the Moral ABC


the Moral ABC
E M A N U E L H . !B R O N N E R
February 1, 1908 – March 7, 1997
Dr. Bronner’s autobiography, featured on liquid soap bottles since 1960!:
From ’29 to ’44, soapmaker/master-chemist Bronner built 3 American
soap plants, trained 9 chemists, licensed 6 of 53 patents for $60,000!
But after ’44, after losing father-mother-wife, almost his own life,
tortured-blinded, he deeded to African astronomer Israel’s 6,000
year great All-One-God-Faith all of his patents, plants, products, profits, 4 new industries: Planetemples & “Town Without Toothache” potassium-soda industry giving mankind a new Mineral-salt, Calciummalt, Corn-sesame, Mineral-bouillon, & “Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps,”
All-One! In ’47, after father-mother-wife murdered, ourself torturedblinded, we wrote this poem: To keep my health! To do my work! To
love, to live! To see to it I gain & grow & give & give! Never to look behind me for an hour! Never to wait in weakness nor to brag in power!
Always working, searching for more truth, more light! Always writing,
teaching what I found good & right! Robbed-starved-beaten-blinded,
wide astray! Back with the full-truth I’ve gained, back to the way:
Smile, help teach the whole Human race, the Moral ABC of All-OneGod-Faith, Lightning-like strong & we’re All-One! All-One!
astronomy’s eternal
A L L - O N E - G O D - FA I T H
the human race!
For with bomb & gun we’re ALL - ONE or None!
Essene Rabbi & soapmaker
with help from son
Vista, California
Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Soap quart, c. 1973
n the ’60s and ’70s, I’d pack my van with soap and a
guitar and make the rounds to the Mom-and-Pop health
food stores, selling Dr. Bronner’s soap. When I’d walk in
and announce that I was his son, nobody believed it. They
thought Dr. Bronner was made up, a corporate image, like
Dr. Pepper.
Oh, my father was real! He was an eccentric genius. To
give us a thrill, he would put a blanket on the hood of his old
Buick and have us kids hold onto the hood ornament while
he drove us around. He made his grandchildren memorize
Kipling’s poem “If.” He was a man who had lost his entire
family in the war, but never stopped believing in love.
After his parents died in the Holocaust, he became obsessive about All-One-God5—5the idea that if we could all believe
we are children of the same Father, we wouldn’t kill each
other. His unrelenting vision of uniting all mankind eventually got him locked up in an insane asylum, where he endured shock treatments and forced labor. But he managed
to escape, hitching a ride to Los Angeles where, as he liked
to say, he slept with pigeons on the roof of the YMCA . He
later found a small tenement apartment at 447 South Hope
Street where he mixed gallons of peppermint castile soap,
using the labels on the bottles to promote the Moral ABC s,
the evolution of an incredible amount of knowledge he had
gathered. Just as children couldn’t learn to read without
The Moral ABC
the ABC s, he believed we couldn’t be fully human without
knowing the Moral ABC s.
Day and night he worked on his Moral ABC s, sometimes calling his secretary at four in the morning to change
a sentence, taking inspiration from everything he could
find5—5Rudyard Kipling, Thomas Paine, Buckminster Fuller.
He believed in all religions5—5Judaism, Buddhism, Islam. Any
hint of explaining God, he loved. I still find books with thick
pencil underlines in them that I can tell were made in his
later years, after he started to lose his eyesight.
He loved to greet strangers by saying, “Pick a number
from 1 to 100.” They’d give a number, say 76, and my father
would recite principle #76 from memory. He was a walking
encyclopedia of the Moral ABC s. If I ever said, “Dad, I’ve
heard that a thousand times,” his reply would be: “You’re
going to hear it a thousand and one! It’s got to be in your
frontal lobe!”
He never thought of himself as a leader, he didn’t see
himself as a priest or pope, he just saw himself as a man who
collected this wisdom that he hoped the world would follow, because following it would mean loving and caring for
each other.
Of course many people thought the label was crazy. It is
hard to read. You have to take small sections, sentences and
thoughts, independent, and stop and think about them. It’s
not as fluid as a book, but it’s very powerful.
There are two basic sentences from the Moral ABC s
that are my guide. One is that we’re all children of the same
eternal ever-loving Father, All-One, All-One. And the other
is Constructive Capitalism: Share the profit with the workers and the earth from which you made it. Most capitalists
don’t see that they wouldn’t be anything without their
employees, but my brother’s children who are running the
business now, Michael and David, see everyone as a child of
God, and respect them and talk to them and treat them with
respect. The feeling of love that we have at this company is
unbelievable. My father would be very proud.
R.B., Milwaukee, 2014
Dr. E.H. Bronner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PREFACE 8|8Ralph Bronner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction 8|8Michael Bronner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The “Essene” Moral ABC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1st thru 4th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One”
With Just These 6 Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5th thru 10th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kipling’s “If” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recessional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To Dream the Impossible Dream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How to Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Speech Made in Watts After 1965 Riots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
All-One-God-Faith Unites The Human Race!!! . . . . .
Geoffrey Chaucer In 1390 A.D. Wrote:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wilson-Weaver-Paine-Baeck on the Moral ABC . . .
The ABC Of Mama Cat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jesus Christ’s Great Manual of Discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wisdom of the Ages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Confucius’ Absolutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hippocrates’ ABC of Perfect Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
From The Army of Principles by Thos. Paine . . . . . . . .
To Think About. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Life’s Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Full Truth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Your Fellow Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aphorisms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Give me God’s Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notable Quotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Monkey’s Disgrace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Survival of the Fittest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
United We Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Telegrams to President Roosevelt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Carry on the Moral ABC ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AFTERWORD 8|8David Bronner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dr. Bronner’s
y earliest memories of my grandfather are
of him sitting on a recliner in his living room surrounded by red rotary telephones. Every so often
one of them would ring, sometimes several at a time, and my
grandfather would field questions from all over the country,
talking for over 30 minutes to each person, even the ones
who called for a laugh. One woman called in the depths of
despair, saying she was going to kill herself. My grandfather
responded, “Clean your house and call me back!” Thirty minutes later, her house clean, she called back and talked with
my grandfather through the night. Years later we received a
letter from her, thanking my grandfather for saving her life.
In between these calls my grandfather would lecture
me, my brother and sister, all of us sitting on the couch with
our feet dangling above the floor, finding new and interesting cracks on the ceiling that we hadn’t investigated before.
Every so often we would be shocked out of our trances to
realize that our grandfather had asked us a question. “AllOne, Grandpa!” we would all reply in unison. “Very good,”
my grandfather would say, and continue on as before.
My grandfather went completely blind soon after I was
born in 1975 but did not let that stop him from running the
company or spreading his message. As kids he spoke to us as
if we were PhD-educated adults, forced us to memorize the
labels, talked to us about uniting Spaceship Earth, and told
The Moral ABC
us that the best way to get healthy bones was to eat eggs with
the eggshells on them. This was all normal to us. We assumed
it was perfectly ordinary to have a blind grandfather who
wore pinhole glasses and had a soap company with labels
that would “lightning-like unite all mankind free.”
These days I find myself inspired equally by the contents
of my grandfather’s message of peace and unity and the fact
that he had the courage to put it front and center on his labels. It’s one thing to use words like Peace, Joy and Love on
a label, but it takes real guts to put Muhammad, Jesus, Hillel,
Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Confucius and Halley’s Comet,
the messenger of God’s law, right in the middle of your signature product and not worry about ruffling feathers. You
live your values and put them out there for the world to see.
You don’t shrink from controversy if that’s what it takes to
make this world a better place. At all times be authentic, be
genuine, be of service, be of clear purpose, and above all
make your actions have positive consequences.
We have compiled this edition of The Moral ABC for
you to read and enjoy. It was a living, breathing work that
my grandfather tinkered with until the day he died, as he
strived for the perfect alchemy of vocabulary, punctuation
and expression to unite Spaceship Earth. It’s still not perfect,
but we hope you will find passages that inspire and stay with
you as they have for us. If there’s a part that stumps you a
little along the way, read on, revisit it later, and thank your
lucky stars that nobody is requiring you to memorize it.
M.B., Vista, California, 2015
We preserve the Moral ABC as a monument to
my grandfather and his life’s work. Our family consists of
many faiths, and in no way do we classify ourselves as
a religion. People have asked in the past if we do weddings.
We always say no.
To survive on God’s Spaceship Earth with bomb & gun,
we must unite the whole human race in Astronomy’s eternally great All-One-God-Faith, for we’re All-One or None!
All humans evolve from astronomers studying stars for millions of years, inspired each and every 76 years for 6,000
years by the Messenger of God’s Law, the Sign of the Messiah, Halley’s Comet, inspiring astronomers Abraham, Israel,
Moses, Bahá’u’lláh, Buddha, Hillel, Jesus, Confucius, Paine,
Sagan & Mohammed, to unite the whole Human race in
Astronomy’s all-embracing, eternally tremendous All-OneGod-Faith! For we’re All-One or None! As teaches for 6,000
years, since the year One, Astronomer Israel, “Listen Children
Eternal Father Eternally One!” For on God’s Spaceship Earth,
with Bomb & Gun, we’re All-One or None! All-One! All-One!
Exceptions eternally? Absolute None!
13th!: “Knowing the full truth that unites the human race & not teaching all is deathly guilt!” learned Jesus from Hillel! But Marx, innocent
grandson of 2 Rabbis, learned only half-truth! Ashamed, Marx wrote,
1844!: One World Without Jews, to kill all Jews!; 1848!: The Communist
Manifesto, to kill the rich, causing Nazi-Psycho-Communism, 66 million
murders! What an apology we Rabbis owe Israel, Marx, all mankind, for
not teaching Astronomer Israel’s Great All-One-God-Faith, that with
just 6 words eternally unites the human race! As teaches African Astronomer Israel for 6,000 years, “LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER
ETERNALLY ONE!” For on God’s Spaceship Earth, with Bomb & Gun,
we’re All-One or None! All-One!
instein’s book on “Hillel” proves that, without the
Moral ABC that the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus, none
can help unite the whole Human race in Astronomy’s
eternally tremendous All-One-God-Faith! All-One! All-One!
What an apology we Rabbis owe Israel, Marx, all mankind, for not teaching The Moral ABC ’s All-One-God-Faith
that unites the human race5: All-One! So, help teach 76
constructive projects such as5: Essene birth controls, Silvio
Gesell’s full-employment free economy money, Austrian
Strauss’ music, Swiss 6,000-year universal military-trained
UMT , Israeli system 1 trillion trees, Dutch airport dikes, Milorganite, eight great books by Thomas Paine suppressed
since 1799, Firekill, “Town Without A Toothache” nutrition,
Balanced Mineral Bouillon, Balanced Mineral Seasoning,
The Moral ABC
Barley Malt Sweetener, Mineralized Corn Sesame Chips, Supermild Peppermint Oil Soap, Sal Suds, Ethanol, Esperanto,
Stammtisch, “Age of Reason,” Palomar Planetemples teach
the human race Astronomy’s Eternally Great All-One-GodFaith that Eternally unites the Human race!, Amish horses,
AT&T , Avocados (5Bacon-Fuerte-Hass-Pinkerton-Reed-Zutano), Babylon gardens, Bermuda roofs, Biodegradable-Cornstarch-Plastics, Brazil rain forests, Cartha-Aqueducts, Catspaw sandals, China bikes, Compost-trees, CO 2 instant fire
bombers, Easter Isle, UMT , Essenes, Finn jails, free-speechembassy, Greek solars, Green Peace, Hannibal wind-powered-ships, health-meat-salt-soap-tape, IT&T , Jojoba, oilfree granular Lecithin, Metric system, Nature friends, Olympic unity, Ozone patents, Potassium-soda, Steiner-Marva
schools, Swiss Alp caves, Tree houses, 6,000 Planetemples,
Battery-banks powering every car-factory-farm-homemonorail & 150-year great healthy Hunza life, by God’s Law,
timing-teamwork-wisdom-power-mercy-love, uniting the
human race in All-One-God-Faith, inspired above, Above,
ABOVE!!! For with Bomb & Gun we’re All-One or None!!!
Einstein, in 1939—after Hitler & Stalin united—proposed
bombs that wipe out the whole human race, unless we teach,
lightning-like, The Moral ABC ’s “All-One-God-Faith!,” the
Essene mason, tent- & sandalmaker, the real Rabbi Hillel
taught Jesus, for we’re All-One or all None! As teach all astronomers5: Abraham-lsrael-Moses-Bahá’u’lláh-BuddhaHillel-Jesus-Spinoza-Paine-Sagan & Mohammed! Inspired
every 76 years5; for 6,000 years, by the Messenger of God’s
Law, God’s timing, Halley’s Comet5: “For there is no God but
God!”—Mohammed5; “Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!”—Israel5; ”I am the living temple of God!”—Buddha5; “Only hard work will save us!”—Hillel5; “Teach friend
& enemy! Uniting one, ALL-ONE!!! Exceptions eternally5?
Absolute None!!!”—Jesus
Arabs, ’48, Israel found “Essene Dead Sea Scrolls” and Einstein’s “Hillel,” prove that as certain as no 6–year-old can
grow up free without the ABC , so certain can no 12–yearold teach free without The Moral ABC , the mason, tent- &
sandalmaker, Essene teacher of Righteousness of Light, the
real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus to unite the whole human
1st thru 4th!"; “Listen Children”
race in Astronomy’s Eternally great All-One-God-Faith!
For with Nuclear Bombs, we’re All-One or all None! “Listen
Children Eternal Father Eternally One! Listen Children
Eternal Father Eternally One!” All-One! All-One!! All-One!!!
Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!!!!
s taught by The Moral ABC , the real Rabbi Hillel
taught Jesus to unite all mankind free!!! 1st5: If I’m not
for me, who am I5? Nobody! 2nd5: Yet, if I’m only for me, what
am I5? Nothing! 3rd5: If not now, When5?5?5?!!! Once more, unless constructive I work hard, perfecting first me, absolute
nothing can help perfect me! Exceptions none!! 4th5: Only
hard work-God’s Law can save us, but if we teach only our
clan, we’re all hated then! So, Hillel taught Jesus, we must
teach friend & enemy the whole human race, the hard work,
full truth-press, speech & profit-sharing Moral ABC ’s AllOne-God-Faith, uniting the whole Human Race! For we’re
All-One or None! As teach for 6,000 years the astronomers
Abraham & Israel, since the year One! “LISTEN CHILDREN
ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!!! ” Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!!!
e children of the hardworking African shepherd-
astronomer Israel, we Israelites, were forced to work
our own way up & out of slavery 60x in 6,000 years. Worse5:
The first 2,000 years, ’til Moses, almost every male child
was murdered upon birth to suppress astronomer Israel’s
6,000-year great All-One-God-Faith, that with just 6 words
unites the human race in Astronomy’s eternally tremendous
All-One-God-Faith! For we’re All-One or None! “LISTEN
CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE! ” Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!!!
