres, W J Tostevln Sec, M M Jones Treas, Mtrs ot '1 hrcshers and Silo Fillers 17th and Junction Belle City Milling Co, Edward Davidson pres, Nathan Halbert sec-treas 1416 Prospect Belle Cily Sweets Co, T I Oreen prestreaa, A 11' Murray sec, mig contra 1707 Hamilton av Bender Mtg Co (Donald F ErIckson), cleaning compound mtrs 1247 Villa B('nl. hek Frank p, sott drInks '1709 N Main. ' Benson Ouy A, lawyer 312 Baker blk Berg Carl E, chIropractor 301 6th B"rgman Wm C. gunsmith and locksmIth 142& Racine Bprres Bros (Wm J and Peter N), meats 1647 Franklin , BHou Theatre, Owen McKlvit mgr, 421 S Main Bilen Michael, soft drinks 924 Douglas av Bllllk Theodore, grocer 1637 Center Billings Edward T, photogr 601 S Main Billy's Ice Cream Co, H S Keefe pres, John Powers sec-treas, 627 High Blpdel Wm 11', shoes 1731 N Main Bing Holger H, real est 313 Baker bldg Blrdsa II . R R Construction Co (Richard R BirdSall), road contrs 1026 12th Bishop Thomas, auto repr 1026 S Wisconsin Black Arthur E, Ins 210 BakST blk Blish Irving E, soft drinks 1116 N Main 'Bloch Furniture &: Carpet Co, C F Hyde mgr, 239 S Main Block Walter, restr 1310 14th Bodden R M, contr 623 S Main Bohemian Worklnmen's· Bldg and Loan Assn, W J Jandl sec, 1666 Douglas av Bohn John jr, drayage 1633 Mead BOLTON G H, Cashier J I Case Plow Works Co 615 Mead Bonn Henry, rrlnter 341 S Main Boston Denta Parlorll, Mrs Maude Van Horn propr, 424 S Main Botsford LIlUan C, hairdresser 1112 N 'Vlsconsln BOWNE LOREN S, Cashr American Trades and Savings Bank, HI a Mal.n Boyce Robert H, cigar mtr 709 WashIngton av BRACH GILBERT E, Lawyer With Storms &: Foley 300 6th Bradley John R, grocer 1601 Villa Bradstreet Co The, H E Herren mgr, mercantile a!!'ency 403 Janes blk Brandenburg &: Olol'de (Charles Brandenburg, John R Oloebe), soda water mfrs 1401 W 6th Brannum Lumber Co, J H Brannum pres and treas, W a Brannum sec, Aslyum a,' and C, M &: St P Ry nraz<lzonll Carl p, soft <lrlnkll 702 11th - U. 1.. PU1..A .. ~u:S Breckenridge H Edmond, physician 209 6th Brehm Henry, phys 1401 Orand av Brehm Theodore O. phys 1021 WashIngton av BRIETZKE", PAULI. Charles F Brietzke Pres, Wm 0 Paull V -Pres, W B Pierce Sec, State Distributors Morand Cushion Wheel 510-612 College av, Tel 16 (See page 1084) Brill Morris J, real eet 1619 Milwaukee Brodel Nicholas, sott drinks lUO WashIngton av . Broden Albert H. paints 1917 Northwestern av . Broecker C It 11' (Carrie It.. and Flora), mlnrs 1214 State BROECKER PAPER BOX CO, J H Broecker Pres, C A Broecker Sec and Treas, Paper Box Mfr. cor Uth and Villa (See page 1087) Brotherson Christ N, taxlcabe 636 S Main Brown Ellen, ladles' furngs Ul S Main Brown Glenn It.., dentist 3116 Washington av Brown Peter J. dentist 1617 Washington Browne Charles F. phys 211 6th Bruce John F, Bott drinks 1436 Racine Brunk Albert Plumbing ·Co, Mra C A Brunk pres, L Alice Brunk sec, 1666 Michigan blvd Brusha Bros (MIchael and Oscar), groe",rs 1340 State Brux Rudolph A, florist 8011 Ooold BUl.'hler Fred, restr 1709 Douglas av B(;CK GEORGE ... Pres and Treaa. Racine Iron and Wire Works, Superior cor Prospect Buehler BroB, W E Davidson mgr, meats 331 S Main Buffham W 1:1 It Son (Robert S Bulfbam), paints and wall paper 403 S Main Bullock Robert L, confr 309 6th Burch John, billiards 231 aMain Burdick Walter F. soft· drinks 1331 Washington av BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE CO, R E Bell (Mllwaukee) Mgr, C P Flsken Salesman, Adding, Bookkeeping and Calculating Machines, 300 6th. Tel Racine 113 (See lett bottom lines and I'age 3) Bye Anton, wagonmaker 816 Prospect CALL 'PUBLISHING CO THE, Walter S Goodland Pres and Oenl Mgr, J H Helm Sec, Publra Racine Times-Call, 310 6th CAPE .JAIIES '" SONS CO Charles Cape Pres, Albert F ClYJe V-Pres. Benjamin P Cape Sec and Treas, Contractors of Public Work, Street Paving a Specialty, Teaming Contractors and Dealflrs In Sand and Oravel 468 Water Capwell Benjamin A, real est 818 S Wisconsin Capwell Rex P W. dentist 4=\4 Baker blk ('arden Charles C. grocers 1114 Villa Carelli Annie, dry goods 2201 Mead Carlino Joseph, trults 1403 SuperIor Carlson Cover'ng Co (Jatyles Oarlson), Boller Coverings 1108 Villa Carpenter It Rnwland f\Vm H Carpenter, John D Rowland}. real est and ins 610 S Main Carroll Coal Co, Fred C Best pres, Douglas F McK'IY sec. George T Caystlle treas 931 l!:rle Cary's Collecting Corporation, Mrs M K Kring pres. !oIl'S E S Judd sec, 339 S Main Case Bros (JI'rank D and H Clinton), flour mill 15th and C It N W My Cas" H Clinton. real est and Ins 213 6th WISCONSIN OAKLAND CO. " Digitized by Google Fanner. and dealer. allover the United States and the world know by the Plow-In-Hand Trade Mark THE QUALITY LINE The Sign of Dependable T-ools NOTICE The Supr..... COW'!. or WI.· consln llaa decided th4t our plows are lb. "ORIGINAL CASE PLOWS" and Ibat we are entitled to Ibe oxcIoeI,. ..... at the word CASE on aU plows and UI· I. .e Impl ....ents, and In all ('at.alocl and ad,erUse-meats ,r sam.. Nodce by any olber at.... COIlcom nc....nn. CASE ploW. 11 bec&_ or ibis lup""me Court Mder, that our rllht.o, lb. rlllhts of Ibe dealer and the rtahla of \.be pUblic may be protiCteJ. Original J. LCASE PWWS Planters and Tillage Took The many different types, styles and sizes of Walking Plows, Sulky Plows, Tractor Drawn Power Lift PloW8, Moldboard and Disc PloW8, with many other special shares and moldboards, are all built on honor, and are of the highest quality of materials and workmanship. The same is true of the various designs of Cultivaton, Harrows, Listen, and different Com, Cotton, Pea, Bean, Peanut and other Planters, the Stalk Cutten, the Evenen and Equalizers, and the Fertilizer Attachments and other Accessories built and sold by this famous old company. The constant aim of this company is to maintain and perpetuate the reputation of this justly famed line of impiemenb. Write for full description. J. I. CASE Plow Works Company Racine, Wisconsin, U. S. A. Digitized by Coogle America's Foremost Tracto}' Plows and Tills More Acres Per Hour The Walli. will do ita work economically • __on after sea.on. That i. the real te.t -the te.t of performance in the field that pula a .mile of ..ti.faction on the facn of, Walli. ownera. combination! Strenrth, Lirhtne•• and Speed. The Walli. i. the lirhte.t weirht tractor developinr equal power on the market. The patented one.piece, U.Shaped frame of boiler .teel, makinr a lirht riwid . foundation for the powerful .mooth.ruDDinlr Walli. Motor, ia anurance of pro'ridinlr an unexcellecl The hilrh crade of material. and workmanahip, cut and finely fini.heel ....... _doaecl from du.t and runa,;.q in a bath of cI_n oil, the elimination of cle.tructi_ 'ri. bration by m_n. of rilid frame, carefully balanced part. and fine workman.hip, all help in a ..urinlr lonlr life for the Walli. Tractor. . The WALLIS Thresher work. e.pecially well with the Walli. Tractor. Send for de.cription of thi. Wonderfully Dependable Modern Tractor, and thi. Sturdy Sati.faction-Irivinlr Threaher. J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS COMPANY RACINE, WISCONSIN, U. S. A. NOTICE: W. waDI Ibe publlc 10 Imow that Ibe WALLIS TRACTOR la made br the J. I. CAIE !'LOW WORKS COM!'ANY ~~":-~~DI'J~. ~~cp. pon.te Damf'. :e p~:r,: : Uoe pubUc 10 Imow Ibat u.. WALLIS THRESHER Is mad. tor and .,ld by Ibe J. I. CAS' !'LOW WORKS NOTICE : We W&Qt ~z:::~.z. .!:,~:y !1~,. ~~~ ;:~~ Its corporate a&me. WINDSOR MANUFACTURING COMPANY ~~;~ LEAl) WI)RKS ;~~~~ MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN WlSCt'''tR,'\I OAt1<i"T'j,;~R HACINE l§?f1) Board, of Directors, Warren J Davis Pre a and Treaa, E J Gittins V-Pres and Genl Sal~sl\4gr, M H Pettit VPres nn<i Mgr 1"lU;;tS an<i "'oductl,,;l. ChriiilTnsen r "l Elel'il'i,' ,Co M Christensen), 1741 Northwestern Christensen Wm,. meats 1026 State ChrIstensen & Petersen (Louis ChristenNI~it~~~~:,nplilerSen), nrocers 1942 Chrinllnn ScI ... nl'T Readin n Romil, 2liO In,nl'i' blk Christiansen & Jensen (Fred J Christiansen, Walter C Jensen), tailors 1117 Washington av CbrL,tinnson Fili?l' Co, Ghrillti"nndn Pii'il, ti' M Chl'1iliiansoil planTln nnd SlPlnn mack?in;;n :\16 ni?l,l Chril?hl.nson"ll",i' C lllil"i'v '148 L.'li". Clark' Engineering Co, 'HooS Clark"--;":;-;', 401 Lake av Clark John A, machinist 415 Lake av Sec, tE<i <i" Rallli1li<i Mgr "oP'lgn Sli,1;;i, Ed E Russell, Vice-Pres and Genl Purchasing AKt, David l' Davis Vice-Pres and Chief Engr (Tractor and Auto Cobn Lnon, j","ilidl' 419 Tth Coleman Frank, fruit 1246 Wasblngton' av Collins Lewis M, grower 1214 N Main teASE t i PLOW tt'''RKS t"ttEPANY, M Wallis Pres, H M Wallis Jr Asst to Pres, G C Weyland Vice-Pres In Cbarge of sales, R 0 Hendrickson Vlce- r~'~:;; tER~e~~~1 i~; th:fr'I;I~,~: n~ro<iU;' ~~~klnl~' S!t Ln X1~Hf:re;;(:II~~r, ti ii Bolton Cashier, C C Younggreen Adv P H Knoll Director of Purchases, \V F .... h~~ ... ~-dt Traffic lIgr, 615 Mead (See opp) ~IKr. <i1~S:MlEii&X:. ~tEJtEt~~r0"h~;;(;':~II",J ~et~,; I*im~~ JII;IT~n~n,;I;;(li;rs~:'l~l;l,l: ~~~I 2. t~~m: <ililcor~~I,l' D~~~;,:i::il Adv <iI<i1", 700 ;i;ll,l" (Se" pilpe 10Sn) Caspers ,lohn, plumber 2409 Douglas av Central Garage Co (Ralph W Davis, Arthur 0 Engstrom), 408 S Wisconsin CentraJ Hotel, A J Blondy propr, 715-717 Was"'ililton an "CEN'iD,P" LIFP1,il A C Lill'n"n (Mil,iH, son), Llate MHL Tbom"" W Ll'lili£;' Genl Agt Badger Blk (See front edge, left top lines a'ld pa,,;e 5) Central Storage Warebouse, F W Dlckf:helml;~:~,li,,61~e~~~iil'~, reg;;' Ghand: llli'·f:level""t Sales Jens"" mgr, "n t"g and Lake av Chandler James G. architect blk ttb~~~l*iJI~lrta~lilli :al'* GblcaL", GOl"tb "P,i>R'e & l'ofihgauke" R.. A ii MarklRnn and R"'"ppn Sew"lii agtB. West blvd. nw cor WaRhlngton av Cblcall'o-Raclne-MUwaukE'e Line Steamers. W C Davia agt, Dodge and N WIIIconsin Cbl ..atl' hubber Palmnn pres, Albert Cblcago & Nortbwt'stern Ry. J F Steele all't, Stat.A an" ~n"olph Chlrklsnln Harry, restr 922 Douglas av f:hopynt <iohn JT, illl'ilCer 6S1P; :n Hb Chovan ,I1lhr. ,.,-TT1Nl?' 1701 Hndne Chrlstnilnln CbriTi, 'i:iorseSI?ilili' 917 St!lill Cbrlstensen Christen, shoes 1526 Washington av Christensen Dry Goods Co, Alfred Cbrls- ~~ll~1f;;;J;;i~!i2;:~:;;~fi;fsO~::flt!l Cbrlstensen Jens A, real estate 523 Lafayette av Christensen Jens C, real eat 623 Lafayette Chrlstlniii,ii J P t'li? Co, J ,'iinrlste!liiTn C~~fj[~Ei;;J!ll~un:~$~~J:~'§I3 "~€~~O~O~"lam~ Greene Prf>s. James Easson Sec, Mfrll Book Binders' Machinery 1020-1030 DouglaslI av (St'e pall'e 1082\ ~~m!!i!! ~~lr~~r~!~tly~~n!!lk~ waunee Chrlstenllen Martin, county treas Court Houlle Christensen Nels '" Son (Nels and Har· old), Tlill eataLii n;id Ina 2i'i'? Stati' g:~~,:~ ~'i~~I'I'I' ii'ff~~(;1 110~t~i;"i'i 8~J;!iir:i!?Fi, Pli~':tI~~OiJII~~~g~n PlllP, Comm?l?'clal p?';;liT Co Thii, E1'rank tHller pres, L C Voelker sec, printers 470 College av Common Sense Trunk Co, H S Hartmann - v' ;llll', 1600 B,,?n 11 ton COTnm"nlty R"nlln Co, H ami iTeas, J ;i' "'",,,tel!.,, '" Conley Harry, grocer !Dti' Clark Connolly Frank P; cement contr 1236 S Wisconsin Connolly P HeJ;lry, city engr City Hall CO:il?(;F~'!:~~:?i~,G::~::Gili:=iliild\~~:/?;i(;'i: mln t4ec-Tr?'nn, iiT 0 Ln"ilTiln Salen Mill, 213-227 State ' . Connolly l' Henry, city engr City Hall Co-opt'ratlve Society of America, Elmer ~itMilCarroll m"r, grocers 310 Baker Coruwbns Geornu, restr Washtunii;n· a1" Corombos Jobn, restr 1343 Wasblngton av Corr John T, phys 106 Badger bldg ~~~lill:\t{l~bha~:;:i'~~,n~~ol~~i' 2;;4ire:'r~'ii" CU~t~,I~: :;d~:I'~ 1fi!~~~:(;;;l~,>a~e"tT ;;H Cuthbertson Robert H, auto repr 621 S Wisconllin Daboshlnskl George, soft drinks 836 ~tn,lbington n", DaTtilji'to Fr;;i, llnocer 1 t:Ei Mount Dadlai? Hatsll" tnllor liTi' Drug-Ial "ii Dahl Chellter, garall'e 713T d Wlsconlil Dahl & Davis (0 W Dabl, S L Davis), undertakers &lI1 Hlgb Dalton Leon ... oBtpopath 716 S Main Dami'nt Bak?ln Co, Jam?i' W D"m,'nt mn!' i 604 C'lnt;;!' Dal<iili Domlnil:d, aoft dTEuIln 218 T1'"ln DavIdson Elmp.r. Ice dlr 1333 Mound av Davidson & Wilka (Edward Davidson, {v!~&Pn;r~~k:~ whol soft drinks 1331 Daviei' Shoe 'c eravies, jili'llStil'iii', J L svo, Z-"Zorthwui'ii'in aud Car1l1e Davlt'l' & Rausch (Herbert Davies, Charles Rausch), pIanos 1614 Douglall av mayld Davis Ossion C, plumber rTt 6tb Day Walter W. whol confr 1533 Owen av Day Wm H, billiards 212 State Decker James E, grocer 1600 Milwaukee RV JOHN SCHROEDER LUMBER COMPANY ... Milwaukee For ~ Cabinclv and apeniii1tie.lI'mh=lI'u.cb ~tll' Dell'~'i:meDt _I 598 JEFFERSON ST. lSxthe Storage Battery Service Co. PhODe Broadway 1344 Milwaukee, Wi&. BATTERIES 1098 RACl!,;"E (1921) R. L. POLK It 00.'8 Efsendrath B 0 Tanning Co, B 0 Elsconsin endrath pres. 0 101 Gertenbach treas, Delchmann George J. grocer 946 13th 1221 6th DeLong Frank H. Jllmbr 1241 Villa Elaborat€d Roofing COL Gladys ChristianDeLuxe Cycle Co (H C Lawton). 