Bokmakierie - Wits Bird Club
Bokmakierie - Wits Bird Club
Bokmakierie Newsletter of the Witwatersrand Bird Club No 242 D C LU B ND RA BI R ITWATERS W April 2015 BirdLife SOUTH AFRICA Giving Conservation Wings Ernst Retief, Regional Conservation Manager BLSA, received the beaded Bearded Vulture award at the 2015 AGM - photo by Lia Steen Barbi Forsyth receiving the Diamond award at the AGMphoto by Lia Steen WITWATERSRAND BIRD CLUB P O Box 641 Cresta 2118 Tel: 011 782 7267 Fax: 086 512 7696 Email: [email protected] Web: ISSUE NO 242 APRIL 2015 Inside this issue: 30 Birding in the Hawaan Forest by Anthony Cavanagh 2 Letter from the Chair 3 A Murder of Crows by Arjan Amur 5 Pied Crows are Brill by Leslie Cornish 6 Jy kan help om aasvoëls van uitwissing te red deur VulPro 32 Rare pipits return following rat eradication on South Georgia – Wildlife Extra 34 Birding by calls by Peter and Sandra Greaves 8 An Anecdote on Ringing by Arie Wlliams 8 A Nesting Log in Waverley by Freda Kirschner A Christmas Holiday in Germany by Anthony Cavanagh 9 13 14 16 36 Nylsvley 2015 Woodland Census, 16th Year by Warwick Tarboton 38 Rarities and unusual sightings report: December 2014 compiled by André Marx 2015 Committee: South Africa’s Favourite Bird by Mark Anderson Counting Birds by Rolf Wiesler Honorary President Lance Robinson Chairman Andy Featherstone Letter to the Editor and John Campbell’s Observations on Birds in 1820 by Desmond Cole Vice-Chairman Treasurer Lia Steen Leanne Webster Courses Janice Isom Conservation Lance Robinson Evening Meetings Lia Steen Website Thinie v d Merwe Programme Ginny Mes Club Secretary Lauraine Leigh 20 Trackers show Vultures on decline by Kamcilla Pillay 23 Carrion Crows in Spain thrive when they have a cuckoo in the nest Wildlife Extra 25 Four Tswana bird tales by Desmond Cole 29 Extracts from the Korsman Conservancy Member’s Newsletter February 2015 Cover Photo: Blue Crane Chick by Albert Froneman Cover Design: Philip Tarboton 1 Letter From The Chair Lia Steen will be this year’s Vice-Chairman. Murrie Slotar was given a warm farewell at the Marievale outing and braai organised in her honour. As a parting gift Murrie was given an original painting of a Bokmakierie by Graeme Arnott. We wish her all the best in her new life in Durban. Thank you Barbi Forsyth, Ginny Mes and Lance Robinson for all the hard work in organising and catering for the day. Dear Members, Although it seems a long time ago, I trust everyone had a relaxing break over the holiday period and perhaps managed to fit in a little birding activity of some kind. I had family visiting from the UK and we spent a very enjoyable week in Cape Town in early January with the obligatory visit to the penguins for the visitors. Whilst at the penguin colony in Betty’s Bay we witnessed the release of a number of young fledglings that had been rescued from parents who had stopped feeding them due to the onset of their moult. It seems that when penguins breed late in the season there is a danger of this happening and these young birds would normally die. As many of you are aware we decided to try a new venue for our evening meetings and held our first one at St Stithian’s School. The security and parking are much supirior to Delta Park which has sadly been a little neglected of late. There will be challenges to overcome at St Stithians but I would like to urge you to come and try the venue and see what it is like. It was not ideal changing during the course of our first Programme and this led to some people going to the wrong venue despite it being widely publisized in our Weekly Reminder. For those of you who were affested by this, please accept my apologies. As our 2015 Calendar Competition proved popular and the calendar well received, we have decided to run another competition this year for a 2016 version. So all you budding Albert Fronemans dust of your cameras and start snapping!, Full details of the competition will be circulated shortly. It is always interesting to receive letters and articles from our members and it was a real pleasure to recieve two submissions from one of our elder statesmen, Desmond Cole. A recent new member to the club is cartoonist Alastair Findlay who has sent in an example of his humour. Keep them coming everybody! The AGM has been and gone and the 2015 Committee duly elected. Janice Isom and Thinie van Der Mewre have joined the Committee taking over the courses and website portfolios respectively. Lance Robinson was duly elected as Honorary President taking over from Murrie Slotar and Andy Featherstone 2 A Murder of Crows? eating their defenceless chicks,” said study co-author Dr Arjun Amar [note 2] from the Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology [note 3]. “Although this predation is entirely natural, these observations can be upsetting to witness and often leave people wondering if these predators might be reducing bird numbers.” By Dr Arjun Amar “Our review suggests that we should be cautious before jumping to conclusions over the impacts these species may have. Just because a predator eats something occasionally does not always mean that they have an impact,” Dr Amar said. However, he cautioned that there was no information for the southern hemisphere, where songbirds raise fewer chicks each year. Pied Crow The Pied Crow population has increased in many parts of South Africa, and with this increase has come concern over their potential impact on other native wildlife. The study, the first of its kind, reviewed all published evidence on whether predation by corvids actually reduces the overall breeding performance of birds or, more importantly from a conservation perspective, reduces their numbers. Data were collated from 42 studies of corvid predation conducted in Europe and North America over the last sixty years. A new study by researchers at the University of Cape Town suggests that, at least for bird species, the unpopular crow may not be as big a menace as people think. Their review found that crows – along with their avian cousins the Eurasian Magpie and Northern Raven – have surprisingly little impact on the abundance of other bird species. Not only were corvids unlikely to have any impact on their potential prey species, if there was an impact it most often affected the breeding success of the prey species rather than their subsequent numbers. Half of cases found that corvids reduced breeding success whereas less than 10% found that they reduced prey numbers in the long term. Collectively known as corvids, these birds are in fact being menaced by mankind in the mistaken belief that removing them is good for conservation. Published this week in the leading ornithological journal Ibis (note 1), the study found that in the vast majority of cases (82 percent), corvids had no impact at all on their potential prey species. The review analysed the impact of six corvid species on prey species including gamebirds, songbirds, waders, herons, cranes, sea birds, waterfowl and raptors. The 42 studies used in the review included 326 cases of corvid–bird prey interaction The impacts “Many nature lovers have been distressed to witness a crow or magpie raiding the nests of songbirds, stealing their eggs or 3 were determined partly by comparing bird counts before and after corvids were either removed or their numbers reduced. 3. The Percy FitzPatrick Institute for African Ornithology is a research institute situated in the Biological Sciences Department of Cape Town University. It is one of the world’s leading ornithological research institutes and is a South African Department of Science and Technology-National Research Foundation Centre of Excellence. Mistaken assumptions about corvid predation were possibly explained by the birds’ diurnal nature and the fact that they are conspicuous nest predators: “Their importance in prey population regulation is often assumed prior to any assessment of the evidence,” the study warned. 4. Chrissie Madden is the lead author of the paper. The research was undertaken as part of her Conservation Biology Masters research at the University of Cape Town. Chrissie Madden [note 4], the lead author on the paper, hoped that the review would challenge the perception that all corvids were bad, thereby preventing needless killing: “Our results suggest that this is a mistaken belief and that generally speaking people would be wasting their time killing corvids to increase the numbers of other bird species”. • The full paper is freely available via open access.The full reference for the paper is: Madden, C.F., Arroyo, B. & Amar, A. (in press) A review of the impact of corvids on bird productivity and abundance, Ibis. doi: 10.1111/ibi.12223 Editor’s notes: 1. The Ibis is a peer reviewed scientific journal published by the British Ornithological Union. It has been published since 1859 and is one of the highest ranked international Ornithological journals in the world. • journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291474-919X/ earlyview DEADLINE FOR AUGUST 2015 ISSUE - 1st JULY 2015 2. Dr Arjun Amar is a Senior Lecturer at the Percy FitzPatrick Institute and was the lead supervisor of this research project. Dr Amar has previously worked for both the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (UK BirdLife partner), the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (UK NGO), and the US Fish and Wildlife Service, where he worked on a critically endangered species of crow (the Mariana Crow on the Pacific island of Rota, CNMI). http://www. Contributions, addressed to the Editor, can be: E-mailed to: [email protected] Posted to: The Editor, Witwatersrand Bird Club, P O Box 641, Cresta, 2118 Delivered to: Delta Environmental Centre, Road No 3, Victory Park Faxed to: 086 512 7696 4 Pied Crows are Brill! Text and Photos by Leslie Cornish Ignore the bad press that Pied Crows get in that they eat passerine nestlings…. (well, they do, but only a bit…) They are actually wonderful and exciting to watch. When I was in Pilanesberg in December 2014, I saw a Pied Crow flapping about somewhat clumsily fairly low in a tree. I thought it was collecting nesting material straight from the tree, as I have seen before in Pilanesberg. When I looked more closely, I saw it was a young bird, because it still had the pinkish gape, and also some slight mottling in the plumage. Even more interestingly, it had a twig in its bill, and as I waited, it appeared to be using it to probe on the bark. It seemed pretty dexterous in this, although I did not see it actually catch anything. Unfortunately, this did not continue for long, because one of the parents arrived within a couple of minutes, and fed it. I lost sight of what happened to the twig, and the young crow was more interested in food. Soon after, the other parent arrived, and