In ’46, after father-mother-wife, 66 million Marxist
murders, we came to, tied hand & foot, unable to remember
our name, “Bronner or Heilbronner,” due to barbaric electric
tortures that caused our total blindness today! Yet then, this
76-word deathbed message repeated 4x at midnight, saved
our life! For we’re All-One or None! ALL- ONE !!!
The Moral ABC
The 4th time this 76-word deathbed message was interrupted5: “Where can we prove that Halley’s Comet almost
exploded in 19105? In a planetarium5? There is one 60 miles
from here5: you keep silent and we’ll get you out of here! We
know exactly what you need, but you must not utter a word!
Is it agreed5?” “It is agreed!” And so, the messenger of God’s
Law, Halley’s Comet & “there is no God but God’” Mohammed, saves-inspires-evolves-unites God’s Spaceship Earth,
all life, lightning-like by a new birth! All-One!!
Yet we were forced to abandon our $60,000 estate, 2
5th thru 10th
5th5: Whatever unites us is greater than whatever divides
us! Yet if absolute unselfish I am not for me, I’m nothing but
classless, raceless Marxist masses, a slave, never free nor
brave! Only if constructive-selfish I work, perfecting first
me, like every arctic owl-penguin-pilot-cat-swallow-beaverbee, can I teach The Moral ABC , the real Rabbi Hillel taught
Jesus to unite all mankind free.
6th5: Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! Balanced food for
body-mind-soul-spirit is our medicine! Full truth our God,
half-truth our enemy, hard work our salvation, unity our
goal, Free Speech our weapon, All-One our soul, self-discipline the key to freedom, unity, love unites All-One above!
For we’re All-One! As teach for 6,000 years astronomers
ETERNALLY ONE!” Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!!!
So, when your fellow man you measure, take him at his best5:
with that lever, lift him higher, overlook the rest!
7th5: Each swallow works hard to be a perfect pilot-provider-builder-trainer-teacher-lover-mate, no half-true hate!
Have courage & smile, my friend. Think & act 10 years
ahead! Find the man without fault5? He’s dead! Do one
thing at a time, work hard! Get done! Then teach friend &
enemy how to work-love-unite all mankind free! Uniting
One! All-One! Face the world with a smile, life is always
worthwhile! To the fearless are given jewels, keep out of
the past, disappointments won’t last! Help unite mankind,
or we’re wandering fools! Repetition is the key to knowledge! So, help unite All-One!!!
8th5: More good is caused by evil than by good, do what’s
right! Enlarge the positive! Replace the negative with The
Moral ABC ’s eternally tremendous All-One-God-Faith that
unites the human race! For we’re All-One or None! As teach
all astronomers, for 6,000 years since the year One. “LISTEN
Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!
For example, Khrushchev found5: “Without profits, farmers won’t deliver food, we starve!” So, we wired Gorbachev
in ’85 as we wired Khrushchev 10 times in ’63 from our home17
The Moral ABC
town of Heilbronn, West Germany5; “All love your courage
replacing Stalin’s hate with one-work-speech-press-&profit-sharing-All-One-God-Faith! Remember5: 6,000 years
from today, all will thank God for whoever united the human
race in All-One-God-Faith. East, West, Jew or Gentile, one
team. Thank only God for that!” [—Soapmaker, Dr. Bronner]
Khrushchev, after our 10 wires in ’63, gave each farmer
1 acre land free & had poet Yevtushenko print5: “3% unite5:
that’s their strength5; 97% divide5: that’s our failure!” Our
6,000-year failure to teach the 6 words with which the African shepherd-astronomers Abraham & Israel lightning-like
unite the human race in our Eternal Father’s great All-OneGod-Faith! For we’re All-One or None! In fact, with Nuclear
Bombs, we must unite All-One or we’re all None! All-One!!!
ONE!” Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!!!
9th5: Free Speech is man’s only weapon against half-truth
that denies Free Speech to smear-slay-slander-tax-enslave5;
Full truth, our only God, unites All-One-God-Faith, and by
absolute nothing else! America’s founding father Thomas
Paine, 8 books suppressed since 17995: Common Sense, The
Realist, The Rights of Man, Agrarian Justice, The American
Crisis, The Age of Reason, The Army of Principles & All-OneGod-Faith, that 6 billion strong unite the human race in our
Eternal Father’s tremendous All-One-God-Faith! All-One!
All-One!!! All-One!!!! 6 million years of kill-or-be-killed halftrue hate must be replaced by love & teach love, full truth,
uniting All-One-God-Faith!!!
10th5: Thank God we don’t descend down from perfect Adam
& Eve to sinful sinner, brother’s keeper, divided slave! Thank
God! United armed loving hard-working trained brave,
from dust we ascend up! Thank God for that! Our brother’s
teacher of The Moral ABC , mason, tent- & sandal-maker Hillel, taught carpenter Jesus to unite all mankind free! With
it, every human being created on God’s Spaceship Earth can
evolve united, inspired-raised-trained-skilled-disciplined,
guided lighting-like by a new birth! Without it, we destroy
God’s Spaceship Earth! Aknathan-Bahá’u’lláh-BuddhaConfucius-Moses-Hillel-Jesus-Mohammed, inspired every
76 years by the messenger of God’s Law, Halley’s Comet,
teach5: A fire, a mist, a planet, a crystal, a cell, a jellyfish, a
8th–10th"; Kipling’s “If ”
dinosaur, caves where cavemen dwell! Then a sense for worklove-song-art-play-law-beauty, a face turned up from the
sod! Sure, it is constructive evolution, guided by one allembracing, ever-present, eternally-tremendous, ever-loving
God! One Almighty Creator of the Universe, guiding the
whole human race up, into “ALL-ONE-GOD-FAITH!” For
FAT H E R ET E R NA L LY O N E ! ” “ L I S T E N C H I L D R E N
Eternally5? Absolute None!!!
Young men & women, memorize The Moral ABC & great
poetry5: Kipling’s “If” & Bronner’s “How to Love” unite “AllOne” above! Above!! ABOVE !!!
(with a slight assist from Dr. Bronner)
If you can keep your head, when all about you
Are losing theirs & blaming it on you5;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too5;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating!
And yet don’t look too good nor talk too wise5:
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master5;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim5;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same5;
If you can bear to hear the full truth that you have spoken,
Twisted by crooks to make a trap for fools5;
Or watch the things you have given your life to, broken,
And yet stoop to build them up again with worn-out tools5;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings,
And risk it at one turn of pitch or toss5;
And lose and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart, your nerve, your sinew
To serve you long after they are gone,
And so hold on although there is nothing left within you,
except that voice which says to them5: “Hold on! Hold on!”
The Moral ABC
If you can talk to crowds & keep your virtue5;
Or walk with Kings—nor lose that common touch5;
If neither loving friend nor enemy can hurt you5;
If all men count with you, but none too much!
Then, if you can work hard to teach each unforgiving
minute the Moral ABC that unites all mankind free,
come hell, hate, ban,
You’ll enjoy God’s Spaceship Earth & do great work
within it!
And which is more you’ll help unite the human race in
Astronomy’s great All-One-God-Faith! For we’re AllOne or None!
Sure, they say5: “East is East & West is West & never the twain
shall meet!” But there is neither East nor West, nor border,
breed nor birth, once the Moral ABC unites all mankind free
on God’s Spaceship Earth! Then, and only then, no matter
how rough the trip, how charged with punishment the scroll,
you are the captain of thy ship! The master of thy soul! Then,
these are the days my friend, we know they’ll never end! We’ll
work-sing-dance-love, marching on! Marching on! We Live
God’s Law Today, We Win Free Speech OK ! With full truth
our only God, we rally-raise-unite, All-One! All-One!! AllOne!!! Exceptions5? None!!!
(with a slight assist from Dr. Bronner)
od our Eternal Father , known of old, Lord over
our far-flung human race, beneath whose Eternal law
we hold dominion over land and space—Lord God of nations, unite us yet, by teaching Thy law, the Essene Moral
ABC of the free, lest we forget! Lest we forget! Lest we forget!
Far flung our navies melt away5; on dune & headland sinks
the fire5; gone is our pomp of yesterday, gone with Nineveh
& Tyre. Lord God of nations, unite us yet, by teaching Thy
law, the Essene Moral ABC of the free, lest we forget! Lest
we forget!
The tumult and the shouting dies5; the Captains & the
Kings depart5: still stands your ancient sacrifice, a humble
and courageous heart. Lord God of nations, unite us yet, by
teaching Thy law, the Essene Moral ABC of the free, lest we
forget! Lest we forget!
Recessional!"; The Impossible Dream"; 11th
If drunk with power, we should lose wild tongues that
have not You in awe, such boastings as small children use,
or godless-beasts outside Thy law!!! Lord God of nations,
unite us yet, by teaching Thy law, the Essene Moral ABC of
the free, lest we forget! Lest we forget!
For foolish heart that puts its trust in man-made tube &
iron sharp, all passing dust that builds on dust and guarding
it, calls not You to guard, for frantic boast & foolish word—
have mercy on Thy people, Lord! (A man and not a monkey!
A man! A man!)
o dream that impossible dream! To reach that un-
reachable star, ’til united All-One we are! To fight that
unbeatable foe! To go where the brave dare not go! To right
that unrightable wrong! To love pure-chaste from afar! To
try when your arms are too weary to reach that unreachable
star, ’til united All-One we are!
For this is my goal5: To reach that unreachable star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far! To fight for the Right
without question or pause, to be willing to march into hell
for a heavenly cause. For I know if I follow this glorious
quest, that my heart will lay peaceful & calm when I’m laid
to my rest. For I know that all will be better for this5: that one
man, tortured, blinded, covered with scars, still strove with
his last ounce of courage, to reach that unreachable star, ’til
united All-One we are, the whole human race in Astronomy’s
eternally tremendous All-One-God-Faith!
11th!: God’s Law prevents all conceptions below pH2.
Therefore, the Essenes contracepted for 400 years with
rose-hips, pH2! Today, absolute clean, apply vaseline, oil,
butter or cream. Insert teaspoonful juicy lemon pulp, pH2!
OK ! Next day, douche with plain or slightly soapy water,
pH8, restoring pH5 balance God made! Essene & other
birth controls reduce 6 to 3 billion people or overpopulation
destroys God’s Spaceship Earth!
1 Orgasm = about 1 ounce = 30 grams5; 1 gram = 1 million
micrograms = 1 million human sperms, each completely
invisible, smaller than dust!!! God’s Law raises spirit to dust!
Without birth control, the last generation of Easter Island
people were driven to supplement their meager vegetarian
The Moral ABC
diet with Cannibalism, by eating each other!!! Therefore,
ESSENE BIRTH CONTROL will control overpopulation of
the human race in Astronomy’s eternally tremendous ALLONE-GOD-FAITH!!! ALL-ONE! ALL-ONE!! ALL-ONE!!!
ho else but God gave man this sensuous passion,
love that can spark mere dust to life5?! Revealing beauty
in our Eternal Father’s fashion. Ecstasy—far above earthly
greediness and strife! Poetry, uniting All-One, All-Brave,
All-Life! Who else but God5? Who else but God5? Who Else5?!!!
Love is like a willful bird! Do you want it5? It flies away!
Yet, when you least expect its bliss, it turns around and it’s
here to stay!
For centuries man struggles, half-asleep, half-living,
small, jealous, bickering with mountains of red tape, to be
awakened, the night God chose giving5; His great reward for
hard work5; Poetry-Unity-Love, evolving man above the ape!
Poetry-Unity-Ecstasy-Love, evolving man above, above,
above the ape! For any ape can have 5 minutes of sex within5;
Only man, absolute clean, reciting poetry, enjoys hours and
hours of loving self-discipline!
We are not true while calculated calm controls us, blood
flows near spirit in cold divided flame! Only love’s stormy
passion, striking deep within us can turn blood to spirit
and spirit to blood, untame! Spirit to blood untame! Spirit
to blood untame!
Co-in-ci-dent-ally and yet oh-so-slow, sweet kisses whisper softly into waiting ears, arousing heavenly flames, that
enlighten, renew, brilliant fires, blazing through dark lonesome years!
For who else but God gave man this sensuous passion,
love that can spark mere dust to life5?! Beauty, in our Eternal
father’s fashion, ecstasy—far above earthly greediness &
strife! Poetry, uniting All-One, All-Brave, All-Life! Who else
but God5? Who else but God5? Who Else5?!
Like a beacon breaking through dark clouds that pass,
your deep embrace, your sensuous kiss! Who else but God
can make love last, one trillion years of sweet eternities5?!
Passions that quicken your senses, fulfill, quench the
thirst of lonesome years! Yet, the sun has shadows5: learn
How to Love
to control your will, to enjoy lifelong happiness, not tears!
Wait, rise to the stars above and thrill! Arouse the very
flames of life! Sweetheart, kiss me! Hold Still! Hold still!
Listen to God’s reward for strife!
Rosebuds, slowly woken, break budding open, delicate,
sweet, so on soft fingertips, shivering up your spine, red pulsing blood, in lightning speed through your pure body’s lips!
Caressing deep, searching way out of sight! Oh, beautiful
spirit of God’s Eternal Spring, heat of passion in a warm moonlit night, ecstasy to be buried in heaven, within!
Relax, then, through long, dreamless sleep, body & soul
join close in life’s most brilliant bliss5; revealing clarity-beauty-harmony-peace, sailing on far-away sun laden ships!
Yet-what-cunning-feminine-touch, can draw new desire
to pulsing lips5?! When-soft-hands-wander-casually-such,
deftly down near lingering tips5?!
For God alone knows man’s far distant future, towards
which love’s unfailing light shows clear the upward path to
brotherhood-progress-Unity! Great tasks to nurture! With
strength and knowledge, happiness can last!
To keep my health, to do my work, to love, to live5; to see to
it I gain and grow and give and give5; never to look behind me
for an hour, never to wait in weakness, nor to brag in power,
always working, searching for more truth, more light, always
writing, teaching what I found good and right!
Robbed, starved, beaten, blinded, fallen, wide astray, back
with the full truth I’ve learned, back to the way! Smile! Help
teach the Moral ABC ’s All-One-God-Faith, that eternally
unites the human race! For we’re All-One or None! All-One!