529 S son rp.presentatlvp 1.:34 Washington av Wisconsin ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO, DeMark Roger. grocer and meats 1600 Charles F Brietzke Pres, W Y Paull Albert V-Pres. Wm B Pierce Sec-Treas. ElecDeMars Dennis M. plumber 1220 Villa trical Contractors 510-612 College av Dembowllkl Michael J. 110ft drinks 1300 N (See page 1084) Main Elholm Christian. grocer 811 WashingDeRose Lena Mrll. grocer 2209 Mead ton av Derse Louis A. drugs 1100 State Elsner & Zirbes (C E Elsner, M .1 Zirbes). Dibble Harry E. meats 1670 Packard shoes 320 S Main Didier Mfg Co (Wm Didier). hardware Emmett Sherlock L. lawyer 338 S Main specialties 1648 Phillips av English Woolen Mills. Fred AndeTson Dittmann \Vm F. confr 1104 State mgr, tailors 218 6th Dixon Guy H. IIPorting goods 244 S Main, Enlcar Trade School, 0 R Felker prin. garage 1006 Washington av &30 Monument Sq Docter John C. phys 207 Baker blk Enos Walter R. bookll 1348 Washington Doe Albin H. osteopath 1445 S Wisconsin Eolmeseglan Harry. clothes cleaner 1747 DOMBROWSKI CONSTANCE B MISS, Northwestern av Millinery, Hair Goods and Hair DressErickson Rufus O. dentist 508 MonuIng. Orders Taken for Accordion Plaitment Sq Ing. Prop "The Dombrowski," 616 ColErickson & Breese (A F Erickson, John lege av Breese). Investments 223 6th DOMBROWSKI THE (European), Miss Erlands John 0, dentist 422 S Main Constance B Dombrowski Prop, ApartER8KINE K E, Sec .1 I Case PloW" Workll ments and Rooms 616 College av Co 616 Mead Dominican Convent, 1209 Park av Domsky Harry. produce 1436 Ann Evans Christmas 1Il. vet surg 2250 NorthDonah'le Thomas W, heating contr 1618 western av Franklin Evans Jack Auto Sales Co Inc, Jack DOOLEY WM 8, Real Estate. Insurance, Evans pres, Grace Haskin seo-treu. Farm Lands, Mortgage Loans and· 701 WisconsIn Bonds 1002 State, Phone 637 (See page Evans .1 E & Co (J E Evans, Gustav 1088) Welchman), meats 1401 Center Evans Margarllt. manicure 422 Harvey clr Dorman Zachary, umbrella mfr 806 Superior Evans Peter W. grocer IOU 16th Dostal Frank, IIhoes 1210 Douglas av Exceptional School. Ella 'B Carver prin. 1130 Blaine av ' Duchmann & Son (Fred and Albert), F F H Shoe Store. B E Hillier mgr. 406 confrs 1850 8tate Due George C, grocer 1859 Asylum av SMain Dulty & Statz (C W Dulry, A E Statz). Fagan Thomas A Co. Thomas A Fagan grocers 1240 N Main pres. E E Brown see, real estate and Dukshull Joseph, grocer and meats 1200 Ins 510 S Main Herrick av I Falbe George, exp H24 St Clair Dumphy Wm Mfg Co, Wm Dumphy prop, Falkenrath & Wollr (Herman Falkenplaning mill 1018 Erie rath, Paul M Wolff). hardwarl! U16 DUN R G aI: CO, "The Mercantile Agency," Douglas av George G Wells Mgr, 210 Badger Bldg Fall Wm A. plmbr 1630 Packard av Dunkelow Bros (Milton C and Walter Fancher Frank H, dentillt 610 S Main H), auto repairers 1707 N Main Fancher Walter H, dentist 810 S Main Dunn Burt E, confr 725 Washington av Farm Motorlzer Co, J E Shine genl mgr Dyboad & Peterllon (Nels Dyboad, Nela 401 Lake av Peterson), meats 1517 16th FarmeTs and ~Ierchants Bank (capital E B Shoe Stores Co, Robert Edelson pTes, $50.000), John Wlechers prell. Frank A David Edeillon lIee-treas 341 S Main Olson cashr. 1012 State Eadus Louise Mrs, grocer 1000 Center Farnham Charles A. plumber 1217 CenEager John G laundry 936 Carroll ter Eagle Luggage Co. Hubert Van Bree pres. Wm P Knopke sec, mfrs travelFaulkner Harry. express, 1616 Hamilton mg bags 1220 Washington av av Eae-Ie Hotel. Sophus Hoyer prop, 11111 Favoright & Hlnz (Wm Favorlght, JohJl' 16th Hlnz), carpet cleaners 612 College av EASSON .JAKES, Sec Greene Mfg Co Favoright & Hlnz (Joseph W Favorlght, and Christensen Machine Co 1020-1030 John F Hlnz), photographers 5114 Douglas av Monument sq Eastman Sales Co Inc, .1 B Ritz pres, A Fazen John jr, real estate and InllurC Albrecht sec-treas, auto accessories ance 920 State 1203 N Main Fazen Lewis E, physician 729 S Main Ebeling '& Co (John Ebeling, Herman Federspiel Peter .1, dentillt 610 S Main Bark). meats 1931 Erie Eberhardt Wm C A, chlTopractor 216 · Fehlberg Otto H. machinist 333 OntarIo Felges Herman, cloaks and milliner 411 Baker blk S l\Jaln EBERHARDT W F, Tralrlc Mgr .1 I Case Feiner John, plumber 211 4th Plow Works Co, 615 Mead Fetek Joseph, baker 723 St Patrick Eckert Anton, cigar mtr 1427 Villa Fiebrlch-Fox-Hllker Shoe Co. Conrad Eoonomy Boat Shop, 529 S Main Fox pres, G P Hilker aee, sw cor OarEconomy Shop (F E Brlnsley. M C Newfield and West comb), ladles' furngs 1201 Center FII.ER G A. Audl tor J I Case Plow Eggert Realty Co (Wm F Eggert, Works 615 Mead Jacob Roedema). 408 6th Ehrlich Arthur, real est 526 S Wisconsin FllIcetti Michael, grocer 943 Forellt Decker John H. ladles' tailor 722 S Wis- COM\tEUCIAL ENGRAVING COft\PANY SHEBOYGAN WISe. ® HIGHEST CLASS~WORK PRICES REASONABLE PROMPT DELIVERIES ~. ==.~ DESIGNERS PHOlU·fNJJM1GS ~and -E-ELECTROTYPES WATSON ElECTRIC MOTORS Maaaf,.cturecI by MECHANICAL APPUANCE COMPANY MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, U. S. A.. Digitized by Coogle RACINE IRON & WIRE WORKS OSMOND MOTOR CAR CO. Aati-Paaic Fue Door Bolts &: Approved Chemical Fire Extinguiahen eon.- Pro.pect aDd Superior Sta. Racine, W .. WISCONSIN' GAZETTEER (1921) RACINE 1099 II'IRST NATIONAL BANK THE (Capital Froney Maynard A, phYSician 427 Baker, $300,000, Surplus $300,000, Profits blk $130,000), "United States Depository, Fucilla .John, shoeB 1618 Albert Member Federal Reserve Bank," DaFuller Charles, drayaeo 513 Park View vid G Janes Pres, G III Fratt Active Funk Henry A, meats 1120 Cent.Ar V-Pres, Walter C Palmer V-Pres, 0 Funk Joseph 0, confectioner 1500 CenP Graham Cashr, R B Joncs and .1 H tf'l" Martin Asst Cashrs. 524 S Main (See FunBton Edmund B Co CE B FunBton, page 1088) P T Belcher), architects 603-50. Janes FIRST NATIONAL THEATRE CO, W E blk Duncanson Genl Mgr. Proprs National Fyhrle Ole, cement contractor 249 Har(Orpheum) and Princess (ReX) Thearison tres. Offices &36-639 Baker Blk , Gaiser BroB (Wm. John G and" Jacob), FI¥ge Wm, furniture 1400 Grand av meats 1601 Douelas av ' Flegel A L &: Co (Albert L Flegel). Gales Matthew N, life insurance 212 6th architects 628 Baker blk Galloway Wm H, general contractor 7011 Flegel InklesB Pen Co (Albert L FleBelmont av gel), tountaln pen manufacturers 628 Ganuzzl Joseph, grocer 1406 Hamilton Baker blk Gates George W, wholesalll Boft drlnk.J Fleischmann Co The. H E Miller agt, Ontario and State yeast 1000 Bagerer Gatfleld Earle, cement contractor 1420 Fleishman Louis. junk 616 Randolph Ann Flett David H, lawyer 632 S Main Gavahan Patrick, sower contractor 200S Flower Shop The (Joseph 'Rehl, B .1 8t Clair Benz), florists 810 S Wisconsin Gearen Walter D, dentist 412 Baker blk Flynn Lawrence T. grocer 1143 Douglas Geb Leonard J, confectioner 3031 WashFOLEY .JEROME .J (Storms &: Foley). Ington . Lawycr 300 6th (Sl;e adv In Leeal Gehl Nicholas, meats 1222 Villa Blue Book) Gellman Samuel, Junk 811 Center Folwell John H, CIlfton B Cook rugr, Gem Garage (E L Cone, L R Deacon), crockery U8 S Main 1237 Racine Foreman's Garaee (Boward A and Gement Adolph .1, electrical contractor Francis W Foreman). 1800 N Main 1442 Center ~oster Afgo M, phYSician 3001 WashGemmill John A, real eBtate and InsurIngton /l.v ance 300 Baker blk Foster Battery Service Co, .1 R Foster Gentile BroB (LoUis, Anton, Joseph E pres-treaa. C M Foster sec, 417 S WisRalph, John and Jasper), department consin store 1610 Center , Foster Fred H. real eBtate and InsurGlanakos Louis, restaurant 1307 N Main ance 924 16th ' Gieseler Charles, drugs 620 State Fox Ephl"alm R, Junk 905 9th Gieseler Rudolph .1, physician 620 State FOX-PIONEER SCRAP IRON CO, M L Gillen Winifred, confectioner 1116. Villa. Fox PreB and Treas, Mrs Kate Fox . Gillette Fred, garage 1900 CharleB Sec. Scrap Iron and Metals, Pulleys, Gilman's Band, Carl A Oilman mgr, 1534 Shafting, Bolts, Railway Material II, Milwaukee av _ Etc 1218-1244 Frederick (See pago Gittings, Janecky &: Wllberscheld (C C 1088) Glttines, A R Janecky, .1 C WllberFragale Bro. (carmel and Joseph), Beheld), lawyerB 309 Badger bldg cheese manufacturer. ns Seymour 1 e Glttines &: Moyle (John T Gittings, Olin Douglas ay R Moyle), lawyers 212 5th Frankol Charles B. men'. furnishings Gittins Elmer E, lawyer 404 JaneB blk 418 6th GLASS BSTBLLE .J MISS, Sborthand Franklln-Rltt Co, G H Williams pres, Reporter and Notary Public, DepoBIJesse A Rltt eee, autos 1043 WashingtlonL Legal .Work, Typewriting 407 ton ay JaneB Blk, Phone 858 FRATT G N, Active V-Pree The First GleaBon T M &: Sons ('Ihomas M. Ray National Bank 514 S Main I' and Myron T), plumberB 607 Park Fredson .1 Anthony, eeneral ocntractor Globe Consolidated Law and Collection 218 3d Assn, Thos J Hahn mgr 416 S Main Free Employment Bureau, 0 A Kanters GodBke Theodore, auto top manufaceec, 422 S Main turer 13th cor Clark II'RBEMAN MAN11JI'ACTt1RING CO, Gold Herman, dry goods 855 Washington Charles Freeman Pres and TreaB, av . Michael Freeman V-PreB, S H FreeGold Medal Camp Furniture Manufacman See, ManufacturerB Boilers, Farm turlne Co, C C Oittlnes pres, C 'H Peck Implements, Sheet and Plate Metal sec, 1700 Packard av Work. Etc, Reichert Court (~ee page Gold Medal Polish Co, Thos P Houaton 1081) pres and treaa. Marie A DeLong sec, Freier George C. reBtaurant 1065 Driver 1619 Villa Freudenberg Fred, baker 6.19 Hamilton Gondert George, claar manufacturer FrIedman Co The, IBldore Friedman 1329 Erie pre.. Arthur Friedman see, depart· Goodnetter Frank, real eBtate 1929 LInment etoro 609 S Main den av Friedman &: Alperovltll (Philip FriedGoodrich Transit Co, .1 A Brown agt man, David Alperovltll), bakerB 812 east end of 2d Silver Gordon M. auto supplies 1318 Frederick Friedrich Otto F, Bhoee 1901 W 6th Gorton Machine Co, George Gorton pres. Frlnl[s Oecar, drueB 1620 Washington av Cora Erlandson Bec, 1107 13th lI'rl.. John M, storltge batteries 457 Col. Gotache Elmer 1', dentist :: 'Vaahlngton lelre av bldg Frltll Au~ust, grocer 2031 Racine Gottlieb MorrlB. dry goodB 317 S Main Fritz Martin Mr.. confectlon"r l326 Uottlleb Wm. ladies' furnlllhings 302 S SUDerlor llaln Stale Diatributon PAIGE and WINTON Automobiles ........ N. E. O.moM . iIarrF De Boer Sec.. MILWAUKEE PAIGE CO. CoaalF Diatributon 503-7 Broadway' TeL BroUwar 1183 MILWAUKEE WJS. ZINGEN &BRAUN INCORPORATED 548 12th St. N.... Walaat Tel. Graad 8227 MILWAUKEE Realtors GeDeraI Real Eatate Mortgage Loans &: IDauraace F..... Notari. The Smith Piano Co. FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS 274 Weal Watea" SL MILWAUKEE .lNO. Go STENGER. Sec'F _d ...... Smith and Barnes,' Strobber, Hoft"mann, Lessing Pianos and Player 'Pianos Digitized by Public Fi_acinlr EYerythinlr in RMI Estat• Google CHRIS. SCHROEDER & SON CO. FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS-INSURANCE 86 Michigan Street MILWAUKEE, WIS. TeL Broadway 1951 I:ACl:O-:E 1100 00"'&.... I FII.... c..,IIta lilt .. Banks Bankers Trust Companies liD SavingsBanb _TIE United States and Canada IIJI ...... ' ........ D... Caeceniq ...... Etc. fllUUIY I. L PIlla CIt. InIlfT (1921) R. 1.. POLK &. COo'S GRAHAll MACHINIllRY CO. H E Gra. ham lI&r, Manufacturer" and Dealers In :-;"w and Second Hand :\Iachlnery, Mill Muppllea. Racine Industrial Plant 16th anrl Junction av (S .. " nage III,X) GRAHAM OWE~ p. Cashr The First ~atlollal Bank. 524 8 Main Gramlich Joseph, &rocer 1506 Milwaukee a,· Grand Theatre, Benjamin Boden propr, 1409 Junction av Grand Union Tea Co. H M Wilson mgr. 337 S Main Grant Furniture Co (Samuel Grant). 604 6th Grant Irving B, phot0lrrapher 1219 Col· l('ge Grave .. I. F Sign "':0 (J,uclu8 F Graves), 2121$ State Great Atlantic &. Pacific Tea ~o. R J Gerken m .. r 318 6th. 421 High and 1673 Dou.,las av Great \Vestern Motor Transport Co, 0 H Uratz mJrr, 211 2d Oreen Frank. crockery 1426 Center GRlIlt!NE t'RF.D J (F J Greene l!:nglneerlng Works). Pres Greene Manuracturing Co and Christensen Machine Co 1021\ Dougla.. av (see page 1082) GREENID F' J ENGINEERING WORKS (F J Greene), Builders of Special Machinery, General Repair Work 1020-1030 Douglas avo Tels 143 and lH (Hee page 1082) GR&ENE 1l.'-Nl: FACTURING CO, F J Greene Pres. James Easson Sec, Hardware Speclaltle... Plating an" Japannina 1020-1030 Dou&las av (See pa.." 10M2) Grl!tlth John R, pavlnlr contractor 1435 Owen av Grlfflths Monument Co (T Wand E C Griffiths), 3120 Kinzie av Grtmal Charles, meats 1509 W 6th Grocers' Supply Co (F 0 DemaraiS), 13~0 State Gruber John O. denUst tlO State Gudwlch Felix J, grocer 1114]. St Clair (;uenther Nelson W . chiropractor 822 S \\'I~consln ........~! ....... ..c Gt ' ILBt;RT A ARTHl:a. Architect and SUJlerintendent 500-510 Janes Blk (See page IIIS9) . Guild Ernest D, osteopath 437 S Main Gulbank Onnik. confp.('Uoner 222 l'tate Gulbanklan Harry K. bllliards 224 S ~laln Gunther F W Co, F J Gunther pres, H A Gunther sec, canned goods 171~ Asylum av H .Ie H Corset Shop (Mrs Vernon Hownrd. :O-:onna Hamlett) . 533 S !