also fed the youngster. I wanted to stay and watch more twig activity, but alas, my radio called me and I had to go and monitor a leopard sighting…. Now was the crow just experimenting and was what I saw just random? Or was it actually using a tool? It certainly looked like a purposeful use of a twig, and since I could only watch for a few minutes, it is probably no surprise I did not see it actually spear a grub. But then, how many people have seen an Osprey or an African Fish Eagle actually catch a fish? The young Pied Crow was holding the twig as though it means business. The Pied Crow was trying to using the twig to probe against the bark. Distraction! A parent arrived with food, and the twig was apparently forgotten. the twig to probe against the bark. 5 Jy kan help om aasvoëls van uitwissing te red tal plaas by die kleiner (11-22kV) houtpale soos T-strukture, ‘Wish-bone’-Strukture en ‘staggered-vertical’ pale. Eskom is veronderstel om die strukture te verander as dit blyk dat dit wildlewe doodmaak, maar omdat hierdie kragpale dikwels in verafgeleë plekke voorkom word sulke gevalle gewoonlik nie aangemeld nie en die slagoffers se oorskot verdwyn voordat iets agtergekom word. Dit word gesê dat jakkalse geleer het om gereëld kragdrade te patolleer vir karkasse. Grondeienaars word aangemoedig om hulle oë oop te hou naby kragdrade, selfs al is daar nie noodwendig aasvoëls in hulle nabye omgewing nie. Personeel kan ook aangemoedig word om bewus te raak van die probleem en gevalle te rapporteer, wat hulle normaalweg dalk nie sou doen nie. Om sulke gevalle direk by Eskom te rapporteer is dikwels moeilik en oneffektief, maar as die inligting deurgestuur word na Vulpro (of een van hulle bewaringsvenote), kan hulle die saak deur die regte kanale aanmeld en positiewe reaksie kry. Dit is soms moeilik vir ‘n grondeienaar om te weet wat hy as individu kan doen om ‘n bedreigde spesie te help bewaar. Hier is ‘n paar aanbevelings wat dalk net die verskil kan maak tussen die uitwissing en die oorlewing van aasvoëls in Afrika. Aasvoëls speel ‘n wesenlike rol in die ekosisteem – selfs op moderne plase help hulle om die omgewing skoon te hou, vry van siektes en ‘n broeiplek vir vlieë te verhoed. Terselfdertyd bespaar grondeienaars deurdat dit nie nodig is om karkasse van vee wat aan siektes of ander oorsake dood is, te laat verwyder nie. Aasvoëls eet kos wat andersins jakkalse en rondloperhonde na die plaas kon lok; dis dus ‘n wenwen situasie vir die boer. Ongelukkig sal aasvoëls dalk nie baie langer met ons wees nie; die baie bedreigings wat hulle deedae in die gesig staar het tot ‘n drastiese vermindering in hulle getalle gelei. Botsings met kragdrade word meer algemeen aangetref by groter strukture en medium- tot hoë-volt drade, veral as daar grond-drade bokant die fase is. In hoë-risiko gebiede kan Eskom flappe of spirale aan die drade aanbring sodat die voëls die drade makliker kan raaksien, maar sulke plekke moet eers geϊdentifiseer word. Aasvoëls oorleef dikwels hierdie botsings, maar kan dan nie weer vlieg nie, as gevolg van ‘n gebreekte vlerk of ander beenbreuk. Hulle kan selfs weke oorleeef en etlike kilometers stap maar is natuurlik dan baie blootgestel aan predatore en sterf uiteindelik as gevolg van hierdie predatore, beserings, en ‘n gebrek aan kos en water. As sulke aasvoëls betyds opgespoor word, kan hulle soms gerehabiliteer en Die grootste probleme is: • • • • • • Elektrokusie deur kragdrade Botsingsmetkragdrade Toevalligevergiftiging Vergiftigingdeurstropers Moeti Verdrinkinginplaasdamme Hoe jy kan help: Raak bewus - dink vooruit aan die gevolge van handelinge wat skynbaar skadeloos lyk. Elektrokusie deur kragdrade vind mees6 is onlangs vervolg as gevolg van sulke optredes. Dit sal almal baat as alternatiewe metodes gebruik word. weer vrygelaat word. Wees dus altyd op die uitkyk vir grondgebonde aasvoëls, veral as daar onlangs aasvoëls in die omgewing opgemerk is. Verskaf asb die inligting dadelik aan Vulpro sodat hulle kan optree. Opsetlike vergiftiging kom voor as stropers diere moedswillig vergiftig omdat hulle nie wil hê hulle bedrywighede moet owerhede se aandag trek omdat aasvoëls na die karkas gelok word nie. Moeti-handel veroorsaak dat sulke dooie aasvoëls op moeti-markte verkoop word vir ekstra inkomste. Soms word aasvoëls direk vergifting vir moeti-handel. Een van die belangrikste dinge wat gedoen kan word as‘n vee of wild karkas naby ‘n kraglyn ontdek word, is om die karkas sover as moontlik van die kraglyn af te verwyder – ‘n oop stuk veld, met ‘n boom naby vir die aasvoëls om op te land, is ideal, en so kan die voels veilig te werk gaan om die veld skoon te hou. Omdat aasvoëls elke dag water moet drink soek hulle water na voedings. Hulle verdrink dikwels in plaasdamme, veral as damme nie tot bo vol is nie. Dit kan maklik verhoed word deur ‘n struktuur in die dam te plaas wat as leer gebruik kan word om uit te klim as hulle in die water sou beland. Die reservoir kan met ‘n net toegespan word as ‘n ander waterpunt bereikbaar is of verskaf kan word. Toevallige vergiftiging Daar is twee soorte toevallige vergiftiging: Die een soort word veroorsaak deur veeartseny-medikasie soos nie-steriode anti-inflammatoriese middels (NSAIDs). Aasvoëls is besonder sensitief vir NSAIDs en selfs ‘n klein dosis kan ‘n aasvoëls binne ‘n dag of twee laat doodgaan. Daar is tans net een NSAID wat veilig is vir aasvoels, en dit is dus belangrik om oor te skakel na die veilige middel; Meloxicam ( ook bekend as: Metacam, Petcam, Mobic, Coxflam, Adco-Meloxicam, Arthrocox, Flexocam, Loxiflam, M-cam, Melflam, Sandoz-Meloxicam en Zydus Meloxicam), eerder as om te wonder of ‘n karkas veilig is of nie. Ander skadelike middels is wild-vang- middels soos M99, narkotiese middels (IV medikasie of gas) en kalmeermiddels wat gebruik word om diere te vervoer Vulpro is reeds vanaf 2007 aktief. Dit is ‘n organisasie wat toegewy is aan die bewaring van aasvoëls in Afrika en oor die wereld. Vulpro se basis is in Hartbeespoort, maar hulle gee aandag aan vergiftigings, kragdraadbeserings en ander probleme oor die hele Suid-Afrika. Hulle sorg vir die gaan haal, rehabilitasie en vrylating van meer as vyftig aasvoëls jaarliks en behartig die enigste teelprogram van aasvoëls in gevangenskap vir latere vrylating. Hulle doen ook navorsing op wilde aasvoëlbevolkings en die effek van veeartsenymiddels op sulke populasies. Die ander soort toevallige vergiftiging is as die teiken van die gif probleemdiere soos jakklase, rondloperhonde, hiënas, ens. is. ‘n Vergiftigde karkas kan meer as 600 aasvoëls op een slag doodmaak. Die gebruik van gif om probleemdiere uit te roei is onwettig in Suid-Afrika en ‘n hele paar boere Meer inligting is beskikbaar op VulPro se webtuiste Kontak Walter Neser by 076 593 9849 of email vir Kerri Wolter by kerri.wolter@ 7 An Anecdote on Ringing A Nesting Log in Waverley By Arie Wlliams By Freda Kirschner I have just spent a wonderful afternoon with Steve Brains from Namibia, I received a birthday gift of a Nesting Log in January, which was put up in a prominent position in a Celtis Africana tree facing our patio in Waverley. He was one of the first to teach Lyn and I how to Catch raptors . Here are a few incidents to share with you. A week later, Black collared barbets started pecking away , and it soon became obvious that eggs had been laid in the hollowed nest. There was a ringer on his own, (a big No when you catch raptors) and he caught a raptor on the Balchatri , He managed to remove the raptor from the trap and was busy putting a ring on the Tarsus when, one of the raptors legs wriggled out of his hand and lodged very firmly through his palm . Not wanting to lose the bird, legs in one hand, claw through the other, what was he to do, birders have brains, he bent down to the legs and decided to remove the talon from his hand with his teeth, the raptor was not going to put up with this and latched onto his nose with his/ her beak, can you imagine this, nose and hands well occupied with the raptor and imagine eye to eye with an eagle. We worked out the possible time of hatching, but long before that time, while sitting and reading on the patio, I became aware of a large bird flying across the lawn. I grabbed my binoculars ,and raced across the lawn to discover an immature African Harrier Hawk in a Camphor tree. It stayed there for a short while before flying off. It was obvious that, while I was immersed in my book ,it had taken the bird sitting in the nesting log. The mate arrived briefly the following day and then flew away, never to be seen again. Happily, now weeks later, Crested Barbets have taken over, and we are hoping for a happy end, and the appearance of chicks soon. The outcome of the saga was eventually the talons were released the bird was with a ring in place, the ringer had a sore nose a sore hand and a battered pride. We were amazed to see the African Harrier Hawk, having seen one (a mature adult) only once before in our garden about two years ago. It landed in a tree and almost immediately flew off. What we do to capture data for the sciences. Listen to all, plucking a feather from every passing goose, but, follow no one absolutely. (Chinese Proverb) 8 A Christmas Holiday in Germany where the Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas market) stalls invitingly displayed a wide variety of yuletide fare. Sue and I were spending a week in Germany prior to visiting family in England for Christmas, and were staying at a very comfortable timeshare flat in Gemund, a small village in the Federal state of North-Rhine Westphalia and not far from the border with Belgium. Our timeshare unit overlooked green fields where hikers could often be seen strolling across the rural countryside and further afield the dense woodlands of the Eifel National Park stretched away into the far distance. Many of the houses in the village were built in a traditional style that resembled English Tudor and the town square in the centre of the village had numerous pubs and taverns decorated attractively for the festive season. Needless to say we did our best to sample the many different beers and wines that Germany has to offer. Text and Photos by Anthony Cavanagh The temperature was a rather chilly 5dC and underfoot the fallen leaves covered the path through the forest, creating a multifaceted brown-hued carpet that rustled with our every footstep. The bare oak and beech trees, many with lichen on the bark, grew straight and tall and although densely wooded, the leafless foliage enabled us to see through the forest to the village of Gemund situated a half kilometer away on the opposite bank of the Urft river. We continued our walk through the Eifel National Park for another kilometer Walking in the Eifel Forest and then made our way down to the Urft, crossing it via one of the