As teaches for 6,000 years the great Astronomer Israel
ETERNALLY ONE!” Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!!!
For when brick & steel & stone are gone and flesh & blood
are dust, the full truth we print, protect & teach, Unites AllOne5; Full truth is God, it must! Full truth is God, it MUST !!!
Act the way you want to feel and soon, you feel the constructive way you act! Who else but God gave man love that
can spark mere dust to life5?! Poetry uniting All-One! AllBrave! All-Life! Who else but God5? Who else but God5? Who
Love, when conquered after years of toil-sweat-blood,
The Moral ABC
love can strike like greased lightning sent by God to spark
mere dust to intense blazing fire and create new love, faithhope-guts-strength as only God inspire, create the unity
of the human race in Astronomy’s Eternally Tremendous,
All-One-God-Faith, as all mankind desire!!! As teaches for
eternally5? Absolute None!!!
hyM? WhyM? Why did only Martin Buber, 1 of 10,000
Rabbis, teach the Moral ABC that the Mason, the real
Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus to unite all mankind Free5? The
answer came at midnight, after the Black “Core” audience
exploded with applause, their leader shouted5: “You stole
that brilliant speech! You stole it from Rabbi Hillel’s 2,000
year-old Torah! You stole it!” Substantially, we spoke as
follows5: After our father-mother-wife perished in concentration camps, we were tortured, blinded, forced to sleep
on the roof of the YMCA , penniless with the pigeons! Yet
God blessed the persecuted, they are his chosen people!
So, we children of the hard-working, God-loving African
shepherd-astronomers Abraham & Israel! We Israelites,
we were forced to work our own way out of slavery 60x in
6,000 years!!! Worse5: The first 2,000 years ’til Moses, almost
every male child was murdered to suppress African astronomer Israel’s tremendous All-One-God-Faith, that with
just 6 words unites the human race! For we’re All-One or
None!! All-One! All-One!! All-One!!! “LISTEN CHILDREN
eternally5? Absolute None!!!
Worse5: “For 2,000 years, almost every male child was
murdered, to suppress shepherd-astronomer Israel’s AllOne-God-Faith!” ’Til one desperate slave girl hid her baby
on a block of driftwood in the water, from where Pharaoh’s
own daughter pulled it out of the water, which in African
language means5: “Moses! Moses! Moses!” So, today, we Israelites, surviving 6,000 years of persecution5: we must teach
Speech made after 1965 Watts riots!"; 12th
all mankind that the car we ride in, the plane overhead, the
food in our belly, the shirt on our back, every improvement
that man enjoys on the surface of God’s planet, was foundbuilt-worked-taught, only by men that first learned to work
constructive with their hands!!!
Men like the African-shepherd-astronomers Abraham
& Israel, African-city-builder Moses, African teacher-oflove Cleopatra, African inventor of wind-power Hannibal,
Asian planters of trees Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tse, Zoroaster, mason Socrates, physician Hippocrates, mapmaker
Cicero, mason, tent- & sandalmaker Hillel, carpenter Jesus,
camel-driver Mohammed, shipbuilder Geoffrey Chaucer,
lens-grinder Spinoza & American founding father, the
world’s first steel-bridge-builder, Thomas Paine, 1799!
These are the type of hard-working, brave men that built
all civilization & everything good that’s in it! Carnegie built
50,000 free Libraries!
But the Intellectuals that spoke here the past 3 hours,
unfortunately, learned only how to bluff-bully-betray-brainwash & bury us! Yet, if we hard-workers unite to teach the
Moral ABC ’s All-One-God-Faith, we will unite the human
race and we will be welcomed any place on God’s Spaceship
Earth, regardless if our skin is black-brown-pale-pink-redtan or yellow! No man is white! Paper is white! No man ever
was white! No man ever will be white! That’s the Godless
Parasite aiming to divide-exploit-enslave by half-true hate!
NO MAN IS WHITE! On the contrary5; only our hard-working African-shepherd-astronomers Israel 6,000 year great
All-One-God-Faith, with just 6 words unites the human
race! For we’re All-One or None! “LISTEN CHILDREN
eternally5? None! Absolute None! We’re All-One! I thank
you. [—Soapmaker, Rabbi Bronner]
Again5: The Black “Core” audience exploded with applause,
but their leader shouted5: “You stole that brilliant speech!
You stole it from Rabbi Hillel’s 2,000-year-old Torah! You
stole it!” Then added he, from Hillel’s Moral ABC , without
which none unite free5:
12th!: A great teacher must first self-supporting be, like
Aleson M.D. , Berlin Rabbi Baeck, Martin Buber, Carnegie,
The Moral ABC
Marva Collins, Cousteau, Edison, Rabbi Liebman, Paine,
Pike, Margaret Sanger, Spinoza, Strauss, Dr. Thomas Szasz,
Wendell Willkie, Yadin & Zamenhof5; or he will turn our
greatest teachings into spades with which to bury our people! “All people,” added carpenter Jesus entering manhood!
Manhood! But for 2,000 years, we Rabbis never teach the
Moral ABC that the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus, to unite
the human race in astronomy’s eternally tremendous AllOne-God-Faith! For we’re All-One or None! All-One! Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!!!
“God bless the food & bless the loving hands that prepared it! Bless it to give us strength & bless that strength, so
we use it to help unite the whole human race in Thy Kingdom,
All-One-God-Faith! For we’re All-One or None!” As teach, for
6,000 years, since the year one, inspired every 76 years by
God’s messenger, Halley’s Comet, the astronomers5: Abraham-Israel-Moses-Bahá’u’lláh-Buddha-Jesus & Mohammed! “LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY
ONE!” Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None! We’re One!
All-One! All-One!! All-One!!!
TV’s 60 Minutes found 10 nations making Nuclear Bombs,
mainly because we don’t teach, since 1799, 8 great works by
Thomas Paine nor Essene Birth-Control, Swiss 6,000 year
UMT , Austrian music, Israel’s trillion trees, Silvio Gesell’s
full employment money, Dutch-dikes, Milorganites, Amish
horses, Solar power, Planetemples, Garbage-disposal-trees,
Bikes, Esperanto, Stammtisch, IT&T , Ethanol, Instant
Fire-bombers, that 6 billion strong unite all mankind free
in Astronomy’s eternally tremendous All-One-God-Faith,
that eternally unites the human race! For we’re All-One! As
Hillel warns5: “Knowing the full truth that unites all & not
teaching all is deathly guilt!”
13th!: “Knowing the full truth that unites the human race
& not teaching all is deathly guilt,” learned carpenter Jesus
from mason-Rabbi Hillel! But Marx, innocent grandson of
2 Rabbis, learned only half-truth! Ashamed, Marx wrote
1844 One World without Jews, to kill all Jews, 18485; The
Communist Manifesto, to kill the rich, causing Nazi-Psycho-Communism, 66 million murders! What an apology
we Rabbis owe Israel, Marx, Mao, all mankind5: for not
teaching Astronomy’s great All-One-God-Faith, that with
just 6 words eternally unites the human race! As teaches
African-shepherd Astronomer Israel for 6,000 years, since
ETERNALLY ONE!” For on God’s Spaceship Earth, with
Bomb & Gun, we’re All-One or None! All-One! All-One! AllOne! Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!
These are the days, my friend5: we know they’ll never end!
We’ll work-sing-dance-love, marching on! Marching On! We
live God’s Law each day, we win Free Speech OK ! With full
truth our only God, we rally-raise-unite-All-One! All-One!!
All-One!!! Again & again, we’re All-One or None! Therefore,
6 million “Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps” teach the Moral ABC
that 6 billion strong unites all mankind free, in Astronomy’s
Eternally great All-One-God-Faith!
After 1946, after father-mother-wife, 66 million Marxist
murders, Soapmaker Bronner became an Essene Rabbi to
teach astronomer Israel’s great All-One-God-Faith, before
we destroy the human race! For we’re All-One or None, as
teach astronomers Abraham & Israel for 6,000 years since
FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!” For there is no God but God,
Mohammed5; inspiring Buddha-Jesus & Mohammed by the
sign of the Messiah, Halley’s Comet! For we’re All-One or
None! All-One! All-One!! All-One!!!
Replace half-truth with Astronomy’s full truth that instantly unites mankind in God’s Eternally tremendous AllOne-God-Faith!!! Astronomers Abraham-Israel-MosesBahá’u’lláh-Buddha-Hillel-Jesus-Spinoza-Paine-Sagan &
Mohammed5; inspired for 6,000 years, each & every 76
years, by the Messenger of God’s Law, the sign of the Messiah,
Halley’s Comet!
Prevent a Supernova by teaching the whole human race
lightning-like the Moral ABC ’s All-One-God-Faith, as teach
for 6,000 years, the African shepherd-astronomers Abraham
& Israel since the year One! We’re All-One or None! “LISTEN
CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!” Exceptions Eternally5: None!!! Gorbachev found5: “Surely God on
high gave us enough wisdom to rally-raise-train-evolveunite!” Unite the whole human race with the Moral ABC ,
Hillel taught Jesus, in Astronomy’s eternally tremendous
All-One-God-Faith! For we’re All-One or None! All-One!
The Moral ABC
All-One!! All-One!!! Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!
The brilliant Astronomer Sagan found5: That those studying stars for millions of years became Astronomers with
3-inch brains while those that did not remained Gorillas
with 1-inch brains! Next, Astronomer Dionysius’ Christian
calendar lost the 10 years that unite the sign of the Messiah,
Halley’s Comet, with astronomers Abraham-Israel-Moses-Bahá’u’lláh-Buddha-Jesus & Mohammed in All-OneGod-Faith to save the human race with Essene birth control.
Swiss UMT , Dutch Dikes, Milorganites, Ethanol, Moral ABC ,
Israel’s trillion trees, Amazon—the lungs of God’s Spaceship
Earth5: without them, there is no more oxygen, no more life,
no more birth! For we’re All-One or None!
More correct, 50M×M76M=M3,800 years from the 12–year-old
Israel to the star of Bethlehem, later called “the Christian
calendar year One!” Then, 26M×M76M=M1976, not 1986, since Dionysus made a mistake of 10 years! Moses saw it, 20M×M76 = 1520
B.C. the sign of the Messiah, Halley’s Comet5; and 8M×M76 = 608
A.D. , inspired. “THERE IS NO GOD BUT GOD!!!” —Astronomer Mohammed!!!
Sagan & Bronner further found that any message from
space from God is in numbers! So, the Messenger of God’s
Law, the sign of the Messiah, Halley’s Comet, inspired astronomer Abraham, 79M×M765: 6,004 years ago in ’86 (actually
’76) as in 1910 (actually 1900), when it almost collided again.
Astronomer Israel saw it 76M×M76 = 5,776 Israel calendar years
ago in ’86 (actually ’76), at age 42, he taught his 12 sons5:
ONE!” and with these 6 words All-One-God-Faith began,
confirmed by the fact that in 1986 (actually ’76) it was exactly
5746 Israel calendar One!!!
By 1944, USA & USSR , united, were winning the war!
So, to win the peace, Wendell Willkie’s 1944 cocktail party
for the free-world press, was a smashing success. Willkie’s
great One World or Ruin! peace plan was to be printed 6 billion strong, to unite the whole human race, in Astronomy’s
eternally tremendous All-One-God-Faith! For we’re AllOne or None! All-One! All-One!! All-One!!!
But, quoting the Press5: “Wendell Willkie, at a NY cocktail party late last night, suffered a sudden heart attack &
died!” Yes, his heart was attacked by Paraldehyde and delicious Crème de Menthe, an innocent drink that turns the
strongest man into a stuttering idiot within just 6 seconds,
for just 60 minutes. Just long enough to convince his most
loving wife, his desperate sister, his loyal brother, his wealthy
cousin, his own doctor, lawyer-judge & jury, bartenders,
bystanders, reporters, witnesses & friends to exclaim5: “Oh
doctor, how terrible! The disgrace! He is so much better
off dead!” Yes, from 1917 to this day, more than 1,000 Patriots were suddenly “Better off dead!” Including our fathermother-wife, almost ourself, Patriots like5: Aleson-ArmitageForrestal-Friedman-Henry-Hyman-Leon-Liebman-PaulaPike-Spinoza-Steiner-Prag-Valentine-Weaver & Zamenhof!
IN DETAILM: 9cc. Paraldehyde deny Free Speech for 60
minutes5; 9ccM…Mfor all eternity! As almost fully exposed in
“The Tragedy of the Sane People Who Get Put Away!” to be
murdered in oblivion, as stated in the Feb. ’62 Reader’s Digest! See also5: July ’46, Oct. ’49, Nov. ’49, Mar. ’53, Apr. ’53, Jan.
’63, May ’64, Mar. ’65 & Nov. ’71 Reader’s Digests “The world’s
largest Digests!” So, don’t be bashful, fellow man, send for
reprints, digest them, then help teach the Moral ABC ’s AllOne-God-Faith, 6 billion strong to unite the human race in
Astronomy’s Eternally Tremendous All-One-God-Faith! For
we’re All-One or None! Exceptions5? Absolute None!
The trouble with the world is that the wrong people are
always the most united, while the hard workers remain divided. That fact brings Hitlers & Stalins to power5; and that
fact will only change once we realize that nuclear bombs
instantly exterminate the human race, unless we teach the
Moral ABC ’s All-One-God-Faith! For we’re All-One or None!
As teach for 6,000 years, the African shepherd-astronomers
Abraham & Israel!
ONE!” Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None! All-One!
All-One!! All-One!!!
3-9-45, Fred Walcher’s crucifixion divided the human
race instead of uniting, uniting, uniting All-One-God-Faith!
For we’re All-One or None! All-One!!!
Again, what an apology we Rabbis owe Marx, Israel, all
mankind, for our 2,000-year failure to teach what Hillel
taught Jesus—The Moral ABC —without which none survive
free! Hardworking-trained-brave, just-loving-strong, uniting one! All-One! For example5: “The Manual of Discipline” by
Jesus, found in 1948 by Mohammed’s Arabs in Israel Essene
The Moral ABC
Scrolls & now on “Dr. Bronner’s Eucalyptus Soap Quarts”!!!
1st5: A human Being works hard to teach love his enemy, to
help unite all mankind free, or that being is not yet Human5;
so, go the second mile, turn the other cheek, brave, not meek!
For we’re All-One or None! All-One! Exceptions eternally5?
None! Absolute None!
2nd!: Teach friend & enemy The Moral ABC that unites all
mankind free, in All-One-God-Faith, or half-truth does destroy the human race! Yet today, we’re All-One or All-None!