\fain H & II Body Corporation. C D Hasting!! pres, A Von Schlegel sec, 608 Center Haas P"ter F. vinegar 1238 N Ma'" Hahn Conrad K. physician 1101 Grand ay Hahn Thomas J, real estate 415 S Main Halcek &. Hlubocky (Stephen Halcek, Joseph Hlubocky) . meats 2uOI Racine Halamka Frank, shoes 1419 Douglas av Halberstadt John, baker 1668 East Halberstadt Louis I" wholesale conrectlonE'r 1658 East Hall Gustave A, auto supplies US4 Douglas av II 0" H "" rv n. prl ntAl' R11 Unton Hall Spencer F. Machinist US 14th 11;0 nll .. ",-. "a"h Milnutacturln& Co, F :r 08lus pres, A J Druse sec, electrical ~1t"plles Rapids Drive and C &. N W Ry Hammer Henry, grocer Douglas av se <'or !';orth . H .'XD .. Ql' I~N (Elbert B Hand, Lewis J Quinn), Attorneys-at-Law, General Pra('tl<'tl In All Courts 401-iOa Badger Bldg Hand' s Hotel, Frank Hand propr. 400 S Wisconsin Hanlon James A Co. J A Hanlon pres. e G Mullen sec-treas. grocers 246 8 :\1aln H.'!'iXt:ll FRANCES At Librarian Rae'ne Publlc Library, 701-107 S Main Hansche }o'rank H, grocer 2009 '16th Hansen Charles R, soft drinks 600 HI&h Hansen Chris K, meats 1201 Milwaukee. Hansen George W. sporting &ooda 9%0 State Hansen Hans C. sewtlr contractor 2348 Kinzie Hans"n H Christ. baker 1312 Washington av Hansen H Emil, dry goods ·1512 State Hansen James P, clothln& and shoea 1518 \Vaphlnl!'ton av Hansen Knud. g"ocer 1652 Kearney a,' Hansen :\hrtln. tallor 1320 Washln&ton av Hans .. n Pnul A, 80tt drinks 1418 State Hansen Robert W . bicycles 1202 Wash, Ington av Hansen &. Hanaen (Nels U and ElSie M), hemstitching 151U Washington av Hansen &. Nelson (Thomas Hansen. Lawrence Nelson), shoes 904 State Hansen &. Skovsted (Carl Hansen. George Skovllted). cement contractora 1335 Quincy av Hanaen's Grocery and Confectionery (Victor and Arthur Hansen). noo \\'ashlngton .... Hanson A C &. CO (A C Hanson. John . Jensen) . furniture and undertaktlrs 1006 State Hanson J;:lmer C, dentist 414 Baker blk Hanson John F. Irarage 1234 Douglas av Hanson Wm C. physician 4-5 Washln ..ton bldg Hanson &: Schweitzer (George Hanson. Charles Schweitzer). meats 417 6th Harbrldge F Co. R M Harbrldlre pres, G F Harbrldge I'ec-treas, drugs and grocers 422 $I Main HARDIXG E R CO. E R Harding Pre,. E R Waggon .. r Sec, Publlc Works Contractors 400-410 janes Bldg (See page 1089) Hardy 'Ihomas P, lawyer 402 Janes blk Harmony Dye House. P C Holst pre.J. T M Beck sec. 1901 Mead Harris &. Bozelle (John H Harris, John Bozelle), &rocers and m"ats 1754 Grand av Hart Clarence A, heating contractor 1108 Jones Harter Leo 1!', hardware 1021 16th Hartmann Trunk Co The, II S Hartmann pres, Hugo Hartmann sec. trunk manutacturer .. Hamilton cor Railroad Hartwell: C &. Co (Charles J and Mar,. R Hartwelf) , grocers 420 14th Hartweg John G. cllrars 601 8th HAR,,'E'l' SPRl~G .. I"ORU1NG CO, E J Haney Pres and Treas, ChrlstiaD Jensen V-Pres. R G Harvey Sec, Manufacturers Automob'lf. Carriage and Wa&on Sprln.... W.gon Hardware and Forgings Murray cor 11th Haeenbeln Max E &. Co Inc, M E Hasenbein pre!!. A S HaRenbeln sec- treas. music publrs 230 :aaker blk Hath"r,.ll Hyron. . Ch r h.tlan Science practitioner 944 8 WISflonsln NORTHERN CONSTRUCTION CO. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 408-409 Colby-Abbot Blq. Milwaukee, Wla. Digitiz Coogle - BRICK Wisconsin Brick Co. FIREPROOF BUILDINC MATERIAL 22 North Carron, WISCONSIN GAZETTEER (1921) Haumersen & Co (II' A. C T and J H Haumersen), Brooers 1301 N Main Havlin Walter S. physician 847 College av Hay-Moyle Co (Allen J Hay, Elmer W Moyle, George I Chrlstlan,en), real estate 338 S Main Healy & Loeper (.James Healy, Pau' Loeper), clothing 618 State Hecht Max A, meats 1121 Washington Heck Christian H. drugs lEOI W 6th Heck &; Krenllke (Max W Heck, Charles Krenllke). lawyers ' 626 Wisconsin Hecker Delos C, beatinlr contrac,tor 1103 Porto Rico av Heeter & .Johnson (R L Heeter, R J .Johnson), garage UII College av Heft Charles G, chiropraCtor 400 S Main Hegeman Bros (Edward P, Erwin A and Fred E), grooers 1000 Villa Helberlng & Welling Furniture Co (Philip Helberlng, Jens P Welling), furniture and undertakers 1604 Wash· ington av Heinisch John J, drugs 1600 Center Hemmingsen T Charles, phy. 1332 State HENDRICKSON R 0, V-Pres In Charge ot Engineering J I Case Plow Works Co 616 Mead Henken. JaCOb F, physician 300 S Main Henricksen-Jacobson Co, G I Christiansen pres, H M Henricksen v-pres, , Jacob Jacobson aec and treas. whole, 8ale grocers Racine Terminal bldg Henry Byron, county surveyor, Court House ' Hermans M J &: Co (Garrett J Fleming, Fred W Hermans, Henry Oberly), cigar manufacturers 619 Main HERME8 A D, Gen Ag~ "The Wisconsin Lite," au lith (See flont cover and page 7) Hermes F J & Son (Fred .1 and Elmer R). real estate and Insurance 1027 Washington av Herzog George H, postmaster 601-697 S Main Herllog Harry J, wholesale sott drinks 1538 Racine Hess John W, express 1618 Franklin Hettrlch Sadie II' H, massage 331 Baker blk . h Hetllel H, electric supplies 423 6t Hlggle Wm .1, coal 1068 Driver Higgins Hardware Co (W J Higgins), 3123 Washington av HIGGINS SPRING A.ND AXLE CO, .JaB HI,..glns Sec and Treas, 16th and N W ' ' Tm R R High Street Hardware Co (H F Krupp, August Schlevensky), 720 High Hilker Adolph W, bu(ldlng materials 1914 N Main Hilker Edward F. wholesale confectionery 319 Lafayette av Hilker Ferdinand A, shoes 2712 Wright Hilker Roy W, meats 3222 Washington av Hllker-WlechersMfg Co The, Wm F Hilker pres, L A Scheuss sec, clothing manufacturers U3I Mound av Hinchliffe Harry, news agent 506 S Wisconsin Hinners Harr,. B. Jeweler 1339 Washington av Hoernel Hardware Co, Edward Hoernel pres, J J Hoernel sec, 311 6th Hogan John H, ph,.slclan 404 Baker blk Holgaard James L, plumber 1808 12th Holland Furnace Co, Herman Boestes manager UU Villa Madison, W.. TILE RACINE 1101 Holland Knuth. real Bstate and Insuran"e l51a 8tate Holly 8tevc, ~oft drinks 1501 Junction av Holm Sisters (:\Iaja and Marie), dry goods 1653 Asylum av Holmell Jaeob, shoes 1208 State Holme" henjamin H, physician 435 BaIt· er block Home :\Iutuill Building &: Loan Assn, P C Heck pres. Fred H Schulz sec· treas, 618 S \Vlsconsln Hood John A, photographer 931 Genev!!. Hood John C, clerk of court, Court House Hood \Vm C, real estate and insurance 302% 6th ' Hoppe Oscar P, Insurance 306 Janes blk Horlick Maltoat Products Co, F L Norton pres, G C M~Nltt sec·treas, food produrts 107 Badger bldg Horlick's Malted :\{Ilk Co. James Horlick pres, Wm Horlick jr sec, Northwestern av n of city limit!! Horvat Peter, clothes cleaner 1232 State Horvath Stephen, sort drinks 2148 Racine HOTEL GEORGE, Edward C George Prop 1', 500 8 Wisronsin Hotel Hacine, Lakeside Hotel Co proprs, 535 S Main Hotel' Wagner, John C Wagner propr" 611 8 Wisconsin ,' Hougalilan Carl, sort drinks 936 Douglas av Houghton L H. grocer 2701 Douglas av Hub The (Samuel and Emelle Klein). clothing 1002 State' Huber ,John F, drugll 3113 '\Vashlngton av Hueffn{'r Bros (Alfred H and Otto J). leather and ftndlngs 334 S Main Huff Mavis B Mrs, hairdresser 219 6th Hughes T M Roofing Co ('Ihomas M and Elias T Hughe .. ), 846 Center Hurlbut &: Blanchard (H S Hurlbut, W R Blanchard), garage 1605 Racine Humble Fred, meatH 1946 Northwestern a\' Hurley-Stuebe (Robert 1\1 Hurley, Wm J Stuebe), printers 1337 N Wisconsin Hush Henry G, market gardener 1002 S Main Hyde &: Wagner (R A Hyde, E H Wag· ner), meats 1503 W 6th Hyram Samuel T, baths 245 S Main I C Billiard, Hall (George Christianson), 421 S "fain Ideal Garage (P E J Paulsen, Charles Schoeppe), 1621 Northwestern av Illgen. Bethge Co (Wm Illgen, RIchard P Bethge, A W Dinger), bakers 306 S !\Ialn Imperial Bit & Snap Co, L J Elliott prell, John Reichert sec, 14th and Clark In('nfeldt Frank A, meats 1658 N Main Infuslno Joseph, sort drinks 2105 Mead I!\iGALLS WALLACE, Attorney-at·Law 212-214 Baker Blk, Tel 331 InternatioQal Correspondence Schoolll, W A Carson mgr, 534 S Main Irish Ernest C, blJllards 617 8th Iskasen Christ, soft drinks 808 State Jacobsen Meg Co, K F Jacobsen prell, Q T Jacobsen sec, machinery manufacturers 15th cor Clark Jacobaen Wm, grocer 1304 Grange av Jacobson Charles, express 1403 lOth Jacobson Jacob, department Btore 1009 16th Jacobson &: ."land (L H Jacobson, II' M Sand), grocers 1837 N WIsconsin Jahn &: Rlbbeck (Wm Jahn, CharleB Ribbeck), upholsterers 1204 Villa Manuf.cturen of Radiatan for Automobiles Trucks Tradon and Aeroplr.nes Detroit Auto RadiatorCo. 182-186 FIFfH ST. Milwaukee, W... Pho_ CraDd 289 American Paper Box Co. QUAUI'Y-sERVICE 902-904 C....tnut St. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Digitized by Goog Ie Office Fumiture JOHN C. BECKER CO. 376 81\wlway Milwaukee Safes and Cabinets Vault Doors Bank Fixtures Victor Adding .Machines Special BuilttoOrder Furniture The Woodstock Typewriter Art Metal Steel Fumiture Tab. INCRE".I SE~~:-,:..Cw:::..:OD.~ BAYyoar........ BUSINEIlS 001' 70- - - . paww ..ad better roE. E. F. QUINTAL, Proprietor 1101 RACINE, (1111) R. 1.. POJ...K -': co.'8 James Nate W. sheritr 501 Colleee ay Jandl W J &: Sons (Wensel J. Otto and CharleB 0). real estate 1868 Douglas .JAXES DAVID G, Pres The First National Hank. Pres David G Janes Co. 611 a Main Janes David G Co. David G Janes preB. Edgar Janes see. real estate and Insurance 811 S Main Jal)pe Julius. jeweler 213 8th Jasecka Fred. carpet weaver lUll Albert Jensen Andrew C. cement contractor 1311 West blvd Jensen Anna. confectioner 939 IIlIwaukee Jensen Carl. grocer 1301 Center Jensen. Christensen It Co. Nels U Christensen pres. Neils Christensen Bee. grocers 908 State Jensen George. dry goods IOU State Jensen Geor&,e. tiling contractor 1019 Center Jensen Jens. wholesale grocer 1417 HamIlton Jensen Jens J. sewer contractor 1549 Hayee a. Jensen John. teas 1010 State Jensen Leo. meats 2304 17th Jensen Rose, confectioner 1520 State Jensen Soren C. milk dealer 2503 17th Jensen Soren C. teamlne contractor 18&4 Boyd av Jensen Vlggo. meats 3025 Waahlneton av Jensen &: Rybacek Co (E C JellBen. George Rybacek). dry goods 1300 Doua-Ias av Jens Gustav. cigar manufacturer 1714 St Clair Jepeway Najele J. tailor 309 4th Jeppesen Sophus. real estate 1434 State Jlrucha lilies J. bookbinder 118 3d Jochlmsen Rudolph. awnlngB 1630 Kearney av , Johnson Christian It Son (Christian and Harold). real eBtate. Insurance and coal 1342 Washington av Johnson David R. cl&,ars and billiards 205 6th . Johnson Ernest, shoes 209 6th Johnson Harold, dentlBt 415 Baker blk Johnson Harry l\1. Bheet metal works 1801 W 6th Johnson JameB P. cigar manufacturer 1623 St Clair Johnson J ChrlBt, garage 1225 Washington av Johnson J It Co (John Johnson, Victor Christensen. Henry Gebhard). tailors 1338 Washington av Johnson Louis, shoes 322 S 1laln Johnson Melvin L, auto repairer 107 4th Johnson NelB, coal 1127 N Chatham John80n N It Co (Nels and Anton Johnson), bicycles 1302 Washington av Johnson Ole M. soft drinks 2101 N Main .JOHXHOX OTIS W, PreB The ManufactureI'll National Bank 5th nw cor Main Johnson, Reschke It' Hahn (Carrie Johnson. Milly Reschke, Mamie Hahn). dry goods IH7 Northwestern av Johnson Sivert B. tailor 1610 Mead Johnson S C It Son (Herbert F and H .. len Johnson and llrs F P Lyman). auto supplies 1012 16th Johnson It Field Mfe Co The. J F JohnBon pres. A C Johnson sec and treall, agrl('ultural Implements Junction and 16th C/he .® Johnson It Kuehnemann (W V Johnson. Albert Kuehnemann). shoes lUI Washington. av and 810 State Johnson It Son (Julius J and John). cement contractors 1335 HerrIck av Johnston Wiley W. ph,..lclan 101 SKala Jones Bowling, grocer 805 Orand av Jones Robert R. teaming contractor 182t Washington av Jonel' SUBa.n. physician ''11' Villa av Jonel' Thom. . ilL, tailor no Ith .JONES W .I, V-k"J'M In Charge of Production J I CUe Plow Works Co 815 Mead Jorgensen-Clausen 00. Peter C Clausen pres. Wm A Roman v-pres-sec. clothIng and men's furnishings 926 State Jorgensen Fred B. clothM cleaner 1101 . 17th Jorgensen John. clothing 1101 Washington av Jorgenson Bros (Michael and John D). laundry 508 8th Jorgenson StaDle)" A, wagon maker 1601 Ann Journal Printing Co '!'he, 11' W Starbuck pres, 11' R Starb1aCk sec and treas. publrs Racine "Jou.rnal-News 128 S Main Juchnlewlcs casimir, eGnfectloDer lilt Racine Juhasz Julius. billiards U31 Mllwauk.. JU~~o Philip.' rocer 104& Berrlck av Junction Furnfture Co, Peter Christiansen pres. H N Bacon sec. furniture and undertakers 1328 Washington av Junction -Hardware Co (11' T and W 0 llaxted). 1335 Washington av JUBt Stanislaus. baker 1803 Douglas ay KaeBtner PaulO. carpet weaver 411 S' )Ialn Kaiser Joseph -': Sons (Joseph. Josepla F and Wm E). shoes 1658 Douglaa ay Kaiser Leopold. shoes 1341 Douglaa ay Kaiser Maurice. meD's furnishings 11& 8th Kallclckl Josephine Mrs. midwife 1704 Center Kallas It ahlantOB (Angelo Kallaa, John Shlantos). restaurant 61'1 State Kaminsky M Oeorge, dry !roods 11" Washington Kambach Anna M ]IIrs. chiropodist 406 Baker blk Kamm Bros (George C and Oscar C). auto tires and storage batteries 613 College av ' I Kane Gertrude B Mrs. grocer 281-9 16th Kappel Andrew C. eenera! contractor 526 S WIBconsln Kark Emil. dentiBt lUI College ay Karpen John. grocer .23 Marquette Karst Mathias J. Jeweler 510 8th Kasala Stephen. tailor 1808 Racine Kaufman MorriS. dry eoods 131& Franklin Kaupas Martin. Jeweler 1242,. State Kearney Thomas M, lawyer First NaU Bank bldg . KEARNEY THOMAS • .JR (Thompson. Myers It Kearney). Lawyer First NaU Bank Bldg (See adv In Legal Blue Book) KEAR~EY, THOMPIION .a IIYERS (ae~ 'thompson, Myers It Kearney). Lawyers Flret Nat! Bank BIde Keech J Sothoron. physician 718 S Main Keefe Agency (Henry' 8 and lIatthew B Kel'f('. W H Miller, J D Costello. W L Tlluh .. y), real estate and InBurance 331\ S lIaln Eisenberq Studios ;."', ":,', i,'1 [ I ,I { . ( ! . : : \, '\ I f / V (, i, '," . h.' I ' . I ) I . I .