numerous footbridges. A pair of Mallards paddled their way quietly along the stream and just ahead of us a Dipper suddenly flew into sight and promptly dived into the water. It re-emerged a few seconds later a little further upstream and continued diving and reappearing in its quest to find a small morsel of food. We walked along the riverbank almost to the end of the village and then turned towards the main street Monschau Monschau is a quaint medieval town some twenty minutes by road from Gemund and only five km from the Belgian border. Sue and I drove there in our hired car, a VW polo automatic, and parked in one of the designated parking areas, as traffic is restricted in the town centre. The narrow cobble stone streets of the old town were decorated with Christmas lights and 9 of training selected party officials but is now a conference venue and tourist attraction. The bullet riddled sculpture of the torchbearer personifying the National Socialist ideal of the Herrenvolk stands as a painful reminder of that tragic time. lined on both sides by Tudor style three story buildings. The ground floor shops displayed Christmas fare and German delicacies, and the whole scene had a Victorian Dickens feel to it lacking only Tiny Tim. The Weihnachtsmarkt stalls also added to the festive spirit. The Rur river runs through the town and a hotel and a number of houses are built on an island formed where the river splits near the main street. Some of the houses extend by a meter over the riverbank and look rather precarious but have nevertheless stood firm for a few hundred years. Footbridges connect these dwellings to the town. We left Monschau and drove past a field of wind driven turbines their three bladed props turning slowly but steadily, and made our way back to Gemund. Cologne Christmas market The next day we drove from Gemund on to the A1 highway (all the roads were excellent) and north for approx. 100km to Cologne. We followed the road signs to the city centre and could see the cathedral clearly against the skyline. The Rhine river came into view and barges and other watercraft plowed their way along its very wide expanse. We were not sure of the exact route to the cathedral but kept it in sight and found our way to an underground car park. We walked up the steps to ground level and came out on the square immediately in front of the Cathedral. This imposing structure was for a time the tallest building in the world when it was finally completed in 1880. (Initial work started in 1248 and was halted in 1473) The Gothic style architecture, with its intricate stonework and multiple arches, is magnificent and the stained glass windows all depicting different biblical scenes are true works of art. Outside the cathedral there were rows of gaily decorated Weihnachtsmarkt stalls selling all sorts of The fields adjacent to the forest in front of our flat supported a variety of winter birdlife and on our numerous walks we noted flocks of Yellowhammers, Greenfinch, Tree Sparrows and Fieldfare, Great Tits, Blackbirds, Woodpigeon, Jays, Crows and Magpies by the dozen. Woodpigeon The Eifel National Park has one of the few Nazi built complexes still standing. Vogelsang was built in 1937 for the sole purpose 10 confectioneries, meats, wines, breads and Christmas gifts. Gluhwein was a popular beverage and helped keep out the cold. The superbly moulded stein ceramic mugs depicting mainly the cathedral and the Rhine river, came in all sizes and I bought a medium sized one to add to my collection. to car traffic and pedestrians strolled unconcerned around the very clean and tidy pavements. Trees were decorated with Christmas lights and the city was celebrating the festive season in typical German tradition. The dozens of market stalls were extremely busy, in particular the gluhwein stalls that always had no shortage of patrons. Sue bought stollen the traditional Christmas fruitcake and there were plenty of other items that we’d liked to have bought but space and weight are always a critical factor when one is flying. The wildlife park at Hellenthal, a town just south of Gemund has a bird of prey compound and offers a daily raptor flight show. Nothing compares with seeing birds flying free in their natural habitat, however the wildlife park does offer sanctuary to injured birds and gives one the opportunity of seeing close up, European birds that one may never otherwise see. The Eagle Owl and Golden Eagle were two of the birds that demonstrated their impressive skills during the flight show. After a few hours strolling around the Weihnachtsmarkt stalls and the nearby shopping malls we caught the train back to the airport for our London flight. Christmas in Germany is a special time and makes for a very memorable experience. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATION MarkDaynes Dr PF Hawke Snowy Owl - Hellenthal Bird Sanctuary Christel Hengst David Jenkins Our week in Germany seemed to go by so quickly and the time came for us to leave Gemund and drive to Frankfurt about three hours away, for our flight to London. JimMcLuskie GinnyMes ValOdendaal We arrived at the airport well in time for our flight and after returning the hired car we put our cases into storage and bought day pass train tickets at the tourist information counter. The trains run every few minutes and we boarded one into the Frankfurt city centre. The area was closed Brian Phillips Howard Rayner Billy van Eck 11 FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO MAY HAVE MISSED THE PHOTOGRAPHS THAT APPEARED IN MARCH 2015 OF A WEASEL THAT HITCHED A RIDE ON THE BACK OF A GREEN WOODPECKER IN HORNCHURCH, ESSEX, ENGLAND - TRUE OR PHOTOSHOPPED? - OPINIONS SEEM TO BE DIVIDED Photos by Martin Le-May 12 South Africa’s Favourite Bird rot, African Fish-Eagle, Woodland Kingfisher and African Penguin. The Marabou Stork, perhaps not our prettiest bird, only received nine votes. BirdLife South Africa shortlisted 52 bird species, of the country’s incredible 846, for this poll. A number of celebrities, sportspeople and organisations campaigned for their favourite birds. GardenShop campaigned for the Cape Robin-Chat.The chicken received no votes because, in this poll, “chickens did not count”. By Mark Anderson ChiefExecutiveOfficer Regards Mark Anderson Dear friends and colleagues South Africa’s Favourite Bird is the Cape Robin-Chat. During the past three months, in an online poll, almost 10 000 people voted for their favourite bird. 11.5% of the votes were for the Cape Robin-Chat, a popular garden bird. The other favourite birds, in order of popularity, were the Cape Par- BIRDLIFE SOUTH AFRICA’S “VOTE FOR SOUTH AFRICA’S FAVOURITE BIRD” POLL SPECIES CAMPAIGNER NO OF VOTES % OF VOTES Cape Robin-chat Garden Shop 1,120 11.5% Cape Parrot Cape Parrot Projects 1,026 10.5% African Fish-Eagle John Robbie 866 8.9% Woodland Kingfisher Isak Pretorius & Warwick 821 8.4% Tarboton African Penguin Ofentse Makonya & Pamele 565 5.8% Isdell Secretarybird Chartered Secretaries Southern 521 5.3% Africa Southern GroundMabula Ground Hornbill Project 440 4.5% Hornbill African Hoopoe Continental 338 3.5% Wandering AlbaTrevor Hardaker 309 3.2% tross Blue Crane Endangered Wildlife Trust 289 3.0% Top 10 results only shown, for full results go to BirdLife SA’s website 13 Counting Birds arranged by the Honorary Rangers. We had to count all species seen in a radius of 50km around Punda Maria. We were divided into four teams and each team had an expert - Christopher, Allan, Dylan and Lance, to guide the formal activities. Text by Rolf Wiesler, photos by Karen Wiesler February seemed to be our month for counting birds…. The two “special sightings” around which drives were arranged were both successful: First we attended the 16th Nylsvley Woodland Bird Census, which is sponsored by Wits Bird Club. On Saturday 14 February, 57 birders set out in drizzly weather for the official census which ran from 06h00 until 08h00 along 18 set routs. Strangely it rained on the way to our destinations, stopped during the count and then started raining again after – a perfect example how birders can arrange anything! A total of 135 species was recorded in the two hours, including four species recorded for the first time in 16 years of censusing – Lanner Falcon, Long-tailed Paradise Whydah, Cuckoo Finch and Pied Crow. Over the same weekend there was a 24 hour count which ran from Friday, 17h00 to Saturday, 17h00. A record breaking 219 species were listed during this count. • A late afternoon/sunset drive gave us views of Grey-headed Parrots and Pennant-winged Nightjars. • A very early morning drive took us to the Luvuvhu River Bridge for the dawn chorus and views of a Pel’s Fishing Owl. Although the Pel’s was very obliging and we all got great views, it was sitting with the rising sun directly behind him, so was not as accommodating from a photographic point of view! The highlight of my weekend was getting a photographic “lifer” in the form of Bushveld Pipits. Continuing with the “counting” month, on 20-22 February we joined members of the Wits Bird Club at Punda Maria, Kruger National Park for a birding weekend There were a number of carcases of zebra and impala in the area which attracted a lot of vultures (although they were so full they were just hanging about in the trees). The reason for all the deaths was due to an outbreak of anthrax in the Pafuri area. It was interesting to hear that although anthrax is a serious and highly contagious disease it is not considered all that serious in the greater ecological expanse of the Kruger National Park. 14 Some of my highlights included a couple of Arnot’s Chats and a Dickinson’s Kestrel as well as a herd of elephants cavorting in a waterhole. BEWARE! Please pay your membership fees by Electronic Transfer, or at the local branch of your bank, as posted cheques are being intercepted in the post and used for Cheque Fraud. If this happens to you your membership payment is lost! Overall and excellent weekend which was very professionally organised and expertly catered! 