ONE!” Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!!!
22nd!: Small minds decay! Average minds delay! Great
minds teach All-One today! Win victory, & all stand by you5;
give up5?—all deny you! Remember, the only difference between the brave and the coward5: the brave has an ideal to
fight for, such as teaching The Moral ABC , that unites the
human race in All-One-God-Faith! As teach astronomers
Abraham & Israel, inspired by the Messenger of God’s Law,
Halley’s Comet, the Blazing Star of Moses-Jesus-BuddhaBethlehem-Mohammed! “LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL
For exampleM: “All mankind admire your great Olympic
victories; therefore, we’ll pay you $1,000 for each hour you
teach, on worldwide TV, The Age of Reason by American
founding father, the world’s first steel bridge builder, Thomas Paine, 1799, to unite the human race with the Moral ABC ’s
All-One-God-Faith! For we’re All-One or None! As teaches
for 6,000 years astronomer Israel5: LISTEN CHILDREN
ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!N…NALL-ONE! Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!”
Therefore, Rabbi, if you are kind enough to mail us on one
page, in plain English, whatever you taught about the great
teaching of Rabbi Hillel, we will ship you free of charge $1,000
of our “Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Oil 18-in-One Pure-Castile
Soap,” OK , Rabbi5?” — Point-blank, the Rabbi replied5: “I’m
sorry, I cannot do that.” — Why, Rabbi5? — “I am very sorry,
but it is so bad I cannot possibly tell you on the phone!”
“Well, now, Rabbi, I lost father-mother-wife, almost my
own life in concentration camps5; and only after my third
escape, I was able to flee 2,000 miles back to American civi30
1st, 2nd, 22nd""; Correspondence with Rabbi Wohl
lization, but here I was forced to sleep on the roof of the
YMCA …MpennilessM…Mwith the pigeons. For I was smeared and
slandered across the land, so I could not teach the Moral ABC
Hillel taught Jesus, to unite all mankind brave, free, free!”
“Well, now, RabbiM…MIn Germany in 1818, an absolute innocent Jewish boy was born named Karl Marx5; both his grandfathers were Rabbis, but because they did not teach him the
great principles of Hillel, Marx, ashamed, wrote in 18445:
One World Without JewsM…Mto kill all Jews!! And in 1848, The
Communist ManifestoM…Mto kill the rich!! Thus causing 66
million Marxist murders, from 1917 to this day!!
“Oh, that’s terrible! That’s outrageous!!”5—5“ Well, then,
Rabbi, would you please write us on one page whatever you
taught about the great teachings of Hillel5?5?”5—5“I will do so
at once! I promise I will!”5—5And the Rabbi did.
Here is what he wrote5:
Temple B’Nai Israel
Rabbi Emile Wohl
3600 Riverside Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95818
Dear Dr. Bronner!:
Here are the quotes about Hillel that will be of help to you!:
Hillel saw a skull float on the face of the water and spoke to it!:
“You have been drowned because you have drowned others, but
they will at last also be drowned, because they have drowned
you.” The more flesh, the more worms. The more possessions,
the more worry. The more women, the more witchcraft. The
more servants, the more thievery. The more maid servants, the
more immorality. But the more Torah, the more life!"…"etc.…
[Signed!: Rabbi Emile Wohl, dated September 23, 1972]
Holy Man! Rabbi, you’re not kidding5?! Instead of teaching the Moral ABC the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus, to
unite the whole human race, in our Eternal Father’s great AllOne-God-Faith, you teach such bunk to untold generations
of old! Karl Marx wrote5: One World Without Jews causing 66
million murders and why, why, for 6,000 years the African
shepherd Israel’s God-loving children, continue to flee5?!
Flee from such half-true “Judaism” into unrealistic but
less persecuted religions, like Godless Atheism, Bolshevism, Communism, Marxism, Nazism, Psycho-Socialism,
State-Terrorism5; 57 divided religions that never, never reunite God’s legions! Yet, with nuclear bombs, we’re All-One
or None! All-One! All-One!!!
The Moral ABC
Again & again5: What an apology we Rabbis owe Marx,
Israel, 50,000 American University Professors, Moscow, all
mankind5—5for not teaching them the Moral ABC ’s All-OneGod-Faith that lightning-like unites the human race! Without it, the Marxist University Chicago Chancellor Hutchins
had us arrested, tortured, blinded, as almost fully exposed
in “The Tragedy of the Sane People Who Get Put Away, To
Be Murdered In Oblivion,” in the February ’62 Reader’s
Digest"!!!!!! Yet, in his 1948 “University of Chicago Ethics,”
America’s leading Marxist Professor Hutchins found that
“The Social Philosophy of Karl Marx is not based on facts!
Marx overlooked the basic fact that those who control industry under Socialism & Communism form a new ruling class,
more independent of goodwill & therefore more dominant
& intolerant than those under competitive free enterprise!”
When President Kennedy was slain in ’63, media told the
depressing fact to all mankind within just 24 hours. Now,
within just 24 hours, media could inspire-rally-raise-unite
the Whole human race, by teaching 6 billion strong the
Moral ABC ’s All-One-God-Faith!!!
America’s “People’s World” front-page in 19605: “The American Association of University Professors gave its annual
Alex Meikelejohn Award to University of Oregon president
Arthur Flemming, for President Flemming’s great courage
in the face of nationwide opposition, in granting academic
freedom to America’s Communist leader, Gus Hall! 15,000
students gave Gus Hall standing ovations! The AAUP , 50,000
strong, controls every aspect of higher education at 1,400
American college & university campuses today!” Yet, for
2,000 years only we Rabbis know the Moral ABC of All-OneGod-Faith, without which we demoralize-divide-decay the
whole human race …TODAY !!!
What an apology we owe Israel, IRS , all mankind, for not
teaching since 1799 the 8 great books by America’s founding
father, the World’s first steel bridge builder, Thomas Paine5:
The Age of Reason’s One-God-Faith, that would unite the
human race!!!
Instead, since 1871, after France evicted their last
Communist professors, we pay them millions to teach that
unworkable Marxist half-truth over here, ’til even Teddy
Roosevelt was brainwashed to repeat5: “Thomas Paine was a
dirty, filthy little Atheist!” Yet anyone who has read Thomas
Rabbi Wohl"; All-One-God Faith Unites the Human Race!
Paine’s Age of Reason knows that he was the most constructive, God-loving scientist who ever lived!!!
Yet instead of teaching Paine’s 8 great books, from 1917
to this day, we ship our healthiest sons 6,000 & 12,000 miles
away to kill some of our Marxist cancer over there! ONLY
OVER THERE!! While Wasting Trillions Of $ Teaching It
Over Here! ONLY OVER HERE!! Compared to this high
treason, Hitler & Stalin were amateurs. Yet, today, we’re
All-One or None! All-One! All-One!! All-One!!!
Lenin, in 1921, complained to Dr. Hammer5: “Marxism
does not work, we starve!” So, since 1922, we keep Marxism
from starving, and N.Y. Rabbi Brownstein’s son, Trotsky,
1917 to ’24, as Lenin’s Minister of War, started 66 million
Marxist Murders!!! …MTerrorism!!!
herefore, we wired Gorbachev in ’85, as we
wired Khrushchev 10 times in ’63 from our hometown
Heilbronn, West Germany5: “All Love your courage replacing
Stalin’s hate with one full truth-work-speech-press-&-profitsharing State! Remember, 6,000 years from today, all will
thank God for whoever united the human race in All-OneGod-Faith! East or West, Jew or Gentile! Better yet, East
& West, Jew & Gentile! One team! Thank only God for that!
Signed, Soapmaker Bronner5”5—5Today, Gorbachev as in ’63
Khrushchev, gave each farmer one acre land free, & printed5: “3% wicked hang together even when they hate each
other5; that’s the secret of their strength! 97% hard workers
divide, that’s our failure to teach the 6 words with which astronomers Abraham-Israel-Moses-Bahá’u’lláh-BuddhaJesus-&-Mohammed, inspired by God’s sign of the Messiah,
Halley’s Comet, unite the whole human race in Astronomy’s
eternally tremendous All-One-God-Faith!” For we’re AllOne or None! “LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER
Exceptions eternally5? ABSOLUTE NONE! What an
apology we Rabbis owe Karl Marx for our 2,000 year failure
to teach the Moral ABC ’s All-One-God-Faith that the real
Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus to unite the human race. For we’re
All-One or None! All-One! All-One!! All-One!!!!
Yet, in ’29, American Columbia University Professor Max
The Moral ABC
Eastman returned from 7 years as Lenin’s & Stalin’s honored
guest, with the courage to confess5: “absolute unselfish free &
equal socialism’s one-world-state in reality kills incentiveM…
causing half-true, intolerant hate!” Now, for 40 years, he
tried to teach all mankind in vain, the unworkability of
Marxism, ’til he finally wrote in ’695: “Mankind’s worst enemy
of human hope is not socialism’s 66 million murders and 1
billion slaves, but intellectuals who do not know the Moral
ABC ’s All-One-God-Faith the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus
to unite the human race!!” For we’re All-One … or None!! For
on God’s Spaceship Earth, with Bomb & Gun, we’re All-One
or None! All-One! All-One!
IN 1390 A.D. WROTE:
lee from the crowd to dwell with truthfulness. Be
satisfied with what you have, it may be small! To hoard
brings hate, to climb brings dizziness, the crowd has envy &
success blinds all! Be happy with what to your lot may fall!
Work well yourself to council others clear, & full truth, hard
work, God’s Law shall make you free! There is no fear!
Torment yourself not all the crooked to redress nor put
your trust in fortune’s turning ball! Great peace is found in
little busyness, and war but kicks against an age-old wall!
Strive not, you earthen pot, to break that wall! Subdue
yourself and others you shall hear, & full truth, hard work,
God’s Law shall make you free! There is no fear!
What God does send, receive in glad-some-ness. To strive
for greater wealth foretells thy fall! Here is no home, here
is but wilderness forth, pilgrim forth, up, Beast, & leave thy
stall. Know your country, look up, thank God for all! Hold to
the higher way, your soul (that God within you) be pioneer!
And full truth, hard-work, God’s Law, shall make you free!
There is no fear!!!
Therefore, poor Beast, Forsake thy wretchedness! No
longer let this vain world be thy stall. His mercy seek, who
in his mightiness made you of dust, but not to be a ball!
Work well yourself & work with all, who seek for larger life
& deeper cheer, and full truth, hard work, God’s Law, shall
make you free! There is no fear!!!
Chaucer; Wilson-Weaver-Paine-Baeck
merican President Woodrow Wilson, in 1917, re-
plied to Marxist Lenin5: “We are not a nation of classes,
races, minority or pressure groups! Anybody trading on our
race, color, nationality or religion divides God’s legions! He
does not yet know that America’s founding father, steelbridge builder Thomas Paine’s Age of Reason, Army of Principles & One-God-Faith lightning-like unite the human race,
once we teach them 6 billion strong.” We’re All-One! AllOne! All-One! Exceptions eternally5? None! Absolute None!!!
The Mainspring of Human Progress, by GM ’s Executive
Henry Weaver, 1949, quotes, on page 204, The Army of Principles by America’s founding father, steel-bridge builder
Thomas Paine, suppressed 1799–19995: “Fellow Americans,
spread the revolution! Fellow citizens of all nations, remember5: An army of principles can penetrate where an army of
soldiers cannot! It will succeed and unite the human race,
where every other weapon divides ALL-ONE-GOD-FAITH!
Its onslaught cannot be stopped by the Rhine, the Channel,
or the Ocean! It will march on the horizon of the world & it
will conquer every tyranny, every human heart by teaching
each & every man the Moral ABC of the free! Free to communicate, cooperate, construct! Free to build, protect &
share! Free to grow, develop & expand! Free to unite in
love, cherish & enjoy the Kingdom of God’s Law, the Moral
ABC ’s All-One-God-Faith that eternally unites the human
race, for we’re All-One or None! For when brick & steel &
stone are gone, & flesh & blood are dust, the full truth we printprotect-&-teach, full truth grows up & on! Full truth IS GOD ,
it must.” [Paine, Weaver, Bronner].
“The Realist Declaration of Independence,” by Thomas
Paine, 17995: “ We fight for more perfect unity-security-liberty-justice, with equal opportunity to basic-training, hardwork, full-employment, free-speech, free-press, free-choice,
free-jury, for each & every human being on God’s Spaceship
Earth, barring None! Absolute None!” For we’re All-One or
None! Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!
Berlin Rabbi Baeck teaches, 1945, how united only we
survive5: “The mark of the mature man is his ability to love
and be loved, joyful, brave, without feeling of guilt. We have
The Moral ABC
learned to teach that or teach nothing! All else is unimportant! I thank you!”
“We must teach friend & ENEMY how to unite all mankind
free or perish! Beasts teach only friends!” Rabbi Liebman
almost added in 1948.
rctic White Owl has babies only when there is 9
weeks’ food supplies to survive! Beavers, by teamwork,
enjoy family life! Bees drop 3% lazy drones from hive! Cleopatra’s love, the ABC of Mama Cat teaches5: 1st5: Absolute
cleanliness is Godliness! 2nd5: Constructive-selfish hard
work saves home-food-young! 3rd!: Absolute teamwork
fertilizes God’s earth! 4th!: Absolute harmony with God’s
timing easy birth! 5th5: Mother’s love discipline, save! 6th!:
Father’s stern discipline, off titties when raised! 7th!: Hard
work, self discipline! 8th5: God’s Eternal discipline, save!
9th5: Nine lives, self-reliant, brave! 10th!: Dignity, beauty,
relaxation, fun! 11th!: Tenacity gets it done! 12th!: Perfect
sense of direction, ESP ! 13th!: The ABC of Mama Cat &
the Swallow’s song above, teach the human race with the
Moral ABC , taught 6 billion strong in All-One-God-Faith!
ALL- ONE !!!
Esquire, Dec. ’73, printed 10 pages on “Dr. Bronner’s Magic
Soaps,” but omitted its appeal to unite All-One-God-Faith!
Worse5: Wall Street Journal, April 13, 1983, front-paged an
appeal by American Marxists to the IRS to use “Dr. Bronner’s
Magic Soap” to mop up his anti-Marxist Religion. But by November 26, 1993 the Wall Street Journal had a front page
article praising Dr. Bronner’s work!
“Corporation Sole,” secured for us in 1963 to legally establish that the millions of dollars from soap produced by Soapmaker-Master-Chemist Dr. Bronner, are used by Rabbi
Bronner to help teach the whole human race, 6 billion strong,
the Moral ABC ’s All-One-God-Faith, for we’re All-One or
ETERNALLY ONE!” Exceptions eternally5? Absolute None!!!