[ (, '\ [ '\ ( ; ' \ V C\ I : ". I 'I / , . \' 1/,' 1 ! I '. ( Digitized by Google ... THE AMERICAN "AUDIT CO. WISOONSIN OAZETTEER (lUI) Kelley Lumber 00, W S Brannum pres, J H Brannum tre&&, 1100 N Main Kennedy David J, dog kennels 827 Center Keno Fred, soft drinks 1100 Douglas av Ker.. kl Peter, soft drinks 447 Water Kerner George W, dentist· 2 Davies apta KERR IIAOHINIilRY CO. H E Oraham Mgr, Racine la.dustrlal Plant 16th and Junction a ... Kildslg Ous B. oonfectloner 1060 WashIngton av KISOW-P'OWLJla AGBNCY INC, Wm 11' Kisow Pres, . Leslie M Fowler Sec, Realtors, Loans and Insurance 634 Monument Sq, Tel 1314 (See page 1089) Kisow Wm 11', ooroner, Court House Kitto Robert A, phYSician 407 Badger bldg Klamlcer Stanley. tailor 610 Hamilton Klapatowskl Anthony J, soft drinks 1180 Washington a ... Klapproth Bros (Henry and Wm), shoes %16 S Main Klaren Hubert V, grocer 1800 Center . Klein Samuel, 1&4les furnishings 1346 Washington av Klein's Kal Clothing Store (Samuel and Emilie Klein). 1818 Washington av KUnkert E Brewing Co, E C Klinkert pres. Frank Klinkert sec-treas. 800 Washington av Klitzen R&4io Mfg Co. L H Hansen pres. M 11' KlIcpera sec-treas, wireless apparatus 1610 FUtt av KNIGHT-BARRY ABSTRAcr CO, Frank Naylor Pres. Joseph H Martin V-Pres. Joseph .l Patrick Sec and Mgr, Wm C Hood TrM.8. 810 8 Main (See page 1089) Knoblock Milton J. lawyer 610 Monument sq KNOLL P U. Director of Purchases J I Case Plow Works Co 616 Mead Koch Lena "" Anna. hemstitching 1223 11th Kobierski 4: Sskudlarek (W B Kobierski. Lucian " Sskudlarek). bakers 192. Racine Koellner Freelerlck. shoes 1654 St Clair Koenig Edward C. IMurance 233 Baker blk Koenig Joeeph. tailor 1113 Villa Koerner A W Agency (Alfred Wand Harold E Koerner). Insurance 616 12th Kohlman P J 4: 00 (Peter.,J Kohlman). bottlers 100. Villa Kohlmann Fred W. grocer 708 16th Kohlmann Henry J, cigar manufacturer 1129 Washington av Kolthofr Katherine, hair dreBser 321 Baker blk Kopplin Paul T 4: 00 (Paul T Kopplin. A E Stauas). meats 806 " 8th Koschak Joseph 11', tailor 812 State Kosky Louis 11'. artist 115 16th Kosterma.n Bros (Frank W. Robert J. Peter F), department store 1444 Center Kosterman W J .. Son (Wm J and Jerome H). wholesale confectioners 218 State Kr&4well Drug 00. 0 V KraJwell prestreas. Mrs 0 V ltradwell v-pres-sec, %01 6th . Kraft HenlT, Junk n08 Frederick Kragh James C. mUllner HOll Washington av Krakys Anton. meats 801 Washington av Krans W H 00. Gerhard Voelker pres, Frank H Lane sec-treas, wholesalo paper and broom manufacturers 134 S Main Krapa Anna. midwife 16Z8 Mnrquette 404-405 Loan aDd Traat BuiIdiDg 204 Grand Ave. MILWAUKEE, WIS. RACINE 1103 Kratochvil Arnold, gara~e 1837 Superior Krenzke Uros (Fred Krenzke), dairy 1800 Dougias av Krenzke John 1.. real eetate 1800 Dougla" av Kresge S S Co, C A Racine mgr, notions 432 S ~Ialn Krogh ~Iothlng Co (Christ H, Nels, Soren 0 and Otto Krogh), 1418 Wasnington Kronsoll Julius. tailor 1702 N Main Kroupa & Co (Anthony Kroupa), hardware 1867 Douglas av Kroupa & Son (F V Kroupa), cigar manufaeturers 1637 N Main Krulevltch Altere, grocer 2301 Douglas av Krupp & S<,hlevensky (Harry F Krupp, August Schlevensky), hardware 7%0 High KruscE'nskl WaIter, meats 813 18th Kruse Herman, 110ft drinks ]200 18th Kucera Joseph P, grocer 1848 Douglas Kucharski John, grocer 1814 Center Kulbas John, soft drinks 1201 N Main Kupper John, soft drinks 329 S Main Kurhajec John, grocer 1947 Phillips av L & C Clothes Shop, J A Lawrence pres, W J Lawrence v-pres-sec, 220 6th Labor Advocate (semi-monthly), W 0 Lenihan buslnesll mgr. 428 8 Wisconsin Lachat Edward, clothes cleaner 814 S Wls('oneln I..achat Joseph, soft drinks 413 8th Lake Fuel Co, C A Jillson pres, A Irwin sec-treas, Hamilton av and C M '" St P Ry Lakeshore Pattern Works (A W Lundgren, Wm Hock), !!201 Racine Lakeside Hotel, I..akeslde Restaurant Co prop!'s, 404 8th LAKESIDB IIALLEABLB CASTI~GS CO. W H Osborne Pres, R R Freeman VPres, J 0 Osborne Treas, W V Osborne Sec. MallfOable Iron Castings Z3d and Clark Lakeside PrlntlllK Co, Will M Foeter propr 220 6th La Meer Thomas, milk dealer 1125 Oerhard av LA!'1G R B !IIANUFAcrURING CO, R B Lang Propr, Manufacturers Hardware Sl'eclaltles, Patented Novelties. Sheet Metal Stamplngs. Nickel Plating, Etc, Holborn av cor 18th (See page 1084) Lange John, soft drinks lU3 State Lange John J, jeweler 607 6th Lange Oliver C, meats 1914 16th Lange Peter, shoes 1125 Washington Lange'" Johnson (0 E Lange, t A Johnson), jewelers 648 State Langlois Co The, S H Lahr pres, C S Lahr sec and treas, paints and wall paper 419 S Main Larsen H & Son, Hans Larsen pres, W H Larsen sec-treas, electrklans 143% Junction av Larsen'" Larsen (Oscar H and Ethel S), chiropractors 219 8th LasMen Marlus B, florist 852 Washington av Lau Wm and Max, shoes 1522 State Laube Alexander R, real '>state 1106 18th Laufman Hyman, tailor 1;12 18th LA Vlill~jTURB W II. Treas J I C&8e Plow Works Co 615 Mead Lawrence Ralph M, expr~ss 100 4th Lawton EUgene W, lawyer 211 Dadger bldg Leach EUgene W, life Insurance 738 S Wisconsin BABE'S CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. OUR PLAN WILL SEIJ. YOUR PROPERTY I 8~N MILWAUKEE, WIS. Digitized by FRED H. DORNER District Sales Repreaeatalive Power Plant, Heating, Pumping and FJectric Welding Apparatus WEllS BLDG. Milwaukee W~. Eatabli...... 1885 Eapert Truaa Fitten BRACES For AU Deformitiea ELASnC HOSIERY Artificial Limbs Doerflinger Artificial Limb Company 452 E. Water St. MILWAUKEE WIS. Google Arnold Company MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN BIaak Boob, Loote Leaf Supplies Ledgen Binden Indaea 1104 - La. T:ACJXE Office f... Made to Your Order (1921) R. 1.. POLK '" CO:S lA'ahy llinule W llrs, dry good8 3216 Washington av Lee!! llary, notions 611 S MaIn Leiehwelhs Joseph, toys 550 State ).em Frank Y, restaurant 417 S Main I",mke Max H, Boft drinks 1843 N W18consln Leonatd Harry J, photographer 333 S Main Leskover Joseph, meat8 810 14th Lf;!ll.1E THO:HAS W. Gen Agt "Central 1..1(.. ," Badger Blk (See tront edge, left top 11 nes and page 5) J",,,nlewskl Joseph, grocer 1727 Mead ).puker John G, grocer 601 6th Leutner '''m, sIgns 429 S WI8con81n Levin Bros (Joseph I and Albert W). clothIng 619 6th Levin Meyer, clothing 802 State LevIn Samuel, junk 819'»> Center Levin Sol, dry goods 603 6th LevIne Barnette. wall paper 1731 Racine LewIs Harry D, dentist 1334 Washington av Lewis House, Wm H Lewis propr. 815 S MaIn L'Heureux Rodolphe, monuments 508 16th Liberal CredIt ClothIng Co, Arthur L Flynn mgr. 402 8th Liberty Commercial Corpn. Hteph Fllochowskl mgr. department store 1106 16th LIberty Grocery Co (Mlhran Boyajnlan. Sarkis Klzlrlan. Barsam KalajlaD). 942 Douglas av LIberty :Market. R W Norris mgr. 3215 Washington av Liberty Trucking Co, Frank Cetrano m~r, 566 State Liberty Yeast Co. Frank MItchell mgr. West and Northwe8tern av Lichtenheld LouIs H. hIdes 2033 W Itlgh I.lebenow Robert. meats 1318 Douglas LlegJer Frank W. plumber 1410 Buchanan Llegler John. men's furnishIngs 328 S Main L1t!gler John H, lawyer 626 S WIsconsin Lincoln Hardware Co (Carl Barwick. llelvln Hoernel), 1775 Northwestern av Lincoln Wm L. express 1546 Packard Llndhardt John, grocer 1860 Asylum Lindortr Nel" R, art glas8 917 HerrIck av LIntner F Bakery Co, Frank Lintner )Ires, K E Cance sec, 613 S Wlaconaln LlulevlPh Wm, Jeweler 804 State Lloyd 'Ihomas A, shoes 603 S Main Lockwood George E , collectlona 735 JAke av -Lockwood Oil Co, James E Lockwood I)res-treas. C C Gittings sec. 1417 Ra"Ine Long J 8. Son, C H Callahan mgr, autos 214 State Lucht ErIck, tailor 402 8th I.uedtke Bros (Herman F. Frank F and Wm), garage 1202 N Main Lucke Flora A, art &,oods 814 6th I.undeen John, massage 310 Lafayette av I.unt A James, city mayor City Hall I.uxem Frank & Co, Frank Luxem pres, llartln H Lange sec, whol..,!'!ale fruIta n8 Erie Lyman Harry B. photographer 532 Baker blk :\Il'Avoy liro. & Co. oLUtO top manutactUl'era, 6th II Terminal bldg M"Caughey Wm F. life Insurance 519 S Main :\IeEachron Edith, cnlmty superintendent f)r schools, Court Hause :\{cGraw Thomas F. ahoes 307 6th Mellvaln Wm, grocer ~918 16th McNamara & Cook Bros (Mrs Mary McNamara, Wm F and John B Cook). cigars and billiards 288 S Main :\I<'Xltt Gilbert F. physician 710 S MaiD llcNltt Grover C •. Investments 107 Badger bldg Maag Wm J, ~ntlst 6th :\lacArthur George L. broom manutacturer 1838 Charles Mack's Cateterla, E J McNerney mer. Y M C A bldg ~lacPherson James. furniture 612 Colle"e av ~ladl8 Charles, oIoft drinks 314 S MaiD lladole & Calkins (Wm A Madole. Walter S Calkins). bll1larels 1618 WashIngton av Madsen Bros (Hanll anel Thomas). sott drlnka 1430 !''ltate Madsen Mads L. blackamlth 1608 Junction av Madsen & Glaas (Bdwarel Madsen. Edmond Glass). grecers 1600 Racine MagliOCCO Antonio. cOl)fectloner 951 1411waukee av MaIn Electrical Service Station. H A Druse pres, Mrs J!) G Druse sec-treaa, 217 7th Main Hotel (Gua .\vcerls, Wm Zablt). 355 S Main Majestic Samuel. relltaurant 2200 Racine ~Iajestlc Theatre. Frank E Wolcott propr 1428 WashIngton av Malecka Ernest, me~ts 1704 Rapids dr llalmc Gustav t\.. phato&,rapher 1847 S WisconsIn MANCHESTER OW1l:N L, Sec Racine Iron &: Wire Worka. Superior cor Prospect Mandernack Edwarel. bowling 1347 State :\Iandrey Fred H. me9.ts lUO Center :\Iangold Aloya p. Jeweler 1123 16th Manklawlcz Kajetonc. soft drinks 606 State . Mann Harry E. notions· 401 fi! Main :\Iann I 0 & Son Co. Isaac 0 Mann pres. Harold Mann !.ee, .. eal estate and. Insurance 413 SMOlin ' :\lantell Joseph, optometrlat 311 S Main Manufacturers' .\.88n of Racine, M B _ Pettlt prea, L T Vance v-pres, Gerard A Kantera il~C. W B Mitchell treas. Ull S Main XAXUF,.. CTURER8' :'II'ATIONAL BANK OF RACI!IIID ram (Capital $300.000. Surplus and Profits $260,000), Member Federal Reserve aank. Otis W Johnson Prea. E \V RallPII Cashr. 5th cor llaln (Sec page 1090) ~Ianufacturers' & Merchanta' Collection Agency. 416 S Main Marck Joseph A, slg.18 1223 Waahlngton av Marek Frank B, physician HOI Douglaa av • Marls J & Co (John !\ofarl8. George MeHotls), grocers 609 6th lfarshall Rosa J Mrs, confectioller 150:: State Martin GU'ltav L. dentlat 513 8th Martino _Stephvn. fruita 1301 N WisconsIn lIfartochko John. I"leats 2818 18th llallik JOlleph. grocer 1402 Marquette :\Iason George foJ. dentlat 209 6th llas"cs Co (Rapan Manlnaln. John Cho, plnlan). gro~ers Ull Douglas av llast~us Stanley, l'estaurant 610 College av llatagrano Louis. baker 2047 Mead lfatausek Edward. pianos 610 S Main no CARL E. DIETZE CERTIFIED PUBUC ACCOUNTANT COMMERCIAL, LEGAL AND TAX ADVJSER 701 Secult,. 81....., Milwauk., Wia. T~ c.r.-t .... Digitiz~d by Google "A MER I CAN" .~i. =CD .::r:» c:::» Adjustable FIXtures Maaaf.ctured . Ii: :::;" ~ AMERICAN FIXTURE CO. 232 WEST WATER ST•• MILWAUKEE, WJS. RACISE WlSCONSIN GAZETTEER (1111) Matranga Clro, grocer 1540 Prospect Matsen Morris, express, storage anel coal 1238 Washlngbn av Matson Matt, grocer Douglas av ne cor North • Matson Stanley, dry goods 1900 Racine' ~(atte Frank, contractor 1628 Boyd Mauel Jacob, grocer noo Douglas av Mazurlne George, confectioner 215 8th Meachem John G, Jlhyslclan 745 t.;ollege Meachem John G Jr, physician 745 College Mead Lyman L, plano tuner 1400 S Malc Medway Sales Corp, E M Caskey pres, E H Smledlng sec-treas, manufacturers' agents 134 Baker blk Mehder Dry Goods Co, Louis Mehde:pres, A C Mehder sec, 1412 Washington av Mehren Charles 11', confectioner 1063 Driver Melerholr John H, tlnner 1315 Franklin Melta Charles A, tallor 1i03 8th Mel boer Garrett, tailor 802 Villa Melcher Otto, sheet metal works 1608 18th . Menden Theodore, building contractor 191i7 Douglas av Menger Wm S, cash registers 26 S Main Menslor Fred J, auto painter 1606 Erie llertlns Theodore M, grocer 1931 LaSalle l[etal Sole Shoe Co (H J Smith), WashIngton av at C '" N W tracks Metcalf Daniel C, clothing 415 8th Metropolitan Life InBurance Co, E N Rice supt, 400 iii Main MEYER KEITH T, • D, Practice Limited to Roentgeb Diagnosis and Therapy Hours 9-5, 611 Baker Blk (See adv In cla ..slfted X-Ray Laboratories) Meyers Albert, grocer 1645 Villa Meyers B H Co, B H Meyers pres, llatthe\\" Starke sec, marble works 622 6th Mealnls Joseph S, photographer 218 6th Michigan Fralt Co, C M: Jones mgr, 1309 Villa Mickelsen Adam, furniture manufacturer 1508 1I'1ett Mlkrulanec Thomas, grocer 926 High Miller Bros Agency (Grover F and Bernard. H Miller), Insurance, real estate . and loans 2%1 8th Miller Christ, grocer 2037 Harriet lliller Clarence A, cement contractor 2002 12th Miller Frank M, grocer 1300 Milwaukee av Miller Fred Brewing Co, 1538 Racine lIlller John, express 1728 Michigan blvd ~lll1er Jutta Mrs, restaurant 1706 Douglas av Miller L D '" Co (Lewis D and Florence R Miller), real estate and Insurance 1i02 S Main Miller Mfg Co (EmU Miller), machinists 1335 Clark Miller P '" Co (Sophus P and Peter Miller), clothes cleaners 1730 Washington :\IIUer ThOmas, plumber 1667 Boyd av Miller W H Agency (Wm H and Walton H Ml11er), real estate .and Insurance 213 6th 11l11s Cabinet Co, P F Jarvis pres, H P llllls sec-treas, woodworkers 17th and Holborn Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light ,Co The, 221 S MaiD lllnone Peter, grocer and meats 1025 llarquette llitchell Austin, physician 1619 QuincY av BRICK ~.:. 