15 Letter to the Editor but Naureen and I are unfortunately no longer able to participate in field outings nor evening meetings. I have a few short Tswana folk-tales about birds, with translations into English, which I could send you if you are interested. Wishing you everything of the best for yourself and all your assistants for the New Year, It’s always interesting to receive letters from members whether supportive, critical or of general interest. The follwoing letter was received from Desmond Cole regarding the late John Bunning and an article which he had sent him for publication whilst John was Editor of Bokmakierie. I am reproducing both letter and article and would welcome answers to Desmond’s question at the end of his letter: Yours sincerely, Desmond T. Cole Dear Sir, Professor Emeritus I had hoped to write this note some months ago, but my printer suddenly stopped working and it was two months before I was informed that it could not be repaired and that I needed to buy a new one. Note from Editor: Lauraine has obtained copies of the Tswana folk-tales which we have published later in this edition of Bokmakierie John Campbell’s Observations on Birds in 1820 Almost a year ago I received Bokmalderie, 239, April 2014, and noted with sadness the obituary of L. John Bunning. That reminded me that I had submitted a few articles to John when he was Editor, in June 2001. The one that interested me particularly was ‘John Campbell’s observations on birds in 1820’; for some reason John Bunning published only the first page or a little more of the article; the rest has never appeared. By Desmond Cole 10 [2, 124], commencing ‘Near midnight a bird ...’. Some five years ago I had occasion to read the Rev. John Campbell’s two-volume work on his Travels in South Africa, and while doing so extracted his relatively few but quite interesting references to birds. He was a member of the London Missionary Society and had been requested to journey to ‘Kurreechane’, known to birders as ‘Kurrichane’, which in the Tswana language of Botswana, North West Province and adjacent areas, is correctly Kaditshwene. He was one of the first Europeans to visit that area, having been preceded only by a few big-game hunters. The next person of note to visit the area was Dr Andrew Smith, some fifteen years later. Incidentally, at age 92+, I read all issues of the Bokmalderie with great interest, Campbell’s chronicle ofhis travels makes very interesting reading, including some I am now offering the article again with this letter. I would be particularly interested if any readers of Bokmalderie could suggest what bird is mentioned in the penultimate paragraph enclosed - 16 in my former journal. [This refers to his first expedition to South Africa]. My Hottentot driver, not having seen such nests before, jumped from the waggon to examine them. He soon returned, and said that one ofthem had eighteen holes by which the birds entered. [April 1820, Meribohwhey]’. These were no doubt the nests of the Sociable Weaver, Philetairus socius, R800. The place-name ‘Meribohwhey’ almost certainly refers to the vicinity of Madibogo [Tswana: Madibogo], midway between Vryburg and Mafikeng on the present-day railway-line. English usages which seem today, nearly two hundred years later, to be rather quaint. He had many pertinent comments to offer on all aspects of the country, its topography, fauna and flora. He was, for example, one of the first explorers in southern Africa to note that there were two distinct species of rhinoceros. The large-scale shooting of animals ‘for the pot’, not least, of hippos, is, to say the least, horrifying for wildlife-lovers today. However, it is his few comments on birds which are of greatest interest to us here. They are listed below with relevant volume and page numbers for those readers who may care to look up the notes in the original publication. 1. [Vol. 1, p. 8]. ‘It is reported, that in this part of the country the male of certain kinds of birds alone builds the nest. When he has finished the work, it is examined by the female; should it not please her, she tears it to pieces, and her obedient mate builds another. [3 Feb 1820, north of the Hex River Mountains]’. The reference is presumably to the Southern Masked Weaver, Ploceus velatus, R814. To the best of my knowledge, however, it is not the female which tears the unsatisfactory nest to pieces, but the male, before he sets about building another. Sosiable Weaver - photo by Warwick Tarboton 4. [1, 150-51]. ‘After breakfast I visited the lake, which appeared to be about five or six miles in circumference. The water was as salt as the sea.... About a hundred flamingoes stood in the water, near the place where we were, and smaller parties of them were scattered here and there, over the lake. They had a very singular appearance, as they remained almost motionless; and, from the great length of their legs, stood high out of the water. Occasionally they picked up something from the water, or the bottom, but I could not perceive what it was. They allowed us to approach very near, without discovering the smallest timidity. [April, Meribohwhey]’. From this note it is not possible, of course, 2. [1, 16]. ‘Passing a cliff we observed a projecting rock with a flat surface; on this lay what appeared a cart-load of dung carelessly tumbled down. My Hottentot informed me it was a hawk’s nest, and pointed out the entrance to it at the bottom which hung over the cliff. [Gamka River]’. Pretty certainly this was not a ‘hawk’s nest’ but that of a Hamerkop, Scopus umbretta, R81. 3. [1, 135]. ‘We passed two great nests on a tree similar to that which I have mentioned 17 The ‘Moloppo’ River is the Molopo, which constitutes a major part of the southern boundary between Botswana and South Africa. to determine which species of Flamingo Campbell saw there, the Greater, Phoenicopterus ruber, R96, or the Lesser, Phoeniconaias minor, R97. Possibly they were both there. The salt lake is presumably Madibogo Pan, to the west of south from the present-day Madibogo station. 8. [2, 95]. ‘... and travelled over red sand, amidst mimosas, on which we observed many of those large nests formerly mentioned, inhabited by a considerable number of birds. The smallest of these nests seemed larger than a sack of com. [June 1820, en route to Turreehey]’. Again the Social Weaver, Philetairus socius. The ‘mimosas’ are presumably Camel-thorn trees, Acacia erioloba, which are the trees preferred by Social Weavers in that part of the country, and not Acacia karoo, which are often misnamed ‘mimosa’ even today. I have not been able to identify the placename ‘Turreehey’. 5. [1, 170-71]. ‘In the valley I listened to the singing of a bird, whose notes resembled those of the Blackbird in England. This was a rare occurrence in southern Africa, where the greatest part of the birds are not musical, though clothed in the most splendid attire. [April 1820, Mashow]’. The bird may have been a thrush, either the Kurrichane [Kaditshwene], Turdus libonyana , R576, or the Olive, Turdus olivaceus, R577. I have not been able to identify the place-name ‘Mashow’; it was, presumably, to the north-east ofMadibogo. 9. [2, 96]. ‘... ascending a long rise between hills, beautified by many mimosa and stopa-while thorn trees. I had only observed the latter as bushes before, but here they were as large as the mimosa.... Not having, on my former journey, examined the inside of any ofthe large birds’ nests, and an opportunity of doing so occurring, we halted a short time for the purpose. We cut down the limb of a tree on which one of those nests was built. It was not suspended from the branch, but firmly attached to it. The nest was about the size of a hogshead, composed of strong, coarse straw, regularly thatched, the ends of the straw pointing downwards, so that no rain could possibly enter. It had eight holes in the bottom for admitting the birds; these did not lead to one general chamber in the middle, but each led to a distinct apartment which had no communication with the others. They were all lined with the soft downy heads of a particular species of grass well suited for the purpose. On dividing the nest across, 6. [1, 226]. ‘This morning only we learned that the name of the city was Kurreechane, and that Marootzee is the name of the nation, not ofthe town. [5 May 1820, having arrived 4 May]’. Campbell estimated the population of the ‘city ofKurreechane’ [Tswana: Kaditshwene] to be between fifteen and twenty thousand; the people there, the ‘Marootzee’, are the Bahurutshe, traditionally and ritually regarded as the ‘senior tribe’ of the Tswana people. 7. [1, 282]. ‘There is a brown bird, about the size of a thrush, called the rhinoceros’ bird, from its perching upon those animals and picking off the bush-lice which fix on him, and from which he has no means to extricate himself. This little creature performs the same kind service to the elephant. [May 1820, near the Moloppo River]’. One cannot be sure which species of Oxpecker Campbell saw; probably it was the Redbilled, Buphagus erythrorhynchus, R772. 18 the large mass above was found to be a solid body of straw, designed probably to prevent the admission of serpents or other noxious animals. [25 June 1820, approaching Turreehey]’. Campbell was clearly fascinated by the apartment-house nests of the Sociable Weavers - and who isn’t? Unfortunately the ‘admission of serpents’ is not always prevented by the design of the nests! The ‘stop-a-while thorn trees’ were no doubt Buffalo-thorn, Ziziphus mucronata, vide the Afrikaans common name ‘Wag-’n-bietjie’. the Common [formerly: Kurrichane] Buttonquail, Turnix sylvatica , R205, the Kurrichane Thrush, Turdus libonyana, R576, and the Rattling cisticola, Cisticola chiniana, R672, which are superbly depicted in colour in his Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa. The specific name of the Cisticola, chiniana, is derived from the name of the Tswenyane Hill, near Kaditshwene. By this time, alas, the prosperous ‘city of Kurreechane’ and its environs had been sacked and pillaged by envious neighbouring Tswana tribes, and other invaders from more distant areas to the south and southeast. References: Boeyens, J.C.A. & D.T. Cole. 1995. Kaditshwene: What’s in a name? Nomina africana, 9 (1) 1-40. [This contains a very extensive bibliography]. Sosiable Weaver Nest - photo by Warwick Tarboton John Campbell. 1822. Travels in South Africa, undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society; being a narrative of a second journey in the interior of that country. 2 vols. London: Francis Westley. 10. [2, 124]. ‘Near midnight a bird alighted on a tree opposite the tent, whose cry so much resembled the barking of a dog, that even the dogs themselves seemed deceived by it, and joined in full chorus. [30 June 1820, near Chopo, north of River Nokannan & Krooman]’. I am unable to identify this, as a night bird in mid-winter, and should be grateful for suggestions. The place-name ‘Chopo’ does not appear on any map available to me, nor is it possible to identify ‘Nokannan’ with any certainty, but they were possibly somewhere between Vryburg and ‘Krooman’, that is, Kuruman [Tswana: Kudumane]. Smith, Andrew. 1849. Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa: Aves. London: Smith, Elder & Co. PLEASE NOTE THAT OUR WEBSITE ADDRESS IS: AND THE EMAIL ADDRESS IS: [email protected] Some fifteen years after John Campbell visited Kaditshwene, Dr Andrew Smith travelled in that area and collected and named a number of birds. These included 19 Trackers show vultures on decline Town’s Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, Dr Sonja Krüger, Dr Robert Simmons, and Dr Arjun Amar examined the trend relating to the ‘Drakensberg Bone-Breaker’. By Kamcilla Pillay Note: This article is reproduced by kind permission of the Daily News The birds earned the nickname because of their habit of dropping bones from a height to feed off the marrow inside. Amar said that satellite trackers had been attached to 18 Bearded Vultures, revealing that collisions with power lines and poisoning were two major vulture hazards, killing half of the birds in the satellite tracking survey. Using aerospace technology to look at dwindling bearded vulture populations from afar has offered fresh perspectives on the contribution of human beings to the species’ steep decline. “Once widespread throughout much of Southern Africa, the species is now critically endangered, with a nearly 50 per cent reduction in nesting sites since the 1960s. (They are) now restricted to the Drakensberg mountains in Lesotho. In an academic paper titled ‘Anthropogenic activities influence the abandonment of Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) territories in southern Africa’ written by bird experts at the University of Cape Human factors have been pegged as the most harmful to the critically endangered BeardedVulture-photo by Sonja Krüger 20 Photo by Francesco Veronesi “But even in these isolated mountains the population continues to decline, due to human encroachment on nesting sites and feeding territory.” tus)’, also authored by Krüger, Amar and Dr Timothy Reid, data from the satellite trackers backed up the findings made in the other paper. Results, they said, also suggested that food abundance might influence the bird’s overall distribution, and that supplementary vulture-feeding schemes might be beneficial. “The trackers... provided critical information on movement patterns and mortality. “Tagging enabled dead birds to be recovered quickly and their cause of death determined... The tracking data also provided new information about the birds’ ranging behaviour.” The study concluded: “We recommend that mitigation of existing power lines, stricter scrutiny of development proposals, and proactive engagement with developers to influence the placement of structures is essential within the home range of a territorial pair.” They said some young non-breeding birds patrolled an area the size of Denmark, and the average adult bird had a home range of about 286km2. “The range was much smaller for breeding adults, at just 95km2.” In a second study conducted between 2007 and 2014, titled ‘Differential Range Use between Age Classes of Southern African Bearded Vultures (Gypaetus barba- Researchers used meat lures to capture the birds, which were then each fitted with 21 a 70g solar-powered tracker designed to relay detailed information every hour between 5am and 8pm, including GPS co-ordinates and flight speed. rates of the vultures in South Africa.” She said at the time that vultures played an important role in ecology, the economy and in culture. “The more they travel, the more they risk colliding with power lines or falling prey to poisoning,” said Amar. “They are scavengers, and by disposing of waste and carcasses they help control populations of other disease-carrying scavengers and pests. In this way they help protect human health, as well as that of domesticated animals and wildlife.” Plans for multiple wind farms in and around the highland regions of Lesotho, he explained, would likely place even more pressure on this vulnerable species, and might be “the final nail” in this species’ coffin. WEBSITE Last year, Birdlife South Africa, custodian of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Bird Species, globally uplisted the species from the ‘Least Concern’ category to ‘Near Threatened’. We apolgize for the temporary unavailability of the Wits Bird Club website. Unfortunately due to a maliceous hacking of the site we are having to rebuild it. The organisation said there were only 400 individuals and 100 breeding pairs remaining in the wild in South Africa (Free State, KZN and the Eastern Cape) and Lesotho (mainly restricted to the escarpment and Lesotho highlands). TONY NEWEY We recently received the news that Tony Newey passed away over the Christmasperiod.Manyofusremember him with great fondness as being one of the colourful characters of Wits Bird Club. He had been livingatMarlothParknearthe Kruger Park for some time and had not been an active member of WBC for quite a few years. If anybody has a photograph or two of Tony taken over the years and / or would like to relate any stories about the old days with Tony, please send the information to Lauraine, or directly to the Editor, and we will have a page or two in his honour in the August Bokmakierie. Dr Hanneline Smit-Robinson, terrestrial bird manager at the organisation, said South Africa and Lesotho shared the responsibility of safeguarding the populations of Bearded Vultures in the Lesotho Highlands and the surrounding escarpment of South Africa. “Birds do not observe political boundaries, and the populations span South Africa and Lesotho. Significant impacts on the birds in one country will spill over to its neighbour. We therefore believe that the project has a responsibility to respond to the threat that the proposed Letseng Wind Farm poses to populations of Bearded Vultures, as further declines of birds in Lesotho will severely impact the viability and survival 22 Carrion Crows in Spain thrive when they have a cuckoo in the nest olid in Spain, who led a study into the pros and cons associated with this particular parasitic relationship. Bolopo’s team filmed seven parasitised crow nests and six uninvaded ones in Northern Spain from the 2004 to the 2007 breeding seasons. A study in Spain has uncovered an interesting relationship between Carrion Crows and Great Spotted Cuckoos, reports Springer’s journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. Carrion Crow chicks derive benefits from having to share their nest, researchers have found When the cuckoos lay up to three eggs in the nests of the larger crows, the chicks of both species are often raised together successfully, with the young crows ultimately growing bigger than the cuckoos. They observed how intensely the various chicks begged for food, and how adult Carrion Crows responded to these hunger cries when deciding which chick to feed first. So it’s not so bad for crow chicks as it can be for other species of birds who find their nests taken over by a cuckoo youngster. The sampled parasitised nests contained between one to five crow chicks, as well as one cuckoo chick. When our Common Cuckoos utilise the nests of Reed Warblers, the growing cuckoo chick will push other eggs and chicks out of the nest. The observations revealed that the cuckoo chicks raised alongside the crow chicks were not able to monopolise the food being brought to the nest. When Great Spotted Cuckoos parasitise and take over Magpie nests, they do not evict the host’s young from the nest. They do, however, succeed in out-competing the magpie chicks for food, which often leads to the latter’s death. It appears that crow caregivers prefer to feed crow nestlings rather than cuckoo nestlings. The fact that cuckoo chicks begged more intensely than crow chicks balanced matters out so that the young ones of each species ultimately received an equal amount of food. Carrion Crow chicks, by contrast, sit back and wait for food to arrive while the cuckoo chick does all the begging, discovered Diana Bolopo of the University of Vallad23 “Despite a higher begging intensity, Great Spotted Cuckoos do not out-compete bigger Carrion Crow nestlings,” says Bolopo. She speculates that the cuckoo’s begging strategies are part of how it has evolved and adapted to a parasitic life in which it has to compete with either similar or larger-sized nest mates. “It might actually be advantageous to crow chicks to share the nest with a cuckoo, because the crow chicks do not have to waste so much energy on begging intensely for food on their own.” 24 Four Tswana bird tales maces, etc., which unfortunately cannot be reflected in writing. Needless to say, much of the richness of expression of the original Tswana versions is lost in the translations. By Desmond Cole 1. Tôntôbane, King of the birds The Tswana people have a wealth of folktales, most of them relating to wild animals. The essential themes for most of these stories can be traced throughout sub-Saharan Africa and perhaps even further afield. They provided the basis for Aesop’s fables, i.e. the tales of ‘Aethiopia’, which were disseminated all over Europe. Much later they were taken across the Atlantic by the slaves, whose stories of’Brer Rabbit’ and ‘Brer Wolf (mmutla lepholwje, ‘the hare and the jackal’) were so thoroughly exploited and expanded upon and reproduced in ‘glorious technicolor’ by Walt Disney. All these tales were conveyed from person to person and from generation to generation by word of mouth, so they vary considerably in detail from one narrator to another. The first of the stories below I heard as a child, and in that version it was on the back of the Vulture, Lenông, that Tôntôbane rode but I was delighted to have the version involving the Bateleur presented to me several years ago while researching bird names. Bogologolo tala, dinônyane disantse dibua .... A very very long time ago, when the birds still spoke, a dispute arose in the kingdom of the birds about who should be their King.There was much discussion in the tribal meeting-place (kgotla) as to how the King should be chosen. Eventually it was agreed that the one who could fly the highest should be made King. On the appointed day everyone took off into the air. Of course, poor old Ntšhe, the Ostrich, who had submitted a claim on the grounds of his size, was eliminated immediately, and so were all his terrestrial kinsmen like Tlhangwê, the Secretary Bird, Kgôri, the Kori Bustard. Kgaka, the Guineafowl, Tlatlagwê, the Northern Black Korhaan, and many others. LeJcôlôlwane, the White Stork acquitted himself well, so did Lenông, the Vulture, Ntsu, the Eagle, and many of their kinsmen. Eventually it was Makgoane (from: -goa ‘shout’), the Bateleur, who remained in the sky, high above all the others. Makgoane, is of course, the Shouter, the one whose voice is heard so clearly high in the sky, and his aerobatic expertise is known to everyone. When he saw that there was no one above him or even at the same Jevel, he exerted himself to still greater efforts and soared higher, to ensure that there could be no doubt whatsoever about his victory. At last he reached his peak and called loudly to all those below, The second tale is of relatively recent origin, for two of the three participants have not been in the Tswana area for much more than a hundred years, nor were trading stores and the ‘shilling’ known before that. The last two, again, are of indeterminate, but no doubt ancient origin -possibly as much as a thousand years or more. Traditionally these tales were narrated around the fireside, in the evenings, with all sorts of vocal nuances and physical sound effects, band clapping, finger snapping, facial gri25 characterized by distinctive appearance, patterns of behaviour and, perhaps more significantly, by their calls. ‘Here I am, I am King!’ At that moment little Tôntôbane, the Black-chested Prinia, who had sneaked into and been comfortably nestled in the feathers on Makgoane’s back, took off into the air and flew up, far above Makgoane, who was by that time quite exhausted. Up and up Tôntôbane flew, until he was well above Ma.kgoane, then he annqunced his victory to all those below him. And so it was that Tôntôbane, the smallest.of the birds, became their King and he remains so to this day. The Bateleur has a number of names. One of them, Kgôsi yamanông, ‘King of the vultures’ (which he shares with the Lappet-faced Vulture), reflects his reputation for robbing vultures or usually being the first to find a dead animal. His taste for carrion leads, incidentally, to his being regarded as a vulture rather than as an eagle. Having found a dead animal, he is reputed first to remove the eyes, hence kgônyaitlhô‘ pluck out eye’, a name attributed also to the Egyptian Vulture. However, the most widespread names are probably pêtlêkê, referring to the magnificent sweep of his wings (from: -pêtlêka ‘spread out’), as he soars majestically in the Kalahari skies, and makgoane (from: -goa ‘shout, call loudly’), referring to his loud, challenging call. 2. Nearly all warblers, including cisticolas and prinias, are lumped together in Tswana taxonomy. The few exceptions include the Rattling Cisticola and the Black-chested Prinia. The former has several names referring to his abusive scolding of any intruder into his territory, kgwêrêkgwêtlhane (little scolder), perhaps being the most widely used. The Black-chested Prinia also has a number of names, including Kgôsi yadinônyane ‘King of the birds’, but he is probably best known as tôntôbane. Black-chested Prinia - photo by Warwick Tarboton NOTES: 1. In Tswana. ornithological taxonomy, a distinction is made between three majoi groups of raptors, of which two concern us here: /enông, ‘vulture’ and ntsu or ntswi ‘eagle’. However, very few species within these groups are consistently identified by specific names. A few may be distinguished, sometimes, by descriptive names, e.g. disôane ‘white one’, i.e. Cape Griffon; / enông lêletuba ‘dun vulture’, i.e. Whitebacked Vulture; and ntsu êphatshwa ‘black-and-white eagle’, i.e. Verreaux’s Eagle. However, two eagles, the Fish Eagle and the Bateleur, are consistently recognized by specific names. Both are 2.TheMuscovyDuck,theRoosterand the Turkey Many years ago, when money was still money, and one could hear it ring if one dropped a coin on the floor, Pidipidi, the Muscovy Duck, Mokoko, the 26 Rooster, and Kalakunu (from Afrikaans ‘kalkoen’), the Turkey, decided to take a walk in the country. Suddenly, look, there was a shilling piece lying in the road! They debated as to what they should do with it; soon it was decided that one of them should go to the trading store some distance away and buy some mealies for their lunch. It was agreed that Mokoko, the Rooster, should go to do the shopping, so off he went at a rapid trot. (mabêlê), in the cultivated fields. Much time must be spent by the boleti, the bird-scarers, trying to reduce the depredation of the ripening sorghum by shouting and banging tin cans and drums. Tsôkwane, however, bas little respect, in fact only contempt, for the bird-scarers. As he struts up and down he bows, coos and boasts to his mate, Mo/eti kemotshwara kakobô .... Mo/eti kemotshwara kakobô ...... The bird-scarer, I grab her by her blanket ....... The bird-scarer, I grab her by her blanket ........’ Having bought the mealies, Mokoko found himself a quiet comer, carefully opened the packet and conswned well over half the contents; then he sealed it carefully again before trotting off to rejoin his companions. On his arrival they viewed hls purchase with consternation and incredulity. Ha ha ha ha ...! said Pidipidi, the Muscovy Duck, in a hoarse whisper of shock and amazement. Kalakunu, the Turkey, strutted round and roWld the packet of mealies, contemptuously dragging the tip of one wing along the ground, and calling out loudly, KaModimo gasemmidi washêlêng-ô! ‘By God, this is not a shilling’s worth of mealies!’ KaModimo gasemmidi washêlêng-ô! But Mokoko, the Rooster, was quick to respond, clapping his wings to demand attention and calling in his high-pitched voice: Mme kana mmidi! ‘But for goodness sake mealies are expe.. nsive!’ Mme kana mmidi! Laughing Dove - photo by Warwick Tarboton NOTE: The name Tsôkwane, derived from letsôku, ‘red ochre’, refers to the reddish blush on the Laughing Dove’s back and breast 4. The renowned case of Rex vs Tlatlagwê Bogo/ogo/o tala, majwê asantse ale mêtsi, dimônyane disantse dibua ........ A very, very long time ago, when the rocks were still soft and the birds could still speak, there was a great furore in the land of King Kgôri, the Kori Bustard. He was, of course, the paramount King of all the terrestrial birds, a wealthy tribe of pastoralists who owned vast tracts of grazing land. They included 3. Tsôkwane, the Laughing Dove As everyone knows, Tsôkwane, the Laughing Dove, and other members of the dove family, plus those of the weaver and sparrow families, are the greatest thieves of sorghum grain 27 Tlatlagwê, the Northern Black Korhaan, Kegamakalo, the White bellied Korhaan, Molcgwêba, the Red-crested Korhaan, Mongwangwa, the Spotted Thick-knee, Lethêêtsane, the Crowned Lapwing, Segolagolane, the Double-banded Courser, Sebotha, the Lark, Lekutukubii, the Namaqua Sandgrouse, Mokgwarakgwara, Burchell’s Sandgrouse, Lephurrwane, the Kurrichane Buttonquail, and many others. boundaries.’ By that time, Tlatlagwê was very excited and rather angry. A! he shouted again as he leapt up and started flying around a large tract of country, Kenê kaya kwa karêka kwa, kaba kaya kakwa, karêka kwa, kaba katla kafa, karêka fa, gapê katla kafa, karêka fa, karêka kwa, karêka .kwa ......., lekafa ....... lekafa ....... lefa ....... lefa ....... lefa ....... ‘I went there and I bought there, then I went over there and bought there, then I came around here and I bought here, furthermore I came around here and bought here, and bought there, and I bought there, ......... and around here ......... and around here ......... and here ....... and here ....... and here ........’ King Kgôri charged Tlatlagwê with trespassing on his land. He had spoken to Tiatlagwê and warned him, but to no avail, and so now all the tribesmen were there, foregathered in the tribal meeting place (kgotla). King Kgôri presented his case while the assembled multitude listened with shock and disapproval. Eventually the King completed his statement and Tlatlagwê was caJled upon to present his defence. He jumped up onto a termite mound, the better to be seen and heard. ‘A!’ he exclaimed, ‘I bought all that land! It is mine!’ Now Kgôri was a very wise old King, and also very much impressed by the way in which Tlatlagwê had presented his case. So he appointed Tiatlagwê henceforth to be the guardian of all his lands, with the instruction that he should carry out regular inspections. And so it is that to this day, from early morning until after sunset, you will see Tlatlagwê fly up periodically to inspect King Kgôri’s lands, calling out loudly, Kenê kaya kwa karêka kwa, kaba kaya kakwa, karêka kwa, kaba katla kafa, karêka fa, gapê katla kafa, karêka fa, karêka kwa, karêka .kwa ......., lekafa ....... lekafa ....... lefa ....... lefa ....... lefa ....... There were murmurs and gasps of amazement from the assembly; Mokgwêba, the Red-aested Korhaan, shot up into the air and came tumbling back to earth, whistling repeatedly to express his surprise. Over and over again Mongwangwa, the Thick-knee, lamented this display of arrogance with mournful whistles, while Kegamak:alo, the White-bellied Korhaan, was so shocked that he could only reiterate hoarsely, A kgakgamatsô! A kgakgê! A kgakgê! ..... ‘What an amazing thing! Incredible! Incredible! ......’ ‘Well’, said King Kgôri craftily, ‘if you bought the land you had better show us its God gives every bird his worm, but he does not throw it into the nest. (Swedish Proverb) 28 Extracts from the Korsman Conservancy Member’s Newsletter February 2015 Special sightings included a Little Bittern and two African Jacanas. Stevie Sea-gull Patrick and Sasha Harvey found a fuffy ball of feathers on a busy road, saved it from the traffc, and hand-reared the Grey-headed gull for three months. When Stevie’s squawking grew in intensity they contacted us to ask if he/she could join Korsman’s gull community. At the water’s edge, Stevie took the frst few faps to a new phase of life. Curious gulls few around us at the release. Note: This article is reproduced by kind permission of the Pauline Kaufmann, National Sectretary, National Association of Conservancies South Africa Patrick returned the next day to check on Stevie, who although in the company of other gulls, recognised him with a SQUAWK! which brought a lump to Patrick’s throat. CWAC Not a misspelled duck noise! CWAC is a Co- ordinated Waterbird count, an ongoing worldwide programme to keep track of a specifc list of waterbird species. A count should be accomplished twice a year at least, in summer and winter. On 21 February, Werner van Goethem assisted by Ken Malherbe counted 28 species and 844 birds from various vantage points around the Sanctuary, although it is very diffcult to estimate how many birds there are on the central reed island. 