Replace all bombs with the Moral ABC that unites all mankind free! Remember, Hearst printed in 19105: “The end of
the earth may come tonight! Halley’s Comet, only 15 million
miles away may collide!” By 1986, it was 66 million miles
The ABC of Mama Cat
away. But by 2062, it may really collide unless we now rallyraise-train-evolve unite by replacing half-true hate with
full truth uniting All-One-God-Faith! Remember Jupiter,
July 1994!
Atom bombs can be controlled because Uranium is rare!
But Hydrogen bombs cannot always be controlled because
Hydrogen is everywhere. So God’s Spaceship Earth may explode, unless we teach the whole human race the Moral ABC ’s
All-One-God-Faith! Yes, as teach astronomers Abraham-Israel-Moses-Bahá’u’lláh-Buddha-Jesus-Mohammed, inspired by the messenger of God’s Law, Halley’s Comet, since
ETERNALLY ONE!” Exceptions, eternally5? Absolute None!!!
Soapmaker-Master-Chemist, Essene Rabbi Bronner,
Einstein’s kin, inventor of Essene Birth-control patents like
#4,108,309 that teach shepherd-astronomer’s Abraham &
Israel’s 6,000-year great All-One-God-Faith with Almond
Oil Soap, Baby Supermild Soap, Balanced Mineral Bouillon, Balanced Mineral Seasoning, Barley Malt Sweetener,
Calcium Food Malt, Corn Sesame Chips, Sal-Suds and 6
million “Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps” that teach the Moral
ABC that 6 billion strong unites all mankind free in our Eternal Father’s great All-One-God Faith, Astronomy’s Eternally great All-One-God-Faith! All-One! ASTRONOMERS
esus’ “Manual of Discipline” replaces our age-
old fear-driven kill-or-be-killed half-true self-love, that
jealous power & glory seeking Beast within each one
of us, with our new courageous 6,000-year young love-&teach-love Brother-love, that fully true constructive good,
that God within each & every human being!
Remember5: Nothing is impossible to 10 men united &
organized for positive action!
Jesus asked his disciples, “Why are we persecuted? Because we believe in only one God, one all-embracing Eternal
Father.” “So,” replied Jesus, “If we really believe in one Eternal Father, then the Roman soldier is our Brother & we must
teach both friend and Enemy the Moral ABC that instantly
unites all mankind free, in Astronomy’s eternally great AllOne-God-Faith, or we’re still godless Beasts, not yet Human!”
A Human being must teach friend & Enemy the Moral
ABC uniting all mankind free or that being is not yet human!
Rabbi Jesus’ full truth No. 1. Exceptions eternally? Absolute
None! So each child will be a slave of Marxist Socialism’s
half-true hate, unless we teach brave Hillel’s full truth Social
Action uniting One-God-State!
The Moral ABC
1. Under one Eternal Father, I must teach friend & Enemy
the full truth Moral ABC to unite all mankind free in OneGod-Faith.
2. To get it done5: A Beast can only listen to its friend! A Human Being must teach love his Enemy or that being is not
yet human!
3. A shark can only love its friend. Lacking frontal lobes, it
must avoid-fear-smear-hate-slander-dominate-dictate-distort-destroy anything it does not know, understand or disagrees with. That’s a shark. But a Human Being possessing
the Kingdom of God’s Law, the Essene Moral ABC of the
FREE within his frontal lobes, works hard to teach friend &
enemy the Moral ABC , otherwise that being is not yet human.
4. A Human Being is a constructive working scientist who
knows, loves, follows, teaches Full Truth, God’s Law, to all
of God’s Children, friend & Enemy, otherwise that being is
not yet Human! Exceptions? None!
5. The moment any being follows, tolerates or teaches earthen half-gods or half-truisms, that moment he becomes a godless, intolerant Beast, potentially 10 times more dangerous &
destructive than any ordinary Shark-Snake-Rat or Panther!
6. If we really want Brotherhood-Progress-Peace, not war,
we must not only listen to the neighbor whom we choose, but
also to the one whom God sends! Otherwise we’re still Beasts,
not yet Human! Exceptions eternally? Absolute None! Jesus’
Manual of Discipline, out of the mouth of subway-builder
Nikita Khrushchev, April ’56, London, England.
years it never got done! The godless beasts still disapproved!
Result? These tremendous 13 words never got printed! Because the brilliant 48-year-young Rabbi Joshua Loth Liebman’s book Peace of Mind was distorted after he dropped
dead! Diagnosis? “Sudden heart attack!” Exactly as suffered
by Rabbi Jesus, Spinoza, Thomas Paine, Samuel Friedman,
Steiner-Prag and Rabbi Leo Baeck5: 6 & 66 million “sudden
heart attacks,” murders caused by us godless intolerant
Jesus’ Manual of Discipline
8. Always we’re our Brother’s Teacher of hardworking full
truth uniting One-God-State or we decay being his Keeper
by unworkable half-true intolerant hate!
9. He who risks his life teaching friend & Enemy the Moral
ABC uniting all mankind free wins Eternal Life! He who does
less than that perishes by half-true strife.
10. I am the Son of God and so are you! I am the manifestation of God’s Eternal Law & so are you! I have learned great
wonders5; you shall learn greater wonders! I have done good
work! You shall do better work! I have not come to change
God’s Law, but we each came to find-follow-fulfill, printprotect-practice-preach-teach & enjoy it! Therefore, build
you 1st the Kingdom of God’s Eternal Law within you, that
is, memorize the Essene Moral ABC of the Free, All-OneFaith-in-One-God-State! To never yield to half-true hate!
And everything you need shall be added unto you! Search &
you shall find! Knock & it shall be opened! Sow & you shall
reap! Work hard & you shall create! Speak up – don’t be
afraid! Ask & you shall receive! But remember, only those
enjoy Eternal Life in our all-embracing Father’s Kingdom
that had the courage to teach friend & Enemy the Moral
ABC to unite all free! Eternally One, All-One! Exceptions?
None! These are the great Peace-winning teachings of the
Manual of Discipline by the carpenter, the great Rabbi Jesus!
Thanks to Mohammed’s Arab 1948-found Essene Scrolls,
thank only God for that!
But now came unto Jesus, the Disciple5; his own Sisters
& Brothers to say, “It is insane what he does say! Let’s put
him away!” And answered he to survive free5:
11. “Who are my Sisters & my Brothers? Only those that seek
with me to teach full truth, the Moral ABC uniting all mankind free in One-God-State! Free of half-true hate! Those
are my Sisters & Brothers! Others I know not!” But now his
Disciples asked, “Then why, why are we God-loving Children
of the great African shepherd Israel persecuted more than
any other people! Why? Why? Why?” And answered he5:
12. “God bless the persecuted! They alone are His chosen
people! For those apes that did not suffer from persecution
remained apes! Only those that worked hard to overcome
untold centuries of Barbaric ice-aged persecution, reluc41
The Moral ABC
tantly became Human Beings! Much, much too reluctantly!
Exceptions? Absolute None!”
13. To stay free5: Only that full truth we have the courage
to teach & give & give, can we enjoy to keep, evolve & live &
live! Whatever we try to give at our deathbed or take along,
it absolute certain soon is gone! Exceptions eternally? Absolute None!
14. Let him who is without fault throw the first stone, for
only God is always perfect! Judge no man unless you have
walked in his shoes! So when your fellow man you measure,
take him at his best! With that lever lift him higher, overlook
the rest! But remember, unless a man knows the Moral ABC
of the Free, none can help him to survive brave-free!
15. Let him who does not want to work with his hands, not
eat with his hands either!
16. Put Father’s discipline, put God’s Law back at the head of
your family, or you have no family-nation-team! Remember,
every organization is the shadow of one constructive man or
there is no organization, no construction, no man!
17. Self-discipline is the skeleton of your intellect, the key
to freedom, the basis of happiness, the foundation of Brotherhood! Without it, the most brilliant head remains useless-ineffective-small!
18. From every power enchains, each man can only free himself as self-control he gains! Therefore, he who conquers himself, conquers more than he who conquers the largest city!
19. True freedom enjoys only he who 1st completes whatever constructive work he must, then teaches others full
truth, God’s Law, teamwork-unity-trust! For only after I’ve
done my best can I let go, let God do the rest! Exceptions
eternally? Absolute None!
20. God has not promised skies always blue, flower-strewn
pathways all our lives through! God has not promised sun
without rain, joy without sorrow, peace without pain! But
God has promised strength for the day, rest for the laborer,
light on the way! Grace for the trial, help from above, undying
sympathy, unfailing love!
21. Don’t hide your light under a bushel like the heathens!
Let your light shine forth so all mankind can see your good
Jesus’ Manual of Discipline"; Wisdom of the Ages
works, to glorify our Eternal Father’s law as expressed by
22. To stay free5: Small minds discuss people. Average minds
discuss events. Great minds teach Rabbi Hillel’s Moral
ABC & Rabbi Jesus’ Manual of Discipline, 6 billion strong,
instantly uniting all mankind free with Barbarism gone! The
greatest event for all of God’s people! Help get it done!! “AllOne!”
23. Remember, the only difference between the brave
man & the coward is the brave man has an ideal to fight
for5; teaching friend & Enemy the Moral ABC , that 6 billion
strong instantly unites all mankind free with Barbarism
gone! Free by teaching only full truth, God’s Law, Eternally
One, All-One! By God’s Blazing Comet, the Star of IsraelDavid-Bethlehem & Mohammed, Halley’s Comet, 10 brave
men get it done! Help teach All-One!
24. Near the end of World War II, the great professor of the
University of Berlin, Rabbi Leo Baeck, was liberated from
a concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. In answer to the
barbaric Morgenthau Plan, which would have eliminated
Germany from the face of the earth, Rabbi Baeck answered
the question “What must we do with Germany?” as follows5:
What must we do with Germany? What have we learned? A
human being, in fact the mark of a mature man is his ability
to work creatively in order to give love and receive love courageously and joyfully all the time and without any feeling of guilt!:
we love our friend and we teach God’s Law, love our enemy or
we are not yet human. We have learned that, or we have learned
nothing. I thank you.
Rabbi Leo Baeck. Exceptions? None! Absolute None!
For these are the days, my friend! We know they’ll never
end! We’ll work-sing-dance-love, marching on! Marching
on! We’ll live God’s Law each day! We’ll teach How to Love
God’s way! We’ll fight for what’s OK ! For we’re young &
sure to unite! All-One! All-One!
1. Intolerant half-truth is our only real enemy! Calm-clearconstructive full truth is God, is God’s Law, is the Kingdom
of God’s Law, our only real eternal faith, ally, friend & leader!
Today there is no other Leader! There never was! Thank
God’s Eternal Law! Thank only God for that! For when half43
The Moral ABC
true hate is gone & all of us are dust, the full truth we printprotect & teach eternally unites All-One! Full truth is God, it
must! Exceptions to Mohammed’s Wisdom? Absolute None!
2. In short5: Half-truth is the enemy, full truth is God!
3. Count that day lost whose low descending sun views
from your hands no worthy labor done! Exceptions? None!
4. We do not reapeth what we sow, thank God we don’t! For
the past 6,000 years & in all eternity we reap only from 3
to 3 billion times more of that constructive good, that full
truth, that good seed that we sow in harmony with God’s timing-teamwork-wisdom-power-mercy-love! Of any half-true
hate that we sow, we reap nothing but dust! For example,
Hitler’s “One Thousand Year Reich,” Stalin’s “Dictatorship
of the Proletariat” are today nothing but half-true hate!
Dust! Exceptions? None!
5. The intensity of man’s emotions is a greater driving force
& more decisive than the sum total of his education, logic,
friends, money, plus the size of his brain! Exceptions without
the Moral ABC ? Absolute None!
6. On the plains of hesitation lie the bones of countless millions who at the dawn of Victory sat down to rest & resting
7. Anything that helps unite me & all mankind is good!
Anything that divides me & mankind is bad!
New York Columbia University Professor Max Eastman,
after 7 years as Lenin’s & Stalin’s guest, had the courage to
confess in ’295: “Socialism’s absolute unselfish free & equal
One-World-Brotherhood-State in reality is utterly unworkable intellectual-parasite’s half-true-intolerant-hate covered up by doubletalk-fraud-perjury-concentration-campslavery-Barbarism! Exceptions? Absolute None!”
8. Thru millions of dark centuries, we ascend up, evolvefight-grow-work up from dust to fish to bird to Beast to ape
to man to good to God! We ascend up by full truth-constructive-evolution uniting One-God-State! Thank God’s Eternal
Law—thank only God for that!
9. In one world with atom bombs, we’re on the mountaintop,
the crest, the crossroad! Today our new 6,000-year-young
love-&-teach-love Brother-love, that constructive good,
Wisdom of the Ages"; Confucius’ Absolutes
that God within each & every human being must become
more energetic, hardworking, united & intense than our
age-old fear-driven kill-or-be-killed self-love! That power
& glory-seeking beast within each one of us always has been
& still is. Self-love must serve Brother-love5; half-truth must
yield to full truth ’til half-true Socialism’s intolerant hate
is replaced by hardworking full truth, Free Speech & profitsharing Social Action uniting All-One-God-State! For when
half-true hate is gone & all of us are dust, the full truth we
print-protect & teach alone eternally unites All-One! Full
truth is God, it must!
10. The trouble with the world is that the wrong people
are always the most energetic, united & intense while the
hardworking people work scattered, divided, less intense!
That fact alone brings Hitlers, Stalins and Parasites to power
& that fact will only change when we change5; that is when
we teach the Essene Moral ABC 6 billion strong instantly
uniting all mankind free with Barbarism gone! Free by
teaching only full truth, God’s Law, Eternally One5: All-One!
11. Under one God, one all-embracing, ever-loving Eternal
Father, we’re all Sisters & Brothers! Exceptions eternally?
Absolute None! None!
1. It is an absolute full truth that the 1st law of God’s tremendous universe is order! Absolute all-embracing, ever
evolving, full-truth-disciplined loving order! Exceptions?
Absolute None!
2. It is an absolute full truth that everybody in God’s tremendous universe must eat or there is no body! To shine on, eat
must even the Sun, consuming every second on its surface
meteoric matter 100,000 tons! Exceptions? Absolute None!
3. It is an absolute full truth that every ounce of good food
on God’s Earth requires constructive teamwork in harmony
with God’s timing-wisdom-power-mercy-love, or there is not
an ounce of good food left above! Exceptions? Absolute None!