1105 .\UtcheU Motors Co (Inc), W L Jacoby Ilres, L S Nold sec-treas, automobile manufacturers Packard av and eMit 8t P Ry . Mitchell Wm, billiards 313 S Main llitler Maurice, tailor 1710 16th Mockus Bros (Herman and Nicholas), bakers 1634 Mead llodine lltg Co, A B Modlne pres-treas, F H Bartlett sec, auto radiator .manufacturers Junction av sw ('or L8th Moers Paint '" Wallpaper. Co, Henry' F Moers pres-treas, 313 8th Mogensen George A, grocer J 200 :Villa Mogensen Herman S, grocer 1611 W 8th Mogenson Louis, real estate aild Insurance '338 S Main '. llohr-Jones Hardware Co, J W Jonea pres, G G Jones v-pres, C C GittingS 81lC, 316-317 8th Mohrbacker Henry, meats 1139 Milwaukee av llonarcn Shoe Co, Tbeodore Hegner pre" Henry J Oehmen sec, shoe manulacturerl4 1701 S Hamilton av . .. Monument Cigar Stores, J C Klesge!S mgr, 510 Monument sq Moore Sales Co (C F and M M Moore). typewriters 413 S Main )lORAND CUSHION WHEEL, .Brletzke and Paull State Dilltributors 510-512 College av (See page 1084) , MOREY F ARTHUR, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans 222 5th (See page 1090) llorgenroth Frank C, physician 1331 Washington av lforrls George W Co The, George C Morris pres, A R Callender sec-treaa, manufacturers auto accessories 918 15th lIorris Harry It Co (Harry Morris), , plumbers 410 Water )lORRI~ LETTER SERVICE (Roy E and M Morris), KallIng Lists, AddressIng, Etc, 310 6th, Tel U31 (See page 1090) Morrissey Arthur J, dentist 404 Baker ~CD ~;~ ;;0 .... oz ;i~ ....en ~ r,r ~E f~ !ll ~ if g" . jm I~g :FOUDtaiD~ Lipman Automo- brk Mortenson Carl G, express 252217th Mostek Sylvester, meats and grocer 1841 LaSalle Motor Transport Co, 0 H Bratz mgr, 217 2d llraz Paul, baker, 1445 State ~lrowzenskl Cecelia Mrs, milliner 807 16th Mueller H F Co (Herman 11' Mueller pres, W F Kaiser treas, wholeSale grocers 1400-1410 Douglas sv Mura JOlleph, general contractor 1818 Sorth Beach ' Murphy George H, heating contractor 1237 Marquette Murphy James A, plumber 1432 Quincy av lIurphy John H, tinsmith 711 Kewaunee llurphy Wm B, dentist 339% S Main l[urphy Wm C, BOft drinks 303 6th llurray-HIll Land Co, Wm Horlick jr pres, W H Carpenter sec-treas, 810 S Main ,!\lusi1 Grocery Co (Wm Musil, ·Harry Petersen), 19U NorthwesterJi av llutter Robert, register of deeds, Court House ' . )IVERS PETER, Purchasing and Poor Agent for Racine County, Court House )ll'RRS PETER J (Thompso.il, ,Myers :a. K('arney), Lawyer First NaU Bank Bldg (See adv In Legal Blue Book) bile Co. STUTZ Stale :DiatribuIan FACE and COMMON' BURNHAM BROS. BRICK CO. 1008 Trut Co. .... c:::» i~= 622-4 WeDsSt. MILWAUKEE WIS. Telephoae GraacI 2396 MILWAUKEE, WJS. Digitized by Google CoD.celo_ DUPLEX Battery Sales Co. 1106 LoaalJfe -449-451 E.WaterSt. - MILWAUKEE WIS. TelepboDe Broadway 1004 • 8 ~ .. ti il'~~ j I ~ -u ~ ~.5I ~ :> I Q I ~~ :S ~ CIl w....... Naueeal ••L .I'-u.. ...... Ita.. BuL .1...... , Mer., 338-39 M. A: M. a-k . . . . (lUl) R. 1.. POLK nACINE NATIOXAL ALUMINUM CO (Max, Louis Hich Capac:itJo 8 Fint ......, Cnuad 3863-64. J. A. BAER, Atty. A: Duplex Batteries ~ ...... RESOURCES OVER $50,000.00 ..,...: Diatributon cl 1 .......tIptioao Attorneys and Creditors' CoOection Service Au'n H. TOSER co. Propra. 'I AcIjutmeab E and Alvin H Woltt), Brass, Bronze and Aluminum Castings 1$12 FrederIck (See page 1090) !\atlonal Cuh RegIster Co The, W S Decker sales agent, 1234 Washington uv National !\lachine Tool Co (C E Felgenhauser jr, Robert Heinrich), 1325 16th National (Orpheum) Theatre, FIrst National Theatre Co proprs, 200 S Main National Tailoring Co, Julius Goodman mgr, 312 S MaIn National 'rea Co. Otto Men mgr, 1636 Douglall av Naaaretian a: Dermenjlan (Krlkor Nasaretlan. SarkIs Dermenjlan), grocers 1216 State ' Neltsel Wm F, cement contractor 162t Park av N"lsen-Sunsted Co, S A Hansen pres, ChrIst Sunsted sec-treas, grocers 1907 W 6th Nelson Albert L. physIcIan 1336 WashIngton av Nelaon Anton y, baker 1115 W 6th NelRon Anton a: Son (Anton and Harold H). auto trImmIng 15th cor Howe Nelson Arnold, electric supplies 3710 WrIght av Nelson Charles C. grocer 720 14th Nelson ChrIst, grocer 1831 Hamilton Nelson Christ J, plumber UO Park VIew N"I80n David, teaming contractor 1133 Hamilton Nelson George E. garage 3009 WashIngton av NELSON BANS. Propr American Pattern &: !tItg Co, 1508-S0 Clark (See page lOll) Nelaon Henry, grocer and meats 600 Harvey dr Nelaon Jamea C a: Son (James C and Nelson Jamea G, dentist 519 S MaIn Nelson John G, welding 431 Water Nelson Julius, baker 16&& Asylum av ChrIst), blcycle8 1911 Northwe8tern a'V Nelson Lawrence. meat8 2710 17th Nelaon MelvIn, confectioner 2308 17th Nelson Nels C, meats 1719 W 8th Nelson Nels P, grocer 3425 Kinzie av Nelson Peter, real estate 'lnd Insurance 1130 WashIngton av Nelaon Peter, restaurant 245 S Main NEI.80N ROBERT O. Real Estate, InMurance. Loans and Landa 820 State, Phone 637 (See page 1091) Neillon Shoe Store (Martin A and Neill Nelson). 3211 WashIngton av Nelson Sophu8 Realty Co, Frank R Kelly pres. Sophia Nelson v-prea, Sophu8 Nelaon sec and treas, real estate and Insurance 437 S MaIn , Nelson Soren D, grocer 1918 16th Nelson W H Co (Wm H and Thomas Nelaon). clothea preS8ers 620 S Wlsconaln NEL80N ot 00 (INC). Robert Nelson Preto. 0 C Olson V-Pres, LouIs P Nelson Sec and Treas, General Contractora and Bulldera 408 Janes Blk (See page 1011) NRRO OEOROE F. D 0, ChIropractor M~mber of Universal Chlropractora' All8Oclatlon. Hours 10-12, 2-5, 7-8,223226 Baker Blk. Tel 8466 Neuman Bros (Clarence and Elmer W). groce ... IUS WashIngton av Nevin Grocery Co, R C Nevill pres, A J Bastian sec. 3%1 6th New York Market, J H Rowley pres, E E Grl'!enqulst sec, meate 924 State a: co."s Sew York Market Co (A J and J H Rent'ley). meats 1328 Waahlngton av :-:'ewark Shoe Stores, J G Crelly mgr, 407 S Main Nlcholaa" George 8, hardware 1518 Stat. :-:'Ielsen John, clothea cleaner 1405 WashIngton av Neilsen Oluf, baker 1875 Douglas av Nielsen, Pedersen & Co (S F NlelseD. lfarlnua Pedersen, ChrIs Sorensen), bakers 1841 Northwestern av Nltske Albert, soft drInks 11!6 N Maln Soli Herman B, mill suppJles. 633 Baker blk Norgaard Jens, soft drInks 1436 Junction av North Beach AuditorIum, George lI'reeman jr mgr, ft Kewaunee !\orth Shore Land Co, W H Miller prea. M J Knoblock Sec. 468 ~ot1ege av North Side Drug Store (M Baumstark. F R Weiss), 1701 Douglas av Northweatern Iron &: Metal Co. Lou" Silverman pres, Abe SlIvermAll sectreaa, 938 Garfteld Norup LouIs, plumber 1213 WashlngtoD av Norwalt Charles, grocers and meats 1101 Mead Nott George W, physIcIan 745 S WlaoonSin Novak Edward R. lathing contractor 1246 Arthur av Nuazbaum &: Shovers (Frank Nuazbaum, E J Shovers), real eatate 814 State Oberlin Peter N, ftorlst UU .ASyluDl Odders Chrla. baker 11U WashIngton av Oelkers Lewis. grocer 1102 Mound Okolewskl MIchael, auto trimmer 1214 14th OtnCIl EquIpment &: Supply Co, Thorvald Thomp80n pres, Henry Thompson sec, 612 6th OFFICE 8PECIALTIES SALIDS 00 (1l11~ waukee), Rohan &: Rohan Sub Agents "Sundstrand AddlnJ, Machln.s and Corona TypewrIters' 205 6th (See right top JInes and page 4) O'Keefe Thomaa L. undertaker 104 S MaIn , Oliver J' H Co (Joseph H and Benjamin A Oliver). Insurance 607 Baker blk Olley George, ftou!' and teed U9 6th Olaen Olaf J, sheet metal worka 810 15th Olsen & Ebann, Orley Crlplean mgr, jewelers 414 6th Olson Christen, physicIan 602 S Main ' Olson Cornelius, cashr Racine City Bank 1345 WashIngton av Olson Frank A. cashr Farme ... ' a: Merchants Bank 1012 State Olson Fred, lathing contractor 1111 Blake av Olson Julius A, dentist 1 WaehlngtoD bide Olson Peter. cement contractor 1811 W 6th Oillon Theodore R. 6 and 10-cent store 1354 WaRhlngton av ORBT HERMAN. Propr Photo-Crafts Shop 415 6th (See adv opp) Osborn E 1.. cashr The American NaU Bank, 302 6th Oxholm Ralph R, electrIc supplies un Douglas av Pagonls &: Magerae (James Paconl.. 'Ihomaa Mageras). restaurant lilt Wa8~lngton av Pahl Arnold F, real estate 1626 Douglas Palace Theatre, E G Hamer mgr, 111 S MaIn Palmer Walter C, county judge, Court Houae 81DTOugbs. Adding Machine Company ...... __bl... Bookkeep'" 0111_...... MILWAUKEE. WIS. R. E. BELL, Agency Manager P.o.. FI.... WI_••I. Nat'l Ha.1r. BI .... KUwa.lr.fl'o w .... Be_ad FI_r Oro.dway 30111 Digitized by Google Phone. 74 203 RACINE WISCONSIN GAZETTEER (lUI) Pal meter Old Ladles' J:lome, Mrs ElllIabeth Corse matron, lU7 College av Pansch Charles W jr, sheet metal works BrldgA cor Ontario Pappas '" Plattls (Michael Pappas, Gus Plat Us), restaurant 613 8th Parker Carolyn D, dancing teacher 7 Wolff apta Parker Edward J, printer 1707 Hamilton Parsons '" Stapleton, garage 1324 Forest Patrick Floyd H, electrical contractor UU West blvd PA.TRICK .IOSEPH .I. Sec and Mgr Knl8'ht-Barry A.bstract Co, Sec Racine BulldlnR' '" Loan Msn, 810 S Main Paulsen Hans W, soft drinks 1510 Junction av Pausen John J, soft drinks 1014 18th Pavek Frank, baker 800 Vllla Pavek Julius, photo8'rapher 800 Villa Pavelclk .Joseph, grocer 1822 Erie Pavelclk Mary Mrs, midwife 1662 Erie Pavlic Anna Mrs, soft drinks 910 8th Pawlak Frank J. drugs 1755 Grand av Payette Paul J, tailor 522 7th Pease, Kellogg Co (R I Pease, R H Kel- . logg), manufacturers' agents Racine Industrial Plant Pedersen Arvid E, signs 419 8 Main PllIDERSBN N C A 00 (Nels C and Hays N Pedersen), Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and Farm Lands 1703 WashIn8'ton av Peerenboom Roy J, baker 819 Park avo PBERLBSS IlA.CHINE CO. Robert S Preble Gen Mgr, Baw Machln.ry 16U Racine (See page 1091) P.1l Joseph M, Insuranc. 309 Janes blk Pell Wm, photo8'raph.r 300 S Main Peoples Clothln8' Co. R E Mulrheld mgr, au 6th perfex Radiator Co. 11' M Oplts mgr, auto radiators 18th corFI.tt P.rry Wm N. stora8'e batteries 333 Ontario PESIilK .JOIIBPH. Propr Acme Carpet Cleaning and Rug Weavln8' Works 914-916 Erie Peters Henry C, oonfectloner UI3 Douglas av Peters Wm, tailor 1113 Villa Petersen Carl W, confectloner 3011 Washington av Petersen Charles A, cement contractor 2123 Clarence av Petersen Fred H, real estate IOU W HI8'h Petersen P Walter, r.al estate, Insurance and loans 1708 Wright av . Peterson Albert and Benjamin, restaurant 1200 State Peterson Ira 11' meats 1302 Grange av Peterson Ralph 0, physician 4 Davl.s apts Peterson Samuel, ....oc.r 1739 Northwestern av Peterson Tire Shop (Peter Land Wal, tel' Peterson), 1315 Washington av Peterson Wm -C, cement contractor U18 Geneva Petklewlcs Wm, grocer and meats 1001 Herrick aT Pellanoskl Victor A. real estate 1642 Grand av Pfeiffer Joseph. radiator repairer 1639 Racine Pfeiffer '" Pfeiffer (Andrew S and Edward C), phYSicians 1380 Washington av Pfister Frank J, paints 1518 Washington av Pblllp Jerome, groeer and meats 1212 8tate' We Analyze 1107 Phippen Hotel, Mrs 8 L Phippen propr. 523 College av Phippen Sarah L, confectioner 414 S Main PHOTO-CRAFTS IIHOP, Herman Orby Propr, 415 6th (See below) THE PHOTO· CRAFTS SHOP HERMAN ORBY. Prop. . Photo Fmisbing and EnIaqiDg PhoDe 821 415 Sixth St. RACINE, WIS. Pier John J. sott drinks 1328 Douglae av Pier Theodore. teaming contractor 1918 N Main Pioneer Aquarium Co (J 0 Wetherell). 1801 S Main Pioneer Tire '" :Battery Co, Howard JIl Johnson mgr, 400 8th Pious L &: M (Louis and Morris), dyers 323 S Main Plynn John S, soft drinks 1108 8tate Poelmann Henry. sott drinks 19CH Douglas av Pokorny Drug Co, J C Pokorny propr. 300 S Main I Pomeroy Wm E, drugll 1330 Washington av POlle Francia J, physician 914 State Pope Frank W. physician 914 State PoratunBky Georse, aoft drinks 224. llead Porcaro Frank, grocer 1141 Foreat Pot'ter Furniture Co (Simon Gottlieb). 