Is your home too big for you?


Is your home too big for you?
Is your home
too big for
An offer for Council tenants
Is your home too big for you?
Are you spending money on heating a large house
you don’t need?
Has your housing benefit been reduced because
you have a spare room?
Would you like to move to a new home?
Haringey Council wants to help Council tenants living in large
properties move to more suitably sized homes which in turn will help
us house families who need larger accommodation.
In order to do this we are offering a financial incentive to move…
We will pay you £2,000 if you are a tenant who is under-occupying a
family home with three or more bedrooms and are willing to transfer
to a home that has at least two fewer bedrooms or you are underoccupying a two-bedroom family home and are willing to transfer to a
bedsit or one-bedroom home.
We will pay you £500 if you are a tenant who is under-occupying a
family home with three or more bedrooms and are willing to transfer to
a home that has at least one fewer bedroom.
Help and assistance to move
As well as offering these financial incentives an officer from the
Council will make sure that you get help and support throughout.
We will
• Help you find properties that are right for you
• Give you advice and information on all aspects of moving
• Attend viewings on your behalf or accompany you to view
• Arrange removal of your belongings to your property or into storage
Your questions answered
Q.Who is eligible?
A.Any Haringey Council
tenant living in a property
with two or more bedrooms
that wants to move to a
property with fewer bedrooms.
“The move wasn’t
stressful as the
Council took care of
all my removals for
me. I’ve lived in the
same house for 35
years so it was a big
step for me but one
I am glad I’ve taken”
- Mrs Kelly
Q.Do I have to move to
another Council house?
A.No, the scheme will also apply to you if you wish to move into the
private sector, or buy your own home on the open market.
Q.Can I still get the incentive if I move to a smaller home
through a mutual exchange?
A.As long as the family with whom you are exchanging will not be
under-occupying your home when they move, you can still get an
incentive for moving to a smaller home through a mutual exchange.
Q.Can I move if I have rent arrears?
A.It may be possible. If you are approved, though, any outstanding
rent owed will be deducted from your incentive payment.
Q.Can I move out of Haringey?
A. The Under Occupation Adviser will be able to advise you on the different
options available to you should you wish to move out of Haringey.
Find out more
Call the dedicated Under Occupation Adviser on 020 8489 4771
between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Contact Customer Services on 020 8489 1000
Or go to
Kurdî Kurmancî
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Published by Haringey Council’s
1066.1 • 05/14
Communications Unit 657.13 • 07/2011
Money to Move
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