4. It is an absolute full truth that any man planting 10 fruit
trees in harmony with God’s timing-teamwork-wisdompower-mercy-love, can reap 10 million more above! Above!
Exceptions? Absolute None!
The Moral ABC
5. It is an absolute full truth that only constructive working men built all civilization & everything good that’s in it!
Exceptions? Absolute None!
6. It is an absolute full truth that parasites, in order to
eat, must dominate-dictate-distort-complicate-deny Free
Speech, smear-slay-slander-cheat or they won’t eat! Exceptions? Absolute None!
7. Whatever full truth unites us in All-One-God-State, is
one thousand times more important than whatever may
again divide us by half-true hate! Exceptions? Absolute
8. It is an absolute full truth5: in one egg we grow up free,
teaching full truth unity in One-God-State or decay, enslaved tyrant’s half-true hate! Exceptions? Absolute None!
9. It is an absolute full truth that each swallow always is a
perfect pilot-provider-builder-explorer-lover-mate! None
imperfect, misled by man’s half-true hate, parasite-blackmail-slave! So each obedient man can evolve like every
swallow, united-hardworking-free-brave!
10. It is better to light one small candle than to cuss the
darkness! Exceptions? Absolute None!
11. The fully-true written word, the pen, is mightier than
the most brutal sword if guarded by 10 brave men!
12. All-out Intensity in teaching all men the full truth that
unites One-God-State is our first & most sacred duty for the
survival of this & all future generations from half-true hate!
Exceptions? Absolute None!
13. Moderation, tolerating the denial of Free Speech by 256
different half-true Academic Tyrannies, -isms and Religions,
is our greatest crime against this, the last generation unable
to survive divided, on God’s Spaceship Earth. Exceptions?
Absolute None!
14. The full truth written word is mightier than the most
brutal sword if so used! That is, if 10 brave men use full truth
with the same careful preparation, full cooperation & sudden lightning-like concentration as we godless fools always
used the sword! Exceptions? Absolute None!
15. Since 600 B.C. the full truth that unites all in One-God46
Confucius’ Absolutes"; Hippocrates’ ABC of Perfect Health
State is more important than whatever may again divide us
by half-true hate!
16. Free Speech is to mankind what air is to fire! Deny-delay-distort-ignore-suppress & in oblivion all expire! Free
Speech, kind man, air! Fire! All expire! There won’t even
be dust! Unite we must! Unite we must!
ellow manM : Hippocrates’ ABC of Perfect health, sworn
since 400 B.C. to be practiced by each & every M.D. Hippocrates’ ABC of Perfect Health is practiced since 300 B.C. by
the Healthy Hunzas that enjoy 150 years of happy life without half-true hate & strife, teaching all living beings on God’s
Spaceship Earth how to give future generations a new Birth!
A. Anybody whose food is balanced cannot become the
victim of beriberi, diabetes, tooth decay nor any other deficiency disease!
B. Balanced food for body, mind, soul, spirit is our real medicine, teaching-evolving-uniting all mankind free of half-true
hate our greatest health! Exceptions? Absolute none!
C. Calcium-chlorophyll fruit juice balanced Vitamin C prevents colds! Just like the Essene Moral ABC unites all mankind free!
D. Deaf Smith County, Hereford, Texas’ “Town Without a
Toothache” calcium-balanced fluoride food teach all mankind how to prevent 100% of all tooth decay the edible-inexpensive-nutritious-painless way!
Thanks to the 1941 ADA (American Dental Association)
E. Education, thru millions of years of constructive evolution to every swallow-nightingale-beaver-bear-cat and
man, meant basic training in absolute cleanliness, honesty,
self-discipline, teamwork, love, individualism and absolute
understanding of God’s timing, God’s power, God’s Law and
God’s love. The highest point of our education was reached
by the Essenes whose great teacher, the mason, - & sandal
maker, the great Rabbi Hillel taught “The Moral ABC of
the Free, The Kingdom of God’s Law, and The One-GodFaith-In-One-God-State” to the 12–year-old Jesus upon entering manhood.
Imagine Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao teaching5: “Edu47
The Moral ABC
cation is a weapon whose effect depends on who holds it in
his hand and against whom it is aimed!”
Therefore we need the positive, constructive, fully true
teachings of the Moral ABC to unite God’s Spaceship Earth
in Astronomy’s eternally tremendous All-One-God-Faith!
F. Free Speech is man’s only weapon against evil! Therefore,
evil men always shrink-smear-slay-slander it! So 10 brave
men see that you’ll speak THEN listen to me! (So teaches the
real Rabbi Hillel.)
Hillel’s Academic Freedom unites One-God-State! Fake
Rabbis’ 256 Academic Tyrannies divide half-true-hate, causing father-mother-wife, 66 million Marxist murders! Barbarism! Again and again, for 3,000 years, since Sodom &
Gomorrah, 10 brave men must guard Free Speech in every
temple of Israel! But believe it or not, for 2,000 years false
“Rabbis” mumble idiotic prayers to bury 10 men, Free Speech,
66 million, all men! Bury the full truth teachings of Israel
and Moses, Confucius and Hippocrates, Hillel and Jesus,
Mohammed and Spinoza, Thomas Paine and Rabbi Baeck
exactly as to Jesus said, “A teacher of full truth, as God’s Eternal Law, a Rabbi, must always 1st be a perfect hand worker
otherwise he will turn our greatest teachings, the Moral ABC
of the Free, into spades with which to bury our people, 66
million5—5all people! Exceptions? Absolute none!”
6,000 years ago, African shepherd Israel, inspired by God’s
Blazing Star, teaches his 12 sons 6 words5: “Listen Children
Eternal Father Eternally One!” But false leaders add 6 billion
words that bury All-One! Next, Moses’ 10 Commandments
unite all mankind free! Brave!
So 1,000 years later, the Essenes, Confucius, Socrates, Hillel, Jesus, unite One-God-State!
By 608 A.D. mankind almost unites free, inspired by
God’s Blazing Star and Mohammed! But 1,000 years later
the Rabbi fakers again disobey God’s Law, stupidly calling
it “Halley’s Comet!” So God decides to teach us the hard
way! For 6,000 years Halley’s Comet always passed safely
between sun and earth 40 to 60 million miles away, but after
1682, after we disobeyed, it’s only 35 million miles distant
in 1758! 25 million miles in 1834! 15 million miles in 1910!
And only 5 million miles in 1976 when its million-mile-Iong
fiery tail almost suffocated all life on earth!
Hippocrates’ ABC of Perfect Health
It will collide in a Super Nova, unless UNITED WE OBEY
From every ill, from every power that all the world enchains, each man can only free himself as self-control he
G. Great men are nothing but ordinary men inspired by extraordinary determination to unite all mankind free of half
true hate by the Moral ABC , full truth, God’s Law, Eternally
One! All-One!
To get that done remember George Washington since
17935: “Government, like fire, is our most useful servant if
fully controlled by us, its citizens5; and government, exactly
like fire, becomes our most destructive master if not fully
controlled by us, the open majority of its constructive working citizens!” Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!
H. A Human Being is responsible for his actions or that
being is not yet Human! Remember, a beast can only love its
friend5; a Human Being must work hard to teach Friend &
Enemy the Essene Moral ABC uniting all free5; otherwise that
being is still a Beast, not yet Human!
I. Irresponsibility alone causes anarchy-brutality-crimedecay-disorder-drug-fear-half-true-hate-murder-rapeoverpopulation-unemployment-violence-war! Exceptions?
Absolute None!
J. Just like5: Irresponsibility upon repetition disintegrates
our character-health-family-nation, any nation! Exceptions?
Absolute None!
K. Know Hillel’s Essene Moral ABC and Jesus’ Manual of
Discipline to evolve like Jesus Christ and Mohammed, bravehardworking-strong-just-creative-loving-free! FREE!
13th. Knowing and not teaching the full truth that unites all
mankind free in One-God-State is deathly guilt! Exceptions?
Absolute None! Answered the 12-year-old Jesus to the real
Rabbi Hillel upon entering manhood! Manhood! But for 2,000
years absolute innocent 12-year-old boys like Mao-Marx-Marcuse-Molotov could not possibly enter manhood morally!;
therefore, our 2,000 year failure to teach Hillel is the worst
crime, causing all other crimes! For without the Moral ABC
no 12-year-old child, free-speech-press-man-nation nor God’s
spaceship Earth can evolve united to give future generations
a new Birth!
The Moral ABC
L. Love that can spark mere dust to life! Who else but God
gave man this sensuous passion5; ecstasy far above earthly
greediness & strife! For when conquered after years of hardworking absolute cleanliness, toil sweat, blood, love can
strike like greased lightning sent by God to spark mere dust
to intense blazing fire & create new hope, new love, new faith,
new strength as only God inspires! And if ready5: create new
life as all mankind require!
M. Men are united by God’s Law or enslaved by tyrants!
More specific, mankind is united free of half-true hate by
full truth in One-God-State or enslaved by tyrant’s half-true
intolerant hate! Exceptions? Absolute None!
Anyone who refuses to learn history’s mistakes is forced
to repeat them! Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom!
Whoever wants to live innocent-ignorant and free wants
something that never was nor ever will be! But cheer up,
more good is caused by evil than by good5; do what’s right!
What an apology we owe Mao-Marx-Marcuse-Molotov
for not teaching the Essene Moral ABC the real Rabbi Hillel
taught Jesus5: the Moral ABC that 6 billion strong instantly
unites all mankind free with Barbarism gone! Free by
teaching only full truth, hard work, God’s Law, Eternally
One, All-One!
N. No man is white! That’s the intolerant Marxist parasites
aiming to divide by half-true hate to exploit-enslave! No
man is white, we’re all colored! On the contrary, only our
great Afro-Asian shepherds Abraham, Israel and Confucius’
All-One-Faith-In-One-God-State, 6 billion strong, unites
all mankind free with Barbarism gone! Free by teaching
only full truth, God’s Law, Eternally One, All-One! All-One!
No man on God’s Spaceship Earth has the right to print,
teach or spread half-true or distorted facts! But each man
on God’s Spaceship Earth must have the right, the equal
opportunity and the duty to learn and to know the Essene
Moral ABC of the Free, full truth, God’s Law, eternal facts!
Exceptions eternally? None, absolute None!
O. Our human body fluids require an absolute minimum
potassium-sodium-mineral salt balance or life-threatening
changes may occur! From The Salt Free Diet Cook Book by
Emil G. Conason M.D.
Hippocrates’ ABC of Perfect Health
P. Psychiatry cofounder Dr. Karl Jung, after diagnosing
6 million of his own people as “psychopathic inferior,” including my father and my mother, had difficulty sleeping
back at the University of Zurich, Switzerland in ’51. So he
had a “catharsis.” That is, he relieved his tortured mind by
confessing in ’515: “Psychiatry is a complete fraud. True religion uniting all mankind free by a brother-loving teamwork
in One-God-State5; true religion alone can conquer Barbarism’s half-true hate! Psychiatry itself is a complete fraud!
Exceptions? Absolute None!” Dr. Karl Jung. ’51.
1. “Psychiatry,” according to Webster’s, means “soul healing”! Now who, the past 6,000 years, has healed the
souls of millions outside of men like the Astronomer
shepherd Israel, the planter Confucius, the mason Hillel, carpenter Jesus, camel-driver Mohammed and steel
bridge-builder Thomas Paine?
2. How have the souls of millions been healed? By hard
constructive teamwork and balanced food for bodymind-soul-spirit or by billions of dollars for Latinphrased baloney, drugs, doubletalk and concentration
camps masqueraded as hospitals?
3. Is it not true that only constructive working men built
all civilization & everything good that’s in it, whereas
intolerant parasites in order to eat must dominate
dictate-distort-complicate-deny Free Speech, smearslay-slander-cheat?
4. Is it not true that any man planting 10 fruit trees in
harmony with God’s timing-teamwork-wisdompower-mercy-love, then teaching his fellow man can
reap millions above then teach his fellow man?
5. Is it not true that any “Doctor” that does not know in
the plainest language what it is and how to correct it,
cannot possibly know it in Latin, Greek or other foreign-tongued baloney?
6. Psychiatry is the very ill it claims to heal.
Q. Question the motives and you will find that psychiatrists
are not guilty, for who failed to teach untold generations of
absolute innocent 12-year-old boys like Karl Marx, Leon
Trotsky, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, Karl Menninger, Karl
Jung, Herbert Marcuse, Beria, Spock, Suslov, Molotov? The
Essene Moral ABC that the mason, - & sandalmaker, the wise
The Moral ABC
man in the temple, the Essene Teacher of Righteousness of
Life, the real Rabbi Hillel taught to the 12-year-old Jesus!
Without its hardworking, love-inspiring self-discipline,
none evolve like Israel, Moses, Confucius, Jesus, Mohammed, Thomas Paine, Johann Strauss, brave-strong-justloving-creative-free! Free! FREE !
The Moral ABC that 6 billion strong instantly unites all
mankind free with Barbarism gone! Free by teaching only
full truth, God’s Law, Eternally One, All-One! To get it done
memorize the four freedoms of the Moral ABC .
The 1st four5: 1st—“Unless hardworking like every swallow I perfect myself 1st, what can? Absolute nothing! 2nd—If
I’m only for me, who am I eternally? Absolute nobody! 3rd—
If not now, when? Never! 4th—If I teach only my own clan,
we’re all hated then!” Memorize these 44 words and you
will agree with Jesus, “So we must teach friend AND enemy
the Moral ABC to unite all mankind free in our African shepherd Israel’s great All-One-Faith-in-One-God-State,Eternally One, All-One!” Help get it done! Join ”All-One” Today!
R. Benjamin Rush, M.D. , stated5: “The Constitution of the
United States of God’s Spaceship Earth must guarantee to
all the same health, education, welfare, labor & medical
freedom as it has already guaranteed for 200 years to all
the same! Religious, political, Free Speech, Free Press &
Equal Opportunity Freedom so that protected by these 10
freedoms never again small groups of intolerant parasites
masquerading as we, the people, monopolize the arts of education, welfare or healing to bury whole generations under
200 million pounds of lead each year added to our air as smog,
plus 88 million pounds of rat poison added to our drinking
water each year ’til all water is polluted & the fish are dying,
called fluoridation, plus Barbaric intolerant AMA Food &
Drug cancer rackets that force thousands of Americans to
flee to Mexico to survive the tortures of cancer by unauthorized natural drugless treatments!