513 S Main Porter Santord L, sheet metal works 1306 Washington av Poat Oftlce, 601 S Main Poetal Tele8'raph-Cable Co, 0 M Maxwell mgr, 222 5th Pottinger Robert B. blacksmith 142-7 Junction av Potts Cora Mra, 8'rocer 1122 Center Poulsen Christ, baker 1121 Washington aT Poulaen Christ P, grocer 2722 18th Powell Lon, garase 500 7th PRIilBL~ ROBBRT S. Gen Mgr Peerl_ llachlne Co, 1615 Racine (See page 1091) PreButto Joaeph H, Galry 605 6th Pretrosh Joseph W, loft drinks 1028 State Princess (Rex) Theatre, Firat National Theatr. Co proprs. III S Main Pritchard J E (;:0 (James E Prltcharel), building material 862 Washington av Probst Wm, radiator repairer 453 College av Proetrock Wm, restaurant 1353 State PrOgresB Manufacturln8' Co. 11' G Haldle . mgr, manutacturers gloves and mlttenB 611 Wisconsin ProkulewlcB John A. sott drinks IJ09 WashlnR'ton av Prudent Peter jr: 8'rocer 1503 N Wisconsin. Prudential Insurance Co ot America, 0 P Hoppe and T G Dickinson asst supts, 201 6th Public Employment Service, H G Pre""er mcr, 306 S MaIn Pugh Wm H, coal 559 State Puma Anlfelo. Jrrocer 1414 Albert Raw MateriaIa aad FIaIaIaed Prodacta 01 ,.., hMIaata7 aad T...... Food aad FM Prda. . Industrial CbelDical Institute Df Milwaukee 200-210 PLEASANT ST. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Digitized by Google , .... ........w. w en BbVERS ......... a - - NATIONAL BENEFIT MUTU~ _latalaed acccnliq to law. Depade. ....... P _ a t Protectioa. a - - at A.p 70 S. A. OSCAR, Craad Sec'~; J. W. PARSONS. Craad COmm................ Wi&. s_ Advertlae__t P e a 1108 DealerS Wanted iD each towJt. to aolicit Hone eDdCowJUdM for~q"" aaakiq iDto Coat. aDd Ro..... Liberal Commi...... JOHN FIGYED R.&I.... C·IIIIJ . Expert F_ TeDDer. eDd Maaufacturen 1159 For_ Ho_ Ave. MILWAUKEE WIS. I (Ull) R. L. POLK &: CO.'S RACINE PI1RCHASING AND POOR AGENT FOR RACI~E COUNTY, Peter Myers Ofllce Court House Pulzer llichael, real estate 1701 Mead QUinn JOllephine Mra, restaurant 108 5th itacine Accessories MfS Co, E H Harvey, pres, L J Elliott sec-treas, Clark nw cor 14th RACINE ALI'MINCM aI: BRASS FOUNDRY (Wm BOlle), Manufacturers of , Aluminum, Brass and Bronze Castings 1319 12th (See page 1091) Racine Auto Tire Co, L J ElUott pres, A M Brehm sec, 1216 State RACI!\'E BOILER AND TANK CO, H L Wratten Pres, James Fahey V-Pr",!'!, Wm Teubner Sec and Treas, Boller and Tank Manufacturers and Hea\'y ShE'et Metal Work 16th and Owen av (See page 10911) RACINE BRASS AND IRON CO, John Olle Pres, John H Tooman Sec aad Treas, Grey Iron Castlnlrs, Cyllnders a Sp",.h.lty 1326-1327 Racine (See page lOti) . Racine bUdding Supply Co, Otto Baumann pree, 108 S Main Racine Building and Loan Assn, George L ~uck pre,., J J Patrick aec, 610 S Main . Racine Candy Shop, Melvin Tldym~n propr, Jun'ctlon av sw cor 16th Racine Carriage Co, W H Rlchard.son prea, J C Lund aec, Junction av 4W cor 18th Radne City Bank (capital $StOOO), F W Gunther prea, Cornelius OUlon cash,., 1346 Washington av RACINE CITY DIRECTORY, Wright DIrectory Co Publra, 388 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wla Racine College, Dr A P Piper dean, DeKoven av between Willconain and c...llege Racine Commercial Club, Charlea H Dal'lea pres, Walter H Reed aec, A J Horlick treaa, 441 Main Racine Cone Co, Charlea A Moaher propt', Z14¥i State Racine Confectlonera' Machinery Co, F E Naylor prea, C C Naylor aec-treas, 1830'Raclne Racine Conatruction Co, 468 College IlV Uaeine Continuation and Industrial School, Thomaa R Reea director '243 S Main Racine County Court Houae, 610-522 l.lonument sq Racine Crlspette Co (F S Kl!ouP) , manufacturing confectioners 1922 16th Racine Dlapenser Mfg Co, Slgvort Hanaon pres, George Rlckeman sec, soft drink manufacturers 1313 Clark Racine Dry Cleaning Co, George Hertzberg propr, 1221 Waahlngton av Racine Electric Co. Herbert VanBr'!o prps, J H Peteraon aec-treaa, Bridge cor Ontario Racine Electric Shop (I C Hansen), Hila "'ashlngton av Racine Enslneerlns Co, A Y Dodge pre~ treaa, Bruno Rahn IleC, 105 Badger bldg Racine Floral Co (Robert E Miller), 219 6th Racine Furnace 8. Foundry Co, Char lea G Holmes pres, Wm F StremKe aec, Layard av and C &: N W tracka RACI~E GE~ERAL BFG CO, J F Bickel Prell, E C Pollard Sec and Treas, "'agon Hardware, Automobile Suppllea, Horae Clothing 1416 Junction il.V Racine Humane SocIety, Joaeph Coop.r agent, 1412 S Wisconsin Racine Induatrlal Plant, J C Lund mgr, Junction av cor 18th Racine Investment Co, J W Bate pres, L B Griffith sec-treaa, 401 Lake av RACINE IRON AND WIRE WORKS, George L Buck Prea and Treas, Wm A Talcott V-Prea, 0 L Mancheater Sec and Supt, Manufacturera of Wire Goods from Brass, Iron and Stoel Wire, Kitchen Utenstls, Bathroom Fixturea and Fire Extinguishers Superl"r cor Prospect (See right top linea and page 1085) Radne Journal-NewlI (dally), The Journal Printing Co publra, 328 S MaIn Racine Junction Building and Loan Allan, S Sorenaon prea, Chrlatlan JohlUlon sec, UU Washington av • Raclne-Kenoaha-Montana 011 Syndicate. W F Schmerler pres-treaa, F J Yetmar aec, an Baker blk Racine Leather Co, Matt Dawaon mgr, 912 Milwaukee av lla('lne Machine Floor 8urfaclng Co (8 Chrlstenaen, G W Froat), 1741 Nortbweatern av RACINE MALLEABLE aI: WROUGHT IRON CO, C S VanOrnum Prea-Treaa. W H Houaman V-Prea, B J Carroll Sec, Malleable Castlnga and Wagon and Saddlery Hardware 21et and Clark Racine Malt Producta Co, H J Brlll~ prea, R H Brillman eec-treas, wholesale soft drlnka 1602 May . nadne MfS Co, A C McCord pree, W C Waggoner aec, auto body manufacturera 1025 6th Racine Merchants Home Bldg Co, H 11' Moera pres, W H Miller eec-treaa. U8 College av Racine Millwork 8. 8upply Co, Char1ell B Dlercksmeyer propr, sash and door manufacturers 1219 18th Racine Mosaic Tile Co (Emil and Fred Losch), tile contractors and dealers 1430 Junction av Racine Motor 8ervlce Co (Clarence Pendleton, Charles Kannenberg), garage 1666 Douglae av Racine Optical Co (L R Roaenberg, E D Newman), 613 6th RACINE PATTERN WORKS, W J SImanek Prea, J C Hamata V-Prea, Anna R Simanek Sec-Treaa, Wood and Metal Patterna, Automobile Pattern a a Specialty Frederick and Yout (See pase 1092) Racine Phonograph Co, 11' 11' Blandlll pres, 8 W BlandIn sec-treaa, Raelue Induatrlal Plant Racine POlishing 8. Plating Co (H J Leahy, F W Hau), Bridge ne cor Ontario Racine Poster Adv Co, M J Gillen pr" May Cumming eec-treas, 302 Janea bUt RACINE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Frances A Hannum Librarian, 701-707 8 Main Racine Pure Milk Co, Josiah Hocklns pres, Boyd R Adams sec and trea.. . 1010 13th Racine Retail Merchanta Asan, R C Nevin prea, Jacob Galaer v-prea, R C Freitag sec, H C Chrlstlaneon treaa. 312 5th Racine Roofing Co (Mre Amelia and C C Anderson, 933 10th Racine Rubber Co, Horace De Liner pres, R Y Cooke aec, Tire Mfra, Aaylum av and C M & St P Ry Racine Screw Work.. A 0 Falkenratb prea, J J Ritter aec-tre. ., 1601 Clark SHIPPERS' 'TRAFFIC SERVICE St.P_ _D F. M. ELKINTON, Incorporated aw... MiIwa...... Wi&.; Traaaportat'aBlda., CIai~ m. Digitized by Google · , IN WlSCONSI .Corrugated TIaroq• • or Wisconsin House Fae Shipping WISCONSIN GAZETTEER (1831) RACINE Rac,lne Shoe Mfg Co, Jens Jensen pres, A A Page sec, 1320 Clark Racine Steel castings Co, Judson Stone preB, C S Anderson sec, 1524 Kewaunee Racine Storace & Transfer Co, Andrew Matson pres, Enga V Matson sec-treas, 1327 Liberty Racine Textile Co, H B Davis mgr, manufacture", knit goods Uh ft Terminal bldC RACINE TOlES-CALL (Dally), The Call Publishing Co Pulbrs, 310 5th Racine Tire & Suppl7 Co (P C MaIbohm), 421 S Wisconsin RacIne Tool and Machine Co, M E Erskine pres, W D Thompson sec, 1439 Junction av Racine Trunk Co, H 0 Wadewitz pres, !\{ A 'Vadewltz sec-treas, 1007 Superior Racine Typewriter Exchange (C F and M ¥ ~Ioore), 415 S Main Racine Water Co, Frank M McElroy Bupt, 321 MaIn Racine 'Welding & Cutting Co, Peter W Heckel mgr, 229 S Wisconsin Racine Window Cleaning Co (Harry Becker), 331 S Main Racine Wood Working Co, Gustav Bahnemann pres-treas, F 0 Bahnemann sec, 1117 N Mala Racine Woolen Mtg Co. H H Hart pres, Mrs Hannah Hart sec, Bridge cor Ontario Radewan Bros (Fred and Paul), meats 1245 Douglas av Raetz Grocery (Pauline and Mary), 1600 Franklin Raetz Jacob, express 1618 Howe Ragauskas Joseph, crocer and meatll 823 Washington av ' Raguse"Henry A, soft drinks 400 High Rahn Hilda. hairdresser 408 S 1laln ' RAPPS EDWARD W. Cashr The l\lanufacturers National Bank. 5th cor 11aln Rasmussen Anton L. meats 1839 Northwe .. tern av Rasmussen Nels, cement contractor 1417 Superior Rasmussen Nels P. shoes 1105 Carlisle RaJlmussen Peter C, milk dealer 1514 Holmes Rasmullsen Rasmus H. grocer 1964 Asylum av . Rasmussen R P & Co (R Peter Rasmussen). jewelers 910 State Rasmussen Wm W. plumber 1911 Sorthwestern av Raush Edward, carpet wea,ver 1616 Douglas av Razlvlcs Frank. soft drinks 1402 State Red Cross Drug Co, T W Thiessen prea. G W Gatea sec, 320 6th Rehl Joseph. cigars 300 6th Rehl & Barth (Joseph Rehl. E A Barth). bowling alle7 205 S Main Reichert Fred. contractor 341 Lake av Reichert Land Co, John Reichert pres. Mrs Katherine Reichert sec-treas. Cla,rk nw cor 14th Remington Typewriter Co. L E Perkin a mgr. 333 S Main Reschkll Gustave A. Boft drlnka 1632 Proapect Resneck-Berger Co, Samuel Loeb mar, ladles' furnishings 308 S Main Reynolds Frank R, autos 918 Erie Rialto Amusement Co. Isidore Friedman pre.... treas. Arthur Friedman sec, proprs Rialto and Palace Theatres. 521 S Main Nickeltypen Steel RIle cdiq Dies 1109 Rialto 'Iheatre, 611 S Mala Rlcchlo Frank. grocer 2228 Mead Rlcchlo Gabriel. grocer 3100 lIIead Rice Leon R, bicycle repairer 1024 8tate Richards Francis E, dentist 410 Baker blk Richter Arthur J. drugs 2703 WashID&'ton av Richter Barney, restaurant 620 8 WIaconsln Ripon Produce Co, P H Conroe mgr. 1300 N Wisconsin Rittman Wm C. carpet cleaner 1016 Pearl Roberts Co (Wm and Thomas Roberta; John O'Connor), stone contractors Gran&"e av at C M & St P tracks Roberts D Elmer, electrician 308 6th Roberts John G. ladies' furnishings 406 6th Robinson .WiIlard B, dentist U4 S Main Roedel & Jensen (Walter Roedel, Nels Jensen), restaurant and bowling alle7 1512 Junction AV Roever Wm, soft drinka 717 Washington av ROHAX '" ROHAN (INC), Wm H Rohan Pres, Wm J Rohan V-Pres, J Bernard Rohan Sec and Treas, Office SupplieB and Blue Printers, Sub Agents Office Specialtlea Sales Co (Milwaukee). "Sundstrand Adding Machines and CoronA Typewriters" 205 6th (See right top lines and page 4) T:ondonc Stephen, confectioner 955 Mil-' waukee av Honsholdt John J. jeweler 1322 WashIngton av Ronsholdt Peter. confectioner 1422 Washington av Root HI vel' Lumber Co (A J Lunt), 610 S Main Rork Hay N. dentist 1304 Wright av Hosenthal Fred. plumber 1329 N ~Ialn Ross Geor~e L. physician 304 Jaries blk Hoss Thomas. express 1217 Schiller, Hothfield Bros (Jacob and Joseph), men's furnishings 431 S Main Rounscville Vernon W. dentist 1112 8 ',"Isconsin ROWLANDS .JOHN E .t SONS (John E, Rtewart S and Robert D). Real Estate, Insurance and Lo&)ls 211 6th, Tel 132 (See page 1092) . Rowlands John T. machinist 1330 HOWl! Itoyal Restaurant (J H Wlllkle, .I J Adamske). 1121 16th . Rozumoff Morris, furniture 1232 Washington av Rozumoff Sellie R, hardware un WashIngton ay Ruetz George G. grocer 1407 Superior Huetz Hubert. &"rocer 921 16th Ruffolo Haffaele. &"rocer 1618 Albert Huger Andrew ll, grocer 1127 WaaMngton ay Huggaber Frank J. auto suppllea 808 Col1egc av nUKh Ralph E. physician 209 6th -. Humbulis Joseph, real estate 1522 Waahington av . Ruthstein's Scientific ShOe Co. N M ·Ruthstein pres. D A Brown sec-treas, steel shoe manufacturers 1338 WashlDcton av Rutkowski Kazmer. soft drinka 1846 Racine Ryba CharlAII, city clArk City Han Ryshkus John, aoft drinks" 722 6th Saaby Christ L. florist 1217 West blvd Sackp.t Grace B Mrs. milliner U9 S Wisconsin B o X E ,5 Folding Carton & Caddies Hummel & Downing Co. MILWAUKEE WIS. DESKS CHAIRS TABLES FlUNG Equipment Dan J. Hewitt Desk Supply. I1le. - Eyerythbag ba Office StatlO1ler1 and S.ppUes Gether Electrotype Co. ,191 2DcI St. 600-02 E. Water St., Milwaukee, ~ IIILWAUICEE Lon~ Dbtaace Plume, ~ w.. 188 Digitized by Google DOWNE".I HEATING . I AND SUPPLY CO.-(S.UIIICII'to H. M - . Co.) 1110 ... I HEA'I1NG · EagiDeera CONTRACTORS Machin... &: SuppHea Telephone GraDd 691 813-8115 CI,.bollJ'D St.. MD_ _ _ RACINR (liZl) R. 1.. POLK .. OO,'S XackH Sterllna- C, dentist 219 6th Schulz Jacob B. baker 401 6th Sacket 8 C Ornament Co, Mrs 0 H Schulz Phil, wholenle baker 6Z6 S Wisconsin Sacket prea, S C Sacket sec-treaa, arllu"lal Ilowers 62H S Wlscon8in Schwartz Frank. real estate 1700 Grand Sadl,," John, general store 1945 Racine St'hwartz Nathan, auto supplies 1300 Ht Calherine'8 Academy, 1209 Park av State Scott Player Action Co, R W Scott prell. Sl Luke'8 and Alice Horlick Memorial HOllpltal, 1303 College av Junction av cor 16th Secansky Albert. grocer 1900 Mead ;;twI;!