29 Birding in the Hawaan Forest landward side. Sue and I had booked a weeks timeshare at Breakers in Umhlanga Rocks on the KZN north coast, primarily to see family and friends still living in the Durban area. Sadly those numbers had dwindled over the years due to migration to pastures greener. Nevertheless Breakers resort is superb and the view from our apartment of palm trees surrounding the gleaming blue swimming pool with the ocean in the background, reminded us of previous holidays spent in the Indian Ocean islands. The paved promenade is ideal for jogging or for just taking a leisurely stroll, and on one of our daily 5km jogs past the lighthouse and back, we observed a school of dolphins breaking the surface of the waves in their familiar arched swimming style. Text and Photos by Anthony Cavanagh Breakers Pool Area and Hawaan Forest The start of the trail led us under the canopy of the dune forest and onto the primary dune where the natural vegetation surrounded us all sides. The sound of the waves could still be heard crashing onto the shoreline only a few meters away but the dense foliage allowed only glimpses of the sparkling blue waters of the Indian Ocean. The humidity level, already rather uncomfortable, rose a few percentage points higher as we made our way slowly along the trail. We descended to the first boardwalk across the southern most reaches of the Umhlanga lagoon and scanned for any movement. A Wooly necked Stork had perched in the highest point of the canopy and could be seen clearly against the cloudless sky, while a Malachite kingfisher flew rapidly across the reed beds and settled quickly onto a new vantage point. Little Bee-eaters hawked for flying insects, returning a few seconds later to the same tree branch. We walked over the wooden boards and crossed the still waters of the lagoon before re-entering the forest on the We re-entered the forest and walked slowly along the trail. Forest birding is difficult at the best of times and one is more likely to hear a bird before one sees it. Calls heard almost immediately were the pop-pop-pop-pop of the Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird, the bleating of Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird the Green-backed Cameroptera, and the unmistakable calls of the Sombre and Yellow-bellied Greenbuls. A slight rustle in the leaf litter a few metres away revealed a 30 waters. We spotted a Giant Kingfisher in the overhanging trees and a juvenile Green-backed Heron on the mud flats in its typical hunched stance. A Purple-crested Turaco uttered its raucous call and the Spectacled weaver’s descending five-note call could often be heard. Across the logoon and back on the primary dune one climbs up to a more elevated position and consequently we had excellent sightings of Southern Boubou, Black Flycatcher, Kurrichane Thrush, Puffback, Bronze Mannikin, and the Golden-rumped Tinkerbird. The northernmost section of the trail ends on the beach adjacent to the mouth of the lagoon. On the forest fringes and from the beach we had excellent sightings of the Grey Sunbird. Sue and I strolled through the forest a number of times and saw something new on each occasion, and each time admiring the flora and fauna of these unique and interesting few kilometers of the KZN coast. Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird pair of Crested Guineafowl, and we also caught sight of a Red-capped Robin-chat, more familiar to me as the Natal Robin. One of the highlights for us was the sighting of a pair of Black-throated Wattle-eyes which we’d seen only once before. A Red Duiker came into view and froze for a few seconds on catching sight of us, before darting off into the tangled undergrowth. The trail led back to the lagoon and onto the northern boardwalk of some sixty meters stretching across the tranquil lagoon No one is sure how the Hawaan forest acquired its name but it is known that the forest grows on a dune that dates back over 18,000 years. It is the remnant of a much larger dry coastal dune forest and unfortunately the last of its kind. It is under the guardianship of the Wildlife and Environmental Society of S.A. (WESSA) but the land is owned by the Tongaat Hulett Group. Primary Dune Hawaan Forest NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Bokmakierie is published three times annually. Contributions may be in Afrikaans or English. English names of birds should be those used in Roberts VII. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor, Club, the Committee, Members or those of BirdLife South Africa. The Editors reserve the right to edit articles as necessary. This issue of Bokmakierie has been produced and edited by Andy Featherstone and Lance Robinson. 31 Rare pipits return following rat eradication on South Georgia nest of five South Georgia Pipit chicks had been found in an area previously overrun by rats. The South Georgia Pipit is only found on South Georgia and its numbers had been decimated by the invasive rat populations on the island. Its survival as a species was under threat before the eradication work began. The discovery of the pipit nest was made at Schlieper Bay near the western end of the island by a former member of the rat eradication team, Sally Poncet, an expert on South Georgia’s wildlife and this year a recipient of the Polar Medal in recognition of service to the United Kingdom in the field of polar research. Poncet was a member of what has been nicknamed Team Rat during its Phase 1 operations. She discovered the nest while on a Cheesemans’ Ecology Safaris expedition (in collaboration with the Government of South Georgia) to survey Wandering Albatrosses. Alison Neil, Chief Executive of South Georgia Heritage Trust says, “The discovery of pipit chicks is thrilling news and shows the rapid beneficial effect of the Habitat Restoration Project on this threatened species. The rare South Georgia Pipit is making a comeback - photo by Ingo Arndt “People had spotted pipits exhibiting breeding behaviour following the baiting work, but this is the first firm proof that they are nesting in areas from which they were previously excluded by rodents. The world’s most southerly song bird, the South Georgia Pipit, is fighting back from extinction thanks to work carried out by an 18-strong international team to eradicate rats from its island home in Antarctica. “Pipits cannot breed when rats are present, so this discovery is confirmation that birds are quickly responding to their absence. Just as the final phase of the world’s largest rodent eradication project was being undertaken by UK charity, the South Georgia Heritage Trust (SGHT), news came that a “We are confident that when South Georgia is once again free of rodents, it will 32 regain its former status as home to the greatest concentration of seabirds in the world.” chicks of many of the native birds. The aim of SGHT’s project is to eradicate these invasive rodents and allow millions of birds to reclaim their ancestral home. South Georgia is one of the world’s last great wilderness areas and amongst the wildlife on the island are 90 per cent of the world’s Antarctic fur seals and half the world’s elephant seals. A successful trial phase in 2011 was followed by a second phase conducted in 2013. The results have been signs of rodents having been eliminated rats from almost twothirds of South Georgia. Four species of penguin nest on the island, including King Penguins with around 400,000 breeding pairs. The island’s birdlife includes albatross, skuas and petrels, as well as the endemic South Georgia Pipit, and the South Georgia Pintail. Phase 3 began on 18 January. The challenge is to complete the baiting of the entire island during the brief sub-Antarctic summer months and this will be followed by two further years of monitoring by the South Georgia Heritage Trust and the South Georgia Government. However, although the wildlife is impressive, it is a shadow of the numbers Captain Cook encountered when he discovered and named South Georgia in 1775. Assuming no signs of rodents have been discovered by 2017, South Georgia will be declared free of rodents for the first time since humans first came to the island. Rats and mice, arriving in the ships of sealers and whalers, have spread over much of the island, predating on the eggs and 33 Birding by calls Many of the more experienced birders will not bother to look for Black-collared or Crested Barbet as we know the call and have seen and heard them so often that we tick the bird without searching too hard for it. However the trend to use bird calls as a cell phone notification is becoming very common and I no longer simply tick Red-chested Cuckoo when I hear it as it could easily be a phone. This reminds me of the tale of Mr Lydekker who wrote to the Times of England over 100 years ago to advise that he had heard a Cuckoo calling in London in February and claimed that Yardley’s “Birds of Britain” was wrong in its statement that the Cuckoo does not arrive in England until late April. When he recanted a few days later with the acknowledgment that he had heard a bricklayer’s assistant imitating the call he started a tradition which survives today of writing to the Times to record the earliest call of the Common /European Cuckoo in England. By Peter and Sandra Greaves On a recent Sunday morning a walk through Walter Sisulu seemed a good idea so my wife and I put our Bins around our necks and off we went. An excellent and beautiful morning even if rather quiet, due perhaps to the rain of the previous night rather than to the often large number of visitors. Not a lot of birds to be seen or heard until we walked to the bird hide where there was quite a bit of action. Sandra picked up a lifer to creep ever closer to 400 in Southern Africa and I picked up a new species for my Walter Sisulu list. But the reason for the title is two bird calls we heard while in the vicinity of the hide. I was talking to a young boy of 14 who is just starting his career as a birder with 165 species but is limited to the local area around Johannesburg as his parents are not keen to take him to Marievale and Nylsvlei. This raises a scenario in which the established birders amongst us with cars can help the youngsters by taking them with us when we go to the not so local spots. The BIG question for Wits Bird Club is “HOW do we get to contact these young people and invite them to join us when their parents are not interested in birding and certainly will not take the youngsters to the bird club meetings?” A thought well worth the attention of all BIRD club committees. We are always complaining about lack of youngsters in our clubs but here is a classic case of a very keen youngster who is limited to his local patch and is desperate to be old enough to drive! Surely we can help through schools and their environmental clubs! Common Cuckoo - photo by Warwick Tarboton But back again to my story. On this Sunday morning in mid March I heard a Red-chested Cuckoo and the young lad rushed off to see it but I said to him “I doubt it as most have left already and it is probably a cell phone ringtone.” He returned 2 minutes later to say he had seen the bird fly. We then met a couple who reckoned they But back to the question of bird calls. 