Irrefutably for 2,000 years we betray all mankind! For
we alone know that the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus, “If
absolute unselfish I’m not for me, what am I eternally? Absolute nothing but classless-raceless-godless-aimless-disintegrating Marxist masses! A slave! Never free! Never brave!
Therefore unless constructive-selfish like every swallow I
Hippocrates’ ABC of Perfect Health
work hard to perfect 1st me, who can possibly help perfectlove-liberate or respect 1st me? Absolute no one! But once
done, then I’m free to help teach the Moral ABC to help unite
all mankind free! Rabbis! Teachers! Only we know for 2,000
years that Marx’ utterly unworkable so-called absolute unselfish free & equal half-true intolerant hate is instantly replaced by Hillel’s constructive-selfish full truth, Free Speech
& profit-sharing teamwork uniting all mankind free in OneGod-State!
“The Realist Declaration of Independence” by Thomas
Paine, 17765: “ We fight for more perfect unity-security-liberty-justice-teamwork-progress-Brotherhood-Peace, with
equal opportunity to basic training, Free Speech, Free Press,
Free Choice, Free Jury, for each & every human being on
God’s Spaceship Earth, barring none, absolute None!”
S. Self-discipline is the skeleton of your intellect! The key
to freedom, the basis of happiness, the foundation of Brotherhood! Without self-discipline the most brilliant head
remains useless, ineffective, small!
After building 3 American soap plants, training 5 chemists and producing 60 million pounds of potassium-sodasoap, we developed an entirely new process for a whole
new potassium soda industry that will give mankind a new
balanced mineral salt, new calcium malt sugar, new corn
sesame bread, and a new peppermint oil pure-castile soap.
T. Tooth decay is an easily prevented dietary deficiency as
documented in “The 8th Wonder of the World—the Town
Without a Toothache”! Irrefutably established in the 83rd
Annual Convention 1941 American Dental Association Scientific Research Reports! “The 8th Wonder of the World, the
Town Without a Toothache, Hereford, Texas with its high
calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D and fluoride
in soil and water, will lead to formulas that will teach all
mankind how to prevent 100% of all tooth decay, the edible,
inexpensive, nutritional, painless way! Thanks to the 1941
ADA research reports, the exact opposite to that half-true
fluoridation brazenly endorsed by the 1971 ADA .
The Moral ABC
True religion, brother-loving teamwork with inspiring
music and song helps unite all mankind as One! True religion
is the only real soul-healing5; psychiatry itself is a complete
fraud! Exceptions? Absolute None! So found psychiatry
cofounder Karl Jung, M.D. after helping diagnose and gas
6 million of his own people!
Yes, after helping murder my father-mother-wife, almost
myself for Nazi-Commie-Psycho Barbarism! Only because
for 2,000 years we fail to teach the Essene Moral ABC without which none evolve like Israel, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed,
Bahá’u’lláh & Thomas Paine, brave-strong-just-free-creativefree! The Essene Moral ABC 5: 1st—Unless hardworking like
every swallow I perfect 1st me, what can? Absolute nothing!
2nd—If I’m only for me, who am I eternally? Absolute nobody! 3rd—If not now, when? Never! 4th—If I teach only
my own clan, we’re all hated then! So, added Jesus, we must
teach friend & enemy Hillel’s ABC to unite all mankind free!
Help get it done! Join One, All-One!
U. Unfortunately the wrong people are continuously the
most energetic, united & intense5; while 97% hardworking
righteous people remain the least united & intense! That
fact alone brings Marxist Barbarism to power & that fact
will instantly change when we change! When we teach the
Moral ABC all mankind is united brave-strong-just-free!
For the future will be better when we are better5; times will
change when we change5; conditions will improve when we
improve and full truth cooperation can accomplish miracles
if you & I cooperate by full truth to accomplish them! You
& I, here & now, today! Not them nor they! You & I today!
Unfortunately, more good is caused by evil than by good!
Do what’s right!
V. Visibly in each & every planetemple on God’s Spaceship
Earth for 2,000 years to this day, 10 brave men must guard
Free Speech or none, full truth, God’s Law can teach! Free
Speech is man’s only weapon against evil5; therefore evil men
always shrink-smear-slay-slander it!
Hippocrates’ ABC of Perfect Health
Voltaire knew that Free Speech helps unite all mankind
free of half-true hate in One-God-State! The full truth Moral
ABC we print-guard-teach unites all free for full truth is
God’s Law eternally! Half-truth our real enemy divides all!
Full truth our only God unites all! Free Speech is man’s only
weapon against evil5; therefore evil men deny-disrupt-distort,
shrink-slay-slander it! To evolve in One-God-State “I’ll listen to you if 10 brave men see that you’ll THEN listen to me.”
W. Water fluoridation is the addition of a small amount of
soluble fluoride to public drinking water, not enough to kill
you but just enough to reduce tooth decay 30% to 66% by
filling the pores and hardening the teeth 30% to 66%, exactly
as claimed by the Fluoridators since 1944. That it also fills
the pores and hardens the arteries, increasing hardening
diseases 30% to 66% that outrageous fact is “fully outside
our jurisdiction!”5: FDA !
Three days later, March 18th, 1946, I was arrested in order
to “Stop Dr. Bronner from helping outlaw fluoridation.” I
was then drugged, railroaded into a State Hospital, and tortured with electric shock treatments that caused my total
blindness today.
“No matter how many debates you win for your $600
million a year fluoridation racket, Chief-Chemist God has
2 types of fluorides in His laboratory & you are adding only
88 million pounds of the wrong, the cumulative paralyzing
rat poison fluoride to America’s water & not a single ounce
of the 100% edible, 100% tooth-decay preventing calciumbalanced fluoride that Chief-Chemist God exclusively uses
in all human food, bodies, bones, gums & teeth. So what do
you say to that?”
And the great ADA President Dr. Jacob David Gaynor
replied wisely5: “You’re nuts, but when Chief-Chemist God
speaks to me, I shall listen!”
“Well! Ever since Sodom & Gomorrah, 10 brave men must
guard Free Speech or none full truth, God’s Law, can teach!”
Irrefutably, for 2,000 years, every temple on God’s Earth
must have 10 men or there is no progress, no Free Speech5: for
I’ll listen to you 10 brave men to see that you’ll THEN listen to
me! Hillel’s Academic Freedom unites One-God-State! Without it, 256 Academic Tyrannies divide half-true hate, causing
father-mother-wife, 66 million Marxist murders! Barbarism!
The Moral ABC
For after mixing cement a Marxist slave, blinded I learned
how Hillel’s ABC , Jesus’ “Discipline,” Confucius’ “Absolutes,” Mohammed’s “Wisdom,” Thomas Paine’s “Army of
Principles,” and soapmaker Bronner’s “How to Love,” unite
all free above! Above! By the African shepherd Israel’s great
Irrefutably, as Jesus teaches, “Remember5: the only difference between the brave man & the coward is the brave man
has an ideal to fight for, the coward hasn’t. An ideal such as
teaching friend & enemy the Moral ABC 6 billion strong instantly uniting all mankind free, with Barbarism gone! Free by
teaching only full truth, God’s Law, Eternally One, All-One!”
X. Stood for the recipe of the innocent parasite masquerading as an M.D. ! Yet remember, any doctor who does not know
in the plainest language what it is and how to correct it cannot
possibly know it in Latin, Greek or other half-true trick-evasive foreign-tongued baloney used 2,000 years to mislead-exploit-enslave and bury one generation after another!
Y. Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Stalin’s poet, survived utterly unworkable Marxism’s 66 million murders as a slave5; allowed
by Nikita to print how mankind unites instantly strong-freejust-brave! Brave! “3% intolerant parasites hang together
even when they hate each other! That’s the secret of our
failure! Our 2,000 year fake Rabbi’s failure to teach the Essene Moral ABC that the mason, tent- & sandalmaker, the real
Rabbi Hillel taught the 12-year-old Jesus to enter manhood
brave-hardworking-strong-just-kind-loving-free! Free!
FREE ! The Moral ABC that 6 billion strong instantly unites
all mankind free with Barbarism gone! Free by teaching
only full truth, God’s Law, Eternally One, All-One! All-One!
For these are the days, my friend5; we know they’ll never
end! We’ll work-sing-dance-love forever & a day! Marching
on, marching on! We’ll live God’s Law each day! We’ll teach
How to Love God’s Way! We’ll fight for what’s OK ! For we’re
young & sure to unite All-One! All-One! All-One!
Z. Zoroaster, the great Asian teacher some 6,000 years
back! “He who seeds God’s soil with good seed by loving toil,
reaps greater merit-wisdom-progress-freedom-happiness
& health than he who writes 180 books, repeats 99 prayers,
or sits 100 years in meditation! Exceptions? Absolute None!
Hippocrates’ ABC"; From The Army of Principles
Confucius, Israel, Moses, Jesus, Zoroaster, the type of
hardworking men with whom civilization began!”
1st!: A human being works hard to teach love his enemy, to
help unite all mankind free, or that being is not yet Human5;
so, go the second mile, hold the other cheek, brave, not meek!
For we’re All-One or None! All-One! Exceptions Eternally
22nd: Small minds decay! Average minds delay! Great
minds teach All-One today! Win victory, and all stand by you5;
give up? All deny you! Remember, the only difference between
the Brave and the Coward is the Brave has an ideal to fight for,
such as teaching the Moral ABC , that at once unites the human race in All-One-God-Faith! As teach Abraham & Israel,
inspired by the Messenger of God’s Law, the sign of the
Messiah, Halley’s Comet, the blazing Star of Buddha-Bethlehem-Mohammed! “LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER
76!: “Americanism is the knowledge of the loyalty inspiration or attachment to the Army of Principles of All-One-GodFaith, that lightning-like unite the Human race! For we’re
All-One or None! Exceptions Eternally? Absolute None!”
—Noah Webster.
84!: “We can no longer live half-slave, half-free! We unite
the Human race in All-One God Faith or perish by half-true
hate! For we’re All-One or None!” —Abraham Lincoln.
93!: “Government, like fire, is our most useful servant if
fully controlled by us, its Citizens5; and government, exactly
like fire, becomes our most destructive master if not fully
controlled by the open majority of its productive working
Citizens! Only united-armed-vigilant & trained, Swiss 6,000year Peace & Freedom reigned. Exception? None!” —from
”The Army of Principles” by George Washington.
95!: “I’ve never stooped so low as to hate any man! For I’ve
learned that in the long run, all mankind needs-wants-loves
whatever good work you’ve done! Regardless of your race,
color, nationality or religion.” —Booker T. Washington, born
a slave!
The Moral ABC
98!: “If ever One Religion reunites God’s legions, it’ll be by
omitting all half-truths added onto All-One-God-Faith that
lightning-like unites the Human race, for we’re All-One or
None! Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!” as
teach since the Year One astronomers Abraham to Mohammed, inspired by the sign of the Messiah, Halley’s Comet!
99!: “An army of principles can penetrate where an army of
soldiers cannot! It will succeed where diplomacy may fail.
It will always unite the Human race where all else divides
All-One-God-Faith!” From American founding father, the
world’s first steel-bridge builder, Thomas Paine’s 8 great
books, not taught since 1799!
106!: The trouble is that the wrong people are always the
most energetic, united & intense5; dividing the hard workers to lose in self-defense! That fact alone brings Hitlers &
Stalins to power & that fact will only change when we rallyraise-train-evolve-unite the whole Human race with the
Moral ABC in All-One-God-Faith!
107!: The intensity of man’s emotions is a greater driving
force and more decisive than the sum total of his education,
his money, plus the size of his brain! Proof5: Einstein!
When you lie, lie so big, so brazenly and so continuous that
in the end you yourself will believe it! Originated by Lenin
in 1923, copied by Hitler in 1933.
Stalin and Hitler proved, ONE MURDER IS A TRAGEDY,
ONE MILLION IS a statistic!
You are the master of the unspoken word. Once it has left your
tongue, you are its slave. Exception! None! —Khrushchev
If you know you’re right, you can afford to shut up. But if
you’re not sure you’re right, you’d better shut up!
From every ill, from every power that all the world enchains, each man can only free himself as self-control he
gains. —Buddha
In 1776 Voltaire said5: “I may not agree with what you say,
but I’ll fight with my very life for your right to say it!” But
better today to say5: “I may not agree with anything you
intend to say, but I’ll listen to you without interruption for
Army of Principles; To Think About; Life’s Goal, etc.
fully 30 minutes, after you have the character & the courage
to listen to me without interruption for fully 30 minutes!”
He who seeds the soil with toil, love & diligence will reap
greater volume, greater wisdom, greater merit, and greater
love as he who would write 180 books, repeat 99 prayers, or
spend 100 years in meditation. —Zoroaster
To keep my health, to do my work, to love, to live. To
see to it I gain and grow and give and give. Never to look
behind me for an hour. Never to wait in weakness nor walk
in power. Always working, searching for more truth, more
light. Always speaking, fighting for what I found good and
right! Robbed, starved, beaten, fallen, smeared & slandered
wide astray. Back with full truths I have learned—back to
the way. Smile! Work! Help build the Brotherhood of Man.
All Man! On full truths, ALL-ONE-GOD-FAITH , it can stay.
So help us God. Hurrah! Ahoy! & Hi!
When you and I, when brick and steel and stone are
gone and flesh and blood are dust, the full truths we print,
protect & teach alone live on. Full truth is God! It Must!
When your fellow man you measure, take him at
his best. With that level lift him higher5: overlook the rest!
Character with little intellect is 10 times more valuable
to mankind’s survival than the greatest intellect without
character. Naturally, to survive in one world with atomic
bombs, great character plus great intellect is the essential
combination, guaranteed by knowing the Moral ABC of
the Free, the kingdom of God’s Law, The One-God-FaithIn-One-God State.
Power either blows a man up or it lights him up, depending on how much character he had.
The weaker of society is known by its ability to produce leaders and yet to get along without them. —Eric Hoffer
The Moral ABC
America is God’s gift to the poor, the oppressed and to
the enslaved. America is the only new thing on God’s Spaceship Earth in the past 1,000 years. Only American principles
freed mankind from slavery. —Eric Hoffer
Give the intellectuals a paper tiger, money, women, titles,
degrees, but don’t give them power. Never. —Eric Hoffer
USA vs. USSR 5: The quality of a republic is known by its
ability to produce masses of individuals, leaders or masses
of slaves. —Eric Hoffer
America’s frontier is freedom any place on God’s
Spaceship Earth5: on the Rhine, Berlin, Stalingrad, Indonesia,
Vietnam, Israel, Cuba, Freedom! Not Slavery but Freedom!
Give me God’s Law to live by
That stands up under heat
That all men can unite by
Full truths no one can beat.