~~~:lnChlldren'lI Hospital, 1310 S SeCt Louis, coal and wood J 270 Mound av Xl Mary's Hospital, 16th and Orand a\' Segel bach Julius. soft drinks 1028 16tb St>gnltz \Vm, butter 116 10th Snlbreiter \Vm P, physician 1303 Douglas av ' Seloel Jacob F. bowling alleys 1100 Villa ~andcrhon: Axel, plumber 1515 State Seidel Joseph E. real estate. loans and IIIlHIrance 814 Collegt' av , Sanot'rhot't OeOl'we, plumber 605 Luedtke Selint> Harry, express 1405 Center Sanitor Construction Co, Albert Brunk St>mon John. shoes 221 6th prll ... Frank DeLong sec and treas, 920 Garfield av Servlct' Paper Co. J S Addison pres. C H Sa rosy J08eph, grocer 2135 Racine Bradley eec-treas, wholeeale paper UU N Malll Schacht Bros Co, August Schacht I>r('s, Servlee Printing Co, I" J Wemmert H W Schacht s"c-treas. grocers and prt>8. J R Pritchard sec 243 S Main dry goods 1141 Milwaukee a\' Setterblade Charles I. tailor 2718 Wrlgbt Schacht H & Son H,>:rOllin and Herman av . Jr), grocers 92Z State Schacht'8 Grocery (E A and H W Sexton·s. J S Gold,berg mgr, ladles' turScbacht), auo Washington av nlshlngs 401 S Main Seyferth Ferdinand H. grocer 1004 17th Sl)haefer CarlO. physician 338 S Main Seymour &: Davis (Peter Se)"mour Jr. Schaeter Leonard 0, real estate 1307 Rar.inll "'m Davis), soft drinks 1202 Douglas av Schelllnit & SchoepPI' (John L Sch('\lIng, Marvin E Schoeppe), real estate, loans SHEPHARD PLATI~G CO, Wm H Shephard Prell and Mgr; C P Ruetz Secand Insurance 1232 Douglall av Sch"mmlng Fred W, shoes 420 High Trea8. Oent'r"I l'latera 330 Wisconsin (See page IOta) SchenkenhArlP; Eugene, dental supplies 941 LaSalle Sherman Samuel, clothing 1310 WAllbIngton l:lcherle Nellie p, soft drinks 807 Washlrigton av Shl-Nup Products Co. John Reid jr pre,.. Schimek Joseph V, florlets 1216 Douglaa Stephen Bull sec- treas, mfrs deanlng av compounds and polishes 1130 S Main Schl"gel Leonard, I'eal estate 1502 N Shoe Market The, W A Kuehnemann Wleconsln mgr. 617 6th" Sehlevlneky John H and Irving. conShoop Dr Laboratorle8. A W Joslyn mgr. fectloner8 1684 N "'Isconeln medicine manufacturers 213 State Schlichtlna- W J, garage 1013 S WisconSld"man Alex. men's furnishings 1818 Racine sin Sohllesmllnn Bro.. (T J and G J), groSidney &: Tobias (Sidney Mlkulecky. cer. 1301 Douglas av John Tobias), grocers 1678 Douglas Sehlelsmann & Schmidt (F J Schlels- , Sidwell Roy W. cigar manufacturer 1U6 mllnn, W H Schmidt), meats 1101 Villa Washington av Sehnelder Alfred A, grocer 1135 Hamilton Sieber Robert 011 Co, Robert Sieber pres. Joseph J ThIesen sec. 1414 RapSchneider George. soft drinks 509 6th Ids dr Schnetz Luther N. physiCian 309 6th Schoening &: Sons (Marlu ... Victor. Elmer Sieger Edward. tailor 341 S Main I'~ · and Loulli H). grocers 2106 ClarSiegmund Richard M. auto repairer 180. ence av Aeylum av Sle\'erkropp Engine Co, H R Sleverkropp S"hoenleben Louis :1. plumber 424 S Wisconsin pres, DeKoven av s w cor Holborn av Schow.ppe Florence. hllmslltchlng 215 SII\'er Iron & Steel Co. Nate I Sliver pres . Badpr bldg and trelts, Barney Sliver v-pres, Ben Sliver sec. 17th cor Holborn av Scho":"n Anna Mre. soft drinks 1430 Washington a\' Simmons Peter L. veterinary surgeon 611 Villa ~;"holzen 'Vm. soft drinks 429 S Main Schowalter Sone Co Cl'~dwln F Schowal!HlInSON!! &: WALKER (John B Simter). printers 207 State mons, Mortimer E Walker), Attorneys R<'hrock RU8seli W, dry goods 1815 16th and Counsellors-at-Law 2d 1"1 Janes ~chroeder flroR (\\'a1tt>r H and Erwin Blk (St'e ad\' In Lea-al Blue Book) A). garage 1653 N Main Simme Foundry Co, Horace R Simms Schroeder Dry nnod .. Cn. Jos Schroeder pres, Rowland Williams sec, 930 10th pres and sec, 402 S Main Simonsen Axel. confectioner 1102 Wash~khroeder Harry A. upholsterer 1313 Ingtoll Simpeon &: Schlmmelpfennlg (Jbhn A Villa Schroeder Peter H, grocer 804 St PatSimpson. Olto Schlmmelpfennlg), harness 410 6th rI<Jk Schulte Clothlnll," Co. Frank H Schulte Sing Lee, laundry 411 6th Singer Sewlnll," Machine Co, W G Zachapropr. 130 S Main Schulte Robert J, general Insurance 1234 rlus Olgr. 333 S Main Park av Singer & Lutz (Louis A. Martin Land S<,hulte Theodore. wholesall! 110ft <1l'lnks Howard G Singer. Fred Luta), con tee13ta 14th tloners U2 Main Rrhu\tt"s Band and Orcheetra. Henry Skllbeck Perlt'y D, real estate UIT ,,'ashlngtoll a\' Schulte dh·"ctor. 1ZH Park a\' Schultz W'm C. express 1613 Austin a\' Sko\'sted Otto M, jeweler 16U Washing, S('HULZ F II CO (10' H Sehulz. W E ton a\' French) . "The Home Builder ..... Heal Skow Carl D, dry goods 1314 WashIngton av E8tate, Loans and llll.urance 618 "'Ie('on~ln (See page 1093) Slaaeted Martin. electrician 1138 State .LOOSE-LEAF Catalog Binden & Price Books I I 11IE HFJNN COMPANY, Milwan.... W... Digitized by Google J ........... 1.... "'LIeeued... ...... . ~ tile State . , WI. . _ ' '''' Gordon Detective Bureau EXPERT SECRET SERVICE MAJES11C BUILDING, 221 GRAND AVE., MlLWAIIIniT WJS. WIBOON8IN GAZETTEER (1'11) RACINl!1 Slocum Samuel E, machinist 610 College Slot lI'rederlck C, 1IT0cer 1361 Washington av Smader John, garage 111 Washington av Smader Thomaa J. costumes 300 8 Main Small Henry A, grocer 1146 Villa and lluto tires T13 14th Smerohek Anton. dry. goods 170T Douglas av Smledlng George, physician 432 Baker blk . Smledlnlf Henl7 0, lawyer 213 6th Smith Floyd It; meats 1600 Washington av Smith Henl'J' J, paving contractor 1609 Holme. av Smith Hiram J Jewelry & 11uslc Co, HIram J Smith pres, Henry 0 Keiser sec, 437 S JtIa.ln . Smith L W & Co (Lawrence W Smith), real estate and Insurance 1608 'VashIngton Smith, McCrory & Co (Inc). Harold Smith pres-treas, W A Nevin sec. advertising agency 468 College av SmIth NanniI' Mrs. milliner 539 S 11aln Smith Russell. baker 604 S Wisconsin Smolenski Walter, real estate 823 16th Snyder Clara I, public stenographer 30' Janes blk Snyder LeRo,. L. Ice dealer 1438 Chatham' Socha Joseph E, teaming contractor 1115 High Soen. Margaret Mrs, midwife 1424 Douglas av Bohr George, grocer 1526 Erie Solomon Joseph. clothing 500 S Main Sonln Ida. milliner 619 S Wisconsin Soref & Kerns (Joseph Sorer. IrwIn Kerns), furniture 1210 Stat I' Sorensen Charles p. hous4! mover 902 10th Sorensen Christ L. baker 1305 Villa Sorensen Christian, dry goods 1300 Grange av . . Sorensen Cleveland. express 615 Prospect Sorensen Lars. blacksmith 3301 WashIngton av Sorensen LouIs, soft drinks 1308 Stat I' Sorensen Morris. cement contractor 1100 David Sorensen Rudolf M, transfer and storagl' 937 Peck av Sorenson Soren, physician 1601 W 6th South 81dp. Planlns Mill, Hans Anderson propr, ] 23t 13th Spence James W, real esta.te and Insurancl' tOI Janes blk Splltex RadIator & Mfg Co. 1\1 C Matseri pres. H J 8tUb sec-trl'as. 1808 Thurston av SQuare Deal Oarage (Hector D Paton. l!l&rl Van Vliet). nOt Villa Staohowlak Joseph A. dentist 1107 16th Stage Franklin Co house mover 1621 Franklin Stalmok Kaamler, soft drinks 1200 ~ WlscoDldn STANDARD FOUNDRY CO. Arthur R Janes' Pres. D 0 Janes V-Pres. E L M:rkvlcka Sec and Treas. High-Class Iron Caatlngs. Gall and Gasoline Engine Cylinders a Speclalt.y. Kewaunee cor Forest (See page 1093) Standard 011 Co. E T Mt'Govern mgr, 15th and C M & St P R R Standard PIston Pin Co. J B Barr pres. J 0 Barr sec-treaa, 1716 Hamilton av ITANDAIlD BEED CO. Peder Back Propr, Whole_Ie and Retail Seeds 512 Ith Stanley" Stanley (Stanley Peach. Stanley Slepcovlcb), soft drinks and bowlIng alleys 1669 N MaIn 1111 Star FurDlture Co (Peter ·Petersen). 618 State . Star Theatre, Stephen Dorece mgr, 1004 16th Starek Louis, shoes 1100 Milwaukee av Staskus Charles S. lITocer and meats 1001 Jay Eye See av State Street Orocer Co (Charles La Brasca. James Cefalu), 6St State State Street Music Shop (A M Zirbel!, Albert Cosentino). 5t6 State State Street Restaurant (Henry Bloom), 602 State ' Statz Dry Goods Co (Sybilla ll~ Anna, Frances and Barbara Statz), 17vO Mead 8techer John. real cstate 1236 Larned av Steel Products lUg Co. W H Cahal) pree, valve manufacturers 433 Baker blk Steel Sole Shoe Co, N M Ruthsteln prestreas, Henry Bec;ker sec, Junction. and 16th Stel'le Louis, grocer 1200 Washington av Stein Louis. tlnner 1102 Washington av Stephens Wm C, laundry 1441 Howe Stewart & Berg (Roy Stewart, Barney Berg). grocers 1348 Prospect Stllb Hal'l'Y J. dry goods 1126 Villa Stllb's Shoe Store (Peter. Edwin E and Eward W Stub), 1122 Villa Stlmart Gust. paints and wall paper' 1313 Washington av Stoffel Albert J. cigar manufacturer 1434 Erie Stoffel Bros (Jacob jr, Arthur F and Elmer J). dl'J' goods 612 High Stoffel I~arl A. dentist 619 S Main Stol'fl'l Peter T. dry goods 616 State Sto~ny Frank. restaurant 607 6th Stokes Edward F. drugs 436 S Main STORMS 01: FOLEY (W W Storms. Jerome J Foley), Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law 300 6th (See adv In Legal Blue Book) STORlIS WlI W (Storms & Foley). Lawyer 300 6th (See adv In Legal Blue Book) . Stracke Herman J, hardware 1406 Center Strand Grocery, Thomas Berg propr 2310 16th Strand Thea.tre, t30 8 'Vlsconsln , Strltesky Frank L. photographer 1022 High Strltesky Josephine Mrs, confectionl'r 106 English Stut'k Fred H. jeweler 409 S Main Stud"y George F. dairy 8036 Erie . Sturm Furniture lUg Co (M Land 0 L Sturm). 1520 Clark Summers Joseph H. soft drinks 309 S MaIn Surendonk Edwin H. storage batteries 214 3d Svltavsky Clothing Co (.Joseph and Charles Svltavsky). 1221 Dguglas av Svltavsky Vincent J. meats 1735 Douglas av Swendsen Olaf, house mover 1616 Orove av Swenskl John. grocer 2000 RacIne Swift & Co, E D Osborne mgr. packIng house products 208 Badger bldg Tabaksman Max. baker 915 Doud Tadlan & Hermit (Mlt'hael Tadlan, Harry Hermit). confectioners 8041$ 8tate TALCOTT WM A. V-Pres Racine Iron & "'Ire Works. SuperIor cor Prospect Talt Gilbert R. dentist tOO Baker blk Taubert Otto. soft drinks 1101 6th Taylor Edward A. physician 800 College av Tet'ktonlu8 E C llfg Co. E S Tecktonlus pres. H 1\1 Koelbel seo. manufacturers hardware specialties 1224 13th Teige Nord T. taxIcabs 1406 Junction av =.H:m IIIRBROW COMMISSION. CO., Promee Commission Merchants, 382-386 Sth St., MILWAUKEE .... m.e...... Plaaaeec ~ ta 13 It ~= ~~ AND DRESSED POULTRY• BUTI'ER, EGGS· AND GAME Digitized by Google PJa-e IJroadwQ . 1843 Kaestner '.& Hecht Co. 428 Jeffenoa St. P. H. Bro. r ........ eDtIlliw Mnwllkee Steel Co. Majemc BIda. MILWAUKEE WIS. Iron and Steel Direct Mill Represent.tives SHEET PLATES BARS NAILS WIRE PIPE . TIN PLATE TERN PLATE SHAFI1NG " BONDS HOOPS SHAPES Strip Steel Screw Stock And- Grassier & Gezelschap 214 3rd ST. ' Milwaukee Manufacturer. and De.irrner. CENTRAL LIFE , ~c. 1112 . . . . . . e"IWY pwpow of iasaNcL Policies for f~ & baaiDesa UIe. LARSON, STATE MANAGER MADISON, WIS. (leu) RACINE Temmer Marcus, towel supply 1645 Thurston av T .. rry"s Lunch (Terry Margarltes, George Panagos), 234 S Main Thackery ,Robert C, physician 618 State Theres Jacob, grocer 200-1 Erie There .. Lambert, grocer 1532 Chatham Thomas Emma F, restaurant 926 S Main Thomas Guy, 80ft drinks 1329 Milwaukee av Thomas Heating Co (A H Thomas), heating 708 9th Thompson Hugh H, cigar manufacturer 1117 N Main THOlllPSO"~. MYERS ~ KEAR~EY (Wm D Thompson, Peter J Myers, Thomas M I<:earney Jr), Thomas M Kearney of Counsel, Lawyers First National Bank Bldg (See- adv In Legal Blue Book) THOMP80N WM D (Thompson, Myers & Kearney), Lawyer First Natl Bank Bldg (See adv In Legal Blue Book) Thompson & Harvey (Fulton Thompson, Richard G Han"en, lawyers 205 6th THOR MACHIl\"E WORKS (I~C). K F Jacobsen " Pres-Treall, P J Brown VPres, 0 T Jacobsen Sec, Tool, Jig and Die Makers 15th and Clark (See page JOU) Thronson Undertaking Co, B C ThronlIOn pres, Louis Thronson sec, 107 6th TIJyman Melvin, confectioner 530 S Main Tlshman Sol, men's furnishings 1317 Washington Tobin Timothy, ,soft drinks 306 Dodge Tolfaon H & Son {Herman and WllIls), mineral water Spring W of limits Tomczak Stanley, soft drinks IOU 17th Tom~k John, real estate 1128 DeKo~"en av Tompach Emil L, physician 920 Kewaunee , Townsend Jay G, veterinary sllr&,eon 1910 Asylum av TraCy Arnot R, grocer 908 11th 'l'rauger W Earl, Jeweler 311 6th Tselror Samuel, baker 957 Geneva Twelfth Street Garage (Victor Dzlndzlleta), 1521 12th Twin Disc Clutch Co, T L Fawtck pres, A B Modlne sec, U20 14th Under\\l'ood Rose 1\1 Mrs, groc,er 1401 N Main Underwood Typewriter Co, ,V S Nusbaum mgr, 306 Janes blk Union Hotel, Henry Erdmann mgr, lU5 Junction a\' Gnlon Woolen 1U1l1s Co, S M Raymer mgr, tailors 306 6th United Cigar Stores Co, Arthur Edwards mgT, 411 S Main U S Life Savin&' Station, foot of Dodge U S Llghtheuse, rt of Dodge Unlverllal Garage (H A Kleine, R '" Rasmussen), 1506 State Unlvlch Clemons, soft drink .. 1000 16th Uveges John, soft drink .. 2224 Racine Vacek Frank, soft drinks 1700 Douglas av Vacek Frank J, grocer 720 Goold Vakos James, billIards 1329 Washington av Va lentine Louis, 80ft drinks. 