34 had just heard a Red-eyed Bulbul calling to which I again expressed doubt and the couple produced the new book with calls. The map in the guide book clearly shows the bird occurring in the area and the couple were adamant the call sounded like the book. A quick check on BIRP shows the bird to have been seen once in May and once in September so although possible not to be ticked on call alone. A few minutes later we heard a loud and clear African Fish Eagle calling and promptly realised it was the field guide with calls as this bird has never been recorded at Walter Sisulu. So the debate on counting birds purely on the call being heard rears its head again. When you hear and want to tick a bird you must be very sure of your calls and be sure that nobody in the vicinity is using either the field guide or a bird calls mp3 player to call up a bird or just checking to see if the call sounds about right. And make sure nobody has just answered their phone! WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Jacklyn Cock Parktown North John Livesey Rynfield Jennifer Else Rynfield BasilMackenzie Kensington Shane Else Rynfield AlanMason Blairgowrie Adam Gunn Parkview CharlotteMathews Saxonwold Adam John Gunn Parkview ValerieMogg Rivonia Catherine Gunn Parkview Alison Nisbet Saxonwold Steven Gunn Parkview VaughanNisbet Saxonwold Bryan Horner Fourways Barbara Parks Northcliff Felicity Kitchin Parklands John Parks Northcliff Elizabeth Livesey Rynfield New Stock Fleeces with Club logo — all sizes R190 Golf Shirts with Club logo — all sizes R125 Special Offer — Terry Oatley & Graeme Arnott’s “Robins of Africa” book R55 35 Nylsvley 2015 Woodland Census, 16th Year all species (9 versus an average of 35) is a reflection of this. However, if quelea numbers are excluded, this year achieved the highest number of birds counted (3256) in 16 years. As usual, numbers in the Acacia (1311 birds, 93 species) were highest, then Combretum (1123/104 species), then Burkea (821/86 species). Queleas (1115 counted) were again very numerous in Nylsvley this year and there has only been one higher count of Cattle Egrets (371) made previously - in both these species numbers fluctuate widely from year to year. By Warwick Tarboton The 16th annual census of woodland birds in Nylsvley Nature Reserve was done on 14 February 2015. It was, as always, well supported, with 57 people participating in counting birds along the 18 set routes. After an initial threat of early-morning rain, the weather relented and conditions for counting remained good for the allotted 06h00-08h00 censusing period. The regulars in the “top 10” were mostly the usuals: Cape Turtle Dove (196); European Bee-eater (187, the most yet counted), Barn Swallow (141), Grey Lourie (127), Neddicky (114), Rattling Cisticola (110), Cape Glossy Starling (103), Arrow-marked Babbler (87), Spotted Flycatcher (70) and Burchell’s Starling (83, a newcomer to the top 10). A total of 135 species was recorded in the two hours, four species recorded for the first time in 16 years of censusing – Lanner Falcon, Long-tailed Paradise Whydah, Cuckoo Finch and, a most surprising omission in the previous 15 years, a Pied Crow. European Honey Buzzard and European Hobby, both recorded last year for the first time were again encountered this year. Two species included in the lists, Tawny Eagle and Wing-snapping Cisticola, were not included, pending confirmation. The number of woodland species recorded during all censuses has now reached 205, but about 100 of these are rare visitors or vagrants, having ever been recorded only once or twice. As always, it is interesting to see that, on average, individual teams recorded 42 species per route while the combined total (135) is more than three times this. The attached graphs show fairly conclusively that over the past 16 years numbers have been increasing for Red-eyed Dove (doubling from about 20 to about 45), Cape Turtle Dove (150 to 200), Woodland Kingfisher (25 to 50), Dark-capped Bulbul (10 to 35) and Grey-backed Camaroptera (30 to 50). By contrast, at least five species have declined in numbers over the years: Willow Warbler (numbers have halved), Blue Waxbill, Fork-tailed Drongo, Whitebrowed Sparrow-Weaver and Blackbacked Puffback. It would be interesting to explore these changes further. Willow Warbler is one of three common Palearctic migrants to Nylsvley and, while it has declined, the numbers of the other two, Spotted Flycatcher and Red-backed Shrike, have remained steady over the years. This year’s count was a couple of weeks later than usual – we aim to always pitch the census during the last weekend in January but booking glitches sometimes prevent this – and the low count of cuckoos of The table attached here lists the top 100 36 species recorded in 2015, sorted in their order of abundance and showing proportionately in which woodland types they were recorded. continued support is much appreciated. Everyone who participated in this years woodland bird monitoring, from the organisers, to the cooks, to the dawn patrol, to the people who assisted in number-crunching afterwards, are most sincerely thanked for their time and effort. We hope to see you all again next year! This year’s count by Friends of Nylsvley was again very well supported by members of the Bosveld Voëlklub, the Naboomspruit Voëlklub, BirdLife Polokwane and the Wits Bird Club and their 37 Rarities and unusual sightings report: December 2014 Compiled by André Marx There were a few cracking rarities to start off the summer months, none more noteworthy than two species that have not been seen in our region for a number of years; Pacific Golden Plover and Slaty Egret. A number of local birders were able to see both these species as they remained at their respective localities for a few weeks. Other interesting birds that wandered into Gauteng was a Broad-billed Roller at Emmarentia of all places and a lost Parasitic Jaeger, a pelagic species that cannot be expected to survive at an inland locality. This report was compiled in mid-December when local rarities were still being reported. There are certain to be more this summer! My thanks to all who submit sightings and photos to me or via SABAP2 and the various Internet forums. WesternMarshHarrier- photo by Mark Tittley Plover,PacificGolden.Strandkiewiet, Asiatiese Goue: a single bird was present on the shoreline at Borakalalo GR for at least 2 weeks when many birders were able to see it, 19 Oct 2014 (EM). This species is seldom recorded at inland localities and this is the first record for the greater Gauteng region for a number of years. National Rarities/ Nasionalerariteite Egret, Slaty. Reier, Rooikeel-: a remarkable sighting of one bird at Walkhaven, north-west of Johannesburg in pentad 2555_2750, is the first record of this rare species in the region for at least 10 years, 11 Dec 2014 (RM). PacificGoldenPlover- photo by Tony Archer Harrier, Western Marsh. Vleivalk, Europese: one bird was present at Marievale Bird Sanctuary, 8 Nov 2014 (Gbird). In the following weeks at least two birds were present, when photographs showed that one was probably an adult female and the other an immature male, (Gbird). Regional Rarities/ Streeksrariteite Blackcap, Bush. Tiptol, Rooibek-: one bird was observed on a few occasions in a garden in Melville, Johannesburg, 15 Aug 2014 (SC). This is the third record for Gauteng in recent years of this uncommon bird. It should 38 be looked for in areas of dense forest cover and in well-treed gardens. Roller, Broad-billed. Troupant, Geelbek-: a surprise sighting was of one bird at Emmarentia Dam in Johannesburg on 22 Nov 2014 (CT); in the ensuing weeks many local birders managed to view the bird at this locality. This is only the third record of this species in the greater Gauteng area in the last 10 years. Bush Blackcap - photo by Shashi Cook Buzzard, European Honey. Wespedief: one bird was in Waverley, Pretoria, 2 Nov 2014 (FdP). Another sighting was of one bird at Leeufontein Estate, near Roodeplaat Dam, 8 Nov 2014 (LG). Broad-billed Roller - photo by Warren Ingram Crane, Wattled. Kraanvoël, Lel-: 16 Aug 2014 in company of Blue Cranes, Devon area….. Sanderling. Strandloper, Drietoon-: one bird was at Leeupan in the East Rand in pentad 2610_2815, 22 Nov 2014 (GL). Jaeger, Parasitic (Arctic Skua). Roofmeeu, Arktiese: a wandering bird was found at Borakalalo GR on 30 Nov 2014 (NP), before unfortunately being found dead on 2 Dec. Sandpiper, Green. Ruiter, Witgat-: at least one bird was at Rietvlei NR, south of Pretoria, 4 Nov 2014 (JdW). Sandpiper, Pectoral. Strandloper, Geelpoot-: one bird was at Marievale Bird Sanctuary, 26 Oct 2014 (DH). Wagtail,Mountain.Kwikkie,Berg-: the bird at Groenkloof NR was still on show in the general area of the stream in the reserve 5 Oct 2014 (GBird). Other Interesting Observations/ Ander Interessante Waarnemings Parasitic Jaeger - photo by Niall Perrins Bee-eater, Blue-cheeked. Byvreter, Blouwang-: two immature birds were 39 in Midrand, 5 Oct 2014 (DH). Turnstone, Ruddy. Steenloper: one bird was located at Borakalalo GR, 24 Oct 2014 (Gbird). Observers/ Waarnemers Dirk Human (DH) Etienne Marais (EM) Francois du Plessis (FdP) Gauteng birders (GBird) Geoff Lockwood (GL) Hayley Steinberg (HS) Jan de Wagenaar (JdW) Lance Robinson (LR) Lizet Grobbelaar (LG) Madeleen van Schalkwyk (MvS) Niall Perrins (NP) Philip Tarboton (PT) Russell Munro (RM) Shashi Cook (SC) Pectoral Sandpiper - photo by Dirk Human an unusual sighting for Rietvlei NR on 2 Nov 2014, considerably south of this species’ usual range (MvS). Eagle, Ayres’ Hawk. Arend, Kleinjag-: a sighting of one bird at the Union Buildings in Pretoria once again is further evidence of the species’ presence at this locality in summer, 27 Nov 2014 (DH). This column is mainly concerned with observations of rarities and interesting sightings made in the greater Gauteng region, defined as 100km from the centre of both Johannesburg and Pretoria, however observations made further afield are also welcome. While the majority of records are included it is sometimes necessary to exclude some depending on whether the subject matter has already been well reported. Occasionally records are sourced from the Internet and from SABAP2 records. Members are invited to submit details of sightings to André Marx at e-mail [email protected] or 083 4117674. Eagle, Lesser Spotted. Arend, Gevlekte: a sighting of one bird at Marievale, that was subsequently photographed, is somewhat out of range for this species, 26 Oct 2014 (DH). Eagle, Wahlberg’s. Arend, Bruin-: a record of one bird in the Klipriviersberg NR in pentad 2615_2800, south of Johannesburg, is an unusual sighting for that locality, as this is a species normally associated with bush country north of Gauteng, 29 Nov 2014 (LR & PT). Owl, Southern White-faced. Uil, Witwang-: one bird was a surprise find in a garden in Atholl in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg, 21 Aug 2014 (HS). These birds are known to occasionally wander into suburbia. Snipe, Greater Painted. Snip, Goud: a single bird was at Glen Austin Pan 40 Tim Appleton gave an excellent talk at UNISA on Rutland Water and the Bird Fair