Teach me God’s Law that will beware
From half-true twist and wrong
So we can evolve from hate and fear
To unite mankind as one.
The brotherhood of man can be
Once we know its laws, the best
The Moral ABC of the Free
It’s the foundation of all the rest.
God has not promised skies always blue, flower-strewn
pathways all our lives through! God has not promised sun
without rain, joy without sorrow, peace without pain! But
God has promised strength for the day, rest for the laborer,
light on the way! Grace for the trail, help from above, undying
sympathy, unfailing love!
Aphorisms; God’s Law; Notable Quotes
Abraham Lincoln appealed in 1861, long before Lenin
was born5: “We can no longer live half-slave, half-free!”
“The surest way to destroy our enemy is by making him
our sincere friend!”
“God must have loved the common people of the earth—
he made so many of them.”
Booker T. Washington , born a slave, stated brave5: “I’ve
never stooped so low as to hate any man, for I’ve learned that
in the long run, all mankind needs-wants-loves whatever
constructive work you’ve done, regardless of your race, color,
nationality or religion!”
BronnerM : “Today in one world with atom bombs, we’re on
the mountaintop, the crest, the crossroads! Today our new
courageous 6,000-year-young ‘Love & Teach Love Brotherlove,’ that constructive-good, that God within, must become
more energetic, united & intense than our age-old, feardriven ‘Kill or be Killed Selflove,’ that jealous power & gloryseeking beast within, always has been!”
Buddha 5: “I am the living temple, the clear channel, the
searching student, the joyful builder, the singing sower,
grateful reaper, the inspired teacher of full truth, hard work,
God’s Law, uniting All-One-God-Faith, replacing half-true
intolerant hate5: I am! What I am at this moment is the result of past constructive action! But all future generations
depend on what I do with it at this moment!”
Chief Seattle 5: “Humankind has not woven the web
of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to
the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect.”
Confucius 5: “Free Speech is to mankind what air is to
fire! Deny, delay, distort, ignore, suppress & in oblivion all
expire! Free Speech, kind man, air, fire! Unite we must or
Supernova! There won’t even be dust! For we’re All-One or
None! All-One! All-One! We live here as in an egg—either
we evolve or we decay!”
Edison , after 1,000 patents5: “1% inspiration & 99% perspiration can solve every problem on God’s spaceship Earth
barring None!”
The Moral ABC
EinsteinM : “I don’t know what weapons will be used in
World War III , but I do know World War IV will be fought
with spears & clubs!”
“Our technology has outstripped our humanity!”
George WashingtonM : “Being fully armed & ready for
war is the safest way to maintain lasting peace!” Proof are
the Swiss, where for 6,000 years, with UMT , (that’s Universal
Military Training), Peace & Freedom reigned! For we’re
All-One or None! Exceptions? None!
“Government, like fire, is our most useful servant, if
fully controlled by us, its citizens! And government, exactly
like fire, becomes our most destructive master, if not fully
controlled by the open majority of its constructive, working
citizens!” Exceptions? None!
Hillel taught Jesus the Essene Moral ABC that unites
all mankind free in Astronomy’s Eternally great All-OneGod-Faith!
Jefferson 5: “Whoever refuses to learn history’s lessons,
is forced to relearn them by painful repetition!” But in One
World with nuclear bombs, there is no more repetition!
Today, inspire-rally-raise-train-evolve-unite One! All-One!
Or we’re None! All None!
Jesus 5: A Human being works hard to teach Love His Enemy or that being is not yet Human! So go the second mile!
Turn the other cheek! Brave, not meek! For we’re All-One
or None! (See “Manual of Discipline” on page 40.)
Khrushchev 5: “You are the master of the unspoken word!
Once it has left your tongue, you are its slave! Therefore, if
one really wants unity-progress-peace, one must not only
listen to the neighbor whom one chooses, but also to the
one whom God sends!
Mohammed 5: “We do not reapeth what we soweth, thank
God we don’t!” For the past 6,000 years & in all eternity, we
reap only from 3 to 3 billion times more of that constructive
good, that full truth, that good seed that we sow in harmony
with God’s timing-teamwork-wisdom-power-mercy-Love,
decreed by God’s Law above! But of half-truth we sow, we
reap nothing but dust! THANK GOD FOR THAT!
Mother TheresaM : “I do not agree with the big way of
doing things. To us what matters is the individual. To get
Notable Quotes; The Monkey’s Disgrace
to love the person we must come in close contact with him.
If we wait until we get to the numbers, then we will be lost
in the numbers.”
Muhammad Ali 5: “The only thing that makes one man
better than another is the goodness of his deeds in the eyes
of God.”
Oprah Winfrey 5: “Hardworking excellence is the cure
for racism.”
Sir Isaac NewtonM : “If I was able to see farther ahead
than others, it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants.”
Three monkeys sat in a coconut tree
Discussing things as they should be
Said one to the other, Now listen, you two,
There’s a rumor around that can’t be true
That man descended from our noble race
The very idea is a disgrace.
No monkey has ever deserted his wife
Starved her babies and ruined her life
And you’ve never known a mother monk
To leave her babies with others to bunk
Or pass one on to another
Till they hardly know their father or mother.
Here’s another thing a monkey won’t do
Go out at night and get in a stew
Or use a gun or club or knife
To take some other monkey’s life.
Yes, man descended, the ornery cuss
But, brother, he did not descend from us.
The Moral ABC
In northern zones the ranging bear
Protects himself with fat & hair
Where snow is deep & ice is stark5;
& half the year it’s cold & dark5:
He still survives a clime like that5:
By growing fur & growing fatM...
These traits, O bear, that you transmittest5:
Prove the survival of the fittest.
To polar regions waste & wan,
Comes the encroaching race of man,
A puny tiny little lubber5:
He has no fur & has no blubber,
The scornful bear sat back at ease5:
To watch that stranger starve & freeze,
But lo5: The stranger slew the bear,
To eat his fat & wear his hairM…
These deeds, O man, that you commitest5:
Prove the survival of the fittest.
Hold up that flag, hold high the stars and stripes,
The flag of liberty on earth and sky it flutters!
March close together, descendants of all tribes
Leave Hates and Jealousies down in the gutterM…
Intolerance, barbaric ruthlessness,
Your fathers came to fight it hell & high weather
So, no matter what Hitler thinks is “best”5:
The pursuit of happiness is still ten times betterM…
For centuries Man struggles, half asleep, half living
Small, bickering with mountains of red tape
To become paralyzed by the very tools God gave him
Instead of free, courageous5: Master of his fateM…
Yes, God alone knows man’s far distant future—
To which love’s unfailing light shows clear the upward pass
To harmony and peace, great tasks to nurture
With strength and knowledge5: Happiness can lastM…
Machine-age man is full of sense and nonsense,
Fear, greed and jealousy destroy his every land5;
Survival of the Fittest; United We Stand; Telegrams
Today this whole wide world needs truth-faith-courage
Alone you fall5; United we can stand! United we stand!!
r. Bronner spent a lifetime working on the
Moral ABC of ALL-ONE-GOD-FAITH , developing Dr.
Bronner’s “Magic Soaps” and other products and sending
telegrams to world leaders.
The following is just one of the many thousands of telegrams. It was sent in April of 1943 to President Roosevelt with
an idea that might have shortened World War II and saved
thousands of lives, as well as the total destruction of many
German cities.
F. D. Roosevelt, President (Personal Delivery Only)
April 29, 1943
Washington D.!C.
A hard-headed peace plan is better than a sky full of bombers
since all New World rise unite and fight for such a plan which
should strike tornado-like to tear out the very roots of Nazi doctrine and break the backbone of their power. Paralyze the brains
of an octopus and all his tentacles will fall limp with failure.
With such a well-planned declaration of peace we could end
this war and win the peace quickly, after we have first broken
Hitler’s hypnotic spell over the brains of forty million youthful
fanatics. Using the same fire and tongue which he showed are
the only keys to their desperately pitched emotions—otherwise
Nazi minds remain poisoned, no matter how much their bodies
are beaten.
Today, we could easily convince them that Russian victories are not coincident but conclusive proof of the fact that no
single people are superior to another or “God-chosen” to run
this earth, which has more than plenty “lebensraum” for all
decent human beings. In addition, we must make them realize that there were some great men of Jewish extraction like
Jesus, Straus, Haber, Einstein, Wasserman, and Ehrlich that
have done more good for this world than any combination of
cutthroats and paperhangers.
Announced peace terms should provide severe punishment
for all Nazi leaders and be outstandingly fair and specific to
those Germans who will rise against barbarism and re-establish
their standing as fellow men and respected citizens of a better
world order such as essentially to be announced.
Thus a sharp parting line could be drawn between Nazi
cutthroats and decent human beings. Yet let us remember that
no vague four freedoms with slavery for India will stir men’s
souls nor will they die for another unguaranteed wishy-washy
fourteen points.
When spread over Europe within forty-eight hours two
billion photo-statted declarations distributed by ten thousand
The Moral ABC
planes and backed up by continuous radio recordings should
carry all the fire and tongue in human nature since the pen still
is ten times mightier that the sword, providing it is applied with
the same intensity, force and concentration.
One must have lived with Nazis to really understand that
the intensity of a man’s emotions is a far greater driving force
that the sum total of his education or the size of his brains. Turkey and Spain are Nazi goals in ’43.
For the sake of all men not yet slaughtered I pray to God
that out of some two hundred wires sent you the past ten and
one half years this one may reach you. This last message from
E.H. Bronner, 5652 South Christiana, Chicago, Illinois
[1943 Address]
Other telegrams have gone to the United Nations, world
leaders, and great men and women all over in order to reach
EARTH! Remember!
Astronomer Dionysius’ Christian Calendar lost the 10
years that unites Halley’s comet each & every 76 years with
Astronomers Abraham-Israel-Moses-Bahá’u’lláh-BuddhaJesus-Confucius & Mohammed, in Astronomy’s Eternally
For we’re ALL-ONE or None! Teaches for 6,000 years,
since the year One, Astronomer Israel5: “LISTEN CHILDREN,
ETERNAL FATHER, ETERNALLY ONE!” For on God’s Spaceship Earth with Bomb & Gun, we’re ALL-ONE or None! ALLONE! ALL-ONE! ALL-ONE!
Palomar Planetemples! 6,000 of them will replace thousands of half-true religions that never reunite God’s Legions.
One religion! Unity! Unity! Unity!
All-One! All-One-God-Faith! For on God’s Spaceship
Earth with Bomb & Gun we’re ALL-ONE or None!
Telegrams; Carry on The Moral ABC!
here are brave souls who dare to dream that
men are brothers and not foes. That hands may clasp
across the seas to common good, to common woes. That
beneath God’s Law, the Essene Moral ABC that 6 Billion
strong unites All-One-God-Faith, men will embrace in brother-love to never kill in bitter hate. Who dare to hear the
mighty truth, reverberating through long years, that faithlove-courage conquer fear & teamwork heal a nation’s tears.
Though flood & fire sweep the old earth’s sod, & raging wars
and evils wreck its calm, still through the awful tumult
there is God, our glorious world within His upraised palm.
Among the journeying stars, the moon, the sun that have
not failed because of that great might, with other pilgrim
planets, we are one held in His hand, kept in His steadfast
sight. Amidst the cannons roar you can hear God’s voice5:
“Replace half-truth, our real enemy, that age-old hatred with
full truth, hard work, God’s Law uniting mankind in All-OneGod-Faith!” For centuries, man struggles half asleep, half
living, small, hate, jealous, bickering with mountains of red
tape to be awakened, the night God chose giving His great
reward for hard work5: Poetry, uniting Love, evolving man
above the ape! Machine-age man is full of sense & nonsense,
fear & greed, hate & jealousy which destroy his every land.
Today, this whole wide world craves love-faith-courage,
united by the Moral ABC we stand!
Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Soap quart, 2015
Dr. Bronner’s
s children, it was definitely hard to understand
what our grandfather was all about beyond his intense
faith and great soap. As I matured and lost whatever
childish faith I had in God, I remember asking him how he
even knew God existed. He was a bit taken aback, and then
answered that I should just look around at the grandeur of
nature and life on Earth and the magnificence of the living
cosmos of which our entire planetary being is but a speck
of dust. For him, God was all around, present on Earth and
in the Cosmos. He loved Carl Sagan and saw planetariums
as the temples of the future. Matter was living, spiritual
energy unfolding through ongoing evolutionary revelation:
“Hard-working trained brave from dust we ascend up!” We
just needed to get down with God and unite lightning-like
in a new birth.
But as a 19-year-old biology student, this still didn’t make
much of an impression on me. It wasn’t until some mega
psychedelic experiences after college that I opened to the
spiritual reality we live and breathe. These experiences
rocked and reoriented my life, and I began to appreciate how
truly amazing my granddad was.
I finally understood my granddad’s preoccupation with
the All-One mission of unity and love across religious and
ethnic divides. We are here to serve and live the message of
One Love. As I became politically and ecologically conscious
The Moral ABC
of the disaster of our unthinking collective consumption on
the planet, shredding ecosystems and communities, I also
appreciated the simple natural biodegradable soap and lifestyle that my grandfather advocated. By 1996 he was dealing
with late stage Parkinson’s, but I was able to share and let
him know that I saw and knew him.
Dr. Bronner was born into a Jewish soapmaking family
in southern Germany, and his All-One vision and mission
came out of the tragedy of the Holocaust that killed his
parents. The natural biodegradable soaps he sold based on
his family’s old-world soap-making quality were vehicles
to transmit the All-One message; the soap sold the label, not
vice versa. And it’s pretty brilliant, connecting with people
in the intimacy of a warm shower. Reading the bottles is
like the I Ching. Often it will hit you with a deep simple
truth that’s perfect for your life in the moment; other times
you’re likeM…Mwhat"?
My granddad was a complicated, driven man and a huge
inspiration to me, as he was to the counterculture generation
and everyone who gets fed up with consumerist materialist
culture and glimpses the spiritual world beyond.
We strive to honor the All-One vision that he lived and
breathed every day. There’s a fair amount of idiosyncratic
ideas my granddad got distracted by, but at its core the Moral
ABC of the great All-One-God-Faith just says that in the
heart of every great spiritual giant and in every faith lives
the same simple truth: We are all children of one transcendent ever-loving ever-present God and we must realize our
transcendent unity or we will destroy ourselves.
D."E."B., Vista, California, 2015
©!2015 Dr. Bronner’s. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced
in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage-and-retrieval systems, without prior permission in writing from the
Publisher, except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.