UM Challenge Program_Letter
UM Challenge Program_Letter
Dfi" T'iTlr1 Il.-DL, SPORTS re TTTEUNIvERSITYoF MICHIGAN CI-IALLENGE PRocR,r,v, Nonh Can.rpu.< RecreacionBuilding 2J75HubbarciStreet Ann Arbor,Micirigan48109-2087 PnoNe 734936.0601 Fax734936-0604 w1rr,y. recspor(s.umich. edu/challengef CH A LLE T-GE PRocRAt"i DearParentof ChallengeProgramParticipant, Y<iurstudent rn'ill soon take part in the University of Michigan's Challenge Program. We would like to taLke this opporhrnity to sharesomeinformationwith you about the program, What exactlydoesthe ChallengeProgramentail? llhe ChallengePrograrn consistsof a graduatedseriesof group-orientedactivities. The day beginswith r,varm-foundations lip activities and games designed to help students get to know each other apd build' for 'r'v;rkingtcgefher. As the day progressesgroupswill be presenteclwith more difficult and comp)exchallenges. Croup membersthen work togetherto set goals,determineroles, and develop strategiesfor soiving eachtisk, Activities range from 'simple' ball tossing activities to more complex challengesinvolving'iarger and sorneiirnesfanciful props such as ropes,boardsand cables,Most activitiestake placJat ground leirel;h"ovr.,eyer, sorne solutions may require some grouP membersto be anywhere behveen2 and 1-Zfeet off the gro.rr1d. I'{iratever the acfivify, it is important to rememberthat the real focus of the d.ayis on working togetfieras a te,1m. Will studentsbe required to do the activities? At Challenge Program, we abide by a ChallengeBy Choice philosophy which enablesshrdents to lh9 participatein the marmer that is most appropriatefor him or her. Partilipation is importanq however,there;ire many ways Jor sfudents to bb involved, This migtrt mean participating in the planning and strategizinganJ n( t,necessarilythe physical action. Utilizing he Challenge by Choicephilosophy illo.s to bi invilvea "i,*ryor,. and to challengethemselves, but at theirown pace. l4/hatwill studentsgain from participatingin this program? B,r lvolking through the various tasks,studentslearn more about themselvesand their capabilities. With ihe enrphasison efforl, not accomplishmenf,participants can strive for improvement without r:isking failure. FLirthermore,by building supportive groups throughout the clay,stnd.entshave the chanceto discove-r hidclen stlengthsand quaiitiesthat can be appliedto otheraspectsof their lives. hr order for your stucleirt's experier rce to be assuccessfulas possible,pleaserevien' the following information with him/her. To the student, Dr-rringyour participation in the ChallengeProgram,we ask ihat you work foward a set of goals that includes saie fun, working- together,taking careof youself and others,chailengingyourself and givi*ng100%effort. In orler to create the best experiencefor everyone,lve ask that you alio agree to qpf,olcl iertain program shrndards. Theseinclude following ail safetyguidelines provided by instruclors, using equiprnentotriy"*rti, ProPer superr-ision,and ietting instructorsknow your concemsand need,s,Fu::ther,we tumi1d you to dress appropriatelyfor the program. Fteasercfer to tne r l. We are senous about safely in all activities. We expectyou to be seriousabout safef also-- by following itrritrucfions, and using-goodjudgment. To emphasizethesepoints,we askthat you anclyour parentread,si3i and refum to us the Releaseof Liability Form and the Medical Information Form includ"d in tpis packet. We.are glad that you are participating in the ChallengeProgram, and thank you for the effort you'Il put into making youl program a rewarding experience, Sincerely, John Univ - TeamCirallenge S:rrCerlt lv, Dir-ector of N4ichiganChallenge Program theck List for your day at the ChallenseProgram Tlre ChallengeProgramtakesplaceoutsideregardlessoftheweathei. Pleasedressappropriately.It is betterto havetoo much clothingthanto be cold andwet. Recommendedclothing and otheritems to bring to the program: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ comfortableclosed-tog shoesor sneakers extra socks (recommendedfor morning dew or rain) walkingshorts,long pantsor sweats T-shirt or long-sleevedshirt raincoatin wet weather suapfor glasses/sunglasses hat andsunscreen as needed insectrepellent lunchand/orsnacksand lots ofthem (we havea refrigeratorand microwaveavailable) eatprior to your program;it's an aclivity day that requiresenergy! camerasare optional, but'ivelconre(a greatway to rememberyour dayl) During cooVcoltlweather, "Dresslike an onion." Wearlayers,as thesearemore versatilethana heavycoal _ _ _ _ * sweaters(pile or wool - srveatshirts areOK, but cottonabsorbswate4and doesnot keepyou warm if it getswet) rvarrnhat glovesor rnittens warm socks,wool (we suggestbringing an extrapair also) waterproofboots coat,shel.l,or winctbreaker Pleaseleavetlle fbllowing iterns at home or in your vehicle: _ jewelry (particularlylargestonedrings or danglyearringsandnecklaces), _ beltswith largebuckles _ sharpconrbs _ wrist watches _ walletsandpurses -*pagers andcell phones If you.brhry anyof tlrcseitems,you vvill be askedto take them to yotu^veldclc dutringtheprogram ar we can lock themin a cabinet in the ChallengeProgramfacility, Note: Weare not respotzsibleforany lost itenrs, Shoutdyou needto give anyonean emergencycontactphonenumberfor reachingyou duringyour time at the ChallengeProgram,the appropriatenumberis (734) 998-6766, The ChallengeProgramstaff goes.tog:eatlengthsto provicleyou with a safe,excitingandrewardingexperience. By bringing the recommendedclothing and other items to your program,you rvili be well preparedto have a comfortableandenjoyableday. If you haveany questionsabout dressingappropriatelyfor a day outcloors,feel free io contactthe Challenge Program,your 1ocaloutdoor store,or Bivouac Quality Outdoor Clothing and EquipmenLat (734) 761-6207.