201 S l[aln Valley Wilfred I, grocel' 1600 "'-ashlngton nv Yah Bree Theodore, real estate 1203 Summit ay VanBree & Ryder (Gerhard V anBree, Wm H R yder), clothing 330 8 Main Vandergrlnd Dollster Dry Goods Co, Joseph 'V Dollster pres, Harry H Vandergl'lnd s(,('-trl-a", 33 S Main Vnnnrnllm Perley T, dent\l,t 610 S llain co."s Vase Ilk Charles, grocer 722 Yout Vegel & Ruksas (Peter L Vegel, John Ruksas), grocers and meats 1290 N Main Yerby 6th Lipman, ladles' furnishings _511 Vereb James, soft drinks 1326 Frederick VeseHk Joseph, dry goods 1627 Douglas Vida & SchUlZ (Alex Vida, Wm Schulz), auto tires Zl8 5th Vincent, BergHn & Co (Mrs Laura Vincent Amanda BergHn, Mrs Clara Heiler), milliners 1303 Washington aY Vlasak Joseph, soft drinks 1300 Michigan blvd Voelzke & Nesertrll (Paul F Voelzke, Charles Nesetrll), meats 632 High Von Buddenbrock Erick, physician 301 6th Vrooman Herman, tinsmith 1339 Gro"ve 'Wahers Mfg Co, Edward Bose pres"J T Webers sec and treas, agricultural Implement manufacturers 1717 R&elne ,,'alsman MorriS, Junk 1258 Mound a\' Walsman Oscar, auto tires 900 State Walker Mfg Co, W T Walker pres, H R "'hlrl sec, auto parts Hamilton cor Michigan WAI.KER MORTIMER E (Simmons & "'alker), Lawyer Second Floor RobInson BId&, (See adv In Legal Blue Book) Wallem Sophia, milliner 304 Baker blk WALLIS H M. Pres J I Case Plow Works Co 616 Mead WALLIS H M .JR. Asst to Pres J I Case Plow Works Co 615 Mead Warner Louis, dry goods 1903 'Y 6th Washburn Crosby Co, Wm B McCumber mgr, flour 1331 Liberty Watson J Kendrick, ladles' furnishings 502 Monument sQ Waukegan Tea Co, 1608 Washington av "'eher A J &. Co, A J Weber- pres, G J Ruetz sec, sash 1600 Racine Weber Joseph, soft drinks 217 S Main Weber Peter E, grocer 1003 Center Webster Electric Co, T K Webster pres, S A Loeb sec-treas, DeKoven av swcor Clark "'el11 John H, sheet metal works 804 " Belmont av "'elner Charles L, clothing 1406 State ",elnerowskl Stanley F, real estate 917 17th 'Yeln/! John P, soft drinks 1346 Grand av WeiR John, poultry 327 S Main Welsmlln Isaac, clothing 515 6th ""ells Bros (Joseph, James and DominIck), billiards 2146 Mead WELLS GEORGE G. Mgr R G Dun & Co, "The Mercantile Agency," 210 Badger Dldg 'Vemmert Peter, tailor 1434 Lincoln "'est Eric, baker 3217 Washington av "'e,,t Ra('lne Garage & Implement Co, ""m Haeffner pres, A J Haetl'ner sectreas 3218 'Vashlngton av "'est Shore Lumber Co, C W Smith pres, F W Smith sec, 947 Erie 'Yest Side Clothes Shop, W C Petersen pres, J A Hanson sec, 1510 State "'cst Side Dental & Optical Pari on (Frank L Fancher), 1100 State ""est Side Laundry Co, Milton Knoblock Rec, ]311 State "'ESTER~ AD"ERTISJ~G AGENCY. Sarah Jellltl'e Pres, Franz C Jordan V - Pres, Taylor J Brokaw Sec-Treaa, 506-5\4 Raker Rlk (See page 1083) "'estern Col" & Electrical Co, John "'iel'hers pre!!, '" T Lewis se<:-treas, 300 5th THE WONDER SCHOOL High Class Lighting Fixtures R. L. POLK. & ~~~~ Leader in th. Bu- ' - C. . . . wOrW Digitized by 307 Seuait) ~ 209 Gnmd A. . . . ' MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN Goog Ie Hoffmann & Billings Mfg. Co., "lIkee, "IS. SANITARY PLUMBING SUPPUES OF AU. KINDS RACINE 1113 WISCONSIN GAZETTEER (lU1) WII.SON' HARRY E (INC), Advertising WESTERN - EAGLIiI KAIH1FACTURING Illustrations, 200 MaIn, Phone 32St I CO, Miller Peteraon Pres and Mgr, Earl Wilson Henry L, physicIan 945 Grand av .1 Abel' V-Prea, Mlaa .1 L Diehl Sec and Wilson Walter -E, real estate, loans and TreaB, Mfra of Toya, Noveltlea, FabInsurance 313 Baker blk rlkold CaBea, Wood and Metal Patterns, WIng Charlie, restaurant 330 S l\.l,aln Match Platea. Etc, 1218 Washington av WInters David. clothing 412 6th (See page 1086) WInther Magnus C, baker 1528 WashingWeBtern Electrotype Co, Fred Hengst ton av , mgr, 213.' State. Western Improvement Co, John 0 JoneB WISCONSIN AGRICULTURIST PUBpreB, John 0 JoneB jr Bec, paving conLISHING CO, Arthur Simonson Pres, tractors 840 9th A P SImonson V-Pres, l\{ J Knoblock Sec, 744 S WIsconsin WE,TERN PRINTING of< LITHOGRAPHING CO, R A Spencer Pres, E H WadeW1SCOXSIN AGRIOULTURIST' THE wits Sec and Treas, PrInters, Llthogra(Weekly), 'Vlsconsln AgrIculturist Pub pherB, Engraver... Electrotypers and Co Publishers 744 S WiBconsln Bookblndera 213-2Z7 State (See adv 'Visconsln Auto Top Co, Mrs A McAvoy opp) pres, C V McAvoy sec, 17th and HamWeBtern Screw &: Specialty Co, R :r KosIlton Wisconsin Beddtng Co, Max Simon presterman preB, 11' G Mlller aec-treas, 1715 treas, Bertha M Rubenstein sec, matHamilton av Western UnIon Telegraph Co, F B Wlntress manufacturers 1530 Douglas av bourn mgr, 203 6th WisconsIn Brick Silo Co (C V Sorensen, WEYLAND G C, V-Pres In Charge of Fred Heinze. H H Pansch), 1800 ThursSilleR J I Caae Plow, Works Co, 615 ton av Mead Wisconsin Business College, C F Moore prell. M M 1\loore sec, 413 Maln Whaley &: Erikson (Vilas H Whaley, 'Vlsconsln Construetlon Co (Inc), Arthur Clarence A Erikson), lawyers 500 BaOlson pres, J S Rasmusaen sec, general ker blk , contractors 338 S MaIn Whee~er WII'I G. phYR'clan 824 UnIon WhItaker MelvIna Mra. baker 421 6th WISCONSIN CYLINDER FOIJ:IIDRY CO. White Alex, clotheB cleaner 1245 WashKnute Thompsen Pres, Adolph G KonIngton' av nak V-Pres. Nels Johnson Sec and White J.ee J, a,,'t. drInks 612 State Treas, Grey Iron Castings, Cylinders a White Star Laundry (.1 G WillIams), 411 Specialty, 1308 18th (See page 1094) S MaIn WIsconsin Electric Co, L H Hamilton White Stella H, stationer 504 S Main pres, Arthur Huguenin sec-treas, WRITM'A ~ PURLJ8HI,NG CO, John WleJunction av s wcor 16th chp"lL Prea. 8 E Lowe V-Pres. E H • WisconsIn Electrical Equipment Co Wadewltz Sec-Treaa, Publra·ot Juven(EdwIn Schenkenberg), 341 S Main Ile Rnoka anel Statlonpry 213-227 State Wisconsin Gas & Electric Co, S B· Way Whollhan Walter E, autoa 104 11th pres, D E Callen dar mgr, 305 6th Wledpback Clarence P, florlat 1638 WaahWisconsIn Incubator Co, T .1 CollIer pres, Incrton av . 1331 18th Wlp"ehark & Luba ell Wledeback, K Wisconsin Machinery Co, Charles RasC LubRl. dentlRta 1332 StAtA mussen pres, ,R T Ingalls sec. 1615 RaWlesrarllJ BI'OIO (Heftry· C and Charles A). cIne jewel era, planoa and opticians 420 S "WISCONSIN LIFE, THE," A D Hermes Main General Agent, all! 6th (See front Wier Jl'rank A. phyalclan 223 6th cover and page 7) Wlernaa Andrew, grocer and meats 918 Wisconsin Metal ProductB Co, D G Janes 18th . pres, Taylor Jellllre sec-treas, hardWIArtz &: HUlI'hes Heatln~ Co ( .1 .1 ware speclaltieB 16th cor Ann Wlertz, It B Hughes1, 852 Washington WlsconBln Pattern 'Yorks (James, Peter av M and Axel Christensen), Junctlon BW cor 18th WlGGLESWnRTlI PRANK, D 0 (SncWIsconsIn Plating WorkB (C A Barrows, res"or to JrlRh, Prlntler and IrIsh). o W Kopltzke), 1306 WashIngton a,' Dortnr of f"hh·opractlc. Palmer School . WIsconsin Screw Co, Stanley Keleske Gra",,"tp. LA"v Attenda.,t, HnurR lOpres, P P Keleske sec-treas, screw maU. 2-6, '7-8. 338 Baker Blk, Tpl 1360 chine products 914 15th wrnT.EY D P M. M ... D P Wi,dey Prea, "'"ISCONSIN SMELTING CO, Frank WalsEdwllr" A('k1am V-Pres. JameR Framan Mgr, BrokerB, Structural Material, aer TrAIUI. IIn,..,.l1 Jones Rp.e. WholeLow Phosphor Materials tor Mills and sale an" Retalt Flour an" Fep". BulldFoundries 317 Baker Blk In~ MlltArlll' lind Salt 234 WIsconsin. Wisconsin Stove &: Range Co (Inc), H R StatA cor Poreat anel 14th and C &: N SImms Pres, Rowland Williams secWRy . . treas 16th and Junction av Wlh"mlln W", ~ ll'1'orer 15411 Dnuv;'as av WIsconsIn Telephone Co, Floyd L Smiley WI'''" Jnhn H. ary gooda 1400 Tout • mgr, 407 17th WflklA Samupl. ,",OMr J 817 J 6th Witt &: Angel (Alex WItt. Samuel AnWf11fllma .A,p:xan"er J,phvslclan 3011 6th gel), restaurant 1408 State Wf11IR."''' nArtrude T. ",mIner 3111 6th Woelky Mat G, books and stationery 534 WlnlR.m" .Tn"n n. llL'Jn"ry 411 S MaIn Monument sq WIlII .. L11'u W ~ra, dancing tchr 1124 Wohlrab Gear Co, P B Wohlrab prell, T 8 Wlseon"In A Owen se«!-treas ll!21 Frederick WIlliam" Mfl' Co, Thomaa Williams mll'1', Wood John A, milliner 314 S Main ' 'manutarh.rAr" agricultural ImpleWood Lyman !\lfg Co, Walter A Wood mpnts 924 16th . propr, hardware specialties 1433 JuncWilliam" W", t). lIl'1'Oi!p.r 4ng S Main tion av WI11\,amsnn iaT, -garage 1635 Dnuv;las av Woolworth F W Co. C A DavIs mgr, noWIl .. nd A &: 80n (Anton and Edwin F). tions 506 S Main 'produce 60t 7th v: m" ~!" n:C Er-I ~r- ;r~r-I ::a ~ , £r-I ~r- ~r-I cI,. ~< 1'l ... ~O ~::a ~ §n .a• D!:O ~.' ~: ~ 1° . ~~.~ ~ c:f' ii~1I ~ ..·ff I' ! Digitized by Google Mollerus H. C. Miller Co. ~~,~ "FAULTLESS" Pa.ting Machine Ledgen & Helle-I LABOR SAVINe OFFICE DEVICES 1114 , 814 Mayer Bldg.Milwaukee Wis. -TeL Broaclwa,o 2834 -Audits Syst~ms Income Tax Reports Etc. (1111) R. 1.. POLK • RACINE Worko Co (S W Blandin). auto acceBBorleB .Junction av and 16th WRIGHT DIRECTORY CO. Publishers Racine City Directory 388 Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Wis Wright Fred 1.. photosrapherll lIuppllell 2U· 6th Wright Judson C. Insurance 310 rtth Wuerzberger Ernellt J. 110ft drinkll 1131 Washington av Wulff Elizabeth. dry goods 811 8th Yellow Cab Co (C N Brotherll.On). garage and taxlcabll 636 B Main Yost John S. sheet metal workll lOU Wuhlngton av Young Men'lI Christian Assn. Paul C Foster general sec. 221 4th Young Women's Christian Aslin. Mra Alberta S Wiltsie general sec. 312 7th YOU'NGGREEN C C! Advg Msr J I Case Plow Works Co. 1116 Mead Zabrock Harry B. photographer 818 State Zahalka Joseph. auto painter 11i31 Douglas av Zahn Dry Goods Co. Edward Zahn JI_res. Edward .1 Zahn sec-treas. 438 S Main Zalewski Wlad. grocer 1766 Grand av Zauner Rudolph. restaurant 1238 State Zastrow & Burkert (Robert Zastrow. Clarence Burkert), autos 821 S Wisconsin Zember JOlleph. tailor 814 17th ZIe8emer Carl. grocer 2103 N Main ZIga8 John. dyer 211 State Zlvotllky Rudolph, meat8 921 13th Zubovlch Frank, sott drinks 961 Milwaukee av Zupenl('h Frank. tailor 708'$ 8th RACINB .lVNCTlON Racine county. p08tomee. MASTER TRUCKS The Columbia 'Six Motor Truck Service Co. 2444 LisboD AYe. KiIboana 102 MILWAUKEE Wi&. Btatlon of Racine RADISSON Population. 150. On the C., St. P .. ' M. & O. dlvl810n of C. & N. W. Ry .• In Rad1880n town8hlp, Sawyer county. 27 mile. trom Hayward, the Judicial seat. Has Catholic and Presbyterian churches and a bank. Telegraph, expreBB and telephone connection. Herman Madson postmaster. Brown J Harding, real estate Kerr James. hotel Gomn 0 A Co. garage Lebeau H C. cashier State Bank of Radls80n Let80n D M. billiards Mad80n Herman, real estate MADSON ott BROWN. General Merchandl8e ' Ruegger George. trapper Rutherford J C. blackllmlth Shepard S, expreS8 agent State Bank ot Radls80n (capital 110.000), H C Lebeau ca8hr Stowell Bros. aplarlstll RAMONA A dl8contlnued postomce on the C .• M. & St. PRy. and Ill. Central R. Roo In Cadiz township. Green county. 10 mllell west of Monroe. the Judicial seat. and 1'$ trom Browntown. the nearest bankIng point. Expre~ and telephone connection. Rural delivery from Browntown. Burlngton Lesley. hotel Frank Sam A, restaurant • 'RANK S A. Automobile Tires and Acces80rle. Koller Martin. cheese manutacturer Lutz Wm. hotel CO.'8 RANDALL On the N. P. Ry .. In Anderson township. Burnett county. 10 mllell .outhwest of GrantRburg. the lIeat of justice. Bank at Rush City. JIIlnn.. 7 mile. distant. The railroad name for thlll place Is Benson. Has a Lutheran church. t miles distant. ReYDOld Benaon. POlltmuter. DBNSON RBYNO ..... GeDeral Store .... Po.tmuter. RANDOLPH Population. 1.183. An Incorporated village on the C .. M. '" 9t. P. Ry •• In Westford township. Dodge county. 26 miles northwest of Juneau. the Judicial _to and 76 northwe8t of Milwaukee. Haa Cathollc, Congregational. Lutheran, Methodl.t Episcopal. Dutch Reformed and Welsh Calvinistic churches, a high school. an opera hou.e with a .eatlng capacity of '00. a movlne picture theatre. a 8tate bank and a weekly newspaper. the Advance. Bhlps grain. produce and live stock. Telecraph. espres. and telephone conne~tloli. Herbert Hopkins. p08tmaster. Anderaon N E. exprese agent Baler Katie. contectloner Barker Lumber and Fuel Co .(Watertown). Jame. D Taylor msr Blel Ray. flour mill Blochwltz Br08 (John C and Jacob .1). produce Blochwltz Wm. general .tore Bohling .1 F & Co. J .. Bohlin .. pre8. F C Bohling sec. H W Kampen treaa. general store Brandel Edward W. prell and oaahr Randolph State B,'nk Commercial Hotel. George Peppers prop I' Crystal Theatre. Elmer Jone. mgr Feelyater E M. veterinary .urg-eOD Gaffney Frances, cloak. and lIulta Goodhouse R E.denUst Goodwin '" Hall. hardware HOPKINS BBRDRRT. Poatmaater Hoyer A A. jhYlllclan Hutehlnaon W. cattle breeder 1 mHe north ~ydanu. Michael. meats Jesse E F. shOle8 and dry goode Johns H A.lawyer Jones A W. phYlllclan Jones D G. flour and feeo Jones John R. physician Jone8 J Idrls. drulOl Jones Owen C. plano. .lung Seed Co Kleist A. F. photographer KOlPpelman Jar.nb W. general .tore Lightner J Addillon. drup I Many L D. varlet;, Meagher Michael J. harneumaker Nel80n P H. dentist Nutting Clarence JI. machlnl.t Nutting & Hopkins, rrarage Otto Gp.orge, dray Otto Henty. well drlller Owens Wm R. lI\"e· stock Peoples Telephone Co. W Wade msr Pobanz W C. furniture and undertaker Port Emil, baker Prairie View Canning 00. H H Wllllamll see Pritchard & Rowlancla. real estate RandOllph Advance. L m Williams publr Randolph Cannlne Co. Robert Hughes sec Randolph Hardware Co (A A Bledschlag) Randolph State Bank (capital UO 000) • Rdward W Brand-) prell and caahr Randolph Wagon Works, Wm Go_Ink sec WILLIAM H. JU1TNER COMPANY Wiacoula Apat r- the ONLY CORUSS VALVE STEAII TRAP e ......... UaDDRiIit....DF ' - Two Y .... JEFFERSON ST. IID.WAtJKEB. WIS. Digitized by Google